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To: All Trustees of the Parish Halls and Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre Charities (30.6.05) (Other distribution for information only)


Trustees are advised that the new charity was created as from 6 April 2005, charity number 1108890.

The outstanding legal action now remaining is conclusion of the lease agreement between the Town Council and Chequer Mead Community arts Centre Trust. This will be finalised during the summer; asb law are dealing with this, and all trustees will be forwarded a copy in due course.

Agenda Item 6: CHEQUER MEAD – FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/2005 FINANCIAL YEAR AND APRIL 2005 - MAY 2005 (Min 30 31.3.05)

A copy of the outturn financial report for 2004/2005 financial year is being sent to all Trustees under separate cover. This confirms the core information previously sent. At the yearend there was an underspend against budget of £20,652 totally accounted for by income generation performance. This balance has subsequently been paid across to the new Charity. The financial position at year-end exceeded expectation and was satisfactory.

It should be noted that apart from the first quarters trading income for the catering concession (£3,099) no further funds were received for bar or catering from the trading company during the 2004/2005 financial year as such sums can only be covenanted to a registered charity and the new charity was not established during the financial year. It is pleasing to advise that at a meeting of the Trading Company on 16th June the Directors agreed to pass over an amount of £15,000 to the new charity by 30th June and a further £5,000 soon afterwards. Mechanisms are then to be put in place between the Chief Executive Officer and the Trading Company to receive regular sums supported by performance management information.

The financial position at 31st May 2005 is also some £11,000 within budget profile excluding any Trading Company income to that date. There is further reference to this in the CEO’s report.


There is a need to obtain Trustee resolution to the appointment of David Martin, a partner with Mazars, the Town Council’s auditors, to audit the accounts for Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre, for 2005/2006 financial year. Because the charity will, for 2005/2006, be operating below the ceiling figure for a full audit we will only require an independent examination. The cost is £1,275 excluding VAT and disbursements and this is provided for within the budget. Trustee’s instructions are requested.


Trustee’s have previously requested Indemnity Insurance (TII) be taken out to protect against the risk of personal liability arising from a breach of trust. This is not a straightforward matter. It cannot just be taken out. Firstly it depends whether there is specific provision within the Declaration of Trust. In common with most charities there is no such provision. Secondly, does the Trust deed specifically exclude purchase of TII? It 1 doesn’t but the Declaration does contain a clause whereby Managing Trustees may not benefit financially from their trusteeship. Accordingly it will be necessary to obtain Charity Commission approval before TII can be legally entered into. Form RED-1279B will be brought to the meeting and Trustees will need to agree a formal declaration, and sign the document at that time. It will then be a matter for the Charity Commission to consider whether TII can be entered into.


The minutes of the meeting held on 14th June 2005 are attached as Appendix A.


The report of the Chief Executive Officer, is attached as Appendix B. Mr Durrant will be on holiday on the day of the meeting and will not be present. The Clerk to the Trustees will attempt to answer questions but Trustees must appreciate that this may not be possible in all cases. Trustees should particularly note the need to approve a Child Protection Policy as recommended within the report.

Agenda Item 11: STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE PARISH HALLS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH 2005. (PH Trustees Min 15 04.10.04)

The Statement of Accounts for the Parish Halls for the financial year ending 31st March 2005 is attached as Appendix C. This is satisfactory and shows a balance of £23,511 at the year-end.


Total Parish Hall bookings for March 2005 were 125 set aside 148 for the same month in 2004. There were less availability days in 2005 due to Easter falling early. Over the full 2004/2005 financial year the Parish Halls had 1,295 bookings in total (1,227 regular/multiple hirings and 58 casual). The equivalent figure in 2003/2004 was1,363 comprising 1,304 and 59 respectively. The fact that the reduced bookings did not manifest itself in reduced financial performance is explained by a few higher value lettings.

