A REQUEM FOR ALLI – Overdose or Murder ?

By JULIA and Brad M.Bucklin

All rights reserved 2019

Alexandra Hagedorn died of a suspected overdose on January 31, 2007 in the Tokyo

Princess Hotel, Encino California. The Coroner s report is effectively the only public record

that Alexandra Hagedorn ever existed. Alli, as she was called, was not a prostitute, a

Hollywood wanna be, a desperate drug abuser, she was the daughter of a Billionaire business man and the girlfriend of a Rock N Roll icon. Her death went unnoticed in the rush of the

world; and while her twenty-three-year-old life was extinguished from the record they could

not eliminate the memories of the people who knew her in her final hours. Yet what

happened in those final hours is steeped in mystery and involves a cast of characters right out

of the movies some of them have produced. It is a story immersed in a culture that has

lingered around Hollywood for almost as long as there has been a Hollywood.

In the first half of the 20th century during the heyday of the studio system, Hollywood

stars were regularly supplied with barbiturates both legal and illegal in order to keep them

working through grueling schedules; a pill to get them up and a pill to bring them down.

Drugs permeated the business and the town; drug use was even endorsed by the medical


Cocaine was praised as a miracle cure and infused in a new drink, Coca-Cola. Heroin

was sold to the public by the Bayer company as early as 1898.Perhaps it was the outlawing of 2

drugs that caused the real problems, but it is definitely a fact that many, many actors, artists, musicians succumbed, as Alli did, to the effects of Heroin, cocaine and other drugs that have flooded the Entertainment business. So what makes her case any more noteworthy than all the others before and since? It may be that her story is not unique, that within the conflicting stories surrounding the circumstances of her death lies a bigger truth, and that the players in this drama have much to reveal about the underbelly of the entertainment business.

On January 31, 2007 Alli Hagedorn checked into the Tokyo Princess Hotel in Encino,

California with a number of influential music and entertainment industry notables. A few hours later at 3:35 pm Alli was dead. To the authorities Alli was just another drug addiction casualty and the case has long been dismissed as just that, yet questions remain.

What information there is about her state of mind and events leading up to that day come mainly from an acquaintance that saw and spoke to her the night before her death. The people who were in the hotel room when she died all had conflicting stories about what happened; rumors of premeditation and murder were being whispered but why would something that nefarious even be considered? Were there hidden truths, hidden agendas that remain part of the mystery of her death?

Who was Alexandra Hagedorn? A question not easily answered since almost all traces of her life have been expunged. It is known that she was the daughter of Karli and James

Hagedorn and grew up a privileged child as one of four children, in Sands Point, New York. 3

Her father is the head of Miracle-Gro a hugely successful agriculture related company. James

Hagedorn’sis considered an influential business leader in the New York area with philanthropic leanings, including as co-chairman of the National Fund for the U.S. Botanic

Garden in Washington, D.C., an associate trustee of the North Shore Hospital in Manhasset,

New York and chairman of the board for the Farms for City Kids Foundation, Inc. in Reading,


While all the questions about Alli may never be answered, especially as the time goes by, there are some who continue the quest. Not just for Alli, but for all those who have died suspiciously in the drug-addled world of Music and Entertainment.

One of those people seeking justice is Julia , originally from little Northwestern country Estonia, which was occupied by Russia during the ‘communist era ‘, and one of the last people to see and converse with Alli before that fateful day. A filmmaker, musician, songwriter and singer Julia just a couple of months ago almost had her big break , when the

Warner Brothers wanted to buy her songs, but the deal fell through due to the dealings of a shady producer she s been working with ( who she later found out had a drug problem )and her dream was crashed in an instant . If this was not enough , her other business partner committed theft of intellectual property, disappearing with a rough cut of an artistic indie movie they cowrote and produced yet still she still kept trying to make connections, because that was the most true way of being successful in the industry. She was intrigued 4

when she ended up at Tony Broccoli s, the son of Albert ‘Cubby’ Broccoli the producer of

most of the James Bond films.

Tony had a reputation for being the host to many celebrities and wannabes, but Julia

had no idea what she was walking into that day in September of 2006. She gives her first


“The house was right above the Sunset Plaza, a block from officially ‘The Beverly Hills’,

but was kind of in bad condition. It was pretty dirty. Furniture was falling apart. It did look

like a …’crack house’ I mostly have seen in Hollywood movies . Tony’s bedroom was a real

pig sty with huge mattress with no sheets ,all covered with crap, like some strange electronic pieces and junk food covers . The Master himself was even more strange, standing up next to the filthy mattress , staggering in unison , shirtless and wearing dirty unzipped

jeans with lots of holes ,that young kids would usually wear , except that he was bolding .

