Dissociation between Awareness and Spatial Coding: Evidence from Unilateral Neglect

Barbara Treccani1, Roberto Cubelli1, Roberta Sellaro1, Carlo Umiltà2, and Sergio Della Sala3 Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021

Abstract ■ Prevalent theories about consciousness propose a causal re- dissociate. A patient with left neglect, who was not aware of lation between lack of spatial coding and absence of conscious contralesional stimuli, was able to process their color and po- experience: The failure to code the position of an object is sition. However, in contrast to (ipsilesional) consciously per- assumed to prevent this object from entering consciousness. ceived stimuli, color and position of neglected stimuli were This is consistent with influential theories of unilateral neglect processed separately. We propose that individual object fea- following , according to which spatial coding of tures, including position, can be processed without attention neglected stimuli is defective, and this would keep their process- and consciousness and that conscious of an ob- ing at the nonconscious level. Contrary to this view, we report ject depends on the binding of its features into an integrated evidence showing that spatial coding and consciousness can percept. ■

INTRODUCTION the effects of processing of neglected stimuli on responses Awareness of a stimulus can be defined as the explicit to stimuli presented in the intact hemispace. Properties knowledge of its physical and semantic properties or sim- that can be processed implicitly include color and shape, ply of its existence. This knowledge can be demonstrated identity of alphanumerical symbols, and even the mean- by direct reports of the perception of the stimulus; for ing of words and pictures (Della Sala, van der Meulen, example, by naming it, categorizing it, or just by signaling Bestelmeyer, & Logie, 2010; Làdavas, Paladini, & Cubelli, its presence. Contrary to common , several studies 1993; Berti & Rizzolatti, 1992; Marshall & Halligan, 1988). have demonstrated that stimulus perception can occur For example, word–nonword judgments of letter strings without awareness. Perception without awareness has presented in the intact hemispace of UN patients were been shown in many studies with healthy participants by found to be faster when these strings were semantically means of procedures ensuring that the critical stimuli were related to words presented in the neglected hemispace presented below the awareness threshold (see Merikle, (Làdavas et al., 1993). Smilek, & Eastwood, 2001, for a review). However, the Studies that used indirect tasks provided compelling clearest evidence of unconscious perception comes from evidence that, in UN, high-level stimulus processing can a number of brain-damaged patients who are impaired occur in the absence of awareness. To account for this in the conscious processing of certain stimuli but are counterintuitive dissociation, it has been proposed that able to process them unconsciously. Striking examples of the lack of awareness for neglected stimuli reflects selec- this dissociation between preserved implicit (i.e., non- tive impairment in processing a critical stimulus feature, conscious) and impaired explicit (i.e., conscious) process- that is, stimulus position. Indeed, one of the best-known ing can be observed in unilateral neglect (UN). UN accounts considers it as a deficit of spatial representa- UN is a neuropsychological disorder that usually follows tion and only secondarily as an attentional deficit (Bisiach, right parietal damage and results in the patientʼsfailureto 1993): Patients would not try to attend to locations that orient attention toward the side of space contralateral to they are not able to represent. According to this account, the lesion (Mesulam, 1999; Heilman, Watson, & Valenstein, UN derives from damage to parietal areas involved in the 1993). Although UN patients are unaware of contralesional coding of space (the so-called dorsal or “where” system; stimuli, implicit processing of several properties of these Milner & Goodale, 1995). In contrast, cortical areas con- stimuli has been shown with indirect measures (Berti, cerned with the recognition of objects through the analysis 2002; Driver & Vuilleumier, 2001), that is, by evaluating of their constituent features (the ventral or “what” system) would be relatively preserved (Berti, 2002). Several authors have proposed that the impaired spatial processing of 1University of Trento, 2University of Padova, 3University of Edinburgh contralesional stimuli by the dorsal system is what prevents

© 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24:4, pp. 854–867 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 object representations produced in the ventral system is considered to be an a priori representation, necessary from entering consciousness (Berti, 2002; Berti & Rizzolatti, to know consciously the external world (Kant, 1781/1990). 1992). Consistent with this idea and with the spatial coding ac- This proposal implies that the encoding of stimulus count of UN, behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuro- location is a necessary condition for conscious awareness imaging measures have shown that processing of stimulus (Deouell, 2002; Driver & Vuilleumier, 2001): Without position is considerably more impaired in the contralesional spatial coding, a stimulus might be processed up to the than ipsilesional hemispace of UN patients (Deouell, 2002). semantic level, but it is precluded from entering con- Results of studies using these measures also suggest that Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 sciousness. The proposal of a direct causal relationship spatial feature processing of contralesional stimuli is more between lack of spatial coding and lack of conscious impaired than the processing of other features: Even when awareness of neglected stimuli (i.e., the idea of the spatial a stimulus is seen or heard on the neglected side, its loca- processing deficit as the only reason why otherwise well- tion often remains uncertain (Robertson, 2004). For exam- coded stimuli do not reach awareness) further implies that ple, studies using auditory stimuli (e.g., syllables or tones) spatial coding might be sufficient for constituent stimulus have shown that UN patients fail to localize left-side stimuli features, when properly processed by the ventral system, (i.e., they are not able to report where the presented sound to access consciousness. comes from) even when they are able to identify these The fact that spatial processing per se (i.e., without stimuli (e.g., they are able to report whether a high- or constituent feature processing) is not sufficient to bring low-pitch tone has been presented; Pavani, Làdavas, & objects to awareness is suggested both by studies with nor- Driver, 2002). However, given that, in these studies, spatial mal participants (e.g., Treccani, Umiltà, & Tagliabue, 2006) coding has been tested with direct tasks explicitly requiring and by studies on other neuropsychological disorders. For patients to report stimulus position (Pavani et al., 2002; example, some patients with damage to the primary visual Deouell & Soroker, 2000), preserved implicit spatial pro- cortex (V1) demonstrate a preserved ability to localize cessing cannot be ruled out. There is indeed evidence that visual stimuli that they deny seeing (the so-called “blind- explicit and implicit spatial perception can dissociate in sight”; Cowey, 2010). Blindsight has often been described brain-damaged patients (i.e., the same patients who show as the converse of UN (e.g., Làdavas, Berti, & Farnè, 2000). an impairment in conscious spatial processing can be able UN would result from the impairment of the localization to process objectsʼ spatial features without being aware of system in the face of a relatively intact analysis of the con- them; Robertson, 2004; Kim & Robertson, 2001), just as it stituent features of objects, whereas blindsight would re- happens with explicit and implicit perception of objectsʼ sult from relatively intact functioning of the localization constituent (i.e., nonspatial) features. system, in spite of a damage to the system analyzing object Kristjánsson, Vuilleumier, Malhotra, Husain, and Driver features, because of lesions of V1. In this latter case, stimu- (2005) were the first to compare the processing of spa- lus awareness would not arise because only objects can tial and nonspatial attributes of contralesional stimuli by access consciousness: Mere spatial codes (i.e., locations means of an indirect task. In Kristjánsson et al.ʼs study, without content; Paillard, Michel, & Stelmach, 1983) would two UN patients performed a task in which, on each trial, not give rise to conscious experiences. they had to find a uniquely colored target among a set of Thus, to have a conscious experience of an event, one three stimuli (i.e., three diamonds) and report whether it would need to activate both space and object represen- had a notch cutoff. In the first experiment of this study, tations (e.g., Làdavas et al., 2000). However, losing the Kristjánsson et al. used long target display times and found ability to process a nonspatial stimulus feature, say stimu- that both patients showed considerable color and location lus color, does not lead to the loss of stimulus awareness. repetition priming effects: Responses were faster when In contrast, when the representation of stimulus loca- either target color or location was repeated across succes- tion is lost or degraded, then awareness of other stimu- sive trials. For both types of priming effect (i.e., repeated lus properties and of the stimulus itself would also be target location or color), the effects observed for ipsile- lost. Our internal representation of space would provide sional and contralesional targets were comparable. the basic medium for conscious perceptual experience These findings suggest that, when tested with indirect (Driver & Vuilleumier, 2001), and when the represen- measures, UN patients may show considerable effects of tation of constituent properties of stimuli is intact, as both spatial and nonspatial attributes of contralesional apparently happens to be the case with contralesional stimuli and that spatial processing can also occur for stimuli in UN, the “where” might enable the awareness these stimuli. However, these results do not imply that ne- of the “what” (Berti, 2002; see also the discussion about glected stimuli are spatially processed. With long target below). display times, indeed, the patients tested by Kristjánsson These considerations are in line with the prevalent idea et al. (2005) in Experiment 1 never failed to detect con- of a close relation between space and consciousness tralesional targets, that is, contralesional targets were not (Campbell, 2002). Indeed, contents of consciousness have actually neglected but were consciously processed. often been described as laid out in space (Descartes, 1641/ Kristjánsson et al. (2005) also tested the same two 1993) or as having a spatial structure (Bisiach, 1997); space patients in another experiment in which shorter display

