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Iitoeritl, 4Lc.V Re.; GROCERIES, 遙賓 wr. josxis, uncmitK, ebdix , mnw -ahx 27. isos ELXQK A ffltfTH. ^UBWWWS, voLTTMg r"Bimaai ft' ■tBCKlLA&BOOB 4 *4 BU-fontb Hoyt. wi * <4 —tan ft Brinffit, w*vw — f*h in j Aenfo—f SbaftsPNHlb. IK ' 1 24,* •f M U, wti J. A. Sweet, jury foes io cn —«n*l ii W ■ f criminal 10 c Indwltic, uus, m oc l a M A. Wood, u Deputy Sheriff I «i U mrp9tk, A. JO. UM6 of., Dig ha— and Plu—*'«*,), for print. | JjrVWVffflg, Zr 29 Mommy , JiNMf t, ISM. 1 m'*+ inal "i—t \% 40 The chairman of tl— corcuuUee <>B ,, Tim Booed vf itippnM*** om iMMkarf1 J. T. Tiuklrpaqgb, wR- * raportatftbo Trtffowtng claima, with U»a.i* ’ Room , in the rtl—a* of a»u Moo far th* <Bn4 WlbiSwSc rani,. foe# tti rntntnxl . out* —awtaae——-the—*fc.- ** —e ba 411 owed >!rr of hnlAp^Iu MxttiolooMiao. I J54, Ace t «| iliitaa — Snath, for pttm* id *m —Had u> order •»! u’afoeh Lucy M. Hale*, wil i no, 8C lUtmmd. £4u* darts r. m., bjr the Ckinmn. 1 SB " JoaapT Bohr anmltug tooa in crimaal_____ T extra comoenaat luu,* tn Boll celled bjr W— H 8 —to n, Papa tv Chaa. Tinklepaugb, wit- ! ramfrlei w toluntstn ‘ reeitv. Tecnfvnt for *er»ic«a«ei a» <)tA County CLufcp and the ♦fcea tr criminal and as cafivaestr, Iff 9. | tha Chiuntw-I’-wrMr fV past t wo r< NOmM to t—rfr i at U ILjU. Hedge, iia prtoit lwa, B fcOi .W^tufc was adagandi -r* »4 Wo. 2»!. wTlUyr, lea draw* W < Mr. \V»iy mo>cu UaM, Mr. A rasp Aami- ia '"Zjury, 2 y0 * h*e*rf E2W,’1d tccyrdance with Uta abara 1 10' J: M. Easton, diatrlbut- Pf JUST BIOfilTBB, J. Motimar Jantic* In » ing aaliaffHnd 3 50 i •fVM m an tMtn^feRtfit, T. 4. Wondaaaw, « A CBOTCE 8T00K or • on WiUimxn tjUaiwH, 14 28 in ensniuiU 8410 Wu. Shepard, a* CouatjrI DRESS GOODS, T! T. HoirUter, Jusllot Oinnwar, i a A. E. Jaidah. as (Vmtr DOMKSTIC. H Jspk>r, i Unnvaaase. a |s PAUAS9LS ' **bo foMnwtng amonta Vara preaontad in ctittiuiii M 91 j Maasn Barww.—ijounay n ft Bat, mfBTORTHSIlLLlll! ’1 and rafortod to the conmtfttae on etafaw, Daniel V. Batainfcn, con- Canvaaear, 17 utahfct tn rrhnhwt I CNo It. ffRnt, ft* County HOOP SKIRTS, The Tttct pursuant iu ai^uritUbrurocpnt i SS 931 CtntMir, ole,. li 25 Aoo*t of B. P. W»rr, Cor Hitting fftrafftat of 14 d wea ealled fo nfftor hytfcc Umiidm I. SOSiN KStt IHIUSCTORY. Uaawi U. Hataaaan, osa- Miron KiiM m County lUdi ended:^aAi tbn m« tabor OX McVAtilB BOOTS & SHOES J5 3« Ml M K. KmMi, fbr Tiotttag •UUa in criminal |. cent bonnett and II nigifiti c 44 A H. Walker, for audit- ftmilifi of \n 9m mt* $rm. 7 151 Mr. Derbyalilrc moved that ike Cknir - amssmi la asBtssHSf t« tW jgsMUikst ii iug aeemint* amt am- Wo. P. Jiro iwm, P>r rtotting Dinift) B Batfnin, oott- r f man appoint a commiaaioner to effect a agle ssaastinBta* ^psppp iitoe ritl, 4Lc.v Re.; Mating poor fa mi lies fimiKin «4 