Plant Inventory No. 173
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Plant Inventory No. 173 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D.C., March 1969 UCED JANUARY 1 to DECEMBER 31, 1965 (N( >. 303628 to 310335) MAY 2 6 1969 CONTENTS Page Inventory 8 Index of common and scientific names 257 This inventory, No. 173, lists the plant material (Nos. 303628 to 310335) received by the New Crops Research Branch, Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, during the period from January 1 to December 31, 1965. The inventory is a historical record of plant material introduced for Department and other specialists and is not to be considered as a list of plant ma- terial for distribution. The species names used are those under which the plant ma- terial was received. These have been corrected only for spelling, authorities, and obvious synonymy. Questions related to the names published in the inventory and obvious errors should be directed to the author. If misidentification is apparent, please submit an herbarium specimen with flowers and fruit for reidentification. HOWARD L. HYLAND Botanist Plant Industry Station Beltsville, Md. INVENTORY 303628. DIGITARIA DIDACTYLA Willd. var DECALVATA Henr. Gramineae. From Australia. Plants presented by the Commonwealth Scientific and In- dustrial Research Organization, Canberra. Received Jan. 8, 1965. Grown at West Ryde, Sydney. 303629. BRASSICA OLERACEA var. CAPITATA L. Cruciferae. Cabbage. From the Republic of South Africa. Seeds presented by Chief, Division of Plant and Seed Control, Department of Agricultural Technical Services, Pretoria. Received Jan. 11, 1965. Cabbage Number 20. 303630 to 303634. TRITICUM AESTIVUM L. Gramineae. From Australia. Seeds presented by the Agricultural College, Roseworthy. Received Jan. 11,1965. 303630. 'Heron1. 303633. 'Raven'. 303631. 'Rac414\ 303634. 'Sabre'. 303632. 'Rac 662'. 303635. LOLIUM RIGIDUM Gaud. Gramineae. Wimmera ryegrass. From Australia. Seeds presented by Division of Plant Industry, Common- wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Canberra. Re- ceived Jan. 11, 1965. 303636 and 303637. MEDICAGO SATIVA L. Leguminosae. Alfalfa. From Spain. Seeds presented by Agricultural Attache, Embassy of Spain, Washington, D.C. Received Jan. 11, 1965. 303636. 'Bunuel'. 303637. 'San Isidro 3'. 303638. PlNUS sp. Pinaceae. From Afghanistan. Seeds collected by Agricultural Mission, Agency for International Development, Kabul. Received Jan. 11, 1965. Previous introduction P.I. 271431. Stands hot weather well in southern Afghanistan; fast growing. 303639. PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L. Leguminosae. From Venezuela. Seeds collected by Wallace Stuart, Stratham, New Ham- shire. Received Jan. 11,1965. Black bean collected on farm of Justo Perez, Las Dantas, Tachira. 303640. BROMUS WILLDENOWII Kunth Gramineae. Rescuegrass. From the Republic of South Africa. Seeds presented by S. R. Gasson, Marguard, Orange Free State, through Plant Introduction Officer, Divi- sion of Plant and Seed Control, Department of Agricultural Technical Services, Pretoria. Received Jan. 11,1965. Local name: B. nakuru. 3 4 PLANT INVENTORY NO. 173 303641 and 303642. From India. Seeds presented by the Forest Botanist, Forest Research Insti- tute, Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh. Received Jan. 11, 1965. 303641. CLERODENDRON HETEROPHYLLUM R. Br. Verbenaceae. 303642. LAGERSTROEMIA LANCEOLATA Wall. Lythraceae. 303643 to 303645. ORYZA SATIVA L. Gramineae. Rice. From Dominican Republic. Seeds presented by Yun-te Yao, Agricultural Technical Mission, Republic of China, in November 1964. Received Jan. 11,1965. 303643. Tono Brea 208'. 303644. Tono Brea 439'. 303645. 'Tono Brea 572'. 303646. ORYZA SATIVA L. Gramineae. Rice. From Honduras. Seeds presented by Cereal Crops Research Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stuttgart, Arkansas in December 1964. Re- ceived Jan. 11, 1965. Collected in valley area about 4 miles inland from north coast of Honduras. 303647. DOMBEYA TILIACEAE Planch. Sterculiaceae. From the Republic of South Africa. Seeds presented by Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agricultural Technical Services, Pretoria. Re- ceived Jan. 11,1965. Col. No. 2878. Fort Grey Forest Reserve, East London, scrub forest. Col- lected by M. J. Wells, May 28,1964. 303648 and 303649. ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA (L.) Heyn. Cruci- ferae. From Sweden. Seeds presented by the Botanical Garden of the University, Lund. Received Jan. 11,1965. 303648. Col. No. 288. Skummeslov, Holland. Elevation 10 meters. 303649. Col. No. 289. Ven, Skane. Elevation 25 meters. 303650 to 303653. GLYCINE MAX (L.) Merr. Leguminosae. Soybean. From Australia. Seeds presented by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Brisbane. Received Jan. 11, 1965. 303650. C.P.I. 34066. Sjs Li-Zia, China. 303651. C.P.1.34068. China. 303652. C.P.I. 34069. Liam-zia-Tno, China. 