From the Inside: Getting Down to Business
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the WEB EXCLUSIVE: Check thebreeze. org this weekend for Justin Thurmond's next movie review BreezeJames Madison University's Student Newspaper Volume 84, Issue 54 1 Thursday. April 24, 2008 From the Inside: Getting Down to Business BY AMY PASSAKEni Ihtitmt After whal fell like the most dit ticult semester of their lives, th- 1 BY TIM CHAPMAN members of Key Free Security ean Iht tmit walk away with a sense of ■ccoru plishment. a prestigious a Ward and most notably. $6,ooo. At about ±:'SO in the morning last Friday, an unlikely fig- This team ofsh business mtjoi ure toted a ratty old broom and dustpan through the V.I.P. won the sixth annual ('()B {on Bud lounge of the Rorktnwn Bar and Grill. ness Plan Competition. Sponsored With his hulking 6-foot-2, 240-pound-frame, Lov^H by JMU's College of Business and pears a bit out of place with the cleaning materials. I*t ir» the Executive Ad\isor> Council, tin just another "perk" to being the head of security ,it Harri- competition provides an opportu sonburg's hottest spot on Thursday nights. nit\ to win more than $25,000 in "It's peaceful now at least," JMU senior Drew I.oy says scholarships between each of th after releasing a long sigh. "Cleanup takes awhile, hut it feels top live teams. Nearly 150 poesfl>l like nothing compared to dealing with the people." teams, from over three Mm can be nominated or submit their The people, JMU students, age 21 or older, have left what own proposals for review. many still refer to as 11 ighlawn." in a cesspool of Bud Light "The head judge stalled for whal and sfgarerte butts. Hie swamp stretches from the outside seemed like forever before he an patio through the dining room and into the concert room. nounced the second place team and It's not the most relaxing way to wind down alter a six- 1 looked around dazed and confused plua-hour shift, but the bearded Berryville, Va. native looks to my parents who were in alien considerably less mired by the chaos than he did a little over dance." junior Amanda HahVn an hour ago at closing time. said. "He was just so stressed at the end of the night, he just This meant that without having looked like he wanted to die," .said Dylan Kendall .1 class- to hear il, the remaining team knew they were the winners. mate and fellow bouncer. "You know that nice he makes Key Free Security took first pltc when his beard iust takes over his mouth and you can't see winning $6,000 as a leain. mean it anymore." ing $l,ooo each. The sludenN pti Kendall 1 h iracterized Un-'s expression as "agony" when the sented a business plan involving the two were guiding masses of intoxicated patrons out of the club. sale and installation of biometric "I was stressed out loo," Kendall said "But you looked fingerprint locks for doorwa\ sin the over at Drew and you could feel all better again. You know Detroit area. Team members Include it's much worse for him." juniors Shannon Ca\anaugh. lay escaped the night with no major drama, but a week da Halbert, Lindsay Sayre. Heathei earlier his crew drew the ire of guests after a melee broke Smith. Andrew Stearns and I anil Volvo. out, outside of the club. "People could see the value ' In fact, so irritated were some patrons that they sub- could create for Ihe cusl< miei mitted a dart in the April 14 issue of The Breeze, accusing said. "One (venture capitalist) aver bouncers of "[throw ingl out patrons, [following] then into said he'd buy it." the parking lot and try lo pick lights " The dart didn't spe- Originally the team was gom. cifically refer to Rocktown, but some students implied that to market (lie locks to umveisiti it did reter to the previous Thursday night's activity they and dorm buildings, but changed heard about its focus to homes and apartment "And I mean the thing is the people whoever put the According to Sayre, they fell the Da dart in The Arrive - didn't see that from both sidi troit area was a good place to foru id. "They didn't see what happened in here.