i i t o n i c

i f a l l 0 i J i l l n g e , C c i i u i . , S f l t u i b n n , ^ept. 5, >83 N o .

Minnesola Banking Honse of Fm-ihe Piopublican. THS C0QUETT£3. tention. Tlie fashion of her flress was that out of her mind, that she. did not observe Cheap Pleasure, Home-G-oing Home. of a hundred years ago. and the material BOSTW^ICE, p ease & Co. CY ANNA. WlLilOT the young man’s approach. Bedford paus­ Did yon|ever study the cheapness of some How sweet to mortals here below rich brocade, in which her grandmother ed suddenly, and his first impulse was to 6 T. PAUL, M. T, j Ada Glenn had been s sad triflcr in her pleasures ? Do you know how little it takes had danced the minute many a time, in her retreat. But, not being able to g,et his con­ Are prepared to receive Deposits on stiimliitcd in-i As oer the #?arth they r:)am; time. Her chief pleasure seemed to lie in to make B muhiiude happy ? Such trifles tsrest; make loug and short Loans on I'iist (. lyss ( youn}>;er days. sent to do this, he, after a little hesitation, T.) hear the jjloasing, jojfjl, sound, extorting admiration from the other sex, ae a penny, or word, or a smile, do the work Securities; Buy and Sell Draf s and Kn>.terii < er-j Calm in her conscious power, Ada quick­ advanced, and when within a few paces, tificates of Deposits, Gold, Silver and 1.;mk1 War-! Tliat breathes the name of hmne. and then sp.iriing with the feelings she had there are two or three boys passing along ly joined the

There wai^ti perfectly ^hite B ird caught the School, Slsbthe parent< and guardians the grave as it were Dy way of savin Money Panio. our ;pi£at0nic Hfjiiibncait. The great events of the past week, have in Salisbury a few days ago, whicli has ex- j of scholars, in learning the management of, liv'^s ! Then we have Sangrados, wlro are Valo^le Real Estate For Sale. been the many suspensions, and failures of cited the curiosity of naturalists and caused ^ schools, and the advancettilBnt of the schol- i fo*” bleedjng, blistering, and low diet; '*HE Subscriber hav in g located him self In many speculations to the cause of its color, or scholars that are attending the same. I 1 t?’t but Bosineas in this village, wonid sell hia proper­ Saturday, Sept. 5, Banks'and Itnsiness corporations.. First ------aticuuiug i,iic oomo. njercury and its oxidw. It haoDen, ty1 in West Cornwall—consisting of his lot a few came the failure of the'^Ohio Life and Trust some suppose its plumage to have been ^ teacher applies for a sohool in town ; is fortunately, however, for »fl these theorists rods North of the Depot, on whic!t is a nearly new T H * ® o rsA t6 K ic '&SPDBL1CAN, (successor to th e ch anged by disease^gHiiJ^theLa think it engaged; takes charge of the same; goes that thi^ can show no practical proof of fhe and convenient Dweiling-hoose; new Bam aad iJer mont^, or ten dcllars per year. Business and and pjay now he seen as a stuffed bird upon ^«pecial nfctiees chrrged fifty per ecnt in adi^nce operations have been principally confined homes; their parents ask them how far'ces in London and New York, contain more the office table of Doct. B. Welch. “

L ^ou0otonic IlcpUblian, iTalls billa^c, «Souiv, 0 atavi9i) Sept. 5, 1357.

Noio IS the time to use them ! n Housatonic Railroad. t h e HEADACHE KILLER. Summer Complaint. I I So Come nil yc People Koniul Aliout, IffiTICE! NOTICE!! NOM Summer Airartgcmait,—Commencing May5,18 DIARRnOEA UYPENTEKY, CHOLERA MORBrS AC., a n d “ BUY ME, AND I'LL DO YOU GOOD IE Select Men, Constables, and all d r . j . W. POLAND’S AC. HOW AN» WIIV WE PIFFEE FROM THB THK p e o p l e ’s m edicine—NEA1U.Y 500,OUO BOTTLES “REGULAR FACULTV.” r other town oflSlJors and inhabitants of SOLI) LAST \EAK. Of Gofftown's Centra. N. H. Looking out over green fields or the parterres of the Town of Canaan, and towns adjoimng, Dr. J. O, J^aiigley’s Root 8p ller1> i flower garden, variagated with a ihousand glit­ B 1 1' T K R S . h e HEAI^ACHE, in whatever from it may tering blossoms or laughing under the fruitage t are req^4ted to iheet at BREWSTER’S T come, is most distressing to bear as all suller- which beuds heavily down from the over-laden From Bridgrpori ^ froTi'rit can testify. Several populari-emecii'es boughs, we aae all too apt togivo ourselves wholly? '^PEOPLES STORE, in Broadway, Falls 6 15 A M-Freight train, witii pas-senger carr at-i C lieii>, / iiLMi A!^ i, Jhoro"<;hwort, lllmbarb, jf,,,. the Headache have been, and are n o t: proba- M I Mandrake, and Dandehon, comprising the best, i-iy j,ecanse, at the best they produced onlvtein- np to a sense of present enjoyment, without sufh- tached,arrives at (’anaan at 1 .50 r *i ---- ‘Vi ■■,7 "“ r bly, because, at tlie best they produced only tem­ jiently guarding against those “ serpents in the Village, to see if they will join,in the row>, 10 38 A M-Passengers by 8 00 a m train from New i o t which porary relief.