Plan of the Finsbury Dispensary, St. John's-Square, Clerkenwell, For

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Plan of the Finsbury Dispensary, St. John's-Square, Clerkenwell, For 1> L A ' OF THE FINSBURY DISPENSARY, o/t, 4-Ofyuarej FOR ADMINISTERING ADVICE & MEDICINES TO THE POOR, at the DISPENSARY, OR AT THEIR OWN HABITATIONS,' GRATIS, WITH A LIST OF THE GOVERNORS; INSTITUTED u DCC USX, PLAN OF THE FINSBURY DI; ST. JOHN’S SQUARE, CLERKENWELL. INTRODUCTION, ITS RISE AND PROGRESS . A FEW Gentlemen, bleffied with benevolent hearts, and liberal difpofitions, urged by theit feelings, and encouraged by the fuccefs of fimi- !ar Charities (eftabliffied in the Metropolis and places adjacent) were induced to attempt tQ in- dilute this Charity. The original Promoters met on the 29th day of April, 1780, and were foon joinedby feveral friends and humane perfons, who continued to meet very frequently, as well to promote Sub- fcriptions as to deft proper Officers, and to form and adopt Regulations, Rules and Orders, for the good government of the Charity. On the 3d of Auguft, 1780, the Governors conceived that the fruits of their labours were fo far ripened, that they ought to diffufe them among the obje&s of their Care. They there-* fore refolved that this Difpenfary fliould he opened On the then 12th inftant. In the firft fix months, 685 poor, afflicled.. worthy objects were cured or received rclieL PRESENT STATE. From-the inllitution to this time, 54,563 dif- trelfed fellow-creatures have enjoyed the ad- vantages refulting from this benevolent efla- blilhment, 52,769 of whom, to their great corn- fort, and to the happiuefs of their families, and benefit of the publick, have experienced the eminent abilities, unremitting afiiduity, and ten- der care, of the Gentlemen of the Faculty en- gaged in this Charity; either by receiving a perfect cure, or the utmoft relief that medicine or chirurgical operations could bellow. There are 532 unfortunate beings new under Cure. The Phyficians and Surgeon have vifited 15,410 Patients at their own habitations. UTILITY. The very great number of applications, moll manifeftly demonflrate the neceffity of this un- dertaking, and point out, that proper objcfls abound "within the limits of it. The mo ft diftinguifhed writers agree, that the wealth of nations fprings from the produflion of labour; furely, then, poor induftrious labourers have a juft claim to, and merit the care and affiftance, not only of the affluent, but of all de- grees not pinched with want. Hofpitals are certainly very ufcfui eftablifti- ments, and real public benefits; yet their moft fanguine fupporters cannot deny, that in feyeral inftances Difpenlaries are pre-eminent ; and very particularly fo, on account of the afflifted being vifited at their own habitations. For ad- mitting that Nurfes at Hofpitals arc vigilant and humane, yet they cannot poffefs or impart the fympathetic feelings, or anxious care, of an affefiionate Hufband or Wife, a tender Parent or Child; which muft undoubtedly afford a con- liderable comfort to, and, in fome degree, loften the pangs of, the unfortunate difcafed.—Hofpi- tals are alfo much lefs falutary than Difpenlaries in this refpeft; at Hofpitals, Patients arc ad- mitted once a Week only ; but, at the indifpofed are immediately affifted. Many other and great benefits are communi- cated to the objefls of this charity, which are fo obvious, that an enumeration of them feems not only unncceffary, but might be deemed tedious. The applications for the relief of poor, dif- trelfed, and deferving objects, fo far exceed the means arifing from the prefent fubferiptions, that the benefits of the charity cannot, at prefent, be extended to all of them; the Governors there- fore ht>pe for, and folicit the humane and ge- nerous afliftance of their' Friends and Neigh- bours, to extend the cheering Relief to Mifery. It is in their power to crown the endeavours, and to gratify the hopes and wifhes of the Go- vernors, by timely, though fmall fubfcriptions ; and when an individual confiders that he can, by the payment of a fmgle Guinea annually, oblige many, relieve a number, do fo much pub- lic good, and indulge his own humane feelings, be furely will readily and cheerfully contribute his mite, and prefs to lend farther afliftance to fo benevolent a purpofe. Perfoas fubfcribing early to Charities, receive a fatisfa&ion that others cannot enjoy; for early fubfcriptions tend to render Charities fo liable, that, through their means, comfort may be ren- dered to the unhappy for ages to come. Many cogent reafons might be urged, much perfuahve language ufed, and.many weighty ar- guments ftated, to procure fubfcriptions; but it is hoped, that private Good, and public Utility, will fuperfcde the neceflity of entering into the matter more at large. This Charity is much indebted to feveral eminent Divines, who have delivered Sermons in favour of it, and thereby raifed confiderable Turns towards its fupport. PATIENTSARE VISItEO AT THEIR OWN HABITATIONS IN THE FOLLOWING PARISHES AND PLACES: Clerkenwell That fart of the Parijh St. Sepulchre Within of St. Fancras which St. Sepulchre Without lies on the South Side St.Bartholomew the Great oj the Turnpike-road , leadingfrom IJlington St. Bartholomew the Lefs i to Paddington. The Liberties of the Rolls St, Andrew, Holborrt and Yard i ‘ AND The Parifi of St. Luke \St. George the Marljp The Town of Ifington i Queen-fTiare% tjl April, 17^7, 1:0 fucli as are inclined to become Benefac- tors by Will, the following Form of a JLegacy is recommended Item, I give and bequeath unto A. B. and C.D. thefum of to he raifed and paid by and out of my pcrfonal (fate and ejfefts, which by law 1may or can charge with the payment thereof; upon trujl and to the in- tent that they, or either of tjiem, /hall and do pay the fame to the Treafurer {for the time being) of a Charity, called or known by the name of the Finsbury Dispensary, for the Relief of the Foor> there or at their own Habitations ; which Charity was infituied in theyear 1780, and is now kept in St. John's Square, Glerkcnwell; and which fum I defre may be applied towards carrying on the benevolent defigns of the faid Charity, N. B. Giving land or money, or flock by will, with direc- tions to be laid out in the purchafe of-any eflate for the benefit of this Charity, will be void by the ftatute of Mortmain; but money or flock may be given by wills without being directed to be laid out. RULES and ORDERS. RULE I. r-Tp X HE Charity is to be under the direction of a Prefident, Vice-Prefidents, a Treafurer, and Governors. 