The London Gazette, September 18, 1857
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31ft) THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 18, 1857. above places in the parish of Woolwich, Kent, his wife Scotland, then of Belfast, then of Dublin, then of Cork, during the same time carrying on the business of a Dress- then of Limerick, then of Cork, then of Belfast, all in maker and Lodging-house Keeper. Ireland, then of No. 8, Leigh-street, Burton-crescent, William Collis, formerly of High-street, Barnes, then of Middlesex, then of No. 6, Humber-street, Hull, then of Kew-road, Richmond, Brewer, and then and now of No. Sheffield, then of York, then of Cheltenham, then of 5, High-street, Newington Butts, all in Surrey, Brewery Bristol, all in Gloucestershire, then of Swansea, Wales, and House Agent. then of Hull, Yorkshire, then of Liverpool, Lancashire, James Stebbing, of No. 7. Seymour-street, Huston-square, then of Hull, then of Leeds, then of York, all in York- Middlesex, Furnishing Ironmonger, Tinman, Locksmith shire, then of Bath, then of Cheltenham, both in Glou- and Bell Hanger. cestershire, and then and now of No. 13, Queen's-place., Alfred Cooke Tucker, formerly of Silchester-road, next of Kennington Park, Surrey, during the whole time a Vo- Clarendon-road, then of Albert-terrace, all in Kensington- calist, and known as Elizabeth Miirj Dyer. park, then of Devonshire-terrace, Kensington, and now James Cullen, of No. 137, Albany-road, Camberwell, of Keusington-park-tcrrace, Netting-hill, all in Middle- Surrey, part of the time having an office at No. 34, Mark- sex, out of business, wife u Schoolmistress. lane, London, Ship and Insurance Agent, and then and now of No. 18, Cumden-grove, Peckham, Surrey, in no On Monday the 9th November, 1857, at Eleven business. Joseph Tall, formerly of No. 65, Crawford-street, Bryan- o'Clock, before Chief Commissioner Law. stone-square, Middlesex, Joiner's Tool Maker, then of Mackie (sometimes known as James Boswell Seymonr-place, Euston-squarc, Middlesex, Manager of a Maukiti), la re of No.' 9, Sampson's-gardcns, Wapping, Patent Plane Manufactory, jit No. 3. Pembroke Wharf, Commission Agent, previously of same place, out of busi- Caledonian-road, Islington, Middlesex, then of Bryan- ness, before then of No. 8, Portland-terrace, Rotherhithe, terrace, Ciiledonian-road aforesaid, Manager of said Plane trading in partnership with Joseph Reid, at No. 282, Manufactory, then of No. 12, Catherine-street, Cak'do- High-street, Wapping-, all in Middlesex, under the style nian-ro:id aforesaid, having a workshop first tit No. 16, of the Cygnet Filtered Water Company, and previously Stephen's-terrace, Caledonian-road, and afterwards at No. of same place. Managing the business of said Company 64, Caledonian-road afoi'-said, Patent Telescope Blind for Messrs. Vaughan and Reid. Roller and Fixing Manufacturer, then lodging at No. 4, James Matthews Coles, of No. 112, Tachbrook-street, pre- Great Union-street, Newington-causeway, Sum-y, at viously of No. 3, Horsefcrry-road, both in Westminster, same time trading as a Patent Telescope Blind Roller before then of No. 2, Romney-street, Westminster, before aforesaid, at No. 1, Webber-street, Black friars-road, then of James-street. Covent-garden, before then of No. Surrey, arid now of No. 150, Blackfriars-road aforesaid, 94, Albany-street, Regent's Park, all in Middlesex, and trading as aforesaid, having a workshop in Temple-place, formerly of East-street, South Molton, Devonshire, Jour- adjoining the said last above-mentioned premises. neyman Carpenter, at all the above places his wife carry- Frederick Letley, of the Triangle, Mare-street, Hackney, ing on business at East-street, South Molton aforesaid, as Middlesex, Butcher. a Tea Dealer, Grocer, and Chandler's ard General-shop Mary Hannah Ward, formerly of Abbey-place, and then Keeper. and now of No. 6, Belgrave-terrace, both in Abbey-road, John Unett, of Kirkdale, Upper Sydenham, Kent. PJumher, St. John's-wood, Middlesex, Widow, Schoolmistress and Painter, Glazier, House Decorator, and Lodging-bouse Boarding-house Keeper. Keeper. Thomas Hall, formerly of No. 6, Mora-place, City-road, Edward TTiggs, of No. 36, at the same time renting a Ware- and also of Church-street, Stoke Newington, Middlesex, house at No. 37, Salisbury-street, Bermondsey, Surrey, and part of the time a Prisoner in the Debtors' Prison in Grocer and Cheesemonger, part of said time also a the city of London, then of No. 6, Fountain-place, City- Waterman. road, then of No. 4, Mora-place, then of No. 10, Foun- Joseph Gower, formerly of No. 4, Alfred-terrace, then of tain-place aforesaid, and now of No. 10, Fountain-place, No. 25, Alfred-street, both in White Horse-lane, then of all in Middlesex, and also of No. 