Critical Dissertations on the Origin, Antiquities, Language, Government
ExLtbkis p. KENNEDY, ANGLESEA-STREET, COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN. &^.i.n^ CRITICAL DISSERTATIONS O N T H E ORIGIN, ANTIQUITIES, LANGUAGE, GOVERNMENT, MANNERS, AND RELIGION, O F T H E ANTIENT CALEDONIANS, THEIR POSTERITY THE PICTS, AND THE BRITISH AND IRISH SCOTS. By JOHN MACPHERSON, D. D, Minifler of Slate, in the Isle of Sky. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Griersov, Printer to the King's mofl: Excellent Majcfty. mdcclxviii. TO THE HONOURABLE Charles Greville, Efq; De a r Sir, MY Father, who was the Author of the following DifTertations, would not, perhaps, have dedicated them to any man alive. He annexed, and with good reafbn, an idea of fervility to addrefles of this fort, and reckoned them the diigrace of literature. If I could not, from my foul, acquit myfelf of every felfifh view, in prefenting to you the poft- humous works of a father I tenderly loved, you would not have heard from me in this public manner. You know, my dear friend, the fincerity of my affection for you : but even that affedlion fhould not induce me to dedicate to you, had you already arrived at that eminence, in the ftate, which the abilities and fhining a 2 talents DEDICATION. talents of your early youth feem lb largely to promife, left what really is the voice of friendfhip and efteem, fhould be miftaken, by the world, for that of flattery and interefted defigns. I am on the eve of letting out for a very diftant quarter of the world : without afking your permit fion, I leave you this public tefti- mony of my regard for you, not to fecure your future favour, but to ftand as a finall proof of that attach- ment, with which I am, Dear Sir Your moft affedlionate Friend, and moft Obedient Humble Servant, John Macpherjfbn.
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