JUNE 2010 Kislingbury Parish Council

Ann Addison Finance 858226

Pauline Cook Finance 831003 Planning PC Reports in Kislingbury News

Liz Middleton Finance 830047 Planning

Mark Bates Playing Field Committee 832353 Elderly Liaison Gill Clarke Village School Liaison 830346 Mike Green Street Lighting 832081 Action Group Representative Miriam Harris Village Hall Committee 831835 Elderly Liaison George James Highways Representative 830075 Les Kingston Planning 832059 Gordon Seal Planning 831706

Ann Addison South Northants Council 858226 Janet Eliot South Northants Council 830231 Joan Kirkbride Northants County Council 01327 340370 Brian Binley MP South 870836

Phil Beeston Footpath Warden 832146 Dennis Tidmarsh Flood & Snow Warden 830074 Leslie Hartwell Deputy Flood Warden 830343 Alex Balbi Tree Warden 07914 213262

Lisa Dickson Village Archivist 832092 Felicity Dunckley Village Archivist 830514

Chrissie Key Village Hall Booking Clerk 831824

Parish Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month in Kislingbury Village Hall at 7.30pm. The Press and Members of the Public are welcome to attend. Minutes can be seen on Parish Notice Boards and in the Church Porch.

1 Welcome to the June edition of the Kislingbury News Deadline for the July issue is 15th June 2010. Where possible contributions should be sent in electronic format by email to [email protected] or delivered to the compiler, David Lawrence, at 21 Hall Close, Kislingbury. Village Diary June 2nd Kisle Amblers meet at Olde Red Lion at 9.45am 11th The Young Victoria Kislingbury Village Cinema - Page 7 16th Kisle Amblers meet at Olde Red Lion at 9.45am 20th Baptist Church 200 years celebration service - Page 6 24th KOF’s Summer Barbecue - Page 11 25th School Summer Fete - Page 8 26th Summer Fun Event - Page 5 26-27th Kislingbury Village Fayre Weekend - Page 15-16 29th Art & Craft Society - Page 13 July 29th KOF’s Picnic Lunch - Page 11 September 11th Northants Churches sponsored cycle ride November 27th Kislingbury Art Exhibition December 18th Christmas Concert at St Lukes Church Regular Events Sequence Dance – contact Dave or Rita 01604 830982 Bell Ringing Monday Nights 7.30pm – 8.30pm Karate - Wednesday & Thursday 6.00pm Sunday 10.00am See Eddie Sanders at the Village Hall for more details Taekwondo - every Friday from 6-7pm at Kislingbury Primary School Play group open during Term Time at Village Hall St Luke’s Sunday Group for Children 11.00am at Kislingbury School 1st Sunday of every Month Line Dancing Classes Thursday 8.15pm contact Maureen on 07788 737052

2 Kislingbury Parish Council Notes from the Meeting held on Tuesday 18th May

The Annual General Meeting The Chairman and Vice Chair- man of the Parish Council must be elected each year at the AGM. Indeed, the very first item on the agenda at this meeting is Election of Chairman and the meeting cannot proceed until this has been done. This year was no exception and Pauline Cook (that’s me!) was elected to serve as Chairman for the coming year.

Posts and Posters I am always going on about litter and how untidy the village is and asking you all to do your bit to keep Kislingbury tidy, but one of the worst things we have to endure is paper hanging off posts! The Parish Council respectfully requests that you do not put fly posters up on telegraph posts and light standards in the village and give fair warning that if you do, they will be removed. We would appreciate your co-opera- tion.

Parish Notice Boards There are five Parish Notice Boards in the village and they all have an unlocked section for the use of parishioners. The space is limited so if you do put a notice on the boards, would you please take it down again when it is no longer needed? Once again, we thank you for your co-operation.

Wardens Our Parish Wardens, Dennis Tidmarsh (Flood and Snow), Phil Beeston ( Parish Footpaths) and Alex Balbi (Trees), have a great deal of experience and expertise in their own particular field (sorry Phil!) and they know the right people to contact when it is necessary. If you have any complaints, concerns or problems about flooding, footpaths or trees, then the wardens should be your first point of call. It is less confusing and much more efficient if you all call the warden and he takes the appropriate action on your behalf. That is what he is there for!

