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ITS RISE AND PROGRESS . A FEW Gentlemen, bleffied with benevolent hearts, and liberal difpofitions, urged by theit feelings, and encouraged by the fuccefs of fimi- !ar Charities (eftabliffied in the Metropolis and places adjacent) were induced to attempt tQ in- dilute this Charity. The original Promoters met on the 29th day of April, 1780, and were foon joinedby feveral friends and humane perfons, who continued to meet very frequently, as well to promote Sub- fcriptions as to deft proper Officers, and to form and adopt Regulations, Rules and Orders, for the good government of the Charity. On the 3d of Auguft, 1780, the Governors conceived that the fruits of their labours were fo far ripened, that they ought to diffufe them among the obje&s of their Care. They there-* fore refolved that this Difpenfary fliould he opened On the then 12th inftant. In the firft fix months, 685 poor, afflicled.. worthy objects were cured or received rclieL

PRESENT STATE. From-the inllitution to this time, 54,563 dif- trelfed fellow-creatures have enjoyed the ad- vantages refulting from this benevolent efla- blilhment, 52,769 of whom, to their great corn- fort, and to the happiuefs of their families, and benefit of the publick, have experienced the eminent abilities, unremitting afiiduity, and ten- der care, of the Gentlemen of the Faculty en- gaged in this Charity; either by receiving a perfect cure, or the utmoft relief that medicine or chirurgical operations could bellow. There are 532 unfortunate beings new under Cure. The Phyficians and Surgeon have vifited 15,410 Patients at their own habitations.

UTILITY. The very great number of applications, moll manifeftly demonflrate the neceffity of this un- dertaking, and point out, that proper objcfls abound "within the limits of it. The mo ft diftinguifhed writers agree, that the wealth of nations fprings from the produflion of labour; furely, then, poor induftrious labourers have a juft claim to, and merit the care and affiftance, not only of the affluent, but of all de- grees not pinched with want. Hofpitals are certainly very ufcfui eftablifti- ments, and real public benefits; yet their moft fanguine fupporters cannot deny, that in feyeral inftances Difpenlaries are pre-eminent ; and very particularly fo, on account of the afflifted being vifited at their own habitations. For ad- mitting that Nurfes at Hofpitals arc vigilant and humane, yet they cannot poffefs or impart the fympathetic feelings, or anxious care, of an affefiionate Hufband or Wife, a tender Parent or Child; which muft undoubtedly afford a con- liderable comfort to, and, in fome degree, loften the pangs of, the unfortunate difcafed.—Hofpi- tals are alfo much lefs falutary than Difpenlaries in this refpeft; at Hofpitals, Patients arc ad- mitted once a Week only ; but, at the indifpofed are immediately affifted. Many other and great benefits are communi- cated to the objefls of this charity, which are fo obvious, that an enumeration of them feems not only unncceffary, but might be deemed tedious. The applications for the relief of poor, dif- trelfed, and deferving objects, fo far exceed the means arifing from the prefent fubferiptions, that the benefits of the charity cannot, at prefent, be extended to all of them; the Governors there- fore ht>pe for, and folicit the humane and ge- nerous afliftance of their' Friends and Neigh- bours, to extend the cheering Relief to Mifery. It is in their power to crown the endeavours, and to gratify the hopes and wifhes of the Go- vernors, by timely, though fmall fubfcriptions ; and when an individual confiders that he can, by the payment of a fmgle Guinea annually, oblige many, relieve a number, do fo much - lic good, and indulge his own humane feelings, be furely will readily and cheerfully contribute his mite, and prefs to lend farther afliftance to fo benevolent a purpofe. Perfoas fubfcribing early to Charities, receive a fatisfa&ion that others cannot enjoy; for early fubfcriptions tend to render Charities fo liable, that, through their means, comfort may be ren- dered to the unhappy for ages to come. Many cogent reafons might be urged, much perfuahve language ufed, and.many weighty ar- guments ftated, to procure fubfcriptions; but it is hoped, that private Good, and public Utility, will fuperfcde the neceflity of entering into the matter more at large. This Charity is much indebted to feveral eminent Divines, who have delivered Sermons in favour of it, and thereby raifed confiderable Turns towards its fupport. PATIENTSARE VISItEO



Clerkenwell That fart of the Parijh St. Sepulchre Within of St. Fancras which St. Sepulchre Without lies on the South Side St.Bartholomew the Great oj the Turnpike-road , leadingfrom IJlington St. Bartholomew the Lefs i to . The Liberties of the Rolls St, Andrew, Holborrt and Yard i ‘ AND The Parifi of St. Luke \St. George the Marljp The Town of Ifington i Queen-fTiare%

tjl April, 17^7, 1:0 fucli as are inclined to become Benefac- tors by Will, the following Form of a JLegacy is recommended

Item, I give and bequeath unto A. B. and C.D. thefum of to he raifed and paid by and out of my pcrfonal (fate and ejfefts, which by law 1may or can charge with the payment thereof; upon trujl and to the in-

tent that they, or either of tjiem, /hall and do pay the fame to the Treafurer {for the time being) of

a Charity, called or known by the name of the Finsbury Dispensary, for the Relief of the Foor> there or at their own Habitations ; which Charity was infituied in theyear 1780, and is now

kept in St. John's Square, Glerkcnwell; and which fum I defre may be applied towards carrying on the benevolent defigns of the faid Charity,

N. B. Giving land or money, or flock by will, with direc- tions to be laid out in the purchafe of-any eflate for the benefit of this Charity, will be void by the ftatute of Mortmain; but money or flock may be given by wills without being directed to be laid out. RULES and ORDERS.

RULE I. r-Tp X HE Charity is to be under the direction of a Prefident, Vice-Prefidents, a Treafurer, and Governors.

11. All perfons giving a benefaction of Ten Gui- neas at a time, or making up their contribution within the year to that fum, fliall be Governors for life, with the liberty of having one patient on the books at a time.

