KISLINGBURY NEWS JUNE 2010 Kislingbury Parish Council Ann Addison Finance 858226 Pauline Cook Finance 831003 Planning PC Reports in Kislingbury News Liz Middleton Finance 830047 Planning Mark Bates Playing Field Committee 832353 Elderly Liaison Gill Clarke Village School Liaison 830346 Mike Green Street Lighting 832081 Action Group Representative Miriam Harris Village Hall Committee 831835 Elderly Liaison George James Highways Representative 830075 Les Kingston Planning 832059 Gordon Seal Planning 831706 Ann Addison South Northants Council 858226 Janet Eliot South Northants Council 830231 Joan Kirkbride Northants County Council 01327 340370 Brian Binley MP Northampton South 870836 Phil Beeston Footpath Warden 832146 Dennis Tidmarsh Flood & Snow Warden 830074 Leslie Hartwell Deputy Flood Warden 830343 Alex Balbi Tree Warden 07914 213262 Lisa Dickson Village Archivist 832092 Felicity Dunckley Village Archivist 830514 Chrissie Key Village Hall Booking Clerk 831824 Parish Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month in Kislingbury Village Hall at 7.30pm. The Press and Members of the Public are welcome to attend. Minutes can be seen on Parish Notice Boards and in the Church Porch. 1 Welcome to the June edition of the Kislingbury News Deadline for the July issue is 15th June 2010. Where possible contributions should be sent in electronic format by email to [email protected] or delivered to the compiler, David Lawrence, at 21 Hall Close, Kislingbury. Village Diary June 2nd Kisle Amblers meet at Olde Red Lion at 9.45am 11th The Young Victoria Kislingbury Village Cinema - Page 7 16th Kisle Amblers meet at Olde Red Lion at 9.45am 20th Baptist Church 200 years celebration service - Page 6 24th KOF’s Summer Barbecue - Page 11 25th School Summer Fete - Page 8 26th Summer Fun Event - Page 5 26-27th Kislingbury Village Fayre Weekend - Page 15-16 29th Art & Craft Society - Page 13 July 29th KOF’s Picnic Lunch - Page 11 September 11th Northants Churches sponsored cycle ride November 27th Kislingbury Art Exhibition December 18th Christmas Concert at St Lukes Church Regular Events Sequence Dance – contact Dave or Rita 01604 830982 Bell Ringing Monday Nights 7.30pm – 8.30pm Karate - Wednesday & Thursday 6.00pm Sunday 10.00am See Eddie Sanders at the Village Hall for more details Taekwondo - every Friday from 6-7pm at Kislingbury Primary School Play group open during Term Time at Village Hall St Luke’s Sunday Group for Children 11.00am at Kislingbury School 1st Sunday of every Month Line Dancing Classes Thursday 8.15pm contact Maureen on 07788 737052 2 Kislingbury Parish Council Notes from the Meeting held on Tuesday 18th May The Annual General Meeting The Chairman and Vice Chair- man of the Parish Council must be elected each year at the AGM. Indeed, the very first item on the agenda at this meeting is Election of Chairman and the meeting cannot proceed until this has been done. This year was no exception and Pauline Cook (that’s me!) was elected to serve as Chairman for the coming year. Posts and Posters I am always going on about litter and how untidy the village is and asking you all to do your bit to keep Kislingbury tidy, but one of the worst things we have to endure is paper hanging off posts! The Parish Council respectfully requests that you do not put fly posters up on telegraph posts and light standards in the village and give fair warning that if you do, they will be removed. We would appreciate your co-opera- tion. Parish Notice Boards There are five Parish Notice Boards in the village and they all have an unlocked section for the use of parishioners. The space is limited so if you do put a notice on the boards, would you please take it down again when it is no longer needed? Once again, we thank you for your co-operation. Wardens Our Parish Wardens, Dennis Tidmarsh (Flood and Snow), Phil Beeston ( Parish Footpaths) and Alex Balbi (Trees), have a great deal of experience and expertise in their own particular field (sorry Phil!) and they know the right people to contact when it is necessary. If you have any complaints, concerns or problems about flooding, footpaths or trees, then the wardens should be your first point of call. It is less confusing and much more efficient if you all call the warden and he takes the appropriate action on your behalf. That is what he is there for! 3 Dogs (again) It has been brought to our notice that about fourteen lambs have been killed so far during this lambing season, on land between Kislingbury and Upton. The farm- ers have seen dogs chasing the sheep and legally they are allowed to shoot the dogs, but are loath to take such drastic action. So, dog owners, it is your responsibility. Please do not allow your animals to run amok through flocks of sheep. It may well