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Canada I Bibliotheque Nationale Du Canaaod a Collections Development Branch F Direction Du Developpement Des Collections \'S t . .CANADIAN tHESES ON MICROFICHE ISBN THESES CANADIENltES SUR MICROFICHE 1 + National Library of Canada i Bibliotheque nationale du Canaaod a Collections Development Branch f Direction du developpement des collections Canadian Theses on Service des theses canadiennes ' Microfiche Service sur microfiche v t Ottawa, Canada K1A-0N4 ^ '1 NOTICE ' • AVIS . 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Schnare Submitted in partial fulfillment of the-^requirementsfor the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at DalHousie University Department of Biochemistry r * Dalhousie.llniversity s Halifax,'Nova Scotia . June,' 1984 \ * •/" •» • 1 • J .- c n»(*y) • - r . ' '. TABLE OF CJTTENTSW '* ' * • . Page LIST OF FIGURES X • • • "- • • • ' x I trST.OF TABLES ...". , •.....» *n > c ABSTRACT f,. ; , : "xi~i 1 v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .'. ; '. xiv ACKiftwLEDGEMENT S • .'.*.,. .' ^ xvi INTRODUCTION . ' v . v ^* J ' -- 1. The Ribosome: A Macromolecular Complex of Central ' „ * ' " .Biological Importance".., ' >..;'. 1 , 2. • Structure'of Ribos„omes and their RNa Components * 2 2.1. Ribosome and Ribosomal RNA t * m * Structure : : , 2 " 2.2'. SecondaryStructure of LSU and SSU"RNAs v..*4 • " „ ,2.3. * Modified Nucleoside Components of Ribosomal v * - ' ' RNA , ' 5 - ' x > "5. *" Evolutionary Origin of Cow Molecular Weight •Ribosomal RNAs * -...."? 7 .3.1'. Ribosomal RNA Gene Organization .^..'..y^, , 7 • (b(a)) j' ArchaebacteriaEubacterial rRNl ArRN GeneA Genes s <.* ,87 (c) Chlo/oplast rRNA Genes ....4 ' 9 (d) Eukarfyotic Nuclear rRNA Genes .., *... 10 (e) Mitochondrial rRNA Genes ...* <. 13 3.2. "Structural Homology between Low Molecular Weight rRNAs and the Ends'of E.' coli '23S rRNA 16 i (*• 1 -(v)^~ i > ' •: • F 3.3. " Transcribed Spacers and Variable Regions in " rRNA Genes *. ." 18 •v. « 3.4. The Ribosomal RNAs of Crithidia fasciculata 19* 4. * Phyl ogenetic, Relationships'and Small Subunit ^ , - - v • ^ • - Ribosomal RNAs rT 20 4.1. Phyl ogenetic CIassifications 20 4.-2. 'Evolutipnary^flrigin of Mitochondria 21 ' 4.3. Structure, Evplutio'n and Function of the'3'-Terminal Sequence of SSU RNA .y .-..V... 25 METHODS , . ' * 1, Preparation of Viable Wheat Embryos 28 2* Germination of Wheat Embryos" V '. 29 3. Isolation of Wheat "Mitochondrial and ^ ' Wheat Cytosol Total RNA '.,.... 29' 4. Isolation of Total RNA from Crithidia fasciculata 32 . ., . • - b, 5.' Salt Fractionation of Total RNA. 33 6. Isolation of Wheat Cytosol Ribosomal Sufcumts 34 7. Isolation of Wheat Mitochondrial Rlbpsomal Subumts ,t ..' .« 35 8.* Isolation of Crittfidia fasciculata Ribosomal v Subunits ••., 1 35 fcr, '' .- / } 9. Analytical Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis .J 36 , ,,\^ • 10." Purification-of Individual Ribosomal RNAs ..* 38 v~ * * < / * *•."',.., ., Pa9e •10.1. Pol yacryl amide Gel Electrophoresis v ........... 38 (a) Electroptioretic Separation of Low '• Molecular Weight Ribosblnal RNAs t 39 . ' • - , » (b) Electrophoretic Separation of High . Molecular Weight Ribosomal RNAs 40 sc .10.2. El ectropho.retic-Elation .' ' 40 > 10.3." Homogemzation ©f Gel Slices ....- 42 11. Preparation of Purified End-Labelled , 'Ribosomal RNAr *. 43 11.1 5-'-End Labelling .. .yff. ;••••• 43 11.2. 3'-End Labelling^. , 43 r - 1L3. Purification^ End-Labelled RtfA ,..' 44 11.4. .Elution ofrRNA from Sequencing Gels , 45- 12. Analysis of Terminal Nucleoside Residues \ 46 ) ... ^ . {3. Rapid Sequencing of End-Labelled Ribosomal RNA 47 13.1. Chemical'Sequencing Reactions „••••. jfl7 (a) G "Reaction > ^ 47 •(b) A>£ Reaction ..' .*!... .\.*. w49 (c) U. Reaction ,»' ..; 49-' (d) C Reaction- .- ....' ' 4? (e) Alternate C Reaction 5& -" - (f) Strand Scission Reaction 51 - (g) Partial Alkali'Digestion < * 51 ' lis.2\ Partial Enzymatic Digestions '. 52 'i i ( - ;•' .'••••>,' V* - .• ' ' . , . ' -(vn)- , • - « ' v •• .