KP PUBLICATIONS (04/01/2021):

A total of ~180 published papers google-searchable for individual titles and/or Pubmed-searchable for “chang kp, (109) or symbiotes (10) or symbionts (2) or endosymbionts (3) or endosymbiosis (9) or vaccination (7).

1. Chang, K.-P. & Musgrave, A.J. (1969) Histochemistry and ultrastructure of the mycetome and its “symbiotes” in the pear psylla, Psylla Pyricola Foerster (Homoptera). Tissue and Cell 1: 597-606.

2. Chang, K.-P. & Musgrave, A.J. (1970) Ultrastructure of rickettsia-like microorganisms in the midgut of a plant bug, binotatus Jak. (: ). Can. J. Microbiol. 16: 621-622.

3. Chang, K.-P. & Musgrave, A.J. (1972) Multiple Symbiosis in a , communis fitch (Cicadellidae: Homoptera): envelopes, nucleoids and inclusions of the symbiotes. J. Cell Sci. 11: 275-293.

4. Chang, K.-P. & Musgrave, A.J. (1973) Morphology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of mycetome and its rickettsial symbiotes in Cimex lectularius (L.) Can. J. Microbiol. 19: 1075-1081.

5. Chang, K.-P. (1974) Effects of elevated temperature on mycetome and its symbiotes of Cimex lectularius (L.) J. Invertebr. Pathol. 23: 333-340.

6. Chang, K.-P. & Trager, W. (1974) Nutritional significance of symbiotic bacteria in two of hemoflagellates. Science 183: 531-532.

7. Chang, K.-P. (1974) Ultrastructure of symbiotic bacteria in normal and antibiotic-treated culicis and oncopelti. J. Protozool. 21: 699-707.

8. Chang, K.-P. & Musgrave, A.J. (1975) Conversion of spheroplast symbiotes in a leafhopper, Fitch (Cicadellidae: Homoptera). Can. J. Microbiol. 21: 196-204.

9. Chang, K.-P. & Musgrave, A.J. (1975) Endosymbiosis in a leafhopper Helochara communis Fitch (Cicadellidae: Homoptera): symbiote translocation and auxillary cells in the mycetome. Can J. Microbiol. 21: 186-195.

10. Tuan, R.S. & Chang, K.-P. (1975) Isolation of intracellular symbiotes from flagellate protozoa by immune lysis and characterization of their DNA. J. Cell Biol. 65: 309-323.

11. Chang, K.-P., Chang, C.S. & Sassa, S. (1975) Heme biosynthesis in bacterium-protozoan symbioses: enzymic defects in host hemoflagellates and complemental role of their intracellular symbiotes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 72: 2979-2983.

1 12. Chang, K.-P. (1975) Reduced growth of Blastocrithidia culicis and Crithidia oncopelti freed of intracellular symbiotes by chloramphenicol. J. Protozool. 22: 271-276.

13. Chang, K.-P. (1975) Haematophagous and haemoflagellates as hosts for prokaryotic endosymbiotes. Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 29: 407-428.

14. Dwyer, D.M. & Chang, K.-P. (1976) Surface membrane carbohydrate alteration of a flagellate protozoan mediated by bacterial endosymbionts. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 73: 852-856.

15. Chang, K.-P. (1976) Symbiont-free hemoflagellates (Blastocrithidia culicis and Crithidia oncopelti): Their liver factor requirement and their serological identity with infected strains. J. Protozool. 23: 241-244.

16. Chang, K.-P. & Dwyer, D.M. (1976) Multiplication of a human parasite (Leishmania donovani) in phagolysosomes of hamster macrophages in vitro. Science 193: 678-680.

17. Meshnick, S.R., Chang, K.-P., & Cerami, A. (1977) Heme lysis of the bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei. Biochem. Pharmacol. 26: 1923-1928.

18. Chang, K.-P., Steiger, R.F., Dave, C. & , Y.-C. (1978) Effects of methylglyoxal bis (guanylhydrazone) on trypanosomatid flagellates: inhibition of growth and nucleoside incorporation in Trypanosoma brucei. J. Protozool. 25: 145-149.