“The infamous Tony Broccoli’’,-my date whispered , while I was eyeing bloody sores,

covering the strange man s body , he was scratching like a monkey . Disgust was probably written all over my face, but the weirdo seemed to be in his own dimension. There also was a really creepy old woman in long bathrobe and towel turban , who looked like a witch from one of those Disney movies, she was puffing on a glass bong with thick clouds of mysterious smoke coming out of it. All of a sudden I felt like my favorite childhood character

Alice, having just fallen down the rabbit hole. The old witch turned out to be Tony s ex girlfriend Sarah Blaydon, a rather young and lovely British Lady , who as I was told later, 5

used to be a graphic artist for the LA Times, before the heir to the James Bond fortune, she

thought she already successfully landed, got her hooked on crack and heroin. I have never

seen anybody smoking CRACK COCAINE before in real life. … talking about culture shock !”

Roy Hay was the co-founder of The , Rock Icon and although you wouldn’t

know it from his initial appearance, a crack addict. His charisma and charm were like honey,

attracting a large entourage of both women and men who wanted a piece of his fame.

“…This guy, Roy walks in and he looked really fine and he was making jokes and he

had this charm, this British accent… He just walked up to me and said Hi and started flirting

with me. Saying; ‘Can I buy you an Island?’…. he then tells me to open my mouth. And I didn’t

know what the hell…. why he wants me to do it. He gave me, how they call it, ‘The Charge

’when they inhale crack and then blow it into someone’s mouth. “ I just wanted to kiss you

“, he murmured seductively , while I was dizzy from that huge hit of excellent quality ,

overpriced even for those times, cocaine …and the room started to spin like you were on a

carousel : and this is how everything they warn you about drugs is flying out of a window -I

thought , grabbing on Roy s arm , trying to keep a balance. Having met quite a few rock stars before, I was not that amused by his antics and though my head was telling me to run for my life, my investigative nature wanted to see more. Why are all these stupid girls here ? Don’t

they know that someone giving you a crack pipe is no fucking Prince Charming?” 6

Roy was like a plague having this power over everyone…. He asked how old I was and

I said, how old do I look? He said 19 and I thought he was making fun of me because I was in my 30s But I found out later that they were all obsessed with ‘Little Girls’.”

Alex Perish, one of Roy’s ex girlfriends told Julia that the guys at Tony ’s made bets about how soon they could get a new girl hooked on crack or heroin, then pass her around and completely ruin her life. Most of the girls that Julia saw were from nice families, they were good girls seduced by fame, money and drugs. Coming from way harsher reality, Julia s wisdom insulated her from the lure of the lifestyle, but once she saw what was going on, she made it her mission to expose as much of the drug culture and abuse as she could. This was her ultimate revenge on Hollywood , that let her down .

It is her story, her investigation and information gathered from observers and participants of the events that were willing to talk to about Alli’s demise that forms the basis of this story.

Besides Roy Hay and Tony Broccoli it is essential to know who main players were in the sordid cast of characters that populated the world of drugs and vice that Julia encountered:

Jonathan Heap, another failure and Tony Broccoli s best crack buddy and ‘business partner’, ‘another trust fond asshole’ as his drug dealer put it, was actually once promising movie director, even an Oscar nominated for a short film but was too busy smoking crack ever since. The so called business he and Tony conducted was the drug and prostitution ring , 7

not counting some cheap ‘bikini ‘ reality show they managed to consummate together and supposedly made a fortune on . Heather, a struggling actress , gorgeous Texan girl, happened to be at their so called audition in Jonathan s multimillion dollar ‘architectural digest featured’ crack house . “ There was something really sleazy going on” ..She had run out as

soon as she could )… Heap was seemingly not directly involved in Alli Hagedorn’s demise,

even though there is speculation he might have been one of the five people in the room with

Alli, he was definitely responsible for trying to set up Roy Hay to take the fall for everything.

Mainly Mr Heap in Julia s research is listed as a pedophile. Alex Perish , Sean Graffam and many others described how Jonathan molested Sunny Hay ( Roy s daughter ) when she was still 17. According to Alex Perish Roy Hay himself pimped his own underage daughter ( whom he kept on heroin , buying it for her himself) to his crack buddy Heap, who was even older than him, so he could stay in his house with the view for free and smoke crack 24/7. There is a hope that influenced by the new ‘Me too’ movement , Sunny , who is now 30, will take legal actions against her abusers.

