wr. josxis, uncmitK, ebdix , mnw -ahx 27. isos ELXQK A ffltfTH. ^UBWWWS, voLTTMg r"Bimaai ft'

■tBCKlLA&BOOB 4 *4 BU-fontb Hoyt. wi * <4 —tan ft Brinffit, w*vw — f*h in j Aenfo—f SbaftsPNHlb. IK ' 1 24,* •f M U, wti J. A. Sweet, jury foes io cn —«n*l ii W ■ f criminal 10 c Indwltic, uus, m oc l a M A. Wood, u Deputy Sheriff I «i U mrp9tk, A. JO. UM6 of., Dig ha— and Plu—*'«*,), for print. | JjrVWVffflg, Zr 29 Mommy , JiNMf t, ISM. 1 m'*+ inal "i—t \% 40 The chairman of tl— corcuuUee <>B ,, Tim Booed vf itippnM*** om iMMkarf1 J. T. Tiuklrpaqgb, wR- * raportatftbo Trtffowtng claima, with U»a.i* ’ Room , in the rtl—a* of a»u Moo far th* !rr of hnlAp^Iu MxttiolooMiao. I J54, Ace t «| iliitaa — Snath, for pttm* id *m —Had u> order •»! u’afoeh Lucy M. Hale*, wil i no, 8C lUtmmd. £4u* darts r. m., bjr the Ckinmn. 1 SB " JoaapT Bohr anmltug tooa in crimaal_____ T extra comoenaat luu,* tn Boll celled bjr W— H 8 —to n, Papa tv Chaa. Tinklepaugb, wit- ! ramfrlei w toluntstn ‘ reeitv. Tecnfvnt for *er»ic«a«ei a» <)tA County CLufcp and the ♦fcea tr criminal and as cafivaestr, Iff 9. | tha Chiuntw-I’-wrMr fV past t wo r< NOmM to t—rfr i at U ILjU. Hedge, iia prtoit lwa, B fcOi .W^tufc was adagandi -r* »4 Wo. 2»!. wTlUyr, lea draw* W < Mr. \V»iy mo>cu UaM, Mr. A rasp Aami- ia '"Zjury, 2 y0 * h*e*rf E2W,’1d tccyrdance with Uta abara 1 10' J: M. Easton, diatrlbut- Pf JUST BIOfilTBB, J. Motimar Jantic* In » ing aaliaffHnd 3 50 i •fVM m an tMtn^feRtfit, T. 4. Wondaaaw, « A CBOTCE 8T00K or • on WiUimxn tjUaiwH, 14 28 in ensniuiU 8410 Wu. Shepard, a* CouatjrI DRESS GOODS, T! T. HoirUter, Jusllot Oinnwar, i a A. E. Jaidah. as (Vmtr DOMKSTIC. H Jspk>r, i Unnvaaase. a |s PAUAS9LS ' **bo foMnwtng amonta Vara preaontad in ctittiuiii M 91 j Maasn Barww.—ijounay n ft Bat, mfBTORTHSIlLLlll! ’1 and rafortod to the conmtfttae on etafaw, Daniel V. Batainfcn, con- Canvaaear, 17 utahfct tn rrhnhwt I CNo It. ffRnt, ft* County HOOP SKIRTS, The Tttct pursuant iu ai^uritUbrurocpnt i SS 931 CtntMir, ole,. li 25 Aoo*t of B. P. W»rr, Cor Hitting fftrafftat of 14 d wea ealled fo nfftor hytfcc Umiidm I. SOSiN KStt IHIUSCTORY. Uaawi U. Hataaaan, osa- Miron KiiM m County lUdi ended:^aAi tbn m« tabor OX McVAtilB BOOTS & SHOES J5 3« Ml M K. KmMi, fbr Tiotttag •UUa in criminal |. cent bonnett and II nigifiti c 44 A H. Walker, for audit- ftmilifi of \n 9m mt* $rm. 7 151 Mr. Derbyalilrc moved that ike Cknir - amssmi la asBtssHSf t« tW jgsMUikst ii iug aeemint* amt am- Wo. P. Jiro iwm, P>r rtotting Dinift) B Batfnin, oott- r f man appoint a commiaaioner to effect a agle ssaastinBta* ^psppp iitoe ritl, 4Lc.v Re.; Mating poor fa mi lies fimiKin «4 votatevt. P * |♦ ui wi«atwl*at m known aa the *•u CdtintTf '6tinty Poor A. G.liuimiaon, aabu par - WHk ; all of Aa A. it. U«iv«vnifMif toi rtoitivtg family 6 85 Ikarag ’m tkmCunnty; <» Hcfuy C. WiUixin, con* intendent of Count* TMC PEACE-MAKER I oM Ri oil too of Yolintifli. < 0 j Wi;cU inotuni prevailed. •txbU in cri.iatnAi Poor, Wn. H. If mm, m CoMty Cm ( ~ ,;VC Tiit* Chairman accordingly r. LOW PRICES, FOR READY PAY, 4 241 On motion of Mr. Vaiwcojr, (Hnfht Hijflp aa such eomtniaaiuner. Tin acoannie wave allowed aa reported. * -,«t O. C. HUKD’8. Warran H. HtnMt to County Can- ! L. IlungaHurd, amiaHwg On motion of Mr Vanacoy, Ala*, a* t By purmuaton oi Use IFoani, Mr. Bough iamilioa of voluniaani, 4 50 j The Board ad jnnmu d until to-mo rraw dt.Ja fcai.Jaa* 4.1M. I* ton withdrew the account of Peter Pcafcl. U 0. K. Iloiloter, m County Con-1 S. F. Wara, aoaiating monuiig at 6 o'clock* fautiiica of volunteer*, 9 00 [ P^nty Treasurer * u>ud was tken ■ABM TO TIE ii I read ; and, M. Van fllioon, m County Con- J. W. Beckwltb, aaoiot- MORN INI* S UAIOS. On mot sen of Mr- kaaton, PLANER iftg fbmihea of rcAun- 4 60 j The bond was aooeptnd. Tiiirmu y , Jan. 12—8 a . •• Win. HtrkrU, J notice in crttolml umra, 14 W, F. Jemnoon, dutn- Mr. Gaston moved that the Countv antH Tkn-Snefd met pnfei«nt to adjoiimment. Poor Orders l3e brought m and burned in »W* A mUmd fX) ord#r ^ *** Obafrman huting relief fund, dc , 13 86 Warren JuKP in emit- pseaenee of the BoaniT | Miautaauf yeatnedny s peneaedk ^pa mad A. G. Gtmntaon, riaiting Which motion pretailed. an* PaaM>«aa-4«t g I lion ; , that the aauie be,allowed at S6 00; J. M. Molmeaox. J no t too in ertm- Can rammer, Kttoitmi, That th« Sheriff of tM* Coontr ! W1,ic.h "ra*> ho «*U»w«l. o.a.ot**!'* Warren H. htonc, aa ioal caaea. 13 2U ^ authonied to rant or fumwh a jail and ! Mr ' *»'•«»▼ mov «‘J that tbe prooaadiv County Canraaaer. CftPPER, TU ANB SHEET IKON WARE, J. M. XIolineaox, Juatioe in crim­ . Jailor ’, resid«-nce for the u*e ol thu County. 'of a,“ H** H '*• P«w'* h*<* »»Tor«5ar of Cam .«W~* 44 J. Vast Uiemou, aa Coun ­ inal caaea. 10 32 lwo Teara frum tbe 10th dtv of January, ! Lierk ; fwr to* Hir** o MRttlBf Io IRmtia HmO w 44 ty Canvaoaer, * Book, Door m»o Blind J. XL Xlolinc-anx, JuoUee m enm j A D. 1^46. at a rant or pnc» not to exceed , U l'* ""Uun PPfcwuUil. 44 C. LowcUp aa County Can- ttwftUMM of OUtlot m4 MftP 14 04 I * i6° P^- J*«r * (,n ,no|ion of N,r- ' aianwy, CAsters ni Well P« J. M. lioiineeui, Juataee in crim­ v manor* Which wa-v adoptad. A mtv of thanks wa» tendered to Mr. 44 C. k. lloilialer, aoCounty fl MMlH. ALL KINDS or inal caaaa Mr. Hunt ntiered the following resolution : * DHI. the Mfcairaaan of the Board, fhr the able *4 J. I. Tenklepaugb, witneoa faoa in Canmaaor, 11 76 J XT tit WAVS. 44 /Wm/ That the Treasurer of thk t’oun-1 n«‘"’*, r •» w,uett «ir. wiiWor. - A _ LUII NNi Cbaa. Tenklepaugb, witneaa Haa I fund* reOMivwi hy hiui, by virtue of th«‘4fh»^ ^aaton moved tint. Xlr. W. C. Ben- 44 W. N. Daggett, aa big*- ♦4 TT------B. OaUf, Mo Artor. in criminal oaoea. law, heck into tin.