111. Each pcrfon fubfcribing One Guinea, or ipore, annually, fhall be a Governor fo long as Inch contribution! fliall be paid, and may have one patient on the books for each guinea fub- fcribed; and each fubfcriber fhall be allowed to recommend his dojneftic fervants as patients. And in cafe of a fubfcriber’s death before the expiration of the year, the widow, or perfonal reprefentative, fhall be entitled to the fame pri» vileges for the refidue of that year. IV. Upon the payment of a legacy of Fifty Pounds or upwards, to this charity, the perfon appointed to pay the fame fhall be a Governor for life.

V, Any Governor may appoint another Gover- nor to fign his letters of recommendation, firft giving notice thereof in writing at the Difpen* fary. VI. A general Quarterly meeting fhall be beld or* tbe third Wednefday in the months ofFebruary, May, Auguft, and November, in every year; at each of which five Governors fhall conftitute a

Board. The Prefident, Vice -Prcfidents, and Treafurer, or either of them, fhall have power to call a General Meeting at any other time, giving at leaft one week’s notice by an adver- tifement thereof in the Daily Advertifer. And if the Monthly Committee defire a General

Meeting, the Prefident, Vice - Frefidents, or Treafurer, fhall call one accordingly. VII. No gratuity whatever fhall be given to any officer who hath heretofore ferved this charity, or doth now, or may hereafter belong to the fame, without notice of the meeting for that purpofe being firfl inferted three times in the

Daily Advertifer ; and all particular bufinefs for which any extraordinary meeting may be called, fhall be expreffed in the advertifement, and firfl entered upon and determined, or adjourned, before any other bufinefs be propofed.

VIII. A Committee of forty Governors, three of whom eonftitute a quorum, fhall be chofen from the annual fubferibers, at the general meeting in May, to meet at the Difpenfary on the lafl Wednefday in every month, for conducing the affairs of this charity.

IX. At the lafl meeting of the Committee in April, they, fhall conhder of proper perfons to be i Committee for the enfuing year; and the Com- mittee, at their meeting immediately preceding each General Meeting, fhall prepare the buli- nefs to be laid before the fame. X. The Treafurer’sand Collector’s accounts fhall be audited by the monthly Committee, quarterly, and reported to the next general meeting for approbation; and the Tradefmen’s bills fball alfo be audited quarterly, at the monthly meet- ings next after thofe at which the treafurcr’s and collector's accounts are audited. XI. A Medical Committee fhall be appointed at the general meeting in November; confining of fuch Governors as practice phyfic, forgery, or pharmacy, or are convcrfant in the knowledge of drugs; who fhall have power to infpeCt the drugs and medicines, infpeft the bills for the fame, and report, as they fhall fee occafion, tq the monthly Committee. XII. The Prefident, Vice-Prefidents, and furer, to be Members of all Committees.

XIII. There fhall be a meeting of the Steward? of this charity in the month of November, in every year, to appoint a day, with the approba- tion of the Prefidcnt, Vice-Prefidents, and the Treafurer, for an Anniverfary Feaft, when a ftate of this charity fhall be laid before them. XIV. Nobility, Members of Parliament, Governor j.efident ten miles or more from , La- dies, and others rendered by indifpofition inca- pable of attending, may appoint in writing, other governors, as their proxies, to vote for them at any eletlion.

XV. No perfons are deemed objefls of this chari- ty, but fach as are really neceffitous. XVI. In all cafes of recent accidents. Patients are to be permitted to apply for relief to the Sur- geon, at the Difpenfary, without a Letter of Recommendation; but they are required to bring one on their fecond attendance. XVII. No fervant of this charity is to prefnme at any time to take of any tradelman,patient, fer- vant, or others, any fee, reward, or gratuity of any kind, direßly or indireftly, for any fervice done, or to be done, on account of the Difpen- fary, on pain of being difcharged. XVIII. The fervants of this charity are always to bo in waiting at the time of the General Meetings &nd Committees, to anfwer fuch queftions, and do fuch bufmefs as may be required by the Chairman. XIX. No new Governor is to be entitled to vote at any eleflion, but fuch as fliall pay his fubfcrip- tion previous to balloting; and not more than two calendar months, nor lefs than fourteen days, are to be allowed from the declaration of any vacancy at a General Meeting, previous to fuch ele&ion. SUBSCRIPTIONS



rs Mefs . Efdailes Sc Company, Lombard-Street*

rs & Mefs . Fuller, Son Co. Lombard-Street,

Baron Dimfdale, Sons, Sc Co, Cornhill. Welch, Rogers, Sc Co. CornhilL'

rs Mefs . Codings Sc Sharpe, Fleet-Street*

BY iApfley Pellat, Efq; Treaforer, St. John's* Street i

AND BY The Colle&or, Mr. Thomas Elderton, No. 3;

- - Gwynn’s Buildings, Gofwell Street-Road* Clerkenwell. PR£S I D E N




The Rev ch Sir George Booth, Bavt, Sir Richard Hill, Bart. m. p. John Coakley Lettsom, m.d. f.r.s. &-s,a* Francis De Valancin, m.d. Alexander Gordon, Efq; Henry Overton, Elq;

William St ain e s, Efq ; Sc Alderman. J Arvey Christian Combe, Efq; Sc Alders

Apsley Pell at, Efq; Trcafurer.

John Meyer, m.d. ■>

1 } c^ans- Wm. Ch. Wells, m.d. f.r.s. /

‘John Coakley Lettsom, md. f.r’s. & s.a. Phyfician Extraordinary.

Mr. William Blair, Surgeon. Mr, John Bunnell Davis, Apothecary, Mr. Abraham Rhodes,- Secretary. A LIST




N. B. Thofe marked have contributed Twenty Guineas or upward^ are Governors for Life.

are annual Subfcribcrs ofTwo Guineas or upwards V. P. (after their Names) are Vice Prefidcnts. And thofe marked + have ferved the Office of Stgwax^ Thofe marked H, twice.


