WEATHER INDICATIONS s|n tonight and probably Wednesday. Detailed information on page 3. LONG 12—PAGES—12 VOL. I2—NUMBER 299. LONG BRANCH, N. J., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1913. PRICE TWO CENTS OiENCY BILL NEW ERA SURVIVOR OF WIFE DIES IS 116 YEARS 010 ARE DEID HERE IN LEAGUE CIRCLES -ACCIDENT IMPROVING THIRTIETH YEAR THIS AFTERNOON Hannah Kosokk Celebrates Her Programs Rendered at High and No Matter What Name Is Sea Bright Woman Who WasDaughter of Thomas Fox Had TO GIVE UP mm Birthday By Showing What Intermedia! Schools This Adopted Long Branch Will Seriously Injured on Road Been III For Over Two Years •,, * President to Sign Measure Over! Was to. Have Been Shroud. Morning. Have a Cuban Team Worthy to Recovery. With Lung Trouble. Protest to Be Made to United Whieh Fight Has Been The shroud which Hannah Kosokk of Recognition. There is sorrow in the Lelffleu home States By Government of Waged In Congress ] fashioned for herself 59 years ago OLD GRADUATES SPEAK STAGE DRIVER IS BETTER ut 281 Monmouih avenue, where the Spain Against Rebel I when the New Era, on which she was a It is Kind in baseball circles that ,i wife and mother, Mrs. H<-SHU- Lelfflen. Since June About passenger, came ashore at Deal Beach, protest has been made against the wife of Ernest Leifflen, wafi called to Robbery of Its and she thought her time to die had York and New Jersey League dis- rest ut seven o'clock this morning, 8 O'clock. come, iva» taken out a few days ago Cantata Given At Presbyterian carding this title and becoming recog- Only One Occupant of Machine i. Leifncn had Bees a patient suffer- Citizens. and exhibited to her friends who call- and Entertainment at Re- in the Kastern League. Tho In Collision lias Escaped er for over two years with lung trou- pd at the Home of the Daughters of reason assigned Is that it might effect ble, yet during her lone illness had SENATE AGREEMENT Israel, Harlem, to congratulate her on formed Church. the standing of the league. However, Arrest. been a most pattern sufferer and HUERTA'S BIRTHDAY having reached the age of 116. n case the proteut is allowed, the thoughtful to her family. TO VOTE AT 2.30 Tha New Era was out from Bremen lew eight-duli league will adopt the The funeral services will be hold CELEBRATED TODAY in 1854 and Hannah was aboard, bound GIFTS FOE THE CHILDREN lame of Atlantic Association. WAS DRIVER OF THE CAR Friday morolng at ten o'clock at the for America, the land of hope. When There are many nt>aw features be- house. liev. Alfonso Dare, of the House Acceptance of Confer- the ship struck and the passe>>gers ng arranged by Ihe owners of the re- Simpson M. K. Church, will officiate, People and Troops Join In were preparing to meet what seemed Today being the last day of the spective cluba. Long Branch will es- Morris Kasfiinoff, driver ot (iie stage will be made in New York In ence Beport on Measure like certain death, Hannah quickly school year before the Christmas and tablish a ladles' day for each week. hat was wrecked in an automobile charge, of funeral director William H. Demonstration In Honor made herstjlf fast to a shroud and New Year recess, exercises were ren- They will have the privilege of the collision at Galilee lafit Saturday night, Morris, Jr. Was By Non- Partisan waited until the end. dered in -several of the schools. The grounds free. uid who was brought to tho Monmouth The deceased waa Ihe daughter of of Provisional Proai- Vote of Nearly Rolling in the heavy aurt. the Nev/ Intermedia! school pupils held their The National Automobile Association Memorial Hospital auffBting with a Thomas ]''o.\, a highly respected veter- dent In Spite of Era pitched and tossed until, about off exercises this morning. The front will send representatives here this slight concussion of the brain and HII and member of James H. Morris Five to One. Wai Beach, she was picked up by a part of the auditorium was occupied week to look over Baseball Park. iees abciu( tho body, was reported Post, No. it, (1. A. IV, and was born Troubles. mighty swell and thrown upon t&d ay the High School Orchestra and by Their object is *to determine wlnnher is being much better this morning. in Cong Branch thirty greats a^d. Two | beach. The rescue work began and massive Christmas tree. The tree he grounds are suitable feir holding feat his condition is no! In the least children survive. They are Albert and Hannah was saved though 240 other was so high that the top of it bent heir proposed fir.