19. Chang, K.-P. & Dwyer, D.M. (1978) Leishmania donovani-hamster macrophage interactions in vitro: cell entry, intracellular survival and multiplication of amastigotes. J. Exp. Med. 147: 515-530.

20. Chang, K.-P. (1978) Hamster peritoneal macrophages in vitro: substratum adhesion, spreading, phagocytosis and phagolysosome formation. In vitro 14: 663-674.

21. Chang, K.-P. (1978) Intracellular multiplication of Leishmania donovani during repeated passages in primary cultures of hamster peritoneal macrophages. J. Parasitol. 64: 931-933.

22. Chang, K.-P. (1978) Leishmania infection of human skin fibroblasts in vitro: absence of phagolysosomal fusion after induced phagocytosis of promastigotes and their intracellular transformation. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 27: 1084-96.

23. Chang, K.-P. (1979) Leishmania donovani: Promastigote-macrophage surface interactions in vitro. Exp. Parasitol. 48: 175-189.

24. Chang, K.-P. (1980) Human cutaneous leishmania in a macrophage line: Propagation and isolation of intracellular parasite. Science 209: 1240-2.

2 25. Chang, K.-P. (1980) endocytosis of FITC dextran by leishmania-infected macrophages, fluorimetry of pinocytosis, lysosomephagosome fusion and intralysosomal pH, In Host-Invader Interplays, Ed. van den Bossche, North Holland, 231-4.

26. Chang, K.-P. and Dave, C. (1980) Modulation of polyamine biosynthesis enzymes by bacterial endosymbionts in trypanosomatid protozoa. In: Int. Proc. Endosymb. Cell Res., Eds. W. Schwemmler & H. Schenk, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1: 349-360.

27. Chang, K.-P. (1981) Leishmanicidal mechanisms of human polymorphonuclear phagocytes. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 30:322-33.

28. Chang, K.-P. (1981) Antibody-mediated inhibition of phagocytosis in Leishmania donovani-human phagocyte interactions in vitro. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 30: 334-39.

29. Chang, K.-P. (1981) Leishmania donovani-hamster macrophage binding mediated by their surface glycoproteins/antigens: Characterization in vitro by a radioactive assay. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 4: 67-76.

30. Carson, D.A. & Chang, K.-P. (1981) Phosphorylation and anti-leishmania activity of formycin B. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 100: 1377-83.

31. Carson, D.A. & Chang, K.-P. (1981) Selective killing of leishmania-infected mouse macrophages by 6-methylpurine 2’-deoxyriboside. Life Sci. 29: 1617-21.

32. Chang, K.-P., Bray, R.S. & Leaney, A.J. (1981). Infection of mouse macrophages in vitro by sandfly-derived promastigotes of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 75: 475-6.

33. Fong, D. & Chang, K.-P. (1981) Tubulin biosynthesis in the developmental cycle of a parasitic protozoan, Leishmania mexicana: Changes during differentiation of motile and non-motile stages. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 78: 7624-8.

34. Chang, K.-P. & Chiao, D.W. (1981) Cellular immunity of mice to Leishmania donovani in vitro: Lymphokine-mediated intracellular killing of parasites in macrophages. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 78: 7083-7.

35. Chang, K.-P. & Fong, D. (1982) Antigenic changes during intracellular transformation of leishmanias in cultured macrophages. Infect. Immun. 36: 430-431.

36. Fong, D. & Chang, K.-P. (1982) Surface antigenic change during differentiation of a parasitic protozoan, Leishmania mexicana: Identification by monoclonal antibodies. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 79: 7366-70.

37. Wallach, M., Fong, D., & Chang, K.-P. (1982) Post-transcriptional control of tubulin biosynthesis in leishmanial differentiation. Nature 299: 650-2.

3 38. Chang, K.-P. (1983) Molecular and biochemical mechanisms of intracellular symbiosis in leishmaniasis. Int. Rev. Cytol. Suppl. 14: 267-302.