Barbara Broccoli, Tony Broccoli’s younger sister who was running the family business, because from what Julia was told, the males were all dysfunctional losers like Tony.

Whenever the ‘evil Barbara’ was showing up to check on her big brother and current status of his crack house, everybody would get paranoid , running around , trying to hide the obvious trappings of a heavy drugs life style , starting with kicking out drug dealers and hookers.

According to Tony s regulars , Barbara was paying off the crooked LAPD and DA s for years to 8

keep her degenerate brother out of jail and the James Bond production from bad publicity.

She promptly wrapped up the party after some law enforcement finally decided to do their

job and the infamous heir to the James Bond fortune was supposed to go away for a long

vacation. Instead he did go to vacation…to Europe , arranged by his shady ‘Italian Mafia’

family , to escape his due punishment . Which according to CA law is obstruction of justice.

Barbara Broccoli and everyone involved in Tony s escape were supposed to be charged with

being an accessory to the drug and prostitution ring . During Alli Hagedorn s murder, the

main villain was relaxing somewhere on the Riviera , safe from being involved in any

investigation of Alli Hagedorn s death.

Troy Edwards, was a’ talent manager’( what his business card said ), suit and tie black man, slick and well spoken, who managed to make it out of a ghetto and had his own small music production , Tony Broccoli s and Roy Hay s on call pimp and slave . According to Kevin

Berman, Roy always kept ‘the bad boy’ Troy around to make himself look more innocent.

Sarah Blaydon explained to me once why Tony had all those low lives in his house , like

‘’career criminal TK –to pin his own drug dealing on an idiot with a rep in case of a raid.”

Justin Carroll, blue blooded, classically good looking Brit from famous theater family ,

working actor , who s great accomplishment was a small part in an American soup opera

,from which he was supposedly fired after developing a little crack habit like the rest of the

British invasion , how Julia called this circle of friends , is on record as the person who

brought Alli to the hospital’s emergency room. Julia considers him ‘a-half-decent ‘of them all . 9

Justin was the only one at Broccoli s crack house trying to stop her ‘a new girl’ from doing

drugs ( he dared to yell at the Master himself : “ Don’t give her the shit ! this chick never tried it before! You are going to get her hooked on crack for fuck sake !”) He did not know that the drug lord wanna be angrily snapped at her a week before “ You cant be here if you don’t smoke something ! “ Julia started buying $50 of crack from Tony Broccoli to be allowed to his crack house in order to continue her investigative reporter gig.

Kevin Berman, was Barbara Broccoli’s security guy , supposedly an ex cop , who as

Julia was later told by Sean Graffam( Tony s ‘butler ‘) was selling Roy Hay crack and heroin , instructed by Barbara herself in order to implicate the obnoxious rock star , who somehow was solely responsible for poor Tony s down fall, and get him busted( Roy claimed that

Barbara actually already got him illegally arrested in front of the Madrian hotel on Sunset before and charged with drug dealing , though she knew Roy Hay was an addict, not a dealer .

Obviously it did not work, because after getting out the bad rock star kept’ corrupting’ poor

Tony ) This absolutely made no sense. Was not she supposed to get her precious little brother arrested first if she indeed was on some weird justice crusade ? Kevin Berman who s meeting with Julia was arranged by Tony, who pretended to be on the right side of the law for a minute, after she told him that she wanted to help the investigation, was the one who described in details what happened to Alli at the Tokyo Princess that night. Julia wondered where he got the information and whether he was at the hotel himself and what exactly was the Broccolis s involvement with the Hagedorns and the Justice system . 10

It was clear to Julia, that if she wanted to get to the bottom of it , she had to blend in

and do what the Romans do or if you didn’t then you were either a cop or just boring. The kind of lifestyle that Roy Hay, Tony Broccoli and all the people attending the ‘parties’ was reckless and self indulgent. Yet they had the money and the status to keep their world separate from their ‘normal’ lives.

Julia had entered that separate world, that world where she met Alli Hagedorn and the world that took Alli’s life.

Not long after meeting Roy he invited Julia to his hotel room. He had a limo waiting and said he wanted to teach her how to succeed in the music business .’’If only I had met you just few weeks ago, you would have had that record deal ! “ ( all she was supposed to do is to squeeze her producer out of the deal ) … The hotel room was very nice, in contrast to

Broccoli’s place. There were a few of people already, mostly girls but she didn’t pay much attention to them since she was interested in what Roy had to say. He introduced Julia to Alli saying that she was his girlfriend or one of his girlfriends, and that she was originally from

New York having just arrived from Vegas ( when one of witnesses later was talking about Alli

“running with L.L. , a drug dealer and a pimp, catering to this crowd, in Vegas before” , Julia guessed he was talking about that week ).