Treccani et al. 855 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 times were used. In this condition, patients often missed behavioral results obtained with UN patients in auditory contralesional targets. Results of this experiment revealed tasks (e.g., Pavani et al., 2002) in suggesting a link between a dissociation between color and location repetition impairment of spatial processing of contralesional stimuli priming in the contralesional hemispace: Color priming and lack of awareness of these stimuli. occurred regardless of whether the preceding target had Evidence in favor of this hypothesis also comes from been consciously detected or escaped awareness, whereas studies that used event-related EEG potentials and fMRI location priming only arose from preceding targets that to investigate the neural basis of conscious and uncon- had been consciously detected (i.e., location of neglected scious stimulus processing. These studies showed that vi- Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 stimuli did not prime the response to subsequent stimuli). sual areas in the ventral system can still be activated, to Thus, results of this second experiment point to the exis- some extent, by neglected stimuli. In contrast, activation tence of an association between location priming and of cortical areas in the dorsal pathway was observed only awareness. for consciously perceived stimuli (e.g., Rees et al., 2002; Kristjánsson et al. (2005) used a task in which unseen Vuilleumier et al., 2002; Driver, Vuilleumier, Eimer, & Rees, objects might affect patientsʼ judgments of objects pre- 2001). Yet, results of these studies are just suggestive of sented afterward. However, to assess the possible indirect some link between dorsal stimulus processing and stimu- effects (i.e., priming effects) of the neglected contralesional lus awareness, but they do not provide direct evidence of a stimulus presented in one trial, participants needed to spatial coding deficit in UN that selectively involves neglect consciously detect the contralesional stimulus presented stimuli and underlies the lack of stimulus awareness. in the following trial and emit an explicit response to it. Another phenomenon that has been interpreted as evi- Priming effects were estimated on the basis of this re- dence of the spatial coding accounts of both conscious- sponse. As in previous studies, therefore, in this case too, ness and UN is allochiria (Obersteiner, 1882), that is, the patients were required to emit direct responses to contrale- tendency of some UN patients to report stimuli on the sional stimuli. Responses to these stimuli were obviously neglected side as being perceived on the ipsilesional side: defective (e.g., they were slower than responses to ipsile- The patient may declare that a tap on his or her left hand sional stimuli) and might not be the optimal measure to was actually on his or her right, the voice of a person may evaluate implicit processing of stimulus spatial informa- be reported as being heard on the opposite side to that on tion. Nevertheless, the results of this study represent the which the person is speaking, and objects presented on most convincing evidence in support of the hypothesis the left side of the visual scene may be reported as having of mutual dependence between stimulus location process- been presented on the right side. ing and stimulus awareness (i.e., one cannot spatially pro- Allochiria would indicate that nonspatial features of cess a stimulus without being or becoming aware of it), neglected stimuli are processed, whereas location is not, which, in turn, is fully consistent with the idea of a rela- and that spatial coding enables conscious perception tion between impairment of spatial processing and lack (Deouell, 2002; Deouell & Soroker, 2000; Làdavas et al., of stimulus awareness in UN. 2000). Only when a spatial code, even if inaccurate, is at- Other studies have compared spatial and nonspatial tributed to the (implicitly processed) neglected stimuli feature processing in the two hemispaces by using non- (i.e., contralesional stimuli are coded as presented on the behavioral measures (i.e., electrophysiological measures), ipsilesional side) can they access consciousness. Yet, not which do not require the patient to emit overt responses even allochiria rules out the possibility that the actual posi- to the critical stimuli, thus being free from the problems tion of the contralesional (misplaced) stimuli is implicitly connected with the use of direct behavioral measures as processed. Indeed, the fact that the displacement of con- an index of implicit processing. For example, Deouell, tralesional stimuli toward the ipsilesional side usually Bentin, and Soroker (2000) recorded the EEG responses occurs to homologous (symmetrical) locations (Bisiach, of a group of UN patients to the occurrence of auditory 1993; Halligan, Marshall, & Wade, 1992; Obersteiner, 1882) stimuli (i.e., tones) that differed from the stimuli presented suggests that the position of these stimuli in the contra- before with reference to either a spatial dimension (i.e., lesional hemispace is actually coded. However, such a code the stimulus location) or a nonspatial dimension (i.e., the (i.e., the veridical position of contralesional stimuli) is pitch or duration of the stimulus). Changes of stimulus apparently discarded, and these stimuli are attributed to location elicited larger responses when the deviant stim- contralateral positions in the ipsilesional hemispace. ulus was presented on the ipsilesional side than when it The symmetrical stimulus displacement shown by some was presented on the contralesional side. Differences be- UN patients with allochiria may indeed seem inconsistent tween the two hemispaces were either smaller or absent with the idea of spatial coding deficits in UN: Clearly, these when the change concerned the tone pitch or duration, patients correctly identify the stimulus position within the thus indicating a greater impairment of contralesional contralesional hemispace. However, this phenomenon is stimulus processing when stimulus location was involved reconcilable with spatial coding accounts if one considers compared with when nonspatial dimensions were con- that space is not a unitary whole, that is, there exist multi- cerned. Although Deouell et al. did not test awareness of ple spatial maps (cf. Robertson, 2004). Spatial coding defi- the presented stimuli, these data are in agreement with cits in UN would not necessarily affect all the spatial maps.

