Abrioux, Yves, 245N83 Achebe, Chinua, 61 Things Fall Apart, 61

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Abrioux, Yves, 245N83 Achebe, Chinua, 61 Things Fall Apart, 61 Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02963-7 - The Cambridge Introduction to British Poetry, 1945–2010 Eric Falci Index More information Index Abrioux, Yves, 245n83 “ Th e Dead Sea Poems”, 185 – 186 Achebe, Chinua, 61 Th e Dead Sea Poems , 185 , 186 Th ings Fall Apart , 61 “Five Eleven Ninety Nine”, 185 , Adair, Gilbert, 116 , 198 186 – 187 Adcock, Fleur, 53 , 173 “Goalkeeper with a Cigarette”, 185 Adorno, Th eodor, 222 “ Th e Tyre”, 185 African Writers Series, 61 Zoom! , 185 Agbabi, Patience, 163 , 198 , 210 Armitage, Simon and Robert Crawford Alcobia-Murphy, Shane, 245n1 , Th e Penguin Book of Poetry 247n45 from Britain and Ireland Since Alderman, Nigel, 70 , 217 , 233n20 1945 , 181 Aldington, Richard, 76 Arts Council, 9 , 131 , 183 , 246n2 Aldritt, Keith, 239n17 in England, 9 Ali, Agha Shahid, 60 in Northern Ireland, 9 , 131 Allen, Donald, 93 , 94 in Scotland, 9 Th e New American Poetry , 93 in Wales, 9 Allen, Michael, 247n17 Ashbery, John, 94 , 182 Allnutt, Gillian, 173 Association of Little Presses, 92 Altieri, Charles, 243n43 Astley, Neil, 209 , 210 , 250n40 Alvarez, Al, 1 , 25 – 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 155 , Auden, W.H., 9 – 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 156 , 181 25 , 49 , 176 , 185 Th e New Poetry , 1 , 25 – 26 , 27 , 29 , 181 Ball, Hugo, 117 Alvi, Moniza, 184 , 211 , 251n4 Lautgedichte , 117 Amis, Kingsley, 14 , 16 , 26 , 38 , 70 Bann, Stephen, 245n83 , 245n85 “Against Romanticism”, 16 Barker, George, 10 Anglo-Irish War, 126 , 130 Barnett, Anthony, 99 Anozie, Sunday O., 237n53 Barrell, John, 242n14 Apocalyptic poets, 10 – 11 , 12 , 15 , 33 Barry, Peter, 72 , 241n7 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 117 Bataille, George, 123 Calligrammes , 117 Batten, Guinn, 246n9 Apples and Snakes, 198 , 211 Battle of the Bogside, 128 Armitage, Simon, 181 , 184 , 185 – 187 , Baucom, Ian, 163 191 , 251n4 Baudelaire, Charles, 103 , 123 261 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02963-7 - The Cambridge Introduction to British Poetry, 1945–2010 Eric Falci Index More information 262 Index BBC, 9 , 12 , 14 , 49 , 167 , 235n14 Brady, Andrea, 217 , 218 , 220 , Caribbean Voices , 49 223 , 224 Drama Now , 167 Mutability: Scripts for Infancy , 217 Th e Poet’s Voice ( Poetry Now ), 9 Brathwaite, Doris, 55 Th ird Programme, 9 , 12 , 14 Brathwaite, Edward Kamau, 48 , 53 , Beat poets, 91 , 190 54 , 55 – 60 , 71 , 127 , 159 , 160 , 164 , Beauvoir, Simone de, 173 165 , 210 Beer, Patricia, 173 “Adowa”, 59 Belfast Group, 129 “All God’s Chillun”, 58 Bennett, Louise, 43 , 48 – 49 , 56 , Th e Arrivants , 56 – 60 , 71 , 164 60 , 198 “A t u m p a n ”, 5 9 Dialect Verses , 49 “Calypso”, 57 Jamaica Labrish , 49 Contradictory Omens: Cultural Benveniste, Asa, 92 Diversity and Integration in the Bergvall, Caroline, 208 , 214 – 217 , 226 Caribbean , 55 “About Face”, 215 – 217 Th e Development of Creole Society, Fig , 215 1770–1820 , 55 “Goan Atom”, 215 “Epilogue”, 58 “Middling English”, 215 Folk Culture of the Slaves in “Shorter Chaucer Tales”, 