Julia thought it was strange that Roy would say Alli was his girlfriend and yet would openly flirt with her. Roy told her it was ok, that Alli didn’t care, that she liked girls more than guys. She indeed was running around absolutely naked , while another naked woman 11

was in her bed, taking a fat hit of crack, Roy just bought for everybody .” Alli was not very

friendly though, she glanced at me without saying hi , I could see she was not too happy

meeting ‘yet another Roy s conquest’, she was clearly hurt” . ( the look Julia would later see

on other girls’ faces in Roy s harem ). Obviously Sex, Drugs and Rock n roll open relationships

was a thing of the hippies.

Over the next few weeks Julia had the opportunity to see Alli at Broccoli’s and other hang outs. It seemed to her that Alli always looked sad and not really ‘there.’ “As I said at the deposition, she was not very sociable, did not seem to really fit into the drug life style all together. I definitely could relate. I started to like her.”

A few weeks after meeting Roy Hay, Julia met Troy Edwards who had his own record company and seemed to be another legitimate contact for her music ambitions. He did listen to her CD and bullshitted how he could help at an apartment on Barham, between

Hollywood Hills and Burbank, which belonged to ‘one of the brothers ‘ , but turned out to be Alli Hagedorn’s. Troy was an accomplished con artist, what Julia found out later.

Around this time, Julia was hanging out at Tony Broccoli’s place becoming one of the crowd and one of the very few people with a car. Broccoli asked to borrow it to run an errand which was only supposed to take a couple of hours but he and Justin Carroll took the car for two days, severely damaging it in the process because as she discovered later, they were running from Police on freeway (!) “ I never give two of my cars to anybody here !”,

Tony mentioned , after fucking up mine. His on again off again girlfriend , submissive 12

Japanese woman Rika Horie whom I first mistaken for a maid, who s daddy according to her

‘owned half of ‘Kiss’ and the Sony , warned me to watch out and make sure they did not ‘run someone over’, because the thugs already did it to some guy , who s car they borrowed too

, and the cops shown up at his door and arrested him for what they did. From what I

understood they got away with murder.”

Julia had now experienced first hand the recklessness, narcissism, and unethical

behavior these people exhibited. To make matters worse, Tony Broccoli refused to pay for

the repairs to her car ( “ don’t worry, we will take care of any damage”). It was this event

that inevitably brought Julia close to Alli the day before her tragic death.

Pissed that Broccoli, a multi-millionaire , was so full of shit, Julia swore she would not rest until she got paid; and was then told that Roy would pay for the repairs instead (“ how decent of the rock star ,I thought , though he was using my car too to take his heroin junkie 19 year old daughter Sunny around , which I did not mind , because I was dating him and watching this sweet teenager being hooked on heroin was breaking my heart) After the

Broccoli s crack house ‘closed down’and the psychopath was supposedly in Europe ( where his ‘power bitch’ sister had sent him to avoid conviction for his drug dealing ), Troy was my only link to Roy left mostly because Roy was moving from hotel to hotel every few days or until he got kicked out and banned from ever staying there again”. Troy agreed to help Julia get the lousy $2000.00 from Roy ( the actual repairs cost her 3 times more) for a fee for his services. But after she got to Barham , he was not in a hurry , being already high on crack and 13

‘waiting for delivery ‘ , then the con artist made her withdraw $100 from an ITM they had in

that famous housing for child actors Oakwood apartments( where ironically Rick James used

to live and Corey Haim died and drugs were a candy of choice ) so he could buy more shit right away. “ I almost gave up to ever getting my money , suspecting that the jerk never planned to take me to Roy in a first place , when out of blue Alli had shown up at the door and saved the day. She had a limo waiting , which Roy later paid $1500 to arrange her escape from a rehab in Arizona where she was ‘too miserable ‘ . It was supposed to take her straight to Roy s hotel, but Alli decided to stop first at her own place to get some clothes because she run from that rehab in a little dress and flip flops and it was January. ‘’I need a hit !’’, she yelled the second she was in and saw Troy puffing on his crack pipe . She was surprised to see me at her place, I explained the reason , but she was too hysterical to pay attention , screaming at Troy and crying because Mellissa, her lesbian girlfriend broke into the apartment and stole all her designer clothes. Typical drug addict behavior, I thought, after having watched all those girls for months.” The limo driver was getting agitated, threatening to call the cops if he did not get paid any time soon. Finally the three of them climbed into the limo and went to The Tokyo Princess Inn in Encino, where Roy with all his entourage occupied half of the motel.

