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vReport on the General Elections *v - , . •» •" • - -.<• • ••—•\ S 1 • 1969

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p* 7. Followingtjie preparation of estimates of polling staff needed the n*«* Lv • tu elections office was to draw UD a comnl#»t#» ' he next steP in the

. - future elections): 3^*en these lists had been prepar . acting 11 eW.«tfo" offici^XTr: pard^aT^ ^ radvf'P^ remuneradon for * and these charges were debited to th Jrl^iri • government subsistence &nd mileage rates employed in government. Non-tov^m^T ffi"16" V°te .accordinS to wh^e the officer was Officers were paid R6.00 per day and polling'^SreR4 00 thc,clect^)nf ^^vote. Presiding Pffi^ were pifd R4.00 per day for felpiitfio Lnt the votfL^T Y' 9. Vanous detailed guides were prepared in the elections office. These were - . ^Ulde to> Returning Officers in the-parliamentary elections. . (b) Guide to Returning Officers in the local government elections: (c) Guide to Parliamentary Candidates. (&) Guide to Local Government Candidates.

A cL of"dh t0r,PrSld'ng,0ffiCerS in ,he Par"amema^ and ^ Government Elections. A copy of each of these guides is on file in tjie election office —

Presidential fa « °f "« SstSerS1969 and the •

7 of ,he act

terms • (i) 5>ir Seretse Khama — Democratic Party. (11) Ex-Chief Bathoen Gaseitsiwe — Botswana National Front. * (ui) P G- Matante — Botswana Peoples Party

to secure — on'the 29th Wri^ofE'ecuon under the Public Seal ofBotswana Election InstXnts" Th«e Gw™"« and Lands issued mentary and local govemmem etrril ^ ^ "turning officers in the parlia-

the constituency and polling district headquarter are shown in D^E ^ mentry rc~n^the1LcTiYed a"d ^ !ists.°f ca"did*es nominated in the parlia- TESTES In accordance with regulationwa 11s issueof thed *a *DP-(induc candidatt eof ^eCtion-»™8V 16. As v«il be observed from appendices F and Cffour parties contested the elections TP? were registered ty *em*••»» °f—

' . ' .. Symbol' 2 - -Botswana Democratic Party Domkrag R . Botswana Independence Party Black cow on green background Green Botswana N^onal From Gold key on bLk background , Hacl Botswana People s Party • - Black star oh gold background Gold There were three independent candidates in the local government elections who selected symbols and voti^ colours from a list prepared in the elections office who selected 17. Polling took place N on thhe and18thK Octobers ,ut 1969h . Polling hours werefrom 7 00 a m to 6 00 lfJr^,m«^(ToT^.' M- rI rv ofthf r>?c Sevent° h Day Adventist Church who could only vote after sunset on polling day which was a Saturday and therefore their sabbath day ' 18. In the parliamentary Elections the Botswana Democratic Party secured 24 seats ihe * Botswana National Front 3 seats, the Botswana Peoples Party 3 seats and the Botswanalnde CUeflmtic^ t f?h' 21st °Ct0bCf satirfactory- evidence was prodJced to the he Nati nal Assemb| SXTL f„t1 ' ° y * -mter being not less than KhZ. ^ nUmb\r °f,ckcted members had declared their support for Sir Seretse - Khama as acandidate in the election for President and the Chief Justice therefore declared Ae o«h»^Sa *h H epCCtrd 35 Pre„sidfnt ^Republic of Botswana. The President took 2/nd October l969 Par'lament Bu,ldln« Gaboronc at 9.00 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday

19. The results and polling percentages are given in appendix H (parliamentary elections! and appendix I (local government elections). - . nentary elections) 20. The cost of the elections.is shown in appendix J. Recommendation • ' '

CarC takC VC r the re stration of v A u ° L ^ 'oters the voters rolls were unsatisfactory ^ common complaint was that the numbers on Voters registration cards did not corresS with the number on the voters roll. This of course was caused by carelesshess on the oart of registration officers who put different numbers on the voters registration record cards and u* sitUation COyld be prevented from arising in future if the voters registration card was a carbon copy of the relevant part of the voters registration record card However, I think the best solution would be if the voters registration record cards and the Wherebwh^n11 CafdS WCre numb,er.ed before being issued and the present system retained Whereby the voters registration card is torn off the bottom of the voters registration record dbrtmlnf H°n llK S*°ngly Voters record cards are made accountable Officers ^ int° 65 °f fifty °r a hundred before bei"g issued to registration C 22. The various methods employed in allocating numbers to voters who registered on fiSP!nnnintary I **. Confusing. Thus at some stations the prefix SI was u>ed for the first supplementary period, S2 for the second and so o£ A? other stations the prefixes SA, SB r / -j

etc. were used. If registration car* were numbered before issue there would be no need to 1 2 , ^? \ Whi°h usually cpnfuse registration .officers. The numbers could simply follow on in j^ie normal sequence. - thi recommendation were adopted a decision would have to be made with regard to -umbering. At present the voters roll at each polling station begins at number one but there iyfio l™Zv y- 0n,X 0ne the COUmry shoiil« not * and different^^ments ^the 1 ^ senes Heated to different polling stations. However, if only for typing convenience I would recommend that voters rolls for ^polling station begin at numbed 24. I flunk it is desirable that.a voter's napie be typed infullon the voters rolls and nnf as at Present onl^ % surname and intials indicated. This would mean that more typine time ZU ^ vC rt0 PreF>are thr°terS ro11 bUt 1 feel that il wou,d ** worth it as it wlLl make7 the recognitior n of voterseasier. In addition I understand that the rigid division into surname and e n ir W thaT~ ^rffl j estern society is^ot^niversally understood in Botswana society so appl'nTr^s^on * ^ a"d which ™e of a peln 25 Another unsatisfactory feature of the voters rolls was the way in which numbers fre orfrom ^rl0WT0H ^ ^the nUmbers retimes jumped from 10 to 12 uLIuv K ^ ^ u C Wefe ^ons for this. In the case of the smaller gaps mistakes had usually been made by registration officers but in the case of the larger gaps tWw^ caus^d hv

, 21 CANCELLED; or- 600 — 1000 NO REGISTRATIONS UNDER THESE NUMBERS. of j^ections^fi^tti/brtiriiT^0^!^ v^°f the ^Iect®ra^ ^ct> 1968 and of the Local Councils (Conduct ot Elections) Regulations which m my view should be amended. These are — * °f the Electoral Act, 1968 and the corresponding regulation in the Local Councils (Conduct of Elections) Regulations, 1966 — I feel that the Dro- spective candidate should be registered on an election roll as well as the proposer candidate "o 3°*" n0™nati°n PaPer sh°«'d be amended to require the candidate to state the number under which he is registered on the election roll (b) f-fr 52„a"d 70 W of.">e Electoral Act and the corresponding regulation in the local government election regulations - I think the Vequirement that ballot prevent ^foree^v rfStam^ ^ mark Sh°U'd be abolishcd- " does little to prevent forgery of envelopes since anyone who acquired a forged envelope would probably find ,t just as easy to acquire or manufacture a stamp. It see™ Zng PCrS°n Can I^I i of h» ™te simply because a careless polling office? forgets to stamp a ballot envelope. (C) 60$11—thC EleCt°yaI Act Pr°vides for a polling officer or police officer on duty at a polling station other than the polling station where he is registered as a vo er, to be.entitled to vote at his duty polling station provided both polling stations constituency. The equivalent provision in the Local Councils of EIecti°ns) Regulations 1966 is to be found in regulation 33 (5) but is °rC rettnC?Ve ^.b°th Polling stations have to be in the same polling restrictions did not cause undue difficulties in the 1969 electiom because the majority of presiding officers were appointed from expatriate govern- •~^Sr. r J*f ; f' r ' ^' i ment officers who were not qualified^ register as voters.However, as the public b€Comes more r •« fT*** localised this will cause a problem as officer might be - r reluctant to accept appointment as presiding or polling officers if this would entail their losing their vote. I recommend that the legislation be amended so as to make provision for polling and police officers to be allowed to vote at the polling station" 21 7 , wlfere they are registered before they proceed on'election duties provided such station 45 at or near their government duty station. * *-

^ (d) Section 91(a) of. the Electoral Act,f 1968 aftd the corresponding regulation in the - . " local government regulations — treating as defined excludes the provision of food ' or drink. I think the definition shouldlnclud?ihem. (e) Section 92

•J?.;"' - • "V«l

of'ptteventfng d™Je 1^1 S" 3 TZ ^ « * *" <"**- ™thod - but if it is feared that double vofimr mirht tatv lgfadlrJ?to subJect people to such a procedure Produce such a sys^rn fnt^g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ary to in-

could, in future, I made^l^^cotd ^"d^ti, ^ dta»nl ^ dition could be made bigger than in the 1969 elertinn Tk ^ ^ envelope .which in ad- hole in the discard boxistoo s3 h^^^ UJ?2 '"Urely satis^ry.sin^ if the voting squares *and even ^eTvLiLTnm * tG discard their undated. smaI1 - par^ Wnng it M sot * « * envelopes', and inserting tKem in the disraS rin w m g UP their ballot slit in the discard ' ?? ?* " to make the regulations to make it clear that ballot enveloDes in^t ?. ^ gPvernment elections spoilt votes. This is m fact what many DresiHin£? dfSCard can be treated as accordance with the law. - dld but such "a practice is not strictly in

paper. T^e^ot^velo^us^^ Ae^ri^111^6 ^ e^eIoPcs are ma^e of opaque paper and were in feet tested with a yellow voting Mu7re HoweX^h^!^KT*1 qUahty squares were inserted in the envelopes it wa« tvWoikir*u hcn ref* or black voting • the colour of the disc through the envelope lam certL *2!WC? if J agaihst the %ht to detect the pell since there is no ST ^ ^ ^ effect on the^ of obvious to returning officers who counted the envplnr^T^^ ^ The fault was more in future elections I suggest white Mot en.lZ^^ ^ ^hts« But> nevertheless, should be used instead, possibly overprinted with somp? > k? *!? and brown envelopes them from envelopes used for local government elections!" * OT deSlg* td d«tinguish

fiigh'as itt^ifl^but iTKttaijJS jST 111615011 was not 35 the reasons for this. However, I think that one factor

