[Communicated to the Council Official No.: 1934.XI. and the Members of the League.] C. 462. M. 198. (O.S.B./Statement 1935.)

Geneva, October 17th, 1934.



DRUGS OF JULY 1 3 t h , 1 9 3 1


Statement issued by the Supervisory Body under Article 5

Series of League of Nations Publications^ XI. OPIUM AND OTHER d a n g e r o u s d r u g s 1934. XI. 5- No Officiel: C.462.M.198.1934.XI. (Communiqué au Conseil (O.S.B./Etat. 1935). et aux Membres de la ERRATA. S ociété. ) Genève, le 12 mars 1935.




Etat dressé par l’Organe de contrôle en vertu de l’article 5.


Tableau III

Page 59. Nicaragua, Col. IV, lire: + 100 grammes.

64. Suisse, Col. I (y compris la marge le cas échéant), insérer: 1 kg.




Statement issued by the Supervisory Body under Article 5.


Table III

Page 59. Nicaragua, Col. IV, read: + 100 grammes.

64. Switzerland, Col. I (including margin, if any), insert: 1 kg.

Série de Publications de la Société des Nations XI. OPIUM ET AUTRES DROGUES NUISIBLES 1934. XL 5. Errata. _____ — ■ 2 —

The Supervisory Body is constituted under Article 5 of the Convention as follows :

Appointed by the Advisory Committee of the League of Nations on the Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs : Sir Malcolm D e l e v in g n e , K.C.B., K.C.V.O. (President). Appointed by the Permanent Central Opium Board : Mr. Herbert L. M a y .

Appointed b y the Health Committee of the League of Nations: Professor M. T iffeneau. Appointed by the Office International d’Hygiène Publique : Dr. H. Ca r r iè r e .

Extract from Article 5 of the Convention :

" 7. After examination by the Supervisory Body as provided in paragraph 6 above of the estimates furnished, and after the determination by that Body as provided in Article 2 of the estimates for each country or territory on behalf of which no estimates have been furnished, the Supervisory Body shall forward, not later than November ist in each year, through the intermediary of the Secretary-General, to all the Members of the League of Nations and non-member States referred to in Article 27, a statement containing the estimates for each country or territory, and, so far as the Supervisory Body may consider necessary, an account of any explanations given or required in accordance with paragraph 6 above, and any observations which the Supervisory Body may desire to make in respect of any such estimate or explanation, or request for an explanation.” — 3 —


St a t e m e n t is s u e d b y t h e S u p e r v is o r y B o d y u n d e r A r t ic l e 5.

The Supervisory Body, constituted under paragraph 6 of Article 5 of the Limitation Convention of 1931, having examined the estimates furnished by Governments of the requirements of their respective territories in 1935, and having framed estimates for territories in respect of which estimates were not so furnished,1 presents in the tables annexed (II and III) a statement of the estimates for each country and territory as required by paragraph 7 of that article. Estimates were furnished in respect of (1) fifty-four sovereign States, including fourteen States which are not parties to the Convention;2 (2) ninety-nine , , overseas territories and territories under suzerainty or mandate. Estimates have been framed by the Supervisory Body in respect of (1) fifteen sovereign States and (2) nine colonies, etc., in respect of which estimates were not furnished. Ten of the States were in Central and South America. The following table summarises in respect of each drug included in the Convention the world requirements for 1935, as shown by the estimates so furnished or framed.

1 Countries, colonies, protectorates and overseas territories, or territories under suzerainty or mandate, for which fy,_eS 1JIiates have been received and for which estimates have been framed by the Supervisory Body are printed in ita ics throughout this document. M Zeal ri^a UC^ Arabia, Denmark, Estonia, Abyssinia, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Japan, Latvia, Luxemburg, ew a 1 Paraguay, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, .

* 935 (F.) 795 (A.) 11/34. Imp. Kundig. — 4 —

Table I.



1. The estimates submitted by Governments and incorporated in the tables contained in this document have been drawn up on the basis of the Statistical Form B (L) prepared by the Permanent Central Opium Board in accordance with the Convention. Reference may therefore be made to this form—which is annexed to the statement—for anv necessary explanations or definitions of terms used in the tables. 2. The expression, " The amount required for use as such ", means the amount of the drug which will be used in the form of the basic alkoloid or in the form of salts or of medical preparations made from the base or salts, and excludes any amounts of the drug which will be converted into other drugs. 3. The morphine indicated as required for conversion (column 3) is intended for the production of the diacetyl- morphine, codeine, dionine, dilaudide and peronine shown in column 2. Part of the requirements as regards codeine are met, not by conversion from morphine, but by the extraction directly from opium of the percentage of free codeine which it contains. With regard to the products made from the other drugs shown in column 3, it may be noted that thebaine may be converted, for instance, into eucodal, dicodide and acedicone, and codeine into paracodine, eucodal and dicodide. 4. The grand total for each drug as given in column 5 represents the outside limit for the world manufacture of the drug during the year : but the figure is liable to modification, during the course of the year, as a result of supplementary estimates. The amount, however, of each drug which may legitimately be manufactured during the year may be less than this grand total, since, under Articles 6 and 7, the manufacturing countries may manulacture, for domestic consumption, for conversion and for the replenishment of their stocks, only the quantity of the drug which they actually require within the limits of their estimates. The quantity of any drug which a manufacturing country may manufacture for export is limited to the amount required for the execution during the year of orders received, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention. The total is also liable to modification as a result of deductions to be made in pursuance of Articles 7 a n d 8.

I 2 3 4 5 D r u g Amount required Amount required Amount required G r a n d T otal (in terms of the basic anhydrous for use as such for conversion to replenish stocks (Col. 2 + 3 + 4) alkaloid)

K g . gr- Kg. gr. Kg. gr- Kg. gr.

M o rp h in e ...... 9 269 203 25 311 838* 542 387 35 123 438* Diacetylmorphine (Heroin)...... 1 093 69 — 64 667 I 028 402 Methylmorphine (C odeine)...... 25 318 998 950 I 785 763 28 054 761 Ethylmorphine (D io n in e)...... 3 015 296 193 814 3 209 n o Dihydrohydrooxycodeinone (E ucodal)...... 227 252 • 18 139 245 391 Dihydrocodeinone (Dicodide) .... 215 l8 0 • 13 468 228 648 Dihydromorphinone (Dilaudide) .... 84 394 9 581 93 975 Acetyldihydrocodeinone (Acedicone) .... 54 780 4 278 59 58 Benzylmorphine O O (Peronine) .... 20 70 •• *<1 Morphine-N-Oxide (Genomorphine) 8 309 40 8 349 T h e b a in e ...... 109 295 250 200 359 495 C ocaine...... 5 493 62 f • 340 519 5833 58i t

* These figures do not include any quantity of morphine required for conversion into codeine, dionine and diacetyl- morphine in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for which no conversion estimate has been received. The amounts of codeine, dionine and diacetylmorphine estimated by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as required in the years 1934 and 1935 are as follows : 1934 1935 Kg. Kg. C o d e i n e ...... 4 444 4 428 D i o n i n e ...... 735 860 D ia c e ty lm o rp h in e ...... 171 157 If any considerable part of the quantities for 1935 is to be produced in the country by conversion of morphine, the world total of morphine requirements would be increased by several tons. t Including for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics the following estimates for " cocaine and other similar anaesthetic substances” : 1934, 1 226 kg.; 1935, 1 245 kg. The amounts of cocaine manufactured and consumed in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in I932 anc* w ere : Manufacture Consumption Kg. Kg. 1 932 ...... 2 69 287 1933 ...... 85 86 These estimates are the subject of discussion between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Supervisor) B ody. — 5 —

The following tables compare the estimates for 1935 in respect of the five principal drugs (a) with the estimates for 1934 (as modified up to date by supplementary estimates) and (b) with the amounts of those drugs manufactured for use as such in 1932 and 1933 and the world consump­ tion of them in 1933 (grammes omitted in both tables).

Table 1(a ).1

I 2 3 4 5

Amount required Amount required Amount required G r a n d T o t a l for use as such for conversion to replenish stocks D r u g (Columns 2 + 3 + 4 )

1934 1935 1934 1935 1 9 3 4 1 9 3 5 1 9 3 4 1935

Kg. K g. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg.

Morphine...... 9274 9 269 27 3 8 4 * 25 311* 2 333 542 38 992* 35 123* Diacetylmorphine . . 1 545 1 °93 I - 6 4 I 546 1 028 Codeine...... 26 429 25 3 l 8 270 950 2 766 I 785 29 465 28 054 Dionine...... 2 776 3 015 269 193 3046 3 209 Cocaine...... 5 744t 5 4931 865 340 6 6iof 5833!

1 For footnotes * and f, see corresponding footnotes to Table I.

Table I (b).

I 3 4 P resum ed Amount estimated as Amounts manufactured w orld required for use as such and remaining for use as such D r u g consumption 1 and to replenish stocks

1932 | 1933 1933 1935

Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg.

Morphine .... 7 449 9 767 8 303 9 8l l D iacetylm orph ine...... I 315 i 347 i 304 I 028 Codeine 1 17 057 2 18 763 2 No d a ta 27 I04 1 = 30 313 Dionine J ...... 3 209 j Cocaine 3 968 4 010 4 124 5 833 3

1 1 hat is, stocks at beginning of year plus manufacture, less stocks at end of year. See Report of Permanent Central pium Board for 1933, page 9 (document C.390.M. 176.1934.XI). 2 These figures are calculated by the Supervisory Body from the amounts of morphine returned to the Permanent entrai Board as used for conversion into substances not covered by the Geneva Convention— i.e., codeine and dionine. ery small amounts of codeine used for conversion into other drugs may be included in the figures. (In addition to these quantities, several tons of codeine are calculated to have been produced in 1932 and 1933 directly from raw opium.) 3 This figure apparently includes about 1 000 kg. of substances other than cocaine (see note f to Table I, on the i°n of Soviet Socialist Republics). — 6 —

E s t i m a t e s o f R equirements o f C o d e i n e a n d D i o n i n e .

It was pointed out in the introduction to last year’s statement, as regards codeine and dionine that the estimates sent in by the manufacturing countries of the amounts of morphine which would be required for the manufacture of codeine and dionine and other drugs, and the total of the estimates of the world’s codeine and dionine requirements as furnished by the Governments or (in the absence of such estimates) framed by the Supervisory Body, represented an amount of morphine greatly in excess of the amounts used during the previous two years for the purpose, as ascertained from the reports made to the Permanent Central Opium Board. The main reason for this excess was presumably that, as codeine and dionine had not hitherto been subject to control under the international Conventions, most countries were not in possession of data sufficient to enable them to estimate accurately their requirements of these drugs. It was anticipated that, under the provisions of the Limitation Convention, the position would right itself as data in regard to the actual consumption of codeine and dionine become available, and this anticipation has already in part been realised. Excluding the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, where the position is not at present clear, the total of the estimates for 1935 for codeine and dionine together amounts to 25 975 kg., as compared with 27 332 for 1934,1 and the total of the estimates of the morphine required for purposes of conversion amounts to 25 311 kg. 2 in 1935, as compared with 27 384 2 for 1934. The totals, however, still exceed considerably the statistics in regard to the manufacture of these drugs for the last two years for which statistics are available—viz., 1932 and 1933. In 1932, 16 384 kg., and, in 1933, 18 069 kg. of morphine were used for conversion into codeine and dionine in manufacturing countries (other than the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)—an average for the two years of 17 226 kg. These totals represent about 15 500 kg. of codeine and dionine in 1932 and about 17 100 kg. in 1933—an average for the two years of 16 300 kg. A closer approximation is to be expected when the results of the first year’s operation of the Convention, which came into force on January ist of the present year, are available.

E n q u i r i e s m a d e o n E s t i m a t e s f u r n i s h e d b y G o v e r n m e n t s .

As the purpose of the examination by the Supervisory Body of the estimates furnished by Governments is to ensure, as far as possible, against over-estimation, which would permit an excess of manufacture that would tend to find its way into the illicit traffic, the Supervisory Body is empowered to ask for information or details which it may consider necessary in order to make an estimate complete or to explain any statement made in it. The Supervisory Body may, with the consent of the Government concerned, amend estimates in accordance with any information or details thus obtained. The Supervisory Body has no power to alter an estimate furnished in pursuance of Article 5 of the Convention without such consent, and the ultimate responsibility for the estimates furnished remains, under the Convention, with the Governments. Apart from requests for information as to the “ method ” of calculation of the amounts shown in an estimate (Article 5, paragraph 3) where information on this point has been omitted, the Supervisory Body found it necessary to ask for further information or explanations in the case of twenty-eight countries, as well as a number of other territories. As a result of these enquiries, certain of the Governments concerned found it possible to make reductions in their estimates, amounting in all (to mention only the principal drugs) to 107 kg. of morphine, 11 kg. diacetylmorphine, 91 kg. codeine, 33 kg. dionine, 62 kg. cocaine.

In several cases, the reply to the enquiries of the Supervisory Body had not been r e c e iv e d at the time of the preparation of the present statement. Some of the questions arising in these outstanding cases have an important bearing on the world totals. The most important is that of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The estima e furnished by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics provides for over 5 000 kg. of codeine an dionine; but, though presumably the whole of this amount will be manufactured in the coun ry itself, the estimate does not contain any estimate of the quantity of morphine which may c required for conversion into those drugs. Again, the estimate provides for 1 245 kg. of c o c a in i “ and other similar anaesthetic substances ”. As the Soviet Government reported for IÇ33 consumption of 86 kg. only of cocaine, presumably far the larger part of this estimate is in iesp

1 A certain amount of this codeine—possibly several tons—will be obtained by direct extraction from raw °P!“e(j and allowance must be made for this in comparing these estimates with the estimates of the amounts of morphine requ for conversion into codeine and dionine. v 'n 1935 2 These totals include the amounts required for conversion into diacetylmorphine—namely, about 9° ° kg- in and 1 350 kg. in 1934. — 7 —

of drugs not falling within the Limitation Convention. Other countries with which questions of some importance are still outstanding are Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. In the case of Roumania, the Government has submitted largely increased estimates for 1935 as weM as big supplementary estimates for 1934. These estimates largely exceeded the consumption in the country, the amounts imported and the stocks in hand in recent years, as reported by the Roumanian Government to the Permanent Central Board. In reply to a request for explanations from the Supervisory Body, the Government has explained that the increases are due to the fact that, for financial reasons, the stocks in hand in the State, municipal and communal hospitals and institutions have, during recent years, not been maintained and are now exhausted, and to the development of social insurance services in the country. The estimate as submitted allocates the entire amounts to " consumption ”, and the Roumanian Government has not found it possible, so far, to apportion the estimates of its requirements between the several categories of (a) consumption, (b) amount required to replenish the civil reserve stock, (c) amount required to replenish Government stocks. A final determination in regard to these estimates has not yet been reached. The Supervisory Body would also note that it is still without any estimate from the Chinese Government of the requirements of China. The Chinese Government intimated last year that it would not be able to furnish an estimate for at least two years.

E s t im a t e s f r a m e d b y S u p e r v is o r y B o d y .

In framing estimates for countries and territories for w'hich estimates were not furnished, the Supervisory Body has made every endeavour to safeguard the legitimate requirements of countries by taking account of all available information, including the returns which they have supplied to the Permanent Central Board or the Opium Advisory Committee of their imports, consumption and other data. Where precise data are wanting, the Supervisory Body has based its estimates on the number and character of population, development of medical practice and other relevant considerations. Under Article 3 of the Convention, it is open to any country for which an estimate has been framed by the Supervisory Body to furnish a supplementary estimate in the event of the amounts fixed by the Supervisory Body proving to be inadequate for, or possibly in excess of, the needs of the country; but, pending such a supplementary estimate, exports from countries which are parties to the Convention will be limited to the amounts fixed by the Supervisory Body.

O bservations in r e g a r d t o t h e M o d e o f P r e p a r a t io n of E s t im a t e s .

1. The Supervisory Body would emphasise the fact that the statement which it issues of the estimates forms the basis for the application during the year to which it refers of the system of control, national and international, established by the Convention, and indicates the limits within which the Governments parties to the Convention have undertaken to confine their manufacture of, and their export and import of, the drugs during the year. While it is of the first importance that any over-estimation should be avoided if the objects of the Convention are to be obtained, it is also necessary for the smooth working of the Convention that the estimates should provide for all the drugs which are likely to be needed during the year. The Permanent Central Board has informed the Supervisory Body that there have been a number of cases during the current year in which Governments have imported drugs—usually in small quantities-—for which no provision was made in their estimates for 1934. In such cases, the procedure indicated in Article 14 of the Convention comes into operation, and inconvenience may be caused to the Governments concerned which would have been avoided if complete estimates had been furnished in the first _ instance.

2. The examination of the estimates for 1935 shows that there still exist in many quarters misunderstandings as to the nature of the estimates required by the Convention. For instance, the confusion to which attention was called in last year's statement between the estimates required under Article 21 of the Geneva Convention (i.e., estimates of the amounts to be imported for internal consumption) and those required under the Limitation Convention still persists. A number of countries have only given, in thsir estimates for 1935, the quantities which they expect to import. In some cases, estimates have even been sent in on the forms for use under the Geneva Convention. Other countries, again, appear to have supposed that the estimates should show only the amounts, it any, that are intended to be manufactured in the country during the year. It is necessary, therefore, to emphasise that the estimates under the Limitation Convention must show the full amounts which will be required for internal consumption in the country during the year, whether these amounts are to be imported or taken from stocks already in the country or are to be manufactured. 3- Basis of Estimates of Consumption. — As was the case last year, the estimates s^ ™ tte d y Governments appear in a number of instances to be considerably higher than e consul p — 8 — statistics for previous years (as reported to the Permanent Central Board) would seem to warrant. As the Model Administrative Code for the application of the Convention, drawn up by the Opium Advisory Committee, points out (document C.774.M.365.1932.XI) :

“ Estimates of future consumption must necessarily be based on statistics of past consumption if they are to be real estimates and not merely guesses . . . It may be suggested that, generally speaking, the estimates should be based primarily on the consumption figures for the last available year, but that the consumption figures of several years should be considered, so as to see whether there is a tendency for the consumption of any particular drug to increase or decrease. ”

In two or three cases, this tendency to over-estimate may have been due to the adoption of a practice of basing estimates on returns made by traders and wholesalers of their prospective requirements. Estimates furnished by wholesalers or dealers of the amounts they may require for the purpose of their individual business in the course of a year are a factor which may properly be taken into account ; but they would not seem by themselves to furnish a safe basis for the calculation of a country’s requirements, as they are liable to be framed to cover the full extent of the business each firm hopes to do. 4. Allowance of Margins for Possible Fluctuations in Demand. — The Convention (paragraph 3 of Article 5) provides that, in the calculation of their estimated requirements, Governments may include a margin to allow for possible fluctuations in demand. In some of the estimates furnished this year, as was the case last year, the margin included appeared to the Supervisory Body unnecessarily high. In one instance it amounted to as much as 100 per cent. In several of these cases, the Supervisory Body has been able, as a result of correspondence with the Government concerned, to secure a reduction of the margin. It would again call attention to the recommendation in the Model Administrative Code, that :

“ In cases where the provision of a margin may be considered necessary, such margin should be kept at the lowest possible figure, since, otherwise, the purpose of the Convention to limit manufacture to the actual medical and scientific needs may be defeated.”

In this connection, the Supervisory Body would also again emphasise that the Convention allows of three methods for meeting possible fluctuations in demand. One is the allowance of a margin on the consumption and conversion estimates. Another is the faculty of submitting at any time a supplementary estimate in the event of the original estimate proving to be inadequate. A third is the possibility of drawing upon the stocks normally maintained in the hands of manufacturers and wholesalers, pending the submission of a supplementary estimate if necessary. These two latter alternatives should be borne in mind in deciding upon the margin, if any, to be allowed. 5. Reserve Stocks. — A number of Governments have failed to state in their estimates the level of the reserve stocks which it is desired to maintain (Article 5, paragraph 2 (c)). A statement of the level of the stocks to be maintained is essential to the successful working of the system of limitation of manufacture and regulation of distribution set up by the Convention. Also, unless Governments indicate in their estimates the amount of the reserve stocks desired to be maintained and, at the same time or subsequently (as to this, see below), the amount necessary to bring up the existing stocks to the desired level, they may find themselves in a difficult position later, as it is provided in paragraph 2 of Article 5 that the latter amount cannot be reckoned in a country's estimated requirements, unless indicated in the original or in a supplementary estimate. Such difficulties have, in fact, already arisen in some instances. Some Governments still appear to be under the impression that the “ reserve stocks ” mentioned in the Convention are stocks distinct from the normal working stocks held by wholesalers, and have given “ nil ” as the desired level of their reserve stocks. Attention may be drawn to Note 6 appended to the estimate Form B (L) that by reserve stocks are meant the normal working stocks in the hands of wholesalers and manufacturers, and stocks held by the Government for normal domestic consumption by the civilian population.

