SEMLEP NORTHAMPTON WATERSIDE ENTERPRISE ZONE BOARD MEETING 18th March 2019 10am –12 noon Jeffrey Room, The Guildhall, Northampton Borough Council, St Giles Square NN1 1DE Access and Parking Arrangements: Please contact Marina Stafford on 01604 837078 or email
[email protected] should you require a parking space (on a first come, first served basis). Please make your way to the Jeffery Room, which is up the old stairs, then up the ramp into the new part of the building; the room is directly in front of you. Alternatively please head to the One Stop Shop and ask for Marina Stafford on 01604 837078. AGENDA 1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minutes from Previous Meetings 4. Overview of the Waterside Enterprise Zone 5. Project Updates (paper attached) a) Vulcan Works b) Horizon Park c) St James Mill Road d) Four Waterside 6. Financial update (paper attached) 7. Waterside Enterprise Zone Risk Overview (paper attached) 8. Northampton’s High Street Fund proposal (verbal update) 9. Development of Northampton’s Economic Growth Strategy (verbal update) 10. A.O.B LIST OF INVITEES Members Cllr Jonathan Nunn, Chair of the EZ Board and Leader, Northampton Borough Council Peter Horrocks CBE, Chair of SEMLEP Dr Kerry Mashford OBE Cllr Tim Hadland, Northampton Borough Council Cllr Ian Morris, Northamptonshire County Council Terry Neville, University of Northampton Brian Binley, SEMLEP Invited Observers (who will not necessarily attend every meeting): Rowena Limb, BEIS (or nominee) Hilary Chipping SEMLEP George Candler, Northampton Borough Council Rick O’Farrell, Northampton Borough Council Neil Darwin, Northampton Borough Council Kevin Langley, Northampton Borough Council Craig Forsyth, Communications, NBC Roy Boulton, Northamptonshire County Council Stuart McGregor/Carol Wood, LGSS Finance Andrew Lewer, MP SEMLEP NORTHAMPTON WATERSIDE ENTERPRISE ZONE BOARD MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 29th October 2018.