* on considering its reputation as a dangerous city. MlOUIKill.ptfii "What made [the project) special was because they would install it a well as (havingl a 24-hour hotline, Sayre said. The factor that helped Kev J- r ■ ■ ■ansaaal Security succeed the most was n JMU swwi ond mixed rnortiol mli fighter Drew toy hos hod lo siole bode on his trmnmg oiler lotting cm 01 the hood ol snurity ot loddom Bar and Grill toy previously worked ot Die Pub, where he got his Don. ahilitv and willingness to work as a team "I have tohoiiesth sa\ that I \\ • worried about being put in I I people I didn't know originally, but ! can tell you I was truly blessed with Together When it Actually Mattered the group." H albert said Members are randomly sell t tt to a group and forced to coonlmai a stress sh<xtt. 'Ihe point is to raise the shooter's heart- schedules and juggle opposing pel 'Novelty Team' places second in Iteat so that it is harder to aim at the moving targets. sonalities OVff an entire seniestei After thai there was a simulated causality that showed a Being able to allocate jobs and corn three day Army competition tank gelling hit by a roadside bomb and the teams had promise problems can be chaOen to use the materials around them to build a device to ing BY ASHTOM SMITH earn the wounded on. l-isll\, there was a 16-mile nwd Each team member had (lie on Ihtlntn march, with each penoil carrying 55 pounds on his or portunity lo nominate an MVP, m her back. And that was just da> one. received extra scholarship nioue\ The day began with a buddy run while wearing nnh- Maj. Greg Soule. assistant professor ol military sci- According lo Sayre, their coach, w h< 1 bUV equipment and carrying a gun The trek was three ana ami his biothei .let!. | aooi .IMU graduate, placed helps evaluate their progiv ■Ml .1 half miles to reach an obstacle course There MM second in thi' 35th annual l>a\id K. (Jrange. .Ir Best the semester. WM impressed thai I |0MU waiting for participants to climb and then haul a Ranger (.'01111 M-tition at Fort Kenning. da. over the week- her team unanimouslv voted hi 1 fot 60-pound backpack. After scaling down the other side, «od the position l'he\ all wen- like m, course requirements included chin-ups. monkey nets "There were uK teams ami u dropped out because of name all at one time. BayreaakL and barbed wire fences. heal stroke, and one gu> had a heart altack." Greg said. It wasn't enough to BUnph know Finally, there was a sprint lo a pond for a half-mile The two brother! n pies.rated JMlTl ROTC in the their business plan extremely well swim to an awaiting helicopter that Hew then t<> •> drop grueling three-day competition that tested the partici- Being organized and fix-used on zone. Teams jumped out of the planes with their para- pants physically and meuialK. the final product was just as signiti CtantM and had to coordinate lauding in .1 20-fool Vlfcle "We had some cuts and bruises, but nothing major." cant. vhalBHMhOfO circle before running to the next evenl Soule slid "We wen- severely dehydrated, but it's nothing "I don't think it was ao much th Me) Gf«g So* (front) and brother Jeff, a 7001 JMU grwtuole ploctd After landing, the teams went to a machine gun idea,' Cavanaugh said. "I think il ttcond in Hie Bert Ranger (ompeftlw. despite not training togethe* range and then I rifle and pistol range, which they called *e BtOTHERS, ptge 7 was how we presented il and how H sold our idea." Ironically, Cavanaugh admit the team received a "( on one 1 1 the stages in their project, hut sa\ that as a result "motivation was i< SGA Pro-Tern Elected The Man Beneath the 'Fro ally high." JMU COB alumni and husi |Q seconds. the\ re his biggest tails Junior Tomrm HInestein was elected speaker pro- IV BtlTTAN. HUE ness executives share the role tein .11 Tiicsiiin s S(,\ meeting Itluestein defeated (•eMbvfni writer Along with (he music, laughter and obscenities evaluating the teams presentation two candidates, sophomores Sarah Pineres and John ring through the 35-foot-long space. The scene md avan form a relationship with Scan It's 12:38 in the morning, and "You Give Love may not look like a typical workday, but fat one of participants afterward to aid in job our tellow I hikes it s iust another day on the job. Blncstein will hold tin- posltloO until next Fall a Bad Name" is blaring through the strikers while searches and referent when the Senate will re convene to have allothei \ole cameras (lash 111 and out ol nn peripheral vfata Tin- studious among you may know him as just "I can say they reallv bnpri a guy in WHIT marketing | ItM that will deride who vvill IK- the pcniuiunt speaker of As Ron .lovi's ever-popular song blares, the -o me. We can vouch for them.' said Bui toi those ot ran who enjoy your weekends the Senate.