856 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 24, Number 4 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 In the case of the typical manifestation of UN (with or with- trials (i.e., the so-called accessory stimulus Simon effect; out allochiria), such spatial deficits would specifically in- Simon & Small, 1969). In the latter type of tasks, responses volve the horizontal plane, that is, the coding of stimulus are faster in the target–flanker color-congruent trials (e.g., position on the left–right axis with reference to the body when a red target is accompanied by red flankers) than in midline (rather than the stimulus spatial coding within color-incongruent trials (i.e., the so-called Eriksen flanker one hemispace). Following right cerebral lesions, what effect; Eriksen & Eriksen, 1974). These two effects are would be impaired is the attribution of a “left” spatial code attributed to either attribute (i.e., color or position) of to contralesional stimuli. the flanker(s) being coded, although task-irrelevant, and Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 Thus, there is no definitive evidence for a selective automatically activating the associated response. In the deficit of stimulus spatial coding of neglected stimuli, at accessory stimulus Simon tasks, the flanker activates the least as far as implicit spatial processing is concerned, and spatially corresponding response (e.g., the right button for a causal link between this deficit and lack of aware- press if the flanker is on the right). In the Eriksen flanker ness. There are several indications of the existence of this tasks, the flankers activate the response associated to their link, but all of them can be interpreted otherwise. The color on the basis of the task instructions (e.g., if red aim of our study was to examine the relation between targets required right button presses, red flankers also space processing and conscious awareness by testing a activate the response on the right). When the response UN patient with an indirect task that has been shown to activated by the flanker (irrelevant) attribute is the correct be diagnostic of the spatial nature of representations, re- one, it is quickly selected. In contrast, when the response gardless of whether they are explicitly or implicitly pro- signaled by the flanker attribute is the wrong response, cessed (i.e., a Simon-like task; Treccani et al., 2006). As in the competition between this response and the required Kristjánsson et al.ʼs (2005) study, the very same task tested one slows RTs. the effect of the processing of both spatial and nonspatial The joint effect of flanker position and color had been stimulus attributes (i.e., stimulus position and color). The previously investigated with normal participants in a study task thus provided us with an independent measure of using the same task as that administered here (Treccani, implicit stimulus processing other than the critical one Cubelli, Della Sala, & Umiltà, 2009). Consistent with the and allowed possible dissociations between the two types most widely accepted theories of compatibility phenom- of processing (i.e., spatial and nonspatial) to emerge. In ena, this study showed an interactive effect of target– contrast with previous studies, however, task performance flanker color congruency and flanker–response spatial cor- could be only indirectly affected by processing of stimuli respondence: What mattered most for performance was presented in either the intact or neglected hemispaces, not whether the response signaled by either flanker attri- thus providing a highly sensitive measure of implicit stim- bute was the required response but rather whether the re- ulus processing. No direct responses to either contra- sponses signaled by the two flanker attributes corresponded lesional or ipsilesional stimuli were indeed required: The or did not corresponded. This task, therefore, would allow patient was asked to judge the color of a centrally pre- us not only to test whether flankers were spatially coded but sented square. This square was flanked by another square also to examine the interaction of the possible spatial and that was task-irrelevant and was of the same color as the color codes (i.e., the combined effect of the two flanker target square (color-congruent condition), of the alter- features) in either the neglected or intact hemispace. native target color (color-incongruent condition), or of The evaluation of the way in which different stimulus a color different from that of the possible targets (color- features interact in the neglected hemispace was interest- neutral condition). The patient responded by pressing ing in itself. Indeed, it has been suggested that feature a left- or right-side button: the button on the same side binding might be defective in the neglected hemispace as the flanker (spatially corresponding condition) or the and the effects of conjunction of contralesional stimulus button on the opposite side (spatially noncorresponding features might not be observed even when individual condition). features are properly processed (Van Vleet & Robertson, We tested the effects of both flanker position and color 2009). Accordingly, the lack of contralesional stimulus on the speed and accuracy of target-color judgments. awareness in UN might result, not so much from a spatial These two effects are commonly observed with normal processing impairment, as from binding deficits: It might participants in tasks that analyze these effects in isola- be difficult or even impossible for unbound object fea- tion: tasks in which the lateralized irrelevant stimulus tures to access consciousness, as people may only become accompanying the central target (i.e., the flanker) is of aware of integrated and unitary objects (Treisman & Gelade, task-neutral color (Treccani et al., 2006) or tasks in which 1980). the central target is flanked by two symmetrical stimuli (i.e., In fact, stimulus spatial coding and feature binding are left and right sides) of a task-relevant color (Cohen & usually seen as inseparable processes, and the distinction Shoup, 1997). In the former type of tasks, responses are between them might seem immaterial: Individual stimu- usually faster in flanker–response spatially corresponding lus features would be bound together because they share trials (e.g., when a right button press is required in the the same position, and the lack of spatial coding would presence of a right-side flanker) than in noncorresponding also prevent feature binding (e.g., Deouell, 2002). Yet,