3 Dogs (again) It has been brought to our notice that about fourteen lambs have been killed so far during this lambing season, on land between Kislingbury and Upton. The farm- ers have seen dogs chasing the sheep and legally they are allowed to shoot the dogs, but are loath to take such drastic action. So, dog owners, it is your responsibility. Please do not allow your animals to run amok through flocks of sheep. It may well be they are just being playful, but the farmers and the sheep do not see it that way. Please keep your dog on a lead, or it could end up like the dead lambs.

Neighbourhood Watch We were very sorry to learn that, due to other commitments, Hilary Nevison-Andrews is re- signing as Kislingbury NHW Co-ordinator. Hilary was instru- mental in resurrecting an ailing NHW scheme some years ago and has kept us very well informed ever since. It would be a shame if all Hilary’s hard work was wasted, so we hope someone out there is prepared to carry on the good work. On behalf of the Parish, we would like to thank Hilary and wish her well in her future pursuits.

Email Data Base At the Annual Parish Meeting in April, a parishioner put forward the idea of a village email data base. Some of us were not too sure what this was all about, so we decided to investigate. It appears that one has been set up in Gayton and is operating very successfully, so we have invited two key people from Gayton to come to the our Council Meeting in June, to give us a brief talk on what is involved. If you are interested to hear what they have got to say, do please come along.

The next meeting of Kislingbury Parish Council is on Tues- day 15th June 2010, at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. You are very welcome to join us.

Pauline Cook

4 SUMMER FUN EVENT IN KISLINGBURY ON SATURDAY 26TH JUNE 2010 6.30PM TO 11.30PM - ON THE VILLAGE PLAYING FIELD BEECH LANE COME AND JOIN THE FUN ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE VILLAGE TOP OF THE BILL ENTERTAINMENT BY “THE DECADES” WITHOUT QUESTION THE BEST EVER SOUNDING AND MOST ENTERTAINING PARTY BAND EVER Lots of stalls and games for the children Food and Bar/Refreshments Raffle Bring along your picnic rugs/chairs Ticket required for entry Tickets: £10 per adult, £7.50 OAP’s Children up to 16 free (must be accompanied by full paying adult) For ticket requests please contact Debbie - 07950 034 817 Zara - 01604 833477 Kay - 07808 731010 Email - [email protected]

5 Kislingbury Baptist Church Celebrating 200 years of Christian Witness In June this year it will be 200 years since the Baptist Church at Kislingbury was officially founded in 1810. We will be marking this anniversary, and 200 years of Christian witness and service, with a Celebration Service on 20th June. We warmly invite you to join with us in this celebration and would particularly welcome anyone with past links with the Baptist Church. There will be a display in the Baptist Church showing the life and times of the church and the wider world during the 200 years. The display will be in place for the Celebration Service and will remain in the church for the Village Weekend on 26th–27th June. We will have available a ‘Memories Book’ so that visitors can write in any memory they have of the Church. There must be many still living in Kislingbury who have had connection with the Baptist Church, perhaps through Sunday School, Boys Brigade or other organisations. Many who have been married here or have long family associations with the Baptist Church – we would like you to record your memories – even if it’s just the date of your wedding. At the Village Weekend the Baptist Church will be open as usual for refreshments and there will be a quiz for children to complete by ‘exploring’ the anniversary display. Sunday 20th June 2010 10.30 am CELEBRATION SERVICE AND EXHIBITION Celebrating 200 years of Christian witness Saturday/Sunday 26th–27th June 2010 VILLAGE WEEKEND · Baptist Church open for Refreshments · 200 year Anniversary Display · Children’s Quiz and Activities Help I am researching Kislingbury Baptist Church history and would be interested in any information, particularly photographs that could be copied for the display. Photographs of ministers, outings, wed- dings, choirs and other organisations etc would be useful. Please let me know if you can help. John Birch 01604 830527.