303653. 34070. Nepal. 303654 to 303658. SORGHUM DOCHNA (Forsk.) Snowden Grami- neae. Sorgo. From the United Arab Republic. Seeds presented by the Director, Foreign Relations Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo. Originally from Malakal, Sudan. Received Jan. 11,1965. 303654. 'Bodor\ 303657. 'Nebur Der\ 303655. 'Coral'. 303658. 'Nerum Boer'. 303656. 'Kassaby'. JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1965 5 303659 and 303660. From Guatemala. Seeds collected by W. T. Atkinson, Department of Agricul- ture, Sydney, New South Wales. Received Jan. 11,1965. 303659. DIGITARIA SMUTSII Stent Gramineae. Col. No. 146. Collected in Chimaltenango. 303660. PENNISETUM COMPLANATUM (Nees) Hemsl. Gramineae. Col. No. 143. Collected in Chimaltenango. 303661. LESPEDEZA PUBESCENS Hayata Leguminosae. Prom China. Seeds presented by the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute* Taipei, Taiwan. Received Jan. 11,1965. Collected on Central Range of Taiwan at elevation 3,000 feet. 303662. LYCOPERSICON sp. Solanaceae. Prom Ecuador. Seeds collected by E. P. Imle, American Cocoa Research In- stitute, Washington, D.C., in November 1964 at Milagro. Received Jan. 11,1965. Fruit red, %-inch diameter, round. Wild. 303663 to 303676. TRITICUM AESTIVUM L. Gramineae. From Italy. Seeds presented by Angelo Bianchi, Institute di Allcvamento Vegetale per la Cerealicoltura, Bologna. Received Jan. 11,1965. 303663. 'Falchetto (I. Bo. 222)'. 303670. 'I. Bo. 1472/506'. 303664. 'Forte(I. Bo. 991)'. 303671. 'I. Bo. 1892'. 303665. 'Funo (I. Bo. 69)'. 303672. 'I. Bo. 2299'. 303666. Tunone (I. Bo. 1494)'. 303673. 'I. Bo. 2422/464'. 303667. 'Resistente'. 303674. 'I. Bo. 2532/464'. 303668. 'I. Bo. 110'. 303675. 'I. Bo. 2556/463'. 303669. 'I. Bo. 991'. 303676. 'I. Bo. 2735/459'. 13677 to303679. ORYZA SATIVA L. Gramineae. Rice. From the Philippines. Seed presented by the International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos. Received Dec. 22, 1964. Numbered Jan. 11, 1965. 303677. 'Khao Tah Haeng 17'. From Taiwan. 303678. 'Radin Ebos 64'. From Malaya. 303679. 'Subang Intan 16'. From Malaya. 303680 to 303686. ORYZA SATIVA L. Gramineae. Rice. From Taiwan. Seeds presented by the College of Agriculture, Taiwan Pro- vincial Chung-Hsing University, Taichung. Received Dec. 22, 1964. Num- bered Jan. 11,1965. 303680. <H207'. (X10). 303681. 'I-kung-Pao-5-3-4'. (5 hr. nutron). 303682. 'Keh-tze-20-74'. 303683. 'Lui-chou-25-108-30\ 303684. 'Shuang-chiang-30-21'. 303685. Taichung No. 65' X Taichung native No. 1'. Lodging resistant strain induced by radiation. HR 539. 303686. 'do-HR 540'. 6 PLANT INVENTORY NO. 173 303687 and 303688. From Great Britain. Plants presented by Hillier and Sons, Winchester, Eng- land. Received Jan. 11, 1965. 303687. KALMIA LATIFOLIA L. Ericaceae. Mountain-laurel. 'Clementine ChurchilP. Flowers near red. 303688. Ruscus ACULEATUS L. Liliaceae. Butchersbroom. A free-fruiting form. 303689. CYCLAMEN PERSICUM Mill. Primulaceae. Florists cyclamen. From Canada. Plants presented by Niagara Parks Department, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Received Jan. 11,1965. 303690 to 303700. From Brazil. Plants presented by Fritz Dungs, Rio de Janeiro. Received Dec. 9,1964. Numbered Jan. 12,1965. 303690. CATASETUM sp. Orchidaceae. Tucano'. 303691. EPIDENDRUM VESPA Veil. Orchidaceae. 303692. LAELIA CINNIBARINA Batem. in Lindl. Orchidaceae. 303693. MAXILLARIA ACUTIFOLIA Schlech. Orchidaceae. 303694. ONCIDIUM BLANCHETII Reichb. f. Orchidaceae. 303695. ONCIDIUM CONCOLOR Hook. 303696. ONCIDIUM CRISPUM Lodd. 303697. ONCIDIUM EDWALLII Cogn. 303698. ONCIDIUM MARSHALLIANUM Reichb. f. 303699 ONCIDIUM PULVINATUM Lindl. 303700. SOPHRONITIS GRANDIFLORA Lindl. Orchidaceae. 303701 to 303703. SACCHARUM (hybrid). Gramineae. Sugarcane. From the Philippines. Cuttings presented by the Philippine Sugar Institute, Manila. Received Jan. 12,1965. 303701. 'PHIL 53-3*. 303702. THIL 53-33'. 303703. THIL 54-60'. 303704 to 303814. From the United States. Seeds presented by L. J. Alexander, Ohio Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio. Numbered June 9, 1965. 303704 to 303812. LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM Mill. Solanaceae. Tomato. P.I. No. Ace. No. Variety Source 303704. 4585 Acer Calif. Packing Corp. San Leandro, Calif. 303705. 4250 Alpine Gleckler Seed, Metamora, Ohio 303706. 4251 Athens Gleckler Seed, Metamora, Ohio JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1965 303704 to 303814—Continued 303704 to 303812—Continued P.I. No. Ace. No. Variety Source 303707. 4205 B4 Dominion Exp. Farm, Morden, Manitoba 303708. 4220 Burpee's Gloriana Burpee Seed Riverside, Calif. 303709. 4231 Burpee's Matchless Burpee Seed Riverside, Calif. 303710. 4239 Burpee's Sunnybrook Burpee Seed Earliana Riverside, Calif. 303711. 4240 Burpee's Table Talk Burpee Seed Riverside, Calif. 303712. 4252 Calaplata Gleckler Seed Metamora, Ohio 303713. 4206 Caro Red Burgess