Master List of Terms Tested 2009-2015 last updated 12 July 2015

The first column details the year and test in which the term found in the second column serves as a correct answer; the remaining four columns offer the distractors used in a particular test item.

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Please contact me when you find a typo, inconsistency, or anything more serious: [email protected]

Please note that the variety of distractors and, indeed, the terms themselves follows the editorial decisions that have characterized each succeeding edition of The Handbook to . are currently using the twelfth edition.

Use Control + F to find a term.

2015 S rune keen koine logo siglum 2015 S ethos logos mythos pathos 2015 S slam calypso rap reggae scat 2015 S essentialism metaphysics 2015 S dirge encomium epithalamium eulogy ode 2015 S eiron 2015 S roman noir Gothic novel of incident roman à clef underground press 2015 S Agrarians Bet Generation Knickerbocker Group Muckrakers Transcendental Club 2015 S School of Donne Fleshly School of Graveyard School School of Night School of Spenser 2015 S question epic catalogue epic formula epic ideal epic simile 2015 S acatalectic catalectic chiasmic hypercatalectic vatic 2015 S philology belle-lettres exegesis lexicography synopsis 2015 S historical novel Künstlerroman novel of incident roman à clef roman à gest 2015 S quip antiphrasis equivoque litotes paragram 2015 S criticism excursus exegesis hermeneutics typology 2015 S dizain haiku virelay 2015 S Tribe of Ben Martian School Pre-Raphaelites Silver-Fork School Spasmodics 2015 S stichomythia amoebean flyting harangue repetend 2015 S scansion annotation exegesis intertextual analysis typology 2015 S coup de théâtre dolce stil nuovo scène affàire 2015 S Graces Furies Humors Muses Worthies 2015 S litotes hyperbole paradox synecdoche zeugma 2015 S abridgement dénouement 2015 S controlling aesthetic distance anachronistic objective correlative transcendent paradox 2015 S ubi sunt fin de siècle in medies res jeu d'espirit 2015 S euphemism aphorism keening neologism tarnsverse 2015 S symploce antanaclasis asyndeton epanalepsis tautology 2015 S English sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet Italian sonnet Miltonic sonnet Spenserian sionnet 2015 S feminine compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme rime riche 2015 S eye rhyme dissonance identical rhyme true rhyme 2015 S spondaic anapestic dactylic iambic trochaic 2015 S Italian sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2015 S syncope apostrophe ellipsis metathesis pleonasm 2015 R Realistic Period Modernist Period Postcolonial Period Postmodern Period Romantic Period 2015 R scansion exegeses reception theory typology versification 2015 R dénouement débat de casibus deus ex machine dolce stil nuovo 2015 R paeon anapest dactyl iamb trochee 2015 R Graveyard School Kailyard School Lake School Satanic Satanic School Spasmodic School


2015 R putative author allonym nom de plume pseudonym redende name 2015 R lament aubade epithalamium ode 2015 R Silver-Fork School School of Night Transcendental Club Tribe of Ben University 2015 R oxymoron hyperbole litotes paradox 2015 R Bloomsbury Group Bluestockings Knickerbocker Group 2015 R catharsis aporia hubris pleonasm reification 2015 R tableau establishing shot hiatus macrosegment suspension of disbelief

2015 R Pulitzer Prizes Booker Prizes Nobel Prizes Orange Prizes PEN AmCenter Awards 2015 R Augustine Age Caroline Age Early Tudor Age Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2015 R Agrarians Angry Young Men Lollards Muckrakers 2015 R touchstone aesthetic distance alienation effect jumping the shark objective correlative 2015 R pantoum rondeau 2015 R Inkhornists Parnassians Stationers' Company University Wits 2015 R allonym eponym pseudonym putative author 2015 R riddle epic folk epic hymn 2015 R envoy addendum coda peroration versicle 2015 R connotation ambiguity denotation isobaric stress paradox 2015 R flyting bombast gasconade rodomontade stichomythia 2015 R litotes ambiguity equivoque meiosis understatement 2015 R sigmatism assonance consonance dissonance feminine endings 2015 R riddle doggerel ode Skeltonic verse 2015 R metonymy heaping figure keening synæsthesia 2015 R oxymoronic allusive hyperbolic paradoxical rhopalic 2015 R Italian sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Pushkin Spenserian sonnet 2015 R feminine rhyme head rhyme masculine rhyme rime rich slant rhyme 2015 R onomatopoeia hypallage melopoeia sigmatism 2015 R enjambment Boustrophedon metathesis tagline truncation 2015 R epiphany foul copy gentile tradition harangue inscape 2015 R apostrophe harangue reification rhetorical accent s synæsthesia 2015 R metaphor elision heteronym paradox simile 2015 R elegy bucolic eulogy madrigal patoral 2015 R hyperbolic ambiguous literal repetitive 2015 R heteroglossia nonce words onomatopoeia sigmatism 2015 R curtal sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet caudet sonnet English sonnet Italian sonnet 2015 2 caesura cadence chiasmus elision enjambment 2015 2 African American lit Irish literature Jewish American lit Welch literature 2015 2 anaphora epanalepsis merism ploce polyptoton 2015 2 Knickerbocker Group Fireside Hartford Wits Muckrakers 2015 2 braggadocio bard gleeman scop 2015 2 aside apostrophe dramatic monologue harangue soliloquy 2015 2 Augustan Age Caroline Age Edwardian Age Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2015 2 Bloomsbury Group Bluestockings Fugitives Knickerbocker Group Scriblerus Group 2015 2 identical rhyme compound rhyme eye rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme 2015 2 simile metaphor metonomy synecdoche 2015 2 rondeau bouts-rimès chant royal pantoum pastoral 2015 2 doppelgänger braggadocio femme fatale ingénue twiner 2015 2 nonce word euphemism keening pun repartee 2015 2 static dynamic character flat character round character 2015 2 catalog archive chrestomathy index 2015 2 Lake School Black Mountain School Cocney School Graveyard School Kailyard School 2015 2 rhetorical question dialectic equivoque objective correlative rhetorical accent 2015 2 University Wits Inkhornists Literary Club Scriblerus Club Stationers' Club 2015 2 dramatic monologue dramatic irony dramaticle dramedy dramatic persona 2015 2 bathos ethos logos mythos pathos 2015 2 PeriodofConfessionalSelf Colonial Period realistic Period Revolutionary Period Romantic Period 2

2015 2 metafiction framework-story 2015 2 synecdoche barbarism heteronym hyperbole transvocalization 2015 2 enjambment anadiplosis elision onomatopoeia reduplication 2015 2 consonance assonance dissonance feminine endings sigmatism 2015 2 biblical allusion classical allusion historical allusion literary allusion topical allusion 2015 2 synæsthesia apostrophe conceit irony mimesis 2015 2 liminality aesthetic distance kenosis luminism ratiocination 2015 2 eye rhyme feminine rhyme half rhyme leonine rhyme rime rich 2015 2 Miltonic sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet English sonnet Italian sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2015 2 doppelgänger braggadocio twiner 2015 2 englyn heroic quatrain 2015 2 paradox conceit hyperbole litotes zeugma 2015 2 near rhyme macaronic rhyme onomatopoeia rime rich wrenched rhyme 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1


2014 S elision apocope caesura hiatus metathesis 2014 S Revolutionary Period Colonial Period Naturalistic Symbolistic Realistic Period Romantic Period 2014 S concrete poetry bouts-rimès collage montage telestich 2014 S Dead Sea Scrolls Apocrypha belles-lettres liturgical sesquipedalian 2014 S heroic quatrain ballad stanza common meter englyn short meaure 2014 S koine archaism dialect dialectic Doric 2014 S Geneva School Apocalyptics Ciceronians Cockney School Frankfort School 2014 S liminality aesthetic distance alienation effect epiphany luminism 2014 S tanka haiku kabuki noh senryu 2014 S Jacobean Age Augustan Age Caroline Age Early Tudor Age Edwardian Age 2014 S gazebo gothic rodomontade vatic 2014 S naturalism rationalism 2014 S repartee barbarism gasconade harangue 2014 S Menippean New philippic 2014 S Agrarians Hartford Lollards Lost Generations Muckrakers 2014 S masque 2014 S alterity Comstockery diaspora exoticism merism 2014 S pathetic fallacy affective fallacy intentional fallacy logical positivism transferred epithet 2014 S Angry Young Man intrusive narrator miles gloriosus young man provinces 2014 S Industrial Revolution Celtic Luddite Movement Oxford Movement QuarrelAncientsModerns 2014 S litotes irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2014 S open closed couplet distich heroic couplet short couplet 2014 S rex ex machina coup de théâtre deus ex machina dolce stil nuovo scène affàire 2014 S pastoral aubade elegy epithalamium 2014 S polyptoton anaphora asyndeton pleonasm polysyndeton 2014 S metonymy apostrophe hyperbole personification rhetorical accent 2014 S zeugma metonymy simile synæsthesia synecdoche 2014 S allusion anachronism eponym exegesis 2014 S allusion flyting hyperbole litotes syllepsis 2014 S anaphora asyndeton epanalepsis sigmatism symploce 2014 S metaphor hyperbole paradox simile tautology 2014 S dactylic anapestic iambic spondaic trochaic 2014 S denotation abridgement ambiguity analogue connotation 2014 S paradox conceit oxymoron tautology volta 2014 S sonnet fourteener pantoum rondeau terza rima 2014 S biblical allusion classical allusion contemporary allusion historical allusion topical allusion 2014 S rhopalic didactic elegiac macabre pyramidal 2014 S iambic pentameter dactylic pentameter dactylic tetrameter iambic tetrameter trochaic pentameter 2014 S Italian sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet caudate sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet 2014 S eye rhyme compound rhyme feminine rhyme half rhyme leonine rhyme 2014 R anthology chrestomathy compendium miscellany omnibus 2014 R mock epic art epic folk epic saga 2014 R hoax satire 2014 R Early Tudor Period Caroline Age Edwardian Age Georgian Age Jacobean Age 2014 R Naturalistic Symbolistic Colonial Period Federalist Age Realistic Period Romantic Period 2014 R agroikos alazon eiron gerontion 2014 R slang colloquialism dialect idiom 2014 R invocation apostrophe deus ex machina reification rhetorical accent 2014 R concordance ballad pastoral proverb superstition 2014 R Scriblerus Club Goliardic poets Grub Street poets Literary Club Satanic School 4

