Agenda Item No: 2(a) S

Democratic Support Service PO Box 136 County Hall NN1 1AT

MINUTES of the Extraordinary Meeting of the COUNTY COUNCIL held at County Hall, Northampton on 21 June 2012 at 10.00am

PRESENT: Councillor John Bailey (Chairman) Councillor Larry Henson (Deputy Chairman)

Councillor Sally Beardsworth Councillor Stephen Legg “ Paul Bell “ Chris Long “ Catherine Boardman “ Matt Lynch “ Robin Brown “ “ Tony Clarke “ Christopher Malpas “ Jenny Conroy “ Carolyn Maxted “ David Dean “ Ken Melling " Scott Edwards “ Andy Mercer “ Brendan Glynane “ Chris Millar “ Matt Golby “ Gina Ogden OBE “ Andrew Grant “ Steve Osborne “ Christopher Groome “ Bill Parker “ Mike Hallam “ Bhupendra Patel “ Rebecca Harding “ Suresh Patel “ Jim Harker OBE “ Alan Pote “ Stan Heggs “ Rupert Reichhold “ Alan Hills “ Ron Sawbridge “ Jane Hollis “ Bob Seery “ Sue Homer “ Judy Shephard “ Dudley Hughes “ Ben Smith “ David Hugheston-Roberts “ Heather Smith “ Belinda Humfrey “ Chris Stanbra “ Bernard Ingram “ Michael Tye “ Joan Kirkbride “ Jay Walia “ Andrew Langley “ Allen Walker “ Graham Lawman “ Malcolm Waters “ Derek Lawson MBE “

Also in attendance (for all or part of the meeting): Paul Blantern, Chief Executive Martyn Emberson, Chief Fire Officer Laurie Gould, Monitoring Officer Paul Hanson, Committee Manager Alex Hopkins, Director of Customers, Communities & Learning Jenny Rendall, Committee Assistant (Minutes)

And 21 members of the public.

44/12 Apologies for non-attendance:

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors George Blackwell, Julie Brookfield, Mark Bullock, Richard Church, Bob Civil, Michael Clarke, Andre Gonzalez de Savage, Phil Larratt, Chris Lofts, Marion Minney, John McGhee, Dennis Meredith, Ron Pinnock, Bob Scott, Winston Strachan & Alan Wright.

45/12 Notification of requests by members of the public to address the meeting

None received.

46/12 Declarations of Interest by Councillors:

There were none.

47/12 To Confer the Title of Honorary Aldermen:

At the Chairman’s invitation, the Leader of the Council, Councillor Jim Harker proposed the report stating the following: . All of those nominated had given long and outstanding service to Northamptonshire County Council and residents of the county, something their new role would enable them to continue to do. They had been friends to him, colleagues and residents of the county. . He had learned much from the way in which Mick Young had undertaken the role of Leader of the Council for 7 years. . Priscilla Padley had worked extensively for the benefit of children and young people and after retiring as a county councillor had established the Nene Valley Care Trust to support care leavers. . Roy Mayhew was also a former Leader of the Council with whom the current Leader of the council had enjoyed may cross-party discussions. . Advice and support from Anne Goodman when the Leader of the Council first became a county councillor in 1979 had been very much appreciated. Anne had continued to be a fierce supporter of the elderly and carers. . Derek Batten, as the ‘joker in the pack’ had organised many entertaining activities. He had offered very wise advice, particularly in the area of heritage in which had continued to work hard since retiring as a councillor. . He now had the pleasure to work with a former adversary, Dr Marie Dickie, in promoting the development of Northampton’s castle heritage site. . Brian Binley had been a colleague for many years and had assisted to form the financial strategy the Council continued to follow in current times. His continued comments and constructive criticism was very much welcomed. . The Leader of the Council had taken over the role of Leader of the Opposition from John Ewart and had appreciated the mentoring role he had offered alongside other former councillors, Bill Morton and John Lowther. He considered it a privilege to have worked alongside John Ewart and had learned much from him regarding the role of Leader of the Council.

The nominations were seconded by Councillor Joan Kirkbride who stated she felt privileged to have been able to work alongside 6 of the nominees within Council. She had also worked with Anne Goodman on a number of activities outside of the Council and knew John Ewart’s reputation went before him.

RESOLVED that: Upon a ‘nemine contradicente’ vote the title of Honorary Alderman was conferred on Mr Derek Batten, Brian Binley MP, Dr Marie Dickie, OBE, John

Ewart, DL, CBE, Mrs Anne Goodman, Mr Roy Mayhew, Mrs Priscilla Padley and Mr Mick Young.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at .10.20am

Jenny Rendall Democratic Support June 2012

Chairman’s Signature:-