Treccani et al. 857 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 there is evidence that these processes can dissociate and if they were able to perform the experimental tasks in some brain-damaged patients, that is, patients with (e.g., they understood the instructions and were able to Balintʼs syndrome (Robertson, 2004). Balintʼs syndrome perform the required responses). All patients were given is a severe neuropsychological disorder that usually re- the conventional subtests of the Behavioral Inattention sults from a bilateral damage to the parietal cortex. Pa- Test (BIT; Wilson, Cockburn, & Halligan, 1987). To be tients with this condition can perceive only one object selected, patients also needed to show signs of space- in the visual scene at any given moment. In addition, they based neglect—as opposed to object-based neglect—in are unable to report the location of the perceived object. the BIT copying and drawing tasks: When requested to Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 Despite these explicit spatial problems, there is evidence copy multiple figures (i.e., the three horizontally aligned of intact implicit spatial processing in Balint patients (Kim geometrical shapes in the BIT shape copying subtest), & Robertson, 2001). This spared implicit spatial represen- the selected patients copied only the central and right- tation, however, does not seem to be sufficient to sustain side (contralesional) figures and neglected the figure appropriate binding of the different features and items in on the left, rather than neglecting the contralesional the visual scene. Features such as color, shape, motion, side of the individual figures. Spontaneous drawings also and size seem to be randomly combined in the objects suggested that the frame of reference of their deficit was perceived by Balint patients, and these patients fre- centered on their body midline rather than on external quently misattribute the features of one object to another objects. (i.e., they form false feature conjunctions; e.g., they may Only one patient (V.M.) met an additional critical crite- report a red X and a blue O as a red O and a blue X). rion, that is, an ipsilesional/contralesional detection ratio In Balint patients, improper binding (rather than a greater than 10:1 in a version of the flanker detection task complete lack of it) is observed for objects that are con- administered before the experimental sessions. This task sciously perceived (although only one at a time). The was identical to the control task of the experimental phase possible indirect effects of the feature binding of objects, (see below) and was administered immediately after the when the observer is completely unaware of the pres- patientʼs neuropsychological examination (i.e., 1 day be- ence of these objects, have not yet been investigated. fore the first experimental session). In this task, the pa- The task administered here might then be the optimal tient showed a clear-cut dissociation between the flanker tool to investigate this issue. detection performances in the two hemispaces: V.M. de- Our patient also performed a direct task that allowed us tected the 94% of right flankers and none of left flankers. to test her awareness of flankers: a flanker detection task. V.M. is a right-handed woman, with 15 years of edu- In each trial of this task, the patient was required to report cation, who, at the time of testing, was 58 years old. She whether the flanker stimulus had been presented. The suffered from an ischemic stroke (documented by CT absence of explicit perception of contralesional flankers scan; see Figure 1) confined to part of the territory of shown in this task (i.e., the “zero-awareness” criterion; the right middle cerebral artery centered on the superior Merikle et al., 2001) allowed us to attribute unequivocally temporal gyrus and encroaching upon the right BG, re- their effects on target-color judgment to the implicit pro- sulting in a severe left UN, left , and inferior cessing of their attributes. limb hypertonia. No impairment of her visual field was detected with a neurological examination at the time of testing. V.M.ʼs METHODS visual field integrity was assessed clinically with the visual confrontation technique proposed by Bisiach, Cappa, and Participants Vallar (1983) for the examination of UN patients. The pa- Six patients were selected from a pool of right-brain- tient was sitting on a chair against a wall of the testing damaged patients whom we examined during the period room (i.e., the patientʼs shoulder contralateral to the to- from October 2008 to May 2009. Patients were selected be-examined hemifield faced the wall). When testing the if their lesions were confined to the right hemisphere left hemifield, this procedure prevented attention from

Figure 1. Axial slices showing in red the extent of V.M.ʼs lesion (lesion reconstruction based on CT scan). Note that right in the figure indicates the right side of the brain.