KISLINGBURY VILLAGE CINEMA Sponsored by Kislingbury Amateur Dramatics Society Showing at Kislingbury Baptist Church Friday 11th June 2010 at 7.30pm for 8pm “The Young Victoria” (Cert PG) Admission £4 (Teas & Coffees available) KISLINGBURY NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT! VILLAGE NEWS - there has been an attempted burglary, vandalism/criminal damage to a vehicle, reports of a suspicious security company phoning a resident trying to push through a sale, and 'rave' reports. LOCAL NEWS - on the Bugbrooke beat there have been a number of incidents. Lead was stolen from the church roof in Bugbrooke. Car keys have been stolen from homes followed by the cars on the driveways, and separately, car registration plates were stolen from numerous vehicles. A shed has been broken into and believe it or not an entire greenhouse was stolen from a garden in Bugbrooke. There have been attempted break-ins to a number of properties including the clubhouse in Bug- brooke which was broken into and 'disturbed ' but nothing stolen. Keep us informed of any criminal activity you hear of locally and we can keep the community informed. Telephone Hilary on 831683 POLICE contacts 03000111222

7 What does it mean to trust someone?

Our Value of the Month for June is TRUST. You know they’re responsible enough to do something for you You ask them to do something and you know without doubt that they’ll do it They keep their promises You can believe what they say You feel comfortable with them Sometimes we have to trust children to do adult jobs Can you think of any more? Values Development Group The re-arranged meeting of the Values Development Group will be held in school on Thursday 17th June at 5.30pm. Apologies that the meeting due to be on 27th May had to be postponed due to illness. If you would like to find out more about values educa- tion and contribute to its development both in school and the

Kislingbury CEVC Primary School Summer Fete Friday 25th June 3.15-5.00pm Great Raffles BBQ Games Face painting Cake stall Plant stall Cream Teas Games and many other stalls Saturday 26th June 12.00-2.00 Children’s Art Exhibition in the school hall 2.00-4.00 6-a-side football tournament on the school playground Come along and join in the fun and support your local church school. See you there!

8 The Parish Church of St Luke

MUSICAL QUIZ – Friday 14th May - Thank you to everyone who supported this event and most especially a big thank-you to Doreen and Leslie Hartwell for a very enjoyable evening. £180.07 was raised.

For the last four years, Stephen French has been Priest-in-charge of our Benefice of Bugbrooke, Harpole, Kislingbury and Rothersthorpe. All the required documentation has now been completed and at a Benefice service at St Luke’s on Tuesday 8th June at 7.30pm, Stephen will be licensed as Rector of the Benefice. This is an important step for our Benefice and everyone is most welcome to come along for this celebratory service followed by wine and refreshments.

OUR NEXT CLEANING MORNINGS are on SATURDAYS 5th JUNE and 3rd JULY – 10am in church.

WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO HELP IN THE CHURCHYARD? Anyone interested, please come to the church on Saturday 5th June at 10am for an informal chat and walk round. We would like to try and get a formal Churchyard Workparty together to tackle some of the bigger jobs and cover the general maintenance.

KISLINGBURY FAYRE – Saturday 26th and Sunday 27thJune This is the big event for the month and we hope you will give your full support to all the activities planned. Last year we had no toilet in the church – this year everyone can “go” to their hearts content! which will make an enormous difference to the activities that can be centred around and in the church. Your support from previous Kislingbury Fayres played such a big part in this project. And, don’t forget the Art Exhibition which, this year, is being held at Kisling- bury House, 2 Bugbrooke Road, by kind permission of Keith and Janet Durham. It is a super venue and a big thank you to Keith and Janet for their help and support. Sunday 27th June – 1.30pm on the Top Green – a short service of Worship for All led by the Rector. - Please note there will be no service in the church that day.

ADVANCE NOTICE On Sunday 11th July we are hoping that our Sunday Group will be helping us run our Worship for All service in the church at 11.15am and we welcome any other children who would like to join us. Anything could happen!