In addition to the above we are now continually monitoring the numbers of days that the Large Hall and Small Hall (the most heavily used parts of the complex) are being used overall in terms of at least one booking per day. During 2004/2005 financial year the Large Hall had occupation on 288 days out of 350 (82%) whilst, with the same availability, the Small Hall has been occupied on 299 days (85%).


Agenda Item 15: ESTABLISHMENT REPORT (Min 28(i) 31.3.05)

At the last meeting it was agreed that an establishment report be brought before the Trustees in relation to Chequer Mead. The appropriate report is attached as Appendix D for Trustees only. Trustees are asked to consider this and instruct accordingly.





Present: Councillor Jim Joyce-Nelson (Chair) Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham (Vice Chair) Councillor Bernard Gillbard Councillor Edward Matthews (ex-officio) Councillor Mrs Beverly Heasman Councillor David Heasman Mr Bob Broadway – Facilities Manager - EGTC Mr John Durrant – Chief Executive Officer

37. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillor Ian Dixon (ex- officio) and Mr Richard Denn.

38. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 21 MARCH 2005 Approved as a true record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.

39. MATTERS ARISING 39.1 Health and Safety Inspection: Councillors Heasman and Joyce-Nelson reported on the Health and Safety Inspection conducted by them. They had produced a report for circulation to Trustees for discussion at the meeting of Trustees on 30 June 2005. Action: Councillors Heasman and Joyce - Nelson

A Compliance Audit had also been undertaken and a report will be produced for Trustees. Action: Councillors Heasman and Joyce-Nelson

39.2 Bar Roller Blind: The Chief Executive Officer reported that all work had been completed.

39.3. Tickets.com - Data Box Ticket and Credit Card System Back Up- Service Contract The Chief Executive Officer reported that an agreement had been made with Tickets.com in April 2005 to provide service contracts for the Data Box and credit card payment systems installed at the Centre. The contract covers the Data Box Software 4 Licences, Annual Licence Support and Maintenance, Comms XL Annual Support, Data Box Licence Support and Maintenance.

39.4. Staff The Chief Executive Officer reported that a Confidential staffing paper had been produced for Trustees to consider at their next meeting on 30 June 2005.

Reported that Michael and Lesley Lowy, part -time Marketing and PR Assistants had completed 3 months in the post and a satisfactory review of their roles had been undertaken.

39.5 Volunteers The Chief Executive Officer and Councillor Mrs Waddingham reported on the successful Volunteer Recruitment Day, which had resulted in additional volunteers at the Centre.

Full discussion held on the training/re-training sessions for volunteers and logging of their 3 training details.

It was agreed that Training would be an item on the next agenda for a fuller discussion. Action: CEO

39.6 Staff Offices The Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting of the budget cost of relocating the staff offices to the front of the building was £2921 utilising the current Box Office Area. Discussion also held on moving the Box Office from its current position would incur costs of £6,000 at current day prices

It was agreed that in view of possible works having to be undertaken following the Health and Safety Inspection that the Planning and Review Group would review this in nine months. Action: Planning and Review Group

39.7 Stewards and Friends of Chequer Mead The Chief Executive advised the meeting that following Trustees approval, an additional two house seats had been allocated per performance in the Theatre and were being offered to stewards and Friends of Chequer Mead for their use as an appreciation for their work.

39.8 Publicity for Centre The meeting was informed that the Friends of Chequer Mead had a stand at the May Fair on 2 May 2005 to promote Chequer Mead. The Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting that staff, as requested by Trustees, were on duty at the Centre, but there had been little take up of the offer of tours of the Centre.

40. OPERATIONAL 40.1. Financial Statement – March, and April 2005 Financial Statements circulated in advance of the meeting were noted.

The Chief Executive Officer reported on May 2005 financial statement due to be circulated to Trustees in advance of their meeting on 30 June 2005.