858 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 24, Number 4 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 remaining anchored to objects on the right and forced the elapsed. The patient was instructed to press one of the patient to orient attention to the left. The examiner was in two buttons of the mouse according to the target color front of the patient who was asked to stare at the examinerʼs (i.e., the button on the left in response to the red targets nose. The patientʼs task was to detect movements of the and the button on the right in response to the green tar- examinerʼs index finger. Ten stimuli (i.e., movements of gets). Both responses with the wrong button and the lack either the left or right index) were given briefly by the of a response within the 1500 msec given for responding examiner, in each of the two visual hemifields. V.M.ʼsper- were counted as errors. In either case, a 400-Hz auditory formance was at ceiling (10/10 detections) in the right error feedback was given during the blank, immediately Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 visual field, and she missed only two stimuli on the after the response or after the response time was elapsed. left (8/10). Afterwards, a prompt to begin the next trial was presented. Therefore, V.M. did not show clinical signs of hemianopia, As soon as the patient declared that she was ready to whereas her behavior, as well as the neuropsychological continue, the next trial began. assessment, revealed a severe UN. Neuropsychological eval- Color-neutral (blue) flankers served as filler stimuli in uation, as well as the first session of the experimental in- Session 1 and were not included in the analyses. In con- vestigation, was carried out 43 days from the onset of the trast, all the flankers were blue in Session 2, which was lesion. The Verbal Judgements Test (Spinnler & Tognoni, aimed at investigating the effect of flanker–response spa- 1987) was used to evaluate V.M.ʼs global cognitive level. tial correspondence in isolation (i.e., without this effect This is a verbal intelligence test consisting four subtests: dif- being confounded with that of the target–flanker color ferences, proverbs, nonsensical stories, and classifications. congruency). Previous studies conducted with normal In it, the patient scored within normal limits. V.M. also ob- participants (e.g., Treccani et al., 2009) suggest that spatial tained normal scores in the Mini-Mental State Examination correspondence effects do not show up in trials wherein (Measso et al., 1993) as well as in tests of executive func- the flanker color is neutral in terms of response assignment tions, language, and verbal memory. In contrast, she showed when they are intermixed with trials in which the flanker is pathological scores in almost all the subtests of the BIT. The of a task-relevant color (congruent and incongruent). patient also scored below the cutoff in a visuospatial mem- The patient responded by pressing the two buttons of ory test (i.e., Corsi Span, Spinnler & Tognoni, 1987). Her a computer mouse with the index and middle fingers of impaired performance in this test was attributable to the her right hand. The mouse was placed inside a wooden severe UN. V.M.ʼsscoresinalltheadministeredneuro- box, which was located on the right of the patient and psychological tests are presented in Table 1. oriented so that the mouse was secured either to the “floor” of the box, in the standard position (i.e., its but- tons were upward), or to the “ceiling” of the box, upside Materials and Procedure down (i.e., buttons were downward). In this latter case, the V.M. underwent two experimental sessions that were run mouse buttons were pressed with upward movements of on 2 days, with an interval of 2 weeks between them, the fingers, instead of the usual downward movements using E-Prime (Version software (Schneider, (see Figure 3). When the mouse was in the standard posi- Eschman, & Zuccolotto, 2002). Each experimental session tion, the index finger was on the left of the middle finger, constituted two tasks. whereas when the mouse was upside down, it was operat- ing by placing the hand so that the palm faced the boxʼs ceiling, and the index finger was on the right of the mid- Target-color Judgment Task dle finger. Eye movements were monitored by an experi- The stimuli and sequence of the events of each trial are menterʼs assistant (e.g., Van Vleet & Robertson, 2009) depicted in Figure 2. using a mirror. Trials during which eye movements were Trials began with the presentation of a central 0.8° × detected were excluded from the analyses (5.8% and 0.8° white fixation cross. The patient was instructed to 3.4% in Sessions 1 and 2, respectively). keep her eyes on it. An acoustic 800-Hz warning tone In both sessions, there were 384 randomly mixed trials. was delivered at the onset of fixation. At the offset of fixa- They were divided into four blocks and equally distributed tion, the target and flanker stimuli (i.e., 1.9° × 1.9° colored across the possible types of trial: 12 (2 target colors × squares) appeared. The target was shown at the center of 3 flanker colors × 2 flanker positions) in Session 1 and the screen and could be either green or red. The flanker 4 (2 target colors × 2 flanker positions) in Session 2. In was presented on either the left or right of the target (the each session, the patient performed the first two blocks center of the flanker was vertically aligned with fixation, with the mouse in the standard position and the remain- 5.7° to the left or right) and could be red, green, or blue ing blocks with the mouse in the upside-down position, (Session 1) or only blue (Session 2). The target and flanker thus pressing the left and right mouse buttons first with remained on the screen until the response was made or the index and middle fingers and then with the middle for a maximum of 350 msec. Offset of target and flanker and index fingers. Therefore, both left and right responses was followed by a blank interval, which lasted until the (i.e., responses to red and green targets) were made by response or the time granted for responding (1500 msec) using (in an equal number of trials) the two fingers, that

Treccani et al. 859 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 Table 1. Neuropsychological Evaluation of V.M.

Neuropsychological Test V.M.ʼs Score Range Cutoff

Global Cognitive Level Verbal Judgments Test (Spinnler & Tognoni, 1987) 44.25 0–60 >32 Mini-Mental State Examination (Measso et al., 1993) 26.31 0–30 >24 Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 Executive Functions Weigl Sorting Test (Laiacona, Inzaghi, De Tanti, & Capitani, 2000) 11.82 0–15 >8 Cognitive Estimation Task (Della Sala, MacPherson, Phillips, Sacco, & Spinnler, 2003) 13.20 0–21 <18

Language Semantic Verbal Fluency (Spinnler & Tognoni, 1987) 53 0–∞ >7 Letter Verbal Fluency (Novelli, Papagno, Capitani, Laiacona, Vallar, et al., 1986) 31 0–∞ >16 Boston Naming Test (Kaplan, Goodglass, & Weintraub, 1983) 48 0–60 >34

Memory Spatial Span (Corsi Test; Spinnler & Tognoni, 1987) 3a 0–10 >3.5 Verbal Span (Digit Span; Orsini et al., 1987) 7 0–9 >3.5 Paired-associate Learning (Novelli, Papagno, Capitani, Laiacona, Cappa, et al., 1986) 20.5 0–22.5 >6

Neglect BIT (Wilson et al., 1987) Conventional subtests Total 79a 0–146 >129 Line crossing 35 0–36 >34 Letter cancellation 15a 0–40 >32 Star cancellation 26a 0–54 >51 Shape and figure copying 0a 0–4>3 Line bisection 0a 0–9>7 Behavioral subtests Total 31a 0–81 >67 Picture scanning 6a 0–9>6 Telephone dialing 4a 0–9>8 Menu reading 6a 0–9>6 Article reading 5a 0–9>6 Telling and setting the time 3a 0–9>7 Coin sorting 0a 0–9>7 Address and sentence copying 3a 0–9>7 Map navigation 3a 0–9>6 Card sorting 1a 0–9>7

Scores are corrected for age and level of education, when appropriate. aPathological scores (i.e., scores under or above the cutoff point).

860 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 24, Number 4 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021

Figure 2. Target-color judgment task. Schematic representation of the stimuli and sequence of the events of each trial.

is, the finger used for responding was balanced within each the same as in the previous task, but the flanker was not response-position condition. Thus, response position did always presented, and V.M. had to say whether one or not coincide (was not confounded) with the identity of two stimuli were displayed. Patientʼs responses were en- the response finger, and possible differences in response tered by the experimenter. V.M. was allowed to correct speed between the two fingers could not mask the effects herself, giving another response when she felt the first under investigation (i.e., the spatial correspondence effect one was wrong. The next trial began only when she was in the two hemispaces). sure about her response. There were 162 randomly mixed trials divided into three blocks. Among these, 108 pre- sented both target and flanker stimuli and were equally dis- Flanker Detection Task tributed across the possible types of target + flanker trials This task was performed immediately after the color judg- (12 in Session 1 and 4 in Session 2), whereas 54 presented ment task in both sessions. Stimuli and procedure were the target alone (27 trials for each target color condition).

Figure 3. Target-color judgment task. Standard (A) and upside-down (B) arrangements of the response device. When the computer mouse was upside down (B), the back of the hand rested on a small cushion that was placed on the boxʼsfloor. The cushion was removed before taking this photograph to better show the mouse and hand placements.

