Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001

Doc. No: 001


©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 1 of 23 September 2009

Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Effective Date: May 2010 Casper Fivaz Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001


No. Details Page no.

1. Landscape Character/Theme...... 3

2. Accreditation...... 3 2.1 Three Areas of Accreditation...... 3 2.2 Accreditation Criteria for Landscape Designers...... 3 2.3 Accreditation Criteria for Landscape Contractors...... 3 2.4 Accreditation Criteria for Landscape Maintenance Contractors (Gardeners)...... 3 2.5 Search & Rescue Contractors...... 4 2.6 Accreditation Duration...... 4 2.7 Penalty System...... 4 2.8 Annual Inspection of Work...... 4 2.9 Responsibilities...... 4

3. List...... 4 3.1 The Estate Plant List...... 4 3.2 for Animal Food...... 4 3.3 Plant Species Not Permitted on Site...... 5 3.4 Species Permitted...... 5 3.5 Plant Suppliers...... 5

4. Landscape Plans...... 5 4.1 Pre and Post Storm Water Control...... 5 4.2 Planting Density...... 5 4.3 Grass Control...... 6 4.4 Undisturbed Area...... 6 4.5 Irrigation...... 6 4.6 Cost of Landscape Plants and Materials...... 6 4.7 ARC Landscape Approval Sheet...... 6 4.8 Green Corridors...... 6 4.9 Search & Rescue Plants ...... 6 4.10 Handover Landscape Procedure...... 7 4.11 Landscape Plan...... 7 4.12 Hard Landscape Structures...... 8 4.13 Area Percentage Distribution for All Residential Sites...... 8 4.14 Area Percentage Distribution for all Footprint Sites...... 10

5. Landscape Restrictions...... 12

6. Search & Rescue...... 12 6.1 Search and Rescue Plants...... 12 6.2 Seed Harvesting...... 12 6.3 Search and Rescue Check Lists...... 12 6.4 Search and Rescue Nursery ...... 12

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 2 of 23 September 2009

Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Effective Date: May 2010 Casper Fivaz Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

7. Water...... 12 7.1 Storm Water Controls...... 12 7.2 Irrigation...... 13

8. Rehabilitation...... 13

9. Burning Plan...... 13

10. Approved Plant List...... 13


1.1. The intention of the greater landscape design and construction of the Estate golf course itself, is to preserve and protect the unique qualities of this Garden Route landscape. It is characterized by its cliffs, beaches, smoothly rolling slopes and the dense indigenous vegetation of extraordinary variety. 1.2. The Estate and Golf course layout must preserve or rehabilitate substantial areas of fynbos and other vegetation types indigenous to this area. The private open spaces within the development continues and consolidates this theme, integrating the estate with the surrounding natural landscape. 1.3. In order to maintain continuity in the overall landscape character, owners of erven are required to design and implement the garden landscapes around their houses in accordance with certain conditions, specifications and restrictions. 1.4. In this way the collective landscape theme of expansive fynbos and restrained architecture will be realized for the appreciation and benefit of all.


2.1 There are three areas that Landscapers can request for accreditation, should they want to work on the Estate, namely:-

2.1.1 Landscape Designers 2.1.2 Landscape Contractors 2.1.3 Landscape Maintenance Contractors (Gardeners) 2.1.4 Search & Rescue Contractors

2.2 Accreditation Criteria for Landscape Designers

Landscape Designers will need to have the following qualifications to be accredited:

2.2.1 Horticulture Qualification (ND Hort. & Landscape Architecture) or NTS 3 2.2.2 Member of the Professional body e.g. SALI 2.2.3 Working experience with Fynbos (5yrs for ND Horticulture and 10yrs for NTS 3) 2.2.4 Contractors & sub contractors must be assisted by qualified designer/ horticulturist

2.3 Accreditation Criteria for Landscape Contractors

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 3 of 23 September 2009

Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Effective Date: May 2010 Casper Fivaz Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Only certain number of Landscape contractors will be approved and will need to have the following experience to be accredidated:

2.3.1 Relevant Horticultural qualification (or associated with qualified Landscaper) 2.3.2 3-5 yrs Fynbos planting experience 2.3.3 Good local reference

2.4 Accreditation Criteria for Landscape Maintenance Contractors (Gardeners)

Only certain number of Landscape Maintenance contractors will be approved and will need to have the following experience to be accredidated:

2.4.1 Horticultural experience 2.4.2 3-5 yrs Fynbos planting experience 2.4.3 Good local reference

2.5 Search & Rescue Contractors

The Search & Rescue contractors will need to have the following qualifications to be accredited:

2.5.1 Fynbos transplanting knowledge 2.5.2 3-5 yrs fynbos planting experience 2.5.3 Relevant horticultural qualification (or associated with qualified landscaper)

2.6 Accreditation Duration

The accreditation period will last for 1 year. Applications are reviewed on the 1st June every year by the HOA, for a year period.