^ USE THE BEST. York take this train and arrive at Pitts- areeocomponndtd as to act ui concert and assist grass’’—those dangers peculiar to the season— ‘ or stop thd'ipeople in general from kicking HMR. luive mis uujii uiiu iiuivt ; n,i—T",------V , ’ Dr. I’ohvid 3 HeadaoheKiller orginated by him- ivhich are, nevertheless, known dangers, and to ncE ckroii’s m H E greatest External IJnlm ettt field at 4 0 0 p M, connecting with West- f”! all like j „nd for himself, (lie having been a great suf- up their heels and making such a muss over which ^o many tuou^ands fall annually an unre- i remedy in existence ern and North Adams roads. A l b a n y : them ^ pod. fcrer from sick-headache for nearly forty years) ft jistiiig prey. tor the ills and injustice their splendid assortment of goods and good With good reason, indeed, have the unripe ap­ of either man or beast,is blirgains,^c., "&e. ples, pine apples, currants and other fruit, exposed H c K c k r o i i ’s McEckron’s Celebrated in our city markets and on the stalls of iieripatetic Liniment, It is used and Per order of the Peoples ConimitLee> 6 35 p (renders round our streets, teen called “ the pills of recommended by the (Through Death.’' Cholera moibns.flysenTery.and diarrhoea gr atest Horsemen in the Saturday arriving at 12 00 r m) being sick with it, and you will bo cleansed and For Headache. Tic Doloreux, Neuralgia, or any no use Mr. Coniiniiltoe, you cant cured of it herealttr. No better Jledicine for tlio | nerviows ))ains, it is the gmatcst remedy known lurk in every cent’s woi1h of .such a banquet; and Union, and by many emi­ i stop that row as long as the people want ■From, C anaan. the miasitatie exhajaticnss arising from decayad S l c K e l c r o n ’a nent members of tl»je U n lm e n t vegetable and anitrul iratcer exposed to the fierce Medical Faculty. Its good Goods Cheap, and Brewster is in town radiance of the sutr.irer si-n, acc,elerate the pro­ sale is onparalled in the ^to supply them you will always find a rush, Fioiti BciTftngfott* ^ ^ an d for C ou"lis cu d Colds th e \' ave th e vGry tlihiff | P t k t y C k n tp . (n o t a dollar^ hnvQ n ■hn+ti* gress cf scci disorders acd r ggravate the virulence annals of medical histo- 6 50 A M-rassengcr train for Pittsfitrld, arriving and all should use them in the Winter and Spring. | wiiclesale and Retail Ageiits hi Boston -f.eo. ltd cB.rger cf their synzj tc:as. tpry B I c K c k r o i i ’:* filin g in 4 oz Bottles U n lm cnt. there is no other way than to just walk at 8 05 a m . __ I If you are S'tk, no matter what or where th« p, fioodwin, !»'.* Union street ; Weeks & Potter 15 Ic reoaid to eating pict-apples, we wonld re- From Van Dcusenvillc. complamt is, this medicine is sure to do you good -Wusiiington street. ' ’ itark that the fruit, like mn.‘t others is of a hetero for 25 cts ; In 8 oz Bot­ fcgiit irf^ht strait up to the counter with the tles for 37 cts ; and in 2 39 p M-For State Line,after the arrival o f 10 38 and never...... h urt;. ‘ 'pleasant ’ to take. ' ’ Only " ' ''37^ cents ‘ For sale by C. B.MALTHIE, Agent, Falls Vil- jeneous character—part digestible and part indi rest and purchase your Goods at tht same M train from Bridgeport, connecting at fo r a large bot’.lf. and 25 cts. for a pint bottle, gestible—and, when eaten good and bad is dee, qu.irt bottles for onlyll •- A age,C oH n. Selling at C. B.M A LT- prices. S tate a t e ...... Line- with W estern train . to „A lbany, , - For sale by £.111 he Drug-rists. gcur»-d together and casions the irritation ot then. MoEckroa’s Lininient. and Widson& Berkshire tram to Hudson. New Englaiid^.epot 9'J Union st., Boston. 8m8 “No Such Word as Fail”. vtomach,and subsequt cholera, especially if aot BIE’9. Wholesale A- »-«rust look at this list of Goods, can you Going South—From Pittsfield. glass of spirit or a dose of opium is taken after ic gents ; Geo.5uck, Hart­ RESISTLESS REMEDY. ford, C. B. Whittlesy. ^bea^it in Litchfield County. 8 30 A i^Hsseiiger train for Bridgejiort. This 1,000,000 Bottles Sold. * as the spirit preservfs the fruit from digestion, and ^ fc in connects at Van Deusenville with Entered according to Act of Cotifrress in the ynnr consequently allow's the indigestible part of it to JNew Haven. m3 C rockery train fro n State Line, and at Bridgeport \^b'i,hy J. Russell Spalding, iii the Clerk’s Of ay in the stomach and excite infiammiition. with 2 27 PLvpress train to New York, ar 0 For htese reasons it is tluu we feel called on at Beautiful White and New Pattern Glass ^ the District Court of Mnssachvsetts. the present juncture to direct attention to the one riving at 5 00 p m. All lutringfcmenls will bo dealt with accor­ «i\LTBlE'S CONDITION POVEBS. Ware of all kinds. 