It was there at the Tokyo Princess that Julia got to know another side of Alli

Hagedorn. “ Shut up and have a hit !”, were Roy s words when I asked about my car money, bursting into tears , from being too exhausted already and losing any hope. But Roy was 14

really mean , he just laughed in my face “ Stop crying ! I hate miserable people around me !

…it s just a car !” ( if Roy Hay only could foresee his own waterfall pretty soon , when I almost chuckled “why are you crying , darling ? it s just a dead daughter of a motherfucking billionaire in your hotel room !”)’’ . Julia was now stuck in a middle of the Valley in a middle of a night , risking getting handcuffed with all those zombies in case the motel manager called the cops, since she had left her car back at Burham . ‘’ Just when I was about to start my own hysteric , I noticed Alli being rudely pushed off the bed by one of Roy s other girls, he recently literally picked up at some sleazy corner, Michele , 24 years old Mexican full blown heroin junkie with nasty sores on her arms ( Roy did not really have a type , as long as they were ‘little girls’) , professional gold digger , who liked to brag how she ‘marries men for money’. I had an urge to kick her Mexican ass, but I could not risk starting a fight , again in fear of cops showing up any minute in a middle of that ‘safest residential area , Encino.’ All I could do is help Alli up giving a little lecture on self esteem , shocked by her refusal to stand up for herself. Is this what they teach you in your private schools, I thought. But I guess my attempt to toughen up the heiress did not go in vain . Because all of a sudden Alli started talking about her life, with teary eyes and trembling , still holding a crack pipe , she forgot to use.”

Julia listened for hours, paying attention, especially when Alli was describing all the bad things, like being molested by her father’s best friend when she was only four (!). She then talked about being raped and beaten numerous times in hotel rooms while she was on 15

drugs, her struggle with anorexia and dealing with shrinks . It was shocking for Julia to hear

that a girl from a wealthy, respectable family had such horrendous experiences. She also talked about wanting to have her own show on VH1 , which from her words her father

‘owned’ about ‘rich kids on drugs ‘ , how they end up in this crowd , that they have problems like normal people…Even though the heiress was obviously messed up, she did not appear suicidal ( what Julia would later state at her deposition )… And more shocking that a day or so later Alli lay dead in the same hotel.

In the days, months and years since Alli’s death Julia has been searching for the truth and justice for those who fall victim to the culture of drugs and the people in Hollywood who are responsible for innocent lives being ruined and lost.

Julia’s quest has brought to light other suspicious incidents of deaths by drug overdose including that of a Jessica Corwin, 27 ( who ‘knew too much and talked too much….and they sure shut her up ‘), a goodhearted girl from a middle class family, who was

Roy Hay s new ‘official’ girlfriend , who he met in Vegas when she was 24 and brought to LA , like he brought Alli from New York ( Roy called it ‘ revolving door ‘, if he did not happen to be at same hotel in New York and run into Alli, she would be still alive )… Both girls were dead within a couple of years after meeting the rock star under quite similar and suspicious circumstances, both were introduced to heavy drugs by Roy Hay of ‘The Culture Club ‘…’’They both died of a broken heart “, witness 1 ,who shed a lot of light on the unfortunate events, concluded later. 16

There are many versions to tragic story of Alli’s death, hearsay mostly, recounted by

notoriously unreliable sources, because the LAPD never conducted a real investigation, never

bothered to look for real witnesses , Julia run into over the years . What is known ‘officially ‘ mostly came from the coroner’s report.

“On 01/31/07, the Decedent and a group of people checked into the Tokyo Princess

Hotel at about 1445 hr. A Couple of men were seen placing the decedent into a vehicle and

then speeding off. The Decedent was taken to the hospital unresponsive. Upon arrival at the

hospital, the decedent was intubated and CPR was continued. Despite all lifesaving measures,

Dr. Moy pronounced death at 1525 hrs. It was reported the decedent had a history of

abusing drugs. No trauma was noted.”

So how does the Coroner’s report stack up against all the stories reported from the

many ‘witnesses?’