- school fund >1 the town "e,t- So PPr'"“'r r 'ui'! Township, be pro nrarr rtwe. aim * (1 way oomtoioaHiner, 17 40 Afcd Map Joiner Work Jineff W cat brook, witneaa feon in 1 *bipt from which it waa receive.! ; | aaeoted lor not performing bin duty In bahikr ahi > broker . rORCBLAIN WACK. onimnai caaaa. On motion of Mr. Yanacoy, Which wa* adopted neglecting to comply with tbe preetoMMa of Done to Order Tie lo oloo prop*rod to do Willani N. Daggrtt, witnem fm The »co Mint* were rand and allowed aa On motion of Mr Hunt, the law relative to asaaonng dog* ; in criminal report eu The tune for tbe collection of tax** in tb* W LlcL i-rcvalled, by aye* and naja, 44 Jobbing Jl Building.t Lucy M. Dulse, witxiaas kwi in Tlw* account ot 8 Hoyi* fer aunetiug pep township* of De M'itt, Bath, iiitgluui sud M follows : ___ _ . ___ EM-IROIWIS k COIBBCTOB PIPE ontninal cases aecutmg attorney, was rr;iorted beek to Olive, wa* extended fifteen J*y*. I Ayr* —Mmw. Mahan. B—Vtwftb, Eflia, MMRlffCRff : ___ If Marvin llrown, witnrw fees tn cofmiuttee of ike whole ; and, On motion of Mr Vanirot liuut, \\ are, iaaetinau, iileenme^M n»*t MtllAMl fUoti. I^ipoi U Ulehlffon. to nvrr tub times. r. Now Yi»rk oll>. aod pmi «| o» mminal ohm . » On motion. The vote fixing the aaiarv of County Clerk i ^ ,, ,, , Shot <«eU» tld4 «fcf \Y*inmr. r>**r Hprlif Bimi Cl,aria* Ferdon, ,t. aL, witno*. W*a laid on the ubfo ____ j recon^dered. ’»T>. 'I.-ar- •. innmoti, lull, \ i JEIYTAL m*r H,Ur>. wf Ct,„ntv I -On aaotiow, JOB WORK at af tl.l iHnnw T**afc, trrm rrituinsl cieei, withdraw the sau>e; . f t| . f f; ¥ The Beard ad|ourned win* die. THE PLACE TO BUT Y0UH Samuel Cote*, witne** fee* in W bmh motion jailed _ .____ Which motion^rera.ied. i OOUHTLAND HILL, eiell tl«A4A 4m* vita AWeeWli *e4te »*• erimmaleme. Mr. h-atmen i.akeii mni .drte.rml perm*- Mr. Derbyshire moved Umt tbe Umntv I CA« Bfne Mea Clbet mmw^ It. Jab**. * ^Sitf 44 hlixaneth Hoyt, witnem fee* in aion to withdrew the *cooant ol 3. Uoru I Tremurer Ik , authonxed to contract with « c” Treaaurer lw> authonzed to contract with IT r. Smith, Clerk. criinuia! «*a%v- Mr. has (liven asked and obtained permw Mf for the rent of Court Room, I lajrtaesmnte GROCERIES, II William Miller, oomtable in crtin faum to withdraw tbe account presented by ) fo ^ two veer*, at »IW> per rear. Tbe *%ar Ui Tcjmmw»c«. mal caaea ikifli. malraii of ®45, aa fixed by tbe Hoard at the flA lcletter ""hat l>een rrrceieved, *•■irom T Gait. art, Wininwif Darnel H Hstrman, cotWtaMo m On motion* r . 7 Thnman wte4tkir a bnef nittorv of iita Ten Iff. •*>< %!»•• MW Hw. tr*a- j October aeaanm; ’ ® ^ * i Usd an ra»nfta?;rn. !t ap|M'ar« that he deairrd t#> The aeoouai of Peter Peaht Which motion prevailed, 44 Daniel U. lietenmu, cowateblo iu, the t*Ue. , | Mr Vanaeor moved that the County Aci'«enpany t»en I'vtu’rmaii to IkvtnMli ami deemed another othc«i $he peraon io criminal raica. Mr. >» arc moved that tbe Miarira of tbe Treaaurer and Clerk be autli rtf.rd tn ^>roetir«* AW mr^ibloi %rnmmmV,y UfUita Clark Sinclair, countable in crim-n.|l j I'ouuLy ounty Officer*wuicor* u«be tbou« aaa*e*anw forlor theiu« present ^ ock. end taWe. for tb. cmvluct tlieaiUiiv agtiiMt ILfuti. Cietuhhar inal caeee. , term aa during tlw la.t two with tbo c<> Clatk * Office, of Clinl.ai County mart, linwrvrr, put full confidence in hiui. SOUR EVAfORATtm k RAT BOILER oroci :by store , Henry C. William*, conataUe in addition of Mft v per cent , #|Kj ^ ^itr (jie „ri1l. oU , n f contingeut and all the initiaft»rv *t*m #»f hie rnnunal case* \Mnch motion did not prevail, by »7« , fnwd V«a..l Connrr ; iva* uiadu ui dd ^iicikt Co .Siteraan Call • ri—* mmd lagvfiA irtkla> taut T W. TICRRY S (ien 1 homav adds tluit hw campaign IffM.PBBSn Dame! B. Bateman, cotAtaUe in } and nays, as follows: Which ____million______prevailed. ^ rrimiml ea*e* Ayr* — Me**rv. Deck with, Gleason, Hunt, ! Mr. Ellw muvJd UmA Ike Trmeurrr ami bare bc^n vfTBVr. it f ffhctwn had aot 8jt July S, tits. St Jekua* M*> IS, AMU. iMS.if J 44 Willard N. Dawr«t», road cwnmi. | W.rv, KeeUmn ami Sfomum-b | Clerk aforaeeid. I*- authored to ol 1 T*"^^ t,Vr.nuw .jf>f1"*7.2° jj" T. W. Vwnrrj. DKCE3fBER. 1864 Motv-r. Nava—L*H«. DrnneU, Kill* tractc officer cueaidarad and fixed ; aentetioa of claims • 1 to • be >-«ggaatmo* of . tiaiman, ann w ^ MISCELLANEOUS tornev. , Which motMMi pc'vailrd. WMch motion prevailed. J buni (iraet,andaemewbatfcjMbe mu aaiifcil *4 C. l^crwwll, aa Cwunty Canvaaarr. jjr. Hunt move*! that the mlary of dodge I Tfc«I pff f.dfcvwingHFifffvf uif claim** inline wvr*wrrr nr**«mt*.linvwrfnrvi avniarwl (« 1,1 ' ‘ unMUI• • "-u t ,,W,M% *ht - _a . . 4. ^ , ' iir«»jrpM wan nclsTet* >v *torrD> siKl 44 Deter Paebt, witoea* bk Of4 1 of Probute lie i nr mused thirty per cent. t! ?*r^ d fU^UtP'T^0,,'0,” .*Ti I. '.v.Jv iwdmi.lv Br making tW flgl.t fbr •ETHOIT k MILWAUCEE MMtfttftO. Mr. Yunsooy offered N in 11 Acc t of t. .>mcu,r « oenauble m an- t|w u, ^ ^ Uj'ciiUuA^t bi* fa oeeaeUofi wflb IU 44 L. Hunger ford, supervisor. that it be increased twenty per| a up piiwrukrtiia ttr t CAWft .. vv^. t..r u,iinn .i inA«ir d*flci*frv iii cavalry, aa to make tb, pur -jstTJ-sr On motion of .Mr. Hunt, Tke ssoendiAMitl wav kwt and Ike nri _ II ! inH71 «vdt of if.KKl men- r,vr ' D***' Thorns* Tntl- Tbe question of rmistng tbe of ii pre vailed. mg and rtptrm chare** «**".. ,J.. ^ ha-i frr fn jixai.tm lb “Piiwlli11 ae4 “Wllwaabn .