2014 R Nemesis Calliope Erato Melpomene Urania 2014 R verse Alcaic verse chant royal echo verse macaronic verse 2014 R villanelle cinquain pantoum rondeau terza rima 2014 R Graveyard School Kailyard School Lake School Satanic School Spasmodic School 2014 R bathos ethos logos mythos pathos 2014 R Silver-Fork School Literary Club School of Night Transcendental Club Tribe of Ben 2014 R Pindarism hedonism pantheism vorticism 2014 R malaphorism Grundyism idiotism spoonerism wellerism 2014 R chiaroscuro charade chiasmus chrestomathy sfumato 2014 R figurative language hypallage inversion metathesis 2014 R Bildungsroman epistolary novel novel of manners psychological novel 2014 R heteromerous rhyme broken rhyme hyperbole jumping the shark litotes 2014 R metalepsis antithesis heaping figure metaphysical conceit zeugma 2014 R simile anaphora hyperbole metaphor sfumato 2014 R sonnet curtal sonnet fourteener quaternion sestina 2014 R onomatopoeia euphemism euphony hyperbole xenoglossia 2014 R feminine rhyme beginning rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme 2014 R synecdoche hyperbole metaphor personification simile 2014 R existentialism epicureanism humanism stoicism 2014 R anaphora asyndeton epanalepsis pleonasm symploce 2014 R in medias res carpe diem fin de siècle jeu d'espirit ubi sunt 2014 R chiasmus asyndeton parallelism pyramidal rhopalic line 2014 2 paradox antiphrasis equivoque oxymoron paraleipsis 2014 2 Caroline Augustan Edwardian Jacobean Victorian 2014 2 pastoral chanson de gest elegy jeremiad madrigal 2014 2 Colonial Period Postmodern Period Realistic Period Rev Early National Period Romantic Period 2014 2 jeremiad arcadian verse bucolic idyll pastoral 2014 2 serenade aubade ballade charm lament 2014 2 Great Awakening philistinism vorticism 2014 2 enjambment boustrophedon fused rhyme run-on line tagline 2014 2 peripety falling introduction 2014 2 Saturday Club Sunday Club Thursday Club Tuesday Club Wednesday Club 2014 2 acrostic abecedarius anagram anonym aphorism 2014 2 minimalism aestheticism hermiticism 2014 2 fabliau epic legend saga 2014 2 allusion influence milieu mimesis résumé 2014 2 Great Chain of Being animism hieronymy pantheism 2014 2 revenge chronicle play comedy 2014 2 rhopalic macabre proleptic uncial 2014 2 Grub Street Angry Young Men Martian School Spasmodics Young Man Province 2014 2 ballad aubade madrigal requiem rondeau 2014 2 Inkhornists Ciceronians Geneva School Parnassians Pléiade 2014 2 transcendentalism existentialism philistinism pictorialism surrealism 2014 2 metonymy ambiguity hypallage onomatopoeia synecdoche 2014 2 synecdoche hyperbole litotes metaphor paradox 2014 2 imagery dramatic irony gallows humor hyperbole syzygy 2014 2 ambiguity hyperbole oxymoron pun symbol 2014 2 liminality kenosis metastasis negative capability open-endedness 2014 2 connotation definition denotation exposition paradox 2014 2 enjambment boustrophedon end-stopped lines metaplasm truncation 2014 2 symbol allegory emblem hyperbole riddle 2014 2 controlling image emblem epiphany objective correlative 2014 2 simile conceit metaphor metonymy pun 2014 2 consonance alliteration assonance dissonance sigmatism 2014 2 personification allegory apostrophe humanism subjectivity 5

2014 2 chiasmus dieresis elision parallelism zeugma 2014 2 pun cliché double entendre oxymoron understatement 2014 1 onomatopoeia amphigory cacophony consonance melopoeia 2014 1 conceit apologue euphemism kenning simile 2014 1 Grimm's Law Baconian Theory Freytag's Pyramid Ockham's Razor scribal error 2014 1 utopian literature dystopian literature ecotopian literature ectopian literature subtopian literature 2014 1 dénouement climax débat epiphany peripety 2014 1 Anglo-Norman Period Anglo-Saxon Period Middle English Period Old English Period Renaissance Period 2014 1 dirge aubade blazon epithalamium paean 2014 1 inversion enjambment litotes metathesis parenthesis 2014 1 bowdlerize abridge double bill quibble truncate 2014 1 gothic novel potboiler 2014 1 understatement ambiguity amphiboly demotion litotes 2014 1 Frontier Literature Local Color Writing metafiction Native American Lit Popular Literature 2014 1 Federalist Age Naturalistic Symbolistic Postmodern Period Realistic Period Romantic Period 2014 1 synecdoche antithesis elision hypallage parenthesis 2014 1 accismus antiphrasis epitrope litotes paraleipsis 2014 1 persona allonym eponym pseudonym putative author 2014 1 psychological novel epistolary novel novel of character novel of sensibility sociological novel 2014 1 Edwardian Age Augustan Age Caroline Age Jacobean Age Victorian Age 2014 1 heteromerous rhyme amphisbaenic rhyme broken rhyme chain rhyme falling rhythm 2014 1 satire didacticism jeremiad repartee travesty 2014 1 Naturalistic Symbolistic PeriodConfessionalSelf Postmodern Period Realistic Period Romantic Period 2014 1 meter stress syllable sycopation 2014 1 euphemism aphorism epithet hyperbole oxymoron 2014 1 heteromerous rhyme amphisbaenic rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme macaronic rhyme 2014 1 onomatopoeia amphigory hyperbole sigmatism synæsthesia 2014 1 English sonnet caudate sonnet Italian sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2014 1 transferred epithet idiom incantation kenning volta 2014 1 visual imagery auditory imagery gustatory imagery olfactory imagery tactile imagery 2014 1 simile conceit metaphor oxymoron paradox 2014 1 apostrophe aside echo poem harangue soliloquy 2014 1 metaphor euphemism flyting oxymoron simile 2014 1 metonymy hyperbole palindrome sigmatism tapinosis 2014 1 terza rima pantoum rondeau sonnet sonnet sequence 2014 1 synæsthesia discordia concors malapropism spoonerism zeugma 2014 1 synecdoche conceit double entendre kenosis zeugma 2014 1 personification barbarism humanism pathetic fallacy zoomorphism 2014 B ballad antiphon madrigal rondeau round 2014 B ode aubade elegy hymn jeremiad 2014 B Great Awakening Dandyism Harlem Renaissance philistinism Transcendentalism 2014 B dactylic iambic pyrrhic spondaic trochaic 2014 B Muses Furies Graces Humors Nine Worthies 2014 B roman à clef Bildungsroman Entwicklungsroman Künstlerroman roman à thèse 2014 B Irish Lit Revival Harlem Renaissance Johnson's Circle Pre-Raphaelites 2014 B alliteration assonance consonance resonance sigmatism 2014 B Enlightenment Com'wealth Interregnum Great Awakening Renaissance Romantic Movement 2014 B volta catastrophe complication exposition reversal 2014 B Com'wealth Interregnum Caroline Age Edwardian Age Neoclassic Period Romantic Period 2014 B bunraku kabuki senryu 2014 B caesura cadence chiasmus elision enjambment 2014 B apostrophe anaphora anthropomorphism personification prosopopoeia 2014 B symbol emblem icon logo 2014 B Graveyard School Kailyard School Lake School Satanic School Spasmodic School 2014 B Beat Generation Agrarians Angry Young Men Lollards Muckrakers 6

2014 B satire didacticism jeremiad repartee travesty 2014 B Oxford Movement Movement The Movement Pre-Raphaelite Movement Spoken Word Movement 2014 B pastoral folk ballad lipogram requiem sapphic 2014 B hyperbole animism gigantism litotes understatement 2014 B serenade aubade ballad charm lament 2014 B true rhyme feminine rhyme leonine rhyme mosaic rhyme slant rhyme 2014 B implied action blank verse dramatic action silent auditor unwitting revelation 2014 B Shakespearean sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet Miltonic sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2014 B paradox hyperbole metaphor oxymoron simile 2014 B sigmatism assonance consonance resonance syncopation 2014 B auditory gustatory olfactory tactile visual 2014 B personification allegory apostrophe hyperbole mimesis 2014 B onomatopoeia cacophony dissonance euphony zeugma 2014 B feminine rhyme heteromerous rhyme internal rhyme masculine rhyme true rhyme 2014 B alliteration allegory assonance consonance dissonance 2014 B couplet ballad cinquain quatrain 2014 B allusion allonym dead metaphor denotation double entendre 2014 B metonymy irony litotes paradox simile 2014 B conceit climax hyperbole metaphor pun 2014 B parody fixed form paean 2014 B volta antithesis harangue reversal sequal 2014 A renaissance boustrophedon jeremiad structuralism 2014 A Augustan Age Caroline Age Edwardian Age Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2014 A blood and thunder bob and wheel cloak and dagger cloak and sword storm and stress 2014 A trochee anapest dactyl pyrrhic spondee 2014 A Harlem Renaissance Black Mountain School Fugitives New York Poets Parnassians 2014 A acronym acrostic eponym portmanteau word telestich 2014 A protagonist antagonist antihero deuteragonist tritagonist 2014 A metaphor conceit metonymy simile synecdoche 2014 A wisdom literature epistolary literature frontier literature popular literature 2014 A simile irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2014 A Fleshly School Cockney School Martian School Satanic School Spasmodic School 2014 A Knickerbocker Group Fugitives Lost Generation Muckrakers New York School 2014 A saga epic fabliau legend romance 2014 A round character dynamic character flat character static character stock character 2014 A Lost Generation Agrarians Fugitives Hartford Wits Pre-Raphaelites 2014 A enjambment boustrophedon fused rhyme run-on line tagline 2014 A digression elaboration foreshadowing prolepsis 2014 A soliloquy apostrophe aside dramatic monologue harangue 2014 A Theater of the Absurd reductio ad absurdum Theater of Cruelty tragedy of blood tragicomedy 2014 A Colonial Period Postmodern Period Realistic Period Rev Early National Period Romantic Period 2014 A oxymoron hyperbole litotes mimesis paradox 2014 A leonine rhyme compound rhyme eye rhyme identical rhyme masculine rhyme 2014 A onomatopoeia ambiguity hyperbole litotes synæsthesia 2014 A feminine rhyme beginning rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme 2014 A simile allusion hyperbaton metaphor volta 2014 A alliteration assonance consonance dissonance euphony 2014 A apostrophe aside personification reification soliloquy 2014 A triple rhyme assonant rhyme compound rhyme heteromerous rhyme leonine rhyme 2014 A sigmatism alliteration assonance cacophony syzygy 2014 A metaphor anachronism cliché simile tautology 2014 A inversion analogue barbarism malapropism solecism 2014 A visual imagery auditory imagery gustatory imagery olfactory imagery tactile imagery 2014 A Shakespearean sonnet Italian sonnet Miltonic sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2014 A metonymy conceit paradox pun zeugma 7

