U.S. Navy to Celebrate 211Th Year of Service

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U.S. Navy to Celebrate 211Th Year of Service MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii actober 9, 1986 " "...64410. Fire Prevention Week Station hosts fiery show Fire Prevention Week got Rescue units on the island, tion. "It was also a better off to a "blazing" start Satur- both military and civilian. demonstration this year day as various explosions The event was arranged by because we had few restric- were triggered and fires the Honolulu Fire Depart- tions on what we could do to extinguished on the Air Sta- ment with coordination from demonstrate our skills tions' West Field to demon- participants and Air Station because of the area the event strate the capabilities of the organizations. The theme for was held on." many fire and rescue depart- this year's observance of Fire The "explosive" start into ments protecting Oahu Prevention Week is "Learn this year's observance of Fire residents. not to burn - It really Prevention Week was pro- Participating in the morn- works". vided by a prop crew from ing's events, which began "Over 1,000 people partici- Universal Studios who with a parade at 9:30, were pated in this year's kick-off," rigged the fire-causing explo- members of the Honolulu said Captain Bill Wise, offi- sions for the demonstrations. Fire Department, Federal cer in charge of Honolulu For more on "Fire Prevention Fire Department, and from Fire Department's Fire Week," see B-1. the various Crash, Fire and Safety and Education Sec- U.S. Navy to celebrate 211th year of service On Oct. 13, we will observe cannons, to rifled guns, to men think twice. the 211th anniversary of the guided missiles; from priva- In our 211th year as in our founding of the Navy.On teers, to ironclads, to dread- first, the Navy has been that day, in 1775, the Conti- noughts, to carrier battle particularly active in defend- nental Congress authorized groups. ing - not territory, not prop- the fitting out of a few tiny But two things haven't erty, but a fragile, indelible sailing ships, armed with changed. The first is the idea: an idea relighted this cannon and held together influence of sea power on past summer in the upraised with pitch, hemp and wooden history. All of us know the right hand of Lady Liberty. nails. It was a small fleet; but truth of the prayer: "Oh Lord, We have been successful, as even then, it made a your sea is so great and my we must always be successful difference. boat is so small." The boat is because our country counts In the intervening years, so small, but at its approach on us. we've come a long way: from good men rejoice and evil The second thing that hasn't changed is the dedica- tion of our Navy people. Life at sea is hard, and waiting at home is hard too. If on Oct. 13 Pearl Harbor to hold we were to take a global birthday snapshot, what a Ralph Uyeoka, (left), and his son, Matt, watch as they "Learn not to burn" during a wide variety of activity we fire prevention demonstration at the Air Station Saturday. would see: the tanker pilot, birthday, sunset parade orbiting the carrier at night waiting for his next cus- each face we would see the The U.S. Navy will cele- tomer; the sounding and confidence of good training; brate its 211th birthday Oct. retired - are encouraged to security watch, investigating the determination to do the 13. wear the uniform of the day. a plant parameter for which * * * job right; and a quiet convic- Various activities are Also, all commissioned U.S. he feels personally responsi- tion born of love of country planned, which include a Navy Pacific Fleet ships in ble; the after lookout, alone and pride in service. People Parade at Marine the Hawaii area, that are not Sunset on the fantail, life ring at his make the Navy, and after 211 CFC Barracks Hawaii, Pearl Har- underway, will be observing side who will gladly search a years the Navy is still great bor, Oct. 10, and the Pearl full-dress ship from 8 a.m., thousand empty wakes in because of you - yes, you! - Harbor Chief Petty Officers until sunset. case someday he may are great. Club will hold its traditional This weekend has been be needed to rescue a ship- Navy Birthday Ball. The designated Navy Sabbath mate; the data processing Happy Birthday, and may Navy Officers Birthday Ball Weekend, and all personnel technician thinking hard at God bless you all. will be held Oct. 11 at the are encouraged to wear their her keyboard, debugging a Sheraton Waikiki hotel. uniform to church services. program that she wrote her- Fund drive starts Navy Uniform Day will be The Navy Exchange will self . observed Oct. 13 and all hold special sales at the main The