39. Chang, K.-P. (1983) Leishmania-macrophage cellular and molecular interactions in vitro. Microbiology 380-383.

40. Chang, K.-P. & Fish, W.R. (1983) Leishmaniasis. In In vitro cultivation of pathogenic protozoa of man and domestic , Ed. J. B. Jensen, CRC Uniscience pp. 111-153.

41. Chang, K.-P. & Fong, D. (1983) Cell biology of host-parasite membrane interactions in leishmaniasis. Cytopathology of Parasitic Diseases. Ciba Foundation Symp. 99: 113-131.

42. Chang, K.-P., Dasch, G. & Weiss, E. (1984). Endosymbionts of fungi and invertebrates other than insects, In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Ed. N.R. Krieg, Vol. I, 853-863, William & Wilkins, Baltimore.

43. Dasch, G., Chang, K.-P. & Weiss, E. (1984) Endosymbionts of insects. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Ed. N.R. Krieg, Vol. I, 811-830, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.

44. Weiss, E., Dasch, G., & Chang, K.-P. (1984) Wolbacheae. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Ed. N.R. Krieg, Vol. I, 711-717, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.

45. Hu, X.-S. & Chang, K.-P. (1984) Vaccination of mice with formalin-killed amastigotes of Leishmania mexicana against Leishmania donovani: Muramyl dipeptide-enhanced protection. Acta Acad. Med. Sichuan 15: 91-97.

46. Fong, D., Wallach, M., Keithly, J., Melera, P.W. & Chang, K.-P. (1984) Differential expression of mRNAs for tubulin during differentiation of a parasitic protozoan, Leishmania mexicana. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 81: 5782-5786.

47. Kiehlbauch, J.A., Albach, R.A., Baum, L.L. & Chang, K.-P. (1985) Phagocytosis of Campylobacter jejuni and its intracellular survival in mononuclear phagocytes. Infect.Immun. 48: 446-451.

48. Hu, X.-S. & Chang, K.-P. (1985) Immunization of BALB/c mice with cultured amastigotes of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis: Protection by gamma-irradiated parasites. Acta Acad. Med. Sichuan 16: 1-5.

49. Chang, C.S. and Chang, K.-P. (1985) Heme acquisition and utilization by intracellular and extracellular stages of L. m. amazonensis. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 16: 267-276.

50. Chang, K.-P., Fong, D and Bray, R.S. (1985) Biology of Leishmania and leishmaniasis. In: Leishmaniasis, Eds. K.-P. Chang and R.S. Bray, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1-27.

4 51. Chang, K.-P. & Hendricks, D.L. (1985) Laboratory maintenance of leishmaniae. In: Leishmaniasis, Eds. K.-P. Chang & R.S. Bray, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, pp. 213-246.

52. Fong, D. and Chang, K.-P. (1986) Changes in tubulin mRNAs during differentiation of a parasitic protozoan, Leishmania mexicana. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 466: 129.

53. Chang, K.-P., Nacy, C.A. & Pearson, R.D. (1986) Intracellular of macrophages in leishmaniasis: In vitro systems and their applications. In: Phagocytosis and cytotoxicity of macrophages Methods in Enzymol. 132: 603-625.

54. Chang, C.S. and Chang, K.-P. (1986) Monoclonal antibody affinity purification of a leishmania membrane glycoprotein and its inhibition of leishmania-macrophage binding. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 83: 100-104.

55. Chang, C.S., Inserra, T.J., Kink, J.A., Fong, D., and Chang, K.-P. (1986) Expression and size heterogeneity of a 63 kDa membrane glycoprotein during growth and transformation of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 18: 197-210.

56. Kink, J.A. & Chang, K.-P. (1987) Tunicamycin-resistant Leishmania mexicana:: Virulent phenotype associated with increased N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase activity and amplification of its gene. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 84: 1253-1257.

57. Kink, J.A. & Chang, K.-P. (1987) Biological and biochemical characterization of tunicamycin-resistant Leishmania mexicana. Infect. Immun. 55: 1692-1700.

