Сатпаеведение M.M. Bakenov

SATPAEV GUIDANCE Satpaev guidance


Kazakh national technical university named after K.I.Satpaev



Is recommended by Educational-methodical association, educational- methodical and cognitive-educational “Center” named after A.Mashani as manual

2-nd edition, revised and supplemented

Almaty, 2006

1 M.M.Bakenov

UDK 55 (574) (075)

B192 M.M.Bakenov. Satpaev guidance: Manual. – : KazNTU, 2006. –138 р.

ISBN 9965-736-03-0

In this manual is characterized the nature of mining-geological specialties on a sample of study of many-sided activity of an outstanding scientist-geologist, first President of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR, organizer of science, mining and geological service and higher techni- cal education in Kazakhstan, academician K.I.Satpaev. Here is described the history of discovery of mineral products and development of science, education, productive forces as well as shown the prospects of complex and rational development of various mineral raw materials resources of the country including new non-traditional kinds of raw materials. This manual contains valuable material and can serve as a refer- ence for the students of geological-prospecting, mining, oil, metallurgical and ecological-economical institutes engaged in the issues of prospecting, exploration, and development of deposits of mineral resources, complex and rational development thereof. It would be useful for the engineers, post- graduates, undergraduates, scientific workers, process men and wide circle of readers interested in mineral raw material resources as well as in the history and prospects of the science, education and undustry. Table 1. List of the literature – 78 names.

Reviewers: S.M.Kozhakhmetov, academician NAN RK doctor of technical sciences, professor D.K.Kshibekov, academician NAN RK doctor of philosophic sciences, professor B.R.Rakishev, academician NAN RK doctor of technical sciences, professor Sh.A.Abdraman, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor A.B.Diarov, doctor of geological sciences

ISBN 9965-736-03-0 © KazNTU, 2006 “To great regret, our young generation is 2 Satpaev guidance

poorly familiar with life and activity of Kanysh Imantaevich, badly knows his works, and poorly represents his great person as the scientist with the world name. Hence, his life and activity, his immortal works, good deeds accomplished by him should find an objec- tive reflection in the new textbooks which are preparing for publication”.



Industrially - innovative development of the country and growing needs of the market for mineral raw material, especially in oil, gas, non- ferrous, noble, rare metals and new unconventional kinds of raw material, make special requirements to quality of preparation of engineers of min- ing and geological and metallurgical specialties. Modern mining engi- neers should be competitive experts and be in possession of modes and technique of investigation, exploration, estimation, development and complex processing of mineral raw material, have knowledge in the field of production economics and management. Therefore it is expedient to start study of the basis of a specialty from the first year, considering creative potential of youth and work ex- perience of the previous researchers, who under direction of an out- standing scientist, the organizer of science and prospecting service in Ka- zakhstan academician K.I.Satpaev, have achieved much success in expose and development of mineral resources of the republic bowels. Moral qualities, patriotism and moral feat of this true patriot of the kazakh earth are a fine example of imitation for young generation. In comparison with the first release, the book is supplemented with new chapters devoted to the issues of management of science, technique of the minerals search, particularly of new and unconventional kinds thereof. Significant adjustments have been made in all other chapters, concerning the text and reflecting achievements of the last years. When preparing this manual, works of K.I.Satpaev, literature about life and ver- satile activity of this great person were used. Heritage of K.I.Satpaev re- 3 M.M.Bakenov quires the further studying in view of prospect of development of science and industry, especially its new and progressive branches. The author will take any offers and remarks directed to improvement of this manual con- tent with gratitude.

INTRODUCTION 4 Satpaev guidance

As a basis of the course "Satpaev guidance", introduced into educa- tional process under the decision of scientific and methodic council of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, is taken the material of lectures of the author on geological and prospecting, oil, metallurgical and mines insti- tutes of the Kazakh national technical university named after K.I.Satpaev. As the purpose the author wanted to characterize the nature of the mining and geological specialties which have been lit up by works of such great human persons, as the organizer of science and mining and geological service in Kazakhstan academician K.I.Satpaev. When preparing this manual, it was taken into consideration, that students of initial courses are not yet familiar with the main sections of disciplines of mining and geological specialties, with life and activity of Kanysh Imantaevich, therefore data on these specialties, their specific and general features directed to a complex study and complete development of mineral deposits are briefly cited herein. The history of university and kazakhstani science, role of the unique person of K.I.Satpaev, prominent scientists in disclosing and development of riches of bowels of Kazakh- stan is described in the short extent. The exclusive role of science in de- velopment of productive forces of the country is shown. Principal concern is given to many - sided creative activity of the world famous scientist - geologist, great patriot of native land, academi- cian K.I.Satpaev, his moral feat and titanic work for the sake of develop- ment of science and industry of the country. The example of vital activity of K.I.Satpaev is of current impor- tance, in a transition period when some general human values and moral criteria are forgotten in the society. Also, it is necessary to estimate com- pleteness of greatness of his scientific heritage in various branches of sci- ence, culture, literature and art. The outstanding figure of the son of the Kazakh Earth of Kanysh Imantaevich is a fine example of fair service to the people and progress for imitation of youth. At the same time, the pros- pects of grand work which should lead to the decision of problem of com- plex and rational development of various mineral resources of bowels of our native land, development of highly technological productions on the basis of domestic metals are shown. Certainly, in the small manual it is impossible to capture and reflect all newest with exhaustive completeness that characterizes the progress of our knowledge in questions of study and 5 M.M.Bakenov rational development of the pantries of bowels. Therefore, the author con- siders this problem from two positions: on the one hand, clarification of the achieved successes and condition of the full knowledge, on the other hand - disclosure of the complex of ore substance, prospects of expansion of the raw-material base of the country, mainly in detection of large - scale and competitive mineral deposits, as well as new kinds of mineral raw material and development of priority directions of branches on the basis thereof.

BECOMING OF THE PERSON 6 Satpaev guidance

" To train children is good, but so that they served to their people ". Abai

The great son of the Kazakh Earth Kanysh Imantaevich Sat- paev was born on April 12th, 1899 at the foot of beauty of Sary - Arka of Bajanaulski mountains, combined of improbable and beau- tiful granite rocks of mattress type, in the gorges of which the crys- tal - clear mountain rivers flow. The father of future academician Imantai Satpaev (1845-1928) was educated, clever, well-bred and fair person, freely knew Rus- sian, farsiand Arabian languages, he was well familiar with Chokan Valikhanov, his father- Chingiz Valihanov and son of Abai Kunan- baev - Turagul [47,50,60]. He was connected with friendship and joint activity with russian scientist - ethnographer G.N.Potanin - associate of Chokan Valihanov. He worked as national judge of Akmolinsk volost, well knew the history of his own country, works of oral amateur and folk arts, literature of east turkic people. It is known the version of record from lips of Kurmanbai - grandson of Bukhar – Zhyrau of a song of great kazakh akyn Bukhar - Zhyrau devoted to the death of khan - Ablai, written by Imantai Satpaev (1880) under G.N.Potanin's request. Imantai was always exciting about the future of the youth. He gave special attention to the train- ing and education of the children, especially of the younger son - Kanysh. Mother of Kanysh Satpaev - Alima (1862-1904) has died, when small Kanysh was not five years at all. After the death of Alima, the senior wife of the father - kind Nurum has surrounded Kanysh with the mother care. At the beginning, the future scientist started to com- prehend a science from mullah, then he completed two-years rural school. Study has been continued in Pavlodar russian and kazakh two-years specialized school. [58]. In the childhood, under influence of father, Kanysh studies the Arabian, Persian languages, learns by heart the poems of Khafiz, Saadi, Navoi. After leaving specialized school (1914) he entered Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary which has been successfully com-

7 M.M.Bakenov pleted in 1918. He has obtained thorough knowledge in general edu- cational subjects due to highly cultured, progressively adjusted teachers and well completed libraries. The aspiration to perfection of self-education has enabled young Kanysh to familiarize not only with the works of russian art classics, but also with foreign, including the european literature. Already during this period Kanysh studied compositions of Chernyshevskij, Belinskij, Dobrolyubov, has got acquainted with scientific works of Marx and Engels. Together with Kanysh in seminary studied such people as M. Ae- zov, Z.Ajmauytov, K.Nurmahamedov. After leaving the teacher's seminary he worked as the teacher of natural sciences on pedagogical courses in Semipalatinsk for two years. Now, after the courses he was much more involved with natu- ral sciences. Unfortunately, hard work on self-education and daily responsible pedagogical work have undermined his health, and he was ill with a tuberculosis. He was forced to come back home and work as the teacher at aul school. In 1920-1921 under the decision of Pavlodar district revolution committee he worked as the national judge in native Bayanaul village, was member of Bayanaul revolution committee and chairman of cul- tural department. The young judge took active part in a public life of steppe, carried out large elucidative and educational work among local population. He participated in the opening of elementary schools, has organized reading of newspapers and magazines in auls, told about the ground decree, about measures on protection from a typhus, has involved pupils and active workers in this important is- sue. His vigorous activity drew attention of local authorities and was repeatedly covered on pages of district and regional newspapers. Si- multaneously, Kanysh continued self-education and was preparing for entering to the institute of higher education. The main choice of the young man was influenced by the profes- sor Michael Antonovich Usov from the Tomsk institute of technology who has arrived in 1921 in Bayanaul for koumiss medical treatment where he has stayed in the native aul of Kanysh Satpaev. Here what impression on him was made by the young judge: " … the interesting young man! He is competent, freely speaks in Russian. Is thoughtful, any word in vain will not tell. Nevertheless did not go in, that he is 8 Satpaev guidance the judge. Almost the young man … Even in the Europe where the juridical education is well put, so young men hardly could be ap- pointed on such position … ". M.A.Usov has woken in Kanysh the desire to explore the riches of bowels of the native land. Kanysh constantly accompanied him in " geological routes " on vicinities of Bayanaul mountains where the professor of geology told about the structure of the ground and relief, about sculptural forms of granites due to aeration, about travel in Zhungariya with his teacher academician Vladimir Afanasievich Obruchev and undiscovered treasuries of bowels. Well- known ge- ologist- researcher has made indelible impression upon the young man. Experienced teacher who has appreciated abilities and an edu- cational level of the young man, advised him to accelerate realization of his decision to entry to the institute of higher education. [58]. In autumn, 1921 at imperative request of Kanysh Satpaev, the provincial organizations have satisfied his petition and have directed to study in the Tomsk institute of technology. After excellent pass of entrance examinations, he has been taken in as a student of geologi- cal and exploring department of the mining faculty. The world out- look of Kanysh Satpaev was formed exactly during these students’ years. He has learned much from outstanding russian scientists- geologists, professors and academicians of the Tomsk institute of technology V.A.Obruchev and M.A.Usov, professors N.N.Yrvancev, B.L.Stepanova, M.K.Korovina, N.N.Gornostaeva, etc. [56,68,73]. The unforgettable impression on student Kanysh was made by the libraries of Tomsk university and Tomsk institute of technology where he for the first time has seen complete set of works of Push- kin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoi, Turgenev, Nekrasov, Jule Vern, Zhukovsky, ancient russian and foreign editions, large set of news- papers and magazines, huge collection of books on different branches of science and engineering. Kanysh Imantaevich, lived at request of professor M.A.Usov in his family, differed by modesty and great diligence. « It was a student, whose soul and body were devoted to study ». [71]. He studied a lot in educational laboratories and sat up in reading rooms for hours, deeply studying theoretical courses on which the circle of subjects under study was much wider, than in other institutes of higher education. Kanysh 9 M.M.Bakenov diligently summarized each lecture, aspired to comprehend its contents independently. It is remarkable, that at the institute, the requirements to a level of knowledge of students were very high, and as a result, far from all could take diplomas. As a result, the graduates have obtained excellent preparation in the field of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The intense work affected the health of young Kanysh. Not got used to a cold and crude climate of Tomsk, he was ill with tuberculo- sis. His health has been recognized almost hopeless. At urgent re- quest of provident professor M.A.Usov, Kanysh has been sent home, hoping, that dry climate of Bayanaul, warmth, koumiss and good nourishment will help him to survive. At home, all was made in or- der to put Kanysh on his feet and as a result, artful illness slowly re- ceded. Having felt little bit better, Kanysh has started to prepare for disciplines for the second semester of the first course and for all sec- ond course. In 1923 he was able to return to Tomsk and without at- tending the lectures to pass all examinations for two courses, coming up with the comrades on study. Lectures on geological disciplines have been started from the third course. He was especially interested in the lectures of professor M.A.Usov, which were deep in content and vivid in the form. In summer, Kanysh Imantaevich participated in geological re- searches of the territory of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Geological and sur- vey practice he has passed near in Besshoky natural boundary under direction of skilled geologist Michael Petrovich Rusakov, and the third practice - in geological party of N.N.Gornostaev in Semejtau mountains located to the south from Semipalatinsk. The unforgettable impression made on him the practice in Anzhero-Sudzhenski mine which he was passing under direction of M.A.Usov where he for the first time went down in mine. In 1925, Kanysh when passing the prac- tice under direction of M.A.Usov worked in coal mines Ekibastuz. In ad- dition, finished the practice on Mainsk copper deposit in Minusinsk terri- tory. During the study at the institute of higher education (1924) Satpaev has written the first textbook of algebra (1923) for kazakh schools in na- tive language. One copy of it is written in roman type, and an initial vari- ant – in Arabic. Unfortunately, for the unknown reasons "Algebra" of K.I.Satpaev has remained unpublished though it has been approved and 10 Satpaev guidance accepted by publishing house. However, as experts consider, the textbook of algebra is actual, has not lost its value till now, includes a lot of instruc- tive for modern authors and can be used at schools and colleges. At Tomsk university the circle on studying culture of east peo- ple has been organized where Kanysh often acted with reports about song and epic creativity of Kazakh people and among executors of songs of people of the East took a great interest in music (played on dombra and violin), ball dances and photo. Influence on formation of musical and song creativity of young Kanysh has been exerted by such singers and akyns of Bayanaul, as Zhayau Musa Baizhanov, singer-improvisator Isa Bajzakov, poet Mashhur-Zhusup Kopeev, fine singer Majra Uvalieva. He also was engaged in a museum of archeology and ethnography and was a member of the Kirghiz (Ka- zakh) section of study of local lore circle. On one of the sessions of section of this circle Kanysh Imantaevich has informed on a find of remains of the person of time of paleolith to the west from Semi- palatinsk when digging the well in dry sand and has delivered a find to archeological museum. In the museum, it is kept dombra, pre- sented to museum by chairman of the Kazakh section of study of local lore museum student Kanysh Satpaev in 1925. He was very careful to everything what was concerned of native land, his fellow compatriots, collected and studied oral national creativity (folklore heritage) of Kazakh people and was its deep expert. In the spring of 1926, Kanysh Satpaev has perfectly defended the diploma project on a theme "Exploration of copper deposits in Minusinsk region" which was studied by known geologists of Rus- sia. On graduation from the institute, he has left for native Kazakh- stan where he was assigned at disposal of "Atbascvetmet" trust. Here he has headed a geological department and was engaged in revealing of stocks of minerals in Dzhezkazgan-Ulytauskij region. The field of activity of trust included Karaganda coal deposit, Uspensk copper and Karsakpajsajski lead mines, Spasskij copper-smelting plant, coal and nonferrous metals of Dzhezkazgan-Ulutaskij region. Thorough theoretical and practical knowledge, talent and huge working capac- ity, skill to work with people have allowed him, contrary to negative opinion of Englishmen and Geolkom of SNK (I.S.Jagovkin and oth- ers), correctly to estimate stocks of ores as huge and to prove his 11 M.M.Bakenov point of view by economic calculations. It was the proof of a scien- tific prediction of inquisitive mind of the researcher and thoughtful scientist. Dzhezkazgan became one of the first centers of the state geological service of the republic. In 1932 K.I.Satpaev has published the first scientific monograph "Dzhezkazgan copper and ore area and its prospects" and later two years he has acted with the report on prospects of the Dzhezkazgan copper deposit and all area at the session of the Academy of sciences of the USSR which has under lied into the basis of decisions of session. How- ever hard fights with conservatives-officials of Geolkom which has stopped financing of prospecting works, still were coming. And only thanks to the personal initiative, boldness, skill to struggle, in 1934 Kanysh Satpaev has pressed for making an ap- pointment with the people's commissar for heavy industry Sergo Ordzhonikidze, managed to prove the necessity for creation of the Big Dzhezkazgan, insisted on restoration of exploring and prospect- ing works and has designed preparation for construction of Dzhez- kazgan mining and metallurgical combine. [58,61] The skilful combination of practical work with scientific activ- ity has allowed the young mining engineer-geologist to increase prospecting stocks of copper therefore Dzhezkazgan became the largest deposit of copper in the world. In 1940 for the huge merits in development of riches of bowels of Dzhezkazgan he was awarded with supreme award of that time - Lenin's award. Name of Sat- paev became widely known in Kazakhstan and abroad. He was elected as a member of Presidium of Kazakh branch of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Kanysh Satpaev was not limited only with geology and ex- ploration, he as the mining engineer well knew mining, perfectly understood systems of underground developments of various de- posits, processes of enrichment and metallurgy. Planned and com- plex approach to the deposits under study he widely distributed to all complex of exploring and mining-metallurgical manufacture, achieved completeness of extraction and use of the basic, and dif- fused elements as well. In 1941 geologist-expert K.I.Satpaev has been appointed as direc- tor of Geological institute of the Kazakh branch of Academy of Sci- 12 Satpaev guidance ences of the USSR that has enabled him to carry out basic researches in Dzhezkazgan-Ulytausk region in view of practical interests of mining- metallurgical complex of the Big Dzhezkazgan. In a year, he becomes the first doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences among Ka- zakhs on set of scientific works (1942), the professor on a specialty "Geology" (1950) and Chairman of Presidium of the Kazakh branch of Academy of Sciences of the USSR - the future Academy of sci- ences of Kazakhstan. In 1942, he was awarded the State prize of the USSR for scientific work “Ore deposits of Dzhezkazgan region of the Kazakh SSR”. In the autumn of 1943, K.I.Satpaev was elected as a member-correspondent of Academy of sciences of the USSR for great services in the development of science. He becomes a member of the commission of the Academy of sciences for mobilization of the resources of Ural, Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, member of All-Union commission for resources of minerals, member of the Committee for geology of SNK of the USSR. In September 1944, he was given the rank of the “Honored worker of science of the KazSSR”. In the difficult conditions of Great Patriotic war, all his energy Kanysh Satpaev directs to the provision of needs of the front - the forced prospecting and organization of extraction of ores of Zhezdy manganese deposit, iron ores of Atasuisk area, design and construc- tion of the Kazakhstan Magnet - Karaganda metallurgical plant, factory and other objects. After the end of war, he carried out great preparatory work on crea- tion of the Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan. (1,2,3). Big role in the organization of the Academy of sciences and becoming of its leader of K.I.Satpaev have played outstanding scientists of the country: academi- cians A.Baykov, T.Obrazcov, K.Skryabin, V.Obruchev, S.Vavilov, I.Bardin, N.Nakovnikov, E.Britske, I.Gubkin, N.Bruevich, L.Orbeli, D.Pryanishnikov, V.Komarov and others. In 1946, Kanysh Satpaev has been elected as the first President of the created Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan and the full member of the Academy of sciences of the USSR. For the first time the representative of science from east republics has been awarded the supreme scientific rank of the country - academi- cian of the Academy of sciences of the USSR.

13 M.M.Bakenov

Under initiative of K.I.Satpaev new academic institutes have been opened: nuclear physics, hydrogeology and hydro-physics, chemistry of oil and natural salts, mining-metallurgical, chemical- metallurgical, economy, biology, philosophy and the right, literature and art, archeology and ethnography, linguistics, deserts and other centers of science of the important science. [72]. Along with increase in number of scientific institutes the scientific manpower was formed. Encyclopedic knowledge, exclusive charm and skill to gain people have allowed K.I.Satpaev to prepare great number of talented young scientists in the shortest terms, to complete created new institutes with the staff. K.I.Satpaev always supported the youth, aiming it to the most actual problems of a science and production. He gave rapt attention to the national education and develop- ment of the higher school, for the first time has put forward an idea of polytechnization of institutes of higher education, personally headed the State examination board of the Kazakh mining- metallurgical institute till the last days (nowadays KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev). Those years the Academy of sciences headed by outstanding organizer of science K.I.Satpaev, was determining the ways of development of science, industry, economy, culture and education. It is well known, that he was a great expert of the Ka- zakh history, literature, culture, ethnography, folklore, music, has left set of works about theatre, art, culture, on education of youth. K.I.Satpaev did not become isolated within the limits of geology only. As academician I.Pavlov marked: " … in his fine head are located both geology and biology, and humanities ". Under initiative of K.Satpev, out sessions of the Academy of sciences were conducted in large industrial regions of the republic – Ust-Kamenogorsk, Atyrau, Karaganda, Dzhezkazgan, Kustanai and other regions where together with process men the ways of complex development of economy of the regions were determined, and scien- tists rendered the practical assistance to industrial complexes. Role of K.I.Satpaev in becoming and development of the international contacts of Kazakhstan, strengthening and deepening of cooperation of kazakhstani scientists with scientists of Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Ta- jikistan, Kirghizia and other countries, especially in carrying out of joint researches and preparation of the scientific staff is exclusive. Being a 14 Satpaev guidance member of the delegation, he visited England, was accepted by Uinston Cherchill, the prime minister of England - Ettly. As a member of Presid- ium of the Academy of sciences of the USSR, Committee for the Lenin and State premiums and the Supreme certifying commission academician K.I.Satpaev contributed to the organization and development of the sci- ence of the USSR. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize, that K.I.Satpaev was and remains one of the outstanding scientists in the field of ge- ology. Certainly, primary role for geological science is played by its new branch - metallogenic, developed on a scientific basis in Kazakhstan and being a basis for forecasting of deposits of minerals. "The problem of the forecast, search and prospecting of minerals is, as a matter of fact, synthe- sis and top of the modern geological life ", - stated K.I.Satpaev. Such work, which brought to him world glory, has been executed during the years when he was exposed to unreasonable persecutions and has been released from the post of the President of the Academy of sciences of Ka- zakhstan. After the death of K.I.Satpaev (January 31st, 1964) President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR academician M.Keldysh wrote: "Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev was one of the most prominent scientists in the field of geology ". Value of geology especially increases in the conditions of transi- tion to the market relations, to economy of knowledge through innova- tions and education. Its role in effective studying, rational and complex use of mineral-source of the raw materials of the republic is very impor- tant. Present condition of mineral-raw-material base of the country causes serious alarm in connection with severe decrease of real stocks, deterioration of quality of raw material and geological, mining-technical conditions, as well as absence of the effective control over activity of the foreign investors who quite often injuriously operate the riches of bow- els of Kazakhstan without observance of rules for extraction and explor- ing. It is obvious, that contracts of the foreign companies should be reg- istered at a stock exchange in order not to admit price cutting when sell- ing the raw material since back cases are observed that undermines im- age of Kazakhstan in the world market. At the same time, the further perfection of the system for the bowels granting is required. All measures providing efficiency of concluded contracts and issued numerous licenses, should be di- 15 M.M.Bakenov rected not only to the observance of rules, codes and liabilities, but also to perfection of technological modes of exploration and pros- pecting, extraction and processing of mineral raw material. Today such kind of control does not exist at many enterprises and as a re- sult, damage for the republic is enormous.


16 Satpaev guidance

The role of stone, color stone raw material and other minerals in the history of material culture of humanity is well known. At all times, the stone serves humanity. During an epoch of a primitive-communal system the man used stone and its products as the instrument of war and work. [62]. The Stone Age proceeded from 800 thousand years ago up to 6 thousand years B.C. in the Ancient East. In paleolith and mesolite, fragments of rocks were used only, in neolith there were the first molded figulines. One of the first metals extracted by the man, was gold (eternal metal) archeological finds of which are dated 12-millenium B.C.: beads-nuggets in Egypt (6 000 years), gold ornaments and copper arrow-heads in the Great Britain (4500 years), treasure of Egyptian pharaon Tutanhamon and Scythian gold warriors in Kazakhstan. It is known, that after defeat of the Persian tsar Darya all gold of the an- cient world (9 000 tons) has been taken out from Persia by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C. Alexander the Great paid off with the soldiers with gold coins. Now gold becomes a blood of economy, a corner stone of civilization. The world used gold coins more than 2000 years, and paper money - 200 years. Gold reserves of Babylon reached 5 000 tons). For 500 years of existence of Roman empire it has been extracted about 2000 tons of gold, and for all time of exis- tence of mankind - 40 000 tons. In the Bronze Age, the man has discovered a way of obtaining of fusible alloys of copper with tin, lead, antimony, silver for prepa- ration of the weapon and household goods. In the Iron Age, our ancestors have started to forge products from meteoric iron, for example, an iron column (a column of "love") in the center of Delhi, and then from metal smelted from iron ore. Oil as fuel was used as far back as in the Bronze Age. On the coast of Euphrates there were oil fields before 6-4 thousand years up to A.D. Coal has started to play an essential role in Europe and Eng- land only from XVII century. The remains of ancient (3-2 thousand years B.C.) metallurgical plants on smelting of gold, copper, lead, tin and other metals are found out on extensive territory of Kazakhstan. Plynij the senior describes the well-known event that has oc- curred during a feast arranged by Cleopatra in the honor of Mark An- 17 M.M.Bakenov tonij. Beautiful Cleopatra has argued with Mark Antonij that will man- age to prepare the most expensive drink in the world. Mark Antonij has answered, that if who will be able to prepare the extremely expen- sive drink, then only he himself, and has sent out the messengers to all parts of Roman empire in order to bring to him the most expensive and rare drinks. Cleopatra has taken one of two large pearls that carried in ears, has dissolved it in vinegar and has drunk this drink. So ruinous "cocktail" was, perhaps, beyond the pocket even for self-confident Mark Antonij, because the pearls were highly appreciated since the most ancient times. In the tomb of pharaon Tutanhamon, except for gold mask, rel- ics, - decorated by bronze, lazurite, obsidian, serdolik, feldspar as well as gold dagger, inlaid by jewels have been found. Thus, interest to beautiful, rare and mysterious precious stones existed always. The ancient period of development of mining on the territory of Kazakhstan as archeological finds testify, traces of ancient excava- tions and preserved notes of travelers (Platon, etc.), shows, that blos- soming of mining coincides with the periods of economic rise of the life of people, time and again being replaced by loss of interest to it due to the forays of other tribes. [1]. During the medieval period on the territory of Kazakhstan and adjacent countries a number of minerals has been already developed by primitive way: stone building materials, millstones, ores of gold, silver, lead, antimony, mercury, salt. On traces of such ancient exca- vations, such large deposits have been discovered as: Dzhezkazgan, Korgasyn, Maikain, Tekeli, Karagaily, Shatyrkol, etc. Exploration, prospecting and development of deposits were carried out by initia- tive persons on a voluntary basis at the beginning, and then, for ex- ample, in Russia, the state expeditions began to be equipped accord- ing to Peter's I instructions. Before the period oil egresses were discovered in Dossor (1857), lead deposits in Karatau (1866), coals in Lenger (1857), Kenderlik (1892), Karaganda (1833), complex ore deposits in Rudnyj Altay. However, only handicraft oil, coal and mining and ore industries were existed. Being unable to provide development of mining and ore industry, the imperial cabinet has started to sell ore areas of Kazakhstan 18 Satpaev guidance to the foreign concessionaires (France, England and Austria). But these foreign concessionaires did not allocate sufficient capital investment into the mining and ore industry and only processed the remained easily accessible rich ores. The majority of deposits on the territory of Kazakhstan were discovered during the Soviet period. Kazakhstan has a powerful min- eral and raw material base. [56]. Now on the territory of the republic are discovered more than 2000 commercial deposits of different minerals. Among them the world's largest Zhezkazgan copper de- posit, unique as per resources of chromic ores Kempirsai deposits, large oil deposits of the Western Kazakhstan (Tengiz, Kazhagan, Uzen, Karachaganak, etc.), world as per resources manganese depos- its (Zhezdy, etc.) and iron ores (Sokolovskoe, Sarbaiskoe, Ayatskoe, etc.), phosphorus (Karatauskoe), as well as non-ferrous metals, rare and noble elements and many other. As per industrial use, mineral deposits are divided into ore or metal, non-ore or nonmetal, combustible or caustic-biolytic and hy- dro mineral (see table). Minerals of ore deposits are presented by black, non-ferrous metals, rare and precious metals and diffused and rare earth elements as well. To non-ore deposits are attributed chemical, agronomical, metallurgical, technical, building; piezooptic raw material, precious and ornamental stones. Significant interest represent organogenic formations: pearls, cor- als, gagate, amber, ivory, etc. Oil, combustible gases, coal, peat and combustible slates are at- tributed to combustible minerals. Hydro mineral deposits are divided into drinking, technical, mineral or balneological and oil waters contain- ing such valuable elements, as iodine, bromine, boron, radium, etc. The mineral raw material is used for the needs of industry and construction both directly, without preliminary processing and for extraction from it of valuable, natural chemical compounds or ele- ments necessary for national economy. With the development of human society the need for mineral raw material is constantly varied, new and non-traditional kinds and variety of mineral raw material are studied. On the basis thereof, progressive branches of industry which promote complex develop- ment of productive forces are created. [29,30]. 19 M.M.Bakenov

The gradual depletion of the resources of non-ferrous metals, pre- cious metals, oil and other traditional kinds of mineral raw material de- mands detection of the new types of commercial deposits, including super large, possessing huge resources and high content of valuable components. So far, the main problem is the complex use of ores deposits and full extraction of the basic and accompanying components. Quite often value and cost of such satellite rare and diffused elements con- siderably exceeds the cost of the basic metal. Especially they, for example, rhenium, osmium, scandium, strontium, gallium, germa- nium and others, are in great demand in the world market due to their application in the new branches of industry. Complex and complete extraction of valuable components from the ores is possible thanks to the further perfection of technique and technical equipment for extraction (walking excavators, etc.) and processing of mineral raw material (essentially-new and pyrohydro- metrical processes). Thus, conditions for involving into the sphere of development progressively less rich ores and decrease in require- ments to quality of mineral raw material are created. Especially since many deposits in the republic till now are not developed because of the low content of valuable components in the ores in spite of sig- nificant resources thereof. Hence, deposits of minerals represent only the local excessive concentration of those or other elements and their natural chemical compounds on general background of their wide dispersion in the earth's crust. Thus, any deposit of minerals represents the exclusive natural phenomenon, and the task of the expert is reduced to definition of the condition and feature of concentration of mineral raw material on the background of its regional dispersion. This is mainly concerned the large-scale and competitive projects representing an exclusive value for the national economy.

Table Systematics of deposits of mineral products according to N.Ermakov (with additions of the author)

20 Satpaev guidance

Deposits Raw material Mineral products minerals Group of Group

Elements Ore Ferrous metals: Fe, Mn, Ti, Cr, light metals: Al, Li, Be, Mg, heavy nonferrous metals: Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, rare and small metals: W, Mo, Sn, Co, Hg, Bi, Zr, Cs, Nb, Ta, precious metals: U, Аg, Рt, Оs, Iг,

Metal radioactive metals: U, Ra, Th, diffused elements: Sc, Ga, Ge, Rb, Cd, In, Hf, Re, Te, Ac, rare-earth elements: La, Ce, Pr, Nb, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tu, Yb, Lu Minerals Metallurgical, Fluxes: fluor-spar, calcite and heat-insulating dolomite, feldspar and quartz, refractory nepheline; refractories and heat insulators: graphite, chromite, chrysotil-asbestos, vermiculite, talcum and a talc Non-metal stone, magnesite, quartzite, bauxite (disthene), diaspore, dumortierite


Deposits Raw-material Mineral products minerals Group of Group 21 M.M.Bakenov

Chemical Saline, native sulfur, sulfu- ric pyrites, arsenopyrite, realgar, auripigment, fluo- rite, barite, viterite, alunite, celestine, strontium, calcite, aragonite, medicinal bitu- men Agronomical Apatites, phosphorus, po- tassium salt, niter, borate, datolite, glauconite

Crystals Technical Dielectrics: muscovite, phlogopite, abrasives: dia- mond, corundum, topaz, gar- net, quartz

Precious stones Diamond, emerald, turquoise, beryl, ruby, aquamarine, alex- andrite, sapphire, spinel, to- paz, amethyst, chrysoprase, opal, turmaline Piezooptic Piezocrystals: piezoquartz, turmaline, optical minerals: optical flurite, icelandic spar, optical quartz


22 Satpaev guidance

Deposits Raw-material Mineral products minerals Group of Group

Amorphous Semi-preccious Agate, opal, obsidiane, chal- and con- stones and color cedony, jasper, rhodonite, cealed stones (orlec), malachite, lazurite, crystal sub- nephritis, jadeitee, agalmato- stances lite, selenite, anhydrite, char- oite, amasonite, rhondonite, labradore, marble onyx, ophi- calcium Organogenic Pearls, corals, gagate, amber, ivory

Rocks Building Building stones: wall, roof, materials road, rubble stone; facing stones: marble, jaspers, granite, labradorite, etc., stone acid- proofs: andesite, felsite, etc. raw material for stone cast- ing: diabases, basalts, etc. ce- menting materials: mergel, limestone, clay, plaster; fillers: gravel, sand, hydraulic addi- tives: pumice, diatomite, Tripoli powder, menelite slates, etc. mineral paints: chalk, ochre, etc. Glass and Glass-making sands, pegma- ceramic tite, clay and caoline, loams


23 M.M.Bakenov

Deposits Raw-material Mineral products minerals Group of Group

Solid fuel- Humitte: peat, lignite, brown chemical coal, coal, anthracite; semis- apropelite: hagate, semibog- head; sapropelite: boghead, slate coals, pyrobitumen, antraxolite, nature paraffin Liquids Fuel-chemical Heavy oil naphthene, high- and gases gravity oil paraffin, combus- tible gas Waters Fresh: drinking and techni- cal; mineral-balneological: carbonic acid, hydrogen sul- fide, radioactive etc., salt wa- ters of sources, oil with Br I, B, Ra etc. Pickle solutions Lake: mineral mud and silts Hydro-and-gas-mineral Gases Noncombustible, inert: He Ne Ar Kr etc.