S t a t e m e n t o f M e t h o d u s e d i n f r a m i n g E s t i m a t e s .

In its statement last year containing the estimates for 1934, the Supervisory Body pointed out that a number of Governments had omitted to send with their estimates a “ statement explaining the method by wThich the several amounts shown in it have been calculated , and that such statements are essential to the successful carrying out of its duties. The estimates for 1935 show7 a marked improvement in this respect. Only five sovereign States which are parties to the Convention have omitted to give any information as r e g a r d s tne method employed, and in most of these cases satisfactory explanations have been furnished by the Governments, in reply to enquiries from the Supervisory Body. — 9 —

The Supervisory Body is glad to record that many of the statements supplied by Governments show that great care has been taken in the preparation of the estimates.

One point may be noticed. Paragraph 3 of Article 5 requires that the statement of method should explain how each of the items inserted in the estimate has been calculated. In a number of cases, information has not been given as to the method by which certain items—e.g., the desired level of reserve stocks or the amount required to bring up existing stocks to the desired level—have been determined.

O bservations o n S o m e P o i n t s o f D e t a i l .

1. Some Governments of importing countries have included in the estimate of their codeine requirements the quantity of the drug included in the préparations of codeine which they import. As therapeutical preparations of codeine are not subject to the import and export control established by the Conventions, the quantity of codeine contained in such preparations is included in the estimates of the countries which manufacture such preparations for export (see paragraph 2(a) of Article 5 of the Limitation Convention and Note 5 on statistical Form B (L)). While the Conven­ tion does not expressly say that the codeine content of such preparations should not be included in the estimates of the importing country, it is obviously desirable that it should not be so included, as othenvise the amount of codeine will be counted twice over in arriving at the total of the amount of codeine to be manufactured. The Supervisory Body understands that this—which is obviously intended by the Convention—is already the practice adopted by most Governments. 2. Many of the estimates, especially those for small territories, specify quantities exact to a single gramme, or even the fraction of a gramme. It is extremely convenient for statistical and administrative purposes that the figures of grammes should be rounded off to the nearest higher multiple of 5, and the Supervisory Body would ask Governments to do this in framing their estimates in future. 3. The practice of Governments in preparing their estimates of ecgonine and thebaine has not been uniform. The Supervisory Body suggests that it would be in accordance with the intentions of the Convention and most convenient in practice if the following rules were observed : Ecgonine. — The quantity of ecgonine to be produced in the course of manufacture, carried on continuously, of cocaine from the coca leaf should not be included in the estimates. On the other hand, any quantity of ecgonine to be used during the year for conversion into other drugs should be inserted in the “ conversion ” heading (statistical Form B (L), heading II). If it is intended to store ecgonine, the desired level of stock should be inserted in the “ stock level ” heading (Form B (L), (III)). Thebaine. — The quantity, if any, of thebaine to be used during the year for manufacture of other drugs, such as dicodide, eucodal or acedicone, should be inserted in heading II, but any quantity to be used in the manufacture of preparations of the “ pantopon ” type should be inserted in heading I of the Form in question. The level of stock which it is desired to maintain for the above purposes or for export should be inserted in heading III ; but it is not considered necessary to insert in the estimates quantities of thebaine remaining unextracted in the opium residue after the extraction of the morphine. Codeine. — It may be added that any quantity of codeine to be used for production of other drugs—e.g., paracodine, dicodide or eucodal—should be inserted in the " conversion ” heading II. 4- Considerable diversity of method appears to exist as regards the calculation of the amounts, if any, to be inserted in headings IV and V of the Form B (L) for the purpose of bringing up the stocks as they will exist at the commencement of the “ Estimate ” year to the desired level indicated in heading III. As far as reserve stocks are concerned, the amount can only be determined with exactness when the stocks in hand at the end of the preceding year have been ascertained nom the returns of the manufacturers and wholesalers ; and some Governments adopt the practice leaving these headings blank in the estimates and sending in a supplementary estimate after the end of the year, when the stocks then in hand have been ascertained. Many of the estimates urnished, on the other hand, include in heading IV an amount calculated on the basis either of the stock ascertained to be in hand at a particular date or dates in the preceding year, or on other data. The matter is one of considerable importance, as there appears to be a tendency in the lattei c ass of case for Governments to put at a maximum figure the amount which will be required 0 bring the reserve stocks up to the desired level during the ensuing year, and the effect of this "ould be to swell the world total of the estimates beyond the amount necessary to meet the world s medical and scientific requirements, and to that extent to defeat the object of the Convention. I he Supervisory Body would ask Governments to give special attention to this point in taming their estimates for 1936. It proposes to give further consideration to the su jec n . ; ar, when it will have before it the results of the working of the Convention during 1934» year of its operation. — IO —

It should perhaps be noted here that some importing countries appear to have supposed —erroneously—that the amount to be inserted in heading IV was the total of the amounts required both for consumption and for bringing up the stocks to the desired level. This would, of course have the effect of reckoning the amount required for consumption twice over in the calculation of the " total of the estimates ” which determines the amount that may be imported by a country Similar considerations apply to the calculation of the amount required for maintenance of Government stocks (heading V).

D ifficulties o f t h e S u p e r v is o r y B o d y .

In last year’s statement, the Supervisory Body commented on the difficulties attending the preparation of estimates by Governments, and their examination by the Supervisory Body, in the first year of the operation of the Convention. Those difficulties made it impossible for a number of Governments to send in their estimates by the date—August ist—prescribed in the Convention, and hampered the Supervisory Body in carrying out its work. The position is considerably better this year. The procedure of the Supervisory Body is to hold two sessions—the first in August, at which it decides what requests to make for further information or for explanations from Governments ; the second in October, at which it considers the replies received and prepares the statement of the estimates, which under the Convention has to be issued to Governments by November ist. Last year, only 12 estimates had been received by August ist, 32 by the date of the first session of the Supervisory Body and 123 by the date of the second session, leaving 54 (for 23 sovereign States and 31 colonies and other territories) to be framed by the Supervisory Body itself. This year, 53 estimates were received by August ist, 93 by the date of the first session, and 153 by the date of the second session, leaving only 24 (for 15 sovereign States and 9 colonies and other territories) to be framed by the Supervisory Body. Nevertheless, with so many estimates outstanding on August ist, the Supervisory Body and its secretariat have had to work under conditions of great pressure in order to prepare the statement by the appointed date, and, even so, it has not been possible in a number of instances to make a complete examination of the estimates. In particular, from several important countries which were requested to supply information or explanations, replies have not yet been received. It is of great importance for the effective discharge of its duties by the Supervisory Body that estimates should be in by August ist at the latest — the date which the parties to the Convention have undertaken to observe. Of the States from which no estimates had been received by the date of the second session (October 5th to 16th), seven are parties to the Convention ; and, of the States from which estimates had not been received by August ist, twenty-three are parties to the Convention. Further, it would lighten and facilitate the work if, where that is possible, estimates could be sent in at a date earlier than August ist.

S upplementary E s t im a t e s .

Since the issue in November 1933 of its statement containing the estimates for 1934, the Super­ visory Body has received, and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Convention, eighty-one supplementary estimates. The Supervisory Body has made arrangements to examine such estimates without delay, as required by paragraph 8 of Article 5; but, in a number of cases, the estimate has not been accom­ panied by an explanation of the circumstances which necessitate it, as required by Article 3 of the Convention, and without such explanation it is in most cases impossible for the Supervisory Bod) to deal with the estimate. Information has to be asked for, and some delay results. As supple™6’1' tary estimates may be, and in a number of cases have been, required to meet em ergencies of an urgent nature, it is important, if delay is to be avoided, that a full explanation of the cixcumstances should be sent with the estimate.

It may be added that a supplementary estimate should, like the original estimate, be fu rn ish e d on the prescribed Form B (L) (Article 5, paragraph 1).

* * * — I I —

I Co u n t r i e s a n d T e r r i t o r i e s f o r w h i c h A n n u a l E s t i m a t e s f o r 1935 h a v e b e e n f u r n i s h e d

b y G o v e r n m e n t s .

= Party to the Convention of 1931 for limiting the Manufacture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs.)


E mope. America. North America : L Germany L Canada L Austria L United States of America L Belgium Mexico and Caribbean : L United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland L Costa Rica L Dominican Republic L Bulgaria Denmark L Guatemala L Free City of Danzig L Nicaragua L Spain1 L Salvador Estonia South America : Finland L Chile L France Paraguay Greece L Peru L Hungary L Uruguay L L Venezuela Iceland Asia. L Italy Sa’udi Arabia Latvia L L Lithuania L Iraq Luxemburg Japan L Norway L Persia L Netherlands L Siam L Poland Africa. L Portugal L Egypt L Roumania Abyssinia Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Sudan L Sweden Union of South Africa L Switzerland L Czechoslovakia Oceania. L Turkey L Saar Territory New Zealand

Total : 54 countries.


A u stra lia n ...... • • 3 I ta lia n ...... 5 B e lg ia n ...... 1 J a p a n e se ...... 4 B ritish...... ■ ■ 59 Netherlands...... 3 Of the United States . . 1 2 Portuguese ...... 3 French ...... 19 Anglo-French Condominium . . 1

Total : 99 territories.

* See page 23, Table II, note 1. . , in the estimates for the . Philippines. The estimates for the other territories and insular possessions are 1 Qited States of America. — 12 —

II. C o u n t r i e s a n d T e r r i t o r i e s f o r w h i c h A n n u a l E s t i m a t e s w e r e n o t f u r n i s h e d and FOR WHICH THE SUPERVISORY BODY HAS ITSELF FRAMES ESTIMATES.

(L = Party to the Convention of 1931 for limiting the Manufacture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs )


Europe. South America: Albania Argentine Yugoslavia Bolivia L Brazil America. L Colombia Mexico and Caribbean Ecuador L Cuba Asia. L Haiti Afghanistan L Honduras L China L Mexico Africa. Panama Liberia.

Total: 15 countries.

T erritories.

B ritish ...... 1 Portuguese . French ...... 1 Tangier Zone New Z ealan d ...... 2

Total: 9 territories.


As regards four countries and nine territories, the estimates of which were included in those of other countries and territories, see Table II, page 15 (note 3), page 21 (note 1), page 23 (notes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). — 13 —



E x p l a n a t o r y N o t e .

This table shows for all countries and territories and for each of the drugs the totals of the estimates for the year 1935. “ The total of the estimates ” (Article 5, paragraph 2, last sub-paragraph) consists of the sum of:

(1) The quantity of the drug estimated as necessary for use as such (Article 5, para­ graph 2 (a)) ; (2) The quantity of the drug estimated as necessary for the purpose of conversion (Article 5, paragraph 2 (b)) ; (3) The amounts of the drug necessary to bring the reserve stocks and the Government stocks up to the desired level or the amounts to be deducted to bring them down to such level.1

For the elements which make up each total in this table, see Table III. For the significance to be attached to the names of the drugs, see Statistical Form B (L), annexed to this Statement (Annex I, opposite page 78). For the significance to be attached to the grand totals for each drug, see Explanatory Note to Table I, paragraph 4, page 4. All drugs are given in terms of the basic anhydrous alkaloid. The names of countries and territories for which estimates were framed by the Supervisory Body are printed in italics. The order of the countries and territories is that of the Statistical Year-Book of the League of Nations, continents being arranged in accordance with the magnitude of their trade in the drugs.

A bbreviations. “ • ” indicates “ nil ”. “ — ”. A figure preceded by a minus sign indicates the amount by which the quantity of the drug available in the country at the end of 1934 will exceed the quantity required by the country in 1935.

1 Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention says : " The imports in any one year into any country or territory of aa> of the drugs shall not exceed the total of the estimates as defined in Article 5 and of the amount exported from that country or territory during the year, less the amount manufactured in that country or territory in that year ". t>s Article 14, paragraph 2, says : " If it appears from the import and export returns made to the Permanent Central °ard or from the notifications made to the Board in pursuance of the preceding paragraph that the quantity exported r ^uth°rised to be exported to any country or territory exceeds the total of the estimates for that country or territory denned in Article 5, with the addition of the amounts shown to have been exported, the Board shall immediately notii> * to a*l the High Contracting Parties, who will not, during the currency of the year in question, authorise any new P°rts to that country except :

(i) In the event of a supplementary estimate being furnished for that country in respect both of any quantity over-imported and of the additional quantity required; or .. rnnntrv “ (ii) In exceptional cases where the export in the opinion of the Government of the exp 18 essential in the interests of humanity or for the treatment of the sick." — i 4 —

Tableau II.



Pays Dihydrooxy­ Diacétylmorphine Méthylmorphine codéinone Dihydro. (Codéine) Ethyl- (Héroïne) Dihydrohydro- codéine* Morphine morphine oxycodeinone Dihydrocodâ Diacetylmorphine Me t hylmorphine (Heroin) (Codeine) (Dionine) (Eucodal) (Dicodide

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg, ( EUROPE.

1. A lb a n ie ...... I 3 250 25 2 . Allemagne ...... 67 5 0 4 3700 2 5 0 60 110 3. A u t r i c h e ...... IOO 3 650 30 3 18 4. B e lg i q u e ...... 474 — 4 425 8 5 — }< 5. Royaume-Uni de Grande- Bretagne et d'Irlande du N ord 1 ...... 1870 64 500 101 2 2 6. B ulgarie 2 ...... 313 320 66 3 900 4 3< 7. D an em ark (y com pris Groenland et Iles Féroé). 125 13 200 5 25 2 8. Dantzig (Ville libre de). . 5 70 20 3 600 9 . E s p a g n e ...... 116 285 800 74 4 655 21 10. E s t o n i e ...... 13 150 35 4 650 I 20 11. F i n l a n d e ...... 4 0 3° 70 20 2 500 2 12. F ran ce ...... 5 1 0 0 IOO 4500 325 4 2 13. G rèce1 ...... 16 . 80 10 200 21 14. H o n g r i e ...... 605 . 373 47 75° — 2 15. Irlande (Etat libre d’) . . 17 1 3 1 500 . 16. I s l a n d e ...... 3 500 IOO 12 100 50 20 17. I t a l i e ...... 6 00 75 450 200 3 500 i 5° 18. L e t t o n i e ...... 18 100 — 750 70 20 1 45° 3 10 19. L ie c h te n ste in 3 ...... 2 20. Lithuanie ...... 7 1 40 5 2 2 1. Luxembourg ...... 6 240 20 2 140 20 22. Monaco 3 ...... 2 20 23. Norvège ...... 70 750 75 3 500 3°° 24. Pays-Bas ...... 650 10 900 320 11 500 700 5 60 25. Pologne ...... 700 500 75 18 13 1 4° 26. Portugal (et îlesadjacentes) 3 8 4 0 0 7 5 ° o 113 400 113 400 1 400

10 27. Roumanie 2 ...... 125 25 180 120 5 28. Saint-Marin 3 ...... 2 42 29. S u è d e 1 ...... 9 0 2 0 0 17 6 0 0 2 1 7 IOO 48 100 1 650 8 30. S u i s s e ...... 2330 4 450 20 3 20 31. Tchécoslovaquie .... 8 2 0 3 700 30 5 32. Turquie ...... 44 2 5 0 2 150 112 500 45 590 ’ 33. U .R .S .S .2 ...... II 33 157 4428 860 34. V atican 3 ...... 3§ 35. Yougoslavie ...... io 8 o § 2 § 2 0 0 § I 5 § 3 § T erritoire ad m in istré p a r la Société des Nations : 36. Sarre (Territoire de la) . 12 2 5° o l 8 9 0 0 190 55° 1 ' Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. 37. G ib r a lta r ...... 5 0 0 80 . • 3 8. M a l t e ...... 1 500 2 5 0 I 5 0 0 2 5 0

* Voir page 69, tableau III, K. Thébane note 1. § Evaluations provisoires (basées sur les évaluations pour l’année 1934) en attendant la réception des évaluations de la part du Gouvememen > ^ ... i jgg quao^1 1 On enverra, après la fin de l’année, au moment où l’on disposera des statistiques nécessaires, des évaluations supplémentaires indiqua aux stocks de réserve ou d’Etat pour les porter au niveau que l’on désire maintenir. 2 Un échange de vues a lieu entre le Gouvernement en question et l’Organe de contrôle au sujet de ces évaluations. 3 Les évaluations des pays suivants sont comprises dans les évaluations des pays avec lesquels ils sont en union douanière : Liechtenstein (Suisse); Monaco (France); Saint-Marin (Italie). En ce qui concerne le Vatican, ses besoins en stupéfiants sont considérés comme étant couverts par les évaluations pour l’Italie. — 15 —

Table II.



Acétylodihydro- N-oxymorphine Country codéinone (Génomorpbine) Benzyl­ (Acédicone) Thébaîne Cocaïne morphine Acetyldihydro- Morphine- jbinooe (Péronine) codeinone N-Oxide Thebaine Cocaine -udide) (Peronine) (Acedicone) (Genomorphine)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. EUROPE.

I 1. Albania. 40 80 2. Germany. 70 3. Austria. 9 75 4. Belgium. 5. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern 301 Ireland. 1 92 6. Bulgaria. 2 7. Denmark (including Green­ land and Faroe Islands).

80 600 8. Danzig (Free City of). 40 113 9. Spain. 870 10. E sto n ia. 600 70 IS 11. F inland. 400 12. France.

200 15 13. G reece.1 2 625 500 55° 42 14. H ungary. 12 15. Irish Free State. I 500 16. Iceland. 500 500 105 17. Italy. 290 17 IOO 18. L atvia. 19. L iechtenstein. 3 20. Lithuania. 21. Luxemburg. 22. Monaco. 3 380 138 19 300 23. Norway. 800 600 96 24. Netherlands. 5° no 25. Poland. 34 600 26. Portugal (and contiguous islands). 80 27. Roumania. 2 28. San Marino. 3 660 4 6 200 29. Sweden. 1 2 75 50 90 30. Switzerland. 90 31. Czechoslovakia. 54 32. Turkey. 1245 33. U.S.S.R. 2 34. Vatican. 3

3° § 35. Yugoslavia. Territory administered by the League of Nations: 1 100 5 300 36. Saar Territory. Dependencies,Colonies,etc. : B ritish. 160 37. . 38. M alta.

. ' m , K. Thebaine, note 1. «*1 estimates (based on the estimates for 1934), pending receipt of estimates from the Government of Yugoslavia. Ihe S ? * “ ttmate of the amounts to be added to the reserve or Govemmant stocks to bring them to the desired level will be furms e a «sary statistics are available. Tig e ,. teS are subject of discussion between the Government in question and the Supervisory Body. ^echtenstV^?c*°^ow*n£ couritrie3 are included in the estimates of the countries with which they form a Customs Unio Deeds of the Vo(S^'itaerland); Monaco (France); San Marino (Italy). tican in respect of dangerous drugs are regarded as covered by the estimate for Italy. — l 6 —

Tableau II ( s u i t e ) .



Pavs Dihydrooxy­ Diacétylmorphine Méthylmorphine codéinone I*., (Héroïne) (Codéine) Ethyl- Dihydrohydro- codai Morphine morphine oxycodeinone Dihvdrocode Diacetylmorphine Methylmorphine (Heroin) (Codeine) (Dionine) (Eucodal) (Dicodid

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. AMÉRIQUE.