Mr. William Abud, St. James’s place, ClerkeflKvell Mr. William Adams, Fore ftreet i Mrs. Jane Adey, Red Lion court, Charterhoufe la.nO Mr. Addifon, Ludgate ftreet Mr. William Alderfey, Seward’s ftreet Mr. John Allen, Mr. Richard Amblin, Leather lane **+John Andree, m. d. Flertford Mr. John Andrews, Wildernefs row, Clerkcnwdl Mr. William Anthony, St. John’sfquare John Axis, Compton ftreet Mr. Thomas Aris, Cold bath fquare Mr. George Armftrong, St. John’s fquare fMr. Matthew Afhton, Bull in the Pound, Clerkenwell Mr. William Ahie, Portpool lane Mr. John Atkinfon, Bifhopfgate ftreet Mrs. Mary Auhin, No. 4, Corporation row •} Mr. William Auhin, Ihington road Mrs. Ann Auhin, ditto +Mr, Thomas Auhin, Red Lion hr«et, Clerkenwell Mr. Charles Auhin, Corporation row fMr, William Auhin, Coppice row, Clerkenwell


JRev. Sir Georgeßooth, Bart, Iflington, V. Pi Mr. George Backus, Bury court, St. Mary Axe Mr. John Bacon, Red Lion ftreet Mr. George Bague, Charterhoufe fquare Mr. John Bailey, Wildernefsrow Mr. John Baker, Turnmill ftreet Mr. Richard Balm, Leather lane Mr. John Balm, Mrs. A. Ballantine, Wood ftreet ffGeorge Barclay, Efq; Trinity lane I- Mr, Thomas Barlow, Benjamin ftreet Mrs. Ann* Barnes, ffMr. Robert Baffam, St. John’s ftreet Mr. Peter Bateman, 107, Bunhill row Mr. Jonathan Bateman, Ditto JMr. Daniel Bates, Featherftone ftreet ffEdward David Batfon, Efq; Gower ftreet Mr. Thomas Beard, Iflington Mr. Barnard Bedwell, St. John’s ftreet JMr. Barnard Bedwell, jun, ditto **+Mr. William Bell, Lay flail ftreet, St. Andrew’? Mrs. Margaret Bell, ditto •fMr. John Bell, Charterhoufe lane Mr. George Bell, No. 17, Brayne’s row iMr. George Belles, Gray’s inn lane Mr. George Bentley, Shoe lane Mr. John Bentley, 14, City road Mr. Bentley, Compton ftreet Mr. Robert Berridge, Portpool lane Mr. Edward Berry, Long acre James Beugeville, Efq; dMr. John BiggerftafF, Iflington dMr. John BiggerftafF, jun. ditto BiggerftafF', ditto dMr. John Bilfbn, Clerkenwell green ■ dMr. Thomas Birch, Caftle ftreet, Clerkenwell Richard Birket, Efq; Tower Frill •-,? Mr. Thomas Bithery, Gray’s inn lane Mr. John Blackborow, Clerkenwell Clof'e Mr. Henry Blackborow, Brayne’s row William Blackburn, Alderfgate ftreet Mr, Charles Blakey, Grub ftreet Mr. Jofeph Blackett, Gwynn’s Buildings Mrs. Jane Blain, Sutton ftreet iWilliam Blair, a. m. No, 69, Great Rufiel ftreet, Bloomfbury fquare, Surgeon to the Dif- fer) fary Mrs. Sarah Blair, ditto Mr. Michael Bletchley, Fenton ftreet Mr. John Blew, Liquorpond ftreet Mr. Jofeph Blifs, Bird’s buildings, Iflington dMr. John Blount, Upper ftreet, Iflington Mi'. Major Blundell, Holborn hill Mefs.Robt&Thos .Blunt, 120, Blackman ftreet, dEdward Bond, Efq; Golden lane Mr. George Bennington, Red lion ftreet dtPhilip Booth, Efq; ditto Mr. Thomas Botten, Shoe lane Mr. Thomas Botten, jun. ditto dMr. William Bound, Silver ftreet, Clerkenwell dMr. John Bowman, Coppice row Mr. Thomas Bowman, Water lane, Thames ftreet Mr. George Bowftred, Hornfey lane Mr. Matthew Boyle, Cow crofs Mr. Thomas Boys, Newgate market Mr. Edward Bracebridge, Red Lion ftreet, Clerkenwell Mr. Jofiah Bradfhaw, Paradife row, Iflington Mr. George Brayne, Little Britain Mr. William' Bridges, 104, St. John’s ftreet dMr. Samuel Bridgman, Silver ftreet Mr. John Briginfhaw, 123, Newgate ftreet dMr. Jehu Briggs, Smithfield bars Mr. Samuel Briggs, Clerkenwell green Nathaniel Warnerßromley, Efq; Iflington Mr. Nicholas Brooks, Berkley court, Clerkenwell Mr. Thomas Brown, Gofwell ftreet **Mr. John Bfown, Surry road, Blackfriars bridge* Mf. William Brown. Moor place ** James Brown, Efq; Mr. Stephen Brown, Clifford’s inn Mrs. Hannah Browne, Kirby ftreet, -rWilliam Browning, Efq; St. John’s ftreet +Mr. David Bucklee, Bridgewater fquare Mr. John Bullin, Clerkenwell clofe -fMr. John Bunyer, St. John’s fquare Mr. Charles Burgh, Ray ftreet ffMr. George Burrows, Clerkenwell clofe Mr. Thomas Burrows, Great Queen ftreet ffMr. William Burt, Cow lane, Weft Smithfield ffMr. James Burton, Ulington ffMr. William Burwalh, Red Lion ftreet, Clerkenwell Bufh, Efq; Great Ormond ftreet Mr. Robert Butcher, Brayne’s row, Clerkenwell Mr. Robert Butcher, jun. ditto James Butler, Efq; Cheapftde Mr. James Butler, Saffron ftreet Mr. Samuel Butler, Coppice row Mr. Thomas Butler, Clerkenwell green Mr. Deodatus Bye, St. John’s fquare


