BT International Media Centre
Since 1989 VSC Design Ltd, has been planning, designing, installing and servicing the requirements of a rapidly changing broadcasting and media industry, delivering the highest standard of engineering BT excellence and International Media Centre customer service across a variety of technology platforms. The iconic concrete and glass circular BT Tower might be considered a piece of vintage architecture on the outside, but on the inside it plays host to a state of the 2007, VSC project managed and installed the art television facility. production and broadcast facility, a project that took four months and included bespoke The BT Tower Facilities suites designed by VSC. Originally set up as the centre point of the More recently VSC provided systems British Telecom microwave network, the 191 integration, project management and foot tower now relies on its subterranean fi bre installation for BT Media’s upgrade to a Snell optics links. With BT TV and the launch last Sirius 830 routing system and three MV-Series year of BT Sport, based at the International multi-viewers to support television outside Broadcast Centre in Stratford, the need for broadcasting (TVOB) operations for the BT an effi cient, modern facility has increased Tower facility. After the SMC, the IMC was the sharply. next step for the tower facility: a high profi le Its central London production and post- and critical business project to modernise and production hub also works with outside upgrade the outmoded centre was devised by clients, so upgrading the facilities has been VSC who successfully secured the tender. an advantage for external, as well as in-house The Brief users.
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