JapaneseJapaneseSociety Society ofSystematicZoologyof Systematic Zoology

Speeies Diversity, 2009, 14, 89-96

Satyrichth:vs rugosus, a Junior Synonym of Satyrichthlys

clavilapis (: Teleostei: )

Toshio Kawaii and Yohko Takata2

i COIIection (]?nten fVlritional Museum ofIVI]ture and SCiencq 3-23-1 Ilyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, lbtcyo, 16900rs Jtipan Present address: Ftsheries Science C?nteny HOhhaido [Jniversity MZiseum,

3-1-1 Minato-cho, Htikodatq Hbkkaido,041-8di1 Llapan E-mail: kawai@museum,hokudai,ac,ip 2 Centerfor Mblecular Biodiversity Research, iVtitional Museum of IVtiture and Science, 3-23-1 Ilyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, 7bkyo, I69-OOrs Japan E-mail: takatqy@kahaku,go..ip

(Received 18 June 2008; Accepted 9 April 2009)

Satyrichtltys rugosus (Fowler, 1943) was established with no comparison to other peristediid searobins. Our examinatton of types and other material of both S, rugosus and S. clavitopis (Fowler, 1938) has clarified that S. rugosits represents postlarvae and juveniles of the latter speeies. We therefore regard S, rugosus as a junior synonym of S, clavilapis and comment on its ontoge-

netic changes in morphology,

Key Words: Actinopterygii, Peristediidae, Satyrichthys rugosus, Satyrichtbys

clavilapis, Acanthostedion, synonym.


Fowler (1943), who described Acanthostedion with A, rugosum Fowler, 1943 from the Philippines as its type species, stated that the is charactertzed by having five dorsal-fin spines, a sticklike rostral projectien, and a well developed parietal spine. Since then, no other species has been included in Acanthostedion, and no additional specimens of A. rugosum have been collected. Miller (1967) noted that the description ef Acanthostedion was based on postlarvae and juveniles, and that the postlarvae of peristediids have a long rostral projection and a well devel- oped parietal spine. In addition, MMer (1967) pointed out that the holotype of A. ru- gosum is damaged and that three of the seven paratypes have seven dorsal-fin spines, not five; therefore, he treated Acanthostedion as a junior synonym of Satyrichtlrys Kaup, 1873 without discussing the validity of A. rugosum. Our com- parison reported here, among all species of Satyrichthys (sensu Kawai 2008), shows that S. rugosus is a junior synonym of S. clavilqpis (Fowler, 1938), a species knewn firom the Philippines, Indonesia, and the South China Sea (Fowler 1938; Richards 2000; Kawai and Takata 2008).

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Materials and Methods

Counts and proportional measurements fbllow Kawai et al. (2004). Terminol- ogy and counts for bony plates and barbels follow Yatou and Okamura (1985), counting all plates in each row, Gill rakers were counted on the outer side of the first arch en the right side. Standard length ts abbreviated as SL. Specimens exam- ined are deposited in the Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia (AMS), the Labo- ratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Kochi, Japan (BSKU), the Hokkaido University Museum, Hakodate, Japan (HUMZ), and the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Museum Support Center, Maryland, USA (USNM). Material examined. Satyrichtbys clavilmpis (35 specimens): USNM 98868, holotype of S. clavilmpis, 201mm SL, off Sombrero (13'48'45"N, 120e41'51"E), Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage, Philippines, 290m depth, 21 January 1908 ; USNM 98929, paratypes of S. ctavilqpis, 2 specimens, 90.7 and 95.3 mm SL, off south- ern Luzon <13C59'20"N, 121015'45"E), Philippines, 247m, 15 January 1908; USNM 98932, paratype of S, clavil(mpts, 1 specimen, 86.2mm SL, off north of Tawi-Tawi (so2s's6"N, 120o03'39"E), Philippines, O-507m, 23 September 1909; USNM 98936, paratypes of S. clavitopis, 2 specimens, 93.0 and 97.9 mm SL, off northern Mindanao (8047'OO"N, 123e31'15"E), Philippines, 333m, 9 August 1909; HUMZ 194072-194092, 21

Fig. 1, Satvrichtbys clavilopis. A, Holotype ofAcanthostedion rugosum, USNM 99501, 47,7mm

SL; B, non-type speclmen ft'om Indonesia, HUMZ 194083, 124mm SL; C, holotype of S, clavi-

lapis, USNM 98868, 201 mm SL.