24 Satpaev guidance


" K.I.Satpaev - one of the greatest people not only of the former Soviet Union, but also of the outgoing XX centuries ". N.A.Nazarbaev

According to Iden, former prime minister of the Great Britain, in the Soviet Union there are figures of the world importance and one of them is Kanysh Satpaev. He has made such statement at the meeting with N.S.Khruschev in London. Prime minister was grieved for the fact, that there are no such outstanding persons, as K.I.Satpaev, among the nationals in the Great Britain. However, as per application of three times Hero of the Socialist work Efim Pavlovich Slavskij, - " Kazakh people till now have not understood K.I.Satpaev's greatness, his huge merits are not yet estimated in all completeness not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the union scale. In our century, it will hardly happen. But certainly, time of Satpaev will come, here you will see … ". Such time has come only at the end of the second millenium. In 1999, the world community under the decision of "UNESCO" has celebrated 100-years anniversary of an outstanding scientist-geologist, the founder and organizer of science in Kazakhstan, the first president of the Academy of sciences, the laureate of Lenin and State premiums of the USSR, the first academician from Republics of the East K.I.Satpaev. What is the phenomenon of Satpaev? How and in what habitat the person of Kanysh Satpaev was formed, where has he received education and passed practice? Born in deep boundless steppe in the family of kazakh-nomad, K.I.Satpaev has absorbed the features of severe nature that promoted development of skills of struggle for existence. [1,58]. He has passed a serious school of life, studied at two-year local school in Bayan- Aul and then in the seminary in Pavlodar and Semipalatinsk cities. At the beginning worked as the rural teacher and judge in Bajanaul district of Pavlodar oblast, then under the recommendation of profes- sor M.A.Usov has entered the mining and geological faculty of the Tomsk technological institute, passed a serious practice of the field and miner geologist in Dzhezkazgan copper and Karasakpaiskij iron- ore deposits. Kanysh Satpaev was one of the first who has 25 M.M.Bakenov got engineering education, and years of his study were 20th years when the country which has gone through an economic crisis, hor- rors of civil war and famine, has directed all forces to struggle against ruin. At present, the moral feat and magnificent example of courage, diligence and aspiration for the sake of people and for peo- ple by which all life of Kanysh Satpaev is marked is instructive enough for us. [8,43,44,61]. Young mining engineer-geologist Kanysh Satpaev right after graduation from the institute has chosen the native Kazakhstan for his activity, in particular, poorly investigated Dzhezkazgan copper deposit. During imperial time englishmen and frenchmen were work- ing here (English -French Joint-stock company - 1903-1915) which developed the most rich and easily accessible oxidized ores with the high content of copper (6,5 %). It is necessary to be very persistent and enthusiast of the own cause, to love native land, choosen profes- sion so that for many years to break away from the cultural centers, to live and work far from railways and means of communication, in the out-of-the-way Karsakpae village forgotten in the boundless ka- zakh steppe. [58]. At that time, among some part of geologists there was an opin- ion on absence of large copper deposits in Kazakhstan. Inquisitive mind and diligence of K.I.Satpaev have allowed him in rather short term to study in details and determine the scales and prospects of Dzhezkazgan (multiple-stage mineralization, strata formation of the ore bodies, and multiple-competence of the ores structure). However, his conclusions about prospects of copper mineralization have been met with mistrust by some executives of geological committee and prospecting works in Dzhezkazgan have been stopped. It was hard for K.I.Satpaev during these heavy thirtieth years (1934) to address to the chairman of the State plan of the USSR G.Krzhizhanovskij and press for the meeting with the people's commissar of the heavy industry S.Ordzhonikidze, get their support in development of the Big Dzhezkazgan and simultaneously of construction of the railway Karaganda - Dzhezkazgan. [51,58]. For the 15-years activity in Dzhezkazgan, K.I.Satpaev has also revealed and investigated Zhezdy deposits of manganese and iron - Karsakpai, mining-ore and power raw material, building materials, 26 Satpaev guidance water resources for provision of the future giant of the copper indus- try with them. During hard times of the Great patriotic war the value of manganese deposits discovered and explored by him is especially great (Zhezdy, Naizatas), which served as the main raw-material base in supply of the front with weapon - manganese for melting of armored steel at Ural factories since Nikopolskoe deposit of manga- nese has been occupied by fascists, and ways of delivery of manga- nese from Chiatura to Ural have been cut off. Here also K.I.Satpaev's outstanding organizing talent was showed. Under his management the mine has been created in a very short term (in 28 days), and on hundreds of trucks this most valuable product- manganese ore of Zhezdy has been sent to Ural. It is known, that armor and pieces of ordnance of the tanks were strengthened with molybdenum and tung- sten of the East Kounrad and Akshatau. It is remarkable, that nine bullets of 10, shooted at the enemy, were cast of the lead from Ka- zakhstan. So such sharp problem during the war in ferrous metal- lurgy has been solved. K.I.Satpaev has solved also the problem of power base: he investigated the deposits of brown coals of Karsak- pajskij region (Kiyakty, Baikonur). Among special merits of K.I.Satpaev, it is necessary to note, that he has defended the riches of lead-barium-manganese deposits of Atasuisk basin with support of academicians V.Komarov, L.Bardin, M.Rusakov and in 1940 has raised the issue on production of iron and steel in the republic, i.e. to construct in Karaganda metallurgical plant on the basis of ferrous metals. Unfortunately, the country has received the first Kazakhstan steel only on December 31, 1944 which was so necessary those years for the defense industry of the country. [74]. One of K.I.Satpaev's works is devoted to the use of oolitic iron ores consisting of vanadium and phosphorus, necessary for getting of phosphoric fertilizer. He showed, that on the basis of phosphorus oolitic iron ores of Lisakovk and Ayat, containing alloy addition elements - nickel, chrome, vanadium, manganese, and phosphorites of karatau, it is possible to build large combines which can give mil- lions tons of the cheapest and qualitative steel, basic pig iron grades, and as by-product – vanadium steel and phosphate-ash - the most valuable mineral fertilizer for virgin regions. [56].

27 M.M.Bakenov

Great interest K.I.Satpaev has shown to the exploration of deposits of alloying additives in ferrous metallurgy, particularly to vanadium slates of Karatau which contain molybdenum, cobalt, and also to nickel containing deposits of chromites discovered in 1936-1939. Also because of study of young coal-bearing series of Turgai, he has allocated and has proved tertiary Zhilanchiksk brown-coal basin containing coal, sulfuric pyrites, kaolin clay and clay. It is known, that at the end of 1963, already sick, K.I.Satpaev again raised the issue on development of kenderlik and Alakol coals, however he did not manage to embody these plans. It is notable, that resources of coals and combustible slates of Kenderlik de- posit are estimated by hundreds millions tons (200 million тons up to depth of 400m), not including large resources of jurassic brown coals. At the beginning of 1941, K.I.Satpaev has been appointed as director of the Institute of geological sciences of the Kazakh branch of Academy of sciences of the USSR. In 1942 has been approved as chairman of the Kazakh branch of Academy of sci- ences of the USSR, and in 1946 has been elected as the first president of Academy of sciences of the KazSSR. In the same year to him - to the author of known scientific works on Dzhezkazgan region without defence of thesis, the scientific degree of the doctor of geological- mineralogical sciences has been given. This is exactly recognition of sci- entific feat of K.I.Satpaev. The result of his creative activity is highly appreciated - the project on development of the Big Dzhezkazgan is lis- tened at special scientific session of the Academy of sciences of the USSR where he acted with the report to the prominent scientists- geologists: I.M.Gubkin, V.A.Obruchev, A.E.Fersman, A.D.Arkhangelski at presence of outstanding experts of mining and ore industry: A.A.Baykov, N.S.Kurnakova, V.P.Volgin, D.N.Pryanishnikov. Kanysh Satpaev has characterized in details the future prospect of Dzhezkazgan on a large actual material, nature of copper and polymetallic ores deposits. For the monography on minerals of Dzhezkazgan-Ulutausk region, he was awarded with the State premium. In the autumn of 1943 on elec- tions to the Academy of sciences of the USSR, K.I.Satpaev has been elected as its member-correspondent, in 1946 – as the first academician from union republics of the soviet east.

28 Satpaev guidance

Since now huge titanic work on creation of the Academy of sci- ences of the Kazakh SSR has laid down on K.I.Satpaev's shoulders. Thanks to the brilliant organizing talent, Kanysh Satpaev has managed in the shortest possible time to lead out the young Kazakh academy on a level of the advanced scientific institutions of the world. At the same time, he firmly and consistently carried out the principles of rational collectivism in scientific work, strengthening of creative relations with production by creation of scientific research institutes and their branches at the enterprises, and thereby maximum approaching of science to rele- vant inquiries of national economy and wide-spread involvement of well-known scientists and young gifted specialists and factory work- ers into the creative process. Under initiative of K.I.Satpaev field scientific sessions of the Academy of sciences were carried out on a regular basis, devoted to the complex and harmonious development of productive forces of large economic regions of Kazakhstan. The subjects of the major scientific researches were constantly adjusted by results of the ses- sion. Scientific researches were often carried out with material- financial participation from the side of enterprises and interested ministries. [76,77]. During lifetime, K.I.Satpaev became the informal leader of the so- ciety as the brilliant organizer of industrialization of Kazakhstan. Scien- tifically proved suggestions on development of the major branches of national economy of Kazakhstan, construction of new factories, mines, power stations, channels, water-storage reservoirs, and also on radical improvement of technological and ecological processes at the large min- ing, chemical and metallurgical enterprises of the republic were regu- larly made and addressed to directive bodies under direction of K.I.Satpaev. All these suggestions were taken into account during preparation of long-term plans for development of national economy. The great role belongs to K.I.Satpaev in construction of metallur- gical plants in Karaganda, Aksu, Aktobe (Alginskij chemical plant), Shymkent, Pavlodar (Aluminium plant), Ust-Kamenogorsk, Balkhash, in development of Kustanay and Atasuisk iron ores, complex polymetal- lic ores deposits of Rudnyj Altay, Karatausk phosphorites, Aktyubinsk alumophosphate with content of 11-14 % Р2О5 (in concentrate of

29 M.M.Bakenov

26 %), oil deposits of the Western Kazakhstan, deposits of uranium and mineral salines, construction of the railway up to Aktau city. K.I.Satpaev has put much effort into the decision of problem of water supply of large industrial centers: it is the unique channel Irtysh - Karaganda of 500 km in length, number of water reservoirs, development of artesian waters, etc. He constantly paid attention to perfection of metallurgical processes for complete and complex ex- traction of valuable components from ores. Under his support and active participation the tests of the process of cyclone fusion at Balk- hash copper factory, progressive cyclone smelting of phosphorus with recovery of calcinated phosphates and other researches were carried out for the first time. K.I.Satpaev has put forward a number of the new problems con- nected with introduction of chemical processes into the national economy (underground gasification of coals, development of combustible slates, collection of effluent sulphurous gases, production of pitches, fuel, plastic, etc.) and use of local chemical raw material: phosphorus of Karatau , min- eral potassium-magnesia salts, gas, reed for recovery of cellulose, yeast, medicines, methane for getting of synthetic fibre, etc. [1]. K.I.Satpaev attached great importance to the development of physical and mathematical sciences, especially to nuclear physics (the Institute of nuclear physics was created), astronomy, power en- gineering, biology, botany, archeology, historical science, literature, linguistics, art, cinema, theatre, economy and law. During the period when historian E.Bekmahanov, academicians K.I.Satpaev, M.Auezov, A.Zhubanov, M.Rusakov, I.Grigoriev and other prominent scientists and public figures (A.Margulan, Bekhozhin, Is- mailov, Aspandiyarov, Berzhanov, Adilgereev, Dilmukhamedov, Zhiren- shin, Tazhibaev, Kenzhebaev, Mukhametzhanov, etc.) were persecuted, K.I.Satpaev in cooperation with the great research workers of the territory and bowels of Kazakhstan N.Kassin, M.P.Rusakov, I.I.Bok, G.T.Medoev, G.B.Zhilinski, etc., defines the main directions in study of geology and minerals, creates geological and forecasting-metallogenic maps, which helped to determine regularities of minerals disposition and expand pros- pects of discovery of new deposits. And as a result of this was making of forecasting-metallogenic maps of minerals of the Central Kazakhstan for the first time in the world and that was the contribution to geological sci- 30 Satpaev guidance ence. As a basis of these forecasting maps was the following: complex approach - collection and consecutive generalization of all data on geo- logical structure of the territory, record keeping of periodicity of the ore formation in an earth's crust - geotectonic stages, role of magma and tec- tonic fractures, geochemical specialization of rocks, and, finally, the sci- entific forecast - definition of the perspective areas for exploration of de- posits and reliability thereof (primary categories etc.). Scientific examination of the map of forecasts was carried out at the first All-Union metallogenic meeting in Alma-Ata in 1958. At this meeting participated, except for the kazakhstani geologists, prominent scientists and experts of the Soviet Union and of some foreign countries. Based on K.I.Satpaev's report the decision on necessity of making of such maps - forecasts, being taken which should be a scientific basis for the great increase of efficiency of geological and exploration works. Group of the main performers led by K.I.Satpaev (Sherba G.N., Bok I.I., Kazanli D.N., Novohatskij I.P., Medoev G.T., Borukaev R.A., Zhilinskij G.B.) has been awarded with the most prestigious Lenin premium in 1958. The followed tests after 8 years of existence of these maps showed, that the majority of new discoveries (93 %) have just covered the forecast- ing areas. Since this moment scientific work on forecasts of mineral raw material has greatly increased and intensified all over the world and movement of the advanced scientific conception from the center to the remote territories was noticed. In 1957 K.I.Satpaev has become a member of the International commission on making of metallogenic map of all the earth. Theses of the reports prepared by him on these problems for Delhi geological congress and plans of lectures for Prinston and Cambridge universities have re- mained incomplete on his worktable. He considered that in the future it is necessary to be engaged in a large-scale forecasting, research of regu- larity of the ore formation in the earth's crust, and then general theory of the ore formation. Thus, thanks to K.I.Satpaev's scientific works, Ka- zakhstan became the original native land of metallogenic sciences. Ka- zakhstan was visited by scientists from India, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Peoples Republic of China, Albania, Bulgaria and other countries in order to be familiarized with technique of making of forecasting maps. Here what circuit of scientific events was entailed with the initiative and

31 M.M.Bakenov scientific feat of K.I.Satpaev on study and discovery of mineral re- sources of bowels of Kazakhstan, and not only of Kazakhstan. It is remarkable, that special attention K.I.Satpaev was given to complete and complex use of rather valuable minerals: osmium, rhe- nium, germanium, platinums, palladium, scandium, yttrium, gallium, lithium, caesium, rubidium, tin, tantalum, niobium, titanium, gold, nickel, vanadium, selenium, beryl, uranium and others which ores of Kazakhstan are rich. For this purpose, the new laboratories equipped with unique devices (an electronic microscope, etc.) have been cre- ated at the Institute of geological sciences, which allowed using sci- entific methods to carry out deep studies of ores and reveal new and non-traditional kinds of such minerals, as Os, Re, Jn, Pt, Pd, Be, U, ga, Se, Sn, Ta, Nb-Li, caesium, rubidium, Ti, Au, Ni, V. At the same time it was considered, that slimes of the plants and factories contain V, Sc, Nb, Ta, Cu, K in significant amounts, and in the oil deposits (for example, Kumkol) there is a valuable raw material - helium and paraffin. During deep and detailed investigation of the structure of ores, our geologists open more and more valuable components, for example Os and Re in the ores of Dzhezkazgan, platinum and palla- dium (Bakenov M.M., 1960) in pyrites-polymetallic deposits of the Central Kazakhstan Mmaikain, Torkuduk, Zhusaly, Bozshakol) and Rudnyj Altay (Ridder-Sokolnoe etc.). On repeated occasions, K.I.Satpaev emphasized, that the ores of polymetallic deposits of Rudnyj Altay and Central Kazakhstan con- tain plenty of valuable components. However, from 17 valuable components that are present in polymetallic ores, only half of them is extracted, and degree of extracted components is extremely insignifi- cant and varies within the limits of 2 to 10 %, i.e. 90-98 % of the most valuable elements is lost with the waste. And extraction even of the main nonferrous metals from similar ores is 70 % only. If to con- sider metals, which remain in the bowels during extraction and proc- essing of ores, the general losses are even bigger. [56]. Therefore the scientists and miners were to decide the following problem - to develop the most effective systems of discovery and opera- tion of deposits of minerals that allows to recover ores more economi- cally without their losses in the bowels (for example, block failure in Leninogorsk deposit, bord and pillar system in Dzhezkazgan). 32 Satpaev guidance

Problems of full extraction of valuable components from the wastes of concentration plants and use of effluent gases of metallur- gical plants were investigated in the field of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy. The main efforts of chemists have been directed to the use of chemical raw material in the national economy. Powermen were engaged in study and definition of ways of use of hydro-and heat power resources (Ekibastus hydroelectric power station), and they obtained concrete data for construction of several- hydroelectric power stations in the mountain regions of Kazakhstan. In the field of medicine was prevailed the study of such local diseases as brucellosis, tuberculosis, craw, encephalitis, industrial diseases - silicosis and lead poisoning. This was very important for Kazakhstan with its powerful mining-ore and metallurgical industry. Institutions of biological structure were engaged in study of soils, growth (questions of desertification) and fauna. Subjects of the humanities (history of people, culture of ancient Kazakhstan, etc.) were quite multifarious. Folklore of Kazakh peo- ple, including its musical creativity was gathered, for example, Zataevich wrote about 25 songs of kazakh people coming from K.I.Satpaev. K.I.Satpaev placed high emphasis on monumental monuments of archeology, ethnography, problems of linguistics, lit- erature, art, philosophy, economy. [12,47,73]. Сoncrete practical measures were taken in the field of prepara- tion and rational use of the scientific staff. Re-evacuation to Lenin- grad of N.G.Kassin, M.P.Rusakov, Nekhoroshev and other scientists (about 30 employees) was stopped according to the letter of K.I.Satpaev addressed to the Chairman of the Commitee on geologi- cal affairs at SNK of the USSR. The graduate school on all basic sci- entific directions has been organized, and mainly specialists from the manufactures having practical experience, necessary skills and knowledge of the researcher and at the same time all features of the highly cultured person were recruited to this graduate school. K.I.Satpaev personally talked to many post-graduates, students, spe- cialists, workers and peasants, pupils, gave advices and recommen- dations, rendered moral and material assistance. Preparation of the scientific staff was carried out also in the scientific institutes of Rus- sia (Moscow, Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, etc.) and Ukraine. 33 M.M.Bakenov

In the growth and development of the Kazakh Academy of sci- ences the invaluable assistance was rendered by prominent figures of the Soviet science: Komarov V., Vavilov S., Meshchaninov I., Bardin I., Bajkov A., Arhangelskij A., Krzhizhanovskij G., Obruchev V., Nalivkin D., Skrjabin K., Pankratova A., Tihov G., Fesenkov V., Dogel V., Volk- fovich, etc. Kazakh mining-metallurgical institute (nowadays KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev) as the forge of the engineering staff - geologists, min- ers, metallurgists, always was in the field of vision of K.I.Satpaev. Before transfer to Alma-Ata it was called as Ggeological and exploration institute organized in 1932 in Semipalatinsk. Since 1937 - the year of the first graduation of engineers – within several years he headed the State exam- ining board (GEK) of geological and exploration faculty. Personal exam- ple of Satpaev as an outstanding engineer-geologist promoted attraction of hundreds of young men to the technical institute of higher education and mining-ore production, wishing to continue his business. Considering K.I.Satpaev's huge merits in preparation of the technical staff, on the eve of 100-years anniversary, we, professors of KazNtU, have addressed to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbaev with request for assignment of the name of this prominent scientist-geologist to our university. This request has been satisfied, and the government has made an appropriate decision. [69,70]. Could we make original representation about Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev, if we confine ourselves to reviewing of his contribution to the science, development of productive forces, art, literature, linguistics etc. only? I think that no. Because it is known, that each his act as of out- standing scientist and organizer of the great science has been interfaced with severe struggle in which the main part has been played not only by huge knowledge, erudition and intelligence of Satpaev, but also his civic position, patriotism and humanity. (43, 44, 38). His spiritual qualities, which were especially shown in this struggle, moral lessons of his course of life, are not less important, than scientific heritage and practi- cal results of his activity left by him. As A.Einstein emphasized, "Moral qualities of prominent person have, probably, greater value for this gen- eration, for all course of history, than just intellectual achievements. To a greater extent, the last depend on grandeur of character, than it is usu- ally considered to be ". 34 Satpaev guidance

It is known, that Kanysh Imantaevich was extremely simple person, sympathetic and sensitive comrade, ready to help to everyone in his hour of need, to support any reasonable undertaking, he talked to everyone in language of his science. [12]. The native of people, he behaved toward all people with exclusive attention and love, irrespective of their position, appreciated their diligence, knowledge and skill, fidelity to the science. Everyone who had to communicate with him on business matters or often on household requests, remember, with what attention and deep sympathy he treated to people, cared of their material needs, welfare, medical treat- ment, especially to the people evacuated in Kazakhstan during the war (the letter on employment of sister of M.Usov - Alexandra Antonovna in Borovoe, on establishment of pension for daughter of A. Zataevich). De- spite of big workload with the state and public affairs, he would never refuse aid to anyone and would not make that depend on him. This cor- diality of attitudes predetermined the developed tradition of mutual aid and comradeship. We are obliged to keep this tradition, not forgetting and not losing it in everyday lives of our work. [1,41,68,78].

35 M.M.Bakenov


" Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev was the real head of science ". Academician L.V.Nalivkin

K.I.Satpaev gave a great value to creation and development of science in Kazakhstan. [1,3,5,71,77]. Thus, as the main thing he considered the following: - creative connection of science with practice and production in the decision of vitally important scientific and technical problems and account of demands of industry, agriculture and increase on this basis of qualification of our specialists both in production, and in scientific institutes; introduction of its achievements into the national economy; - collective basis of work of scientists, various branches of sci- ence and technics, as well as experts of the manufacture, coordinated with individual plans of separate workers that makes assistance to general success. - strengthening of preparation of the scientific staff, growth of new scientific forces not only in number, but mainly in quality; - strengthening of cooperation with scientific institutes of other states in order to win in quality of works in their direct efficiency; - necessity of wide popularization of achievements of science and technology among the people, their introduction into production. More attention should be given to experts-innovators, to study their work in the scientific institutes in view of practice requirements; - basing of science on the concrete facts, their deep analysis and generalization that leads as a result to the large scientific ef- fects, for example, to making of forecasting - metallogenic maps. It is necessary to remember that bare theories which have been not supported by the facts, only block up minds and lead to waste of paper and means for their printing; - development of fundamental theoretical science. In the field of the great theory, we should have a wide front of the scientific work raising the prestige of science of Kazakhstan;

36 Satpaev guidance

- creation of material resources for development of science by equipping of scientific research institute with the advanced facilities, technique, devices, apparatus; - coordination of forces of scientists, grown wise with knowledge and experience of the old scientific staff and the young scientific forces providing a high level of researches and interests of preparation of scien- tific substitution. To organize on a regular basis field sessions of the Academy of sciences in the regions, large enterprises, to practice more widely the performance of researches with support of means of produc- tion, with participation of their workers (for example, cyclone fusion in Balkhash) more widely.

Results of realization of these directions

1. Making of forecasting – metallogenic maps has resulted in opening and correct estimation of many large deposits of non- ferrous, ferrous, rare metals sometimes latent under a cover of loose formations. Their stocks are increased. 2. Forecasts promoted opening of large oil and gas fields in Ural – Emba basin, Southern Mangyshlak, on a shelf of Caspian sea. 3. The academy of sciences in cooperation with the hydropro- ject has proved construction of Irtysh – Karaganda channel, a num- ber of water reservoirs, power stations, etc. 4. Complex mechanization of the ore extraction in Zhezkazgan is carried out at underground mining operations and in Ekibastuz at surface mining. New progressive systems of the deposits develop- ment, allowed to increase labour productivity in 2-2.5 times have been introduced. 5. Developed electrochemical, amalgam and other modern technological methods (cyclone, etc.) for recovery of the ferrous, rare and diffused metals from polymetallic ores have allowed to extract along with the main metals (Рb, Zn, Cu, Au) another also valuable components as: Cd, Se, Zn, Hg, Bi, Ga, Ag, Re, Os. Recovery of mineral fertilizers, herbicides, medical drugs from coals, oil and gas is carried out. 6. Powermen prepared and carried out an option of integrated power system for Kazakhstan. Soil scientists, botanists and hydro- 37 M.M.Bakenov geologists participated in selection of massif for development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan. Biologists and physiologists have de- veloped measures on elimination of occupational diseases (silico- sis, brucellosis, lead intoxication, industrial traumatism, craw, en- cephalitis). Geologists have investigated ancient barrows, inscrip- tions, desolated "miracles" of development (old mines). Among the major problems K.I.Satpaev considered the follow- ing: - development of grain farming with application of mineral fertilizers (agronomical, bacterial, etc.); increase of soils fertility with the use of macro-and microfertilizers; rational system of con- ducting of agriculture; nurture of new drought-resistant and highly productive sorts of cultures, first of all wheat; struggle against soils wind and water erosion; nurture of highly productive breeds of livestock farming, first of all sheeps and new breed of wool goats; - preparation of the scientific staff, especially in the field of me- chanical engineering, radio electronics, nuclear physics, radio engi- neering, automatics, mechanics, development and transportation of oil, in lagging branches and sections of science; development of the circumspect general plan of preparation; selection of the scientific staff; attraction of experts of manufacture and fresh young forces for scientific work. The basic way to the science should pass through production, and themes for the dissertation should be chosen so that they followed from industrial work of post-graduate students and competitors; - planning of means for science and rational use thereof. It is necessary to take into account, that lacks in the planning and coordi- nation of science, absence of backbone main themes and effective control over performance of the thematic plan, ambiguity of the pur- pose often result in some themes of non-current importance, great number of themes, dispersion of scientific forces, parallelism and duplication of works; - rational allocation of scientific institutions and institues of higher education in economic regions of the republic; - establishment of pilot units (worshops) at factories with par- ticipation of workers and engineers-experimenters, for example, electrolytic workshop in Pavlodar aluminium plant.

38 Satpaev guidance

Main directions of scientific-research institutes of "Earth Sciences" department

Institute of geological sciences named after K.I.Satpaev Develops models of non-uniform elements of lithosphere of Kazakhstan with segregation of productive mineralogical levels and structures, perspective on detection of new deposits of minerals and hydrocarbons. Carries out research on creation of models of ore-forming sys- tems of priority minerals, definition of laws of formation and local- ization of hydrocarbons and perfection of the concept of sedimentary basins of the Southern and Western Kazakhstan, development of up- to-date scientific and methodical technologies for analysis of miner- als, mining rocks and ores.

Mining Institute named after D.A.Kunaev

Carries out the following researches: - on involvement in extraction and processing of off-balance and base ores in Leninogorsk enterprise and Kounrad deposit that would promote expansion of their raw-material base; - on creation of new technology for extraction of high grade ores, before written off losses in pillars, soil and roof of deposit lay- ers, on flanks of deposits; - on repeated development on mines of Zhezkazgan, Akshatau, Aschysaisk and other industrial complexes; - on wasteless extraction of slop chromite ores and use of enrich- ment tails by methods of underground and heap leaching; - on complex development of technogenic mineral resources (microelements); - on extraction of metane and its use as secondary raw material; - on complex development of bowels (Uspensk ore zone, Rud- nyj Altay, alumophosphates, etc.); - on extraction of ore with backfilling and reinforcing of adjoin- ing rocks, increasing completeness of extraction of deposits re- sources (for example, pillars of Zhezkazgan).

39 M.M.Bakenov

Institute of metallurgy and enrichment

This institute has significant achievements in the field of new technologies in nonferrous metallurgy on creation and in- troduction of the following: - wasteless processing of high-silica, low-ferrous copper con- centrates of Zhezkazgan and depletion of ashes (electric melting of copper concentrates and recovery of recrement ashes for manufac- turing of building materials); - heap leaching of off-balance oxidized ores of new large copper, lead-zinc deposits of Kazakhstan with increase in extraction of copper due to stripping mining rocks, as well as underground leaching of used mines of lead-zinc deposits; - technologies of joint use of poor vanadium containing quartzites and phosphorites when producing elementary phosphorus. Selective extraction of vanadium and niobium from phosphorus al- loys; - opportunities for recovery of ferrophosphorus having high content of titanium and vanadium; - production of phosphorus ferroalloys meeting the international standards; - extraction of aluminium and some light metals from ka- zakhstani aluminium containing raw material (alunite, sericitolite, nepheline sienite, andalusite, etc.); - complex processing of high-silica bauxites on alumina, iron and cement; - extraction of gallium from industrial products of aluminous production in Pavlodar aluminium plant that has allowed to in- crease ouput of gallium in 20 times; - extraction of titanium from slop titanium containing raw material and slags, high-silica concentrates; - complex extraction of valuable components from metallur- gical dusts of lead production in Shymkent lead plant. Here for the first time was organized output of rhenium products - perre- nate aluminium of ARO grade;

40 Satpaev guidance

- extraction of radiogenic osmium from industrial products of copper production of Zhezkazgan industrial complex and gallium from non-traditional sources of raw material; - recovery of molybdenum (pure combinations) from concen- trates and industrial products of magnesium enrichment of Ka- zakhstan; - extraction of vanadium from industrial products in Ust- Kamenogorsk titanium and magnesium industrial complex; - synthesis of new super fluxes for Martin furnaces and steel- smelting converters lining of Karmet industrial complex from mineral and technical raw material, as well as binding and ce- menting materials.

Institute of seismology

This institute is engaged in development of scientific bases for forecast of the seismic activity and damage from them. It is known, that 30% of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is located in seismic hazard area. It is the south, southeast of the territory where are located about 27% of the cities, over 400 villages, 40% of industrial potential of the republic and where live more than 6 million people. For the last 100- 120 years here more than ten destructive earthquakes have occurred, accompanied with human victims and significant material damage. Due to construction of hydraulic engineering structures, growth of cities and increase in oil and gas recovery, the issues on reliable forecasting of de- structive earthquakes, prevention of victims and reduction of economic damage become of current importance. On the territory of Kazakhstan and adjacent areas large tec- tonic structures are revealed (heterogeneity of lithosphere), pro- moting energy accumulation, discharge of which provokes earth- quakes. Seismic-tectonic zoning of separate regions of Kazakh- stan is carried out. It was ascertained, that fractures zones of break- ing failures are the most sensitive to the ground voltage. Earthquake sources are formed in the area of such zones. The map of long-term forecast of earthquakes was made on the basis of analysis of regional observation on seismology, geophysics, and hydrogeochemistry on the territory of Almaty range. This map 41 M.M.Bakenov indicates the sites of the most probable occurrence of strong earth- quakes in the nearest future. Set of maps of detailed seismic zoning of Almaty industrial district, including maps of seismic-generating zones and initial magnitude, total magnitude has been made. Special attention is given to seismological magnet monitor- ing in the area of Almaty where the probability of occurrence of strong earthquakes in the nearest years is significantly great. Per- manent observations over variations of different geophysical fields, physical properties of mining rocks and underground wa- ters, unusual behaviour of animals, change of physical condition of ionosphere are organized.

Institute of geography

This institute carries out researches on problems of geoecology of mountain areas, on estimation of ice and water resources, including renewable resources of pure water, forecast of glaciological mudflows, estimation of snow accumulation and avalanche danger of mountain territories, making of geoecologi- cal and landscape maps of Kazakhstan and definition of relief forming processes. At the decision of global problems of mankind - ecology, power engineering, food provision, population, natural re- sources, and liquidation of dangerous illnesses - the role of ge- ography has greatly increased during the last years. The major task of geography is development of territorial strategy of social and economic development, anthropogenous loads on geobio- sphere and strategy of overcoming of ecologically crisis situa- tions.