40.2 Repairs, Maintenance and Cleaning The Chief Executive Officer presented the report on a suggested maintenance programme for the Centre financial years 2005-2006, and 2006-2007. Following discussion that additional work might have to be undertaken following the Health and Safety inspection conducted by Councillors Heasman and Joyce-Nelson, that the Maintenance Programme budgets may need to be revised over the coming months. Action: CEO

Mr Broadway and The Chief Executive Officer requested by meeting to look at and recommend ways of cleaning the dust build up above the auditorium ceiling. Action: Mr Broadway/CEO

The Chief Executive Officer reported that the Friends of Chequer Mead had agreed to underwrite the cost of replacing the carpet in the upstairs dressing room at the Centre. Following discussion it was suggested that the monies allocated by them for this project might be put towards maintenance instead. Discussion to be held with Mr Denn on this. Action: CEO/Councillor Joyce-Nelson/Mr Denn.

The Chief Executive Officer reported on the painting works undertaken at the Centre by those on Community Service.

41 PROGRAMMING The Chief Executive Officer reported on current programming. A fuller report had been made to the Charities Committee in his operational report for the meeting to be held on 30 4 June 2005.

The Chief Executive Officer reported that films had been included in the programme as from September 2005. The CEO also informed the meeting on the preparation of the new web site, and on ticket sales.

Councillor Mrs Waddingham suggested that the Friends Newsletter should give more promotion to forthcoming shows at Chequer Mead. Action: Mr. Denn

42. EDUCATION Full discussion held on contact with local schools regarding programming of events in the Theatre to coincide with school studies. It was agreed that the Chief Executive Officer would contact Heads of Schools to invite them to Chequer Mead for discussions. Action: CEO

The Chair circulated information on courses for Trustees being offered by Arts and Business. Trustees to consider going on such courses. Action: Trustees


42.1 Child Protection Policy The Chief Executive Officer reported that he had produced a Child Protection Policy for the Centre, which was being circulated to all Trustees for their approval for implementation.

RECOMMENDED for approval by the Charities Committee at its next meeting on 30 June 2005

42.2 Re-Naming of Studio Following discussion it was recommended that the name of the Studio be re-named The Wagg Studio. It was agreed a short biography would be prepared for placing in the Studio.

RECOMMENDED for approval by the Charities Committee at its next meeting on 30 June 2005

42.3 Licences Councillor Gillbard asked for an up-date on Licences for the Centre. The Chief Executive Officer informed the meeting that all Licences had now been applied for to relevant District Councils.

42.4 Parking outside Chequer Mead Councillor Mrs Heasman raised the question of parking on the road outside the Centre. Following discussion representations to be made to the Highways Department at County Council for double yellow lines to be painted on the road outside the Centre to prevent potential road accidents. Action: Councillor Mrs Heasman

43 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 13 September 2005 at Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre at 7.30 pm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.08 pm.



Meeting of Charities Committee on 30 June 2005

Chief Executive Officer Report

1. TICKETS.COM 1.1. Data Box Ticket and Credit Card System Back up – Service Contract Agreement has been reached with Tickets.com in April 2005 to provide service contracts for the Data Box and credit card payment systems installed at the Centre. The contract covers the Data Box Software 4 Licences, Annual Licence Support and Maintenance, Comms XL Annual Support, Data Box Licence Support and Maintenance.

2. ROOM HIRE Room hire continues to be buoyant with regular hirers and classes at the Centre, together with ad hoc bookings from companies for sales meetings, and training seminars.

3. THEATRE HIRE East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival The Centre was used in April/May for a very successful Music and Arts Festival, which attracted contestants of all ages from a wide area in many branches of the performing arts including music, singing, and dance.

3.1. Young Enterprise South East – 2005 County Final The Centre was used by Young Enterprise South East as the venue for the 2005 County Final. Seven schools – Sussex Downs College, Davison High School for Girls, Blatchington Mill 6th Form College, Hastings College, , Warden Park School, and taking part in the final presentations for prize awards.