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specimens, 101-172mm SL, off Java (8"04.0'S, 109"36,9'E to 8u04,7'S, 109o35.3'E), In- donesia, 284-300m, collected by RfV Baruna .lttya IV 8 May 2005 (Fig, IB); USNM 99501, holotype of Acanthostedion rugosum, 47.7mm SL (Fig. IA) and USNM 99502, paratypes of A. rugosum, 7 specimens, 39,1-44.3mm SL, off east coast of Mindoro (13o27'20"N, 121e17'45"E), Philippines, 198m, 2 February 1908. Comparative material examined. Satyrichtdys adeni (Lloyd, 1907): BSKU 15140, 1 specimen, 139mm SL, Sulu Sea (8e09.2'N, 117053.8'E to 8010.5'N, 117054.5'E), Philippines, 2000215m, 26 May 1972; HUMZ 33476, 1 specimen, ca. 346mm SL, An- daman Sea; HUMZ 73291, 73293, 73294, 73745, 4 specimens, 339=I03mm SL, Saya de Malha Bank (11042'S, 61013'E), Indian Ocean, 246m, 30 August 1977; HUMZ 74071, 1 specimen, 359mm SL, Saya de Malha Bank (11021'S, 61018'E), 128m, 30 August 1977; HUMZ 81518-81520, 3 specimens, 297-346mm SL, Saya de Ma]ha Bank (10046'S, 6105'E), 125m, 10 December 1978; HUMZ 81521-81523, 81525, 81526, 5 specimens, 283-341mm SL, Saya de Malha Bank (10"44'S, 60056'E), 120m, 10 December 1978; HUMZ 87722, 1 specimen, 376 mm SL, South China Sea (5e24'N, 110040'E), 160 m, 11 August 1975; HUMZ 90032-90034, 3 specimens, 241-353mm SL, Andaman Sea, 16

January to 19 April 1971; HUMZ 109578, 1 specimen, 348mm SL, off Sarawak, Bor-

neo, Malaysia; HUMZ 185184, 1 specimen, 188mm SL, Donggang Fishing Port, Ping-

tung, Taiwan, 28 August 2002; }{UMZ 193655, 1 specimen, 351mm SL, off Java (8o04.7'S, 108024.7'E to 8004.4'S, 108023.4'E), Indian Ocean, 246-263m, 4 May 2005; HUMZ 193947, 1 specimen, 475mm SL, off Java (8019.0'S, 110o30,5'E to 8018.5'S, 110028,9'E), 260-261m, 13 May 2005; NSMT-P 79556, 1 specimen, 450mm SL, Suruga

Bay, Honshu, Japan, 4 March 1987. Satyrichtdys isokawae Yatou and Okamura, 1985: BSKU 29614, holotype of SatJ?richthys isokawae, ca, 290mrn SL, Okinawa Trough (25045'N, 124C04'E), 220m,

