WEATHER INDICATIONS s|n tonight and probably Wednesday. Detailed information on page 3. LONG 12—PAGES—12


THIS AFTERNOON Hannah Kosokk Celebrates Her Programs Rendered at High and No Matter What Name Is Sea Bright Woman Who WasDaughter of Thomas Fox Had TO GIVE UP mm Birthday By Showing What Intermedia! Schools This Adopted Long Branch Will Seriously Injured on Road Been III For Over Two Years •,, * President to Sign Measure Over! Was to. Have Been Shroud. Morning. Have a Cuban Team Worthy to Recovery. With Lung Trouble. Protest to Be Made to United Whieh Fight Has Been The shroud which Hannah Kosokk of Recognition. There is sorrow in the Lelffleu home States By Government of Waged In Congress ] fashioned for herself 59 years ago OLD GRADUATES SPEAK STAGE DRIVER IS BETTER ut 281 Monmouih avenue, where the Spain Against Rebel I when the New Era, on which she was a It is Kind in baseball circles that ,i wife and mother, Mrs. H<-SHU- Lelfflen. Since June About passenger, came ashore at Deal Beach, protest has been made against the wife of Ernest Leifflen, wafi called to Robbery of Its and she thought her time to die had York and New Jersey League dis- rest ut seven o'clock this morning, 8 O'clock. come, iva» taken out a few days ago Cantata Given At Presbyterian carding this title and becoming recog- Only One Occupant of Machine i. Leifncn had Bees a patient suffer- Citizens. and exhibited to her friends who call- and Entertainment at Re- in the Kastern League. Tho In Collision lias Escaped er for over two years with lung trou- pd at the Home of the Daughters of reason assigned Is that it might effect ble, yet during her lone illness had SENATE AGREEMENT Israel, Harlem, to congratulate her on formed Church. the standing of the league. However, Arrest. been a most pattern sufferer and HUERTA'S BIRTHDAY having reached the age of 116. n case the proteut is allowed, the thoughtful to her family. TO VOTE AT 2.30 Tha New Era was out from Bremen lew eight-duli league will adopt the The funeral services will be hold CELEBRATED TODAY in 1854 and Hannah was aboard, bound GIFTS FOE THE CHILDREN lame of Atlantic Association. WAS DRIVER OF THE CAR Friday morolng at ten o'clock at the for America, the land of hope. When There are many nt>aw features be- house. liev. Alfonso Dare, of the House Acceptance of Confer- the ship struck and the passe>>gers ng arranged by Ihe owners of the re- Simpson M. K. Church, will officiate, People and Troops Join In were preparing to meet what seemed Today being the last day of the spective cluba. Long Branch will es- Morris Kasfiinoff, driver ot (iie stage will be made in New York In ence Beport on Measure like certain death, Hannah quickly school year before the Christmas and tablish a ladles' day for each week. hat was wrecked in an automobile charge, of funeral director William H. Demonstration In Honor made herstjlf fast to a shroud and New Year recess, exercises were ren- They will have the privilege of the collision at Galilee lafit Saturday night, Morris, Jr. Was By Non- Partisan waited until the end. dered in -several of the schools. The grounds free. uid who was brought to tho Monmouth The deceased waa Ihe daughter of of Provisional Proai- Vote of Nearly Rolling in the heavy aurt. the Nev/ Intermedia! school pupils held their The National Automobile Association Memorial Hospital auffBting with a Thomas ]''o.\, a highly respected veter- dent In Spite of Era pitched and tossed until, about off exercises this morning. The front will send representatives here this slight concussion of the brain and HII and member of James H. Morris Five to One. Wai Beach, she was picked up by a part of the auditorium was occupied week to look over Baseball Park. iees abciu( tho body, was reported Post, No. it, (1. A. IV, and was born Troubles. mighty swell and thrown upon t&d ay the High School Orchestra and by Their object is *to determine wlnnher is being much better this morning. in Cong Branch thirty greats a^d. Two | beach. The rescue work began and massive Christmas tree. The tree he grounds are suitable feir holding feat his condition is no! In the least children survive. They are Albert and Hannah was saved though 240 other was so high that the top of it bent heir proposed fir.-U open-air uutmno- rious, and inn IV w days he will be Klla Li'ifflen. Six sisters anil two IN EFFECT IMMEDIATELY passengers were drowneC. slightly from contasl with, the ceil- bfle show. abfe (o re stunt* hln occupation an a brothers also survive. They are: ELEVEN DAYS HOLIDAYS ng. Those oonvorKant with the height A regulation score board will he stage driver. Mrs. Mamie bane. Mrs. Agnes Mor- C. Byron BlaisdeM III. of the felling will know just how tall stalled in left field and the scores Sire. Richard Rodney, »f Hen nrixht, ton and Mrs. Grace Klsinnery. of LonK Washington, R. c., Dec. 2:—Senate the tree is. Washington, I). 0.. Dee. 23.—Th« C. Byron IUaisdell, son of Mr. and of all league gamea will be flashed on an occupant of the stage when it was Branch; Mrs. Kllu Btaplcton and Mrs. -.jttniHh colony at Acapulca, Mexico, leaders today notified President Wil- Mrs. Charles T. Blaisdell, of Norwood The program was us follows: t. Work will bv started early in mllKhed, rested comfortably at her Ida IlurSiO, of Newark, and Mrs. Annie. jlas i,(it.n forced to contribute. $50,0011 son lhat the Currency Bill would be in avenue, a senior at Chattle, has just March—High School Orchestra. March to have the grounds iu pink of ip last night. Fortunately tor tlioac. liis hands for signature this afternoon. New York: Edward »«« | to the support of the ronstltutionalUt escaiied an attack of pneumonia. HH Chorus—Cantique De Noel—Page condition for tho opening of the seas- respon.-vUHn lor (UP accident, Mrs. Rod Aaron Fox, of New York. j cause, according to State Department. By an agreement reached yesterday, is now improving rapidly. Byron is an 51. on. Long Branch has the finest minor ney Is on the rotul to recovery. It WRB the Senate met this morning and im- Mrs. liefflen attended the Simpson advices today. The Spaniards have all-round athlete, and one of Chattle'B Recitation—"A Christmas Thought;" eague park in the country. aHiref tUmight fifat her Injuries might Memorial M. K. Church, where her chll- complained U> tholr foreign office and mediately began consideration of the star football players. He contemplates Florence Attlsota. Flag day and opening day will be lift- life in jeopardy. dren are now members of the Sunday tt (B elpected this complaint will b» conferee'^ report, which was adopted enterinw g Syracuse University in the Recitation—"Jest Vore Christmas," on May 23rd. Dciestivo .^llntigli worked fast in eohool. and had many warm friends. f d d t Washington. in the House last nfgjit by a vote of I fall Samuel Rotlistein. orwar 0 o "Billy" Pfau is getting together n r.ndkig up the occupants of the auto- She only moved two weeks also from | Th), gtalB Department al»o received 298-60. Song—"An Old Legend"—Page 168, fine aggregation at Perth Awboy. He mobile. There in only one miashig, a»d the Seobey flats to SSI MoBBwutu »ve- coiinrniutlon today of •. the temporary The agreement declares for a final Sth Grades. las been promises two piichors and a he is an important factor In the cane. cloBing of the IlankB ljt"1*ixlco and of vote at 2.30 p. m. and this indicated Recitation—"The Little Christmas catcher by manager Fred Clark, o)1 He Is known as Charles Dofcffi, drive) that the measure would be placed in Tree," Howard Mullen. Hie oecree of I'rcsliJTlll Huerta de- Pitssburg. Billy also expects to sign of of the McGee ear at tho time. No Ittrlng tnnt nil dayi from December the President's hand about four o'clock Selection—"A Trip to the North up Malay and Ely, u.sing these lop- excuse has been offered for Ihe col this afternoon. Pole," High School Orchestra. 22nd to January 2nd will bo legal holi- iners to manage the team. Malay llslon, e'xeept tha! frionta of the men days. President Wilson today decided to Recitation—"What is Christmas?" and Ely won recognition when they, Dora Goldberg. icw being h<'ld under bail claim that affix his signature to the measure played against tho Cubans in this city. 10 lights were displayed °u &8 rc&r of HIS SOLE Hi Recitation—"A Runaway Christ- about eight, o'clock tonight. He plan- Perth Amboy is making a strong play the stage. Those who patronize the Mexico City, Musi':. T-ec. 83.—With ned to invite members of the Se..ate mas," Florence Leonard. to get a pennant winning team, ex- stages In this city know only too WBII I three Kfeat tmnka on ijM bring of fail- and House Banking and Currency Com The will of Charles Lufburrow, of Chorus—"N'azareth." pense not being considered. hat each vehicle has a lantern with- ure und rebeVa menacing even the oap- March—High School Orchestra. mitlees and a number of newspaper NavesinU, just admitted to probate, Middletown, the home of the league n the enclosure, from which at times lltal, the Mexican government today men to witness the signing. Congress- was executed February 3, 1912. Heap- The High School Orchestra made its I gave Itself up to the celebration of the first appearance at this entertainment president, has just closed a deal with u'.rosene loaves an odor on thoir cJoth- man Scully, of New Jeisey, has also pointed his daughter, Amelia Jose- (Contirued on Fifth Page.) There IK SO much enthusiasm being birthday of President Vlotorlanp Hu- phine Palmer, executrix of his estate, and did very good work. Douglas Mey- Detroit by which they will receive all been invited. the surplus players of the club. The shown over indoor sports this winter ' erta. (Continued on Fifth Page.) and bequeathed his residence property (Continued on Fifth Page.) that It Is (mpofslble to determine Karly In the day, a detachment of fo her. The remainder of his estate he understanding in that they can be re- I :alled at any time. Jack, La«ior, the which, sams Is attracting the morn at- or troopB took up their poBlllon at the bequeathed to hla daughter and his tentlori. HowlIiiK, Basketball and n nal pillar*, following announce- Corns Send Christmas Cards- son, Egbert Frederick L/ufbwiww. In »T(1 Detroit outfielder, will bo the new nft o Judge and Mrs. Charles Corn, who manager of the Middietown c)uh. pocket billiards have the call. While mentB that receptions would take piacn equal shares, after deducting from the the teams la the Monmouth County (hero throughout tho day. Popular ad- have been residing In Atlantic City DIES AFTER LONG Newburgh will have new grounds since leaving here, are keeping in share of Uw (laughter the cost or pur- Bowling League are contesting their ministrations indlca.ed Huerta's pop- chase price of the real estate be- lext season. Tod Desseroth, who was games on their respective alleys this u)arity.' touch with their many local friends. queathed to her. George U. Hendrick- njured last season and turned his club During the past few days friends have and Mortimer S. Odell are sub- over to his brother, will manage his evening, followers of the pocket Ml-, Meanwhile leading fluanceeri were been receiving Christmas greetings. BAD HEALTH PERIOD Hard tournament being conduoted un- hulaUlK a conference at the Bank of Before the winter is over Judge Oornjserlfemg witnesses. own team. Ex-Governor O'Dell is the financial barker of the building of the der the auspices of the Long Branch, konaun anu Mexico ,to devlae meann and his good naturad better half will I Byron G. Stokes, of Long Branch, State House, Trenton, H. .f., Hec. Red Hank »nd Anbury Park Elks will of avert|ng „ banking oriil* and de- August Kolbe, better known among new grounds. again ho numbered among made his will November 13, 1907, ap- A'.:.- The Inauguration Committee of have an opportunity of seeing (Colo- pwltorg w,,rt, besieging that Inntltu- us friends as "Soph," who had been our local residents. pointing his wife. Margaret F. Stokes, 1 Padrone, the popular Cuban pitcher, the Legislature met here today to nel) Thro. Young. Jr., and tlhWrlee ,,on as we|, gB tl]e Centrai Bimk anu failing in health for the past two executrix of his estate, and bequeath- who figured in the seventeen Inning make further plans for the Inaugura- Drake, two local.cue artists, perform > Banc0 Nallonal, Men's Gym. Class Meeting. years, died at his home, corner Joline in;; her all his property. He directed game at Baseball Park, and who uad :ion of Governer-elect Fielder, on at the Elks' Home I" Garfleld avenue. Tho ,,Ib.s(!cretalT o( fluai,ou today The men's gymnasium class of the that his remains he interred at Pocas- and Rockwell avenue, at 1 o'clock the distinction of defeating the N. Y Tuesday, January 20th. Loo. A. Grif- They will play against two member* , i | g the people are spt cemt'Lory, Providence, R., I. th'is morning. August had a wide cir- 8sued a clrcu ar Bliy n Red Bank Y. M. C. A. will meet to- Siants in this city, had the pleasure of fin, ot Jersey City, was appointed wholly for the finantial night. The class is an interesting cle of friends, being one of those good shutting out the Rroklyn team in Ha- ;lerk to the committee. The Uakewood bowlers are sched- Lake wood Woman Dead. a tilled men who confronted condi- crisis, because they became unduly one and proving very beneficial, to tions as they existed. He was born vannah, the score being 8-0. It was decided j.o send special Invi- uled to play against tile Independents alarmed at the decree making notes the members. After the regular work Miv. M. Norcioss, who is well known >ong Branch has bought Uonzalea' tations to the eereniony to President the Elkwood llecreatlon alley*. hen1, died at Lnkewood on Saturday. Trenton about 52 years ago, his of the nnmco Nntional and Bank of is gone through under the personal di parents being the late William and release from Boston ami he is now the Wilson, Secretary Tumulty. United Keyport goes to Anbury Park, Brad- l^ontlon and Mexico legal tender. rection of Physical Director 0. Harold The rfecnared is a cousin of J. A. Strat- property of the. local club.* States Senators Marline and Hunties, ey lleach team to Red Bank and the 1 ton oC Augusta Kolbe. When a young man "We truBt the bankB will take meas- Tumey, the men of the class play some l ' Unroln avenue, the family moved to this city, where New Brunswick has made applica- ind all the Nnw Jersey Congressman, Long Branch Overland! tackle the ures to moot all obligation! and re- popular indoor game. Socker Is sched- j surviving members at present reside. tion to enter the league. So hats At- The contract to decorate Taylor opera Bheridan Club. jsume .business on a sound basis oh uled for tonight. Beside the widow and one son, Kretl, lantic City hatf an eye opener and houne, where the ceremony will take January 2nd," the circular oontlnues. tltere two surviving sisters, Mrs. Sar- wants to gri in on the ground floor, lace waa given to the Furai Company "In the meantime the government will ah Marahan and Mrs. George Ltme, Tommy Hutledge, of Jersey City, one of Jersey City. ' of Gar fie) tl avenue. of the best caterers who over carried The Signal Corps cf .Irrsey City, CURRENCY BILL (Continued on Fifth Fa»e-) tray on a hot day. will bo back which will act as the personal escort For a number of yours tbo deceased of the Governor-elect, will bo assisted was identifier) with the hotel busl- again at HascbaU Park. He is a fre- quent visitor u> this city, and if hie In maintaining order in the theatre nens. His illness of late prevented him by 75 picket) officers of the rl ronton panning any permanent occupation. husiness interests permitted he would TD HELP BUSINESS ARRESTED US DRUNK. take up his permanent residence hero. police rorcc. The commiltec announc- j Slate House, Trenton, N. J., Dec. Thursday of last week his condition ed that It had received many appllca- 23.—The committee appointed by the for the first time became alarming, lions from marchliiR clubs through- State House, Trenton, N. J., Dec. There has been considerable com- second special session of the present and bi.s decline wait noticed. Yesterday out Hie state to participate in the In- he suffered considerably, asthma af 13. — Discussing today the new cur- HELD FI LARCENY plaint of late about boys who congre-; Legislature to report to the next ses- auguration cerenionks. rency bill Just paBBed by Congrens as ittsd on the.elevated railroad tracks! "Ion a bill or resolution to provide for feeling his breathing. He was con II BIG CHRISTMAS scious, however, to the last. one of the achievements of the Wilson in Long Branch avenue and menaced I the appointment by the Legislature "of In HospHal for Operation. Administration, State Banking and In William Scott, of Brookdale, a»d the safety of pedestrians and others I Ihe necessary counsellor-at-law to ad- Funeral services will be held at the William Charntorlain, lotl of Law- durance Commissioner George M. La- Moses Johnson, of Middletown town- by hurling stones, and other missiles. vise the Legislature upon all matters house Friday afternoon at 2 q'clook. yer W. 1. Chamberlain, is LI» the Mon- monte declared that the new hill wan »hlp, were arrested Saturday night by coming before it for its consideration" Interment, in charge of funeral direc TREE FOR CHILDREN Stage drivers are fearful of their safe- mouth Memorial Hospital for an op- a good one and In his opinion would Officer. Smith and Van Note lor he- ty, as well as damage to tliolr vehicles. V.elhold its first meeting at the Stale tor William H. Morris, Jr., will be at jratlon. He has Buffered from a growth be a great help to the business of the .Ing drunk and disorderly. They were Glenwood cemetery. Occupants of stages were tnreal&ned 1 Moua» today. The Christmas' tree that stands in in his htroat for a long time, and fined $3 each. by flying glass. ) Senator John W. Slocum, of Mon- country. When Scott gave his name at the the front part of the Intermedial au- soon as his condition will warrant It "The bill." he said, "passed as-ltj Thia condition of affairs" have all mouth county, who will be President Sortwelle Home in February. ditorium will be given to those" an operation will take place. l,y both riemocratic and"~Itepubl"l-j Borough hall it Bounded familiar to been changed wl:bin the last twenty-1 of the new Senate, was made chair- Mr. arid Mrs. Daniel H. Sortwe! charge of the entertainment at the votes, is oue of the greatest \ Chief of Police Arthur L. Wymb«, who four hours. It wculd no doubt haveUnan. There was a general discussion will arrive from their trip around the Grand Theatre on December 29th for Savings Bank Dept. for Eatontown achievements of a generation.' I have remembered that last summer been eliminated sooner h?i\ prompt j of the resolution and of the purpose world In February. Mrs. Sortwell is Starting with Jan. 1, the First Na- given careful Rtudy to the bill and In Bergen had a warrant made out for the daughter of llev. and Mrs. I)r thn Ctiri&tmas tree. It is a very high report been made to police headquar- of Its provision. and massive tree and will hold a tre- tional Bank, of Katontown, will open my opinion It in a very good one and the arrest of a colored man by that ters. Six boys we; e in ther recorder's The object is to get expert advtc< John Y. Dobbins, of this city. The> name for stealing a watch from frank had originally intended remaining mendous amount of trimming and toys, savings bank department. Deposits will be a great help to the business of Flnkle, of Herbert street. . court this morning. Four of the nunvffrom trained lawyers upon the legal Between fifty and sixty package: placed in this department for the first the country." ber were ordered to report to the! phases of the important legislation to • away several months longer, hut owow- days will be credited with in- The chief got In communication wldi Btll were given hy the high achool for Detective Bergen and told him that court tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. \-e considered, including the constttu-|jng to business matters Mr. BortWoll the Improvement of the Poor Society computed from Jan. 1. Interest Five New Templet. They are Howard Overby, Jonas Bass, tionality of bills, their proper form, lias shortened his stay. of 8 1-2 per cent will be paid. The At the meeting of Corson Command- =! was at the Borough hall. Ho ar- '•tc. The othur members of the com- in their Christmas worn. Each com- rived shortly after and. placed the man Fred Douglass |md Charles O'Ne'U. Ipany of the .Camp Fire Girls at Chat- hank althnuprh organized but a few ory, No. 15, Knights Templar, ot As- The two hoys allowed to go were mittee are Seniors McGlnnis, of Pas- Mr. Gaskin at Hospital- months, is doing a thriving business. bury I'ark, last week, flvo long under arreBt. A hearing was given Im- Alex Grier and Louis Martin. saic, and Read, of Camden, and As- j tie gave a box of oranges. Camp Klin mediately, and Scott'was held for the Floyd Gaskin, so of Conover G&skin, Dolls, dressed as Camp Kire Girls by Branch Masons were admitted to full John Ryan, accused of breaking a semblymen Zisgen, of Bergen; Kays, of commandery membership and entitled grand jury without bail. Sussex, and Richards, of Atlantic. is seriously ill at the Monmouth Me- the members of the Camp Fire Girls, Mr. Maps Building New Home. pane of glass and treating a disturb- Cranaier Bros, are building a $3, to wea rthe plumed hats and regula- morial Hospital with typhoid fever. have been sold and the money receiv- Special Holiday Attraction ance at the Belmont residence of Mrs. ed has been given to the poor. The oon house for W. R'. Maps, of this city tion uniforms. The new templars are Henrietta Bailey last evening, and Long Branch Opera House. Past Masters A. P. Paul, H. B. Sher- Parker's tomorrow, matinee anrl High class photo plays every eve- Special Holiday Attraction dolls that remain unsold are going to on a new tract just opened up on who was arrested by Patrolman at Parker's tomorrow, matinee and West End avenue. Walter Dare will man and Wellington LaMonte, of night, "At Shiloh ""» wonderful CM*I1 Kingsland, was released in Recorder ning. Special Sunday evening pro- be given to the poor children. Ahacus Lodge, of this elty; Herbert War spectacle in 2 reels and other gram, popular prices. (adv.)2ftfltf* nie:ht, "At Shiloh," a wonderful Civil also build a $3,500 house on Wolley ArroweniUh's court ttiU« morning un- War spectacle in 2 reels and other The pupils of Chattle have aided avenue early in the new year. VV. Cooper, a past high priest of great plays. (adv.)» der =us]'fiulpil Benton* <*.. , great plays. (adv.i* greatly in the work started by the So- Standard Chapter. No. 35, and Duncan jHuyHer's and Park and Tilford's Candy riety for the Improvement of the Poor Kelly. Jewelry Catalog. at Feeler's, 2nd Avp. Pharmacy. Palms, ferns, Christmas wreaths, and At The Imperial Hotel. hv bring small articles of food and cot flowers at W. fi. EiBOle's. 327 Cedar Send us your name and address and Beet of everything. A tine Xmas! Girls wanted at once, Wellworth 5 othev things. Mrs. Cubberley prepar- avenue. (adv.)299-S00* The Long Branch Busses will run we will send you our finely Illustrated dinner will be served Thursdal from 6' and 10 cent store. (adv.)2S6tf ed a li^t for the pupils, in case they Christmas on regular Saturday sched- catalog Leon di la Reuiiille. Broact to'8.30 p- m., $1.00. Special entertain-J Peach Ice Cream made from delici- did not know what to bring. Hundredsof Doll» Rtduced Priooi. jule to Sea Bright and Oa*har»t, be- street. Red Bank. (atOMItf* Go to Lang's, Red Banit, for special mpnt, cabaret every evening, - |ous home-canned peaches at Hicks'. Hotel. l.l?o other specials throughout the store ginning with ten and eleven o'clock £tt4v.S2»8to80ft» (adv.)* imixed Gft&dlflft, pure and fresh, At The imperial Palms, ferns. Christmas wreaths and (adv. i 2 98-299* Bent of everything, A fine Xmaslol ioeeph Salz, H(d Bank, extra force trips Rnd last at 9 p. tn. Tare 10c. ner will be served T— it flowers at W. O. Elsqle's, 32T Cedar Table favors, slocking candy, ha.--- Palnif, ferns. Christmas wreaths and (adv.)299-3OO* avenue.