2.7 Penalty System

Once a landscaper deviates from the approved plans/guidelines they will be warned firstly. The second time, he/she will be given a second and final warning by the HOA. After the third time he/she will lose his/her accreditation to work on the estate.

2.8 Annual Inspection of Work

Annual inspections of gardens will be undertaken by the HOA, to inspect the quality of the work.

2.9 Responsibilities

All OHSACT & labour regulations must be adhered to for all staff, by the specific contractors.


3.1 The Estate Plant List

3.1.1 The estate plant list has been officially approved by the ELC.

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Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Effective Date: May 2010 Casper Fivaz Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

3.1.2 has been further divided into different types of plants biomes (Thicket; Proteoid & limestone fynbos). 3.1.3 The estate Plant list will be updated every six months by the HOA landscape forum. 3.1.4 All non-endemic plants that have been previously planted , must be changed when they die and eventually need to be replaced by local indigenous plants on the plant list (naturally occurring). 3.1.5 Natural occurring plants as per ROD must be planted. Only propagated plants originating from site will only be allowed on site. Plants propagated from the other sites are not allowed to be planted on site (plants should be locally indigenous). 3.1.6 See the official plant listed for all plant species allowed. 3.1.7 To ensure that species and habitat diversity is maintained only plants from site can be used. 3.1.8 No planting or propagation of species not on the specified list for the Estate will be allowed. 3.1.9 Planting must be correct, for example only thicket species are planted in thicket areas and fynbos species in fynbos areas. 3.1.10 No significant change or shift in community structure (no more than 5%) due to site activities

3.2 Plants for Animal Food

A certain amount (10% is suggested) of palatable plants should be brought into landscape designs, so that all gardens collectively provide food for all the fauna on the estate.

3.3. Plant species not permitted on site

3.3.1 Any form of exotic plant that is not indigenous to the Garden Route area, will not be allowed on site. 3.3.2 Any declared invasive alien plants or tree must be eradicated. See Governments prohibited plant list. 3.3.3 No Kikuyu grass ( Pennesetum clandestinium ) or exotic grasses may be cultivated on an erf, to prevent invasion of the fynbos and out of play areas. No exotic species. 3.3.4 All declared invasive alien plants, trees, and grasses are not permitted within the estate and may not be cultivated in erf garden.

3.3.5 Including these well known varieties:

• Kikuyu ( Pennisetum clandestinum ) • Palm trees • Conifers • Any species of Eucalyptus • Any species of Bottlebrush • Any species of Agave • Any species of Cactus, this does not include indigenous succulents

3.3.6 Invasive alien vegetation clearance on any underdeveloped erf, remains the responsibility of the owner and must be undertaken on a quarterly basis, failing which the Home Owner’s Association will undertake the clearance at the erf owners’ cost.

3.4 Species permitted

3.4.1 The principles of the Department of Water affairs’ (DWAF), Waterwise gardening programme are supported by the Developer and the HOA’s.

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Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Effective Date: May 2010 Casper Fivaz Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

3.4.2 Only a Limited range of indigenous plant material is appropriate for planting on this site. The estate’s approved plant list of recommended species defines or will define those species which may only be used on this site to the exclusion of all others. 3.4.3 The plant list denotes indigenous species, suitable for the site though not necessarily occurring naturally. (See official plant list) 3.4.4 Buffalo grass ( Stenotaphrum secundatum ) may be cultivated. Cynodon dactylon (Fine Kweek).

3.5 Plant Suppliers

3.5.1 Only plants that are propagated from site (on the approved plant list) should be used. 3.5.2 A delivery note must be supplied to the HOA when new plants enter the Estate – for later inspection.


4.1 Pre and Post Storm water Control

The Engineers Storm water plans must correlate with the landscape plans submitted

4.2 Planting Density

4.2.1 The required planting density of plants is (4-5/m2) to cover the soil to prevent erosion. The soil needs to be protected by planting enough groundcovers initially in order to cover the soil during the grown in period. 4.2.2 The plant numbers that are to planted as well as size and density should be shown on the plan. 4.2.3 All landscape plans must have a minimum of 10% of the plants replanted as food species for the Fauna on the site 4.2.4 The undisturbed areas are strictly “no go areas” during the entire building process.

4.3 Grass Control

Landscapers are to put sufficient edging around all grass planted areas, to stop the grass from growing into the Fynbos.

4.4 Undisturbed Area

4.4.1 At least 25% undisturbed area must be left untouched in the residential ervens, while the rest of the plot’s rehabilitation area should total to 40% (after the design is submitted for approval). 4.4.2 The total undisturbed area for footprint erven is 40%, this does not include the rehabilitation total. 4.4.3 40% or the 25% undisturbed area’s, shall not be less than 3m wide at any point. 4.4.4 Once the footprint is finalised on the final plans, this undisturbed area will remain and can not be altered in the future.