2014 A ambiguity connotation typology 2014 A simile analogy antitheism metaphor synecdoche 2014 A carpe diem ubi sunt vade mecum verbum infans 2013 S syllable accent breve morpheme phoneme 2013 S aestheticism didacticism humanism naturalism rationalism 2013 S meditative poetry figure poetry lyrical poetry pastoral poetry 2013 S coup de théâtre catastrophe dénouement deus ex machina scène affàire 2013 S assonance balance concordance consonance dissonance 2013 S courtesy allusion book emblem book incunabulum jest book 2013 S zeugma irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2013 S format type 2013 S frontier literature naturalism pastoralism vorticism 2013 S local color writing Native American Lit regionalism 2013 S marginalia annotations framework-story inscription palimpsest 2013 S School of Donne School of Night School of Spenser Spasmodics Tribe of Ben 2013 S melopoeia epopee mythopoeia onomatopoeia prosopopoeia 2013 S Bluestockings Apocalyptics Lost Generation Parnassians P.E.N. 2013 S archetypes duodecimos quartos sigla 2013 S incunabulum chrestomathy duodecimo folio quarto 2013 S heteronym allonym anonym nom de plume pseudonym 2013 S serial publication anthologizing incremental repetition intertexuality lexicography 2013 S elegy art epic encomium eulogy folk epic 2013 S metaphor Hobson-Jobson litotes senryu zeugma 2013 S vignette anecdote 2013 S character actor persona stereotype stock character 2013 S Age of Sensibility EarlyRestorationPeriod Early Victorian Period Late Victorian Period Realistic Period 2013 S folk etymology displacement false etymology Hobson-Jobson metathesis 2013 S prolepsis epanalepsis metalepsis paraleipsis syllepsis 2013 S heteromerous rhyme compound rhyme internal rhyme rhyme royal slant rhyme 2013 S simile allusion hyperbole metaphor oxymoron 2013 S oxymoronic allusive hyperbolic metonymic syllogistic 2013 S synæsthesia chiasmus heterostrophic paradox transumption 2013 S pantheism Christianity musicology philosophy things esemplastic 2013 S anaphora anadiplosis asyndeton ploce polyptoton 2013 S apostrophe aside personification prosopopoeia reification 2013 S chiasmus antithesis asyndeton pyramidal line rhopalic line 2013 S pastoral comedy irony satire tragedy 2013 S hyperbaton analogue metathesis parenthesis transumption 2013 S zeugma hypallage oxymoron paradox prolepsis 2013 S paradox hyperbole litotes locus classicus oxymoron 2013 S hyperbole allusion irony metaphor synecdoche 2013 S simile analogue metaphor symbol tautology 2013 S rhetorical question auditory images Elizabethan Petrarchan 2013 S allusion cliché paradox tableau vignette 2013 R redende name allonym anonym heteronym xenoglossia 2013 R Freytag's Pyramid cycle episodic structure framework-strory montage 2013 R Renaissance Globe Theater Harlem Renaissance Johnson's Circle Pre-Raphaelites 2013 R cento anthology canon chrestomathy pastiche 2013 R verisimilitude liminality persuasion ratiocination realism 2013 R pyrrhic foot iambic foot spondaic tribrach foot trochaic foot 2013 R exegesis modulation poetic license scansion typology 2013 R troubadour bard jongleur minstrel scop 2013 R myopia photopia solitopia 2013 R Realistic Period Naturalistic Symbolistic Period of PeriodConfessionalSelf Romantic Period 2013 R unities cross-cutting deep focus rough cut sound-over 8

2013 R chiaroscuro chiasmus litotes sfumato synæsthesia 2013 R echo mosaic redaction tautology voice-over 2013 R masque burlesque carnivalesque dramatic monologue pageant 2013 R roman à clef historical novel novel of incident roman à thèse roman de gest 2013 R vehicle image motif tenor theme 2013 R dynamic character flat character foil character round character static character 2013 R Condition Works Battle of the diasporic literature of incident novels of manners 2013 R Augustan Age Caroline Age Edwardian Age Georgian Age Jacobean Age 2013 R metonymy paradox reification synecdoche zeugma 2013 R epistolary abecedarian formulaic grammatology manga 2013 R Restoration Age Early Tudor Age Early Victorian Age Edwardian Age Elizabethan Age 2013 R metalepsis bathos parenthesis sublimity zeugma 2013 R muse dream allegory femme inspiratrice femme fatale manic pixie dream girl 2013 R simile hyperbole litotes paradox tautology 2013 R Shakespearean sonnet caudate sonnet Miltonic sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2013 R chiasmus epanalepsis parallelism polysyndeton pun 2013 R run-on line end stop hyperbaton transumption transvocalization 2013 R simile apostrophe hyperbole metaphor pun 2013 R onomatopoeia internal rhyme rime riche solecism tautology 2013 R fable dream allegory beast fable epic travesty 2013 R metaphor allusion cliché euphemism hyperbole 2013 R personification antonomasia apostrophe metonymy mythopoeia 2013 R senryu haiku lai tanka triolet 2013 R imagery melopoeia syllable count 2013 2 catharsis aporia hubris mixed figure peripety 2013 2 spondee anapest iamb pyrrhic trochee 2013 2 paradox ambiguity hyperbole litotes oxymora 2013 2 anecdote chronicle fabliau legend romance 2013 2 free indirect discourse objective correlate suspension of disbelief 2013 2 anachronism anaphora chronological successive patterning transverse alliteration 2013 2 annotation alliteration assonance consonance rhyme 2013 2 Kailyard School Cockney School Fleshly School of Poetry Geneva School Graveyard School 2013 2 Postmodernist Period Early Victorian Period Late Victorian Period Modernist Period Realistic Period 2013 2 allusion digression inscape metaphor tableau 2013 2 Spasmodic School Cockney School Lake School Martian School Satanic School 2013 2 Epicureanism Calvinism Djangosim Philistinism Stoicism 2013 2 euphemism Byronism grundyism malapropism spoonerism 2013 2 poetry anthology chrestomathy rhapsody syncopation 2013 2 dumb show dramatis personae mock drama tableau 2013 2 Blood and Thunder showing versus telling signifier and signified Storm and Stress Sturm and Drang 2013 2 Lost Generation Agrarians Beat Generation Fugitives Muckrakers 2013 2 palindrome acrostic boustrophedon mesostich telestich 2013 2 comic relief burlesque gallows humor travesty 2013 2 dime novel page-turner penny dreadful potboiler pulp magazine 2013 2 doppelgänger braggadocio femme fatale ingénue twiner 2013 2 closet drama colloquy dumb show mime 2013 2 coffee table book chrestomathy folio hornbook quarto 2013 2 irony gasconade hyperbole stichomythia tautology 2013 2 simile allusion hyperbole irony paradox 2013 2 anaphora asyndeton homeoteleuton polyptoton polysyndeton 2013 2 visual imagery auditory imagery gustatory imagery olfactory imagery tactile imagery 2013 2 half rhyme assonance broken rhyme leonine rhyme rime riche 2013 2 Italian sonnet caudate sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2013 2 simile hyperbole metaphor oxymoron zeugma 2013 2 polyptoton anadiplosis anaphora epanalepsis tautology 9

2013 2 terza rima caudate sonnet pantoum sestina sonnet cycle 2013 2 analogy dead metaphor litotes paradox simile 2013 1 gossip epistolary literature pluralism versification 2013 1 adage anecdote epigram limerick merism 2013 1 understatement hyperbole imagery minimalism verisimilitude 2013 1 tableau meditation montage mosaic uncial 2013 1 epiphany apostrophe locus classicus nekuia zeugma 2013 1 Knickerbocker Group Fireside Poets Hartford Wits Muckrakers New York School 2013 1 trochee choree iamb pyrrhic spondee 2013 1 Restoration Drama Roman comedy Roman revenge tragedy medieval drama play 2013 1 Harlem Renaissance Black Mountain School New York Poets Parnassians Saturday Club 2013 1 complication climax dénouement exposition point of attack 2013 1 provincialism barbarism euphemism Gongorism regionalism 2013 1 Jacobean Age Augustan Age Caroline Age Edwardian Age Georgian Age

2013 1 Romantic Period Colonial Period Federalist Period Naturalistic Symbolistic Realistic Period 2013 1 Fireside Poets Hartford Wits Knickerbocker Group Muckrakers New York School 2013 1 legend anecdote folklore parable 2013 1 Anglo- Anglo-Irish Anglo-Italian Anglo-Norman Anglo-Saxon 2013 1 satire burlesque exordium irony meliorism 2013 1 didacticism aestheticism catechism determinism humanism 2013 1 dramatic tragedy dialogue poem elegy narrative romance 2013 1 rhyme breve pitch macron 2013 1 Victorian literature Edwardian literature Georgian literature Jacobean literature Restoration literature 2013 1 ambiguity false friend paradox redundancy tautology 2013 1 dramatic irony ambiguity catharsis hyperbole understatement 2013 1 archaism colloquialism jargon neologism regionalism 2013 1 ballad ballade envoy ottava rima terza rima 2013 1 personification apostrophe hyperbole onomatopoeia synecdoche 2013 1 conversation poem art ballad folk ballad gothic poem graveyard poem 2013 1 simile conceit double entendre metaphor zeugma 2013 1 pun barbarism epiphany paradox understatement 2013 1 imagery foregrounding foreshadowing idiom synæsthesia 2013 1 simile diminishing metaphor hyperbole metaphor oxymoron 2013 1 alliteration dissonance end rhyme imagery jumping the shark 2013 1 Shakespearean sonnet caudate sonnet Miltonic sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2013 1 simile epithet metaphor oxymoron transferred epithet 2013 1 synecdoche anachronism hyperbole litotes oxymoron 2013 1 personification apostrophe ethos pathos synecdoche 2013 1 elision accent caesura epanalepsis metathesis 2013 1 visual imagery auditory imagery gustatory imagery olfactory imagery tactile imagery 2013 1 apostrophe elegy eulogy incantation satire 2013 1 carpe diem in medias res memento mori ubi sunt vade mecum 2013 1 enjambment exegesis inversion parenthesis truncation 2013 B falling action exposition momentoflastsuspense reversal rising action 2013 B acronym anagram anonym anathema heteronym 2013 B revenge tragedy domestic tragedy melodrama romantic tragedy tragicomedy 2013 B haiku kabuki kitsch senryu tanka 2013 B calligraphy alleography epigraphy hagiography paleography 2013 B redende name allonym nom de plume pseudonym putative author 2013 B pastoral burlesque carnivalesque elegiac rhopalic 2013 B Irish literature Gallic literature Scottish literature Welsh literature 2013 B ballad stanza chained verse nonsense verse pantoum philippic 2013 B naturalism neologism realism structuralism 2013 B chivalry Byronism patronage ratiocination 2013 B Victorian comstockery hedonism meliorism Puritanism 10

2013 B diasporic literature chanson d'adventure comparative literature picaresque regionalism 2013 B inversion abridgement boustrophedon redaction reversal 2013 B Silver-Fork School Satanic School Saturday Club Scriblerus Club Sturm and Drang 2013 B volta device hypotaxis inversion peripety 2013 B Caroline Age Augustan Age Jacobean Age Restoration Age Tudor Age 2013 B dénouement débat de casibus deus ex machina dolce stil nuovo 2013 B Theater of the Absurd bourgeois drama coup de théâtre dramatic irony patent theater 2013 B accent breve caesura diastole expletive 2013 B glee ballad doggerel mad song map poem 2013 B Neoclassic Period Comwealth Interregnum Realistic Period Renaissance Romantic Period 2013 B epistolary literature documentary novel narratology transliteration vignette 2013 B regionalism frontier literature primitivism provincialism spectacle 2013 B allusion euphemism malapropism redende name spoonerism 2013 B apostrophe metonymy rhetorical accent synæsthesia synecdoche 2013 B anthropomorphism animism hyperbole irony syllepsis 2013 B onomatopoeia assonance consonance verisimilitude wrenched accent 2013 B reification anthropomorphism hendiadys kenosis prosopopoeia 2013 B alliteration consonance dissonance homeoteleuton onomatopoeia 2013 B feminine rhyme compound rhyme internal rhyme masculine rhyme slant rhyme 2013 B anaphora epanalepsis merism ploce polyptoton 2013 B dactyl anapest iamb spondee trochee 2013 B masculine rhyme compound rhyme eye rhyme feminine rhyme internal rhyme 2013 B paradox equivoque hyperbole litotes oxymoron 2013 B alliteration cacophony dissonance onomatopoeia syncopation 2013 B oxymoron alliteration imagery kenning simile 2013 A allegory allusion almanac paradox parody 2013 A tragedy burlesque comedy pastoral verisimilitude 2013 A manga anime bunraku kabuki senryu 2013 A round character braggadocio flat character static character tritagonist 2013 A bacchius anapest dactyl iamb trochee 2013 A Middle English Period Anglo-Saxon Period Jacobean Period Old English Period Renaissance 2013 A foreshadowing flashback in medias res reductio ad absurdum scenario 2013 A Knickerbocker Group Agrarians Black Mountain School Lost Generation Muckrakers 2013 A Modern (-ist) Period Early Victorian Age Edwardian Age Late Victorian Age Postmodernist 2013 A caesura cadence chiasmus elision enjambment 2013 A transcendentalism existentialism feminism realism vorticism 2013 A common measure antistrophe heroic stanza long meter poulter's measure 2013 A volta catastrophe climax complication exposition 2013 A roman à clef roman á thése roman de get roman-fleuve roman noir 2013 A Beat Generation Connecticut Wits Harlem Renaissance Spasmodics Young Men Provinces 2013 A anaphora epanalepsis epistrophe polyptoton symploce 2013 A Enlightenment Comwealth Interegnum Great Awakening Renaissance Romantic Movement 2013 A psychological novel epistolary novel novel of character novel of incident novel of manners 2013 A pseudonym allonym anonym eponym heteronym 2013 A surrealism aestheticism impressionism minimalism