B record fer Sends/gttacl ;' i id2seejthl§ geetjes cf Monincnth eeunty ttraj ilinl in h;inl to li(J::t. .Mr. TiMJiiKiH is !;. i ii;iuanl to Lht: ;> ears 19J5;inJ; |*ii diiii'l Bf OM nm M. B. Cluti-t-li. I i ;i. 7. The former dntu malca HUM Mew Glotihes For ad in J,. it iy-i it- hi yeapi lie baa mUWd i "iiK.'illiia! of the old Washington! riTnrpXM lut t',\n KnnJayn as head cf the 1-, No.' |, ,j Batontown, tie] TJh.e Boys T|r!rr I • Mlv miociation or th« ciioolm . mother of nil tin' Masonic lodges In' M U I I'LL I [ \'.'Ji'"ii you llsureonu II.-IDK prosen t1C74 tats section of thp stale.. It aluo marks!; Ncthina will please the beys mere than t.9 he dressed up fine Christ- ut or ;i possible Iif7(i times, It HBemujthe golden jubili-y of MyEiic Urotlipr-j to tne iKiid io march, asd >c Mrjmtnd Lodge, No. 21, of Red Basil, In1 mas t*ay, -We hive a princely co'lection of Suits Overcoats that 'i ij tmug, while In health, e&unted It 11917. right t home, Long Branch. No.] l» »udi n ihiiiK ua hi will please th3 parents by their ilgftfHnesi ard moderate prlttt. la privilege us well an u pleasure, toirs, wi;i celebrate its go'den jnhileo i il;!l —THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. iWoolley lull. j-c8i,.ril;iy nftEraOoB :"' •* " i^lol.iiry raaeting "t OUR BIG STORE [lie ivu,, plea .-,1 o« he Ic.k. I HI, and hl» Sunday m htol. Harvey M. Phillip',, Resident Mirager. DR. BALLARD'3 BIF1THDAY Music by THOMAS PHELAN is filtrd with hundreds of other choke presents, such as Glovei, Hats, down Hroadway. The i!(ivi-i;i'-;i' was aJinost a« clean a« mi. It look-il j ..olve ,„, u u.,y !luul u yQ11 wam 2,170 People Attended ths Theatre Laat Ni8ht. Come Early Next Sun? VanerabSe PresWent of Ocean Grove Caps. Ntckwear, Suspender*, Baih Robes, Umbrttfat, Mufflers, Can^a, [dandy and tin' cnunsi.-ii in-r t '- It. , ..... h!r., ,,,.;. . ^m^jt!" Haven't you day Ni"ht end Get a Stat. ••There may bn otliei cities that b«ve ,,-,,,, , | pretslBUi 1 have Ascociatlon 93 on Thursday^ Socks, Suit Cases. Collar*, etc. iri tach vf ()i-. Aaron 1-3. Hallard, the vonprable Htrpi'ts us clean as c^irK at the pris-':,, lnInil ,HHtno w a ,-,.,,,,],. ,,f l.nng F'ollow The Class Crowd .•in. tlmo," said he. 'hut they are not, r-rau< ii n.ttaReri who are up in their Iircaidrnt of tin? Ocean Grove Camp The Mecca of the Theatre-goers c' Morrr.outh County 1 'I-'iiiiii; ABHoelalion, will peU Jiratp his located along tin- Jeraey ran' . 1^ l«|dBctB in w,,,|,, v,,t thCy (Imi tl.nio to ninety-third birthday on Thursday. CLOTHES FOR cur nitii to k»p our street, II little [KlYe ., 6paro h,iu,. „, thlngs ilt t|l(>lr ther towns. BHgai mentally and vigorous ph.vBi- j TODAY FATHER AND SON Minnm r nrincs. 1 mrcr to * narias A. 1 [Wimpfheinn p and Louki Runkel. Mr. (•ally, in ' atjRUi^s his frii'tidn lh:it IIP i assei in i WiinpfiirinK-r haa just been electe,dd|wili live many yeare yet. Last w«eH SIDNEY SHEILDS & CO. any ciiy. imrtlcularly u surainer re-L trmtto or th» Chamber «l Cam- "» preached rtmeral sermon, over the In their Comedy Sketch aoH. I don't wondur. Mr. Wo.jilcy dl». merca. Hi- acceotid In a mot nour- remaini of two »r III:I cloeett friends, •.i«v«d jagt a little honest prlUe! teoim letter and hete«ll] help.r-I<-li 11 Hubhard, utmuor of the h "THE MAID, MARY" With others, lie set« eiioagh knocks, Mr. WlmiiihelniBr, too, l» a hospital ward if Anbury Park, and Edmund to j A Treat For The Children lifi lias u Itnai-k of knowing how :m:sovprnol r and Rnds time W give that . I'aytou, cashier of the. Asbury Park | ih:t coantK n KOOII deal In lljis age. splendid Institution a little of hl» and Ocean Grove Bank, noth of DAN HARRINGTON Even 8»»tn Cains vrsnld prefer a hl» time- and otbor thtnga. Mr. Itun-|men. as well as Ur. Ballard, wern-dl | Comedy Ventriloquist "lenn |iavr-,iienl r»r 111" iiutomolillc to- k"l II.IB just been appointed one of rectors of the financial Institution, morrow nir''us?-' i, , ttha(that is If itt does not thtine- police pension fund r-ommisalonrommisalon- MENZ & PALMER LYRIC A Hiionl, to oiie lll!e;l with holes and era and ho will accept and help along Six O'clock Strvico Chrittmas. A Singing Comedy High-Class Vocalist dirt, an-l the only way to keep them the work. Ha too, i* a busy man. A t\x o'clock morning twice will BH.OAD STREET |

The morning: is the ideal time for The Closing Out Sale Christmas shopping in our Suggestions in Lingerie Women'sWear l-'renell IN, ml malic mill Net liodioeH made t>f fine hum! finliroldcrcil Iju- 'tiet iiml Khjuiuw luce unri ribbon, i Mo up to MM nml s:( "in. owna from $2.50 up in SHU efCm tit1 tillllf limlel-- Section \n-.i. Ill pink nml uhlle Bktrta from $1.2."> up 16.00. tHlIcli». OOWIIB, KI.MI ll|> til SI2.IIO. offers SPUGS an excellent opportunity ('ombiiml)uiiN. $1.51) up Io 12.011. rrlnceofl Combinationa, Covers, $2.50 up to ».YII0. to indulge in useful gifts. IB.60 ii|i to 119.00. Sklrtj, »J.M up io SN.75. Covers, st.oo up to sr,.on liath robsi frnni (3.0(1 up l,u (•ntei|\ie titilitreti un- to ->mi (lcr%year. Crochet nh.-iwla and scarfs. from *i.."><> »ll,»0 up in M.B0. Street and evening dresses and suits ComUnatlom Alt kinds of njirons tn . il|i Io *r>.llll. plain and fnncy from 1'rlncens slips trom $'J.."iii A Gift of Furs for the woman and the miss at prices up in SII.IHI. 5&i' up it> $».««. Cornet CIIVCI-H, 2."H' up to How woriderlul siuriM from $2.00 up to «:!..->0. lower than any heretofore quoted. irtoo. I' blnutlotl .•.nits, Mile Io CorMt C.iveis trim $1.0(1 16,00, PERFECTLY MATCHED FUR SETS up Io ;-..;.on. Oowna li 1,111 .-»<><• in $II.(H>. Drawers I'll.MI $1.11(1 II|I I'l HklrtH flnni 75c Io »5.00. Black French Coney at $7.50, $10.00 and $15.00 $8.00. Prtneeefl sllpfli $l.uo to Clever cravat effect and large pillow muff. Murd-llu couilih ;tlion.-i ill SII.01). $1.00 up Io »;t 'XI. A full tine at extra Kissei M^iiii-lla ilriiwirs, r»(li- up In enemiaes, skirts, draw* Grey Fox set at $14.50 and $24.50 Gifts for Men to $1!..">(>. i uinl gown*. Effective animal scarf and half-barrel muff. Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, all linen 12c, 25o, 50c-. Taupe Fox set nt $15.00 Men'.s White Shirts, mushroom pleats, laundered doublo cuffH, $2.30. Shawl piece of smart style, large pillow muff. Men's White Shirts, Silk pleated fronts and silk cuffs, $2.00. Infants' and Children's Wear Natural Fox set at $15.00 One pair of Onyx Silk Hoset and silk knitted tie to match, neatly boxed. S1.00. Infants' Sweaters in plain white, or pink and wViile slripcs. or blue Christmas Children's Fur set $1.25 to $7.50 A large assortment of boxed suspenders. Heavy worsted sweaters, knitted in shaker stitch, popular and while stripes, prices, $1.50 up to $2//5. » ••» Separate muffs and scarfs at $5.00 up four-ln-ono Collar, inserted pockets, colors Navy, Gray Infants' Mittena in plain white, wool or stlk, 2Sc, SOc, 75c, $1.00. I ludson Seal sel at $92.00 Dark Reil. Tan. Price *fl.r,O. Hudson Seal and Ermine at $89.00 All wool shaker knit sweaters, medium weight, shawl collar. Hoods or Caps in plajn white, or with pink or blue borders, 50:. two pockc-la, colors. Ton Maroon and Navy. Special ut Infants' crochet or knitted Booties. 25c, EOe, 75c. Seal Coney set $29.50 and $39.00 $1.00. AU wool Cardigan stitch sweaters, V neck and Pockets, col- Angora Hoods, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75. FUR COATS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES ors Gray, Tan, Maroon and Navy. I'rico $3.50. Infants' crochet Sacques, 50c to $2.00. All wool sweaters, V neck and pockets, in Gray and Brown, Hudson Seal coat at, $125.OD Infants' knitted Sacques. $1.50 to $1.75. price $2.01). 1 ludson Seal coat at $110.00 Teddy Bear sels in all colors, $5.00. Arctic Seal (dyed Coney) $67.E0 Children's Caps and Bonne's in silk, velvet, or corduroy, in all Leipsic Dyed Caracul coals $49.50 and $62.50 colors; prices from $1.00 Io $6.00. Men's Slippers—now $1.45 French Dyed Pony Skin Coats at Children's Coals in all prevailing shades, made ol chinchilla, zibc- $25.00, $33.50, $35.00, $37.50, $45.00 Regardless of regular prices, we have reduced men's Ev- line, ,1' corduroy volvet, and in mixtures; prices from $5.00 up to $12.00. Coney Mole Skin coat $85.00 and $110.00 erett, opera and Juliet slippers to $1.45. • Natural Coney coat, three-fourth length $24.50 A splendid cloth coal, slriclly tailored in blue or brown; price $4.50, special for $3.00. Natural Coney coat, s;vcn-eighlh length $29.50 In black and tan kid and calfskin. Children's white lawn dresses, trimmed with lace or embroidery and ribbon in hi^h neck and long sleeves, in several prclly style, f?om 2 to 6 years; at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Rugs for Christmas Popular Books Beautiful Wilton Rugs in Oriental design suitable for Christmas presents. African Camp Fires. . $1.50 221,-2x36 Value $ 3.75 Sale $ 2.75 Wild Animals at Home 1.50 27x54 ... 5.50 4.5a A Christmas Carol. 36x63 9._J 7.25 My Christmas List 75c, 1.25 36x72 10.23 8.25 L'ncle Remus, His Sayings, and His Songs 2.00 4-6x6-6 24.50 " 19.50 Wood's Natural History 1.00 4-6x7-6 .. 27.50 " 22.00 Harper's Aircraft Book 1.00 6x9 31.50 " 25.00 8-3x10-6 . 43.CO " 38.50 9x12 .... 47.50 " 40.00 Gift Books 9x15 62.50 " 55.00 Robinson Crusoe, boxed $2.00 10-6x12 .. 62.50 " 55.00 Black Beauty, boxed 1.25 10-6x13-6 60.00 " 62.50 Patch Work Girl of Oz , 1.25 Practical Gifts for Boys Live Dolls in Wonderland 1.25 liOYV SIIT.S.- I/lain Mue Men;,' Uvee.l inn] oaMIOMnM, >i>:IH ;,n.i Wash Fabric Department Novelty Books dark assets, Norfolk model short doublo pltats, patch pocket -. Highland Plaicl Suitings, 36 inches wide, regular price 25c, special 19c. K.-wed rm belts. Very linhliy iTiixirl SlfteS s !" IS >r:irH. S"..",». Opinion Shop 75c School Plaids, beautiful woolen &&ec, te^uiar pviee 15c, special 12V for women arv;I children's wear, special A Prayer for Christmas Morning 50c •IMSI (i in II y ii s. $ 15c yard. The Story of the Other Wise Man 50c H.MNCOATS. Boys" Cn.Ks, , l,,ih of duuhlo texture with iiluld back Bath Robe Flannels, suitable for men and women's wear, special 25c, 29c, MIM Untied Jinil t-pmeiiti-il, Btsiss (i tn I (i y(-;n-«. .$2.1(8. Cupid the Surgeon '. 25c and 35c a yard. From Day to Day With Dilferent Authors: 50c White Madras Waist Patterns, large assortment, neatly boxed, special 45c, Friendship and Cheerfulness Books in Vellum ., 50c 59c and 75c the pattern. Qrape Juice, 23c qt. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, limp leather $2.00 The most popular "soft drink" known, and the most healthful one. Champagne quart bottles at 23c each. Not to be duplicated at this price. Gifts We cannot supply the trade or soda fountains Park, THREE

COMMUNICATIONS STORE OPEN NIGHTS em?,rk3 by Judge Heisley on Politics idllor l('.)ii« Uvnnth Ht't-ord: Mi-, KUwunls, in it ri'i-pni cnniiuuniiu Rubbers of Etory Description, RECORD CLASSIFIED COLUMNS on to the Kpeord. tftfiei nif to Umk to fit any foot. Also Arctics, Felt Boots, Warm Shoes, n Rssertlfii UuU utxt'H nest year will, Long Branch's Greatest Want and Exchange Market c higher, and that times will ba hind. High Top fteavy Shoes for everyone, Dress Shoes in great COPY RECEIVED UNTIL 2 P. M. DAILV Itn set'niB to know nf no oftUSM fcr Igfter tnxes. Ot COUIHO, 1 urn not vt>- variety. All mighty good ones, too. ponsfble far Ufs lH»-k tif tEnowle4|«, One Cent a Word for first insertion, one- The Daily Record cannot j;ive information nd if ihe extent of in., [gser&nce of hdi' a cent a word for each subsequent con- regarding advertisements for which answers mniclpal matters IK to ho tho nipasurc CLARENCE WHITE tinuous insertion of the same advertisement. are to be sent care of the Record. Persons f my puiiishinem for raaalfig coim- O BROAD STREET HI :; ) BANK No Advertisement Received for Less Than replying to office addresses must' mail or er to IIIK opinlutt, my tttfferiagi shall Ten Cents. All Classified Advertisements to leave written answers as stated in adver- e indcHcrihtiblt1. be Pa: Lor in Advance of Insertion, ments. Does hp uo( know tlmt a IHI^P sum if money mnnt be Pained by direct iixatiuii, to pay ttee ciiy'« ahare of 8 REELS HIGH GLASS trppt paving? Thou the subject of the PHOTO PLAYS ui hit*' mark el IOOIDH large upon the LONG BRANCH Doors open 7 o'clock iciiixon, so 1 repeat, tuxes will bo very Performance starts at 7.30 E FOR RENT FOR SALE MONEY TO LOAN. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 do not object '° niiyoiit- disagreelag OPERA HOUSE Popular Prices, 5c and 10c i fourth ave. W. H. Brass candle Hicks and andirons.1 11,000, 12,000, W.000 or *5,00C to loan Fura and ladies' suits rcmcKlelled to viflt my foJicln.siony, bill J see uo nc StFftoS* |^QQJ, knockers, etc., at 43 Brsa4wayjbg first bond nod mnrigage. Apply lo Latest Styles, J, Cohn, 386 Second nv masity for my friend aaylug my pre- Smtf\W. A. BtOfonn, Poet Office BulMI'is lictioii nf liHrfl Hum "is one of those provemcnts, apply 280tf •alaniitons anil thontilvUcsB ataert^one WEATHER INDICATIONS Will buy for cash a reliable horse on nve. -'OMf A Schumann and Sons upright hut drop the KOWIB nfumwi aimnu to be usert*Tor ueput and lawn work P ] for $40 cash. 529, Broadway, Z99-300* uiiliinkin^ people," and then eoneluili RED BANK WINS The 1'niUd Htaten Weather Buicau iottage No. 161 Gar. HELP WANTED—FEMALE Olarence t!. VanNote. 297tQ299' torefKBt tor thu o$ houi-fl eiuliug \\IH] ,Dg Branch. All Im- Special Sate for Christmas — Fine } ;hai my prediction is due to my beti a "stuild put" llepiibllciin. nighty S o'clock I). IB. room for auto. A. Jerusalem ehwrisi in 6 inch potts. 60c Special1 for—Send us on: WANTED — General houseworker, Why the Mt'liial William inji'ds po New Jersey Rain touipht and proh- 289U each. Doston ferns and other foliage ilollar and we deliver two bit* imhhB o plain eookUifc. Apply today at Wsttn- lies into tlu* rliscuasitin, 1B known on jahly Wednesday. Moderate to hr.Hlt plants, very reasonable. Deal Flora1. or'n cottage, Port-au-Peck, opposite one palm and two ferns during lioli t,eorner Buttonwood and to himself. I am happy to tell him eastsvly winds. Minimuin teuiperature 'v., Norwood and Brighton avis.. Dt'ul. Pleasure Bey. 2W-S40* days; makes un ideal present. Kve [comlttlon, newly reno- have n^vor been a "stand pat" Kejm touf&hi about 38 degrAes, 299-800* green Nurseries. Broadway. 2B5to2B9 0ei Price reasonable. IH-an, but have always been a Progrea Tie Red Hank lllRh BCliooi basket Current Data for Long Branch City— WANTED—Young girl to assist with all (cam ilcftmtud Che Atlantic HIBII- |Mud. 281tf Salt Hay In stack for sale $7 per ton. For Christmas gifts use some of ou she member of the Urand Old Party U. S Went her ilureau, 4.'! .N'orlii •arc o[ children, 16P, Chelsea, avo. It nude HOhool team at Hie Red Apply Wpimer Cottage, Port-fttf-Peek, toamlsome Boston Ferns, large plant whirb st'oni'ned and cleaiiBiMl UH by lirt Hvomlwny, Long I'.nuieh. N, .T. Tele -SIx loom house, Dudley Itaok V M. C. A. aatiintair nUht n Opposite Pleasure, Buy, 2!>9tn3»4* WANTED at Marquette Farm, Col- only fifty cents value. 75 cents to on will, Phoenix lilip, soon arise from he ' ^t phone itOtjK f^otlg Hranch. Leonard's Store. S71tf score of 38 o J1 Uar'a LftJls, Entontown, a saod white dollar. W. B. King, Shore Acres, Li' ;tahen ttnd resume control In State am It mi the fln • *^* l.Temperature— If—6 room house, Improve- Flower* fcr Christmas—-Cut flowers Kill for general housework. Iimxperi- tie Silver. 29Oto300 Nation. B S o'clock thiH monifng. 4f,. which the Red an bays have parltcl tlc au'l Edwards aveuue- anri Dowering plants, Paints and Ferna. pnem) preferred, 298-299* Me Qhalle&gfia me to prove Uari R o'clock insi night, 37. B Tuning—Wm. F. Ohst, 5f tv» the I act that Uimn and Ilrat 1 tjowest loft night, :Hi. IjY 8 room house, 335 Wai Bod era a tin & Limihardt, t«l, 102-.I. opp. and 10 emit store. 2MU 579-W. 260t 3tret otncfjilly declm-e the grsai ch a Rood, lit. -! fair g&me, tml tfi» Red Change fn %4 lumrn, plug 8 ilofirees. K, water, gas. Apply As-EiM-'i LUJIK hranch Depot. 2S8ieS0S* srease in Hie vo)anne of buslneaa i Haul; hovK t'xcelled In both team work Barometer— ' Or. Charlcg C CaUanacftf Veterlnar ntut basket throiviiijj;. Leon Garden, of il Seventh ave. ueitf the last th ]•(•!• months, tell him a in S ii. in. (sen level), 80.30. Victor Talking Machine, almost new, j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Ian, 552 Second avenue. Telephone 721 the Red Bunkers, was ill*1 start of ih«- thing? 8 p. m. hiKi nljiht (BOH Iftvnl), H0,34. IT—Dellrabh cottage, 323 COBt ?60 will Bell for $15. 47 North | 26C gates, making 23 out of ihe 3S polinx.. Does the fad that a year ago, iber W nd - and (r KM. Inquire Goldsteins 5th avu 2Btto2M*| FOR SALE—Club House on Sea | • Ai the end of the IU>t huh" Ihe BCOro| i . y _^? D «tlon- was a Ki'eat shortage of ears, ami m 253tf. Bright Beacfi CJub properly. To br ] ifooi] 38 to 5 in favor nf Red Hank. 'clock Uils morning, eaaf :i4 rallea, ROOMSJTO LET lure are thousand of Idle ears, sUgge IHliilH'Hl 111 (KIHt %\ llOlU'H, tt» H i\. Ml., FOR SAI-E Cheap—Enclosed body to removed or lorn down. Inquire LeoB Atlantic Highland8 Red Bank ! uiythinK to his theoretical mind'.' jJT— Houoe Norwood ave., (it runabout automobile. B. A. V»n-1 CBbbarley, nrehileet, 1H:: Broadway, Johnson ), L, Gordon , N. 10. 4H mlletJ, FOR RENT—2 rooms, Cannon, 17fc DofH the fact thai ImslaeeB tiien i (ents, rent reasonable. Ap-1Brunt, Sen Bright, New Jersey. |Le»g Bratioli. BBgtoMO RiKhi forward Relative Humidity— franklin a\e. 288ti Newark, New York and all over, e •, West Long Brand). I 203LO308* CoDerun A Jacobin! s o'ofe^t Ift8i niRht 22S«.! Farms for sale—Ten, twenty, thirty, 'oinphtiniiif; biiterly poor imisineHH. ii :. o'chiek ycRjrvdny, 5fi, CARNEGIE LIBRARY PLANNED, heft forward h——' •• •• ; 2,500 cheathe- s of corn stalks tor .forty, sixty, one liuuuretl ami two liun- licaie anythiiiK? 1 s u'uloclt ililts morning, Efi, Doe« the i'uet that firat-olasa rai HOTlSer I *. Howard ||1>-House on Bath Bve.,lsalc. OcorBe VaoOaldar, Mil) Broad-\in& ucre tarmB. john*A. McGuIro, Precipitation— Inquire Gotden's i way, Lons Tiranch. Asbury Park to Make Bid for One the Centre 2*-tfj Phone 2109F2, Tlnton Falls, New Jer- '•ijid honds and stocks are selling t Tohil in pan! 'M hours, to S a. in-, 'I". I Fnint Bturc, 579 Droad-: First of the YeJir. lay for IPKH (dan for years, ha\'<- ai Weber I. I'liuinherlalu POR SALE, for each, hay, rye, straw, soy. 27Stoa()2 Yesterday's Temperatures: 217tf uliury Park <-au have $40,000 ol aisnlflcauceV HlKht Guard [cow bents, corn. JotiQ A, McOuire, 12 'i:i '12- "18 FO"R SALE—House, corner Grand drew Carnegie's money for a pnblii DOCK the fat'T nut prices of lumily Bedla 3, Kix, Davln T— Store, 144 Third ave.; ;Phone 2109F2, Tintou Fall3. New Jer- libniry. provided It will furnish ;i sail :t a, m... .2*; 43 • ;s p, m.. • .^S 4fi and Buttonwood; ¥300 down, balance neccKssiiit's are us hi jib now as ever, Left Guard 279t«290 , „„ nhlr site ami maiinaU) ?)»»• inatilutlon it ii, in... ,1! -11 (J p. in... .28 3X 171 Third avenue. K. H. ji e.,. fro 15. Poland. 2Bltf ind that inoiie^- Is as mare as heitn' Field ffOttlB Collernn. 1; House,!*, 1; The city hurt a vi'fv bandKOBie Ii !i a. m... .'I' 'Mi ii p. in ZG .16 epth, in spite of the Democratic tariff Weber, 1; (Joirlfin, 111; JacobuH, ;l; I FOR SALE—Three »ets of staircase! brai'.v Jjiiil/DiiK, but thera in ;i move Howard -; Chamberlain, U; Davtm, 1 1^ noon...;i5 44 12 mldu't-.^I j!7 .with railing, very cheap. Geo. E. Po-' nifiit lo convert ii inio a cUy Imll, Ii reduction, toll him fii»t tltnm me, hard, Averane. temin'rafurc yesterday, 4romtaed be wtH do, The uanu> between Ua weeond toaius AveniKe humidity vcnli'rday, 83. Xaias dtniier. Address | | ff it is so, »H Jacob B!mmpit» writsH, [''nurulcr .lanus A, Bradtey, whf of the mime t;chooh; proved a. victory One >i»ar ago (oday flie woafher was l by tin- <'i(y flerk liat there are one innmied and fifty to y l'iirk, unlitltl »H o'clec'leSS I >t VIOUN-PIANG owns most el the vsu-aut lunil In thai for ihe Allmuic Highlands team. The partly elondy. The minimum H'uip^rH-- J . [of the ill-, of .w ma hundred and sixfy vacant: h^usss B Studio, G1 Norwood Ave., Tel. 11-M. virinity, haa suggested it gite m thi final Kcore wan 15-10. When the llrsl (lire wan 23 (fegreea and tiic muxlmuni it, strong young man would ] 5i,f7s1» mllifc!«i rrt.ln tin. KiixU'rl* Sim. ,'f In our niidui, because niechanicH are pent position, stead}*, i.ojip^! j twory Hi. to >}ir ininecUon at oak llluir .,'..! inttM-HLTtlon of Monroe and Cookmas hill' wa« over \\w Kcore wtiu I in, fi-tt. teniperat nre wan Jll deiii'er-s. htto and Ititv* movod away, tSon It not •a i,i,,,ui 145 feel pi Ijinh- Tin Aabury Park Llbrars In Hie weeond half the Atlantic Hlgii Tide Tabi* for Today, Can cure for liorsea. wltljM^'JJ,"" " jPtJ lln.s rripiuily betWftHI MASTER'S SALE, upon the ; intellect of will i\w niuposition \ High !/nv •n litiiid to aoylhlug. Thir, li;/l','m;'.Vi tin i- a jjpmeUitng "Rot lands boya worlcd extra bnrd ;uu| HC >]>) musl l.i' rlelillite al the beninninp; of tlumy cured 4 basUcis and one foul and (lie id by employer who finds ltf( retnber. 1X1:1, iiunli- in R In Denmark ?" S'iimlyHuoli, N. .l,,..:!.:!'la,fii, ih.ui a.m. new year a&tt will ask Connnnii Conn !t3 (iispofce ol' BBTVlOBB, El!-j I im in llii. Cuurt ,-f Ctoa My friend's nllnsion lo Cjitu innl ihr Red Hank IIOVH only madu 1 field gofti .4.07 p.m. 1^.07 p.m. >l»Tt.;n limltl Tartar is i 11 to pirn-urn a site.. leorti rim go 2»Sto3(H)|; ^iorle-s of the old Roman empire, reads :uid 1 finii, hnlh teams pluy^cf a giHHi III, I II. Tiivlol, el llU. HI Sou Hi Kaal storm Warning %QM ft. iVeM, JdHl I prf'KU'ne when he \V;IH Atlantic Higliland Red Bank iii, (npe Hssrj to lidHtod, sforin over :]iinliinK Of the gloiious future.—not, B 1 > 1 l 1 Cutler Jeffrey Ohio Valley moving cHHlward, will • JTwV;NTV S'OMrru'''\^\"''^V VM:r t:Mn | ;'i!! I At the close of the merlins of j»r/m1)}) of itiH party, hia mind re HlMht Forward cauKc iocfeasisg casirrly finds "if« \ crt<>d to old Rome, because Rome and VtSTfi^iU^lA 18H™ !:SLS.u S- j iL'ruy1^"'^^ [%rfl Korwiird imrfli-weBtcriy U't^dtieHdoy. Haln SBd un ,Uv, .\slnir.v I'iirk. Turk, tn the VIK.: (hey are both old and tminty. By order "' the city CdttoeU •olllilv (if M-itlmmilli i,ltd St;iH- uf N .'ero prfsent from Hranch and Wells .. Smith fee, h 630-W B, BAVARK. ietl nank. But my friend introduced politic^, I did not. Slsnad, HOWIE, City Knt;. ,\!il, ilii>l certain l»t, I [•art nr pnTcel nf lain! bush ., Coyn , r MfflfW and friends S. HKILNKIt (Al.VKJtT, partioularlj described, 1 sincerely hope Democracy will rity Clerk. hpfng in (tie ciiy i>r AHhury Rlghl Guard Ordered Dw. 8th, i!»t:t. •rinke Rood; that It will total KOCHI v of Muiinniutli iiu.l Btata nf Home of Walling DflM D. OF L. OFFICERS rrj; Christmas [$JS.O8) 89T-tW-899'89 liniPK; make our peoplt> happy nhd J IIIIIHT Ton Hum Lett Guard liroHperoUB, hut It IB pretty nmir timoj Ptide of Hollywcod Council, No, 2, Brder one of our Aslmrx 1'ark. i Walk-Over Shoes (loitlB Culler, 4; I'tiu^bki-cpKie, 3; ii. A n. 1S74. Beginning i it utarled, for above, iho mutter'innH Selects New Officers. rtlwri.v lliw nf Fimrtlt A^i- Ward, 1; Jeffrey, l; Coyiw, J; T>f»an, 1. No Connexion With Any Other H. GOLDSTEIN, Mgr. J! g^owa] discontent at the Bcarcity lade Mince Piss 40; Establishment Fouli—WtiUa, 1; Ward, 2. Pride of Hollywood Council, No. 2, p ,.f i'.mnli Avt i' and Bm< iet: ibeaeo )f work, the, dul|ne$.[; of trade, tho prev- Christmac Diniiei", h* norths ..f Fourth .IrsKc Sflbbfttii /'''IVrreeil tljfi ^aiuc in Daughters of Liberty, bos elected tho :ileiiC(i of prlc«8 that ar« cruel, and the K, Wli-URD WISEMAN, Optician thi'inv. to . ai rli-ht fhic KtyU*. following I.IIU era: ... 25c formal* w\-h my uacla the late i nnitiea Ut Fotirtii Atemu, atui lunnln-il and failure of Democrat ic dontrlneH to SV. O. WISEMAN . tifiy feet; thcin'c woirteri?, iMreifei wild Kdiuili Council - Kthel Pfmler. fkiu ... 25c Aveooo, Bfiy fert; them1*.- sauilicrlv, eftia ;ii bring old time Republican prosperity, Vice Cdum-llui- Lucy Nantiinla. !••" h«io. - 5t--ect., Anbury Park. N. J. ! rj»ht n>\-;h'<. ir. IVUMHI Avinue, taw lnm«ln>ti I hear the tramp of the oncoming Postmaster's Son to Wed. * Ptlone M6CM* | illKt fitly Ici-t In Hie |i|;n'i' of tegiWltlSJI.Bfi - ESdyar I). Wooliey, BOO of Po#tma*tar Associate C(iLm<-iloi- — Canit; Throck- 1REAM Any Flavor ins tlw tame preralaen wwifeyed I'.v CawJlfte MimiHimds of the party of Lincoln, morion. i c- Cook, (wi^aw), (•> Irfivlnia Taylor by da»d Clarence D. Wilson and Mrs. A.'T. Woolhy. and MiflB 1 (3rant and McKinJey, the party that. \'ite CtmncHor l-i/zie Norton. ickt or Loose will be De- [dflled Decemdef IT. f«vl. mni recorded In fi" j Fret da Sofle^ daughter of ax-Chiel and nevij- liiounh! want of hard thm H to Recording Secretary Addle Itovver, »t your home in time NEW JERSEY CENTRAL. ! Mrs. Carnie P. Boffel, win be married ;ner. mn- rni nides, that parly which hat; Lfc»v« Long Briiich j iljlit "I Architect on N(\v yo&r's nigbt at the home a Associate Bscratary Qhrlsais iiou- and will do more for Ihe uplifting ef IFCI. : For New York. Ncwurk and Elizabeth, all F R" •" Mifs Bofflll, H» 265 Wf'Htwood aveniK r«ii, fi.2« •",0.1, 'S.U. J'.OO, 11.*:* a. :n,; 2.lift, ff™*™S' ihe race and the persoiiul pood and I'iiiiinrlal Sncrctary—EllzabcUi Hv- i iiHsat By the Jar 4 12, B.r. Illi, 7.21, !».ll!l p. ill. Burid;.ja, 8.3'J'1" f8™ prosiierity of the Individual, than any Rev. Alfonso Dare, paetOT of the Siiufi-',-if*it. •». in ; 4.81, B r,6, S.lfi p. m. 1 ]'V r"'" Buptrior Vo any Make. >thef political party has In I his or * - •- --• - -?• - - ',.j4> |m j mniirai Memoriiil M. K. Churoh, will of-1 Treasurer Kmily Rockwell. 5, n, - 4 '(1 n ill • Siii-rhil Miisii'W i.l Ill's eourl. any uiher nation, since the. early dawn BoIat Mr. Wo in a Kraduatr of II Guide -Blanch (lowland. Selected Eggs 50c doz. ' fiir'Ati'iuiUe City, 5.21, 9.27 a. m.; 4.12 p. m., j CoWlHtoM mads ktriv.ii ™ tfljf »(•. 180-182 BROADWAY recorded time. ChaHle, ot l!ii;', and IK jiBRoct-i Inside Guard Howard lmtiRler. , iome of our Home Cook- WILBUR A HfiHSLQY. ated with his father ai tin- Xew Jaraey ! Outside Quard—W, Wolcott, SUtlsD), Tla Halawmi, 7.05, D.00, 11.43 «. m.; I l'»1'i'™;'i * Ulr.rar Kolirllnrn. „.,,., LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY Mortgagfl and Trimt Compaiiy. The Pianist Rufa I'esler. >ked Ham. IJ A l y rtl V I.I! P. w. 8UWlW«, «.3» a. m. : 4.31, 8.48 r. m! "i','J'. 1 " "" '"' ' '" "^;"'.«- ^'" .. Wants Market in Rear of Hotel. ceremony will take place al ftfgfit '1'rusiec .Mamie \':ni Note. " -Now York only, i—Saturtiys only. l*1-^'1"! -____i!li_ iHior Long Branch Record: o'clock in the, oveninu;, and Uie occn- RpprrH(Milat.lvi-8 to Klate Council— TIK> other day I PSad fn irrtfcle in KIOII will be a reunion of this fait'K Mary ('UKC, Ll'/.zh> Went, Hannah I>e- your paper about a Public Market, i waltears. LITTLE ART STORE Make Housekeeping Easy No Excuse for and I am slad that there in one man 8 BROADWAY in LOUR Hranch who in willing to' j the Plumbing remodel- Rheumatism Bfiip i,oun Branch, I mean Mr. Isaar; Mil E t. LONU BRANCH, N. 3. ed. See that the Tubs arc of VAN BRAKLE-STATIONERY | date in all the uiual va- Girls Wanted Stein, who offers the Commissioners the newest and most conven- 'KLINES" his place hi tli« rear of fiis hotel, free 1S7 OliOADWAY, LONG BRANCH of illka and wonted*. ient pattern and the sink. To tew on machines. of charge; for n public market. Now I j •ted good* In largo Va- Model of Sanitary, Simplicity, RHEUMATIC Pictorial Review Pat.- Paid whil* Itsrnlng. the ComrnifcuianfM'.s oti&fii to look Jutojj New Holiday .joods just received for late buyer*, includ ing a fresh roomy and easy to clean. REMEDY his matter, as the taxpayers have no i j ind Magazines, Coat Padi Sttady work In clean, supply of small calendar pade, etc. la a positive means of overcom- if-k and tlcy ought to try H. ] am a mcy Goods. Fre« '.esson* light factory. Looi; for tomorrow's Utt, the Newest 8titi-he», ing all Rheumatic allmentB, taxpayer and citizen, of IJOIIK Uranch. Ing to ordar. STEINER A SON. Hines & Hammer For .«ale by H. ,S. Meyers, 319 Btb T. KATZ. Send your express package* here, or 'phone to 399-W., and they will 1cc.i Always Right. avenue, Long Branch; Schroeders' Dec. 2f), 1913. be called for and promptly forwarded by U. S. Express. H8. J. G. tXTON 348 Broadway, Phone 42 J. Pharmacy and James Cooper's RexallJ *tore, Broad St., Red Bank. Advertise In the Dally Record—It pays.