Institute of hydrogeology and hydrophysics named after U.M.Akhmedsafin

This institute has developed the basic laws for formation and dis- tribution of underground waters, basis of arid hydrogeology, methods of economic estimation of the resources of underground waters and ra- tional development thereof. Map of the artesian basins, irrigated and 42 Satpaev guidance pasture territories, hydrochemical map of mineral and thermal waters of Kazakhstan and its separate regions is made. Methods of hydrogeochemical prospecting of ore, oil-and-gas de- posits and underground industrial saline solutions are developed on the basis of study of alkaline, alkaline-ground, rare and diffuseed elements in the underground water-bearing stratums of ore and oil-and-gas areas, as well as structures of basins and areas perspective for prospecting. It is revealed more than 70 deposits of underground medical mineral waters, conditions of formation of mine waters, impacts of underground ores leaching on underground waters are determined. Such investigations are carried out as modelling of change of hydro-geological situation of Aral sea and Balkhas lake basins, ecology of water resources (hydroecology).

43 M.M.Bakenov


"Science is represented to the people not as something super-natural and abstract, but as existing for the benefit of mankind ". Abaj

One of the primary goals of science is development of productive forces. The economic potential of any state is determined by level of development of its industry. An outstanding organizer of science K.I.Satpaev attached special significance to application in the produc- tion, agriculture and other branches of the last achievements of scientific and technical progress and thereby created the base for valuable devel- opment of productive forces, acceleration of complex industrialization of the country. For example, the progressive technology of underground extraction of ores of the world's largest Dzhezkagan deposit was devel- oped by our scientists and complex ores processing is the world achievement. Academician S.Chokin considered, that in many respects thanks to the efforts of scientist-geologist K.I.Satpaev, power units in Kara- ganda, Balkhash have been constructed, the railway Karaganda - Dzhezkazgan has been lead, the channel Irtysh - Karaganda has been constructed, large complexes of non-ferrous, ferrous metallurgy and coal industry have been created. [76,77]. Therefore, it is necessary to use all advanced means and methods for progression, for withdrawl of the republic from economic breakdown. Particularly independent Kazakhstan has had an opportunity to develop its industry, especially its favour- able branches. Unfortunately, in the republic till now there is no well- defined scientifically proved strategy on creation of new progressive branches of industry in view of specific character of some regions. We should not forget that one of determinatives of powerful growth of productive forces is the great science. Scientific forces of the country should render the basic attention to complex de- velopment of the large actual problems having paramount scien- tific and purposeful practical value. It is known, that many re- 44 Satpaev guidance searches the Academy of sciences of the Republic Kazakhstan headed by academician K.I.Satpaevym, spent under orders of and with support of the industry, carrying out them in close crea- tive commonwealth with production workers. [1,76]. In the center of attention of employees of science of Ka- zakhstan there were problems of complex study and rational ac- commodation of productive forces of the republic, complete and complex use of all of its natural resources in conditions of cor- rect specialization and cooperation of separate economic re- gions, problems of complex mechanization and automation of production processes in all branches of national economy of the republic. [56]. As a result of realization of this problem the republic has turned into a pantry of mineral resources on the basis of which the largest enterprises (industrial complexes) of the heavy indus- try were constructed: Sokolovsko-Sarbajskij (Rudnyj city), Li- sakovskij (Lisakovsk town), Akbakaiskij (Akbakaj village), Ba- kyrshykskij (Auezov town), Aksuiskij and Aktyubinskij ferroal- loy plants, coal enterprises in the cities of Ekibastuzs, Abaj, , phosphor - in Shymkent and Zhambul, polymetallic in the cities of Kentau, Leninogorsk, Belousovsk, Zyryanovsk, Maikain, etc. Geologists have discovered about 300 deposits of coal, among which such giants, as Karaganda (low phosphor, coking coals), Ekibastuz, Maikobe, Shubarkul with resources in tens billions tons. Only in Karaganda basin, coal resources exceed 50 billion тons and coal layers are characterized by content of methane. The continuous coal layer of Ekibastuz has larger ca- pacity - about 100 m and is in a shallow seam. More than 1500 oil- and- gas- bearing structures were dis- covered in Ural-Emba basin. Oil of this basin is of sweet crude type, gives the best lubricating oil and high-octane gasoline in the country. Such unique oil-and-gas deposits were discovered during the last years in shelf of Caspian sea as: Tenghiz, Ka- shagan, Korolevskoe, Kurmangazy, Volynskoe, Centralnoe, Amangeldy and others with a high content of gases, sulfurs. There are 214 deposits of hydrocarbonic raw material on the 45 M.M.Bakenov state balance of the republic among which 81deposits are under development. Oil pipeline up to Novorossijsk has been constructed for transportation and export of oil. It is also planned the construc- tion of oil pipeline Aktau - Baku - Tbilisi - Zhaihan (Turkey), Atasu - Alashankow (Peoples Republic of China) with participa- tion of Kazakhstan company "Munajgas". This will allow to in- crease the volume of extraction up to 60-70 thousand tons per year. Gas pipeline Kazakhstan - China is also planned as well as expansion of oil pipeline Uzen - Atyrau - Samara (up to 25 mil- lion tons) and КТК (up to 68 million tons). Huge resources of iron ores were discovered in Turgaj cav- ity required for development of ferrous metallurgy, especially of its cores - mechanical engineering. Iron ores here lie on small depth and are extracted by digging, providing Karmetcombinat and Magnitogorsk industrial complex in Russia with raw mate- rial. Karmetcombinat constructed on initiative of K.I.Satpaev, became the largest enterprise in the world with complete metal- lurgical cycle (coke, cast iron, steel, hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheet, coiled and bar metal, tin plate of electrotinning, electric- welded pipes, etc.) with productivity of more than 6 million тons of steel, where its significant part (750 thousand tons) is ex- ported. Also complex (with V, P, Al) and enormous on resources (more than 10 billion) oolitic iron ores of Lisakovsk and Ayat deposits were discovered which can give the cheapest steel as well as by-products - high-grade vanadium alloys and phosphate ashes. Vanadiium steel (0,1 - 0,2 % V) allows at preservation of durability (for example, carriages) to decrease the weight of steel structures for 30 %. K.I.Satpaev specified high necessity in creation and devel- opment of special steel production – nickel-chromium, carbon- vanadium, vanadium-chromium, vanadium, ferro-vanadium, ferro-tungsten, ferro-molybdenum, ferro-nickel, ferro-titanium and many other special alloys. Alloy steel became stronger, than

46 Satpaev guidance carbon steel, and allows to reduce consumption of metal and fa- cilitate weight of the structure. Aktobe and Aksujsk plants operating at present time do not meet the requirements of the industry in a full volume. Works on creation of new kinds of such alloys are still carryied out in sci- entific research institutes. Therefore, in chemical-metallurgical institute created under the initiative of K.I.Satpaev, new alloy of ferro-silicoaluminium is developed and produced. Thanks to K.I.Satpaev's efforts, Kazakhstan has the largest deposits of manganese ores with forecasting resources of 1 bil- lion тons (Atasujsk basin, Zhezdy, Naizatas, Western Karazhal), meeting the requirements of ferrous metallurgy of the republic and getting of valuable alloys (ferromanganese, silicomanga- nese, silicoaluminium). It is known, that the first discoverer of Zhezdy deposit was K.I.Satpaev. In Kazakhstan, the world's largest deposits of chromites (Kempirskaya group) are discovered among the ultrabasic min- ing rocks, in the crust of aeration of which is also contained sig- nificant concentration of nickel, cobalt and other valuable ele- ments used as alloy additions to the steel. Nowadays, the main fundamentals of mineral-raw-material base of titanium branch of industry are created in the republic - significant as per resources titanium deposits (Shokash, Obukhovskoe, Satpaevskoe) are dis- covered. Mining and ore enterprise “Satpayevsk Titanium Mines” Ltd. with participation of “UK TMK” is operating on the basis of Satpaevskoe deposit. Development of deposits of the Central Kazakhstan (Verkhnie Kairakty, Koktenkol, etc.) the richest one by content of rare elements is waiting for its turn. Development of these depos- its will provide an opportunity to produce wide assortment of steel, specified by K.I.Satpaev. Original pearl of our country is Zhezkazgan deposit which is unique as per resources and conditions of copper formation - child of Kanysh Satpaev. Content of copper in bowels of Zhez- kazgan is higher, than in the well-known copper mines of the USA. More than 90 % of the copper resources are contained in the sulphide ores, allowing to extract to concentrate up to 90 % 47 M.M.Bakenov of copper (98 % from concentrate on local copper-smelting plant). It is remarkable, that from ores of Zhezkazgan alongside with copper such valuable components, as cadmium, bismuth, selenium, lead, silver, molybdenum, rhenium, osmium are ex- tracted into commodity output. Exclusive advantages of the ore of Zhezkazgan allow getting from it the cheapest in CIS copper in a huge amount on local copper-smelting plant. This largest giant-plant with a full cycle of work has been constructed thanks to K.I.Satpaev's titanic efforts. [1,3,74]. In the republic there are also other large copper deposits as Koun- rad, Aktogaj, Aidarly, Koksaj, Borly, Karatas – the ore base of Balkhash plant as well as Bozshakol, Nikolaevskoe, etc. More than that, it is known more than 1500 copper developments in the Central Kazakhstan, which not for a while yet are waiting for geologists-explorers. Huge opportunities of increase in recovery of nonferrous met- als are connected with perfection of technologies of concentration and metallurgical processing of polymetallic ores of Nikolaevskoe, Maleevskoe, Orrlovskoe, Tishinskoe and Artemievskoe deposits in the East Kazakhstan. This is a great merit of K.I.Satpaev who has seen prospects of development of Rudnyj Altay and organized complex ex- pedition in 1946 on study of its underground pantries and the first field session of the Academy of sciences with participation of representatives of the Ministry for non-ferrous metals of the USSR, scientists and him- self has acted with the report "Natural resources of the Big Altaj and their value in the national economy of the USSR ". For the solution of these problems Altajskij mining-metallurgical scientific-research insti- tute of Academy of sciences of KazSSR and the All-Union scientific- research mining-metallurgical institute of nonferrous metals (VNIICvetmet) was established in Ust Kamenogorsk in 1949. Nowa- days, here functions a complex of the large mining-concentrating metal enterprises based mainly on the huge prospecting re- sources of operating pyrites-polymetallic deposits. This region became one of the leaders in the CIS on production of lead, zinc, copper, noble and rare metals. Their resources are contained in deposits, which are unique as per value and type of ores. One of the prominent features of polymetallic ores of Altaj is multi-competence of their composition, thin mutual impregna- 48 Satpaev guidance tion of minerals of nonferrous metals and as a result hard clean- ing thereof. Alongside with zinc, lead and copper they also con- tain gold, silver, cadmium, molybdenum and many othervaluable elements. On a variety of useful components, polymetallic ores of Altaj have no similar and are of original world uniqueness. More recently, Rudnyj Altaj was considered as the largest base of the CIS on resources of lead and zinc. Now, thanks to the efforts of geologists, the Central Kazakhstan ("Sary-Arka") has already compared to Rudnyj Altay on resources of ores of these metals. Nowadays, the largest mining-concentrating indus- trial complexes are operating here based on ores of Maikainsk, Zhairemsk, Karagailinsk and other polymetallic deposits. With significant resources of lead and zinc are characterized an- other known deposits (Aschysaj, Mergalimsaj, Tekeli) in the Southern Kazakhstan. On the agenda - expansion of raw-material base of mining- concentrating industrial complexes (Aschysajskij, Tekelijskij, Shymkentskij plants). K.I.Satpaev attached special significance to creation of aluminium industry in Kazakhstan and took an active part with the kazakhstani sci- entists (Ponomarev V.D., Ni L.P., etc.) in construction of Pavlodar alu- minium plant, its provision with raw-material base, power and water supply, improvement of technology of recovery of alumina from low- grade Torgaisk bauxites (Amankeldinskoe deposit), i.e. bauxite-bearing clays, that is large achievement of engineering and technical idea. This complex of works was marked by the State premium of the USSR in 1980. On the agenda - recovery of such artificial pre- cious minerals as sapphire and ruby from these clays by way of culturing thereof. Nowadays, Pavlodar aluminium plant (PAZ) became the largest enterprise on production of alumina not only in CIS, but also in the world. It produces over 1 million тons of alumina per year. It is remark- able, that at the plant our scientists of Institute of metallurgy and con- centration of the Academy of sciences of the republic for the first time have created a workshop on recovery of highly valuable metal - gallium, for what they have been awarded the State premium of the USSR. Gal- lium is annually exported to the USA for the sum of 3.5 million dollars. Already at that time, Kanysh Imantaevich paid attention to necessity of 49 M.M.Bakenov recovery of metal aluminium from the kazakh alumina. However this project could not come true for different reasons. The construction of new electrolyte plant started today at PAZ with approximate recovery of 200 thousand tons of metal aluminium - highly scarce material in the republic and in the world market of metal is a fine realization of idea of K.I.Satpaev on creation of the complex and closed aluminium produc- tion in Kazakhstan. "Zaitsvan Limited" company which privatized PAZ with its raw-material base - Turgaiskij and Krasnooktyabrskij bauxire ore deposits, exports alumina, and our republic still remains a raw ap- pendage for other countries. The republic has great ore resources (Akshatauskoe, East- Kounradskoe deposits) of such important rare metals, as tungsten (more than 52 % of the CIS) and molybdenum on the basis of which operates Akshatauskij mining-concentrating industrial complex. Production of this industrial complex has played a great role during hard years of Pa- triotic war in producing of special grades of the armored steel necessary for making of arms and other products. Unfortunately, today in condi- tions of stringent market relations, realization of these rare met- als became a serious problem in connection with refusal of the enterprises of Russia (Chelyabinsk electrometallurgy plant) and absence of the market. Opening of Syrymbet and other tin and rare metal deposits in Kokshetau ore area really allows developing tin mineral-raw- material base in the republic. Deficiency of tin both inside of the CIS countries, and on a foreign market enables to forecast the maximum efficiency of tin and ore branches with accompanying extraction of niobium, tantalum and beryl. In Kazakhstan, during the last decades, large actually gold- ore deposits - Akbakaj, Vasilkovka, Bakyrshyk, Taskora and others (Bakenov, 1976, 2002, 2003) are revealed and explored by titanic efforts of geologists and high content of gold of the ores of polymetallic deposits of the Central Kazakhstan and Rudnyj Altaj is proved, the technology of their concentration and metallurgical processing is developed. Nowadays, large ac- tually gold-bearing deposits are operated, except for Bakyrshyk deposit whose share holding is completely sold to foreign inves- tors (the British company) who have unreasonably stopped ex- 50 Satpaev guidance traction operations, referring to the landslide of the world prices for gold and absence of technology for processing of the gold-bearing ores containing detrimental impurities - carbon, sulfur, arsenic whereas such technology is developed by our scientists and requires introduc- tion. Such position should disturb us, since this is the missed income of the state. Unfortunately, and other developed gold-ore deposits also are in hands of foreign investors. Experience of the developed coun- tries shows, that only presence of the state share of participation in the important branches of economy can guarantee the real independence of the state. Therefore, till now Kazakhstan has not taken those positions among world manufacturers of gold which allow us these existing re- sources of gold containing ores. The monopoly of the state for dispose of precious metals would promote establishment of order in this issue. It is necessary to set an order in accordance with which the company should lead up technological process to recovery of Doer alloy and sell it to the state refining plant, and all the gold mining enterprises - only to the national bank. On agenda - revealing of large-scale deposits of gold. The territory of the republic is really perspective for revealing of large and super large deposits of gold and that has been noted by us as far back as in 1960-1970 and appropriate pre-discovery criteria have been developed. Therefore, it is necessary to organize exploration works on the perspective sites and gold-ore fields specified by us. In the Southern Kazakhstan milliard resources of high-grade phosphorites are revealed on the basis of which the large-scale in- dustry of mineral fertilizers has been created: phosphoritic dust, super-phosphates, calcinated phosphates, phosphate ashes, etc. The last one are of vital importance for the growth of agricultural crops, since, annually, the plants take out from soil huge amounts of non- renewable phosphorus. At present, enterprises of Karatau produc- ing phosphoric mineral fertilizers, often stand, not finding a market, and new owners of these enterprises - foreign investors could not organize effective work. The problem should be solved as soon as possible. The Western Kazakhstan possesses of practically inex- haustible resources of potassium, magnesium, sodium chloride, boron containing and other complex mineral salines. It is deter- 51 M.M.Bakenov mined, that saline accumulation took place on extensive terri- tory, forming thick sediments often collected in domes. Large resources of mineral salines, important for chemical industry are also located in the area of Pribalkhashiya, Pavlodar and other regions. At Guryev field session of the Academy of sciences of KazSSR (1949) proposals on development of chemical industry, being a basis for making of long-term plans have been developed on initiative of K.I.Satpaev. At the republican meeting of workers of chemical industry (09.10.1963) Kanysh Imantaevich also emphasized, that Kazakhstan can make essential contribution to the issue on chemicalization of national economy of the country due to avail- ability in its bowels of large resources of such major kinds of chemical mineral raw material, as oil, gas, coal, combustible slates, phosphorites, saline, asbestos, barite, chromites, sulfur etc. Nowadays, chemists of the republic carry out researches in the major directions of chemical sciences: chemicalization of agriculture, chemistry of polymers, the electrochemistry, allow- ing to receive metals of high purity for semi-conductor technical equipment, as well chemistry of physiologically active connec- tions for producing of valuable chemicals and medical prepara- tions. It is also required to solve the problem of complex devel- opment of above listed minerals containing many valuable rare and diffused elements in their composition. Various building materials are widely developed on the territory of the republic: limestone, dolomite, marble, plaster, sand, clay, limestone, pozzolana, asbestos, granite, amazonite, basalts, andezite, bentonite, micas and others, necessary for development of the build- ing industry. Unfortunately, some kinds of products, for example, magnesia fluxes are still imported (up to 1000 tons) at availability of potential sources for recovery of this kind of raw material. In many regions, hydro geologists determined large re- sources of artesian waters, sometimes fresh, frequently mineral- ized. Such underground basins are revealed in deserts of South- ern Pribalkhashiya, Shu-sarysuik and Turgajsk cavities, Ustyurt, Karakum, Muyunkum, etc. Use of deserted territories (66 %) in 52 Satpaev guidance the agriculture is quite real since their soils are enriched with potassium, microelements, and only lack of moisture and electric power poses a problem. It is known, that Kazakhstan has huge power resources in the form of solid combustibles, oil, gas, hy- dro-and wind energy, solar energy. Large thermal and hydroelec- tric power stations are constructed in the republic that form uni- form power system. And this is also a great merit of K.I.Satpaev. Summing up stated above, it is possible to conclude, that bases of the state independence of the republic have been incor- porated as early as during vital activity of K.I.Satpaev thanks to discovery of large and various mineral resources of bowels and establishment of the largest priority mining-metallurgical, agro- chemical, oil-and-gas, building and other complexes. Therefore, all advanced and progressive should be used for withdrawal from an economic crisis of our country, successful headway, im- provement of social and financial position of kazakhstani peo- ple. It is necessary to adjust the operation of all enterprises in view of competition and exacting market requirements as well as to create new progressive and competitive branches of industry, agriculture, construction, and for this purpose, the republic has all required potentialities and capabilities.

53 M.M.Bakenov


" Satpaev - is not the room man of science. He is a scout in a full sense of this word ". Academician M. Karatayev

The largest industrial center of the country Dzhezkazgan has grown in under-populated boundless steppe thanks to titanic work of highly skilled engineer-geologist K.I.Satpaev. Excellent knowledge obtained in the first-rate institute of higher education - Tomsk tech- nological institute, added by serious practical work, have assisted hardworking young geologist to find correct direction, interpret the genetic nature of deposit and define the real prospects of deposit. [51,58,74]. As the basis of successes of K.I.Satpaev in Dzhezkazgan is a high professionalism, ability to put and solve the most complicated questions of genesis and scales of deposit in analogy to similar de- posits of copper in Chile and Central Africa (Northern Rhodesia), being the worlds largest copper deposits. [53,54]. Comparing with the largest copper deposits of the country (Dzhezkazgan, Kounrad, Almalyk, Blyava, etc.) in view of their re- sources and content of metals in ore, K.I.Satpaev singles out as the first object for construction of copper industrial complex unique Dzhezkazgan. Indisputable advantages of Dzhezkazgan, in opinion of K.I.Satpaev, consisted in the following: 1) large resources of ores, and high content of copper in ore (twice above, than in Almalyk) thanks to what for recovery of 1 тon of copper is enough to process twice less ore; 2) quiet and relatively not deep bedding of ores in steady ad- joining rocks; 3) high degree of reliability of the counted resources (more than 2 million tons) of Dzhezkazgan (980 wells at core yield of 90 % against 200 wells in Almalyk at core yield of 50 %); 4) high extraction of copper from dzhezkazgan ore (94 % at flo- tation and 93 % - at metallurgical limit);

54 Satpaev guidance

5) cheapness of the exploration cost (no more than 10 rou- bles./тon of copper); 6) exclusively favorable mining and technical specifications of deposit; 7) stability of mining rocks for drifting of mine roadways with- out fastening that excludes necessity in fixing wood; 8) significant capacity of ore deposits that allows to apply the most productive systems of development and powerful modern tech- nical equipment during extraction thereof; 9) multistage and multistack mineralization, ore deposits are often layered against each other along vertical line that provides an opportu- nity of their development from the same shafts; 10) complex structure of the ores, containing except for copper, also lead, silver, rhenium, zinc, gold, osmium, selenium, tellurium, antimony, molybdenum and a lot of diffused elements; 11) significant area of ore-bearing suite (650-700m), that en- ables wide use of effective open career works in Dzhezkazgan; 12) small inflow of mine waters, usually tenth or 100-th fraction of litre in a second that facilitates conditions of water drainage and drifting of all kinds of mine roadways within the limits of deposit; 13) ore minerals in Dzhezkazgan are presented in the form of impregnation ore and fillings of cracks in crystal-feldspar sand- stones. Silicon content in the ores composition excludes possibility of occurrence of the mine fires, being a scourge for copper-pyrites deposits; 14) ores of Dzhezkazgan are highly favourable in the techno- logical point of view since the main bulk of copper (92 %) is con- cluded in sulfides that provides 93-94 % of its extraction into con- centrate. Therefore in Dzhezkazgan, as anywhere else, are incorpo- rated all necessary preconditions and opportunities for creation of one of the worlds most powerful centers for copper smelting – this is vitally important metal for the needs of national economy; 15) provision of Dzhezkazgan with subsidiary metallurgical raw material (fluxes, castables, coal, etc.), both water resources and building materials. 16) within its limits lare known large deposits of iron (Karasak- pajskoe with resources of more than 250 million tons), manganese - 55 M.M.Bakenov

Zhezdy (15 million tons), coals - Kayakty (400 million tons), asbes- tos - Eshkiolmes, Shaitantas, nickel and cobalt, vanadium, barite, phosphorites, etc. The destiny of Dzhezkazgan never was ordinary: when exploring and developing of deposit, young provincial engineer-geologist K.I.Satpaev had to enter on repeated occasions into the open unequal fight with the venerable capital (Moscow) geologists of Geological committee who carried out exploration works in Dzhezkazgan before arrival of K.I.Satpaev and who considered Dzhezkazgan deposit as a small one and not noteworthy. [58]. During this difficult period, the mighty intelligence and orga- nizing abilities of Kanysh Imantaevich were showed up in all com- pleteness. Especially it is necessary to note eccentricity of the steps undertaken by Kanysh for achievement of set objects: organization of courses for the drillers and collectors for expansion of drilling- exploration works, which was unique way to prove his correctness. There was a need in drillers from local population, as well as techni- cally qualified persons and geologists, chemical lab for definition of the copper and other elements content in the ore, subsidiary work- shops and many other things. And when the work has started, at last, and resources of Dzhez- kazgan deposit have increased many times over in comparison with forecasts of geologists, the work of collective has been paralysed by full refusal in financing. The new stage of struggle for the Big Dzhezkazgan has begun again, in which new qualities of Kanysh Satpaev, active civic stand, high professionalism of the young engineer and correct scien- tific treatment of genesis and prospects of deposit were shown up. It was necessary to keep also the personnel and all this in the con- ditions of tragedy of people - famine, political terror. The team of geo- logical explorers believed in his leader, quite often people worked free of charge. Trying to find means for continuation of prospecting works, K.I.Satpaev addresses to the Head of the Supreme Council of the Na- tional economy of the USSR Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Understanding all complexity of the situation when almost everything was staked, he has considered as useful to get support of the Big science – he has acted with the scientific report on problems of Dzhezkazgan at the session of the Academy of sciences of the USSR related to the Big Dzhezkazgan, 56 Satpaev guidance and session (November, 1934 where such world-known scientists as A.D.Arkhangelskij, I.M.Gubkin, A.E.Fersman, V.A.Obruchev, A.A.Baykov, N.S.Kurpakov, B.E.Vedeneyev, V.P.Volgin, D.N.Pryanishnikov, A.N.Samoylovich and others took part), have sup- ported ideas and suggestions of Kanysh Satpaev. At the end of 1934, Satpaev has visited the people's commissar of the industry S.Ordzhonikidze with the report and after that the construc- tion of the railway Karaganda - Dzhezkazgan has started. Unfortunately, on February 17th, 1937 Sergo Ordzhonikidze has died, and rates of ex- ploration works were slowed down and works on design of large cop- per-smelting industrial complex were stopped. Only in February 1938 when K.I.Satpaev has visited the people's commissar of the heavy indus- try of the USSR L.M.Kaganovich, preparatory works for construction of the Big Dzhezkazgan industrial complex has started again. However the life put forward all new and new difficulties. At first, Great Patriotic war, then necessity in restoration of national economy of the country diverted financial means from construction of Dzhezkazgan. [61]. Satpaev, who was transferred to Alma-Ata at the beginning of war for work, during all his life watched closely over the develop- ment of deposit and construction of Dzhezkazgan and achieved the decision of the new problems menacing to destiny of Dzhezkazgan. These problems were quite various: construction of the railway, wa- ter reservoir, dam on the shore of artificial lake, schools, technical school (institutes of higher education), hospitals, palace of culture, mines, plant, industrial complex and the city itself. Kanysh Satpaev always was concerned in directions of the fur- ther prospecting works, revealing of complete resources of the de- posit, the largest one in the country, and questions of complex and rational development. In order to draw attention of the public to these challenges, he often addressed to the people through newspapers, radio, TV, emphasizing that Dzhezkazgan and only Dzhezkazgan is a cradle of powerful industrialization of Kazakhstan. He fairly wrote, that "Dzhezkazgan is equivalent to two-three deposits of Magnitka (city of Magnitogorsk in Russia). Here what is its value! ". If to take on a global scale, Dzhezkazgan nowadays takes as per resources of ores the first place in the world.

57 M.M.Bakenov

Dzhezkazgan visited such well-known geologists-academicians, as A.D.Arkhangelskij, A.N.Zavaritskij, F.V.Chuhrov, N.G.Kassin, I.F.Grigoriev, I.S.Jagovkin, M.P.Rusakov and others, which have made a lot for development of geology. Each of their arrival brought great advantage in study of the riches of bowels. Dzhezkazgan and now gives significant portion of copper pro- duced in the CIS countries. Talking about the further increase of the copper resources, Kanysh Imantaevich notified in advance about inad- missibility of great irrevocable losses by economically inexpedient de- velopment (unreasonable increase of the cutoff grade of copper from 0,4 up to 0,7 % and more). "At present, in chase of selective extraction of high grade ore we lose more than 1/5 of its copper resources in Dzhez- kazgan", - he wrote. In the last year of the life, addressing to the inhabitants of Dzhez- kazgan he said: "Cherish city of Dzhezkazgan as the apple of the eye. Though our riches are great, but they are not boundless ". He tried to save his child Dzhezkazgan from selective mine roadway of metal- bearing ores that would lead to the fast depletion of unique Dzhez- kazgan reserve. He spoke about this on January 30, 1964 - the last day of his life. Unfortunately, even nowadays, the foreign investors continue to increase production of copper and other metals, selective mine road- way of rich ores, including pillars, in pursuit of getting maximal profit during ther short time period. Therefore, ways for the solution of enor- mous irrevocable losses of the ores specified by K.I.Satpaev (rational recovery, perfection of extraction technology and complex processing of raw material with complete extraction of all useful components), in our opinion, should be raised now up to the level of the major state policy. Only effective state control, including technological, can prevent devas- tation of nonrenewable underground pantries of bowels of Kazakhstan.

58 Satpaev guidance


" Kazakhstan is a rich pantry of natural resources ". Academician K.I.Satpaev

In Kazakhstan, during the Soviet period there was a process of accelerated industrialization by creation of the large mining- metallurgical, coal, oil complexes which mainly produced various kinds of metals and fuel in the form of raw material, and instruments and means of production on the territory of Russia and other repub- lics where mechanical engineering, instrument making, space engi- neering, the defense industry, aircraft construction, radio electronics, and other branches of industry were created. Nowadays Kazakhstan has got independence and has had an opportunity to develop favour- able kinds of industrialization with priority branches (metallurgy, mechanical engineering, ceramic, petrochemical, construction of structural materials, etc.) and on the basis of new ideas and modern technologies to produce the competitive end products focused on the world market. For this purpose, there are all preconditions - eco- nomic, highly professional staff, mineral and raw materials resources necessary for development of strategically important branches of economy. At present, the basic source for economic development is reasonable operation of raw potential of the country. [25,30,65]. With development of economy the requirements for primary raw ma- terial have increased everywhere. Bowels of Kazakhstan are rich with minerals. Huge resources of stone and brown coals, oil, ferrous, nonferrous, noble, rare and rare- earth metals, agronomical raw material, building materials and many other important minerals serving by as the main basis for development of electrification, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, agriculture, con- struction of nuclear, space and light industry are contained in bowels of our republic . [19,54]. Progressive economic use of various mineral resources could transform this land of plenty into one of the powerful industrial re-

59 M.M.Bakenov gions of the world. It is necessary to note, that today's achievements - is only transitive step to further more intensive industrially innova- tive development of the country. What are the mineral resources of Kazakhstan and how they are used for the benefit of sovereign re- public? It is remarkable, that thanks to titanic work of geologists led by academician K.I.Satpaev, the huge raw-material base for ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy and agriculture is created in the republic. It has been discovered about 300 deposits of stone, brown, metallurgical and thermal coals. Percentage of coal in the structure of energy con- sumption is 60,9 %. Unfortunately, for the last fifteen years the coal production in the republic was reduced more than in 1,5 times. There- fore, the primary goal of the branch is creation of conditions for transi- tion of the coal industry to the international standards and complete re- alization of the branch programs. The republic has significant explored (59,0 billion tons) and prob- able (150,0 billion tons) reserves of coal. In Karaganda, coals of jurassic and stone-and-coal age are presented by 55 beds lying on the area of 1000 km2. Total geological reserves of Karaganda basin make 51 billion тons, among them reserves up to depth of 600m (16,9 billion тons), in- cluding coking - 4,5 billion тons. Coking ability and good dressability of many layers with the low content of phosphorus and sulfur allow recovering from them the most valuable metallurgical coke. Gas con- tent of majority of coal-beds of Karaganda is 10-28 м3 / 1 тon of coal that allows to design gasification of working settlements using local methane. Huge coal reserves of Ekibastuz and low-ash brown coals of Mai- kobe basin are developed by open way. Reserves of Ekibastuz - 12 bil- lion тons, Maikobe - 21 billion тons. The cheapest coal recovered in Ekibastuz provides thermal power station, Pavlodar industrial unit with electric power and during the last years - some regions of Russia. Torgaj (Koushmurun) basin – fuel and energetic base of Kostanaj mining- metallurgical unit possesses large reserves of brown coals. Within Altay industrial unit it is located Kenderlikskoe deposit with large reserves not only of coal and brown coals, but also low- sulphur combustible slates which can form the base of solid and syn-