The winners: Company of the Year for Sussex: Phi from Blatchington Mill School, Runner Up: Ditto - Warden Park School, Best Company Product: Phi from Blatchington Mill School, Best Company Web Site – Luicid from , ICSA –Good Governance Award: Sphere from Bishop Luffa School.

Special mention was made to Training in Enterprise from Hastings College – a group of students with learning difficulties that won 4 of the 7 area awards competing against pupils who do not have learning difficulties.

Chequer Mead received an e-mail from John Parkinson of Young Enterprise stating, “all my colleagues think that it is the best venue we have used……and this event has been running for 20 years at least”. “It was a wonderful evening enjoyed by all”.

We are in discussion with Young Enterprise on again holding their 2005 County Finals at Chequer Mead in 2005.

3.2. Fame The Musical On Bank Holiday Monday 30 May, Showtime Community Arts hired the Theatre for a production of “Fame The Musical”. This organisation is dedicated to providing young people with the opportunity to perform at different Theatres. The cast were made up of TV and West End child actors from Sussex and Hampshire as well as inexperienced youngsters and those wishing to develop their performance skills from dance and drama schools. The show was made up of two teams of 32 (11 to 18 year olds) and each team performed either in the matinee or evening performance.

6 3.3. Auditions Open auditions are being held in the Theatre on Sunday July 3 for “The Boy Friend” and “Mother Goose” which is expected to attract 120 people seeking parts in these forthcoming productions in the Theatre.

3.4. 2005 Summer Schools Stagecoach Theatre School and Dorking Academy of Performing Arts are both running student Summer Schools, each of two weeks duration, at the Centre during August.

3.5. Forthcoming Shows Shows booked in the Theatre from September - December 2005 include:

Ric Sanders (Folk Singer), Aria International Gospel Choir, Bugsy Malone (SCA Productions), The Best of Search for a Star, ACE Theatre Company, The Boyfriend (Company of Friends), Johnny Dickinson (Folk Singer), Coppella (Ballet Russe), Professor Nutty (PEP Productions), Bob Brozman (Folk Singer), Christmas Lights Fundraising Show, Copacabana (EGOS), John Tams and Barry Coope (Folk Singers), Crawley Harmony, Band of the Prince of Wales Division, East Grinstead Concert Band, Sussex Rock School, Dougie McLean (Folk Singer), A Winters Night Dream (Green Room Theatre Company), Tommy Emmanuel (International Guitarist), Ga Ga (Queen Tribute Band), Royal Artillery Concert Orchestra, Mother Goose (Traditional Christmas Pantomime by Company of Friends).

4. 2006 THEATRE BOOKINGS Discussions continue with artist’s agents/amateur groups on bookings for 2006.

Bookings have been made by Company of Friends, ACE Theatre Company, Stagecoach Theatre -“Honk”, starring TV presenter Cheryl Baker, East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival, ConChord Big Band, – Jazz and Soul concert, Andy Panayi Jazz Quartet (British Jazz Award Winner, who has performed and recorded with international stars Shirley Bassey, Salena Jones and Paul McCartney).

4.1. Sackville Players Discussions have been held with Sackville Players on them returning to the Theatre, and a provisional booking has been made for a production in November 2006.

5. VOLUNTEERS A successful volunteer recruitment day was held at the Centre on Saturday 23rd April 2005, which resulted in an additional 11 volunteers. Thanks are due to Councillor Mrs Ginnie Waddingham for organising this event, and to the volunteers and Councillors who were present to support on the day. Press coverage of the event was obtained in the local press.

6. PUBLICITY AND PUBLIC RELATIONS 6.1. Events Brochure September - December 2005 Currently at design stage, for production and distribution in late July 2005 As requested by Trustees films have been booked into the Theatre as part of our on-going programme from September – December 2005.