2013 A Revolu / Early National Colonial Period Naturalistic Symbolistic Realistic Period Romantic Period 2013 A Cockney School Lake School Martian School Satanic School Spasmodics 2013 A litotes ambiguity equivoque hyperbole paradox 2013 A apostrophe epiphany incantation oxymoron understatement 2013 A consonance alliteration assonance dissonance resonance 2013 A metaphor allusion hyperbole paradox simile 2013 A iambic dactylic pyrrhic spondaic trochaic 2013 A couplet closed couplet octometer pantoum 2013 A ploce anaphora echo litotes 2013 A Miltonic sonnet caudate sonnet English sonnet Italian sonnet Spenserian sonnet 11

2013 A eye rhyme anisobaric rhyme internal rhyme pararhyme true rhyme 2013 A feminine ending eye rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme triple rhyme 2013 A feminine rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme recessed rhyme 2013 A anaphora epanalepsis epistrophe hypozeuxis tautology 2013 A controlling image barbarism claque dead metaphor pleonasm 2013 A pantoum octave sestet tristich 2013 A pun euphemism kenning nonce word repartee 2013 A redende name carmen figuratum erratum malaphorism malapropism 2013 A irony ambiguity barbarism hyperbole litotes 2012 S folklore folk ballad folk etymology folk song folktale 2012 S cock-and-bull story anecdote blood & thunder story ballad Märchen 2012 S flyting bombast gasconade rodomontade stichomythia 2012 S paeon anapestic dactylic spondaic trochaic 2012 S cycle allegory fabliaux mummery pageant 2012 S pathos bathos ethos logos mythos 2012 S bestiary coprology erotica libertine play pornography 2012 S Philistinism atheism Dadaism medievalism primitivism 2012 S Wellerism Genograms Malapropism Marinism Spoonerism 2012 S Young Man Provinces adventure story Bildungsroman Hollywood novel lyrical novel 2012 S Realistic Period Modernist Period Neoclassical Period Postmodernist Period Romantic Period 2012 S suspension of disbelief alienation effect jumping the shark momentoflastsuspense objective correlative 2012 S Byronism Acmeism Gongorism Marinsim 2012 S acrostic carmen figuratum clerihew riddle square poem 2012 S companion poem autotelic poem metaphysical poem occasional poem topographical poem 2012 S paragram anagram oxymoron palindrome Spoonerism 2012 S lipogram arabesque diastich koine logotype 2012 S ingénue femme fatale la femme inspiratrice miles gloriosus naïve narrator 2012 S scald bard filidh gleeman scop 2012 S Augustan Age Caroline Age Edwardian Age Jacobean Age Late Victorian Age 2012 S aesthetics essentialism expressionism formalism Hebraism 2012 S Malapropism Gongorism Marinism Spoonerism Wellerism 2012 S ballad stanza fourteener melodrama Shakespearean sonnet tragicomedy 2012 S chiasmus anaphora ellipsis parallelism parataxis 2012 S tragedy comedy homoerotic melodrama recantation 2012 S metaphor nonce word oxymoron simile transferred epithet 2012 S paradox elision hyperbole understatement zeugma 2012 S rhyme allusion hyperbole meaning rhythm 2012 S polyptoton anaphora metathesis paradox tautology 2012 S villanelle rondeau rondelle rondelle terza rima 2012 S ploce anaphora oxymoron repetend tautology 2012 S euphemism erratum euphuism excursus exegesis 2012 S limerick ode panegyric tanka villanelle 2012 S heteromerous rhyme assonance rhyme feminine rhyme internal rhyme slant rhyme 2012 S syllepsis ambiguity litotes metonymy synecdoche 2012 S controlling image dead metaphor epic simile lyrical present momentoflastsuspense 2012 S oxymoronic hyperbolic metonymic paradoxical tautological 2012 S parallelism ambiguity boustrophedon rhopalic progression sentimentalism 2012 S sigmatism assonance consonance dissonance onomatopoeia 2012 S eponym allonym anagram epigram metonym 2012 R onomatopoeia amphigory nonce word nonsense verse portmanteau word 2012 R syllepsis chiasmus oxymoron paradox parallelism 2012 R Jewish American Lit African American Lit Asian Literature Chicano Literature Native American Lit 2012 R Cockney School Fleshly School Martian School Satanic School Spasmodic School 2012 R hyperbole auxecis litotes meiosis understatement 2012 R Four Ages Five Points Great Chain of Being Seven Cardinal Virtues Three Unities 12

2012 R Middle English Period Anglo-Norman Period Caroline Period Old English Period Renaissance Period 2012 R hubris catharsis hamartia nemesis peripety 2012 R Historicism Humanism Journalism 2012 R crossed rhyme chiasmus leonine rhyme macaronic rhyme wrenched rhyme 2012 R School of Night Fugitives The Movement Parnassians 2012 R jeremiad encomium eulogy paean panegyric 2012 R Comwealth Interregnum Caroline Age Early Tudor Age Jacobean Age Restoration Age 2012 R round character antagonist flat character protagonist stock character 2012 R The Arcadia Brook Farm ultima Thule Utopia 2012 R milieu framework-story locale mise en scène 2012 R manga anime kabuki katauta tanka 2012 R Künstlerroman education novel novel of manner roman à clef 2012 R Federalist Age Colonial Period Realistic Age Revolutionary Period Romantic Period 2012 R epic question epic formula epic simile epiclesis epiphany 2012 R doggerel autotelic clerihew lampoon limerick 2012 R Beat Generation Agrarians Fugitives Lollards Muckrakers 2012 R allusion exegesis prolepsis quip tautology 2012 R foil antagonist deuteragonist nemesis protagonist 2012 R philosophical historical political satirical theological 2012 R litotes apostrophe hypallage hyperbole simile 2012 R paradox allusion barbarism hyperbole oxymoron 2012 R polyptoton amphiboly internal rhyme literation reification 2012 R conceit hyperbole kenning metaphor simile 2012 R enjambment inversion metathesis parenthesis 2012 R paradox alliteration hyperbole synecdoche zeugma 2012 R personification apostrophe metonymy mimesis synæsthesia 2012 R oxymoronic didactic eponymic paradoxical rhopalic 2012 R Shakespearean sonnet fourteener Miltonic sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2012 2 patronage acknowledgements collaboration decadence inscription 2012 2 allusion apostrophe epiphany tableau vignette 2012 2 Fireside Poets Fugitives Hartford Wits Lost Generation Transcendental Club 2012 2 Cavalier Lyricists Bluestockings Dadaists Jongleurs Roundheads 2012 2 typology calligraphy exegesis intertextuality transliteration 2012 2 volta anastrophe hyperbaton inversion transposition 2012 2 free verse blank verse clerihew doggerel terza rima 2012 2 dissonance ambivalence assonance consonance resonance 2012 2 Oxford Movement Great Awakening Minimalism Surrealism Vorticism 2012 2 imagery denotation diction digression plain style 2012 2 theatrum mundi stream of consciousness suspension of disbelief Theater of Cruelty Theater of the Absurd 2012 2 anecdote chronicle collage framework-story Märchen 2012 2 Age of Johnson Age Romantic Movement Augustan Age Edwardian Age Restoration Age 2012 2 deduction elaboration induction logocentricism 2012 2 limerick dizain haiku sonnet virelay 2012 2 Spoonerism barbarism cacozelia Gongorism solecism 2012 2 satire allegory diatribe jeremiad parody 2012 2 aestheticism dandyism Gongorism stoicism 2012 2 caesura apocape elision hiatus synalepha 2012 2 Period Confessional Self Colonial Period Realistic Period Revolutionary Period Romantic Period 2012 2 metonymy eponym metaphor pseudonym simile 2012 2 pastoral elegy epithalamia madrigal masque 2012 2 paradox antithesis hyperbole tautology zeugma 2012 2 auditory gustatory olfactory tactile visual 2012 2 paradox apostrophe pun simile symbol 2012 2 sigmatism assonance jargon metaphor onomatopoeia 2012 2 personification allegory irony metonymy reification 13

2012 2 eye rhyme compound rhyme feminine rhyme leonine rhyme triple rhyme 2012 2 syntax allusion fatalism litotes semiotics 2012 2 metaphorical didactic hyperbolic oxymoronic vatic 2012 2 leonine rhyme beginning rhyme compound feminine rhyme identical 2012 2 spondee dactyl iamb pyrrhic trochee 2012 2 feminine ending alliteration dissonance onomatopoeia syncopation 2012 2 oxymoronic hyperbolic metaphorical onomatopoeic paradoxical 2012 1 hymn ballad chanty epideictic poem folk song 2012 1 palindrome anagram boustrophedon calligraphy zeugma