4.5 Irrigation

4.5.1 Permanent irrigation is not allowed, as the landscaped areas are to finally harden off in the later establishment period. 4.5.2 Irrigation is allowed for only 3 months to establish the plants and should be reduced or turned off once plants are fully established. 4.5.3 Gel products such as Aqua matrix and Terra soil gel can be used to assist establishing plants quicker.

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Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Effective Date: May 2010 Casper Fivaz Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

4.5.4 Timer systems are allowed for drip irrigation systems. Timer systems for spray irrigation will be allowed if in a sealed controller box and if an irrigation schedule is approved by the PPHOA’s. A Ball valve must be placed before this box.

4.6 Cost of Landscape Plants & materials

4.6.1 All landscape plans need to be cost effective and be transparent on the breakdown, to owners. 4.6.2 All landscape plans that are resubmitted to ARC for approval, will be charged R500.00.

4.7 ARC Landscape Approval Sheet

An ARC landscape plan approval sheet has been drawn up and will be used in reviewing plans. All landscape plans must at least answer these basic requirements or plans will not be approved.

4.8 Green Corridors

4.8.1 Green corridors are to be created on either side of residential erven to allow fauna to move freely around. A minimum of 1.5m must be kept free away from the cadastral boundary on both sides of the property. 4.8.2 No pathways can be created within these green corridors.

4.9 Search & Rescue Plants

4.9.1 All search and rescue plants that have been moved off the erven must be noted on the landscape search & rescue form, and issued to the HOA’s office. 4.9.2 In order to prevent the search & rescue (especially Red data species) plants being taken off site, HOA’s permission needs to be given. 4.9.3 All Search and Rescue plants are to be replanted on site. 4.9.4 A dead plant recon is to be given to the owner during the construction period.

4.10 Handover Landscape Procedure

4.10.1 A full landscape plan must be submitted by only a PPHOA accredited Landscaper with the approved list of plants before handover . This needs to be approved by the HOA’s and signed by the owner before any work can commence. 4.10.2 No construction shall take place within a minimum of 1.5m from the cadastral boundary. A 2.5m hoarding building line area is allowed. 4.10.3 An archaeological monitor should be consulted before any excavations take place, to monitor excavations on site. 4.10.4 Top soil specific to each site shall be stored on site preferable at the low lying areas of the site in conjunction with sandbags/hoarding to control erosion (minimum 15mm) 4.10.5 Stock piled material on site should be covered by 80% shade cloth for dust control. 4.10.6 All vegetation should be mulched during site clearance and a DWAF permit will be required to remove red data plants. 4.10.7 No extension of an erven garden is allowed into an immediately adjacent area of the: golf course, open space areas, fairways or out of play area will be permitted. This includes irrigation, plantings, storage, fencing, pool equipment, earth mounds or portions of embankments or cut slopes. 4.10.8 Toilets for landscaping staff are the responsibility of the landscaper to provide toilets for its staff. 4.10.9 The landscape contractor will only commence work once the builder’s work has been inspected by the HOA’s and the hoarding has been allowed to be removed (according to the plan).

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 7 of 23 September 2009

Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Effective Date: May 2010 Casper Fivaz Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

4.11 Landscape plan

4.11.1 A minimum of 25% (40% for the footprint erven) of existing erf size shall remain undisturbed during construction, except for an area 2.5metre beyond the perimeter of the building. 4.11.2 Existing foliage shall be protected by 1 800 high minimum 80% green shade cloth and Bonnox fence, screening it off from construction activities. 4.11.3 It shall be protected from paint cement over spray and from rubbish. 4.11.4 Replacing of damaged and new planting materials shall be of an indigenous species from the approved plant material list 4.11.5 Courtyard (atrium) should be sealed at all sides and be roofed. 4.11.6 All landscape plans not implemented 1 year after approval must be re-submitted to ARC. 4.11.7 Landscapers should do a 360 o inspection of the site as well as the edge of the property in order for the design to mimic/ blend in at the end of the day. 4.11.8 A landscape plan for the garden of an erf is to accompany the ARC building plan at submission for approval by the appointed architectural review committee. 4.11.9 Fences shall comply in height, position and construction with the architectural guidelines and land surveyors position. 4.11.10 Where the intention of the erf owner is to cultivate a hedge, the position, type and final height shall be indicated on the submitted landscape plan. 4.11.11 Any requested extension of the erf garden onto an immediately adjacent verge, needs to show its extent and detail. Approval of such an extension to be subject to the approval of the architecture review committee, and on the basis of continuing maintenance becoming the responsibility of the erf owner. 4.11.12 This plan shall be to a scale of 1:100 and needs to show the following:

• Show adjacent areas of private open space or golf course • All grading, retaining and terracing intended to be undertaken, including gradients and structural elements, must be indicated. • All plant material, species, numbers, spacing and size must be indicated, including grass species for lawns and these must conform to the restrictions in plant choice given in these guidelines. • All paving , water features, swimming pools, pumps and filters, fences, gazebos and any other structural elements must be indicated, and the intended finishes specified. This must include details of storm water handling and elevations where relevant.