-} John Calvert, Efq; m. p. Stable yard, St. James’s Mr. James Cammeyer, 16, Trinity lane Mr. Thomas Campion, Cloth fain Mr. Richard Cannon, Wildernefs row Mr. Nicholas Cam dMr. Thomas Carpenter, Iflington road Mr. James Carr, Newcaflle place, Clerkenwell dole -f-Mr. Jonathan Carr, Brayne’s row Mrs. Ann Carr, Fenchurch ftreet ■**tMr. Peter Cary, Gofwell ftreet Mr. Richard Cary, Saffron hill Cator, Efq; Old ftreet road Mr. John Caulder, Old ftreet Mr. Zachariah Cave, Smithfield iMr. John Cay, Whitecrofs ftreet iMr. Thomas Chadley, Vineyard walk, Clerkenwell John Champion, Snow hill Mrs. Ann Chandler, Iflington road Mr. Henry Chandler, St. John’s ftreet John Chatfield, Efq; Back hill, St, Andrew's Mr. Thomas Cherington, 17, Helmet row, Old ftreetj Mr. William Cherrill, St. James’s walk Mr. Richard Child, Old ftreet Mr. William Clare, Clerkenwell clofe dMr.CharlesWm.Clark, Angel court, Snow hill iMr. James Clarke, Liquorpond ftreet, St, Andrew’s +Mr. James Clarke, St. John’s ftreet Mrs. Sarah Clarke, Brick lane, Old ftreet ftMr. James Clarkfon, Ray ftreet Mrs. Mary Clarkfon, St. John’s ftreet of the Poor of Clerkenwell * Churchwardens & Ovcrfeers of Clerkenwell Mr, William Clulow, Chancery lane +William Coare, Efq; Newgate ftreet Mr. William Cocken, Saffron hill Mr. William Cockerill, St. John’s ftreet Mr. John Coleman, Saffron hill Mr. John Coles, Leather lane Richard Collett, Efq; Chancery lane +Mr. Thomas Collier, Winchefter place, Clerkenwell d*HarveyChriftn.Combe, Efq; & Alderman, m. p. & V* P* Great Rulfel ftreet Mr. Ifaac Coltham, Corporation row Mr. William Cook, Mount Pleafant I. E. Cook, Efq; Pullen’s row, Iflington iMr. William Cook, St. James’s walk, Clerkenwell fMr. Edward Cooper, Doftor’s Commons Mr. Thomas Cooper, Great St. Helen’s Mr. James Cooper, Liquorpond ftreet Mr. John Cooper, Gofwell ftreet Mr. Edward Cooper, St. John’s ftreet Mr. Thomas Corbyn, Holbom H. A. Corthym, Efq; Walhrook Mr. Hugh Cotchet, St. John’s ftreet Mr. Charles Cotterill, Vine ftreet Mr. Edmund Cottrell, Brayne’s row, Clerkenwell +Mr. Edmund Cottrell, jun. Dorrington ftroet Mr. William Couldery, Fore ftreet Mr. John Courfe, St. John’s ftreet Mr. Stephen Cowel, Smithfield Mr. William Cowland, Ayleftmry ftreet, Clerkenwell Mrs. Chriftian Cowland. ditto Mr. Thomas Cox, Lothbury Peter Cox, Efq; Surry road tMr. Jofeph Crank, Smhh.field Thomas Crifp, New terrace, Colebrook row +Mr. William Crifwell, Bedford row Mr. William Crocket, Snow hill Mr, Richard Crofsley, Giltfpur ftreet f** William Crutchfield, Efq; Holborn bridge t**John Crutchfield, Efq; ditto


FMr Thomas Dalby, jun. Grub ftreet fMr. Samuel Danford, Gofwell ftreet Mrs. Sufan Davis, White Horfe yard, Smithfield Mr. Thomas Davis, Bagnigge wells Mr.John Bunnell Davis, St. John’s fquare, Apothecary to th§ Difpenfary *fMr. William Dawforr, Oddy’s row, Iflington Mr. John Deady, Chad’s row John ' Dean, Efq; Bartholomew lane Mrs. Elizabeth Delafon, Broadway, Black friars Mr. C. De Meuron, Newman ftreet +Mr. George Dennet, Grays inn lane Mr. John Denifon, ditto Mr. Ch. Thomas Depree, Gray’s inn lane Mr. De Rocourt, 33, Golden fquare i**Francis De Valangin, m. d. Hermes hill, Clerkdn* well, V. P. Mr, John Deykes, Saffron hill Mrs. Hannah Deykes, ditto *+Meffrs. Dickinfon, St. John ftreet Mr. John Dickinfon Mr. Hugh Dixon, St. James’s walk, Clerkenwel| Mr. Ifaac Dixon, Alderfgate ftreet +Mr. James Dobfon, St. John’s lane Mr. ]ohn Dowling, Banbury place Mr. Thomas Downton, 43, Kirby ftreet Mix James Draper, St. John’s lane Mr. Charles Dudley, St. John’s ftreet Mr. James Duff, Finfbury fquare Mrs. Duff, ditto Mr. Robert Duff, ditto Mr. Thomas Dunning, Caftle ftreet, Saffron hill Mr. Ifaac Du Roveray, Bell , Coleman ftreet E

Mr. William Fade, 91, Wood ftreet Mr. Peter Earnfhaw, Red Crofs ftreet **Mrs, Elizabeth Eaftland, Doughty ftr. Foundling hofpital Mr. Eaton, St. James’s buildings, Rofoman’sfty, Mr. Robert Eden, Red lion ftreet Mr. John Edis, Whitecrofs ftreet Mr. John Edwards, Portpool lane Mr. Thomas Elderton, 3, Gwynn’s buildings, Collector to> the Difpenfary *+Mr. William Eley, Clerkenweirgreen Mr. James Eliflia, 32, City road m. d. Bentinck **Philip Elliott, ftreet, Cavendlfh fq% *John Elliott, Bartholomew clofe ftMr. James , Old ftreet Elyard, Efq; St. Swithin’s las® Mr. Charles Ernes, Great Saffron hill Mr. William Endicott, Jerufalem paffage ft James Efdaile, Efq; Bunhiil row ft**Peter Efdaile, Efq; ditto Mr. William Evans, Ray ftreet Mr. Jer, ReburneEwer, Newgate ftreet ft John Eykin, Efq; St, John’sftreet