Amérique du Nord. 39. C a n a d a ...... 134 313 -24 436 2099 172 h 651 40. Etats-Unis d'Amérique 1 . 66 0 3 57 3 6 8 9 443 392 706 41. Terre-Neuve ...... 2 500 500 — 500 Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Françaises. 42. Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon 50 5 240 5

Mexique, Amérique Centrale et Antilles. 43. Costa-Rica ...... 5 4 1 I 44. C u b a ...... 10 20 4 3 45. République Dominicaine 2 4 6 1 46. Guatémala ...... 5 1 8 1 IOO 47. H a ïti...... 1 700 250 48. H o n d u r a s ...... 1 3 250 49, M e x i q u e ...... 10 20 2 I 50. N icaragua ...... 4 2 500 1 250 300 51. P a n a m a ...... 2 500 6 1 52. S a lv a d o r ...... 3 800 5 5 50 Dépendances, Protectorats, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. Antilles britanniques : 53. Bahamas ...... 140 50 75 • 54. Barbade ...... 800 IOO 70 20 Iles du Vent : 55. Grenade ...... 85 56. Sainte-Lucie .... 349 11 57. Saint-Vincent .... 90 28 Iles sous le vent: 58. ...... 60 59. Dominique ...... IOO 50 50 60. Iles Vierges ...... 6 2 61. ...... 166 62. St-Christophe et Nièves 35 63. Jamaïque (y compris Turques, Caïques et C a ïm a n s ) ...... 2 18 60 1 64. Bermudes...... 700 20 1 65. Honduras britannique . 80 35 . 66. Trinité et Tobago . . . 1 170 27 85 F rançais. 67. G uadeloupe ...... 60 27 200 20 68. Martinique ...... TOO 40 210 20 Néerlandais. 69. Curaçao ...... 600 40 400 20

Amérique du Sud. iî 70. A rg e n tin e ...... 60 15 180 15 7 500 7 1. B o liv ie ...... IO 5 10 1 10 7 2. B r é s i l ...... 25 5 IOO 10 1 500 (jo 600 73- Chili ...... 35 1 35 15

1 Y compris les territoires et possessions insulaires, à l'exception des Philippines. a Un échange de vues a lieu entre le Gouvernement en question et l’Organe de contrôle au sujet de ces évaluations. — 17 —

Table II (continued).



Acétylodihydro- N -ox y morphine Country codéinone (Génomorphine) Benzyl- Dihvdro- (Acédicone) morphine Thébaïne Cocaïne -rphinone Morphine- (Péronine) Acetyldihydro- N-Oxide Thebaine (Peronine) Cocaine codeinone (Genomorphine) (Acedicone)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. AMERICA.

North America. 85 85 71 40 39. Canada. 31 184 2 835 816 929 40. United States of America.1 500 41. . Dependencies,Colonies,etc. : F rench. • 75 42. St. Pierre-et-Miquelon.

Mexico and Caribbean.

IOO 4 43. Costa Rica. 8 44. Cuba. 4 45. Dominican Republic. 2 I 5 46. Guatemala. 25 510 47. H aiti. 500 48. H onduras. 25 50 10 49. M exico. 2 500 50. Nicaragua. 1 51. Panam a. 600 52. Salvador. Dependencies, Protector­ ates, Colonies, etc.: B r itis h . British West Indies: 1 53. Bahamas. 800 54. Barbados. Windward Islands: 28 55. Grenada 27 56. St. Lucia. 14 57. St. Vincent. Leeward Islands: 50 58. Antigua. IOO 59. Dominica. 28 60. Virgin Islands. 56 61. Montserrat. 62. St. Kitts and . 63. Jamaica (including Turks, Caicos 1 506 and Caymans). •• 35° 64. . • ••• 70 65. . • - 1 21 66. Trinidad and Tobago. F rench. 500 67. Guadeloupe.

• 460 68. Martinique. Netherlands.

• 200 69. Curaçao.

200 South America. • 150 70. Argentine. • .. 10 71. Bolivia. • - 45 72. Brazil. 73. Chile. • •• 15 gliding insular possessions, except Philippines, e subject of discussion between the Government in question and the Supervisory Body. — i 8 —

Tableau I I ( s u i t e ) .


1 A BC D E F

Pays Dihydrooxy- Dih Diacétylmorphine Méthylmorphine codéinone codéin- (Héroïne) (Codéine) Ethyl- Dihydrohydro- Morphine morphine oxycodeinone Dihydroccd* Diacetylmorphine Methylmorphine (Heroin) (Codeine) (Dionine) (Eucodal) (Dicodid

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. AMÉRIQUE (suite).

Am érique du Sud (suite).

74. C o lo m b ie ...... 9 I 500 60 5 250 75. E q u a te u r ...... I 234 515 2 500 750 76. Paraguay ...... 3 2 250 6 250 2 025 244 77. P éro u ...... 4 2 500 18 2 I 78. Uruguay ...... 10 250 6 20 350 17 518 553 79. Venezuela 1 ...... 9 25 3° ° 2 430 780 i ; Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. 80. Iles Falkland et dépen­ dances ...... 250 125 13 • 81. Guyane britannique 2 5° 6 380 Françaises. 82. Guyane française . . . 200 IO 600 60 • Néerlandaises. 83. (Guyane néer­ 200 IO 1 800 • landaise) ......


84. Afghanistan ...... 2 200 6 I 85. Arabie Saoudienne . . . 130 5 250 50 86. C h i n e ...... 100 15 300 20 5 87. I n d e ...... 459 200 9 325 119 600 27 350 2 808 88. I r a k ...... 2 250 — 300 3 3 500 10 89. J a p o n ...... 3683 250 1750 100 5° 90. P e r s e ...... 5 1 500 8 4 91. S i a m ...... 400 600 800 400 Dépendances, Protectorats, Colonies, etc.: Britanniques. 92. Aden et dépendances. . 521 Bornéo britannique: 93. Bornéo septentrional. 142 — 22 23 30 94. B r u n e i ...... 120 60 5° 95. Sarawak ...... 227 26 46 96. C e y la n ...... 2 960 190 2 300 310 5 9 7 . C hypre ...... 900 113 25° US 98. Etablissements du Dé­ troit et dépendances. 10 629 1 361 4 346 595 99. Etats Malais fédérés . . 400 119 269 61 E tats Malais non fédérés : 100. Johore ...... 2 296 7 11 22 101. K e d a h ...... 70 10 8 102. ...... 13 39 103. P e r l i s ...... 3 10 8 12 10 104. Trengganu ...... 96 20 60 10 25 105. H o n g -K o n g ...... 3 15° 3 250 1 850 Des Etats-Unis. 415 106. P h ilip p in e s ...... 3 569 9 631 14 759 3 506

1 Un échange de vues a lieu entre le Gouvernement en question et l’Organe de contrôle au sujet de ces évaluations. — 19 —

Table II ( continued j •


H I j K L 1 G Acé tylodih ydro- N-ox y morphine Country codéinone (Génomorphine ) (Acédicone) Benzyl- Thébaïne Cocaïne morphine Morphine- 1 Dihydro- Imjphinone Acetyldihydro- (Péronine) N-Oxide Thebaine Cocaine ■(Dilaudide) codcinone (Peronine) (Genomorphine) (Acedicone)

I Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. AMERICA (continued).

South Am erica (continued).

6 74- Colombia. 2 75- Ecuador. 5 812 7 6 . P araguay. 5 77- Peru. 15 78. U ruguay. I I 200 IO 79- Venezuela.1 Dependencies, Colonies, etc.: B ritish. 8 0 . and • 13 Dependencies. • 7 2 0 8 1 . B ritish G uiana. F rench. . . 2 0 0 8 2 . French Guiana. Netherlands. • •• 16 0 8 3 . Surinam .


3 8 4 . Afghanistan. 181 8 5 . Sa’udi Arabia. 100 35 8 6 . China. . 48 537 8 7 . India. 2 8 8 . Iraq . 2 0 0 900 8 9 . Ja p an . IOO . 6 90 . Persia. 15 . 2 100 91. Siam. Dependencies, Protector­ ates, Colonies, etc. : B ritish. •.. 3 1 0 92 . Aden and Dependencies. : 57 93- . 6 0 94- Brunei. 256 95- Saraw ak. !5 3 9 6. Ceylon. 9 0 7 97 - . 98 . and 2 015 Dependencies.

3 0 99 - . Unfederated Malay State 170 100. Johore. 140 101. .

32 102. K elantan. 4 103. . 60 104. Trengganu. 2 150 105. H ong-Kong. of the U.S.A. 106. Philippines. • ••• 14 420

are the subject of discussion between the Government in question and the Supervisory Body. — 20 —

Tableau II (suite).



Dihydrooxy- Méthylmorphine Diacétylmorphine codéinone Dihydz, (Héroïne) (Codéine) Ethyl- Dihydrohydro- codéinoi morphine Morphine oxycodeinone Dihydrocod Diacetylmorphine Methylmorphine (Heroin) (Codeine) (Dionine) (Eucodal) (Dicodide

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. K g. A SIE (suite).

Dépendances, Protectorats, Colonies, etc. (suite). F rançais. 107. Etablissements dans l ’I n d e ...... 3° ° IO 550 6 0 108. Kouang-Tchiou-Ouan . 60 15 180 109. Union Indochinoise . . I 500 200 4 5° ° 4 0 0 Italiens. 110. Iles d e l 'E g é e ...... I 500 800 2 1 800 I J aponais. 00 ro £r n i. Corée (Chosen) .... 2 7 6 802 68 899 1 4°5 970 112. Formose (Taiwan) . . . 15 32 67 4 2 113. K o u a n -T o u n g ...... 85 1 350 60 1 6 0 0 3 200 Néerlandais. 114. Indes néerlandaises . . 13 245 40 103 271 6 395 200 Portugais. 115. Inde portugaise1 . . . 116. M a c a o ...... 13 3 11 117. T i m o r ...... 200 10 500 100 Territoires sous mandat: Britannique. 118. P a le stin e ...... I 250 16 1 500 25O 119. Transjordanie ...... 140 55 2 0 0 • F rançais. 120. Syrie et Liban ...... 4 5° ° 60 3 9 0 0 300


121. E g y p te ...... 18 910 1 514 21 710 3 880 I 217 122. Ethiopie ...... 1 100 4 0 0 25 5 123. Libéria ...... 500 25 2 2 5 0 124. S oudan ...... 500 10 20 15 5 125. Union Sud-Africaine . . . 42 200 9 240 2 200 200 Territoire sous administra­ tion internationale : 126. T a n g e r ...... 5° ° 2 Dépendances, Protectorats, Colonies, etc. : Belges.

127. Congo belge ...... 3 1 15 2 Britanniques. Afrique-Occidentale bri­ ta n n iq u e : 100 128. Côte de l'Or ...... 650 100 50 IO 129. Gambie ...... 321 130. N i g é r i a ...... 2 20 10 IO 10

131. Sierra-Leone .... 455 57 43 132. Bassoutoland ...... 480 30 15 133. Betchouanaland .... 40 5 134. K én ia ...... 725 100 135. Ile Maurice et dépen­ dances ...... 423 8? 1 5 9 53

1 Compris dans les évaluations de l’Inde britannique. — 21 —

Table II (continued).



Acétylodihydro- N -ox ymorphine Country codéinone (Génomorphine) bihydro- (Acédicone) Benzyl- Thébaïne Cocaïne Ljrphinone morphine Morphine- Acetyldihydro- (Péronine) N-Oxide Thebaine Cocaine ptiaudide) codeinone (Peronine) (Genomorphine) (Acedicone)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. ASIA (continued).

Dependencies, Protectorates, Colonies, etc. (continued) :

French. 200 107. F rench India. 4 5 0 108. Kwang Chow Wan. 4 7 0 0 109. French Indo-China. Italian , I 3 0 0 no. Ægean Islands. Japanese. 11? 250 31 8 5 5 h i . Korea (Chosen). 14 112. Formosa (Taiwan). 4 6 113. Kwantung. Netherlands. 8 0 0 18 13 0 114. Netherlands Indies. Portuguese. 115. Portuguese India. 1 142 116. Macao. 5 0 0 117. Tim or. Mandated Territories : B ritish. 50 118. P alestine. 2 3 8 119. T ransjordan. F rench.

5 5 0 0 120. Syria and Lebanon.


141 10 124 121. E g y p t. 4 0 0 122. A byssinia. 5 0 0 123. Liberia. 2 124. Sudan. 4 0 3 6 0 125. Union of South Africa. Territory under Interna­ tional Administration :

5° ° 126. Tangier. Dependencies, Protector­ ates, Colonies, etc. : Belgian. 127. Belgian Congo.

B ritish. British West Africa : 80 128. Gold Coast. IOO 129. Gam bia. I 130. Nigeria. Sierra Leone. 455 131- 60 132. . Bechuanaland. 3 0 133- 5 0 0 134- Kenya. and 135- Dependencies. 1 2 6 f 'eluded in theest‘maies of India. Tableau II (suite).



Dihydrooxy- Pays Dihydro Méthylmorphine codéinone Diacétylmorphine codéine^ (Codéine) Ethyl- (Héroïne) Dihydrohydro- Dihydro- Morphine morphine oxycodeinone codemont Diacetylmorphine Methylmorphine (Dionine) (Eucodal) (Heroin) (Codeine) (Dicodide)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. A F R I Q U E (suite). Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gt

Dépendances, Protectorats, Colonies, etc. (suite) : Britanniques (suite). 136. N y a s s a la n d ...... 447 26 150 137- O u ganda ...... 50 50 20 20 138. Rhodésie du Nord . . . 500 50 2 0 0 I IOO 20 139. Rhodésie du S u d .... 1 500 IO 140. S a in te -H é lè n e ...... 10 5 30 141. S e y c h e l l e s ...... 200 10 142. Somalie britannique . . IOI 75 2 143- S w a z i l a n d ...... 355 10 144. Z a n z i b a r ...... 2 20 75 E spagnols. 145- Afrique du Nord 1 . . . 146. Guinée espagnole 1 . . . 147. Maroc (zone espagnole)1 148. Rio de Oro (avec If ni.)1 Français. 149. Afrique-Equatoriale 200 f r a n ç a is e ...... 825 IO 2 475 150. Afrique-Occidentale f r a n ç a i s e ...... 200 IOO 60 0 60 11 4 0 0 2 5 0 151- A lg é rie ...... 3 800 I 500 152. Côte des Somalis . . . 30 1 1 5 35 153- Madagascar et dépen­ dances ...... 120 IO 3 6 0 6 0 500 154- M a r o c ...... 2 I 15 1 0 0 155. R é u n i o n ...... 425 4 0 1 2 7 5 500 156. T u n isie ...... 5 2 0 0 15 Italiens. 2 4 0 0 1 500 200 157. E ry th ré e ...... 2 5° ° I L ib y e : 158. C y r é n a ïq u e ...... 3 6 5 0 I 6 6 9 2 100 2 1 159- Tripolitaine .... 1 500 8OO 2 3 8 0 200 160. S o m a l i e ...... 3 I 3 5 0 0 2 P ortugais. 161. A n g o la ...... 1 500 200 2 25 162. Cap-Vert (Iles du). . . 217 90 4 7 0 IOO 163. Guinée portugaise . . . 250 100 5 0 0 2 I 164. M o z a m b iq u e ...... i 500 500 5 I 50 0 165. Saint-Thomé et Prince. 200 5 0 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 Territoires sous mandat : Belge. 166 Ruanda-Urundi2. . . . Britannique. 167 C am eroun 3 ...... 168 (Territ. du). 1 210 33 22 169 Togo 4 ...... F rançais. 170 C a m e r o u n ...... 300 10 2 50 0 20 5 0 0 171 T o g o ...... 10 1 5 Sud-africain. 172 Sud-Ouest africain 5 . .

1 Compris dans les évaluations de l’Espagni. 2 Compris dans les évaluations du Congo belge. 3 Compris dans les évaluations du Nigéria. 4 Compris dans les évaluations de la Côte de l'Or. 6 Compris fians les évaluations de l'Union Sud-Africaine. — 23 —

Table II (continued).



Acétylodihydro N-oxymorphine Country codéinone Benzyl- (Génomorphine) (Acédicone) morphine Thébaïne Cocaïne Dihydro- x phinone (Péronine) Morphine- Acetyldihydro- (Peronine) N-Oxide Thebaine Cocaine (Dilaudide) codeinone (Genomorphine) (Accdicone)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. AFRICA (continued).

Dependencies, Protectorates, Colonies, etc. (continued) : B ritish (cont.). 65 136. N yasaland. 137- U ganda. 250 138. Northern . 139- . 10 140. St. Helena. 200 141. . 44 142. Somaliland. 115 143- Swaziland. 150 144. Z anzibar. Spanish. 145- Northern Africa.1 146. Spanish Guinea.1 147- Morocco (Spanish zone) 148. Rio de Oro (includ. Ifni) F rench. 149. French Equatorial A frica.

I 150. French West Africa. 50 6 151- Algeria. 380 152. Somali Coast. 153. Madagascar and Depen­ 600 dencies. 6 154- Morocco. 600 155- R eunion. 2 500 156. Tunis. Italian . 3 500 157- E ritrea. L ib y a : 4 392 158. Cyrenaica. 7 159- Tripolitania. 4 500 160. Somaliland. Portuguese. I 161. Angola. 90 162. Cape Verde Islands. 250 163. Portuguese Guinea. 2 164. Mozambique. 500 165. St.Thomé andPrincipe I si. Mandated Territories: Belgian. 166. Ruanda-Urundi. 2 B ritish. 167. . 3 484 168. Tanganyika Territory. 169. Togo. 4 French. 6 0 0 170. Cameroons. 55 171. Togo. South-African. 172. .

l ™ S* «üniates of Spain. Included in th* es^™ates ot the Belgian Congo. hcludS *k « tw ite s of Nigeria, hdudea in S? es‘lmates of the Gold Coast. estimates of the Union of South Africa. — 24 —

Tableau II (fin).



Dihydrooxy- Pays Dihydro. 1 Diacétylmorphine Méthylmorphine codéinone codéinone 1 (Héroïne) (Codéine) Ethyl- Dihydrohydro- Dihydro- 1 morphine Morphine oxycodeinone codeinone 1 Diacetylmorphine Methylmorphine (Codeine) (Dionine) (Heroin) (Eucodal) (Dicodide) 1

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg- GrI OCÉANIE.

1 7 3 . Australie 1 ...... 85 21 25 3 174. Nouvelle-Zélande .... 18 3 12 3 Dépendances, Protectorats, Colonies, etc. : Australiens.

1 7 5 - Norfolk (Ile ) ...... 400 30 20 176. P a p o u a ...... 721 Britanniques. 177. F id ji (Iles) ...... 6 0 0 150 700 75 178. Gilbert et Ellice (Iles). 50 50 179. S alom on (Iles)...... IOO 50 180. T onga ...... 680 F ran çais. 181. Etablissements français 5 ° 6 400 40 182. Nouvelle-Calédonie. . . 215 10 645 6 0 Néo-Zélandais. 1 8 3 . Cook, , etc. . . IOO 250 Condominium franco-bri­ tan n iq u e.

184 Nouvelles-Hébrides ®. . 150 28 395 40 Territoires sous mandat: Australien. 185. Nouvelle-Guinée . . . 3 8 ° 9 de l’Empire britannique. 186. N a u r u ...... 43 56 Ja p o n ais. 187 Carolines, Mariannes et (I Marshall (Iles) . . . 86 10 35° 24 Néo-Zélandais. 188 Samoa occidental . . . 2 0 0 5 0 0

228 «S T o ta l général . . . 35123 428 1028 402 28054 761 3209 110 245 391

1 Voir page 14, tableau II, note 1. Rnvaume-Uni de Gra»^ 1 2 Les évaluations pour les Nouvelles-Hébrides représentent la somme de deux évaluations fournies, l’une par le Gouvernement du Koy et d’Irlande du Nord, l’autre par le Gouvernement français. — 25 —

Table II (concluded).


H Acétylodihydro- N-oxymorphine codéinone Country Benzyl- (Génomorphine) (Acédicone) morphine Thébaïne Cocaine ydro- Acetyldihydro- (Péronine) Morphine- codeinone (Peronine) N-Oxide Thebaine Cocaine (Genomorphine) udide) (Acedicone)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. OCEANIA.