4.12 Hard Landscape Structures

4.12.1 No temporary structures are permitted within the erf gardening including pergola’s, Wendy houses, unless approved by ARC. 4.12.2 Garden lighting is not permitted other than bulkhead lighting units fitted with 45 degree louvers attached to the building itself. 4.12.3 Final house signage and numbers including positions must be approved by the architectural review committee. 4.12.4 Above water features and ponds, ground pools must be approved by ARC. “Porta-pools” are not permitted. All pools require a complete storm water plan showing back wash and run off connections. 4.12.5 All pots and other sculptural ornaments must be shown on the plan as well as positions. 4.12.6 All pathways and landscape paving must be shown on site, and must be within the allowed limits. 4.12.7 Clotheslines, dustbin storage areas and other utility areas and their screening must be indicated.

4.13 Area percentage distribution for all residential sites -should be as follows: ©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 8 of 23 September 2009

Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Effective Date: May 2010 Casper Fivaz Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Coverage : 40% Min Undisturbed Area : 25% Max Hard Surfaces/Lawn : 20% (may include driveways, lawn, pool and decks and grass blocks) Min Rehabilitated Area : 15% (back to original Fynbos vegetation) See sketches below .

Figure1: Site Legend

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Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001

Doc. No: 001

Figure2:©Pinnacle Site Point layout Beach & Golf Resort Page 10 of 23 September 2009

B. PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

4.14 Area percentage distribution for all footprint sites -should be as follows:

Coverage : 40% Min Undisturbed Area : 40% Max Hard Surfaces/Lawn : 10% (may include driveways, lawn, pool and decks and grass blocks) Min Rehabilitated Area : 10% (back to original Fynbos vegetation) See sketch below . Figure3: Site layout

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 11 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Comment [T1]:

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 12 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001


5.1 The gardening and landscaping activities of an erf owner shall be confined to the physical extent of the pegged residential erven (undisturbed area may not be entered into).

5.2 In some areas of the estate the extension of an erf’s garden area onto the immediately adjacent verge is obligatory subject to certain specific design requirements. In other areas no extensions will be considered in respect of the greater visual impact and sensitivity. Such requirements will be indicated on the approved landscape plan.

5.3 No extension of an ervens garden are allowed into an immediately adjacent undisturbed areas. No tree, landscaping or other plantings may be removed from the greater Estate and golf course by an erf owner. No Milkwood tree (Sideroxylon inerme) may be removed, pruned or damaged in any way whether it occurs on the greater Estate golf course or an erf, in accordance with the legislation of the Forestry Act and DWAF.

6. SEARCH & RESCUE (see section 4.9)

6.1 Search & Rescue Plants

6.1.1 To prevent the search & rescue (Red data species) plants being taken away from site, (HOA) permission needs to be given to contractors to take plants off site. 6.1.2 Search & Rescue Landscapers need to inform owners that a certain percentage of search & rescue plants might die. 6.1.3 The Landscaper should build a history of stats of all plants replanted for the owners.

6.2 Seed Harvesting

Seed harvesting is controlled by the HOA. Permits for this can be applied for.

6.3 Search & Rescue check lists

All contractors must complete the form when bringing plats on site. These sheets must be submitted to the PPHOA’s to review, or no exit will be allowed.

6.4 Search & Rescue Nursery

A search and rescue nursery will be built at the maintenance workshops, to house the plants on site.


7.1 Storm Water controls (see section 4.1)

7.1.1 Pre and post stormwater plan should be submitted on the landscape plan. 7.1.2 Runoff of pre stormwater on a site should be equal to runoff at the post stormwater. 7.1.3 Should the calcrete layer be disturbed in construction, a suitable impervious layer (waterproof membrane) is to be placed back to prevent water seeping below into the calcrete layer.

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PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

7.1.4 (Grey water irrigation usage systems should be looked into.)

7.2 Irrigation (see section 4.5)

7.2.1 No irrigation may be installed without formal application accompanied by a plan, either separate or incorporated into the landscape plan. 7.2.2 Irrigation should be reduced and monitored after the plants are established (maximum 3 months). 7.2.3 Irrigation and timer devices must have a ball valve device installed at the exit of the Municipal meter box. 7.2.4 Over watering must be monitored and is of utmost importance, abuse of this will result in a fine. 7.2.5 The proposed irrigation layout, pipelines, sprinkler positions and sprinkler types and intended coverage area must be shown on plan. Irrigation must be requested for permission separately via HOA.


8.1 All road edges damaged during construction must be included in all landscape costs and plants.

8.2 An inspection will be conducted 3 months after the completion certificate is issued. This will verify the condition of plants and if irrigation is disconnected.