6 30 p M-For Barrington, passenger train arriving sufficing remedy, which our own experience (and a t 5 40 p M ding to Law i the experience of the world) attests to be the only h e s e powders have been before the pablic and nalhfl'W are, 2 00 M -F reight train n-ith passenger car for Ca­ reli.able safeguard against the various species of dis­ T proved for several years past to be the House Building Materials, Carpenters naan, arriving at C 15 p m J. RUSSELL SPALDmG b order—all belonging to one genus howt'ver—known Condivon medicine, for horses and cattle, and in 4 30 A M-Passenger train tor Bridgeport, on Mon­ as diarrhoea, dv.^enterv and bloody flux, cholera fact are the only medicine necessary for animato.—> 'iTools, Table Cutlery, &c., &c. days only, arriving at 10 10 A M fi morbus, Asiatic cholera, &c., A c They are similar to Pundersons, althongh far re- For all these oifl'erent forms which intestinal irri­ perior in qnality, and much more liberal in quanti­ Yankee 3fotiok». From State Line. tation may assume, b’adways Ready Relief, rnbbeil ty. They are what every owner of horses and cat ^elt'^G-oods, Fans, Purses and Portmon- 7 15 A si-For Van Deusenville, after the arrival of in externally over the parts wffected, and adminis­ tie will find to be greatly for their benefit, and if Western train from Albany, connecting tered internally in doses of from ten to fifty drops used occasionally will prevent those disesses prcT®- eyes, Combs, Brushes, Cornelian RingS' at Van Deusenville with passenger train lent, and often fatal at different seasons of tteyear. to Bridgeport. HollDway’s Ointment per hour, to suit the age anl strength o» each pa­ Charms and Crosses, Gold Specks, Silver tient, will in everv ca«e 111 ly all pain and uneasi' Every Farmer^ and every owner of horse* and cat­ From Canaan. ness at once, and not only give temporary benefit, tle should keep them on band, and nse thefii to pa­ Specks, Plated Specks, &c., ed against by a thousanil in -; t5e used with safety at all seasons of the year, sengers. tralize the fiery dements wnich feed and exasper­ consistent exp.eriments. In a thousand cases of Paper ^Hansiiigs, of the hair with as much success as any article evev ate the nralady. similar fever we have a similai; tn-atmeni. for all— A deduction of ten cents will be made to passen known. It has stood the test of time and use, and Rheumati m , Scrofula, Erysipelas. CUTLERY REPAIRED ^ii^indow Shades, Patent Curtain Trim­ gers who procure tickets at the station offices. all can rely upon it- a fixed hygenio progriimnie~and the resultin eve­ CHABI.ESHUN T. 1 HMflrTi. These are among the most terrible and agonizin ry ca-’aters Now in diarrhoea, d.ysi^ntery and other disie,sll- Accordeons Repaired and Tuned and Job-work in Jewelry of all kinds. this line of trade can be found at his store. Sum lotions, and every rcceipt of the pharmacopocahave of what may be termed the Summer Class, the are- general done with greatest care and promptitnde. 4... mer Hatsof more than a hundred different varieties, proven useless, the Ointment will accomplish a gulars” are in the habit of giving opium, morphud- variety of Knives, Scissors, Razors and Piles c v Silver Ware. ' the most diflicalt cannot fail to l>e suited ; Straw, thorough cure. Fever Sores heal quickly under ar d other analogous jioisous of a nature ; or, shorse tsantly on hand and for sate. Plated Ware. Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats; Soft Hats of its influence, and its I’elaxing effect upon contracteo they vary this treatment in the least, it will nieru, West Cornwall, April 25, 1857. 16m3 an endless variety of styles, colors and ]irices ;— sinews is truly wonderful. ly be to substitute chalk and other mineral obstee- __*______- Groceries t*roTissioiis: Black Silk Hats of the latest styles, from Gennin’s, ents to check and paralyse a disoruer which, whdn Knox’s, Beebe's, Leary's and other of the most Discharging Ulcers. rightly understood, is really a strong eflbrt maus The Medicine of the Million. Fish, Codfish, No. 1 Mackerel, Connec­ fashionable houses in New York. Vhite Beavers A most remarkable and ha])py chinge is pro by Nature to relieve herself from the piosonone PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. of the latest Paris styles. Cajts of every style and PIILS. duced in the appearance of malignant ulcers after and vicious humors wnich have accumulated inthe ticut Shad, Pork, Dried Beef, Salt, &c., afe\v applications of this Ointment. The surround­ system. quality. The above mentioned articles with thou­ rO S ALL THE PTIEPOSES OF A &c.* , Coflfees, Sugars, Molasses, sands of others, which time and space will n^t per ing redness vanishes, and granule of healthy flesh Let nspnt this matter in the plainest a::d truest begin to take the place of the discharged matter.