WUKjr REPORTFR Only One More Day by "HOP"


'And tti Ktuil lull of music bvoaks forth I FIATT v CQU&!« guius out qf the State to v»td on the air, I When the f>ong of the SUgfita is gttHft JL/XXIIJ I rei u! ning within a year. But there The Bank of Personal Service. ISSUED EVERY WEEKDAY. | iir'1 JIMI! •' evil effect hi I han niarriage It is coining, old Karth, it is coming to- i night? nl tlis unlit K) lie auiiit-Ueiittetl if that • Editor. ITIZENS On the R&owJbtJfei which cover the] Ban]. Boliieau Bobbitt, is enforced. STRONG The foet of tho Christ-child fall gentle] SUBSCRIPTION RATES. NATIONAL FOOD CHEAPER, WAGES HIGHER. and white, r«rmt (Pottage Free) outside of the AND And the voice of the Christ-child tells! The Officers of City of Long Branch and tbe Ijoag AociudiiiK to sfatiKtlcH gathered by BANK : : our with delight, Branch mail delivery limit*. Chief tteorgs L. Low of the of C PROGRESSIVE That mankind are the children of One year In advance 16.00 God. Throe montht. La advance 1.26 Statistic* of Labor and Industries, av- LONG BRANCH, N. J. The Fir^t National Bank] One month. In ad ranee 60 eragp wages In New Jersey were 2.4 On the Bad and the lonely, the wretch' Single copies. In advance 01 per cent, higher In 1913 than In 1912 ed and poor, of Long Branch Published by and the average coBt of living, taking That voice of the Christ-child shall F. M. TAYLOR PUDL18HINQ CO., fall, extend Christmas Greetings a test bill of goods as a guide, 7 per And to every blind wanderer opens the 192 Broadway, cent. less. This decrease is said to door Chai. L. Edwards, Sec'y and Manager, and their be^l wishes for the have been mainly due to a falling off A MERRY Of a hope that he dared not to dream LONG BRANCH, NEW JiORS^Y. of before, In the prices of flour and potatoes, Telephone 1000 Long Branch. With a sunshine of welcome for all. New Year but, omitting these two staples, the re- Tuesday, December 23, 1013, duction In favor of lhn housekeeper And the feet of the humbleBt may walk December, 1913 in the field, was 1.4 per cent. Where the feet of the holiest have THE ANTIDOTE. That's* no great change, but It's em- CHRISTMAS trod; "Tht? . pi ciiii Interests have been phatically a start in the right direc- This, this is the marvel of mortal* re- vealed, iwaUorlng the poison of pesalmtBin tion, which was the moat that could abroad In this country am! this is the When the siivery trumpets of have rp-ftnonably been hopnd for this mas have pealed — prison for the? great baste In the en- year. # should not be expected of it at oncecombe! Luckily there's an antidote That mankind are the children of f.cttui'Hl of this law," said Congress- ! to all this buncombe. It is the atti- God. in the Bast, The. wans of people are man Victor Mm dock, Progressive, be- Jtade of thp business world. The pass- PROOF OF PROSPERITY. too indifferent to attend such meetings age of the bill marked by a. sharp ad- i'vi • <;iHting his vo(p for the currency THOUGHTS WORTH READING THE PROTECTION AND INCOME Mow little basin there i« for |hn at-and air their grievances, were the vance in the Btock markets—that is bill, a pfeeedare In which all but threw 'reality. All currency agitation is mere tempt to inunufarlure. hard times in meetings held. Perhaps they might Stimulate ua with your vitality. affo-ded by an account with tht\ of ilie fifteen Progressive) Represen- I buncombe.—N. Y. Herald. clear lo any observer, The Trenton be gradually educated up to it, how- When you lose heart, you're lost. Call New Jersey Mortgage & Truttl tatives nnd thirty-seves nppubllcanH it what you please—audacity, nerve, Times cites oiii' industrial straw of ever. We can't (ell withoul trying and Great Epileptics. Company is the beat incentive to I joined him. bravery—after all, it is only confidence roiiHitlerabln dtmenstong to indicate trying persistently. Bragenigta insist that epileptics under another name. There is a cer- ma*e regular deposits and in-1 Thai wits a fair statement of fact. how the. business whir] is blowing. should not be permitted to msjry, but tain quality in men that lifts them The currency bill provides the anti- now comes the doctors and historians head and shoulders above the mob. It crease your resources. Whetbtr I "When a depression in business, pop- There was $24,(100 profit on aand declare that most of the men of ed Clive into India, and inspired a dote For the poison, 1 yon have a large or a small a-1 ularly known »« 'hard times, It says, 134,000 contract in connection with supreme genius the world has known handful of whites to conquer the brown "At last," as Mujorlly Leader Un- ' were epileptics. They product evi- hordes of Asia. It placed the school- mount of cash, come in and open | "!H threatened, no one Is quicker to the Installation of the water In a Newdence to show that Napoleon, Handel, derwood mid, "we are to have a cur- :oy of Ajaccio on the throne of France. an account with us. discern the nitfns than the mnnufac- York prison, a Witness testifies. He Paginini, Mozart, Schiller, Richelieu. t rendered the farmer soldiers of rency that will respond to the needn ra, who l«?gin to curtain their pro- Kluubert, Julius Caeear, Paul, Fred- 3 1-3 Per Cent. Interest F»aid On Deposits adds that the profit would have beenjerick the (Jreat, and Mahomet were Washington superior to the trained of the country-B currency system dl|(.|1(in .1I|(J ^^ (,xpeuses ,n antJc. 115,000 it the work had been prop- .all epileptics. Talleyrand tells of Na-troops of Britain. *t drove Peary to the Pole. It fertilized the genius of th»t will provide money when the busf- j ipatjo|l of(|lf . ruI||nR (jff ,„ ,rat]e Thflt poleon's fits. They declare that the erly done. Isn't there any limit to all far-vistoned benefactors of humani- ness Interp.slH demand ll. Th« trou I account that Pa\fl gives of MB visii NEW JERSEY MORTGAGE & TRUST CO. the luiuteiu course to pursue. some people's grepd? to Damascus shows that he was anty. It ia the very ^ouch-stone of suc- hie hiiH been heretofore lhat business "I Jut the Maddock Pottery Com epileptic. Suetonius says that Caesar cess. Confidence is not a substitute I.O.Nli BRANCH, N. J. legithiiiile business—has had lo go! pany's management is not to be mini- had fits. Maxim du Camp gives a long for skill and knowledge, but without Does 1 he fact that the census shows sslf-rellance ability is wasted.—Regin- Lai hand to the person, who owned ,,„,,,„ ,„„„„„ ,„, , account of Flaubert's malady. L)v, pCM mUtll and •.U7f},22g widows in the United Stales llavelock Kills says a large propor- ald Wright Kaufman in N. Y. World. niimey WIHMI It wya needed. I be-alsrratsts, for h l» preparing for ex-to 1,471,M0O widowers indicate that tion of British men of genius had at Hi,, grat banking Interest, will tenMin umUons ,O lts al].Pady Iarg( least one parent that showed abnor- nuitrlnioiiy is more healthful for jmality. lie declares that the character . . i i• i this Ijlll, that It will be a boon pi,Kit. in anticipation of th« big Imsl- women than men? jof Micawber was a correct account in ONG BRANCH 1 1o f nlt d 8l tM i Fifty Years Ago Today. "' I I' ' "'" " '' ' ' l,™i which In expected next year. 'delall of the characteristics of IMck- thai it will relievo any money strln- , rmnpam; no la well Ins's father. This discussion reminds Dec. 23. Thl Maddoch Those who didn't shop early can't 'one of the conversation of the old E BANKING COMPANt Spnrtinjj men were excited over Jhni may exist todad y and thaht known, mukcK a specially of hotel (Quaker with his wife when he re- 1 blame the weather for hindering them the nVennn-King prizefight, it will oil Hi' wheels at commerce. witn- anil cuplinliHis do not invent or the papers for not reminding them .marked: "Kverybody is a little crazy which took place in England on "I bellevt' that the, era of dull times except thee. and me, and I sometimes ORGANIZED IN 1872 their money in new hoteiH unless thfly ihis time think that thee is a little queer."— tin? 10th. Tlcenan ailmircrs re- will pate away when the President uf BBfl a good prospect of profitable trudo. fused to credit reports of his de- feat and placed bets on him «»f the l>*iitod Stales ulgns thla bill." "Bo that both capitalists and potters Omaha World-Herald. Accounts of CorpQrations, Firms and EDITORIAL COMMENT 10 to I. „ TIHIC is tid doubt about it. i'-ft- optimistic, and they belong to a German troops invaded Hoi- Murder Fiends Without Parallel. Wlli Hi,, two big u,id disturbing j ,.,„„„ , , But Never Find 'Em. stein to .support the i hilms of Individuals Invited. ||m| wm |(] now b( shortenlng There is an extraordinary analogy < thnt have been agitating tho There &rs always mvn who are Frederick of Aunjustenburg to sinil if they saw evidences of dull looking for girls like those on maga- at many points between the cases ot the throne of Schlewwig-Holsieiu. enuntry nut of tin? way, the coining I mile. One occasionally hears of azine cover.s; and Kills looking for men the two arch-murderers of the age. lki? those in thp clothing ads.- Arkun Mans Schmidt, a priest who Is awalt- year is hound to be one of great pros- faoi&y ^ ^ ,ak|Qf[ ^^^ but Twenty-five Years Ago Today. BOfl Gazette. |ing trial in New York for slaying *Jor ^' that is quite common at this season Anna Aumuelier and dismembering The goTeniinent of Haiti sur- rendered to naval of thfi year, even in the best times. Don't Look Good Nowadays. her body while she was still alive, "The stocking Is a bad purae," says and. who planned a number of other ships the steamer Haytien IJe- EUGENICS AESURDITIE5. > With tlie early passage of the cur- murders, and A. Wagner, a school publlc, held for confiscation as a Major Sylvester, the capital's head blockade rumor. Ilwjinkep doctors have, gonn on arency hill we may expect a complete :"op. A roll does make it look kind of teacher, who is soon to be tried at Vaihingen, near Stuttgart, Germany, GRAND THEATRE si fhe eugenics law which disappearance of the light clouds on umpy In these days of silt skirts.— fhe New York American. * ifor cutting the throats of his wife and will become rffectivs in Wisconsin on',] ronnnerclai skies. four children while they were asleep Earl Steiman Dead. January 1st The law makes a phy- "When a pottery begins to plan for Doesn't Often Work. than going to the village of Muhlhau- Earl Steiman, aged 45 years, who sen and yetting fire to houses and Blcian'a eertifliat* that a man 1B sound additional kilns, It is a good «ign that A Chicago man has married a lady d been ill for the past six months, Our Christinas Surprise Il( who shot at him a year or two ago. shooting down, as they rushed out, adied at his home in North Broadway and mentally a prerequisite i » ' "Utlook In that particular trade Is Ladles who have not been able to getscore of persons, killing eleven of yesterday morning at 7 o'clock. Fu them. of a marriage license. It fixesth blighte ; mid when the big factories are husbands in the regular way ought neral services were held during the af- ernoon, Interment being in charge of FOR TONIGHT busy, and capital necking investment to be warned that shooting at a man! In both instances the crimes were fee at j;i. On the ground that cer- wins only once in about 90,000,000 committed the lirst week in Septem- funeral director Hyer A Flock. The tificates at that price will on their in flrnt-cliiHs hotels, there can be notimes.—Chicago Record-Herald. ber, the perpetrators admit that they -ieeeased h survived by a widow and WILL BE face be proofH of incompetence and t-HUSO for alarm." were premeditated and that they had our children. planned to kill many others, they perjury, the County Medical Society Get around that if you can! How Did This Happen? An eleven-yenr-old boy deliberately 'claim to be perfectly sane, they mani- of the Slate's metropolis has resolved hot a playmate with a rifle, after get- fest no regret and declare thai it 10 Beautiful Baskets of Fancy Fruit tlnit its nieni'uM-s will furnish no cer- "TOWN MEETINGS" IN NEWtins from the other boy a written and i wculd he well for half the people in YORK? ned Permission to,do the deed. Ho the world to, be murdered. tificates. Alienists who have examined the "It hceins to me." said Director told the police that he got the idea SPECIAL FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS EVERY DAY Pr. Horace M. Brown, the president, jit a moving picture show, and hismen are inclined to pronounce them BXDtftiSS thfl Muml tints' I !'"i'('derick ('. Howe, of tlu1 People's lu- mother corroborated him. With the sa,ne. They say that. Wagner's mental condition is not abnormal, but that he "The tine reason why tbe madJcal | •ttttttft at a meeting a few days agoutmost sympathy for the family, a per- ., DON'T FORGET OUR son cannot help asking, nevertheless, bj "dead to all feeling and emotion.' men m/use to moke ihese certifloates «* Fusion leaders In New Vork to talk what business an eleven-year-old boy The samp may doubtless be said of Is that the QXftmiuatiott. according to',mer I'laim to* pernmuently Improving Fehmkle. That is, that they are ment- COUNTRY STORE has with a rifiV, or, unattended, at. aally responsible as we are accustomed the (ieinand of the bill, would Involve I cnftdttfOM, 'that Fusion needs two moving picture show?- YOUUI'H Com- to gauge responsibility. Hut can tliat EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING panion. iit least four Waaa«rm»n tertta, extend- lifting*. One In a place where people be true? Who can classify the var- ious manifestations of madness? Isn't A great selection of beautiful gifts will be given each time Ing over a period of over four ctontiitj can lalk about government much as Buncombe Versus Reality. a person emotionally dead the most each of which would absolutely COM,!"1' talk about it here; and second, a The Currency bill has brought forth dangerously insane individual, as we B lot of buncombe oratory. Senator If properly done, $io to $15, after 'plan* where they can meet as inform know insanity? Itoot declared the measure would de- The very enormity of the crimes, Come to the Grand and Save Your Coupons which a Nngiit-hi test would he neces- ally and freely as they now meet in stroy American credit ami sti'Rw the As j inspire doubt that men who are sane I>In>uonds tiurchaiic> than ran be no miatake. Ladles' Sulti and Costs, Men's Furnishings, Hate and Cats "Whitman'!, The Mirror «nd But will Cupid be KO posily balked? having public officials go before the Tomorow is the last Christ- CHARLES A. KEENE mas shopping day! Are you Park entitled "The Mansion" was giv- jfBEch, Mrs. Johu Carroll, Mrs. Ber- IS feet below. He struck on his head sion of lhe Alilrirh-Vreelautl emefffeti m by eight Chattle pupils. They were jiffd Coyne, Mrg. George Conrad, Mr.-;. and was rendered unconscious. Alter ey currency law for one year beyond William Cavallrre. Mary llolton. Lulu VICTIMS OF AUTO 1 ' Tg, O. Crabtree, Mrs. Patrick Daley, |a doctor gave him temporary attention tbe date flzed fo: its expiration, June Iretinan, Mary Menke, Lillian Farry. f 1 rs. Crawford Gibson, Mrs. Peter J. lit was removel to the hospital here, BO, 1\)U, Gttbrielle 1'clky, Ulanche Fowler and Gcrnmn, Mrs. Martin Griffin, Mrs. 'where he remain unconscious until torothy \'anl.iuiit. A nurafaer of the The house adopted tlie conference )ld graduates uf Chattle, who are now Charles Hoffman, Mr». Thomas T, Lit- yesterday morning, nearly twenty-lour report without ehnngu. and the senate ye, BF.I Mrs. Peter P. Lang, Mrs. Dav- hours after tlie accident happened. attending colleges spoke to the is expected to take tin- same artiuu l>\ gchool Some were from last year's UeUoy, Mrs, James Jackson, Mrs. | Since he has regained consciousness good majority. In the house unh Henry MeDerniott, Mrs. Darby Martin, (Continued from First Page.) jtlip man lias shown signs of rapid re class, while others have been out of two Democrats- Galloway ot' Texas Chattle for some time. «s!ro!5s»^Rwa«r* . William O'Brlen. Mrs. Hugh Phil- !covery. and Witlieispouii of Mississippi-voted lips and Mrs. Mae Ryan,.of Red Hank; The Michael Doe warrant issued by Hobrasen worked on the new rail- against the atlopiiun of Ilifl coiifereure School closed today nt one o'clock | Patrick McOarron, Mra. Richard Justice Bordeu, of Asbu/y Park, prov- road bridge which is being built across agreement, whilo forty-uim- Republic id will reopen again on Monday, Tobin, Mrs. Hugh McCarron, Mrs. Wil- ed to be for Michael Shinn, who when the Shrewsbury river at Red Bank. tins and Progressives voted fur it- •funnary 5tli. .Many of (he ( If you haven't finished liam Mahan, Mrs. Minton, Mrs. Mar-apprehended was unable to furnish It was not uutii tlie small hours ut will spend their vacation i other t Hendrickson, Mrs. James Mct'ar bail. He was the only one of the par- ILLEGAL SALE CHARGED the morning, after an ail night session states. ton, Mips Anna Connors, Miss Helen ty implicated that was forced to spend that the democratic senators ami rep Under the direction of Mif the conferees Wits cuntirined oiitU;e premise to have the prn.e list nied htiving accepted pay fcr s:imc anil sent posthaste to lhe senate, which fitps, Lovelace and Boger. h consin, will be member bank Number After it was shown that Mrs. I-Ylihnan Altos—Misses Forbes, ileiedith. a feature. Uefre^hnn nts will also bt? one of the federal reserve banking b::tt previously agreed merely to re served. raid no license to the city fur tin i-cive it and then adjourn. HUikcslee, Fronler, VntiDuaen. system provided by the new currency disposal of liquors, Seecrder Arrow First Reformed Church. I bill, that institution having been the tmith imposed a line cf $ll)u. In tlie i-onchidiiig hours of the eon The Kirs I Helormed Clnirch and To Play Billiard Matches Here. I first to apply to the Treasury for meni- fereuce the provision for the guarantee Mrs. Keldman said ahc would supea mday gchool j>aaa-fi^lad UISL aven Frank Leigbton, better kmwn in I bershlp. Most of the applications of bank depo*itH was dropped niida g \\ ith linMiihfi'H and ir fends of llit* billiard parlors, ;is "Oakley," who is tlie case, but before filing si bond was provinloii adopttMl far the retirement of jhave eomp from middle western banks. Bund ay (School who enjoyed one of the seldom ween in local matches, has con(Th- e Gotham National flank and thef.raiKerl permission to consult conns**! the 'J per cent hmids at the vttte ut' unt sented to play a series of five game.-; Unless the bond is filed payment cl iiHt-e than 1123,000,000 Q year, half that t entertainments ever given for Harriman National Bank of New York the fine will hf demanded n«t. tfttei the Children. H was given under the against Then. Young, Jr., at Greene's city, have applied for membership. amount of bunds to be exchanged an Third Avenue Hotel. The first 200- than tomorrow morning. unally U>v ooe year 'A per cent gold direction of Superintendent William ball match is scheduled for Christmas notes renewable for twenty years ami emith, bight, .commencing at 8 o'clock. Tho Fifty Incendiary Fire Victims. RIVERSIDE CLUB SHOOT. the other half is? U per cent gold Uu The church had been boaiinliiily othep matches are being arranged for Viudivostock, Russia, Dec. 23.— maturing in thirly years. decora ud wiih gremiH mni holly Jtew Year's {tight, January 8th, 15thFifty men were trapped by an incen- Handicay Event Christmas Day and wreaths. Hopes of green reached from and 22nd. The player having the high- diary fire in a coiliery near here to- Turkey Shoot on 30ti. the renirc of the celling to different angles. The green festooned against est number of points will be present- day and all are believed to be dead. I The Riverside Gun Club, of Red IMPORTANT FEATURES MUSIC CLUB POPULAR Bank, will hold a handicap shoot on jthe solii of the pipe organ and the ed with e trophy by Mr. Greon. Con- OF NEW CURRENCY BILL. Newly Organized Association Filling iflderable interest centers on this ser- American Suffragette Released. i'B range Thursday U'hrLstniast) large oak doors gave n pariic-uiarly ( 5 pl&asani effeei. a Long Felt Want in Coir ies of games, as the winner is open to London, Kng., Dec. 23.