* ’ Ike Cuusty U mads the speceel Mr Hununt moved that tkeualarr of bleak* ter Uketr* * iter*. . .. .____ order for to otum*w morning; Clerk be raised thirty par cent. ; On motion ol Mr V.naooy, I * « >,ul* Bwnt' '* -u notnra fw wownt imAi— wiu The B.wrd adj.mmed until 1 o'clock r. m Z MjW leave un* * SUlai • Which motion ptevailed. Wknak nssuva prevailed* On motio n . Mr* Hui»t moved tkat tke salary of P J % _ nrih, (lie Utter cpUAprt^d.uiil^ s uteurmuieed ______Q»ll WM4. AfTSsieos iBseMPN. ir»f#). lie «*rv Y 'iAt tlul 1C nfiny 1 jjrntTre loss VTZXD-At «9S» ATS. (arOraad A*v —At Vlrte t* If.'fertto Tbe pursuant to sdieefeinent Kilts, Hunt, Ware, G*v~« -1 — .Mr Bennett T m<|C ' ' ^ at Dstvelt. Of Md lirasd Ha. aod teas coiled to order rcaau. Hngghlrty EUlJ, Seseems aod Bohr—12. The follow ng aooountdi were prrsanfad SnOoAi Perry ■Wiadssr.- 7 Jo»ii Un.i.iikv^, whoa* Inunerou* Ktrrer Roll called: ill the members pvoeettt OS* | Nsy* —Messrs. IkvtMtt, \ anaooy, Upson lni ^ rekrtud to tkn conimittec* on cijuot#; fitcnti rrn matter* and fhinr* in general bare alt etKiatt HnuHWvt Oeeet at Oread IKtvtj eept Meesm*>1 Gaston and Derbyshire. aod llrrbvakuo. Acc’t of Wm. T*)lor, ooivstaUe in crim | bHn a bwsahl?Hvb* fo ynpetiter of Hfte Tbe minnie* of reaterdsv 1* proceedings j Mr. Hunt tooved that fhrsalary nf Comity rutkir TntmVOBATfl I INK IS epee fur PORUfl Htal rases, mui Ward, »« a reel estate sgrnt in lMegB Otaleujr,) (Wt 1.1H4. were reed and spprovetl Treasurer he ffucraaeeil thirty per •loSpfNfl CAW OIV WTOfTTTOA f IfR. * W m Hrniuon u ^ ^riff K# , \ t . ,.y uh - nate^* •*! .Hhsw lit* »« The Miowtng accounts were rrad and re Whieh vooUuo prevailed, Ike olfcsirasan oi Ike oniuu»itt«c up c aim* j a IL mismin of middle age. and bee ef? the iw. iRiSwiWIi MreDASCL ferwd fo the committee on claim«, rir.: (>Ik of Xlr. Vauecoy, rcpiTted back tbe loiioumv; arm nt UiAi h atmut ham •»< dec eg aw iRttHipi Acc’t of J M naRtir: for di«trih’ifing rv Tke Hoard ad|<>nrtj«d iietil U> i the recommends cion thst ti.ev be slfowcd. jjxeiTftHit aagl 1 <4 butoimm He klf s Ol Hef order* tn ffcvntfiea of vo)nn> i morumg at 9 o'cluck. ■tig wmtkNi ftfMAJfenaeny , fj, p|f»^ containing a Rejection from hiacouur 0DUTH1 Tke summits XfatBgis of Tlfo and Ydtmfofi, sn«1 as a OtreHSEB. tears. .----- fxx Sicu ^rj£l?o wim wtwraerm 14 Mi run Kllia, aa Comity Canvasser MoautNo *«wuab . AVMVhWAVI Acc’t of Morns Houghton, as hupenuk>r lect bn s the »ide« of Me etidtetwe a oiioseo, watoo astd distrihuUitg relief nisn WifcOursnsv, Jon. 11—0 s. n. aiul visiting families sad BOB1UOBI haAlreeds let all mSoh liseet h ooot to families of v^unttm. The Ikaid mot, parousnt to adjourn«weot, of rrdontcerv, 74 W > I Hertti-Wse* M T. J. Wc?odman. as Honnty Tan and was called to order '*y tbe Chatman o W O. Befieett, as Bwpee- Tnr tirsv fJtnetWio mvrtvrir iWea dr enslWer* OeWay.ee ss | trsr'hn tor *11 »**ea was dbraii P. I yRlssisr, si P SM.R. u —k t\m\t Boll called : all the member* present m* visor ami see wti eg Mtd 1* IS A Man* a*a r M Geo. H. Hoot* for aaetstirvg families cent Mr. lienee it. lataibee of volunteers, T1 TX win* more than JL> >nr» ’•urni'v eeetng e of voiueteera. The nainote* ef yeatv i day 's proceediago 44 Wm. A Upenn, visiting IU) c«l s j**«m*l i^r die Ircc diacutsiou of tke WKJGII,G6«MHyi. 4# A. £. Jamah, a* County Canvas were rued and apftroved. fsmikaa of wdonteers, 9 AO I fjitrirth*r it Vlton Ifl llnfwdf, wisent b'O fHj—s. MM______I upon Hv s bi*|v of t^tglaiw fenm MfomH emt The following account* were J. T. Gleason, Uepaty CHARLES TURNER, Mnees Bartow, sr fVmittr Otim* | and isported to the rointn:ttee us Gartvaeeee end rtott< slam, it la n*w prafm***i to erect at j a iDuuuinviU Lu ln> uit tuuij aor. Aee}t of Joseph iioiir, for vmDog Um mar fsaslltee of volun- Iff 221 —2— 44 Wllltsm S he pat d v as County leoftiiiea <4 voiooi Ate spotheesrv of Qo* "cr, named St vaseer. Wm. N. LpMm, fer viaUing Oertlenk Hill., vwlMnft 6 00 I •»** •*»•« *vr. *um ! »**hi uw irwl lot mur town lie* of vokvntsem, C. .VI. J>crby*hire, a* (*<»untv Cen tees of voisstma irr M s mtosew he *wto*»m*teved iuw te iu n R 8. Vatmmv. ▼toning *t and cutting fstmlieji of Ohm. Sm*tons tor Trifling fotadlfoa - vo sevaral pev^^ee a «madly 5^won of roliinteers. tomdfea of rfftfitsm. 44 - cflkcu i»f which oiw dfteiL Mads ef A. H. WaAher, for mditiag an- W 0 Bennett, for visiting the It h. Vaeeeov Gouatv muatff aod v tailing peer Bandies of vokmieeva* UU Bv ii I nsit sheet ;1 boilig. R 8. Vaneeey, fer visiting tke 0* Herndon*, eeseUing ^ % ,o» ifcet 1 wueW 4iill —> »«—n ufo —r tfcen 44 A. f) fint ttmm as Buperinteod torn! I lea of rrinc mra, • e ,nyMir not wf Ono oty Beer. 44 C HU1. fer vMUng Um UiaMaa tsf 44 Jne^Bobr. seriating feoul* * uTtfe .ivrar. *tmn tr 1 ft I'm uglier (ken 44 Mitten B Mmith. far printing foe ef rol mlistii A 001 ran I I—** want ,«W* 44 II. (j. IMm fer printin g l< XI. Benghtnci fee visiting temlHna J. A Sweet, Justice id N Wm ?f. tvluey mr drawing jury of roiwn teem. ontninal oa*e* O'* Lovai/r time of jmitku e* 1 Mr Wsre chsirman of the mwemiftne nr J l utewMM., ss A DfpiKv ffll bf rr !'• trmpfrs. and Mke easi ciatms, reported the follow! g urooonu with cnminaa cases 4 4h -and. slm 1 that *r> rA** tfgfe wHIi their Am nmmmmmmkkkmn that they ha altwwed H N. Van y, aa Ootmtr Oarvae W. U. Stnuou, i (*aUbk A • I 0 ’ ! 