9 Kislingbury Temperance Cricket Club Hi All The first thing I must do is thank David for the excellent night we had on Saturday 15th May – we look forward to seeing David again soon. Home Cricket fixtures for June are as follows: Sat 5th June 2nd Team v Badby Sat 12th June 1st Team v Town Sat 19th June 2nd Team v Weekly & Warkton Sat 26th June 1st Team v Badby All Matches Start at 1.30pm - Bar Open from 12noon There are also two Under 17’s home matches on: Thursday 10th June v Long Buckby Thursday 17th June v ON’s These Matches start at 6pm - Bar open from 5.30pm Please come down and support the lads!! DON’T WORRY!! We haven’t forgotten about The World Cup. We will be showing all matches and there will be various promo- tions including all Draught for £2 a pint during England matches. Hope to see you soon. Toni & The committee PS On a personal note I would like to thank everyone who made WILLOW VIEW RESIDENTS



10 JUNE NEWSHEET 70 KOFS have booked tickets for the Annual BARBECUE AND HOG ROAST on Thursday 24th June. Tickets are now on sale for the PICNIC LUNCH at the JOY MEAD Garden, Farthingstone including coach on Thursday 29th July. Funds are now being raised to support the MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING in September. CALENDAR GIRLS at the Derngate 17th November. Tickets have been purchased and are now on sale to the KOFS.

Every Thursday over 40 KOFS meet for Coffee and a chat at the Village Hall. This is a social "Get Together" and new members are always welcome to come along and join in. Information is given each week on Village events, Neighbourhood Watch is- sues, and other items related to the interests of the members. Give Mike Jackson a call on 01604 831747 if you would like to come along and join in this Community event which is open to everyone. World Challenge – Ecuador 2010 We are two students in Year 11&12 at Campion School, raising £3,595 to fund an expedition to Ecuador in 2010 with World Challenge. Do You Need…

A Babysitter? Someone to waitress or wash-up after dinner parties? Your dog walking? Local Christmas card delivery? All reasonable jobs considered. Please contact us: Amy Upton Lydia Prince Home: 01604 833422 Home: 01604 832310 Mobile: 07980343479 Mobile: 07885530327 11 JUNE NEWS During May Kislingbury Bowls Club raised £250 and donated it to the CHILDREN's PLAY AREA EQUIPMENT FUND. We appreciate all donations to our fund, in order that we can install additional equipment in the Play Area. SUMMER FUN EVENT Kislingbury Playing Field Sat 26th JUNE A question has been raised with the KPFA in respect of the above event, and the following response was given:- The PLAYING FIELD was purchased by monies raised by the village community in 1970, and belongs to everyone in the village. In 1984 it was registered as a Charity. It is managed on behalf of the village community by an elected committee who implement actions agreed at the Committee meetings. In respect of the SUMMER FUN EVENT a request was made to hold the event at the Playing Field to raise funds for village projects. (School, Playing Field, Church etc). The KPFA agreed to the request, on the understanding that free access was given to the three clubs on site, plus the footpath and areas not in use for the event. Only those attending the Summer Fun Event would be charged. DOGS ON LEADS DESPITE NOTICES REQUESTING THAT DOGS ARE KEPT ON LEADS WHILST IN THE PLAYING FIELD AREA, THERE ARE STILL A NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO LET THEIR DOGS RUN FREELY OVER THE PLAYING AREAS & DOG FOULING IN THESE AREAS IS STILL A PROBLEM PLEASE KEEP DOGS ON A LEAD

12 COMPETITION. COMPETITION. COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL CHILDREN CRESS CREATURES AND GRASS GRIZZLIES Can you create a cress creature or a grizzly grass head. Tried and tested methods are by filling tights with com- post, create your shape and then add cress/grass seed on top of the compost.