—Miss Zelia mcrninK al 9.30 o'clock, it will be a AulhmiiirH nt least eight regional Emerpon, of Jackson, Michigan, who fifty clay-bird event and will he call- reserve asfoclations. Will probably j The program* as piint^'l, w&s ear- munity, accept all challenges from Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Clerk, td wa sarrested on tlie charge of assault- ed tlie T. if. Grant handicap. Mr. be twelve. lied oin. with the addition of a roc.i is nothing more Beneficial t< county pool players. Con»tituten si'firtaiy of treasury, 1 'oiiinmliity tlian an ac-tlvc mui^lca! : 1'nim h|ior(. avenue, It'ft >pHtcrcliiy ing policemen, during a suffragette Grant donates the first award, which t ;i tic ii by M;i;K i Jease Roach, u vocal seoratsry of aKricuiiure and Damp' EOIO by Linda Parker, and tho read in I irganl/iUlon because it cicirii'H with j morning for ('Union, MHKM., where oH o purrrencncy g ioB Io \\\ tumndariea of dis- < t a beautiful G&rJsimsa legend en? i go nt;i;>v advantajeH. In ihc Hist tiiiw will spend the bolidayi ;i» tae l)onald Hanltin, the tuipei viscr of M in gold. tricts mul r»Pfn"« cities. . litlecl "Father Martin" by Miss I'ear! ihice, H help* t" bring the illy more gu< >>; of their BOM. Prof. Freclciick the Rends of Fair Haven Borough. i Tuesday, Dec. 30th, the club w En lira system umlev control of Hiocie. The Whole program waft a BUO- jrcrtlllU'iiMy before Hie eyt'H of others. 10. Click. lend) red u s leslgnation at last night's Commerce Board Appointment. federal r»#rvfl board of seven t iniiiBB the people togathsr smiail.v. Htgs Helen Wlioaton, of WaBti- hold a turkey ehoot. Theif will be iiieinbcrs, goert-tory of the treasury ceaS from start tu nnish, but w hat Washington, I). C, Bee. 23.—Piesi- illH prOfUBstDnally and crentea li:ir- int. li.n street, II;IB hern VIHIHIIK frlellila meeting o f:he Borough council. One tin ee iTj-bird handicaps ft r msnrt iind comptroller of tfic currency rciifu-r. On the tree hung a preset!, for each AHIH Illanch MCIKICIII Clnl) will he we!- Crristmas D.i/ Services at St. George's -transacted by the council. Mu.xt come within a year or for- A Professional Love Letter Writer. feit charters t hild of the rradle roll, beginners' and onied by nil lovem of tnciBic-, as wall Church, Sea Bright. in the American Mngnzhie ajipeara Boom for Governor in 1916. Btat* banks may Join by meeting ] rimary classes and the. Junior .,,,., scrmo.i Day at tlie State House today was a of capital iinJ surplus all national fl Hannaway and Theodcre C anrner, cf afteS dinner B^eet'bes, ob.tam\T poetry, little boom for Senator Jas. A. .lohn- banks. .' ucok. The tree, dolls, and hooka we oaeher. rehearsal, were begun this ant| lm|y ,.,,,tlmllll|0,1, l0.80. this city, are tack frcm a hnnHngtrtp etc Tue folluwilitf is one of l!je s|*i-son, of Bei'gen county, for the Demo- .Sttxk open to the. national banks lip result ol tlie work of the mewfall with Biieh iuod ^ucoesi M to war,-1 The s|1,,(.j,,l nil,S|(, „, ,,„, morBjng first and then to public to North Carolina. They bagged a lot vies he lulls about wilting love letters ciatic nimination for Governor in 18HL •)CI-K of elaas No, :t. Mrs. cuni* ant a [inlilic: ciemonafralioii of (ci(? s.,,vlei' will Io' DivHeii'lH on regional bank stock work accoiniillsheil In the near lu- o!' quail and rablitt, and report hav- CT ii customer: fjonit; of HIP friends of Senator John- 11 j.oi cent. Throi kmorton. teacher, Itobt. Parker 1'ieluHe \ lolin and oiKan, KtKiir. ing had a delightful time. j "Ops day last full n handsome ymm« i-rn were here today, as they had been Advnntagwi i»r aew system win .is 8a&t& Clans tock the gifts "from tat .urp. Tlie rhili tiaa I""'; oi c;ani/eil on nal- Adestu Ffdeles, Hend- — —— j liii.n. (iiiicli e[ii/i.''>"**(l. iipticjirpd niiii for two or three Tuesdays lately, and «i\i- eximtmivc or eluslic currency, 'rfie and gave them to the children i UiiKlness bajia with associate mem- jn r;i'i!ii;i(cil Iiy ttie ready mobHI'/.t- ilB Fishermen Want Bulkhaad. I nftcr .-onu- liositatiou confosstMl that he were boosting the Senator for th? nom- li.jn i»f reserves, in addition each member of the San -"> ""» " "'•"'" | vniiiie and Oiorian—Chaot, Blv«y. The building ol' a bulkhead In front UM\ uugterted Iiis education and waaination. Senator .lolinson, wiiose term Will pi'cvi-tii panics, day school received candy and an or Long Branch ri.oulcl Hiijipoj-t ilnw Te iJeuin i; I'lai Woodward. cf the Sea Bright fishery will receive i-orrespirtHfiim with ii .vonnj; wtmian will expire with the organization of the I'rovi.ic-; afler two year! for grafl- angei, iimsli al (iub, at tl incsms an advam-e Bonsdlctui Chant, Hentheote. 1 «al i .'iii i-iiM-m of BStlonfti bank attention eoon at tiit hamls of tha K'Wi v.lto.u be u;i.s vrry iniirJi hi love. now Senate nr\t month, was at ChristIIIHS letters had been sent t< in the artistic a.-, Well as tlie ecjniiner- Hymn, "8 j f) HinK, this hh-s-eil ; imffB nnd retun&ing of 3 per eeiji Mayor and Council. The reftefil itstsa : i'*' tt'B« a pollen© ;:i'ai]uaU'. and be di--.( apltal and gmlled broadly whsti asked •.•.rtvc; ninrnt bonds. Substitution (-f the memseraof tin? Home Department la| icffaiis el the city. Those who did co n§ Id crab IF damage Us rna prop- slml t«» hnvi« his leiti'iv as well writicsi ;', pei i-onl gold bondl without clrcu- On Sunday nexj pin a will Li_- give] /IBII to luiunie ailive inenilii'lH, vaw Kyrie EIPII «l Plain Horn;. iv he would I):• a candidate for tiu tHiion prlvL:eae» to run nventy erty owned by the fishermen. The as berw IVBV. W» Ue n*autt^ we to write QorernofBhlp to sueoaad Governoi • nttra or a pur cent treasury yuio" (or regular attendance ranghiR frou jiply to Mr. Carre or to the oftu-ers Qlorla Tii" Qarrett. flfth arm en will petition the council to fiiejoi. i advise.) hini to write siinpi.v I'li-ltifr. "Nun -,fvn siseeo is a lottg cjie year to ilvi. if the club. Hymn "It c.ime Upon Hie M take action. I and as be til I Ut-d, Imi bo persisted, ami \.;iy off," lit' r- a Ui wit h a laugh. 1* At Parochial School. Klil Clear." SVUIb. ivaa evident, h >weycr, tbai Se waa nc A very interesting Christmas con SHREWSBURY NEWS Anthem, "Sl!c :it Nlglit, Holy NIKIH," Sea Bright Trolley Progressing. | « ""< Uv\y nml Inicliy what \u- WUlitcd cen was given at the Lyceum Faro lllawli.v. dtSpteaSI '1 W*i!' I lie UBfl Q hlB BftlH' o SII.V to iHT. ;iud I wrote the frills rhi;il School today. The followiir- Mr. mul Mi'B. $, K. Clark ape] tlic'i llyiiin "II li tie Town of Ilithl'"- The \vt rk ci getting consents i tiu'ui. lie cupii>il tin; letter* hhn- in tills nniiiiertfon. program "KH rendered; veslf-end with Mrs. Clarlii a itiiT, hem," lii'imi bt:ild an ixlf iu Ion of i he Monmouf l Singing "Conic All Ye Faithful." Mrs. \\ iiliani Morton, of l>i ^.Jdyn. County Eiectrie OompanTi UM from"-1'"- "JT"0* WJ*1' :ls Ul."M 'iui vn. I Kursiini Ccrda anil Kiinrtn.-: -Plain To Sail Cup Defender. Reading of Marks. The rfohya-iinn Chrlatraai aervtervice Bong. Bintelmaan'a Corner, Octulfl, to8«i| ^ l ^f >Xl 1 i'nt. That , iig Iwl.v rcrt'ivt'tl seme Captain SelBh Ii. Howaa of AilantU lit'i-itatioti "Founding <»f cliriKt ill he held Weaneidaj IIIKII*. ! Aiyies Dei Allans. HiiKiit. is progretalnf rapidly. Klghlaads, has beau selected ae aiclp i >f the most w ii as," Caul White, Mr. asd MM .J Wright Brown* of trolley comuitttfta ha\i 80 pw een Iprfiil lore letters pver Gloria In K.I-I lsia (Jilhcri. . | written. Tin were mm Tied during per of <'H'* of tiie thrt'e Hailing ya'ht. .lolly (in Bt, Nicholas,' Thlrd.Qrade Mew York, Kiient UK- v.efk end al their Rece»tonal 'Hark! What Mean the Avcnu.. of Two BITI r«. "• percent I ;•••"•;'• ••"•' which are being iiuili to defend tin cu; GET REPRIMANDS -•uininer iioine mi Sycamore avenue.. on the NBv»«lnk ayenue and S6 por tOe wluUtl"i 'flv ChristniBa story me Holy Volcea?" in thf international yacht nu-"s nes MIIB Klain fitapatflck, of Kuton The Sunday school fontival will h-- rcnl ( !i Bhirk Point Rnad. ••Tap. Tap, Tap!" Pllrsl Oracle. 1 mninur between Soglaitd aa. C, i**-- -•'• Cout Recitation "My Dollle," Huth Wan IWJU wa.s II gueil "i Miss Bather held in Ralph Hall on Friday after- Bengal and Its Language. ca, Which will be held off Sandy Monk. Hurley op Sunday, McCann Girl Went to Utlca. I Tl"' l""»l''i' Of »BWSal unraber serai- pen tetters hearing the official itamf) (U I. uonu, Decemb r ^istli. at 2 o'clock. | |v miliiniis iimi boast of pui'bapfi the Captain (fowcl! i.s rated tti CUP of -h- of tlie. Secretary ol War or Uie Becre "Our Christmas Wish," Paul Kfar Bodore ant) RagiaaM rarson«, best skippers in the country. He 1 * Ar are attending Princeton Unlve.r- Blnghampton, N. Y.. D?r. 13.—That ,M91, ,.,,Mll,-,. hl UM:I Hl ,|,,. present tary of tho Navy today \v« re Kent to BS nan. Holiert MeNelH, Martin Jordan Chattle Gerrnan,,6ociety Make* Merry. wan (he King Edward cup fR'Ice. are e;ijoyinK tlieir Chrlatinaa va- T 1 Jisaie E. McCann. lhe missing Brook-] iilM1. yj,0 |nng»B«e M n wrilli.n hiti- many officers of tha Army, Sn' y ;.:; i bar iiciitvi-hf \ rrcin. tin der lyii girl, traveled from Stroudaburg, .,.,,..,. |a ,,,,|V tiftv yivus aid. Tlinntth Marino Corps. Bong "Merry i hi taUsas " on with their parentH, Mr. andSociety CliaUie School, in 11 l Penn., to Ulica on tho llifcht of Doccm- 1(,T. ovt%r tl ))i(Hisiiu trn.-,. ,,r Ruimnll linv- s itoo( a( the ETotm^a of tits boas ae "dinner fecmm^eo of the If litter; At Primary No. 3. New York on Taetdaf. the flrai 1111111111 r on ihe iirnnram A wauiKi lino sleeper "Hoboken," in h,g been au ImporttlU Htwury.tungae. Branch Gun Club on Christinas Day Jrder of tha Cuaboii. lor Hill.v liumhei' of . C.. Dee. SlB. A real r. 8. X.; .Maj Gen, William P. Hiddle, !,.,„_ j Heac h. Kvel y one took Ills or her i'l il/idclpliio laundry. i (crlals. There are numerous 1'eralnn. New Jera.ej "home cssiing" party, fo.miiancfant of the mari&e corps; j ,\ Earge Chrifltmaa tree stood intb -* I i-rcMrc-h. Arabic :nnl Kniiiisli WCHCIS in- will be hf?wi at the White HouBe !•>»- •f Mr. and Sftt, Brent 3noti'al their Brig. Qen. Prank Mclntyre, chief of the ,Ooin and tW was Erimmed wttbmaaa Red Bank Weddings. ! corporatMl In it. and tlit- wander of it l iiiH'y LSt&i IVIMMV PIT. H< nt and M M • rii:- avenue homa. The dlh&cr.waa Bureau cti Insular Alfairs; Col, li. 0 pretty things, including eoloretl elee* Ijrang Then, refreshments, BOOaletlgig MU» Manha Mallory, daughter of W B»t Instead <>f llnving been ile- Wilson and thejr daughter a, I : 8. Heistuiid. I'. S A.; Capt W. ,1irlc lights. Mirny cf the 'i ''** oneshad i do lefi'Ve B ii'1 lirst of ihe yeur for iif if(- creafB and three differpn! kinds ilr. and Mrs. William Mallory, of fair Kfaded Into »imo vulgar form like picl- Mieiea Margaret and Eleanor, will Shoemaker, ('. S,, x.; Maj, L, *f, Pal ol German oak* were served. Dane- Haven, and Eiiward White. Jr., also Kl" E»8B»h. B«0gai! hiis become the bold u liif; ret cption. Their gttettta wj eparate pieces to epeaJt and did i (iis in v. Bppotntaienl at St. John, ihe n st be the Dan« eraUd members ot th ler, U, 3. A., retired; Lieut Commaad- well. Miss Clyde n. Wloslow, who Divine Cathedral, in New York. ' K WHS Bl«O e:i.ioyei|. or Fair Haven, were married lasl nighl '" »t»»"T. wteptlflc »nd partaps er F. L. Ridgely,!! .S. N.; Paymasterheachea thia deirartment, had the chit- at the home of the bridegroom. A K!B- ""' '"""< t>""•>«-•!'liif of modern Indian Hew .Tersey Oonffr«*»i»rwil dalagfcU*, Sevei.ii parianonara of the church l pi i [asd iiH'ir wlvcaj Elov- r» r Fielder Victor !'. Jacksnn, P. S. N ; Mst. Fran-|,:n.n tfriliPd m perfection. v.i ry iiii'h-.'iil Tlie? gneata InelcKtotl ter of Mrs. While will be married to- ""«""« '.-Ai K"iii'iit. jtis.r Koes-fer, r. 8; .\-: Oapt Warrm; Qordou BlddJe, a mejabur of tin morrow nlsht Her name is Mary Mai- , _ . „ •o\h\ lhe present Acting Governor;lhe Dr. and ,l!r.<. Lester II. Wise, .Mr. and Democratic i tate L'ommlttai m nj Dean, r. H. A.: Capt FranU Htnes, klnderg&rti n, presented each ' las* Mrf. K. It, Smock, Mr. and Mis. Curtis PHARMACY i . - I A Long Life and a Broad One. ! r. S. A.: Maj. J. H. Kormoyle, I". B. jraate rhb a large candy cane, The lit elected th :i year i n 1 alto those who | Cos well and Miss Cosweil. It was a lory, and .he w.ll marry Janti Bod- k y J,, floctM tJ ^ y^ si r\-.-1 When lirve m r Wflsoa was A., and Maj. Joseph II. Heller, c. H.itle tott made pin cushion* for theii vcr:1 delightful affair and many mats ke. oi Beach jtreet, Red Banfe. The bj ^ ™ „ t((: 1 ( ofa is,a nominated to the Presideficy, and tbelr j \'oliintfprs. Iraothi rtt, an-) frenx d group pl< turoi liiere offered. beremony will be performed at the a ^odow J|m] dcmi11(,(j wbetber «m- wives; the Democratic oditora cfNew -(t thi ir class for their fathers. The ome of the bridegroom sl.llU (,|Toi.t. to |feagtbeil ,ho arerntfe pictures "ere taken b> Mrs. Pred Bid- Jersey and their wives; (hv Deim 1 Two Appointments by Gov. Tayfir. life (ire for the good of the race. H« etatlc deli ?;at'^ and alternates '» lhe ?!<• and Riven to thi Il*tle one -. Htat.' House. Trenton, N". J.. Dee. A fire yssorttrent of To Give Birthday Party. apparently favora n stunt life :uni i: 'Baltimore ebovfintlon and thetrwlvos, SPANISH CBLOI' 23,—The following appolntmenrwR were • Sou Santang io, of lieatii merry ow. Perhaps if Nuf toug lite ami the preaeni Democratic Natloaal * Gift to Neptune Hose Co. announced to day by Acting (iovernor PERFUME will gJvfl B birthday party \o that^nnkes the world happy, but bn»a "Moonlight on the WftUr,*1 has been las;, Mcrris County, to be inspector of At 25c and 50c per box ftvltationa htva been sent ont, and .* be better than si&ty years of common- Thaw Ccmmisiion Mtetc jjjfonn the public of the exact stand- pTSBBStad tn the Neptune HOBQ CDIII- (power vessels to suee.eeil J. Fred Hun- tium&er win be prepared tor. [place Svodg0ty. But wfty iwt sixty Cgneord, x. H . D •'•. S3. Tha -v> ••• Ing of the hanks and administer their pany of this city, it is a nift of Ban-yon, of Morris County. Patriot J. Mi- i full. riirri;i't!r yt'til'sV Wlin klJOWfl \n\ ( bmifilsslon a] [ n'.uu d by tYv i' S pro ape rou • condition." jamln Blrkenfeld and Abe Strauss. IDermott, of .!CMS'-\ I'ity. to 1"' ii:si>- Holiday Vtcttcrn Coming. | \\!i:'I 11»*. wurld to^BM WIUMI a man dies Genera] Huerts la reported to be MITIHIIM1 cottagers, who are bonorarj I:• iir insppetor of porter vesull to tue- Don't forget the Gold Fish The BttUa avenue pottage GQOtl&geui HI I ...i.v? Ho nim-h has beea tK*c*ini- Harry K. T&aw w,eul4 be » menace to I'i'rii.nsly an^iy at the linkers, .deciar- tnefnbsrs of thf ho*e rnn];ia-iy. Tlv lieed JaiU«e I!cverit! Of Lake KoDat- I frill be down (or tbe iioltdftyi mul the pHafcwJ by nyn who h.-ne rpncJiod dxty the publicj i!1 restored r<» Freedom on ing thai they are tryinj; to force him ^n win ndort) th? vnlli of the parcosg. Hot li r.ien are Democrats and for the Children, 15c BiBtoric avenue will OB briUtantJy ligbt- and even icventy and oiffhty tliui it bail pending the decision o fn\. appeal, out b) bringing on Bnancial pfeaos, |,,. ' t . jtake the place cf Itc-puhlieans. Among the BOtlBgen who are com B«nw fto«J polky to u.-ep ail [wrtwas and 25c per globe piirth H s hel fllti 8rs( intportant tesston today. down between now and Tburwiaj "" « '°»»» " |»«riW*. V** Tbaw was present and conferredjwlih Jude Park M WooHey,tClwrlej A. "1:!n wlln t'^ncsily dUip;-r»\ rs ,-nmis Advertise in the Daily Rec Advartise in tho Daily-Rec- W> Give Grrpn Stamps l ihp conunlsslpfiers for some time. The Impthetmer, H. Edgar Mason A, and " P^joog life ta a rarity Mid II IKdeliberationR were secret nault on the city's centre ord. It Will pay you. ord. It will pay you. flaihan Bijur and Mrs. LouU Siegbert. lllcLr for ttle "olkl lU:lt lu' ts-"Bavan' LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1913. CHURCH HEWS Live News of the Live Store "a_H |3E" The Store for Thrifty Folke SHOP IN CARFARES What Will Please Pa I THE EARLY REFUNDED. HOURS OF The Fourth Quarterly Conference dstein's Dept. Store FREE was held Sunday afternoon at the Mat- THE DAY awajQ Melhodlat church by Dr. J. W. Broadway, Long Branch, fM. choir space devoted to Toys in the Basement must be as tt• ndi red special piusic as follows; empty as a barn at store-closing time Wednesday, ""Its HeflvHn'H Reply," E. S. Lorens, "And There Wlro Shcpberda," Ira December 34th. We do not carry over any toy Clothing, Furnishings B. Wllflon. ' • stocks, hence these extreme measures. Prices simply "What Moan Those Holy Voices?" cut in two. It's hardly necessary to do much praise Carrie H. Wilson. Rev. Joseph Y, Irwin, who preceded singing about this section. Everybody who visited and Hats Rev. Samuol Mower ae pastor of tho it knows our assortment to be the most unique and .Matawun Baptist Churcli, hntj accept- complete in the city. ed a c-all to become pastor of the Dela- ffH Avenue Baptist Church at Wilm iiitftoii, Del. Thhi church has a mem- W. H. WOOLLEY & CO. bership of uinie than T.00 and \s one of The Largest Exclusive Men's and Boys' Btnre OD tho Coast. Ihe leading churches in tin* State, of Pretty Dolls at Give-Away Prices Special Price-Reduction On All Toys Delaware. 8|nCe leaving Matawan. 181 Broadway Long Branch, N. J. Mr, Irwin has been pastor of Buptitt The Doll family want homes. These low prices will The Christmas Toy Store in the great Basement has cburchc;fi jit Sou tli A in boy nud Port secure them. A good many of the Doll jamily are becom- thousands of wonderful things to charm the children Jnrvle, N. Y. ing anxious to be in a cosy home for Christmas. They Thn trustees of the Matawan M. K. would be lonesome to remain here on the cold shelves, and with. It's like wonderland down there. On one counter 'numbers, bcrau^e we know, and very Church at a recent inenting elected are animals that almost live and breathe—automobiles •• iKidy luinu^, thai in ordar to be athe following oflieern for tho ensuing there's many a little mother anxious to have them. : member °f tfeig iiHsoeiation carrk'h year: President, Frank C, Iledle; vlcc- Here are Boy Dolls, Girl Dolls, Dolls that open and that go like the wind—fire trucks that make ready in a [with H th« atandard or purity and ex prssideftt, ,1-.. K, Da vies; socre-tary jiffy. On another counter the full-rigged men-of-war, [cellente all over the country." CliarleH P. Brown; treasurer, Tharon shut their eyes, Jointed Dolls, Indestructible Dolls, Big Ifr die. Ftoxen-Haired Dolls, Dolis that stand alone, Dolls that with guns like the real. On still another counter the rail- iWEST LONG 3RANCH NEWS TWt Matawan Boy Bcouta met Fri- will sit down, Cunning Dolls, Dolls that look almost as if road trains with tracks to run them on—automatic toys day ('Venln^ in ihp lecture room of they would walk. ! Mm. \V. K. Norton gpeat Satuxdaj the I'rt'Sbyh'i'ian (!hurch. Scouts were 19c and goodness knows what else besides. Westwoocl Avenue Cottager fs with her daughter at Hed Uank. \u'eaent from the Methoditit, Baptist 25c ; Tho Christmas entertainment w au:l PiiKbyfei Inn churches. A fine so- 50c We wish you'd bring the little ones down here—the Elected President of American Ibe given Tuesday evening in thecial time was enjoyed by all, especial- Dressed Dolls—very much under priced to church hall. A line program w ill be ly Hi" entitle and refreshments. Hicli- 75c nice toys are bound to please them—these extremely low Specialty MTy Association. gives i).v the different classes. aiii Hauchell h»H been elected patrol 98c The Christmas enteriainuifmt of Old leader and Raymond Bnuchelt. assist- make the total clearance possible $1.25 prices will delight^you, too. Louis Hunkel. wlto Uaa a beuuiiiu! Firs: M. 10. Church will be given next ant patrol loader of the Presbyterian and $1.50 country liome in Westwood avenue, Sunday morning. Scouts. 69c Toys I 50c thfa city, has been elected president Oliver W, Nortad returned last 3Dc Toys } 25c of the Americas Specialty Manufac- iii^hi Fr children spent Sunday with Mr. Den- Bpecial sermon in the mcnnini^, affd the low actual wholesale cost $1.00 v up to Kiinlius him, besides H hiilf-rone from nis parents at Kensington Park. choir rt-ndered appropriate music, In- and up I • $15.00 a lute photo. Mrs. Frank SbertBaa spent Monday cluding the Bold "lUjoict-'" by Alfred (Main Floor) to $15.00 (Basement) Mr. Kunkcl only a week a«o was Sp- iili Mrs. Harry Sherman at Klberon. Cokeiet. Tbe choir assumed full poiutf'il ono of the Police Penates Mis. John ('. (Mark and Mrs, Charles charge of the services in the ftTBlii&sj Fund CoininiKsiuiicrs of I his city, Y. CUuk spent Friday in New York. the chief Feature belag M\-u. Ashford's which aiipolntnif tit C&tSfl to him Eta it Kev ('. B. Fisher has been spend- cantata "The Prince of Peace." Tft^i Suggestive Gift-Items FHclced at Random compteta nirprise, g it few diiys will] rejjitives in Pela- was one of the finest musical produc- Exquisite Dolls, 25c to $18.00 (dress- Ladies' Fancy and Fichu Collars Baby Sacques, 25c to $2.00. Tim fifth annutii meeting of theware. tions ever given in Knyport and wa- ed or undressed). and Neckwear, 50c to $5.00. Baby Booties, 25c to $1.00. American Specialty Manufacturers' Mr. mid Mrs. Jwhn \V. JoneB, of idered by a chorus of thirty voices. Unbreakable Dolls, 25c to $4.98. Fancy Dresden Ribbons, 25c to $1.00 Atisofiniion was held at the iFpquols drill Cedar ;ivetitle, iire spending a The Christmas ent!'ilainut"n! of the Go-Cart Rugs. ilotp), Buffalo, .