The date is uncontested, January 31, 2007. A group of people were at the Tokyo

Princess Hotel; although just how many and who they all were cannot be confirmed. By some

accounts there were five men who were arrested at Barham , back at Alli s apartment : Roy

Hay, Troy Edwards, Justin Carroll for sure , according to witness 1 ,the fourth man was

more likely Peddi , an Iranian guy who was at the Tokyo Princess and drove Julia and Alli

back to Barham just a day before. Who was number 5 is quite a mystery . According to

witness 2 it could have been Jonathan Heap ( who recognized him from a picture and Heap s then live in girlfriend Angela was the one who broke the news to Howard Rice( famous music 17

producer with his own ‘designated crack house ‘ where Broccoli and Roy Hay would party

later ) about what happened at the Tokyo Princess , and who told Julia on a phone exactly a day after the incident ) The mystery man could as well be Kevin Berman , who seemed to know every detail and according to Sean Graffam , was obsessed with Amy Tessedre ( Justin

Carroll s girlfriend at the time, who also was in the Tokyo Princess )

According to Julia’s sources and even Troy Edward’s own account, he was the one who gave Alli what they call ‘ hot shot’, lethal injection , an intentional overdose of heavy drugs.

In conversations with friends was revealed , how “They Held Her Down and Shot her up.”

Troy supposedly himself bragged to witness 1 ,went on to describe how Alli was gang raped by 5 men who just left her on a floor to die there. She lay unconscious in that room supposedly for 14 hours before Justin Carroll took her to the hospital( there are two people mentioned in the Police report, probably the other ‘good Samaritan ‘ was Peddi , an Iranian guy, Julia met back at Broccoli s . Another friend told Julia how Peddi called him in panic , crying , asking what to do with Alli , whom he found in a room definitely overdosed and abandoned ) Everybody was talking about Alli being dead for 14 hours , but there was no evidence in the coroner’s report to back up the claim of multiple rapes and it seems improbable that she was dead for 14 hours since rigor mortis sets in between 4 to 6 hours after death and the Coroner’s report indicated she died at the hospital ( unless the report is fake ). 18

Kevin Berman’s ( Barbara Broccoli s security man ), story was even more bizarre ; not

only Alli was dead for 14 hours while the notorious 5 were partying next to her dead body ,

but the semen of 3 men were found inside of her and to a boot they had sex with her corpse.

To make the matters worse, Justin Carroll along with Troy Edwards, wrapped Alli in a blanket

and put her dead body in the trunk of a car. They were going to ditch her but were stopped

by the police because they run a red light. Once again, however, the story flies in the face of

the records that clearly states Justin was the one who brought her to the emergency room. A

fact confirmed by Justin to Julia who visited him in LA county jail after his arrest, purportedly

brought on by Barbara Broccoli because she thought he knew too much. Which confirms the

Broccolis attempt to obstruct justice and set Roy Hay up as a murderer. But why ? Just because Roy dared ‘to fuck with her highness, Barbara herself ‘as Julia was told all over again. Was it Tony Broccoli s and his ‘boyfriend s ‘ Jonathan Heap s personal vendetta against the rock star , who stole all their girlfriends , supposedly owed them a hundred thousand and even worse , possessed something they could not buy,- talent ?

When Julia finally got a chance to talk to Roy in private in his limo on a way to

Madrian hotel , where he was now staying , the rock star had his own version of events. ‘’I

was literally holding Roy s hand , just like in Hollywood melodramas, while he was crying like

only a really good actor can “ According to Roy Hay , upon discovering Alli unresponsive he

tried to revive her including taking her to the cold shower. But his account was contradicted,

and that he may have been passed out in an adjacent room. It was later revealed that he had 19

taken Alli to the shower to revive her on previous occasions when she had overdosed. Which

means Roy Hay was fully aware of possible death outcome and ordered another heroin

delivery for his girlfriend. In Florida anyone who gave or sold an illegal substance that killed a

user is charged with murder. … If Roy Hay had, indeed, taken her to the shower then she

would have been wet upon entering the hospital, which she wasn’t. The other question was

why, if he was so concerned about reviving her, he didn’t take her to the ER himself or simply

dialed 911 ? Roy Hay was supposed to be charged with negligent homicide simply because Alli

was technically his ‘girlfriend’ and was in his care , not talking about him irresponsibly pulling

her out of a rehab where she was getting help , and supplying her with more heroin.

According to Julia s witness 2, Roy never even tried to stop the gang rape , being an active participant himself ( “ He did not have to do it , she already was his girlfriend “ ).