1 6.2. Press Press coverage of shows continues in the local press. Michael and Lesley Lowy are holding regular contact meetings with editorial staff of local newspapers, and hirers of the theatre. Copies of all press cuttings are kept in the Administration Office at the Centre.

6.3. Radio Information on shows at Chequer Mead is regularly e-mailed to our contact list at local Radio stations.

7 Interview on Southern Counties Radio for “Shake, Rattle and Roll” staged at Chequer Mead on 4th June by Copthorne Stagecraft.

2 6.4. E-Mail Marketing We continue to use e-mail marketing to promote forthcoming shows at Chequer Mead to our press contacts.

An e-mail database is being built up by Michael and Lesley Lowy of both patrons and local companies to promote the Centre for shows and business use.

3 6.5. Advertising Boards Use continues of the advertising boards around East Grinstead, together with boards in the Centre to promote forthcoming shows. Thanks are due to volunteers Keith and Beryl Brown for their continued assistance in this area.

4 6.6. Chequer Mead Web Site Following discussions a new web site has been designed by Andy Taylor. The site has been designed so that it can be amended internally by marketing personnel as and when new shows or events are booked into Chequer Mead. The web site will shortly be “on line”, and will be able to be viewed on www.chequermead.org.uk

6.7. Greenstede Gallery Gallery enquires and bookings continue to be made for the remainder of 2005 and into 2006.

6.7.1. Sky Television Sky Television visited the Greenstede Gallery on 24 May to film, as part of a future documentary television programme being produced by them on “Wives of Rock Stars”, the sculptures and paintings produced by Ginger Gilmore as part of the exhibition “Esotera - Visions of Beauty”.

7. CATERING The Cuisine Studio under the direction of Mandy Newby continues to be busy with customers visiting the Centre. The Cuisine Studio continues to provide pre-show meals for selected shows in the programme of events, April – September 2005 at the Centre. The monthly piano lunches are also proving popular with our patrons.

7.1. Mayor’s Dinner A very successful dinner was held for the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Mrs Christine Mainstone on 22 April 2005 in the Pavilion and Studio areas at the Centre.

8. MAINTENANCE WORK 8.1.Greensteede Gallery/Studio Corridor Walls/Foyer Room/ Theatre Dressing Room Corridor Following meetings with the National Probation Service, the walls in the Greensteede Gallery, Studio Corridor, Foyer Room and Theatre Dressing Room Corridor were re-painted in May by working parties supplied by the Service.

We have now included in our Terms and Conditions of Hire of the Gallery the paint specification that hirers are required to use when making good after their exhibitions.

8.2. Other Centre Re-Decoration Work The National Probation Service is willing to provide working parties to assist in other decoration work within the Centre, and discussions are taking place with them on future availability of teams to work in the autumn of 2005.

8 8.3. Maintenance Work A programme of works 2005-2007 together with costings has been drawn up for the Planning and Review Group. Following discussion by them at their meeting on 14 June 2005, adjustments to expenditure may have to be made in the 2005-2005 financial year, to take into account works that may be necessary following the Health and Safety inspection by Councillors David Heasman and Jim Joyce-Nelson, who will be making a report to Trustees.

Boilers -Trustees are requested to note that the estimated life of the 4 current boilers at Chequer Mead is 15 years, and any possible replacement of those currently installed can be expected from 2010. The current estimated cost of these from CEC Engineering Services is £60,000. Funds must therefore be retained from income gained by the Centre from 2005 financial year onwards to provide for possible replacement.

8.4 Gutters The old gutters on the outside of building are being replaced.

8.5. Portakabin Steps Entrance steps have been provided for the Portakabin leased by 4-Sight.

8.6 Sound System –Pavilion/Cuisine Studio/Bar Area The sound system in this area has been increased by the addition of an additional 3 speakers and sound booster linked to a microphone in the Box Office.