2012 1 Realistic Period Naturalistic Symbolistic Period of Conformity PeriodConfessionalSelf Romantic Period 2012 1 poetry anthology chrestomathy rhapsody syncopation 2012 1 voice-over dime novel page turner penny dreadful potboiler 2012 1 Brook Farm Graustark Grub Street Inns of Court Walden Pond 2012 1 simile analogy metaphor objective correlative tautology 2012 1 allegory allusion conceit metonym synecdoche 2012 1 colloquialism barbarism idiotism Marinism solecism 2012 1 Cavalier Lyricists Fireside Poets 2012 1 boulevard drama commedia dell'arte satire 2012 1 Edwardian Age Caroline Age Early Tudor Age Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2012 1 chivalry arabesque feudalism pastoral virelay 2012 1 saga folklore folktale legend myth 2012 1 Great Chain of Being Baconian Theory Freytag's Pyramid Grimm's Law Ockham's Razor 2012 1 acronym allonym eponym heteronym pseudonym 2012 1 neologism dialect idiom jargon koine 2012 1 Bluestockings Bloomsbury Group Della Cruscans Geneva School Hermeneutic Circle 2012 1 Agrarians Beat Generation Knickerbocker Group Muckrakers Transcendental Club 2012 1 narrative poems alliterative verse carmen figuratum nursery reporting poems 2012 1 Decadents Aesthetes Imagists Parnassians Physiocrats 2012 1 Theater of Cruelty commedia dell'arte liturgical drama Theater in the Round Theater of the Absurd 2012 1 anachronism addendum allusion apostrophe axiom 2012 1 malapropism mondegreen pun solecism spoonerism 2012 1 apostrophe hyperbole irony paradox simile 2012 1 iamb anapest dactyl spondee trochee 2012 1 paradox ambiguity hyperbole oxymoron pun 2012 1 oxymoronic allegorical euphemistic hyperbolic paradoxical 2012 1 Italian sonnet caudate sonnet curtal sonnet Shakespearean sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2012 1 ubi sunt carpe diem memento mori vade mecum verbum infans 2012 A anapest antibacchius dactyl iamb pyrrhic 2012 A lyric limerick ode sonnet tanka 2012 A criticism annotation exegesis flosculation scansion 2012 A stanza ballad couplet pantoum rondeau 2012 A hyperbole animism gigantism litotes understatement 2012 A Colonial Period Postmodern Period Realistic Period Revolutionary National Romantic Period 2012 A enjambment fused rhyme run-on line tagline truncation 2012 A Edwardian Age Augustan Age Caroline Age Jacobean Age Victorian Age 2012 A liturgical drama epistolary literature pastoral drama verse drama 2012 A elegy encomium eulogy paean threnody 2012 A Renaissance Classicism Feudalism Historicism Restoration 2012 A Frontier Literature Local Color Writing metafiction Native American Lit Popular literature 2012 A masculine rhyme Beginning rhyme feminine rhyme internal rhyme triple rhyme 2012 A picaresque novel epistolary novel novel of character novel of manners novel of the soil 2012 A Graveyard School Kailyard School Lake School Satanic School Spasmodic School 2012 A humanism anthropomorphism personification pathetic fallacy reification 2012 A Beat Generation Agrarians Angry Young Men Lollards Muckrakers 2012 A Puritanism Agrarianism Darwinism Naturalism Transcendentalism 14

2012 A Stoicism Calvinism Gnosticism Humanism Philistinism 2012 A Old English Period Augustan Age Early Victorian Age Elizabethan Age Late Victorian Age 2012 A feminine rhyme blank verse heteronymous rhyme leonine rhyme rime riche 2012 A myth chanson de geste epic hagiography legend 2012 A euphemism euphony hyperbole onomatopoeia oxymoron 2012 A echo verse free verse nonsense verse skeltonic verse syllabic verse 2012 A auditory imagery gustatory imagery olfactory imagery tactile imagery visual imagery 2012 A alcaics blank verse bob and wheel distiches 2012 A sigmatism anaphora assonance cacophony dissonance 2012 A onomatopoeia alliteration cacophony euphony syncopation 2012 A haiku katauta lai senryu tanka 2012 A sonnet ballad fourteener quatrain terza rima 2012 A inversion accentualism enjambment ornamentalism uchronia 2012 A alliteration assonance consonance onomatopoeia sibilance 2012 A internal rhyme beginning rhyme feminine rhyme leonine rhyme rime riche 2012 A antagonist agroikos braggadocio eiron protagonist 2012 A Great Awakening Dandyism Harlem Renaissance` Philistinism Transcendentalism 2012 A Harlem Renaissance Agrarians Angry Young Men Black Mountain Group Fugitives 2012 A theme climax in medias res motif thesis 2012 A Augustan Age Caroline Age Commonwealth Inter Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2012 A metaphor conceit metonymy simile synecdoche 2012 A Anglo-Norman Period Anglo-Saxon Period Middle English Period Old English Period Renaissance Period 2012 A ode aubade elegy hymn limerick 2012 A Muckrakers Agrarians The Fugitives Hartford Wits Lost Generation 2012 A dénouement climax epiphany peripety recalcitrance 2012 A ballad antiphon madrigal rondeau round 2012 A novel of manners novel of character novel of incident novel of sensibility novel of the soil 2012 A Lost Generation Agrarians Fugitives Hartford Wits Pre-Raphaelites 2012 A leonine rhyme compound rhyme eye rhyme identical rhyme masculine rhyme 2012 A dactyl anapest antibacchius iamb pyrrhic 2012 A soliloquy apostrophe aside dramatic monologue harangue 2012 A flashback digression elaboration foreshadowing prolepsis 2012 A Theater of the Absurd reductio ad absurdum Theater of Cruelty Tragedy of Blood tragicomedy 2012 A Transcendentalism Existentialism Philistinism Pictorialism Unitarianism 2012 A Muses Furies Graces Humors Nine Worthies 2012 A Spasmodic School Cockney School Fleshly SchoolofPoetry Martian School Satanic School 2012 A apostrophe anthropomorphism personification prosopopoeia rhetorical accent 2012 A biblical allusion classical allusion Homeric epithet Homeric simile prolepsis 2012 A simile hyperbole metaphor metonymy zeugma 2012 A auditory imagery gustatory imagery olfactory imagery tactile imagery visual imagery 2012 A Petrarchan sonnet caudate sonnet Miltonic sonnet Shakespearean sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2012 A allusion double entendre hyperbole paradox simile 2012 A feminine ending anacrusis catalexis masculine ending truncation 2012 A spin kitsch pastiche stunt 2012 A regionalism decadence Epicureanism spatialism 2012 A paradox antiphrasis equivoque hyperbole oxymoron 2012 A metaphor black humor hiatus kenning personification 2011 S paradox antiphrasis equivoque oxymoron paraleipsis 2011 S madrigal aubade ballad masque paean 2011 S antithesis aphorism apostrophe apposition axiom 2011 S hornbook commonplace book jest book omnibus palimpsest 2011 S alazon deuteragonist eiron gerontion tritagonist 2011 S volume duodecimo folio octavo quarto 2011 S cycle episodic structure framework-story leitmotif montage 2011 S Scriblerus Club Goliardic poets Grub Street poets Literary Club Satanic Club 15

2011 S Marxist criticism analytical criticism New Criticism practical criticism theoretical criticism 2011 S obligatory scene dumb show intentional fallacy mot juste stock scene 2011 S reliteralization recantation recension redaction reification 2011 S philippic Billingsgate gasconade polemic robinsonade 2011 S accentual-syllabic alliterative verse blank verse free verse quantitative verse 2011 S patent theaters kabuki theaters Little Theaters private theaters public theaters 2011 S Juvenalian satire Horatian satire Meneppean satire Parnassian satire Varronian satire 2011 S humility fortitude justice prudence temperance 2011 S Victorian Calvinistic gothic hedonistic vatic 2011 S malapropism eggcorn howler mondegreen spoonerism 2011 S Geneva School Imagists New Parnassians Symbolists 2011 S burlesque comic relief travesty 2011 S Spenserian sonnet caudate sonnet curtal sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Shakespearean sonnet 2011 S robinsonade charade gasconade harlequinade 2011 S malapropism idiotism regionalism spoonerism wellerism 2011 S foreshadowing analogy exposition malediction prolepsis 2011 S pastoral aubade elegy lament ode 2011 S pyramidal line chiasmus parallelism rhopalic line zeugma 2011 S double entendre hyperbole oxymoron synecdoche understatement 2011 S hyperbole chiaroscuro litotes sfumato tautology 2011 S polyptoton epanalapsis haplography symploce tautology 2011 S villanelle chant royal rime couée rondeau terza rima 2011 S conceit dead metaphor euphemism kenning simile 2011 S inversion enjambment litotes metathesis parenthesis 2011 S alliteration assonance consonance dissonance synæsthesia 2011 S liminality aesthetic distance divine afflatus interlude vatic 2011 S ubi sunt carpe diem memento mori vade mecum verbum infans 2011 S rhetorical questioning catharsis gigantism mixed figures sarcasm 2011 S epic simile epiphany flyting oxymoron pun 2011 S irony bathos hyperbole invective litotes 2011 S abecedarian acrostic clerihew mesostich 2011 R verisimilitude liminality poetic license realism virelay 2011 R dumb show burlesque masque mystery play pantomime 2011 R epiphany alienation effect avant-garde orphism recalcitrance 2011 R macabre arabesque gothic Märchen vulgar 2011 R touchstone chrestomathy emblem book purple patch rubric 2011 R square poem lipogram macronic verse pruning poem treatise poem 2011 R aestheticism cubism minimalism surrealism vorticism 2011 R Zooey Calliope Erato Terpsichore Urania 2011 R ananym allonym eponym heteronym pseudonym 2011 R Diminishing Age Am Age of Romantic Am NaturalisticSymbolistic Postmodern Period Realistic Period 2011 R tour de force divine afflatus double elephant gigantism magnum opus 2011 R local color writing dialectic frontier literature naturalism realism 2011 R bob and wheel inscape instress outride sprung rhythm 2011 R iambic pentameter dactylic hexameter dactylic pentameter dactylic tetrameter iambic tetrameter 2011 R campus novel Bildungsroman education novel novel of manners scholium 2011 R Graveyard School BlackMountainSchool Cavalier Poets Pre-Raphaelites Tribe of Ben 2011 R Mrs. Grundy Mr. Bowdler Mrs. Malaprop Mr. Pooter Dr. Spooner 2011 R aesthetic distance affective fallacy bathos empathy pathetic fallacy 2011 R idiom catchword cliché jargon regionalism 2011 R catchword cliché idiom jargon regionalism 2011 R Cockney School Fleshly School Poetry Martian School Satanic School Spasmodic School 2011 R metonymy abridgment barbarism gallows humor pun 2011 R ironic didactic intimate objective satiric 2011 R consonance assonance dissonance eye rhyme homeoteleuton 16

2011 R pantheism animism deism paganism transcendentalism 2011 R anaphora alliteration assonance ploce polyptoton 2011 R Italian sonnet caudate sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2011 R polysyndeton asyndeton chiasmus epanalepsis metalepsis 2011 R kenning epitaph idiom transferred epithet volta 2011 R tanka haiku kabuki katauta senyru 2011 R apostrophe anthropomorphism personification prosopopoeia rhetorical accent 2011 R carpe diem la femme inspiratrice memento mori ubi sunt utile et dulce 2011 R analogy catechresis hyperbole parallelism 2011 R simile alleograph diminishing metaphor false etymology flyting 2011 R metalepsis metafiction metaphor metaphysical conceit metonymy 2011 R personification apostrophe hyperbole metonymy reification 2011 R enjambment fused rhyme run-on line tagline truncation 2011 2 trochaic pentameter iambic hexameter iambic tetrameter iambic pentameter trochaic tetrameter 2011 2 palindrome boustrophedon bouts-rimès mesostich telestich 2011 2 gothic gazebo Gongorism gonzoism grotesque 2011 2 myth chanson de geste epic hagiography legend 2011 2 anagram anacope anaphora raganam syncope 2011 2 Brook Farm Comitatus Graustark Walden Pond 2011 2 glee ballad madrigal masque projection verse 2011 2 dénouement climax epiphany peripety recalcitrance 2011 2 Martian School Parnassians Saturday Club School of Night Symbolists 2011 2 simile irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2011 2 aphorism controlling image envoy epigram 2011 2 feminist criticism Freudian criticism queer theory sociological criticism textual criticism 2011 2 suspension of disbelief aesthetic distance alienation effect baring the device objective correlative 2011 2 minimalism aestheticism hermeticism impressionism surrealism 2011 2 synaesthesia malapropism onomatopoeia perissology spoonerism 2011 2 novel of sensibility novel of character novel of ideas novel of incident novel of manners 2011 2 courtly maker bard minstrel poetaster trouvère 2011 2 terza rima triolet triple meter trivium 2011 2 prosody metrics reception theory scansion 2011 2 epistolary literature comparative literature didactic literature frontier literature romantic literature 2011 2 caesura chiasmus elision enjambment hiatus 2011 2 litotes ambiguity hyperbole oxymoron paradox 2011 2 feminine rhyme beginning rhyme compound rhyme eye rhyme identical rhyme 2011 2 paradox image symbol tragedy volta 2011 2 metaphor onomatopoeia paradox rhopalic simile 2011 2 onomatopoeia dissonance pun synaesthesia wrenched accent 2011 2 visual auditory gustatory olfactory tactile 2011 2 iambic tetrameter iambic pentameter spondaic penatmeter trochaic pentameter trochaic tetrameter 2011 2 enjambment boustrophedon fused rhyme run-on line tagline 2011 2 synaesthesia chiaroscuro montage mosaic reversal 2011 2 personification barbarism bombast metonymy reification 2011 2 consonance eye rhyme feminine rhyme rime retournée rime riche 2011 2 paradox climax doppelgänger locus classicus tautology 2011 2 terza rima caudate sonnet English sonnet Italian sonnet rime couée 2011 2 anaphora epistrophe pleonasm polyptoton symploce 2011 2 tenor image motif theme virgule 2011 1 iambic tetrameter iambic pentameter spondaic tetrameter trochaic pentameter trochaic tetrameter 2011 1 acrostic abecedarius anagram ananym aphorism 2011 1 understatement ambiguity amphiboly demotion litotes 2011 1 hagiography canticle epistolary lampoon miracle play 2011 1 foil nemesis persona regisseur tritagonist 2011 1 tragedy of blood requiem Sturm and Drang theatrum mundi turpiloquium 17

