Agenda Item No: 2(a) S

Democratic Support Service PO Box 136 County Hall NN1 1AT

MINUTES of the Extraordinary Meeting of the COUNTY COUNCIL held at County Hall, Northampton on 28 November 2013 at 10.00am

PRESENT: Councillor Joan Kirkbride (Chairman) Councillor Stan Heggs (Vice-Chairman) Councillor Sally Beardsworth Councillor Derek Lawson MBE “ Paul Bell “ Stephen Legg “ Catherine Boardman “ Arthur McCutcheon “ Wendy Brackenbury “ John McGhee “ Julie Brookfield “ “ Jim Broomfield “ Allan Matthews “ Michael Brown “ Andy Mercer “ Robin Brown “ Ian Morris “ Mary Butcher “ Steve Osborne “ Michael Clarke “ Bill Parker “ Adam Collyer “ Bhupendra Patel “ Elizabeth Coombe “ Suresh Patel “ Gareth Eales “ Russell Roberts “ Brendan Glynane “ Ron Sawbridge “ Matt Golby “ Bob Scott “ André Gonzalez De Savage “ Mick Scrimshaw “ Christopher Groome “ Judy Shephard “ James Hakewill “ Steve Slatter “ Eileen Hales MBE “ Heather Smith “ Mike Hallam “ Danielle Stone “ Jim Harker OBE “ Winston Strachan “ Alan Hills “ Michael Tye " Dudley Hughes “ Allen Walker “ Sylvia Hughes “ Malcolm Waters “ Graham Lawman “

Also in attendance (for all or part of the meeting): Honorary Alderman Anne Goodman Honorary Alderman Brian Binley Honorary Alderman Marie Dickie Honorary Alderman Priscilla Padley

Dr Akeem Ali – Director of Public Health & Wellbeing Paul Blantern, Chief Executive Tony Ciaburro – Director Environment, Development & Transport Art Conaghan –Political Assistant to the Conservative Group Martyn Emberson, Chief Fire Officer Laurie Gould, Monitoring Officer Paul Hanson, Executive & Regulatory Manager

Jenny Rendall, Democracy Officer (Minutes) Ben Wesson, Political Assistant to the Labour Group

And 2 members of the public.

65/13 Apologies for non-attendance:

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Sue Homer and Phil Larratt.

66/13 Notification of requests by members of the public to address the meeting

There were none.

67/13 Declarations of Interest by Councillors:

There were none.

68/13 To Confer the Title of Honorary Alderman:

At the Chairman’s invitation, the Leader of the Council, Councillor Jim Harker proposed the report (copies of which had been previously circulated) stating he had known the proposed Honorary Aldermen as colleagues and friends for many years. He thanked them on behalf of the Council and community of Northamptonshire for their steadfastness and devotion during the 141 years they had collectively served as county councillors. He felt their continued involvement would provide the Council with wise counsel on important issues such as setting the annual budget. He felt their prestige across the county would enable them as ambassadors to spread the good work of the Council far and wide.

The nominations were seconded by Councillor John McGhee who felt their collective service was a feat to be congratulated. The role of councillor was often difficult and it was good to see these 4 ex-councillors were willing to come back and assist Council. He looked forward to seeing them in future council meetings.

At the Chairman’s invitation, the Chief Executive, Paul Blantern introduced each of the 4 members highlighting their achievements as follows:

Mr John Bailey MA had been first elected to Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) in 1970 to represent the Finedon Division in the hope of saving grammar schools. He was often referred to as ‘Mr Finedon’ for his historical knowledge of the area. He had served twice as Vice-Chairman of the Council and as Chairman during 2012-13. He had resigned from the Council in order to pursue many of his other interests which included local heritage as well as the Finedon Senior Citizens Friendship (Christmas Parcels) charity. He continued to serve as a councillor on the Borough Council of which he had served twice as Mayor as well as its Leader from 2006-11. Earlier that year he had been made a Honorary Freeman of the Borough of Wellingborough. He concluded by adding that during his time as Chairman of NCC he had found him to be very professional but more importantly he had valued his dry sense of humour.

Mr George Blackwell had been elected to NCC representing the Earls Barton Division during 1973-77 and again from 1981-2013. You could understand why a former Chairman had once referred to him as one of the best examples of a councillor who knew and loved his division when it was noted he continued to represent Earls Barton at the Borough Council of Wellingborough as well as being an active member of the Earls Barton Parish Council. He was noted for championing the most vulnerable members of society as

demonstrated by his other interests which included the Wellingborough Homes Board.

Mrs Gina Ogden OBE had first joined NCC in 1967 representing the Weedon Bec and Woodford Division. She stood down from NCC earlier that year after 46 years which would make her one of the longest serving councillors ever. She had served on many committees during that time, chairing several including the Education Committee, Finance & General Purposes Sub-Committee, Personnel Committee and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee. She had served as Chairman of the Council during 2005-2007 and was a member of the Northamptonshire Police Authority until 2011. Her experience was demonstrated when she addressed Council at her last meeting recalling various now extinct committees and the huge responsibility of chairing committees such as the Education Committee which included in its responsibilities a hugely expanding educational establishment such as the Northampton University which had grown from 636 students whilst known as Nene College to over 13,000 students as a university. She had been awarded the OBE in 1991 for political and public service and continued to serve as a member of the Royal & Derngate Theatre Trust.

Terry Wire DL had moved to Northampton as a firefighter, a role he undertook for 30 years. He joined NCC in 1993 representing the St James Division until 2009. During that time he joined various committees and served as Chairman of the Council in 2004-05. He continued to represent the St James Ward at the Northampton Borough Council and was Mayor of Northampton in 2003-04. He was well known for his April Fools Harley Davidson Run which had raised funds for the Friends of Cynthia Spencer since 2004. In just 9 years this event had grown from having 40 vehicles take part to over 200 and had raised several thousand for the cause. In 2010 he was made a Deputy Lieutenant of Northamptonshire in recognition of his public duties to the town and county.

In answer to a query the Monitoring Officer, Laurie Gould confirmed Honorary Aldermen had the same right as any member of the public to attend public meetings and register a wish to speak at those meetings. They could also be extended a formal invitation to take part in public consultation exercises enabling the Council to take advantage of their accumulated wisdom.

Upon a unanimous vote, the title of Honorary Alderman was then conferred on Mr John Bailey, Mr George Blackwell, Mrs Gina Ogden and Mr Terry Wire.

Following presentations of certificates to the Honorary Aldermen, Mr John Bailey addressed Council on behalf of his fellow Honorary Alderman stating that after so many years as a county councillor, it was still often a shock to find he was no longer involved. The invitation to retain a connection in this way was therefore most welcome and he thanked Council for conferring the honour on him and his colleagues.

RESOLVED that: Upon a ‘nemine contradicente’ vote the title of Honorary Alderman was conferred on Mr John Bailey, Mr George Blackwell, Mrs Gina Ogden & Mr Terry Wire.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.25am.

Jenny Rendall (Democratic Support) November 2013

Chairman’s Signature:- Date:-