Review Article

Drug Therapy smooth muscle (arteriolar and venous), nonvascular smooth muscle (bronchial, gastrointestinal, genitouri- nary, and uterine), and noncontractile tissues (pan- A LASTAIR J.J. WOOD, M.D., Editor creas, pituitary, adrenal glands, salivary glands, gastric mucosa, white cells, , and lacrimal ). Blockade of L-type channels in vascular tissues results CALCIUM-ANTAGONIST in the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and in cardiac tisssue results in a negative inotropic effect. DARRELL R. ABERNETHY, M.D., PH.D., The ability of these drugs to decrease smooth-muscle AND JANICE B. SCHWARTZ, M.D. and myocardial contractility results in both clinically desirable antihypertensive and effects and undesirable myocardial depression. RUGS classified as calcium antagonists or Other calcium channels with electrophysiologic calcium-channel blockers were introduced properties have also been identified. These channels, into clinical in the 1960s and are to which the calcium antagonists do not bind, in- D clude the N-type channels in neuronal tissue, P-type now among the most frequently prescribed drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.1 Although channels in Purkinje tissues, and T-type (transient potential) channels in cardiac nodal structures and the currently available calcium antagonists are chem- 4,5 ically diverse, they share the common property of vascular smooth muscle. blocking the transmembrane flow of calcium Regulation of the L-type channels may differ in through voltage-gated L-type (slowly inactivating) different types of cells. In cardiac myocytes, these channels.2 These drugs have proved effective in pa- channels are activated by catecholamines and other stimuli that activate adenylyl cyclase or cyclic aden- tients with hypertension, angina pectoris, and cardi- 6-8 ac and may be beneficial in patients with osine monophosphate–dependent kinase. left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, Raynaud’s phe- In contrast, these stimuli activate, inhibit, or have no nomenon, migraine, preterm labor, esophageal spasm, effect on L-type calcium channels in vascular and vis- and bipolar disorders. ceral smooth-muscle beds, depending on the exper- imental conditions.9,10 L-type channels are also acti- 11 12 L-TYPE CALCIUM CHANNELS vated by the a1- system, angiotensin II, and endothelin.13 As an in vivo correlate of these All calcium antagonists bind to the a1c subunit of the L-type calcium channel (Fig. 1), which is the main findings, calcium antagonists block the responses of pore-forming unit of the channel. This subunit is as- vascular smooth muscle to phenylephrine, angioten- sin II, and endothelin-1 in humans.14,15 In addition sociated with a disulfide-linked a2d subunit and an intracellular b subunit. The a d and b subunits modu- to hormonal activation by means of signal-transduc- 2 tion pathways, L-type channels may be directly acti- late the a1c subunit. The phenylalkylamine (verapamil- like) calcium antagonists bind to transmembrane vated at the plasma membrane by guanine nucleo- segment 6 of motif IV (IVS6), the benzothiazepine tide–binding (G) produced in response to (diltiazem-like) calcium antagonists bind to the cyto- binding to its receptors. plasmic bridge between motif III (IIIS) and motif IV CALCIUM CHANNELS AND GROWTH (IVS), and the dihydropyridine (nifedipine-like) calci- L-type (and T-type) calcium channels seem to have um antagonists bind to transmembrane segment 6 of a role in cellular growth and proliferation in addition both motif III (IIIS6) and motif IV (IVS6) (Fig. 1).3 to their role in the acute changes in flux associ- The L-type calcium channel was first isolated from ated with changes in . Several and has since been found in vascular calcium antagonists, and possibly all, can inhibit the growth and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle and fibroblasts. All classes of calcium antagonists de- From the Division of Clinical , Georgetown University crease the growth of vascular smooth-muscle cells in Medical Center, Washington, D.C. (D.R.A.); and the Division of and Geriatrics, Northwestern University Medical Center, vitro and in animals, as measured by decreased up- Chicago (J.B.S.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Abernethy at the National take of uridine (RNA synthesis) and incorporation Institute on Aging, Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, Gerontology Re- of leucine (protein synthesis) at drug concentrations search Center, 5600 Nathan Shock Dr., Baltimore, MD 21224-6825, or at 16,17 [email protected]. associated with clinical effects. Calcium antago- ©1999, Massachusetts Medical Society. nists may also inhibit the synthesis of extracellular-