\. Y.,, \m\ 80-SJ. JJ.v ev, &B$m with reiaiivf'H at IHjil •yport liaptiat church will bo hc-hl Kewpie Dolls, 50c to $1.00. yard. Cut Glass. a riiiRUlar coimirtrnei', nyp of the OWU. riatmaa nij^ht, beginnlog »t 7:Sft. Dressed Character Dolls, 25c to $5. Colgate's Perfume, 25c to $2.50 Silver Deposit Ware. iiKinitgcrs of llif? Ircujuois Hotel, Ed- The public school will close toinor- vary one proffi'am boa been pre- White Ivory Toilet and Dresser Ar- bottle. gar Woollcy, i* & IAIUH iiramh man. ow ;unl reopen on Monday, January iiiin d. The annual meei ing of the Suit Cases, 98c to $15.00. Speaking sdUorJally of Mr. Runke), *ih. the ehorch will occur on Monday, Janu- ticles, 25c to $3.00. Mary Garden Perfumes, 98c to $4.50. Traveling Bags, $2.00 to $10.00. tli.' Wholaiftla Qrocer Rays: Cfrftrtes .1 stratum, principal of th1 ary mil. The fallowing offlosrs of the Magnifying Mirrors, 25c to $2.00. Djer-Kiss Toilet Water, $1.39 and Fancy China and Crockery. "Louis Hunk el it thg Is Mirth i n-Hi- Sunday-school and church have btfeu JakhurtJt school, filled ihe pulpit oi elected for the ensulog year: Sunday- Children's Work Boxes, 25c to $2.00. &1.98. Celery Trays. dent of tho UHKociaiicJU, and with his )ld First If, K. C.lum-h Sunday morn- record Hi chairman d! the ^'UiHlaiivc Bchool: Sup' rintend* lit, !''ranK \';in- Children's School Sets, 25c to $1.00. Djer-Kiss Perfume, $1.29. Fern Dishes. coin mitt va to prove his worth u*-v, president, is iior, Imve gone to New York city chief Uaher, Ernett Dunaara; envelope Fancy Picture Frames, 25c to $3.00. Children's Bath Robes, 75c to $2.98. caricatured in. the Wholesale Grocer. ivhere they will Kpend the winter. rk, QeorgQ P-irch, ,(r.; choriati-r. ing of many other appropriate Gift as "I'd ralher si! with the buys." S M 1*8 Helene Andrew has §GQ£ !'• Frank VanBrackle, Fancy Box Stationery, 50c to $3.00. Baby Novelties, 25c to $1.00. Things. phrase oud when be wii called upon New York when1 she will remain until At the Bolford Methodlet Church, to respond lo ;i U:;ist. In tfafl eomve of after the holidays at tin- home of her lev. William A, Cohh, the pant or. liiH remarks Mr. Runkd Raid: mother, MI-H. Audrlc Andrews. reached a special sermon Sunday 'The question of brand in 'A jiiHMis. ight upon "The Christmas LeflBOn for ! Mulholland, Harold A. Kazmann, Kd- Mrs. .hune^ Kelcb ttaa returned fruin 1 several selections from Bee'hoven. In England and America, a Time of Joy Pelcher, e the question of |;UIP fOodl Nits entire- Key port wliere HIII1 g$esi several il;\v;- • H." A lecture, tliustratt d by s' we •p]ol)rtitiati of "Peace Sunday," Hcv. and BleWed Giving." Kev, Geor#e. }]. Gardner, pastor of ; die Jones, James Nantasia, Charles ly been exaggerate!! osvsrttiBleftfl if it the b'Hile Of relatives. I)tic(ui, upon the I He and tlnx's of liailfB W. Roodar, pastor of the MM! The Kjnvorth L^agtie of the Nave- the Atlantic Higblaotig Baptist chinch. Meria, William Strollo and Fraaor has -been tlif ."liny of our BBSOctfttiOfl Mrs. Menjaiiiin Uillyi-r and family esilt followed the sermon. Appropri iififjv.n Reformed church, preached xmk Alt thodist church held a business preached Sunday morning on "The Kings'and of tho University of Penn- to live up to (he hinhe*t BtftHtfordi have removed from the old Lewis to nuiHic Wfti rendi'icd by the choir. Sunday morning on "The World Ideal "iei iinn ThTirsttey eight at tho home Coming of the King." The choir rend- sylvania; Uoland Hugliea and Georp- and to brasd everything ai well fti we inmteKtt ad ID llmwn'n dock, Will lain At the Middletown chnrchcH, last if Poace, and (he World Wi. with thr address, the choir rendered iiatown Women's Missionary Society by union meeting! at Hi? Atlantic. ! boya reporls enoying their work very met Thursday afternoon at the home Ffighiandw Presbyterian church from Uitfblnnds. Kev. Oliver and family ment of legislation, nor to anything will leave for Utah after the holidays. j much al college. fit:"*11, to be convinced thai KOOCIH tliat RED BANK NEWS f Mrs. Dania] D, Hendrickion. The January fltth, to flth. At tlio last meet- ari' made by ihe tneialu'jrjs of this an- hoir of Chris* Kpiseopal Church rend- ing of the Presbyterian Women's Mis- Mr. Consatl Out. HOC>• -i, purest, Anna Bleluger and Clark Worth ley •refl special Christmas music at both sionary Society at Mrs. Henry C. Van- Chattle Graudaten Home on Vacation.! William Consall, of Norwood av< - properly branded goods, on t&e laarket, -.peiu Satuniay at New Yot k HftttiBg ervie'ei Sunday. Hi v. John O. WBW-Note's, Mrs. Isaac AdJem, of Red Bank, A number of Chattle gradual uhoinue, the weli known decorator, is oat and I cannoi sec whj thlt nieinb'Tship friend*. &ee, the rector, preached is nurworn- spoke upon "The New American." The are now fttteudlng colleges are home after suffering from an attack of acute of 126 whi<-h. we have now shotUd not ng on "The Advent of the Redeemer." Preebyterian Aid Society »net Friday for the Christmas recess. Among j indigestion. For several days he was in ihe next iwolve mantha double in (iladvn Stewart and Clare Hounbtcn afternoonW^ the home of Mrs. Thomas .ere Saturday visitors at New Twit Hlg fvriiiuK theme was "Chi'iRtmas in I them are Stanley Berrien, R. Emmet,a patient sufferer. Airs. Itaynioiid Smith spent Sfttur- ay in Jersey City visiting relatives. Edward Downw, of FhJlUpiburff, is pending two weeks in town visiting friends. Mr. Downea is a former res!- HANSON dent of Red Bank. (iay IJarton. of Hudnon avenue, U * THE UPTOWN STORE Ipi Ddtng M\eral weeks at Glen Gard THIS IS, THE STORE ner, N. J. FOB THE MEN Keep The Good Mlu Katherlne Haritiedy, oi Atlan- Uc lliwhlandH.1 who has been a steno THAT PUT THE GAIN IN miiph.T for 10. It, Heiyht, the electri- Work Going (ian. for tlie pail few years, has obtain- We never did such a Holiday ed a position in the ottice of Matthew.; business since we have been in YOUR HOLIDAY WINES and LIQUORS at Jesi^c Siibbalb. a student ai Eltltgen Long Branch, WHY* to) the holiday. J. I. MONSKY^S Olive)* (.J. Kntki1 aurl son, ("hi'i~t y. 1O East FVont St. ~" Red. Bank, N. J. Variety Is The ami Pearl Wnrd'.n spent Sunday :it Alien wood, A bottle of good Port, Sherry or Claret .tjiven away.FJREE with every purchase of $1.00 Spice Of Life Mlu Bbepard, of Qreeawich, Cpnft, worth or over beginning December 20th. until Christmas Eve on the following list of goods: spent Kriday wrlth Mrs. Edward LaFt>- We gave the people of Long tra, of DHdge avehue. Branch and vicinity an invita- Dellwood Whiskey Our Monogram Whiskey California Port and Sherry XXX quality full qt. bottle 75c Full quart bottle $1.00 tion to look.. The lookers •ndl FOR IHE LADIES X quality bottle .25; gallon $1.00 Thi XXXX quality full qt. bottle $1.00 Apple Jack O!d Reserve full qt. bottle $1.25 XX quality ... bottle .35; gallon $1.50 bought. WHY? ini i. of Wf »i Bide a\ enne XXX quality .75 $1.00 Mr. and .MI.-. Smnnel MarabalJ XXXX quality •..: XXX quality bottle .50; gallon $2.00 The prices were RIGHT, the Our Cabinet Rye XXXXX quality ....' $1.25 i tainfff ilu'ir danghti p, .Mrs. li Full quart bottle $100 8 Year-Old $1.50 Imported Port and Sherry selection the BEST. A good [Ixon and fMnii.. over SatardajT Delicious Cocktails Duff Cordon Sherry qt. bottle $1.25 assortment y.t and extra help Ferndale Duff Gordon Sherry qt. hottle $1.00 (Old Reserve Rye Whiskey) (Manhattan or Martini) to day. Full quart bottle $1.00 Pernartin Sherry qt. bottle .75 TIMl\ s yr-ars old, as smooth as velvet. Positively Dry Gins quart 69c, 75c, $1.00 Oporto Port, pure juice qt. bottle $1.25 TWno i« an estate llial will pro- the finest Whiskey made. Jamaica Rums quart 75c, $1.00 Full quart (32 oz.) bottle $1.50 Cockburn Port qt. bottle $1.00 duce i.uihmg without culture, but Men's Wear Rum Punch Essence bottle .75 Old Tarragona Port qt. bottle .75 S69 BROADWAY will always abundantly rrpay the GREEN TRADING STAMPS Ubofi o( industry. 183 Broadway Long Branch Telephone, Red Bank 73 LONG BRANCH DAILY REOOED, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1613. SEVEN ARRIVED YESTERDAY The "BUICK SIX" and 1 New Light "HUDSON SIX" The Two Most Talked of Cars of the Year Without a question there is more value in these Cars than any others on the market. Models of each are here for the first time this season. Hundreds have been patiently waiting to see these big sensations and will welcome this announcement.

HUDSON Six I. o. b. Duron, Muk The day has arrived when no one should pay over $1,500 for a 4-cyUnder Model 55-8, 6-Cylinder, $1,985 Complete 5-passenger, wide door, Touring type, straight line construction with deep cowl, extra wide scats and large, roomy tonneau. Up to the min- ute in construction. Its lines are perfect. The car \hat outshines car. .*. them all. In the New Model 55-B, 6-Cylindet Buick The New Light Hudson Six-40, Complete $1,750 You Find the Perfect Car The Car That Marks the New Era in Sixes The" height of perfection has been reached and here is the answer—a beautiful stream-line body, delightful, easy riding, Here is a "six" of the most distinguished type which sells luxuriously upholstered—it is truly a marvel of construction. much below any comparable "four." This is a car that made a clean record at the recent great Come and learn what luxury of motion one gets in this endurance contest. ideal "six." All Must Agree That These Two Cars Are The Queens of the Highway These Cars Are Agent* for Electrically Buick, Hudson, Equipped, H. L. ZOBEL Cadillac and Ford Self Starter, Leading Automobile Distributor of the County Cars Electric Lights Telephone 90 SEA BRIGHT, N. J.



IN DUCHESS 01 CrHULNES. HOW MUCH YOU SAVE & 3 YEARS ir YOU KEEP SN TOtCH W'Tii THESE DAILY HOf!STBEHS That Bring Good Cheer Me!/in Conch, Lawjer, Led a Dual Life. TTKey AJTC Corttiiiuously £»ving Money i , ,, For Thriftv Buyers. Fancy Jersey Cranberries qt 10c ! DEATH DISCLOSED SECRET Eest Mi-ace*Meat ..." per lb lOr I --— Fancy Seeded Raisins pa If ; Ccmpjnion Had Lived Behind a Secret Agent for Persian Da*ea 1'j.pkj tQp« Partition In HIE Office—She Cooked T:K';.n K'vcr Oranges doa 25'; aid 30c ths Meals There, but He Dined With u His Family. GROCERS E. M, COLTON 1 FORD CARS Kcraschino Cherries bot 25'.: Miititli-fllo, N. V , !»<•<• u :; hi tiiis Royrl Boarlct Raisins ... fulljb 12c quirt. l>lHurt*xijue vi.l.iyu l\WTu luis 185 BRGADAAY, LONG BRANCH Runabout, $500 WE GIVE S & H STAMPS li"ii i-iiiictinl duriiui lU*1 l««t three E.&E. Plum Pudding (individual) i. 10c ,v«\irs ,i i ilnihia llml rivsils ithiiosi Touring Car, $550 Royel Scarlet Plum Pudding lb can 25c J! ii,; -Iin y (lit* litmglimilou mi;;lii evolve Robin Hood Tim 1'iM-ts larunii* LJUIJMC Aillowliiff Un Acetylens Wetting Fresh Killed Columbia River Salmon 1 lb flats 25c NHtklru 'I-'Ht of Mi-Iiln ft. Courb, tut ASPARAGUS TIPS Irrge Ox Tongue in gks3 75c MM I' .I Ktl'l ! iittoiIHM <•!' Sill li v;t II inlin Repairing and Overhauling Turkeys 29c 22cz fruit jar Pure Peanut Butter 25c t,v, in his !>:!)>(• in |je MHHGHII* bul'd- In* 15c Can Quprt jars Pure Cocoa • 25c t'cm-li. alxt.v Uv« ytvirs ml. jjcitlal Fresh Killed 2 cv « Golden Wax String- Beans 25c n inl hlaiily vf»\n' 't«l, kfpl fur throe ,V*MI.-. In II Ki'i-rH room in his ufflcp u ME-TOO ANDY'S GARAGE Quart bottle Robin Hood Syrup 25c we'll it n ni! n it't) Afli'lajtlc M. lira me, 4547-49 BROADWAY * Geese 25c Best Can Pumpkin 12c Bbtl f"H- Iu.-!\f v.-nrs i.ri.i;- I-- licit tiiu. th.. \v.>, IIHH Itppu imhiiiiic. PEPPERMINTS Tslaphone 204. LONG BRANCH 1 lb pk\r,.],t I'nu.-h bimiteir. She was Assortment of Bee ; Chocolate Dipped Cream Drops lb 20c pr; cticHlly li Willing shivc. devoting hi'r T/iv Assjrted Cocoanut Bon Bon3 .'. lb 20e oitire lifi« I" Court). Kor him NtogHTc ••[ft'M1! ' i ,- !i here FreshStioulder - 16G U]i bi :• fri.'iiih mill ill] tiss^-iiitiou uilli •• lbs >I"'- > |-J'esr-n il sun Sweater Goals - Best Gum Drops lb 15c [H>ii-}i]c aitl] whom shf bad bwome «?• . ucieorciptmlw1 her. . Itl. Jfarris i i\u* nil colors Fresh Hams - - 18c S Fb crock Jam 25c jNfin.iy cjiii lie found tvha ever linn French Mixed Creams ... ,1 , 20c [WH hpi' in Hie Ins! tlirw yenrs, IMHI QOc up tShoe Jttore sli • l''';->i-lf admits tlmt site wi nt mil CARABAOS' "FUN" IS Legs Lamb - 16c Lsrga New Figs lb 20c imiy mi t «r« or Him- mciif-iujis n( liij:lit 185 Broadway Best Mixed Nuts lb 18c j When Mrs. C'oticli went to hsr !ujs Neckwear and Hosiery I Im nil's offiro In the Mnwonlc h-iiipli- to REBIMD BY WILSON ; I'm! tils driid body surrounded by iin in ; retty Holiday boxes Sweet Cider - 22c L' r~e California Oranges doz 00c Women's Worsted 4 I rmt)'3 Jfo"gue3 in g]3ss 15c l Columbia Elver Shad Roe, /2-\b tins 18c SSSc up Slippers, Special 6So "li-nnl. TUe untlcrdilicr rummting 'i ' 3 botdty/aldorf Tomato Catsup '.. 25c t Mni i •'•• •"•• "••• '"«""• ™" 03i!i cf Loyally, SOUVSNIRS TODAY AND W. G. EISELE 3-i ••< | • T -MI Blve Label Catsup, large bot 23s Fin^l Woman In "Den." ' ' 23 % off "' -' r Uixed Pickles 25c [ lip saw il (morly rlnil wiiliiiin enillrh ! on a'l our TOMORROW WITH Inu in :i romer In terror. Sba < rled ..-. s| . u .(i|i .,., .,, ,...... (l l "florist" .; [ Sauce, regular 25o 22c (ih:it -.he, ivniilil inmo mir When shi' '* " " *' ---' ^ SHOES 1 ls> r: w,'!i,i-(i lulu tin. room mill Biioouncwl '"" '' " "'""' '' wiHiunmil to "Hi Ha Imp and ne,ai»onable cut rs lh< rm 1M V rlet Jams, regular 25c jars 20c lit-r name MI-K. Court tainted mid Iwd ''" "'' " " > '""' "' "Wo*™ flowers for sale. I" In- piitrtel Umiif. | f"r " ' I'li'--.r;i ii nt ilit- T('i-oii[ ('nr:ili;io Suits and Overcoats S s Fruit Jams 16c "I flun't know aujlhliiB nf Mr. lljl" . l»y« ur:iriona and floral de- a' lie Brand Lemon Cling Peaches .can 25c rru. li>t ilfntli.'1 wsllwl tile wniuiin. "1 | 'ttwrtt u no rtouiit in Wunhlngton stgri^ fo' *eddlu«s, dinners, furi- Mm"' mil nf tlm'room iiml foam] lilm lh;" !' ntUer C«nil aimuni lire liclil eruU -u: ll:t> l; li I • .". Bie Cali Peaches , 20c 'li'ii! mi llic- eniiiii w tii'r*; liu itflrn '" 'i l-"'l Hicro will be iin p.'pi'tl S. Goldstein & Sons Watch For OPT Ad. (i^r.-Titi assort meat ol nur 1 }'•• ' t 'iie Crock Jam 25c s|( pi " fktti nf tin. IIMI:ucy w!ii-h li;i\i- imirk §«•) *t\ ik euih aa fruit and 01 TIIP .'iiiinisv sliiiwril Hint Hr 1'nmh wl i'lvvin n. u.-illwrlniia of ih« WIUT? 151 HPOflDWAY Tomorrow iirtiueiiirt, treep, hardy «hriil>v IK. I rtlrd from Ilin liuratlug "f un iir- Aniij «»l uuvy oflii-efs tend nol until 3 t.-. "s Red Lire Corn 25c Karry Gcldstein, Mgr. ami ^f.'r^'J^ planta. liT.i Li his bralli, iiml im sus|iii-!iiii »t l>"" '•'•" <<"> '"' llv" >-xi•••. I.MI IIIIII the 1 Ati lele.phoue calls are given 3 cans Northern Queen Peas 25c Willed i.> Hi,. Brume wmnan. Imt ebe I ivsii, m umikl tnUi-u sesluas tle« uf "WD Intend To TdK Tafey ' l!l preuuK Hud careful atteutioti. 2 p.: Pearl Tapioca 25c la I""iia lietd l.y SlicrilT Klnni'.v to " mfI-«tltrf» »f Hi.- lirviu a.-s kSBBl nn.IV .!• lir-i" WstOry. M|'''- |Lc' 1'1''i;!)l'iMf lii.lii'.V mill utlliT 32? CEDAR AVENUE, thi' [irnniT \\imi;iir lirst i-nnii' tn Moji- >:i!. TA& Tot Seeded Ro.isins . 25c in.ik ii|. Ui-t ivnirieiH-a In tho aecrot WJulj iltnenlnn of o rery surious rep- Franco-American Invalid Dull's Molasses, quarts ." 20s Tin- ^irri't niiiin WHS ntji'il fur t) :''l"i'i i>l''i'i'il. mill I caimut rid myst'lf;:. i-dokluR mill living piict, "r '•' r«Mua "I1 irivin ilis;i|i|nMiir.iu'Mt Broths, Pint cans Re- 3 bots Eddy's Worcestershire Sauce 25o Tlivri'wns n iilulu Irun bed, twocliulra. "•=" !ll>' w*wal '""ly o* offlcera m- No Christmas •i tnlile iiml n» nil stovj.. Aiipiimitly «>ml'!«l "i tlie dlmwr slionld liavt- While they . gular 15c, 10c can IIN- nimiiin liul only tile etotblng sin- swi'tiil the itiri-ylag nut i>f «ii'-h e iiro- Dinner Complete S STAMPS WITH EACH «inv n Imilly llttlrii! lilai'k KOWH and K™"1 «1"1 tinwwot :ii must last without a pound of 1 pa Royal Scarlet Ceylon 10e Mrs, roui'li Iiml not ilii? slluhtcst lili-ii lilKUWed ami meeei tradition! -if lUa 25c bot. Heinzs Catsup, 1 bot Pure Honey 25c •if Ilia ili.Mhll- lili', BOf Ililil Ills sun in- «fVll-«, l:is ihiii-litrr, sniil ID be I'NRIlJJril tn :i "' :11" !"!l' l!l:lt tlle Slums Iiml litlll'f Chile Sauce, Mando- 1 box 3 cakes Colgate's Toilet Soaps 25c yinmt pmiVs.-iniiiil man of Mniiilivlli.. i imiwuienta dl tlie evening wara In 'C. hy or Fish Sauce, 2 bots Virgin Olive Oil Mri rou.h knew that her husbnnd IpinW «nl iv.nnli'il us fun." Wliat SCO BEY' . 25c IKI.I i.i.i'iilili'n her the IwSssd door In "?" »'e '" tMnk at olfli-w-j of tho nrrnj hi., i.-t'l i. iiml thtit lii'iifli-ii sli'pt thi'iv. ••<"<'• li'l>>' "f til* Inili'O Slal(-s win. Large Sweet lish, 23c illli'Klnu UwaUlBla, lint slu' hail no mis- tllllik il inn I" liriiiK tlH'lr ulltrial SII 8O STAMPS WITH 1 pi, j,,|ls . ; tirrii'lv intii t Li 1 it'll It- a MI! till policies 1 lb Extra Fancy Mixed Tea S9c I i.Hi Ii UIIS ii.ism-latril with Altmi It. "! '''' '-•'n I'l'mnulit >\ tlii-y are ' I'iirl,!':- ,n ihi- vane of John Allen, i-on «" wn* with tin iiu-stlunliiK toy- A. C. BENNEH CO. vtilni nf tlie murder nf I'rsulti Dlrlch. ""3 i:i1" 'i"iti'nipt? It' this la tht'ir Delicious Orani ^EE3EIS22J 307 Branchport Ave. BRAND WHITLOCK CONFIRMED ; S C"Jz ^"l£i:SljZ A. C. BENNETT ~ ! riiildisli wit. what aluiut their pi; Sftnste Passes Favorably Also on f,s>'nli ilu llii'V Imlil George Fred Williams. "" !K1 307 Branchport Avenue Wnihlngtou, Dec. S3. -The penate RUSSIAN TRAIN BLOWN UP. Telephone 180-W. LONG BiMNCH r-onllrBiVd III' ixmiinatinii of Brflud ZIMMERMAN'S Whtlnik. loriKi'iiy mayor nf Toledo, 18c doz, Store Closes 7 P, M., Saturduys Excepted In in' militate? In Iti'l^iinn anil that nf Dowager Erv.pi-ess and Grand Duchens [i 1G0 Broadway Tel. 120-J. Oebrge fred Williams of Boston to i»< Hnve Narrow Escape. Phone 477 iiiinistiT in (Ireece. ciniirt'-v itf Ku-si;i ;nnl thf Clmud Comparatively Simple, WE GIVE S4H TRADING Mr. W'llttlni'k's noinlntltlnil him hiH'li .\ clerGy&sfi whose putripitHm es- 1 I>nrliPH.H ;Ccni;i had n narrow em?ajw lit'J.i up fur snmo thin ln-ranse Srn.i ceeUed bit powdrs of oratory was STAMPS. Froiu (wrirtHs ilUsatsr when tin- Im lur nanin, ehulrrann of the foreign re- >p< ?tking upon bts favorlta subject. Ii-Tjil lr:iin \V(Ht!»t( flt llnsKn-k. <;«r i IttUuliii I'umiullti't-. laalttCd nn Ini'ln- At last Im felt that .something great iirni). hThike Ihnit to St. Parker's Theatre i.i-is nl the committee reading all nf v [ required ef him; H<> worked him- 11 \MIS wret-ked I'.v im o^ph^i.m in BBK up^d a ctimas. "Pp-triotlsm." ho [j . LUNG BRANCH Fa; cy Creamery Butter i Mr. U hillnrk's hunks lo Inaki' I'l-rtain uliirli HQfeil I'lTs.nis tt'ere injnr.-d llii'ii' was nothlnn oli.h'i'" in p-ttlalmert, "la the back bo no of the fl Watch for the Latest Releases Tlu- llDWllfftT (Mll|>ress left Ili'lc <d what WP ha to in Photo Flays | Mr. Williams lias been under a clnmi 11 i" 2a.-ItH|iort« thin j| ,. ,ry for liakr- to i!!ow i- - :':J Inlm li. Itofliefollet' a-ns ill were ill* \.ith every 0 zcn. Five hundred dollars is the new price of the Grossett 8E Dunlap's C. B. DEAVER ifsrd rBRab«Ut; the car is five fifty; |>p[k'il whi-ii lilt- nil kin;.' stalled nnt 1 the town car seven fifty—f. o. b. Detroit, Weathir Forecast. for his ilaliy game ••! golf mn the ti'wcwwy and Third Avo. compiet- with equipment. Get catalog and links at his Purest Hill enfiite "Ni- Domestic Amenities. Copyrighted Book ptnHi» MI. ; p«rflcur»f« frcm H. L. Zobel, Sea Bright felt better," said the norld'a rU-li...-. Mrs Knitter—-He T* I an " rain; tuinurrow cUmdy mid, WE CI-OSc ALL DAY XMA.o. «now, with moderate cast man us lie too': a healthy iwlug lit thi ""' '-''aninR Tower of Pisr. Kn GO Cents coir bull. ks like >ou trying ! tight skirt" Sweat Cider 20c gal.