60 Satpaev guidance thetic liquid fuel for nonferrous metallurgy and agriculture of Rudnyj Altay. Kiyakty coal deposits (Dzhezkazgan industrial unit), Karatau (South-Kazakhstan polymetallic and fertilizer-chemical unit), Zhi- lanchik basin of lignites, in the ashes of which are present heightened amounts of valuable component - germanium and other elements are of interest also. K.I.Satpaev was the initiator of creation of ferrous metallurgy of Kazakhstan and its raw-material base in the scale of all Kazakh- stan, construction of metallurgical plants. Kazakhstan became one of the powerful iron ore and manga- nese ore bases of the world. Nowadays as per resources of iron the republic takes one of the first (7th place) places in the world. Almost all basic types of industrial iron ores with reserves in tens billions tons are revealed here. Large reserves of scarn-magnetite-hematite ores of "Magnitka" type are discovered in Kostanaj unit (Sokolovsk- Sarbajsk group). On reserves of ores, they are larger than Top Lakes deposit, which is the base of metallurgical industry of the USA. Prof- itability of Sokolovsk-Sarbajsk mining-concentrating industrial com- plex can be increased due to additional re-treatment of tails for ex- traction of apatite present in ores and accompanying extraction of silver, cobalt from adjoining rocks. To oolite ores of "Lotharingian" type, doped by vanadium as well, are attributed such ores as ayatsk, lisakovsk, priirtysh and priiaralsk ores with reserves of tens billions tons. It is possible to recover phosphorus containing iron and in addition phosphorus fertilizer – Thomas slag and ferrovanadium as well. In the area of Atasujsk, large volcanic-gene-hydrothermal de- posits of iron (Bolshoj and Malyj Kitaj, Kentobe, etc.) are discovered in paragenesis, i.e., in the close neighbourhood with manganese, lead, zinc and barite that improves efficiency of deposits develop- ment. Karsakpajsky area is exclusively rich with the iron ores pre- sented by ferrous quartzites of КМА and "Krivoi Rog" type. Ex- plored reserves of iron ores here exceed 300 million тons. They are presented by hematite ores as pure from impurity of sulfur and phos- phorus. The high ratio of silica and iron provides their sufficient self- 61 M.M.Bakenov fluxibility. K.I.Satpaev considered Karsakpaisk copper-smelting plant as "a prelude to the real industrialization of Kazakhstan ". Sig- nificant reserves of ferrous quartzites are revealed in Zheltausk mountains (Bakenov M.M., 1958-1959). The largest reserves, as well as favorable geographical location of Karsakpaisk deposits make ores of this region one of the active funds of ferrous metallurgy. Siderite ores of "bakalsk" type are known in Karatau (Abail, etc.) and in Mangyshlak (Beskempir). Kazakhstan as per reserves of manganese takes one of the first places in the world. Quite rich manganese and iron manganese de- posits of Naizatas-Zhezdy group in Dzhezkazgan region (with re- serves of manganese more than 4 million tons) at mean content of manganese from 23,3 % (Naizatas) up to 42 % (Zhezdy). K.I.Satpaev considered, that on the basis of rich multicomponent manganese and iron ores of the specified deposits it is necessary to construct ferroal- loy plant for production of ferro-vanadium, ferro- tungsten, ferro- molybdenum, ferro-manganese, ferro-nickel, ferro-titanium and other special alloys: heat resistant, super-hard, fast-cutting. Particularly, as per content of phosphorus, the manganese and iron raw material ex- tracted in the republic, is much better than raw material of Nikolsk and Chiatursk deposits. Operating nowadays “Ispat-Karmet” enter- prise, “Kazchrom” TNK, numerous GOKs, Aksujsk and Aktobe plants are only partial realization of inscriptions of K.I.Satpaev. [74]. On reserves of alloying metals, Kazakhstan takes one of the leading places in the world. So, for example, in the layers of silicon- coal slates of cembrium in the regions of Southern (Kendiktas, Zha- bagly, Karatau) and Central (Zhezkazgan, Shyngyz, Betpakdala) Ka- zakhstan there are great reserves of undeveloped vanadium ores. Un- der content and reserves of vanadium, these are the best ores in the CIS countries. They also contain molybdenum, lead and number of other diffused elements. Thus, all components necessary for produc- tion of corrosion-proof and high carbon steel of special marks, alloys of other metals are available. The largest in CIS Aktobe ferroalloy plant is operating on the basis of chromites deposits of Kempirsaisk complex of ultra- basites.It is remarkable, that on reserves of the major strategic chro- mite ores, this deposit takes the first place in the world and is devel- 62 Satpaev guidance oped by open way. The large plant of chromium connections works using these chromites. Aksuisk ferroalloys plant – is one of the lead- ers in the world in production of chromium, siliceous and manganese alloys. Ferroalloys form 95% of export production of the region. It is planned the construction of coke shops on Aksuisk ferroalloys plant using coked coals from Schubarkulsk and Ekibastuz that gives de- crease in the costs of ferroalloys production. On the basis of Satpaevsk titanium deposit in UK TMK, for the first time in the history of Kazakhstan titanium slag-raw material for titanium and pigmental dioxide of titanium is recovered. Certifica- tion of commodity output for the use in aerospace branch is carried out i.e. this product finds a world market. During Great Patriotic war the intensive development of large de- posits of tungsten has started - Akshatau, Karaobа, Akmaya. In 1954- 1955, large deposits of unique tungstic of Verkhnee Kairakty stofkwork type are discovered: Severo-Katparskoe, Bayanskoe, Boguty, Koktengol and molybdenum - Zhanet, Batystau, Kenkuduk, etc. At this time in Bolshoj Turgaj area deposits of titanium are discovered (Shabyndy, Zhylanshik) which allowed Kazakhstan to take one of the first places in the CIS countries on reserves of titanium. Deposits of titanium ores are found also in the areas of Kalby, Northern Pribalkhashie, Semizbuty, Murzhika and other places. Kazakhstan has been named "a pearl" of the Soviet Union on nonferrous metals. On resources of copper, lead, zinc, cadmium the republic took first place among other republics. It is known, that es- tablishment and development of the copper industry in the republic is closely connected with the name of K.I.Satpaev. Under statement of V.A.Obruchev, the Great Patriotic war which has unexpectedly caused huge requirements in copper for manufacture of weapons, shells, tanks and planes which could not be satisfied by Ural, has evidently raised value of Dzhezkazgan in the victory over fascism. Nowadays Kazakhstan became an unique area in the world on re- serves of copper ores. Special interest represent copper sandstones of Zhezkazgan which take the first place in the world on reserves and extraction of copper. Based on these complex ores operates Zhez- kazgan plane with complete cycle - one of the largest copper- smelting centers of the world. Except for copper, nowadays from the 63 M.M.Bakenov ores into commodity output the following elements are recovered: lead, silver, gold, zinc, sulfur, cadmium, bismuth, rhenium and os- mium. Thus, the process of creation and development of Zhezkazgan mining-metallurgical industrial complex became a vivid example of successful industrialization of all Kazakhstan. Terms of provision of the country with explored reserves of ex- tractive industries on copper - 20 years, lead and zinc - 20-30 years. The second large deposit of copper is Kounrad – main ore base of Balkhash plant. Molybdenum, rhenium, silver and other elements are contained in the copper-porphyric ores of Kounrad. Also, representa- tives of this type of copper deposits are Bozshakol, Koktaszhal, Besshoky deposits, etc. Further development of the copper industry is possible due to development of such deposits as Bozshakol, Aktogaj, Abyz, Borly, Karatas, Zhylandy. In Kazakhstan are discovered also and copper-pyrites deposits - Ni- kolaevskoe in Altaj and others, where content of copper is much higher than similar deposits in Ural and moreover, these ores contain gold, silver, zinc, cadmium, germanium and a number of other elements (total – 17 elements). Only half is recovered from them, extraction rate is merely about 2-10 %, i.e. 90 % are lost with waste materials. Also, are known such scarn deposits as - Sayak, Eshkeolmes where the ores except for copper contain gold, cobalt, boron and other metals. Large reserves of lead and zinc are contained in polymetallic deposits of Rudnyj Altaj and Central Kazakhstan (Karagaily, Alaigar, Akzhal, Uzunzhol) on the base of which mines and con- centrating factories function. Zinc is associated with lead and copper. About half of all reserves of zinc of the CIS is concentrated in Kazakhstan. The main deposits are located in Rudnyj and Southern Altay, Central Kazakhstan, Karatau, Zhungarskij and Zailijskij Alatau. Shymkent, Leninogorsk and Ust- Kamenogorsk plants, which are considered as the largest one in the world, are operated on the base of ores of these deposits. Nickel and cobalt. Significant resources of nickel (10 %) and co- balt (24 %) are found in the Central Kazakhstan where over one third of cobalt reserves is contained in the copper ores of Bozshakolsk deposit. Also, in Kazakhstan is widely developed the type of the oxidized silicate 64 Satpaev guidance ores, where cobalt is associated with nickel in these ores. As a rule the most valuable alloyed brown-iron ore is contained in stripping rocks. Orsk nickel industrial complex "Iuzhuralnickel” operates on the base of Kempirsaisk deposit of oxidized nickel ores. Numerous shows of silicate nickel ores, first in Ekibastuz-Bayanaulsk, Zhezkazgan and Murzhiksk regions (Bakenov, 1956-1959) deserve the further study and exploration. Aluminium. Under initiative of K.I.Satpaev, Pavlodar aluminium plant (PAZ) is constructed on the base of the largest Amankeldinsk de- posit of bauxites (low siliceous bauxite like clays). He specified that at complex use it is possible to recover titanium, powder iron, artificial corundum, as well as chamotte raw material in the form of high- alumina fire clays along with alumina from the ore raw material. Nowadays a shop for recovery of gallium is operating in the structure of PAZ. However, until now recovery of metal aluminium, which is in great demand in the world, market is not organized. It is necessary to improve technology of processing of low-grade ores, to start study and development of other potential sources of alu- minium – bodies of nepheline sienites, alunite, andalusite, sillimanite and kainite quartzites, sericolites, alumophosphates, davsonites and other elements with simultaneous development of effective tech- nologies of their processing; further explorations of bauxites should be organized in favorable regions, mainly in Amankeldinsk, Atasuisk, Zhezkazgan, Ulutausk areas, etc. Rare and diffused elements, such as rhenium, cadmium, in- dium, thallium, tellurium, selenium, gallium, hafnium in the form of admixtures, are found in the structure of ores of many copper and polymetallic deposits of Kazakhstan. Significant reserves of niobium and tantalum are contained in the ores of Rudnyj Altay, Northern and Western Kazakhstan. In the pyrites, polymetallic and iron ores, ashes of coals and phosphorites of Kazakhstan are found scandium, germa- nium, caesium, etc. in the form of admixtures. It is important to note, that due to development of atomic power engineering, aerospace, electronic, chemical industry, the requirements in rare and light met- als have increased.

65 M.M.Bakenov

On resources of uranium, Kazakhstan takes the 2-nd place after Australia, on extraction of uranium - 3-rd place after Canada and Australia. For provision of sale of uranium products, "Kazatomprom" NAK negotiates with the foreign companies for establishment of joint ventures on extraction and consumption of uranium products. It is planned the creation of uniform commercial technological cycle for production of suboxide, oxide (U3O8), dioxide (UO2) and hexa- toride of uranium (UF6). Researches in the field of nuclear power engineering, nuclear and radiation technologies, liquidation of con- sequences of nuclear tests on the territories of Kazakhstan, nuclear medicine, biophysics are carried out as well. At the same time, the issue on construction of nuclear power station in Kazakhstan pro- vokes objections due to availability of huge resources of oil, gas and- coals. Particularly, in many countries the increase in use of coal (China, South Korea, India, Brazil, Canada, Japan, etc.) is observed. In Canada, for example, it is planned the replacement of significant part of capacities of nuclear power station for coal thermoelectric power staion. Japan plans to enter till 2020 not less than 10 kw of capacities of coal stations of new generation. The world energetics comes back to coal, and in Kazakhstan coalmines are closing – para- dox or not? As per reserves of gold and silver Kazakhstan is considered as one of the largest regions. These precious metals are revealed in significant concentrations not only in the ores structure of polymetallic deposits, but also in a number of independent deposits of the main type (Bakenov M.M., 2002, 2003). On explored reserves of gold Kazakhstan takes the 8-th place in the world (3-rd in the CIS countries), and on extraction – 25-th place (4-th in the CIS countries). The main gold-ore regions: Kalbinsk and Rudno-Altajsk (Bakyr- shyk, Ridder-Sokolskoe), North-Kazakhstan (Vasilkovskoe, Zholymbet, Bestobe), Schu-Ilijsk and Zhungarsk (Akbakaj, Beskempir, Arkharly), Maikainsk and North-Balkhash (Maikain, Bozshakol, Sayak IV, Tas- kora, Dolinnoe, etc.), Zhetygarinsk and Mugodzharsk (Zhetygara, Iubilejnyj, etc.). Among them two unique deposits (more than 200 тons Au), one - large (50-200 тons Au) and 11 mean (5-50 тons Au) deposits.

66 Satpaev guidance

More than 50 % of active reserves are complicated for concentration due to the presence of impurities of arsenic and antimony. Apart from the main deposits, numerous shows of alluvial gold are revealed in the republic. Expansion of mineral-raw-material base of gold is possible in the further prospecting and exploration of new, particularly large non-traditional deposits. The brilliant organizer of industrialization of Kazakhstan K.I.Satpaev placed high emphasis on creation and development of oil branch in the republic. "Kazakhstan, within the next 5-10 years will become the republic of large oil and large natural gas", - he said at the meeting of geologists held on November 24, 1961. K.I.Satpaev has scientifically proved and often emphasized availability of the Western Kazakhstan territory in oil and has organ- ized the field session of the Academy of sciences of the KazSSR in the city of Gurjev (nowadays Atyrau), devoted to this problem. K.I.Satpaev stated, that natural resources of oil in Mangistau would be sufficient for several generations. He insisted on construction of the railway, asked for speeding-up of construction of nuclear reactor - desalter of seawater. He made his huge contribution to investiga- tion, development of bowels of Atyrau and Mangyshlak and effective use of these riches for the benefit of people. [73]. It has been proved, that oil fields are located basically in the Western Kazakhstan, and the main part is revealed in Caspian, Mangyshlak-Ustiurtsk and Southern- Turgaj sedimentary basins with large recoverable oil reserves (8 bil- lion tons), gas (3 trillion м3), condensate. In Caspian basin are re- vealed such deposits-giants as Tenghiz, Kashagan, Korolevskoe, Uzen, Zhetybaj, Kalamkas, Karazhanbas, Northern Buzachi, Kara- chaganak, Kurmangazy, etc. Here prevail bedded and massive depos- its requiring introduction of modern technologies for increase of oil recovery. 80 % of recoverable reserves of oil and more than 70 % of free gas are involved into operation. In structure of consumption of energy the share of oil makes 23,0%, and gas-15,0 %. The significant volume of oil (80 %) is exported. In opinion of experts from sale of one ton of crude oil we earn 471 dollar whereas sale of finished product will increase our income up to 2200 dollars. Gas deposits in Kazakhstan are revealed only during the last years. And the gas program is not less significant, than oil strategy. 67 M.M.Bakenov

Reserves of free gas and gas "gas caps " of industrial categories are explored on 75 gas, gas-condensate and oil-and-gas deposits in amount of 1917,6 billion m3. Extraction of gas in the republic as a whole in 2004 has made 20,5 billion m3, consumption of domestic market - 7 billion m3, volume of exports - 7 billion m3. However, much more effective would be processing of these 7 billion m3 at gas and chemical complexes within the country, and then delivery of products to the foreign market. Natural hydrocarbon gas is the highest fuel, providing great economy of means at replacement of other kinds of fuel and fine raw material for chemical industry. In the republic within the program for development of petrochemical productions, it is provided establish- ment of petrochemical technopark in Atyrau oblast, volumes and nomenclature of planned production are specified. Especially de- mand for petrochemicals grows. Tendency of replacement of wood as well as metal for plastic is observed. Nowadays only three gas refineries are operating Tenghiz, Ka- zakh, Zhanazhol. These refineries produce dry gas, propane, ethane, butane, isobuthane, natural gasoline, liquefied gas, fuel. Process of getting of benzol, toluene, paraxilol, ethylene, propylene is under study. Oil refinery plant is under construction in Zhanazhol. Huge reserves of slate coals are also available in Kazakhstan. More than 30 deposits with explored reserves of about 850 million тons are discovered. They are located in Uralsk (Obschij Syrt), East Kazakhstan (Kenderlyk) regions and in the foothills of Ketmensk mountain ridge. Oil, combustible gases and slate coals of Kazakhstan are large resources for organic-chemical productions. Chemical raw material. Chemicalization of national economy, - as emphasized K.I.Satpaev, - is one of the ways of technical pro- gress. It is promoted by variety and significant reserves of chemical raw material: phosphorites - the basic raw material for production of fertilizers, mineral salts, borates, oil, gas, sulfur, etc. [1, 3, 56]. Kazakhstan takes one of the first places in the world on reserves of phosphorites. Karatausk phosphorus basin is the main supplier of high- grade phosphorus ore on the base of which operates Zhambyl super- phosphate plant, a plant of yellow phosphorus. Reserves of Karatau phosphorites are very large (more than 5,0 billion tons), with high con- 68 Satpaev guidance tent of phosphoric anhydride (26 %). From these elements are recovered high-quality mineral fertilizers: phosphoric dust, superphosphates, calci- nated phosphates, ammophoses, and from phosphoric sludge - sludge phosphoric acids. From phosphoric wastes it is possible to get silicium. Phosphorites are known also in the areas of Aktobe, Kokshetau, Zhez- kazgan, Mangyshlak and other places. Special interest represents alu- minium phosphate, prevalent in the area of Aktobe where Aktobe chemical industrial complex is located, which worked for a long time on apatite imported from Khibinsk. Kazakhstan is the only region among CIS countries for extraction of boron raw material. Boron salts are found in deposits of Inder, Chel- kar, in Yral-Emba basin. Potash, magnesia, sodium sulphate, sodium chloride and other salts in large quantities are contained in deposits of Inder, Aschibulak, etc. K.I.Satpaev considered that on the base of Zhily- anski polygalite it is necessary to construct an industrial complex and recover quite valuable mineral fertilizer - metaphosphate containing in its structure up to 70 % of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, i.e. all elements of " great triad ". It is known, that magnesia salts of Western Kazakhstan deposits are the raw material for titanium and magnesium industrial complex located in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Huge reserves of raw material for pro- duction of sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, soda, potash, magnesia salts, limestone, nitric acid, plastic, cement, glass and other products are available in many regions of Kazakhstan. Reserves of ore mining raw material and fluxes are vast. Such large deposits of asbestos as Zhetygara, Eshkiolmes are revealed as well as others - barite, quartz sand, dolomite; ceramic, fluxe, high alumina elastooptic raw material; plasters, amasonite, marble, granite, gabbro, technogenic raw material and other building materials. Development of these riches represents the major national - economic problem Thus, Kazakhstan is a powerful arsenal of the diversified kinds of the mineral raw material necessary for development of the main branches of industry, agriculture, construction, as well as for creation of new progressive industries.

69 M.M.Bakenov


" K.I.Satpaev has brought the enormous contribution to the development of the geological theory, and his efforts have led to discovery of the richest natural resources ". M.V.Keldysh

The idea of creation of scientific metallogenic forecasts for the first time was stated by the soviet geologists: academician V.A.Obruchev in 1932, after was developed by academicians A.D.Arkhangelsk, S.S.Smirnov, В.А Kuznecov, etc. Practical realization of this progres- sive idea was carried out for the first time in the world by a team of ge- ologists of Kazakhstan led by academician K.I.Satpaev (1952) by the example of Central Kazakhstan, being "a pantry" of black, non- ferrous and rare metals of the country. [52]. A. Main methodological principles accepted by the authors: a) complex approach to study of the problem; b) completeness in collection of the facts; c) deep stud and systematization of factors, their synthesis, objectivity of generalization; d) collectivity in creativity (coordination of forces, focus- ing). B. Actual basis and content of forecast map (stages of explo- ration): 1. Making of geological-structural map(scale - 1 : 50 000) - bases of metallogeni maps (Kassin N., Medoev G.). The history of geological development of Sary-Arka has been di- vided into six geotectonic phases: 1) pre-paleozoic; 2) early caledonian (cambrian + ordovician); 3) late caledonian (gotlandian + bottom devonian); 4) early avrinian (mean devonian + mean carbonian); 5) late avrinian (top carbonian + permian); 6) cimmer-alpine (mesozit + cainozoic). In the loading of map the following main elements are reflected: 70 Satpaev guidance

- folded- plate structures which have arisen in each six stages, morphology and orientation thereof; - discontinuous structures (falloffs, overlap faults), directions and ore-bearing capacity thereof; - areas of development of acid, basic and the ultrabasic intru- sions, age and role in the ore- formation thereof; - areas of development of effusive-sedimentary, carbonate and ter- rigenous complexes. 2. Making of map of overlaying of minerals with geological struc- tures and magmatizm. More than 5 500 shows of minerals are drawn on geological- structural map, "typical" deposits and 51 ore-bearing metallogenic for- mation (31 endogen and 20 exogen) are marked out on the basis of the following criterias: - similarities of genesis, even-age, identity of structure (geo- logical-genetic classification of deposits is made); - making of slime and metal-metric maps, prospecting- geophysical maps, maps of gravitational and magnetic fields, fore- cast of buried placers in in the ancient river valleys of the region; - collection and generalization of material on metasomatits, small intrusions. 3. Making of metal—metallogenic forecast maps of Sary-Arka on ferrous (Fe, Mn) metals, copper, polymetals (Pb, Zn, Cu), rare (Mo, W, Sn) metals and the indication of prospect areas: a) explicit industrial, requiring primary geological-prospecting works in 1:50 000 scale and more; b) favorable, requring works in 1:200 000 scale and more; c) with low and unclear features, requiring performance of sur- vey in 1:200 000 scale.

Theoretical results of complex forecasting maps

a) multi-age of endogenous metallogeny (in all stages with various intensity) is determined, genetic classification of metalloge- netic formations on the basis of three main geological characteristics is developed: position of a deposit relatively to the contour of parent 71 M.M.Bakenov intrusion, nature of the main ore monitoring factor and material structure of mineralization, geological age of deposit. As an example it is possible to result some metallogenic forma- tions: for iron – pre-cambrian formations of ferruterous quartzites, for manganese – late avrian hydrothermal formations, for copper – early and late caledonian impregnated-string (again-quartzitic) cop- per-molybdenum formations, etc. All shows of metallogenic forma- tions have been divided into the following according to the industrial significance : a) large deposits; commercial deposits; ore shows and applica- tions; b) role of the ore monitoring factors, which are unequal for various metallogenic ages is shown; c) basic ore monitoring fractures are revealed: sub-meridional, sub- lattitude, north-west, north-east which are laid in the top pre-cambrian and were renewed in the subsequent stages of the territory development; d) maximal degree of concentration of endogenous metal- logenic formations is connected with the details of crossing or cou- pling of deep regional tectonic breaks close to brachy-folded struc- tures; e) are more favourable for localization of mineralization of me- chanically anisotropic complexes of rocks especially well stratified (boundary zones, bedding, inside bedding attenuated zones, cracks); f) not less important factor in accommodation of endogenous mineralization is magmatism with which it has paragenetic con- nection. Often, similar small intrusions are “tracing” the routes of circulation of metal-bearing hydroterm.

Results of practical data validation of complex metallogenic maps

Efficiency of geological-prospecting and geogical-exploring works on the territory of Sary-Arka has raised again where in 1955-1957 about 230 deposits of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals were discov- ered, about 50 deposits have become a subject to revaluation, among them with increase in prospects - 20 (Zhanet, Akzhal). Moreover, about 75 % of new deposits have been revealed on the territories specified in the fore- 72 Satpaev guidance casting maps. As a result of realization of recommendations of forecasting maps, prospects and reserves of the largest deposits as Dzhezkazgan and Kounrad have increased. 358 deposits have been discovered and 333 (93%) are revealed on specified areas for the years of validation of these maps on the territory of Sary-Arka,. Scientific and practical value of metallogenic investigations car- ried out under direction of K.I.Satpaev, has obtained wide recognition of the geological public. In 1958, the team of geologists led by K.I.Satpaev has been deservedly awarded the Lenin premium.

73 M.M.Bakenov


" Development of domestic metallogeny is closely connected with a name of prominent geologist K.I.Satpaev ". Academician A.E.Radkevich

In the life and activity of outstanding scientist K.I.Satpaev a special emphasis was placed on problems of study and rational development of various mineral-raw resources, being the basis for creation and devel- opment of the major branches of the national economy. Main attention of the scientists-geologists headed by K.I.Satpaev, has been given to the purposeful complex and profound study of geological structure of the territory of the republic, disclosing and establishment of principles and mechanism of allocation of the main minerals in geological structures of Kazakhstan. [31,52,56]. As a result of fundamental analysis of the rich actual geological material, complex metallogenic forecasting map of Sary-Arka (the Central Kazakhstan) has been developed for the first time which al- lowed to create new scientific direction in geological science - metal- logeny which is accompanied by forecasts of deposits of minerals. Such indissoluble correlation of geological science with practical tasks of development of mineral-raw-material base of the country has beneficially influenced efficiency of geological-prospecting and geo- logical-exploring works. A number of deposits of ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals is revealed on those areas which have been allocated as per- spective on metallogenic forecasting maps. So significant success of forecasting-metallogenic researches is explained by the fact that in the basis thereof were underlaid full both specific actual materials and objective principles and mechanism of formation and allocation of deposits established as a result of long-term researches. When making metallogenic-forecasting maps of Kazakh- stan, K.I.Satpaev developed and supplemented existed metallogenic theoretical representations, in particular, he gave definition to geo- logical formation as a complex of rocks developed during one spe-

74 Satpaev guidance cific tectonic epoch and reflecting the basic specific geological fea- tures of the last. It is known, that as per classification of M.A.Usov, ore deposits are united into metallogenic formations connected with intrusions of different specificity and various geological age. K.I.Satpaev has specified that "Metallogenic formation – is not a synonym of genetic type of deposits. Metallogenic formation is primarily a geological concept and it has the geological age, at the same time deposits of one genetic type can have various age. Each metallogenic forma- tion has its structural-genetic features. And, finally, the third char- acteristic feature of metallogenic formations is its mineral- geochemical structure". K.I.Satpaev also has emphasized, that development of the the- ory of the ore formation is possible only at detailed study of behav- iour of the ore bodies and observations over the change of mineral associations, ash value of the ore formation and periore changed rocks. Performance of the ore-formational analysis is impossible nowadays without analysis of these provisions and concepts. The further study by the author (Bakenov M.M., 1976, 2002, 2003) of changes of features of the structure of steady mineral asso- ciations depending on geological conditions of their formation has allowed to establish rows (vertical and horizontal) of the ore forma- tions which assist in the forecast of possible, yet not revealed types of mineralization in the ore areas. Undoubtedly, revealing of steady associations is possible at processing of extensive evidence on min- eral structure of deposits using computer. Study of ash value of dis- tribution of mineralization is especially important at large-scale met- allogenic researches for revealing of principles and mechanism of allocation of deposits in the ore assemblies and areas. It is remarkable, that M.Usov considered endogenous ore de- posits as derivatives of abyssal, hypabyssal and effusive facies of parent for them magmatic complexes. Among effusive facy of depos- its, he picked out in addition rod, force subformations, which repre- sented subvolcanic formations. To development of this idea of K.I.Satpaev wrote, that " formations of magmatic rocks characterize concrete geological conditions, in particular, physical and chemical and thermodynamic conditions of environment at their introduction 75 M.M.Bakenov and intervals of deepness of their formation, at the same time phases characterize conditions of their further life already as the formed cer- tain geological bodies ". It is known, that for facies and phases, both intrusives, and effusives, M.A.Usov gave the geological and mineral- geochemical characteristic of their specific features. Thus, an idea of deepness of parent magmatic complexes is taken as the basis of clas- sification of endogenous ore deposits developed by M.A.Usov. Developing metallogenic concepts, K.I.Satpaev marked a high de- gree of differentiality of mineral-geochemical structure of the major met- allogenic formations of Kazakhstan that is confirmed by results of subse- quent mineralogical researches of their typical deposits. Therefore, study of mineral-geochemical features of the structure of ore formations is the major task of the ore-formation analysis. For endogenous metallogenic formations as the most productive K.I.Satpaev considered early caledonian and late avrian stages. Thus undividual types of minerals, in his opinion, are of "through" type for all metallogenic stages while the maximal concentrations of oth- ers are connected with a certain metallogenic stage only. K.I.Satpaev as M.A.Usov considered as doubtless the genetic connection of en- dogenous ore deposits with magmatic rocks, and magma was consid- ered as the only source of ore-forming solutions. At the same time, he supposed the formation of magma in a zone of fusion at palinge- nesis and anatexis, being the main forms of formation of granitoid magmas, and specified, that the main magmas can occur in case of presence of deep breaks. It is important to note, that scientific conclusions of K.I.Satpaev are based mainly on specific facts and personal observations. Many of his scientific ideas have national value and represent, as a matter of fact, results of all geological researches and form theoretical base for development of forecasting metallogenic map and forecasting on specific areas of the minerals deposits. At this K.I.Satpaev placed high emphasis on detailed study of deposits of minerals and those complex geological and physical and chemical processes that led to their for- mation. Thereupon, a special value for metallogeny of Kazakhstan represents established regularity – multistage demonstration of the ore formations, related with historical-geological development of various zones, from pre-cambrian up to present. On the basis of this 76 Satpaev guidance scientific idea the principle of inheritage of mineralizationdevelop- ment, establishing duration and pulsing of mineralization has been developed later on. According to K.I.Satpaev "numerous deposits of the same min- eral in Kazakhstan are represented by various genetic types", that is confirmed by results of metallogenic researches, in particular, gold- ore and gold containing deposits (M.M.Bakenov, 1976, 2002, 2004). This principle of convergence, i.e. possibility of occurrence of simi- lar and even the same mineral formations at various geological proc- esses on various genetic schemes, has been developed later in the works of V.I.Smirnov (1960), V.A.Kuznetsov (1972), G.N.Shcherba (1995) and other researchers. Therefore, at a stage of study of gene- sis and allocation of deposits of various ore formations it is necessary to consider convergence thereof, to mark out specific formation types (subformations), to develop forecast criteria for them. It is necessary to note, that classification diagrams of K.I.Satpaev and complex method of forecast of deposits are more complete than diagrams of M.A.Usov though the general direction is observed. Also great contribution of K.I.Satpaev to metallogenic science was specification and more precise definition of contents of such scientific terms and concepts, as: "metallogenic formation ", "ore formation ", "metallogenic epoch", "genetic type ", "geological formations " and others, widely used in geological-genetic classifica- tion schemes. Nevertheless, the main merit of K.I.Satpaev is that he for the first time has developed complex scientific method of metallogenic analysis of extensive territories and has organized regional metal- logenic researches on the basis of objective and thorough generaliza- tion of all available geological materials. K.I.Satpaev has fairly considered that the basic preconditions of complex metallogenic researches and their high efficiency are close unity of science and practice which results to their mutual enrichment. There- fore, he carried out the researches in a close contact and cooperation with specialists of production, and scientific subjects was constantly corrected during the field scientific sessions convened in large industrial regions of Kazakhstan. At the same time, performance of theoretical researches with support of the industrial organizations was widely prac- 77 M.M.Bakenov ticed. Therefore and nowadays, it is necessary to involve more widely specialists of production for scientific - research work in view of inter- ests of businesspersons (investors) and state. For this purpose, it is re- quired to remove all disadvantages in planning and coordination of sci- entific researches that often result in senseless expenses, waste of means, parallelism and duplication of scientific works. "The duty of scientists, - wrote K.I.Satpaev, - together with production workers on a permanent basis to introduce achievements of scientific researches into practice". Only then, it is possible to talk about fruitful creative coopera- tion of people of science and practice. Great expert on industry, K.I.Satpaev was seriously engaged in introduction of achievements of science into practice, and well knew inquiries of the last one. He considered that absence of the main large and complex problems causes separation and isolation from actual needs of life and practice. When planning research works, he aspired to coordinate them as much as possible around the develop- ment of separate aspects of large complex problems. Therefore, 14 scientific institutes of the Academy of sciences worked on problems of study of natural resources of Rudnyj Altay. Such complex ap- proach for study of large problems he tried to introduce into practice of work of scientific institutes in every possible way. His ability to expect a course in development of the major branches of national economy and problems of science following from his inquiries en- abled him in due time to direct efforts of the team to their successful solution. Such statement of the problem promoted achievement of the planned tasks, for example, in geology - creation of more effec- tive methods for exploration and prospecting of minerals, in metal- lurgy - complex processing of ores and complete extraction of all valuable components from raw material. Thanks to teamwork of scientists with geologists and other ex- perts of industrial organizations, mineral-raw-material bases of Big Dzhezkazgan, Rudnyj Altay, coal, iron-manganese, polymetallic and rare-metal branches of industry of Kazakhstan have been created in a short term. Foresight and ability to put questions in a right way always were distinguishing features of this outstanding scientific-thinker and talented organizer. Under his direction, wide scientific researches 78 Satpaev guidance were carried out in the field of study of oil, gas, and solid combusti- ble and nonmetallics deposits. K.I.Satpaev always mentioned great prospects of the territory of Kazakhstan, especially Mangystau peninsula on oil and gas, and that has been finally proved by discovery of such large deposits as Zhe- tybaj, Uzen, etc. At the same time, he put question on development of deposits of combustible slates, thermal coals, resinous gas brown coals, underground gasification of coals with the purpose of satisfac- tion of municipal needs of the cities with gas supply, on construction of slate distillery plant for production of pitch, motor fuel, gasoline, medical preparations, fertilizers and other synthetic materials. All these problems are vital and nowadays. Moreover, K.I.Satpaev specified, that " it is necessary to supplement the list of minerals of Kazakhstan with new types ", to open their prospects as soon as possible, since it is very important especially in conditions of the market relations and economic cri- sis when the prices for metal and oil are instable, and new pro- gressive industries, using non-traditional types of raw material, are not created yet. Therefore, revealing of new mineral raw mate- rial types and their effective use by the industry are of primary importance especially because Kazakhstan has great opportunities for creation of new industrially valuable materials on the basis of local raw material, various kinds of products from oil, coals, natu- ral gases, production wastes, etc. K.I.Satpaev gave great value to development of the fuel and energy resources which are available in all regions of extensive territory of Kazakhstan, i.e provision of not only the industries with fuel supply, but also satisfaction of household needs of local population. K.I.Satpaev placed high emphasis on preparation of the sci- entific staff and highly skilled experts for the new and progressive branches of industry and science. In spite of workload with organ- izational and practical proceedings, he often and constantly met scien- tists, post-graduate students, employees, students, workers. He person- ally talked to everyone, was attentive irrespective of age and position of the interlocutor, encouraged searches of something new, jointly dis- cussed the results of researches, gave countenance, was very kind and at 79 M.M.Bakenov the same time exacting. He loved modest, hardworking people, hated ignorance, immodesty, and never forgave for carelessness and untruth. It is remarkable, that Kanysh Imantaevich “was able to raise any interlocu- tor up to his level ". Talking to him, everyone felt himself very freely. [41,73]. I quite often try to remember the meeting with Kanysh Imantaevich, especially the last months of his life when he, being hard sick, continued to work, giving the last forces to the work he liked. Kanysh Imantaevich with his inherent warmth was inter- ested in my scientific researches on gold-polymetal deposits de- veloped by Majkanzoloto industrial complex where I have been sent as per his personal instruction. He gave me valuable advices for the further work, welcomed the complex approach to study of gold deposits in connection with looping courses of the rich oxi- dized ores. Especially not enough attention has been given to the gold deposits in the widely known metallogenic map due to a weak level of study. Long time has passed since that time, how- ever the image of this great person, thinker and prominent scien- tist is still in front of my eyes. As well as other people who have met with Kanysh Iman- taevich, warmed by his attention and unusual kindness, I never forget and often recollect these pleasant moments in my life.

