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The WeeklyThe tie that binds since 1926 Cord' NEWSMAKERS OTY WILFIE AWARDS BYE, BYE BEV The Cord runs down WLU's sto- Fame and infamy await this Dining Hall mainstay set to 8-9 ries of the year... PAGES year's winners ... PAGES 16-17 retire this month ... PAGE 20 Volume 48 Issue 28 WEDNESDAY APRIL 2, 2008 New Laurier Milton campus? Laurier is exploring the idea of opening a satellite campus in Milton, Ontario 100 campus. experience," said Blouw. By building another campus, "There's a limit to how far we can the university would be able to grow until there's a diminishment JOE TURCOTTE bility of expanding the university, Blouw points out that the ne- deal with the space issues that of the experience that our students SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR this does not guarantee that such a gotiations for the possible Milton are currently hindering growth in value here," he continued. move will occur. campus are still in their very early Waterloo. As the university's recent expan- Wilfrid Laurier University and the "It's not as though we've entered stages, and that right now the types "Clearly, we're spilling out on the sion to Kitchener and Brantford il- town ofMilton, Ontario have signed into an agreement to do anything of programs and make-up of a new boundaries of our Waterloo cam- lustrate, the school is seeking ways a letter of intent to pursue the pos- but explore [the possibility]," said campus have yet to be discussed. pus. I've heard a lot of comments to grow without expanding the cur- sibility of opening a satellite cam- WLU President Dr. Max Blouw. However, what is known is that about the size ofour Waterloo cam- rent Waterloo campus. pus in Canada's fastest-growing "Nothing would happen unless the land the Milton campus would pus getting too big to the concept community. While the two parties we were confident that this was to likely be developed on is roughly of being able to produce that out- have agreed to examine the possi- the benefit ofLaurier," he added. twice the size of the current Water- standing undergraduate student - SEE MILTON, PAGE 3 OneCard audit done After a forensic audit, administration assures that no students suffered a loss on their OneCard LAURA CARLSON Tomljenovic, was on a paid leave of NEWS EDITOR absence. However, sometime dur- ing the process of the audit, Tom- A final report of the findings re- ljenovic was no longer classified as garding an extensive forensic audit an employee of the university. ofthe OneCard office, which began "All I can say is that Nick has left on November 8, 2007 and officially [as an] employee of the university," came to a close on February 28, said Allison Roberts, VP: Human 2008, has now been submitted and Resources, who also explained that external auditor KPMG has closed the reason he was placed on a leave off that specific account with the from the beginning was so it would SYDNEY HELLAND university. be a "clean audit." ON LEGAL STRIKE - Part-timers may be back to teaching class if bargaining comes to an end this week. When the audit began, nearly four months ago, the managerofthe OneCard office and The Hub, Nick - SEE ONECARD, PAGE 4 CAS negotations to resume After a nine-day hiatus, WLUFA and the university announced that they will be returning to bargaining, which is set to reconvene on Thursday REBECCA VASLUIANU of the Wilfrid Laurier University the three areas still remaining to STAFF WRITER Students' Union (WLUSU) to the be settled," said Bates. "And that's part-time faculty strike. the pay, that's the seniority, and Last Friday, nine days after nego- "WLUSU had sent out this ap- also the step system so that we and can that who tiations broke down on Wednes- peal ... we heard that appeal, acknowledge people have more deserve day, March 19 at 6:01 am and that was what motivated us to get experience contract academic staff (CAS) back in touch with [WLUFA] and more pay." and Horton, however, is hopeful went on strike, the university ad- ask if they would like to meet will ministration and the Wilfrid Lau- set a date," stated Horton. that both sides come to an and she explains that rier University Faculty Association Judy Bates, WLUFA President, agreement, recent communication between (WLUFA) announced they would indicates that the union is pleased both sides to write an open letter resume bargaining on Thursday, to have been contacted by the ex- in response to a letter of concern April 3 at 10 am. university after so long, yet she written by student senators sug- VP: Academic Sue Horton ex- plains that significant movement be gests that both sides are willing to plains that one of the major rea- on three major issues will still for both sides to cooperate. SYDNEY HEILAND sons the university decided to needed in order contact WLUFA to get back to the reach a settlement. COUNTING