— 6rm ; the co.nplex machinery of the human frame, •Sd^ s, '&C., &c. mit to speak of here, will be sold at exceeding low prices for cash. This process goes on more or less rapidly, nntil the with its millions of nerves and vesicles, its tissues HjjbOUR For Cash. The highest prices paid for all kinds of furs. FAMILY PHYSIC. orifice is filled up with sound material, and the ul­ and its functions, and reauirements of supply and cer radically cured. demand, has become disordered in some inner por­ D ry Goo4s. HIllAM JACKSON, the Hatter. tion of its works by the lodgment theiein of poison­ Litchfield, May 16,1856. 48 T h e r e has long existed a public demand for an A Word to Mothers. Shawls, Children, Misses and Ladies The young are the most frequent sufferers from ous indigestible, or other deleteriou®substances; Effective purgative pill wliich could be relied on as and the indication of such disorder is a crude and Mantillas of the latest styles, Frihges of NEW H A R T F O R D sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has external injuries, and then-fore every mother been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten­ should have this healing preparation constantly at profuse discharge of matter from the stomach ; ju.«t FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. hand. It is an absolute specific for sore breasts, as ^ machine for^ pinnir g carpets might get injur­ ^1 Colors, Muslin Robes, Challas, Colored h e subscriber is prepared to ingnre sive trial of its virtues has conclusively showi with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. and quickly removes the encrusted sores which ed internally and ma :iifest its hurt by mixing the Dotted Muslins, White Goods all Kinds, DIVELUXG HO USES, sometimes disfigure the heads and faces of children threads, spoiling the pattern, and turning ont the T IVA RE HOUSES, It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to texture imperfectly ci roughly woven. Jett trimmed Collar and Sleevts, Black MANUFACTORIES, MACHINERY, make the best of all pills— one which should have Significant Facts. Well; wliat do the “re‘'ula''s” prescribe in this HOHOWAirS PIllS. Bilks, Ladies and Misses Hand Wrought GOODS, MERCHA 'iDISE, none of the obiections, but all the advantages, of This Ointment is universally used on board the dilemma? They simply stou the machine by pa- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, every other. This has been attempted here, and Atlantic and i'acific whaling fleet as a cure for raiying its motive power with a more powerful nar­ Mitts, Alexander’s Kid Gloves. and personal property of nil kinds against loss or with what success we would respectfully submit to scorbutic affections and as the best possible remedy cotic poison,or tliij fling chaik into it, so that the the public decision. It has been unfortunate for f^or wounds and bruises, l.arge supplies of it have ” The Exciting Cause oj" Sickness. damage by Fire,on favorable terms.in the following delicate cog-w'heels of the system cannot revolve h e blood is the life-sustaining agent. It fur­ Hosery. safe and reliable companies : the patient hitherto that almost every purgative recently been ordered by the Sultan of Turkey for again until freed from the physical obstruction. medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow­ hospital purposes. nishes the components of flesh, bone, mnscle, Ladies Lile thread Hose, Ladies Mixed City Fike Insuuanck Co., Hartford, formerly els. _ Tliis is not. Many of them produce so much “ Well; and what then ?” we think we hear the Tnerve and integument. The stomach is its mana Bose, Ladies Brown Hose, Ladies sfate Hartford City Co. griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more intelligent reader ask. factory,the veins its distributoi-s, and the intestine* SpKixfiKiELD Fike and Marine Tnsuuance Co. than counterbalance the good to l)e derived from Both the Ointment and Fill should be used inthe Why, nothing more! As the narcotic influence the channel through which the waste matter re­ Hose, Ladies White Hose, Misses Slate Bridgepokt Fiue and Maiune Insi' kance Co. them. These pills produce no irritation or pain, follon-ing Cases' passes off, or the- obstrneiits become partially clear­ jected in its productions is expelled. Upon the Haktford County Mi tual Fike Ins. Co. ed away the motinj power acain begins to operate, &ose, Misses White Hose, Childrens Fan­ unless it arise from n previously existing obstruc­ Bunions, Piles, St>res of all kinds,- stomach, the circulation and the bowels, these pills Charter Oak Fjke and Marine Ins. Co. tion or derangement iii the bowels. Being purely Burns, Rheumatism, Sprains, and tothe evils which it liad^first to contend against act simultaneously, relieving indigestion, purifying cy Hose. And other Companies. vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any Chapped Hands, Salt Piheum, Scalds, are ow added the reaction iiise|)arable from the the fluids and regulating the excretions. Detached Dwellings and Barns insured for one, narcotic, the