1 £ * fc 1 1 •> t ( ' J' M>4 23 tri gA LT and FLOftB, aa vepsrtsk, visi ear. in criminal cnees, 44 II* B. Jiawmen , in 8. Ore—. c.iee(efc4e in Ain ’t ef Wmiern Muter, 16® | Tm, mom riguto — end rise—ej e olasb Wu W ort —1—1 •1 22 •4 mi. the hifknr lelMrti*** *• J? m Mirvin Brown, wit t Own, CUrtc Sk—*eif, In art—t—1 2 20 — #—Mjfc^tra— 4tan 4*J|foW aiMiwi 1 M J, aT* W—. T—foe, mtrnr A. sm (n*.mu^ —0X10*11 YAna BOTTOM, Hi erimbm) IS 44 ira. S»k 1 » tfi tft I 4 ♦ » fan Tmpto pajr« *14,000 W# cos it iUltd in Um tefagfopbk col Tk§ IvufeiCilttlkMi ml tfei Ul Va On tba HI towdato!r*aw up f uru mm ml ItoMI ___ I them, Ui and tkoM Mlovttfb Iba egpmbjgkfo of it. Them la tba Ibdpoal^fak^ 4^a flsvj Tba iT’jjr fafiJMb !oiUR»m%tgji»d aawwiats ta tV IM tuba k ntfatfmr/xdgtoeli______41 arms siau Iftlfep ■■ I Ik law* reu M WwMi« U^fu *• faflg* «Hk iatdlkar mads,tods, BNrdBsOaAb gomerati quantitiaa _w it» JpiWMu a ball aad wetotriec It» CootaNlftrat* Si liab1nh%il< to tbr of ordnance and ouawsannry storm. Oor of life 1land, anything in tba Upa for V?* * ,l£ •*»** <* ‘Hmv grand old ptuiuu Sbenwn HUImmI in OM* tbf wctilid ^Coo cnaaaf(im prove smaller tins at first re­ If Draw * l6 Bul »• »««k far it m» (mu . Oor ; _____ i__tii— m at tba him of t fit pft- stitotrio end loom of aajr Blilt to tba or Cur nrnuiM l»av« iufl»i«d (linittr and Mni. * P* 9r v n t'****®*®* ported. Tbey but op this: Twelve ufBcars of Qoorgia aad Alabama. | trery nutwirblmdim;. It fa, and arm, la | awaj that A mighty bent ia uucutufMMd within a fmw Imf to a fotluna of fl7,U0Q,U00 tbajr hu mud) appreciate. and IU7 moa kiftlod, 46 offfaees aad 409 seen art only baring a raal aatira i tout! packet bar to aaj tbrig Uhe All tba aura from uttanig^ ihaML jgotaala* milaa of tba city. Tba thunder ml bia bat | __PrtMbgppg eerie fiO < Hone of tbair lam far pence am tbajr bocnd Uhmokmkoo tto wnlU of tb« Capitol. Bo | in ^ |( pMTtf rto- fi fmOtMobai, bats I WVMIBWi | WaonW *•*»«■* I ifeton to paocUun vW u k bfci ,.h-x U 1T1 log within their bo rd ers even altar tba C< of wMbly enestodoit He 1 •1 11 to aaatara, to extirpate tba wbaia 1 -l>* M,,f w* p ” but tbajr will asdpaab- mat) tba ia ia » biilaaf ant »■»§■■» i of fbuss buried •bulbb U. Trip «% bam tbit Hgbt; a rebel ftuo. *®uvi it; bilk vttel to oar ba founded oa tba ciamrai of Oepwtitutiufi aad our country ; billa upon bfTitbe aa- part* dorij bar# not tri* ” l>o tba Confederate leader* | Afar pamagrof which depend aar sfatiu aa plokaa of the mgptoa. Tba lowest esti* right. Tbajr ako bora tba right, aad wm to aay, aa a corollary from tbk propu freemen or slayce, probably for cent once to mate by tbk terrible nfaglm|ibp k 90 believe It to ba tbair duly to rectal avttbdravr tbair **»•• Wo am ia tba a%htb waab of tba Hid p HHI t” from tba go vernment mrior which tiag hts an tar in any farm* cooriltotional or | it at twits that mnabar. Ia tbe obasgaa tbajr Uoai they am tbam by rylimd from pns allows oar (Sar allegiancealk ? Tbejr can hardly laoan srnum mm ortototoond yot not am out of all purport ion to tie grown frmgfMOBtn IM to W« *■ am endurable, unlit tbajr can ba legally m t far dM tbajr wri, a abort tlam ago. sing la «mpk n tofimbp ourc Lag isla o wing to tbair being ex- turn* for tba tba dirsfei ecm | ‘ threw into priaon a number of ini of aar armiaa ; for 1664 dkso tly in front of of ancrohy aad aayolution. by rio I tommMdk in __ tbair mm Slat aa tba of OUT currency ; lor tba — A raertdt ^pdkAkHl^pt gam bia t» bam Iwcmne thorough ­ fan of Ufa aad fossa rt ibay bam brought la not anoagb ; it ant bam a good awNUn. upon tba wbuio paapla of tba land. Bafars . IHrwoakhaacorb Ofa raidlct of the ly awake, and while they are pmtpoamg «mM, Dm (JwtMknAH (ini «kk < mttbmy OTer> MH f* “l out b* uMfnl io this emer* — A mi Mrty, wkuwHy utlkd bi* tba oommanaaomut of tba jrmr 1776, oar aksMib- f»«B tommy : W» wwro fomd to dfcftolte i Or7 ***• $mm S**. sf fMHHbM Hi Uno. Cm on- ia tba roajr bakt tba paapia of tba Col- coUrnttkm with our kwr* j •■»**: t* iwwiVi* «u nm msmur motion. slukn of tba oaouto woe With but ana party iu aad Co loaias of hy »Lar ^gmaaimmoa Iba fbada ] w",c^ we tore sujfarad of lataasa mtoaly pcinaipim of oor compact of antan 001 ffT*P***biai bar tbay ara not so graat as — An industrious statistician has oaicala» iato a war, Qraat HMmbt,aad bk a tba world, astata- Ol #a we bam suffered on other occasions. lad that a to baao obswer apim CB tncngb to go m with lighted dpa aadllgh- tba youth of ant of tba ■11» rinbt oemamalui in tba areal charter of But tbo people have become more depressed lags ted candles while inside. They ware cau- r>\ them than tba Sautb warn draped Ibsodgb appaaU to the them by tbs American liberty—tba right of a fn» people, limy ever wen? iwfece, bo — It takes 460 tuns of coal at ff 13 CO per 1 tmcied, but paid no bead. Tba total losses they had been fUuerau by hciis^of paaee by jpvMa, paaaiaa, nr oapidfcp; but itUiacbaaaa Government — that freely joa». when a gpytmment proves totru^tivu of tun to warm the Washing ton Senate (ham danng the fight will not exceed 400, sod tilled them hi fori t candid world But who tba ends for which it wai estalili«iM*- tioa. Man oppoaad to tbr hwoiuu more- tute near guards fur tbair uni v N (> V4 *ia\ciuent. The lit of depression has been — A ettisen of Cincinnati has paid a Bne^ nitm \m added far tba Navy. Oai. Aldan taant, on pnnetpia, avoidad public mretings meetings from tba Suolhsm rebels 1 They } ^a ihmk,ih we are going to get s statement j l°m®®®nd tnam violist |kakraaifi tbay of HI,***) fur not paying bk tax at i of tba iOVtb Now York, 'tally woun parsed miama nrtfaaaaom of aaoasaion, divorc- i of grievsaseas at last! But as we trad on, I dolgHil, to whicli they naturally aad buaiad tbamaaima at tbair ranous occa grte' the proprr tune. dad by Ilia explosion of the magasim*, and ioo tbvowoiTOO froa tbo Uimoii , witboot ao- ! •• ^ U»c moinkolo o«f«r UmicIiot u|»*n «•"* far oaoMiMpinMOt, trtfbiig on tbo rory patmna, ratkod to tbair farms or plantations, Z«m »r .u Th- —> -«-» •'"t- ...... edge ol the abyaa,witb that lecklesr duragsrd - A Now ksirfc company i aiooc died. and aToidrd all intarfrraoca in public affairs. of their situation, which prompts sailors very rich salt mines in Si. Domingo. Thera xrpKLB nrimynni niaaLBVTos. 