Volume 341 Number 19 · 1447

The New Journal of Medicine

Motif I Motif II Motif III Motif IV

7 Phenylalkylamine Benzothiazepine Glycosylation Dihydropyridine 21 or 22 Extracellular 8 or 8A 27 24 33 space 5 14 26 30 15 36 3 20 28 37

Cell membrane

Intracellular 35 12 C 38 space 4 6 16 C 13 23 25 34 11 1 19 29 31 or 32 N C 39 9 2 10 C 17 40 18 C 48 49 50 47 C A CCC A/C 41 C A C C 42 46 44 43 45 Protein kinase A Protein kinase C

Figure 1. Proposed Arrangement of the Polypeptide Chain of the Channel-Forming a1C Subunit of the L-Type Calcium Channel in Humans. The four repetitive motifs (I, II, III, and IV) each consist of six putative transmembrane segments. Both the N terminal and the C terminal point to the cytoplasm. Gold rings separate the segments encoded by numbered exons. The transmembrane segments encoded by alternative exons 8 or 8A, 21 or 22, and 31 or 32 are shown. Sequences encoded by invariant exons 7, 33, and 45, which are subject to constitutive splicing, are blue. Exons 40, 41, and 42 are subject to alternative splicing. Putative sites of glycosylation and of phosphorylation involving protein kinase C (C) and protein kinase A (A) are shown, as are the discrete binding areas of the three types of calcium antagonists — phenylalkylamine (verapamil-like), benzothiazepine (diltiazem-like), and dihydropyridine (nifedipine-like). matrix collagen proteins,18 and they prevent athero- the intestinal wall and liver.22 All are metabolized to sclerosis in animals with hyperlipidemia.19 However, less active in the liver by oxidative path- in most clinical studies calcium antagonists did not re- ways, predominantly by cytochrome P-450 CYP3A, verse or slow the progression of atherosclerosis.20,21 a subgroup of the cytochrome P-450 family, and to a lesser extent by other members of this en- CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY zyme family.23-25 All calcium antagonists, with the ex- Nine calcium antagonists are currently marketed in ception of diltiazem and nifedipine, are administered the for the treatment of hypertension, as racemic mixtures, with one active and one inactive angina, and supraventricular arrhythmias, and one — stereoisomer with respect to blockade of L-type cal- nimodipine — is approved for short-term use in pa- cium channels.26 The cytochrome P-450 CYP3A en- tients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (Table 1). Only zymes metabolize each isomer at a different rate, re- diltiazem, nicardipine, and verapamil are available in sulting in stereoselective drug .27 Hepatic intravenous formulations, and long-term treatment biotransformation of calcium antagonists such as ver- with calcium antagonists is usually by the oral route. apamil may be greater in women than men.28

Pharmacokinetics After oral administration, the of these All currently available calcium antagonists cause vas- drugs varies depending on first-pass in odilation, with lowering of pressure. Their rel-

