Radicals in America: the U.S
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51560-3 - Radicals in America: The U.S. Left since the Second World War Howard Brick and Christopher Phelps Index More information Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Abalone Alliance, 205, 231 AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT Abbey, Edward, 247–48, 249 UP), 251–52, 254 Abernathy, Ralph, 78 Aid to Families with Dependent Children abolitionism, 8–10, 11, 317 (AFDC), 163, 271 abortion, 166, 208, 252, 265, 270 air traffic controllers’ strike (1981), 224 Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 22 Albert, Stew, 242 Abu-Jamal, Mumia, 303 Alcatraz occupation (1969–71), 162, 200 Abzug, Bella, 71, 209, 210, 210 Alexander, Michelle, 303 ACORN, 188, 189, 307 Algeria, 95, 106, 151, 160 Adams, Jane, 142 Ali, Muhammad, 138 Adbusters, 215 Ali, Tariq, 150 affinity groups, 205–6, 231, 285 Alinsky, Saul, 44, 104 Afghanistan, 299 All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, al Qaeda in, 293, 294 197 Soviet invasion of, 230, 238, 260, 294 Allen, Pamela Parker, 165 U.S. war in, 293, 294–95, 297, 299 Allende, Salvador, 192 AFL-CIO, 184, 225, 227, 279, 285 Alperovitz, Gar, 144, 215 and Democratic Party, 227, 256 al Qaeda, 293, 295, 300 formation of, 65 Alterman, Eric, 291 and U.S. foreign policy, 117, 236 American Agriculture Movement, 224 Africa, 77, 109, 195, 200–201, 272. See “American Century,” 27, 32 also specific nations American Committee for Cultural Freedom African Liberation Day (1972), 195 (ACCF), 62, 67 African National Congress, 33, 106, 234, American Committee for the Protection of 257, 282 the Foreign Born, 71 Afro-American Association, 108 American Enterprise Institute, 213 Afro-World Fellowship, 79 American Federation of Labor (AFL), 65.
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