California Directory of Radio

Taft Format: Classic Hits. Nancy Leichter, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Marty Torrance Scala, opns dir; Drew Ross, progmg dir; Rick Martel, news dir; Tom Hughes, chief of engrg. KBDS(FM)- June 1986: 103.9 mhz; 8 kw. 328 ft. TL: N35 07 04 KFOX(AM)- January 1998: 1650 khz; 10 kw -D, 490 w -N. TL: N33 53 W119 27 33. Stereo. 6313 Schirra Ct., Bakersfield 93313. Phone: 30 W118 11 03 (D), N33 53 30 W118 11 03 (N). 4525 Wilshire Blvd., (661) 837 -0745. Fax: (661)837-1612. E-mail: network Thousand Oaks 3rd Fl., Los Angeles 90010. Phone: (323) 935-0606. Fax: (323) Web Site: Licensee: Radio Campesina Bakersfield 935 -8885. Web Site: Licensee: Chagal Inc. (acq 1994; $135,000 plus assumption of debt valued at $283,000. Communications Inc. (acq 5- 25 -00; $30 million). Format: Adult 'KCLU(FM)- Oct 20, 1994: 88.3 mhz; 3.2 kw. Ant 518 ft. TL: N34 13 with AM). Borsari & Paxson. Format: Mexican. Target aud: contemp, Korean. Grant Chang, gen mgr; Yowag Soo Choi, sls dir; co-located 05 W118 56 42. Stereo. 60 W. Olsen Rd., Suite 4400 91360. Phone: Hispanic. mgr; Paul Yo Woong Jim, progmg dir; Joy Kim, chie) of engrg. 25 -54; Jeff Russinsky, pres & nail sls Chavez, (805) 493-3900. Phone: (805) 493 -9200. Fax: (805) 493.3982. Web pres; Anthony Chavez. gen mgr: Dave Whitehead, chief of engrg. Site: Licensee: Lutheran University. Network: NPR, PRI. Leventhal, Senter & Lerman. Format: Jazz, news/talk, Tracy Tahoe City educ. News staff: one; News: 36 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prop: Blues 5 hrs wkly. Mary Olson, stn mgr; Katie Hodgson, dev dir; KMIX(FM)- Dec 14, 1966: 100.9 mhz; 6 kw. 328 ft. TL: N37 37 32 Lyle Laver, sls dir; Jim Rondeau, progmg dir; Tim Schultz, engrg dir. W121 23 58. Stereo. 6820 Pacific Ave., Suite 3, Stockton 95207. KKTO(F11)- Oct 3, 1997: 90.5 mhz; 38 kw ven. 2,939 ft. TL: N39 18 Phone: (209) 474-0154. Fax: (209) 474-0316. Web Site: ww v.lavuena.00m. 38 W119 53 01. Stereo. 7055 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento 95826. 'KDSC(FM)- Dec 4, 1979: 91.1 mhz; 4.9 kw. 1,280 ft. TL: N34 24 47 Licensee: Entravision Holdings LLC. Group owner: Entravision Phone: (916) 480 -5900. Fax: (916) 487 -3348. E -mail: ® W119 11 10. Stereo. Box 77913, Los Angeles 90007. Secondary Communications Corp. (acq 7- 28 -00; grpsl). Format: Sp. Lisa Web Site: Licensee: California State University, address: 515 S. Figueroa St., Suite 2050, Los Angeles 90071. Phone: Sunday, gen mgr; Cesar Medina, stn mgr & gen sls mgr; Jeff Paz, Sacramento. Network: NPR, PRI. Duane Moms LLP. Format: Class, (213) 225 -7400. Fax: (213) 225 -7410. E -mail: Web progmg dir; Paul Shin, chief of engrg. info, news. News staff: 4; News: 90 hrs wkly. Target aud: General; Site: Licensee: University of Southern California (acq NPR listeners, eg. professionals, educators, administrators. Michael 3- 17 -82). Network: PRI, NPR. Format: Class. News: 3 hrs wkly. Target Lazar, pres & gen mgr; Cad Watanabe, stn mgr, progmg dir & progmg KYKL(FM)- 2004: 90.7 mhz; 210 w. Ant 1,745 ft. TL: N37 33 37 aud: 35 plus. Brenda Barnes, pres; Eric DeWeese, gen mgr; Janet mgr; John Brenneise, opns mgr; Beth Hassell, dev dir & mktg dir; W121 36 19. Stereo. 