
Name: Student Number: Major in Medical + Western Email: Major in

11.0 unique courses must be completed for the modular requirements for the Major in Medical + Major in Pharmacology • check the boxes below and type in the courses you have taken, are taking, and/or are planning to take • see Course Selection for choosing courses in Years 2-4, the Academic Calendar for course requisites and Access to Courses for info about constraints • no course can be used in two places below, e.g. 3120 can only be used toward Major in Pharmacology

0.5 2280A

0.5 2213A

1.5 Biology 2290F/G, 2382A/B and 2581A/B

0.5 Biology/Statistics 2244A/B

0.5 One of Biology 3316A/B or Physiology 3140A

1.0 and Cell Biology (ACB) 3309

1.0 ACB 2200B + one of ACB 3200A, 3329B or 3700G

1.0 1.0 4000-level Anatomy and Cell Biology +

1.0 Pharmacology 3620

1.0 Physiology 3120

1.0 Physiology and Pharmacology 3000E

1.0 1.0 4000-level Pharmacology +

0.5 0.5 substitute course for either the Major in Med Cell Biology or Major in Pharmacology

= 11.0 courses

Full details about the Common Course Policy are found on the BMSc website. For these Double Majors, there are 1.5 “common courses”: Biochemistry 2280A, Biology 2382A/B, and Chemistry 2213A. The two common half courses with the highest marks are double-counted/used toward both Major modules. The remaining common half course is used only toward one of the Majors leaving the other Major short of a half course. A half “substitute course” must then be taken for the Major that is short by a half course. Look at the Substitute Course lists to see whether you prefer the substitute courses that have been approved for one Major vs. the other Major. If you prefer to take a course listed in the substitute course list for the Major in Pharmacology, then the remaining common half course is used toward the Major in Medical Cell Biology and the substitute half course is used toward the Major in Pharmacology.

Quick graduation check for BMSc degree with Major in Medical Cell Biology + Major in Pharmacology:

Year 1 Breadth Essay Majors 20.0 credits 13.0 senior credits, numbered 2000 and above

To submit this form to be reviewed, click on the submit button below.

A response will be sent to your Western email address SUBMIT and will include a copy of the form and relevant comments. BMSUE Office use only: Satisfies requirements for graduation. Student has been sent copy of form. Clicking this button will clear all check boxes and Date: RESET FORM any typing/selections that you have made.

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