Introduction to China Culture Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures Oklahoma State University Fall 2019 Course Syllabus Instructor: Cheng Chen Class Meetings: TR: 10:30-11:45pm @ Gundersen 307 Office Location: Gundersen 308A Office Hours: M, W: 1:30-3:00 pm Instructor Contact: OSU E-mail address:
[email protected] v If you have any question or need assistance, the quickest way to contact me is by e-mail. In order to receive a same day response, please contact me before 4:00pm and note that I do not always check e-mail on weekends or school holidays. While communicating with your instructor, each email should have a subject line, a body and a signature (Full name, class and course number). Students with appointments during office hours will receive priority over students who walk in. 1. Course Description & Objectives 1.1 Description China today is a land of diversity, characterized by striking regional variations. Yet underlying this diversity is a shared cultural heritage: a unifying set of historical, literary, and artistic traditions, philosophical and religious ideas, political institutions, and a common writing system. This subject is an introduction to culture in China, including both traditional and contemporary examples. Critically examines the cultural elements that are widely considered to constitute “Chinese culture” historically and today. Examples include philosophical beliefs, literature, art, food, architecture, and popular culture, etc.. The influence and presence of Chinese cultural expressions in the U.S. are also considered. This course is suitable for students of all levels, and requires no Chinese language background and nor any other prerequisites.