Treccani et al. 861 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 RESULTS Table 2. Target-color Judgment Task: Session 2 In the flanker detection tasks, the patient detected 93% Flanker Side Spatial Correspondence RT PE and 94% of right flankers (in Sessions 1 and 2, respec- Left Corresponding trials 681 (19.3) 1.1% tively) and none of left flankers (in either session). Her performance in the left-flanker condition was comparable Noncorresponding trials 709 (19.9) 5.6% to that observed in the no-flanker condition: In both Right Corresponding trials 665 (18.8) 1.0% cases, she always reported that only the central square

hadbeenpresented.Inspiteofherlackofawareness Noncorresponding trials 688 (19.4) 5.3% Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 of the contralesional flankers, these flankers, like the Means (and SEMs) of correct RTs and percentages of errors (PEs) as a right ones, had an effect in the target-color judgment function of flanker side and flanker–response spatial correspondence. tasks of both sessions (see Figure 4 and Table 2). Distributions of correct RTs in the target-color judgment trials and in spatially corresponding (689 msec) than task of Session 1 were calculated for each level of the three noncorresponding (730 msec) trials. independent variables: Flanker Side (left and right), Con- The interaction between Spatial Correspondence and gruency between the target and flanker colors (congruent Flanker Side was also significant, F(1, 202) = 10.16, p < and incongruent), and Spatial Correspondence between .01: Spatially corresponding versus noncorresponding RTs position of the flanker and position of the required re- were 668 versus 750 msec with left flankers and 710 versus sponse (corresponding and noncorresponding). These 712 msec with right flankers (i.e., a spatially corresponding distributions were divided into five 20% bins (De Jong, trial advantage of 82 msec was found with left flankers, Liang, & Lauber, 1994) and submitted to an ANCOVA with whereas the difference between corresponding and non- these variables as between-item factors. Bin (1st–5th) was correponding RTs was only of 2 msec with right flankers). included in the ANCOVA as covariate to control for the In contrast, the Color Congruency effect was not modulated possible variation in time of the Color Congruency and by the flanker position (i.e., the color-congruent trial ad- Spatial Correspondence effects (Treccani et al., 2009). The vantage in the left and right hemispaces was of 25 and analysis revealed main effects of both Color Congruency, 37 msec, respectively). Finally, there was a significant inter- F(1, 202) = 4.34, p < .05, and Spatial Correspondence, action between Color Congruency, Spatial Correspondence, F(1, 202) = 7.25, p < .01: Responses were faster in color- and Flanker Side, F(1, 202) = 8.79, p < .005. Additional com- congruent (695 msec) than color-incongruent (725 msec) parisons showed that Color Congruency modulated the

Figure 4. Target-color judgment task: Session 1. Means (±SEMs) of correct RTs as a function of flanker side (left and right), target–flanker color congruency (congruent and incongruent), and flanker–response spatial correspondence (corresponding and noncorresponding). Below the x axes of the two graphs, schematic representations of the stimulus display are presented for every condition.

862 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 24, Number 4 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 Spatial Correspondence effect (i.e., spatially corresponding each test statistic, that is, the probability, based on the T responses were faster than spatially noncorresponding re- null distribution, to obtain a T value equal to or greater sponses when the target and flanker colors were congruent, than the observed one. The spatial correspondence effect whereas the reverse occurred when the target and flanker was significant for left flanker ( p < .0001), whereas it was colors were incongruent) but only with right flankers, F(1, far from significance for right flankers ( p =.67).Data 202) = 9.87, p < .005. The Color Congruency × Spatial Cor- obtained in right-flanker trials were then further analyzed respondence interactive contrastperformedonleft-flanker through two separate CSPTs for the two color congruency trials was not significant, F(1, 202) = 1.22, p = .27. Spa- conditions. Both the spatially corresponding response ad- Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 tially corresponding versus noncorresponding differences vantage in color-congruent trials and the noncorrespond- were significant for both color-congruent, F(1, 202) = ing response advantage in color-incongruent trials were 4.35, p < .05, and color-incongruent trials, F(1, 202) = significant (both ps < .05). RTs from Session 2 were ana- 13.32, p < .001, of left-flanker conditions, as well as for lyzed through separate CSPTs for the two flanker posi- color-congruent, F(1, 202) = 3.91, p <.05,andcolor- tions. The spatial correspondence effect was significant in incongruent trials, F(1, 202) = 6.06, p <.05,ofright-flanker both left- and right-flanker trials (both ps<.05). conditions. Overall, the error rate was 11.7%. Seventy-one percent (71%) of the errors were wrong button presses, DISCUSSION and the remaining 29% were omissions (i.e., the lack of a response during the 1500 msec granted for responding). The results reported here indicate strong effects of both Spatially corresponding versus noncorresponding error per- the flanker color and the flanker position on V.M.ʼs per- centages were 13.8% versus 13.8% and 7.4% versus 16.7% in formance. In the target-color judgment task of Session 1, the color-congruent and -incongruent trials of left-flanker V.M. showed color congruency effects with both left and conditions, whereas they were 12.5% versus 6.7% and right flankers, confirming that the color (i.e., a nonspatial 13.3% versus 0% in the color-congruent and -incongruent attribute) can be processed and engage response-related trials of right-flanker conditions. None of these correspond- mechanisms in either neglected or intact hemispace (e.g., ing versus noncorresponding differences were significant Kristjánsson et al., 2005; Danckert, Maruff, Kinsella, de (Yates-corrected chi-squares, all ps ≥ .13). Graaff, & Currie, 1999). Notably, a spatial correspondence Data from the target-color judgment task of Session 2 effect was also observed in the neglected hemispace, which underwent the same analysis, with only the exclusion of shows that the position of neglected stimuli can be pro- the Color Congruency variable. The ANCOVA only revealed cessed as well. This is the first demonstration that, in UN, the significant main effect of Spatial Correspondence, F(1, not only constituent features but also spatial attributes of 354) = 6.50, p < .05. Regardless of the side on which the contralesional (nonconsciously perceived) stimuli can be flanker was presented, spatially corresponding responses properly coded (cf. McIntosh et al., 20041). It undermines were faster than noncorresponding responses (673 vs. both the widely shared assumption that UN is essentially 698 msec). The error percentage was also lower in corre- a deficit in the spatial representation of contralesional stim- sponding than noncorresponding trials with both left and uli (Bisiach, 1993) and the idea that such a deficit causes right flankers, but neither of these differences was signifi- the loss of awareness of these stimuli (Berti & Rizzolatti, cant (Yates-corrected chi-squares, both ps ≥ .20). On the 1992). V.M. showed a dramatic impairment in responding whole, the error rate was very low (2.4%), and all the errors overtly to left flankers, yet her (covert) spatial coding of were wrong button presses. these stimuli was as effective as the coding of right flankers: Results of ANCOVAs were confirmed by nonparametrical The spatial correspondence effects observed with left flank- tests, that is, permutation analyses (Monte Carlo Con- ers were comparable in size to both the standard and re- strained Synchronized Permutation Test [CSPT]: Basso, verse correspondence effects observed with right flankers. Chiarandini, & Salmaso, 2007). Given that only two vari- This finding was confirmed in Session 2, where the spatial ables can be introduced in each permutation analysis, correspondence effect could not be modulated by color RTs from Session 1 were first analyzed through separate congruency, and a standard effect of about 25 msec was CSPTs for the two flanker positions, with spatial correspon- found in either hemispace. Therefore, the hypothesis that dence and bin as factors (the same factors were considered spatial representation of contralesional stimuli is partially in the subsequent analyses). In both analyses, for each preserved in UN patients but is not good enough to sup- factor, we computed the test statistic (T)fromtheob- port conscious awareness (cf. Robertson, 2004) does not served data. This allowed us to test the main effect of each seem likely either: The coding of lateral stimuli with respect factor. We compared the observed value of T with its null to the body position and/or with respect to the focus of distribution, which was obtained through (5000) synchro- attention (i.e., the spatial coding underlying the spatial cor- nized permutations, that is, by exchanging the same (ran- respondence effects observed in the target-color judgment dom) number of observations (RTs) between each pair of task) seems to have been equally effective in both the left levels of the factor under testing, within the same level of and right hemispaces of V.M. the other factor. The exchanged observations were in the In fact, these results cannot rule out that other types of same original position. We then computed the p value for (implicit) spatial coding or spatial representations serving