Mr. Alexander Farquharfon, Great Warner ftreet William Fallon, Elq; 59, Hatton garden Faulkner, Elq; 141, Fleet ftreet Mr. William Faulkner, 37, Shoe lane fMr. T. T. Faux, Mr. Thomas Fenton, 58, Fleet market Mr. William Fidler, Penton place Mr. John. Field, Brook’s market FMr. Samuel Fieldhoufe, Old Cavendilh ftreet FGeorge Fillingham, Efq; Witichefter place Mrs. Fillingham, ditto Mr. John Filher, Leather lane Mr. Thomas Fleming, Holloway Mr. William Flude, 101, Gofwell ftreet Mr, Thomas Ford, Crown Cow crofs jftev. Henry Fofter, m. a. Wildernefs row Mr. John Fowler, R.ofoman’s ftreet Mr. Thomas Frampton, Charterhoufe lane Mr. Chriftopher French, St. John's lane ESebaftian Fridag, Efq; Angel court, Throgmorton hr, ***Mrs. Bathia Friend, St. James’s walk dGeorge Friend, Efq; ditto Mr. Georgh Frodfham, Little Gray’s inn lane N. L. Fry, St. John’s fquare Mr. Thomas Fryer, Berkley, ftreet LMr. James Fuller, City road Mr. Robert Fuller, Neat Houfes, Milbank Mr, Thomas Eynmore, Alderfgatc ftreet » v* V


Mr. Thomas Gabriel, Benner flreet **+Mr. Nicholas Gainsford, Holbom bridge Mr. Michael Gamon, 6, Noble flreet +Mr. Mofes Gayfcr, St. John’s flreet Gee, Efq; Portman fquare Mr. William Gevers, Vineyard gardens **ffMr. Thomas Gibbard, Clerkenwell clofe Mr. Thomas Giles, Elm flreet, Gray’s inn lane •fMr. Thomas Gill, 66, Weft ftreett, Smithfield Mr. Francis Gillyatt, academy, Iflington road Mr. John Gittins, Twnmill flreet **+bMr. Thomas Godfon, Bowling alley, Clerkenwell Mrs. Ann Godfon, ditto Mr. Thomas Goff, Rofoman flreet Mr. Thomas Goodman, Old flreet -{■Alexander Gordon, Efq; Corporation row, Clerken* welle V. P, Mrs. Sufannah Gordon, ditto Francis Gofling, Fffq; Fleet flreet Mr. Richard Grace, Old flreet Mr. Samuel Gray, Wildernefs row, Clerkenwell Mr. Lawrence Green, Ayleflmry flreet, ditto Mr. Samuel Green, jun. Chifwell flreet Mr, J. Green, New Bafinghall flreet Mr. John Green, 21, Eaft Smithfield A. C. Greville, Efq; St. John’sflreet: Mr. William Griflin, ditto Mrs, Martha Griffin, Iflington road Samuel Griffith, Efq; court roac( Mr. William Griffith, Smithfield John Matthew Grimwood, Efq; Hatton garden Mr. Andrew Grife, Walbrook f John Guefh, Efq; St. John’s flreet Mr. Gwillim, fleet market


*Sir Richard Hill, Bart, m. p. Harley ftreet, V. ** Mr. Edward Hale, Old ftreet Mr. John Flail, Layftall ftreet, St, Andrew’s Mr. Benjamin Hall, Gofwell ftreet Mrs. Mary Hamilton **Sir Benjamin Hammet, Kt. Alderman Sc m, p» John H. Hammond, Efq; Cheapfide +Mr. Thomas Handley, Newcaftle place, Clerkenwell cl» Mrs. Silvanus Flanley, Whitecrofs ftreet Mr. Francis Hanrott, Poultry Mrs. Hardwick, King’s row, Mr. John Hardwick, Coppice row Mr. Charles Harman, Wine office court, Fleet ftreet^ Jofeph Hands, Efq; St. Paul’s church yard Mr. John Flarris, 26, Great Winchefter ftreet . dMr. Richard Harvey, St. John’s ftreet Hawes, Efq; Upper Thames ftreet ■fMr. Thomas Hawkes, Gofwell ftreet • Mr. John Haines, St. John’s ftreet Henry Flecker, Efq; Coleman ftreet Mr. James Henderfon, 5, Helmet row, Old ftreefi Thomas Hefker, Efq; Brayne’s row Mr. Peter Hewitt, Stewart ftreet, Spitalftelds Mr. George Hill, Smithfield •j-Mr. William Hilliker, St. John’s ftreet •{-Mr. Richard Hilton, Rofoman ftreet +Daniel Hinley, Efq; Seflions houfe. Clevkenwell William Hoare, Efq; Bridge ftreet Mr. Gardiner Hoare, Fleet ftreet ]ohn Hodgfon, Efq; Fore ftreet Mr. Richard Hood, Hart ftreet, Bloomfhury **+Mr. Richard Flooper, St. John’s ftreet Charles Flornyold, Efq; Gornhill Mr. James Horwood, Newgate market Mr. Thomas Honvood, St. John's ftreet *Mr. Robert Howard, Old ilrect Mr. John Howard, Hlington Spa +Mr. Jofeph Howell, Newgate ftreet Henry Hughes, Efq* Bedford row Richard Hughes, Efq; Sadler’s wells +Mr. Charles Hundley, Red lion market, Whitecrofs ftr, Mr. John Hunter, Eyre ftreet hill Thomas Hunter, Efq; Pilgrim ftreet, Blackfriars Air. Aaron HenryHurft, Hatton garden Air. John Hurwood, Sutton ftreet Mr. jSamuel Hufkinfon, Cold Bath fquare


+Mr. James Jacks, White Lion court, Cornhill : 5,1 Mr. Samuel Jackfon, Clerkenwell clofe dMr. John Jackfon, Red Lion ftreet, Clerkenwdl Mr. j'ofhua Jackfon, Newgate ftreet Mr. Thomas Jackfon, Mutton lane Mrs, Sarah Jackfon, Vineyard gardens Mr. John Jacques, Mrs. Amy James, Chichelter rents +Mr. Thomas Jeffs, Turnmill ftreet **Francis Jefferie, Efq-, Old ftreet John Jefferies, Efq; Lothbury George Jeffery, Efq; Brick lane, Old ftreet? Mr. David Jennings, Chifwell ftreet Rev. Nathaniel Jennings, a. m. place +Mr. Ifaac lies, St. John’s ftreet Mr. Robert Jobfon, Charles ftreet, Hatton garden Mr. Thomas Johnfon, Ely place Mr. William Johnfton, Inner Temple Mr. James Jordon, Clerkenwell green