80 Satpaev guidance


"To use all valuable mineral components more completely ". K.I.Satpaev

Bowels of Kazakhstan are exclusively rich with various minerals. They consist of huge reserves of ferrous, non-ferrous, noble, rare, dif- fused and radioactive elements, elements of agronomical and chemical raw material, building materials, as well as new and non-traditional types of minerals. [29,30,54,65]. All large deposits of minerals on structure of ores are complex and multicomponent. Completeness of use of these nonrenewable mineral resources with production of competitive commodity output has an important national-economic value. Therefore, it is impossible to agree with those huge irrevocable losses that are allowed nowa- days in the conditions of unprofitable predatory development of ores that will result in the fast depletion of reserves of these deposits. [20,21,54,55,56]. K.I.Satpaev emphasized that it is inadmissible when overall losses of the ore exceed allowable minimal rates since wastry in practical use of mineral resources not only negatively influences economic profitability of the enterprises, but also deeply reduces terms of their existence. So, for example, when developing unique as per reserves copper deposit Zhezkazgan, actual operational losses of the main copper ore as a whole reached 20 % , whereas design losses - 13-14 %. The reasons of high losses of the ore were the overesti- mated sizes of stabilizing pillars, high quality requirements and se- lective recovery of high-grade ores. It is no wonder, that the sizes of these losses have exceeded all reserves of copper of Kounrad, Bozshakul deposits together taken. Strangely enough, heavy losses took place because of wrong per- formance of mining in underground mines of Leninogorskf polymetallic industrial complex, during extraction of lead-silver-barium ore in Mer- galimsaisk mine (14-16 %), and on the largest iron-ore “Sokolovskoe”

81 M.M.Bakenov deposit and barite-polymetallic “Karagaily” deposit where a city of Rudnyj and Karagaily settlement have been constructed on the area of ore deposits. As a result, prepared reserves of base ores on these deposits have been preserved on the flanks of deposit (“Mergalimsaj” deposit) in many chambers. It is known, that in Zhezkazgan copper de- posit it is preserved about 3 million тons of ore under different struc- tures. Regarding the largest reserve (50 billion tons) of Karaganda basin, the losses of coal approximately come to 40-45% of extracted coal that led to increase of the cost price of fuel and reduction of service life of mines. According to researchers, under a city of Karaganda it is pre- served such quantity of coal that would be enough for the work of "Karagandaugol" industrial complex at a level of the reached capac- ity within 50-60 years. Underground hydrogenation of coal for pro- duction of motor fuel, extraction of methane from coals, extraction of germanium, scandium, silver and its use as secondary raw material is also important. Nowadays, about 11 billion тons of overburden rocks, 200 million tons of ashes and slags, 1,5 billion tons of reject material and other waste are accumulated at the branch enterprises. Not is better question with the use and operation of oil deposits where oil recovery from oil-bearing beds is about 70%. Here, extraction of accompanying valuable components - bromine, iodine, helium, vana- dium and nickel is an issue of the day. Being the oil state and having three oil refineries (capacity of 15 million tons) in Pavlodar, Atyrau and Shymkent, Kazakhstan is forced to import light oil products from neighbouring Russia. Moreover, from large quantity of valuable elements contained in polymetallic ores, it is recovered only minor quantity [54,56]. Therefore, from 19 rare and diffused elements available in polymet- allic ores of Altay, only half is recovered nowadays, and the degree of extraction thereof is extremely insignificant - up to 10 %. At the same time, 90% of the most valuable components is lost. Extraction even of the main non-ferrous metals is the lowest and makes on lead approximately 70-75 %, on zinc - about 65 %, on gold and silver - about 60 %, on copper - little more than half (98,3 % from concen- trate). Losses of zinc and other metals from polymetallic ores of Al- tay are about half of all metals, and loss of copper in Zhezkazgan - 82 Satpaev guidance one third of the copper reserves. Nowadays, from the ores of Zhez- kazgan are extracted: Cd, Bi, Se, Pb, Ag, Mo, Re, Os. Bismuth and scandium are not extracted in “Zhambyl” mine of Akshatausk indus- trial complex. Only 12 of 19 valuable components are extracted in “Leninjgorsk” mines. Significant interest represents complex development of tech- nogenic mineral resources (waste banks, wastes of plants, etc.), pos- sessing huge reserves. In Kazakhstan, in spoil banks and tailing dams reservoirs of non-ferrous metallurgy it is accumulated about 5,0 bil- lion тons of overburden rocks, including 3,0 billion тons of rocky, 82 million тons of off-balance sub-quality ores, 1,7 billion тons of con- centration tails and 120 million тons of various slags. In technogenic formations except for the basic metals there are valuable compo- nents, for example, in “Sokolovsk-Sarbaisk” - cobalt, nickel, silver, copper. In “Atasuisk” spoil banks it is accumulated more than 21 402 thousand тons of off-balanced ores with Mn - 6,6 % and Fe - 16 % content. In the tailing piles of Zhezdy there are 3600 thousand тons of concentration tails with mean content of Mn - 11,3 %, and total of manganese - about 407 thousand тons. In special spoil banks of Donsk GOK it is accumulated almost 9 million тons of ores with content of Cr2O3 - 22,1 %. In the tailing piles of Atasuisk plant there are more than 5 million тons of slags with content of Cr2O3 - 13 %, and in tailing piles of Zhez- kazgan - 745 million тons of ores with content of copper - 0,72 %. In Kazakhstan, up to 60 % of cleaning rejects of non-ferrous met- allurgy is attributed to the enterprises of copper branch of industry, 25 % - lead and zinc and 15 % - wastes of gold extractive and rare-metal branch. In the complex iron-manganese-barium ores of unique “Ata- sauisk” deposit there is a rich content of germanium, but its extrac- tion is not adjusted. The richest ores containing germanium are in the top horizons, especially in “Big China” deposit. Complex use of bar- ium and lead-zinc ores having significant reserves requires its solu- tion. Ores of Zhezkazgan are characterized by presence of valuable rare elements-osmium and rhenium. Production of rhenium is al- 83 M.M.Bakenov ready adjusted. It is known, that rhenium alloy with other metals is widely used in details of rockets, supersonic planes. Barite-polymetallic ores containing lead, zinc, copper, barium, cadmium, indium and silver are extracted in Karagailinsk mine. How- ever, only lead and barite concentrates are produced at concentration plant and extraction of barite makes only 28 %, and its 72 % are ir- revocably lost in tails. It is necessary to solve the problem on complex use of oolitic iron ores of Kostanaj oblast, iron-manganese and barite-polymetallic ores of Atasuisk basin, vanadium ores of Karatau, chrome-nickel ores of kempirsaj with getting of cheap, but qualitative (tool, fast- cutting, structural) steel, new kinds of special alloys (superfirm, fast- cutting, heat resisting, light, composit, anticorrosive). Special value has getting of metals of high and ultrahigh purity and production of special steel – chrome-nickel, chrome-vanadium, ferro-vanadium, ferro-tungsten, ferro-molibdene, ferro-nickel, ferro- titanium etc. Especially alloy steel became stronger, than carbon and allows to facilitate the weight of the structure. Nowadays, the enter- prises of the country import work materials, finished articles of alloy steel from other countries that increases the cost value of released products. It is necessary to organize such manufacture in Kazakh- stan, and for this purpose, there are all opportunities. In this connec- tion, it is important to note that, Kazakhstan has rich raw material resources of this kind of raw material. Complete extraction of valu- able components (nickel, vanadium, etc.) from oil, gas and recrement wastes is also of great importance. Thus it is necessary to reduce volume of emission of gases and carbon oxides and nitrogen by pro- hibition of development of oil-and-gas deposits without utilization of natural gas and its burning in the plumes. Annually more than 250 million m3 of gas is simply burnt only in Kumkol. Here gas release is about 45 thousand тons, i.e., in 2-3 times above allowable rate. Therefore, more attention should be given to utilization of gas and provision of surrounding regional centers, cities and settlements with gas-supply system. Meanwhile recoverable reserves of gas in the republic are estimated as 3,0 bln. м3, and more than 70 % of free gas is involved into operation. In Kashagan field, the reserves of gas are more than 1,0 bln. м3, oil - more than 1,7 billion тons, and in Ka- 84 Satpaev guidance rachaganak field, the reserves of oil and gas-condensate - 1,2 billion tons. This allows our country to be one of the leading states of the world possessing great hydrocarbon resources. Regarding complete extraction of all valuable components from the ores, it is important to determine the bottom limit of the ore stan- dard condition at a modern level of development of technics and tech- nology of development and processing of ores. Any overestimate of unreasonable requirements to quality of mineral means significant re- duction of reserves and service life of the mine. For example, on de- posits of Leninigorsk industrial complex it was registered over 50 mil- lion тons of polymetallic ores with content of metal below accepted industrial minimum. Among them about 15 million тons is already lost in the bowels. The same situation was observed in Zhezkazgan deposit where many millions tons of the base ores were written off into the losses because of undermining. The important task is perfection of the technology of the ores processing which have been already extracted and surfaced. Sources of enormous losses are already laid in the process of the ores flotation with recovery of collective and selective concen- trates. At the first flotation of altay polymetallic ores it is lost more than 10 % of lead, more than 11 % of zinc, 8 % of copper, almost half of cadmium, 75-90 % of indium, selenium, tellurium, etc. Gold and silver are lost almost half. [56]. Non-ferrous metals are lost not only at concentration, but also at metallurgical repartition of different selective concentrates characterized by far from monometal structure. The progressive cyclone way of copper concentrates and phosphorites smelting is developed against the losses that enables to collect almost all kinds of metals and metalloids from the ores structure and recover thermophosphates, which are more rich with five-oxide phospho- rus. At the same time, the degree of extraction of lead, zinc, cad- mium, indium, rhenium and other metals makes 80 % and more whereas at existing methods of smelting all of them are lost al- most completely. Moreover, at high temperatures - 1400-1500о all metals, including Pb, Zn, Cd, Re, Bi, Zn, Ta, Se, Te, Mo, As, S and others, except for copper, iron, gold, transfer into volatile condition, separate from matte and slag and are easy collected in 85 M.M.Bakenov the form of sublimations. For these works, the group of metallur- gists was awarded the Lenin premium. The new system of development based on full and complex mechanization of all kinds of underground mining works has been applied in Zhezkazgan mine that allowed to decrease the cost price of extracted ore for 50 % and include into waste courses all ores available in the bowels of this unique deposit. Application of new system of artificial caving of ores in Leni- nogorsk mine has decreased the cost price of ore for 35 % and minimal industrial content of metals more than twice. Reserves of payable ores in the deposit have been increased. As a result of application of modern methods of concentration (hydrometallurgical, etc.) extraction of zinc for 30 %, lead - for 25 %, copper - for 40 % has been increased in com- parison with existing technology of ores processing. In conditions of non-provision with reserves, decrease of the content of useful compo- nents, rise in the mining cost and processing of the ores there is a need in innovation of the mining production by application of methods of hy- drometallurgy, for example, production of non-ferrous metals on the mining sites using the method of underground leaching. (S.Tsoj, 2004). Use of ultramodern technologies of extraction (walking excava- tors, band conveyors, etc.) in the largest Ekibastuz basin has allowed to complete continuous coal-beds by cheap open-cut method. Especially that “Bogatyr” open pit mine is the largest in the world. Underground gasification is of special interest for municipal needs with the use of combustible gases of numerous coal deposits (Karaganda, Maikobe, Berly, etc.) and deposits of combustible slates (Kenderlik, etc.). Gumate natrium is already recovered from Ekibastuz coals for agriculture, as well as washed coal, lightweight brick, etc. Many works should be done on development of progressive methods of operation of oil and oil-and-gas fields and improvement of technique for oil wells drilling. Rapt attention should be given to the complex development of deposits of tempers the reserves of which, especially vanadium, chrome, tungsten and nickel are enormous in the republic. Be- sides, they are also present in the structure of complex ores of many developed deposits.

86 Satpaev guidance


" Scientist and thinker - pride of mankind. Only a man having more feelings and intellect can become a scientist ". Abaj

K.I.Satpaev – is a prominent scientist of “Lomonosov” type, who appeared in XX century on kazakh land. If M.Lomonosov, whose life and feverish activity took place in ХVШ century, was the first Russian scientist-academician, academician K.I.Satpaev was the first kazakh, awarded this high scientific rank among the east people. [28,42,50]. Great russian scientist M.Lomonosov was authentic organizer of the Russian academy of sciences and its reformer in conditions of the extremely backward country. For the first time, the russian sci- ence in the person of М.Lomonosov come out to the world scene. Great kazakh scientist K.I.Satpaev was a founder of the Kazakh National Academy of Sciences in economically poor developed re- public and was its original organizer. Headed by this uncommon sci- entist-organizer who possessed natural talent and inexhaustible en- ergy, the Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan for the short period has turned into the real center of scientific idea. [1,2,3,4,5,72]. K.I.Satpaev was born, as well as М.Lomonosov, in the family of peasant, studied first in the local seminary and after leaving, as one of the best, has started on his journey outside of the republic and during five years studied in Tomsk institute of technology. Creativity of these two great scientists has been integrally connected with social and economic conditions of life of the countries of that time when there was expansion of economic activity of the countries, develop- ment of production and due to this progress of naturally scientific idea was observed. Characteristic feature of Lomonosov and Satpaev was the ut- most firm of purpose of scientific researches. A science for them – is not end in itself, but a tool for development of productive forces of the countries and education of people occupying these countries. All scientific activity of Lomonosov and Satpaev is closely connected with actual problems of development of the countries. Lomonosov 87 M.M.Bakenov called to work in the name of true science, resting his theory only on test data and facts of observations. Satpaev considered that science should be based on facts, in-depth study and generalization thereof. This principle has been assumed as a basis of forecasting and metal- logenic map of the Central Kazakhstan. [52]. Scientific works of Lomonosov " First bases of metallurgy or ore bodies " and Satpaev " Dzhezkazgan copper-ore region and its mineral resources " are fine acknowledgement of idea that science should meet requirements of real-world problems. Lomonosov, basing on deep study of experience in development of deposits of minerals and metallurgical production, has offered principle bases of methods practically applied in the mining and metallurgy. K.I.Satpaev has realized the construction of the copper giant - Dzhezkazgan industrial complex on the basis of detailed study of the largest copper deposit where the most progressive technologies of ex- traction and metallurgical re-distribution with a total cycle of end pro- duction were applied. Merits of Lomonosov in geology, mining and metallurgy are huge. The most important results of his researches in these fields of science are stated in such works as: " About terrestrial layers " (1763), " First bases of metallurgy or ore bodies " (1763), " Word about the birth of metals because of the Earth shaking " (1757). Geo- logical representations of Lomonosov are most fully reflected in the first work. K.I.Satpaev considers that in this scientific work Lomonosov for the first time in the history of science has laid the foundation for geology as a science, showed an idea of appropriate development of the nature. It is known, that Satpaev for the first time in the history of geological science has laid scientific foundation for metallogeny by creating metallogenic map of the Central Kazakhstan for the first time in the world, has developed metallogenic science as a tool for forecasting and prospecting of deposits of minerals. In the work " About terrestrial layers " Lomonosov has put for- ward the scientific hypotheses about occurrence of the ore veins, about origin of volcanos. These and other phenomena he has ex- plained as "shaking of the earth" as a result of century fluctuation of land, earthquake and tectonic movements. Ideas of Lomonosov on 88 Satpaev guidance connection of volcanic activity with mountain formation processes, on origin of sediments in the water basins subsequently were recog- nized in geological science. He gave correct concept on the ore veins and their age. The reason of origin of the ores he explained by pres- ence of intrusion of igneous rocks. Satpaev also considers that igneous rocks buried in the depth represent the source of hydrothermal solutions under the influence of which were formed copper deposits of Dzhezkazgan. He emphasized a significant role of hydrothermal elements in the formation of de- posits of a number of minerals. At the same time, he considered that the most favourable condition for the ore formation is availability of appropriate geological environment, demonstration of tectonic de- formations and multiphase vulcanism. Lomonosov has laid foundations for the science on secondary changes of rocks under influence of high pressures and temperatures that has been proved by achievements of modern geological science. Satpaev has correctly estimated practical value and prospect of iron quartz rocks of “Karsakpaj” generated as a result of metamorphism of the most ancient mining rocks under action of high pressures and temperatures. Lomonosov has published the first catalogue of mineralogi- cal collection of the Russian Academy of sciences. Satpaev has created the first mineralogical museum in Kar- sakpaj and museum of minerals of Kazakhstan in the Kazakh Academy of sciences. As A.S.Pushkin said, "Lomonosov has created the first Rus- sian university, he, is better to say, himself was the first univer- sity". Satpaev took an active part in the establishment of the Ka- zakh mining-metallurgical institute (nowadays the Kazakh na- tional technical university named after K.I.Satpaev) - the first technical institute of higher education of the Republic of Kazakh- stan. He was a chairman of the state examining board of geologi- cal-exploration faculty up to the end of his life, took active part in the staffing of the university with highly- skilled, experienced pedagogical personnel having the industrial and scientific work record. 89 M.M.Bakenov

" Lomonosov has organized " the first scientific laboratory within the precincts of the Russian academy - chemical, representing one- storey building where he has developed huge for those times research and experimental work for manufacturing of different kinds of color glass. Satpaev has opened the first in the republic Institute of geological sciences placed in the beatiful multi-storey building where geologists carried out generalization of materials on all deposits of Kazakhstan, and worked on creation of forecasting and metallogenic map of the Cen- tral Kazakhstan under his direction. Laboratory on artificial cultivation of pure monocrystals, including colored crystals was functioning at the Institute. Lomonosov attached great state importance to prospecting and use of mineral resources of Russia. He emphasized economic importance of development of vast northern territories of the country and specified, that for the solution of this task it is necessary to organize a number of research expeditions. “Lomonosov of kazakh steppes” K.I.Satpaev always placed high emphasis on full and complex use of all various natural and mineral resources of the vast territory of Kazakhstan in conditions of correct specialization and cooperation of separate economic regions. New scientific expeditions, field sessions of the Academy of sciences in the industrial regions were organized under his di- rection for study and estimation of oil and gas fields, ore and nonmetallic minerals, water resources, flora and fauna. Lomonosov aspired to explain natural phenomena on the ba- sis of study of laws of the nature itself, resting upon achievements of the modern natural sciences, first of all, physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy. He has made an important contribution to the field of physics and chemistry, has put forward the progressive theory that bodies consist of "corpuscles" (molecules) which in their turn contain some number of "elements" (atoms). Regularities of allocation of deposits of minerals Satpaev tried to explain on the basis of investigation of conditions of their formation in the nature, using a complex of modern methods: geophysical, geologi- cal, geochemical, atomic absorptive, spectral, chemical, paleontologic, etc. 90 Satpaev guidance

Lomonosov was a scientist with universal erudition. His merits in the field of study of Russian language and literature are exclusive one. Belinsky considered, that "Russian literature starts with Lomonosov. He was its father, he was its Peter the Great". Lomonosov is considered as the founder of russian grammar. He is the author of work "About the rules of russian poems", the innovator of russian poetry. Versatile ency- clopaedic knowledge of genius russian scientist Lomonosov, his tre- mendous contribution to the most various branches of science and cul- ture, his struggle for advanced science and culture were highly appreci- ated by russian scientists, writers, revolutionary democrats A.I.Herzen, V.G.Belinskij, N.G.Chernyshevskij, as well as A.S.Pushkin, D.I. Men- deleyev, etc. The wide range of encyclopaedic knowledge of Satpaev in many fields of science, the literature, art, archeology and ethnog- raphy, culture was brightly showed during the work in the Acad- emy of sciences where he gave regular attention to blossoming of all branches of sciences, problems of the kazakh culture and his- tory. With inexhaustible thirst of knowledge inherent in him, he tried to fathom into essence of each research, even a field of knowledge being far for him. Satpaev one of the first has appreci- ated the historical novel of M.Auezov "Abay" as an outstanding work of art and important scientific work. He promoted the edi- tion of the national epos about epic hero Edige, study of the heri- tage of great al-Farabi and organization of record of songs- legends Muryn-zhyrau about forty Crimean epic heroes, being a cultural heritage of kazakh and other people. In B.G.Erzakovich (1979) opinion, Satpaev "has made per- sonal contribution to the national treasury of the kazakh music as one of the organizers of art criticism science in Kazakhstan". He perfectly sang, equally masterly played dombra, violin, balalaika, bayan, guitar and other musical tools and collected musical com- positions, wrote about value and development of theatre, musical art, and culture. Deep knowledge and deep reflections have helped Satpaev to understand the content of inscription in the mountains of Altynshoky about a campaign of khan Timur in the kazakh steppe (1391) during his intrusion into Desht-and-Kipchak. On the basis of study of ancient monuments (stone sculptures, rests of 91 M.M.Bakenov irrigating systems, "chudskie" courses), he has proved erroneous interpretation on absence of kazakh ancient culture. Many-sided activity of Satpaev is highly appreciated by prominent scientists, writers, cultural workers - M.V.Keldysh, D.I.Shcherbakov, S.I.Vavilov, V.E.Paton, I.P.Bardin, D.В. Nalivkin, N.V.Melnikov, A.Ioffe, V.A.Obruchev, M.O.Auezov, A.K.Zhubanov, G.A.Tihov, N.G.Kassin, S.C.Chokin, etc. Lomonosov was the first russian scientist who wrote scientific works in native language counter to generally accepted at that time rules to write only in latin language. He promoted creation of rus- sian scientific and technical terminology. Many scientific works and writings of Satpaev are written in native . Under his initiative institutes of Kazakh language and Kazakh literature have been organized. Lomonosov was the hot advocate of distribution of science and education in Russia. He has acted with the program for crea- tion of general educational institutions and with the requirement to open doors of schools and universities for broad masses. As a patriot of the people Satpaev was the initiator of distri- bution of science and education in the republic and one of the founders of "Knowledge" society. He often acted with reports in front of broad audience on vital problems of science, art, history and culture. Lomonosov emphasized value of the peace for people. In the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, deputy Satpaev on repeated occa- sions acted with reports on consolidation and strengthening of peace and friendship between the people, particularly on global and completed disarmament, peaceful use of atomic energy. Lomonosov treated with great respect to original scientists. It is known, that many prominent scientists and cultural workers of Russia, who as fate have willed appeared on the kazakh land dur- ing the severe years of Patriotic war and worked with Satpaev, felt touching care and regular help from the first president of the Academy of sciences. The majority of them have remained here forever, having found the second native land. Russian science on behalf of Lomonosov for the first time has entered the world scene. The science of Kazakhstan, thanks to 92 Satpaev guidance the scientific feat of Satpaev, has entered the advanced boundaries of the world science, having enriched it with the global achieve- ments. The main motive force of versatile activity of such out- standing scientists, as Lomonosov and Satpaev, were, certainly, deep patriotism and boundless love of these men of genius to their people and aspiration in every possible way to promote economic and cultural progress of the countries.

93 M.M.Bakenov


Chokan Valikhanov - "the first kirghiz (kazakh) educated in european manner", whose active creative activity took place at the beginning of XIX century. He was the first kazakh scientist, brave traveller, remarkable researcher and the full member of the Russian geographical society. [39] K.I.Satpaev was the first kazakh-academician among the east nations, a member of presidium of the Academy of sciences of the USSR and prominent scientist-geologist of XX century. Chokan has started researches under influence of P.P.Semenov-Tyanshanskij, and teacher-instructor of Kanysh was professor M.A.Usov. [28,58]. Chokan and Kanysh were distinguished by analytical mind, ver- satile erudition, open boldness and were well read, they studied per- fectly, loved and read books of russian, european and east authors. Both of them were attractive and handsome and were distin- guished by kindness, politeness, softness. All in them was extremely nice, to them pulled all interlocutors, forcing to consider them more close, than other comrades since the childhood and per educational institution. The trip of Chokan Valikhanov to Kashgar was considered by his contemporaries as geographical feat, essential contribution to sci- entific research of the East Turkestan. Scientific feat of Kanysh Sat- paev was marked by opening of unique Zhezkazgan deposit and es- tablishment of the large centers of industry in the Kazakh steppe. [1,56,58]. The report of scientist-educator Ch.Valikhanov in the Russian geographical society has caused a number of responses in the rus- sian, german, english and french press, and report of engineer- geologist K.I.Satpaev at scientific session of Academy of sciences of the USSR in 1934 was significant event in the scientific world. Chokan and Kanysh loved people, the steppes and wrote much and told about history and culture, life of people and at the same time were able highly appreciate the western and russian civilization. 94 Satpaev guidance

The remarkable person, keen and inquisitive mind, great talents of Chokan Valikhanov have drawn attention of Dostoevsky, Potanin, Se- menov, poet Polonsky J.P., scientist-naturalist Lerkh P.I., journalist- publicist Kurechnik N.S. – follower of N.G.Chernyshevsky, diplomat Gorchakov, scientist Veselovskij N.N., etc. Chokan was the russian westerner, he loved also Russia, saw its lacks and wished renovation to it. [39]. His friendship with revolutionary democrats and progressive figures of Russia of that time has played an important role in the life of young Chokan and promoted formation of his democratic views, strengthening of friendly attitude to other people. Beneficial influence on growth of K.I.Satpaev was made by such world famous scientists as V.A.Komarov, I.P.Bardin, V.A.Obruchev, M.A.Usov, S.M.Vavilov and others. Wise realist Kanysh Satpaev took active part in political and eco- nomic life of the country, assisted in development of productive forces and strengthening of the peace. Chokan Valikhanov successfully carried out diplomatic mission connected with the solution of points at issue and an establishment of friendly contacts and trade relations with China. Chokan Valikhanov for the first time has created a geological collection of mining rocks brought from Kashgar. K.I.Satpaev was the initiator for establishment of the first mineralogical museum in Kazakhstan, containing unique samples of ores and minerals that have been found on the territory of republic. Chokan participated in gathering of materials on common law, ancient religion of kazakhs and study of judicial customs of kazakhs which were the basic source when writing theoretical work "Note on judicial reform of kirghiz of the Siberian department". In the "Note», there is an idea on reasonable management of kazakhs on the basis of democracy in view of representatives of kazakh people, needs and customs of local population. Kanysh, at the beginning of his activity worked as the judge and carried out great educational work among local population.

95 M.M.Bakenov

Chokan and Kanysh were experts on Kazakh national poetry. Both wrote the kirghiz legend about Edyge - remarkable historical hero, singing of the feats of heroes of the end of XIV century [4,67]. The writer and publicist Chokan had some versions of this poem which have been written by him in the different areas of Kazakhstan. Some of them are translated into Russian and published in the com- positions under edition of N.I.Veselovskij (SPb, 1904). K.I.Satpaev has written a preface to the poem about Edyge, which was published in 1927. At top of the mountain Altyn Shoky near Ulutau, Kanysh has found a monument of campaign of Tamer- lan to kirghiz steppe and has deciphered the inscription in ancient Turkic language. Chokan also perfectly knew some oriental and european languages. In his works, he widely used the sources written in the Persian, Turkic, Uigur, English and French languages. Chokan Valikhanov was more interested in the social and political, historical and social, literary and philosophical themes and as the histo- rian and ethnographer, he collected the kazakh historical legends and the rests of kirghiz (kazakh) olden time. He has collected a great fundamen- tal library in Omsk, had a profound knowledge on geography and his- tory, territories of settlement of the kazakh tribes. Kanysh Satpaev was the expert on history, ethnography and folklore of the people, collected works of oral national creativity, wrote about problems of the written literature, theatre, music, and ballet and art criticism. [73]. Both Chokan and Kanysh were interested in historical and archi- tectural monuments - ruins of ancient cities, tombs, names of the rivers and lakes, forests, mountains, valleys, old excavations, stone sculptures, barrows specifying the periods of economy prosperity, places of reset- tlements and origin of ancient nomadic people. Both of them during study participated in archeologic expeditions where remains of the an- cient man (K.I.Satpaev) and "some gold articles and coins on ruins of ancient Almalyk" (Ch.Valihanov) have been found. Beatiful pencil drawings of ancient monuments, rock drawings made by them during expedition are known. 96 Satpaev guidance

In the steppe, Chokan always was in a constant company of na- tional poets, storytellers, musicians playing dombra, kobyz, sybyz, singers, funnymen, comedians who gave him rich material for crea- tivity. Chokan Valikhanov and Kanysh Satpaev were great patriots of their nation and humanists, they protected ideas of friendship of na- tions, ideas of taking by backward people of all advanced from more developed nations, preservation of the national character. As the main task of their life, Kanysh Satpaev and Chokan Valikhanov con- sidered the service to the native people, science and progress. Kanysh and Chokan are pride and the favourite child of their tribe. Such they have remained in the memories of contemporaries and people.