215 Jamaica , 55 “Via”, 215 “ Th e Forest”, 59 Berry, James, 157 , 164 , 210 Islands , 56 , 59 – 60 National Poetry Competition, 164 “Libation”, 58 News for Babylon: Th e Chatto “ Th e Making of the Drum”, 59 Book of West Indian-British “Mammon”, 58 Poetry , 157 Masks , 56 , 58 – 59 Berryman, John, 26 nation language, 55 – 56 , 57 , 59 , Betjeman, John, 9 61 , 160 Selected Poems , 9 “ Th e New Ships”, 59 Better Books, 28 , 93 “New World A-Comin”, 58 Beuys, Joseph, 196 “O Dreams O Destinations”, 58 Beveridge, Sir William, 4 “Postlude/Home”, 58 Report on Social Insurance and “ P r e l u d e ”, 5 8 Allied Services , 4 Rights of Passage , 48 , 55 , 56 – 58 Bhabha, Homi, 163 “ S o u t h ”, 5 8 Big Youth, 56 , 160 “Wings of a Dove”, 57 Bim , 49 Brearton, Fran, 246n6 Black Mountain poets, 71 , 91 , 93 Breeze, Jean “Binta”, 163 , 198 Blake, William, 10 , 39 , 40 , 124 Breiner, Lawrence, 58 , 237n51 Blanton, C.D., 70 , 86 , 217 Breslin, Paul, 236n16 Bloodaxe Books, 94 , 182 , 209 , 211 British Black Panthers, 160 Bloody Sunday (1972), 128 British Commonwealth, 6 , 7 , Boland, Eavan, 147 , 173 43 – 44 , 53 , 68 Bongo Jerry, 160 British Nationality Act (1981), Bottrall, Ronald, 208 44 , 163 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02963-7 - The Cambridge Introduction to British Poetry, 1945–2010 Eric Falci Index More information Index 263 British Poetry Revival, 75 , 87 , 90 , Carson, Ciaran, 126 , 129 , 130 , 143 , 91 – 94 , 99 , 118 , 121 , 124 – 125 , 129 , 145 – 147 , 149 , 153 155 , 156 , 157 , 173 , 218 , 230 “Belfast Confetti”, 145 , 147 and American poetry, 93 – 94 Belfast Confetti , 145 Brixton Riots (1981), 161 “Hamlet”, 146 – 147 Broom, Sarah, 210 Th e Irish For No , 145 , 147 Brown, George Mackay, 83 Th e New Estate , 145 Brown, Stewart, 236n38 Carter, Martin, 46 – 48 , 53 Brown, Terence, 129 “I Clench My Fist”, 46 , 47 Bryson, Norman, 33 “A Mouth Is Always Muzzled”, 48 Bunting, Basil, 69 , 70 , 74 – 84 , 86 , 87 , Poems of Resistance from British 91 , 105 , 113 , 115 , 153 , 196 , Guiana , 46 , 48 207 , 217 “University of Hunger”, 47 Briggfl atts , 69 , 70 , 74 , 75 – 84 , 86 , Catling, Brian, 198 115 , 217 , 239n22 , 239n32 Catullus, 82 Collected Poems , 75 Causley, Charles, 10 Poems 1950 , 75 Cayley, John, 215 Redimiculum Matellarum , 75 Chatterton, Th omas, 113 Th e Spoils , 75 Chaucer, Geoff rey, 215 Burning Spear, 160 Th e Canterbury Tales , 215 Burns, Robert, 250n35 cheek, cris, 116 , 198 , 199 Burnside, John, 190 , 209 , 251n4 “Squat”, 199 Black Cat Bone , 209 Churchill, Winston, 4 , 152 Burroughs, William, 115 Cixous, Hélène, 148 , 174 Burton, Richard, 239n17 Claire, Paula, 116 Burton, Rosemary, 250n40 Clark, Heather, 245n1 Bush, Clive, 244n66 Clark, John Pepper, 62 Butler Act. See Education Act (1944) Clarke, Adrian, 116 Byrne, Sandie, 250n40 Clarke, Austin, 83 Clarke, Gillian, 173 , 179 , 210 Caddel, Ric, 157 , 239n17 “ C o fi ant”, 179 Caddel, Ric and Peter Quartermain Th e King of Britain’s Daughter , 173 Other: British and Irish Poetry since as National Poet of Wales, 210 1970 , 157 Cobbing, Bob, 91 , 92 , 93 , 94 , 99 , Cambridge Poetry Festival, 93 116 – 118 , 119 , 120 , 121 , Campaign for Nuclear 198 , 215 Disarmament, 26 An ABC in Sound , 117 Cape Golliard