75 173. Australia.1 13 174. New Zealand. Dependencies, Protector- ates, Colonies, etc.: Australian. 60 175. Norfolk Island. 56 176. P apua. B ritish. 600 177. Fiji Islands. 20 178. Gilbert and Ellicelslands. IOO 179. Solomon Islands. 45 180. Tonga. French. 250 181. French Settlements. 200 182. New Caledonia. New Zealand. IOO 183. Cook, Tokelau, etc.

Anglo-French Condominium. 180 184. . 2 Mandated Territories: Australian. 86 185. New Guinea. of the . 56 186. N auru. Japanese. 187. Caroline, Marianne and 34 Marshall Islands. of New Zealand. 188. Western Samoa.

975 59 58 20 70 8 349 359 495 5833 581 Grand Total.

y t lt French Government* *** toUI ° f lW° 6801,13165 iurnished separately by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain TABLE III.


E x p l a n a t o r y N o t e .

This table indicates for all countries and territories, and for each drug separately, the annual estimates of drugs for the year 1935 furnished by the Governments or framed by the Supervisory Body, in accordance with Articles 2, 4 and 5 of the Convention. For the significance of the terms used in the headings of the various columns (including the names of the drugs), see the Explanatory Note to Table I, page 4, and Statistical Form B (L) annexed to this Statement (Annex I, opposite page 78). The vertical columns in the table marked I, II, III, IV and V respectively correspond to the following sections of the statistical form B (L) :

I = The quantity necessary for use as such for medical and scientific needs, including in this quantity both the quantity required for the manufacture for domestic consumption of preparations for which export authorisations are not required and the quantity required for the manufacture for export of the said preparations (but the quantity of the said preparations which is to be imported into the country is to be excluded from the estimate). II = The quantity necessary for the purpose of conversion, whether the substance resulting from this conversion is for domestic consumption or for export. III = The amount of the reserve stocks which it is desired to maintain. [ The amount required to bring the reserve stocks up to the level it is desired to \ maintain IV = < or I The amount to be deducted from the reserve stocks to bring them down to the f level it is desired to maintain. 1 The amount required to bring the Government stocks up to the level it is desired ) to maintain V = < or I The amount to be deducted from the Government stocks to bring them down to f the level it is desired to maintain.

The names of countries and territories for which estimates were framed by the Supervisory Body are printed in italics. As the Supervisory Body in such cases did not frame estimates as regards stocks, columns 3-5 are left blank throughout the table. The absence of the name of a country or territory from the table for a particular drug means that the estimate as received or framed for that country or territory was nil. The order of the countries and territories is that of the Statistical Year-Book of the League of Nations, continents being arranged in accordance with the magnitude of their trade in the drugs.

A bbreviations. " ■ ” indicates " nil — A figure preceded by a minus sign indicates: M In column IV or V, the amount by which it is estimated that the reserve stocks or government stocks of the drug concerned will exceed at the end of the year 1934 the level of such s ocks which it is desired to maintain in 1935. . (2) In the column “ Total of the estimates ”, the amount by which the quantity of the drug available in the country at the end of 1934 will exceed the quantity required by the country Tableau III. — Table III.



Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Pays (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa) Country

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to ( + ) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. 1 EUROPE. E U R O P E . K 00 A l b a n i e ...... I 1 A lbania. J A lle m a g n e ...... 750 50 6000 500 1500 6750 G erm any. A u tr ic h e ...... IOO 20 IOO 100 A ustria. B e lg iq u e ...... 72 7 2 0 0 47 0 47 70 — 68 474 B elgium . Royaume-Uni de Grande- United Kingdom of Great Bretagne et d’Irlande du Britain and Northern N o r d ...... 872 79 9 9 8 91 9 1 4 * 1870 Irelan d . 00 + Cl B u lg a rie 1 ...... 7 1 2 7 0 15 + 8 313 B u lg a ria .1 Danemark (y compris Groen­ Denmark (including Green­ land et Iles Féroé). . . . 95 10 90 4 - 30 125 land and Faroe Islands). Dantzig (Ville libre de) . . 5 5 0 0 3 5 Danzig (Free City of). E sp ag n e ...... 139 15 50 — 23 116 Spain. E s t o n i e ...... 10 10 + 3 13 E stonia. F in la n d e ...... 40 7 20 40 F inland. F ra n c e ...... 500 100 4600 500 1130 5100 F rance. G r è c e ...... 1 16 1 5 * 16 G reece. H o n g r i e ...... 8 410 40 180 + 83 605 H u n g a ry . Irlande (Etat libre d') . . ■2 17 I Irish Free State. 1 17 5 I s l a n d e ...... 1 3 500 3 500 Ic e la n d . I t a lie ...... 1 x 50 45o 300 600 . Ita ly . Lettonie . . . ______Lithuanio . . . . . ' JP"cliognc...... = 5 Poland. Portugal (et îles adjacentes) Portugal (and. contiguous / 22 4OO 1 0 400 36 + 38 400 is la n d s ) . Roumanie 1 ...... / 12 5 125 Roumania. 1 Suède ...... 62 7OO 5 700 27 500 2 500 34 90 200 Sweden. S u isse ...... 80 IO 2250 60 75° 2330 Switzerland. Tchécoslovaquie...... 120 IO 700 90 820 Czechoslovakia. T u r q u i e ...... 24 2 4 + 12 + 8 250 44 250 T u rk ey . U .R .S .S . 1 ...... II 33 . 1133 U.S.S.R. 1 Yougoslavie 3 ...... 80 IOOO 1080 Yugoslavia. 8 Territoire administré par la Territory administered by Société des Nations: the League of Nations: Sarre (Territoire de la). 12 1 1 500 12 Saar Territory. Dépendances, Colonies, etc.: Dependencies, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish. G i b r a l t a r ...... 500 IOO 500 G ib raltar. M a l t e ...... I 5OO 500 • 1 500 M alta.


Amérique du Nord. North America. C an ad a ...... I27 566 141 740 + 6 747 134 313 C anada. Etats-Unis d’Amérique 3 . . 22II 797 4391 260 843 157 6603 57 United States of America. 3 T e r r e - N e u v e ...... 2 2 Newfoundland. Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Dependencies, Colonies, etc.: Françaises. F ren ch . Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon . 25 25 + 25 50 St. Pierre-et-Miquelon.

Mexique, Amérique Mexico and Caribbean. Centrale et Antilles. C o s ta -R ic a ...... 3 4° 506 + 1 960 5 Costa Rica. C u b a ...... IO 10 Cuba. République Dominicaine 1 . 4 1 4 Dominican Republic.1 G uatém ala .... 5 5 G uatem ala. H aïti . 1 1 H aiti. Honduras 1 1 H onduras. Mexique . IO 10 M exico. N icaragua 2 500 5 + 2 4 N icaragua. Panam a . 2 P anam a. Salvador 2 200 3 800 + 1 800 3 800 Salvador. ---- î Y * PaKe 14, tableau II, note 1. 1 ibid., note 2. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. 2 Ibid., note tj. 1 Ibid., note 2. 2 Ibid., note §. compris les territoires et possessions insulaires, à l’exception des Philippines. 3 Including territories and insular possessions except Philippines. Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued).

A. MORPHINE (suite — continued).

11 I ll IV V

Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l'on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa) Pays Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates if any Margin if any Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. A M É R IQ U E (suite). A M ER IC A (continued). | Mexique, Amérique M exico w Centrale et Antilles (suite). and Caribbean (continued). Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish. Antilles britanniques : British West Indies: B a h a m a s ...... 2 0 0 20 100 — 60 140 B ah am as. B a r b a d e ...... 80 0 2 0 0 800 B arb ad o s. Iles d u V en t : Windward Islands : G r e n a d e ...... 85 25 60 85 G renada. Sainte-Lucie ...... 331 313 + i s 349 S t. L u c ia . Saint-Vincent .... 90 . 462 90 St. Vincent. Iles sous le V en t: Leeward Islands: A n t i g u a ...... 6 0 10 60 A ntigua. D o m in iq u e ...... IOO 100 D om inica. Iles Vierges...... 3 3 + 3 6 Virgin Islands. M ontserrat...... 166 166 M ontserrat. S'-Christoplxe et Nièves. 1 35 35 St. K itts and Nevis. 3 amaïque (y compris J a m a ic a (including Turques. Caïques et T u rk s , a n d C aïm an s^ ...... Caicos B erm udes ...... C a y m a n s } . ______™ / TScrttiuUn.______i Guadeloupe* ...... 1 0 0 Martinique. Martinique...... 1ST ettierla-ncls. Néerlandais. 600 C u ra ça o . Curaçao...... - Amérique du Sud. South America. A r g e n t i n e ...... 60 60 A rgentine. B o l i v i e ...... IO 10 B olivia. B r é s i l ...... 25 25 Brazil. C h i l i ...... 35 5 850 35 Chile. C olom bie...... 9 9 Colombia. E quateur ...... 1 234 1 234 Ecuador. P a r a g u a y ...... 3 600 . 3 P arag u ay . P é r o u ...... 4 4 P eru. U ru g u ay ...... 10 250 250 5 . 10 250 U ruguay. V e n e z u e la1 ...... 12 562 + 5 • 9 Venezuela1. Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Dependencies, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish : Iles Falkland et dépen­ Falkland Islands and dances ...... 250 250 Dependencies. Guyane britannique . . . ■ 2 . Françaises. F rench. G uyane française .... • • 200 French Guiana. Néerlandaises. Surinam (Guyane néer­ Netherlands. landaise) ...... 70 . 200 S urinam . ASIE. ASIA. Afghanistan ...... 2 A fghanistan. Arabie Saoudienne .... 130 130 Sa'udi Arabia. C h i n e ...... IOO 100 C hina. I n d e ...... 135 200 17 400 5 400 428 900 + 315 7°° + 2 900 459 200 Ind ia. Ira k ...... I 500 500 3 + 75° 2 250 Ira q . Jap o n ...... IIOO 20 2583 250 3683 Ja p a n . P e r s e ...... 5 5 P ersia. S i a m ...... 400 400 Siam . Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. rates, Colonies, etc.: Britanniques. B ritish. Aden et dépendances . . 521 521 Aden and Dependencies. Bornéo britannique: British Borneo : Bornéo septentrional. . 115 35 + 27 142 North Borneo. Brunéi ...... 120 120 B runei. S a ra w a k ...... 227 227 S araw ak. Ceylan ...... 760 460 4- 200 2 960 Ceylon. Chypre .... 900 900 C yprus.

1 Voir page is .tableau II, note 1 See page 19, Table II, note 1. Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). A. MORPHINE (suite — continued).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux (+ ) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—-) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l'on désire réserve pour les d 'E tat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa) Pays Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates if any Margin if any Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V)

ASIE (suite). Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. ASIA (continued).

Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protectorates, ^ Colonies, etc. (suite) : Colonies, etc. (continued) : N Britanniques. B ritish. Etablissements du Détroit Straits Settlements and et dépendances . . 6 4 4 5 I 74 5 489 + 4 I^4 10 629 Dependencies. Etats Malais fédérés . 400 67 400 Federated Malay States. Etats Malais non fédérés Unfederated Malay States : J o h o r e ...... 2 296 2 296 Johore. K ed ah ...... 170 23 --- IOO 70 K edah. K e la n ta n ...... 13 • 13 K elan tan . P e r l i s ...... 3 9 3 Perlis Trengganu . . . 96 10 96 T rengganu. H o n g -K o n g .... 3 600 3 H ong-K ong. des Etats-Unis. of the U.S.A. P h ilip p in e s ...... 3 5° ° 3 500 + 69 3 569 Philippines. F rançais. F rench. Etablissements dans l'Inde 30 0 300 French India. Kouang-Tchéou-Ouan . . 60 60 I Kwang Chow Wan. Union Indochinoise . . . i 500 I 500 French Indo-China. Italiens. I ta l ia n . Iles de l’Egée ...... 1 1 5° ° 1 3 00 i 1 500 Ægean Islands. 3 a p o n a is . Corée (CViosen^ . J a p a n e s e . i n 6 c#7 2 7 0 802 / Korea. (Chosen). ___ , NctHcrhvin\H Intlics. F’ortuga.is. Portuguese. M ac a o . Macao ...... / 13 Tim or. Timor...... / 200 Territoires sous mandat: Mandated Territories: Britannique. British. P a le s ti n e ...... I 280 P alestine. Transjordanie...... 140 12 140 140 Transjordan. F rançais. French. Syrie et Liban .... 4 500 • • 4 500 Syria and Lebanon.

AFRIQUE. AFRICA. E g y p t e ...... 16 500 8 867 + 2 410 18 910 E gypt. E thiopie ...... I 200 1 A byssinia. L i b é r i a ...... 500 • 500 L iberia. S oudan ...... 500 IOO 500 Sudan. Union Sud-Africaine . . . 21 IOO 3 517 44 338 + 20 11S + 982 42 200 Union of South Africa. Territoire sous administra­ Territory under interna­ tion internationale : tional Administration: Tangier. T a n g er...... 500 • • 500 Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protectorates, Colonies, etc. : Colonies, etc.: Belgian. Belges. U>V> Congo b e l g e ...... 3 300 • Belgian Congo. Britanniques. Afrique Occidentale britan­ B ritish. nique : British West Africa: Côte de l’Or 650 120 650 650 Gold Coast. G am bie . . 321 321 G am bia. Nigéria . . 2 2 N igeria. Sierra-Leone 455 142 455 Sierra Leone. Bassoutoland . . 480 480 Basutoland. Betchouanaland 40 40 Bechuanaland. K é n i a ...... 525 525 + 725 Kenya. Mauritius and Depen­

Ile M aurice e t dépendances 423 1 849 423 dencies. N y a s s a l a n d ...... 447 1 203 447 . O uganda ...... 50 2.5 50 U ganda. Rhodésie du Nord . . . 500 500 . Rhodésie du Sud .... 1 500 1 500 Southern Rhodesia. Sainte-Hélène ...... IO 10 St. Helena S e y c h e lle s ...... IOO + 200 Seychelles. Somalie britannique . . . 101 25 101 Somaliland. Swaziland .... 355 355 Swaziland. . 2 600 2 Zanzibar.

J Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). A. MORPHINE (fin — concluded).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire de réserve des (■—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (&)) que l'on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (-f) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V)

AFRIQUE (suite). Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. AFRICA (continued).

Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protectorates, Colonies, etc. ( suite) : Colonies, etc. (continued) : F rançais. F rench. Afrique Equatoriale franç. 825 825 French Equatorial Africa. Afrique-Occidentale franç. 200 200 French West Africa. A lg érie...... 3 800 3 800 A lgeria. Côte des Somalis .... 10 5° 30 Somali Coast. Madagascar and Depen- M adagascar e t d ép en d an ces 120 dencies. M a r o c ...... 2 M orocco. R é u n io n ...... 425 425 R eunion. T u n i s i e ...... 5 5 T unis. Italiens. Ita lia n . E r y t h r é e ...... 2 500 850 I 800 2 500 E ritrea. L iby e : L ib y a : C y ré n a ïq u e ...... 2 500 850 + 15° + 3 650 Cyrenaica. Tripolitaine ...... 1 300 500 500 1 500 Tripolitania. S o m a l i e ...... 3 2 300 3 Somaliland. Portugais. Portuguese. i 500 1 500 I Angola. Cap-Vert (Iles du) . . . . 2x7 217 I Cape Verde Islands. (iuinée 'portugaise . 250 2 5 0 / -Portuguese Guinea. 1 500 / jVTozamtmj ue. Tiritaniiiq no. 1 2 1 0 \ Tanganyika Territory. Tanganyika (Territoiredu). I 2 1 0 / Frencli. Français. 300 1 Cameroons. Caméroun...... 300 300 10 Togo. T o g o ......


Australie...... 85 75 85 A ustralia. N ouvelle-Z élande...... l8 13 18 New Zealand. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc.: Australiens. Australian. Norfolk, (I le )...... 400 400 Norfolk Island. Papoua ...... 721 . 721 P ap ua. Britanniques. B ritish. Fidji. (Iles)...... IOO 1 + 500 600 Fiji Islands. Gilbert et Ellice, (Iles) . . 5° 50 G ilbert an d Ellice Islands. Salomon, (Iles) ...... IOO 50 100 Solomon Islands. T o n g a ...... 523 226 + 157 680 Tonga. Français. French. Etablissements français. 5° 15° 50 French Settlements. t-n Nouvelle-Calédonie . . . 215 215 New Caledonia. Néo-zélandais. of New Zealand. Cook, Tokelau, etc. . . . IOO 100 Cook, Tokelau, etc. Condominium franco-britannique. Anglo-French Condominium. Nouvelles-Hébrides1. . . 150 3° 3° 150 New Hebrides.1 Territoires sous m andat : Mandated Territories : Australien. Australian. Nouvelle-Guinée .... 380 35 380 New Guinea. de l’Empire britannique. of the British Empire. N a u r u ...... 43 S 43 N auru. Japonais. Japanese. Carolines, Mariannes et Caroline, Marianne and Marshall, (Iles) .... 86 86 Marshall Islands. Néo-Zélandais. of New Zealand. Samoa occidental .... 200 200 Western Samoa.

T otal général . 9269 203 25311 838 + 493 537 + 48 850 35123 428 Grand Total.

! X°!r Pase H , tableau II, note i. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. Voir page 24, tableau II, note 2. 1 See page 25, Table II, note 2.

J Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued).



Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d ’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2 deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa) Country

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + 1 1 + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr.


A lle m a g n e ...... 4 90 4 G erm any. A utrich e...... 3 2 3 A ustria. B elgique...... 7 700 IO — I I — 4 B elgium . Royaume-Uni de Grande- United Kingdom of Great Bretagne et d’Irlande du Britain and Northern N o r d ...... 64 6 96 * 64 Ireland. Danemark (y compris Groen­ Denmark (including Green­ land et Iles Féroé) .... 13 2 15 13 land and Faroe Islands). Dantzig (Ville libre de) . . 70 20 700 70 Danzig (Free City of). E spagne ...... — 12** Spain. E s to n i e ...... 150 2 150 E stonia. F in la n d e ...... 30 5 15 30 F in lan d . France ...... IOO IO 70 100 F rance. H o n g rie ...... 4 500 4 — 4 H u n g ary . Irlande (Etat libre d') . . . 1 • 5° ° 1 Irish Free State. I s l a n d e ...... IOO • . 100 Iceland. 75 5 - 120 75 Italy . lvettonie ...... 1 500 . 1 500 — 2 250 — 750 L atv ia. \ . 1 1V . 11 : l I V u - ...... 1 300 1 250 L ith u a n ia . l.uxembourg...... 1 \ T- ° -h — 120 2 4 0 1 L u x e m b u rg . \ ■ — 1 7 5 0 / R o u m a n ie 1...... 25 \ Roumania.1 / S u è d e ...... OOO 1 1 600 IO * 17 600 1 Sweden. / 77 S u i s s e ...... \ 2 40 4 Switzerland. 4 Tchécoslovaquie ...... 1 50 0 750 3 Czechoslovakia. 3 T u r q u i e ...... • I + 500 + 650 2 150 T u rkey. 1 U .R .S.S. 1 ...... 157 157 U.S.S.R.1 Yougoslavie 2 ...... 2 2 Yugoslavia. 2 Territoire administré par la Territory administered by Société des Nations: the League of Nations: Sarre (Territoire de la). 2 5 00 3 ° ° 500 2 500 Saar Territory. Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Dependencies, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish.

G i b r a l t a r ...... 80 3 ° ■ 80 G ib raltar. M a l t e ...... 2 5 0 25 0 250 M alta.


Amérique du Nord. North America.

C anada ...... 25 5 13 31 183 — 1 77 2 4 436 Canada. Terre-Neuve ...... 5 0 0 500 Newfoundland. 1 Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Dependencies, Colonies, etc. : Françaises. French.

Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon . 5 5 St. Pierre-et-Miquelon.

Mexique, Amérique M e x ic o Centrale et Antilles. and Caribbean. République Dominicaine 1 . 6 2 6 Dominican R epublic. 1 G u a té m a la ...... i 1 Guatemala. P a n a m a ...... 5 0 0 500 Panam a. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc., Britanniques. British. Antilles britanniques : British West Indies: B a h a m a s ...... 50 20 1 . 50 Bahamas. B a r b a d e ...... IOO 3 ° 100 B arbados. Iles du Vent : Windward Islands: G renade ...... 15 G renada. Saint-Vincent .... 14 St-Vincent. Iles sous le Vent : Leeward Islands: Dominique . 50 50 D om inica. Iles Vierges 1 + 1 2 Virgin Islands.