2011 1 chiaroscuro charade chiasmus chrestomathy chronotope 2011 1 poem carmen figuratum kenning obelisk wiki 2011 1 pastoral chanson de geste jeremiad madrigal vision 2011 1 spin bathos ethos flosculation pathos 2011 1 Modernist Period Am Confessional Self Postmodernist Realsitic Period Romantic Period 2011 1 oxymoron hyperbole litotes mimesis paradox 2011 1 metafiction epistolary novel framework-story objective correlative palimpsest 2011 1 expressionism aestheticism minimalism objectivism vorticism 2011 1 refrain anaphora ballad pantoum stanza 2011 1 Lost Generation Agrarians Fugitives Hartford Wits Pre-Raphaelites 2011 1 Age of Reason Commonwealth Interr NaturalisticSymbolistic Period of Restoration Age 2011 1 blues calypso rap reggae seat 2011 1 eulogy coronach dirge monody thenody 2011 1 Freudian criticism absolutist criticism feminist criticism historical criticism Marxist criticism 2011 1 saga art epic chronicle epic legend 2011 1 metonymy gustatory imagery metaphor onomatopoeia simile 2011 1 feminine rhyme consonance eye rhyme masculine rhyme true rhyme 2011 1 personification apostrophe irony metaphor synecdoche 2011 1 paradox oxymoron pun syllepsis zeugma 2011 1 controlling image allegory hyperbole pleonasm simile 2011 1 villanelle curtal sonnet rondeau terza rima triolet 2011 1 paradox ambiguity hyperbole meiosis synecdoche 2011 1 didactic cavalier epigrammatic formulaic galliambic 2011 1 Italian sonnet curtal sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2011 1 allusion cliché epiphany pun vignette 2011 1 reification anthropomorphism kenosis mimesis synecdoche 2011 1 redende name allonym ananym heteronym nominalism 2011 A hyperbole animism gigantism litotes understatement 2011 A ballad antiphon madrigal rondeau rondelle 2011 A Transcendentalism Existentialism Philistinism Pictorialism Unitarianism 2011 A volta catastrophe complication exposition reversal 2011 A Lakers Beats Cubists Minnesingers Surrealists 2011 A anapest antibacchius dactyl iamb pyrrhic 2011 A digression enjambment neologism obligatory scene parenthesis 2011 A Colonial Period Am Postmodern Period Realistic Period Revolutionary National Romantic Period 2011 A dead metaphor archaism false etymology Hobson-Jobson silent 2011 A Romantic Period Colonial Period Federalist Period Realistic Period Revolutionary National 2011 A stanza ballad couplet pantoum rondeau 2011 A Georgian Age Caroline Age Early Victorian Age Jacobean Age Late Victorian Age 2011 A idiom colloquialism dialectic maxim quibble 2011 A bestiary fable fabliau Gothic novel jest book 2011 A soliloquy apostrophe aside dramatic monologue harangue 2011 A animism anthropomorphism antiquarianism Barbarism catechism 2011 A Federalist Age Am Naturalistic Period Realistic Period Revolutionary Age Romantic Period 2011 A underground press bad quartos catalogue raisonné little magazines op ed page 2011 A roman à clef Bildungsroman Entwicklungsroman Künstlerroman roman à thèse 2011 A Septuagint Apocrypha Koran Torah 2011 A omniscient pov first-person pov panoramic pov self-effacing pov third-person pov 2011 A consonance assonance dissonance homeoteleuton internal rhyme 2011 A apostrophe hyperbole irony personification symbol 2011 A controlling image dialect metonymy paradox synecdoche 2011 A reification allegory mimesis personification zoomorphism 2011 A enjambment anacrusis complication syntax truncation 2011 A dactyl anapest antibacchius iamb pyrrhic 2011 A Old English Danish Frisian Norse Romany 18

2011 A quibble dirge elegy monody threnody 2011 A classicism Hebraism Hellenism humanism primitivism 2011 A confessional poetry didactic poetry patter song popular literature sapphic verse 2011 A synonym antonym eponym heteronym homonym 2011 A yellow journalism affective fallacy intentional fallacy metafiction pathetic fallacy 2011 A protagonist antagonist antihero deuteragonist tritagonist 2011 A trochee anapest dactyl pyrrhic spondee 2011 A Malapropism Erastianism Euphemism Grundyism Spoonerism 2011 A Muckrakers Agrarians Fugitives Hartford Wits Lost Generation 2011 A Great Awakening Dandyism Harlem Renaissance Philistinism Transcendentalism 2011 A hexameter heptameter octameter pentameter tetrameter 2011 A novel of manners novel of character novel of incident novel of sensibility novel of the soil 2011 A syntax inversion semantics semiotics structuralism 2011 A Irish Lit. Renaissance Harlem Renaissance Johnson's Circle Pre-Raphaelites Scholasticism 2011 A picaresque novel epistolary novel novel of character novel of manners novel of the soil 2011 A flashback digression elaboration foreshadowing prolepsis 2011 A ode aubade elegy hymn sonnet 2011 A Freytag's Pyramid episodic structure hermeneutic circle lipogram quintain 2011 A metaphor conceit metonymy simile synecdoche 2011 A Neoclassical Period Contemporary Period Modernist Period Realistic Period Romantic Period 2011 A tactile auditory gustatory olfactory visual 2011 A closed couplet blank verse free verse heroic couplet short couplet 2011 A memento mori carpe diem leitmotif ubi sunt vade mecum 2011 A feminine rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme triple rhyme 2011 A apostrophe euphemism hyperbole personification syllepsis 2011 A sonnet dizain fourteener pantoum terza rima 2011 A onomatopoeia amphigory cacophony consonance melopoeia 2011 A free verse beast fable blank verse fourteener sonnet 2011 A tercet terza rima triad tribrach triolet 2010 S dumb show bagatelle burlesque farce parody 2010 S accismus antiphrasis epitrope litotes paraleipsis 2010 S surrealism Dadaism Hebraism Hellenism indeterminacy 2010 S invocation of muse great deeds imposing character supernatural forces vast setting 2010 S la femme inspiratrice antonomasia femme fatale heteronym prosonomasia 2010 S Platonism formalism Neoplatonism utilitarianism Wellerism 2010 S Abbey Beat Generation Globe Theatre Lost Generation Rose Theatre 2010 S solecism amphibologia barbarism hermeticism metanalysis 2010 S Chartism acmeism hermeticism meliorism 2010 S quatorzain fourteeners sonnet tetrabrach tetrology 2010 S University Wits Inkhornists Literary Club Scriblerus Club Stationers' Company 2010 S masque carnivalesque dramatic monologue pageant tableau 2010 S Transcendental Club Kit Cat Club Literary Club Saturday Club Scriblerus Club 2010 S alazon débat litany paean palinode 2010 S simile irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2010 S portmanteau word allelograph correption fractal synaeresis 2010 S Oxford English Dict. Commonplace Book Index librorum prohib King James Bible Vulgate Bible 2010 S villanelle Alexandrine chant royal sestina virelay 2010 S dandyism aestheticism expressionism Gallicism Gnosticism 2010 S poète maudit bard filidh jongleur scop 2010 S Lollards Humanists Luddites Philistines Phosphorists 2010 S cynicism fatalism hedonism meliorism pessimism 2010 S hubris hamartia heroic line hommage howler 2010 S metalepsis antithesis chiasmus prolepsis zeugma 2010 S ploce anadiplosis anaphora asyndeton polyptoton 2010 S ubi sunt carpe diem leitmotif memento mori vade mecum 19

2010 S epithet envoy epigram eponym expletive 2010 S synecdoche hypallage litotes personification transferred epithet 2010 S Miltonic sonnet caudate sonnet curtal sonnet English sonnet Italian sonnet 2010 S auditory gustatory kinesthetic tactile visual 2010 S correlative verse hymnal stanza sonnet syllabic verse terza rima 2010 S enjambment irony modulation tautology transliteration 2010 S apostrophe catharsis personification reification sololioquizing 2010 S paradox allegory ambiguity hyperbole syllepsis 2010 S metaphor fable parable simile symbol 2010 R black humor blood and thunder surrealism travesty 2010 R suspension of disbelief alienation effect dissociationofsensibility problem of scenic method 2010 R katauta haiku kabuki senryu tanka 2010 R broken rhyme amphisbaenic rhyme chain rhyme falling rhyme heteromerous rhyme 2010 R primitivism barbarism empiricism Gnosticism paganism 2010 R chrestomathy canon cento omnibus purple patch 2010 R Inkhornists Ciceronians Geneva School Parnassians Pléiade 2010 R epistolary abecedarian formulaic grammatology manga 2010 R metafiction concrete universal kitsch mythopoeia set piece 2010 R chronography chronicle chronogram chronology chronotype 2010 R comedy of situation artificial comedy burlesque mock drama 2010 R locus classicus locus communis locus desperatus locutionary solecism 2010 R distance objective correlative pathetic fallacy reliteralization restraint 2010 R syzygy allelograph haplography hapology pararhyme 2010 R Naturalistic Period Confessional Self Postmodern Period Am Realistic Period Am Romantic Period Am 2010 R Romantic Period Brit Interregnum Edwardian Age Realistic Period Am Late Victorian Period 2010 R homeoteleuton anaphora epanalepsis parataxis perissology 2010 R verse-novel apprenticeship novel Bildungsroman Künstlerroman lipogram 2010 R anagram acrostic mesostich palindrome telestich 2010 R minstrel bard rhapsodist scop skald 2010 R Diminishing Age Am Edwardian Age Georgian Age Late Victorian Age Postmodernist Period 2010 R Homeric satire Horation satire Juvenalian satire Menippean satire Varronian satire 2010 R apostrophe allusion metonymy reification synecdoche 2010 R metonymy alliteration colliteration metaphor simile 2010 R anagnorisis catharsis hamartia hubris peripety 2010 R allusion bathos chiaroscuro dead metaphor epithet 2010 R pun gloss hyperbole misspelling simile 2010 R extended metaphor dead metaphor epic simile paradox tautology 2010 R euphemism hyperbole malapropism neologism Spoonerism 2010 R metaphors analogues connotations paradoxes similes 2010 R iambic pentameter iambic tetrameter trochaic pentameter trochaic tetrameter spondaic pentameter 2010 R meiosis antithesis equivoque litotes periphrasis 2010 R synecdoche antithesis elision hypallage parenthesis ? metonymy ambiguity metaphor paradox simile ? apostrophe objectivity personification reification subjectivity ? paradox analogue hyperbole inversion pun ? feminine rhyme eye rhyme interlaced rhyme masculine rhyme perfect rhyme ? sigmatism alliteration assonance consonance dissonance ? metaphor hyperbole paradox simile zeugma 2010 2 Federalist Age Colonial Age NaturalisticSymbolistic Realistic Period Revolutionary Period 2010 2 unities cross-cutting deep focus rough cut sound-over 2010 2 hiatus caesura eclipsis interlude metathesis 2010 2 Storm and Stress School of Night sweetness and light Surrealism tour de force 2010 2 fatalism Calvinism chance Kismet predestination 2010 2 pyrrhic choree iamb spondee trochee 2010 2 patronage aestheticism art for art's sake boustrophedon imprimatur 20