CONCLUSION men.. ->•••' **• the election arrange- ' • - ' thdr assistance the elections would not have be^ sS^^tST5'" ' ^ With°U'

membersSto ^ 37 I would also like to record my thanks to the Government Printer dnditiis staff who never tailed t6 produce what was required at the right time. Without the^illing and efficient assistance rendered by these officers it would have been difficult to organise th

i ""y' • • ••-#$ I have the honour to be, Sir,,y y \ K\ ' ' Your obedient servant, - ' /_> •< . . •-** V--

G. WINSTANLEY, Supervised of Electiqns. r*: •*


•••-*< - szu

n>- J r "Ait*


™n#®lcies.P°lling districts and polling stations and the numbers rf voter, ^51' , , • '°n r°!' at each P°lhnf? nation. The aliens will not appear oh the par- nftTeSotr ^ a!'e"S Wh° arC registered are on|y Permitted to vote in local govern-

POLLING DISTRICT POLLING STATION Number Aliens d Registered Registered • A ^ at 30/6/^9 MAUN CfiOBE (!)

Kasane Ka^ungula School ^221 15 Panda*ma-tenga School 192 -32 ^ Kasane School * 384 79 Kachikau Kachikau School 244 3 Satau School r 521 Kavimba School 337 10 Shorobe Shorobe School 888 Zankuyo Kgotla. 181 Maun ' ^ "T Memorial School 4151 Botletle Mak^lamabedi School 223 Chanoga Cattle Crush 204 OKAVANGO (2) Shakawe Shakawe School 1840 Modimboras Village 1289 Xnau Xnau Cattle Crush 121 Sepopa Sepopa School 489 Ikoga Lagoon 283 Nxamasire Cattle Crush > 357 Seronga- Seronga School V 1084 \ Gunitsuga Kgotla ' 765 Gomare Gomare School 1018 .

NGAMI (3) Bodiba Bodiba Cattle Crush 669 Toteng Bridge 318 Sehitwa Sehitwa School 677 Nokaneng Nokaneng School * 269 JLehututu School 401 r-.S.* - Danega Cattle Crush 262 i s~~ r " y--- ' Qangwa Kgotla 154 - f' i -Tshan ^ e <, Tshane School ^ Tsau Tsau School 363 ,/ .. HWcunta School 585 7 Makakung Cattle Crush 688 - Lokgwabe School 327 ' " . * GHANZI (4) TATI WEST (6) S. W. -Farms English Medium School 503 Makaleng Makaleng School 394 N. W. Farms Tent/Farm 69 ,170 Masingwaneng School 160 Gulubane School 183 N. E. Farms Tent/Farm 81 207 Mambo School 191

S. E. Farms D'kar School 272 Kalakamati Kalakamati School 415 Zwensh^mbe .School - 492 Kalkfontein . Kalkfonteift School 192 - Karakobis Karakobis School 254 Mapoka Mapoka School 1127

Kanagas . Kanagas School .. > 144 Masunga School 512 Mamono Rondavel 162 Mosojane School 302 •- \L- f Makunda Makunda School - A - 179 * IncilWe Moroka^chool 348 .. \fet. OffiCe^psessebe 356 Kiili Kuli School 123 & TATLgXST {]) Nojane Nojane School 408 Tsessebe E. X Tsessebe School 367 r KGALA|5ADI (5) Jackalas No. 2 School - 147 JKamaquabane School 352 . Bokspits School 289 Tsamaea School 476 Rappels Pan School 187 •- >Y* S. Tati Matsiloje Schoof -•)£»&— 2.91 Ghakibane Ghakibane School 150 Tati Siding School """ -A 280 v School 118 Lady Mary Gate 394 M Kolongwangeng ^Kolongwaneng School 134 Government Camp Old Courtroom 382 School 127 Francistown Central Township Office 134 Tshabong — Tshabong School 544 Omawanewo Sch 220 Monarch Inchwe Bridge 600 Werda Wexda School 341 Francistown East Satellite Turn Off 630 School 264 Blue Town "" Experimental House T/Towrtc 827 Molopo Boshoek Farm 373 Hereford Farm 569 White City Council Chamber 431 • .- • . / Kang "Kang School 209 Tati West Tati Bottle Store 527 Riverside South Tati Siding 486 10 v:; V-.—" SEBINA % (8) 1 rj' -\ ' /- r- • .' ' ' ,, 1 £ri #>. MADINARE (1 - ... ; Gweta ?) p Gweta School 937 Madinrire v,-- X; Madinare No. 1 School 2033 --Nata ]\}ata School —- - 515 Vr— * Senile SchooT t ' 490 Matsitamma School 509 * Topisi School— 260 W.N.L. A. Office Motsetse 504 - ,4- *" < Tobane School 539 Kgagodi - Kgagodi School 977 Sebina Sebina School 1171 Mogapi School » 399 Kom bane School _ 403 Maunadala School J287 Marapong School 531 Lesenepole School - 493 '>sv- Tsebanana Ipelegeng Block 3]g " Marulamantsi Kgotla 241 Tamasane School 29 ' NKANGE (9) Moremi Kgotla 54 ' ^Wge Nkange School 1080 BOBIRWA (13) Maitengwe School ^ 1328 Changate School 04 2 Bobonong Mafetsakgang School 2299 Totome * Totome School 1532 ' Molalatau Molalatau School 366 Goshwe School 274 Mathathane School 434* ) Matobo School • 376 . • - * Semolale School 245 Gobojango School .242 BOTLETLE (10) Lentswe-le-moriu School ^'419 Rakops- Rakops School 1033 , ) ' v, Khumaga School I73 Sefhftphe Sefhophe School -V 743 -• Moreomaoto School . 92 Tsetsejwe School 889 . Makalamabedi Village ScHool ' 343 Xhomo School 592 r^ NORTH (14) Toromoja School 281 Mashoro Mashoro Kgotla ' 545 etlhakanc \ ^ Letlhakane School 785 Mabeleapudi School 595 , Mopipi School " " g27 Paje School 557 ^ „ Mmatshumo School 333 Tshimoyapula School 351 Mosu School * 519 P C P Serowe N. E. Central School, Serowe 1664 Makob?/l -La CamT p 30gg4 Serowe N.W. Court Room, D.C.'s Office 1715 """ (11) SEROWE SOUTH (15) Mathangwane Mathangwane School 848 Thalogang School 609 Serowe S.E. Builders Brigade Hall K". 1423 Mabolawe Kgotla 250 •» Tlalamabele Tlalamabele Kgotla 359 Serowe S.W. Community Centre Serowe* 2196 TonotaE. Tonota No. \ School 178g TSWAPONG N. (16) - Tonota W. Grenfell Bros. Stores 893 Madunyane School 305 T Palapye — Palapye Central School 1533 Monai^g Kgotla 422 Malaka School ' 251 Dimotswe Kgotla 53 Lecheng School 709 - V ' . !2 *' Matlhakola School 234 \ 13 • - /• - rt Ratholo Rathftlo School 553 J Lerala School Sikwane School . - '"^*1 1 948 464-\ iMoeng Primary School 321 •» •*- . , -£*• " •„ .Mabalane School Goo Tau School 423 Mathubudukwane N^athubOdukwane School 591 TSWAPOfrG S. ,(17) Malolwane Ofiphants Drift-School Pilikwe 345 Pilikwe School Malolwane Sfchool 546 '• j • - • /280 S.D.A. School, Ramokgonami 958 Artesia Artesi^.School * Selika ; 214 Selika School » 811 School 135 Mokobeng School 395 Malotoane Kgotla 1)2 Sefhare Tlokwa E. Sefhare School 1734 Tent at old Chiefs Kgotla 306 Machaneng School 543 Tlokwa W. Dovedale Farm, Machaneng 472 Tent on Notwani River 230 SHOSHONG (18) Tlokwa S. Senior Primary School 391 Moiyabana Moijabana School (21). Tlhabala School 1194 Kalamare 1347 Bophirima School Kalamare School 645 238 Mosolotsane Kgotla 671 D.C.'s Office, Mochudi 422 Mogome Kgotla 493 Moshawaneng Molefi Secondary School, Mochudi 334 Shoshong Shoshong Central School 1849 Notwani Lephephe Kgoda (N) 253 Health'Centre, Mocfyudi 640 Bogare Poloka Kgotla 266 Kubu Building MaterfslSteFeH- Kodibeleng Kgotla Mochudi , , 262 • Jc . ? . 449 MAHALAPYE (19) Botlhab'atsatsi Bakgatla Store Annexe, Mochudi 654 - Mookane Mookane School 951 Mosanteng Ratsheola Borehole, Mochudi 737 Palla Road School 444 Kudumatse Kgotla 454 Bokoni Homecraft Centre, D.R.C. Mission 330 Makwati School 449 Tarr's Dairy, Mokgacha 31 MOLEPOLOLE N. (22) > Mmaphasalala School 53 Mankgwenyane Mahalapye N. Bakwena National School, Mahalapye School 2030 Molepolole 993 Mahalapye S. Hands Memorial Hall 1471 Bogare Bakwena Tribal Store, Molepolole 314 KGATLENG & TLOKWENG (20) St. Paufs Old Police Station, Molepolole 625 Bokaa School 606 Borakalalo M.L.O.- (N.R.C<) Office, Molepolole 542 Morwa Morwa School 610 MOLEPOLOLE E. (23) Oodi School 318 Mogoditshane Mogoditshane School - School 860 255 Kopong School 705 14 15 r