votatevt. P * |♦ ui wi«atwl*at m known aa the *•u CdtintTf '6tinty Poor A. G.liuimiaon, aabu par - WHk ; all of Aa A. it. U«iv«vnifMif toi rtoitivtg family 6 85 Ikarag ’m tkmCunnty; <» Hcfuy C. WiUixin, con* intendent of Count* TMC PEACE-MAKER I oM Ri oil too of Yolintifli. < 0 j Wi;cU inotuni prevailed. •txbU in cri.iatnAi Poor, Wn. H. If mm, m CoMty Cm ( ~ ,;VC Tiit* Chairman accordingly r. LOW PRICES, FOR READY PAY, 4 241 On motion of Mr. Vaiwcojr, (Hnfht Hijflp aa such eomtniaaiuner. Tin acoannie wave allowed aa reported. * -,«t O. C. HUKD’8. Warran H. HtnMt to County Can- ! L. IlungaHurd, amiaHwg On motion of Mr Vanacoy, Ala*, a* t By purmuaton oi Use IFoani, Mr. Bough iamilioa of voluniaani, 4 50 j The Board ad jnnmu d until to-mo rraw dt.Ja fcai.Jaa* 4.1M. I* ton withdrew the account of Peter Pcafcl. U 0. K. Iloiloter, m County Con-1 S. F. Wara, aoaiating monuiig at 6 o'clock* fautiiica of volunteer*, 9 00 [ P^nty Treasurer * u>ud was tken ■ABM TO TIE ii I read ; and, M. Van fllioon, m County Con- J. W. Beckwltb, aaoiot- MORN INI* S UAIOS. On mot sen of Mr- kaaton, PLANER iftg fbmihea of rcAun- 4 60 j The bond was aooeptnd. Tiiirmu y , Jan. 12—8 a . •• Win. HtrkrU, J notice in crttolml umra, 14 W, F. Jemnoon, dutn- Mr. Gaston moved that the Countv antH Tkn-Snefd met pnfei«nt to adjoiimment. Poor Orders l3e brought m and burned in »W* A mUmd fX) ord#r ^ *** Obafrman huting relief fund, dc , 13 86 Warren JuKP in emit- pseaenee of the BoaniT | Miautaauf yeatnedny s peneaedk ^pa mad A. G. Gtmntaon, riaiting Which motion pretailed. an<i aPPl<?7c^* II faiailiea of voluntccra, 9 00 I. T. lloiiioter, JuotAco in erinsintl The order* were burned in accordance F “are, chairman of the committee a 0. Kaalinan, rtaiting 7 ^ I therewith. ctaim*. repnrtod luck the account of 41 Geo. W K inner. J not tee in crim­ iaoiiliea of volunteers, at TBSLOWSBT rOBSZBLZ niOX. 14 Mr. Renton offered the following re*o!u- ♦ Jo ^fl °* ^^Baer, with aho remnroefidatfcwt inal caaea W. U. Knapp, aa County "TBWt»iwr«W>* PaaM>«aa-4«t g I lion ; , that the aauie be,allowed at S6 00; J. M. Molmeaox. J no t too in ertm- Can rammer, Kttoitmi, That th« Sheriff of tM* Coontr ! W1,ic.h "ra*> ho «*U»w«l. o.a.ot**!'* Warren H. htonc, aa ioal caaea. 13 2U ^ authonied to rant or fumwh a jail and ! Mr ' *»'•«»▼ mov «‘J that tbe prooaadiv County Canraaaer. CftPPER, TU ANB SHEET IKON WARE, J. M. XIolineaox, Juatioe in crim­ . Jailor ’, resid«-nce for the u*e ol thu County. 'of a,“ H** H '*• P«w'* h*<* »»Tor«5ar of Cam .«W~* 44 J. Vast Uiemou, aa Coun ­ inal caaea. 10 32 lwo Teara frum tbe 10th dtv of January, ! Lierk ; fwr to* Hir** o MRttlBf Io IRmtia HmO w 44 ty Canvaoaer, * Book, Door m»o Blind J. XL Xlolinc-anx, JuoUee m enm j A D. 1^46. at a rant or pnc» not to exceed , U l'cl* ""Uun PPfcwuUil. 