Competition will be judged on Saturday 26th June on the bottom green. All entries must be delivered to the Garden- ing Club Stall, on bottom green, by 12.30pm

Kislingbury Art & Craft Society

The June meeting will be held on Tuesday 29th June at 8.00pm in the Village Hall when Mike Jackson will come along and tell us all about his collection of tins - how he started this hobby and the history of some of them. We are looking forward to an interesting and entertaining evening and would be pleased to welcome any villagers who would like to come along. We only ask £1.00 entry fee and that includes a cup of tea/coffee and biscuit. Doreen Hartwell

Light Up St. Lukes

The May draw was made by Bernard Gent and the winner of the £20 prize was Nick Middleton of The Orchard. Leslie Hartwell

13 Back by Popular Demand Kislingbury Fayre Cake Competition Saturday 26th June 2010 Please bring all entries to the Competition Stall on the Church Green by 11.00am for Judging. This years categories are: 1. Fruit Cake 2. Victoria Sandwich (Max 8 inch diameter) 3. Scones (If you would like to donate your entries after judging to be sold in church afterwards please advise on the day) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place rosettes will be awarded per category plus an overall best in show award. PLUS a CREATE YOUR OWN NOVELTY VEGETABLE ANI- MAL or PERSON Competition eg: - a potato pig Categories for age 7 and under and age 8 - 11 years old. 1st, 2nd and 3rd rosettes and additional prizes to be won. As above please bring all entries to the competition stall by 11.00am on Saturday. GOOD FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY - SO WHY NOT CREATE EITHER A CAKE OR VEGETABLE PERSON/ANIMAL AND JOIN IN THE FUN Alison and Sarah Margaret Welsh Charity The Margaret Welsh Charity provides grants to young people who have left school and are entering higher education or are taking a recognized apprenticeship. Applicants must be residents of Kislingbury, under 25 years of age and have not previously re- ceived a grant from the Charity. Grant cheques will be issued to successful applicants in October and proof of attendance on the course or apprenticeship may be required. Applications, giving details of the course or apprenticeship, should be made in writing before 30th September to: Alan Roberts at 1A Church Lane, Kislingbury, NN7 4AD. Alan Roberts 14 15 16 Kislingbury Neighbourhood Watch Towcester Rural Safer Community Team have received several reports of anti-social behaviour in Kislingbury. This behaviour has included young people regularly banging on windows and doors of several houses in the village. This may seem funny to those involved but it is upsetting for the people on the receiving end of it and can be quite frightening and intimidating and could also lead to criminal damage being caused. Anyone with information relating to this Anti-Social Behaviour should call Police on 03000 111 222 - alternatively, infor- mation can be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. If you would like to discuss any issues or concerns that are affecting you with your local officers please contact us by telephoning 03000 111 222 or by emailing us at: [email protected]

Jen Harrison Police Community Support Officer 7041 Steve Horner Police Officer 473 Towcester Rural Safer Community Team Towcester Police Station Watling Street Towcester NN126DE Telephone 03000 111 222 [email protected] For news and Information about your local SCT visit: Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 LOST

Tortoise escaped from garden in the allotments area If seen please contact children at 13 Church Lane Thank you

17 The Enable Service Northamptonshire Association for the Blind

If you are experiencing sight loss but want to maintain your indepen- dence, personal safety and well-being, you need The Enable Ser- vice.

The Enable Service provides home based community services to blind and partially sighted people across Northamptonshire.

Enable Workers can visit you at home, responding to your requests for support or referrals from other agencies. They are friendly, experienced and can talk to you in confidence about all aspects of your daily life, identifying ways they can help you.

During a home visit, Enable Workers will be able to provide informa- tion and assistance in relation to Lighting and Magnification, Tele- care, Healthy Living and Emotional Support.

Contact The Enable Service on: Tel: 01604 719193 Email: [email protected]

Our professional photographic studio is situated in Whittlebury minutes from Towcester and is a great place to capture memorable pictures of you and your family and have fun at the same time! For an informal chat about a photo-shoot give me a call on the numbers below and visit the website at: A full session is only £25.00 including a free framed print! The Corner Barn Home Farm Business Park Church Way Whittlebury NN12 8XS E Mail: [email protected] Tel: Studio 01327 850500. Mob. 07803833769 Weddings Portrait and Event Photography 18 DILL THOMAS, 12 WILLOW VIEW, KISLINGBURY, NORTHAMPTON CARPETS & FLOORING ALL SUPPLIED AND FITTED CARPETS, VINYLS, AMTICO, ALTRO, KARNDEAN, WOOD, WET ROOM FLOORS OVER 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE FOR FREE QUOTATION TELEPHONE: 07810 280 510