8.3 After the final inspection refer to 8.2. The home owner will be required to properly maintain the rehabilitated garden area, by a PPHOA approved and accredidated garden service. Failing proper maintenance, the PPHOA will employ such a garden service at the cost of the home owners concerned.


9.1 A burning plan is approved as part of the OEMP, and will assist to reduce the fuel load around houses.



fb=fynbos th=thicket sd=sand dune dt=dune thicket mb=mossel bay area ls= limestone all=distributed in all areas


Albuca sd geldbeursie; albuca; cooperi Albuca mb wittama rak; albuca ; maxima Aloe arborescens th/sd kransaalwyn Aloe ferox mb tapaallwyn; opregte -aalwyn;bitteraalwyn; umhlaba(Xhosa,Zulu);ikalene,khala (Xhosa)

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 14 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Aleo maculata PP th bontaalwyn; spotted lea fed aloe Androcymbium capense dt patrysblom; patrysie; men-in-a-boat Aristea africana fb maagbossie Aristea pusilla sd blousuurkanol aethiopicus th katdoring;haakdoring Asparagus rubicundus th katdoring;wild asparagus; wag -n-bietjie (Asparagus asparagoides )? bridal creeper

Babiana fourcadei fb bobbejaantjie Bobartia aphylla biesroei Bobartia robusta ( RARE) fb biesieblom Bolboschoenus maritimus alkali bulrush; snygras Bonatea speciosa dt moederkappie; oktoberlelie; green wood -orchid;phantom orchid Brunsvigia orientalis sd kandelaarblom Bulbine frutescens PP th rankkopieva;cat's tail;geelkatstert; balsam;Intelezi(Xhosa)

Chasmanthe aethiopica dt suur kanolpypie Cymbopogon plurinodes terpentyn gras Cynodon dactylon kweek gras

Disa cornuta fb inkspot disa Drimia elata dt jeukbol (eaten by Cape Grysbok) poison squill Ehrharta brevifolia naturalised weed Ehrharta bulbosa Ehrharta calycina kleinpypgras; small pipe grass Ehrharta pusilla Elegia filacea fb restio Elegia muirii (UNCOMMON) fb restio Elegia vaginulata fb dekriet Epischoenus quadrangularis N/I Eragrostis capensis Eragrostis curvula berg-soetgras; blousaadgras Eragrostis plana Eriospermum paradoxum fb bobbejaan-ui

Ferraria divaricata fb/th spider lily; spinnekopblom Ficinia fi liformis ls ficinia Ficinia praemorsa ls ficinia Ficinia ramocissima ls ficinia Ficinia truncata ls ficinia Freesia alba fb/ls ruikpypie; freesia Freesia leichtlinii (ENDANGERED) duin freesia; dune freesia

Geissorhiza heterophylla satinflower; syblom Gladiolus cunonius fb lepelblom

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 15 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Gladiolus rogersii ls/fb riversdale bell

Haemanthus coccineus mb april fool; blood flower; bergajuin Hypodiscus willdenowia? fb Hy podiscus procurrens (RED DATA) dt Hypoxis setosa all small yellow star; sterretjie;Inongwe(Xhosa)

Ischyrolepis triflora fb

Lachenalia algoensis dt viooltjie

Mastersiella spathulata fb Moraea tricuspidata fb rietuintjie Moraea unguiculata fb wituintjie

Pentaschistis sp.

Restio tricticeus fb Romulea flava fb froetang; knikkertjies

Satyrium sp. dt ewwa -trewwa Spiloxene curculigoides fb sterretjie Sporbolus fimbriatus Sporobolus africanus vleigras Stenotaphrum secundatum buffels gras; strandkweek

Tetraria bromoides bergpalmiet Tetraria capillacea bergpalmiet Tetraria cuspidata biesie;biesiegras Thamnochortus cinereas velvety fb besemriet Thamnochortus insignis fb dekriet Thamnochortus muirii (RARE) fb besemriet Trachyandra affinis veldkool Trachya ndra filiformis sd veldkool Typha latifolia bulrush; matjiesgoed;papkuil Tulbaghia capensis mb bruin wildeknoffel, wild garlic


Abutilon sonneratianum fb wildemalva Acmadenia densifolia (Uncommon)ls duinebuchu; steekbuchu Acmadenia obtusata fb duinebuchu; steekbuchu Acmadenia heterophylla ls pienk buchu Adromischus sp. (caryophyllaceus ?)sd nentabos Agathosma apiculata th/fb knoffel b uchu; sitrus buchu Agathosma capensis fb buchu Agathosma cf. robusta (ENDANGERD) Agathosma murii (Vulnerable)fb buchu; boegoe