8.7. Theatre Top Dressing Room Carpet The Friends of Chequer Mead have agreed to pay for the cost of replacing the carpet in the top dressing room.

9. HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECK AND COMPLIANCE AUDIT 9.1 Health & Safety Check Councillors David Heasman and Jim Joyce-Nelson carried out a Health & Safety Check on 19 May 2005, and they have produced a separate report for Trustees.

9.2 Compliance Audit Councillors David Heasman and Jim Joyce-Nelson on Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre undertook a Compliance Audit. They are compiling a report on this Audit for Trustees.

10. CHEQUER MEAD STAFFING 10.1. Following interview Michael and Lesley Lowy were appointed Marketing and PR Assistants on a job share basis of 20 hours each per week. They are currently on a one- year contract with a review period after 3 months in the post.

10.2. Staffing levels are currently 2 full time and 6 part time staff.

10.3. A separate Confidential report on staffing has been produced and circulated to all Trustees together with recommendations on future staffing at the Centre.

10.4. New Contracts of Employment have been issued to all current staff members.

11. HIRERS MEETING Under the EGTC Hiring’s and Lettings policy, a meeting was held with hirers and other users of the Centre on 25 May 2005. This was a very positive meeting with a good exchange of views. Councillors Alan Lord and Jim Joyce-Nelson attended this meeting. A further meeting with hirers will be held later in 2005.

9 12. CHILD PROTECTION POLICY Trustees are requested to recognise the responsibility of Chequer Mead to protect children, and that all members of staff, tutors, hirers and workshop leaders carry a responsibility towards children, particularly to Child Protection issues.

A proposed Child Protection Policy is reproduced as aqn annex to this report for Trustees approval.

13. SCHOOL VISIT – BLACKWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL 33 pupils from Year 6 at Blackwell Primary School toured Chequer Mead on Tuesday 21 June 2005 as part of their school educational programme.

14. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Trustees will have received financial Statements for financial year ended March 2005, together with April and May 2005 financial figures, which have been circulated in advance of this meeting of Trustees.

The operating profit for the Centre for the first two months of the current financial year is £11,605. These figures currently show a satisfactory trading position for the Centre, and it is operating within its budget.

John Durrant June 2005




The Trustees of Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre recognise the responsibility of the organisation to protect children.

The Trustees acknowledge that all members of staff, tutors, hirers and workshop leaders carry a responsibility towards children, particularly to Child Protection issues.


 No workshops for children under the age of 8 will run without the presence of a qualified childminder/nursery nurse.  All workshop practitioners will need to produce evidence to the Centre Management that they are CRB checked/or conduct their workshop in the company of a licensed Chaperone/Matron.  The parents of all workshop participants should sign a declaration of permission for photographic and recorded images to be use for publicity if applicable.  The parents of all young people taking part in extended workshops or week long projects organised by hirer’s will be asked to sign a parental consent form prior to a project by the hirer.


 No child shall take part in a performance without an appropriate licence or exemption certificate

10  No children shall take part in a performance unless they are supervised by a licensed Matron/Chaperone. A CRB certificate does not qualify as a licence to chaperone children, full licences should be obtained from the hirer’s local Department of Education Welfare.  The parents of all child performers should sign a declaration of permission for photographic and recorded images to be used for photographic purposes.  No children shall be named on images used on Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre website.  No child’s details shall be released to any member of the public.  No parents are allowed in the backstage areas unless they are a licensed Chaperone with the sole purpose to safeguard the physical and moral well being of the children in the performance  It is the policy of Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre to uphold regulations laid down by the Department of Education Welfare. Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre Trust must be supplied with copies of licences and exemption certificates for all children taking part in a performance.  Performances involving children shall not take place except under the provisions of the Child Performance regulations. Children aged under 13 must leave the place of performance/rehearsal within 30 minutes of the end of their performance or 10.00 pm whichever is earlier. Children over 13 must leave the place of the end of their performance by 10.30 pm.  A child should not be present at the theatre for either rehearsal or performance before 10 00 am.  All children must be chaperoned at a ratio 1:12 by a licensed Chaperone (by law a parent can be responsible for their child only, unless they are a registered Chaperone  No child should not be present at place of rehearsal or performance for more than 6 hours in one day.