58. Chang, K.-P., Kink, J.A., and Detke, S. (1987) Tunicamycin-resistant Leishmania mexicana: Increased Nacetylglucosaminyltransferase, its gene and virulence. In: Molecular Strategy of Parasite Invasion UCLA Winter Symposium., NS 42: 77-86.

59. Chang, K.-P. (1987) Molecular pathogenicity of Leishmania in intracellular parasitism of macrophages: Association of virulent phenotype with increased expression of a major membrane glycoprotein and microsomal Nacetylglucosaminyltransferase. In: Host-parasite cellular and molecular interactions in protozoal infections, Eds. K.-P. Chang & D. Snary, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg NATO ASI Series Vol. H11, 107-116.

60. Chaudhuri, G. & Chang, K.-P. (1987) Acid protease activity of Leishmania gp63 and its possible role in virulence. In: Host-parasite cellular and molecular interactions in protozoal infections, Eds. K.-P. Chang & D. Snary, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, NATO ASI Series H11, 169-173.

61. Kink, J.A. & Chang, K.-P. (1988) N-glycosylation as a biochemical basis for virulence in Leishmania Mexicana amazonensis. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 27: 181-190.

5 62. Chaudhuri, G. & Chang, K.-P. (1988) Acid protease activity of a major surface membrane glycoprotein (gp63) from Leishmania mexicana promastigotes. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 27: 43-52.

63. Detke, S., Chaudhuri, G., Kink, J.A., & Chang, K.-P. (1988) DNA amplification in tunicamycin-resistant Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. Multiple copies of a single 63 Kilobase supercoiled molecule. J. Biol. Chem. 263: 3418-24.

64. Chaudhuri, G. & Chang, K.-P. (1988) A simple method for isolation of extrachromosomal circular DNA in unicellular . Nucleic Acids Research 16: 2341.

65. Kahl, L.P., Chang, K.-P., & , F.Y. (1988) the 63kDa promastigote protease of Leishmania: Assessment of host-protection in BALB/c mice using liposomes as adjuvant. In: Leishmaniasis: The new strategies for control, Ed. D.T. Hart, NATO ASI Series. A, Vol 163, pp 417-422.

66. Olafson, R.W.,Chang, K.-P., & Ferguson, A.J.M. (1988) Biochemical characterization of Leishmania gp63 as acid protease. In: Leishmaniasis: The new strategies for control, Ed. D.T. Hart, NATO ASI Series. A, Vol 163, pp. 619-625.

67. Chang, K.-P., Chaudhuri, G., Chaudhuri, M., Katakura, K., Detke, S., & , R. (1989) Molecular determinants of Leishmania virulence: Surface metallo-proteinase, N-glycosylation and DNA amplification. In: Current Perspectives in Parasitic Diseases, Ed. R.C. Ko, Hong Kong, University Press, Hong Kong, pp.111-128.

68. Detke, S. & Chang, K.-P. (1989) DNA amplification in sodium arsenite-resistant Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. Exp. Cell Res. 180: 161-170.

69. Chaudhuri, G., Chaudhuri, M., Pan, A. & Chang, K.-P. (1989) Surface acid protease (gp63) of Leishmania mexicana. A metalloenzyme capable of protecting liposome-encapsulated proteins from phagolysosomal degradation. J. Biol. Chem. 264:7483-9.

70. Katakura, K. & Chang, K.-P. (1989) H-DNA amplification in Leishmania resistant to both arsenite and methotrexate. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 34: 189-192.

71. Olafson, R.W., Thomas, J.R., Ferguson, M.A.J., Dwek, R.A., Chaudhuri, M., Chang, K.-P. & Rademacher, T.W. (1990) Structures of the N-linked oligosaccharides of gp63, the major surfact glycoprotein, from Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. J. Biol. Chem. 256:12240-12247.

72. Chang, K.-P., Chaudhuri, G. & Fong D. (1990) Molecular determinants of Leishmania virulence. Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 44:499-529.

73. Chang, K.-P. (1990) Cell biology of Leishmania. In: Modern Parasite Biology-Cellular, immunological and molecular aspects. Ed. D.J. Wyler, W.H. Freeman Co., New York, Chapter 5 pp. 79-90.