eBi;ct-^ of the j)oisou administered.and t v I o T e s , quantity ;_but it is ’oettor that any medicine should Chill Blains, Skin Diseases,Swelled Glands, The 'National Complaint. three and five years, in Stock and Mutual Co.s. betaken judiciously. Minute directions for their Fistulas. Sore Legs, Stiff Joints, theaddioonal irritafiifg partirlesof the chalkthrown Ladies Gloves, Misses Gloves, Children Applications made by letter or otherwise, -will be use in the several diseases to w’hich they are ap­ Gout, Sore P/reasts, Ulcers, in to chke up the feverish and inflammatory ac­ Dysjiepsia is the most common disease amonit all promptly attended to. P. J. BARWICK, Agent. plicable are given on the box. Among the com­ Lumbago, Sore Heads, Veiierial Sores, tion ? Under this treatment it follows logically, classes in this oihntry. It assumes a' thonsaad Gloves, Gents. Gloves, Silk Gloves, Kidd New Hartford. June 5. 1856. l*yl plaints which have been speedily cured lyf them, we Mercurial Eruptions. Sore Throats, and Wound and we find it so in fact, that the opium, or other shapes, and is the primary source of innonierabla Gloves. mav mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms * of all kinds. paralysingnnrn’vsinir drug,tlrnnr. has notnot. curedciirpd or rectified thethp orinri- dangerous dantrcrous maledies;.maledies but whatever its type'®rtvM "ar GR^FENBURG MEDICINES. of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap­ ^*Sold at the manufactory of Professor Hollo ginal evil, but has merely done the syste n symptoms, however obstinate its resistance to ordi> Linen, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Wholesale and Retail, for New York prices, at the petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, way, 80 Jfaiden Lane, New \ork, and 2lt Strand he further outrage of stupefying the nerves nary preparations, it yit-lds readily and rapidly tp and tissues ifito momentary quietness— quiet this searching and unerring remedy. . l^rints from 6 1-4 to l2 12 Cts. Drug Store. C . B. M a LTBJE. Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side Fiondon, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal and Loins; for, in truth, all these are but the con­ ers of Medicines throughout the United States and which will soon pass away and be suc(;eeded by an Bilious Affections. Black all Wool Delain Mourning goods. F O R SA L E . sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an the civilized world, in pots, at 2'> cents, and $1 aggravated return of the first disorder, with a com­ plicated poison arising from the narcoties which The quantity and quality of the bile are of Tital h e STORE and Dwelling House, of the late aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos­ each. There is considerable saved by taking the importance to health. Upon the liver and glaad Velvet Ribbons, Vail Berages, Cotton C harles McDonald, deceased, situated in tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof­ arirer size. are lodged in and adhere to the vitiated system. T Wonld any carpet manufacturer—to continue our which secretes this fluid, these pills operate specif- Cloths Bleached and Unbleached, Linen Falls Village, Salisbury, Conn.. near the Hotel ula of and Scurvj', Colds with soreness of the body, N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in / n n t e r i t on tin.liiio-hia mnchinp out of i-'aHy.■ ally, "»aUihiyinfallibly rectifyingrectitying Itsits irregularities and ef- Wm. Caul, which is a new two story wood build-, UlcersTTl------and ;impurity...... - f .1 of - . the blood; in short, any e/eiy' disorder are affixed to each i)ot. 17eowl Diaper and Table Cloths, Huckabuck ing, built abont one year since in mt.dcrn style.and | and evcr>’ case where a purgative is required, all the varieties of diseases generated by an nanat- is a verj'desirable location for business. It will be i They have also produced some siiigularly suft- two. or fora day, aud'then resume operations with­ and Crash Toweling, Demins Ticks and out any effort to find out or rectify what l^ad been ural condition of the organ. sold on reasonable Jterms to close the estate, and if cessful eurcs in llhcumatism. Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, TIlRdl GlI iTsllTifNUTES'' Bawel Complaints. Mfipes, Seamless Bags, not sold at i>rivate sale, ]>revinus to Saturday, the Erysipelas, P;ilpitation of the Heart, Puius in the amiss in the first instance? The question gives its 2nd day of May, 1S57, it-will be sold at iiubli'c auc- Stomach, and Side. They should bo freely AUSTIN’S own answer; and in that answer the practice of Unless the bowels perform their functions pr*p> Clocks, Watches and Jew^irjJRepaird in tion ; the sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. taken in the spring of the year, to purify the Mood the “ regular faculty,” in cases of Summer Com erly, the whole bo*!