4 of the Stairs, It baa always baanm <|aaatioa with many poblic pmparty within tbair roach, aad AMj 0f n lc * pretension' : of applying to them when the ahip is about to go down, to tweak j ^ m mountain uf tl A to tanah kt tor soya all boaineaa has been ______<*pun spirit rooms and drown tbair fears in Unionists w bat bar tba Gossmmaat did not there, aaail Unevaa aad mb bars bare, done j ,#tba ordinary rules for outran? sod reduc — During tbe past season it is eatimated niipanded at Charles too, and the non cotn- to ballet alune. n ing raiwllioua suljecta tootwdience ’ lH*ing They am Hole hojie in that ^USr iat slip a g atda a opportunity of killing t be before that mvr 2,000 deaths from yeiiow fever iwtants are preparing to leave. Compare- m . __, i **a suicotam in lertna. aa wall as art outrairt*rage lcr* . Long rose is, in fact, assisting the cm- rebellion at He birth by assisting and Bavoud'tbk, we bam arm no facta stated my by* encouraging the diapusUion to ctuak, | occurred at Nswkrnc, N. C. tively few traapa are in tba city, ail which Bt to pa slid i over tba toatinlss of tba on the principles of public Then t Ir-ft* aging tba Southern Unionists in 1H61. The by wav of justification. The northern reiieis f |fv prntmUtiinn tbiu: their posti ion m purely which seems to h*iu br*rt the whole coun- I — tjuan Ding, s political agitator in Coch- could be spared having Iteen sent to Branch- t wbkb reeled its hope oo tnili- policy of such mass hits none aan deny, and have talbod much, and still talk, of abolition , defensive, and that they want to I* let alone, .TLr* ’1 "“ikm.Th... aay thing on tbe perfart practicability of tba idea la aa- * bnt not until long after tba Smith bad com- 1 concluding with the old »tturretvjicd appil Congress «rou»e iUeU and become r^uai to * rwmch lwH»WJUU tbera; la dead. appease no doubt that Charlestuu WM be mbe know (edged by men who resided in those i nicnceti tbe war, did tba Government move to lberighttous srt»itrane«if *t 11 k n * ' I 1 A | if tbaae iiioti have a grievance that will the task T' — Tbr Ntam Prison at Aubum, with sis , eeuauatad, and tba only opposition Mkrmati ar am of managin g mall tba cm] States when tbe lebeihoa first broke out. * finger in that dtractlso. i be case >' sd* . txiar inring stated m tiiefaaeof »Jsy, whv vill n»k itrtrrtx rntxi f5o faimui.arioa ik dk . , imndred and fifty convicts, earmd will mwt maj be expected at Brenchrilte That the oppoaitioo or Cnionwta of 1661 still | mtrably put forth in an article in the Ldm- | tber not speak out m pknn langtia^o I'litry af tba Caafadnasj, ba waald not im- i* aar am * uuAsrca iuux uuroar. above ox|wnses in the last year. 1 Dispatch** from Char lee ton aey the dafamn * exkt. and have had mauv converts added U> burg ('atmlimimn JHrrrerv, of IVeoemUr 23d. sf^ak of ‘ sggresMous on the fundamental! The Richmond Whig of tbe 10th init,. —D«> ring tbe past right man the upwards | in tbe rear are untcnsMv, and it would rt- dj, hot did to any that ——.,u «~ta* <(«.. mm* bmi u. itfS’-iT PXT^Tr.:;*^* I ba esntd tba movements 1% the following significant article : I* >f 4C(» paper* hsve 1 tiicd M in consequence quiw but a very brief siege. Torpedoes proved by a writer iit an Kaatern journal ( teacii •*» I *c»l i>r paity prejudice, m* tliink it ^ gfutntiliei and ail these rhetorical gener- i ►f the exhorbitsnt pnrt* t»f printing paper. of an asmy wi me wags a campaign as ably r> We beard yesterday of a sermon that have teen placed on the approach to tbs M cowld be deeirrd lie wee io tbe leMiUrr ! Wb° J°UW^1 tU Um'f VirTm‘ »*» well worthy the pc rasa 1 sf our rvadute : slitivs. IN c want facta. I^ct the 4* sgcrw wm preached th* day before in ouo of our — it is reported that tx^fanator b city in order to pea vent a trial and decisive war (bdfaf imrieri,l.i m ; be found that aa a general rule thej “ Mr Cobdew, in his speech at Hochdals, i skua1* be sect down eatagurirtdly, thai all I churetmo by a di«»tbignkbud dittos, tbe ob formerly of < aliform*, ha* been appointed by ! charge. tba mUitarr businem of the (' ,f. fanning and planting intcreaU had ao Utile , ^^HblV Wfmth* fomt that the lead eta 1 1 'ln *- v udgo who is in tlit- right in I tect of which was to encourage our people, Maximilian ttorermw of Honors, Mexico. 1 a snort iuiti .i:. ™*™ rT Easiness of tbe C uafuiarary. 