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PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Aizoon canariense all skaapvygie Amphithalea sp. (Maybe A. violacea) fb Anisodontea sca brosa fb / th/ ls bergroos Anthospermum aethiopicum fb Anthospermum galioides fb Arctotheca prostrata hd gousblom Arctotis sulcocarpa sd gousblom Artemisia afra all Aspalathus alopecurus fb cape gorse Aspalathus carassisepala fb cape gorse Aspalathus cf. setacea fb cape gorse Aspalathus densiflorus fb cape gorse Aspalathus nigra ls cape gorse Aspalathus quinquefolia fb cape gorse Azima tetracantha th speldedoring; needle bush

Berkeya coriacea ls disseldoring Buddleia saligna ms witolienhout;false olive

Capparis sepiaria th caper-bush;kapperbos Carpobrotus edulis th sour fig; suurvygie;perdevy;gaukum(khoi) Carpobrotus muirii (RARE)th sour fig; suurvygie Carissa bispinosa th num -num;noem -noem;amatangoela(Zulu) Cassine aethiopica=Mystroxylon aethiocumth koeboebessie;kooboo-berry Cassine eucleiformis th Cassine tetragona th bobbejaantou;duinekokoboom; dunekoko tree Castalis nudicaulis Centella calcaria (RED DATA/ RARE) ls Cephalophyllum diversiphyllum Chironia baccifera th/fb christmas berry; aambeibossie;bitterbos; tandpynbossie;twild gentian;toochache berry Chrysanthemoides incanasd grysbietou Chrysanthemoides moniliferath/fb bietou;boetabessie;bokbessie;Itholonja(Zulu) Chrysocoma ciliata bitter bush; bitterbos Chrysocoma tenuifolia bitter bush; bitterbos Cineraria geifolia sd cineraria Cissampelos capensis th dawidjiewortel Clausena anisata th perdepis;horsewood Cliffortia falcata fb cliffortia Cliffortia stricta fb cliffortia Coleonema album ls confetti - bos; buchu Colpoon compressum=Osyris compressath cape sumach; pruimbas Commelina africana th yellow wandering Jew;wandelende jood; mouse ears;Indangabana(Zulu) Cotula zeyheri sd buttons; knoppies Cotyledon orbiculata sd/th kouterie;pig's ear;varksoor;imphewula(Xhosa)

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 17 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Crassula cf atropurpurea cliffs/th Crassula decumbens sd/th stonecrop Crassula ericoides sd/th Crassula expansa sd/th stonecrop Crassula rupestris sd/th bergkraaltjies, inrygk raaltjies Crassula expansa subsp. Fragilis sd/th stonecrop Crassula glomerata brakvygie Crassula orbicularis sd klipblom Crassula perforata concertina plant,sosaties Crassula rubricaulis th/sd stonecrop Crassula sp. Crassula subaphylla stonecrop Crassula tetragona karkai Cussonia thyrsiflora th cabbage tree;kuskiepersol Cyphia heterophylla fb baroe Cyphia volubilis baroe Cytinus sanguineus Cynanchum ellipticum dt bokhorinkies

Delosperma litorale cliffs/ls kalkklipvygie Delosperma sp. skaapvygie Delosperma virens (RED DATA) ls skaapvygie Desperago tortillis desperago dune salad Diosma aristata (Criticall y endangered) fb Diospyros dichrophylla th jakkalstolbos Disphyma crassifolium th/sd disphyma Drosanthemum cf. lique douvygie Drosanthemum floribundum th/ls douvygie Drosanthemum hispidum ls douvygie Drosanthem um intermedium douvygie Drosanthemum lavisiae (RARE) ls Drosanthemum murii ls douvygie Drosanthemum striatum th/ls Drosera cistiflora snotrosie

Elytropappus rhinocerotis mb renosterbos;vlieebossie;anosterbos axillaris heide; heath Erica cerinthoides fb rooihaartjies; fire heath Erica cf. anguliger heide Erica discolor fb/ls heide Erica dispar ( VULNERABLE)fb heide Erica lasciva fb Erica peltata fb ker-ker, raasheide Erica quadrangularis (Unusual distribution)fb baby heath Erica rhopalantha heide Erica speciosa heide Erica versicolor mb heide

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 18 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Eriocephalus africanus sd kapokbossie;wild rosemary Euchaetis albertiana fb buchu Euchaetis burchellii fb buchu Euclea racemosa dt gwarriebos Euclea undulata th gewone gwarrie;guarrie(Khoi);umgwali(Xhosa) Euphorbia burmanii dt steenbokmelkbos;soetmelkbos Euphorbia mauritanica dt karoo milkbush Euphorbia murii ( Rare or Endangerd) dt vingerpol

Falkia repens dt/sd/all area's falkia; oortjies Felicia amelloides PP sd felicia; astertjie

Gazania krebsiana PP sd gazania; gousblom Gazania rigens PP sd strandgazania Gerbera pilocelloides sd/ls swarttee Gnidia fransisci Gnidia racemosa Gnidia setosa Gnidia squarrosa fb Grewia occidentalis th kruisbessie;cross-berry;assegai wood; Iklolo(Zulu);Umquma(Xhosa) Gymnosporia buxifolia th gewone pendoring;common spike-thorn