False information, speculation, faulty memories, what is the truth? Most of Julia’s sources, claim, that five people were arrested at the Barham apartment in the wrongful death of Alli, which would indicate that the police were already suspicious of them prior to the event; “but they had very expensive lawyers , and all stuck to same story and were out within hours “. There is also no official record of their arrest ‘available ‘. Did they pay off the

LAPD ? Is the City of Angels that corrupted, making it ok to hash down an investigation on a death of a 23 year old white girl ? ? Years later Julia s newly discovered witness , claimed that” the West Hollywood Police really wanted that group : Roy, Bill , Tony…Dorian , but they could never bust them “. During that time there were rumors about Alli s father donating the 20

Beverly Hills narcotics department ‘a couple of millions’ to get those ‘celebrities ‘ crack

houses ‘ busted. One of them was Dorian Langdon s , another Roy and Tony s British friend

,movie producer / heroin junkie , where back in December 2010 a ‘a young rich guy ‘ died of a heroin overdose too and was supposedly ditched . Dorian s Beverly Hill s mansion indeed had a big raid and ‘closed down ‘ . But when we tried to contact Russ Sharp, in charge of the bust , who according to one of the drug dealers , was ‘ the good cop’ , happened to be

‘retired ‘ all over sudden . Bill as in William Demarest Johnson of Demarest Films and friend of

Spielberg among other Hollywood players , probably the wealthiest and mostly accomplished fuck up in this crowd, who s ass they were all kissing in hope to get ahead in the Holyweird.

The little twerp likes to beat women on a head with frying pans .’ The party’ soon moved to his mansion by the beach .

There is no expiration date on murder . Alli s case still remains ‘a cold case’, though being negligently ruled out as ‘an accident ‘. Perhaps, more importantly than knowing all the facts behind Alli’s death is the question why? Why were those people there, why did she overdose? Everyone who was at the Tokyo Princess should have been charged with

Depraved Indifference to begin with. Julia found out at her deposition that there were warrants issued for everybody at the Tokyo Princess . So what in hell happened ?.... Why the other women were never even questioned ? Did they help to kill ‘the rich bitch ‘? Ricco, black ex semi pro football player , Tony and Roy s drug dealer who claimed having sold Roy Hay the heroin , that killed Alli, tried to pin the murder on Michele ( the dumb Mexican heroin 21

junkie ) who, supposedly, shot Alli up with the overdose because ‘’she was jealous of her

millions “( Ricco was set up by Broccoli soon after and arrested right in front of Tony s fancy condo , while making his delivery, clearly to keep him from being questioned by Police in case there could have been a real investigation of Alli s murder ). ‘Michele s ‘ version of

events was coming from Broccoli himself, according to Alex Perish . Though his story

contradicts the facts, still the question remains : why none of those people were ever

questioned ?! Julia s source claims, that Amy Tessedre who was there with Justin Carroll, knows everything, but is still ‘petrified ‘ when asked about it. ‘’The maids will talk ! “, witness 1 mentioned, but the LAPD did not bother the staff at all. When later Julia tried to get to Alli s father with new information , Tony Broccoli was furious, yelling at her ( and he never ‘loses his cool’) : “Let it go ! ..It’s been 3 years !..the girl is dead !!!..she was a spoiled brat, a heroin junkie !...” Why would Tony badmouth the dead heiress in the first place ?

Was her trust fond bigger than his ? Something really fishy was going on. It took place right before Hagedorn finally decided to serve some kind of justice for his daughter. Another logical question: why did he wait for 3 years ?...

It gets even better. This young white guy , Julia saw at Howard Rice s house just weeks after Alli s death, was talking about “Kevin selling Roy ‘bad’ heroin “ , which was the reason she is dead , it was ‘no overdose’. What is also pretty much a premeditated murder.

The autopsy does not indicate if it was good or bad heroin, it was supposed to be a different analysis , specially requested. Was ‘Kevin’ the Kevin Berman ? Then it validates Tony and 22

Jonathan s plan to set Roy Hay up for murder. Cornelius Murray, Roy s ‘assistant’ told Julia how Broccoli and Heap wanted to hire him as a hit man to kill Roy. Also when Roy was on a run “they held a gun to one of Roy s girl s head “, trying to get to him. The young guy at

Howard Rice s house as Julia remembered later , most likely was Ron Cadillac, talented rapper, Sunny Hay s then boyfriend( who she had a son with and later married and then divorced ) , who just recently , in 2015 mysteriously died of a heroin overdose , after being clean for years.

In a Forbes article appearing in July of 2016 about James Hagedorn, Alli’s father, there is a brief mention of his daughter’s death, besides that, it seems all traces of Alli Hagedorn have been removed from public view. It’s as if she was never here. What role did her father play in covering up information about Alli? If she had been raped before being taken to the hospital there would have been evidence of it in the report, which there was none, yet no autopsy was ever performed. At the deposition they actually asked Julia if Alli did any porn .

