The London Gazette, September 18, 1857
31ft) THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 18, 1857. above places in the parish of Woolwich, Kent, his wife Scotland, then of Belfast, then of Dublin, then of Cork, during the same time carrying on the business of a Dress- then of Limerick, then of Cork, then of Belfast, all in maker and Lodging-house Keeper. Ireland, then of No. 8, Leigh-street, Burton-crescent, William Collis, formerly of High-street, Barnes, then of Middlesex, then of No. 6, Humber-street, Hull, then of Kew-road, Richmond, Brewer, and then and now of No. Sheffield, then of York, then of Cheltenham, then of 5, High-street, Newington Butts, all in Surrey, Brewery Bristol, all in Gloucestershire, then of Swansea, Wales, and House Agent. then of Hull, Yorkshire, then of Liverpool, Lancashire, James Stebbing, of No. 7. Seymour-street, Huston-square, then of Hull, then of Leeds, then of York, all in York- Middlesex, Furnishing Ironmonger, Tinman, Locksmith shire, then of Bath, then of Cheltenham, both in Glou- and Bell Hanger. cestershire, and then and now of No. 13, Queen's-place., Alfred Cooke Tucker, formerly of Silchester-road, next of Kennington Park, Surrey, during the whole time a Vo- Clarendon-road, then of Albert-terrace, all in Kensington- calist, and known as Elizabeth Miirj Dyer. park, then of Devonshire-terrace, Kensington, and now James Cullen, of No. 137, Albany-road, Camberwell, of Keusington-park-tcrrace, Netting-hill, all in Middle- Surrey, part of the time having an office at No. 34, Mark- sex, out of business, wife u Schoolmistress. lane, London, Ship and Insurance Agent, and then and now of No.
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