21 September 1979. Satyrichtbys lin.cri (Whitley, 1933): AMS IA 5690, holotype of Peristedion (Panichtbys) pictaratum lingi, 249mm SL, South Head of Sydney Harbor (33e51'S, 151"21'E), Australia, 5 April 1933, Satvrichthys longiceps (Fowler, 1943): USNM 99516, holotype of Peristedion longiceps, 155mm SL, off Tayabas Light (13046'45"N, 121035'08"E), Marinduque Is- land and vicinity, Philippines, 347m, 2 March 1909. Satyrichthys magnus Yatou, 1985: BSKU 26638, holotype of Satyrichthys mag- nus, 487mm SL, Okinawa Trough (26e32'N, 125004'E), 207-215m, 25 January 1978. Satyrichth:vs riqCfeli (Kaup, 1859): HUMZ 94895, 1 specimen, 151mm SL, East China Sea (31oOO,2'N, 127028.2'E), 122m, 8 April 1982; HUMZ 109576, 1 specimen, 231 mm SL, off Sarawak, Borneo, Ma[Laysia, Satyrichthys welchi (Herre, 1925): HUMZ 87415, 1 specimen, 271mm SL, South China Sea (6038'N, 115e35'E), 110m, 29 July 1976; HUMZ 58873, 1 specimen, 259mm SL, fishing market at Odawara, Kanagawa, Honshu, Japan, 6 November 1976; NSMTP 54651, 1 specimen, 165mm SL, Sanya Fishing Port, Hainan, China, 4 March 1997.

Results and Discussion

The peristediid genus Satyrichthys was established as having a broad head and mesethmoid, postocular, parietal, and preopercular spines, with Peristethus rieffeti

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Kaup, 1859 as the type species (Kaup 1873). Later, Kamohara (1952) characterized Salyrichtbys as being toothless with a strong preopercular spine. Since then, most authors have agreed with this latter definition (e.g., Miller 1974; Ochiai and Yatou 1984; Yamada 2002). Recently, Kawai (2008) analyzed peristediid interrelationships using morphological data, and demonstrated that'this concept of Satyrichtdys is not monophyletic. Consequently, he divided it into two genera, Satyrichtbys per se and Scalicus, and characterized this restricted Satyrichtdys by following character combinationi upper jaw teeth absent; lateral margin of head smooth; posterior parts of lower lateral rows of bony plates separated from each other; barbels on lower jaw not branched, except for posteriormost lip and chin barbels (some species without chin barbels); number of soft rays of dorsal fin fewer than 20; and

number of seft rays of anal fin fewer than 19. He also suggested that Satyrichthys is separated from Scalicus in having low numbers of dorsal- and anal-fin soft rays (at most 19 dorsal and 18 anal vs at least 20 in both fins in Scalicus). The fo11owing 14 nominal species included in Peristediidae have all the charac- ters of Satyrichthys listed by Kawai (2008): S. adeni, S. clavilqpis, S, halei (Day, 1888), S, tsohawae, S. Iaticeps (Schlegel, 1852), S. Zingi, S, tongicops, S, magnus, S. moluccensis (Bleeker, 1851), S, piercei Fowler, 1938, S, pothumaluva (Deraniyagala, 1936), S. riqtr/eti, S. rugosus, and S. welchi. Day (1888) described S. hatei as a new species based on a single specimen with a poor description and no illustrations; furthermore, the whereabouts of the holotype are unknown (Eschmeyer 1998), MMer (1974) suggested that this species is a nomen dubium on account of the lack of an extant type and the inadequate description, and we agree with this. De Beau- fort and Briggs (1962) showed that S. Iaticqps is a junior synonym of S. motuccensis based on a comparison of the type specimens of both nominal species. Miller (1974) later also showed that S. piercei and S, pothumatuva are junior synonyms of S. adeni. Although Cemro and Lloris (1997) pointed out a purported synonymy be- tween S, moluccensis and S. welchi, the number of barbels is clearly different be- tween the two, i,e,, 3+O in S. moluccensis (De Beaufbrt and Briggs 1962; Cerro and Lloris 1997) vs 4+3 in S. tvelchi (Herre 1925: 4+3 in his photograph, but described as 3+4 in his text; 4+3 coniirmed in the present study). We recognize both species as valid. Consequently, we consider 10 species to be valid currently in Satyrichtbys. The number of barbels is an iniportant character for.the identification of peri- stediid species (MMer 1974), and 2+O barbels in S. rugosus agree with 2+O (rarely 1+O or 2+1) in S. clavilapts. This is in contrast to 2+1 in S, longiceps, 2+2 in S, riqf: feli, 3+O in S. isokawae and S. moluccensis, 4+O in S. magnus, 4+2-5 tn S, adeni, and 4+3 in S. Iingi and S. welchi (Herre 1925; Kamohara 1952; De Beaufort and Briggs 1962; MMer 1974; Kawai and Tashiro 2008; present study). Although Kawai and Takata (20e8) recognized both S. rugosus and S clavitopis as valid on the basis of the difft)rence in the number of dorsal-fin spines, our examination revealed that the holotype and all paratypes of S. rtagosus have seven dorsal-fin spines, as well as dusky spots along the base ef the dorsal fin (faded in one paratype), and both of these features agree with those of S. clavilqpis, In addition, measurements and the other counts of the types of both speeies are very similar to each other (Table 1). We found differences between the types of S. rugosus and S. clavilmpis in the fo1- lowing characters: size of parietal spines, head length, head width, distance from snout to dorsal fin, lower jaw length, orbital diameter, interorbital width, and cau- dal peduncle depth (Fig. 1, Table 1). However, ontogenetic changes in such features