** Voir page 14, tableau II, note 1. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. nar ia et l’exécution des prescriptions pour la diacétylmorphine sont interdites et les stocks seront réduits ou ** The prescription and the execution of prescriptions for diacetylmorpkine are forbidden and stocks will be reduced by 1 Voir au pays d'origine ou par destruction. re-export to the country of origin or by destruction. von page i 4f tableau II, note 2. 1 See page 15, Table II, note 2. ■ 1 oui., note §. 2 Ibid., note §.

H J Tableau III (suite). Table III (continued). B. DIACÉTYLMORPHINE (HÉROÏNE) (suite). - DIACETYLMORPHINE (HEROIN) (continued).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (-f) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (&)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Pays (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa) Country

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to ( + ) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates if any Margin if any Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV 4- V) 5 O

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. . Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. AMÉRIQUE (suite). AMERICA (continued).

Mexique, Amérique M e x ic o a n d Centrale et Antilles (suite). Caribbean (continued).

Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto- Colonies, etc. (suite) : rates, Colonies, etc. (cont.). oo Britanniques (suite). B ritish (continued). Jamaïque (y compris Jamaica (including Turques, Caïques et Turks, Caicos and C aïm ans) ...... 60 30 60 Caym ans.

B e r m u d e s ...... 20 5 20 B erm uda. Honduras britannique . . 35 35 British Honduras. Trinité et Tobago .... 27 27 Trinidad and Tobago. F rançais. French. G u a d e l o u p e ...... 27 27 Guadeloupe. M a rtin iq u e ...... 40 20 40 Martinique. Néerlandais. Netherlands. C u r a ç a o ...... 40 40 C uraçao.

Amérique du Sud. South America.

A r g e n t i n e ...... 15 15 A rgentine. Bolivie ...... 5 * • 5 Bolivia. B r é s i l ...... 5 B razil. 1 5 | C h i l i ...... 1 C hile. Colombie...... 1 x 500 I 1 500 Colombia. Equateur...... 1 5*5 I 515 Ecuador. P a ra g u a y ...... 2 250 Paraguay. \ . 450 ______Iles isa.lkla.ncl e t dépen- Falkland Islands and 125 Dependencies. Guyanne britannique . . 50 British. Guianaf Françaises. French.. Guyane française .... 10 French Guiana. Néerlandaises. Netherlands. Surinam (Guyanne néerlan­ daise) ...... 10 S urinam .

ASIE. ASIA. Afghanistan ...... 200 200 A fghanistan. Arabie Saoudienne .... 5 5 Sa’udi Arabia. C h i n e ...... !5 15 China. I n d e ...... 9 200 4 500 4 5°o IOO 225 9 325 India. Ira k ...... IOO 100 400 300 Iraq . J ap o n ...... 25° 120 250 Ja p a n . P e r s e ...... I 500 1 500 Persia. S i a m ...... 600 600 Siam . Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish. Bornéo britannique : GJ British Borneo : VO Bornéo septentrional . . 3° 3° 22 North Borneo. B runei ...... 6o 60 B runei. S a r a w a k ...... 26 26 S araw ak. C e y l a n ...... IQO 30 190 Ceylon. C h y p r e ...... 113 113 C yprus. Etablissements du Détroit Straits Settlements and et dépendances .... 769 500 + 5 92 361 Dependencies. Etats Malais fédérés . . . 119 119 Federated Malay States. Unfederated Malay Etats Malais non fédérés : S ta te s : j o h o r e ...... 7 7 J ohore. K éd ah ...... 31 — 21 10 K edah. P e r l i s ...... 5 14 + 5 10 T rengganu ...... 20 15 20 T rengganu. H o n g - K o n g ...... 150 5° 150 H ong-K ong. des Etats-Unis. of the U.S.A. Philippines...... + 3 63 i 9 631 Philippines. Français. F rench. E tablissem ents dans l’In d e 10 10 French India. Kouang-Tchéou-Ouan . . 15 15 Kwang Chow Wan. Union Indochinoise . . . 200 French Indo-China. Italiens. Italian . Iles de l’Egée 800 3 00 500 800 Ægean Islands. Tableau III (suite). ■ — Table III (continued).



Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux (-}-) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Pays (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2 deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa) Country

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+ ) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates if any Margin if any Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. ASIE (suite). ASIA (continued).

Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies, etc. (suite) : ates, Colonies, etc. ( cont.) : Jap o n ais. Ja p an ese . Corée (Chosen) ...... 137 748 17 967 41 324 — 68 849 . 68 899 Korea (Chosen). Formose (Taiwan) . . . 3° 5 6 -f 2 3 2 Formosa (Taiwan). Kouan-Toung ...... I IOO IOO 250 + 250 1 350 K w antu ng. Néerlandais. Netherlands. Indes néerlandaises . . . 40 8 40 40 Netherlands Indies. Portugais. Portuguese. M a c a o ...... 3 IO 3 M acao. T it n o r ...... IO . 10 Tim or. Territoires sous mandat : Mandated Territories: Britannique. B ritish. P a l e s t i n e ...... 250 5° 250 P a le s tin e . T ra n sjo rd a n ie ...... 55 10 55 55 Transjordan. Français. French. S yrie e t L i b a n ...... 1 60 60 Syria and Lebanon. '' 1 AFRIQUE. AFRICA. Egypte Egypt. Aby Uepontloncie». ï’rotectt-1 CoJoiiies, etc. : ates, Colonies, etc.: Belgian. I3elg"es. Belgian Congo. Congo b e l g e ...... i IOO 1 britanniques. British. Afrique-Occidentale britan­ n ique : British West Africa: Côte de l'O r ...... IOO 3 0 100 Gold Coast. N i g é r i a ...... 2 0 2 0 20 N igeria. Sierra-Leone ...... 57 29 57 Sierra Leone. Bassoutoland ...... 30 30 Basutoland. Betchouanaland ...... 5 5 Bechuanaland. K é n i a ...... 1 0 0 300 100 K enya.

Ile Maurice et dépendances 87 838 87 Mauritius and Dependencies. N y a s sa la n d ...... 2 6 9 8 26 N yasaland. O u gan da ...... 5 0 25 50 U ganda. Rhodésie du Nord . . . 50 50 Northern Rhodesia. Rhodésie du Sud .... 2 0 0 200 Southern Rhodesia. Sainte-Hélène ...... 5 5 St. Helena. S e y c h e lle s ...... 5 + 5 10 Seychelles. S w a z i l a n d ...... 2 2 Sw aziland. Z a n z ib a r ...... 2 0 5 20 Z anzibar. Français. H Afrique-Equatoriale F rench. fra n ç a ise ...... 10 • 10 French Equatorial Africa. Afrique-Occidentale fra n ç a is e ...... 1 0 0 100 French West Africa. A lgérie...... 1 5 0 0 1 500 A lgeria. Madagascar et dépendances 10 10 Madagascar and Dependencies. M a r o c ...... 1 1 M orocco. R é u n io n ...... 4 0 40 R eunion. T u n i s i e ...... 2 0 0 200 T unis. Italiens. Italian . E r y th r é e ...... 1 3 0 0 1 E ritrea. L ibye : L ibya :

C yrénaïquc ...... 1 331 + 169 + 5°° 1 669 C yrenaica. T r i p o l i t a i n e ...... 8 0 0 3 0 0 300 800 Tripolitania.

Somalie . 1 5 °° 1 Somaliland. P ortugais. Portuguese. A n gola. . 2 0 0 200 A ngola.

Cap-Vert (Iles du) . . . 9 0 90 Cape Verde Islands. Guinée portugaise .... IOO 100 Portuguese Guinea. M ozambique 5 0 0 500 Mozambique. St. Thomé and Principe Saint-Thomé et Prince 50 ■ 50 Islands.

J Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). B. DIACÉTYLMORPHINE (HEROÏNE) (fin). — DIACETYLMORPHINE (HEROIN) (concluded).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l'on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Pays (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa) Country

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+ ) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—-) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. AFRIQUE (suite). Kg. Gr. AFRICA (continued).

Territoires sous mandat : Mandated Territories: Britannique. B ritish. N Tanganyika (Territoire du) 33 3 33 Tanganyika Territory. F rançais. F rench. C a m é r o u n ...... IO IO 10 C am eroons. T o g o ...... I I 1 Togo.


A u s tra lie ...... 21 * l8 * 21 A ustralia. N o u v e lle -Z é la n d e ...... 3 2 3 New Zealand. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies, etc. : ates, Colonies, etc. : Australiens Australian. N orfolk ( I l e ) ...... 3° . 30 Norfolk Island. Britanniques. B ritish. Fidji (Ile s)...... IOO IOO + 50 150 Fiji Islands. Gilbert et Rllice (Iles) . ! 5 0 | • 50 Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Tonga ...... -i ■ " • Tonga. F r a n ç a is . i French. Etablissements français . . \ ■ 1 9 i 6 F r e n c h Settlements. NovivftUe-Calédonie . . . (> 1 JVcw Ctlicnoiiiti. \______of tlxe 13ritist\ H-nxpire. rie 1 JCmpire britannique. Nauru. Nauru...... J apanese. Japonais. Caroline, Marianne and Carolines, Mariannes et Marshall (Iles) .... Marshall Islands.

Total général 1093 69 66 548 + 1 881 1028 402 Grand Total.

* Voir page 14. tableau II, note 1. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. 1 Voir page 24, tableau II, note 2. 1 See page 25. Table II, note 2.



A lbania. A l b a n i e ...... 3 3 G erm any. A lle m a g n e ...... 3000 500 700 1500 ’ 3700 650 A ustria. A u tr ic h e ...... 5° ° 300 -f 150 . 425 B elgium . B e lg iq u e ...... 425 42 500 400 Royaume-Uni de Grande- United Kingdom of Great Bretagne et d’Irlande du Britain and Northern N o r d ...... 500 45 450 500 Irelan d . B u lg arie1...... 70 3° 200 + 194 + 56 320 B u lg a ria .1 Danemark (y compris Groen­ Denmark (including Green­ land et Iles Féroé) .... 200 40 ■ 150 • 200 land and Faroe Islands). Danzig (Free City of). Dantzig (Ville libre de) . . 20 5 IO 20 Spain. Espagne . . 250 50 IOO + 35 800 285 800 E stonie . 35 E stonia. 35 ■ 3° Finlande . . 70 F inland. 70 15 • 30 France 4500 F rance. 4500 5 00 2250 Grèce . 80 10 15 ** 80 Greece. Hongrie 373 H u n g ary . 3C-3 33 5° + 10 1

1 Page T4, tableau II, note 1. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. 1 Und., notez 1 Ibid., note 2. TABLEAU III (suite.) TABLE III (continued.) C. METHYLMORPHINE (CODÉINE) (suite). METHYLMORPHINE (CODEINE) (continued).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa) Country

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to ( + ) or deducted to ( + ) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—-) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. EUROPE (suite). EUROPE (continued). ^

Irlande (Etat libre d’) . . . 3 I 500 5 00 3 Irish Free State. £ I s l a n d e ...... 12 12 Iceland. I t a l i e ...... 45° 450 450 Ita ly . L etto n ie ...... 65 60 + 5 70 L atv ia. L i t h u a n i e ...... 40 IO 20 40 L ith u an ia. L u x e m b o u r g ...... 10 IO + 10 20 L u xem burg. N o r v è g e ...... 70 24 700 + 5 75 N orw ay. P a y s - B a s ...... 320 3° 425 320 Netherlands. P o l o g n e ...... 500 5° 200 500 P oland. Portugal (and contiguous Portugal (et îles adjacentes). 113 400 32 400 175 113 400 islands). R o u m a n ie 1 ...... 180 180 Roumania. 1 Suède ...... 217 100 50 IOO 109 217 100 Sw eden. S u i s s e ...... 250 60 75° + 200 450 Switzerland. T c h é c o s lo v a q u ie ...... 700 100 700 Czechoslovakia. T u r q u i e ...... i 75 21 500 112 500 T urkey. U.R.S.S. 1 . . . . 4428 • 4428 U.S.S.R. 1 'Yougoslavie“ ...... 1 200 200 Yugoslavia. ^ Territoire administré par la Territory administered b y Suciôtô des "Nations. the League of Nations. Sarre O't'Ti-itcArv cle la.) . . \ 18 ooo 18 900 Saar 'Territory. Dependencies, Colonics, e t a : . ______1 North America . Canada. Canada ...... 1275 662 + 9 4 5 4Û7F Etats-Unis cl 'Amérique 3 . . / 3689 443 I n o 968 3°74 524 44,3 U nited States ot Am erica ..3 500 Newfoundland. Terre-Neuve...... 1 5 00 Dépendances, Colonies, etc. Dependencies, Colonies, etc. : Françaises. French. Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon . 120 * • 120 + 120 240 St. Pierre-et-Miquelon.

Mexique, Amérique Centrale et Antilles. Mexico and Caribbean. C o s ta - R ic a ...... 2 828 471 4 + i 172 4 Costa Rica. C u b a ...... 20 . 20 Cuba, République Dominicaine 1 . I 200 1 Dominican Republic.1 G u a té m a la ...... 8 . . . 8 G uatem ala. H a ï t i ...... 700 . 700 H aiti. H o n d u r a s ...... 3 . 3 H onduras. M e x iq u e ...... 20 . 20 M exico. N i c a r a g u a ...... 2 500 4 + 500 2 500 N icaragua. P a n a m a ...... 6 . 6 P anam a. S a lv a d o r ...... 3 1 4 + 2 5 S alvador. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies, etc. : ates, Colonies, etc.: 4^ Ul Britanniques. B ritish. Antilles britanniques : British West Indies : B a h a m a s ...... 75 15 3° 75 B aham as. , B a rb ad e ...... 70 20 70 B arb ad o s. Iles du Vent; Windward Islands : G r e n a d e ...... 20 G renada. Saintc-Lucie ...... 11 . 11 11 St. L ucia.

Saint-Vincent .... • • 87 St. Vincent. Iles sous le Vent: Leeward Islands :

D o m in iq u e ...... 50 • 50 D om inica. Jamaïque (y compris Turques, Caïques et Jamaica (including Turks, C a ï m a n s ) ...... 1 500 Caicos and Caymans). B e r m u d e s ...... 1 500 B erm uda. Trinité et Tobago. . . . 85 • 85 Trinidad and Tobago. F rançais. F rench. G u a d e l o u p e ...... 200 200 Guadeloupe. Martinique .... 210 193 210 Martinique. Néerlandais. Netherlands. Curaçao .... 400 400 C uraçao.

1 ThSA . IIVie I. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. * oid.' note 2. - Ibid., note §, 1 Ibid., note 2. 2 Ibid., note §. compris les territoires et possessions insulaires, à l’exception des Philippines. 3 Including territories and insular possessions, except Philippines. Tableau III (suite). Table III (continued). C. METHYLMORPHINE (CODÉINE) (suite). METHYL MORPHINE (CODEINE) (continued).

I Ill IV

Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to ( + ) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates if any Margin if any Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. AM ÉRIQUE (suite). AM ERICA (continued). Amérique du Sud. South America. A r g e n t i n e ...... 180 180 A rgentine. B o l i v i e ...... IO 10 B olivia. B r é s i l ...... IOO 100 B razil. C h i l i ...... 35 5 850 I I 666 35 Chile. C o lo m b ie...... 60 60 Colombia. E quateur ...... 2 500 2 500 Ecuador. P a r a g u a y ...... 6 250 i 250 6 250 P arag u ay . P érou ...... 18 18 P eru. U ru g u ay ...... 20 350 i 850 9 927 20 350 U ruguay. Venezuela 1 ...... 12 150 I 16 554 13 15° 25 300 Venezuela.1 Dépendances, Colonies, etc.: Dependencies, Colonies, etc. Britanniques. British. Iles Falkland et dépen­ Falkland Islands and d an ces ...... 13 13 Dependencies. Guyane britannique . . . 4 + 2 6 British Guiana. Françaises. French. Guyane française .... 600 600 French G uiana. Néerlandaises. Surinam (Guyane néerlan- Netherlands. daise)...... 1 800 160 i SOO Surinam.

ASIE. ASIA. A f gha.'nista.'YL...... \ €> /VrüXiïvi S a o u â i e n r i o . . . ■ ■ ■ 1 SOO \ ...... Siam / K°° Dependencies, Protecto­ Dépendances, 1 Votcctora, ts, rates, Colonies, etc. : Colonies etc. .' Britanniques. British. Bornéo britannique : British Borneo : 23 North Borneo. B ornéo septentrional 15 15 3° + 8 B runei. B r u n e i...... 5° 50 S a r a w a k ...... 46 46 S araw ak. Ceylan ...... 1 800 300 . 1 800 + 50° 2 300 Ceylon. C h y p r e ...... 250 250 C yprus. Etablissements du Détroit Straits Settlements and 4 346 Dependencies. et dépendances .... 2 475 413 3 473 + 1 871 Etats Malais fédérés . . 269 45 269 Federated Malay States. Etats Malais non fédérés : Unfederated Malay S ta te s : J o h o r e ...... 11 11 J ohore. K edah. K ed ah ...... 68 3 --- 6O 8 K e la n ta n ...... 39 . 39 K elan tan . P e r l i s ...... 6 9 + 2 8 Perlis. 1 T rengganu ...... 60 20 60 T rengganu. 3 250 Hong-Kong. vj H o n g - K o n g ...... 3 25° 650 . des Etats-Unis. of the U.S.A. P h ilip p in e s ...... 9 500 9 500 + 5 259 14 759 Philippines. F rançais. F rench. 550 French India. Etablissements dans l’Inde 550 Kouang-Tchéou-Ouan . . 180 180 Kwang Chow Wan. Union Indochinoise . . 4 500 4 500 French Indo-China. Italiens. Italian . Iles de l'E g ée ...... 2 500 1 200 2 Ægean Islands. Japonais. Japanese. 27 83 Korea (Chosen). Corée (Chosen) ...... 28 577 3 727 14 288 — I 4 9 4 Formose (Taiwan) . . . 67 11 13 67 Formosa (Taiwan). 60 K w antung. Kouan-Toung ...... 44 4 20 + 8 + 8 Néerlandais. Netherlands. 0 0 0 103 271 Netherlands Indies. + Indes néerlandaises . . . 82 571 29 714 44 <1 P ortugais. Portuguese. M acao . . 550 M acao. Tim or . 500 500 Tim or. Territoires sous m andat : Mandated Territories : Britannique. British. Palestine 16 2 16 ' Palestine. Transjordan. Transj ordanie. 200 5° 200 200

1 ^ oir page 18, tableau II, note i. i See page 19, Table II. note 1.

i Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). C. METHYLMORPHINE (CODÉINE) (suite). - - METHYLMORPHINE (CODEINE) (continued).