97 M.M.Bakenov


"Moral qualities of outstanding person have, probably, greater value for generation, for all course of history, than just pure intellectual achievements " A.Einstein

Each opening of Kanysh Imantaevich, each his achievement as outstanding scientist and organizer of great science has been interfaced with persistent struggle, quite often dramatic and sometimes tragic in which the main role was played not only by huge knowledge, erudition and many-sided talent of Satpaev, but also by his civic courage, spiritu- ality, humanity and decency. His greatness of character and moral sides of his heroic life shown in conditions of struggle are not less important, than his enormous scientific heritage, than visible today practical fruits of his versatile activity. [38,43,44,58,78]. The native of simple people, he has absorbed in himself all its fine and kind qualities - generosity of soul, deep morals, exclusive goodwill to people, amazing modesty, diligence, elegance and many other positive features. [15,41,73]. Despite of enormous congestion with the state, scientific and organizational and public affairs, K.I.Satpaev was always affable to all - to students, scientists, pensioners, schoolboys; he managed to find time to meet with them, gave kind advices and recommenda- tions, quite often rendered possible assistance. Kanysh Imantaevich loved modest, hardworking people, he did not love lazy and self- assertive people, despised envy, hated ignorance and himself was the person of great culture. [41]. He always could find time for dialogue with ordinary people, for those who required his advice and help. He petitioned for employment of ex-servicemen, students, for payment of pension to disabled persons, for rendering assistance to the moth- ers having many children (for many times he himself transmitted money to the people being in need), for allocation of the area and 98 Satpaev guidance living space for the people evacuated in Kazakhstan, including scien- tists and their families. He was fascinating, sensitive and skilful interlocutor and always left pleasant and unforgettable. Talking with extremely modest Kanysh Imantaebich, everyone felt himself freely. To me the meeting with Kanysh Imantaevich during the last months of his life also was re- membered when he being hard sick was interested in the results of my researches and has been afflicted, that cannot be present at my defence of thesis due to illness. It is surprising, that in such hard timeso for him, he remained as real man in the true sense of the word, who always followed command of good and truth. [41,58,68]. Even when Satpaev was misaccused of the far-fetched counter- revolutionary nationalism, membership of Alashorda party, contamina- tion of the staff of the Academy of sciences with alien elements, unrea- sonable charges regarding long prospecting of “Atasu” deposit, and when he was dismissed from position of the president of Academy of sciences of KazSSR, nobody saw him upset, suppressed, irritable or tired. On the contrary, despite of slanderous fictions and prosecutions, professional and unusual creative abilities of K.I.Satpaev at that time have been shown. He has closely started to develop the bases for forecasting of deposits, applying dialectic method of the analysis and synthesis. Under his direction, complex forecasting-metallogenic map of the Central Kazakhstan has been developed on scientific ba- sis for the first time in the world, which has been awarded the most prestigious Lenin premium. It was necessary to be the persevering enthusiast of his own work, to love his own land, profession, for many years to come off the cultural centers, to work in Karsakpaj village, the place forgotten in the steppe, to prove the prospects of Dzhezkazgan, Dzhezdy and other deposits in the struggle with conservative-minded engineers- managers. He has faced with bitterness of misunderstanding, insult of disbelief, weight of persecution, poison of slander [58.] “His char- acter, skill of the versatile scientist really became tempered in injus- tice” – as academician Kh.A.Arystanbekov has noticed. [73]. 99 M.M.Bakenov

In the struggle for Big Dzhezkazgan the important role was played by addresses of the young engineer-geologist Kanysh Satpaev at special session of the Academy of sciences of the USSR and meetings with Ordzhonikidze, Kaganovich, Krzhizhonovskij, Kosygin where he bas- ing on the facts has managed to prove validity of his conclusions on Dzhezkazgan, that its mineral resources surpass the prospecting data of concessioners – Englishmen for many times [58]. In many respects thanks to his efforts and huge will, Dzhez- kazgan industrial complex, Dzhezkazgan copper-smelting plant, railway Karaganda - Dzhezkazgan, the city of Dzhezkazgan itself, Kengir water reservoir have been constructed and number of deposits has been re- vealed in the region. The Big Dzhezkazgan practically personifies a feat of the whole life of great K.I.Satpaev. Dzhezkazgan has become the Big Dzhezkazgan thanks to the talent and work of Kanysh Imantaevich. In its turn, the Big Dzhezkazgan has opened in him outstanding qualities of the true scientific-thinker and unsurpassed organizer of production. Foresight and organizing talent of K.I.Satpaev were shown during the Great Patriotic war when Zhezdy manganese deposit revealed by him was the only deposit that provided defense plants of Ural with the most valuable manganese ore. Not be then Zhezdy manganese, in what price, and in how many lives of people the victory over the war would manage. So he proved the value of the second child - Zhezdy deposit and acute problem of ferrous metallurgy is resolved so. Kanysh Imantaevich took an active part in the establishment of Karaganda metallurgical plant with a total cycle. During hard years of the war, K.I.Satpaev showed the initiative in establishment of a raw-material base of ferrous, nonferrous metallurgy on a national scale and fuel and energy industry. He has defended the reserves of deposits of iron ores of Karazhal and has raised the question on pro- duction of cast iron and steel in the republic. However, only on December 31, 1944 the country has received the first kazakhstani steel. He has put much efforts and energy into solution of water supply problems of large industrial centers of Kazakhstan (chan- 100 Satpaev guidance nel Irtysh - Karaganda, etc.), use of local chemical raw material, establishment and development of the Academy of sciences of the republic. [1,2,3,5,72,77]. It is also instructive that Kanysh Imantaevich skilfully and tact- fully involved the outstanding scientists of the USSR evacuated in Alma-Ata during the war, for preparation of the scientific staff in all fields of science so necessary for development of the industry, geol- ogy and development of mineral resources. Irreplaceable help in es- tablishment of the National Academy of sciences was rendered by President of the Academy of sciences of the USSR academician V.L.Komarov, academicians V.A.Obruchev, D.I.Scherbak, V.G.Fesenkov, Н.В. Millers, S.Vavilov, I.P.Bardin, K.Skryabin, A.Ioffe, A.V.Shchusev, I.V.Kurchatov, K.Skryabin, A.D.Arkhangelskij, A.A.Baykov, A.A.Skochinsky, E.V.Britske, D.N.Pryanishnikov, N.V.Tsitsin, L.I.Prasolov, I.I.Meshchaninov, ministers of the USSR P.F.Lomako, P.JA.Antropov, E.P.Slavsky, etc. They deeply respected K.I.Satpaev for his great scientific feat, raising of authority of the science, high human qualities, honesty and humanism and ranked him in a number of the most prominent scien- tific names. Thanks to high erudition, brilliant organizing talent, Kanysh Imantaevich has managed for the short term to bring young Kazakh Academy to a level of the advanced scientific institutes of the world. Thus, he has strengthened creative ties of science with production, as much as possible approaching scientific researches to the needs and inquiries of national economy and widely involving young specialists into creative process. This was promoted by his wide and synthetic mind, adherence to principles and initiative, skill to work with peo- ple, huge working capacity, discipline and self-mastery, inexhausti- ble thirst of knowledge in all fields of science and culture. [1,5]. It is remarkable, that Kanysh Imantaevich was interested not only in geology. He, alongside with geology, deeply understood ag- riculture, animal husbandry, crop production, carefully collected

101 M.M.Bakenov fruits of oral national creativity as he was the expert on history, ar- cheology, ethnography and folklore of native people. [34,48]. The important part of heritage of K.I.Satpaev is composed of works on culture, literature and art. Under his steadfast attention there was a rich oral national creativity - folklore, problems of devel- opment of the written kazakh literature and professional art - theatre, music, ballet and art criticism. His articles: " Obagan "," Former na- tional games "," On national theatre of Kazakhstan "," Outstanding product of the kazakh literature “ - about the novel-epopee of M. Au- ezov " Way of Abaj " and others are wekk known, the scientific edi- tion of the kazakh epos " Er Edige " under edition and with the fore- word of the author, 25 kazakh songs sung and translated into Russian by K.I.Satpaev for musical record by A.V.Zataevich, note about the epos of " 40 heroes ". Many of his perspicacious statements subse- quently have received high estimation in works of researchers. Great value represent statements of Kanysh Imantaevich about Ch.Valihanov, Abaj Kunanbaev, Ibraj Altynsarin, Zhambyl, Rudaki, about philological sides of scientific heritage of Lomonosov. [73]. Inquisitive mind of Kanysh Imantaevich was involved espe- cially with stone statues, desktop engravings, inscriptions, grandiose barrows, thrown mines, remains of irrigating systems of ancient in- habitants. Satpaev investigated all these ancient monuments in order to solve secrets of history. He has come to conclusion, that earlier inhabitants of this land were miners-cattlemen. Here on the rock he has found the most valuable monument of the history - inscription about Timur's campaign (1319) in Desht-and-Kipchak and such stone statues as Zhetykyzsk which are more earlier and are attributed to the history of kipchaks of VIII-XIV centuries. [1,56]. Authority of Satpaev among shepherds, workers, collective farmers, employees, scientists, post-graduate students, laboratorians and students, was exclusive. For his humane friendly attitude to the people, irrespective of their position, age and nationality, people re- ciprocated their love to him, highly appreciated his humanity, knowledge and works. All people heartily loved Satpaev. In his fine 102 Satpaev guidance shape there was something tender, kind and wise. He was not only nice, but also charming. He was the star person of the nation, society and epoch. [1,73]. People tell legends about him, his legendary name praises by “akyns”, his name is given to the cities, industrial com- plexes, streets, schools, institutes, plants, planetoid, etc. K.I.Satpaev remains in the national memory not only as an out- standing scientist, talented leader, organizer of the great science, great state and public figure, but also as the ingenious thinker. Aca- demician S.Chokin fairly marks, that “thinkers are predisposed to synthesis, are born too seldom. The most known scientists of syn- thetic cast of intelligence are known widely: Leonardo da Vinci, Ein- stein, Andrey Saharov … They were ingenious in everything . And I safely consider K.I.Satpaev as a man of such special organization of mind of the thinker”. [76,77]. K.I.Satpaev deservedly conciliated deep respect, big love and huge authority among the people thanks to his sensitive, careful atti- tude to all people, fairness and democratism.

103 M.M.Bakenov


"He is the great son of his fatherland, an outstanding scientist of nowadays ". E.P.Slavsky

Simultaneously with scientific and scientific-organizational activ- ity academician K.I.Satpaev carried out active versatile state and public work. He was repeatedly elected as a member of Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and Kazakh SSR, member of the Kazakhstan committee for protection of the peace, was deputy of the CPSU congresses and Vice- Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. High posts K.I.Satpaev considered as the responsibility for the work to which he served, but not as an instrument for satisfaction of personal ambitions and getting of material benefits. More than once K.I.Satpaev made bright speech from a high tribune on the major problems of development of productive forces, political and economic life of the country, principle problems of the modern world. [56,60,61]. Practical activity of K.I.Satpaev in the Council of Ministers of the USSR and KazSSR is also fruitful since the development of sci- ence, technics and technology, coordination of scientific researches and introduction of their results into production are closely con- nected with corresponding official bodies and organizations in the work of which he took an active part. K.I.Satpaev was a member of economic council on prospects of the science development and sci- entific council of the State Committee on coordination of research efforts of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. During hard years of Great Patriotic war, K.I.Satpaev took ac- tive part in the work of the commission on mobilization of resources of Kazakhstan, Ural and Siberia for the needs of defense of the coun- try, was initiator for production of some kinds of strategic raw mate- rial. [74,76,77]. In the post-war years, Kanysh Imantaevich was participant of the movement for peace and friendship of people. In 1957-1964 he was a member of the Commission on development of problems of

104 Satpaev guidance long-term plan of development of production of nonferrous metals at State plan of the USSR. As a Vice-Chairman of Bureau of national committee of geologists of the Soviet Union and a member-expert of geological council of the Ministry of geology and bowels conserva- tion of the USSR, he actively participated in the work of geological organizations of the country. He as a prominent scientist within al- most 18 years was a member of the Supreme certification commis- sion of the Ministry of higher and secondary education, promoted preparation of highly skilled scientists - doctors and candidates of sciences. It is remarkable, that he was a member of the Presidium of the Committee for Lenin premiums in the field of science and tech- nics of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. [1]. In 1954-1964, K.I.Satpaev as a member of the State committee for assistance to construction of hydroelectric power stations and the main Turkmen channel, new irrigation systems successfully carried out of the important state task. Many forces and energy K.I.Satpaev gave to the growing and strengthening of the international relations of Kazakhstan, deepening of cooperation of kazakh scientists with scientists of other republics and countries. In 1956, he was elected as a member of the Soviet Committee of solidarity of the countries of Asia and Africa. K.I.Satpaev was a Chairman of the Kazakhstan branch of the Society of Soviet - Chinese friendship. An outstanding scientist and great organizer of science, he represented Kazakhstan at extremely impor- tant conferences, symposiums and commissions abroad. In 1947, as a member of delegation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, K.I.Satpaev has visited Great Britain and met with Uinston Cherchill, and in 1958 as a member of delegation of geologists has visited the Chinese National Republic. K.I.Satpaev had many meetings and of- ficial receptions with the foreign state and public figures. His meet- ings with the President of Vietnam Kho Shi Min in 1959, vice- president of the Republic of India Sarvapali Radhakrishnon in 1951 and other governmental delegations are well known. Except for the main work on management of the Academy of sci- ences of Kazakhstan, K.I.Satpaev also carried out important duties and instructions from the direction of Presidium of the Academy of sciences of the USSR. He was head of complex expedition in Altay for develop- 105 M.M.Bakenov ment of industrial forces, member of Complex Caspian expedition of the Academy of sciences of the USSR and honorary academician of the Tadjik Academy of sciences. K.I.Satpaev as a member of Presidium of the Academy of sci- ences of the USSR and commission of the State economic Council on prospects of development of science at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, scientific council on philosophy, issues of natural sci- ence and department of heological-geographical sciences and then department of sciences on Earth, made beneficial influence on devel- opment of science in the country. Establishment of the Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan and its transformation in the shortest possible time into powerful center of science of the country as well as open- ing of branch of sciences on Earth of the Academy of sciences of the USSR are connected with the name of prominent scientist and tal- ented organizer of science of K.I.Satpaev. [1,37,72]. Great humanist K.I.Satpaev was always interested in the social phenomena, in particular problems of simple people. It is known, that he was constantly engaged in the social work, considering it of the same important issue, as the work on specialty and management of the Academy of sciences. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR K.I.Satpaev has been closely connected with his voters, youth, students, workers, collective farmers, etc. Under personal requests of the voters and separate people, he often addressed with petitions to the various state, public institutions and organizations and achieved satisfaction of the proved requests and reasonable demands. He re- ceived many letters on rendering assistance in construction of schools and other children's establishments, improvement of domes- tic conditions, treatment, revision of adjudications, employment, provision of schools with training-visual aids, about the facts of abusing and mismanagement on places, about rendering material aid etc. [4]. Special high emphasis K.I.Satpaev placed on youth. In the nu- merous articles, statements and addresses to the schoolchildren, stu- dents, young specialists, he called the youth for work, knowledge, courageous aspirations for the prosperity of the Native land. [56]. K.I.Satpaev was one of the initiators for creation of "Knowl- edge" society in Kazakhstan and was it’s the first chairman, often 106 Satpaev guidance acted with a number of articles, lectures and reports on political and scientific themes. Soical work was considered by K.I.Satpaev as performance of duty to the people and never spared himself. At the same time, Kanysh Imantaevich differed by remarkable quali- ties of the born public figure, magnificent orator and organizer, hotly and sincerely loved people and native land. The wise realist, he has chosen a way of creation and service to the people in the conditions, which were dictated by an objective reality, sur- rounded him. Especially it is necessary to note long-term and fruitful work of academician of the Academy of sciences of the USSR K.I.Satpaev as a member of Presidium of Academy of sciences of the USSR and member of the Committee for Lenin and State pre- miums of the USSR. He took active part in the work of these bod- ies and possessing huge authority, he participated in the estab- lishments of other soviet republics, state management bodies of the USSR. K.I.Satpaev was the initiator of statement and solution of the largest scientific problems, especially radical issues of de- velopment of mineral-raw materials resources of the industry and power engineering of the USSR and Kazakhstan.

107 M.M.Bakenov


One of the remarkable features of many-sided activity of an outstanding scientist and teacher K.I.Satpaev is preparation of the industrial, scientific and pedagogical staff in all directions of sci- ence and production. And it is not on occasion that with the name of this world famous scientist is connected the development and blossoming of large Kazakhstan science as well as creation of mineral-raw-material base of the country and strengthening of productive forces of the republic. [27,54,73]. Academician K.I.Satpaev possessing really encyclopaedic knowkedge in many fields of science, culture, history and art, under- stood, that establishment of scientific centers, construction of new mines, industrial complexes, factories, channels and as a whole de- velopment of the major branches of national economy of the republic - the coal and chemical industry, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, agriculture are impossible without highly skilled specialists and sci- entists, experts of production. Here, in particular, scientific insight and organizing talent of K.I.Satpaev was shown up which solved this problem by opening of courses of improvement of qualification of the workers, then establishment of the higher education institutes, in particular the first technical educational institution of the republic – Geological - prospecting institute in a Semipalatinsk (1932), subse- quently in connection with transfer to Almaty, it was transformed (1934) into Kazakh mining-metallurgical institute (nowadays the Kazakh national technical university named after K.I.Satpaev). Kanysh Imantaevich took active part in the growth of this educa- tional institution, put a problem before the government, has acted with the report in the National commissariat of the heavy industry of the USSR, Management of higher education and promoted the posi- tive solution of this issue. [41,68]. In succeeding years a smithy of the engineering staff - geolo- gists, miners, and metallurgists - the Kazakh mining-metallurgical institute constantly was in sight of K.I.Satpaev who, starting from the first first class of graduates of mining engineers-geologists (1937), for a number of years headed the state examining board of geological and prospecting faculty and imparted "Satpaev" style of work to the 108 Satpaev guidance students of the first technical institute of higher education of the country. Foresight and skill to put a problem in a state way always were distinguishing features of the character of this inborn teacher. As a result many known scientists and talented specialists from production and industry: P.J.Avrov, I.I.Bok, G.L.Kushev, B.N.Lebedev, G.I.Medoev, V.K.Monich, В.А. Popov, V.D.Ponomarev, E.D.Shlygin, L.Tseft, I.Onaev and others were involved in pedagogi- cal work at mining – metallurgical institute that has allowed to solve successfully issues of integration of science and the higher school and qualitatively to prepare the scientific and pedagogical staff in view of requirements of the science and inquiries of production. [69]. Attraction of scientists for participation in the scientific meetings, conferences, for consultations and defend of thesis as well exchange of scientific works and scientific experience was widely practised. Therefore our task is to bring up in the young staff feeling of deep ethics and fairness to scientific work and love to persistent creative activity. K.I.Satpaev specified that it is necessary to enter into the life of in- stitutes of higher education of Kazakhstan widely and more deeply be- cause without appropriate qualitative preparation within the walls of institutes of higher education it is impossible to obtain the high-grade scientific staff. He stated, that scientists of the Academy should enter into the institutes of higher education as professors and teachers, to evaluate the "offspring" which is trained in these institutes, defining creatively prodigy people since their student-days. Kanysh Imantaevich considered that it is necessary to involve students in forwarding re- searches more widely. It will enable to bring up the future scientific staff of the Academy already since the period of their student's life. Institutes and scientists of the Academy of sciences should be innovators and fighters for creation of wide university and polytechnical education in the republic, which should be in harmony with radical needs of devel- opment of national economy and science. "Our scientists of the senior generation, - he said, - should be always interested in the works of young scientific forces surrounding them - laboratorians, junior scien- tific employees, post-graduate students, young candidates of sciences, encourage their initiative, correct mistakes, bring up them with such 109 M.M.Bakenov love as experienced gardener grows up and cherishes the favourite flow- ers. Unfortunately, there are cases when startup young scientists remain “neglected”. Sometimes when developing any significant themes the share of participation of young scientists is not underlined. It is neces- sary to do so that each young scientist could have small, but specific scope of the scientific themes, which are carried out under direction of skilled scientists. At the same time, there are cases when among the young scientists some unhealthy tendencies - disrespect for the work of the senior instructors directed on the careful analysis and study of the facts take place. K.I.Satpaev emphasized, that the basic way to the science should pass through the production process, and he always searched for the new forms of connection with production and assisted the young engineers having factory floor experience and practical skills to enter graduate school. They assisted by inclusion of their dissertational themes in the thematic plans of corresponding insti- tutes, providing their works with necessary means, literature and equipment and by organizing consultations and defence of disser- tations. The persons, who did not enter graduate school on compe- tition basis, were used as scientific and technical workers, junior scientific employees in the scientific institutions. As a matter of fact, many of them became doctors and candidates of sciences, academicians, managers of the institutes and industrial organiza- tions, state and public figures. Thousand graduates of postgradu- ate study and doctoral study successfully work in various branches of national economy of the republic and abroad. They consider Kanysh Imantaevich as their teacher and with gratitude recollect years of study at the institutes. Distinctive feature of K.I.Satpaev was a reasonable combination of scientific and practical activities. "The duty of scientists, - wrote K.I.Satpaev, - together with production workers is continuous intro- duction of achievements of scientific research into practice". He al- ways mentioned about indissolubility of the science and practice, considered as the major problem establishment of theoretical base for practical geology and was engaged in the development of scientific bases for forecasting of deposits.

110 Satpaev guidance

Developed under direction of K.I.Satpaev complex metal- logenic map of the Central Kazakhstan has been highly appreciated by experts and deservedly awarded the most prestigious award - the Lenin premium. Thus, thanks to teamwork of scientists and geolo- gists of the industrial organizations, efficiency of works has in- creased that has allowed providing mineral-raw-material bases of Kazakhstan in a short space-time. Therefore, the principle of indis- soluble connection of science and education based on practice and perfection of practical experience and education based on scientific achievements in the future should become the main one in the activ- ity of scientific centers and institutes of higher education. Special attention K.I.Satpaev gave to preparation of the scien- tific staff for poor developed and new industries: mechanical engi- neering, instrument making, radio electronics, radio engineering, nu- clear physics, astronomy, agrochemistry, automation, mechanics etc. Under his initiative, graduate school (internal, correspondence) and doctoral studies have been organized for preparation of the staff of high level of proficiency. On specialities not available in the republic preparation was carried out in the scientific institutes of Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Novosibirsk and other cities of Russia that promoted improvement of quality of their preparation. Special requirements were made to the quality of content and form of candidate and thesis for a doctor's degree. Special attention has been given to the staffing of peripheral bases of the Academy of sciences of KazSSR. For this reason, it was authorized to large experts of manufacture to work on the bases in combination or on contractual basis. Especially out- standing and talented experts from production were provided with per- sonal rates and provision before defence of the scientific dissertation by them. Single scientific and scientific-technical employees and post-graduate students were provided with hostels. Fatherlike care of the young staff - scientists and teachers, skill to work with people have allowed Kanysh Imantaevich shortly prepare and complete new scientific institutes of the Academy of sciences created by him with the professional experts quite often involved from other re- gions of the country. It is necessary to emphasize, that they always felt touching care and permanent assistance from the first president of the Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan, academician K.I.Satpaev. [72]. 111 M.M.Bakenov

Always busy with the state and practical work, K.I.Satpaev managed to find time for meeting with scientists, post-graduate stu- dents, laboratorians, students, workers and every time tried to sup- port everyone who aspired to the science and education. Kanysh Imantaevich personally talked to everyone and with endurance inher- ent in him and warm was interested in the results of scientific re- searches, jointly discussed these problems, penetrating into all de- tails, rendered moral and even material support. He gave valuable advices and as nobody else was able to raise any interlocutor up to his level. Many forces and energy have been given by K.I.Satpaev to the strengthening of relations with scientists of Russia and other re- publics; he has prepared many scientists and established new school of metallogenists. [1,3,77]. Academician K.I.Satpaev is the author over 600 published sci- entific works and articles, including those written in the Kazakh lan- guage. This is only kind half of works and articles written by him. It is instructive, that almost all his works he wrote with his own hand, categorically avoiding the false co-authorship. He himself was en- gaged in the study of many kinds of minerals, better than others knew not only non-ferrous and ferrous metals, but also oil, rare and diffused elements, emphasized necessity in the complex and com- plete extraction thereof and rendered practical assistance to the in- dustrial enterprises. He gave special value to the rational use of all natural resources which are especially nonrenewable. K.I.Satpaev specified, that it is necessary "to fill up the list of minerals of Kazakhstan with new kinds", open their prospects as soon as possible since it is very important in conditions of the market economy, when the prices on exported oil and many metals are in- stable, and non-traditional and new kinds of mineral raw material are in great demand in the world market especially because in Kazakh- stan there are all preconditions for creation of productions thereof. Merit of K.I.Satpaev in professional training on new and per- spective directions of production and science is invaluably high. Such statement of question has not lost value and nowadays since also at present professional training of the scientific staff and special- ists of new and base directions in the country, particularly in oil, mine geology, sea geology, space geology, geotechnology, market- 112 Satpaev guidance ing and conjuncture of the mineral raw material, new technology of mining-metallurgical industry etc. is not up to the required level. Outflow of specialists to the various commercial structures and "brain drain" abroad also is disquiet. Their loss results in degradation of the important scientific directions for creation of which efforts of two-three generations of scientists are required. The head of all science of Kazakhstan K.I.Satpaev primarily was considered as acknowledged leader of geological science of the republic, organizer of all geological service in Kazakhstan. Under his initiative and at direct participation the Ministry of geology and con- servation of bowels of the republic has been established and com- pleted with the staff, its territorial geological managements that pro- moted coordination of various geological and other researches car- ried out on vast open spaces of Kazakhstan. Value of geological service should be increased in conditions of transition to the market and subsequent market relations. Its role is especially great in the effective study and rational use of mineral raw material resources of the republic. Particularly, the condition of min- eral raw material base of the country arouses serious anxiety in con- nection with drastic decrease of real reserves, deterioration of quality of raw material and geological, mining specifications as well as ab- sence of appropriate state control over activity of the foreign inves- tors developing deposits of minerals, frequently without observance of operation regulations and safety methods. In several largest min- ing-extracting enterprises, including those given to management to the foreign companies, selective extraction, critical deficiency of minerals and lag of extraction from metallurgical capacities is ob- served that can result alongside with other factors in general fall of industrial product release. It is known, that K.I.Satpaev always emphasized necessity in the complex and complete development of deposits and was oppo- nent of unreasonable selective looping courses of the shipping ores, accompanied by large loss of huge reserves of the base ores and jump reduction of the service life period of industrial units. Thus, the problems of supporting and strengthening of mineral raw material base of the enterprises sold and transferred to the man- agement and issues of professional training of competitive local spe- 113 M.M.Bakenov cialists, especially on priority directions of science and production, should be the main component of any contract with the foreign com- panies and realized in practice.

Outstanding scientist and talented manager Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev has left for us great scientific and practical heritage, and we are obliged to keep it and to carry through the future his noble and progressive ideas representing universal value.

114 Satpaev guidance


" To study persistently, to study bona fide ". K.I.Satpaev

K.I.Satpaev in his appeal to the young people emphasized, that the science is necessary to everyone. [56]. Operating of machines, growing of ample harvests and being an active member of the society is impossible without science. Therefore, science should be necessar- ily replenished by those talented young people who with the big en- ergy struggle for disclosing of the bowels resources, build factories and plants, are innovators of the production. Nomination for entering the graduate school of the most worthy and creatively capable people from the midst of young people is necessary. They will represent the the main skeleton of the young staff of scientists, and for successful passage of graduate school it is necessary to provide appropriate conditions (provision with allowances, hostel etc.). Available diffi- culties of way of life and nourishment create a certain threat for their drain-away from Kazakhstan if the government will not accept deci- sive measures for improvement of the conditions of way of life of scientists and teachers. [4]. It is known, that Kanysh Imantaevich, being a President of Academy of sciences of KazSSR, has made all what was dependent on him for creation of normal domestic conditions for post-graduate students and young scientists. At the same time, he laid down his exacting requirements to the future scientists and repeatedly speci- fied that only diligence, persistence, boldness and aspiration can change the life to the best and enable to become a worthy member of the society. He considered that in all achievements of the science of Kazakhstan, as always, the school plays an important part. Just the school is called upon to develop in the youth the feeling of high pa- triotism, love to work and creative aspirations, tireless thirst to knowledge and penetration into the secrets of the nature. [57,63,71,75]. K.I.Satpaev called to create study groups at all our schools on various branches of knowledge, including study of local territory,

115 M.M.Bakenov botanical gardens for studying the nature, gathering and recording of materials of national creativity, local dialects and many other works. Scientific institutes of the Academy of sciences should take patron- age of such schools. It gives a lot of useful both to school, and sci- ence, will promote disclosing of near-term oulooks of economic and cultural development of any region. The modern requirement is as follows - to approach school to the life and practice of construction. K.I.Satpaev considered that changes in education should con- form to changes of economic, social and cultural life of the society. The more full and more real is this conformity, the more important is success in education of harmoniously developed, spiritually rich and physically perfect person. Therefore, reorganization of education concerns many essential factors: the organization of children's col- lective, overcoming of pattern and dogmatism in the lesson model and organic interrelation of subjects of polytechnical cycle between each other and with practice, improvement of preparation of the teaching staff. Important value has also the increase of scientific level of teaching, education in the pupils of love to science, aspira- tion to discoveries and unknownl in the field of a science. It is impor- tant to remember, that today's pupils tomorrow shall have to open secrets of terrestrial bowels, fly to the new worlds, create and master the modern technology of production and management. This is nec- essary to take into account when making curriculums, programs, textbooks and manuals. Unfortunately, until now at schools the major importance is given to the facts, instead of their internal essence and interrelation. As a result, during entrance examinations the teachers face with weak logic thinking of school graduates, inability independently compare with the facts and explain those or other phenomena. There- fore, it is necessary to release programs from abundance of events, dates, names etc. by concentrating attention to the main thing - study of regularities, explanation of economic, social reasons of historical events. If idea of the pupil was more often directed to analysis, gen- eralization, instead of mechanical memorization then the process it- self would be more fruitful and more interesting. Then there would be a real opportunity to get rid of an overload of pupils. [56,57].

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In opinion of K.I.Satpaev, formation of outlook of young generation should have multilateral character. The life is compli- cated, it moves forward by contradictions, and teachers should open resolutely to the pupils the reality in changes, require and create conditions at which they could develop their talents and abilities. At the same time, the steadfast attention should be given especially to the gifted pupils that they really could show their talent. Time has come to transform education to the mastery, methodically equipped as training. The teacher bears moral responsibility not only for educational parameters of the pupils, but also for their moral shape. These prob- lems are complicated and they should be solved with all gravity. At schools is well known, whether the pupil is able to write composi- tions, accomplish tasks, acquired bases of scientific and practical knowledge or not. However, it is also required to know precisely his human and civil features. Whether he is truthful and fair or not? Whether is ready to help in a difficult minute to comrade, to share with him? At last, whether we can tell, that he will become the per- son with high consciousness of public duty or not? Meanwhile the school poorly interferes into this field. Graduates of schools should become not only spesialists, but also personify new type of the man harmoniously developed and morally fine. Thanks to reorganization of educational process, the teachers work with each separate pupil more effectively. At the same time, the method of individual approach should not supersede the method of education in the group and through the group. The main task of school lies in preparation and training of well- educated and conscious people capable to vigorous activity in vari- ous branches of social and state life, in the field of science and cul- ture. K.I.Satpaev with a pride said, that from the list of pupils of schools the staff of scientists-kazakhs who have enriched the world science with their researches have been grown. These works of sci- entists illustrating the nature and life of Kazakhstan should have li- braries of all schools of the republic. It is known, that good library at seminary and both large city and institute libraries of Tomsk have 117 M.M.Bakenov opened before young Kanysh great opportunities for self-education and acquaintance with works of russian and foreign art classics, with works of prominent scientists and thinkers. At the meeting with students-geologists of Kazakh mining- metallurgical institute and Kazakh state university on March 18, 1950 K.I.Satpaev said, that graduates from KazGMI in general have not let down and have justified kind reputation of the institute. They can be met on mines, in geological-prospecting organizations, in the Academy of sciences. They are the growing up generation of ge- ologists of Kazakhstan. K.I.Satpaev has told: I would leave the following wishes to you: a) to study and study. To study hard, to study bona fide. With the youthful enthusiasm and inquisitiveness, with persistence and purposefulness of the patriot; b) to study and master knowledge not formally, but practically, "not swallow" tests, but "digest" the received knowledge, crea- tively, critically comprehending them. c) to remember every time, that school knowledge including in- stitute knowledge bring you up to the date of the most general trues and conclusions in the science only and specifies the working proce- dure on primary sources in order to understand its separate details. Alongside with scientific and educational literature, the basic primary source for geologist is the Great book of the nature repre- sented in the form of profiles, exposures both natural, and created by will of man in the form of boreholes, cuts, bore pits, mines, various minining and mining-operational developments. At first sight, this book of nature seems not such complete and harmonous, as, for ex- ample, natural printed books. Often there are many gaps, blanks, erased pages, unclear places, various sorts of riddles and charades. d) therefore except for the sharp-sighted observation of the facts the geologist should also possess considerable force of creative imagination in order to recreate initial, true text of separate pages of this Great book of the nature from these incomplete, sometimes intri- cate and not clear fragments. The geologist should not be a blind catcher of the facts, he should comprehend them in a single whole. Work of the geologist is the same creative, as work of the architect recreating the general ensemble of any architectural construction as a 118 Satpaev guidance whole on the basis of isolated fragments. “The geologist should pos- sess a certain doze of imagination, - as academician M.I.Usov said, - in order to create working hypothesis of the phenomenon"; e) but hypotheses of the geologist should correspond to the facts and changes in compliance with data of new factors. It is impossible to become a slave of prejudiced hypothesis; f) for geology, as well as for any natural science, the main basis, argument should be the real facts, instead of hypotheses, even the most fashionable and the last one. Ability to combine theory with the facts is the big art for geologist. How many geologists have become victims of their unskilful combination? g) geologist needs to begin with the work in appropriate branches of the industry. Without industrial experience, the geologist is not the geologist, not the engineer, and is just hothouse flower. Graduate school – only after obtaining of industrial experience. h) work is a collective feature. Work in the manufacture is es- pecially collective. Success lies in the organization. The geologist working on manufacture should be first the or- ganizer: 1) he should organize collective; prepare, grow up the staff on the spot, light them by enthusiasm in work. He should respect the work of everyone. He should be the soul of collective. For that, he needs to be fair, equitable and exacting to the people; 2) to strengthen in every possible way discipline of manufac- ture, the authority of subordinate parts; 3) to infect collective with the personal example. Not avoid draft work. To be modest in life and in work; 4) organization of process of production. Complex execution of works, to the extent of detailed scientific researches on the spot. To cre- ate scientific-research cells on the spot; 5) complex coverage of all geology and minerals of the regions in his activity. Not to be lop-sided in the research. Dialectic approach to the research; 6) not to lose relations with the institutes of higher education, pro- fessorate, Academy of sciences of KazSSR. To address to them without ceremony in difficult situations. To adjust normal mutual relations with the scientific staff; 119 M.M.Bakenov

7) for miner geologists - protection of bowels from gopher, to serve operation, scientific results of mines operation; 8) to be widely formed person, not to become isolated only in narrow circle of the specialty; Language, style is not less important for the geologist. They can be understood only on the basis of belles-lettres reading, espe- cially classical authors; 9) to be the true engineer – not to yield to difficulties, to over- come them, to be persevering in achievement of the object and flexi- ble in the methods of overcoming of difficulties. Ahead - grand tasks.