1448 · November 4, 1999





Amlodipine Angina, hypertension Tablet; 2.5–10 mg once daily 6–12 30–50 Bepridil* Refractory angina Tablet; 200–400 mg once daily 2–3 26–64 Diltiazem† Angina, hypertension Immediate-release tablet; dose 0.5–1.5 2–5 varies depending on indication or flutter, Sustained-release tablet; 180– 6–11 2–5 paroxysmal supraventric- 480 mg once daily ular Felodipine Hypertension Sustained-release tablet; 2.5–10 2.5–5 11–16 mg once daily Isradipine Hypertension Tablet; 2.5–10 mg twice daily 1.5 8–12 Nicardipine† Angina, hypertension Immediate-release tablet; 20–40 0.5–2.0 8 mg three times daily Angina, hypertension Sustained-release tablet; 60–120 ?8 mg once daily Nifedipine Angina, hypertension Immediate-release capsule; dose 0.5 2 varies depending on indication Angina, hypertension Sustained-release capsule; 30– 62 120 mg once daily Nimodipine Subarachnoid hemorrhage Capsule; 60 mg every 4 hr for 1 1–2 21 days Nisoldipine Hypertension Sustained-release tablet; 20–40 6–12 7–12 mg once daily Verapamil† Angina, hypertension Immediate-release tablet; dose 0.5–1.0 4.5–12 varies depending on indication Atrial fibrillation or flutter, Sustained-release tablet; 120– 4–6 4.5–12 paroxysmal supraventric- 480 mg once daily ular tachycardia

*Bepridil is indicated only for patients with angina that is refractory to treatment with other drugs. †This drug is also available in an intravenous formulation, with a time to peak effect ranging from 5 to 15 minutes after administration.

THERAPEUTIC USES AND ative as vasodilators varies, with nifedipine CONTROVERSIES typically considered the most potent of the dihydro- pyridines, and verapamil, diltiazem, and bepridil hav- Hypertension ing less potency. In vitro, several calcium antagonists In the United States, amlodipine, diltiazem, felo- (e.g., nifedipine, nisoldipine, and isradipine) bind with dipine, isradipine, nicardipine, nifedipine, nisoldipine, some selectivity to the L-type calcium channel in and verapamil are currently approved for the treat- blood vessels, whereas verapamil binds equally well to ment of patients with hypertension (Table 1). Each cardiac and vascular L-type calcium channels.29,30 The of these drugs lowers diastolic during relevance of these in vitro findings to treatment in long-term oral administration at the recommended humans is not known. In vitro, all classes of calcium- doses. Most are available in long-acting formulations channel blockers depress sinus-node activity and slow that permit once-daily administration. In the United atrioventricular conduction, yet only verapamil and States, calcium antagonists are currently recommend- diltiazem delay atrioventricular conduction or cause ed as first-line therapy for hypertension only if there sinus-node depression at doses used clinically. Simi- is a compelling reason not to administer a thiazide larly, all classes cause concentration-dependent de- or a beta-blocker.31 This recommendation is creases in myocardial contractility in vitro, but only based on the lack of evidence that treatment with verapamil and diltiazem do so in vivo. The disparities calcium antagonists reduces hypertension-related mor- between the in vitro and in vivo effects are probably bidity and mortality. A reported exception is the de- explained by the sympathetic activation that occurs crease in stroke with the use of nitrendipine for the in response to the induced by dihydro- treatment of systolic hypertension in the elderly in pyridines, which blunts their direct negative chrono- the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Trial.32 However, tropic and inotropic effects. nitrendipine is not available in the United States.