Indolent. EVERY BOY'S LIBRARY | Read the Classified Advertisements in the Record every "I:. Jonoa Inzy?" "Lajty'a no aamfl Boston Mince day. You may see the chance to buy the very thitiff yon need for ! r,or." . ^ |"'" *°lnt 0 • revolving Boy Scout Edition 50c I : •:• enc 'lion «, i tor ID •••.:; to | | Meat 10c lb. a mere song. Follow this page closely. come ;u ami turn it around. - -Judga. WwtwtwmwMwwwJ Ntefpitk1 the I'mvel's nnd dnlh's ap|w>r' thin requirement, ^'henovpr JI vneiin- RESERVE BANK POWERS. JtJMiiijf to il!-> ollii-e oC chiiirmuii in the | f-y stud! occur other than by explvntion nri;ani/.iHion of MU-II ii'dcral reserve ' of term among thesis membera of the Principal Function! of the Now R»- ! hank. fedcrni reserve board appointed by Hie jjional Institution!, MEAT N« sfiinliii- or rcpresejitalive In con- i president, j$fl nbove provided, a suceea- Bee. IS. Any h-derai rest rve hank ertas vhnii bo a member of federal,re- I &©r shall he appointed hy the president, with the advice HIM! consent of themay receive frotii any nf Its member CURRENCY BILL A verve- board or tin otllci'.i' or n director j basks HII«] from the lulled States dp- ,1 senate, to till such vacancy af a federal renervt? biink. HIHIIS of current fund* in lawful num. ! MARKET No director of CIHSS H shall be nil The president shall havo power to ',v, national bunk notes, federal reserve iifilcci'. illrei-tor or employee of nny fill all vacancies that may happen OH notes or cheeks ;md drafts upoa llielio- hnuk. the federal reserve tmnrrl (hiring: the her banks, pnynblp upon presentation 1 No director of ClasB C shall be au recess nf the senate by gfftUtiUg com- VITAL TO im which shnil expire thirty days or solely for exchange purposes may i WHOLE NATION officer, director, employee or stock- The Great White Way receive from other federal reserve i holder of any bank. after the noxt session of the senate nnrenes. hanks deposits of current funds In (.'lass (_* dire-tors shall he appointed lawful money, national bank notes or j Chief features of tight to Twelve by tin? fedenU reserve board. They cheeks and drafts upon solvent mem New h'deru! Be. Reserve Banks shall hnve been for at least two years RESERVE BOARD POWERS. her or other federal reserve 'hanks* , i-esldentM of the. district for which payable upon presentation. serve Act Here to Be Establish- tliey are appointed, one of whom Hat Controthng Hand on Banking of t'pon the Indorsement at any ot its { Fancy Turkeys . , . 30c shall he desijiiciti'd by Hiiid board as the Nation. chairniHu of the hoard of directors of member banks, with a waiver of de- | Presented— Fed. ed In Various Sec. II. The fI'd oral reserve board mnnd notice nnd protest hy such bank, tile federal reserve bank and as "fed- shall be Huthuri/jcd and empowered: eral Reserve Parts of thi't'iile reserve .'lyent." lie sluilJ he it nny federal reserve hank may dis- nu Tn e-Mtniiiie f-t IN discretion the count uofes, dfftfts «nd bills of ex- Land — Enacts person of tested bafiktflg experience, aceouulM, hooks and affairs qf each .25c Board of Seven cliange arising oat of actual commer- Fancy Geese . . . nnd in ndditlnn to his duties as chair- fem Jt may deem pervise Banking Particularly quired to maintain under regulations fnr ngriculnwal, isdifstrlsl or commer- neccssniy. Tlie wild honrd slmll |mh- cial purposes or the proceeds of which to be established hy the I'ederal reserve linh once each week a statement, show- Fancy Ducks . . . . 25c System of the With Regard to board a local office of said board cousxUdiiteil state- such purposes, the federal reserve bank. ment for all federal reserve banks. board (<> linrft fbe right to determine Bee. g. TUe capital stock of each fed- Such statements shnil show in detail or define the character of the paper lints eligible for discount within the Roasting Chickens . . 25c ernl reserve bank shall be divided into the nssels and Ihlhllitlc.-i of the federal meaning of this act Nothing In this HE federal reserve act is now a shall vKtuhWah brunch banks within shares of ¥100 each. reKerve banks, single and combined, and BbnN furnish full information re- iirt; pentainfld shall be construed to parti of the law of the land. tMe fedeml reserve district in wbleh Division of Earnings. prohibit such notes, drafts and bills of With President Wilson's signa- it Is lucutetl and may do so In the dis- garding tln> cliiirai ter of the money 1 Sec. 7. After all necessary expenses hold as reserve nnd the amount, Bfi- exchange* secured by staple agrieul- T ture to tUe new Glaus-Owen trict of any federal reserve bank of a federal reserve bank have been Fresh Jersey Hams . 20c fural products or other poods, wares tuweiHT reform bill (lie country looks which uui.v bars been suspended. ture and maturities of tlic paper nnil fwld or provide*} for, the stock ho/ti- other investiKerils owu«rl or held by ..r mrieh.'indise from being: eligible for forward to the practical working out HIHU branches shall he operated by u ers shall he entitled to receive an Knell discount, but such definition slmll of the act. the Iffw is in part as fol- board of directors under the rules and federal reserve bssba. iinuuul dlvldrnd of 0 per centum on (bl To permit or on tlie affirmative not Include notes, drafts or bills cov- lows: regulations approved by the federal tlie paid In eapftal stock, which divi- ering merely investments or Issued or lo reserve board. Directors of hruiuli vote of at least five members of the Fresh Shoulder Pork . 15c An ;i<'t provide fur the establish- fluifl JPhjiJI be rumuhitiVe. After the drawn for the- purjiose of carrying or banks shall possess the same qualifi- n>spvvt> hoard tti require federal re- ment of federal reserve banks to lur- nfoi'cNitid divjdend chiiins have been serve banks to rediscount thediscount- trading in stocks, bonds or other in- ti un elastic eurreney. to afford cations as directors of the. federal re- fiilly met all not e:irnings shall be paid vestment securities except bond* ami serve bauks. Koiu- of wild directors ed paper of other federal reserxe Bus of redlw- Ut the United Slates ns a fianchise banks nt rates of Interest to be fixed notes ot the government of thel'iilted ,atliig commer- shall be. selected by the reserve bunk tax. except thiit one-half of such net smtes. Notes, drafts and bffls admit a:id three by tbe federal reserve board, by the federal reserve buiird. Loin Pork |. , , . . 20c cial paper, to es- earnings shall be paid into a ssrphu (el Tn suspend fur n period not ex-led to discount under tlte terms of this tablish a more ef- and they shall hold office dtirtsg the fund until it shall amount to 40 |ier paragraph must- have a maturity at pleasure, respectively, of the parent ceeding thirty days, and from .time to fecti v e Miper- entum of the paid In capital Block of time to renew NUCII suspensionfor pe the time of discount of not more than Tision of banking bank' and tbe federal reserrs board, 'Utch bank. ninety days, provided that notes, The reserve hank Khali designate one rlods not exceeding fifleen diiys. any jn tlie United Tlio net earuiuKs derived hy the Unit- reserve requirement specified In this drafts nnil hills drawn or issued for . 20c nf the direr-tors as manager. Pork Chops . . . . States and for ed States from federal reserve banks net: 1'rovided, shall P8tabll»h a MKi'Icnlturnl purposes or Imsed on live otjhcr purposes. See. 4. * • * \'\nv,i tbe Bliss ot * • * shall, in the discretion of tin? secretary, graduated tax upon the amounts hy <\ork and having » maturity not ex- ThiU the short cci'itlliate with the comptroller of the he used to supplement the gold reserve which the reserve requirements of this ceeding six months may ho discounted title of this act currency • ?** tlie said federal re- luJMaguinat outstanding United states act may be permitted (n fall helmv in an amount to be limited to a per- ihttll be tbe "fed- serve bunk shall become a body cor- i-cnt:»K»> of the "capita! of the federal Rib Roast . , , . . 18c 1 notcH, or shall be applied to tho re the level hereinafter specified; anil eral reserve act.*' porate sind as such and 111 the name ducthm of the outstanding bonded in provided, further, that when the gold reserve bank, to be ascertained and ec. % As soon designated in such organization eer- dobtedness of the United states. Re reserve held against federal reserve fixed by the federal reserve hoard. is practicable the hy An rtuan tilicate shall have power— scrs"e bunks shall not be taxed except itnfes falls below 40 per centum, the Discounting Acceptance*. secretary of the rirst.—To adopt and use a corporate upon real estate. 1'enVrnl lem^rve board shall establish a THE FB£Slt>3SXT, Home-made Sausage . 20c treasury, the sec- seal. Section H amends the existing bank graduated tnx of not more tijiin 1 pel" Any federal reserve bank may dit»- retary of agriculture and the comp- Second.—To have succession for ft pe- tng lows, so that stockholders owning cputmu upon sinh deficiency until the rount acceptances which fire based on troller of the currency, acting as "the riod of twenty yerirs from Its or&wiy.n- 3) per cent of (he stock of h.-inks otller reserves fall to Uli1^ per centum, and (he Importation or exportation or do reserve bank organization committee," tlofl unless it is sooner dissolved by mi than mtticna! hanks can convert their when said reserve falls below 82& mestic shipment of good* and which shall designate not less than eight nor have a maturity at of discount of net of congress or unless its franchise organizations into national bnnks. per ct'utuui, a tax at the I'Hto increas- wheresoever It my deem best for the more than twelve cities to be known as becomes forfeited hv some violation of ingly of n(»t less fhau l1^. per centum iore than three months and in the auioiinl iinesled In KIKII stock. Section !t describes how state banks purpose nf purchasing, silling and col- If they transfer their stock within federal reserve elites, nml KIJ.'III divide l;nv. fiin.v bcromo iiiiiinberH of reserve b;mks. upon each 24$ per centum or frattion by at least one member bank. the continental United States, exclud- The' amount of acceptances so din- ic ting hills of exchange, and tn buy Billy f two or more responsible parlies. Hoclntlon not siimited in a ouiitrol wise provided for in Ibis act, to define hereby cl*e:ited, which shall consist of reo run ducted reserve hoard not more tUnn one of (e) To add to the number of cities Any member baub may accept drafts inn] that the funds ut (he PhJUppfne ;mgregiile sum ei|ii;il to 'J."» per ceHtimi I'mler regulations to be prescribed by 'ind tbe privileges grunted to it by law whom shall he selected from any owe 'laKsifiod as reserve and central re- or bills of exchange drawn upon It Islands, Uie postal Hnivlii'tiH ami anyof Its capital and surplus ov to one- the organization eommlttee every na- may be exercised and enjoyed. federal reserve district, the president sssss cities under existing law in uud grooving out of transaction!* in- other govi.-riinH'iit funds nin^i he dp- tUlrd >>f ils time deposits, urnl such tional banking association in the Unit- Seventh.- To exercise by Its board of shall have due regard to a fair repre- which national bank ing associations vdlvint; tlie importation or exportation posited In federal reserve hanks. banks may continue hereafter, an here- ttftyttttlou of Ihe different geograpbica) are subject to I he reserve require- ot' goofts having not more I linn six tofore, lo reeeiVe time (leposltn tUnl ed States is hereby required and every directors or duly ttuthoii'/.eti «.Hirers or HtM-floi) HI provides *for tlie Issuance eligible bonk in the United States and agents all powers apeetfleaUy granted flivisions of the country. The five mein- ments set forth In section 20 of this mniiths sight to run. but no bank shall pay interest on the same. act. or to reclasslfy existing rest-rve of federnl r««m»PV4j imles to federal re- every trust comtnuiy iwlthin the Dis- by the provisions of tills Bet nnd siuli hers of tlie federal reserve board ap- accept such hills to an amount equal The federal reserve hoard slinll hnve and centra! reserve cities or to termi- sef\e biinks. redeemable in gold nndii- trict of Columbia is hereby authorized iiniileiitiil powers as shall be necessary pointed by tlie president and continued at any time In the tingregate to mure power front time lo time to mid to thti nate their designation ns such. ., inand nt the treasury department or to signify in writing within sixty dnys , hank. The collateral se- shnfl not he permitted t" make \mto» ceptance of the terms and provisions Elite act nerve hoard uud sliall each receive »n or director of any federal reserve secured iipun renl estate in llje ltia|i- unnoal salary of $12,000, together with Op*n Market Operation*. curity shall he notes nnd hills nceept- Eiyhth.—rpon deposit with the treas- l>nnk. the enuse of such removal to be ed for rediscount under see) inn lit. ner dcscvih.d III lhi> section. urer of the 1'nited States of any bonds actual necessary traveling expenses, forthwith communicated in writing by See. 14. Any federal reserve bank • Wlicu the orgiiulfcntlon committee and tlie comptroller of the currency. may, under rules and regulations pre- Federal reserve banks shall have a Section 'IT' iinthori/es mil]onnl Imnk- ihull have designated tbe cities in of Ihe I'nlted States iu the niannef (he fedrrnl reserve board to the re- gold reserve rlf -H> per cent of their liiU iissoiiniion< possef*«(fifr « c«p"t(l provided by existing law relating to UH ox ofllcio member of the federal re- moved oftieer or director and to said scribed by the federal reserve board, which federal reserve banks ore to be serve hoard, shall in addition to the purchase and sell In tho open market federal reserve notes ami slmll main and Kiit'i'liH of «|r worthless assets upon tho cent of the federal reserve noirs for signed as provided by law. equal In iinnuaily for Ills services as a member porations or individuals, cable trans- KecrJuu 1't! jnitlii»Jis4'}« tlie «ecn>lHfy within that district shall be required of said board. The members of wild hooks and bnhtiK-e sheets nf federnl fers and bankers' acceptances and their redeinplinn of the treasury to strengthen the gold within thirty days after notice from amount to the par value of the bonds reserve banks. reserve by ho^rowluK goid on United so deposited, such notes to be Issued board, the secretary of the treasury, bills of exchange of the kinds and ma Sectiun I" repeals laws reipifring na- the luwiiii&jtion committee to sub- the assistant secretary of tbe treasury (h) To suspend, for the violation of turltles by this act made eligible for States bund* or hy selling the Hi. scribe to the capital stock of such fed- itudcc t?ie sfiute coiidltl&Pfl 8O*J provi- any of (he-provfslons of tliis act. the tion;! 1 hanks t" deposK government: Section '11 extemlH frum .lime 80, sions of law which relate lo the issue and the comptroller of the currency rediscount with or without theindorHe- bonds with the United Stales Ireasurer. eral reserve bank in a sum equal to 0 shall be ineligible during the time they opera tlous of any federal reserve inent of a member bank. I'll), until -I line ;Hi. Him, the life of mi Per cent of tbe paid up capital stock of circulating; notes of niUiunai hanks hank, to take possession 1 hereof, ad- Sectinn IS provides |< pliiu for ivtlr net iititliuti'/hig natloiitil c\iri'iMicy as- secured hy bonds of the United States are In office and for two years thereaft- Every federal reserve bank shall lug (he 2 per eeut hnmls on which the ami surplus of such bank. er to hold any office, position or em- minister the same during tlie period til sociations, the ISMiiauee of uddltloiiiil bearing the circulating privilege, es- suspension and "hen tleemod JKIVINJI- have power: present etirreticy Is bused. Under the uatiomil bunk cireulatlou and tlie ei-e Any national bank failing to signify cept thut the issue 4)f such notes shall ployment hi any member bank. Of to liquidate or reorganize such atinn of a national monetary commis- "nut be limited to the amount of the hank. nt home or abroad,, to make loans will be i)tlleliiisi>d each year, beginning sion. It -re enacts certain fulled within tbe sixty dayB aforesaid shall capital stock of such t'edertit reserve tbe president at least two shall be thereon, exchange federal reserve two yetirs after Iho system Is placed In fate 10 act ns a reserve agent upon persons experienced (n banking or • (Ii To require bonds of federal re- States linnklug statutes :imended by hank. notes for gold, gold coin or gold cer- operation, hy the new regional hanks tin net ur May 3U. 11»UH, subject to HUCh thirty days' notice to be given within Hut no federal reserve bank shall finance. Ouo shall bo designated by serve agents, to make regulations Tor tificates and to contract for loans of from llieinher iuinks On nue Imlf of the discretion of tbe said organization the president io serve for two. one for the safeguarding of all collateral, amenduieufs or iiiodiftcitfions its :ifu transact any business except such as gold coin or bullion, giving therefor, its holdings each regional bank may is- contained In the new currency law. It committee or of the federal reserve is incidental and necessarily prelimi four, one for K(X, one for elsht. one honds, federal reserve notes, money or when necessary, acceptable security. sue currency, The remainder will be twanl. for ten. :ind thereafter ench member property of any kind deposited In the amend* the May ;*o, \WiS, net tu re- nary to its brjiJinlxation until It has Including tbe hypothecation of United refunded in :s per cent thirty year gard to lite taxation uf cireiilittiug Should nny national basking associa- E*ec« authorized by the comptroller <>f so appointed shall serve for a term <>! hands i»f such agents, anil K;jid honrd Sfntes bonds or other securities ivhlcli liotui* or :t per cent one .re;ir Iit>;tfnTy ten years unless sooner removed for Ntmll perform the duties, function-; or liotot* Iti-UI hy n:Hi->>i:)} lutuliifiiX iwtt>* tion in the United States now organ- the currency to commence- business un- federal reserve hanks are authorized notes, which the imnkK must agree to cltitiunst and set-tired otliiMwIw than ized fall within one year after the pas- der the provisions of this act. c:iiisi' by tin- president. Of the live services specified in this, act and ti>to hold: renew each your for thirly years- persons thus appointed one shall be make all rules and regulations neces by United States bonds. sage of this act to become a member ib) To buy and sell ot homeorabroad Sect iun U> describes how member Section '2tt provide* that if any part bank under the provisions hereinbefore designated by the president as gtfv- nary to enable said board effectively baofcfl .sli.ill esr.iI>Msh nnd iDalntnhi re- CLASSES OF DIRECTORS. ernor and one as vice governor of the to perform Hie same. homls and notes of the United Stftt*»! of, tlte act is declared Invalid hy n stated or fail to comply with any of and bills, notes, revenue bonds nnd serves. court the judgment shall not affect tho the provisions of this act applicable federal reserve board. The governor To exercise general supervision Board of Nine to Control Each Recerve warrants with a maturity from date remainder of the act. thereto all of the rights, privileges and of the federal reserve board, subject to over said federal reserve banks. Section 21 provides for the cxaminn- Bank. its supervision, shall he the acting ex- of purchasing ot not exceeding six tinn of each member Umk hy the 'rnnHiises of such association granted pUcntion of an Northern train from Duiutli an I M,-MI>'*' with rulflfl Jinrl regulation:--. ami <'. and employees for the half year "HC- perts, (isfif*touts, PteFks <•(• rttftw pm dining eat overturned Into the dih-h. hi any tVuYnil reserve batik. Such Class .\ shall consist of three niciu ••ceding the levying <>! such assessment. prescribed hy the federal reserve PENALTY FOR DISHONESTY. | *to;'k slmll be known as public stock plnyei's JIS tnaj' he deemed necessary The wreckage caught lire, but (lie iit)i> hers. wiiD stin 11 lie chosen by and be together with iuiy deficit carried for- tn properly conduct the business of honrd; passengers escaped through windows, fcod may he transferred on tho books Tampering With Bank Examiner* Made | representative (,r tlie stock huliliny ward frmn the prec'-diug half year. the board All salaries and fees slmll (t'J To ntmhflge from member baiikn scratched nnd bruised, and helped ex- *f (be federal reserve bank by tbebanks. Criminal OHemo. chninn;;n of the board of directors of The first meeting of the federal re- ba fixed in advance hy said hoard and ami f'» sell, with or without its in- tinguish tbe flames. Pchbank, Cliiss it MbUII consist of three mrm- serve hoard shall be Md In-Washing- shall )•<> paid In the same manner as dorsemetlt hills of exchange 'arising Sec. 22. No member bank or any A broken rail caused the accident. liers. who »t the time of their election ton, District of Columbia, as toon as the salaries of tlie members of said out of commercial transactions an Officer, director or employee thenxif 1 Three day couches and all tlie band Should the mibBcrlption of stock by shall be actively enjoined in their dis- may lie lifter the pnsa^ffa nf this act at Imiird. All sinii nltoriieys. experts, herein hi fere defined; shall itiTrniici make any luuu ur baggage belonging to tbe passengers bonks jiml tlh» public be inadequate trict In commerce, III fltfrlcaltiire or iit H d»f<- tt> be fixed I\v the reserve bunk assistants, clerks nnd other employees federal reserve board, rates nf or, employee violating this provision fcnlw shall he voted hy Class C direc- hcri*. who slmll he desiennted by theman of the federal reserve board. So ii88 (volume tt* United States stat- tlWcoiiiit tr both, may be lined a fur- RESERVE BANK BRANCHES. I stock tune been obtained for the or comniodnting commerce and business: ( < )h$ervatlou« of the United I Kaub-atiou fur any federal r**wre pauy or federal reserve bank nor hold Section 12 creates ;i federal ndvlsury ther sum eipuii to the imiiiey so loan- stock In any hank, banking institution MM To <>*tahltsh accounts with other ed or gratuity given. Any examiner j Slates weather bureau taken at "•flionaJ Institutions Empowered to ! bnuk thi- fnOefal raaerre board *!wiil • nsti'il. consisting of one member federal reserve batiks for exchange S p. m. yesterday follow: :!|'rr|mt the ClnwH C directors nnd shrill or trust company, and before entering fnitn ea'h fVdeni! reserve district. accepting H loan of gTBtilltjt tPOiM »uy Establish Sub-Banks. purpose.-; nnd. with the consent of the Temp. Weather. I dtn Senate oiu- of such director* iis upon his duties as a member nf the wlii' h is eni[iowered to confer whh brtnk examined hy him or frmn au gro fedepn] reserve bank shall com* federal reserve Imnril. to open nn" Albany 28 Clear • '•h:iinu;in of !he t>uard to he seleeu-il. federal reserve board he shall certify (he lelei-.-i! reserve hoard MIL! make oflleer. director or employee thereof business with a subscribed cap- maintain banking accounts In foreign Atlantic City .. 40 Clear Itai |W j IViidiny: the di-sipiMtlon of such - under oath to the secretary of thereprcscnlatio'is re;*ardliig tlie husinesfl shall be deemed guilty t*f a UllitdV s i;i nnjoujjt than JjvJ, 000.000, (tuniTrH's, upfMtifit correspondents am) Boston 40 Cloudy • It. '•'• Rncli federal reserve bank nitni the or^iinl/.ation committee Hhall treasury Unit he has complied with ..f the h-.ard I <•«!;'.tilf.--!: Ufietiefefl in sucli counlrk's inmnor and sl»i)] be imprisoned not exeeeding one year or lined itnt more fdiffalo 30 Cloudy than I&606, or both. Chicago 36 Cloudy St. I.ouls 30 Cloudy r Sectiuu Xi iirovides that tjiitlonal New Orleans .. fid Cloudy h;ijjK shjrUhdlder.s shall U> responsible • N*«W York 37 Clctr for all contracts, debts nnd euvage- I Washington ... :u; ciwr lUCUt* <>f their hiUlks In I hi* HttHltitlt of j Advertise in the Long Branch Daily Record. tbeii' ti(uc*lc at [*ar value 111 atitlHiou io | TEN LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1913. UNCLE SAM AS LEEHANARRESTED, WANT ROOSEVELT SCHMIDT'S FATE IN Soda crackers HANDS OF ALIENISTS EDISON MERCHANT PRINCE BUT IS RELEASED are more nu- BACK IN THE FOLD PORTLAND CEMENT tritive than Both Sides Confident of Ex- ' makes t!:a s'.ronge-.t Buys and Sells Everything That ' Er.d T.-cJ. ur.iTorrn]y Man AcquiUed of Murder any other G, 0, P. Leaders Seek Recon- perts Testimony. One Can Think Of. ciliation With Progressives. cc!;rcrl concrete fcr Nabbed In New York. flour food. builc!!:.g purposes cf any New York, Dec. 23.—The real tight U n e e d a over the fate of Hnua Schmidt, the cement on the market. A concrete house made with Idlest find self confessed slayer of Ediscn Portland Cemer.t i; practically as though cut out of DOWN TO NURSING BOTTLES ALLEGEDTO BE DISORDERLY OFFER MANY COMPROMISES. Anna AumuHcr, Is on In tbe trial be- Biscuit are fore Judge Foster In tbe court of Uc:?orc!y I0IC Fineit Groixd in lie World Almoal Seventeen Thousand Articles If Attitude- That Is Typical of Repub- general sessions. The battle of the and therefore binds more material—and binds it Are Specified In Schedule of the Gen- Says He's Not a Drunkard and Would the perfect alienists is the crux of the case, and Rather Go to Electric Chair Than Be lican P^rty Today Had Been In Force the lists are made up of four experts everlastingly. Once built it is built (or practically «ral Supplies Committee, From Which Two Vear* Ago Split In Ranks Would Called One--D.scharged With Repr on each side. Purchases Ar» Mad* by Administra- soda crackers. Not Hav'i Occurred —Alfalfa Bill II time. I lay Ihi, an J r-< fM tive Departments. mand—Had $24.75 In His PockeU. For the defense are Dr. M. S. Greg- information cowrninM it from Murray NiflKes Unique Comparisons. ory and Dr. Smith Ely Jelllffe of this I'm It* Kuin buys «?vt i-ity, Dr. Joseph Cotton of the Tren- lg uuder ' lU.WH| (!uvv|t ,,J(. st»'t^ TrAm the e!evnt- Though the By ARTHUR W. DUNN. CHANDLER & MAPS tlj.-Hun, evi'ii tu um-itfig hottles. Proof ,.,| matton at tin* suhuay nt Manhallun ton (N. J.) Htate asylum and Dr. Wil- Washington, i)t;,.. 2& — [Special.]— liam A. White of Washington. For Lumber, Hill Work, Paints, Hardware, Sash, Blinds, of tills ulnti'llifiit i« fuund in tin- KCUOd- ' siren, readied the street HJIU collapsed. All irt)M:dble efforts of Iiopuhlicuns who cost is but five the Ntiite are Dr. Carlos F. MnuDon- Doors, Etc., Phone 33 uie of the general suppli*-; committee. I'ttrolaian Jolm t'olllu* »aw the nun. arc looking more to success than any- '•)d. Dr. William Mabon, Dr. J. Itoss STRONGER Niutium-ry mid draft.ntf stiinilit*-?; '"Ulil not tak<- run* uf himself unU ar- thing elm will he in the rihm-tloiio f Dlefendorf and Dr. Kirby. THAN hiti-dwart*, metals, cordage mid Eeatber IVHt(<| him' '" "l(< Wprt (me Hundred cents, Uneeda bringing hack the Progressives. That 70 Broadway Long Branch v The alienists for the defense are GRANITE an tiiw.s^ifBjBUjt. fefiture of the•onlident. of course. tbii(; Schmidt Is Biscuit are too nieeiin^ of VjJPI^^ilbMciiii national uppiirel; drills ami medicines; eheml* j |mn legally insanp. The experts who will coitiinitttf. Men who hate tho name testify for the state on rebuttal »re ••nix und reftffflfjta; irtwutorj. bosjiltsl »$lH,\\ i, i,,.».