120 Satpaev guidance


Management of science is the organization of processes for learning of objective laws of nature and society, multidimen- sional activity of a man. Many researchers developed techniques for creation of this knowledge. However optimum structures for management of scientific creativity both for separate branches, and for science as a whole are not yet developed. The primary goal of science even taking into account un- derstanding of its value for the progress of global idea, academi- cian K.I.Satpaev saw in the development of productive forces. Thus, he emphasized indissoluble ties of science with manufac- ture. He has organized complex scientific expeditions for de- tailed investigation of the republic and after that often held ses- sions of general meeting of Academy of sciences in the center of large economic regions of the republic (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Al- maty, Karaganda, Gurjev, Kustanaj, Dzhezkazgan) with in- volvement of specialists-experts both from the center, and from the regions. The results of works been carried out, problems and tasks were summed up and defined, coordination plans of com- mon actions were made. Under direction of K.I.Satpaev, in large industrial cities the regional scientific centers, branches, insti- tutes, departments, laboratories were established for realization of the fundamental and large applied researches connected with the development of these industrial regions, as well as with many other aspects of problems of agriculture, ecology, medi- cine, biology etc. K.I.Satpaev was aware well enough of the is- sues of practice. [76,77]. Widespread carrying out of research works under economic contracts with the enterprises for realization of idea on maximal approaching of science to practice was of great value. It has al- lowed to connect subjects of scientific researches with industrial projects and solve questions of financing of science, thus, cer- tainly, not to the prejudice of fundamental science, to the devel- opment of which he attached paramount significance. Specific 121 M.M.Bakenov weight of economic-contractual works in total amount of ex- penses of the Academy of sciences was reaching 40-60 %. It is remarkable, that significant part of research works on drawing up of forecast metallogenic map of the Central Kazakhstan for which the group of geologists led by K.I.Satpaev has been awa- rded the Lenin premium, has been completed under economic contracts. This progressive Satpaev tradition should not be for- gotten. In the conditions of market relations, it is also expedient to create high technology of worldwide application with partici- pation of non-governmental private structures and develop commercial activity by concluding contracts on delivery of fin- ished articles on contractual price. K.I.Satpaev considered that practice is the criterion of the validity of results of scientific researches. "Science becomes bookish, - stated Satpaev, - if does not bring concrete return". Therefore, the result of activity of scientific institutes, separate researches and confirmation of reliability of results of scientific works is manufacturing application. Those years in such major directions as forecasts of minerals deposits, complex mechaniza- tion of underground mining works, cyclone smelting of multi- component ores, power engineering, astrophysics, microbiology and other, the Academy of sciences of the republic took one of the leading places in the world. At the same time growth of na- tional economy put new tasks before our scientists that required new forms (models) of scientific work organization. Many large problems, especially on development of indus- try and key directions of development of technological order, require active participation of many specialists, sometimes- broad specialists at general common management. So, for exam- ple, issues of complex study and complete extraction of ferrous, non-ferrous, rare and other elements from ores of essentially sulphidic deposits can be solved at simultaneous participation of geologists, chemists, metallurgists and economists, etc. Modern academic scientific center similar to the Council on study of productive forces (SOPS) should be engaged in coordination of such researches.

122 Satpaev guidance

It is not secret, that nowadays take place appreciable incon- sistency and disagreement in the choice of especially important problem themes (scientific reference points) and realization of their development, necessary integrated approach is missing. Because of all this, the themes often appear not completed and unprepared for practical realization whereas the market economy requires from scientists the scientific production for direct intro- duction and focused on regional market. Therefore, development and integration of activity of scientific institutes and increase of competitiveness of domestic science is the major issue of strat- egy of development of the nation, state, and is the basis for ac- celeration of technical progress in the national economy, rational use of natural resources, acceleration of the processes of manu- facture of material assets, increase of labour productivity, as well as formation of industrial and public relations. Solution of this problem is possible at availability of highly skilled potential of science, integration of scientists of all scien- tific directions, including scientific forces of institutes of higher education. Unfortunately, nowadays the scientific and technical potential does not meet at all the increased needs and require- ments of development of national economy and international criteria, considerable number of scientists is isolated since they often are engaged in development of small and individual issues. Success of the Academy of sciences is mainly determined by personal scientific contribution of its members, contribution of the leaders of creative collective. The scientific school will be there where there is a leader, capable to manage scientific direc- tion. The scientist is great by his personal contribution to the science, introduction of results of researches into practice, pub- lished monographies and trained personnel. The highest estimation of merits of the scientist is his elec- tion on competition basis into the staff of the National Academy of sciences. Elections should pass in full conformity with the provisions of statute - primary elections in the departments. At the same time, there should be an alternativeness of election into the members of national Academy of sciences. To elect without alternative through presidium, leaving aside its branches, is in- 123 M.M.Bakenov admissible. It is considered as infringement of democracy and creates preconditions for penetration into its structure of casual unworthy people. In opinion of K.I.Satpaev the creative operating mode is the main basis of all organizational activity of the Academy of sci- ences, its presidium, scientific councils, branches and other divi- sions. Head of scientific institution of any level himself as the scientist should have high level in the field of knowledge, organ- izational ability, human qualities, personal scientific achieve- ments, including independently published scientific mono- graphies. The form of co-operation of scientific institutions, indus- trial enterprises and international academic societies can be dif- ferent – these are scientific associations, destination research associations (ZNO), national centers, research-and-production associations (NPO) on development and introduction of specific research-and-production programs, for example, creation of high-strength materials, resistant to thermal, chemical, radiating, mechanical and other effects, use of alternative energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal, etc.), development of saline soils, etc. Thus, bringing of the system of development of science in Kazakhstan into conformity with level of progress of the world community would promote increase of the competition in the scientific environment and solution of radical problems directly connected with development of advanced technology products.

124 Satpaev guidance


" Protection of our nature, Protection of bowels – is common, sacred cause ". K.I.Satpaev

In the conditions of aggressive-totalitarian system when on ka- zakh land tested nuclear weapon, Kanysh Imantaevich, risking the personal career, creates new scientific directions in the system of the Academy of sciences: uranium at the Institute of geological sciences for study of uranium-bearing territories of Kazakhstan and medical- radiobiological at the Institute of regional pathology. Prominent sci- entist-geologist K.I.Satpaev, understanding horrors of consequences of explosions of nucler-hydrogen bombs on nuclear-testing polygons lo- cated on the territory of Kazakhstan, has made an attempt to carry out researches independent of military-industrial complex on revealing of harmful consequences of nuclear, thermonuclear, hydrogen tests for the life of people. Unfortunately, strict system of the political control has not enabled development of the specified scientific directions in Kazakhstan. [5,78]. To present day people feel awful consequences of nuclear, chemi- cal, biological, ecological and other tests. In Kazakhstan, about 2,6 mil- lion people are affected by mutagenesis due to long irradiation. Accord- ing to the scientists and doctors of Semipalatinsk, the condition of chil- dren of the second generation, who were born from irradiated parents, on many parameters, is worse, than condition of parents. From Semi- palatinsk polygon where number of nuclear explosions in the air is made, about 1 million 200 thousand people have suffered on the surface and underground and nowadays, among them remained around 400 thousand people (Khibakusy). According to the scientists, four future generations of the republic will suffer from consequences of explosions on this polygon. Until now testing, missile and other military polygons (Semipalatinsk, Kapustin Jar, Saryshagan, Baikonur, etc.) and polygon on “Vozrozhdenie” island in Aral sea where pathogens of anthrax, tula- remic pneumonia, brucellosis, typhus and fever were tested represent danger to the life of the population. The Russian polygons in Kazakh- stan occupy 4 % of the territory of the republic (300 000 km2).

125 M.M.Bakenov

Nor of the territories on the planet, nor of the people in the world have suffered so severely from the tests of full set of modern means of self-destruction. Within forty years, the kazakh steppes rep- resented not only nuclear testing polygons (more than 500 explo- sions) and centers on extraction and processing of uranium, hydro- carbons, but also the real cemetery for harmful waste of nuclear technologies disposal. Accumulated radioactive wastes make on ac- tivity 13,2 million Ci, and on weight - 232,9 million тons. Almost one third of the territory of the republic is not suitable for dwelling thanks to the radiating pollution. Therefore it is necessary to solve the problem with radioactive wastes and their isotopes, functioning of temporary storehouses of tails (45 million тons in Stepnogorsk, 105 million tons in Koshkarat) of uranium reprocessing, chemical and mining-metallurgical industry by creation of the state system for the storage and disposal (mortuary) of radioactive, mercury (Pavlo- dar chemical plant), sulfuric and other wastes hazardous to the health of people. Nuclear pollution also is closely connected with dumpings and emissions of radioactive substances into surrounding nature, placing of dumps and tailing piles with high radioactivity. Thanks to irra- tional, not complex development of minerals deposits, including oil, void spaces in the bowels were formed, causing sometimes earth- quakes, and numerous small open pits, large waste banks (more than 20 billion tons), including harmful radioactive wastes (230 million tons), stored in more than 500 locations. Besides there are nu- clear wastes of Semipalatinsk polygon where three nuclear reactors are placed. Environmental pollution is precariously increasing due to emissions of sulphurous, fluoric, chromic and other poisonous com- pounds, ample quantity of dust and gases (6 million tons) of the plants, chemical industrial complexes and other factories and enter- prises. More than 30 million hectares of the ground are polluted by chemical substances, and under mine openings there are 10 million hectares of the ground. The foreign oil-producing companies (Tengizchevroil, Harri- cane, etc.) annually burn hundred millions cubic metres of gas, re- lease harmful oxides of carbon, nitrogen into the air, use (Harricane- Kumkol) aerobian bacteria above pollution standard, risking health 126 Satpaev guidance of the population. These and other harmful substances (chrome, bo- ron, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, lead, zinc, mercury and unknown to the science microorganisms, heptile) in inadmissible high concentration fall into atmosphere and soil layers, sources of water supply, lakes, riv- ers, sea basins and through them into living organism. Only hundreds people have died of gas poisoning in the Western Kazakhstan. In the Kazakhstan sector of Caspian sea under water and in coastal sites are located about 4000 neglected oil wells because of which oil patches are often formed. In such unfavourable regions in respect to ecology, for example, Western, Central and East Kazakhstan, increases anthropogenous loading on people and, accordingly, number of patients (oncological, allergic, mental, pulmonary, gastroenteric, skin, extra- genital and other diseases), high death rate of local population and degradation of genic fund, increase in congenital anomalies of foetus is observed. Besides during the large-scale development of natural deposits because of non-observance of nature protection actions the land con- tour and water schedule changes, large areas of agricultural holdings collapse (more than 10 million hectares), scales of failure of soil and vegetative cover, pollution of the land (up to 100 million hectares) and reservoirs, poisoning of fishes, birds, seals and other animals are increasing that requires revegetation of failured land and cleaning of the polluted reservoirs increase. Especially presence of artificial ra- dioactive nuclides in the soil due to the nuclear tests, creates complex ecological and biological conditions. Only in the Western Kazakh- stan more than 15 million hectares of the land are poisoned by heavy metals. The soil cover is polluted by crude oil, remains of radioactive fuel. The most part of the territory of Kazakhstan is ecologically dangerous. Moreover, alkalinization and degradation of the soil oc- curs (20 million hectares), sharp decrease of humus content (61 % of land), desertification of the territory (66 % of land) where live about 3 million kazakhs. From this results the problem of researches of the content of radioactive nuclides, heptile, strontium, natrium, phospho- rus, potassium, calcium and other salines in the soil and definition of the way forregulation of their presence in the soil, rehabilitation of land.

127 M.M.Bakenov

It is important to solve also question on commercial develop- ment of nonmetallic raw material (building materials, coals, phos- phorites, etc.) by deep open pits and arrangement of geological- prospecting works on depth. It is necessary to reduce sharply the number of small open pits by organizing the centralized extraction of building materials using high-efficiency equipment. [29,30]. It is necessary to understand, that forced putting of deposits into operation without preparatory technology, without financial estimation of ecological risks and full knowledge of geological structure of the area causes irreparable damage to the nature, re- duces volume of extraction and efficiency of deposits exploitta- tiontion. At the same time many deposits of metals, oil, phos- phorites, mineral salts, uranium, shell rock, bituminous rocks and other are intensively exploited, however, extracted raw material is often processed in a number of separate enterprises, which often are not ready for complex extraction and rational use. From this it follows that there is need in development of modern processing manufactures with advanced high technology for provision of complex and full processing of extracted raw ma- terial on the spot that would allow to obtain wide spectrum of the basic and accompanying valuable components, recyclings of wastes, gases and dumps in economic activity as well as sharply reduce detrimental impurities and emissions into surrounding at- mosphere (oxides of carbon, sulfur, sour gas, highly toxic hydro- gen sulfide, nitrogen, etc.). It is favourable and economically, and ecologically. For the purpose of rational use of mineral, it is expedient to establish new strategy for development of hard minerals, oil, etc., starting from prospecting and extraction to processing and organ- ize constant effective control over integrated approach and com- plete working off of all deposits and subordinate activity of ex- tractive enterprises, organizations, joint ventures and private per- sons to the interests of the republic and region, create national system of monitoring of an environment, that in turn, would pro- mote the solution of many acute problems of ecology and social and economic sphere.

128 Satpaev guidance


Becoming and development of the Kazakh branch of the Academy of sciences of the USSR under direction of K.I.Satpaev, the first academi- cian-kazakh recognized by all, in particular, by prominent figures of rus- sian, soviet science, occured in hard wartime when all forces and means have been mobilized for the service of needs of war and defense. Beneficial impact on rapid growth of the national scientific staff and becoming of the Kazakh Academy of sciences has made a visit to Alma-Ata and Borovoe of constellation of outstanding scientists on di- verse specialties under invitation of K.I.Satpaev. There were world fa- mous scientists led by the president of the Academy of sciences of the USSR academician V.L.Komarov. Among them the largest metallur- gists-academicians A.A.Baykov and I.P.Bardin, outstanding geologists - explorers of Siberia and Kazakhstan academician V.A.Obruchev, aca- demicians V.I.Vernadsky, A.N.Zavaritsky, D.S.Korzhinsky, D.V.Nalivkin, known miners-academicians L.D.Shevjakov and A.A.Skochinsky, chemist-academician E.V.Britske and corresponding member S.I.Volfkovich, agriculturists-academicians D.N.Pryanishnikov and N.V.Tsitsin, soil scientist-academician I.Prasolov, academician V.N. Obrazcov, historian-academician A.M.Pankratov, philologist- academician I.I.Meshchaninov, astrophysicist-academician V.G.Fesenkov and many other. [1,5,61]. From time to time in Alma-Ata all staff of the Presidium of the Academy of sciences of the USSR gathered, and here again the main problems of domestic science and practice were solved. Under sugges- tion of K.I.Satpaev, the government of Kazakhstan has allowed evacua- tion of Moscow geological and prospecting institute to Semipalatinsk, and Kiev geological management - to Aktyubinsk. Thus, Kazakhstan during the war has accepted and protected the flower of the science of the Soviet Union. Sympathetic and sensitive attitude of K.I.Satpaev to scientists, experts and workers of art being evacuated in Kazakhstan during the war years, has allowed him to employ, distribute and tactfully involve them into daily work and life of the academy branch. As a re- sult, any consultation and assistance of these experts could be received on the spot, without going to the central cities. [34,35,41]. 129 M.M.Bakenov

V.L.Komarov and other scientists highly appreciated the kazakh hospitality and friendship of K.I.Satpaev. Teamwork of scientists in free and quiet conditions promoted regulation of activity of the commission on mobilization of resources of Kazakhstan, Ural and Siberia for the needs of defense. In such friendly chats, the question on timeliness and perspectivity of transformation of the Kazakh branch in independent Na- tional Academy of sciences has been discussed. V.Komarov considered and on repeated occasions stated, that he and presidium of the Academy of sciencies of the USSR have no doubt in necessity to establish new re- publican Academy of sciences led by president K.I.Satpaev. Unfortu- nately, he has not lived up to realization of plans - opening of the Acad- emy of sciences of Kazakhstan which took place on June, 1st, 1946. K.I.Satpaev, the scientist with the world name has been unanimously elected as a president of the Academy of sciences. The staff of presidium of the Academy of sciences included 14 full members: K.I.Satpaev, M.I.Gorjaev, S.K.Kenesbaev, I.G.Galuzo, A.B.Bekturov, N.V.Pavlov, V.G.Fesenkov, N.T.Sauranbaev, G.A.Tihov, M.O.Auezov, M.P.Rusakov, S.V.Jushchkov, N.G.Kassin. An important role in becoming of the Acad- emy of sciences of Kazakhstan have played such academicians as V.L.Komarov, S.M.Vavilov, I.P.Bardin, V.A.Obruchev, I.F.Grigoriev. [76]. Other prominent scientists-geologists I.M.Gubkin, A.D.Arkhangelskij, A.E.Fersman in difficult pre-war years at special session of the Academy of sciences of the USSR have supported the geological project of young engineer-geologist K.I.Satpaev on estab- lishment of Great Dzhezkazgan that had prime value for the country. It is known, that the first years of history of geological study of the territory and minerals of Kazakhstan are indissolubly connected with the names of such outstanding geologists, as V.A.Obruchev, M.A.Usov, N.G.Kassin, K.I.Satpaev, A.D.Arkhangelskij, A.L.Janshin, N.I.Nakovnik, M.P.Rusakov, V.P.Nehoroshev, I.S.Jagovkin, A.A.Gapeev, S.S.Smirnov and many other. Especially K.I.Satpaev was excited of dissociation in prospecting work when various departments were engaged in prospecting works, as well as in the issues of geological science. When situation of geological science was discussed during the sessions of the Academy of sciences of the USSR with participation of its president A.N.Nesmeyanov, 130 Satpaev guidance prominent scientists-geologists N.M.Shatskij, N.M.Strakhov, D.I.Shcherbakov and others, K.I.Satpaev defended regulations on concentration of all geological sciences in one department (geologi- cal-geographical) in order to provide integrated approach in study of minerals in geological science and geological practice. He has put a question to the government of the republic on inte- gration of the management by all geological-prospecting works in the uniform general republican organizational center. In 1956 at active participation and practical assistance of K.I.Satpaev, the Minis- try of geology and protection of bowels of Kazakhstan has been es- tablished that has allowed to increase reserves of mineral resources. Satpaev, possessing enormous intuition and thin feeling of new, tried to achieve, that the subjects of scientific researches answered the needs of production and assisted to geological service in the solution of specific practical problems. He constantly put forward and carried out all new and new forms of interconnection of science with produc- tion. It is remarkable, that many leaders of the union ministries have been closely connected with the brilliant and active organizer of sci- ence K.I.Satpaev - minister of geology and protection of bowels- P.J.Antropov, minister of mechanical engineering, three times Hero of socialist work - E.P.Slavsky, minister of nonferrous metallurgy - P.F.Lomako and others, the friendship and cooperation with whom provided close integration of science and production, introduction of scientific achievements of science into manufacture. [1,7,61]. To the solution of this problem are devoted forecasting- metallogenic maps of the Central Kazakhstan developed under direc- tion of K.I.Satpaev, on the basis of which number of minerals deposits is revealed. The idea of making such forecasting maps has been arisen in him during the student's years under influence of the teachers-founders of the Siberian school geologists-academicians V.A.Obruchev and M.A.Usov. It is surprising, that K.I.Satpaev has tackled making metal- logenic maps of the Central Kazakhstan in real earnest only in 1952 when he has unreasonably been dismissed of management of the Academy of sciences, and practically for two years this grandiose creative work has been carried out thanks to titanic work of Kanysh Imantaevich and his unsurpassed organizing abilities. Prominent scientists-geologists of Ka- 131 M.M.Bakenov zakhstan also participated in this work except for K.I.Satpaev: N.G.Kassin, G.T.Medoev, I.I.Bok, G.B.Zhilinsky, R.A.Borukaev, I.P.Novohatsky, G.N.Shherba, D.N.Kazanli. Scientific examination of forecasting map took place at the first All-Union metallogenic meeting in Alma-Ata in 1958. Many scientific experts of the country and some foreign participated at this meeting - P.J.Antropov, H.M.Abdullaev, R.B.Baratov, В.А Kuznecov, V.I.Smirnov, P.M.Tatarinov, D.I.Scherbak, I.H.Hamrabaev, A.V.Pejva, E.A.Radkevich, S.S.Mkrtchan, O.D.Levitsky, M.A.Kashkaj, N.G.Semenenko, A.A.Trofimuk and others. Participants have recog- nized large successes of the collective of geologists of the Kazakh- stan who has made forecasting maps on scientific basis. The same year originators of the map led by K.I.Satpaev have been awarded the all-union Lenin premium. Subsequently similar forecasting maps have been made for other regions of the country. Skill to work with people and penetrate into all progressive, per- spicacious mind and organizing talent have allowed K.I.Satpaev to un- derstand in due time the problems of science, prepare in a short time number of prominent kazakhstani scientists for its effective solution. Many of them are the founders of the scientific directions that have re- ceived wide recognition in the republic and in the scientific world. Among them are such prominent scientists as writer M.O.Auezov, historians S.B.Baishev, E.Bekmahanov, chemists A.B.Bekturov, M.I.Gorjaev, M.T.Kozlovsky, archeologist and historian A.Kh. Margu- lan, mathematician S.N.Pokrovsky, critic A.K.Zhubanov, philologists S.K.Kenesbaev, M.K.Karatayev, K.D.Dzhumaliev, geologists I.I.Bok, R.A.Borukaev, S.E.Esenov, H.M.Abdullaev, A.A.Abdulin, G.N.Shcherba, E.D.Shlygin, G.B.Zhilinsky, P.T.Tazhibaeva, G.L.Kushev, A.K.Kajupov, S.K. Kalinin, P.J.Avrov, O.A.Bajkonurov, В.М. Popov, A.S.Saginov, powerman M.C.Chokin, metallurgists V.D.Ponomarev, E.A.Buketov, S.Kozhahmetov, I.A.Onaev, L.P.Ni, bi- ologists H.Zhumatov, N.U.Bizakova, I.G.Galuzo, soil scientists A.I.Bezsonova, B.M.Borovskoj, physicians-physiologists A.P.Polosuhin, N.O.Bazanova, surgeon A.M.Syzganov, geobotanist Б.А. Bykov, N.V.Pavlov and others. Besides scientific researches, they prepared the personnel from local population.

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K.I.Satpaev has prepared an outstanding staff, found for himself worthy assistants and created appropriate material base for science. He was the real head of science, was the person of wide, versatile interests. K.I.Satpaev has choosed for himself the way of construc- tive endeavour and creativity for the people good. [1]. Kanysh Imantaevich has brought also great contribution to the development of science on art and art criticism, music, theatre, show- ing every possible support and assistance in definition of scientific directions and professional training, in organization of scientific ex- peditions, writing down of musical folklore, salvation of invaluable treasures for posterity (traditions, melodies, tunes) and obtaining of archives of art workers (A.V.Zataevich, composer Zhayau - Musa Baizhanov). He was familiar and was friends with many talented masters of art and with pride celebrated achievements of art criticism science and its outstanding representatives - the national actress of USSR Kulyash Baiseitova, national actors Z.Shanin, K.Kuanyshbaev, A.Kashaubaev, I.Bajzakov, Z.Elebekov, E.Umurzakov, K.Lekerov, S.Kozhamkulov, S.Ajmanov, Z.Omarova, composers - А.К.Zhubanova, E.Brusilovskij, B.G.Erzakovich, K.Kuzhamijarov, musical compositions of na- tional composers Birzhan, Yestaj, Akhan-Sera, Mukhit, Maira, etc. Scientific works, articles and statements of K.I.Satpaev concerning art are evidences of his constant care in the development of various genres in the national art. [56,58]. Thus, versatile and many-sided activity of K.I.Satpaev and ample number of unusual people sur- rounded him require the further investigations, and as for relevancy of heritage of ingenious scientist it can be attributed to the category of universal values.

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" K.I.Satpaev was the star person of nation, society and epoch ". Iliyas Omarov

Perpetuating of memory of legendary historic figures as K.I.Satpaev, has exclusively great value in the society for trans- fer from generation to generation of social and cultural traditions and heritage of the nation and promotes development of the creative beginnings in the culture, science and public relations. Its value is invaluable for education of youth and future prosper- ity of public, moral and cultural relations. [71,75,78]. After the death of Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev, the star person of the nation and epoch, the Resolution "On perpetuating of the memory of K.I.Satpaev" was taken. The name of the world famous scientist is given to the giant of copper industry – Dzhezkazgan min- ing-metallurgical industrial complex in the establishment of which he took direct part. Name of Kanysh Satpaev is given to the Institute of geological sciences of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh national technical university, city, schools and streets. Memorial museums were opened in his native land - in Ba- yanaul, Karsakpaj, Almaty. It is remarkable, that the museum in Ba- yanaul has been created under the initiative of the student’s construc- tion вrigades of KazNTU. Books, films, posters have been produced. Number of poems, verses, ballads, documentary novels appeared. In Almaty, Bayanaul and Zhezkazgan monuments have been built, busts of the scientist in Pavlodar, Karaganda, Atyrau, Kokchetav, Semipalatinsk and Ekibastuz have been installed. [35]. Outstanding discoveries and immortal scientific works of K.I.Satpaev at his life have been highly appreciated in the scientific world to what number of names of natural phenomena testifies: “Sat- paev” glacier and “Satpaev” peak in the mountain ridge of Zhungar- skij Alatau, mountain ring structure – “Satpaev” Great ring, beautiful flower - gladiolus "Academician Satpaev", new sort of lilac – "To the memory of academician K.I.Satpaev", rare mineral "satpaevit" which was revealed in vanadium ores of deposit in Karatau. In honour of

134 Satpaev guidance academician K.I.Satpaev planetoid of solar system and premium of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan is named. Collected works, albums, books, memoirs of contemporaries of K.I.Satpaev are published, towards the XX century he by right has been named by compatriots “The Person of the Century”. Unfortunately, in the course of time less and less people remain who have seen K.I.Satpaev and worked together with him. In this regard, articles and memoirs of contemporaries about the academi- cian get exclusively great value. At the same time significant part of scientific heritage of K.I.Satpaev represent more than 500 not pub- lished manuscripts requiring their study and publication. Name of Satpaev is given to the channel “Irtysh – Karaganda” and at the in- stance of professors - to the Kazakh national technical university (KazNTU), in the establishment and growth of which he took active part. Premiums of K.I.Satpaev name for the best scientific researches on natural sciences as well as premiums for the students of the insti- tutes of higher education of technical profile for successes in study, scientific and social work are founded. Granite monument and me- morial busts in the building of Academy of sciences of KazSSR and in other places are installed. Grand meetings and celebrations devoted to 100 anniversary of K.I.Satpaev, have taken place in the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris, Moscow, Tomsk, Almaty, Dushanbe, Bishkek and many cities of Kazakhstan. Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev is pride and glory of Kazakh people. Many great works have been left after him: · Zhezkazgan – child of K.I.Satpaev; · Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan; · Institute of geological sciences; · Complex forecasting metallogenic map; · Geological service of the republic; · Kazakh national technical university; · Manganese giant – “Zhezdy – Naizatas” · Karaganda metallurgical industrial complex and ferrous metallurgy of the republic; · Non-ferrous metallurgy of Kazakhstan; · Pavlodar aluminium plant;

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· ”Irtysh – Karaganda” channel named after K.I.Satpaev · Mechanical engineering and scientific forecast of oil re- sources of the Western Kazakhstan. In these institutions and organizations, thousand people suc- cessfully work who continue immortal work of the great son of Ka- zakh people, outstanding scientist-geologist Kanysha Imantaevich Satpaev. The years will pass, but gratifying memory of the ingenious person Kanysh Satpaev will forever be kept, who managed to be- come the whole phenomenon in the spiritual life of nation.

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"Vast expanses of Kazakhstan still far have not opened all enormous potential resources of their bowels". K.I.Satpaev

In the manuals and methodical instructions on geology of minerals the main attention is usually given to the ore minerals for which the ma- jor way of discovery of new ore deposits is the combination of geo- physical, spectrometalmetric, slime and other modern techniques of in- vestigations [13]. At the same time large group of nonmetallics and new non- traditional kinds of metal ores that get great national-economic value thanks to perfection of technics of extraction, enrichment and process- ings of ores and occurrence of new progressive scopes of application remain poorly studied. For all known categories of mineral raw material old visual methods of searches are applicable with addition of slime approbation, spectrometalometria, etc. However for many deposits of nonmetallics the usual geophysical and other techniques developed for metal ores, are practically inapplicable. In contrast to the last, physi- cal properties of minerals of nonmetallics and adjoining rocks do not differ at all. For the last decades among the mining rocks and minerals, new deposits have been discovered which have got great practical value. These are, for example, nepheline sienite, alunite, sericitolite being potential raw material for processing for alumina quite often alkaline habbroide containing such valuable minerals as biotite, phlogopite, vermiculite as well as halogene, carbonatite, where rare metals, copper, iron, sometimes diamond are present. Value of barite, am- phiboline asbestos, graphite, micas - muscovite, phlogopite, ver- miculite, lepidolite, and vollastonite in creation and develop- ment of new progressive industries is inestimable. In the work on the basis of the analysis of materials of academi- cian I.I.Bok attempt to show values of some kinds of nonmetallics is undertaken, their research-ratable characters are little-known or are not developed yet. [13,30]. Minerals connected with igneous rocks. 137 M.M.Bakenov

Granatoides in the form of rubble and work stone are used as natural building material. As decorative stones, the great values rep- resent white, pink, red (alaksite) and amasonite green granites. In whitewashed albitizied granites valuable rare accessoryte miner- als as columbite, zircon, monocyte can be often met in increased concentrations. In the zones of greizenization and quartz, barite veins are concentrating - cassiterite, tungsten, sheelite, molybdenite, tantalo- niobates, and on sites quartzitization - malachite, molybdenum ochre, etc. In the bark of granites aeration primary kaolin clays and dense abrasive kaolin clays - agalmatolites. In connection with pegmatite there are deposits of colorless rock crystal, bluish-dark blue topaz, various per color berils, tur- malines and aquamarines, emeralds, amethysts, corundums, mus- covites, lepidolites, etc. Fiery opals of various colors are dis- covered in zones of pelicanization of granites. Pelicanites are active hydraulic additives to the cement, filling agent in warm concrete and good building stone. Quite often vein massive quartz in the form of "ice" quartz and pink quartz (due to impurity of titanium, tungsten, etc.) competes with transparent crystals. In acid effusives are developed almonds of agate of various colors. Agates can be often met in the bark of aeration of volcano- genic rocks, less often - in the form of pebbles among conglomer- ates. Very beautiful on coloring congestive agate is known in elu- vial placer on the surface of top-paleozoic porphyrites. Noble opal is revealed in connection with alkaline rocks where it fills voids in the fine-striate agate. Demonstrations of noble opal are known in basalts in connection with diatomites and radiolarites. Habbroides as a building stone have beautiful appearance, are well polished, possess strong mechanical durability and chemical (climatic) resistance. For example, the tombstone on the grave of Hodzhi Ahmed Jassavi is made of such habbro from Bessaz massif in the Central Karatau. In some habbro, it is observed impregnation of sulfides. These droplets can be pyrite-pyrrotine, pyrite-halkopyrite and contain the increased quantity of copper, nickel and cobalt.