Volume 341 Number 19 · 1449

The New England Journal of Medicine

Several retrospective case–control studies have sug- tes than in those without diabetes.45 The results of gested that treatment of hypertension with primar- this trial are insufficient to permit conclusions to be ily short-acting calcium antagonists may be associated drawn regarding the relative benefit of nitrendipine with an increased incidence of myocardial infarc- alone as compared with nitrendipine in combination tion.33,34 These data have been unconvincing to with other types of antihypertensive therapy (angio- many.35,36 tensin-converting–enzyme inhibitors or ). Concomitant with these reports, the prospective, Nitrendipine is currently not approved for market- randomized Multicenter Isradipine Diuretic Athero- ing in the United States. For U.S. practitioners, the sclerosis Study, which was designed to compare the available data do not support a recommendation that rates of progression of carotid atherosclerosis in pa- a calcium antagonist should be the first choice for pa- tients treated with hydrochlorothiazide and those tients who have hypertension and diabetes. given isradipine, demonstrated, as a secondary find- ing, that the isradipine-treated patients had an in- Angina Pectoris creased incidence of both angina pectoris and a com- Calcium antagonists are effective in the treatment posite group of vascular events.37 However, the data of both classic angina pectoris and the less frequent suggesting an association between calcium-antago- vasospastic, or variant, angina (Prinzmetal’s angi- nist therapy and myocardial infarction in patients with na).46-48 In the United States, amlodipine, diltiazem, hypertension cannot be considered conclusive. A po- nicardipine, nifedipine, and verapamil are approved tential mechanism for these outcomes, if they are real, for the treatment of angina (Table 1). In addition, be- may be reflex sympathetic stimulation of b-adrenergic pridil is indicated only for patients with angina that receptors. Sympathetic stimulation occurs after rapid is refractory to treatment with other drugs. With the intravenous administration of verapamil, diltiazem, or exception of the rapid-acting formulations, which nifedipine or oral administration of short-acting di- may occasionally worsen angina, each of these drugs hydropyridines in normal subjects and patients with substantially prolongs the time to the onset of angina hypertension.38,39 Less well recognized is the evi- during exercise, decreases the frequency of episodes dence of sympathetic stimulation during the admin- of angina, or decreases the need for short-acting ni- istration of sustained-release nifedipine.40 troglycerin in patients who require long-term oral Patients with diabetes mellitus may represent a spe- administration of nitroglycerin. Although calcium cial subgroup for whom calcium-antagonist therapy antagonists are effective as monotherapy for angina, increases the risk of cardiovascular complications. Fur- combined treatment with a calcium antagonist, a ni- ther analysis of the data from the Multicenter Israd- trate, and a beta-blocker can have an additive effect.49 ipine Diuretic Atherosclerosis Study indicated that the Particularly effective combinations for patients with adverse effects of isradipine occurred in patients with stable angina include either a dihydropyridine and a high glycosylated hemoglobin values, suggesting that beta-blocker or verapamil or diltiazem in combination there is a relation between glucose intolerance and with a nitrate, followed by the addition of a beta- an increased risk of vascular events.41 Another pro- blocker in patients with unsatisfactory control of an- spective comparison of enalapril and nisoldipine in pa- gina.49 Calcium-antagonist therapy alone is not ef- tients who had hypertension and type 2 diabetes re- fective in patients with unstable angina.50 vealed a higher incidence of myocardial infarction The comparative effects on morbidity or mortality among the patients who received nisoldipine.42 Sim- of long-term therapy with various calcium antagonists ilarly, in the Fosinopril versus Amlodipine Cardio- in patients with stable angina are not known. A ret- vascular Events Randomized Trial, a prospective com- rospective review of data has led to concern that the parison of fosinopril and amlodipine in hypertensive risk of death may be slightly higher among patients patients of all ages who had type 2 diabetes, the over- who receive dihydropyridine calcium antagonists.51 all rate of cardiovascular events was higher among the patients who received amlodipine.43 The results of Supraventricular Arrhythmias these studies weaken arguments that the adverse out- Verapamil and diltiazem are approved for the treat- comes associated with calcium antagonists are limit- ment of patients with supraventricular arrhythmias ed to the rapid-acting and the short-acting drugs,44 — specifically for the short- and long-term treat- because both sustained-release nisoldipine42 and is- ment of atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and atrioven- radipine — with an elimination half-life of 8 to 12 tricular nodal reentry in patients without accessory hours37 — have been associated with similar adverse bypass tracts (Table 1).52 Verapamil and diltiazem slow outcomes. conduction through the atrioventricular node and In contrast, retrospective analyses of the relative increase the atrioventricular nodal refractory period, benefits of antihypertensive-drug therapy in elderly which, in turn, results in the slowing of the ventric- patients who had systolic hypertension with or with- ular response rate in atrial fibrillation or flutter or in out diabetes found that twice-daily nitrendipine had the conversion of atrioventricular nodal reentry tachy- greater cardiovascular benefit in patients with diabe- arrhythmias to sinus rhythm by disruption of the tim-