|i;ni." \w gurgled. good, too of "progressive," who hate ltoosevelt .-Pl-ii-nct* nnd surreal in-.irmia.nis; iiwm i\w:i ihti prisoner uas reeo«- equally certain that the priest is sane still more, were willing lo make any and was fully responsible for his L-U-ttrU'al engineering ami pluiublia nbtMl as William J. I.eehan. who »n sort of a comproiniso that would make If Everybody Knew the Merits of s; IUIUIM'I-, mill work, puekiuy r, after n sensatiuual trial at nourishing, i-iime of last September, when he the ProgreHHlveH return to the Uepuh- •lew Anna Aumuller while she was boxes iitid building m;itt*; [mints. Tuuu Iliwr. X. J., wan nc.mltied of llcau fold. They were coaxing, not 1 •deeping. Lucas Tinted Gloss Paint oil, ^ihis.s iiiii] brushes; RftBdtuit und tho riin!•(!or of ,\hs. Caroline Turner. too crisp, to be brow heating. They offered compro- In his pml.ets wns S-1.73. Ho was Most of the alienists havo been ob- as well as those who have used it, they would make poor shift trying floor eovei inus; yn.ierlrs. |irormluus mises that would have prevented a serving Schmidt carefully since the and honst'liuid Miiipiii's; tit^JK*'. flour Imrkpfl nji, A Her several hours' Bleep to use any other kind," one of our patrons wrote the other day. lie HIIH taken before Magistrate Ma rah bought merely splii had they been put in 1'orce two siayer was arrested on Sept. 18 hist, ami seed; puututfriUHjk- s'ipplif> ;Uid Ml the night, i-oili't. years ago. and the effect on tbe jury of their di- Special t>i|iiipitiful; i>iiffl*tivinic, prlnL- as an economy. Well, everybody's going to find out about it before a great white. "When- d.i vmi live?" asked the Ulag- The Roosevelt Problem. rectly opposed conclusions supplies the They've been learning fast in the last few years. There was a time, i 1*14" iiiid litliu^ni)(1ik< HUpplii'K; fuel NII.I 1*1 rale. If there is any one who feels au- elements of uncertainty in this case. 1 for Instance, when the folks about here had scarcely heard of "Tinted U-i ; inc!lN doubt he a tfootl time for him toprofound admirer of Dr. MncDonald. Gloss." Last year they used hundreds of gallons. trucks: t.\ pi'ivrtllliu ;t n-t luinpntiiiK '•Kvw aneslt d hefnreV" come fonviird. The real fuet about "The others are uncertain," the pris- The only expressions of regret we hear are caused by the fact liitli'Ul lies: tHvvlflr Mi'l-vicr: lfU>|ilioiio "Veij once IM New Jersey." of their freshness HoiseveU \x that no one fun speak for oner Is credited with saying "He Ulm. lie nil I make his owu declura- knows I am sane." that they didn't get started using this paint sooner than they did. We These era the general t'tattU&jaUunfl "Doii'l ask me!" I.eehan almost: —because of their tloiiM. Tho most ^evottil friend he has Dr. Smith Kly Jelliffe was the first are thrifty people here and believe in economy, and should practice it. si-reamed. under which nearly every C?o|ireivnb(e crispness — be- in Hie country, the man who haydllenlst for the defense to hike the We know it costs about $25 a year to keep an ordinary sized house tiling un eiiitli i- sohlisti'd. •'('an you Iflkt' care of yourself now?" known him most intimately could not stand. "Yes. I waul t'» go heisa nnd join say what lloonevelt will do in regard looking presentable with the general run of paints. They've learned Services Which Can Buy Direct. cause of their The witness said he firstsn wthat they can keep a house, equal in size, looking better with Lucas Coder 'I"- law mid ruKuititlulu, all to Ihe proposed Minal^iunntion of the Schmidt In the Tombs on Nov. 12. In two wiDgti of the Itepuljlican party. Tinted Gloss Paint for $15 a year. Items Kt-lieduled l.y tl'e general ktilp- w.i', ilNiliiirjjed-with n. goodness—be- the room known as the pharmacy, on In Ian 'orildor he said: No one heli^aaji that Uoosevelt lias plIiM (OHniiirti'f. it in any I'iirt or which occasion Schmidt was question- That's one of several reasons why we find it so easy to sell it. •I'm imt n drunUard. I'd rather tfn to cause of their any umlerstaiMijitf whatever with the tjuantlty needed \>y any tldtnlnl ,* r:i- he elertrir -hair limn 1». called a ed by both br. Gregory and Dr. Jel- Ht'pubiicoijH who huve pat tbFOSgU the Uffe. live dc|"irtini'iit or Imi't'iiu in \Va*h- I ri 111K; i r second.--Puck. Alsu. if ;m Item \* not listed on Diewould not ton* h 'iipior for a year. It is certainly queer that Kooseveit ments. • •' KtMtcriil EK'll^tQletl, iMit that seeing lin- should be the most talked of man at p(WMlb(e, un iiduilnlstratimi di'jHirt- FREIGHT CAUSES LANDSLIDE. NATIONAL the meeting of the committee talked rnetit ni" hnit'Mii I'lijj ^et Its own estl- of, 1 mean, an the one person upon ntiiic-v ami in ike direct imnliases Heavily Laden Cars Sink About Ten BISCUIT wlintn so much depended. There were tinslfltan! Si'i-ret:ity of the Treasury Fset—Tieup on Road Results. iiii'ii who said they would never vote NVwtnn h In «hai;'e n Hie Went JiM'soy niul COMPANY euuld not he nominated, ami yet all fumifltHHi t<> pi'tinit Iiiii) intelligently Kvtwlioie raUmail iiiused the nmdlu'd knew that Republican success in the tu direi t these afffllm that lie dchrll to sink HIJOUI mo Irrt north 0t the rutmv depends ID a threat extent upou i'ltn till.i iiiarvelniis dictfumiry of euin. ' (ifUwiy Sound drawbridge, the carstioi tho altitude which Uoosevelt will take la then In the WBHUIDK- >•<- down with the landslide about! in rv-KUtd |U tUe new convention phius eipht to ten lect, citnsinK a tieup ufj and whether he will try to hold the Ilvi'tythibii fitun a neeilU* to a hiiy- ihe road. Paenger* trains Progressive party together. *-Ki.-U is f> U> fOHUd listed In (lie Kdl- , transferred after they had to foot eral si-heiln!c«. Needles, darning and It across (he lilij chasm. MISS MAUD M1NAHAN. Murray's Comparisons. Speaking of what farmers ought to KcwiiiK need'(»s. entfrnvora' nnd Uthoa- Over I*H> men, nptm&ittinu '••! we- rai'tiers' wtnlt needles, Kiiry;i'on':i nee- tiou gmi«H south of MHlvMle. worked New York Girl Who Won the know Alfalfa BUI Murray of Oklaho- dles a tnl nt her sorts of IHMKIIPN IH'Omany hourg, before the timt train Beauty Prize at Wellesley. ma said that "they must know that nuirked down- Hay? There you ilnd ciiKscd o\ er the new roadbed. the siune seed would be unsuited for It against ttie cobflllatie number llnni, Minnesota, where the rivers run up and there M tudhlm; to proven! pur- SEEK PARDON FOR PREACHER hill and tLje Irish vote the Republican :Un»o hi luiystack Imlk. ticket, and ut the same time for a lo- Apparently tbi*ru IM no roil I estate Girl Accuser of Huggins Said to Have cality like South Carolina, where the listed Hie one Item uf barler really Repudiated Charge. fivers run down hill to the. sea and the mla»lng from the list. Trenton. X. .1.. I Hi-. 83,—A special 'niKKers' positively refuse to vote." If u pei-snu h taken nick there meeting of the court of pardons will Where Frost Penetrates. nre niedit Inet-h* -tttr*1 all tbe Ills that be held at the statehonse. and it Is be- DllHBg the discussion of the Alaskn man is in-it- to. If that doesn't belp llevetl the case of GoOrgH 1>. HUtfglllcl, railroad bill Congressman Kordney of the hospital Is available, wbrro nil ii I'urnicr cleinynnin, who IH serving Michigan said: "The minority report suits uf devlres and iustninii-ntM and 1*1 nin live to thirty years in state prisim on this bill States that u minim-, com- niati'ria nieilit'iis are tu l>o fouiul. un a girl's accusation, will be consid- pany has penetrated the earth iu Coitl. uood. he nnd COkfl art' listed. ered. AUUlra to a depth of 3,200 feet and Counsel for HUffgiUfl say they have, finds the grotiad frozen luirdrr than There U li'U'plmue servlre to he hadan alllilavit by the t-lernyman's BC- In tin the same HOIUTC. One can buy ii 1 the hobs of Jericho. How in the name .user, viola rallls. repudiating her of common sense nre you KOIIIK to typewriter, ami for tin* expert anil spe- [•barge and that eight of the Jurors • lallst in srli'iifluV emleavur, for Ilic raise celery and. alfalfa under such Who convicted Haggim have algoad a conditions?" book \ater, Tar any one at till with u petition fur bis liberation. fad or a fancy, the means to satb-fv ii Some one had tnnde the statement that these products could be prutltably SEARCH FOR FEMALE THIEF. An Endless List. raised in Alaska. ' You can buy an adz or ale or uttuT Against Unanimous Consents. Patcrson Police Seek Person Who Was! Senator Clupp of Minnesota always alcohol fur beverngu or oilier purpose; Dressed In Woman's Attire. alfalfa, nn nu^le Iron, an apple or an Opposes unanimous consent ayree Palersoii. N. .!., 1 tec. *_':!. The police , meats, ulthoiiKh be does not object on apron, bridle, saddle and spurs: arnica searched all over the elty for some | or court plaster fur rounds; breakfast the tlnnl agreement. He contents him- trail of the female burglar or man self with a protest. After the unani- liaiun or a baji: rubber and paper *>:-• *,; bands, bandanna and cotton and lluou masquerading in wuiUan's attire who mous consent had been granted to vote DIAMONDS naiidkerrhit'fs; burley, wheat andoat*; tried to rob the home of William E. Miss Mum) O. -Mlimlian of Naw York on the currency bill there was much Keys. city haw t».en declared Utp .vietur in ihaconfusion In the senate, which lead a basket or a button or a mii'sing bot- beauty mutest amotiE WHlo.-h-y glrte, tle or iome other sort of bottle, or- William Keys, Jr.. saw a skirted UK- Bho BUO ta "Hi- t»r the most popular Kir's Cifcpp to Bftyi "This Is an example of thodox ur uricirtbodux. for wpirit con- nre In tin- dining room. Keys chased in ht-r ototB, Wfll.^l.y I.aiI be«j uskinri the bad effect of such agreements. As tuluora or chemical experlmeutatlon the Intruder, who wore a Utrge velvet MJI- B louw time, •'VViiu is tin' prettiest gin soon as made interest in the bill ceases. and other varied usos; bromide und hat iiml a hum fur coat. He says tho In polleg^?" Henca the contest. Th« The senator from Oklahoma has been HICKS' JEWELRY STORE 1 youiiK woman Invited ID entet tin- oomv"- waiting tot Six minutes to get a hear- lieiizim . boots and boot black I up, hat blew oft' ami revealed a closely titlon iiil m«Jeatly declined, but eome <>t books and blotters, chairs, chalk, car- cropped head, but the Efurglsr outran them had frtoida who were mow Bppre- ing, but ti;is been unable to do so. It 188 Broadway Long Branch, N. JT. penters' tools; curria«eH and whips. him. ciutJve mid lew retiring on thalr behalf strikes me that this Is a good example etc.; clnti us and chisels, chimneys, and entered their nttmea, it would >••••!" of the folly of enterlujj into such ar- by the award timt the madlom complex- rangements." chocolate, dishes und dishcloths; cord, THREE HELD AS CARD SHARPS toned Klii wii tiio roost sdmired, on tiie crackers, ftuciB&tars, funpi. I! i •<. flusks. whoit- -she of tiu- brown oyee und brown hair, who 1H nfttther too pronounced in Who Goes First? gUm shoes, chewinii cum, Iwsli beef Newark Judge Adjourns Hearing Until type c»r faature nor the extreme ol dark In these days of Jeffersoninu Demo- and furnaces, hummers and tougs and Next Monday. or iiK'it, far meh i* Mia Minaaftn, cratic simplicity, with the federal ad- nails: horseshoes and hose; crowbars Newark. N. J., Dec.23. Judge Hatm ministration and both brancbes of the When Stop nud Iron and i|Ulninp: eumerfts nn<1 national legislature under control of iB&tffrm; soap, towels, toothbrushes. Ing of tbe three men taken from a General Markets. the Democratic party, it does seem In RED BANK or ASBURY PARK At Nciv Vork t>pr>. Q. uTHppiu:: paper nnd cord; beef liver, train from Washington Saturday, who BTTTTER—Steafly to firm; rrrMpts, «.5« •tPABBS that the question uf social milk, mutton nnd mutton tallow; neck- ftre said to be professional card precedence should ao agitate official packages: creamorv, extras, ib.. KaS7a ; ! We specialize on practical, gen- ties and ifowns: ointments and unsliarps- , firsts. BtaSic., RvoondS, 24a?7c.: hcM. *>*• circles. It in a row as to whether the The Home of teel and refined apparel for Women ^^^fw This Trade Mark t:ut'nts. paper and pins; paste, peaches, H was rumored around the court- tr«*. 3£aS3c ; tlrirts. 2TSa31c.: fiecmnK SJRj cabine| t or the senate shall take prece- ^^M ^^k I* a guarantee on «2Btte.; Btnte dairy, tuba, finest. SiaStc; and Misses, which is priced most afATATeT^^^BBaBK ''vfryttiins pur- pens, pepper, pickles, pipes, pnls, room that one nf the accused Is the•Mod to prtoe, BSaSOo-i common tn fair. dence, whether milady hostess shall Good Clot He s reasonably. ••^••aaa^aiB chnaedalthrDKY pump-, rat traps, revolvers and other sun of a justice of the New York mi- KOBSO.; procees. .•xn-ns, Hejte.: Bnts, -3> seat the senator or the cabinet officer stMsaJ^ealB <;oi)Hs STORK arms; ribbons and laces; rintrs, rodm. preiue court. :'3'U' ; iecondi, StaSte; imitation crtnni- on her right. And they are really The Specialty Shop sarisaparilla. wausnge, snuces and sau- ery. nrau, CVfcftZSWc : Factory, held, A».*stirred up about it. m^^W Joseph Salz 22c: rurrpitt make firfts, 21a2tV4c : Be*'- RED BANK The Exclusive Shop for Women. cers: scythes and reapers; shirts and REPORTS JEWEL ROBBERY. . iflVisiWc.; rarklnw flock, held, 13^a Complimenting Williams. 847 Cookrrun Ave,, Asbury Park. ~^e^^^^ Rid Bank thread; i(1<-.: currant make, No 2. Itel8t«e.; No. I When a senator wants to biff a ft*l- water, stamps, straw hots, razor U New.-rk Woman Leaves Cleaner In CHEESK PHrmer; receipt•. l.ftO'boxeii: )nv senator he begins by compliment 1 .M.VIS 1 Kl. LACE Regal Shoes Str icklin's strop*, BUD flower seed and other seeds; House Whle She Shops. I state, whole intftt. specials, white, held. In* him. "I have listened to many de- AND EMBROIDERY CO. Ifljip and laplooa; tooth extractors, te«. "Ctwnilt, N. .1 . He-. -XV Mrs. Her- II)., l?e : freeh, UateHfl.; colored. heU. bates In which the senator from Mis- Handkerchief!, Laces, Em- FOR MEN AND WOMEN FOR BETTER 17c; Trtsli Ifielfl^c; nvfriigp fancy, white. l broidery, Curtains and Linen*, tut's. tack-:. iin cans, thyme, torches, Itert TJ. Knrmw tlf this < ity reported held, W 4H)t;%c.: frpsh, Iff^c ; colored, hel'l. stastppi has been engaged," began Sen- Butcr Browni for Boys aid Girls Clothes, Hart and vutomohiU'-* and motor trucks; uni- ator Weeks one day, "and I believe he Hosiery, Coriett, Underwear. I" tile I>IJI!<'» tlint she hnd licen nib- iti^.nltiHc,: frcBh. IS%0.] slUme. apecla!^, FHirniahlnga forms, varnish, vaseline, china, water lif.l nf Jcn-cli-y wurth I1.3S0 whirl] licld, t3anv4p.; trenh. lOVinitHc.: good to Is one of the ablest debaters In con- Cor. Cookman Ave. Emory St. Tha R»ga\ Shot Store 1 color*, wire, yellow pine nnd zinc, liad IH-PH In ii Jewel rase In lier IJCII- choice, held. llaiSVfcc gresa. He Is mentally honest, too, but ASBURY PARK 64 Broad 8trset fled B ink BOOS—Firm; receipt**. 6.279 enses; fre«h ASBURY PARK nnd MI Ob, and so on. Nearly 17,000 nathorcd extras. Aox., 31a3Gc.; extra firsts, he occasionally splits hairs. He 1A split- ting hairs now." different iirtlcles are specified In tbe Slie went out fthoppl and left a 3St> : seconds. ?7Hft3SHc: atate. i And that waa the compliment to Suit Store In Monmouth County. """ and Coat, tor /We i and Women one to a huudrod variations of forms. low cleaner hns disappe r*nni*J"lv(inln art

Bprend on oWtUer mit4l cold and firm. iiiKtiimon>. no one can ten .lust what ., lll;,,-,-u^l I'll have to pay on Facts About Threaa. Rich Brown Cake. lUist the hands wltli Hour, take up tl lie will do. .Mr. Uyerson did just what. VLQflQ" I Do von ever stop nuil ',hink nlien In^redloiitH: One cupPtil of lard nnd Nnmn he had said he would do and without . ' ~. ,,,,.„, ,,,,„„,. ,,., „..•• 1 spoonful ;if ii Him'.-Klmpo into rones A s iB ! you nre mwtug -iwny -»f as afternoon. ttg&er M*qcm1 pnrt ?) nnp ''iipfui if j tip oblongs, dtwt with flour. Best the the expwte.1 n.eworks. Miss Eagle- , ..,„„ llOt. . „„ Wl,lv H!:,lt ,lft,,P ,,„ »rr;inu!;ited vii'-'iir. nn? r-upful of UHtlnP Addrraa heart, to whom he made the singular „.,„„., ,„„ ,,, what a wondei-^ul thing is the thrriuV- egs with cmc tubleHpoouful cohl milU T|) m c ts g0 illl0 «nm one '-npfnl nf needed rnlSiiiH. OIH»| conditional proposition, was rather ^ (..,]•,,- ( To botfu with, it is made ill Inrire uulll well mixed, piano croquettes on factories nnd ihere. tou, ju'e mauufae •npful nf ml!!;, flvn ^npfnls ..f wlftr-d ••••• • • spoon Rtid with jinother spoon pour the •»-4iiref] ihe wooden upoola on wliiih It In pastry flour. MI<> fenspuoiiful of Rodo egg over them. Remove and roll tu j wrapped for the market Perhaps you Method: PpwiBi bwttef fiinl Rugnr, uld biemlcrmiibs; fry in deep. bot tin?" have wondered why thread is number- wwla to nioinsscH. stjr up well, 'lim pines: serve- with tomato snuce or •d Tliis is to distinguish between the 'i«lt 'nto the -T'-uined ITIIIMS. '11^: nil fttwn nons. Daddy's Bedtime Mffeient binds of thread Ins nnd Dour nijd 'idd that, nlteni.ittn^ No. 1 is the heaviest rotton thrend. n-lth milk; bent well, Mien bake In ot IT IS THE "" it tnkes 840 yards of this to weifzh 11 Ions or rouiid ionf mold in slow. Mti*:idy The Repentance pound With this ns n imsis. No. *.'>'lent. This is nithor n Inrye cuke, imt must be exactly fifty times ns tine cot- will ke.fp for 'i long while.. Ice with ^y O( Little ton tu is So 1--in fnct, mi? number plnfn wlntt' Iiiiig or can l>*» ust-d JIH( LAST STRAW ss haked THE WAIL OF THE WELL Story fOll find marked on it spool of cotton Jim Crow. sonifies that 'he cotton is precisely Thai li]v;|.V tilt! ClIllK'Ts * iliU'k. Old S;i\v Young inn n. .von shoilM •hat m;tny Mines liner than No 1 Apple Pudding. OHNNY JOSE3 hat loft a leg; Park 1 Wuuli] you tow ihiM straw oti if liildi yonr 1 luiliot to a <-lnr. Ttie iii^licst irmittcr tn ffpnernl 'i-* Peel, cor** iind sMce siitllcft«n( npples fanny's de&f &nd tlnmb; -, TTTLH .lira Cnvx liiul bccii vcr.v uiuiL'lHy." begHtl U.nM.v. "Hi- bml l»ea tomi« Ruck v«i. tbjinkn I never is 100, Of mum- you know that tlH>:v to fill >i baking dish, butter tbe dish V'.ll knew "t Was I" ilis!'>i-;i!r J ln:n\i)i.' Sunnily O-MW fur -in.ic tU'.rt' past -^ baitltlHC Snmiuy -oull -I'.* <'::!:er money Ot »port til Tom's eyei iuo OB Hie hum; . •ir" throe 'litTereni kinds -if threjid- MiliUIy nml put in tbe apples in layers, nut s.i large .tu.l lint cu Kinmn ;i*. Ue wi;-*. .Ii;u t'pow was ijtlltO aiiiuiai's v*c**U*brs( ('crl.iiulv not. iiviul'.oji. (hu rlgo News. Badta itUtton when sfca t;tlka; rarH •oitou, Mm-ii and cMk liteni.-iiini: them with stale ulie. MabpJ hns T B.; ;i lender. t«'M in n very HHHUI ttty, iui- li.-'il I.'UMI til iullik'iuc :i lot uf ?rQffibn 'J:id 'i Iff tie butter, USJJJL' two Vuii ;•]'(• kiml lic;tl'1i'fl :iliil WQul<3 Morris In a splendid case' otlier iiitl>- ctuvni to LUiuk it wan umari n> ten«« r^iuu.i.i. tnhlpspootifuls if the butter, melted, Test of Courage. fir IrabeclHty; •\Vi'll. «M.V (!njr Jim r.ui lm; H Itfuok nol kttowiflf!V Hi.' ire I. ..] ..nly n-ci-ul!;. i.:»^i.-d >.;:{ of It 1 1 And llnrokl la n thief; i>e ii thick 'Mie if '-;ii;p ^nirabs; put ht Hill in iji* !.! ini^ voiif ( liri.- nlnju«( er|«sl UU t-yts <>.:i. irlitlo .lii:i It h lnti>n>stlui! "• lime h»* itw In •1 ino'li-nit-Hy hot oven until tbe anjid* [[<• .M 1 IH.W hrnvt! WcHlld heh;i'X IflilW MICT!Mir.. -!llH' llli'J lnp of these darned kids and his IViithei - 1'isi tit* i i- uivv *h iii l.'.ik. He «-on:p.i- iiu-l ft-i mm-ti foe «t*v- if the iipph's .ire tart). b i.t [ttf «.lt| nr. Crow. «.f niill: and t»uur over t-ht.* ippti*. BaKe TrmiHrrlpi Tlmy'xe ipSDf&Uy nice teauhars. "Or. Trow w;is JI line i>!*> T-ii inn. I'.v ft'ofc yrciit !i ;' spectn -les. nmL HII, l:»*f^tN (he "UtHi iltatm." Him ninknt- lltir ti pk'li gulden ••"lor ind M-rvu wilh l.imlrn of t-\-rk- atul delivery bo Ami Fpecial things to Mpar, icen iiHinrrs i:i ail m-ri full >«':it I'lf An.l special time to piny in, W;IS s<» Ulmi: Wben lie BHW Siimai.v h.> iii-ciiuic viT,\ riui-6 ntarmnl. A Model Husband. lii !r:'.i« lutca a 'IIITITI'III mime i«i wn-h JHI'I \i'\\v :nt liiuv bo the hist stra And a ipecla! Uit».i of oir, •• -Why tlitln'l you lei! me yf iliH-siMmrvV wild Ue. "tt1:i*u\ I- n ilevoted, conscienttoiiR They've ipeelel lancfe«« rteht in school, '•Oli. wind's tlie iirMiii-rV UHIEHI Snmny's iuut!u-i». "N Uo ro;illy wry ill? iii'illlli. Thi'y :i!l lilt" mi.Nth «! .Illn Oysters en Brochette. I lllll break- li<>! the ciiuicl'- lnu' Bill] ronsMleinie hllshiind, 1 unfler- While f—ft ipa( if'-ix " I.111. Jouniiil. ihci-moinWcr out U*« Imilcml vtr.v ^r«-t». vkeiver alternately, 'illowint: one shew- wife tK'foreliflnd.1' Cblcagu Tiihmio. ll ••nlli'il Hi., "lull il)....11 ' Inn ' 1. llon*1 be nriiel. ••'.Mrs, Ctuw,' s.iid I.H- tu ftiuuuyV inntlu'i1. 'his li':ii|M'r;i:u.n' is. wry li;,^U, or to each p&niQn, They "JID be put •mmm >.r HIM ICT." \'U'I-I iln- •••mi' Order Was Finally Restored. iind Ue nn:st ln» |ml rtgftt i" IKHI. I'm his tw\ in mifKTJUHl ufad bol waui1 auU I'.'tween ihe wires 'if a jre«(MMi lifiliei- A Remark Not Often Made. _';•.'!! .IHnJII ' (;.l <••]•'••:::>, •' I." ' A sellout inspector was testing a Iwthe hi* lioiid I'VI iy liirci- limirn vvltli wltrh Imssel, ftit*1 I'll t-ati iirount] u^ntn niHi rooked lolekly over bol conln, •>;• "Pn. whiit u ;i near humorist y -iV.on " 1 ), r i-- ..... 'i 1- • i luss' powoTH of observation lie j - thin eveulog to -i-i' Wui.' l\\v Pndi of 'h<> skewers tony !>e i-- ' "A ne;u tiiuiiorlst. SOU. is Jl jHTs'tn lunde sura t!»t{ the P!«M SSW tfmt ne illns tuotm. ' s%iv. .- -I :i>' '• • DO YOUR CHRISTMAS - -Oh. yon ilmi'l thlfili l.c is \ioiivj, l«i illn. diH^urT' '•-) on opposite ildoi of n feokJna "':• who any* wbea be flndu Bn oyBlei in had a gnld raouiited fountain pen In IW"li" IM<1 l)«cai',«H .- |.IU!...I IL •••I think ht-'M tivr. bill liu i- i»n-dy *{vU nn.l npoda fcreal P«PP.' wuilo tlie oyatefa md bacon cwiH u fl slew. . 'Well. well, little strin:,'rr, liis \vaisteo;it pocket plainly displayed. •huntlnjt iiguy ' A|i|ih-« .: >"W SHOPPING EARLY Then he left the rostrum, retifed to "Ariel" I'r. (row left H:i:ntny 1K> u^uit lo .Ijm .1'row's lOttthiT ami djiiltly- are you doiog beroP."—Bipmliig- IIc wns very »Hgry nt wh it Uml i u 'l»m* to Stiuiuiy. Wh^n Jim* tutHher hflm Agfl Honild. the niitrmntn ni»J there removed the Concern1ng Aml^er Welsh Rabbit. Fountain pen to an inner pocket, lie- nml Uiirtdy unw I'r. Cmw i-uiiiiliir ton;m( i.-ioii- nem td,-y wn-c (tfmid .fin 1 Milll.v cllildri't: WWII ;; That's Different Again. turning, lie stood with hi* coat thrown npr hpililn nbunt tlirti n...k> nun .• '• Int'Spensive. Melt two t!i!i!< si"" nV': pant lVw dnys. nnd tlu-y sns]K'«-n-d •nlllelblnn li;ul h;ip|>. n.'d. The Badgered Barber. Von I,now all slffns fall in dry back find liN ve*I ili-'jiliiyed jieuless, • iflrn Ihi-y liri .-urlutm .is :.. «•!..., butter iind mid one tabletqjooid u •At tlint irnmu'iit .f i m tW'W in b.iistrnm^ly. unil (!;c iVwtot' lotj liita Ijow ill The riiir.-n iimv "hi nre you, bur 'Now, l>oyV he said, -tell me what thp pr.-'lv :r:in^p:irrnt yclliiw :..i.|- flour, one-lull! tetispiKinfni <<'. ttalt m '. 1 S;imr.iy vtw unJ nf whnf Iw d:nl «l"iir. her ' * rini^onheaU Nonsense' I>i days S:mim,\*lny :it tin- i-oint of dentil l" ' «'Hfi l»r. Crow's raiik when bot Bttd one cu[jfit! eh**i«( fv«-r 1 rv winking sit B drug clerk in 11 There was a long pause, and (lien a 1 Amlii'i is a (.."sllizcii j-MJl-Ultili' •••-• Thirty nitje. sir. stiill In fiunlly j-nt wHI. ri pi'ohiliiiioli (own? Yonk'Ts Stnlesmun. sumll boy piped up: iii. fuitnt) In ureal Kbundami1 "• "•" n! tldn Stir tinti: ti.nlU'c Jn*l be- ••Ami -Urn Cmw, who Ii:u1 felt likp 11 inunU»ivr, 11 s«'ul Baltic tfs ' ll i* Ji;n»v i Core learlug thp fire add one beate;. lli' hootl»lii.*fe H was a geography Efettoa, and the •Ivi'ly ..lei-lrlr uh,.|i rilljlH'll To""'n piut of strou^ coffee ndd B pi t'Htnhlisiinieni." Baltimore Atnen :in. teacher had been asking whnl some of Horse Shoe Tile iiT creato. six otmcfn or susnr nnd » U10 different states were noted for. It-ops of vanills maence. C»e ;. !;thii vt.'ci's Recistanco of Water. Looking »t one of the liitle drls she •ipoonfu; and n bttif »l (inely •trmiin :sked: Ohio Sewer FHpe* It' II wiTe i;jliU' to impart to n .•il tntu |i"| Item 8j mini" mi *t :-affoi' to a tialf pint of H*BtW I'fl •lip t .if wrier 11 n Inch in frn* knt^n "Tell me, Florence, what tthode Is- Is miiii tn '.!• 1 ••.iii.Tciin! •• iirtfs' poffee, croam. i»itVar and i'\;nirt in Pilffli i.'ni v.'NiHt v llie most powerful land is Vpiebrated for." Sittings fleecer surrou tided »11 h Halted it* !i| bi> ininiiMtint.'l.v Pof a moment the child was silent; Vei'p the sides free fl« fjifi n> th<- u Ktupi-cd In tln-Ir I'lyhl whon tlirj »nma lien an inspiration apparently came to Snowball Battle- Into 1 "if ji r wiili It, It wtMiM offer lier. QUANTITY LOW PRICES Sea Uie loldltw a I sti inel •• i!s the steri rrmor "Rhode Islahd." replied the little gM, Now " . baillt't ;::' r Hi** ML-1 1 node-11 hrtrtlwhi] I., n- '*te celebrated for being the only one Kverj ti un will have to '-« An Eggless Cake. "f the Toitwt Hratfs itirtt is (he small' Take half a cUftful ur bntier i.-nicii QLENWOOD CEMETERY. v -Harper's Magazine. Lumber, Hardware, Paint and Oil uiLb a cupful of siigjir (either brown Jmitatwnf r Biiytlfully Situated. • THE UP.TO-DATE YARD Which |uat freftni wfctn ictiiM] n out t>r white), add a eupftil ot butfermlfb The Food-Drink for all Ages Full ilze loti from S69.00 un. An Enthusiast. with B teaspooufui ot sadi >iifreii Eft 4Q per cent, sf thl receipt* from the ial* ol Ar:d in I 11 MI if day Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. loti la lit MldB •id Invttitad lo Iniur* th« Mr Newrk-1] rrpnding a opvnpsper] 6 tenspoonful uf niitmey two rtiffrtllf For infants,invalids and growing children. perpetual cire of the C«metflry. CHANDLER & MAF*S The Big Snow fnn is near ai nanil, eadUnel—"Japanese Tuni Apimstics • j and Vard 70 S. Broadway, N. J. 80. Ft. R. Crossing Dt Hour with a ctipfn; 62 ::iis!jis > hop Purenutritian, upbuilding the whole body. Thu fund fnveited n>d in hand now imemti rs Nen-rieli-Nn"t I? wonderful wliai to $5,824.13. Telephone 33. Long Branch, N. J. win strive to «ria ui« rtctwy -<< and rolled tu Bnbc slowly \i: Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged. Further particular! may bt obtain ii fr«« bote .lup.-uie^.- acrobats eaa doV-Buf 1 With the powerfu; tnowbali June. More healthful than tea or coffee. C. M. THftOCKMORTON. Sac'y., 112 Broadway. LM| Br»a«h, N. J. Tak* no substitute Ask for HOftLtCK'8 TW£LVE LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1913.