Treccani et al. 863 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 computational needs different from those involved in postulating that the stimulus position (here, flanker posi- the tasks administered here (cf. Milner & Goodale, 1995) tion) is coded with respect to a salient reference object (here, were defective in the neglected hemispace (e.g., a more the central target; e.g., Hommel, 1993) or those theories finely tuned spatial representation entailing the coding of that keep the idea of attention as critical for the spatial spatial relations between objects within this hemispace). code to be generated but do not maintain that attention However, the left versus right coding that V.M. was able hastobeorientedtowardastimulus in order for this to perform (cf. Treccani et al., 2009) is exactly the type of stimulus to be spatially coded (i.e., they simply state that coding the lack of which is considered by the spatial ac- the stimulus is spatially coded with respect to the posi- Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 count as underlying the lack of contralesional stimulus tion of the focus of attention at the time the stimulus is awareness in UN patients and the stimulus misallocation presented—here, again, the center of the screen, where in those patients who show allochiria. As previously under- the target appeared; e.g., Stoffer, 1991). This latter account, lined, spatial deficits in UN are not supposed to affect nec- in particular, is also consistent with results obtained with essarily all the spatial maps. For example, patients might other tasks providing for the presentation of lateralized ac- still be able to code the position of an object within the cessory stimuli that accompanied central targets: Unlike with contralesional hemispace, as shown by some patients with the study described here, attention has been shown to be allochiria. The spatial deficit would specifically affect the critical for spatial correspondence effects to occur in previous representation of the stimulus on the left–right axis. This studies with healthy participants that used accessory stimulus is not clearly the case with the UN patient evaluated in tasks, irrespective of whether the accessory stimulus was the present study. Therefore, V.M.ʼs performance is more perceived with or without awareness (Treccani et al., 2006). consistent with an alternative account of UN, according to The dissociation between spatial coding and both atten- which contralesional space representation is intact, but at- tion and consciousness observed in the present study leaves tention-orienting mechanisms are not, so that attention open the questions of exactly when attention intervenes and cannot be allocated toward the contralesional side of space what allows stimuli to be consciously perceived. A cue representation (Mesulam, 1999; Heilman et al., 1993). comes from the qualitatively different pattern of results we These findings do not obviously rule out that some UN observed for right and left flankers in Session 1: interactive patients have an actual deficit in the left–right spatial cod- and additive effects of spatial correspondence and color ing of objects when they appear on the contralesional side: congruency, respectively. On the one hand, this difference UN patients are indeed a heterogeneous group. However, provides further evidence for the patientʼs lack of aware- these results clearly demonstrate that, at (the very) least, ness of left flankers. Indeed, according to several authors this problem does not concern all the patients showing (McCormick, 1997; Greenwald, Draine, & Abrams, 1996; UN and that the overt neglect of implicitly processed stim- Dixon, 1971), the observation of effects of the critical stim- uli cannot be univocally attributed to the lack of spatial ulus feature in an indirect task (in our study, the target-color coding. It has been conjectured that at least some UN judgment task) and the failure to detect the stimulus in a patients may encode the locations of the stimuli, the con- forced-choice task (here, the flanker detection task) are stituent features of which they show they can process im- not enough to demonstrate perception without aware- plicitly (e.g., Robertson, 2004). The present results provide ness. An additional criterion is necessary, which consists in empirical evidence for this conjecture. demonstrating qualitatively different behavioral effects More generally, the present findings indicate that both under conditions of conscious and nonconscious percep- spatial and nonspatial stimulus information can be en- tion. More importantly, the qualitative difference between coded, and associated responses can be activated, without the effects of flankers in the two hemispaces may shed light the stimulus entering consciousness and even when atten- on the way stimuli are processed with and without attention. tion is oriented elsewhere. Therefore, contrary to widely ac- The interactive effect of color congruency and spatial cor- cepted views (Berti, 2002; Campbell, 2002; Berti & Rizzolatti, respondence observed in the intact hemispace was the 1992), the processing of either type of information (the one expected finding for attended and consciously perceived processed by the dorsal pathway and that processed by the flankers: It replicates results obtained with normal partici- ventral pathway) does not seem to be decisive in bringing pants (e.g., Treccani et al., 2009, Experiment 1). Previous a stimulus to consciousness. Even if spatial coding of visual studies suggest that spatially corresponding trials of color- stimuli might be necessary for conscious perception (Berti congruent conditions and noncorresponding trials of the & Rizzolatti, 1992), it is certainly not sufficient. Furthermore, incongruent conditions are advantaged because, in both spatial coding of neglected (i.e., unattended) stimuli poses cases, the flanker color and position activate the same re- a serious challenge to theories maintaining that spatial sponse, which is quickly selected when it is the correct re- codes of stimuli producing spatial correspondence effects sponse (i.e., in corresponding-congruent trials) or quickly derive from shifts of attention toward these stimuli (Umiltà aborted when it is the wrong one (i.e., in noncorresponding- & Nicoletti, 1992; Umiltà & Liotti, 1987). The present find- incongruent trials). When the flanker color and position ings are better accounted for by hypotheses that do not prime two different responses (i.e., in noncorresponding- posit a crucial role of attention movements for the gen- congruent or corresponding-incongruent trials), a conflict eration of spatial correspondence effects: the accounts takes place between the two responses that cannot be