1 tin tbt? I oiitsncrata rebelltoa have never vet this unhappy i trif*. It is s miserable t Illli in which the preacher (who is celebrated for couAdencc in the sucoeas of tbe rebellion, ur How ba baa swmssd sd tba world already i given tba worM a statement of tbeir gnevan- that tbr*«* men, with alt the sympathy they hi* lugii ciaeairal attainments, not 1*-#^ than — It i?i officially decided that hereafter, The Cincinnati 4,’siro dfapatrii Ilk armke ara whipped; his cam were so much oppueed to the rabcf autbon -1 cee. Why did the v go into rebellion 7 WluUlpoawra barer and elsewhere and witfi tut lor hm protoiind knowledge of divinity), f In the public sefoxds of Boston, girls shall 1n says : Lieut. Nrsly, in cuuiinand of a eom- tics, that products were held from the mar- were the wrouge of which they bad to com- assurance that there w )*vwe ,y' di*|Misitioi) or | cmllsd to ndad the ««xatii| le ot tin* Romans torn bam faftlorm; hk tbrorn fa . . iH> case be subjected to rorportal ;«unuh- pane of Tennessee cavalry left Cidtunoos, j Ue peeple ere WwItaR m wmiU k* t: mtb* r thau have tbma> *° ,n ‘° Iplam t The world naturally ei|»ecu that Mbe part of multitude* in our upfier and up#n an occa*ion tint the world will^ nevei when any parties in any eunntry take up middle claaaea to give them a rn**i fav* ratrii f tssgpH. ll was this: OsinaTersntlus Yam*, ment. Kj., on the 16t!i, and when 10 miles out (f deepair. Km Um own urpn, thr Bith- i ^l)«n, unn; ^****1 1 erm. egeimi tbe goeemwent under wlInch < hearing, have never v*uta»«*d to *rt down in * who, rvuitrarv to ft»r advice of hi* ndlsa^ne, ( harle* II. I owem, Ksq., iff Last del encountered JfiLM nieli. A fierce tight cn- frev. N II., i ui* l*eeu ap|iiitJitrd ('<#i>«oil to Smtimd, aMMke of tbe pteeeat ae • ! d^* r"1 tbmt “ tk#v Mbe * would tbay have been llting, they will tiller some plsw language wfuii i* t lit ir o aii'i l.uml.i.cm* .Kuiilii-** raulu>. iiad btoiuitit’ w on the sued, lavtiog lialf jui Imhsi.. l ie* rebels hid af sim! l , nilwrranter bmniTr thriri;?e?r product*prrxluct* yot*'uX." XuuTuu w us I petfR<f nuildiug thr I Hi of tba rabat government into his own otn,n ^ry» laathkurgtoCliattasasuga, ^ William of Orange The Ameramii*. slave empire; and even fin* a*rr <»f hypocri wescaping Irom Uk * field. lWd toX'ajsu- It u reported that from five to ten of t'or- itot* aima Jdu;iuget* suipcausi bjr pint* m Tbe SmtintI writes un Jofll Daria from Atlanta to Moiaie. Now, ttie de- | when tbay catered on their wai of indepen c-e* * ,ld vilfaunea wieild be sh«*rked bv the saaui, where he uutamfistaljr oidervd tk resl’s cavalry rxvm-? in and take thr oath mm* mi &*. llt,vert pruaation of rebel *crip can:K»t »cc*junt alto denaa, .ssueo a master! v manit<*sto. wmrh ; ,,Atl ,r? a'n'r'1 "f "ir“ .me tn\' * chwa^toa - fRi .»«)«*ii^t^bu terpri**. Tlie isMitasted seat fa daily. of iu oidtoy ... . . J - . eu-m.xi, „> u«v,. |MK>» ^ th»1 irei.gtiiatHrd.siei every jiossibie preparation BnowKi.uw.-Un oc- bka. lacked, by rebel showing, tbe ^7 ▼•xaiious to he farced u> exchange stand- Xhe llungansn.> and Poles, in tbetr abortive _^ b® retumec to lUawe, fire Senate, although •ccn preempt! will. • .ark oi potato., con- j ceptin^ the nomination lor (Joremor of Tcn- of the Ctmfadermcy fa any- J products iike wheat, corn or cotton, for « efforts aftsi|tk sCtainesent freed om , had. The railroad bndir? over thr 1 ,c‘»nc* ii|a >u in* -Uoulden* the t»l<»od of 7u,- u,n "'K ooly, ftftch webbing twenty j oomm, I'araun Iinmni.>w mm Iu Uowi ; tbfa^ b«t Mattering Tbe rebel umm into!- ! *tompod paper of purely nomini! value It i *®d H11*® to toe world a statement ot griev » Uivev in 44eoetris b finfakeo. srtf jiaasenger Homarn, fi»rgi»i all fit* loMr. lorgavu nil Hi* raahnta*. in oi»iuidcraUon of the uiiint » I hlw.r itM “IMM ».n ' ‘ ut to have such articles aoc* 1 wU,ch, ,cw <** nY to • trams will *«*m )«»«o% er. **G*nti .k »iei»—( mttle tbe rontrorornv tolerable iu*nhU? us* hern released disaster, ami marched out in a ix iv to moot of Refm *entstive* fa T had dens Steven* of pfauve.J I cannot ue rrpected to do *nv- uv the Provost M a rw tict 1 o I to avoid the dfagraoe 0j rariatiovi fixed by a drunken or corrupt »let am sot of Ouwietlerafeprievanees Alwin- 1 * nNI1 t*vjelodv Into, t>ccausu * lit had not tie*paired <»t (he tiennsyIvsm*. who is seventy one iuar* of I I cc.tainly ought to Jo iu* betnf defeated by tbuee whom they detpiM comm, “* ,T or quarterineeter ’* eRent ; bat “ — * been written umi said >»v the( on HedencU* tn- and ;*^ snm n* »f the mo*t lass trim lender to ymi, se a t onventiun, rnv bairier to bo inutiwrii this is certainly better than teuutre without I Caiigrum aud tbubr mrad. rrmsrk.iblv of which tlivrv t» anv imxint. age __, sincere and unfctenet! thank* for the honor to ootnuuenngs J never have the wrong* which caused tHem TiM i 4 t .« . , A It stririaglv illustrate* «he character of that — A Huston BPtofltoto^ *to and dutinctk»n you have opsAtrml upon or, efthe rebel leader* «aly_uo< of the aaaaee. bo )» ^ <* *>•* p* b#* u» take up arm., been wntte* dea n and ~ *** J resolutions of the relwl Senate v.i i » -__ , ... . , , ., . « . mighty people, snd we may Irani from it ? excise on .U> bbla. domestic sptnu, which 1 wtii out tn ymi st fo ng tb, see, gen- all tbk 14 — *Ht last ititsk M —trmP •wtoority “ for tbe military dk- i euriritsed to tbe judgment of tba vrarid. — c|MUag tbe ler fir (,hfaf of how it wa* that they coiitnvyd to conquer atvemnteii to sixty six thousand tliree bun j (risen, tmt 'vkt t leek in epeektvrg, if fHe bai of tbair exhaustion is pfamlv tnct 1 he receipt of scrip, however asucii if the leader* of thfa rebellion —wfa*era, a* aR tbe armies ol fHe < onfederacj am! r«c- | tbo wucJd it woa Irwai thai stern deteraw dreii dollars !»mof*fos sbuuld ratify tbo