Cornish, Humor, FORM BOY'S PIG CLUBS WE GIVE S&.H GREEN STAMPS The World's The mnglstmte at tbe LiNkeai-^ i>o- HCO cwn-t niiKht well havo excusetf the TO ADD TO PORK SUPPLY. luiiffbter TTllIeh rrMted the remark ot Confidence in •i police witness only a short time ago Is There a More Useful Christmas MEXICO CENSOR any article intended to relieve #fe9 saiil «Ith :tll Hcrioiisncws; "He Agricultural Department Starts New the Bufferings of humanity is v\-ua drunk, your honor, and couldn't Club System. ftaiid. I told him to go Jiway. and aw not lightly won. There must In* wouldn't I locked him up." Boys' "pig clubs" ore being orgtluiz- j Gift Than a Housedress? be continued proof of value. Th» laugb *n HimthiT court mm The Mexican Herald Circum- But for three generations, and od in tlie south by ngpnis of (he ile* I ngulnst the solicitor who severely «sk- 1 Gingham and Chambray House Dresses in new throughout the xvorld, endur- ed, "Were you pi-eM«irt when you heard luirtuient of agriculture to Increase ' . styles at $1.00 vents Ban on Publicity. ing and growing fame and this?" (lie supply of park iu:d encourage the First National Uank $25.00 favor have been accorded 31lx(d iiictnphoi-s are not JI peniliar breeding iit-twul hogs, wltll il view to Cltlions National B»nk 25.00 Rain Cape for the school girls S1.25 nor indeed a eominon falling of theleducliiK tlie hlsh eost of llvIiiB. Wm. Morrta (track meet) 10.00 tJonilHliuiiiii, hut a eertala eloquent "In (Ji-guiilziii!j the boys' |lig cliiii." Neptune IIoso Co 5.00 A Rain Coat for wife or sweetheart $3.C8 up TELLS NEWS IN HUMOR FORM toWO rounrUoi- unite ri'cohtly get en-s:;ys Heiveliir.v Houston in iiinidug tiio Loyal Order of Moose 5.00 BEECHAM'S :iunouiKjeuient. "It is the purpose of Friend of Society 3.00 taiiKlfd «'lieu in llie coui'Me of a pro- A warm Kimona for Christmas eve SI.50 tracted debute on the monient-OUH suli the department lo establish elnlis In Elberon Fire Co 10.00 Bath Robes for baby 69c, 89c, 51.25 Editor Hudson Devnet an Interesting je<-t «f the local dust bins lie declared every southern state. Tlie animal hus- 'Adah Chapter, Eastern Star 5.00 Schem* of Keeping His Readers In- PILLS Indignantly, "H Is time we put 08*ImnJry ilivislon Is co-operating with L. B. Council, Jr. O. U. A. M... 6.00 Fur Sets for little tots $1.50 up formed as to the Rovoluiion Without because they have proved to foot down with a loud voice."—Kugltsh the I'iniiiers' i-o-operative ilemonsliv- Oliver Ihron Engine Co 6.00 Giving Huerta an Excuse to Suppress be the best corrective and yon ollice in the bureau ig plant In. To Kalon Castle, No. Ii, K. O. B. B.00 fllHtry nuil him alrenily e^lablished Harmony Lodge. No. 14. K. of P. 6.00 His Newspaper*. preventive of disordered con- Buried Upside Down. If Mujor Lflbelllere of Dofkldg was riuliK ill Alabama anil Louisiana, anil Degree cf PoccnoTiias, Waneta ditions of stomach, liver, kid- 1 Women's Fine Furs at Wholesale Prices t». lifur.v in one of hi* Btorieu of neys antT bowels. The first burled on the top of Box hill, head Mn nioxcment Is under wily In fieorjcia. ' Council, No. 13 5.00 Lsitiu America told of n young man downward, In 1890, he probably got "ft Ii the purpone of tlie department Fidelity Lodge. No. 4':, F. and A. dose gives quick relief and per- 5.00 who wirtluil to cubic mi account of the ideu from Mr. Hull of I-eith Hill to have every member of the club en- i M Belgian Lynx Seta worth $7.50 $4.98 manent improvement follows place, who in 1707 built the tower on COBTBije not only an uiereased prodtic Trcsressive Council, No, Jf L. the rcvohiMuii ami in order to I*HBS their systematic use. A trial the neighboring I.eith hill mid wantion of the swine family, but a better ' A- B- A. 6.00 Blue Wolf Sets worth $12.50. . $8.95 the censor put his message In jruoil will show why, in all homes, burled there six yenrs later. The usual breed of piss than U being raised at Horace W. Sherman 1.00 i>li] AiMcrhfin slang, It is ill most In the use of Beecham's Pills Lelth hfll utory, as recorded by onepresent It is a serious purpose the R- Kearnle. riold 1.00 Jap. Mink Sets worth $18.00 $12.00 - tin* earns way, says tbo gCanana city writer, \H tiiul the tower ' inarks the ulltflnlB .,f the department ,ire ensaaed Frank L. Howland 1.00 Tiger Novelty Sets worth $20.00. $16.50 Slur, Hint I'aul Hmlsoii, otttor of spot where an eccentric fanner of the In—one that Is aimed at the liteh <'ost Marshal Woolley 1.00 tlio MuxH-aii llrculd, publish oil in Continues neighborhood was buried ou horse- of living. Friorn!-* Qf--Society 1.00 Girls' Serge Dresses, 2 to 14 years, at $1.98 Kimli-li In tin- < 'it,\; of Mexico, is tell- Iwelt Upside down, KO that when the "The production of pork Is not keep- I-onB Branch Lodge, No. 78, F. ing tlio truth Hbout cmnliiloits without world wag turned, siss he believed it ing pace with the Increased population, • & A- ^-. 10.00 To Increase then soon would be, topsy turvey, he iflvliiff Htiurtii an exeniHi to suppress and BOinethiiiK must be done to liar- James B. Morris Post, No. 46. a. Sold In boxe> 10c, 35c. might at lust come up in the right po- h\n pjiper. It would seem Hint there ilioulm tbeae two elements. If each A. R 5.0(1 n. I...til ub of .,r, Bridie. No «• ihaoM sition." The tradition might easily ho uio n very few Arncrk-iins loft In tlio member of the club- and they will lie Oceanic Fire i;nglne Co., No. 1..5.00 Kllacl ID mi Ik. dirccliwu with tytrr boi. Iransferred from one hill to it» neigh- star ot I(ill 6 00 STRAUSS' '':ipiuil nnd Hint those, few are fur bor. There seems no doubt, however, growing, it is expected, all Hie time - y - from feeling secure. As he expresses wil« IIIl WVWset H-I t1Lo t I if it I thaUBD t I1II1Ione'morV \'l,A. ile II H pi;.'>l , and a Seasid..,,--e Lotij-e, 39- , A. O. U. W. 5.00 Bee llie flslit yesterday. that Mr. Hall frag buried on the sum- Lou 8 Ilullkel Grand Theatre Qldg. It in liis dally humorous column: KifM American and u few other battle- mit of I,etth hill.—London Chronicle. better plsr. Is prmluced each year, then ' , 10.00 ships at Vein Cruz on n visit of courtesy a Umtr step will have been taken in Frank G. Alden 10.0H (lotting to be a smay but very stlftat lio rPinind one somewhat of the mother- I meeting tlie ever Browing AM bo- Charles A. Wimpfheimer 25.00 party, im? in-law ,1okon. I tween pork production and Increased **?%** HoHywood Council, No. 133 Broadway Long Branch At leniH, Ashley, allow Iliose of tin wh Wo rather like the examination paper 5.00 n't afford to Verm Cna to prttend we definition to the effect that "a fnitriride pojinlntinn." 2, D. nf L 1.0(1 tarn not afraid. (H lt nim, w|,o kiltn n rollepe student" • Dill Cohon If your pumpkins are of the vnrk'ty that ] Jt ]« difficult to Ipll with all thoso whisk- Amorlgo Vespucci . 5.00 front will hurl better Kamar them now. crs syfeaihar Mr. earf&ttSB keeps a straight Intl. Englnr and Truck Co., No. 2. lO.O'l Some nf uii Htlil feel negation*] effects fnc* when he savs ail those things, SURGEON TO A TIGER. r.f the altitude, but th/jsu who suffered would raise Mrs. . I. Addison Woolleyy , 20.0n from ftuppril pedal i-xlremities have EOfltf. 10.00 a, kit of that Hhort and .definition of An Exciting Operation Thai Wil Rl N. J. Mortgage and Trust Co.,. Yew, tlie Httujilinn in tense* Wo have had 1.00 tuts of the canio iu tlio pgai icnse. r-nd the paid by Gratitude. Mrs. Pauline Wert A traveler who bai jUJ*t returned from 1.00 fulnre tenne In nUvnys with us. Plenty of tlie const rsfftatl of Jullsro reports tiio dis- ,,-,,•» in the zoo- C- Kohlhaas f'lJltB will be pirated ir the preaciit tense j tin- Gas Company 20.00 Jfoliday Candy - •dvpry of niitivt-H OV6T Ihcii* who BBVSI igtCfil gardonH iu D\iblin WJIK treated kept ri«ht on the job until It can ! revolution und who had no 20.0'l • ba posMd to ih historical inftnitivft (tr f,'iiHKi"en« in it* piiw, Rev. Bnmilol i.ln Hint I'oinriu as not prrtfc *-" 10.00 : \ot yet, Minii 1. but anyhow keep off the Th( ;npt of Wasliln UKllion. M. D.. undertook to ppr- Our Standard Chocolates and Bon-Bons Assorted, loboggnn iiM« 5.0(i 25c lb.; 5 lb. Boxes for $1.10 • What'H Uw nmiter with Alexk-o? Weil, ,tm me uauBerous exyenmeut " |Iieoa c,,bberl 10.00 (here are too IH;K'V places wfcsre lifn is ...rutliiB en the animal. | Council, No. 336, K. of C. IO.O'I Pine French Mixed Candy, jdBi one blunitd thing ufter unother—with in id I'd p tu catfle ihiit just batajwsB 'Die of, the tiger was llrst »e- • ' ' 15c lb.; 2 lbs. for 25c; 5 lbs. for 60c. V'III :ir« right. Ashby. The number of the import tS emovi'd by the new Amtr- ,,„«rufesso! inr a HiiuRlitoiside den.f. waA nes throwt devisen dove l.rj !|L™^B^?,c.h LodBe' No' 742' B' • lu.M kiln* »u abfiiit 10,000. but tiiuy liiid rygtal Wave Council, No. 64, D 2. g M lean tariff law. rile tlKi-r. aud he was drawn forward j American Mixed Candy, 10c lb. no Hilillery until after the bettte of Con- Pottfbjy they shouldn't have anything of L B.00 I . <•! IIS. the door of the i-iiRe. Four stout j to suy in miiitera of international policy. eptune Council, No. 217, Jr. O. Christmas Candy Toys, 15c lb.; 2 lbs. for 25c Xo, major, it mamfi to IIH more probable but if the foreign "material interests" keepers then held the feet of the j 5.00 Boston Ribbon Candy, 15c lb.; 2 lbs. for 25c. thut when the crop of mid-Nnvprnbor ru- were removed from some countries the itriiKKllui; animal, while Professor U. A. M mors M*rt they will have mon to do wilh modteton *>f proar«M and prospeHly would B.00 Iaugliton c-ut away the diseased W. H. Hall A Large Stock of Candy Baskets and Canes suffer an appreciable diminution. 1.00 •law. William J. Drokaw Anent the Activities of Mr. Lind. James Gulre 3.00 Endless Variety of Fancy Boxes for Gifts The suffering beast furiously but I whi'ii former Governor Und tlrat Invention an Epidemic at Montclair. 23 Jewelled Plumbers' Local Union, No. 28:)5.00 vainly tried to set at him during the I landed, th<> Hevold united with sioit ot Monh?lair, N. .1.. baa sgafa ]>wt for- Solid Joseph Goldsteiu, .50 >ncratJon, but Hie rage of the tigress j ihc other Mexifiiu pitpera in -bollttllnK wanl Us claim of being tbe most in- John Heklt B.00 HKiirat Innkins on through the bars-of the him. Fjiter HHM-I' WBM n (JinVrcnt tone: .-viiious comraunity in the Halted H. B. Sherman 2.0J •7/ie Sugar £owJ Company 4di' den van much uiore terrible to •Uii the 8tnte«. TIM nnnnol Index of the Unit- Lons Branch Hanking Co.,.. 10.00 Thf Ve i Cn ; altitude behold. Nw roared and violently I I i nl- bt-mtam it- <'l Stiltos i m I vii t nliii'C. just Issued, A. D. Stout 1.00 i Whole r Hung lierself against the barriers in imtcs scvtMity-six |mt*'iits to retftsatfl Gold Phil Daly Hose Co 5.00 "JtQmeofJvieets" l.lnd ix BtlU ra Crae, but her mad desire to co to the rescue of if Montettiir. This is ona patent to Mrs. H. Edgar Mason 5.00 newa. for h< ON s\l,fr, TO-DAY AND TO-UOftHOW her mute. t way v.hor- *'vi>ry BfO liihiibitanln for tho year. We cannot go Into itptail1s her2e bow we ob- Abacus Lodge, 182. F. & A. M.. . 10.00 tained Itiriw Orntlemen's Noltd 14-K. Gold When the tigress was admitted to fty stairs. QCfortllna tu the otllcial stn- Tirzah Court, Tribe of Ben Hur ,5.00 Wa who have J.I ,[,«rll,.(l \V»lcl)i-H to sell for V12.98.IMII 1 the i age after the wound of her mat» ii>'ti.'s. the hiett •hawing wax in <'on- nil inl< r.-ni.-il In the w:ilr!t qiirotlon i.r ueMrln, School fund .60- Id iMirchasi- one we will give nil 11K lulorma liiid been dressed slie turuod up tue •i;;ii Bponluli itoiMcni, which rooelvpd one potent to tlon deatred If llu-v will cull at our wntcl Owen Woolley, .'.*. 5.0(1 Jf[)itrtu»rn( bt-forn 10 oilm-k to-iimrrow ulftht pnw ami oxainlned it with touching I" v*py 11.Vi ijihiibiiiiuls. New Jer.sey l.t-r«n> in tlie thirty-two j-e»» we bavt Wellington LaMonte 10.00 MrtSt aTvora sold watchPB direct to the public have wt •ollcltudo and tUou llckBfl her mate : I celvpri (n OTP!\V 1..r)O.S. Ocean Fishery B.00 ono .ill.-rvil hftti-r value tlmn lliii*. Them* »nlh iis a L-at li'ks her kittens to soothe U> id fi .Ml, IH'otci'tion, 14-K. Gold <•«(»•» tire Mumix-d plainly, and wil Branchport Hoae Co., 6.00 r II hlimil every known tisl. Evrn the t'nltei them, purring soflly the while. Out It Wmii. Mlate* Mint nn Wiill sirepl will llnd them tc J. L. VanBrakle 2.00 ,,,o, ,t he Holld 14-K. Uttld If you wish them to make i'JU, 1 H >ur i K far kit sin "(iood ni^lit, iIIy sweet; farewell, iiiy But perhaps the extraordinary GIVE A CARVING SET 1 an assay of it. The movement !• ruarut«*< Long Branch Patrolmen's Asso. 10.00 A'lmi .ii FI< i i •••i is i •aruught) fa- love; my smil ROOB OUt t»» tlU't ! lUlt to be 23-.lewelt* as time is siK'odiiiy; fust, my love, gad l i-annnt buy one ai good tor les« than $85.00 week iBtM Professor HnUglltOn v.-a.i LB i .*,iiiii Hon. J. W. Slocum B.00 Ions iii- in ait) i at Vers i'i uz. must iiniclily Sea] 'Tis but B teflt , npraln at the KHi to see how Ills pa- A. M. Townley & Co 1.00 TnKen ull )g -til H\ tilt pa ngrnpfc* put s^Mit't htiui'M, my lovo, und you must tient WM getting on. When the ani- Nothing More Useful or More Sugar Bowl 1.00 11 ill' i uf ii. tit 111 SO DP of tlie lark think of me till we inwt Ogata ttmior- : uiiil espied lllDJ he began to purr like ""PRESENTATION WATCHES Mayor B. B. Newcomb B.00 iMl'IH M tin 1 1 ii 1 •iiirix •ll • a (le1i of rmv. lovel My soul goev om to'^ae!"' ! a eat. allowed him to e:;nniiiKi (lie Appreciated Dorman McFaddln 2.00 >->)HU> ei t cti MM 11 :tll I PI euts in the Tims ipoke S l"\er to his iiiss. Doep $175.00 Solid 18-K. Bold SI36 paw und seemed pleaded he Friend of Society • 1.00 i is Iu um Und. in IKM- i-yes Kitzeil be. \u\v, one fond 125.00 Solid 18-K. Gold 90 should do so. Indeed, for years uflev- aortl Siegfried HirBchfeld 5.00 kiss, one fond ouilunro - how sweet it : ward the tiger and tigress showed Significant Paragraphs. 85.00 Solid 14-K. Gold 63 Mrs. R-J/l. Harris 2.0') was t<> foal themselves most friendly and groteftll We have an unusually attractive line of j Tlu» folio win u are etillft] from tlio Dr. HjK Shaw B.00 Oh, hiirror! TIHMI her pn ;ipi»*Jired. 55.00 Solid 14-K. Bold 40 to Professor Haughton.—Wo«tn)i«Btaf | colunni during tbe lust few wi^oks: AuhuSpiull . 1.00 "Wlint nifjuin this. sirV snid In-. 35.00 Solid 14-K. Sold 25 (iazi'tte. Carving Sets and they are very reasonably ! Our t'lca "F crude Work is to hnlil up a 1.5,1 Then, with an nu^iy suai'l, lie roared, Watches nurrhaHed from us can be re- Chut^r llgh School I train and not ii.-uo sufficient iransporta- turned. If unnatlBfaclory. within ten days an< K. J . ^ ve"rs, . 3.00 priced. Every set guaranteed" to give satis- 1 .'ion (OC)Utl«a at hand to tarry nff the"My sole j^oew out to thee!"—Loudou we will rifuiid all of your money on requei i loot. Mail. or exchange them for new ones. GiffrC' i ..acour. Cranmer & Co., 5.0<5 faction. ! I'uFsihly if? the 6Ot In /.acateoas that TO IDENTIFY MAfl BY VEINS. t Woolley 20.00 I ffvu il HO man>- livt-H. Take . ce Tribe, No. 158, I. O. i Anyhow the full of Juar« will not b^ so Logic of Youth. WARNING! Italian Professor Proposes Substitute | : t'voro ;i blow ns if this were her tlrat of- R.\ 8 5.00 ••r'atlu-r," exi-iaiuuil JollQ vigorous- of these Harhrs we advertise p to the Bertillon System. ly, "why don't Quakers take olT llielr no attention lo ftoroa that are made Itomhlta spemw to hno two none! rea- liwk like ours, hut look for tlie name Professor Tainassia of tile T'niver Also Hundreds of Useful Gifts Can Be Found Here < HAltl j;s A. KBKN8 and the number 191 nr.ers' Licenses Available, snna for retiring from tl <• liullilKlit game. 180 OVKlt (U'H ONLY ENTKANCK. vlty of Padua, In Italy, advocates the nne IH fiiiKMYio in the balit, nnii the other "lte'-ause. n»y sun. it is their bHiof Be sure and brine this advertl«»ment with adoption of an identification system, Gunnel licenses for I;tl4 are now that to remove tlieU- hats is a nmi-k of you, so there can be no mistake. the Imsi.i of which is the photograpli- available at City Hall. City Clerk :t that tiio pastor rcspi'ri that Iliey think they shouhl ( ! CHARLES A. K£EN£ Ina uf th eins of the hands, Warwick is anxious that hunters may p;iy to no man.'1 A. M. TOWNLEY & CO. .lay Ills ^| QA uiittiiouil*. Watclie*, Jewelry II- the merest novice acquainted with this fact i a circular imi'tiiiu ••Wril." remarked the boy after a tect vnrhUons, while long training is jthat there will be no disappointment 191 BROADWAY . LONG BRANCH. N. J. Hani lines. Owing Q the liad times moment'* alienee, "bow do they nmn- loU Broadway, New York 16 llmttatlonn In Ih •eating ospaclt Ol'i'.x KVEMNOa UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK necessary to distinguish differences In among the "gunmen" on New Year's io liirecst bull lin In I ho wurM I tyg& when they have to havo their liair finger prints. day. • imo twonty ™1.1 ir 1 PHI .'" Youth's ('oninanii)ii.


What can be more appropriate, as well as useful, than some Electrical Gift such as a Coffee Percolator, Toaster, Sterili- zer, Water Heater and Irons ? Our saleslady will gladly demonstrate any of these appliances to you at our office. CONSOLIDATED GAS CO. OF NEW JERSEY 176 Broadway, Long Branch, N. JT.