}’ suflers. Tens of thou8aDd«i die the beat manner, by MR. SOLMSON of H. A. HOTSFOUD, Administrator. and prepare the system for the change of seasons. Patent Cream Freezer. plaints, is prai tically and energetically condemned. annually of Dysentery. Diarrhoea, Chronic Con- Neir-lTork. Falls Village, March 2,1^57. 9 tf I An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and An extraordinary and astonishing The first thing to be done, on finding a disorder i stipatiou,and other diseases of these waste pices of j bowels into healthy action, and restores the apiie- mprovement in Cream Freezing ; anywhere.IS to ascertian its nature, its cause, its i the system. The eflect of the pills upon all inter- My thanks are due to my Patrons of Days THE B E S T - ^ AN I tite aJid vigcr._ They purify the blood, and, by t heir vill fi-eeze in SIX MINUTES, by a inode of action, and the direction in which it tends; nal disorders, whether caused by epidemic, is a -----IS Btiniuiant action on the circulatory system, reno- imple and elegant application of unless promptly checked ; these points ascertain-} phencmenon in medicine. By following the printed past, and I hope to see them and supply Itreouiresneither' strength of the body, and restore the ell known principles, producing ed, it then only remains to find a remedy ; and the i dire"tions, the most alarming cases of bowel com- Is the Cheapest remedy that will sufTice in one case (only changing ^ plaint are promptly controlled. them with Bargains in future. and WA X SO LDl-Tl diseased energies of tlie whole organism. liis desirable and surprisin'g result. Mqst Durable J ‘ CEMENT ^ occasional dose is advantageous, even ' child of ten years can manage it the quanties to suit the iiliosyucrasies of each pa A Word to Females, If you want a good Gold Pen, call at in the world. ^ nor ’ ' though no serious derangement exists; but un- ithout difficulty. tient) will suffice in all*, just as surely and iinaltera, The local debility and irregularities which are BREWSTER’S. r^RUBBER RINGS dosing should never be carried too far, bly as that “three and three will make six,” wh<-th- especial annoyances of the weaker sex, and whiclk No as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, THREE SILVER MEDALS er we add them together in years, or in apples, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved to seal it or in tors of lead. If yoftWanf a good pair of Gold, Silver, Lead Screws, [f^RATTSj It closes with a when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which . warded by the Marvland Inpti for the time being, and preven d for the time to or a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but This remedy we claim to possess in Radway’s come, by a coursc of this mild but thoroagh altera Steel or Plated Spccks, call at SPRING HASP, i TK, and First Class Divloma o Ready Relief, Renovating Resoh-entandReguiators, I t i y g . WRENCapS and is so simpre they suggest themselves to the reason of every lie Metropolitan Mechanics In BREWSTER’S. are used in this CAN body; and it is confidently believed this pill inll used either as specialties or combined, as the jdis | that any one can ease or complaint may require. These medicines If you want a pair of the real Scotch Pe- CAN. manage it. answer a better purpose than any tlmig which has STi'i'L Ti;, aiU'st the superiority of this apparatus Holloway's Pills are the best remedy knoten Proprietors for the United. hitherto been available to mankind. When their over all others. iroceed upon the principle of assisting nature to re- bel Specks, leave your order at Pratt’s Patent Safety Lamp and Feeder JManvfaC' virtues are once known, the public will no longer ieve itself w'cll assured that the indication cannot in the world for the Jollowing diseases : doubt what remedy to employ when iu need of a As a further and convincing proof of the excel­ continue after tte cause of it has been removed. Asthma Debility Inward Weakness BREWSTET’S. cathartic medicine. lence of this Freezer, the undersignod would state Coughs Fever and Ague Liver Complaint* that THOUSANDS have been sold since the Pat­ Dagu«rreotypes, Colds Female Compl’tsLowness of Spirits Those Childrens Umbrellas have arrived, PREPARED BY ent was issued. Chest DiseasesHeadaches Piles The largely increa'sing demand for this popular Vmbrotypes and Photographs, taken in the high­ they «re as handy to shade them from the est jierfection of art. J. L. JUDD. ^Costiveness Indigestion Stone and Gravel JAMES C. AYEfe, article induces^t.he agents to remind dealers to for­ Dyspepsia Influenza Sec’d’ry Symptoms' hot sun, or prevent them from getting wet HOWARD ASSOCIATION ward their orders early, and tlu;reby ])reveiit delay. Litchfield, May 9, 1«56. [47] Practical an<1 AnalyticqljClicmist. Orders b}’ mail will’meet with i)roiui>t attention. Diarrhoea Inflamation Venenal Affections and catching cold if caught in a shower go­ PHILADELPHIA. Annexed is a list of the retail prices of the Free­ ' [?!Li\3!P!l AM® Dropsv BowelComplaints Worms of all kinds ■ ing to and from School. LO\VELL, M A SS.