Erlan Idrissov, Chairman of the Kazakhstan
+21°C / +9°C WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 2014 No 13 (56) National museum of Kazakhstan opens With Government presidential Speech, international Visitors Approves General Gasification Scheme By Kulpash Konyrova duced gas – 25 billion cubic me- tres – will be used for re-injection ASTANA – “The Kazakh govern- to maintain the necessary pressure ment has approved a general scheme to extract oil from oil reservoirs, for the gasification of the country. the minister said, which is why pro- This policy document defines eco- duction volumes of usable gas will nomically sound strategic directions reach 21 billion cubic metres per to ensure reliable gas supply to con- year by 2030. sumers,” Minister of Oil and Gas “According to the forecast, in Uzakbai Karabalin said on June 24. 2030, the largest consumers of com- The new plan is intended to in- mercial gas will be industrial en- The National Museum of Kazakhstan crease gas production, consump- terprises and enterprises in the fuel Temporary exhibits of archival pho- tion and transportation, including and energy complex, [at] 31 and 40 tos and felt clothing were also among through building new pipelines, percent, respectively. Many of these the exhibitions on opening day. over the next 15 years. companies are included in the State As for the museum itself, Simp- Over the past 20 years, oil produc- Programme of Accelerated Indus- son said, “It’s very dramatic. It’s tion in Kazakhstan has more than tri- trial and Innovative Development monumental. It’s right in the mid- pled and gas production has grown (SPAIID),” said Karabalin.
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