Man-Tools-Help Man with Van Do you need another pair of Disposal of household and hands? Or the use of the odd unwanted garden items... power tool or ladder? Collection from retail shop In the Home or Garden warehouse or depot... maybe for the annual Deliveries to anywhere at Hedge or Fence anytime... Maintenance! Help with moving single Scheduled or ad-hoc visits.... or multiple items... simple - charge rate: simple - charge rates: £8.00 per - 20 minutes.. 50 pence - per minute.. support also provided to £10.00 per - 30 minutes.. associated trades at discounted or £1.50 - per mile... daily rates.... mobile: 07941 522 000 mobile: 07941 522 000 kislingbury: 830 717 kislingbury: 830 717

19 Upper Nene Villages 3rd Age Group U3A Meetings are open to non-members and take place at Bugbrooke Com- munity Centre, Camp Hill, Bugbrooke on the 3rd Monday of each month at 2.30 p.m. For further information contact Fay Maddern 01327 352401. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS: Appreciating Poetry, Book Exchange, Bridge, Cook and Eat, French. Genealogy, German Beginners. German intermediate, History of Music, Literature Group, Music Appreciation, Phoenix Investment Club, Scrabble, Snooker, Spanish Beginners, Writ- ing Family History.

Yoga for all abilities at Harpole Methodist Chapel Weds. 9.15am - 10.30am Thurs. 8pm - 9.30pm

Tel: 07743 507158

Email: [email protected]

Do you require A4 Copying? Printing Prices 50 Copies (one sided) £4.00 50 Copies (double sided) £6.00 100 Copies (one sided) £8.00 100 Copies (double sided) £12.00 Please call Kenneth Tonge on 01604 830421 for any further information

20 21 KARATE Family Martial Arts Kislingbury Village Hall Wednesday’s 6-7pm Thursday’s 6-7pm & 7-8pm Sunday’s 10-11am Bugbrooke Sports & Community Centre Monday’s 6-7pm All Belt Grade-ins are Free No club membership cost £3 per class Teacher is Eddie Sanders with 28 years experience Including 18 years teaching martial arts for schools John Masters Established 1980 Painting and Decorating Services Interior – Exterior – Period Work Professional, Friendly & Reliable Estimates and Advice Free References Gladly Supplied Quality Work Guaranteed

Tel: 01604 830632 Mobile: 07718 283765

E-mail: [email protected] 40 Mill Lane, Kislingbury, Northampton NN7 4BD

22 ABBOTTS EDDIE SANDERS LANDSCAPE & DESIGN Painting & Decorating If a happier year means letting our family business Window Cleaning take care of all your gardening needs, from a Gardening regular lawn cut to a full Design and Landscape, Local, Reliable Service then please give us a call for a no obligation quote. Enhanced CRB Checked STEVEN ABBOTT Telephone: 07950 260148 9 CAMP HILL BUGBROOKE NORTHAMPTON NN7 3PH

TEL. 01604 830523 MOB. 07930 7323865

23 SMALL JOBS Cakes for all Occasions SERVICE Wedding Cakes & Celebration Cakes Small gardening or Made to Order household DIY jobs (Est. 1994) carried out

Estimates given

Robin Corlett Sarah Mayo 7 The Orchard HND MRIPHH Hollybank 5 The Orchard Kislingbury Kislingbury Northampton Tel: 830956 NN7 4BG Telephone 01604 832859 24 25 A C HARRISON PROFESSIONAL DRIVEWAY & PATIO CLEANING SERVICE USING THE LATEST REVOLUTIONARY INDUSTRIAL PRESSURE ROTARY CLEANING SYSTEM








36 Willow View Kislingbury Northants Tel: 01604 832181 NN7 4AT Mobile: 07932 802287

26 Chiropody Treatment

Do you suffer from corns, hard skin, bunions or verrucae?

Do your feet hurt at the end of the day?

Have your feet cared for in the comfort of your own home

Ken Bright MBChA, MSSCh Tel 406741

£ 19 per Visit!