^ zer, for the convenience of those wishing a single ***Sold at the Manufactories of Professor H ol­ IMPORTANT ANNOUfiiGEMENT. Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1, mm mm loway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, - Those 50 cent. Needle Work Letts, Col­ O all persons aftlicted with Sexual Diseases' one. PRICE OF FREKZER ; IToNE a t THK London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers T such as Spennatorriinea, Seminal Weakness, Two quarts, f2 ; Three quarts, $3 ; Four quarts, in thKoughout the United States and the civilised lars and Undersleeves. Impoteiice, Gonorrha.-a. Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of S-1; Six quarts, $5 ; Nine quarts, $G ; Fourteen Hepublican (Dffice, worW, in boxes at 25 cents, 62- cents, and $1 eaen. A few more of those Plaid Dusters. Onanism, or Self-Abuse, &c , ka. quarts, ; Twenty quarts, $11. There is considerable saving by taking the The Howard Association, in view of the awful AYER’S Adderss J. & C. BKRIilAN, GOl Broadway,New I ALLS VILLAGE, CONN. larger sizes. H d o p s ; destruction of human life, caused by Sexual disea­ York, Agents for Patentee. 13m6 N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients ia • Brass, Spiral, Reed and Bone, some­ ses, and the decptions practised upon the unfortu­ CHERRY PECTORAL, C. B. M A L T B I E, every dirorder are affixed to each box. 16vl nate victims of such disases by Quacks, have di­ 17G7. QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY. 1857. Druggist and dealer in general Mer­ ’96®> CAUTION !—None are genuine nnless tbs thing good that you do not find every day. rected the consulting Surgeon, as a Charitable act For tUe rapid Cure of OOI.KVS niT T IC ll’S cure Dyspesia, words “ H(>lloway, New lTor>e and London'^ are worthy of their name, to give Medical advice (Jra- C chandise. discernable as a water-mark in evsry leaf of the. fi«6ic Boxes, Violins, Gold ch«in hooks. COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSEiXESS, Dooley’s Bitters cure Ciuistiiiatiou, tis, to all persons thus afHicted, who apijlv by letter, Cooley’s Bitters cure Nervousness. Falls Villasie. Conn. book of directions around each pot or b ^ ; the. Sleeve Buttons,Studds,Chain Slides, Domi­ with a description of their condition, (age, occupa­ BROi\( IIITIS, WII00PL\«-r0lGIf, same may t)e plainly seen by holding the leaf to tlie tion, habits of life. &c.,) and in cases of extreme Cooley’s IJiiters.cure loss of Apjietite, noes, Magic Segar Cases, Speck Cases, Cooley’s Bitters cure Impure blood, light. A handsome reward will be given to any poverty and sufTcring, to Furnish iVIedicines Free CROUP, ASTHMA, AND Cooley’s/Bitters cure tTinommon Sleepiness, E. S.Stoddard, Jr., one rendering such information as may lead to tM^i Harmonicans, Trout Snells, Pocket Com­ of Charge. ~ COXSUMPTIOIV. Cooley’s Bitters cure .Tauiulice, detection of any party or parties counterfeiting their The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu­ Cooley’s Bitters cure Biliouness, medicines or vending the same, knowing them te. panions, Gold,. Jett and Cornelian Crosses, tion,______esta’olished______bj' special endowment,______T for theh is re- remedy has won for itself such notoriety Cooley’s Bitters cure bitterrness of tongue an [40] Sharon, Conn. be spurious. * and Charmes, Ivory Napkin Rings, Silver lief of the sick and distressed, afHicted with “ Viru-' from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, Mouth, lent and Ei>idemic Diseases It has now a surplus entirely unnecessary to rccount the evi- Cooley’s Bitters cure Liver comjilaint, SPRING STYLES? Thimbles, Dressing Cases, Phalous Invig- of means, which the Directors have voted to ex- dences of its virtues in any community where it Cooley’s /Jitters cure Weakness of the Limbs B o o ts, S h o e s . GArrERt,&o.. pend in adver.ising the above notice. It is need- emploj^ed. 'So wide is the field of its use­ Cooley’s Hitters cure General Debility, CLARK & STRIET, w ator. Bill Books, Limerick Hooks, Linen less to add that the Association commands th< '«lness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, IMPOKTERS OF A new and splendid assoi'tment Cooley’s Hitters do not turn sour nor freeze, of different styles and patterns Lines, Violin Constructors, Silver Plated highest 3/edical skill of the age, and will furnish almost everj' section of the- country abounds ol the most approved modern treatment. persons publicly know-n, who have been restored Cooley’s iJifters are aii excellent Tonic. - __ th e ab<>ve Goods, just received, and Castors and Cake Baskets, Gold and Silver Cooloy’s Bitters are beuelicial to aged infirm are offered for sale for cash, at very low pnces, , Just Published, by the Association, a report on alarming and even desperate diseases of the sg Wines, kSegars. &c.. &c*. Watches, Ladies and Gent’s;, Silk Wrap­ Spermatorrha-a, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of by its use. VVlien once tried its snperioritv Cooley’s fJi tteis were invented in 1 7 by Dr. cording to quality. Some very fine calf boots* Samuel Cooley, of Bolton, and have been NO, 68 WATEK STllEER. NEW YORK. handsome patterns congress ^ t e , six djflteen,1: Onanism, Masfurnatiou or Se!f-Abu.