11. All perfons giving a benefaction of Ten Gui- neas at a time, or making up their contribution within the year to that fum, fliall be Governors for life, with the liberty of having one patient on the books at a time. 111. Each pcrfon fubfcribing One Guinea, or ipore, annually, fhall be a Governor fo long as Inch contribution! fliall be paid, and may have one patient on the books for each guinea fub- fcribed; and each fubfcriber fhall be allowed to recommend his dojneftic fervants as patients. And in cafe of a fubfcriber’s death before the expiration of the year, the widow, or perfonal reprefentative, fhall be entitled to the fame pri» vileges for the refidue of that year. IV. Upon the payment of a legacy of Fifty Pounds or upwards, to this charity, the perfon appointed to pay the fame fhall be a Governor for life. V, Any Governor may appoint another Gover- nor to fign his letters of recommendation, firft giving notice thereof in writing at the Difpen* fary. VI. A general Quarterly meeting fhall be beld or* tbe third Wednefday in the months ofFebruary, May, Auguft, and November, in every year; at each of which five Governors fhall conftitute a Board. The Prefident, Vice -Prcfidents, and Treafurer, or either of them, fhall have power to call a General Meeting at any other time, giving at leaft one week’s notice by an adver- tifement thereof in the Daily Advertifer. And if the Monthly Committee defire a General Meeting, the Prefident, Vice - Frefidents, or Treafurer, fhall call one accordingly. VII. No gratuity whatever fhall be given to any officer who hath heretofore ferved this charity, or doth now, or may hereafter belong to the fame, without notice of the meeting for that purpofe being firfl inferted three times in the Daily Advertifer ; and all particular bufinefs for which any extraordinary meeting may be called, fhall be expreffed in the advertifement, and firfl entered upon and determined, or adjourned, before any other bufinefs be propofed. VIII. A Committee of forty Governors, three of whom eonftitute a quorum, fhall be chofen from the annual fubferibers, at the general meeting in May, to meet at the Difpenfary on the lafl Wednefday in every month, for conducing the affairs of this charity. IX. At the lafl meeting of the Committee in April, they, fhall conhder of proper perfons to be i Committee for the enfuing year; and the Com- mittee, at their meeting immediately preceding each General Meeting, fhall prepare the buli- nefs to be laid before the fame. X. The Treafurer’sand Collector’s accounts fhall be audited by the monthly Committee, quarterly, and reported to the next general meeting for approbation; and the Tradefmen’s bills fball alfo be audited quarterly, at the monthly meet- ings next after thofe at which the treafurcr’s and collector's accounts are audited. XI. A Medical Committee fhall be appointed at the general meeting in November; confining of fuch Governors as practice phyfic, forgery, or pharmacy, or are convcrfant in the knowledge of drugs; who fhall have power to infpeCt the drugs and medicines, infpeft the bills for the fame, and report, as they fhall fee occafion, tq the monthly Committee.
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    THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBEB 20, 1900. 7331 OTICE is Lereby given, that the Governor at which respective offices, as well as at the office N and Company of the New River brought of the Company, all persons wishing to inspect from Chad well and Amwell to London, commonly them may do so at any time during office hours for called the New River Company, under the powers the period of one month before they are confirmed. of the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, the "Metro- —Dated this seventeenth November, 1900. polis Water Act, 1871, and the Metropolis Water By order of the Board, Act, 1897, has (subject to necessary confirmation) . MONTAGUE WATTS, Secretary. made Regulations instead of the Regulations now Office : Southwark Bridge-road, London, S.E. in force, and that the Regulations so made have been submitted to the Local Government Board TVT OTICE is here1 y given that the East London for confirmation, and that copies have been 1, JJ Waterworks Company under the powers of deposited at the offices of the Mayor, Aldermen, the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, ihe Metropolis and Commons of the city of London, the London Wa'er Act, 1871, and the Metropolis Water, Acr, County Council, the city of Westminster, the 1897, have, subject to necessary confirmation, made metropolitan boroughs of Finsbury, Islington, Regulations instead of the Regulations now in Shoreditch, Stepney, Hackney, Stoke Newington, force, and that the Regulations so made have been St. Pancras, Hampstead, and Holborn ; the submitted to the Local Government Board for Urban District Councils of Hornc-ey, Tottenham, confirmation, and that copies have been deposited and Wood Green, and at the offices of the County at the offices of the Major, Aldermen, and Com- Councils of Middlesex and Hertfordshire; at mons of the city of London, of the London County which respective offices, as well as at the office of Council, of the metropolitan boroughs of Bethnal the.
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