mural would be end- C.A.H. Trost Navy personnel - active exchange and all restaurant less - operators, support Admiral, U.S. Navy The 1986 Combined Fed- Campaign was established duty, reserve, NROTC, facilities to commemorate personnel, loyal families, Chief of Naval Operations eral Campaign (CFC) gets 25 years ago when President NJROTC, Sea Cadets and the birthday. civilians, reservists; but in underway tomorrow with a John F. Kennedy directed the kick-off ceremony at Hick- Civil Service Commission to am's Officers Club. At Camp consolidate numerous char- H. M. Smith, Lieutenant ity drives being held into a General D'Wayne Gray, CG, single, annual drive. In 1980, FMFPac, presented his CFC the campaign widened when contribution to Master Ser- other local groups not with geant Elphege Campbell, the United Way joined CFC. coordinator and point-of- The slogan for this year's contact at Camp H. M. CFC is "You Make a Smith. Difference." Honolulu Mayor Frank F. Donations will be accepted Fasi; Lieutenant General through assigned keyper- Craven C. Rogers Jr., vice sons ineach section. To find commander in chief, Pacific out who your keyperson is, Air Forces; and, representing contact the following unit 0 coordinators: 4 the 1986 CFC chairman, General Robert W. Brazley, H&HS hece...-0 0 will deliver keynote AFor-'r, addresses. 1stLt. C L. Loughridge, 257- f 2841 The annual fund drive for SOMS federal employees and ser- 2ndLt. J. C. Beasley, 257- vicemen and women 2593 assigned to Hawaii runs MAG-24 MPS-3 ships visit through Nov. 21. Last year, Capt. J. Klipper, 257-3450 some 90,000 people donated 3d Marines -try rt 4p over $2.6 million to nearly Capt. J. Biederman, 257-2017 200 local, national and inter- 1stLt. C. Roach, 257-2017 (LEFT) Three ships from Maritime Prepositioning national health and welfare Squadron-3, the Motor Vessels IstLt. Baldomero BSSG-1 agencies which are part of 1stLt. R. W. Seger, 257-3608 Lopez, lstLt. Jack Lummus and PFC Dewayne Willi- CFC. ams steam toward Pearl Harbor last Thursday. The CommSptCo. ships, which are in transit to the Marianna Islands, About 90 percent of the $2.6 1stLt. D. A. Paris, 257-3609 made a refueling stop at Pearl. (ABOVE) Captain million hoped to be raised H & S Co., 1st MAB Harold A. Vanderploeg, ship's master of the MV lstLt. during this year's six-week 1stLt. D. Berg, 257-3403 Lummus, receives a plaque from Brigadier General campaign stays in Hawaii 1st RadBn. G.L. Cates, commanding general of the 1st MAB, dur- In addition, many military Maj. R. Richardson, 257-2528 ing a ceremony Oct. 3. Captain Anthony G. Papado- and civilian employees, and Camp H. M. Smith poulos, ship's master for the MV lstLt. Lopez, and their families, will also be Capt. B. Johnson, 477-6228 Captain Donald A. Tiernes, ship's master for the benefitting from this year's GySgt. H. Meyer, 477-6228 MV PFC Williams, also received plaques from Brig- campaign. Marine Barracks Gen. Cates. The Combined Federal CWO-4 P. Johnson, 474-9242 A-2 HAWAII MARINE October 9, 1986 IG information between insignia will be one The following information able and have the correct waist. Pockets should lay flat and serviceable, and the the edge of the pocket. The information. without gaping; and that the brass must be polished and top of the pistol badge will be eighth of an inch. When a is provided for Marines single insignia is worn it will standing an IG personnel Insignia will be fly, when unzipped, should serviceable. even with the top of the rifle Rank - hang in a vertical line with- badge. Whether or not rib- be centered one eighth of an inspectioh in the Summer centered on the outer half of Shoes - should be laced of out gaping. The waist should left over right with a bridge bons are worn, badges will be inch above the top seam Service "C" uniform: each sleeve, centered the left breast pocket. seam fit easily around without over the top on the first spaced so that the outboard between the shoulder be the ends When worn with ribbons edge of the bulging. There shall suffi- eyelet. Polish or edge dress- ends are even with and bottom to of ribbons. The center of the and/or badges, the bottom of Males sleeve. cient looseness in the waist ing should be applied to the allow for four fingers to be sole edges and heels. Deep ribbon bar should be centered the insignia will be centered Garrison cover is worn inserted inside the waist- scratches are not acceptable, on the pocket. Badges should one eighth of an inch above - Shirt - collars shall be the top row. The scuba diver centered on the head with the worn open and the shirt band and moved from side to and soles and heels should be clean, and not pitted.
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