numisstMi made hr tber talk of hcln* ohlieed ' depreciated u» value was much flatter than i ®* r* Lobden hs* remarked, MM! high in owuu udw^ that Gen Johnston nation of chsiaetrr, which led them, m the a — ... , . . fti, I will trv to make up m deeds awdwat*. ns mrrifl ” # . I ne par tba serin might Huy Isad nsarnii [ tollectual ability and quite U4(l{Hhat ^°(ttateil, were passed. This dxtkent hours of ttsir existence, to look for ­ — A Wtaanam prtlftdftwU ber j Md> 0oJ br1QK luy brlp| if y,m wi„ ^ up will, if carried m •acrificas to eMUm W » •cn|> m'** 1 ,HI> }tm*' "egme*, j thrir own case as forriMr aa H could t L . " ward U» better time*, and never to succumb gouged out by a now iseeutly, and toan a Legmkture U» reorganise the militia, and Commander-in —-----— or article* of necessity, and it must l*i con ) admit of !>*irw .uted — wr*iId just net down *»to efiect. make the up any Mow of fortune, no matter how heavy walknl ten mils* to -ee a physician. Therv'a to** °^Her neeeesary boat tie**, I will fait an Ml Of irr^^|1 feeaed i ^ idiog the iTnngsnn 'plainly, in half * dozen feetilenci-* (more -»r t’hief -t *1 riir rriie' snjiic* • 4 uow diaa*tn#u* lor the tiiiu*. In this pluck for you. * mi 10 lbl* iriemal system of guerrilla ffght- i ofdkafacinr their vauntm! rhieft*u« the inl »rt* of life could fo wc? tfiei ples*^ i what were the wron?» ysAr Charleston • episode of their wondciful hfatorj*, they de i, uvompiaciiig tutir >suotwj csieltsii' that k-d theai Ui enter upon tbeir sttemj t. ^ , veloprd in the iiigiicit decree thcoe groat _ A pmfemor of Nfttuml Il.fttc.r7 T* n.»mcr, if w. feme u, -boot e.rn ,n.n he land of seermis, if #l _ ,, __ ... \ A__ . * • Has an art trie which gtv*-s * depioiiuh pic Md of firing up all—houses, lauds, mooey | ’ the worhl would be sl4e to fudge lwtween K ' 1 qualities which must be po ssessed by ail Walker write* to the English paper* that uuweemed in such business.|Lviwi and tod ifir/thfaj, to avoid tba dreaded aubju- j ^ ^ 1* exorldtant prices them sod tbe government ^Tnat which ture of tbe cftum of tbe Cirtifedermcy and of W»w* bopr to do anything graat in tbe world, u*. Chamwl lataadft on gradually unking 1 towfr wwtliwwl apofeom, ami during winch '4dm « wh; to th» world tbo 1 rb* r*» : (7) dealers. Not tbey barve taken u|»anna About thw time, the condition of tie relwl army in South , " Nev.-r dmjia ir. ••> the motto wliicli may | m,(| ,jK> tbft I’MMn rfttirwl.j four year* ago, they Middenir into tie ortrerteH from tin* memorable acetic of * pMflt Mm* in * MMMiflil «n w'th»u 1, the idea had sot no ­ Carolina. It says “ t lie an- a hml of — It m .fated tlwt wbiU only tiro r»*otu F)>xuni OrtKioa or »««•«*.’• .\l.ar u re be lltoti. Timisy had some i | for fain? | j . , UiU oWttgeaat aiud Wife kKrieUiem oi tfo* Io ftll tba** nfth* fthifto ot! y* m th*- totuds of the ob- *i-mim wrong, tbftt oom M only ttem 2 •»"«•*" oom “~Kl m rv^^lsttm4 in I7^>r after thr bat tion.ry pfttwtoner* a.e ftliee, there are 1,418 _The lAjm4on Po)U (Uurcra«nw>( organ) ex tbft rftMMrkftbfe MMrUan * **"•**' tbey had been twin, ngbtud. Wbat wens they?. They bree 1 <* beetles.” and adds: -The |utb we tie of Camden, imitated thfa Kotnan example. w.dowi. <»f «ueh pern toner. .Hr. ami drawing j ^ following ofimon of i Kromtmmr, that the Con- crcim Diddlers rui been fighting these four year*, asid have arc uow travihng i* straight to dr* r met ion. Wben Gates whoso folly had foat that bat tto bad been au|ura drd by Orwone , wnd . | | march through Genrgis : !• mU«| aad paruhtag awWr the 1 **• 41 u argumeut was *p«- ■ewer yet fhm tbe wnild tbe prim reason j UOX( Six Kumth* w i" mg Am -»__ ■c- 4 why. We would fain bane thrir grisvauea a ____ J . ,, _ through Ibis...... city un_____ hk _tegy____ to — T,«* l.e*mgtonj »• WIwmW tb^mwor uf tlie fell otSaran- of Um YftMbM Mte." aooft* “VJT , *** \m* m Mmk on* wWf ikPritho that unfedftraey to tbr pmom! or will rein* bia iHftnft, while they were in !c«.i. Ibhualiu *m H krro Adoffeft* *>wpife> «. feMHa«l m» featA or not, . SlwrmMi ba* httaM« tbetr barn labor in world aaer be able to e vend ns them, aad so staU if in power /9 (passed a unanimous nits mi thanks io rim r»f rrnrria lbs gyneussiN i unlu — m tbeir already daws saapg b to eatubfaab rie am* Tun turn. tVhftw tba aStiftl nmaMftatn «T tlm mood, wy. : •* TW» »* »uth a thing a* baa rt. -lovtfcittg prrwi «m nonmyHaliwiby cruak rilla. .Sue Mundr, w Wtbo wmt.lift* gender, , tafegjl wbteh It wHt yrt ft mil f teUMMy, ong the farmer, ami been re- | CuafmUratMi anawMMaaMMft days4ara breakkmi f,.rf«»r nations,nn.., M as.. forr... individuals Thereu.„ "»«. •»** gnAtung, asid ••xhmg. .nd r1--* —j nml n iln gmnitrrr J ri ‘ii Tirnit ‘Mnli f *«* grand march of tbft F«b«l otmy plaatoi »k*v was no wfwse * os ms re to it ad feat:! M< mm-lt , binv> m th« Jemmy IHam.itm *«1U pUw* amiw Km,(wHrr tb.uufb Wa Wl of W * Urn tbe attack; Mp.li than a e* a farm and to bat aa tbs deoaaaoat does am fwet. T wm flood can it do I Can itflop 3.. ___. .. _ ., „ . of 1MV, toufTdJiKpofeooa an ahnoftt jgfa- lethargy snd spathy. A cvmvictmn fbet si I tho mtnthat tb* enemy'* l«w*it Can it) —FtmeiMogfentt 4J pobflnb, ri^rai their h*t therr was little upon a single grievance There t* plenty ot to I not a rbotonc ri tba masdfaato ; but oven In a that it w 'I fa uuist come to naught, all ur ilHrml a tnwud (bn Udsdai s campaign / j via: Ten ilnlal, twenty-two week Iks, •trategetieally,Gen ShrramvS toatiea may to by order of 44 C, 6. oat of uflbkJ circto saspeered ) literary point ol view tbe prudmtieit fa a nlicet it can make be .isudvrefi vain, by »*« (Jan it M-dreai tbo cmrtMvf f Jan ii afar right menthkies, one semi weekly, cue tri­ ftoid H ri eepmaukaMf iu for aewdii af wot aa ’ or for tbe use of tbe I veep poor affrir. Tbo paper fa written ply the piaee of men ’ Cmi bmmo 7n /art y Ijocauao lotto ody * ins too St of a par- ffg m until tbo biow Hof losn irvodoetuabw muse—a eeavietkai nasStng on weekly snd two annuals. /W,V w xonmj now >i' tbo said 44 anuria i tkagkut to tbo ifastor koi style, wbfab k •lit! uafUfv which can to dken verrif, tbo I grounds, both of rvficctHm and ex mm< 4* 4.