IV I II Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire comme telle transformation de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des réserve pour les d’E tat pour les évaluations (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (b)) que l’on désire maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que indiqué sous III l'on désire maintenir Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Amount to be added Amount to be added Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (+) or deducted le cas échéant le cas échéant Marge stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Including margin Including margin desired to maintain to the level indicated them to the desired Margin Margin under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

ASIA (continued). Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. ASIE (suite). Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Mandated Territories Territoires sous mandat (1continued) : (suite) : F rench. 00 F ran çais. 3 Syria and Lebanon. Syrie et L iban ...... 3 900 AFRICA. AFRIQUE. 500 + 2 648 21 E g y p t. 19 62 E g y p t e ...... 400 A byssinia. 400 50 E th i o p i e ...... 2 L iberia. 2 L i b é r i a ...... • 20 S udan. 20 5 S o udan ...... 2 Union of South Africa. 1 + I Union Sud-Africaine .... 1 Territory under Interna­ Territoire sous administra­ tional Administration: tion internationale : 2 Tangier. 2 T a nger...... Dependencies, Protecto­ Dépendances, Protectorats, rates, Colonies, etc.: Colonies, etc. : Belgian. Belges. 15 Belgian Congo. 1 500 Congo b e lg e ...... 15 B ritish. Britanniques. British West Africa: Afrique-Occidentale tyritan-

50 50 Gold Coast. Côte de l ' O r ...... \ 50 1 25 IO J N i g " e r i a . \ xo \ 10 ______- - - - • St. 1-lclcna. 7 5 1Z.a.ïizil>a.r. '*'*1 F r a n ç a i s . F rench. Afriq ue-Eq uatoriale fran- 2 475 French Equatorial Africa. 2 475 . Afrique-Occid entai e fran­ 600 French W est Africa. çaise ...... 60 0 11 400 Algeria. A lgérie...... 11 400 + IOO 115 Somali Coast. Côte des Somalis .... 15 300 360 Madagascar and Depend­ Madagascar et dépendances 360 . encies. 15 M orocco. M a r o c ...... 15 1 275 R eunion. R éunion ...... 1 275 15 T unis. T u n i s i e ...... 15 Italian . Italiens. 2 400 E ritrea. E ry th ré e ...... 2 400 400 2 L ib y a : L ibye : -|- IOO 2 100 C yrenaica. Cyrénaïque ...... 1 500 400 I + 5° ° 2 380 Tripolitania. Tripolitaine ...... 2 380 380 + 380 3 500 Somaliland. . S o m a l i e ...... 3 500 5° ° 2 200 Portuguese. P o rtu g ais. 2 A ngola. ^ A n g o la ...... 2 470 Cape Verde Islands. i Cap-Vert (Iles du) . . . 470 500 Portuguese Guinea. Guinée portugaise . . . 500 5 Mozambique. M o z a m b iq u e ...... 5 1 500 St. Thomé and Principe Saint-T hom é et Prince . . x 500 Islands. Mandated Territories: Territoires sous m andat : B ritish. Britannique. 22 Tanganyika Territory. Tanganyika (Territoire du) French. Français. 2 500 C am eroon?. C a m e r o u n ...... 2 500 2 500 500 Togo. T o g o ...... 500 4OO OCEANIA. OCÉANIE. 20 25 A ustralia. A u s t r a l i e ...... 25 * 12 New Zealand. Nouvelle-Zélande ..... 12 . IO Dependencies, Protector­ Dépendances, Protectorats, Colonies, etc. : ates, Colonies, etc.: Australian. Australiens. Norfolk (lie ) ...... 20 Norfolk Island.

* Voir page 14, tableau II, note 1 See page 15, Table II, note 1.

i Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). G. METHYLMORPHINE (CODEINE) (fin). — METHYLMORPHINE (CODEINE) (concluded).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 {b)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d ’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir Pays (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. , deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

OCÉANIE (suite). Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. OCEANIA (continued). Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies, etc. (suite) : ates, Colonies, etc. (cont.) : Britanniques. B ritish . F id ji (Iles) ...... 200 I + 5° ° 700 Fiji Islands. Salomon (Iles) ...... 50 25 . 50 Solomon Islands. T onga ...... 227 T onga. F rançais. F rench. Etablissements français . 400 450 400 French Settlements. Nouvelle-Calédonie . . . 645 . 645 New Caledonia. Néo-zélandais. of New Zealand. Cook, Tokelau, etc...... 25° 250 Cook, Tokelau, etc. Condominium franco-britan. Anglo-French Condominium. Nouvelles-Hébrides1 . , . 395 40 85 395 New Hebrides.1 Territoires sous mandat : Mandated Territories: Japonais. Japanese. Carolines, Mariannes, et Caroline, Marianne and et Marshall, (Iles) . . . 350 350 Marshall Islands.

Néo-zélandais. of New Zealand. Samoa occidental .... 500 500 Western Samoa.

Total général .... | 25318 «J98 | 950 + 1499 563 + 286 200 28054 761 1 G ra n d Total. 1 1 D. ETHYLMORPHINE (DIONINE).


A l b a n i e ...... 250 250 A lbania. A lle m a g n e ...... 250 50 . 350 250 G erm any. 30 A ustria. A u tr ic h e ...... 3° 3° B e lg iq u e ...... 8 800 6 8 B elgium . Royaume-Uni de Grande- United Kingdom of Great Bretagne et d'Irlande du Britain and Northern N o r d ...... 101 9 81 * 101 Ireland. B ulgarie 1 ...... 20 10 30 -1- 22 + 24 66 B u lg a ria .1 Danemark (y compris Groen­ Denmark (including Green­ 5 land and Faroe Islands). land et Iles Féroé). . . . 5 I 5 3 Danzig (Free City of). Dantzig (Ville libre de) . . 3 I 3 E sp ag n e ...... 60 10 40 + 14 74 Spain. 4 E stonia. E s t o n i e ...... 4 4 • 20 F in la n d e ...... 20 5 9 F inland. 325 F ran ce. F ra n c e ...... 325 25 160 G r è c e ...... 10 2 2 » 10 Greece. 47 H ungary. H o n g r i e ...... 45 5 10 + 2 Irlande (Etat libre d') . . . 1 500 500 250 1 500 Irish Free State. I s l a n d e ...... IOO 100 Iceland. Italie ...... 200 200 200 Italy . 20 L atv ia. L etto n ie ...... 15 15 + 5 5 L ith u an ia. L i t h u a n i e ...... 5 1 3 L u x e m b o u r g ...... 1 1 + 1 2 L uxem burg. Norvège ...... 2 3 100 + 1 5° ° 3 500 N orw ay. P a y s - B a s ...... 11 500 2 45 11 500 Netherlands. 75 Poland. Pologne . 75 25 50 Portugal (and contiguous Portugal (et îles adj acentes). 113 400 32 400 175 113 400 islands). R oum anie 1 120 120 Roumania. 1 Suède 48 IOO I I IOO 24 * 48 100 Sw eden. Suisse . Switzerland. 20 4 IOO 20

î S * page ' 4' tableau II, note i. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. 1 Ibid., note 2. 1 Ibid., note 2. Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued).

D. ETHYLMORPHINE (DIONINE) (suite — continued).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (&)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir Pays (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to ( + ) or deducted to (+ ) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

K g . Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. K g . Gr. K g . Gr. Kg, Gr. Kg. Gr. EUROPE (suite). EUROPE (continued). Ul Tchécoslovaquie ...... 3° 3 10 30 Czechoslovakia. T u r q u i e ...... 30 14 3° + 15 45 T urkey. U .R .S .S .1 ...... 8 6o 860 U .S .S .R .1 Yougoslavie 2 ...... 15 15 Yugoslavia. 2 Territoire administré par la Territory administered by Société des Nations: the League of Nations: Sarre (Territoire de la). 190 190 Saar Territory. Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Dependencies, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish. M a l t e ...... 250 250 250 M alta.

AMÉRIQUE. AMERICA. Amérique du Nord. North America. C anada ...... I I 339 12 757 + 312 11 651 C anada. F.tats-XJnis d’Amérique 3. . 292 706 243 921 + 100 3 9 2 706 United States of America. 8 T erre-N eu v e...... 500 500 Newfoundland. Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Dependencies, Colonies.etc. : Françaises. French. Sain-t-T*ierre-e t-Miquelon . S t. Fierre-et-Miquelon. Mexique, Amérique e x : i co an d ri bbe;i 11 . \ / 2.50 H on cl uras. AleAriqwc...... / 2 2 Mexico. N i c a r a g u a ...... I z 250 2 + 2 5 0 1 250 N ica ra g u a . Panam a ...... I 1 Panama. S a lv a d o r ...... 3 1 5 + 2 5 S alvador. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies etc. : ates, Colonies, etc.: Britanniques: B ritish. lies du Vent: Windward Islands: Saint-Vincent .... 28 28 2 8 St. Vincent. F rançais. F rench. G u a d e l o u p e ...... 20 20 Guadeloupe. M a rtin iq u e ...... 20 10 20 Martinique. Néerlandais. Netherlands. C u r a ç a o ...... 20 20 C uraçao.

Amérique du Sud. South America. A r g e n t i n e ...... 15 . 15 Argentine. Bolivie ...... I 1 Bolivia. B r é s i l ...... IO 10 Brazil. C h i l i ...... 15 2 500 5 15 Chile. u! C o lo m b ie...... 5 5 Colombia. E quateur ...... 75° 750 Ecuador. P a r a g u a y ...... 2 25 405 2 2 5 P arag u ay . P érou ...... 2 2 P eru. U ru g u ay ...... 17 518 i 518 7 500 17 518 U ruguay. V e n e z u e la 1 ...... 1 215 2 592 + i 215 2 4 3 0 Venezuela. 1 Dependencies, Colonies, Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : etc.: Britanniques. B ritish. Guyane britannique . . . 180 200 + 200 3 8 0 British Guiana. Françaises. French. Guyane française .... 60 60 French Guiana.


Afghanistan ...... 1 1 Afghanistan. Arabie Saoudienne .... 50 50 Sa’udi Arabia. C h i n e ...... 20 20 China. Inde . , 28 200 4 600 4 400 — 800 — 50 2 7 3 5 0 India.

1 Voir page 14 tableau II, note 3. • Ibtd, note §. 1 See page 15, Table II, note 2. 2 Ibid., note §. Y compris les territoires et possessions insulaires, à l’exception des Philippines. 3 Including territories and insular possessions, except Philippines. Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). D. ETHYLMORPHINE (DIONINE) (suite — continued).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter aux ( + ) ou à déduire comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduira de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des d ’Etat pour les évaluations (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l’on désire réserve pour les maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que l’on désire maintenir Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III (Article 5, para. 2, Country Pays (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Amount to be added Amount to be added Y compris la marge Y compris la marge to (+) or deducted le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the ment stocks to bring Estimates Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them to the level indicated them to the desired if any Margin if any Margin under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. ASIA (continued). ASIE (suite).

3 500 Iraq . In Ira k ...... I 500 3 + 2 4x 100 Ja p an . Ja p o n ...... IOO 8 50 4 Persia. P e r s e ...... 4 400 Siam. S i a m ...... 400 Dependencies, Protector­ Dépendances, Protectorats, ates, Colonies, etc.: Colonies, etc. : B ritish. Britanniques. British Borneo : Bornéo britannique : 30 North Borneo. Bornéo septentrional. . 30 + 3° 260 310 Ceylon. C eylan ...... 260 40 + 5° 113 C yprus. C h y p r e ...... 113 • Straits Settlements and Etablissements du Détroit 46 595 Dependencies. e t dépendances . . . . 356 59 + 239 61 Federated Malay States. Etats Malais fédérés . . . 61 IO • Unfederated Malay States : Etats Malais non fédérés : Johore. J o h o r e ...... I 22 Perlis. P e r i l s ...... 6 4 + 6 Trengganu. T rengganu...... 1 IO 1 9 Hong-Kong. H o n g - K o n g ...... 1 1 850 1 400 . of the U.S. A. des Etats-Unis. l'IlilippincH ...... H- i & j Philippines. 1 so ° \ Ægoan ^ - • - • - x * J apanese. J aponais. I 262 --- X 1x9 1 405 1 Korea, (Ctxosen.). Corée (Chosen)...... / 2 524 1 329 ! 1 2 + I 4 Formosa (Taiwan). Formose (Taiwan) . . . / 3 K o u a n - T o u n g ...... 1 I IOO IOO 500 + 500 1 600 K w antung. Néerlandais. Netherlands. Indes néerlandaises . . . 5 195 i 39 3 1 200 6 395 Netherlands Indies. P ortugais. Portuguese. M a c a o ...... II .. 25 . 11 M acao. T i m o r ...... IOO . 100 Tim or. Territoires sous mandat : Mandated Territories: Britannique. B ritish.

P a l e s t i n e ...... I 500 ... 1 500 P alestine. Français. French.

Syrie et L ib a n ...... 300 • 300 Syria and Lebanon.


E g y p t e ...... 3 500 1 746 + 380 3 880 E gypt. E th io p ie ...... 25 5 . 25 Abyssinia. . L i b é r i a ...... 250 250 Liberia. Soudan ...... 15 5 15 Sudan. Union Sud-Africaine. . . . IOO IOO IOO 4- 100 200 Union of South Africa. 1 Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies, etc. : ates, Colonies, etc.: Belges. Belgian. Congo b e l g e ...... 2 200 2 Belgian Congo. Britanniques. Afrique-Occidentale britan­ B ritish. nique : British West Africa: Côte de l’O r ...... IO 4 10 10 Gold Coast. N i g é r i a ...... IO 10 10 N igeria. Mauritius and Depen­ Ile M aurice et dépendances 53 379 53 dencies. O uganda ...... 150 50 150 U ganda. Rhodésie du Nord . . . 20 20 Northern Rhodesia. Rhodésie du Sud .... 100 100 Southern Rhodesia. Sainte-Hélène...... IO 10 St. Helena. Somalie britannique . . . 75 75 Somaliland. Zanzibar .... 10 10 Zanzibar. Français. Afrique-Equatoriale fran­ French. çaise . . . 200 200 French Equatorial Africa.

i Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). D. ÉTHYLMORPHINE (DIONINE) (fin — concluded).

11 I ll IV V

Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (b)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’E tat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir Pays (Article 5, para. 2 Country (Article 5,. para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. 2 deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates if any Margin if any Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V) 1 Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr.

AFRIQUE (suite). AFRICA (continued). L n Ch Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protectorates, Colonies, etc. (suite) : Colonies, etc. (contd.) : F ra n çais (suite). F re n ch (contd.). Afrique-Occidentale fran­ • çaise ...... 60 6 0 French West Africa. A lgérie...... 250 2 5 0 Algeria. 3 5 Somali Coast. Côte des Somalis .... 15 5° 20 Madagascar et dépen­ Madagascar and Depen­ dances ...... 60 60 dencies. M a r o c ...... 500 5 0 0 Morocco. R é u n io n ...... IOO 1 0 0 R eunion. T u n i s i e ...... 500 5 00 Tunis. Italiens. Italian. E ry th rée ...... I 500 500 2 1 5 0 0 E ritrea. L ibye : L ibya : C yrénaïque ...... I 500 500 I + 500 2 Cyrenaica. T r i p o l i t a i n e ...... I 3 0 ° 1 Tripolitania. S o m a l i e ...... 2 500 . 2 IOO 2 I Somaiiiand. "Portugais. I Portuguese. C a p - V e r t (1 le s d u ) ■ I O O 1 Cape Verde Islands. \ x Mozambi(( ue. \ ______1 500 I Ca méro u n ...... Cameroons. =5 1 5 1 T o g o . T o g o ...... / 5 OCÉANIE. OCEANIA. * A ustralia. A u s t r a l i e ...... 3 3 3 Nouvelle-Zélande ...... 3 2 3 New Zealand. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies,Protectorates, Colonies, etc. : Colonies, etc. :

Britanniques. B ritish. F idji ( I l e s ) ...... 5 ° 50 + 25 75 Fiji Islands. T onga ...... 65 Tonga. F rançais. F rench. Etablissements français. . 40 4 0 French Settlements. Nouvelle-Calédonie . . . 6o 6 0 New Caledonia.

Condominium Anglo-French franco-britannique. Condominium. Nouvelles-Hébrides1 . . 40 20 4 0 New Hebrides

Territoires sous m andat : Mandated Territories: Japonais. Japanese. Carolines, Mariannes et Caroline, Marianne and L n Marshall Islands. Marshall (Iles) .... 24 • 2 4 Total général .... 3 0 1 5 2 9 6 | j + 168 164 + 2 5 6 5 0 3 2 0 9 1 10 Grand Total.

* Voir page 14, tableau II, note 1. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. 1 Voir page 24, tablenu II, note 2. 1 See page 25, Table II, note 2. E. DIHYDROOXYCODÉINONE (EUCODAL). — DIHYDROHYDROOXYCODEINONE (EUCODAL).

EUROPE. EUROPE. Albanie .... 25 25 A lbania. • A lle m a g n e ...... 60 5 IOO • 60 G erm any. Autriche . . . 3 3 3 A ustria. Belgique .... 5 500 3 • . 5 Belgium . Royaume-Uni de Grande- United Kingdom of Great Bretagne et d'Irlande du Britain and Northern * N ord , 2 1 2 2 Ireland. Bulgarie1 . . 400 IOO 2 + 1 5 0 0 + 2 3 900 B u lg a ria .1 Danemark (y compris Groen­ Denmark (including Green­ land et îles Féroé) . . 25 5 0 0 2 25 land and Faroe Islands). Dantzig (Ville libre de) 600 200 2 5 0 600 Danzig (Free City of). Espagne 5 655 I IOO 3 - 1 4 655 Spain.

*1 Y S page ‘ 4. tableau II, note I. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. iota., no te 2. 1 Ibid., note 2. Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). E. DIHYDROOXYCODÉINONE (EUCODAL) (suite). — DIHYDROHYDROOXYCODEINONE (EUCODAL) (continued).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de comme telle transformation Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) de réserve des (— ) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des que l’on désire réserve pour les d ’Etat pour les évaluations Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Pays indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Country deuxième alinéa) (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) Y compris la marge Y compris la marge le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Amount to be added Amount to be added Level of reserve to (-f) or deducted to ( + ) or deducted stocks which it is from (— ) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. C,r. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr.

EUROPE (suite) EUROPE (continued). 1

E stonie 180 I + 47° 650 E stonia. ^ F inlande 2 500 500 I 2 500 F inland. 4 F rance 4 1 2 F ran ce. ' Grèce . 200 50 * 200 Greece. H ongrie 500 250 H- 250 750 H u ngary. Islande 50 50 Iceland. Italie . 3 500 3 3 500 Italy. L etto n ie 1 300 1 4 - 450 1 450 L atv ia. L ith u an ie 2 I 500 2 L ithuania. Luxembourg 70 70 + 7° 140 L uxem burg. N orvège . 3 0 ° 400 300 N orw ay. P ays-B as 700 . 1 700 Netherlands. P ologne . 8 2 10 + 10 18 P o la n d . Portugal (et îles adjacentes) 1 400 4OO 2 1 400 Portugal (and contiguous islands). R o u m a n ie * ...... 5 5 R o u m a n ia .1 S uède ...... 1 650 150 800 1 650 Sweden. S u i s s e ...... 3 I 2 3 Switzerland. Tchécoslovaquie . . . 5 I • 3 5 , Czechoslovakia. X ur t ^ u i e ...... 390 1 390 -j- 200 590 T Lirkcy. Yougoslavie.^...... 3 - . 3 "Yugoslavia. 2 Torritoiru a.dmiTiistr6 pi Territory administered by 1 Mexico and C aribbean. JVTexlque, A m érique Centrale et A n t i l l e s . i ' . . r. 1- 1-^ 1 ' ' 1 + 568 l^OSLcL IvICcL. C o s ta -R ic a ...... 1 432 72 1 G uba. C u b a ...... 3 100 Guatemala. G u a t e m a l a ...... IOO 50 M e x iq u e ...... 1 1 M exico. N i c a r a g u a ...... 200 IOO 200 — 100 300 N icaragua 50 Salvador. S alvador ...... 25 40 + 25 Dépendances, protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ colonies, etc. : ates, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish. 20 B arbados. B a r b a d e ...... 20 20 • •

Amérique du Sud. South America. 7 500 Argentine. A r g e n t i n e ...... 7 500 B r é s i l ...... 1 500 1 500 Brazil. Chili ...... 600 IOO 200 600 Chile. C o lo m b ie...... 250 250 Colombia. 244 P arag u ay . P a ra g u a y ...... 244 49 P é r o u ...... 1 1 P eru. 129 553 U ru g u a y . 0 U ru g u ay ...... 553 IOO V en ez u ela1 ...... 390 562 + 390 780 Venezuela. 1

ASIA. ASIE. 5 China. C h i n e ...... 5 In d e ...... 2 800 900 800 + 8 2 808 India. I r a k ...... 10 10 Iraq . 50 Ja p an . Jap o n ...... 50 6 20 Dependencies, Protectorates, Dépendances, Protectorats, Colonies, etc. Colonies, etc. : Britanniques : B r itis h . 5 Ceylon. Ceylan. 5 États Malais non fédérés : Unfederated Malay States : T rengganu ...... 10 10 10 Trengganu. 25 H ong-K ong. H ong-K ong .... 25 5 des États-Unis of the U.S.A. Philippines 250 250 + 165 415 Philippines Italiens. Italian. Ægean Islands. Iles de l’Egée 1 50 50 1

* Voir page x4, tableau II, note i ♦ See page 15, Table II, note 1. 1 Jbtd. note 2. 1 Ibid., note 2. 2 Ibid.t note § 2 Ibid.t note §

i Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). E. DIHYDROOXYCODÉINONE (EUCODAL) (fin) — DIHYDROHYDROOXYCODEINONE (EUCODAL) (concluded).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (&)) que l'on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir Pays (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. 2 deuxième alinéa.) deuxième alinéa.)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to ( + ) or deducted to ( + ) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates if any Margin if any Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV 4- V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Ivg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr.

