Sightseeing in Szombathely It is a relatively easy tour allowing you to see the beauties of Szombathely, the seat of Vas County on two wheels. If you have a few days off, you can see some of the key attractions of the town by cycling along small Route: 1 streams, low-traffic streets and Fô tér–Savaria tér–bank of the runnel Gyöngyös–Markusovszky u.–Horváth B. proper biking routes. Start your krt.–Paragvári u.–Szt. Imre herceg útja journey from the main square: a –Muskátli u.–Aranypatak u.–Jókai short circle on your bike will take Mór u.–Brenner T. krt.–Körmendi út you to most of the sights in the –Szt. Gellért u.–Rákóczi u.–Thököly u. –Külsikátor parkoló–Bloom-ház–Fô tér central area and you will enjoy a (about 14,6 km) great sightseeing ride. 1. Information: Tourinform Szombathely 9700 Szombathely, Király utca 1/a, Tel.: +36 94 514-451, Fax: +36 94 514-450, E-mail:
[email protected] ZoldTurizmusProsi_Eng.indd 1 5.5.2008 9:56:04 Cycling to the Forest Park (Parkerdô) The Forest Park is a unique leisure area offering a wide range of sporting and free time activities. This tourist spot, located ca. 3 km away from the town centre and stretching between Szombathely and the village of Sé, was established on 500 Ha by the legal predecessor of the local Forestry Co. The forest is rich in oak, moss-capped oak, acacia and fir trees, and near the woods there are car parks, refreshment bars, football courts and barbecues. 2 Route: The distinctive toys prepared Fô tér–Berzsenyi D.