-U open-air uutmno- rious, and inn IV w days he will be Klla Li'ifflen. Six sisters anil two IN EFFECT IMMEDIATELY passengers were drowneC. slightly from contasl with, the ceil- bfle show. abfe (o re stunt* hln occupation an a brothers also survive. They are: ELEVEN DAYS HOLIDAYS ng. Those oonvorKant with the height A regulation score board will he stage driver. Mrs. Mamie bane. Mrs. Agnes Mor- C. Byron BlaisdeM III. of the felling will know just how tall stalled in left field and the scores Sire. Richard Rodney, »f Hen nrixht, ton and Mrs. Grace Klsinnery. of LonK Washington, R. c., Dec. 2:—Senate the tree is. Washington, I). 0.. Dee. 23.—Th« C. Byron IUaisdell, son of Mr. and of all league gamea will be flashed on an occupant of the stage when it was Branch; Mrs. Kllu Btaplcton and Mrs. -.jttniHh colony at Acapulca, Mexico, leaders today notified President Wil- Mrs. Charles T. Blaisdell, of Norwood The program was us follows: t. Work will bv started early in mllKhed, rested comfortably at her Ida IlurSiO, of Newark, and Mrs. Annie. jlas i,(it.n forced to contribute. $50,0011 son lhat the Currency Bill would be in avenue, a senior at Chattle, has just March—High School Orchestra. March to have the grounds iu pink of ip last night. Fortunately tor tlioac. liis hands for signature this afternoon. New York: Edward »«« | to the support of the ronstltutionalUt escaiied an attack of pneumonia. HH Chorus—Cantique De Noel—Page condition for tho opening of the seas- respon.-vUHn lor (UP accident, Mrs. Rod Aaron Fox, of New York. j cause, according to State Department. By an agreement reached yesterday, is now improving rapidly. Byron is an 51. on. Long Branch has the finest minor ney Is on the rotul to recovery. It WRB the Senate met this morning and im- Mrs. liefflen attended the Simpson advices today. The Spaniards have all-round athlete, and one of Chattle'B Recitation—"A Christmas Thought;" eague park in the country. aHiref tUmight fifat her Injuries might Memorial M. K. Church, where her chll- complained U> tholr foreign office and mediately began consideration of the star football players. He contemplates Florence Attlsota. Flag day and opening day will be plr.ee lift- life in jeopardy. dren are now members of the Sunday tt (B elpected this complaint will b» conferee'^ report, which was adopted enterinw g Syracuse University in the Recitation—"Jest Vore Christmas," on May 23rd. Dciestivo .^llntigli worked fast in eohool. and had many warm friends. f d d t Washington. in the House last nfgjit by a vote of I fall Samuel Rotlistein. orwar 0 o "Billy" Pfau is getting together n r.ndkig up the occupants of the auto- She only moved two weeks also from | Th), gtalB Department al»o received 298-60. Song—"An Old Legend"—Page 168, fine aggregation at Perth Awboy. He mobile. There in only one miashig, a»d the Seobey flats to SSI MoBBwutu »ve- coiinrniutlon today of •. the temporary The agreement declares for a final Sth Grades. las been promises two piichors and a he is an important factor In the cane. cloBing of the IlankB ljt"1*ixlco and of vote at 2.30 p. m. and this indicated Recitation—"The Little Christmas catcher by manager Fred Clark, o)1 He Is known as Charles Dofcffi, drive) that the measure would be placed in Tree," Howard Mullen. Hie oecree of I'rcsliJTlll Huerta de- Pitssburg. Billy also expects to sign of of the McGee ear at tho time. No Ittrlng tnnt nil dayi from December the President's hand about four o'clock Selection—"A Trip to the North up Malay and Ely, u.sing these lop- excuse has been offered for Ihe col this afternoon. Pole," High School Orchestra. 22nd to January 2nd will bo legal holi- iners to manage the team. Malay llslon, e'xeept tha! frionta of the men days. President Wilson today decided to Recitation—"What is Christmas?" and Ely won recognition when they, Dora Goldberg. icw being h<'ld under bail claim that affix his signature to the measure played against tho Cubans in this city. 10 lights were displayed °u &8 rc&r of HIS SOLE Hi Recitation—"A Runaway Christ- about eight, o'clock tonight. He plan- Perth Amboy is making a strong play the stage. Those who patronize the Mexico City, Musi':. T-ec. 83.—With ned to invite members of the Se..ate mas," Florence Leonard. to get a pennant winning team, ex- stages In this city know only too WBII I three Kfeat tmnka on ijM bring of fail- and House Banking and Currency Com The will of Charles Lufburrow, of Chorus—"N'azareth." pense not being considered. hat each vehicle has a lantern with- ure und rebeVa menacing even the oap- March—High School Orchestra.
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