Loolbga Elementary School No. 1, Molepolole, 693 Ramotswa South Central Mokgosi Memoriaf5chool, Ramotswa 258 Mogotlha ? Molepolole National Store 893 Ramotswa W. Tribal Storeroom, Ramotswa 368 Sebele —v - ' - - '*~x' «... Bakweria Tribal Hall, Molepolole 815 *' Bamalete North West' ' St. Bernard's School Rimotswa 234 Lentswe-le-Tau Lentswe-le-Tau School 597 ^vftamotswa South-East Tetft at Mohedin Store Mahetlwe Kgotla 323 515 Gaborone Farms Bonnington Farm next to New Medie Kgotla 178 Dairy, Gaborone 259 KWENENG S. (24) Naledi Town Council Depot, Gaborone Gabane 580 Gabane School 1194 Government Thornhill School, Gaborone 10$ Mankgodi Mankgodi School 945 North East Secondary School, Gaborone Kumakwane School 379 228 Thamaga W. . Village Camp Primary School? Gaborone Tl^maga Western School 1305 236 Kubting Kgoda i iV ' - 382 Ditakane Lesedi School, Gaborone 361 Thamaga E. Gobuamang Memorial School, South Ring Town Hall, Gaborone Thamaga 871 234 White City J KWENENG W. (25) Family Planning Centre, White City, Gaborone 703 Letlhakeng Letlhakeng School . 1605 Agricultural Station Agricultural Experimental Station, Lephephe Gaborone Lephephe School 187 330 Boatlaname Kgoda - Botlhapadou 215 MOSHUPA (27) 252 Sobjwe Kgotla ,321 Moshupa W. Old Tribal Office (Makgalo) 788 Kudumelapye Kudumelapye School * • Ralekgetho Borehole 242 Salajwe School 365 300 Moshupa N. Kolobe Logobere'-s.homej Moshupa Takatokwane Kgotla 214 691 Kalahari Moshupa S. New Tribal Office Tsetseng Kgotla 151 1135 Motokwe School 261 Ranaka Ranaka School Dudwe School 264 536 Moshaweng School • 327 Ntlhantlhe Ntlhantlhe School 545 GABORONE & RAMOTSWA (26) Lekgolobotle School 258 Kgomokasitwa Kgotla 380 Ramotswa E. Tent at Post Office, Ramotswa 202 Manyana Manyana School 692 Mogobane Mogobane School 326 KANY& SOUTH (28) Ootsi Ootsi School 294 Dilolwe D.G.,s Office, Kanye X 814 Ramotswa N. St. Conrad's R.C. Mission 201 Mafhikana Kanye Motors, Kanye 499 16 17 Matsitswane King George V Memorial Hall 601 '"" « Lotlhakane, Botswana Tdg. *$tore 135 Hebron Hebron School 458 "ISFyordlr Bangwaketse Museum, Kanye 1074 Papatlo Papatlo School 460 Mokatako School KAN'YE NORTH (2§Py 215 Station Nthatlase Mapalamo School, Kanye \ 57] D.C.'s Office, Lobatse 390 Peleng W. Kgosing Chiefs Kgotla, Kany•e - 1387 Peleng Court House 388 Peleng Central Bagami Council HaJtfTomeia) Kanye 611 Hill School, Peleng 4,99 Peleng E. Maokane Maokane Kgotla 220 T.T.C.Peleng 27Z Samane Kgotla 181 Mission Silokolela Kgotla 334 B.M.C. Recreational Hall 490 Gasita Kgotla 201 Tent near T.T.C., Lobatse 91 Lehoko Borehole 278 Woodhall Jwana Borehole 237 New Look School, Woodhall. 424 Lobatse Farms Knockduff Moshaneng Moshaneng School 407 Doornlaagte V A NGWAKETSE & KGALAGADI (30) SUMMARY Kgalagadi Khakhea School ^ 32i MaJjutsane School 248 Constituency Number Registered Sekoma Kgotla 227 • Aliens Registered - ar30/6/69 .v.V'l ' Morwamoshu Borehole 149 K ' • --4. • Kokong Old Kgotla 125 1 7,546 Mabule ' Mabule School 37 j 139 ^0? Leporung School 223 2 7,246 Tshidilamolortio School 213 • 3 . Phi tsane- Molopo Phitsane Molopo School 371 * 3.400 * ^ > Mokgomane Kgotla |89 4 2,614 Mmathethe Mmathethe SCIIQ^I 778 5 5,023 Magoriapitse Schobl 188 Metlobo Kgotla 233 6 4,480 Segwagwa Pan 240 7 6,324 Gathwane Gathwane School " 459 Digawana School ^ 555 8 4,986 Molapowabojang School 357 9 4,794 LOBATSE & BAROLONG (31) 10 5.401 Good Hope Good Hope SchooH^ 445 11 Tlhareseleele Tlhareseleele Sc|iol 682 5,276

. 18* 12 6,812 x 19 J

13 V 5,637, & V 14 - , v... 5,437 3 ' '15 )V- - 3,869

•** w i • ~ 16 4,^72 2 17' 5,459

18 6,980

19 5,883 i A x

20 4,917 17 21 3,804

22 2,474

23 - 5,064 - \ ,

24 5# 16 °

25 4,462

26 - 5,434 79

27 5 267 -v_y- >

28 4 3,123

29 4,427

30 5,247 31 5,159 6

TOTAL 156,533 260



Maun and < * Chpbe D.R, Monwela L.M. Sethoko J. Moeti

Okavango T. Tsheko M. Mpho - .

-• Ngami G. Kwerepe J. Gugushfe - -

Ghanzi H. Jankie - G. Kgasa W. Keakopa Kgalagadi B. M. Moapare - A.K. Mal^tole F.J.S. Stegling Tati West G.E.N. Mannathoko K. Maripe K.M. Nkhwa Francistown and Tati East P. Maruping - P.G. Matante Sebina and Gweta M. Maswikiti ' . E.R. Mokobi S. Mathangwane M.P. Nyadza Nkange O. Chilume M. Lowane D. Kwele B. Duna

Botletfe B. Steinberg - - -

'Tonota L. Makgekgenene - W. Gulubane P.P. Kgamane

Madinare A.M. Dambe M.L. Mabengano L. Senthufhe

Bobirwa ^ A.C. Sikunyana - M.E. Malema - Serowe N. S. Khama - Serowe S. B. Kgari J - K.R. Mathware Tswapong N. M.P.K. Nwako O.S. Mofswane - -

Tswapong S. G. Sebeso - O.K. Menyatso -

Shoshong G. Mosinyi M.Tlate - -

Mahalapye K.G. Koma M. Semetsa K. Ontumetse J.O. Kwape Kgatleng and Tlokweng M.K. Segokgo L. Kgang T.K.C. Ratsheko

39 Mochudi N.C. Molomo K. Mogotsi T.W. Motlhagodi Molepolole ^ ' APPENDIX G ^ ' North — D. Kwelagobe LIST OF CANDIDATES NOMINATED IN THE LOCAL-GOVERNMENT G'.-Kgakge ELECTIONS Molepolole NORTH WEST DISTRICT COUNCIL East, E. Kgabo V. Busang . "" ' B.D.P. 7 B.I.P. 8 B.N.F. B.P.P.