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Table 1. Comparison of Satyrichtnj,s rugosus and S.clavilapis.

S. rugosus S. clavilmpis

holotypeparatypes (n-7)holotypeparatypes (n-5)others(n-21)

Standard length (mm> 47.7 39.1-44.3 201 86.2--97,9101-172 Counts: Dorsal-fin rays VII, 16 VII, 17-18 VII, 17 VI-VII, VII-VIII, 17-18 le18

Anal-fin rays 1615 17-1814-15 1715 16-18 16-18 Pectoral-fin rays (including two 15 14-16 detached rays) Pelvic-fin rays I, 51126312222 I, 510-11 I, 51126312122 I, 5 I, 510-1225-2731-3320-2321-22 Principal eaudal-fin rays 1125-2631-3221-2321-22 Bony plates in dorsal row 2631-3221-2321-22 Bony plates in upper lateral row Bony plates in lower lateral row Bony plates in ventral row Bony plates before anus 26+1+20 25-7+1+20 26+1+21 25-7+1+20 2-35-7+1+21 Gill rakers -- =- 27 -21==26-29 =28 -21==27-29-24=27-32

Lip barbels 2 2 2 2 2(rarely 1) Chin barbels o o o o(rarely o(rarely 1) 1) Measurements (% standard Iength): Body depth 21.615.147,O21.238.620.1-25,5 20.014,641.118.92L220.1-22.9 17,5-21.5 Body width 11,2-14,8 12.1-14.6 12.3-16.6 Head length 45.8-48.8 41.9-45.1 42.1-45.6 Head depth 20.8-26.5 20,5-22.9 17.9-21.3 Head width 37,5-41,9 30.9-38,1 29.1-33,7 (n-20)41.2-44.0 Distance flrom snout to dorsal fin 46.156.822,917.045.6-47.8 41.0 42,544.9 Distance from snout to anal fin 55.0-56,9 55.3 54.1-56,4 53.9-58.7

Snout length 22.0-23.2 21.8Broken21.6-22,5 21,4-23,8 Broken 13,5-16,1 Rostral projeetion length 16,O (n-1)17.5-23.1 (n==2)13.9-18,5 Longest barbel length 20,317,419,112.611.3 12,617.615.716.1-2e.7 Upper jaw length 17.5-18.2 16.9-18.1 17.1-18.6 Lower jaw length 19,e-19.9 16,9-17.6 16.5-18.0 Orbital diameter 12,O-14.1 7.9 10.6--11.4 9.2-11.2 Interorbital width 10,9-12,4 7.6 9.0-9.5 8,3-10,2 (n==4)13,8-15.1 Pectoral-fin length 16.824.9 15,1-20.7 15.9Broken 13.9-17.9 Length of upper detached 25.3-27.8 23,2-25.2 19.0-23.6 pectoral-fin ray Length of lower detached 21,6 21.8-24.1 Broken 19.1-20.6 16.3-20,5 pectoral-fin ray Pelvic-fin length 22.912.6 20.6-24.8 18,210,2 20.0-22.7 18.9-22.0 Caudal peduncle length 9,8-12,O 10.0-11.7 10.4-12,62.9-3.3 Caudal pedunele depth 3.6 3.6-4.0 2.8 3.1-3.4