„ Page - • * , 13\3. .Sequencing" Gels 53 (a) Electrophoresis-' '...:.„.. *. .53 ^* (b) Autoradiograph'y f ". 54 , -. |(c) Interpretation of Gels '....: *:.." 55 • 14. v Mdj^Lified Nucleoside' Analysis * „...".....-. 57 14. fc' Unlabel led Marker Nucleotide* : '. 57 • 14.2. Analysis of Urn form! y-3?P-Labelled- Small rRNAs :.., .'...." * '58 . "14.3. Modified Nucleosides Near the ^--Terminus of SSU RNA .' :S .' .59 15. Preparation and Detection of Intermojecular^ " * - '« . ' * ' * " RNA:RNA Compl exes V,.' ., ,.... „. ty) c 16. 'Preparation of-Nitrocellulose Filters Containing' Restriction Fragntents of Wheat Mitochondrial DNA...... 61 - . 17. , RNA: DNA Southern Hybridization .' , -..' '...62 ** • -' " ' -^ » RESULTS . ' * • . "^ 1 1. Wheat Mitochondrial and Cytosol RNAk '. ..* * 63 • 2- Crithidia fasc/icfulata Ribos^mal RNA - ,.'.. 63 3- Intermolecul ar RN^RJIA Complexes^ •. ! .. 65 4. 3'-Terminal Sequence of Crithidia fascicu.lata • 18S rRNA , 67 *. • 5^ 3'-Terminal Sequences of Wheat Mitochondrial and •Wheat Cytosol 18S rRNAs 72 ul » -*. r t - * • * •^ -(vii/i)- * * t ; 4. V . • < Page . « 5.1. Primary Sequences,.- f ; 72 5.2.\ Patterns of Post-Tr%anscriptional Modification 77 * 6. Heterologous rRNA-mtDNA Hybridization ...*...* 84 7. ' Numbered Orientation of Wheat Mitochondrial 18S and 5S Ribosomal RNA Genes '. : 86 8. 3'-Terminal Sequences of Wheat Mitochondrial „ • and Cytosol 20S rRNA? »., 87 9.. Complete Nucleotide Sequence of Crithidia fasciculata 5.8S rRNA .-, 90 "9.1., End Groups .... \ 90 9.2. Modified Nucleoside Constituents ; 91 A 9.3. / Primary Sequence I , 91 10. Primary'-Structure of Four Novel Small rRNAs from Crithidia fasciculata k...., 97 10.1. Primary Sequence ' : 97 ':* 11^2. End Groups 104 t\ 10.3: Modified Nucleosides , 106 f> * '.* < * » DISCUSSION 1. Evolutionary Relationships Based on Ribosomal RNA Sequence Comparisons ., 108 2. Structure and Evolution of the 3'-Terminus of n * " Eukaryotic SSU RNA- , 114 3. Functions of the 3'-Terminus of Eukaryotic SSU , RNA 119 / -(ix). Page, 4. The Evolutionary Origin of Wheat Mitochondria 1.2ft 4.1. Evidence Supporting a Abacterial Origin .*.-. 124 (a) Evidence Prior to this Work ?..... 124 4 '(b) Evidence Presented in this Thesis 125 ": (c)- Recent'Evidence .*...'....... *$£ 130 4.2. Non-Eubacterial Characteristics of Wheat Mitochondrial rRNA Genes .* 130 (a) Ribosomal RNA Gene Organization 130 (bj Wheat Mitochondrial 5S rRNA * '., 131 (c) Initiation of Translation 131 (d) Ribosomal RNA Processing • ,.. 132 4.3 Conclusions About Mitochondrial Evolution 133 5. Low Molecular Weight rRNAs and Their Analogues 136 5\1 , The'3VTerminus of LSU RNA *.. 136 5.2 Crithidia fasciculata 5.8S rRNA '. 139 5.3 Novel Small'rRNAs from Crithidia fasciculata1 143 6. Concluding Remarks and Future Prospeqts ." 144 BIBLIOGRAPHY -.. 148 Jf Htx). LIST OF FIGURES ,. ' "Page Ribosomal RNA g'ene organization ...,.- 6 Arrangement of the rRNA genes in diverse- mitochondrial genomes ..' 14 ' '* ' Polyacryl amide gel electrophoretic profiles of total * > RNA from wheat cytosol and wh'eat mitochondria *.. 64 Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic profiles of 9 • Crithidia fasciculata rRNA 66 Detection of intermolecul ar RNA:RNA complexes 68 Autoradiogram of chemical sequencing gel (20%) of 3'-end-labelled Crithidia 18S rRNA ..' '. 70 Autoradiograms of chemical sequencing gels (10%)' of 3'-end-labelled Crithidia 18S 'rRNA' t *J1 —;—r~ Sequance of the first 91 nucleotide rjaidues at'the 3'-end of Crithidia 18S-rRNA f 73 Autoradiograms of sequencing gels (20%.) of 3'-e,nd- labelled wheat mitochondrial and E.. coli SS.U RNAs 75 Autoradiograms of sequencing gels (10%)*of 3'- end-labelled wheat mitochondrial, wheat cytosol and E. coli SSU'RNAs ' 76 Potential secondary structure near the 3'-terminus of SSU RNA '. .* 78 *i Autoradiograms of tic plates which establish the presence of pm3U at analogous positions in -^- E. coli 16S and "wheat mitochondrial 18S rRNAs •*. 83 « - « f • * » -(xi)- . ***'.'# Page * t> i Autoradiograms showing the'results
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