Kweneng 13 r South - J.O.M. Nkoane V J. Sekgwa G. Sejabodile Kasane M. Mashame C. Kasale Kweneng W. E.G. Reokwaeng E.K.K. Sebele Kachikau D. Smith - Gaborone and Shorobe K. Malebogo Ramotswa W. Seboni S. Goipatwabotho P. Motsumi D. Otsheleng Maun I.T. Tudor Moshupa E.S. Masisi P.T. Rammokolodi R.M. Raditladi Botletle K. Bampusi S. Monwa Kanye S. Q.K.J. Masire B. Gaseitsiwe Shakawe T.D. Sebera S. Samati Kanye North B.R. Chibana M. Yane Sepopa Ngwaketse/ M. Chamo W.Z. Nyati ^ Kgalagadi P.M. Sebotho P. Seronga M. Bayei T. Xhaakudi Lobatse- Gomare S. Maenge M. Sefo Barolong B.C. Thema O. Marumoloa J. Kgaboesele Bodiba J. Molatole W. Mbuende

Sehitwa » N. Kandu r- E. Kuazire A> Nokaneng M. Tsatsilebe R. Keothokile

\ Tsau K. Kahovere L. Mpho - L COUNCIL 10 8 S. W. Farms W. K. Lerotholi S.D. Setima

N.W. Farms R. C. Eaton

N. E. Farms J. Kempf

S.E. Farms A.IS. Tsaabae M. B. Talape

Kalkfontein W. Babish

Karakobis S. Baithei

Kanagas W. Caimm Note: The names of the successful candidates are printed in bold type. " ' " 41 4' Makunda J.J. Kangootui /. FRANCISTOWN TOWN COUNCIL Kuli S. Tsenene E.M. Leswape 2 Nojane L, Sakha Government Camp J. Ntuane G. Ramosu COUNCIL Francistown 11 B.D.P. 10 B.I.P. B.P.P. Central Independents P.H. Mincher P. Chaboneka Bokspits G.Martin Monarch J.J. Esterhuizen J R. Oahile M.A. Kaluluka Ghakibane P. MtJseki . K. van der Francistown East G. M. K. Mmusi E. Mathumo Westhuizen Blue Town G.J. Modikwe N.M. Maja Kolonkwaneng A. Tumaeletse White City J.R. Bogacu M. Tshiamo Tshabong P.P. Toto Tati West * T. MJjakile M. Matumo Werda W. Malcalobe J. C. MacKenzie Riverside South S. Mmolotsi P. Marman Molopo If. Lee

Kang A. Phori ^ A. M. Katai COUNCIL Lehututu E. Ngwamotsoko 14 B.D.P. 7 B.I.P. B.N.F. 1 B.P.P. 6 Tshane M. Morobise A. M. Motshoge Bokaa S.K. Kgari (Mrs) M.B. Medupe J. Mosweu Hukuntsi S. Mogolele (Mrs)

Lokgwabe J. Molatole Morwa M. Sentsho R. Sello J. Madxsa

NORTH EAST DISTRICT COUNCIL Oodi M. Moeng G. Mooketsane R. Mokgosi

Sikwane O.R. Mooketsi S. Tlhagwane y Makaleng "S, K. Ramokate Mathubudukwane W. Seleke M. Z. Maje K.K. Sechele V Y V Kalakamati S.Mafa Malolwane K.M. Ditake M. Linchwe M. Segotlong S.T. Manyathelo Mapoka E.N. Mudongo Artesia G. Ruele N. Gun da Masunga K.M. Masunga Bophirima S. Sejoe M.J. Sckobowane M. Rapoo J. Tafa Inch we J. Khupe Moshawaneng M. (Mrs) R. Kgang S. Tlhogo Tsessebe East A. Sebeela Notwani L. Molefe M. Tsheole M. Mogwere J. Bango E. S. Tati J. Thekiso Bogare M. Linchwe M. Moremi S.D. Sefome Botlhabatsatsi G. Palai D.K. Seame 42 43 ' J Mosanteng C.K. Matlhaga M. Lekwape Bokone S. Sejoe (Mrs) GABORONE TOWN' COUNCIL M. Rainmala

KWENENG DISTRICT COUNCIL Government L Gablake (Mrs) 17 K. F. Marumo BD1' 16 «'l' B.N.F.l B.P.P. North East R. Marina thoko Mankgwenyane • R. Sebego S. Matlhabaphiri (Mrs) R. Pheto Bbgare Village V. M. Kgosidin t si J. Nwako (Mrs) I.G. Kgamane (Miss) L. Sebele (Miss) Ditakhane G. Mogome P. Ferguson St. Pauls S. G. Masimega L.N.Ntloyathuto South Ring M. Kit chin (Mrs) G. Manowe Borakalalo K. Ntloyakhumo White City J. E. Makgwa R. M. Ndzinge (Mrs) M. Hirschfeldt (Miss) Agricultural G. Dambe (Mrs) J. Dube Mogoditshane P.L.T. Man the Station * P. Masimolole Loologa T. Pule Naledi D. Gaborone O. Dingalo, L. Kgabung (Miss) Mogotlha J»G. S. Mhiko SOUTH EAST DISTRICT COUNCIL P. Gabaraane Sebele G.K. Setilo 13 B.D.P. 8 B.I.P. J. M. Bodigelo B.N.F. 2 B.P.P.3 Ramotswa East N. Ramoeng C. Ntshwene Lentswe-le-tau L.M. Paledi N. Masiele Mogobane C. Maganu I. Makgweng Gabane Motlhalame O.Letsholo (Mrs) Ootse W. Baker R. Tsetse Mankgodi K. Seribe P. Lebese Ramotswa North R. Kobue L. Botlhole Thamaga West K. Kowa K. Kenosi K. Mosweu Ramotswa West M. Maswabi A. O. Motsumi Thamaga East M. Sebikiri K. Kefositse (Mrs) R. Motshaba Rampbwa S. Letlhakeng M. Motladiile O. Porogo K.G. Segwagwa Central R. Khan Lephepe L. Kentshitswe Bamalete N.W. I. Mokgosi A. Rap>otsanyJlne (Mrs) M. Busang Ramotswa S.E. A.M. Matsietsa G. Mokgosi Kudumelapye P. Ratau G. Dichabeng (Mrs) Gaborone Farms A. Isaacs M. Kolobe Kalahari M.T. Mokomise Tlokwa East D. Rapoo S.P. Namane Tlokwa West G. I. Nchindo A. M. Bogatsu K.Seitshiro (Mrs)

Tlokwa South B.^fG Matsetse H.M.G. Magetse 44 Lobatse Farms G.K. Morale 45 LOBATSE TOWN COUNCIL 8 Bobonong M. Ngwako - / 4 "Station Molalatau . P. Matema . - A.R. Aahim D. Makoko . r.Sefophe • *?- - K.K. Mafoko Peleng West M.xMabille P.G.J.Sebolao *• T.B.Mmelesi Mashoro J. Phiri _ Peleng Central A. Modise (Mrs) M.J. Monakwe J.E. Mahloane Serowe N.E. * , B. Gareitsanye - V : " Peleng East R~S. Mashiqa (Mrs) M.I. Mosepele Serowe NrW. P. Mathodi Mission A.L. Mmpjte J-K. Motshegare Serowe S.E. B. Ratshosa (Mrs) Woodhall G. Motsholapheko M. Dira Lobatse Central B.S.Kwapa Serowe S.W. G. JUang (Mrs) . B. Ratora I. Lebang Palapye S. Mabogo * . Boswelatlou Molefe J. K. Modise Ratholo L.B. Matlhare

CENTRAL DISTRICT UNCIL Pilikwe K. Nkokona M. Mothobi 32 B.D.P.31 ^ ' B.I.P. Seleka P. Rasesigo B.N.F. B.P.P.l Gweta T. Thuma Sefhare H.G. Wesson

P Nata G. Zhiwana v B. Mpapho Moyabana D.M. Clark Sebina R. Manisa Kalarrtare L. Mosinyi M. W. Lebala N. Nchengwa Nkange / • Z. Omphlle 4 N. Sebekwa Shoshong J. Makgalemele J. M. Mokoto . D.M. Nlebesi Totome T. Moshabi Mookane M. Mokgadi E. P. Kelepile M. Matobo Rakops « K. Makgala Mahalapye North G. Ngakaagae - P. p. Manamela Letlhakane B-Tsapo Mahalapye South K. Madubu . g Kwape^ Mathangwane K. Chite M. Moseki J.Sebophelo NGWAKETSE DISTRICT COUNCIL Tlalamabele S.P. Moalosi 24 13 - u Tonota East T. Moepeng O. Masedi Moshupa West V L. Thupane - Tonota West P.O. Tomedi K. M. Ranna Moshupa North B. Letlhatshane Madinare D. Kabelo G. Letowa Moshupa South K. Segomelo Kgagodi T. Sckwati Ranaka H.D. Kroger

47 Ntlantlhc C. G. Moreki N. Nkwe Manyana P. Motswiri APPENDIX H 7 , Phale Dilolwe B. S. Dikgageng BOTSWANA GENERAL ELECTION T. Keboi Mafhikana J. Kabomo 18 OCTOBER, 1969 M. Pole '?«• Matsitswana S. Kaboyamodimo POLLING RESULTS M. Ketshabile Nyorosi Maun/ Chobe A.S. Dada » I * Ntlhatlase H.R. Maswabi Registered voters -7546 Percentage Poll - 52.4%

Kgosing / K. K. Moshaga D. Monwela B.D.P. -• 1578 A. Ma be L.'M. Sethoko B.I.P. 1390 Bagami M. R. Kalabeng J.ciMoeti B.P.P. 987 K. Tsie Maokane W. M. Modisana 3955 B. Seane Moshaneng M. Lotshwao J. Modxsi B.D.P. majority - TB8 Kgalagadi R. Kono K. Wakgotla Okavango Mabule K. Bogale S. Kepaletswe Registered voters - 7246 Percentage Poll - 47.2% Phitshane Molopo J. Tlhong M. Mpho B.I.P. 1923 Mmathete Q. Mare T. Tsheko B.D.P. • 1500 D.T. Siele Gathwane "K. Modisa 3423 O.B. Molosiwa Good Hope T.L. Motlhatlhedi J. D. M. Mosadi B.I.P. rfiaiority - 423 Tlhareseleele D.S. Letselea Ngami Hebron L.K. Gape Registered voters -3400 Percentage Poll - 49.2% Papatlo B. Matsheka G. Kwerepe B.D.P. 1022 J. Gugushe B.I.P. 652