ASIE (suite). ASIA (continued).

Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protectorates, Colonies, etc. (suite) : Colonies, etc. (continued) : Japonais. Japanese.

Corée (Chosen) ...... 7 9 4 103 3 9 7 + I 7 <> 970 Korea (Chosen). Formose (Taiwan) . . . I I + I 2 Formosa (Taiwan). Kouan-Toung ...... I 5 0 0 IOO 700 + 7 0 0 H" 1 3 200 K w antung. Néerlandais. Netherlands. Indes néerlandaises . . . 2 0 0 4° 200 200 Netherlands Indies. Territoires sous mandat: Mandated Territories: Britannique. B ritish. P a le s tin e ...... 2 5 0 250 Palestine.


E g y p t e ...... I 2 5 0 8 l8 — 33 1 217 E gypt. E th i o p i e ...... " 5 5 Abyssinia. S oudan ...... I 5 3 . 5 Sudan. Union Sud-Africaine .... IOO . 2 234 -j- IOO 200 Union of South Africa. "Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies, etc.: ates, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. 1 i Côte d e l’O r ...... 5o 1 !IoId Coast. \ Portuguese. Portugais. / 50 Angola. A n g o l a ...... J 2 5 I M o z a m b i q u e ...... t 2 5 1 M ozam bique.

OCÉANIE. OCEANIA. Territoires sous mandat: Mandated Territories: Japonais. Japanese. Carolines, Mariannes et Caroline, Marianne and 9 Marshall Islands. Marshall, (Iles) .... | 9 • I

Total général . . . 227 252 4- 15 139 + 3 245 391 Grand Total. '



A lb a n ie ...... 25 25 Albania. 110 Germany. A llem agne...... 110 IO 120 • A utriche...... 12 6 6 18 Austria. B elgique...... 1 IOO 5 00 — 1 5°° — 500 Belgium. Royaume-Uni de Grande- United Kingdom of Great Bretagne et d’Irlande du Britain and Northern * N o r d ...... 2 I 2 • 2 Ireland. Bulgarie1 ...... 800 200 2 + i 5°° + 2 4 300 Bulgaria.1 Danemark (y compris Groen­ Denmark (including Green­ land et Iles Féroé) .... 2 400 I 500 2 land and Faroe Islands.) Dantzig (Ville libre de) . . 700 200 200 700 Danzig (Free City of). Espagne ...... 260 85 250 — 50 210 Spain. E s to n ie ...... 1 200 1 ■ ■ 1 2 0 0 Estonia. F inlande...... 2 500 1 • 2 Finland. France 2 I 1 • 2 France. * Grèce . 200 50 50 200 Greece. Hongrie . 2 500 1 500 — 4 500 — 2 Hungary. Islande 200 2 0 0 Iceland. Italie . 1 500 2 1 500 Italy. Lettonie 0 300 2 -f I IOO 3 100 Latvia. Lithuanie 2 I 5°° . 2 Lithuania. Luxembourg IOO 100 + IOO 200 Luxemburg. Norvège 2 3OO I 900 -- IOO _ 2 200 Norway.

i Yfcd p*8f I4, tableau II, note i. * See page 15, Table II, note i. 0 e 2' 1 Ibid., note 2.

J 3SS83

Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). F. DIHYDROCODEINONE (DICODIDE) (fin — concluded).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 («)) (Article 5, para. 2 (b)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir Pavs (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates if any Margin if any Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. EUROPE (suite). EUROPE (continued). , P a y s - B a s ...... 5 6 0 0 7 5 600 Netherlands. 1 P o l o g n e ...... 5 3 8 ~b 8 13 Poland. fj* P o rtu g a l (e t îles adjacentes). I 4OO 4 0 0 2 1 400 Portugal (and contiguous , islands). ' R o u m a n ie 1 ...... IO 10 Rou mania.1 Suède ...... 2 42O 220 1 200 * 2 420 Sweden. S u i s s e ...... 8 2 5 8 Switzerland. T c h é c o s lo v a q u ie ...... 20 2 6 20 Czechoslovakia. T u r q u i e ...... 300 300 + 150 450 T urkey. Yugoslavia,2 Yougoslavie 2 ...... 3 3 Territoire administré par la Territory administered by Société des Nations: the League of Nations: Saar Territory. Sarre (Territoire de la). i 750 300 150 • 1 750

AMÉRIQUE. AMERICA. Mexique, Amérique Mexico and Caribbean. Centrale et Antilles. Haïti...... | 25 25 H aiti. Mexique...... 2 5 .. 25 Mexico. Dependencies, Protector­ Dépendances, protectorats, 1 1 j colonies, etc. : 1 1 1 ates, Colonies, etc. : "N éerlandais. 1 1 Netherlands. C uraçao...... \ \ \ 1 5 600 ■V enezuela. 1 Venezuela 1. 000 + 1 1 ^ 1

ASIE. ASIA. C h i n e ...... 250 China. Inde 795 200 goo 795 India. S iam . S i a m ...... 10 • 10 Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies, etc. : ates, Colonies, etc.: Britanniques. B ritish. Etats Malais non fédérés: Unfederated Malay States: T rengganu ...... 10 IO 10 Trengganu. des Etats-Unis. of the U.S.A. P h ilip p in e s...... 100 • 100 + 36 136 Philippines. Italiens. Italian. Iles de l'E g é e ...... I 50 50 1 Ægean Islands. Japonais. Japanese. Eormose (Taiwan) . . . 50 20 30 + 30 80 Formosa (Taiwan). Néerlandais. Netherlands. Indes néerlandaises . . . 6 I 200 6 6 Netherlands Indies. Territoires sous mandat : Mandated territories : Ch Britannique. B ritish. u> P a l e s t i n e ...... 150 25 150 Palestine.

AFRIQUE. AFRICA. E g y p t e ...... 165 50 + 167 E gyp t. E thiopie ...... 5 5 A byssinia. Soudan ...... 5 5 5 Sudan. Union Sud-Africaine . . . IOO 100 1 156 + IOO 200 Union of South Africa. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish. Côte de l'O r ...... 50 25 50 • 50 Gold Coast. N i g e r i a ...... IO 10 10 Nigeria. Betchouanaland .... 20 20 Bechuanaland. Italiens. Italian. E ry th r é e ...... 200 50 50 . 200 E ritrea. S o m a lie ...... 200 50 5° 200 Somaliland. Portugais. Portuguese. M o z a m b iq u e ...... 2 2 Mozambique.

lotal général . 215 180 11 468 228 648 Grand Total.

* pagc ‘ 4. tableau II, note i. 1 oia.t note 2. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. lbid.t note §. 1 Ibid., note 2. 2 ibid., note §. Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). G. DIHYDROMORPHINONE (DILAUDIDE).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (-—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (b)) que l'on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l'on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa.) deuxième alinéa.)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (-f) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—-) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates ;f any Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. EUROPE. EUROPE.

A lle m a g n e ...... 13 2 G erm any. A u tr ic h e ...... 3 A ustria. B e lg iq u e ...... I IOO 5° ° Belgium . Royaume-Uni de Grande- United Kingdom of Great Bretagne et d’Irlande du Britain and Northern N o r d ...... 2 I Ireland. B ulgarie 1 ...... I + Bulgaria. 1 Dantzig (Ville libre de) . . 80 40 Danzig (Free City of). E spagne ...... 40 18 Spain. E s t o n i e ...... 120 E stonia. F in la n d e ...... 600 500 Finland. F ra n c e ...... I France. G r è c e ...... 200 5 ° Greece. H o n g r i e ...... 250 50 H ungary. I t a l i e ...... I Italy. L etto n ie ...... 150 5° 2 0 0 L a tv ia . i -il Vuuiiur...... * Lithuania. L uxem bourg ...... 1 100 200 Luxemburg. N o r v è g e ...... 1 275 3 8 0 Norway. P a y s - B a s ...... 800 Netherlands. the Lcagvje ot N ations 1 Saar Territory. S a r r e (Territoire de la.) . roo AMÉRIQUE. AMERICA. Amérique du Nord. North Am erica. C anada ...... C anada. Etats-Unis d’Amérique 2 5 569 United States of America. 2 Mexique, Amérique Centrale et Antilles. Mexico and Caribbean. M e x i q u e ...... 25 25 M exico. Amérique du Sud. South America. A r g e n t i n e ...... 200 200 Argentine. Venezuela 1 ...... 6 0 0 -f 600 1 200 Venezuela. 1

ASIE. ASIA. C h i n e ...... IOO 100 China. S i a m ...... 15 15 Siam. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies, etc. : ates, Colonies, etc.: Britanniques. B ritish. C e y la n ...... 15 15 Ceylon. Japonais. Japanese. In Corée (C h o s e n )...... I I 500 I 500 5 750 + 5 75° 17 250 Korea (Chosen). Néerlandais. Netherlands. Indes néerlandaises . . . I I 1 Netherlands Indies. Territoire sous mandat : Mandated Territories: Britannique. B ritish. P a l e s t i n e ...... 25 25 Palestine.

AFRIQUE. AFRICA. E g y p t e ...... 140 20 + I 141 E g y p t. Union Sud-Africaine . . . IOO 843 + IOO 200 Union of South Africa. Dépendances, Protectorats Dependencies, Protector­ Colonies, etc. : ates, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish . lthodésie du Sud . . . . 20 Southern Rhodesia.

OCÉANIE. OCEANIA. Nouvelle-Zélande . IO 10 New Zealand.

Total général . . . 1 h)

8 4 394 + 7 581 + 9 3 975 Grand Total.

! y,°.'F PaSe 14, tableau II, note 1. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. luid., note 2 . 1 Ibid., note 2. compris les territoires et possessions insulaires, à l’exception des Philippines. 2 Including territories and insular possessions, except Philippines.

i Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued).



Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Niveau des stocks aux (4-) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire comme telle transformation de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des que l'on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que l’on désire maintenir Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III Quantity necessary for use as such (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Amount to be added Amount to be added Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (4-) or deducted le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Including margin Including margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired if any Margin if any under III (Col. I 4- II + IV + V)

Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Kg. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. EUROPE. EUROPE. 4 0 G erm any. 30 A l le m a g n e ...... 40 9 A ustria. 3 + A u tr ic h e ...... 6 United Kingdom of Great Royaume-Uni de Grande- Britain and Northern Ire- Bretagne et d’Irlande du 2 land. 2 N o r d ...... 80 Danzig (Free City of). 50 Dantzig (Ville libre de) 80 40 1 E stonia. I + 950 E s t o n i e ...... 50 100 F inland. 50 F i n l a n d e ...... 100 50 500 H ungary. 2 5 0 + 2 5 0 H o n g r i e ...... 2 5 0 50 5 00 Italy. IOO I t a l i e ...... 500 2 90 L atvia. 2 5 0 + 40 L e t t o n i e ...... 2 5 0 200 Lithuania. 50 L i t h u a n i e ...... 200 138 N orw ay. 40 + 38 N o r v è g e ...... IOO 50 Netherlands. 740 "P ays-B as ...... 50 Roumania. * Roumanie ^ ...... Sweden 150 Sufede ...... 275 Czechoslovakia. 50° Tchécoslovaquie .... Territory administered l~>y Territoire administré par Mexico and Caribbean . G uatem ala. 25 Haiti. 50 M exico.


Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc.: Néerlandais. Netherlands. Indes néerlandaises . . . 800 160 800 Netherlands Indies. Territoire sous mandat : Mandated Territory: Britannique. B ritish. P alestine...... 50 25 50 Palestine.

Total général .... 54 780 + 4 278 59 58 Grand Total.

• Voir page 14, tableau II, note x. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. 1 Ibid., note 2. 1 Ibid., note 2.



Allemagne . 20 15 20 G erm any. Finlande . 70 50 25 70 F inland.

Total général .... 20 70 20 70 Grand Total. Tableau III (suite). Table III (continued). J. N-OXYMORPHINE (GENOMORPHINE). MORPHINE-N-OXIDE (GENOMORPHINE).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (+) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (6)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Pays (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2 deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa) Country

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to ( + ) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (-—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. EUROPE. EUROPE. F ra n ce ...... 5 2 5 0 0 F rance. P a y s - B a s ...... 4 IO Netherlands. R o u m a n ie 1 ...... 2 Roumania. 1 O n 00 Tchécoslovaquie ...... I 50 0 5 0 0 Czechoslovakia.

AMÉRIQUE. AMERICA. Amérique du Nord. North America. C a n ad a ...... 85 85 C anada.

Mexique, Amérique Mexico and Caribbean. Centrale et Antilles. Costa-Rica ...... 6 0 + 40 100 Costa Rica.

ASIE. ASIA. P e r s e ...... 100 Persia.

AFRIQUE. AFRICA. E g y p t e ...... 10 E g y p t. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protectorates, Colonies, etc. : Colonies, etc. : Français. French. Algérie...... 50 Algeria.

Total général. Grand Total K. THEBAÏNE. — THEBAINE.


A llem agne 1 ...... G erm any. 1 Royaume-Uni de Grande- United Kingdom of Great Bretagne et d'Irlande du Britain and Northern N o rd ...... 5 1 40 5 Ireland. H o n g r i e ...... 35° 50 200 + 200 550 H u ngary. I t a l i e ...... 500 2 500 Italy . P a y s - B a s ...... 600 12 600 Netherlands. S u i s s e ...... 50 50 Switzerland. U .R .S .S . 2 ...... 100 100 U .S.S.R . 2


Amérique du Nord. North America. Etats-Unis d’Amérique 3 . . 2 835 2 835 United States of America. ®


Ja p o n ...... 200 200 Ja p a n . Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc. : Néerlandais. Netherlands. Indes néerlandaises . . . 10 2 10 Netherlands Indies.

Total général .... 109 2 9 5 250 4- 200 3 5 9 495 Grand Total.

* Voir page 14, tableau II, note x. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. 1 Gouvernement allemand a communiqué ce qui suit: 1 The German Government states that: « Pour la thébaïne, aucune évaluation n’a pu être établie. “ As regards thebaine, 110 estimate has been possible. .. * Cette substance est obtenue au cours de la transformation de l’opium brut. » “ It is obtained as a by-product during the working-up of raw opium. " o “ é?‘lanJ?e de vues a lieu entre le Gouvernement allemand et l’Organe de contrôle à ce sujet. This matter is the subject of discussion between the German Government and the Supervisory Body. - Voir page 12, tableau II, note 2. 2 See page 15, Table II, note 2. compris les possessions insulaires et territoires, à l'exception des Philippines. u Including territories and insular possessions, except Philippines. Tableau III (suite). — Table III (continued). L. COCAÏNE — COCAINE


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (b)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2. Country (Article 5, para. 2 (c)) (Article 5, para. , deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to ( + ) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

EUROPE. Kg. Gr. Kg. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. EUROPE.

A l b a n i e ...... I 1 A lbania. A lle m a g n e ...... 80 IO 500 80 G erm any. A u tr ic h e ...... 70 20 70 70 A ustria.

B e lg iq u e ...... 74 7 400 5 ° + I 75 Belgium. Royaume-Uni de Grande- United Kingdom of Great Bretagne et d'Irlande du Britain and Northern N o r d ...... 301 27 294 301 Ireland. B ulgarie1 ...... 9 1 30 + 27 + 56 92 B ulgaria.1 Danemark (y compris Groen­ Denmark (including Green­ land et Iles Féroé) . . . 25 5 20 25 land and Faroe Islands). Dantzig (Ville libre de) . . 600 300 I 600 Danzig (Free City of). E sp ag n e ...... 125 4 800 40 — 12 113 Spain. E s t o n i e ...... 6 6 + 2 8 E stonia. F in la n d e ...... 18 5 8 18 F inland. F ra n c e ...... 400 10 300 400 F rance. G r è c e ...... 15 1 5 15 Greece. H o n g r i e ...... 32 10 2 5 + IO 42 Hungary. Irlande (Etat libre d’) . . . 12 2 4 12 Irish Free State. I s la n d e ...... 1 500 Iceland. Italy. Lettonie ...... LLUiuanie...... Lithuania. Goo 25 ■+■ 15 1 ~«iüur Roumania. ^ Xi.011ma.n1e ...... / 80 1 46 200 4 200 23 * 46 200 Sweden. + 0 S u isse ...... 1 40 10 300 90 Switzerland. Tchécoslovaquie...... 1 90 10 70 90 Czechoslovakia. T u rq u ie ...... 28 10 28 + 14 + 12 54 Turkey. U.R.S.S.1 ...... 1245 1245 U.S.S.R. 1 Yougoslavie 2 ...... 3° 30 Yugoslavia. 2 Territoire administré par la Territory administered by Société des Nations: the League of Nations: Sarre (Territoire de la). 5 3°o 500 500 5 300 Saar Territory. Dépendances, Colonies, etc.: Dependencies, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. British. G i b r a l t a r ...... 160 50 160 Gibraltar. M a l te ...... 2 500 2 Malta,


Amérique du Nord. North America. Canada. 1 Canada ...... 56 696 70 870 + I4 344 71 40 3 Etats-Unis d’Amérique 3 816 929 10 654 505 229 816 929 United States of America. Newfoundland. Terre-Neuve...... 500 500 Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Dependencies, Colonies, etc. : 1 French. Françaises. St. Pierre-et-Miquelon. Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon . 25 50 + 50 75

Mexico and Caribbean. Mexique, Amérique Centrale et Antilles.

Costa-Rica ...... 2 836 472 4 + 1 164 4 Costa Rica. C u b a ...... 8 8 Cuba. République Dominicaine 1 . 4 I 4 Dominican Republic. 1 G uatém ala...... 5 5 Guatemala. H a ï t i ...... 510 510 H aiti. Honduras . . . 500 500 H onduras. M exique 10 10 M exico. Nicaragua 2 5oo 6 + 5° ° 2 500 Nicaragua. Panama I X P anam a. Salvador 800 3 — 200 600 Salvador.

t Y™ Pa6e 14, tableau II, note i * See page 15, Table II. note 1. 1 I bid, note 2 1 Ibid., note 2 p Ibid., note §. 2 Ibid., note §. ^ compris les territoires et possessions insulaires, à l’exception des Philippines. 8 Including territories and insular possessions, except Philippines.

i Tableau III (suite). Table III (continued). L. COCAÏNE (suite). COCAINE (continued).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux (+) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (&)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’E tat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir Pays (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to (+) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from(—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates if any Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg.