A standard of care of children that incorporates the following:

 Children to be met at the entrance to theatre by a licensed Chaperone, and signed into the building.  Children to remain together in separate gender dressing rooms.  Children to be escorted on and off stage.  Chaperones to know where the children in their care are at all times.  Children are not to leave the Theatre or Centre unless escorted by licensed Chaperone(s) or in the company of their parents.  Adequate supervision of children by Chaperones in toilet arrangements.  At no time to allow children into adult dressing rooms.  Chaperones should be aware of fire safety arrangements at the venue.  Chaperones should be aware of first aid procedures at the venue.  Chaperones should ensure that any accidents are reported and recorded by Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre management.  Chaperones should examine the accident book every day. If an accident has occurred, the director/producer is not allowed to use that child unless medical qualified opinion has been obtained (not the word of the parent or child).  Suitable refreshments between shows should be provided where a child is on the premises for a long time between performances.  Chaperones should have written arrangements for children after performances. If someone different is to collect the child, a telephone call should be made first to confirm the arrangement.

11  If a parent has not collected a child it is the duty of the Chaperone to stay with that child or make arrangements to take the child home.  It is important to note that the Chaperone’s overall responsibility is to the welfare of the child and not the director/producer of a show.



People hiring Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre Theatre for private events or productions must be aware of the following points:

 West Sussex County Education Authority or hirer’s own District Education Welfare Service need to be informed of all performances involving children i.e. a person under 16.  All children must be chaperoned at a ratio 1:12 by a licensed Chaperone (by law a parent can be responsible for their child only, unless they are a registered Chaperone)  Male and female children cannot share a dressing room.  No child may share a dressing room with an adult.  In certain circumstances licences may need to be obtained for some or all of the children appearing in a performance.  Performances which are non-profit making may be exempt from having to licence performing children – West Sussex Education Department or hirer’s own District Education Welfare Service must still be informed as it is up to them to grant any exemptions.


Please note that licences are obtained from the County Education Authority in which the child is resident. Further details and information are available from West Sussex Education Department on 01293 895218 or your own District Education Welfare Service


Where a staff member or tutor has concerns regarding possible child abuse, they should inform the Chaperone in charge of the children, the Chief Executive of Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre and the workshop leader. Concerns could be significant and should be passed on.

June 2005




Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2005

Contents Page No.

Annual Report 2

Independent Examiners Report 3

Receipts & Payments Account and Balance Sheet 4

Statement of Assets and Liabilities 5


Annual Report for the year to 31st March 2005

The Parish Hall Charity, De La Warr Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex PH19 3BS was constituted by Deed of Trust on 22nd November 1899 and registered with the Charity Commissioners (no. 206371) on 18th June 1971.

The Charity is administered by the Town Council, all the councillors of which are trustees, comprising:

Chairman: Mr D Heasman Committee Trustees: Mr J Baldwin, Mr S Barnett, Mr E Belsey, Mrs M Collins, Mr I Dixon Mr B Gillbard, Mrs B Heasman, Mr, Mr N Jarrett, Mr P Johnson, Mr J Joyce-Nelson, Mr A Lord, Mrs C Mainstone, Mr L Marmara, Mr E Matthews, Mr B Starmer, Mrs V Waddingham, Mrs J Wilson.

The Town Clerk acts as Clerk to the Trustees.

The object of the charity is to maintain The Parish Halls for the communal benefit of the inhabitants of East Grinstead and its surrounds. The trustees aim to provide first class hall facilities at an affordable cost to voluntary and other organisations serving the community. The Charity employs part time caretakers to look after the Halls.