B.D.P. majority - 370

49 Ghana

Registered voters -2614 Sebina and GWeta Percentage Poll - 45.\O/Q H. Jankie 7 Registered voters - 4986 Percentage Poll - 40.3%'~ W„-Keakopa B.D.P. 873* ^ B.P.P. <_^260 T" G. Kgasa M. Maswikiti B.D.P. 1321 B.N.F. 46 M.P. Nyadza B.P.P. 508 S. Mathangwane B.N.F. 140 1179 E.R. Mokobi B.I.P. 41

B.D.P. majority - 613 2010 G. Kgasa forfeits his deposit. Kgalagadi B.D.P. majority - 813

E.R.- Mokobi forfeits his deposit Registered voters - 5023 Percentage Poll - 49% Nkange B.M. Moapare B.D.P. 2131 A.K. Molatole B.N.F. Registered voters - 4794 FJ.S. Stegling 199 Percentage Poll - 41% B.P.P. 130 O. Chilume B.D.P. 1341 2460 B. Duna B.P.P. 390 D. Kwele B.N.F. 208 YB-D.P. majority - 1932 M. Lowane B.I.P. 26 Tati West 1965 Registered voters -5023 Percentage Poll - 60.3% B.D.P. majority - 951/ K.M. Nkhwa BPP ICA/1 K:EMaripeanna,h0k° ™ M. Lowane forfeits his deposit Botletle ^ > 2700 B. Steinberg B.D.P. Returned unopposed

B.P.P. majority - 586 Tonota K. Maripe forfeits his deposit

Francistown and Tati East Registered voters - 5276 Percentage Poll - 47.5%

Registered voters -6324 ~ L. Makgekgenene B.D.P. 1683 Percentage Poll - 57.3% P.P. Kgamane B.P.P. 673 W. Gulubane B.N.F. 152 P.G. Matante B.P.P. P. Maruping 2361 r < . B.D.P. 1265 2508 3626 B.D.P. majority - 1010 B.P.P. majority - 1096 50 51 V

Madinare Tswapong North 7".f—\ Registered voters - 6812 Registered voters - 4972 Percentage Poll - 63.3% Percentage Poll - 64.2% N A.M. Dambe M.P.K.Nvyako B.D.P. 2921 B.D.P 4222 O.S. Mofswane M.L. Mabengano B.I.P. B.I.P. 228 L- Sentufhe 82 B.P.P. n y- • * . ^ 3149

4376 ^ B.D.P. majority - 2693 Tswapong South B.D.P. majority - 4140 / • Registered voters - 5439 Percentage Poll -. 57% MX. Mabengano ,nd L. Sentufhe forfeit tl*ir deposits Bobirwa G. Sebeso B.D.P. 2998 O.K. Menyatso B.N.F. 112 Registered voters - 5637 D Percentage Poll - 60.2% 3110 A.C. Sikunyana B.D.P. M.E. Malema 3243 B.D.P. majority - 2886 B.N.F. 152 O.K. Menyatso forfeits his deposit 0 3395 Shoshong

Y B.D.P. majority - 3091 " Registered voters - 6980 Percentage Poll - 63.9% i M-El Malema forfeits his deposit G. Mosinyi B.D.P. 4274 Serowe Nprth M. Tlale B.I.P. 184

Sir. S. Khama R n P D . 4458 Jf. • Returned unopposed Serowe South B.D.P. majority - 4090

Registered Voters - 3869 p M. Tlale forfeits his deposit i oy Percentage Poll - 63.9% B. Kgari Mahalapye B.D.P. 2438 K.R.' Mathware B.N.F. ^ Registered voters - 5883 Percentage Poll - 59.6%

24/2 K.G. Koma B.D.P. 3324 O.K. Ontumetse B.N.F. 83 M. Semetsa B.I.P. 75 B.D.P. majority - 2404 J.O. Kwape B.P.P. 26 K.R. Mathware forfeits his deposit 3508

B.D.P. majority - 3241 ""

O.K. Ontumetse, M. Semetsa, and J.O. Kwape forfeit their deposits 53 Kgatleng/Tlokweng

Registered voters - 4917 Kweneng South A Percentage Poll - 65.3% M.K. Segokgo B:#P. .1995 Registered voters - 5016 Percentage -Poll --51.6% T.K.Ci Ratsheko BP.P. 917 L. Kgang " " ' B.N.F. 298 /. J.O.M. Nkoane B.D.P. 2203 LSekgwa B.N.F. * 212 32^10 - G. Sejabodile B.P.P. 17r

2589 B.D.P. majority - 1078 Mochudi B.D.P. majority - 1991 Kweneng West Registered voters - 3804 Percentage Poll^5i.2o/o Registered voters - 4462 Percentage Poll 39.3% T.W. Motlhagodi B.P.P. 993 N.C. Molomo B.D.P. 666 E.G. Reokwaeng B.D.P. 1364 - K. Mogotsi B.N.F. 290 E.K.K. Sebele B.N.F. " -390.

1949 1754

B.D.P. majority - 974 B.P.P. majority - 327 Gaborone and Ramotswa Molepolole North ^ Registered voters - 5434 Registered voters - 2474 Percentage Poll - 57% Percentage Poll - 48.3°/ W. Seboni B.D.P. D. K^veiagobe B.D.P. 881 P. Motsumi B.N.F. G.ICgakge 1255 B.N.F. 315 D. Otsheleng B.P.P. 105 S 1196 3144 B.D.P. majority - 529 B.D.P. majority-566 Molepolole East * D. Otsheleng forfeits his deposit Moshupa Registered voters 5064 PercentageTPoIl - 52% E.S. Masisi B.D.P. Returned unopposed E. Kgabo B.D.P. 2095 ^ V. Busang B.N.F. 538 Kanye South

2633 Registered voters - 3123 Percentage Poll - 56^ v B. Gaseitsiwe B.N.F. 'J* 1245 K B.D.P. majority - 1557 Q.K.J. Masire B.D.P. 505

1750 54 B.NiF. majority - 740 55 / ^ : Kanye North \ • '"'p••v • J* Registered voters ^4427 Summary ' Percentage Poll - 50.8% "s M. Yane (a) Totahvotes cast to B.N.F.- J607 B.R. Chibana B.D.P. 643 B.D.P. 52t5l'8'%

2250 - iB.I.P. - 4,601

B.N.F. - io,410 B.N.F. majority - 964 Ngwaketse/Kgalagadi B.P.P. - 9,329

Registered voters - 5247 (b) Voters registered in contested constituencies - 140,428 Percentage^Pott - 64.3% P. Tshane Votes cast in contested constituencies - 76,858 B.N.F. 2030 P.M. Sebotho B.D.P. 1344 Percentage poll _ 54.9% 3374 (c) The Botswana Democratic Party put up Candidates in 31 constituencies and won 24 of them. B.N.F. majority - 686 The Botswana Independence Party put up candidates in 9 constituencies and Lobatse/Barolong won 1 of them. 5 B.I.P. candidates forfeited tjieir deposits.

' Registered voters - 5159 The Botswana National Front put up candidates in 21 constituencies and won Percentage Poll - 58.9°, Yo 5 of them. 6 B.N.F. candidates forfeited their deposits. B.C. Thema * B.D.P. 1886 O. Marumoloa The Botswana People's Party put up candidates in 15 constituencies and won B.N.F. W26 J- Kgaboesele 3 of them. 4 B.P.P. candidates forfeited their deposits. B.P.P. 129 (d) Final state of the parties:- 3041 \ Botswana Democratic Party - 24 B.D.P. majority - 860 Botswana Independence Party - 1 X Kgaboesele forfeits his deposit Botswana National Front - 3 v

Botswana People's Party - 3

56 57 J"

^ APPENDIX I Shakawe Polling District 4, Registered voters — 3250 BOTSWANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION ? ^ Percentage Poll — - *33.7% T.D. Sebera B.D.P 865 ' S. Samati 18 OCTOBER, 1969 — B.I.P. 231


B.D.P. majority — 634 North West District Council Stpopa Polling District Kasane Polling District Registered voters — 1129 Percentage Poll Registered voters — 923 53.6% Percentage Poll W.Z. fSTyati B.I.P. C. Kasale 58.2% 422 B.I.P. M. Chamo B.D.P. M. Mashame 450 183 B.D.P. 87 605 537 B.I.P. majority — 239 B.I.P. majority —363 Seronga Polling District Kachikau Polling District Registered voters — 1849 D. Smith Percentage Poll 58.7% B.D.P. T. Xhaakudi B.I.P. Shorobe Polling District Returned unopposed 853 M. Bayei B.D.P. Registered voters — 1069 233 Percentage Poll — 48.70/ I Goipatwabotho B.I.P. 1086 K. Maiebogo 393 B.D.P. 128 B.I.P. majority -— 620 521 Gomare Polling District Registered voters — 987 Percentage Poll B.I.P. majority — 265 - 59.2% Maun Polling District M. Sefo B.I.P. 398 . S. Maenge B.D.P. Registered voters — 4151 205 Percentage Poll - 46.1 °/ I.T. Tudor B.D.P. 603 *P-T. Rammokolodi 1110 B.I.P. 716 R.M. Raditladi B.I.P. majority— 193 B.P.P. 87 Bodiba Polling District 1913 Registered voters — 987 Percentage Poll — 48.9% B.D.P. majority — 394 J. Molatole Boteti Polling District B.D.P. 386 W. Nbuende B.I.P. Registered voters 427 97 Percentage Poll 50-6% K. Bampusi B.D.P< 483 S. Monwa 130 B.I.P. 86 B.D.P. majority — 289 216