2010 2 bowdlerize abridge modulate quibble truncate 2010 2 Caroline Age Augustan Age Edwardian Age Jacobean Age Victorian Age 2010 2 noble savage hedonism humanism meliorism primitivism 2010 2 hornbook folio lexicon manga promptbook 2010 2 serenade aubade ballad charm lament 2010 2 quadrivium quaternion quatrain tetralogy tetrapla 2010 2 Cavalier Lyricists Fleshly School Poetry Goliardic poets Pre-Raphaelites 2010 2 scat minimalism reggae slam syncopation 2010 2 apprenticeship novel novel of character novel of incident novel of manners romantic novel 2010 2 revenge tragedy comedy chronicle play Menippean satire tragicomedy 2010 2 roman-fleuve roman à clef roman à thèse roman de geste roman noir 2010 2 incunabulum allelograph libretto limited edition proscenium 2010 2 Bluestockings Bloomsbury Group Kit-Cat Club Literary Club Postmodernist 2010 2 deuteragonist agroikos antagonist eiron protagonist 2010 2 common meter heroic stanza long measure Poulter's measure short measure 2010 2 pun antonomasia hypallage polyptoton understatement 2010 2 epigram epigone epigraph epitaph epithet 2010 2 onomatopoeia assonance consonance dissonance melopoiea 2010 2 tactile imagery auditory imagery epiphany polyphonic prosaic diction 2010 2 metonymy ambiguity metaphor paradox simile 2010 2 apostrophe objectivity personification reification subjectivity 2010 2 paradox analogue hyperbole inversion pun 2010 2 feminine rhyme eye rhyme interlaced rhyme masculine rhyme perfect rhyme 2010 2 sigmatism alliteration assonance consonance dissonance 2010 2 metaphor hyperbole paradox simile zeugma 2010 1 spondee choree iamb pyrrhic trochee 2010 1 buskin dithyramb mask sock strophe 2010 1 Grimm's Law Baconian Theory Freytag's Pyramid Ockham's Razor scribal error 2010 1 omniscient first-person naïve objectivity perspectivism 2010 1 anonym allonym eponym heteronym neologism 2010 1 Jeremiad flyting gasconade harangue Philippic 2010 1 incremental repetition locus desperatus reconverging metaphor rising action run-on lines 2010 1 Scottish literature African American lit Irish literature Jewish American lit Welsh literature 2010 1 redende name antonomasia eponym nominalism xenoglossia 2010 1 colloquialism dialectic neologism solecism turpiloquence 2010 1 Boulevard Drama DrawingRoomComedy LittleTheaterMovement Theater of the Absurd Theater in the Round 2010 1 Angry Young Men Minimalism New York Poets Vorticism 2010 1 Naturalism Darwinism Erastianism Objectivism Surrealism 2010 1 transliteration calligraphy cryptarithm translation transvocalization 2010 1 Frontier Literature Local Color Writing metafiction Native American Lit popular literature 2010 1 parody erethism farce mimesis plagiarism 2010 1 chronicle play burlesque dumb show revenge play tragicomedy 2010 1 implied author allonym nom de plume pen name putative author 2010 1 Septuagint Apocrypha concordance Torah Vulgate 2010 1 volta climax modulation mythopoeia peripteteia 2010 1 Decadents Aesthetes Lost Generation Parnassians Pre-Raphaelites 2010 1 synecdoche hyperbole litotes metaphor reification 2010 1 syzygy scansion sigmatism synæsthesia synecdoche 2010 1 auditory imagery gustatory imagery olfactory imagery tactile imagery visual imagery 2010 1 sigmatism assonance consonance syzygy transverse alliteration 2010 1 tanka haiku katauta quintain senryu 2010 1 compound rhyme assonance rhyme eye rhyme masculine rhyme triple rhyme 2010 1 simile hyperbole litotes metaphor syllepsis 2010 1 alliteration consonance dissonance onomatopoeia syncopation 2010 1 echo verse carmen figuratum kitsch make-rhyme mesostich 21

2010 1 dialogue analogue apologue monologue 2010 1 carpe diem explication de texte fin de siècle in medias res ubi sunt 2010 1 Shakespearean sonnet caudate sonnet Miltonic sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2010 1 euphemism euhemerism euphony euphuism uchronia 2010 A anapest dactyl iamb spondee trochee 2010 A canto ballad interlude monody verset 2010 A locale milieu revue setting topos 2010 A Anglo-Norman Period Anglo-Saxon Period Middle English Period Old English Period Renaissance 2010 A antagonist agroikos braggadocio eiron protagonist 2010 A meliorism archaism determinism sentimentalism utilitarianism 2010 A reggae koine quip rap slam 2010 A masque minstrel show miracle play morality play mystery play 2010 A Brook Farm Connecticut Wits Hartford Wits Symbolists Walden Pond 2010 A assonance abecedary alliteration consonance rhyming 2010 A historicism dramatism naturalism perspectivism scholasticism 2010 A Knickerbocker Group Fugitives Lost Generation Muckrakers New York School 2010 A novel of manners novel of character novel of incident novel of sensibility novel of the soil 2010 A monologue aside solecism soliloquy voice-over 2010 A Native American Lit African American Lit Irish Literature Jewish American Lit Modernist Literature 2010 A Koran Märchen Mishnah Rubáiyát Septuagint 2010 A flashback digression elaboration foreshadowing prolepsis 2010 A Realistic Period Augustan Age Modernist Period Neoclassic Period Romantic Period 2010 A pastoral folk ballad lipogram requiem sapphic 2010 A reification alliteration apostrophe synæsthesia synecdoche 2010 A auditory imagery chiaroscuro sprung rhythm tactile imagery visual imagery 2010 A consonance assonance eye rhyme feminine rhyme perfect rhyme 2010 A Italian sonnet caudate sonnet Elizabethan sonnet Miltonic sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2010 A enjambment errata make-rhyme promotion redaction 2010 A tercet cinquain dizain tanka terza rima 2010 A apostrophe apology elegy eulogy ode 2010 A quatrain cinquain dizain quatorzain triolet 2010 A hyperbole ambiguity paradox syllepsis syzygy 2010 A allusion digression inscape metaphor tableau 2010 A genre abridgment philology synopsis typology 2010 A trochee bacchic iamb pyrrhic spondee 2010 A verisimilitude persuasion positivism ratiocination sigmatism 2010 A symbol emblem icon kitsch type 2010 A satire didacticism jeremiad repartee travesty 2010 A protagonist antagonist antihero deuteragonist hero 2010 A syntax inversion semantics semiotics structuralism 2010 A penny dreadful dime novel gothic novel potboiler pulp 2010 A Age of Reason Age of Johnson Augustan Age Confessional Self Realistic Period 2010 A alliteration assonance consonance resonance sigmatism 2010 A foreshadowing episodic structure flashback prequel prolepsis 2010 A Harlem Renaissance BlackMountainSchool Fugitives New York Poets Parnassians 2010 A Georgian Age Caroline Age Early Victorian Age Jacobean Age Late Victorian Age 2010 A colloquialism archaism cliché idiom idiotism 2010 A action crisis place scene time 2010 A calligraphy bibliography epigraphy hagiography paleography 2010 A theme climax in medias res motif thesis 2010 A parable fable fairy tale Märchen sketch 2010 A round character dynamic character flat character static character stock character 2010 A elegy encomium eulogy paean threnody 2010 A tragedy chronicle play comedy melodrama tragicomedy 2010 A bard jongleur minstrel troubadour scop 22

2010 A limerick doggerel epigram vers de société verset 2010 A metaphor allusion imagery paradox simile 2010 A metonymy apostrophe enallage personification simile 2010 A irony determinism fatalism melancholy 2010 A Italian sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Shakespearean sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2010 A reification anthropomorphism catastrophe metaphor simile 2010 A ballad haiku sestina sonnet terza rima 2010 A myth fable fairy tale legend parable 2010 A sigmatism assonance consonance dissonance onomatopoeia 2010 A Italian sonnet curtal sonnet English sonnet Shakespearean sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2010 A onomatopoeia alliteration assonance consonance sigmatism 2010 A metaphor apostrophe personification reification simile 2010 A consonance alliteration assonance onomatopoeia sigmatism 2010 A pun apostrophe hyperbole metaphor paradox 2009 S liminality epiphany foregrounding luminism perspectivism 2009 S Vulgate bibelot hagiography philology testament 2009 S Philistinism Calvinism Gnosticism Humanism Stoicism 2009 S domestic life five-act division soliloquies stylized blood-lust theme 2009 S aestheticism hedonism readerresponsecriticism Scholasticism sentimentalism 2009 S envoy addenda coda peroration versicle 2009 S sprung rhythm accentualism alliterative verse outride quantitative verse 2009 S paleography chorography epigraphy hypergraphia lexicography 2009 S agroikos alazon braggadocio eiron gerontion 2009 S Old English Period Anglo-Norman Period Early Tudor Age Middle English Period Neoclassic Period 2009 S flyting bombast gasconade rodomontade stichomythia 2009 S Baroque Gothic Neoclassical Romanesque 2009 S lipogram arabesque diastich koine logotype 2009 S Calaveras County Erewhon Yoknapatawpha Graustark Utopia 2009 S Kit-Cat Club Hedge Club Literary Club Saturday Club Transcendental Club 2009 S Imagists Dadaists Lost Generation Modernists Surrealists 2009 S Harry Potter Jim Dixon Charles Lumley Tyrone Slothrop Yossarian 2009 S Great Chain of Being animism hieronymy pantheism pantisocracy 2009 S comedy of manners commedia dell'arte morality play mystery play revenge play 2009 S hendiadys chiasmus hypallage paradiastole polysyndeton 2009 S Satanic School Cockney School Frankfort School Geneva School Spasmodic School 2009 S oxymoron hypallage irony polyptoton zeugma 2009 S couplet allusion inversion simile volta 2009 S paradox allusion euphemism irony metonymy 2009 S stoicism fatalism optimism realism Calvinism 2009 S Homeric epithet Homeric epigram Homeric epitaph Homeric epitome Homeric eponym 2009 S allusion appositive epithet metaphor paradox 2009 S consonance eye rhyme feminine rhyme internal rhyme triple rhyme 2009 S canzone rondeau roundelay terza rima villanelle 2009 S alliteration assonance consonance dissonance onomatopoeia 2009 S hypallage imprecation kitsch metalepsis transferred epithet 2009 R epiphany episode idiotism orphism upstaging 2009 R Martian School Bloomsbury Group Cockney School Satanic School Transcendental Club 2009 R philology belles-lettres exegesis lexicography 2009 R Edwardian Age Augustan Age Caroline Age Jacobean Age Victorian Age 2009 R relief scene catastrophe climax complications exposition 2009 R rhopalic grotesque macabre proleptic uncial 2009 R Hellenism Hebraism Hedonism Hegelianism Historicism 2009 R Four Ages episodic structure five points three unities ultima Thule 2009 R Gothic carnivalesque Doric pastoral rococo 2009 R anadiplosis anaphora copy text merism polysyndeton 23