Hebenstreitia repens slugwort; slakblom Helichrysum crispum th/fb strawflower;strooiblom Helichrysum pandurifolium koo igoed Helichrysum petiolare th/fb strawflower;strooiblom;everlasting; imphepho(Xhosa,Zulu) Helichrysum retortum strawflower;strooiblom Helichrysum teretifolium all strawflower;strooiblom Heliophila adpressa sunflax; sporr ie Heliophila africana sunflax; sporrie Heliophila refracta sunflax; sporrie Hermannia flammea ls granny bonnets; poprosie Hermannia flammula ls doll's rose; poprosie Hermannia holosericea Hermannia hyssopifolia all areas pokkiesblom, agtdaegeneesbossie Hermannia mucronulata doll's rose; poprosie Hermannia muirii doll's rose; poprosie Hermannia saccifera all areas komynbossie Hermannia salviifolia fb doll's rose; poprosie Hermannia t rifoliata ls tandebossie; poprosie Hermannia velutina Hypoestes aristata th/dt

Indigofera denudata indigo Indigofera heterophylla indigo

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 19 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Jordaniella dubia sd strandvygie

Knowltonia vesicatoria brandblare;blistering leaves;uxaphuza(Xhosa)

Lachnaea sp. bergangelier; mountian carnation Lampranthus ceriseus (RARE) vygie Lampranthus diffusus vygie Lampranthus diutinus (RARE) vygie Lampra nthus fergusoniae (RARE) vygie Lauridea tetragona Leucadendron salignum fb geelbos; common sunshine conebush Leucospermum praecox (THREATENED) fb speldekussing; mossel bay pincushion Limonium scabrum sd brakblommetjie; sea lave nder Linum aethiopicum fb flax Linum africanum PP mb african flax Linum brevistylum flax Lobelia coronopifolia fb wild lobelia

Lobelia tomentosa fb Lobostemon trigonus fb/ls agtdaegeneesbos;douwurmbos; lobos;luibos Lycium cinereum kareebos Lyperia violacea

Manochlamys albicans hondebossie Manulea cheiranthus vingertjies Maytenus procumbens duinekokoboom Maytenus undata th kokoboom Metalasia acute blombos Metalasia brevifolia blombos Metalasia densa ls blombos Metalasia erectifolia (RARE) blombos Metalasia muricata ls blombos;witsteekbossie Metalasia pungens ls blombos Metalasia pungens grey fb blombos Monsonia emarginata geitabossie; dysentery herb Muraltia empleuridioides kroesbossie; purple gorse Muraltia minuta Muraltia satureoides kroesbossie; purple gorse Muraltia squarrosa ls kroesbossie; purple gorse Myrsine africana fb/th vlieebos; mirting; cape myrtle Mystroxylon aethiopicum = Cassine aethiopica dt/th koeboebessie

Nemesia barbata bloubekkie; kappie Nemesia versicolor leeubekkie; weeskindertjies

Oedera imbricata ls perdekaroo Olea exasperata dt basteroliehout

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 20 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Osteospermum cf. elsiae Osteospermum fruiticosum = Dimorthotheca fruiticosa rankbietou Osteospermum polygaloides fb bietou; boneseed Osyris compressa = Colpoon compressim th pruimbos; cape sumach Othonna capensis bobbejaankool Othonna cf. heterophylla bobbejaankool Othonna cylindrica sd bobbejaankool Othonna sp. sd bobbejaankool Oxalis ciliaris all suring Oxalis dila tata all suring Oxalis obtusa all geeloogsuring

Passerina galpinii ls gonna Passerina rigida sd/ls gonnabas; seekoppiesganna Passerina vulgaris/corymbosa sd gonna Pelargonium betulinum fb maagpynbossie; kanf erblaar Pelargonium canariense malva Pelargonium capitatum th/fb/sd kusmalva; rose s cented Pelargonium fruticosum fb Pelargonium hypoleucum malva Pelargonium multiradiatum malva Pelargonium peltatum th kolsuring Pelargonium sp. malva Phylica axillaris ls veertjie Phylica ericoides hardeblaar Phylica pinnea hardeblaar Phylica stipularis= Trichocephalus stipularis fb/ls hondegesig; dogface Phyllopodium bracteatum opslag Phyllopodium capillare opslag Plantago cafra (Unusual distribution) Polygala ericifolia fb septemberbos Polygala myrtifolia PP th septemberbos;blou -ertjieblom Polygonaceae sp. kroesbossie Printzia polifolia Protea lanceolata (THREATENED) fb smalblaarsuikerbos; lance-leaf sugarbush Protea repens fb suikerbos; common sugarbush Pterocelastus tricuspidatus th kershout; cherrywood Putterlickia pyracantha th basterpendoring