It seemed like her squeaky clean image was more important to her family than getting her justice. “God ,no!”Julia could not believe the question . Now , after years of research and ton of new information, she is not sure Alli was as innocent as she appeared. A rebel, a misfit , a lesbian ? Why is it even an issue when a 23 years old was gang raped and murdered ? Julia watched so many of those ‘good girls’ being turned by predators like Broccoli and Hay into junkies and whores. Some of them, like Amy Tessedre and Alex Perish are truly lucky to be alive. 23

The Forbes article goes on to say that after his daughter’s death Mr. Hagedorn started spending more time at home with his other children. Being wealthy in America has definite advantages, and may be a central issue to the life that Alli led and the aftermath of her death.

It was evident to Julia in her encounters with Alli Hagedorn that she was not happy.

Alli’s revelation that she had been molested by one of her father’s friends, may have played an important part in how she felt about the world. Yet it was also evident that her involvement with Roy Hay, Tony Broccoli and the others didn’t have to do with needing something from them in the way of recognition or money but It might have been quite the opposite; they saw her family’s wealth as something to be exploited. ‘’They all were after her money! ”,-witness 2 exclaimed.

One thing there is never any lack of in the drug community are rumors. Still, a suit was brought against Roy Hay by James Hagedorn, a suit that forced Roy to finally give up his party life style and move to Santa Barbara. Though Tony Broccoli and Jonathan Heap spread rumors how Hagedorn was looking for Roy to kill him ( what made poor Roy run in paranoia to Vegas and hide there for months), the billionaire turned out to be a quite legitimate businessman and only took the rock star to court.

In an effort to see that justice was done Julia volunteered to give a deposition for the case ( Justin Carroll was the one who told her about the law suit ), offering the information she knew and the conversations she had with Alli, Roy Hay, Troy Edwards and more. In the end the case was settled out of court, for an undisclosed amount of money. Was this, then, 24

the value that the Hagedorn’s placed on Alli? Was her life, virtually eliminated from record

because of the life that she had lived? Later on, when Julia requested a copy of her deposition

for a book she was writing, to her astonishment , the parts of it where Alli s murder was discussed , were altered and replaced with new obscure ones and obviously more appropriate for someone, who does not want the truth to come out. Which is an obstruction of justice not counting forgery . Julia s lawyers are now working on her own law suit .

Roy Hay married an old rich woman to support his life style , after Hagedorn made him sign off the rights to his biggest hit song ‘’ ( according to Amy

Tessedre) and on tour again with the Culture Club and bloated . The main villain

Tony Broccoli finally married his Asian crack head girlfriend , whom he passed around his circle a few times, and produced more degenerates by artificial insemination . Justin Carroll is swimming in blue waters of a Greek Island his blue blooded family owns. But for Julia,

Alli’s death and the subsequent deaths of others such as Jessica Corwin and people associated with that crowd, was the beginning of a war. For her it isn’t just about Alli, it’s about the hidden drug culture, those wealthy influential people who inhabit that world and do damage to innocent people , victims of their self indulgence. Her determination to bring to light the criminal activities of those involved in Alli’s death, has brought her to the edge, including messages to her friends like Julia Sellers how “the Broccolis had a hit man issued after you” and Norman Whitfield Jr ,claiming that everyone who was asking questions about

Alli were murdered. ‘’Do you know what the Family is going to do to you , right ?! …”,-Justin 25

Carroll tried to stop Julia from discovering the truth. Following the President Trump ‘s campaign on changing drug laws, having death penalty for drug dealers , all the decent people in this crowd are contributing to the ‘Justice for Alli ‘course , starting with the

Broccolis ‘ conviction for having drug and prostitution ring for decades in the middle of ‘the

Entertainment Capitol of the World’, and the infamous heir to the James Bond movies fortune, being tried as mass murderer like Charles Manson for the number of young people , especially women , drugged and raped and ‘accidently’ overdosed in his crack house. ‘’ The whole street almost had a parade when we heard that the evil Broccoli , corrupting our kids, is finally going to prison “,- Alan Izeek, criminal lawyer, who used to live just few houses down from Broccoli, told Julia back in December 2006. Around that time Michael Douglas ‘s son went to prison for selling ‘ a little bit of meth’. Obviously Hollywood has a double standard for its celebrities.

While costing her precious time, security, and peace of mind, the death of Alli

Hagedorn remains a doorway to Julia’s quest for justice for all women. The recent anti

Weinstein campaign and the ‘ Me too’ movement gave her green light to publish a book and start developing TV series based on Alli s story. Julia s next goal is passing new law, having scum like Tony Broccoli, Jonathan Heap and Roy Hay , who create and provide the environment for drugs and abuse of women , getting even more severe punishment than for drug dealers . Call it ‘Alli s law’!