Mr. Jofcph Kaye, Alderfgate ftreet Peter Keates, Gofwell ftreet Samuel , Efq; Mark lane Mr. William Kent, 2, James ftreet, City road Mr. Patrick Kilgour, Friday ftreet

Mr. John . King? Iflington road Mr. Thomas King, Chclfea Mr. Henry King, Newgate market ftWilliam K-innard, Efq; Holboru Mr. Joiiah Kinfcy, Holborn hill


fMr, John Labrow, St. John’s ftreet Mr. Henry Ladyman, Fleet market fMr. Samuel Lake, Red crofs flrest Mr. William Langham, Bartlett’s buildings Mrs. Anna Maria Lavender, Mr. Michael Law, Chifwell ftreet Mr. Henry Law, St. John’s fquare Mr. William Leader, Liquorpond ftreet Mr. Robert Leaver, Durham yard, Smithfield **GeorgC Ceckie, Rfq; Artillery place Mr. Robert Lepage, Bilhop’s court, Old Bailey ***John Coakley Lettfom, m, d. r. r. s. & s. a. Sambrook houfe, Bafmghall ftreet, V. P. & Phy- Jician Extraordinary to the DifpcnJajy f**John Miers Lettfom, m. d. Sambrook houfe **Mr.S.FothergillLettfom, ditto Ann Lettfom, ditto **Wm. Coakley Lettfom, m, d. ditto **Mr. Pickering Lettfom, ditto Eliza Lettfom, ditto **Mr. Edward Lettfom, ditto **MrWmNanfonLettfom, ditto Mr. Francis Linley, Penton place Mr. John Lloyd, Northampton row. Clerkenwell **Arthur Skeere Loftie, Efq; Walcott place fMr, William Long, Great Bath ftreet Mr. John Long, Red Lion ftreet **+Mr. James Lowe, Clerkenwell green Mr. Thomas Lyne, St, Joint’s ftreet M

Francis Magniac, Efq; St. John’s fquare tjofeph Mainwaring, Efq; Iflington Mr. Samuel Manton, St. John’s ftreet Mr. John Marks, Gumming ftreet, Pentonvllle +Mr, Samuel Marriott, Cateaton ftreet *tMr. William Marfli, Brook ftreet, Holborn Mr. Thomas Marfh, Mutton hill Mr. George Marfh, Baftnghall ftreet Mr. Mafon, Gofwell ftreet road Thomas Maynard, Efq; St, John’s ftreet Mr, Jacob Meane, Snow hill Mr. William Mence, Elder walk, Iflington Mr. James Mendham, Red Lion ftreet, Clerkemvell Mr. Daniel Mcntz, Diftaff lane d+John Meyer, m. d. Throgmorton ftreet, one of the Phyficians to the Difpenfary John Meyer, Efq; Angel court, ditto Mrs. Elizabeth Meyer, Throgmorton ftreet djohn Conrad Meyer, Efq; ditto Mr. Samuel Mildred, Lombard ftreet Mr. Jphn Miles, Old ftreet Mr. William Miller, Brayne’s row dMr. John Milles, Smithfield bars Mr. Thomas Mingay, Smithfield Mr. Jofeph Minfher, Vine ftreet, Liquorpond ftreet Mr. William Moorman, Mitchell ftreet, Old ftreet dMr. John Moorman, Old ftreet Mr. John Morgan, Ludgate hill H. W. Mortimer, Efq; Fleet ftreet Mr. James David Morrifon, Gofwell ftreet Mr. Charles Mowlan, Old Bailey Mr. Henry Munn, Angel court, Snow hill ‘JMr, Stephen Murrell, Ray ftreet


Mrs. Mary Napper, Old ftreet, fquare James Neale, Efq; 8, St. Paul’s church yard Mr. John Nexman, Clerkenwell green Mr, Robert Nefbitt, Liquorpond flreet dMr. William Newcomb, St. John’s flreet *tMr. Samuel Newport, St. James’s walk, Clerkenwell Mrs. Sarah Newfham, Aylefbury flreet, Clerkenwell George Newton, Efq; Yately, Herts Mr* James Pilgrim flreet, Ludgate flreet Mr. Philip Norris, Caille flreet, Holborn Mr. Charles North, Bridge flreet M*r. Nathaniel Norton,


Mr. Thomas Ody, Plolborn Mr, Richard Ody, Smithfield Mifs Ormes, Iflington **+Henry Overton, Efq; Oddy’s row, Iflingtotf Mrs. Mary Overton, ditto Mr. John Outhwaite, Gofwell flreet Mr. William Owen, Alderfgate flreet