* ass uav ia usmuafiix — Maaeochuvetts has 17,302 Imatneas tba frin y won. Wbat a cen ­ of tba < ev.” tbe east patoblo far tbe di sriaet sritewwnt ivos dletating ao Haaardun a a morttnent to tba nokjr eat eat at bin with irbicb of facta, and tbo beet passible when there peifmrnt, will produce thfa state of foel.ng Tbe Chailvstun \Ltcmry of Jin. lUth j houses with a capital of 9666.686,600, s«m1 It m faaat is fact urn wither make* the following eoropariMUi between New York has 30,012 Iseunem houses, with | of UmoapribtkM aprimt tbe heath sre rv> facts which can conveniently to dk m may nation, liowtver heroic and liowevn aastrw lovernment doe* not uaetiy ataCod It fa eaey mawBli to daeaant llutinate. M i Litmein sent IbvH ? ___. /qi /rrmavi Us. Tmoomsk Tilton , editor of tbo fad#- farth m tomr afamfoa. I 44 When Afasksi Lincoln took tbo obair * ^*1* * W&f* prove * or love of tbe Union. ! •« ®Mawatiy genotal Mu about tbr •dfa __»___ ^ ^___ wbo baa returned tu Hbw York from pueitiuaa, principle* and puraoeoe 4' by which the Richnond Diipntch says the enemy t»f the l'resnleitcv of ihr United States, he —A Niussn potfmMior thM m a Kami This tn here nan lie no axitno a Western trip of four tbsmsoud maria, apaub- one fa actuated ; tbe '* hereditary v4gfbta and ia proaecutiur hfa vnterpriaa through lb* proemsed m nw fiat boat Rami U> tun tbe • Hi* opinion that his qAc*al reform are cor .'^1 .l.."than ,thatb.', tori n. „Wuoibee Ho■ toe■ rect: 441 hereby «edfo tbat tbe four goto ing ri tbo ebsef cities, rrparia tbat tba West 44 1 fa aglow wttfc patriotic flew, fan tto outi- 44 men i prvtve ai wiadoas. j the interests of civilisation and bsasfaty a trimly kept Hk pvaw, those may doatfi A mats U aa wear Rite as ! now bow to Thus t! ,wr1 £jrtn flliuw tin naetnud in tbe struggl e ; tbe 44 invaded or nlf"L anii T#l ,K>1 %mm ••to 1 ha- iCrn u who chouse to epaank r tbe luiipek It fa abnrory spirit of tbo peo ple fa mo ve ini saw Sot rH firesides, Jeaocrated altars, violated Ittwrrie* ’ ken by our Iwgialalare for any fd.ject wust eitmagb for aa to know, that w bettor 4 raw- j tnsik it if there fa cny mistake it ta not Don and paaoariai tbou n» tbo East, esri tbat in It hearts c **••• r>f j and htrtimgkt. aad tbe prawriptirc inatitu- ’ over that r* a hare the vf|ghi**c t>earm^ • ring hfa mac Htne m the pathway of his pro* ; a purport. M •iftfeft tkt ife Pi for tbo tufod them to their tow* wriab guard and po uOeot tbern.’9 H de , ^m^x vengtaace of our toplecable enemies de evaao rs, or not, he has run it with a item, social lilt tbo Westerners arc more boepita ­ — AD Richardson former oorrvepowdeut destruc it baa Hoe.., ami i., Iciwe of wldob ora le fljgHting; and tbe tor T% > . \mcotm more tfonrr**e♦♦ !) | spint, and aa eye aigH to bis end — soaapofoam i ukeMnas tbu* torigrapbed to *7 versa I il suwermg ent tbe * orison aad rigtit ooai erritmamntit of • llatteretlBattered hrhr m\u peapea ofof posespesrs HyHy prison*|s*rson* whowho ro ttqnest—»mifapstiwi lie bm called 1 the paper* from Knoxsilie on tbe 13th inst.: fav Prank Un, ia tbe order far apnu U by the men Heaven 1 to which one mm ml fa Ms caaae.ttwe e»t!srvl! Vnowknow th#r.then .-.atild.-otild Kt-!»«• iu>no h«»^>r^ Kt.t»it *u> arouo. i turn, in omiitaei, iHe ablest and meat " Out of tbe jaws of doOth , out of tbe gat cr trorie* in the provi Tbk wffl not do, bo we re r, for tboee who t-ooneot own of his country. Where to hue inimNsi ami slavary. Tbe articio^hnsigi >ont of belt!" ou tbe 1 ksw f out a setr hulk of want nut fig oros of speech tot rib; net larked in individual ability, learning, ex peri fa Utter toward tbe rebel ‘Juwgres* for man it __ t'nwmi e dual snd asiies of vtotoraai Amivkhea, hut tbe prita, so ber,, met- nr AUtaMSAhibiji, to ton sought it, ami — An army correspondent thinks U * ^ I oar cslv si to to. I and if paeerik paaetaarim aiatovnent of griev- gars ting s peaee nwnrement found tt otk able man about to, whose n awiLgl j tbo titk oi ^tbe ‘ Hew, * tssise, devotion snd aram. Dariaamtioa goes for nothing in a j * ------r B**i*tsnce to unliestiolbmri acoaflda, whose . . IB _ „ liower* be spplws tojko aftsauuciacqt of the rtn isvelook-, Rwmj&md|gto Montana a *d uTnaNMnST^IrbofO I _ love (o oh seal> oevernxtrt ({ueation of feet Lot tho cnee to staled sod Fau . in (ioi.u !—The £old market hs* esuae nc lias uiidevg|hgfa It tbe Otkfat hi* occuplimenta to Ins General officers and tbat cow arn ed hood tba proof kroug ht forward, ft k not vtated been very ftuetustirgi dimug the week , hut PS* I Tbo n eaatiated, in s war in bis maniksto snd iu tto field he fit OWMtty ami faar- j ttorictaffl. and isrlto dmtto adSaod fife Has maBOtmacd a tie ass ward tcssdenrr since to tarry tba j that nr , tbat in tbe Dninn ^ Tba kessw * togto by toying tbat lee*ir presmi

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