Ingredients 180g flour (Mochiko) 30g sugar 200ml water 180g 6 medium strawberries tops cut off 1C potato starch/cornstarch for dusting counter and handling Plastic wrap Wooden spoon Plastic cutter/knife

Directions 1. Roll red bean paste into 30g balls. (Hint: Use wet hands for easier handling of paste) Place balls into the fridge to harden 2. Combine Mochiko, sugar, and water into a microwave safe bowl. Stir well until combined. (Hint: using a wooden spoon is helpful handling the sticky dough) 3. Cover bowl and microwave for 1-1.5 minutes 4. Remove bowl from microwave and stir mochiko mixture. 5. Return mochiko mixture to microwave and heat for another 1-1.5 minutes 6. Place a cup of potato starch onto the counter. 7. Remove Mochiko mixture from microwave and stir. Carefully drop mochiko mixture onto potato starch pile. Sprinkle some potato starch onto top side of mochi mixture. Flatten out into a disk and cut into 6 pieces. 8. Remove red bean paste from fridge. Place a piece of plastic wrap on your palm. Place a ball of red bean paste in the middle and then a strawberry onto the ball and press down. Gently cover the strawberry with red bean paste using the plastic wrap. this will keep your hands clean (Hint: I like to leave the tip of the strawberry uncovered for a beautiful blushed look for the finished piece.) 9. Pick up a mochi segment and stretch out a bit. Place covered strawberry ball into the center of the mochi sheet with strawberry tip facing down. Gently pull the mochi over from each of the edges and press together. Flip over and place on clean counter top. Gently rotate the mochi to seal the seam 10. Repeat with all the strawberries. (Hint if you’re not going to consume the daifuku immediately, place into covered storage to keep mochi soft. 11. Serve with