44 C. LowcUp aa County Can- ttwftUMM of OUtlot m4 MftP 14 04 I * i6° P^- J*«r * (,n ,no|ion of N,r- ' aianwy, CAsters ni Well P« J. M. lioiineeui, Juataee in crim­ v manor* Which wa-v adoptad. A mtv of thanks wa» tendered to Mr. 44 C. k. lloilialer, aoCounty fl MMlH. ALL KINDS or inal caaaa Mr. Hunt ntiered the following resolution : * DHI. the Mfcairaaan of the Board, fhr the able *4 J. I. Tenklepaugb, witneoa faoa in Canmaaor, 11 76 J XT tit WAVS. 44 /Wm/ That the Treasurer of thk t’oun-1 n«‘"’*, r •» w,uett «i<aehar|^rl the dntfos of «rrvn m wvww criminal caaea. 8. IloyT, aa ^UipennUmd- IlM.Jamff V OMoU. Oo twOl. HOUSE HKHILDtHC 44 out County Poor, 4 68 , ty be hereby awthonaad to distribute the j »»»«*» •• r%«rto4>r. wiiWor. - A _ LUII NNi Cbaa. Tenklepaugb, witneaa Haa I fund* reOMivwi hy hiui, by virtue of th«‘4fh»^ ^aaton moved tint. Xlr. W. C. Ben- 44 W. N. Daggett, aa big*- ♦4 TT-------B. OaUf, Mo Artor. in criminal oaoea. law, heck into tin.- school fund >1 the town "e,t- So PPr'"“'r r 'ui'! Township, be pro nrarr rtwe. aim * (1 way oomtoioaHiner, 17 40 Afcd Map Joiner Work Jineff W cat brook, witneaa feon in 1 *bipt from which it waa receive.! ; | aaeoted lor not performing bin duty In bahikr ahi > broker . rORCBLAIN WACK. onimnai caaaa. On motion of Mr. Yanacoy, Which wa* adopted neglecting to comply with tbe preetoMMa of Done to Order Tie lo oloo prop*rod to do Willani N. Daggrtt, witnem fm The »co Mint* were rand and allowed aa On motion of Mr Hunt, the law relative to asaaonng dog* ; in criminal report eu The tune for tbe collection of tax** in tb* W LlcL i-rcvalled, by aye* and naja, 44 Jobbing Jl Building.t Lucy M. Dulse, witxiaas kwi in Tlw* account ot 8 Hoyi* fer aunetiug pep township* of De M'itt, Bath, iiitgluui sud M follows : ___ _ . ___ EM-IROIWIS k COIBBCTOB PIPE ontninal cases aecutmg attorney, was rr;iorted beek to Olive, wa* extended fifteen J*y*. I Ayr* —Mmw. Mahan. B—Vtwftb, Eflia, MMRlffCRff : ___ If Marvin llrown, witnrw fees tn cofmiuttee of ike whole ; and, On motion of Mr Vanirot liuut, \\ are, iaaetinau, iileenme^M n»*t MtllAMl fUoti. I^ipoi U Ulehlffon. to nvrr tub times. r. Now Yi»rk oll>. aod pmi «| o» mminal ohm . » On motion. The vote fixing the aaiarv of County Clerk i ^ ,, ,, , Shot <«eU» tld4 «fcf \Y*inmr. r>**r Hprlif Bimi Cl,aria* Ferdon, ,t. aL, witno*. W*a laid on the ubfo ____ j recon^dered. ’»T>. 'I.-ar- •. innmoti, lull, \ i JEIYTAL m*<JE*¥ Bit33*. , Mlehlftn lee* m ruminal .'*#e- It waa then moved that ,iertir* whose ac < luatliftvMI Upton,I"""’ Bohr and Darby ah ira—6. W. W RRAINAUD II Ct»ar«a 4 Riley A. Hoyt, witnew tees in j oewnt* ware rn.t elfowed have peiuuaaion U«, ^ ^ t|>r H,Ur>. wf Ct,„ntv I -On aaotiow, JOB WORK at af tl.l iHnnw T**afc, trrm rrituinsl cieei, withdraw the sau>e; .
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