B.D.P. majority — 44

59 Sehitwa Polling district / " Kalkfontein Polling District ^ Registered voters -677 Percentage Poll 48.2% VV J/ ' W.Babish B.D.P. Returned unopposed N.Kandu B.D.P. 251 ; k. Kuazire ^ B.I P 7c Karakobis Polling District < ' • S. Baithei B.D.P. Returne•d unoppose d ~ 326 Kanagas Polling District W. Camm B.D.P. Returned unopposed' B.D.P. majority — 176 Makunda Polling District Nokaneng Polling District J J. Kangootui B.D.P. Returned unopposed Registered voters 685 Percentage Poll — 51.1% Kuli Polling District R. Keothokile B.I.P. 198 M. Tsatsilebe Registered voters — 123 Percentage Poll — % 65% B.D.P. 152 ELM. Leswape B.P.P. 52 T. Tsenene B.D.P. 28 350

B.I.P. majority — 46 Tsau Polling District Registered voters — 1051 B.D.P. majority — 24 Percentage Poll 51.2% K. Kahovere Nojane Polling District B.D.P. 305 L. Mpho L. Sakhu B.D.P. Returned unopposed B.I.P. 233 Kgalagadi District Council 538 Bokspits Polling District I B.D.P. majority — 72 Registered voters — 476 Percentage Poll 54% Ghanzi District Council G. Martin B.D.P. 199 J.J. Esterhuizen Ind. 58 - S.tV. Farms Polling District Registered voters - 503 257 Percentage Poll — 28.8% S.D^etima B.P.P. 102 . VV^Kr Lerothali B.D.P. majority—141 B.D.P. 43 Ghakibane Polling District \ ' 145 Registered voters — 268 Percentage Poll 46.3% B.P.P. majority — 59 K. van der Westhuizen Ind. 72 N.W. Farms Polling District P. Moseki B.D.P. 52 R.C. Eaton B\D.P. Returned unopposed 124 N.E. Farms Polling District J. Kempf Ind. majority — 20 B.D.P. Returned unopposed S.E. Farms Polling District Kolonkwaneng Polling District Registered voters — 272, A. Tumaeletse B.D.P. Returned unopposed Percentage Poll — 43.4% A.S. Tsaabae Tshabong Polling District B.D.P. 97 M.B. Talape B.P.P. 21 P. Toto , B.D.P. Returned unopposed

118 B.D.P. majority — 76 60- 61 r Wnda Polling District > ^ Registered voters — 605 0 V Percentage Poll — s48 8 / W. Makalobe B.D.P. ^ Kalakamati Polling District J.C. Mackenzie 167 Ind Registered voters — 907 - 128 x , . Percentage Poll - 53.1% " V -S. Mafa B.D.P. 256 295 S.T. Manvathelo B.P.P. 226 B.D.P. majority — 39 Molopo Polling District 482 H. Lee B.D.P. B.D.P. majority — 30 Kang Polling District Returned unopposed Mapoka Polling district Registered voters/- 209 Percentage Poll — 48.8% Registered voters — 1127 Percentage Poll 57.1% A. Phori B.D.P. A.M. Kati 80 N. Gunda B.P.P. 546 • B.I.P. 22 E.N. Mudongo B.D.P. 98

102 644

B.D.P. majority — 58 Lehututu Polling District B.P.P. majority — 448 Masunga Polling District E. Ngwamotsoko Tshane Polling District B.D.P. Returned unopposed Registered voters — 814 Percentage Poll 63.8% Registered voters — 185 K.M. Masunga B.D.P. 363 Percentage Poll — 61 6°/ J. Talk B.P.P. 156 M. Morobise B.D.P. A.M. Motshoge 97 B.P.P. 17 519

114 B.D.P. majority — 207 tnchwe Polling District B.D.P. majority — 80 Hukuntsi Polling District Registered voters — 704 Percentage Poll 62.5% S. Mogolele S. Tlhogo B.P.P. 262 B.D.P. J. Khupe Lokgwabe Polling District Returned unopposed B.D.P. 178 J. Molatole 440 B.D.P. Returned unopposed North East District Council B.P.P. majority—84 Makaleng Polling District Tsessebe East Polling District Registered voters — 928 Registered voters — 1342 Percentage Poll - 54.9% Percentage Poll — 66.8% K.K. Sechele - E. Khachana B.P.P. 522 B.P.P. 460 S.K. Ramokate A. Sebeela B.D.P. 98 B.D.P. 241 J. Bang B.N.F. 36 620 737 B.P.P. majority — 424 B.P.P. majority — 219

63 M; /

S. Tati Polling District Registered voters — 965 Percentage Poll Blue Town Polling District S.D. Sefume 48% B.P.P. * Registered voters — 827 j. Thekiso 293 Percentage Poll 60.6% B.D.P. 170 N.M. Maja B.P.P. 352 G.J. Modikwe B.D.P. 149 V. 463 501 B.P.P. majority — 123 .J Francistown Town Council B.P.P. majority — 203 Government Camp Polling District White City Polling District Registered voters — 382 Percentage Poll Registered voters — 431' Percentage Poll J. Ntuane 55.2% - 64% B.D.P. M. Tshiamo G. Ramosu 185 B.P.P. 162 B.P.P. 26 J.R. Bogacu B.D.P. 114

211 276

B.D.P. majority — 159 B.P.P. majority — 48 Francistown Central Polling District Tati West Polling District ( Registered voters — 197 Percentage Poll 73.6% Registered voters — 527 Percentage Poll — 59.8% P.H. Minqher B.D.P. 117 M. Matumo B.P.P. 204 P. Chaboneka B.P.P. 28 T. Mbakile B.D.P. 111

145 315

B.D.P. majority — 89 B.P.P. majority — 93 Monarch Polling District Riverside South Polling District Registered voters — 600 Percentage Poll 73.6% Registered voters — 4 Percentage Poll ^ M.A. Kaluluka 53.9% S B.P.P. 341 P. Marman B.P.P. 170 ^ J.R. Oahile B.D.P. 71 S. Mmoiotsi B.D.P. 92

412 262

B.P.P. majority — 270 B.P.P. majority — 78 Francistown East Polling District Registered voters — 630 Percentage Poll - 55.1% E. Mathumo B.P.P. Central District Council G.M.K. Mmusi 279 B.D.P. 68 Gweta Polling District T. Thuma B.D.P. Returned unopposed 347 Nata Polling District Registered voters — 1528 B.P.P. majority — 211 Percentage Poll — 42.3% G. Zhiwana B.D.P. — 548 B. Mpapho B.N.F. 98


B.D.P. majority — 450 65 Sebina Pollirfg District <• Tonota East Polling District Registered voters — 2521 Percentage Poll 36.5%. Registered voters,— .1786 Percentage Poll " 37.5% R. Manisa /o B.D.P. T. Moepeng B.D.P. N. Nchengwa 454 747 B.P.P. 406 O. Masedi B.N.F. 77 M.W. Lebala B.N.F. — r 60 V_ 824 920 / - I B.D.P. majority — 670 B.D.P. majority — 48 Mange Polling District Tonota West Polling District Registered voters — 1674 Registered voters — 2612 Percentage Poll —* 46.2% Percentage Poll 45.8%; P.O. Tumedi Omphile B.D.P. 654 B.D.P. 809 K.M. Ranna B.N.F. 120 D.M. Nlebesi B.P.P. N. Sebekwa 309 B.N.F. 83 774

1196 B.D.P. majority — 534 Madinare Polling District B.D.P. majority — 505 Totome Polling District Registered voters — 3322 Percentage Poll — 56.7% Registered voters — 2182 D. Kabelo B.D.P. 1795 Percentage Poll 27.8% G. Lotowa T. Moshabi B.I.P. 87 B.D.P. 410 E.P. Kelepile B.N.F. - 150 Y M. Matobo 1882 B.P.P. 47 B.D.P. majority— 1708 607 Kgagodi Polling District B.D.P. majority — 260 T. Sekwate B.D.P. Returned unopposed Rakops Polling District Bobong Polling District K. tyh^gala M. Ngwako B.D.P. B.D.P. Returned unopposed Returned unopposed Letlhakane PollingDistrict Molalatau Polling District ~ » Tsapo P. Matema B.D.P. B.D.P. Returned unopposed Returned unopposed Mathangwane Polling''District Sefhope Polling District Registered voters — 1457 K.K. Mafoko B.D.P. Returned unopposed Percentage Poll — 47% J. Sebophelo B.P:P. Mashoro Polling District K. Chite 356 B.DJP. J. Phiri B.D.P. Returned unopposed M. Moseki 226 B.N.F. 103 Serowe N.E. Polling District i B. Gareitsanye B.D.P. Returned unopposed 685 Serowe N. W. Polling. District B.P.P. majority— 130' P.,Mathodi ' B.D.P. Returned unopposed Tlalamabele Polling District S.P. Moalosi B.D.P. Returned unopposed