75, London-wall, in the No. 27. Upper John-street, all in Stepnpy, Middlesex, city of London, Animal and Bird Preserver, and Dealer Hemp Dresser and Rope Maker, and now of No. 4, Alfred- in Aquaria, and Commission Agent for the sale of Lloyd terrace aforesaid, during the whole time renting a shed and Summersfield's Patent Crystal Bar Tanks, and Ches- in Upper John-street aforesa'd, Journeyman Hemp terman's Registered Revolving Aquarium. Dresser. Mark Firrell, of No. 10, Mermaid-court, High-street, James Hawkins, late of No. 3. and then and now of No. 4, borough of Southwark, Surrey, Smith and Farrier. Sleaford-street, Battersea-park, Surrey, Grocer. Cheese- Joseph Lawrance, formerly of No. 24, Upper Albauy-street monger, and General Dealer, Coal Dealer, and Rent Regent's-park, then of No. 15, Hamilton-street, Camdcn Collector. Town, then of No. 33, New Hampstead-roacl, Keniish Thomas Ne«ecomb, formerly of Holly-cottage, Moselle- Town, and then and now of No. 13, Clifton-villas, Cam- place, Lower Tottenham, then of No. 4, Chesnut-place, den-squarc, all in Middlesex, Commercial Traveller, High-cross, Tottenham, and then and now of Holly his wife while at such last-named residence carrying on a Cottage aforesaid, all in Middlesex, Plumber, Painter, Ladies' School. Glazier, and Grairer. Frederick Charles Slade, formerly of No. l£, Walker's- George Moult, of Nr. 9, Boone-street, Lee, Kent, Grocer, court, Berwick-street, Oxford-street, China and Glass Cheesemonger, General-shop Keeper, and Rent Col- Dealer, and duiing a portion of the time renting stables lector. in Ham-yard, Great Windmill-street, Haymarket, and Charles Phillips Fenillan, for twelve months last past of the now of No. 19, Skinner-street, Somers Town, all in Bedford Head Public-house, Upper King-street, Holborn, Middlesex, out of business. Middlesex, Boarding and Lodging-house Keeper, Pub- James Bray, residing at No. 50, Prince's-slreet, Lower- lican and Licensed Dealer in Foreign Wines, Spirits, road, Deptford. Kent, Wheelwright, having a workshop Beer, and Tobacco, and also during same time Agent for also in Prince's-street, formerly nf Evelyn-street, Loner-, the Dutch Government for Recruiting for the Dutch road, Deptford, carrying1 on business there in copaitner- Army. ship with George Bray, under the iirm of G. and .1. Bray, as Wheelwrights and* Coach Smiths, and residing during On Wednesday the 11th November, 1857, at Ten part of the time in Priuce's-street aforesaid. o'Clock, before Mr. Commissioner Murphy. Francis William Fawcctt, formerly of No. 46, Western- Shepherd Simpson, formerly of No. 10, Westbourne-park- road, Brighton, Sussex, Bootmaker, in partnership with terrace, Paddington, Cheesemonger's Shopman, then of George Eardley Sadd, as Fuwcett and Company, part of Wbitecross-street Prison, in the city of London, out of the time keeping a Lodging-house, on his own account, business, and then of No. 10, Westbourne-park-terrace at No. 179, Western-road aforesaid, then and now lodg- aforesaid, Clerk to a Baker, and lately Warehouseman ing at Waterloo House, Stepney-gate, Commercial-road to a Provision Merchant. East, S:epney, Middlesex, out of business. James Woodcock, of No. 1, Red Lion-passage, Red Lion- Stephen Goldfinch Erralt (known and sued as Stephen street, Hplborn, Middlesex, Builder, Carpenter, Joiner, Erralt), formerly of No. 10, Gralton-street East, Fitzroy- and Packing Case Maker. square, having a shop at No. 7, Great Portland-street, James Hamilton Browne, formerly of No. 6, Royal Avenue- Oxford-street, Tailor a:id Huhit .Maker, and part of the terrace, and then and late of No. 94, Sloano-Street, both lime having a shop at No. 37, Bruinu-strpet, Bond-stree*, in Chelsea, during the whole time having letteiS addressed Tailor and Habit Maker, then ot No. 26, Cievtland- to the Reform Club, Pall-mall, ali in Middlesex, in no street, Fitzroy-square, having a shop at No. 37, Bruton- business or profession, now a Prisoner in the Debtors' street, Bond-street, Tailor and Habit Maker, and now of Prison for London and Middlesex, in the city of London. No. 26, Cleveland-street, Fitzroy-squure, having a shop Elizabeth^Iary Haigh (Wife of Henry Ijaigii, of No. 13, at No. 25, Pulteuey-streer, Golden-square, all in Queen's-place, Kennington-park, Surrey, Vocalist, late Middlesex, Tailor and Habit Maker. Elizabeth Mary Dyer), formerly of No. "l8, Cecil-street. Arthur Hutching?, of No. 19, .Middle-row, Kensal New Strand, Middlesex, then of Manchester, Lancashire*, then Town, Chelsea, Grocer, Tea Dealer, and Cheesemonger, of Sheffield, Yorkshire, then of Glasgow, thed of Edin- previously of No. 3. Jorison's place, Harrow-road, both in burgh, then again of Glasgow, then of Paisley, all in ' Middlesex, out of business, previously of Ark-cottage,.