P fMr. Jahn Page, Ilolborn Mrs. Ann Page, Peartree flreet Mrs. Sophia Pam, St. John’s flreet Mr. John Palmer, Benjamin flreet Mr. Palmer, Red Lion flreet, Clerkenweil **Thomas Parkinfon, Efq; Tdlrace, Mr. George Peacock, Fleet market Mrs. Peete, i, Holborn bridge fApfley ■ Pellat, Efq; St. John’s flreet, Trcojicrcy to the Dijpenjary Mrs. Sarah Pellat, ditto Mr. Thomas Pellat, Milman flreet, Bedford row **Mr. Mill Pellat, St. John’s flreet John Pepper, Elq; Iflington Mr. F. C. Peoly, Curfrtor flreet Mr, Rif hard Perry, St. John’s flreet Mr. Thomas Pether, Clerkenweil green Mr, William Pettit, Hofier lane +Mr. John Phillips, Cold Bath fquare Mr. John Phillips, ditto Mr. Thomas Phillips, Bleeding heart yard John Phillips, Efq; Old ftreet Mrs. Hannah Phillips, Lower ftreet, Iflington Mr. Philip Phillips, St. John’s fquare ■fMr, Andrew Philp, Whitecrofs ftreet **Thomas Pickford, Efq; Crofs ftreet, Iflington Elizabeth Pickford, ditto **Mifs Elizabeth Pickford, ditto *fMr. James Pitkethly, Wood ftreet, Cheapftde •fMr. Thomas Playter, Clerkenwell green Mr. James Playter, Wefton ftreet Richard Plimpton, Efq; Wildernefs row •fMr. Robert Pollard, .Brayne’s row Mr. James Policy, Gray’s inn lane Mr. J. W. Tollman, New Broad ftreet buildings Mr. William Pontin, Turnmill ftreet Mr. Charles Pope, Red Lion ftreet, Clerkenwell Mr. William Pctrtall, Cateaton ftreet Mr. Richard Porter, Iflington Mr. James Poulter, Llampftead Mr. Thomas Powell, 200, Whitecrofs ftreet Mr. Ambr. Lyon Poynter, St. John’s fquare Mr. Arthur Pratt, Theobald’s road -fCharles Price, Efq; Snow hill LMr. Edward Priddle, g, New ftreet, Shoe lane •fMr. John Pullan, Hatton wall Mrs. Elizabeth Pulleyn, Cold Bath fquare iSarnuel Pullin, Efq; Pullin’s row, Iflingtor\


Mr. William Ragfdall, Portpool lane Mr. Hugh Ramfden, Brook ftreet, Holborn Mr. John Ranfon, Clarence place, Pentonville Mr. J. Rawlins, Wildernefs row Mrs. Catherine Reed, Chapel ftreet, Clerkenwell Mr. Richard Rees, Red Lion ftreet, Clerkenwell iMr. Thomas Reeves, Holborn bridge Mr. Reynall, Brayne’s row Mr. Charles Reynolds, Charles ftreet, Hatton garden Mr. William Reynolds, St. John’s ftreet dMr. Abraham Rhodes, St. James’s walk, Clerkenwell? Secretaryi Mr. John Rhynd, Ray ftreet, Clerkenweil iMr. Thomas Rice, St. James’s walk Mr. Jofhua Rigby, Berkley ftreet Rev. Thomas Richards, m. a. Angel court, Snow hill **George Roadley, Efq; Iflington Mr. Thomas Roberts, St. James’s walk i**Mr. William Robertfon, Corporation row, Clerkenweil -h**Mr. Thomas Robins, Gofwell ftreet Mr. John Robins, Clerkenweil green Mr. John Robinfon, Bath ftreet Mr. John Roe, Peter’s ftreet Mr. James Roebottom, Gofwell ftreet **tSamuel Rogers, m. d. America iMr. George Rogers, Whitecrofs ftreet D. H. Rucker, Efq; Billiter fquai'e John Anthony Rucker,'Efq; ditto Mr. George Rugeley, St. John’s ftreet Mr. Thomas Rufby, Leather lane Mr, Thomas Rutherforth, St. Paul’s church yard


!-,! ***The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Stamford, Cliarles ftreet,Berkley PRESIDENT. ■fMr. Jaimes Saner, Rofoman ftreet Mr. John Savage, Smithfield bars Mr. C. G. Schindler, Benjamin ftreet Mr. John Schofield, i, Brick lane Mr. John Seabrook, Saffron hill Mrs. Letitia Seagravc, Conduit ftreet Mr. Samuel Search, Clerkenwell green ■fMr. Samuel Search, jun. Brayne’s row, Clerkenwell Mr. Daniel Sebbon, Illington fMr. John Severn, Compton ftreet Mrs. Sarah Severn, ditto Mr. Edward Seward, Gofwcll ftreet Mr. Jofeph Seward, ditto Mr. Francis Shad, Bifhop’s court, Aylefbury ftreet **fMr. John Shallis, Vineyard gardens Mrs. Frances Shallis, ditto Mr. William Sharp, Smithfield Thomas Shelton, Efq; Scfllons ho life, Old Baiky fffr. Richard Sheppard, 33, Cloth fair, Smithfield fMr. Thomas Sherrin, Brook ftreet, Holborn Mr. Michael Shires, Rofoman llreet fMr. John Short, Bedford ftreet, Liquorpond ftreet Mr. John Silk, 21, Bunhill row Mr. Jofeph Silver, 28, Hatton garden Mr. Jofeph Silver, jun. ditto Mr. James Silver, ditto Mr. John Simmons, Gofwell ftreet Mrs. Elizabeth Simpfon, Clerkenwell clofo Thomas Simpfon, Efq; Bridge ftreet BlackfriarS **fMr. John Skidmore, Coppice row Walter Skinner, Iflington ■fMr. Thomas Smith, Crawford’s paffage, Clerkenwell fMr. Charles Smith, 122, Bunhill row Mr. John Smith, Battle bridge Mr. John Smith, Iflington Mr. James Spackman, Greenhill’s rents H, Sparkes, Efq-, St. John’s ftreet Mr. John Sparrey, Bath ftreet Mr. Jonathan Sparrow, Weft Smithfield fMr! Joftah Spode, Portugal ftreet Mr. Sprado, court, Old Bailey Mr. Charles Staggall, Fore ftreet *+Sir William Staines, Kt. Alderman &V. P. Barbican Mr. William Stapleton, Whitefriars dock fMr. Jofeph Steadman, Albemarle ftreet, Clerkenwell Mr. Thomas Stevens, Caftle ftreet, Saffron hill James Stevens, Hampftead road Mr.' Smithfield + John Stracey, Efq; bars Mr. Edward Strickland, Corporation row Mr. Richard Sturges, Compton ftreet Mr. John Surridge, Newgate market Mr, James Surridge, Leather lane