1450 · November 4, 1999


ing of the reentry circuit. As with the other effects similar in the diltiazem and groups.59 In post of verapamil on the blockade of L-type calcium chan- hoc analyses, the mortality rate was slightly higher nels, this is a stereospecific effect, with S-verapamil among patients with decreased left ventricular func- causing a delay in atrioventricular nodal conduction tion who received diltiazem and slightly lower among and R-verapamil having little effect.26-28 patients with normal left ventricular who The ability of verapamil and diltiazem to block received it. More recently, a trend toward a higher rate the actions of the atrioventricular node is more pro- of cardiac events was reported among patients who nounced at faster than slower heart rates, a property were treated with short-acting nifedipine or diltiazem termed “use dependency” or “frequency depend- after a myocardial infarction.60 In contrast, in a large, ency.” Verapamil and diltiazem may also cause sinus- randomized, placebo-controlled trial of verapamil in node depression. At clinically tolerated doses, di- patients with myocardial infarction, long-term mor- hydropyridine calcium antagonists do not prolong tality was lower in the verapamil group,61 and a retro- atrioventricular conduction or refractoriness or cause spective analysis of the results suggested that the ben- sinus-node depression and therefore are not indicated efit was greatest in patients without congestive heart for the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias. The failure.62 A smaller randomized, placebo-controlled different electrophysiologic effects may be due to dif- study found that verapamil had no effect on the risk fering effects on voltage and use dependency between of death but significantly lowered the rates of reinfarc- phenylalkylamine and benzothiazepine drugs, on the tion.63 Trials of longer-acting calcium antagonists one hand, as compared with the dihydropyridine found either no adverse effects64 or beneficial effects.65 drugs, on the other. Alternatively, the differences may These studies predated the current therapeutic be related to differences among the various classes of guidelines for patients with a recent myocardial in- drugs in their action on T-type calcium channels, farction, which call for the administration of a beta- which are more prominent in cardiac nodal structures. blocker and , with or without an angiotensin- Long-term administration of verapamil or diltia- converting–.66 It is therefore difficult zem slows the ventricular response rate and increases to place in perspective the data comparing calcium exercise tolerance in patients with chronic atrial fi- antagonists with placebo in patients with myocardial brillation.52 However, neither drug prevents atrial fi- infarction. There is agreement that short-acting calci- brillation or flutter or completely suppresses episodes um antagonists are contraindicated, and the available of atrioventricular nodal reentry , wheth- data do not support the routine use of a longer-acting er given alone or in combination with or a calcium antagonist. However, treatment with verap- beta-blocker. Ongoing trials are evaluating the rela- amil may be appropriate for patients who have con- tive of controlling the ventricular rate as com- traindications to treatment with beta-blockers.66 pared with maintaining sinus rhythm in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. The results should further Risk of elucidate the role of treatment with verapamil and A retrospective study of older patients with a new diltiazem.53,54 diagnosis of cancer suggested that patients who were taking a calcium antagonist had a higher risk of can- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage cer than those who were taking a beta-blocker or an Nimodipine is approved for the treatment of pa- angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibitor.67 A series tients who have had subarachnoid hemorrhage, but of -based studies followed; data from the its usefulness in clinical practice is uncertain. In an- Cardiovascular Study suggested that the risk imals with regional brain ischemia, nimodipine in- of breast cancer was increased in women who were creased regional blood flow and led to a decrease in taking a calcium antagonist.68 In contrast, studies from blood flow in brain tissue.55 In patients with sub- Denmark69 and Scotland70 and another retrospective arachnoid hemorrhage, the administration of nimo- study from the United States71 concluded that calci- dipine resulted in slightly better recovery of function um-antagonist therapy did not increase the risk of than did placebo.56 Neither nimodipine nor other any type of cancer among patients with hypertension. calcium antagonists were beneficial in patients with DRUG INTERACTIONS ischemic stroke.57 Pharmacokinetic Basis Myocardial Infarction The CYP3A group of cytochrome P-450 iso- In vitro studies and experiments in animals have has a major role in the oxidative biotrans- suggested that treatment with calcium antagonists formation of all the calcium antagonists.23-25 In addi- could limit the size of myocardial infarcts or preserve tion, verapamil inhibits P-glycoprotein–mediated drug myocardium after ischemia.58 Their benefit in pa- transport, which may alter the intestinal absorption tients who have had a myocardial infarction is limit- of several drugs and their distribution into peripher- ed. In a large, randomized study of patients who had al tissues and the central .72,73 a nontransmural myocardial infarction, mortality was Reported and possible drug, dietary, and other