Raphanus raphinustrum Relhania pungens fb perdekaroo Rhoicissus digitata th/sd bobbejaantou; monkey grape Rhus crenata th/sd duinekraaibessie Rhus gluaca th/sd blou kuni-bush; bloukoenibos Rhus incisa ld baardbessie Rhus laevigata forma cangoana (RARE) th duinetaaibos; dune taaibos Rhus longispina th doringtaaibos; thorny taaibos Rhus lucida th/sd blinktaaibos

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 21 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Rhus pterota th/sd doringtaaibos; thorny taaibos Rhus rosmarinifolius all rosemary;taaibos Rhus tomentosa th korentebos; wild current Rumex saggitatus rooisuring; ranksuring; climbing sorrel Ruschia cf cymbifolia Ruschia cf. macowanii vygie Ruschia sp. vygie

Salvia africana - lutea sd/th strandsalie;bruin salie;dunesage Sarcostemma viminale sd/th spantou; melktou Scabiosa columbaria fb bitterbos;wild scadious;koringblom; makgha(Xhosa);ibheka(Zulu) Schotia afra th karoo boerboon Selag o corymbosa ls/fb bitterblombos Selago glomerata ls/fb aarbossie Senecio elegans Veld cineraria Senecio arenarius hongerblom Senecio ilicifolius hongerblom Senecio lyratus ragwort Sideroxylon inerme (PROTECTED) th white milkwood; melkhout Solanum hermanii th bitterappel Solanum quadrangulare th nightshade; bitterappel Stachys aethiopica th/ls katbossie Stipagrostis 3plume Stoebe plumosa fb slangbos Struthiola argentea fb aandgonna; roemenaggie Struthiola striata Roemanaggie fb katstertjie Sutera campanulata= Chaenostoma campanulata stinkbossie Sutera denudata th/fb stinkbossie Sutera hispida th/fb stinkbossie Sutera pedun culata th/fb bruinfluweeltjie Sutera sp. skunk bush; stinkbossie Sutera james-brittania th Syncarpha paniculata ls everlasting; sewejaartjie

Tarchonanthus camphoratus th wilde kamfer Tephrosia capensis Tetragonia fruticosa sd kinkelbossie Tetrataria sp. Thesidium fragile Thesium frisea swartstorm

Ursinia anthemoides sd bergmagriet; marigold; magriet Ursinia paleacea? geelmagriet Ursinia sp. sd parachute daisy; bergmagriet

Viscum capense th/sd lidjiestee;voelent;cape mistletoe

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 22 of 23 September 2009

PINNACLE POINT BEACH Draft ARC Landscape Guidelines & GOLF RESORT Author: Aiden Beck & Casper Fivaz Effective Date: September 2009 Approver: PPHOA Board Issue No: 001 Doc. No: 001

Wahlenbergia cf. rigida fb african bluebell; boeklokkie; muistepelkaroo

Zaluzianskya capensis sd verfblommetjie Zygophyllum flexuosum ls maerbos; spekbos Zygophyllum morgsana th skilpadbossie

TREES: (Coastal Scrub/Thicket/Forest)

Akocanthera oppositifolia - Common Poison Bush Buddleja saligna - False Olive; witolienh out Chrysanthemoides monilifera - Bush- Tick Berry; bietou; boetabessie; bokbessie; itholonja(zulu) Clausena anisata - Perdepis Dovyalis rhamnoides - Gewone suurbessie Euclea racemosa - Seeghwarrie. Grewia occidentali s - Kruisbessie; cross - berry; assegai wood iklolo(zulu); umnaqabaza(xhosa) Gymnosporia buxifolia - Gewone pendoring;common spike -thorn Olea europaea subsp. africana - Olienhout;wilde olienhout;swartolienhout; Umquma(Xhosa) Olea exasperata - Dune Olive Pittosporum viridiflorum - Cheesewood;kasuur; umkhwenkhwe(Xhosa,Zulu) Pterocelastris tricuspidata - Candlewood Schotia afra var. afra - Karooboerboon Sideroxylon inerme - Milkwood(Protected) Tarchonanthus camphorates - Wild camphor bush;mathola(Xhosa); Amathola- Zulu

Please Note:

All Landscaping/Rehabilitation of the gardens should make use of only locally indigenous plants of Mossel Bay. Plant species should therefore be restored in its’ natural surroundings. Only Thicket species within the Thicket areas and Fynbos species (Limestone and Proteoid Fynbos) in their soil specific areas), in keeping with the natural ecosystems that occur on the site. Plant species used for rehabilitation should only be propagated from seeds and cuttings made of plant material from this site. All search and rescue plants obtained from building plots should be rehabilitated on their original site specific area. This Plant list will be updated regularly since new species may be identified (or added) on site or surroundings.

©Pinnacle Point Beach & Golf Resort Page 23 of 23 September 2009