be they are just being playful, but the farmers and the sheep do not see it that way. Please keep your dog on a lead, or it could end up like the dead lambs. Neighbourhood Watch We were very sorry to learn that, due to other commitments, Hilary Nevison-Andrews is re- signing as Kislingbury NHW Co-ordinator. Hilary was instru- mental in resurrecting an ailing NHW scheme some years ago and has kept us very well informed ever since. It would be a shame if all Hilary’s hard work was wasted, so we hope someone out there is prepared to carry on the good work. On behalf of the Parish, we would like to thank Hilary and wish her well in her future pursuits. Email Data Base At the Annual Parish Meeting in April, a parishioner put forward the idea of a village email data base. Some of us were not too sure what this was all about, so we decided to investigate. It appears that one has been set up in Gayton and is operating very successfully, so we have invited two key people from Gayton to come to the our Council Meeting in June, to give us a brief talk on what is involved. If you are interested to hear what they have got to say, do please come along. The next meeting of Kislingbury Parish Council is on Tues- day 15th June 2010, at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. You are very welcome to join us. Pauline Cook 4 SUMMER FUN EVENT IN KISLINGBURY ON SATURDAY 26TH JUNE 2010 6.30PM TO 11.30PM - ON THE VILLAGE PLAYING FIELD BEECH LANE COME AND JOIN THE FUN ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE VILLAGE TOP OF THE BILL ENTERTAINMENT BY “THE DECADES” WITHOUT QUESTION THE BEST EVER SOUNDING AND MOST ENTERTAINING PARTY BAND EVER Lots of stalls and games for the children Food and Bar/Refreshments Raffle Bring along your picnic rugs/chairs Ticket required for entry Tickets: £10 per adult, £7.50 OAP’s Children up to 16 free (must be accompanied by full paying adult) For ticket requests please contact Debbie - 07950 034 817 Zara - 01604 833477 Kay - 07808 731010 Email - [email protected] 5 Kislingbury Baptist Church Celebrating 200 years of Christian Witness In June this year it will be 200 years since the Baptist Church at Kislingbury was officially founded in 1810. We will be marking this anniversary, and 200 years of Christian witness and service, with a Celebration Service on 20th June. We warmly invite you to join with us in this celebration and would particularly welcome anyone with past links with the Baptist Church. There will be a display in the Baptist Church showing the life and times of the church and the wider world during the 200 years. The display will be in place for the Celebration Service and will remain in the church for the Village Weekend on 26th–27th June. We will have available a ‘Memories Book’ so that visitors can write in any memory they have of the Church. There must be many still living in Kislingbury who have had connection with the Baptist Church, perhaps through Sunday School, Boys Brigade or other organisations. Many who have been married here or have long family associations with the Baptist Church – we would like you to record your memories – even if it’s just the date of your wedding. At the Village Weekend the Baptist Church will be open as usual for refreshments and there will be a quiz for children to complete by ‘exploring’ the anniversary display. Sunday 20th June 2010 10.30 am CELEBRATION SERVICE AND EXHIBITION Celebrating 200 years of Christian witness Saturday/Sunday 26th–27th June 2010 VILLAGE WEEKEND · Baptist Church open for Refreshments · 200 year Anniversary Display · Children’s Quiz and Activities Help I am researching Kislingbury Baptist Church history and would be interested in any information, particularly photographs that could be copied for the display. Photographs of ministers, outings, wed- dings, choirs and other organisations etc would be useful. Please let me know if you can help. John Birch 01604 830527. 6 (CERT PG) KISLINGBURY VILLAGE CINEMA Sponsored by Kislingbury Amateur Dramatics Society Showing at Kislingbury Baptist Church Friday 11th June 2010 at 7.30pm for 8pm “The Young Victoria” (Cert PG) Admission £4 (Teas & Coffees available) KISLINGBURY NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT! VILLAGE NEWS - there has been an attempted burglary, vandalism/criminal damage to a vehicle, reports of a suspicious security company phoning a resident trying to push through a sale, and 'rave' reports. LOCAL NEWS - on the Bugbrooke beat there have been a number of incidents. Lead was stolen from the church roof in Bugbrooke. Car keys have been stolen from homes followed by the cars on the driveways, and separately, car registration plates were stolen from numerous vehicles.
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