864 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 24, Number 4 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 rapidly solved, and this slows RTs. In contrast, when the either the intact or neglected hemispace, but the type of flanker color does not belong to the target set (as in processing was different in the two hemispaces: Color Session 2), the flanker would activate only the spatially and position of ipsilesional (attended and consciously per- corresponding response, speeding it up when it is the cor- ceived) stimuli appear to have been processed jointly, rect one. In this case, the spatial correspondence effect whereas those of contralesional (neglected) stimuli seem would not be masked by the effect of color congruency to have been processed as separate features. These results (see Treccani et al., 2009, Experiment 2). Thus, V.M.ʼs suggest, therefore, that an important component of UN is performance in the target-judgment task was comparable a deficit in binding simple features of contralesional stim- Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/24/4/854/1777452/jocn_a_00185.pdf by MIT Libraries user on 17 May 2021 with that of normal participants and consistent with cur- uli into objects (see Van Vleet & Robertson, 2009; Cohen, rent hypotheses about the cognitive mechanisms underly- Ivry, Rafal, & Kohn, 1995), in particular, a deficit in in- ing compatibility phenomena, either when the flanker tegrating information concerning stimulus identity and varied with reference to only one attribute (i.e., its posi- stimulus location (i.e., features processed by the ventral tion in Session 2), irrespective of the hemispace in which and dorsal visual pathways; Robertson, 2004; Bailys, Gore, it was presented, or when the flanker varied with ref- Rodriguez, & Shisler, 2001; see also Deouell, 2002). erence to two task-relevant attributes (i.e., color and posi- This proposal is based on the feature integration theory tion in Session 1), as long as it was presented in the intact (Treisman & Gelade, 1980). According to this theory, sin- hemispace. gle features of unattended stimuli may be processed and In other words, in the intact, attended hemispace, V.M. trigger responses in an automatic fashion. However, to showed regular trends of compatibility effects for (con- consciously recognize and voluntarily respond to the stim- sciously perceived) flankers characterized by either one uli, stimulus features need to be bound together and form or two attributes, whereas in the neglect hemispace, she integrated objects. Unbound object features cannot ac- showed a regular trend only when the (nonconsciously cess awareness. The binding process is mediated by at- perceived) flankers varied according to one attribute. tention. When attention is either attracted away from an With two flanker attributes, we observed a different pat- object or prevented from being oriented toward an object tern from that found either in normal participants or in because of brain damage, object features are not bound the intact hemispace of the patient herself, that is, no together, and the observer does not become aware of modulation of the effect of one flanker attribute by the them. Given that the representations of unattended ob- other attribute. jects are not tightly bound to the representation of their Previous studies suggest that the interaction between locations, wrong combinations of features of different ob- the effects of two flanker attributes critically depends on jects into one object or allochiric misallocation of such the fact that these attributes are perceived as belonging objects toward the focus of attention can also occur in to the same object. Indeed, additive rather than interac- either normal or brain-damaged observers (e.g., false tive effects have been found when the integration of the conjunctions in Balint patients or misallocation from the spatial and nonspatial stimulus-irrelevant features was contralesional to the ipsilesional hemispace in neglect hampered, for example, because they were conveyed by patients; Marcel et al., 2004). In this case, constituent fea- two different objects (e.g., Stoffels & Van Der Molen, 1988). tures of the unattended objects are bound to the attended If the two attributes are perceived as belonging to two locus, and even if erroneously perceived as being in a lo- separate objects, there are just no prerequisites for the cation different from that of their original sources, they interaction between their effects: The agreement or can access consciousness. disagreement between the responses signaled by two at- However, some caution should be used in drawing such tributes can affect performance only when these two sig- conclusions, as this account provides for a causal link nals come from the same source. Indeed, only when two between attention and consciousness, whereas there is features are integrated, the consistency between them can evidence that conscious perception can occur without emerge as a new feature of the stimulus display, which, in attention (cf. van Boxtel, Tsuchiya, & Koch, 2010; Koch & turn, reflects the way in which our brain segregates and Tsuchiya, 2007). Further research is needed to disentangle binds stimulus features, building meaningful and unitary the interaction between attentional processes, feature percepts in a coherent visual scene, starting from separate binding, and conscious awareness: They undoubtedly feature representations (cf. Treisman, 1998). Accordingly, share an intimate relation, but the nature of this relation no interaction should occur when flanker color is not is still not fully understood. bound to flanker position, that is, when they are processed separately. Thus, the additive effects observed in the con- tralesional (unattended) hemispace, with faster corre- Acknowledgments sponding responses in both congruent and incongruent conditions, suggest that feature binding does not occur We would like to thank V.M. and the other patients for their collaboration and Dr. Nicoletta Beschin for her help with their in this hemispace. neuropsychological assessment. The study was supported by In summary, V.M.ʼs performance reveals that both spa- a grant (PRIN 2007) from MIUR to C. U. and by a grant from tial and nonspatial flanker features were processed in Fondazione San Paolo, Neuroscience Programme to R. C.

Treccani et al. 865 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_00185 by guest on 27 September 2021 Reprint requests should be sent to Barbara Treccani, Dipartimento Danckert, J., Maruff, P., Kinsella, G., de Graaff, S., & Currie, J. di Scienze della Cognizione e della Formazione, Università degli (1999). Attentional modulation of implicit processing of Studi di Trento, Corso Bettini 31, 38068 Rovereto, Trento, Italy, information in spatial neglect. NeuroReport, 10, 1077–1083. or via e-mail: [email protected]. De Jong, R., Liang, C., & Lauber, E. (1994). Conditional and unconditional automaticity: A dual-process model of effects of spatial stimulus–response correspondence. Journal Note of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 20, 731–750. 1. McIntosh et al. (2004) found that the trajectory of the reach- Della Sala, S., MacPherson, S. E., Phillips, L. 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