GARDENING CARE THE IRONING LADY LAWNS CUT HEDGES TRIMMED Loves To Do the Job You TREE WORK Hate FENCING/DECKING Ironing Service available BLOCK PAVING/PATIOS for Kislingbury and GUTTERS CLEANED GENERAL TIDY UP surrounding Villages. HANDY MAN FAST, EFFICIENT and FRIENDLY. Local Village Man Kislingbury Regular and one off Service Telephone: 01604 833649 available Mobile: 07761742997 Please call 01604 833515


Garden Tidy

Grass Cutting

Hedge Cutting

Tree Work

Shed and Fence Treated

Tel: 01604 833663 Or 07736 489790

Full public liability insurance

28 ORLANDO – FLORIDA 5 BEDROOM/4 BATHROOM LUXURY VILLA SWIMMING POOL, SPA, AIR-CONDITIONING, GAMES ROOM. JUST 5 MINUTES DRIVE FROM DISNEY AVAILABLE TO RENT – FROM £500 PER WEEK For more information please phone Val on 01604 831784 or visit for details, prices and availability

Brian Lawrence Building & Decorating Contractor 10 Whittles Cross, Wootton, Northampton NN4 6BG Tel: 01604 675567 Fax: 01604 706932 Mobile 07860 509043 Email: [email protected] Established since 1957 Local Authority and Diocesan Approved Contractor All aspects of building, general maintenance and decorating, etc. Domestic and Commercial FFree advice and quotation service Contact James Lawrence

Kislingbury Primary School Friday 6-7pm Olympic Sport CRB CHECKED [email protected] log on to online video Phillip Bartlette 5th Dan Black Belt 07770622776 or 01933 312366

29 The Parish Church of St Luke Services at St Luke’s Wednesday 2nd June 10.30am Midweek Holy Communion Sunday 6th June 11.15am Holy Communion Tuesday 8th June 7.30pm Licensing of Stephen French as Rector of the Benefice of Bugbrooke, Harpole, Kislingbury & Rothersthorpe Sunday 13th June 8.00am Holy Communion 11.15am Worship for All + 11.00am Children’s Sunday Group Sunday 20th June 11.15am Holy Communion Sunday 27th June 1.30pm SERVICE ON TOP GREEN AS PART OF THE KISLINGBURY FAYRE – no service in church

St Patrick’s Catholic Church Duston Parish Priest: Rev. Philip Swingler Times of Masses Saturday for Sunday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.30am, 11.00am Holydays: 9.30am, 7.00pm Confessions: Sat 10.00am - 11.00pm, 6.45pm - 7.30pm

Kislingbury Baptist Church We shall be pleased to welcome you to our church activities including: Morning Praise and Worship each Sunday at 10.30am followed by tea/coffee. Kidz Church and Crèche also available each week. Prayer Group each Tuesday 9.30–10.30am. (If you have any particular prayer requests please make our Pastor, Marilyn Webb, aware of these or drop them off in our church letter box). Talking Point each Wednesday 10.00am to 12 noon. A get together for mothers and their babies at the Manse, 16 Mill Pond Drive, Upton. Small Group/Fellowship Evenings Wednesday 7pm onwards. Kizzletots 9.30am each Thursday in school term time – Parent Toddler group. Praise evenings 6.15pm on the third Sunday of each month.

Enquiries: 01604 454243 Email: [email protected] 30 ELLIOTT’S Traditional Family Butchers and Delicatessen

Beef and Lamb from our own farm and locally sourced Pork, Free Range Chickens and Game in Season *************************************************** Dry Cured Bacon, Homemade Sausages and Burgers. A fine selection of Homemade Prize Winning Pork Pies, Chicken & Ham Pies, Meat Pies and ready meals. Large selection of Cheeses and Cooked Meats. *************************************************** Shops at Daventry 01327 878984 By the memorial, opened Spring 2009 Free parking behind shop Kislingbury 01604 831533 Free parking outside shop Hodges Lane, opposite the Church Towcester 01327 350454 Market Square Free Parking available in Towcester