COIN - The forensic OneCard audit took nearly four months. - SEE CAS, PAGE 7 bargaining table was the reaction "The university has to consider WEDNESDAY APRIL 2,2008 ■ THE CORD WEEKLY 2 News The Cord Weekly - - The tie thatbinds since 1926 phone: (519) 884-1970 ext. 3564 fax:(519)883-0873 WLU holds [email protected] Senate emaii: The Cord Weekly 75 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario N2L3CS WEDNESDAY APRIL 2, 2008 emergency meeting VOLUME 48 ISSUE 28 Next Issue: May 28 LAURA CARLSON received prior to the meeting, a want to go back to teaching, that Baker and her fellow student OF THE WEEK QUOTE NEWS EDITOR two-thirds majority vote allowed a we want to go back to the negoti- senators, as well as senators-elect, sucking on it, so I play "1 get really bored just governors with it, stick my tongue inside, you know." drafted motion to be put forth. ating table and that we don't think student and governors- on it's a idea for the university to elect, gathered this past - International Editor Waieed Hafeez With a gallery of over 100 students, Following discussion the good Sunday on the strawIn his Coca-Cola bottle. professors and community mem- behalf of Senate and gallery mem- be encouraging students to drop to draft an open letter to WLUFA the that WORD OF THE WEEK bers, the university Senate met bers, a motion was eventually put our classes." and university highlights - Debauchery Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures, for an forward which recognizes the fact After a lengthy debate from several concerns these represen- as in The Cordstaff's ability and frequent tendency to yesterday evening emer- consume excessive amounts ofalcohol. gency meeting to discuss issues of that Horton had exceeded her multiple parties, specifically con- tatives have with how the student authority, and permits any stu- cerning the wording of the mo- body has been adversely affected CONTRIBUTORS academic concern relating to the extension of the add/drop date in dent who is currently enrolled in a tion, issues pertaining to dropped by the strike. Chloe Arbutina Madhavi Ganju Paula Millar Sheena Archie Heather Gles Wendy Nind the recent contract aca- course or course section taught by courses taught by full-time profes- "We drew up that letter in re- Michelle Attard Raymond Giu Kari Pritchard light of Chris Baluschak Linda Givetash Jennifer Rae without - because was to a situation that Michelle Caldaroni Kevin Hatch Greg Sacks demic staff(CAS) strike. a CAS member to drop it, sors LORIS unable sponse we've Elise Cotter TomHowse MaraSilvestri Adil Dhalla Daniel Joseph Ryan Stewart Max Blouw academic penalty, until April 8. to restrict access to which classes been entirely left out of," explained Ashley Doodnauth Dan Keller Laura Tomkins Laurier president Melissa Dranfield Drazo Kraishnik Rebecca Vasluianu were taught student senator Bryn Kimberly Elworthy Heather MacDonald JlllianWood called the meeting to order just af- by Ossington. Carrie McNabb ter 4 pm and highlighted the pur- "I DID EXCEED MY AUTHORITY. I DID CAS - and con- "At this point, we need to get WLUSP STAFF pose behind the gathering. cerns about the around [labour negotiations]. We NOT HAVE FULL KNOWLEDGE ... SO I loss of class time, need to say 'how will we be affect- Copy Editing Manager Caitlin Henderson "The reason for this meeting [is] Copy Editors Ariel Kroon on Thursday, March 27, the secre- APOLOGIZE." the motion re- ed by this action?"' Meredith Barrett Marissa Newfeld Emily Slofstra tary of Senate ... received a letter ceived an over- Though the student senators ini- Heather Olaveson Kendra Howard - wanted the on Miriam Cunningham from subset members of the Sen- Sue Horton, VP: Academic whelming major- tially open letter the Gina Macdonald of support. IT Manager Bryan Willey ate requesting a special meeting of ity agenda for this week's meeting, Distribution Manager Nicole Laouataris the Senate to be called today at 4 "Although I am because of policy they were not Production Assistant Christine Parent pm." Chair of the Senate By-laws unhappy that that window of op- permitted to address any issues Specifically, there were three committee JoyceLorimer spoke to portunity for students to continue which were not already approved. WLUSP ADMINISTRATION matters of business being ad- the movement. to drop CAS courses is there, at Student Senator Josh Smyth ex- President Keren Gottfried least under that he that at VP: Advertising Angela Foster dressed at the meeting, and Blouw "I have sufficient confidence in now it's Senate's con- plained hopes the VP: Brantford Dan Schell asked all attendees to refrain from the governance of this institution trol," Lorimer said after the motion next meeting, they will be able to Chair of the Board Colin LeFevre Vice Chair Rafiq Andani any off-topic comments or con- that people would recognize that had been passed.