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Front Matter Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A . J . Woodman Frontmatter More information CAMBRIDGE GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS General Editors P. E. Easterling Regius Professor Emeritus of Greek, University of Cambridge Philip Hardie Senior Research Fellow, Trinity College, and Honorary Professor of Latin, University of Cambridge Richard Hunter Regius Professor of Greek, University of Cambridge E. J. Kenney Kennedy Professor Emeritus of Latin, University of Cambridge S. P. Oakley Kennedy Professor of Latin, University of Cambridge © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A . J . Woodman Frontmatter More information © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A . J . Woodman Frontmatter More information TACITUS AGRICOLA edited by A. J. WOODMAN Basil L. Gildersleeve Professor of Classics, University of Virginia with contributions from C. S. KRAUS Thomas A. Thacher Professor of Latin, Yale University © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A . J . Woodman Frontmatter More information University Printing House, Cambridge cb2 8bs, United Kingdom Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence. Information on this title: C Cambridge University Press 2014 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2014 Reprinted 2015 Printed in the United Kingdom by Clays, St Ives plc. A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library isbn 978-0-521-87687-2 Hardback isbn 978-0-521-70029-0 Paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A . J . Woodman Frontmatter More information CONTENTS List of maps and figures page vi Preface vii List of abbreviations ix Introduction 1 1 The author and his work 1 2 Tacitus’ Britain 11 3 Imperialism, freedom and servitude 15 4 The Agricola as history 25 5 Language and expression 30 6 The manuscripts 35 CORNELII TACITI DE VITA IVLII AGRICOLAE 39 Commentary 65 Appendixes 331 1 Roman legions in Britain during Agricola’s career 331 2 Chronological tables for Agricola and Tacitus 332 Works cited 333 Indexes 349 General 349 Latin words 354 Names 355 v © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A . J . Woodman Frontmatter More information MAPS AND FIGURES MAPS 1 Identifiable places and peoples mentioned inthe Agricola page xii 2 Places and peoples mentioned in the Introduction and Commentary xiii FIGURES 1 The Rudge Cup (mid- or late 2nd century ad ?). C The Trustees of the British Museum 14 2 Lead pipe from Chester (ILS 8704a = IRB 25) showing Agricola’s full name. Courtesy of The Grosvenor Museum, Chester 95 3(a) Bronze coin of Nero (ad 50–54, RPC 2381), the reverse showing a double axe (bipennis). From, Ex Lanz sale 117, 2003, 587 134 (b) Denarius of L. Procilius (80 bc, RRC 379/2), the reverse showing Juno Sospita with her scutulum. C The Trustees of the British Museum 135 4 Claudius subduing Britannia (relief from the Sebasteion at Aphrodisias). Courtesy of the NYU Excavations at Aphrodisias 245 vi © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A . J . Woodman Frontmatter More information PREFACE For almost half a century the standard English commentary on Tacitus’ Agricola has been that by R. M. Ogilvie and Sir Ian Richmond, which was published in 1967. It began life as a revision of the commentary produced by J. G. C. Anderson in 1922, which itself was a revision of the commentary by H. Furneaux published in 1898, when the United States and Spain were at war with each other and the British fought at Omdurman. The present commentary differs from that of Ogilvie and Richmond in three principal ways. First, it is not a revision of any predecessor but is an entirely new and independent work. The text, for example, is different from, and considerably more open to conjecture than, others currently available. Second, the commentary lacks the heavy archaeological content which characterised their book and which was in many ways intellectually misleading: Tacitus in his biography of Agricola provides very few specific details of events or localities which can be illustrated by reference to evi- dence on the ground; for the most part he talks in general terms, designed to portray his father-in-law as an ideal military commander and provin- cial governor. Readers