61 Serowe S.E. Polling District ^ B. Ratshosa B.D.P. Returned unopposed Serowe S. W. Polling District Mahalapye North Polling District Registered voters — 2030 Registered voters — 2196 Percentage Poll - 55.4o/ , Percentage Poll' 0 64.5% \ G. Ngakaagae B.D.P. G. Kaang B.D.p. 1081 B. Ratora 1394 P.O. Manamela B.N.F. 44 > B.N.F. *22 1125 1416 ..-7 B.D.P. majority — 1037 , : B.D.p. majority — 1372 Palapye Polling District Mahalapye South Polling District Registered voters 1471 S. Mabogo B.D.P. Percentage Poll 52.1 % Returned unopposed K. Madubu Ratholo Polling District - B.D.P. 7 U B. Kwape B.N.F. L.B. Matlhare B D P 55 Pilikwe Polling District Returned unopposed 766 + Registered voters — 1504 Percentage Poll — 59.2% N. Nkokona 3 j) p B.D.P. majority — 656 M. Mothobi g j p 813 Kgatleng District Council 77 Bokaa Polling District 890 Registered voters — 606 Percentage Poll 55.8% S.K. Kgari B.D.P. 180 B.D.P. majority — 736 J. Mosweu B.P.P. 102 Seleka Polling District M.B. Medupe B.N.F. 56 jP. Rasesigo B.D.P. Returned unopposed Sejhare Polling District \ j 338 H.G. Wesson B.D.P. Returned unopposed Moyabana Polling District B.D.P. majority — 78 Morwa Polling District D.M. ClarJA B.D.P. Returned unopposed Registered voters — 610 Kalamare Polling District Percentage Poll '45.9% J. Madisa B.P.P. 142 L. Mosinyi B.D.P. Returned unopposed M. Sentsho B.D.P. 102 Shoshong Polling District I R. Sello B.N.F. 33 Registered voters — 2630 Percentage Poll — 60.1% J. Makgalemele 280 B.DrPTV^ 1446 J.M. Mokoto B.I.P. - 134 B.P.P. majority — 40 Oodi Polling District 1580 Registered voters — 573 Percentage Poll — 27.2% B.D.P. majority — 1312 M. Moeng B.D.P. Mookane Polling District 99 R. Mokgosi B.P.P. 46 M. Mokgadi g jQ p G. Mooketsane B.N.F. 11 Returned unopposed 156 1 B.D.P. majority 53

69 Sikwatu Polling District * ^ Registered voters — 464 Nohuani Polling District Percentage Poll — 60.1 % j Q.R. Mooketsi B.D.P. Registered voters — 640 Percentage Poll S. Tlhagwane 210 49.7%. B.P.P. M. Mogwere B.P.P. 217 L. Molefe B.D.P. . \ JO * M. Tsheole 279 BiN.F. 31

B.D.P. majority— 141 318 Mathubudukwane Polling District 1 Registered voters — 591 B.P.P. majority — 147 Percentage Poll -— 73.6% Bogare Polling District W. Seleke B.D.P. y 299 M.Z. Maje Registered voters — 449 Percentage Poll B.P.P. 136 - 57.9% M. Moremi B.P.P. 192 M. Linchwe 435 B.D.P. 68

B.D.P. majority— 163 260 Malolwane Polling District Registered voters — 625 B.P.P. majority — 124 Percentage Poll 53.8% - Botlhabatsatsi Polling District K.M. Ditake B.D.P. 186 M. Linchwe Registered voters — 737 Percentage Poll B.N.F. 118 45.2% M. Segotlong D.K. Seame B.P.P. 175 B.P.P. 32 G. Palai B.D.P. 95 )" 336 270 B.D.P. majority — 68 Artesia Polling District B.P.P. majority — 80 Mosanteng Polling District G. Ruele B.D.P. Returned unopposed Registered voters — 737 Bophirima Polling District' / Percentage Poll 45.2% C.K. Matlhaga B.D.P. Registered voters — 670 205 Percentage Poll — 46.9% M. Lekwape B.P.P. 128 M.J. Selobowane B.N.F. S. Sejoe i 184 B.D.P. 130 333

314 B.D.P. majority — 77 Bokoni Polling District B.N.F. majority — 54 Registered voters — 330 Moshawaneng Polling District Percentage Poll - 51.2% M. Rammala B.P.P. 107 Registered voters — 334 S. Sejoe B.D.P. 62 Percentage Poll — 57.2% R. Kgiing B.P.P. M. Pilane 138 169 B.D.P. 53 B.P.P. majority — 45 191

B.P.P. majority85

71 P South East District Council Ramotswa East Polling District Registered voters — 202 Ramotswa South Central Polling District N. Ramoeng Percentage Poll 74.8% Registered voters — 258 B.D.P. C. Ntswene- 123 Percentage Poll 62.8% B.N.F. O. Porogo B.N.F. 28 M. Motladiile 9G B.D.P. 72 151 162 B.D.P. majority — 95 Mogobane Polling District B.N.F. majority — 18 Registered voters — 326 Bamalete North West Polling District C. Maganu Percentage Poll B.D.P. 76.4% Registered voters — 234 I. Makgweng 167 Percentage Poll —r- 54.3% B.N.F. 82 I Mokgosi B.D.P. A. Rapotsanyane 97 B.N.F. 72 ^ 249 162 B.D.P. majority — 85 Ootsi Polling District B.D.P. majority — 67 Registered voters — 294 Ramotswa South East Polling District W. Baker Percentage Poll 52.4% B.D.P. Registered voters — 515 R. Tsetse 124 Percentage Poll - 60% B.N.F. 30 A.M. Matsietsa B.D.P. G. Mokgosi 201 B.N.F. 108 154 309 B.D.P. majority — 94 Ramotswa North Polling District B.D.P. majority — 93 Registered voters — 201 Gaborone Farms Polling District R. Kobue Percentage Poll 62.2% Registered voters — 259 L. Botlhole B.D.P. 110 B.N.F. Percentage Poll 59.5% 15 A. Isaacs B.D.P. M. Kolobe 124 B.N.F. 130 125 B.D.P. majority—,.95 154 Ramotswa West Polling District Registered voters — 368 B.D.P. majority — 94 Tlokwa East Polling District A.O. Motsumi Percentage Poll 53.5% Registered voters — 306 M. Maswabi B.N.F. 120 B.D.P. Percentage Poll 58.5% 77 S.P. Namane B.P.P. D. Rapoo 134 B.D.P. 45 197 B.N.F. majority — 43 179 B.P.P. majority — 89

73 Tlokwa West Polling District Registered voters — 230 K. Seitshiro Percentage Poll - 55.7% B.P.P. Peleng East Polling District , G.I. Nchindo 79' B.D.P. Registered'voters — 277 A.M. Bogatsu 34 Percentage Poll B.N.F. 49.1% 15 M.I< Mosepele B.N.F. Vv 92 v R.S. Mashiqa B.D.P. 44 128 136 B.P.P. majority — 45 Tlokwa South Polling District B.N.F. majority — 48 Registered voters - 391 Percentage Poll Mission Polling District H'M.G. Magetse 69.3% B.P.P. Registered voters — 581 B.R. Matsetse 149 Percentage Poll B.D.P. 60.4% 122 A.L. Mmope B.D.P. 183 J.K. Motshegare B.N.F. 168 271 351 B.P.P. majority — 27 Lobatse Farms Polling District ILD.P. majority — 15 G.'K. Morule B.D.P. Woodhall Polling District Lobatse Town Council Returned unopposed Registered voters — 424 Station Polling District Percentage Poll 59.4% M. Dira B.N.F. Registered voters — 390 147 G. Motsholapheko B.D.P. 105 j A,R. Rahim Percentage Poll 53.8% B.D.P. D- Makoko 106. 252 B.N.F. 104 B.N.F. majority — 42 210 Lobatse Central Polling District B.D.P. majority Registered voters — 155 Peleng West Polling DistrictS Percentage Poll 43.2% B.S. Kwapa B.D.P. Registered voters — 388 44 J. Lebang B.N.F. 23 —- . P-U.J. Sebolao Percentage Poll 61-1% B.N.F. M. Mabille 120 B.D.P. 67 T.B. Mmelesi 81 B.P.P. 36 B.D.P. majority — 21 Boswelatlou Polling District 237 Registered voters — 42 Percentage Poll 78.6% B.N.F. majority — 39 Peleng Central Polling District R.D. Molefe B.D.P. 21 J.K. Modise B.N.F. Registered voters — 499 r 12 Percentage Poll M.J. Monakwe 60.3% B.N.F. 33 A. Modisei 170 B.D.P. J E. Mahloane 107 B.D.P^majority — 9 B.P.P. 24

301 B.N.F. majority 74

75 ." f

Kweneng District Council Mankwenyane Polling District Registered voters — 993 Percentage Poll Loologa Polling District S. Matlhabaphiri 47.7% B.D.P. R. Pheto — 33B7 Registered voters — 693 B.N.F. Percentage Poll 53.1% 87 T. Pule B.D.P. 272 L. Kgabung 474 B.N.F. 96

B.D.P. majority — 300 368 Polling District Registered voters — 314 B.D.P. majority— 176 Percentage Poll 51-9% Mogotlha Polling District V.M: Kgosidintsi B.D.P. L. Sebele 141 Registered voters — 893 B.N.F. Percentage Poll 49.4% 22 J G.S. Mhiko B.D.P. 376 P. Gabaraane 163 B.N.F. 65

B.D.P. majority— 119 441 {St. Paul's Polling District Registered voters — 625 B.D.P. majority — 311 S.G. Masimega Percentage Poll 50.9% Sebele Polling District B.D.P. 224 L.N. Ntloyathuto B.N.F. Registered voters 815 94 Percentage Poll 48.3% G.K. Setilo B.D.P. 296 318 J.M. Bodigele B.N.F.