6 74. Chang, K.-P. Chaudhuri, G., Chaudhuri, M. & Katakura, K. (1990) Gp63 as a surface metalloproteinase in Leishmania virulence: Molecular determinants of proteolytic activity and N-glycosylation. In: Immune Recognition and Evasion: Molecular Aspects of Host-Parasite Interaction, Eds. Lex H.T. Van der Ploeg, C.R., Cantor and H.J. Vogel, P & S Biomedical Science Symposium, Academic Press, New York, pp. 279-293.

75. Katakura K., Peng, Y., Pithawalla, R., Detke, S. & Chang, K.-P. (1991) Tunicamycin-resistant variants from five species of Leishmania contain amplified DNA in extrachromosomal circles of different sizes with a transcriptionally active homologous region. Mol. Biochem Parasitol. 44:233-244.

76. Lee, S.-Y., Lee, S.-T. & Chang, K.-P. (1992) Transkinetoplastidy - A novel phenomenon involving bulk alteration of mitochondrion-kinetoplast DNA of a trypanosomatid protozoan. J. Protozool. 39:190-196.

77. Liu, Xuan & Chang, K.-P. (1992) Extrachromosomal genetic complementation of surface metalloproteinase-deficient Leishmania increases its binding to macrophages. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 4991-4995.

78. Liu, Xuan & Chang, K.-P. (1992) The 63 kb circular amplicon of tunicamycin-resistant Leishmania contains a functional Nacetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase gene that can be used as a dominant selectable marker in transfection. Mol. Cell. Biol. 12: 4112-4122.

79. Liu, Xuan & Chang, K.-P. (l993) N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase gene is conserved in five Leishmania species and overexpressed due to its amplification in their tunicamycin-resistant variants. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 59: 177-180.

80. Lee, S.-T., Tarn, C. & Chang, K.-P. (l993) Characterization of the switch of kinetoplast DNA minicircle dominance during development and reversion of drug resistance in Leishmania. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 58: 187-204.

81. Chang, K.-P. (l993) Evolution and regulation of Leishmania virulence. Proc. CSIR Symp., Current Trends in Leishmania Research, CSIR Press, New Dehli, pp. 15-28.

82. Mensa-Wilmot, K., LeBowitz, J. H., Chang, K.-P., Al-Qahtani, A., McGwire, B. S., Tucker, S. and Morris, J. C. (l994) A Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-negative phenotype produced in Leishmania major by GPI phospholipase C from Trypanosoma brucei:: Topology of two GPI pathways. J. Cell Biol. 124: 935-947.

83. , H. -G., Zhong, L., Guan, L. -R., , J. -Q, Hu, X. -S., Chai, J. -J., , Z. -B., Wang, C. -T. and Chang, K. -P. (l994) Separation of Chinese Leishmania isolates into five genotypes by kinetoplast and chromosomal DNA heterogeneity. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 50: 763-770.

7 84. Qu, J. -Q., Zhong, L., Masoom-Yasinzai, M., Rab, M. A., Aksu, H. S. Z., Reed, S. G., Chang, K. -P. and Gilman-Sachs, A. (l994) Serodiagnosis of Asian leishmaniasis with a recombinant antigen from the repetitive domain of a Leishmania kinesin. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg 88:543-545.

85. Liu, Xuan & Chang, K. -P. (l994) Identification by extrachromosomal amplification and overexpression of a zeta-crystallin/NADPH-oxidoreductase homologue constitutively expressed in Leishmania spp. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 66:201-210.

86. McGwire, B.S. & Chang, K.-P. (l994) Genetic rescue of surface metalloproteinase-deficiency in Leishmania amazonensis variants increases their infection of macrophages at the early phase. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 66:345-347.

87. Du, Yubin & Chang, K. -P. (l994) Phylogenetic heterogeneity of three Crithdia spp. vs. . Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 66:171-174.

88. Du, Yubin, McLaughlin, G. and Chang, K.-P. (1994) 16S ribosomal DNA sequence identities of beta-proteobacterial endosymbionts in three Crithidia species. J. Bacteriol. 176: 3081-3084.

