Master List of Terms Tested Literary Criticism 2009-2015 last updated 12 July 2015 The first column details the year and test in which the term found in the second column serves as a correct answer; the remaining four columns offer the distractors used in a particular test item. I do not mind sending as an attachment a Word file that the coach and his or her team can manipulate in a manner that serves them best. Contact me:
[email protected] Please contact me when you find a typo, inconsistency, or anything more serious:
[email protected] Please note that the variety of distractors and, indeed, the terms themselves follows the editorial decisions that have characterized each succeeding edition of The Handbook to Literature. We are currently using the twelfth edition. Use Control + F to find a term. 2015 S rune keen koine logo siglum 2015 S ethos bathos logos mythos pathos 2015 S slam calypso rap reggae scat 2015 S aesthetics essentialism expressionism formalism metaphysics 2015 S dirge encomium epithalamium eulogy ode 2015 S tritagonist antagonist deuteragonist eiron protagonist 2015 S roman noir Gothic novel novel of incident roman à clef underground press 2015 S Agrarians Bet Generation Knickerbocker Group Muckrakers Transcendental Club 2015 S School of Donne Fleshly School of Poetry Graveyard School School of Night School of Spenser 2015 S epic question epic catalogue epic formula epic ideal epic simile 2015 S acatalectic catalectic chiasmic hypercatalectic vatic 2015 S philology belle-lettres exegesis lexicography synopsis 2015