should therefore not turn to the present book for the latest information on Roman Britain, which is in any case a scholarly field subject to rapid change and revision. Third, and most important, the main aim throughout has been to explain the nature and meaning of Tacitus’ Latin. In keeping with the general principles of the series Cam- bridge Greek and Latin Classics, an effort has been made to provide ‘all the guidance with grammatical and syntactical matters’ needed by today’s undergraduate and graduate students. At the same time, it is hoped that the work will not be deemed negligible by fellow scholars. If there has been no reluctance in quoting parallels, that is partly to illustrate the texture of Tacitus’ language, partly to correct any misleading inferences that may be drawn from the commentary of H. Heubner (1984), who wrote without the benefit of modern computerised search programmes and the like. It was extremely helpful to test-drive the commentary with an under- graduate Latin class in the spring of 2013 at the University of Virginia. Much gratitude is also owed to those scholarly friends from whom help and advice has been sought and received, notably J. N. Adams, S. Bartera, E. Courtney, C. H. George, P. R. Hardie, N. Holmes, T. A. Joseph, M. Lavan, J. E. Lendon, the late R. H. Martin, S. P. Oakley, C. B. R. Pelling, J. G. F. Powell, B. D. Shaw, J. B. Solodow and C. L. Whitton. An especial debt of gratitude is owed to A. R. Birley, who has read through the whole of the commentary and given the benefit of his unrivalled knowledge of Roman Britain; he is certainly not to be held responsible for any mistakes or mis- conceptions which may remain. vii © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A . J . Woodman Frontmatter More information viii PREFACE It was originally intended that this book be written jointly with C. S. Kraus. In the event, she was unable to write much toward this collabora- tion, which she greatly regrets. She is responsible only for the commen- tary on 10–12, some occasional notes elsewhere, and some revisions. She would like to thank the many friends who helped her talk through Agri- colan matters, and the series editors for their forbearance. A. J. W. © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A . J . Woodman Frontmatter More information ABBREVIATIONS Tacitus is abbreviated as T., Agricola as A.; T.’s works are abbreviated as A.(Annals), Agr.(Agricola), D.(Dialogus), G.(Germania)andH.(Histo- ries). References to Agr. normally omit the title; references within the same chapter normally omit the chapter-number. A–G Allen and Greenough’s New Latin Grammar (rev. A. Mahoney, Newburyport, MA 2001) BMC Emp. H. Mattingly, Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum,Vol.3:Nerva to Hadrian (London 1936, corr. repr. 1966) BNP Brill’s New Pauly, Vols. 1–15 (Leiden 2002–10) CCRH The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians (ed. A. Feldherr, Cambridge 2009) CCT The Cambridge Companion to Tacitus (ed. A. J. Woodman, Cambridge 2009) CGRH A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography (ed. J. Marincola, Malden, MA/Oxford 2007) CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin 1863–) C–L J.-P. Chausserie-Lapree,´ L’expression narrative chez les historiens latins (Paris 1969) CLE F. Buecheler and E. Lommatzsch, Carmina Latina Epigraphica, Vols. 1–3 (Leipzig 1895–1926) CT A Companion to Tacitus (ed. V. E. Pagan,´ Malden 2012) F. H. Furneaux, Cornelii Taciti Vita Agricolae (Oxford 1898) F–A H. Furneaux and J. G. C. Anderson, Cornelii Taciti De Vita Agricolae (Oxford 1922) FIRA S. Riccobono, Fontes iuris Romani anteiustiniani (Florence 1941) FLP E. Courtney, The Fragmentary Latin Poets (2nd edn, Oxford 2003) G. F. R. D. Goodyear, The Annals of Tacitus.Vol.1Annals 1.1–54,Vol.2Annals 1.55–81 and Annals 2 (Cambridge 1972, 1981) G–G A. Gerber and A. Greef, Lexicon Taciteum (Leipzig 1877–90) G–L B. L. Gildersleeve and G. Lodge, Latin Grammar (repr. 1992, Walton on Thames) H. H. Heubner: either P. Cornelius Tacitus: Die Historien. Kommentar. Vols. 1–5 (Heidelberg 1963–82) or Kommentar zum Agricola des Tacitus (Gottingen¨ 1984) ix © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87687-2 - Agricola: Tacitus Edited by A .
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