B.D.P. majority— 130 Borakalalo Polling District 394 Registered voters — 542 B.D.P. majority — 198 Percentage Poll * M. Hirschfeldt 48% Lentsweletau Polling District B.N.F. K. Ntloyakhomo 143 Registered voters — 1098 B.D.P. 117 Percentage Poll 47% L.M. Paladi B.D.P. 392 N. Masiele 260 B.N.F. 124 B.N.F. majority — 26 Mogoditshane Polling District 516 Registered voters — 1565 B.D.P. majority — 268 Percentage Poll PL.T. Manthe 58% Gabane Polling District B.D.P. P. Masimolole 735 Registered voters — 1194 B.N.F. 173 Percentage Poll 54.7% M. Motlhalame B.D.P. 592 O. Letsholo ' 908 B.N.F. 61

B.D.P. majority — 562 653

B.D.P. majority — 531


77 Mankgodi Polling District Registered votere — 1324 Kudumelapye Polling District Percentage Poll . K. Sen be 61.3% B.D.P. Registered voters* - 879 P. Lebese 689 Percentage Poll - 42.3% B.N.F. 123 P. Ratau B.D.P. G. Dichabeng 238 B.N.F. 134 812 372 B.D.P. majority — 566 Thamaga West Polling District B.D.P. majority - 104 Registered voters — 1627 Kalahari Polling District Percentage Poll K. Kowa 47.3% B.D.P. M.T. Mokomise K. Mosweu 660 B.D.P. Returned unopposed B.P.P. Ngwaketse District Council JC. Kenosi 70 B.N.F. 39 Moshupa West Polling District L. Thupane 769 B.D.P. Returned unopposed Moshupa North Polling District B.D.P. majority— 590 B. Letlhatshane B.D.P. Returned unopposed Thamaga East Polling District Moshupa South Polling District Registered voters — 871 Percentage Poll K. Segomelo B.D.P. M. Sebikiri 40.5% Returned unopposed B.D.P. Ranaka Polling District R- Motshaba 265 B.P.P. H.D. Kruger K. Kefositse 71 B.D.P. Returned unopposed B.N.F. 17 Ntlantlhe Polling District Registered voters - 1183 353 Percentage Poll - 60.9% N. Nkwe B.N.F. 501 B.D.P. majority— 194 C.G. Mofeki B.D.P. Letlhakeng Polling District 219 Registeredvoters — 1605 720 Percentage Poll \ K.G. Segwagwa 35.3% B.D.P. R. Khan 380 B.N.F. majority - 282 B.N.F. 186 Many ana Polling District Registered voters - 692 566 Percentage Poll - 56.6% P. Motswiri B.D.P. 280 M.J. Phale B.D.P. majority^— 194 B.N.F\ 112 Lephephe Polling District Registered voters - 975 392 Percentage Poll 41.9% Kentshitswe B.D.P. M. Busang 376 B.N.F. 33 B.D.P. majority-168 Dilolwe Polling District 409 Registered voters-814 ~ DPercentag e Poll 54.9% I • Keboi B.N.F. 323 B.D.P. majority - 343 B.S. Dikgageng B.D.P. 124

447 1

B.N.F. majority - 199 79 Majhikana Polling District Registered voters - 499 Percentage Poll 61.3°/ Moshaneng Polling District M. Pqle. B.N.F. Registered voters - 407 J. Kabomo 224 Percentage Poll 53.3% B.D.P. 82. * J. Modise B.N.F. 119 M. Lotshwao B.D.P. 306 - I 98 B.N.F. majority- 142 217 Matsitswane Polling District Registered voters - 736 B.N.F. majority - 21 Percentage Poll Kgalagadi Polling District M. Ketshabile g jy p. 59:9% S. Kaboyamodimo B D r 363 Registered voters - 1070 Percentage Poll - 78 58.9% K. Wakgotla B.N.F. 364 R. Kono 441 B.D.P. 266

B.N.F. majority - 285 630 Nyorosi Polling District A.S. Dada B.D.P. Returned unopposed B.N.F. majority - 98 Ntlhatlase Polling District Mabule Polling District H.R. Maswabi B.D.P. Registered voters - 807 Percentage Poll fCgosing Polling District Returned unopposed 48.8% K. Bogale B.D.P. 363 {Registered voters - 1387 S. Kepaletswe B.N.F. Percentage Poll - 54.40/ 31 A. Mabe B.N.F. K.K. Moshaga 596 394 B.D.P. 158 B.D.P. majority - 332 754 Phitsane-Molopo Polling District S B.N.F. majority - 438 J. Tlhong B.D.P. Returned unopposed Bagami Polling District Mmathethe Polling District Registered voters - 611 Registered voters - 1438 Percentage Poll Percentage Poll - 64.7% i K. Tsie 50.7% B.N.F. D.T. Siele B.N.F. 734 M.R. Kalabeng 233 G. Mare B.D.P. 77 B.D.P. 196

310 930

B.N.F. majority-156 B.N.F. majority - 538 Maokane Polling District Gathwane Polling District Registered voters - 1451 Registered voters - 1371 C Percentage Poll 69.3% Percentage Poll 41.8 B. Seane B N F O.B. Molosiwa, B.N.F. 435 823 W.M. Modisana B.D P K. Modisa B.D.P. 172 127

607 950

B.N.F. majority - 263 B.N.F. majority -696

81 Good Hope Polling District Registered voters - 446 Percentage Poll - 78.5% Dithakane Polling District T.L. Motlhatlhedi B.D.P. J-D.M. Mosadi 293 Rtfgistered voters T 361 B.N.F. 57- Percentage Poll - 59.6% P. Ferguson B.N.F. 121 G. Mogome 350 B.D.P. 94. B.D.P. majority - 236 Tlhareseleele Polling District 215 ^

D.S. Letselea B.D.P. B.N.F. majority - 27 Hebron Polling District Returned unopposed South Ring Polling District L.K. Gape Registered voters - 251 B.D.P. Percentage Poll - 65.7% Papatlo Polling District Returned unopposed M. Kitchen B.D.P. 84 G. Manowe B. Matsheka B.N.F. B.D.P. 81 Gaborone Town Council Returned unopposed Government Polling District * 165 Registered voters - 128 B.D.P. majority - 3 Percentage Poll I. Gabaake 55.5% White City Polling District B.D.P. K.F. Marumo 51 Registered voters - 703 B.N.F. 20 Percentage Poll 55.9% R.M. Ndzinge B.N.F. 250 J.E. Makgwa 71 B.D.P. 143 B.D.P. majority -31 North East Polling District 393 Registered voters - 247 B.N.F. majority - 107 Percentage Poll 59.9% Agricultural Station Polling Distrid R. Mannathoko B.D.P. ^j^Sebego 103 Registered voters - 330 B.N.F. 45 Percentage Poll 61.8% J. Dube B.N.F. 121 G. Dambe 148 B.D.P. 83 B.D.P. majority -58 Village Polling District 204 Registered voters - 247 B.N.F. majority -38 Percentage Poll J. Nwako 49% Naledi Polling District BrtD.P. I.G. Kgamane 89 Registered voters - 580 B.N.F. 39 Percentage Poll 43.6% O. Dingalo B.N.F. 132 D. Gaborone 121 B.D.P. 121

B.D.P. majority - 43 253

B:N.F. majority - 11

82 A APPENDIX J North West District Council M REPORT OF ELECTIONS EXPENDITURE Maun Polling District v R.M. Raditladi —North East District Council B.P.P. fpenditure.0^* of w'tovwe 2 fr°m which to PaV for

J. Bang R Central District Council B.N.F. (1) Erection and Painting of Offices • Madinare Polling District G. Letowa _ Serowe S.W. Polling district B.I.P. B. Ratora VaCant Mahalapye N. Polling District space above the Government Printer.' ^ P.P/Manamela B.N.F Kweneng District Council B.N.F. (2) Office Equipment and Supplies: Thamaga East Polling District 1"^ |"cludes the purchase of office furniture, and filing cupboards. K. Kefositse B.N.F. (3) Election Equipment:

(a) Purchase and manufacture of outdoor polling booths 3 93, 6. b Purchase of equipment for indoor polling booths . „ „ (c) Purchase of 600 ballot boxes 1,421.75 (d) Purchase of ballot envellopes 2,800.00 (e) Other equipment (pens, pads, stamps, wax, etc.) j "SJ"™ (4) Pnntmg and Paper: 1,520.96 Cost of all supplies required by Government Printer for printing done by 3'°55''2

(5) Travel, Transport and Vehicle Maintenance:,

PUblicity and ^ning ' (6) Travel Reimbursements'

""" (7) Salaries and Wages: Includes payment of personal assistant, casual labour etc. ' '"3'45 (8) Payment of Polling Officers and Assistant Returning officers at R4.00 3 932 00 (9) Payment of Returning Officers at R6 00 (10) Office Expenses: . — 642 00 Telephone etc. 112.24 (11) Miscellaneous 1,100.00

Total 29,019.18

84 85