AMÉRIQUE (suite). A M E R IC A (continued). •o Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. British. Antilles britanniques : British West Indies: B aham as...... I I 1 Bahamas. Barbade ...... 800 200 800 Barbados. Iles du Vent: Windward Islands: Grenade ...... 28 20 28 Grenada. Sainte-Lucie...... 27 27 27 St. Lucia. 14 St. Vincent. Saint-Vincent .... 14 28 Iles sous le Vent: Leeward Islands: A n tig u a ...... 50 50 Antigua. D om inique...... IOO 100 Dominica. Virgin Islands. Iles V ierges ...... 14 28 + 14 28 M ontserrat...... 56 56 Montserrat. Jamaïque (y compris. Tur­ Jamaica (including Turks, ques, Caïques et Caïmans) Caicos and Caymans). Bermuda. B e rm u d e s ...... 3 5 ° 5° Honduras britannique 70 British Honduras. Trinité et Tot>a.go .... Trinidad and Xoba-fjo. V rançais. South America. 150 H A r g e n t in e . A rg e n t i n e ...... 150 B o l i v i a . B o l i v i e ...... IO 10 45 Brazil. B r é s i l ...... 45 C h i l i ...... 15 2 500 5 15 Chile. C olom bie...... 6 6 Colombia. E q u a te u r...... 2 2 Ecuador. P arag u ay ...... 5 812 I 162 .. 5 812 P arag u ay . P é r o u ...... 5 5 Peru. U ru guay ...... 15 6 60 15 U r u g u a y .1 Venezuela 1 ...... 4 5° ° X 16 458 + 5 500 10 Venezuela. 1 Dépendances, Colonies, etc. : Dependencies,Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. B ritish. Iles Falkland et dépen­ Falkland Islands and De­ dances ...... 13 13 pendencies. Guyane britannique . . 720 720 720 British Guiana. Françaises. French. Guyane française .... 200 200 French Guiana. Néerlandaises. Netherlands. Surinam (Guyane néerlan­ S urinam . daise) ...... 160 80 300 160 O? A S IA . 1 ASIE. A fghanislan ...... 3 3 Afghanistan. Arabie Saoudienne . . . . 181 181 Sa’udi Arabia. C h i n e ...... 35 35 China. I n d e ...... 52 800 7 33 850 — 3 900 — 363 48 537 India. Ira k ...... 1 1 + 1 2 Iraq . Japon ...... 900 30 450 900 Ja p a n . P e r s e ...... 6 6 Persia. S i a m ...... 2 IOO 500 2 100 Siam. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto­ Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc. : Britanniques. British. Aden et dépendances . . 310 310 Aden and Dependencies. Bornéo britannique : British Borneo : Bornéo septentrional. . 30 10 3° + 27 57 North Borneo. Brunéi 60 60 Brunei. Sarawak . 256 256 S araw ak. Ceylan 3 700 1 500 3 Ceylon. Chypre 907 907 Cyprus.

1 Volr page 18, tableau II, note l See page 19, Table II, note 1. ■ ■

Tableau III (suite). Table III (continued). L. COCAÏNE ^suite). COCAINE (continued).


Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux (4-) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (b)) que l’on désire réserve pour les d’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir Pays (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2 deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to ( + ) or deducted to (4-) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. ASIE (suite). ASIA (continued).

Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protectorates, Colonies, etc. (suite) : Colonies, etc. (continued) : Britanniques (suite). B ritish (continued). Etablissements du Détroit Straits Settlements and et dépendances .... I 96 183 2 245 + 919 2 15 Dependencies. Etats Malais fédérés . . . 30 5 30 Federated Malay States. Etats Malais non fédérés : Unfederated Malay States : J ohore ...... 170 170 J ohore. K éd ah ...... 224 - 84 140 K edah. K é la n ta n ...... 32 3 2 K elan tan . P e r i l s ...... 2 7 + 2 4 Perlis. T ren g g an u ...... 6 0 18 60 T rengganu.

H o n g - K o n g ...... 2 150 4 5 ° 2 150 H ong-K ong. des Etats-Unis. of the U.S.A. Philippines ...... 9 9 + 5 42 0 14 420 Philippines. Français. 2 0 0 French. Etablissements dans l’Inde 4 5 0 2 0 0 French India. Kouang-Tchéou-Ouan 1 4 7 00 4 5 0 I Kwang Chow l-Van. Union Indochinoise . 4 7 0 0 French Indo-China.. Italiens. I talian. J H<><> ÆZgiiii.n Inlands. 1 1 ' 5 TSÎ etherlands. Indes néerlandaises . . . 2 IOO 18 130 1 1S Ï etherlands 1 ndies. Portugais. Portuguese. M a c a o ...... 142 Macao. T im or ...... 500 500 Tim or. Territoires sous mandat: Mandated Territories : Britannique. B ritish. P a l e s t i n e ...... 500 5 P alestine T ran sjo rd an ie...... 238 5° 238 2 38 Transjordan. F rançais. French. Syrie et L ib a n ...... 5 5°o 5 500 Syria and Lebanon.

AFRIQUE. AFRICA. E g y p t e ...... 15 5 23° + 3 124 18 124 E g y p t. E th io p ie ...... 400 50 400 A byssinia. L i b é r i a ...... 500 500 L iberia. S oudan ...... 2 500 2 S udan. Union Sud-Africaine . . . 20 180 3 364 38 996 + 19 840 + 34° 4 0 360 Union of South Africa. Territoire sous administra­ Territory under Interna­ tion internationale : tional Administration: T anger...... 500 500 T angier. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protector- vj Colonies, etc. : a tes, Colonies, etc. : Belges. Belgian. Congo b e l g e ...... 100 1 Belgian Congo. Britanniques. Afrique-Occidentale britan­ B ritish. nique: British West Africa : Côte de l’O r ...... 80 30 80 80 Gold Coast. G a m b i e ...... 100 100 G am bia. N i g e r i a ...... 1 N igeria. S ie rra -L e o n e ...... 455 142 455 Sierra Leone. Bassoutoland ...... 60 60 Basutoland. Betchouanaland .... 30 30 Bechuanaland. 500 500 K enya. Mauritius and Dependen­ Ile Maurice et dépendances 26 3 238 1 26 cies. N y a s s a l a n d ...... 65 240 65 N yasaland. Rhodésie du Nord . . . 250 250 Northern Rhodesia. Rhodésie du Sud .... 1 Southern Rhodesia. Sainte-Hélène...... 10 10 St. Helena. S e y c h e lle s ...... 100 4- 100 200 Seychelles. Somalie britannique . . 44 11 44 Somaliland. Swaziland . US 115 Sw aziland. Zanzibar . 150 30 150 Zanzibar.

J Tableau III (fin). Table III (concluded). L. COCAÏNE (fin) - COCAINE (concluded).

II I ll IV V

Quantité nécessaire pour être utilisée Quantité nécessaire aux fins de Quantité à ajouter Quantité à ajouter comme telle transformation Niveau des stocks aux ( + ) ou à déduire aux ( + ) ou à déduire de réserve des (—) stocks de des (—) stocks Total des (Article 5, para. 2 (a)) (Article 5, para. 2 (&)) que Von désire réserve pour les d ’Etat pour les évaluations maintenir amener au niveau amener au niveau que Quantity necessary for use as such Quantity necessary for conversion indiqué sous III l’on désire maintenir (Article 5, para. 2, Country (Article 5, para. 2(c)) (Article 5, para. 2, deuxième alinéa) deuxième alinéa)

Y compris la marge Y compris la marge Amount to be added Amount to be added le cas échéant Marge le cas échéant Marge Level of reserve to ( + ) or deducted to (+) or deducted stocks which it is from (—) the reserve from (—) the Govern­ Total of the Including margin Including margin desired to maintain stocks to bring them ment stocks to bring Estimates Margin Margin to the level indicated them to the desired under III level (Col. I + II + IV + V)

Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. Kg. Gr. AFRIQUE (suite). AFRICA (continued). Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protectorates, Colonies, etc. (suite) : Colonies, etc. (continued) : F rançais. Afrique-Equatoriale fran­ F rench. çaise ...... 200 200 French Equatorial Africa. v r Os Afrique-Occidentale fran­ çaise ...... I 1 French West Africa. A lgérie...... 6 6 A lgeria. Côte des Somalis .... 80 500 + 3 ° ° 380 Somali Coast. Madagascar and Depen­ Madagascar et dépendances 600 600 dencies. M a r o c ...... 6 6 M orocco. R é u n io n ...... 600 600 R eunion. T u n i s i e ...... 2 5 °° 2 500 T unis. Italiens. Italian . E ry th ré e ...... 3 500 3 500 E ritrea. L ibye : L ibya : C y ré n a ïq u e ...... 2 500 i 108 + 892 + i 4 392 C yrenaica. Tripolitaine ...... 5 i + 2 7 Tripolitania. S o m a l i e ...... 4 5° ° 800 4 500 Somaliland. Portugais. Portuguese. A n g o la ...... T 1 Angola. Cap-Vert (lies du) . . . 90 90 Cape Verde Islands. Guinée poylugaise .... 1 250 250 Portuguese Guinea. M o z a m b iq u e ...... 2 Mozambique. 2 St. Thomê and Principe

Saint-l'homé cl l3rince _ \ 5 0 0 1 500 1 Islands. TerrituÎTOs sous m andat : 2VTa.nda.tocI Territories : OCEANIA. OCÉANIE Australie 48 75 A u s tra lia . Nouvelle-Zélande .... 8 13 New Zealand. Dépendances, Protectorats, Dependencies, Protecto- Colonies, etc. : rates, Colonies, etc. : Australiens. Australian. Norfolk (Ile) ...... 60 60 Norfolk Island. P ap o u a ...... 56 56 P apua. Britanniques. B ritish. Fidji (Iles) ...... 100 + 500 600 Fiji Islands. Gilbert et Ellice (Iles) 20 20 Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Salomon (Iles) .... 100 50 100 Solomon Islands. T onga ...... 3 ° 15 45 Tonga. F rançais. French. Etablissements français 250 60 250 French Settlements. Nouvelle-Calédonie . . 200 200 New Caledonia. Néo-zélandais. of New Zealand. Cook, Tokelau, etc. . . 100 Cook, Tokelau, etc. Condominium Anglo-French franco-britannique. Condominium. Nouvelles-Hébrides 1. . 180 80 180 New Hebrides.1 Territoires sous mandat : Mandated Territories: <1 Australien. Australian. vt N ou velle-Guinée . . . 86 86 New Guinea. de l’Empire britannique. of the British Empire. N a u r u ...... 56 56 N auru. Japonais. Japanese. Carolines, Mariannes et Caroline, Marianne and

Marshall (Iles) . . . 34 34 Marshall Islands, N éo-zélandais. of New Zealand. Samoa occidental . . . 200 Western Samoa.

Total général 5493 62 + 214 442 + 126 77 5833 581 Grand Total.

* X°.*r PaSe 14. tableau II, note I. * See page 15, Table II, note 1. Voir page 24, tableau II, note 2. 1 See page 25, Table II, note 2. Note. — Les évaluations concernant le niveau des stocks de réserve des Note. — Estimates concerning the level of reserve stocks for the following rognes suivantes, pour lesquelles des tableaux séparés n’ont pas été prévus, drugs, for which separate tables have not been, provided were furnished by °n f°urriies par le Gouvernement des Pays-Bas, examinées et acceptées the Government of the Netherlands and examined and accepted by the par 1 Organe de contrôle : Supervisory Body: III in Niveau des stocks Level of reserve stocks Drogues de réserve que l’on D rugs which it is desired désire maintenir to maintain Kg- Gr. Benzoylmorphine...... 8 q o Benzoylmorphine. 9 0 E cgonine...... ' ' 50 Ecgonine . . . . 50 1 A N N E X I.

Statistical Form B (L).


Permanent Central Opium Board.

ANNUAL ESTIMATES OF DRUGS. (These Estimates should reach the Central Board not later than August 1st.)

if for any country estimates are not furnished by the above date, the Supervisory Body s h a l l itself draw up the estimates. (See Article 2 of the Convention of July 13th, 1931.)

G o vernm ent o f 19

Competent Department (Signed)...... Head of Department These estimates relate to the calendar year 19

EXTRACT FROM THE CONVENTION OF JULY i 3th, 193i . Article 5. Every estimate shall be accompanied by a statement explaining the method by which the everal amounts shown in it have been calculated. If these amounts are calculated so as to 1 elude a margin allowing for possible fluctuations in demand, the estimates must indicate the extent of the margin so included. It is understood that, in the case of any of the “drugs” whii.ii are or may be included in Group II, a wider margin may be necessary than in the case of the other “ drugs”. 4. Every estimate shall reach the Permanent Central Board not later than August 1st in the ear preceding that in respect of which the estimate is made.

For definitions, see Article 1 of the Convention of July 13th, 1931, and also Notes 1 and 2 on the back of this form.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. ill in every blank space in every column. Where there is nothing to report, write the word “ nil” . If there is not sufficient space on this form, attach additional pages with a proper designation at the head of each page. Show weight in kilogrammes and grammes ; if impossible, state clearly the weight used in the table. Figures for kilogrammes should be shown without full-stops or commas. Only net weights should be entered in the table [i.e., excluding packing material, such as cases, bottles, tubes and other containers, wrappers, etc.). Only the weight of the pure alkaloid content should be given in the case of crude alkaloids and of salts and preparations. (See table of equivalences.)

TABLE OF EQUIVALENCES. (By pure alkaloid is meant basic anhydrous alkaloid.) Morphine: The principal morphine salts found on the market contain about 80 per cent of pure morphine. diacetylmorphine (diamorphine, heroin) : The principal diacetylmorphine salts (diamorphine, heroin) found on the market contain about 90 per cent of pure diacetylmorphine. Hydrochloride of dihydrohydrooxycodeinone (eucodal) contains 78 per cent of pure dihydrohydro- oxycodeinone. Bitan *-ate of dihydrocodeinone (dicodide) contains 60 per cent of pure dihydrocodeinone. Hydrochloride of dihydromorphinone (dilaudide) contains 89 per cent of pure dihydromorphinone. Hydrochloride of acetyldihydrocodeinone or hydrochloride of acetyldemethylodihydrothebaine (acedicone) contains 90 per cent of pure acetyldihydrocodeinone. Hydrochloride of dihydromorphine (paramorfan) contains 89 per cent of pure dihydromorp line. Hydrochloride of benzylmorphine (peronine) contains 87 per cent of pure benzylmorp me. Methyimorphine (codeine): Phosphate of codeine contains on an average 70 per cent 01 pu methylmorphine (codeine). , , , •__/S p in et Hydrochloride of codeine contains 81 per cent of pure methylmorp 1 ( t, _ Sulphate of codeine contains 76 per cent of pure methylmorp ^ of ethylmorphine (dionine) contains 81 per cent of pure e y P ■ cocajne Hydrochloride of cocaine contins about 90 per cent o f p u r e c o c a m e N.trate ot coca,ne contains 75 per cent of pure cocaine. Tincture of coca ordinardy•conte.ms Pure cocaine. Fluid extract of coca ordinarily contains 0.6 pei ce P 2

Only the weight of the pure alkaloid content MORPHINE DIACETYLMORPHINE DIHYDR (N ote i ) (diamorphine, should be given in the case of crude OXYCO h e ro in ), alkaloids and of salts and preparations, and i (See table of equivalences.) and its salts (eucod and preparations prep-

Contrary to the method adopted by the Central Board on the other statistical forms, the quantities falling below one kilogramme Including I In clu d in g margin, Margin* m ai gin, should also be stated in these estimates. if a n y if an y kg j grm ' kg grm kg 1 grm kg ërrn kg m

I. The quantity necessary for use as such for medical (Note 4) and scien­ tific needs, including in this quantity both the quantity required for the manufacture for domestic consump­ tion of preparations for which export authorisations are not required (Note 5) and the quantity required for the manufacture for export of the said preparations (but the quan­ tity of the said preparations which is to be imported into the country is to be excluded from the estimate)

II. The quantity necessary for the pur­ pose of conversion **, whether the substance resulting from this con­ version is for domestic consumption or for export grm grm kg III. The amount of the reserve stocks (Note 6) which it is desired to maintain

IV. (a) The amount required to bring the reserve stocks up to the level it is desired to maintain

(b) The amount to be deducted from the reserve stocks to bring them down to the level it is desired to maintain

V. (a) The amount required to bring the Government stocks (Note 6) up to the level it is desired to maintain

(b) The amount to be deducted from the Government stocks (Note 6) to bring them down to the level it is desired to maintain

* See page 1 of this form (Article 5, paragraph 3, of the Convention of July 13th, 1931). ** “ The term ‘ conversion ' shall denote the transformation of a drug by a chemical process, with the excer :• of When one of the drugs is converted into another of the drugs, this operation shall be considered as conversion n

Remarks : MET HYLMORPHINE ETHYLMORPHINE COCAINE (codeine) an d its and its salts ( Note 2) salts (dionine)

Including In clu d in g Including Including Including margin, M argin’ m argin, M argin: m argin, M argin’ m argin, M argin1 margin, if any if an y if any if any if any grm grm g rm kg grm kg gin

grm grm g r m g r m

fleri ,1 ad-tLS, . and as manufacture in relation to the other." (Article i, paragraph 4, of the Convention of July 13t * 93 N o t e s .

Note î. Morphine : This heading refers to morphine in the following forms : [a pure morphine ; (b) crude morphine; (c) salts of morphine ; (d) preparations which contain more than 20 per cent of morphine made direct from raw or medicinal opium ; (e) preparations hich contain more than 0.2 per cent of morphine made from any of the forms of morphine menroned in (a), (b), (c) or (d) ; (/) solutions and dilutions of morphine in an inert substance, liquid or olid made from any of the forms of morphine mentioned in (a), (b), (c) or (d), even if these soldions and dilutions contain 0.2 per cent or less of morphine. Where the figure entered in this column includes pure morphine contained in crude mon dne, the weight of such pure morphine and also the weight of the crude morphine should be ind ited separately under “ Remarks

Noie 2. Cocaine : This heading refers to cocaine in the following forms : (a) pure cor.une; (b) crude cocaine; (c) salts of cocaine; (d) preparations which contain more than 0.1 pe, cent of cocaine made direct from the coca leaf; (e) preparations which contain more than o r per cent of cocaine made from any of the forms of cocaine mentioned in (a), (b), (c) or (d) ; (/) solutions and dilutions of cocaine in an inert substance, liquid or solid, made from any of the forms of cocaine mentioned in (a), (b), (c) or (d), even if these solutions and dilutions contain 0.1 pe cent or less of cocaine. Where the figure entered in this column includes pure cocaine contained in crude ce vine the weight of such pure cocaine and also the weight of the crude cocaine should be ind a ted separately under “ Remarks”.

Note 3. When figures are given for the substances mentioned below in answer t the questions in the present form, the quantities for each drug should be inserted in the blank col ■ nns, additional columns being added, if necessary : Dihydromorphinone and its salts (dilaudide) and preparations ; Acetyldihydrocodeinone or acetyldemethylodihydrothebaine and its salts (acedi me' and preparations; Dihydromorphine and its salts (paramorfan) and preparations ; Morphine-iV-oxide (genomorphine) and its preparations ; Thebaine and its salts and preparations; Ecgonine and its salts and preparations ; The esters of ecgonine and their salts and preparations; The esters of morphine other than diacetylmorphine and their salts and prepai; ions; Benzylmorphine and its salts (peronine) and preparations; The other ethers of morphine and their salts and preparations, except methylm< dune (codeine) and its salts, and ethylmorphine and its salts (dionine) ; The esters of the following : dihydrohydrooxycodeinone, dihydrocodeinone, dihyd; mor- phinone, acetyldihydrocodeinone or acetyldemethylodihydrothebaine, di dro- morphine and their salts and preparations; The morphine-Ar-oxide derivatives and the other pentavalent nitrogen me shine derivatives and their preparations.

Note 4. By medical needs are to be understood all requirements for medical pui poses, including dental and veterinary requirements.

Note 5. The preparations for the export of which export authorisations are not required are: (1) preparations containing any of the drugs which have been exempted under Ar1 icle 8 of the Convention of February 19th, 1925; (2) preparations containing 0.2 per cent or :ss of morphine or 0.1 per cent or less of cocaine, but not the solutions or dilutions in an inert sub- tance (see Article 13, j (b), of the Convention of July 13th, 1931) ; (3) preparations containing ny of the drugs in group II (codeine and dionine) which are adapted to a normal therapeutic u 1 i'ee Article 13, 2, of the Convention of July 13th, 1931).

Note 6. In order to secure a uniform basis for the preparation of estimates and stat -tics, it is recommended that Governments should adopt the following interpretation of the erms “ reserve stocks ” and “ Government stocks ”, The term “ reserve stocks ” should be taken to mean the normal working stocks m a in ; 'hied by manufacturers and wholesalers for the normal domestic consumption of the count1 '■ f°r conversion in the country, and for export. The effect of this interpretation will be that, in making estimates and in compiling statistics of reserve stocks, Governments will not take into count stocks in the hands of retailers. “ Government stocks” should, as far as possible, be regarded as including only stocks under Government control for the use of the military, naval and air forces of the country or to meet exceptional circumstances. Any stocks of drugs held by the Government for normal domestic consumption in the conntO by the civilian population, whether such drugs are sold by the Government or distribute gratuitously, should, for the purpose of the estimates and the statistics furnished to Permanent Central Board, be included in the “ reserve stocks