89. Du, Y., Maslov, D.A. and Chang, K.-P. (1994) Monophyletic origin of _-division proteobacterial endosymbionts and their coevolution with trypanosomatid protozoa Blastocrithidia culicis and Crithidia spp. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 8437-8441.

90. Guan, L.-R., , Y.-Q., Xu, Y.-X., Qu, J.-Q., Zho, X.-P., Wang, G., Lu, H.-G., Zhong, L & Chang, K.-P. (1994) Leishmaniasis in Karamay. XIV: Identification of isolates from naturally infected Phlebotmus major wui. Chin. J. Parasitol. Parasit. Dis. 12: 257-261.

91. , M., Albach, R.A., Chang, K.-P., Tripathi, R.L.and Kemp. R.G. (1995) Cloning and sequencing a putative pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase gene from Entomoeba histolytica. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1260: 215-217.

92. Aksoy, S., Arturk, S., Armstrong, M.Y.K., Chang, K.-P., Gottlieb, M., Ozcel, M.A., Richards, F.F. and Western, K. (1995). The GAP project in southeatern Turkey: The potential for emergence of diseases. Emerg. End. Dis. 3: 45-48.

93. Singh, S., Gilman-Sachs, A., Chang, K.-P. and Reed, S.G. (1995) Diagnostic and prognostic value of K39 recombinant antigen in Indian leishmaniasis. J. Parasitol. 81: 1000-1003.

94. Singh, S., McGwire, B.S. and Chang, K.-P. (1995) Kinetoplast and nuclear DNA polymorphism of visceral Leishmania isolates from northern India. J. Protozool. Res. 5: 27-32.

95. Brittingham, A., Morrison, C.J., McMaster, W.R., McGwire, B. S., Chang, K.-P. and Mosser, D.M. (1995) The role of the Leishmania surface protease, gp63, in complement fixation, cell adhesion and resistance to complement-mediated lysis. J. Immunol. 155: 3102-3111.

8 96. Chang, K.-P. (1995) Leishmaniasis. In: Encyclopedia of human biology. Ed. R. Dubelcco, Academic Press, San Diego, Vol. 5, pp. 275-281.

97. Singh, S. & Chang, K.-P. (1996) Genetic heterogeneity among Indian Leishmania donovani isolates. In Indian Kala-Azar. Ed. S. Sundar, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, pp. 197-204.

98. McGwire, B.S. and Chang, K.-P. (1996) Posttranslational regulation of a Leishmania HEXXH-metalloproteinase (gp63). The effects of site-specific mutagenesis of catalytic, zinc-binding, N-glycosylation and GPI-addition sites on N-terminal end cleavage, intracellular stability and extracellular exit. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 7903-9.

99. Chakrabarty, R., Mukherjee, S., Lu, H.-G., McGwire, B.S., Chang, K.-P. & Basu, M.K. (1996) Kinetics of entry of virulent and avirulent strains of Leishmania donovani into macrophages: A possible of virulence gene. J. Parasitol. 82: 632-635.

100. Yasinzai-Masoom, M. & Chang, K.-P. (1996) Characterization of gp63, a major surface glycoprotein on Leishmania isolates of Pakistan. J. Parasit. Dis. 20: 11-16.

101. Chang, K.-P. (1997) Leishmaniasis. In: Encyclopedia of human biology. 2nd Edition, Ed. R. Dubelcco, Academic Press, San Diego. Vol. 5, pp. 275-281.

102. Kawazu, S.-I., Lu, H.G. & Chang, K.-P. (1997) Stage-independent splicing of transcripts from two heterlogous neighboring genes in Leishmania amazonensis. Gene 196: 49-59.

103. Lu, H.G., , Z., Chang, K.-P. & Docampo, R. (1997) Intracellular Ca2+ pool content and signaling and expression of a calcium pump are linked to virulence in Leishmania mexicana amazonensis amastigotes. J. Biol. Chem. 272: 9464-9473.