Tabberer, Hatton frreefc iMr. George° Mrs.* Ann Tabberer, ditto Mr Valeb Talbot, Smithfield bars Mr.* Taylor, Aylefbury ftireefi John T aylor, Smithne c Mr. Robert rtrest Mr. Richard Taylor, Reu Lion Mr. Fiddle Thirlwall, St. John’s flreet Mr. Nathaniel Thompfon, Bow lane, Ceapfide Mr. Emanuel Thorley, Red Lion flreet, Holbom Mr. Nathaniel Thorley, Bagnigge wells Mr. Thomas Thornthwaite, i2,Colebrookrow,lflingtOil Mr. Richard Thorp, 4, Featherflone flreet Mr. John Thurman, Bowling alley Mr. John Thwaites, Rofoman flreet FMr. William Till, White Lion flreet, Ulingtort Mrs. Till, ditto Mr. David Todd, Bath flreet, Clerkenwell Mr. John Todd, Great Saffron hill Henry Topping, Efq; Bafmghall flreet Mrs. Elizabeth Towers, Little Warner fir. Cold bath fields Mr. William Trotter, 33, Saffron hill Mr. Frands Tunflail, Winchcfler place

V u

George Vaux, Efq; Coleman llreet fMr. John Ufford, Kinglland Mrs. Elizabeth Underwood, Rofoman llreet dMr. Francis Upjohn, Holborn bridge Mr. Peter Upjohn, Red Lion llreet, Clerkenweli Mr. John Upward, 20, Throgmorton flreet


Mr, William Waker, Little Sutton fireet, Clerkenweli Mr. William Walbank, White crofs llreet John Waldron, John , Efq; Illington Mr. John Walker, Rofoman llreet Mrs, Walker, ditto **Mr. Charles Walker, Crawford’s paffage Mr. Valentine Walker, Kirby llreet Mr, Jolhua Walker, Great Warner Hr. Coldbath fields dMr. Thomas Wallis, Red I don llreet **Mr. William Walton, Little Britain fWilliam Walton, Efq; Bank of Mr. Chriflophcr Warcup, Golden lane Mr. R: C, Ware, St. John’s flreet Mr. Samuel Ware, ditto Mr. J, Waterftone, Liquorpond flreet Mr. Henry Watkins, Greville flreet Mrs, Hannah Wat lon, St, James’s walk, Clerkenwell Mr. John Watt, Bartholomew clofe Mr. Thomas Weatherill, Cold bath fquare Mr. Cafper Weaver, Badger yard, Clerkenwell Mrs. Elizabeth Weaver, ditto Mr. Robert Webb, Bartholomew clofe Mr. Benjamin Webb, St. John’s fquare Mrs. Webb, Green-hill’s rents IMr. Richard Weller, Portpool lane tWm. Charles Wells, m. d. f. r. s. Salifbury fquare, Fleet flreet, one of the Phyjicians to the Difpevjary Mifs Wells, ditto IMr. William Weft, Iflington Mr. Abraham Weftern, St. John’s flreet Mr. William Wefton, Wefton place, Battle bridge Mr. William Wefton, Greenhill’s rents Mr. George Wheeler, Old flreet Mr. Francis Whichelow, ditto Mr. Thomas Whitaker.Kingftand road Mrs. Sufannah Whifkin, Aylefbury flreet Mr. George Widt, Lower flreet, Iflington Mr. William Wild, Compton flreet Mr. Elifha Wild, St. John’sfquare Mrs. Temperance Wildman, Hatton garden Mr. William Wilkins, Holborn hill Mr. Charles Wilkinfon, Highbury place FRobert Willan, m. d. Ely place, Holborn Mr. John Williams, St. John’s flreet Mr. George Williams, Saffron hill Mr. James Wilmot, Vine flreet, Saffron hill Rev. Mr. "Wills, Iflington Mr. John Wills, St. John’s lane Mrs, Mary Wilfon, Iflington Mr. Joleph Windier, St. John’s lane Mifs Wollafton, Flolborn bridge Mr. Jofeph Wolley, Broad yard, Turnmill ffre'cf Spencer Wood, Efq; Bridewell precinfl Thomas Wood, Efq; ditto FMr. Thomas Woolcot, Compton flreet Mr. Robert Worlidgc, Great St. Helena Mr. Benjamin Worthy, Old ftreet road Mr. John Wright, Red Lion ftreet Mr. Thomas Wright, Red Lion market Mr, Wright, Newgate ftreet


Mr. Rowland Yallop, Old lireet Mr. Jacob Yallowley, Chifwell lireet Mr. John Yates, Clerkenwell clofe +William Young, Efq; li'lington road Mr* Florence Young, Colwell lireet



1 797‘

Mr. Barnard Bed well, Jun. Mr. Richard Harvey Edward Bond, Efq; Mr. John Jackfon Mr. Jehu Briggs Mr. Thomas Jefis Mr. David Bucklee John Miers Lettfom, m. 154 Mr. James Clark(bn Mr. John Moorman H.C.Combe,EfqfAld. m.p.&v.p.' Mr. John Page i Mr. Edmund Cottrell, Jun. < Samuel Pulliii, Efq; Mr. Jofeph Crank 1 Mr. John Pullan Jvlr. Thomas Ha»ndle.y Mr. John Short

N. B. Letters of Recommendation may he had by any Governor upon Application at the Difpevfary. And all 'PerJons having

any Caufe of Complaint, may lay the fame before the Monthly

on , at Committee, the lafl Wednefday in any Month Six in the Evening, at the Dlfptvfary,





i 78 7. £ s d Mrs. Mary Waldron, paid by Mr. John Waldron, her Executor 50 O 0 17SB. Mr. William Gordon, paid byi O o Mr. Gray, his Executor, J 25

1 79 2 * Edwin Pain, Mr.’ Mr. paid by lOo 6 Gibbard, one of his Executors,

1 79 3- William 9btagg, Efq; tool, one-1 Moiety paid by Mrs. Stagg, (his Widow] and Mr. Murrell, his Ex- SO o 0 ecutors ; and the other to be paid after the Deceafe of,-Mrs. Stagg, j

*795- Mrs. Bathia Friend (in her Life-'' time) a Bond of the Commiffioners for paving that Part of the Parilh o of Clerkenwell, called St. James’s, i ioo o for iqoL bearing an Intereit of j 4§ per Cent,