The Edinburgh Gazette, December 28, 1869
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J674 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, DECEMBER 28, 1869. Wilhelmina Frederick* Carpendale, late of Barton House, I William Lamb, of Gurney Lodge, Stratford, Essex, lat»- Barton, Warwick, afterwards of 6, The Grange, Brom- j _ of 38, Basinghall Street, London, woollen agent. ton, Middlesex, then of Heckmondwike, York, and now George Pegden, of 27, Saint Catherine's Road, Sotting of 37, Great Castle Street, Cavendish Square, Middle- Hill, Middlesex, grocer and cheesemonger. sex, governess. Richard Galletly and Robert William Wright, both of William Killwick, (trading under the style and firm of 32, Charles Street, Goodge Street, Tottenham Court M. Killick & Co.) of 12, Clerkenwell Close, Clerkenwell, Road, Middlesex, carrying on business there as Middlesex, and 396, Rotherhithe Wall, Surrey, mattrass jewellers under the firm of Galletly & Wright, the manufacturer and upholsterer. said Robert William Wright having carried on business Edmund Streveus, late of Stanhope Lodge, Wimbledon, as a jeweller at 4, Grafton Terrace, Kentish Town, Surrey, surveyor, scrivener, and estate agent, now a Middlesex. prisoner for debt in the custody of the Sheriff of Surrey, James Cole, tha younger, of Aldebttrgh, Suffolk, formerly At 61, Stamford Street, Surrey. a corn and coal merchant, but now out of business. Charles Henry Clarke, of 13, Paternoster Row, London, William Samuel Harris, of 132, Bramley Road, Latimer publisher. Road, Netting Hill, Middlesex, baker and corn dealer. Alfred Mason, of 71, New Compton Street, and 13, Moor John Leach, of 1, Benjamin Street, Clerkenwell, and 42, Street, Soho, Middlesex, military belt maker. Gray's Inn Road, previously of 310, Euston Roa 1, all Francis Whitehead, of 600, New Cross Road, Deptford» in Middlesex, confectioner. Kent, cheesemonger, dairyman, and pork butcher. Frederick Villiers Rossiter1, df 21, Beresford Square, William Todd, now of 234, Upper Thames Street, Lon- Woolwich, previously of Gurney Villa, Plumstead, both " don, out of business, late of Thornton Heath, Surrey, in Kent, out of business, formerly of 1, Albert Terrace, corn chandler. North Woolwich, Essex, linen draper. f John Henry Scarll, (known and sued as John Soarlea,) of Jonas Defries, (known hnd trading as John Defries,) of 8, 4ti Elni Place, Axe Street, Barking, Essex, carpenter. Pierpont Row, Islington, assistant to a clothier, previ- Charles Sopp, of Chieveley, Berks, baker and general ously vt 27, Old Castle Street, Shoreditch, both j» Shopkeeper. Middlesex, clothier. , v n Heriry Moors Owen, of 16, Norfolk Street, Strand, Edmund Hardcastle'and Thornas Hardcastlef of College Middlesex, before that of 122, South Lambeth Road, Lane, Hornerton, dyers', trading under the style or firm Surrey, out of business; previously of 396, Kennington of E. & T. Hardcastle, the said Edmund Hardcastle at -r Road, and also of tha Hop and Malt Exchange, Soutli- 33,Hornsey Road, and the said Thomaa Hardcastle at 4,1, wark, both in Surrey, wine merchant, and manager of Clephane Koad, Canonbury, all in Middlesex, separately a restaurant, before that of Jermyn Street, and Bury as dyers and scourers. Street, both in Saint James's, Middlesex, before that of Ferdinando Martin Briggs, of 2, Crapfield Koad, WelshpOol, Montgomery, and Maiden; Lane, Coveflt Cross, Surrey, late of 2, Royal Parade, Garden, Middlesex,, and Brighton, Sussex, and South Kent, family grocer and wine merchant, out of Phic4, Store Street, and Cecil Street, Strand, both, in ness. £~~ Middlesex, of no occupation. > ' Thomas William Lockyer, of 4lA, Moukwell Street, Lop- ^ William Henry Surridge, of 2, Gibson's Square, Isling- don, wholesale manufacturer. ton, Middlesex, formerly of 38, Saint George's Terrace, Robert Whiteway, of 1, Appleford" Road, Westbourn| Gravesend, Kent, now also of 21, West Smithfield, Park, Middlesex, bouse decorator. , '* „ . London, in partnership with ,James Henry Martin, William Phillips, of 7, Lindhurst Place, Creek Road, pifdvision merchant. Deptford, and 13, Green's Eud, Woolwich, both in , .Henry Berry, of Acre Road, Richmond Road, Kingston- Kent, baker. • • „ on-Thames, Surrey, slater. George Doran, the elder, of 28, Saint John's Wood Terrace,., Thomas'Thorpe, formerly of Letcombe Bassett, late of out of business, previously of the Prince