«e’, and other O'vcr every other medicine of its kind is too appar- in use from that time until the jiresent.sns- styles, some very cheap, some h»gh pmed ; cheap pers, a fine assortment of Dress Fringes diseases of the .Sexual Organs, l)y the ’Consultinc Ciit to escape observation, and where its virtues are A xdkkw D. Clakk, imown, the public no longer hesitate what antidot« taining their well earned reputation for calf kip, pattent leather and enamelled bfogaas^ a and other Trimings, Curtain Loops, Cur­ Surgeon, whiCli will be send Jfc hijil, (in a sealed usefulness. J ohn L. Stkeit. lar<>-e assortm ent envelope, Free of Charge, o M ...... to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec­ of ladies’ gaiters, ten diflbMat' ‘ -----. ' • ■'““‘o '- ,t* ) e receipt of Two k ft, N. B. Particular sttertion paid to the orders o stvTes some tain Cords and Tassels Stamps for postage. . j||L tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident Manufactured only by A. COOLEY SON, • very low priced ladies'congress gal* Hartford Ct. For sale by all Druggists and mer­ Druggists and Town Agents. 12yl ters, children’s congress flippers, beantiihl and Smoked Hallibutt, Rnrl'i'’*'®'!’,”''' f^ALHOl^WConsulting to our climate. And not only in formidable at­ chants throughout t e State. 2?ottles, 25 cents; cheap ; childrens’ and mi-sae*' gaiters and- Rtr£f N o ^ South Ninth tacks upon the lungs, but for the milder vaj-ieties Papers for one quart, 12^ cents. 22yl A CARD. boots, fine and neat; a good supply ladiea^'aiw •' Hams and Dried Beef. o f CoLBS, C o u g h s, H o a r se n e ss, &c. ; and for h e subscriber would infora his old c u s t o m e r s ; gents’ best nibbers. Sole Leather, Thread, . . \ Blae Fi^h, Codfish, &c., &c. C h il d r e n it is the pleasantest and safest medicine EZRA D. H1.]ARTWELL, President. that can be obtaineu. T and the public, that he has now moved f r o m , of. which will be offered fo r^^ ^ J. BREWSTER, As it has long been in constant use throughout his old stand, in A, Herman’s Clothing Store build- prices. SAMUEL CLOCK, Litchfield, Conn. this section, wc need not do more than assure the ing, into Brewster’s Hall building, under J. W .|— ------, ^alls Village, June 12, 1857. people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever HuLBEttT’a Tailor Shop, where he will be happy to ' -r>OOTS& SHOES,GAITERS, &c,—Jnstreceivfvl? at the has been, and that the genuine article is sold by — furnish his patrons with a nice shave or hair dress- large and. complete assortment of Boots an I DRUG STORE. C. B. M altiuh, Falls Village ; G. Humphrey S! ing. in a superior style, and at prices which deiy . guch as LadiesT>rack " C. B. M A LTBIE Canaan ; l-’iatt it Foster, Charles fl.tianiuev. Uvsl A fullassortment,cheap for cash orexohanKe competition. Will my friends i Gaiters, tan colored do., from $1 to $2 ; Ladies’fine _ d r y ^ GOODS, Cornwall ; F. Boiirdinan, New Milford ; J. H.Shep­ A t the call MAUKiKK. I Kid Slippers. Opera Ties, &c. * ‘ Can be bought at the ard (k, Co., Norfolk; A. C. Smith, Litchfieid Falls Village, April Sth, IS57 14tf. I Gentlemen’s French Calf Boots, 6entleme««>> Charles McNeil, AVolcottville. AEGH STORE. I Qtiick Coiigress. Gaiters, Oxford Ties, Webstei's . © M ® STfiaiBg m a c h i n e r y . j Ties, Brogans, Boots, Haymaker’s Shoes, etc,r- - J. W. HURLBUTT, I Also, Kip and Calf Boots, Men’s and Boy^ db.,Csr OfO..B. MALTBtE.- BOOTS I. H. Smith, M. D., p all kinds and .Mill gearings. Shafting, *c FO R S A L E A T TH E MERCHANT TAILOR, * i peting and Webbing do. Has opened an oflice at th e residence lately occu­ AND D eAU B in CLOTHIKO. O Manufactured and 'itted tip All kinds of work made to order at shortsetit a, pied by.labez Brewster, i'alls Village,and is now Palls Village, n. and at the very lowest prices for Cash. ready t3 attend to all ca^/s in the line of his pro- SAMUEL 4»L«e«. ' WINDOW GLiSS fe.ssion.at all houi’s inthe day or night. Chronic For old and young, at the (or old lingering) Diseases will receive his par­ Laixglei/s Bitters, ticular attention. Office hours from 12 to 2 o’cl’k C ^o ssm an ’a J)JIUG STOREof . H’ew th ey go from the DbcgStobb, ot 'HAVINO, ffAJB CrrTlNO AJID WlO 3 .M A LT BIB p. M., and on Tuesday and Saturdayof each weelTj' of