Volume 341 Number 19 · 1451 The New England Journal of Medicine



Bepridil Digoxin Decreased clearance Increased serum digoxin Digoxin concentration Verapamil Digoxin Decreased clearance Increased serum digoxin Digoxin toxicity concentration Diltiazem, verapamil Carbamazepine Decreased clearance Increased serum carba- (dizziness, mazepine concentration headache, ataxia, dysar- thria) Astemizole Decreased cytochrome Increased exposure to Prolongation of corrected P-450 CYP3A activity active drug QT interval Terfenadine Increased bioavailability, Increased exposure to Torsade de pointes decreased clearance active drug Cisapride Decreased clearance Increased exposure to Torsade de pointes active drug Quinidine Decreased clearance Increased exposure to Torsade de pointes active drug HMG-CoA reductase Decreased clearance Increased exposure to Myopathy, rhabdomyolysis inhibitors active drug Atorvastatin Lovastatin Simvastatin Immunosuppressive Decreased clearance Increased exposure to Nephrotoxicity drugs active drug Cyclosporine Tacrolimus Beta-blockers Decreased clearance Increased exposure to , negative ino- Metoprolol active drug tropy, cardiac-conduction Propranolol disturbance, asystole HIV-protease inhibitors Decreased clearance Increased exposure to Unknown Indinavir active drug Nelfinavir Ritonavir Saquinavir Theophylline Decreased metabolic Increased serum theophyl- Theophylline toxicity clearance line concentration

*HMG-CoA denotes hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A, and HIV human immunodeficiency virus.

types of interactions with calcium antagonists and the biotransformation of drugs, however, can affect the underlying mechanism (if known) are shown in Ta- metabolism of dihydropyridines as well as verapamil bles 2 and 3. In general, verapamil and diltiazem in- and diltiazem. For example, during treatment with hibit the clearance of other substrates of cytochrome dihydropyridines, the ingestion of large amounts of P-450 CYP3A (e.g., carbamazepine, cyclosporine, lo- grapefruit juice may increase the bioavailability of vastatin, simvastatin, midazolam, triazolam, terfena- these drugs,75 but the clinical importance of this in- dine, and astemizole), whereas the dihydropyridine teraction is uncertain.76 drugs do not. Verapamil and diltiazem can also in- crease the absorption of drugs such as cyclosporine Interactions with Cardiac that are substrates for P-glycoprotein–mediated drug Verapamil consistently increases serum digoxin con- transport.73,74 This interaction has been exploited clin- centrations by decreasing the clearance and volume of ically by using verapamil or diltiazem to treat hyper- distribution of the drug, but diltiazem and dihydro- tension in cyclosporine-treated patients, thus allowing pyridines do not have this effect.77,78 The mechanism a reduction in the dose of cyclosporine. In vitro data of this interaction is probably due in part to verapamil- suggest that dihydropyridines are not transported by induced inhibition of P-glycoprotein–mediated trans- and do not inhibit P-glycoprotein. Inducers and in- port of digoxin into peripheral tissues.73 Verapamil also hibitors of cytochrome P-450 CYP3A–mediated decreases the clearance of .78 After verapamil