104. Ozensoy, S., Ozbel, Y., Turgay, N., Alkan, M.Z., Gul, K., Gilman-Sachs, A., Chang, K.-P., Reed. S.G. & Ozcel, M. A. (1998) Sero-diagnosis and epidemiology of visceral leishmaniasis in Turkey. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 59: 363-369.

105. Katakura, K., Kawazu, S.-I., Naya, T., Nagakura, K., Ito, M., Aikawa, M., Qu, J.-Q., Guan, L.-R., , X.-P., Chai, J.-J., Chang, K.-P. and Matsumoto, Y. (1998) Diagnosis of Kala-azar by nested PCR based on amplification of the Leishmania mini-exon gene. J. Clin. Microbiol. 36: 2173-2177.

106. Mensa-Wilmot, K., Garg, N., McGwire, B.S., Lu, H.-G., Zhong, L., Armah, D.A., LeBowitz, J.H., Chang, K.-P. (1999) Roles of free GPIs in amastigotes of Leishmania. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 99: 103 – 116.

107. Chen, D.Q., Lu, H.G. and Chang, K.-P. (1999) Replacement of the gene encoding N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase requires episomal rescue in Leishmania amazonensis. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 100: 223-227.

9 108. Brittinggham, A., Chen, G., McGwire, B. S., Chang, K.-P. and Mosser, D. (1999) Interaction of Leishmania gp63 with cellular receptors for fibronectin. Inf. Immun. 67: 4477-4484.

109. Chang, K.-P. (1999) Leishmaniasis in the Old World. In: Epidemiology and control of leishmaniasis in Central Eurasia, Research report series No. 1 (1996-1998), Ed. Y. Matsumoto, Int. Press Edit. Cent. Inc., Tokyo, pp. 1-14.

110 .Katakura, K., S.-I. Kawazu, T. Naya, K. Nagakura, M. Ito, M.Aikawa, J.-Q. Qu , L.-R. Guan. X.-P. Zuo , J.-J. Chai, K.-P. Chang and Y. Matsumoto (1999) PCR-Based Diagnosis of Kala-Azar in Xinjiang-Uigur Autonomous Region, China. In: Epidemiology and control of leishmaniasis in Central Eurasia, Research report series No. 1 (1996-1998), Ed. Y. Matsumoto, Int. Press Edit. Cent. Inc., Tokyo, pp.37-44.

111. Nakakura, K., T. Naya, K. Katakura, J.-J. Chai, S.-I. Kawazu, M. Ito, J.-Q. Qu, L.-R. Guan, K.-P. Chang, M. Aikawa and Y. Matsumoto (1999) IFA is a Powerful Tool to Monitor the Progression of Visceral Leishmaniasis In: Epidemiology and control of leishmaniasis in Central Eurasia, Research report series No. 1 (1996-1998), Ed. Y. Matsumoto, Int. Press Edit. Cent. Inc., Tokyo, pp. 45-47.

112. Qu, J.-Q., Q. Feng, I. Shulidan, X.-P. Zuo, J.J. Chai, S.-I. Kawazu, K. Katakura, Y. Matsumoto, S. G. Reed and K.-P. Chang (1999) Serodiagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Northwestern China: Rapid Screening with a Recombinant Antigen (rK39) in Dipstick Format and Its Specificity vs. Promastigote Antigens. In: Epidemiology and control of leishmaniasis in Central Eurasia, Research report series No. 1 (1996-1998), Ed. Y. Matsumoto, Int. Press Edit. Cent. Inc., Tokyo, pp.48-56.

113. Nagakura, K., T. Naya, K. Katakura, J.-J. Chai, S.-I. Kawazu, M. Ito, J.-Q. Qu, L.-R. Guan, K.-P. Chang, M. Aikawa and Y. Matsumoto (1999) Parasites Detection Using Biopsies from Chinese Patients with Visceral Leishmaniasis In: Epidemiology and control of leishmaniasis in central Eurasia, Research report series No. 1 (1996-1998), Ed. Y. Matsumoto, Int. Press Edit. Cent. Inc., Tokyo, pp.75-77

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