Master List of Terms Tested Literary Criticism 2009-2015 last updated 12 July 2015 The first column details the year and test in which the term found in the second column serves as a correct answer; the remaining four columns offer the distractors used in a particular test item. I do not mind sending as an attachment a Word file that the coach and his or her team can manipulate in a manner that serves them best. Contact me: [email protected] Please contact me when you find a typo, inconsistency, or anything more serious: [email protected] Please note that the variety of distractors and, indeed, the terms themselves follows the editorial decisions that have characterized each succeeding edition of The Handbook to Literature. We are currently using the twelfth edition. Use Control + F to find a term. 2015 S rune keen koine logo siglum 2015 S ethos bathos logos mythos pathos 2015 S slam calypso rap reggae scat 2015 S aesthetics essentialism expressionism formalism metaphysics 2015 S dirge encomium epithalamium eulogy ode 2015 S tritagonist antagonist deuteragonist eiron protagonist 2015 S roman noir Gothic novel novel of incident roman à clef underground press 2015 S Agrarians Bet Generation Knickerbocker Group Muckrakers Transcendental Club 2015 S School of Donne Fleshly School of Poetry Graveyard School School of Night School of Spenser 2015 S epic question epic catalogue epic formula epic ideal epic simile 2015 S acatalectic catalectic chiasmic hypercatalectic vatic 2015 S philology belle-lettres exegesis lexicography synopsis 2015 S historical novel Künstlerroman novel of incident roman à clef roman à gest 2015 S quip antiphrasis equivoque litotes paragram 2015 S criticism excursus exegesis hermeneutics typology 2015 S limerick dizain haiku sonnet virelay 2015 S Tribe of Ben Martian School Pre-Raphaelites Silver-Fork School Spasmodics 2015 S stichomythia amoebean verse flyting harangue repetend 2015 S scansion annotation exegesis intertextual analysis typology 2015 S deus ex machina coup de théâtre dolce stil nuovo in medias res scène affàire 2015 S Graces Furies Humors Muses Worthies 2015 S litotes hyperbole paradox synecdoche zeugma 2015 S foreshadowing abridgement dénouement digression exposition 2015 S controlling metaphor aesthetic distance anachronistic imagery objective correlative transcendent paradox 2015 S ubi sunt carpe diem fin de siècle in medies res jeu d'espirit 2015 S euphemism aphorism keening neologism tarnsverse 2015 S symploce antanaclasis asyndeton epanalepsis tautology 2015 S English sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet Italian sonnet Miltonic sonnet Spenserian sionnet 2015 S feminine rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme rime riche 2015 S eye rhyme dissonance identical rhyme internal rhyme true rhyme 2015 S spondaic anapestic dactylic iambic trochaic 2015 S Italian sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2015 S syncope apostrophe ellipsis metathesis pleonasm 2015 R Realistic Period Modernist Period Postcolonial Period Postmodern Period Romantic Period 2015 R scansion exegeses reception theory typology versification 2015 R dénouement débat de casibus deus ex machine dolce stil nuovo 2015 R paeon anapest dactyl iamb trochee 2015 R Graveyard School Kailyard School Lake School Satanic Satanic School Spasmodic School 1 2015 R putative author allonym nom de plume pseudonym redende name 2015 R lament aubade epithalamium ode pastoral 2015 R Silver-Fork School School of Night Transcendental Club Tribe of Ben University Wits 2015 R oxymoron hyperbole litotes mimesis paradox 2015 R Bloomsbury Group Bluestockings Fugitives Knickerbocker Group Scriblerus Club 2015 R catharsis aporia hubris pleonasm reification 2015 R tableau establishing shot hiatus macrosegment suspension of disbelief 2015 R Pulitzer Prizes Booker Prizes Nobel Prizes Orange Prizes PEN AmCenter Awards 2015 R Augustine Age Caroline Age Early Tudor Age Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2015 R Beat Generation Agrarians Angry Young Men Lollards Muckrakers 2015 R touchstone aesthetic distance alienation effect jumping the shark objective correlative 2015 R villanelle cinquain pantoum rondeau terza rima 2015 R Inkhornists Goliards Parnassians Stationers' Company University Wits 2015 R persona allonym eponym pseudonym putative author 2015 R riddle art epic folk epic hymn saga 2015 R envoy addendum coda peroration versicle 2015 R connotation ambiguity denotation isobaric stress paradox 2015 R flyting bombast gasconade rodomontade stichomythia 2015 R litotes ambiguity equivoque meiosis understatement 2015 R sigmatism assonance consonance dissonance feminine endings 2015 R riddle ballad doggerel ode Skeltonic verse 2015 R metonymy conceit heaping figure keening synæsthesia 2015 R oxymoronic allusive