of Wales n Stanford-in-the-Vale, both in Berks, publican. Tavern, Willesden Lane, Kilburn, licensed victualler,, William Brewster, of 1, Margaretta Terrace, Mansion and formerly of 126, Eclgware Road, all in Middlesex, ^ House Street, Hammersmith, Middlesex, formerly of china and earthenware dealer. West Ham, .Essex, builder, now a prisoner for debt in Edmund Carly, of 44, New Church Road, Southaniptoa,j tide 'Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex, "White- Street, Camberwell, late of 115, formerly of 61, Camber- cross Street, London, (in formi pauperis). well Road, both in Surrey, upholsterer and cabinet1 George Field, of 1, High Street, Stoke Newington, maker, out of business. Middksex, prior-tberetu of' 1 and 2, Commercial lioad, Caroline King, of 40, William Street, pastry cook, also off Peckham, Surrey, carrying on business with William 100, Wellington Street, both in Woolwich, Kent, con- . Henry Foster as a cheesemonger, and now a prisoner for fectioner and fruiterer. i debt in the Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex, James Talbot Stanley, of 31, Brooke Street, Grosveuor, Whitecross Street. Square, Middlesex, and also of 13, Clarence Square1, David Scstfr, of Hope" Villa, West Drayton, Middlesex, commission agent, and late a captain in Her Majesty's^ coal merchant. Army, previously of 46, Grand Parade, commission John Alexander Richardson, late of 18, Brooklyn Villas, ageut, and previously of Devonshire Terrace, all jn King's Road, then of 13, Kyle Lane, both in Peckham, Brighton, 'Sussex. Surrey, and now of 29, Regent's Square, Gray's Inn John King, of 10, Alma Street, New North Road, Hox» Road, Middlesex, clerk in the London and Lancashire ton, and late of 35, Packingtou Street, Islington, both v Fore) and Life Insurance Companies, * in Middlesex^ baker. • Hetiry fc-tandley, of Upton, Upton-cum-Chalvey, Bucks, Henry Sendall, of Nutfleld, and Charles Sendall, ofBletch- . banker's clerk, and brewery, insurance, and commission jngley, trading as butchers at Nutfield and Bletchine- agent, mineral water manufacturer, eowkeeper, and ley, both in Surrey, under the style or firm of H. & C, dairyman, and licensed dealer in bottled ale» and stout, Sendall. and tobacconist. Thomas" Smith Henzell, (and not Banzell, as previously Daniel Digby, formerly of 2, Hope Villas, Upper Tooting, advertised in the Gazette of the 17th instant,) at the Surrey, traveller and collector, but now of Oak Cottage, Salutation Hotel, 5, Mersey Street, and carrying on- Thistle Grove, Brompton, Middlesex, commission business at River Street, both in Liverpool, Laucaster, agent. shipwright, Tboat builder, and slupsmith, trading Under Edward Thomaa Emeryf of Waltharn Cross, Hertford, the style or firm of T. S. Henzell & Co. wood de"»W and cooper. ^ *~ Robert Eaton, late of Hereford, tea dealer, now of William George Sutton, of 1, Clarke's Place, Bishopsgate Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birmingham, Warwick, Street, Londoe, formerly of 11, Egliuton Road, North tobacconist, Bow, Middlesex, builder. William Mincher, al Gower Place, Wheeler Street, out Abraham Joseph Lyons, formerly of 163, NeATington of business, previously thereto at Gaildford Terrace, Causeway, then trading as Alfred J. Lyons, general Gerrard Street, both in Aston, near Birmingham,/ <J dealer,, and now of 48, New Kent Road, both in Surrey, • Warwick, and carrying on business as a spoon and fort! a ,ottt-of business. manufacturer at SO, Bagot Street, Birmingham afore-' .. John Fergussonj of 57, Walnut Tree Walk, out of busi- said. , • . < JH ness, formerly of 33, Eaton Street, Pimlico, grocer, Thomas Wood, of Middridge Grange Mill, near Middridge,-' afterwards of the King's Arms, King Street, Camden Durham, miller, + &f Town, all" in Middlesex, and late of The Fsathera, David Sparrow, of Hoxna, Suffolk, farmer. * _ Lambeth Walk, Surrey, licensed victualler. Thomas Beaman, of Duke Street, Park, Sheffield, York, George Langridg« Batey, of Crocken Hill, journeyman paperhanger and furniture dealer. - ' imith, formerly of 1, Portland Place, Strood, beershop William Thompson, of Wiuterton, Lincoln, machine keeper, then of 19, Wheatley Terrace, Erith, after- maker. wards of St Margaret's, Rochester, all in Kent, jour- Charles Kember, of Asbcott, Somerset, lately a general •eyoun smith, rj shopkeeper, but now out of business. • _ r • ,-, ': ' '(.