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In habbro and habbro-pyroxenite, titanium-magnetite can have practical value. Extended deposits of titanium-magnetite are revealed by me to the west of Edrej mountain in the Central Kazakhstan (Bakenov M.M., 1957). Sometimes, in strongly differentiated habbro massif are formed isolated, almost monomineral anortosite-labradorite. These are snow- white anortosite of Zlatogorsky massif in the Northern Kazakhstan. Last years in Rudnyj Altay are discovered rare per decorative effect dark grey, almost black with greenish shade labradorite, similar to known ukranian labradorite. There are labradorite-habbro, olivine-habbro, hab- bro-diabases possessing high decorative properties. Ultrabasites, in particular peridotites and serpentines, are used as magnesia raw material in production of magnesia-phosphoric fertilizers (thermophosphates) and forsterite refractories. Are known otalkovite and asbestos bearing serpentines; asbestos of amphybolite type (amosite, crocydolite, antophyllite, etc.), characterized by acid-proofing and al- kali-proofing are especially valuable. In the bark of aeration of serpentine-ultrabasite, it is observed sig- nificant concentration of nickel and cobalt, rare earth elements, as well as zones of nontronites and magnetization. Sometimes shows of magne- site are discovered on significant areas. In hyperbasite massif jadeitee can be met - "brother and contender" of rich-green nephritis, and also noble apple-green chrysoprase. With ultrabasite and eclogite are connected demonstrations of diamond. There are all preconditions for detection of diamond-bearing kimberlite, lam- proite and alkaline basalts as well as placers of diamond in Kazakhstan. Diamond associates with multi-metal mineralization (platinoid, gold, copper, nickel, cobalt) which, unfortunately, is poorly studied. During the last years, ultraalkali igneous rocks obtain great practi- cal value. Special values represents carbonatite, possessing all properties of magmatic rocks. Quite valuable minerals are concentrated in it - pyrochlorine, zircon, rare-earth apatite, magnetite, perovskite, dy- sanalite, fluorite, barite, phlogopite, biotite, vermiculite, hydro- phlogopite, sometimes copper, diamonds, etc. Nepheline sienite, leucite sienite as complex raw material can be processed for alumina (aluminium), sodaproduct and portland cement. With nepheline rocks are associated deposits of apatite, rare, rare- 139 M.M.Bakenov earth, tantaloniobite and zirconium minerals. In them are developed phlogopite, and in zone of aeration – vermiculite rocks possessing sound- and- thermal isolation properties. Effusive rocks are widely used as a building stone-bute and as raw material for artificial chip. Acid glassy effusives are used as active acid hydraulic additives to the cements in the structure of silica-cement, in the production of light building material – vesicular vitrophire or artifi- cial pumice and mineral wool. Aperture effusives, transformed into secondary quartzites, contain corundum, andalusite, diasporas, alunite, sometimes sulfides of iron, molybdenum, copper. There are effusives with non-uniformly colored agate, almond, which cause positive people emotions. Nobleness of opal consists in the game of colors pleasing with the patterns. Congestive agate in zheoda-almonds among acid quartz porphyries is very beautiful in coloring. In the area of oxidation of copper deposits jewel-ornamental stone- malachite, sky-blue azurite and turquoise can be found. Among metamorphized volcanogenic sediments – rodonite (“or- lec”) can be met which is characterized by sharp variability of decora- tive properties (pattern, coloring). Minerals in the thicknesses of sediments. Carbonate strata (lime- stones, dolomite, etc.) represent valuable many-sided on areas of use raw material. They are attributed to the local building materials, form lime basis of various hydraulic cements. The huge amount is used as flux raw material in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and agriculture for neutralization of acid soils of the northern areas. In the karstic cavities there can be "brown phosphorites", and in the stockwork zones among the cracks and pockets - bright green dioptase. They contain valuable and rare additives thanks to which they are ores of these elements. These are, for example, manganese (pirolusite-psilomelan), leaded (halenite, etc.), barium limestones. In scarnite limestones iron and copper minerals, rare and diffused ele- ments are found. Especial value has gold, sheelite, tungsten, sulfides of bismuth, cobalt, beryl minerals (chrysoberyl, helvine, phenakite, evklas, vesuvian), minerals of uranium and boron. Some dolomite rocks in contact with igneous rocks are exposed to dedolomitization with formation of periklas or brusite as well as ofical- 140 Satpaev guidance cite (green marble), possessing more intensive colors and fine decorative qualities. Good building and ornamental stone is regionally- metamorphized marble of different coloring. The best is sculptural (statuaro) electrical and ornamental marble. Sandrocks representing cement sands with high content of flint clay, serve as valuable raw material for production of flux - dinas (dinas sandstones). They can be applied as grinding stones and abrasive mate- rials. In Kazakhstan there are sandrocks with high content of zircon, titanium magnetite, garnets. Gold, platinum, diamond, uranitite are ob- served in the pebbles and coarse-grained sandstones. In rare cases co- rundum, andalusite, sillimanite, garnets and satellites of diamond – pirope, perovsky etc. can be found in sandstones. Are known copper sandrocks with high content of copper and valuable rare elements (rhenium, osmium, etc.). K.I.Satpaev approved, that typical copper sandrocks can be only arkos and polymictite sandrocks with carbonate cement and with de- velopment of folded-bursting structures. [56]. Clays are used in ceramic, fire-resistant, brick, tile, phosphoro- faience production, in manufacture of porous and lightweight build- ing materials of haydite, alumina fireclay-flux type. Clays associate with titanium containing bauxites and with coals. Among lygnites and lignite clays solar stone – amber is revealed. More fireproof clays refer to flint adhesive. Low contents, but great total reserves of valuable components (uranium, vanadium, copper, molybdenum, nickel, gold, etc.) are observed in clay rocks that puts practical and complex development of these reserves on agenda. In clay and carbonaceous rocks the con- tent of gold, nickel, silver, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, chrome and others quite often reaches high values, especially in the zones of con- tortions, bearing failures and crackings. Oolitic iron ores and manganese formations are discovered among sandy-clay depositions. Molding boxes and diotomites in sedimentary depositions are acid hydraulic additives to silicate cements, making these ce- ments stable in the sea water and mineralized subsoil waters.

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Minerals white and saline can serve as raw material for local alabaster manufactures. Peat can be used as fertilizer for the fields and partly as building and fuel material. Metamorphized slates and minerals white can be bearers of the most valuable minerals: garnet, abrasive corundum, an- dalusite, sillimanite, graphite, magnetite, ilmenite, rutile. In separate placers alongside with garnet quite often concentrate both other heavy and strong valuable minerals - titaniium, zir- con, gold and etc. Deposits of crystal magnesite of "satkinsk" type can be met not so often. Among thicknesses of gneisses and slates sometimes there are quartzites containing additives of micas (sericite, musco- vite), magnetite, hematite, graphite. The ferruterous quartzites containing 20% and more of iron-ore material, in the form of magnetite and hematite, at greater sizes on spreading and capacity are considered as valuable deposits of iron-ore raw material. In con- tact with limestones, they can contain veins of the most valuable blue aphibol-asbestos. These are elementary research-evaluation features for minerals of groups of mining rocks being characterized. They can be used during geological, prospecting, geophysical and hydro-geological investigations of mineral resources of separate areas. At the same time it is necessary to make a map of minerals for the region with description of all kinds of minerals. The map and description should be periodically replenished and specified, that will enable to open new regularities in distribution of these minerals and to plan ways for upgrading of mineral resources and reserves thereof.

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"Main attention of geologists will be paid to updating of the list of minerals with new kinds ". K.I.Satpaev

In contrast to traditional (common) kinds of minerals non- traditional (uncommon) minerals are poorly studied, and consequently the technology of their processing and effective development is not developed yet. As an example - recovery of oil from bituminous slates and combustible slates, which can be profitably developed at availability of modern effective methods of their enrichment and extraction. Therefore, the bound be- tween "traditional" and "non-traditional" kinds of minerals is conditional and often depends both on demand, and on prices for this raw material, and on modern level of technical equipment and technology of extraction of minerals. For example, extrac- tion of mineral white during the first world war in connection with sharp need in manufacturing of explosives. There are also new non-traditional types of deposits of known minerals requiring creation of new technology of their processing. Non-traditional kinds of minerals are known also the deposits of which are explored, but are not developing due to the absence of demand or new technology. [29,30]. They, as well as other kinds of non-traditional minerals, can form the basis for creation of new modern industries. For example, vesicular vermiculite possesses exclusively high thermal insulation properties and at the same time is fine soundproof material. It will give the most light heat insula- tors and fillers, coverings. It is necessary to develop in Ka-

143 M.M.Bakenov zakhstan on its basis composite products, glass-fiber plates, reinforced mineral wool plates of higher rigidity. Unfortunately, study of all these kinds of minerals is not up to the mark. At the same time many kinds of non-traditional min- erals differ by variety of properties and according to this are used in various industries. Therefore, investigation of these kinds of raw ma- terial should be carried out in complex with application of the most ad- vanced methods of study and development. Especially some kinds of non-traditional raw material, for example, sericitolites, alunites and oth- ers, often are adjoining rocks in many known deposits of traditional minerals. At detailed and complex study of the the last, sometimes new and valuable minerals (renierite) and elements (Os, Au, Ag, Ft, etc.), representing significant industrial interest become known. Occasionally "forbidden" minerals and their associations (for ex- ample, diamond in carbonatites, ultramaphites) occur as well as new, before unknown or little-known types of "common" minerals. These are "karlinsky" type of gold in limestones and karsts, platinoids in the cop- per slates of the bottom Silesia and germanium, corundum among metamorphic bauxites ("Chainytsky" type), placers of noble corundum in Southern Altay, corundum plagioklasite (kyshtymite) of Southern Ural, diamond-bearing lamproites and ecologites, etc. Also are known stratiform deposits of tungsten and tin in connec- tion with metamorphized scarnoids – former volcanogenic-sedimentary lime slates, for example, “Bayan” in the Northern Kazakhstan, “Sang- dong” in the South Korea and others, tin deposits in Pitkyaranta, Kitel in the Northern Priladozhie. Quartzites formed of sediments, enriched by colloid substance and transformed not into scarnoides, but into the rocks of quartz structure are similar. Their deposits have been recently discov- ered in Austria - “Felbertal” and “Tuke” in Greenland. New ways of use of garnet and new needs in this kind of raw mate- rial catch geologists "unawares". There is a question on ready raw- material base of required garnet raw material and searches of ways of accompanying recovery of abrasive garnets (almandine, pirope and their mixtures). Its physicomechanical properties - 144 Satpaev guidance high hardness (6,5-7,5), microcrackiness, restoration of sharp edges during splitting in the process of scuffing, i.e. high degree of self-grinding, ability to be strongly fasted (wettability) onto paper or fabric basis. Garnets can be successfully used during woodworking, processing of leather, rubber, ebonite, soft met- als, some mining rocks and glass as well. All this allows to con- sider as technically expedient the replacement of not only silicium, but also more expensive electrocorundum with garnet. Garnet meets in metamorphized rocks of the Ukrainian shield (Loznensk, Trebukha, Slobodovsk). For the ores of these deposits the processing flowsheets of enrichment have been developed providing recovery of garnet concentrates with garnet content of 88-92 % at extraction of garnet into concentrate of 80-83 %. In Kola peninsula are discovered arheisky rocks containing up to 60 % of garnet. Firm garnets (7,5) are known in the north of Ka- zakhstan in connection with mica-bearing slates (quartz - muskovite - garnet) of eclogite formations and can be occa- sionally extracted along with fine-flake muskovite. Recently in our country interest to the color stones has been revived, the jeweller and stone-cutting industry has started to develop, export of mineral raw material and finished articles is increasing. In this connection, it is necessary to extend mineral raw-material base of diverse semi-precious stones raw material, rationally carry out its extraction and processing, that essentially influences national economy. Meanwhile many color stones are subject to widespread international trade whereas jew- eller industry of the majority of the countries is not provided by own source of raw materials. Market opportunities of consumption of various kinds of color stones raw material is constantly swinging due to system- atic renewal of assortment of jewelry and development of tech- nical and art level of production. Establishment of color stone industry in the country requires regular and complex study of

145 M.M.Bakenov conditions for creation of formational types of deposits of semi- precious stones and protection of raw material resources. At the same time, many color stones depending on their qual- ity can be used in various areas of jewels and stone-cutting manu- facture. Jewels, or precious stones (ruby, emerald, sapphire, rock crystal, alexandrite, black opal, topaz, aquamarine, noble jadeite, spinel, chrisoberyl, fiery opal, topaz, rubellite, verdelite, indegolite, polychrome-turmaline, chrysolite, zircon, almandine, uvarovite, gessonite, turquoise, chrysoprase, amethyst, etc.) and decorative-facing stones (color marbles, firm jaspers, lasurite rocks, etc.) possess beautiful coloring and pattern and are used as finishing materials for unique buildings, monuments, art products, internal premises and interiors. On resources and variety of kinds color stone raw material our republic takes one of the leading places in the world. In Ka- zakhstan are known numerous deposits of high-quality multi- coloured marble, obsidian, amasonite granite, jasper, mineral white, jadeitee, malachite, rock crystal, carbon, chrysoprase, opal, hematite-crovavik, hetite, corundum, garnet, amethyst, amber, etc. Unfortunately, until now certification and inspection of de- posits of precious stones is not carried out, sometimes- predatory operation of deposits and uncontrolled export of raw material in foreign countries, including decorative-collection ma- terial take place. Annually by hand of a man and destructive forces of the nature unique masterpieces of the world of minerals are destroying. Kazakhstan uses decorative-facing stones for improvement of shape of the cities, buildings and structures not in full measure. Palaces, bridges and other structures – is not only our life, but it is also chronicle of the history, events of different epoch and people. The further searches and exploration of deposits of color stone raw material should be carried out in view of their value and safety, opportunity of use of precious stones and decorative-facing raw material for technical progress of 146 Satpaev guidance some industries (instrument making, mechanical engineer- ing, space technology, radio electronics, etc.). Deposits and demonstrations of technical minerals - piezo- quartz, optical fluorite and icelandic spar and many others are plentiful. Demonstrations of the most precious green stone – emerald are known in the conditions very close to emerald mines (grooves), but these stones differ from ural by their intensive blu- ish-green color thanks to which they are more similar to colom- bian emerald. There are also deposits of brightly green dioptase (ashirite)- "copper emerald" in connection with zone of oxidation of copper- sulfide ores. Noble variety of natural corundum - ruby having various shades of red color, sapphire of dark blue color as well as alex- andrite close to them that is characterized by varying red and green colors - since ancient times are used as precious ornaments. In connection with wide application of these minerals in quantum electronics and optical industry the demand for them is growing. In Kazakhstan, there are all preconditions for revealing of rubies and sapphires among massives of secondary quartzites, alkaline vulcanite of crater facias. Turquoise - "happy stone" in which "are reflected former clear, cloudless days and past pleasures " - is revealed in many regions. In the Northern Kazakhstan and nearby Almaty (Chaikanaisk, Korbulaksk) are known honey-yellow ceolites, widely used in the industry, thanks to adsorption, ion-exchange and catalytic prop- erties, in particular, in oil-and-gas production, petrochemistry, medicine when treating burns and excretion of radioactive nu- clides and toxins, agriculture for increase of fertility of soil, and as component of feed additives, for water and sewage treatment, for construction of mortuaries, etc.

147 M.M.Bakenov

In Balkhash there are deposits of exclusively transparent rock crystal, lying among granite massif (crystal-bearing pegma- tites) in association with fluorite, agate and amethyst. In most cases, crystals are exclusively transparent, but there are some smoky one used as piezo-raw material. It is known, that bright shine and play of colors allow applying rock crystal as jewel- lery stone. Its piezoelectric properties are used in radio engi- neering. It is a component of many devices and is applicable in chemistry and physics. In Kazakhstan quite often meets aventurine quartz in the form of variously colored crystals with needle inclusions of rutile, hematite, chlorite and other minerals that gives to the stone an exotic shape. Vein massif quartz sometimes competes with transparent crystals. Those are "ice" quartz named so for similarity with ice fragments, pink quartz - due to additives, dyes of titanium, tungsten, etc. These rare on color are wide- spread in Kazakhstan, composing ore bodies, quartz kernels of pegmatites. Among jewellery and ornamental stones, agates take special place in connection with variety of colors and patterns of agate almond, causing positive people emotions. Wares of agate are very diverse (amulets, coulombs, glass beads, cuff links, snuffboxes, etc.). Agate patterns can leave nobody indifferent. In Kazakhstan are widely known demonstrations of white noble (jirasol), fiery and ordinary yellow, blue, black opal. Nobleness of opal consists in play of colors of improbable coloring pleasing with the patterns that shades beauty of other minerals as well as in opalization of rodusite, asbestos, etc. Pres- ence of opal transforms soft white mineral magnesite in favourite by many ornamental stone cahalong, crocidolite - jewellery stone similar to "falcon eye", and rock salt mirabilite - in noble "pineapple stone". Recently very effective dark blue strong roducite wad added into in the list of jewellery and ornamental stones. Fibres of as- 148 Satpaev guidance bestos in opal mass possess effect of irrization due to what wares from it carry the name of "cat's eye", "tiger eye", "falcon eye". Deposits of noble apple-green chrysoprass-green chalcedon are also known in Dzhezkazgan oblast (Petan), in the south of Karaganda oblast (Sarykulboldy), in the Northern and Central Ka- zakhstan as well as perspective ore-show been revealed in the area of Maikain-Ekibastuzsk (Bakenov M.M., 1957, 1959). Numerous discoveries of solar stone – amber - are revealed in the region of Aral sea (Kumsat, Adzhabad bays, etc.), in the sections of oligocenic sediments among lignite and lignite clays. In the Northwest of Aral (Bazaiskoe elevation) capacity of amber- containing sediments varies from 0,5 to 12 m. Volcanogenic rocks are widely developed in Kazakhstan, and on decorative effect do not yield to granites, and on tech- nology of extraction and processing are even surpassing. Besides that they are beautiful, they are well polished, are light and heat insulation stone, give to the buildings and struc- tures strict shape and are successfully used in town-planning. In association with malachite meets azure-dark blue azu- rite in the form of congestive crust and spherolite formations. Rather effective druses of crystals of azurite are developed in the zone of oxidation of copper deposits, copper sand rocks and oxidation zones of copper-sulphide deposits are perspective for large demonstrations of malachite. Uncommon dumortierite can successfully compete with azurite, lazurite, sodalite and other precious stones of dark blue color, having high hardness, re- fractory property and originality of light colors. In Karaganda oblast, in connection with Kenterlausk hy- perbasite massive it is discovered unusually popular in the East and Mexico, but little known in Kazakhstan "jadeite" – "brother and rival" of rich-green nephritis. This cult-precious emerald-green color strong enough stone is used as jewellery- ornamental raw material and at the price of almost comes to em- eralds (over 300 dollars per carat). 149 M.M.Bakenov

Hematite-krovavik - "stone of success" quite often is called as man's or evening stone which under the legend brings success to the businessmen. Meets in the form of black transpar- ent fine-fibered mineral with metal shine and reddish play of color. Such color is caused by presence of ion of ferric iron which colors blood of man and enters into crystal lattice and molecule of hemoglobin. Collection material of getite of Beskempir deposit in Mang- istau oblast is in great demand in the countries of Europe and America. Large accumulation of excellent "flaring stones" of crimson- red garnets of almandine-pirop type are known, which possess strong shine and play of colors (effect of asterizm) though well formed, coarse and pure crystals are rather rare there. Placer de- posits of abrasive garnets - pirop and almandine are discovered in Kokshetau (Zheltauу) and Semipalatinsk (Zhamanegin) regions. Recently, marbles of various colors have been added to the list of traditional differences of ornamental stone possessing high decorative and physicomechanical properties. Marbles of Italian "statuario" type (marble of sculptures) are highly appreciated. The assortment of decorative-facing high-strength mate- rials is wide, especially of large cloud decorative granites: blu- ish-green amazonite and dark-purple-red (Maikul, Turang de- posits), rose-red (Kurdai), snow-white and decoloured (Mamantas deposit in ). The list of technical, precious and facing stones given above, shows the perspectivity of revealing of new deposits on the vast territory of Kazakhstan, necessary for progressive devel- opment of stone extractive industry, optimum export of pre- cious stones by improvement of quality and individuality of their assortment which can be the source of significant currency re- ceipts. For this purpose it is necessary to modernize stone extrac- tive and stone processing industry by equipping it with modern equipment in order to provide high output of monoblocks 150 Satpaev guidance plates meeting required standards. It is necessary to establish modern enterprises on processing of self-color raw material. Special attention should be given to the collection material, safety of unique samples of semi-precious stones and other valuable mineral formations, edition of the uniform cata- logue of outstanding collections. In this connection, it is required to study placers as the sources of precious stones of high quali- ties. Very important factor of perspective development of the stone-selfcolor production is the establishment in the republic of industry on cultivation of semi-precious stones for the jewellery and technical purposes. Synthetic precious stones as the practice shows can peacefully coexist with natural one, supplementing each other. Especially because artificial stones, mainly corun- dums, emeralds, amethyst, painted quartz are widely used in the jewellery business. At the same time precious natural stones, in particular ruby, sapphire and others, are still appreciated higher, than their synthetic analogues. It is known, that electrocorundums, silicon carbide, boron carbide, synthetic diamond are fine abrasive mineral. Electroco- rundum as per hardness concedes only to diamond and is used for manufacturing of diamond tools. Silicon carbide is irreplace- able for polishing of cast iron, copper alloys, aluminium, potas- sium, glasses and other fragile materials. Boron carbide pos- sesses high abrasive ability, wears resistance, chemical resis- tance and is semiconductor.

151 M.M.Bakenov


Investigation of a huge heritage of star person K.I.Satpaev who has made the invaluable contribution to the development of education, science, culture and industry of the country, has in- comprehensible value for education of rising generation on ex- ample of high humanism of Kanysh Imantaevich, his remarkable highly professional and moral-spiritual qualities. More than forty years have passed as academician K.I.Satpaev has died, but he lives in the memory of people and in actions of grateful descendants. His scientific works and memoirs of his con- temporaries are published, however huge versatile creative heritage of an outstanding scientist, in particular the main scientific ideas in the field of geological sciences, including metallogeny are not yet broadly covered. In this work in the basis of which the series of lectures un- derlies, read by the author for the first time before students of mining and geological, metallurgical and oil specialties, an at- tempt is made in order to fill up this blank as far as possible though the work does not pretend to thorough and complete illus- tration of all problems. Not yet to complete extent is revealed the scientific- organizational, industrial-public activity of K.I.Satpaev and his great merits in the establishment and development of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy of the country, uniform power system, in the construction of metallurgical plants in the republic, in the de- velopment of the largest iron, manganese, polymetallic, rare me- tallic and other deposits, chemicalization of the national economy, water supply of large industrial centers. World unique Zhez- kazgan – child of K.I.Satpaev, is the pride in industrialization of the country. He constantly placed high emphasis on more com- plete and complex use of all valuable components of polymetallic and other ores of Kazakhstan that is rather actual during the de- velopment of innovations and technologies. Preparation of the scientific, industrial and pedagogical staff is connected with the name of an outstanding scientist and teacher K.I.Satpaev. He was the initiator of organization of many scien- 152 Satpaev guidance tific research institutes and institutes of higher education of Ka- zakhstan and took active part in the development of the leading technical institute of higher education of the republic - the Kazakh national technical university (former Mining-metallurgical insti- tute) named after K.I.Satpaev, polytechnization of education, or- ganization of graduate school and doctoral study and preparation of the local staff for new industries and agriculture. Acknowledged leader of geological science of the republic, K.I. Satpaev was the organizer of geological service in Kazakh- stan - the Ministry of geology of the republic that had huge value in creation of mineral-raw-material base of the native land which serves to satisfaction of the needs of many countries. Merits of K.I.Satpaev in the organization and development of Great science in Kazakhstan, in the strengthening of interconnection of science with practice, introduction of achievements of science and high technology into industry and establishment of new, competitive productions are well-known. The main scientific directions of sci- entific research institutes and scientific centers established under his initiative, have not lost the value and nowadays and remain the main one and in the market conditions. These institutes should follow Satpaev traditions. Thus, the foundations for the state independence of the re- public have been already laid during the life of K.I.Satpaev thanks to discovery of various mineral resources and establishment of the largest mining-metallurgical, oil-and-gas, agronomical, chemical, fuel and energy, building and other complexes. It is necessary to adjust the work of all these enterprises in view of requirements of the market relations as well as to create on the basis of known and non-traditional kinds of mineral raw material new priority branches of industry, agriculture and construction. It is necessary to remember, that nowadays achievements are only transitive steps to more intensive and complex civilized industrialization of the country. It is remarkable, that every action of Kanysh Imantaevich has been interfaced with struggle, quite often dramatic in which the main role not only versatile knowledge, mind, erudition and talent of Satpaev have played, but also his civic courage, spirituality, 153 M.M.Bakenov humanity and decency. Therefore, moral qualities, greatness of character, humanism and morality of his truly heroic life are not less important for us, for new generation, than his enormous sci- entific heritage, than visible nowadays-practical results of his many-sided and versatile activity. As a source of his inspiration and inexhaustible energy were, in our opinion, his boundless love to the native people and kazakh steppe, and people highly appre- ciated his knowledge and work, having named him during the life- time as ours Kanysh - danyshpan (genius).

154 Satpaev guidance


1. Academician K.I.Satpaev, Collection, devoted to the memory of prominent soviet scientist. Almaty, 1992. 2. Academician K.I.Satpaev and his contribution into devel- opment and growing of engineering work in Kazakhstan. Dzhez- kazgan, 1999. 3. Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Al- maty, “Gylym”, 1992. 4. Academician K.I.Satpaev. From letters and notes. Almaty: “Atamura”, 1998. 5. Academician K.I.Satpaev and science of Kazkahstan. Al- maty: “Gylym”, 1999. 6. M. Arynov. Two different jubilee // Academician K.I.Satpaev in the memory of compatriots. Almaty; Pavlodar: Zhibek zholy, 1999. 7. B.Ayapbergenov, K.Isabaj. Ќаныш аєа осындай еді. Ал- маты: Ґлке, 1999. 8. T.Alzhanov, M.Satpaeva. Son of kazakh land. Almaty: “Gylym”, 2002. 9. A.Abdulin. Ќ.И.Cəтбаев-аса кґрнекті єалым, єылым мен ґндіріс ўйымдастырушысы. ЌР ЎЄА хабаршысы, 1999, №2. 10. A.Abdulin, M.Bakenov, Sh.Esenov, A.Kaiupov, G.Sherba, Sh.Altaev. Market without raw material sources // Kazakh- stan pravda, December 12, 1991. 11. T.Ashimbaev, M.Bakenov. Who is the owner of currency workshop of Kazakhstan? // Kazakhstan pravda, November 25, 1994. 12. M.O.Auezov. Ќазаќ халќыныѕ зор єалымы. 18 том. 1949. 13. I.Bok. Where to search minerals. Almaty: “Science”, 1966. 14. E.Buketov. Six letters to the friend. Almaty: “Zhalyn”, 1989. 15. E.Buketov. Жас Ќаныш. Ќазахстан баспа їйі, 1999. 16. Bayanaul “Foliant”. Astana, 2001. 17. M.M.Bakenov. Gold-ore formations of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: “Science”, 1976. 155 M.M.Bakenov

18. M.M.Bakenov. Gold deposits of Kazakhstan. Part 1-2. Almaty: “Gylym”, 2002; 2003. 19. M.M.Bakenov. Main tasks and directions of geological- prospecting works in Kazakhstan // “Vestnik” AN RK. 1992. No.1. 20. M.Bakenov. Mineral resources true and imaginary // Ka- zakhstan pravda, June 18, 1992. 21. M.M.Bakenov. Жер байлыєы: ќасиетіміз бе, əлде ќасіретіміз бе? Егемен Ќазахстан. Шілде, 1993. 22. M.M.Bakenov. Currency workshop of Kazakhstan: myth or reality? // Kazakhstan pravda, November 24, 1993. 23. M.Bakenov. Contribution of geologists of KazPTI into creation of mineral raw material base of the republic /// “Vestnik” KazNTU, 1997, No2. 24. M.M.Bakenov. Жері байдыѕ елі неге… бай емес? Егемен Ќазахстан, 5 мамыр, 1997. 25. M.M.Bakenov. Problems of study and development of bow- els mineral resources of Kazakhstan in the conditions of transfer to the market // “Vestnik” KazNTU, 1997. 26. M.M.Bakenov. Pioneer // Kazakhstan Pravda, December 8, 1998. 27. M.M.Bakenov. Satpaev and professional training // “Vest- nik” KazNTU, 1999, No.1-2. 28. M.Bakenov. Kanysh Satpaev – scientist of “Lomonosov” type // “Vestnik” KazNTU, 1999, No.1-2. 29. M.M.Bakenov, K.T.Otarbaev. Ќазаќстанныѕ бейметалды пайдалы ќазындылары. Алматы, 1999. 30. M.M.Bakenov. Nonmetallics of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2001. 31. M.M.Bakenov. Academician Satpaev and problems of met- allogeny // Vestnik of engineering academy, 1999, No.4. 32. M.M.Bakenov, K.T.Otarbaev. Пайдалы ќазбалардыѕ геологиясы. Алматы, 2002. 33. M.M.Bakenov. Satpaev guidance. Almaty, 2004. 34. G.Batyrbekov. Academician K.I.Satpaev and his contempo- raries. Almaty: “Rauan”, 1999. 35. G.Batyrbekov. Heritage of academician K.I.Satpaev on so- cial sciences. Almaty: “Gylym”, 1977.

156 Satpaev guidance

36. M.Batyrbekov. Prominent scientists-teachers of high school”. “Sa-ga”, 2004. 37. G.Bekzhanov. K.I.Satpaev – outstanding geologists of mod- ern time. Almaty: “Gylym”, 1998. 38. A.Bragin. The first academician. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 1989. 39. Ch.Valikhanov. Collection of compositions in five volumes. Alma-Ata, 1984; 1985. 40. Geology and resources of agrochemical raw material of Ka- zakhstan. Alma-Ata: “Science”, 1965. 41. Заѕєар Ќ.И.Сəтбаев туралы естеліктер. А. «Aikos», 1999. 42. N.Nazarbaev. His genius has raised the science of Kazakh- stan to the world level // Kazakhstan pravda, April 13, 1999. 43. A.Nurlybaev. Moral feat of scientist // Kazakhstan pravda, April 12, 1989; 1999. 44. A man from capital letter. World of Satpaev. Almaty” Shar- tarapS., April 9, 1999 45. Native land of Satpaev. Almaty; Pavlodar: Zhibek zholy, 1999. 46. Sh.Satpaeva. Ўрпаќ сыры. Almaty: Їш ќиян, 2003. 47. Sh.Satpaeva. Сəулелі əулет. Almaty: Kazakhstan, 1996 48. Sh.Satpaeva. Light of hearth. Almaty: Kazakhstan, 1996/ 49. Sh.Satpaeva. Əбікей Сəтпаев. Almaty: Жібек жолы, 2000. 50. K.Salykov. Kanysh Satpaev. Almaty, 1999. 51. K.Salykov. Academician Satpaev and Great Dzhezkazgan. In the memory of people. Pavlodar, 2000. 52. K.Satpaev. Complex metallogenic forecasting maps of the Central Kazakhstan // Metallogenic and forecasting maps. Alma-Ata, 1959. 53. K.Satpaev. Elected articles. Almaty: “Science”, 1989. 54. K.I.Satpaev. Ќазаќстан меніѕ отаным. Almaty: Єылым, 1999. 55. K.I.Satpaev. Elected articles on science and culture. Alma- Ata: “Science”, 1989. 56. K.I.Satpaev. Collection of works. Volume 1-8, Almaty: “Gylym”.

157 M.M.Bakenov

57. K.I.Satpaev and young people. Almaty: RIO VAK RK, 2000. 58. T.Satpaeva. Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev. Almaty: “Gylym”, 2003/ 59. M.Sarseke. K.I.Satpaev 1989. 60. M.Sarseke. Through thorny path. Ust-Kamenogorsk: VKGU, 2002 61. M.Sarseke. Satpaev: Young guard, 2003 62. V.Smirnov. Geology of minerals. M.: Bowels. 1982. 63. Iu.Starzeva. Life of K.I.Satpaev – example for youth. Oil of Kazakhstan. December, 2001. 64. Z.Soltanbaeva. Bayanaul. Astana, 1999. 65. Technogenious mineral raw material resources. Almaty, 2003. 66. Sh.Esenov, D.Kunaev, S.Mukhamedzhanov. Bowels of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan, 1968. 67. Ер Едіге. Алматы: Єылым, 1995. 68. Ќаныш аєа. Academician Ќ.И.Cəтбаев туралы естеліктер. Almaty, «Жазушы», 1989. 69. Kazakh polytechnic institute. Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan, 1984. 70. Kazakh national technical university named after K.I.Satpaev. Almaty: “Evero”, 2004. 71. I.Lozovskij, G.Sipailov. Student years of Kanysh Satpaev in the city of Tomsk. Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 1999. 72. National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakh- stan – 50 years. Almaty: “Gylym”, 1996. 73. S.Shartarat. World of Satpaev. Almaty, 1999. 74. S.Kozhakhmetov. Academician K.I.Satpaev and metallurgy of Kazakhstan. Almaty: “Gylym”, 1999. 75. S.Khohlov. Life of Satpaev – sample for the youth. K.I.Satpaev and youth. Almaty: RIO VAK RK, 2000. 76. Sh.Chokin. Four periods of life. Almaty, 1994. 77. Sh.Chokin. Way of the National Academy of sciences. Al- maty: “Gylym”, 1996. 78. Bright star. Academician K.I.Satpaev in the memories of contemporaries . Almaty, 2000.

158 Satpaev guidance

159 M.M.Bakenov


Preface 3 Introduction 5 Becoming of the person 7 Value and history of discovery of mineral products 17 Scientific and organizational activity 25 of Academician K.I.Satpaev Issues of organization and development of science in Ka- 36 zakhstan Results of realization of these directions 37 Main directions of scientific-research 39 institutes of "Earth Sciences" department Mining Institute named after D.A.Kunaev 39 Institute of geological sciences named after K.I.Satpaev 39 Institute of metallurgy and enrichment 40 Institute of seismology 41 Institute of geography 42 Institute of hydrogeology and hydrophysics 42 named after U.M.Akhmedsafin Science and development of productive forces of Kazakh- 44 stan Unique Dzhezkazgan - Cradle of industrialization of Ka- 54 zakhstan Mineral resources of Kazakhstan - basis for industrially 59 innovative development of the country Complex metallogenic forecasting maps of the Central Ka- 70 zakhstan (Sary-Arka) - scientific method of prospecting and estimation of mineral products Theoretical results of complex forecasting maps 71 Results of practical data validation of complex metal- 72 logenic maps Academician K.I.Satpaev and problems of metallogeny 74 Some problems of complex and rational use of mineral 81 Resources of Kazakhstan K.I.Satpaev – the scientist of “Lomonosov” type 87 Chokan Valikhanov and Kanysh Satpaev 94 160 Satpaev guidance

Moral feat of Kanysh Satpaev 98 K.I.Satpaev – the state and public figure 104 Satpaev and professional training 108 K.I.Satpaev about education and youth 115 K.I.Satpaev and issues of science management (science of 121 science) K.I.Satpaev and ecological issues 125 K.I.Satpaev and constellation of outstanding Scientists 129 In the memory of people 134 Where to search the minerals ? 137 Non-traditional kinds of minerals 143 Conclusion 152 Bibliographic list 155

161 M.M.Bakenov

Training edition

Mukhtar M.Bakenov



2-nd edition, revised and supplemented

Is published in the author’s editorship

Signed for printing 18.07.2008 Number of copies: 500 pcs. Format 60 x 84 1/16. Typography paper No.1. Volume 10,0 training edition, p. Order No.159 Contract price.

Edition of Kazakh national technical university named after K.I.Satpaev Publishing center of KazNTU Almaty, Ladygyn str., 32