hyperbolic paradoxical rhopalic 2015 R Italian sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Pushkin stanza Spenserian sonnet 2015 R feminine rhyme head rhyme masculine rhyme rime rich slant rhyme 2015 R onomatopoeia hypallage melopoeia mythopoeia sigmatism 2015 R enjambment Boustrophedon metathesis tagline truncation 2015 R epiphany foul copy gentile tradition harangue inscape 2015 R apostrophe harangue reification rhetorical accent s synæsthesia 2015 R metaphor elision heteronym paradox simile 2015 R elegy bucolic eulogy madrigal patoral 2015 R hyperbolic ambiguous literal macabre repetitive 2015 R alliteration heteroglossia nonce words onomatopoeia sigmatism 2015 R curtal sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet caudet sonnet English sonnet Italian sonnet 2015 2 caesura cadence chiasmus elision enjambment 2015 2 Scottish literature African American lit Irish literature Jewish American lit Welch literature 2015 2 anaphora epanalepsis merism ploce polyptoton 2015 2 Knickerbocker Group Fireside poets Hartford Wits Muckrakers New York School 2015 2 braggadocio bard gleeman scop troubadour 2015 2 aside apostrophe dramatic monologue harangue soliloquy 2015 2 Augustan Age Caroline Age Edwardian Age Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2015 2 Bloomsbury Group Bluestockings Fugitives Knickerbocker Group Scriblerus Group 2015 2 identical rhyme compound rhyme eye rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme 2015 2 simile irony metaphor metonomy synecdoche 2015 2 rondeau bouts-rimès chant royal pantoum pastoral 2015 2 doppelgänger braggadocio femme fatale ingénue twiner 2015 2 nonce word euphemism keening pun repartee 2015 2 static character dynamic character flat character round character stock character 2015 2 catalog archive chrestomathy index miscellany 2015 2 Lake School Black Mountain School Cocney School Graveyard School Kailyard School 2015 2 rhetorical question dialectic equivoque objective correlative rhetorical accent 2015 2 University Wits Inkhornists Literary Club Scriblerus Club Stationers' Club 2015 2 dramatic monologue dramatic irony dramaticle dramedy dramatic persona 2015 2 bathos ethos logos mythos pathos 2015 2 PeriodofConfessionalSelf Colonial Period realistic Period Revolutionary Period Romantic Period 2 2015 2 metafiction epistolary novel framework-story leitmotif palimpsest 2015 2 synecdoche barbarism heteronym hyperbole transvocalization 2015 2 enjambment anadiplosis elision onomatopoeia reduplication 2015 2 consonance assonance dissonance feminine endings sigmatism 2015 2 biblical allusion classical allusion historical allusion literary allusion topical allusion 2015 2 synæsthesia apostrophe conceit irony mimesis 2015 2 liminality aesthetic distance kenosis luminism ratiocination 2015 2 eye rhyme feminine rhyme half rhyme leonine rhyme rime rich 2015 2 Miltonic sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet English sonnet Italian sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2015 2 doppelgänger antihero braggadocio double entendre twiner 2015 2 quatrain ballad stanza englyn heroic quatrain quatorzain 2015 2 paradox conceit hyperbole litotes zeugma 2015 2 near rhyme macaronic rhyme onomatopoeia rime rich wrenched rhyme 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 3 2014 S elision apocope caesura hiatus metathesis 2014 S Revolutionary Period Colonial Period Naturalistic Symbolistic Realistic Period Romantic Period 2014 S concrete poetry bouts-rimès collage montage telestich 2014 S Dead Sea Scrolls Apocrypha belles-lettres liturgical drama sesquipedalian 2014 S heroic quatrain ballad stanza common meter englyn short meaure 2014 S koine archaism dialect dialectic Doric 2014 S Geneva School Apocalyptics Ciceronians Cockney School Frankfort School 2014 S liminality aesthetic distance alienation effect epiphany luminism 2014 S tanka haiku kabuki noh senryu 2014 S Jacobean Age Augustan Age Caroline Age Early Tudor Age Edwardian Age 2014 S baroque gazebo gothic rodomontade vatic 2014 S naturalism minimalism postmodernism rationalism vorticism 2014 S repartee barbarism gasconade harangue quibble 2014 S satyr play Menippean satire New Comedy Old Comedy philippic 2014 S Agrarians Hartford Wit Lollards Lost Generations Muckrakers 2014 S fairy tale fabliau masque parable tall tale 2014 S alterity Comstockery diaspora exoticism merism 2014 S pathetic fallacy affective fallacy intentional fallacy logical positivism transferred epithet 2014 S unreliable narrator Angry Young Man intrusive narrator miles gloriosus young man provinces 2014 S Industrial Revolution Celtic Renaissance Luddite Movement Oxford Movement QuarrelAncientsModerns 2014 S litotes irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2014 S
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