1452 · November 4, 1999 DRUG THERAPY



Cimetidine Verapamil Decreased clearance Slight increase in expo- Prolongation of PR interval sure to active drug Dihydropyridines Decreased clearance Slight increase in expo- Unknown sure to active drug Sulfinpyrazone Verapamil Decreased clearance Increased exposure to Prolongation of PR interval active drug Rifampin All types Increased clearance Large decrease in expo- Decreased calcium-antago- sure to active drug nist effect or All types Increased clearance Decreased exposure to Possible decrease in calcium- phenobarbital active drug antagonist effect Ketoconazole or All types Decreased clearance Increased exposure to Possible increase in calcium- itraconazole active drug antagonist effect Grapefruit juice Felodipine, nisoldipine, Increased bioavail- Increased exposure to Possible increase in calcium- perhaps other dihy- ability active drug antagonist effect dropyridines Liver disease All types Increased bioavail- Increased exposure to Increased calcium-antago- ability, decreased active drug nist effect clearance Advanced age All types Decreased clearance Increased exposure to Increased hypotensive effect active drug

therapy is initiated in a patient who is receiving digox- creased antihypertensive effect. In many instances this in or digitoxin, the cardiac should be meas- result may be desired; however, when a calcium an- ured in serum after it has reached a new steady state tagonist is given in combination with a beta-blocker, to determine whether the dose should be reduced. sinus-node depression may occur, and when it is given with a diuretic, hypovolemia and postural hypoten- Pharmacodynamic Interactions sion may occur.80 The relatively wide of calcium antagonists makes the clinical importance of all but Noncardiovascular Interactions a few pharmacodynamic interactions quite limited. Concurrent treatment with lithium and verapamil The following are selected examples of clinically im- can predispose patients to lithium neurotoxicity.81 portant interactions. Nonvascular peripheral edema has been reported dur- ing treatment with all calcium antagonists. Gingival Cardiac Interactions hyperplasia may occur in patients who are given a di- Treatment with verapamil or diltiazem in combi- hydropyridine, but it is rare in those given verapamil nation with amiodarone, digoxin, or a beta-blocker or diltiazem. Constipation occurs as a result of re- inhibits atrioventricular conduction and sinus-node laxation of gastrointestinal smooth muscle and may function more than does treatment with verapamil or be more common with verapamil. Headache, which is diltiazem alone. When the combination of a calcium common in patients who are treated with rapid-acting antagonist and digoxin causes advanced heart block, calcium antagonists, is less common with slow-acting accelerated atrioventricular junctional escape may oc- and sustained-release preparations. cur. Although combined oral treatment with a calcium antagonist and a beta-blocker is usually well tolerat- SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS ed, combined intravenous administration of verapa- mil and a beta-blocker has resulted in asystole and Older Patients should not be attempted. In patients with impaired Calcium antagonists are effective for the treatment left ventricular function, treatment with verapamil or of hypertension in older patients.82 Intravenous ad- diltiazem in combination with a beta-blocker can ministration of verapamil, diltiazem, or amlodipine lead to additive negative inotropic effects.79 results in a greater hypotensive effect in older than in younger patients with hypertension at a given drug Vascular Interactions concentration.83-85 The clearance of most calcium an- Concomitant administration of a calcium antago- tagonists is decreased in older patients, as compared nist with other antihypertensive drugs causes an in- with younger patients; this difference results in higher