Press, 92 And , 92 Carcanet Press, 94 , 182 , 209 Th e Five Vowels , 117 Caribbean Artists Movement, 54 – 55 , Jade-Sound Poems , 117 160 Sensations of the Retina , 117 – 118 Caribbean Quarterly , 49 Six Sound Poems , 117 Carmichael, Stokely, 54 Writers Forum , 92 , 116 Black Power , 54 Cold War, 6 , 12 , 46 , 67 , 182 Carroll, Lewis, 152 Collymore, Frank, 49 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02963-7 - The Cambridge Introduction to British Poetry, 1945–2010 Eric Falci Index More information 264 Index Colonial Development and Welfare Cruise O’Brien, Conor, 247n19 Acts (1940 and 1944), 43 Cunliff e, Dave, 92 Commonwealth Arts Festival, 53 Curtis, Tony, 247n17 Commonwealth Citizens Act (1962), 44 D’Aguiar, Fred, 161 , 178 , 210 Commonwealth Immigrants Act “Home”, 178 (1968), 44 Dabydeen, David, 165 – 166 , 176 , 184 , Commonwealth Poetry Prize, 164 210 , 251n4 Compendium (bookshop), 93 Coolie Odyssey , 165 Conquest, Robert, 15 – 16 , 17 , 18 , 20 , Slave Song , 165 25 , 26 , 27 , 29 , 33 , 155 , 181 Turner , 165 – 166 Th e Great Terror: Stalin’s Purges of Dante Alighieri, 75 , 152 , 215 the Th irties , 15 Commedia , 75 , 215 New Lines , 15 – 16 , 18 , 20 , 25 , 26 , 27 , Davie, Donald, 14 , 15 , 16 – 18 , 22 , 23 , 29 , 181 26 , 38 , 94 New Lines-II , 29 “Remembering the Th irties”, 16 – 18 Contemporary Experimental Women’s Articulate Energy , 15 , 38 Poetry Festival, 210 Th e Purity of Diction in English Cooke, Jennifer, 225 Verse , 15 Cope, Wendy, 173 Davis, Angela, 168 Corcoran, Neil, 245n1 , 246n17 Dawson, Ashley, 44 , 249n14 Corso, Gregory, 93 de Campos, Augustos, 120 Coughlan, Patricia, 247n19 Deane, Seamus, 247n19 Couzyn, Jeni, 157 , 173 , 210 Dennis Bovell Dub Band, 160 Bloodaxe Book of Contemporary Deptford Fire (1981), 161 Women Poets , 157 , 210 Device, Alizon, 200 Crawford, Robert, 181 , 190 , 192 , Device, Demdike, 200 250n60 , 251n4 Device, Elizabeth, 200 , 201 “Inner Glasgow”, 192 Device, James, 200 “Scotland”, 192 Device, Jennet, 200 , 203 A Scottish Assembly , 192 Didsbury, Peter, 177 Talkies , 192 Dobran, Ryan, 243n56 Creeley, Robert, 98 , 119 Donaghy, Michael, 184 , 251n4 Critchley, Emily, 210 Donne, John, 205 Crozier, Andrew, 91 , 92 , 99 , 100 – 102 , Dorn, Ed, 94 104 , 116 , 157 , 182 , 233n36 , Dorward, Nate, 241n10 242n24 , 242n25 , 242n26 Douglas, Keith, 10 Duets , 100 Dowson, Jane, 173 “Free Running Bitch”, 100 D u ff y, Carol Ann, 84 , 173 , 184 , High Zero , 100 , 101 187 – 190 , 192 , 193 , 194 , 195 , 210 , Pleats , 100 251n4 , 252n15 Th e Veil Poem , 100 , 101 – 102 , 104 Th e Bees , 189 , 194 Crozier, Andrew and Tim Longville “ Th e Dolphins”, 188 Th e Grosseteste Review , 92 , 100 Feminine Gospels , 188 , 189 A Various Art , 91 , 99 , 100 , 157 , 182 “Head of School”, 187 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02963-7 - The Cambridge Introduction to British Poetry, 1945–2010 Eric Falci Index More information Index 265 “A Healthy Meal”, 187 European Union, 7 “ Th e Laughter of Staff ord Girls’ Evaristo, Bernardine, 210 , 217 High”, 189 Th e Emperor’s Babe , 210 “ Th e Long Queen”, 189 Lara , 210 “ Th e Map-Woman”, 189 “Parliament”, 194 Faber and Faber, 10 , 11 , 33 , 34
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