2009 R utopian ideal cacotopian ideal dystopian ideal Lollardian ideal nekuian ideal 2009 R bathos burlesque decadence gasconade howler 2009 R Stationers' Company Bloomsbury Group British Library CenterScholarlyStudy Inns of Court 2009 R Colonial Period Naturalistic/SymPeriod Realistic Period Revolutionary Period Romantic Period 2009 R all of the above anapestic tetrameter dactylic pentameter iambic hexameter trochaic tetrameter 2009 R Luddites Agrarians Lollards Mummers Pooters 2009 R Elizabethan Age Caroline Age Jacobean Age Late Victorian Age Restoration Age 2009 R Grimm's Law consonance The Great Vowel Shift phonology sigmatism 2009 R Pre-Raphaelism barbarism classicism Gallicism Scholasticism 2009 R Feminist Criticism Historical Criticism Limbaugh Criticism New Criticism Textual Criticism 2009 R synæsthesia discordia concors metaphor onomatopoeia synecdoche 2009 R consonance feminine rhyme identical rhyme ironic rhyme sfumato 2009 R senryu haiku odelet surrealism triolet 2009 R onomatopoeia alliteration assonance sigmatism zeugma 2009 R masculine rhyme feminine rhyme near rhyme oblique rhyme slant rhyme 2009 R apostrophe hyperbole metaphor reification synecdoche 2009 R parody burlesque lampoon procatalepsis travesty 2009 R iambic tetrameter dactylic tetrameter spondaic tetrameter trochaic hexameter trochaic pentameter 2009 R purple patch fiction grammatology prosody sentimentalism 2009 R metalepsis metonymy point of attack reification synecdoche 2009 2 hubris aporia catharsis hamartia peripety 2009 2 simile analogue metaphor synecdoche verisimilitude 2009 2 psychological novel epistolary novel novel of character novel of sensibility sociological novel 2009 2 cliché dead metaphor pun quibble stereotype 2009 2 saga epic fabliau legend romance 2009 2 allusion influence milieu mimesis résumé 2009 2 dictionary almanac compendium Festschriften 2009 2 spondaic anapestic dactylic iambic trochaic 2009 2 Spasmodic School Angry Young Men Ciceronians Transcendental Club University Wits 2009 2 Augustan Age Caroline Age Edwardian Age Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2009 2 Agrarians Beat Generation Knickerbocker Group Muckrakers Transcendental Club 2009 2 tableau establishing shot hiatus macrosegment 2009 2 minimalism aestheticism dandyism naturalism philistinism 2009 2 anachronism ambivalence bowdlerism Malapropism sigmatism 2009 2 haiku bunraku katauta Noh senryu 2009 2 Edwardian Age Age of Johnson Augustan Age Caroline Age Jacobean Age 2009 2 humanism Hebraism Hedonism historicism hypococism 2009 2 epic romance sonnet sequence techno- tragedy 2009 2 Bildungsroman epistolary novel novel of manners picaresque novel psychological novel 2009 2 Naturalist SymPeriod PeriodConfessionalSelf Period of Conformity Postmodern Period Realistic Period 2009 2 courtly love cloak and sword feminism feudalism romanticism 2009 2 understatement diminishing metaphor keenings litotes misunderestimation 2009 2 enjambment end-stopped line inversion metaplasm run-on line 2009 2 free verse accentual-syllabic verse blank verse quantitative verse rhymed verse 2009 2 metonymy allegory allusion meiosis personification 2009 2 apostrophe encomium eulogy incantation polemic 2009 2 Italian sonnet caudate sonnet Occitan sonnet Shakespearean sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2009 1 persona allonym eponym pseudonym putative author 2009 1 slam bagatelle colloquialism reggae revue 2009 1 anapest iamb dactyl spondee trochee 2009 1 Kabuki bunraku haiku Noh senryu 2009 1 ballad antiphon madrigal rondeau round 2009 1 elision apocope epenthesis metathesis syncope 2009 1 hamartia aporia catharsis hubris peripety 2009 1 foot meter stress syllable syncopation 24

2009 1 Lost Generation Beat Generation Black Mountain Group Knickerbocker Group New York School 2009 1 Angry Young Men Cockney School Lake School Scriblerus Club Spasmodic School 2009 1 acronym acrostic eponym portmanteau word telestich 2009 1 roman à clef historical novel novel of incident roman à thèse roman de geste 2009 1 yellow journalism affective fallacy intentional fallacy metafiction pathetic fallacy 2009 1 Gaelic Movement Bloomsbury Group Geneva School Martian School Tribe of Ben 2009 1 Muckrakers Agrarians Fugitives Hartford Wits Lost Generation 2009 1 Philistinism Hebraism Hellenism humanism naturalism 2009 1 Realistic Period Naturalsitic Symbolistic Period of Conformity Confessional Self Romantic Period 2009 1 Early Victorian Age Modernist Period Neoclassic Period Postmodernist Period Romantic Period 2009 1 Dadaism Alexandrianism Hebraism Hellenism Transcendentalism 2009 1 caesura chiasmus hiatus nucleus suspension 2009 1 Shakespearean sonnet caudate sonnet Italian sonnet Occitan sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2009 1 polysyndeton conjunctivitis interpolation polyhyphenation polyptoton 2009 1 euphemism euhemerism euphonism euphuism promiscuity 2009 1 pragmatism cynicism hedonism medievalism romanticism 2009 1 elision epenthesis metathesis paragoge prothesis 2009 1 apostrophe deification equivocation reification soliloquizing 2009 1 feminine rhyme assonance rhyme consonance rhyme feminine ending leonine rhyme 2009 1 reification emphasis imagery metaphor objectification 2009 1 sextain septenary septet sestet sestina 2009 A connotation abridgement definition denotation exposition 2009 A ode aubade elegy hymn sonnet 2009 A Oxford Movement Free Verse Movement The Movement Pre-Raphaelite Movement Spoken Word Movement 2009 A onomatopoeia eponymy hieronymy hyperbole paronomasia 2009 A anacrusis catalexis dialectic homeoarchy syncopation 2009 A Irish Literary Revival Harlem Renaissance Johnson's Circle Pre-Raphaelites Scholasticism 2009 A dactyl anapest antibacchius iamb pyrrhic 2009 A Nemesis Calliope Clio Erato Thalia 2009 A Theater of the Absurd reductio ad absurdum Theater of Cruelty tragedy of blood tragicomedy 2009 A metaphor conceit metonymy simile synecdoche 2009 A Literary Club School of Night Silver-Fork School Transcendental Club Tribe of Ben 2009 A Realistic Period Brit Realistic Period Am Renaissance Romantic Period Am Romantic Period Brit 2009 A Restoration Age Caroline Age Early Tudor Age Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2009 A page-turner blood and thunder cliff hanger penny dreadful well-made novel 2009 A Saturday Club Brahmins Literary Club Roundheads Transcendental Club 2009 A picaresque novel epistolary novel novel of character novel of manners novel of the soil 2009 A hagiography elegy eulogy encomium paean 2009 A Parnassians Imagists Inkhornists Phosphorists Physiocrats 2009 A Freytag's Pyramid episodic structure hermeneutic circle lipogram quintain 2009 A Lake School Cockney School Graveyard School Kailyard School Metaphysical School 2009 A Graveyard School Kailyard School Lake School Satanic School Spasmodic School 2009 A Confessional Self Period of Conformity Postmodern Period Realistic Period Romantic Period 2009 A Beat Generation Agrarians Angry Young Men Lollards Muckrakers 2009 A anaphora anadiplosis conduplication epanalepsis symploce 2009 A feminine rhyme compound rhyme identical rhyme masculine rhyme slant rhyme 2009 A consonance rhyme assonance rhyme eye rhyme rime riche true rhyme 2009 A Petrarchan sonnet curtal sonnet Occitan sonnet Shakespearean sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2009 A syllepsis analepsis ellipsis ellipsis catalexis 2009 A masculine rhyme compound rhyme eye rhyme feminine rhyme identical rhyme 2009 A near rhyme compound rhyme eye rhyme identical rhyme true rhyme 2009 A eye rhyme compound rhyme identical rhyme near rhyme true rhyme 2009 A iambic tetrameter iambic pentameter spondaic pentameter spondaic tetrameter trochaic tetrameter 2009 A compound rhyme double rhyme feminine rhyme masculine rhyme true rhyme 2009 A trochee anapest dactyl pyrrhic spondee 25

2009 A Caroline Age Commonwealth Edwardian Age Neoclassic Period Romantic Period 2009 A typology exegesis poetic license prosody scansion 2009 A catalexis acatalexis anacrusis homeoarchy homeoteleuton 2009 A Muses Furies Graces Humors Nine Worthies 2009 A QuarrelAncientsModerns Angry Young Men The Great Awakening Grub Street Contentious.... War of the Theaters 2009 A ubi sunt formula dolce stil nuovo jeu d'espirit mot juste nihil obstat 2009 A metaphysical existential macaronic pastoral psychological 2009 A Bloomsbury Group Bluestockings Fugitives Knickerbocker Group Scriblerus Club 2009 A anaphora antimetabole hypotaxis parataxis symploce 2009 A soliloquy apostrophe aside dramatic monologue harangue 2009 A jeremiad boustrophedon neoclassicism renaissance structuralism 2009 A Victorian Caroline Georgian Jacobean Philippic 2009 A Malapropism Erastianism Euphemism Grundyism Spoonerism 2009 A hyperbole gigantism litotes meiosis understatement 2009 A Romantic Period Colonial Period Federalist Period Realistic Period Revolutionary Period 2009 A dactylic iambic pyrrhic spondaic trochaic 2009 A local color didacticism melodrama provincialism scenic method 2009 A The Great Awakening fin de siècle Harlem Renaissance Transcendentalism ultima Thule 2009 A Philistinism Existentialism Pictorialism Transcendentalism Unitarianism 2009 A magical realism modernism orphism sentimentalism surrealism 2009 A consonance assonance compound rhyme heteromerous rhyme identical rhyme 2009 A feminine rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme oblique rhyme 2009 A iambic tetrameter anapestic hexameter dactylic pentameter iambic pentameter trochaic pentameter 2009 A enjambment analysis exegesis grotesque modulation