Volume 341 Number 19 · 1453 The New England Journal of Medicine

serum drug concentrations in older patients.86 This tors and beta-blockers in patients who have hyper- difference may be a factor in the perception that older tension and diabetes,95 the relative paucity of data on patients have greater antihypertensive responses to calcium antagonists in these patients, and the recent calcium antagonists.87 finding that the risk of a vascular event may be in- The sinoatrial suppressive effects of verapamil and creased during calcium-antagonist treatment in such diltiazem, and the resulting decrease in the heart rate, patients,41,42 calcium antagonists cannot be consid- are also greater in older than in younger patients.83,84 ered as first-line therapy for these patients. In contrast, the delay in atrioventricular conduction associated with treatment with verapamil and diltia- Patients with Congestive zem is similar or possibly smaller in older than in All classes of calcium antagonists have dose-depend- younger patients.83,84 Calcium antagonists are effec- ent negative inotropic effects in vitro and in ani- tive for the treatment of angina in older patients; mals.96 In vivo, this action is variably counterbal- however, few studies have compared responses in anced by baroreceptor-mediated reflex responses97 older and younger patients.87 and the reduction in afterload resulting from the de- With respect to morbidity, nitrendipine, a dihydro- crease in blood pressure. In vivo, nifedipine has fewer pyridine that is not available in the United States, negative chronotropic or inotropic effects than ver- was associated with a decrease in the risk of stroke apamil or diltiazem; however, in long-term studies among elderly patients in the Systolic Hypertension hemodynamic deterioration occurred in some patients in Europe Trial.32 Nonetheless, the benefit of a thi- with congestive heart failure who were treated with azide diuretic alone or in combination with a beta- dihydropyridines,98,99 and these drugs do not have blocker or a potassium-sparing diuretic as a treatment the benefits associated with treatment with an angi- for systolic hypertension is similar to that of a calci- otensin-converting–enzyme inhibitor.100,101 Because um antagonist. It is therefore difficult to recommend of the potential detrimental effects of calcium antag- a dihydropyridine as first-line therapy for isolated onists in patients with congestive heart failure and systolic hypertension in elderly patients. The ob- ischemic heart disease, and because only weak data served association between calcium-antagonist ther- suggest a benefit in patients with nonischemic car- apy and an increased incidence of myocardial infarc- diomyopathy when the calcium antagonist is given tion may be of particular concern in older patients. in combination with an angiotensin-converting– enzyme inhibitor, calcium antagonists should not be Patients with Diabetes Mellitus given to patients with congestive heart failure. Calcium antagonists are an option for the treat- ment of hypertension associated with diabetes mel- Overdose of Calcium Antagonists litus because they do not adversely affect glucose Reports of overdoses of all three types of calcium metabolism, metabolism, or renal function.88 antagonists (verapamil-like, diltiazem-like, and nifedi- Thiazide diuretics and beta-blockers decreased mor- pine-like) have been published, with the greatest num- bidity and mortality among hypertensive patients in ber of cases occurring with verapamil.102 The most multiple studies, each of which included a substan- common presentation is hypotension and bradycar- tial number of patients with diabetes. In contrast, dia, often with second- or third-degree heart block. with the exception of nitrendipine in one study,45 There are no available ; therefore, treatment calcium antagonists simply lowered blood pressure. consists of the removal of the drug from the gastro- Studies of the effect of calcium antagonists on intestinal tract by gastric lavage and ingestion of ac- proteinuria and progression of nephropathy in pa- tivated charcoal and correction of the hypotension tients with diabetes were prompted by the finding and cardiac-conduction abnormalities by the intrave- that angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibitors may nous administration of calcium gluconate or calcium slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy89 and chloride and fluids during electrocardiographic and by the demonstration that, in animals, nondihydro- blood-pressure monitoring. Inotropic and chrono- pyridine calcium antagonists increase renal blood tropic drugs may be given as needed. Norepinephrine flow and increase glomerular filtration by blocking or amrinone is usually given for inotropic support. preglomerular vasoconstriction.90,91 In relatively small Abnormalities in cardiac rhythm and conduction may placebo-controlled studies of patients who had hy- be more resistant to therapy, and responses to cal- pertension and diabetes, dihydropyridine calcium an- cium, , or isoproterenol may be insufficient, tagonists did not slow the development of proteinuria necessitating temporary transvenous pacing. or renal failure, but verapamil and diltiazem did.92,93 In a small study, nifedipine delayed the increase in CONCLUSIONS proteinuria in normotensive patients with diabetes; L-type calcium-channel antagonists inhibit the however, it did so less effectively than lisinopril.94 transmembrane flow of calcium, resulting in antag- At present, in view of the greater evidence of a onism of vascular smooth muscle, contraction of benefit of angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibi- myocardial smooth muscle, reduction of blood pres-

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