During the year 88 local organisations used the halls on a total of 1,285 occasions. This level of bookings was down slightly on the previous year with income at £39,236 up by £664. Expenditure at £35,452 was up £4,750. Overall there was an £4,225 increase in the reserves. Major refurbishment work included replacement of front windows, guttering, heating system and redecoration of the entrance and toilets.

The reserves at the year-end equate to 7 months of normal activity and continue to be maintained at a satisfactory level. Major expenditure in the coming twelve months will include replacement of windows, recover floor to storage area and decoration of rear stairs, landing and toilets and large hall kitchenette.

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with section 42(3) of the Charities Act 1990 on an accrual basis.

2005 For and on behalf of the Trustees

D Heasman, Chairman C J Rolley, Clerk to the Trustees


I report on the accounts of the Parish Halls for the year ended 31st March 2005, which are set out on pages 4 & 5.

Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner

As the Charity’s trustees you are responsible for the preparation of the accounts; you consider that the audit requirement of section 43(2) OF THE Charities Act 1993 (the Act) does not apply.

It is my responsibility to state, on the basis of procedures specified in the General directions given by the Charity Commissioners under section 43(7)(b) of the Act, whether particular matters have come to my attention.

Basis of independent examiner’s report

My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commissioners. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts.

Independent examiners statement

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:

(1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements

* to keep accounting records in accordance with section 41 of the Act, and

* to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with the accounting requirements of the Act have not been met, or that the Statement of Account does not comply with any requirements of regulations III of the Charity (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 1995, except the requirements specified in paragraph I of part III of Schedule I to those Regulations, or

(2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.



Accounts for the Year to 31st March 2005

[ 1] Receipts & Payments Account (General Purposes Fund)

RECEIPTS 2004/2005 2003/2004 £ £ Hall Lettings 39,236.41 38,572.44 Bank Interest 441.69 172.19 39,678.10 38,744.63


Wages 15,327.25 14,435.01 Employers NI & Pensions 2,885.16 2,566.03 Gas 2,020.67 1,425.89 Electricity 373.14 669.72 Water & Sewerage 333.68 460.60 Telephones 351.56 404.92 Insurance's 1,441.87 1,070.52 Repairs & Maintenance 11,846.81 9,100.18 Cleaning Materials 664.20 436.01 Miscellaneous 208.00 134.00 35,452.34 30,702.88

Surplus/(Deficit) transferred to General Fund 4,225.76 8,041.75

[ 2] Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2005


Debtors 1,838.57 159.90 Creditors (579.61) (1,284.01)

Bank Balances 22,252.74 20,410.05

TOTAL NET ASSETS 23,511.70 19,285.94

Represented by :

GENERAL FUND Balance at 1st April 2004 19,285.94 11,244.19 Net Receipts and Payments for year 4,225.76 8,041.75 Balance at 31st March 2005 23,511.70 19,285.94

TOTAL FUNDS 23,511.70 19,285.94

[3] Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31st March 2005

16 Monetary Assets 2004/2005 2003/2004 £ £

Bank Balances Bank Current & Business Reserve Accounts 22,252.74 20,410.05

Other General Purposes Fund monetary assets

Debtors : Amounts due for Hall hire 1,838.57 159.90

Creditors : Gas & Electricity (421.83) (480.61) Water & Sewerage (115.00) (114.40) Maintenance of Equipment & Buildings (42.78) (664.00) Advance Deposits - (25.00)

Total for General Purposes Fund 23,511.70 19,285.94

Non Monetary Assets

Permanent Endowment

Land & Buildings used by the Charity : The Parish Halls ( insured for £853,422)

Other Assets (non-endowed) Held for functional use by the charity (insured for £27,086) Furniture and equipment in halls as per inventory Piano, tables, chairs, kitchen equipment etc.

D Heasman, Chairman C J Rolley For and on behalf of the Trustees Clerk to the Trustees 2005 2005