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50 30 50 .--t.-rlep8 A B c .e AJco* =2jto*vn =gev40 .s)iaguu

45vJ= P -'e' 1ewmu 20= ' l ,, - - o 'l.t/ ' - 40 15 20

50 25 20 ..y D tet- E F 19

=cogevn1to:ve =co - = 20*vJM -ae: 18 45 ge - nkll{". i -ep.-waoP a 17-1 15J g ' tfL3Ee" 16t5 ' Mu e tJ - 40 10

15 15 30 ・}. G H AJcogevoo =o*v =co*vJra= {A. 25 1・. Z.iago e[ISIIla 10 10g ." a ' iop e D 2e 1) Sa

5 5 15

25 25 ,seA 5 t.vnu'k. J K L =co*v AdiS2odi lm・ =U) 4*vaa3o tV 20J'aJ r.kiu am1 ' Vbla a- .

am ] lLD 15 15 2 O 50 1oo 15e 2eO 250 O 50 1oo 15e 2eO 250 so leo lso 2oo 2so

Standard length (mm)

Fig. 2, Comparison of selected parts of Satyrichtdys rugostts and S, cgavtlopis against stan- dard length. A, Head length (HL); B, head depth (HD); C, head width (HW); D, distance from snout to dorsal fin (S-D); E, longest barbel Iength (LBL); F, Iower jaw length (LJL); G, orbital diameter (OD); H, interorbital width (IW); I, longth of upper detached pectoral-fin ray (UPIL); J, length oflower detached pectoral-fin ray (LPIL); K, pelvic-fin length (P2L); L, caudal pedun- cle depth (CPD), Solid circles, type series of Acanthostedion rugosum; solid squares, type se- ries of SaCyricht2ays clavilqpis; open squares, non-types of S. clavitmpis. Arrows indicate holo- type,

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in other peristediids have been reported: size of parietal spines and rostral projec- tion length in Peristedion Lacepede, 1801 and Satyrichthys (Miller 1967); size of post- ocular and parietal spines, lengths of both detached pectoral-fin rays, interorbital width, orbital depth, distances between tips of rostral projections, and distances between tips of parietal spines in Satyrichtbys adeni (MMer 1974); and size of pari- etal spine, rostral projection length, head and pelvic-fin lengths, lengths of both de- tached pectoral-fin rays, snout and interorbital width, and distances between tips of parietal spines in Peristedion weheri Smith, 1934 (Miller 1974); size of cranial spines in Peristedion tiorhynchus GUnther, 1872 (Kawai and Yabe 2006); and size of cranial spines, rostral projection length, pectoral-fin and pelvic-fin lengths, body and interorbital widths, and caudal peduncle depth in Heminodus philippinus Smith, 1917 (Kawai and Nakaya 2007). Therefore, we considered that these kinds of difference represent intraspecMc variation with growth in S. rugosus and S. clavi- topis as well (Fig, 2A, C, D, F-H, L), with additional ontogenetic differences evident in head depth, longest barbel length, lengths of the upper and lower detached pec- toral-fin rays, and pelvic-fin length (Fig, 2B, E, I-K). In conclusion, we regard S. ru- gosus as a junior synonym of S. clavilqpis.


We sincerely thank N, Delventhal (University of Maniteba) fbr her critical reading of an early draft of the manuscript, We also thank M. McGrouther (AMS), H. Endo (BSKU), K. Nakaya (Hokkaido University), M. Yabe (Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University), and H. Imamura (Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hekkaido University; formerly HUMZ) for loans of specimens. We are gratefu1 to J. T. Wi]liams, J. Finan, and J. Clayton (USNM) for their help in examining type specimens, and to F. Tashiro (Graduate School of Fisheries Sci- ences, Hokkaido University) for his help in examining specimens of S. adeni. Our thanks go to Y. Kai (Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto Univer- sity) and three anonymous referees for their patient reviews of the manuscript,


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