5700 W. Oaks Blvd., Rocklin 95765. Phone: McIntyre, dev dir, Abe Shefa, sls dir & mktg dir; Stephanie Ross, mktg Michael Frost, prom dir; Linda Onstad, adv dir; Cheryl Dring, mus dir; (916) 251 -1600. Fax: (916) 251 -1650. E -mail: [email protected]. Web dir; Doug Williams, progmg dir; Pablo Garda, engrg dir. Joe Barr, news dir: Jeff Browne, engrg dir. Site: Licensee: Educational Media Foundation. Group owner: EMF Broadcasting. Network: K -Love. Shaw Pittman. Format: KLCA(FM) -Licensed to Tahoe City. See Reno NV KIIS(AM)- Sept 20,1971: 850 khz; 500 w -D, 250 w -N, DA2. TL: N34 Contemp Christian, News staff: 3. Target aud: 25-44; Judeo Christian, 12 07 W118 49 47. c/o Rado Station KRIA(AM), 701 N. Brand Blvd., female. Richard Jenkins. pres; Mike Novak, VP & progmg dir; Lloyd Suite 550, Glendale 91203. Phone: (818) 956 -5552. Fax: (818) Parker, gen mgr; Ed Lenane, opns dir & news dir; Keith Whipple, dev Tehachapi 551 -1110. Web Site: Licensee: New Inspiration dir; Ken Mayfield, nah sls mgr; Dwight Graef, rgnl sls mgr; Chris Joyce, Broadcasting Co. Inc. Group owner: Salem Communications Corp. prom dir; David Pierce, progmg mgr; Jon Rivers, mus dir; Karen (acq 8 -16- 2004; $800,000). Format: News/talk. *Terry Fahy, gen mgr. Johnson, news dir; Sam Wallington, engrg dir. KKZO(FM)- 2001: 100.1 mhz; 340 w. Ant 620 K. TL: N35 04 30 W118 22 07. 570 East Ave. 0-9, Palmdale 93550. Phone: (661) 947-3107. Fax: (661) 272.5688. Web Site: Licensee: KMLT(FM)- Apr 1, 1963: 92.7 mhz; 1.5 kw, 646 ft. R: N34 09 53 Truckee High Desert Broadcasting LLC (group owner). Format: Alternative W118 54 08. Stereo. 99 Long Court, Suite 200 91360. Phone: (805) modem rock. Target aud: 18-49. *Bruce Thompson, gen mgr; Gary 497 -8511. Fax: (805) 497 -8514. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: KTKE(FM)-Not on air, target date: unknown: 101.5 mhz; 140 w. Ant Wilson, opns mgr & progmg dir; Jess Collins, gen sls mgr; Jeremy Licensee: Amaturo Group of L.A. Ud. Group owner: 1,988 ft. TL: N39 14 29 W120 08 20. Truckster Broadcasting Inc., Castillo, prom mgr. Amaturo (acq 1996; million). Pepper & Group Ltd. $2 Corazzini. 2307 Princess Anne St., Greensboro, NC 27408. Phone: (336) Target Format: Adult contemp. News staff: one. aud: 25 -54; employed 286 -2087. Licensee: Truckster Broadcasting Inc. Format: Soft Adult professional adults. especially women. *Catherine Moreau, VP, gen KTPIFM- Jan 8, 1982: 103.1 mhz; 1.9 kw. Ant 577 ft. TL: N35 04 30 Contemp. mgr & gen sls mgr; Joseph Amaturo, CEO & progmg dir: Jim Maddox, W118 22 08. Stereo. 352 E. Ave k-4, Lancaster 93535. Phone: (661) mus dir; Chris Hicks, engrg mgr. 942-1121. Fax: (661) 723.5512. Web Site: Licensee: Tulare Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 11- 21 -03; gips!). Rep: Christal. Thousand Palms KBOS -FM- Licensed to Tulare. See Fresno Latham & Watkins. Format: Country. News staff: one; News: 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Mark Mitchell, gen mgr. progmg dir & news KLOB(FM)- Apr 21, 1994: 94.7 mhz; 1.8 kw. 606 ft. TL: N33 52 07 dir; Shaun Palmer, sls dir; Kael Murray, chief of engrg. KGEN(AM)- 1957: 1370 khz; 1 kw-D, 136 w -N. TL: N36 10 51 W119 W116 25 58. 41601 Corporate Way, Palm Desert 92260-1986. Phone: 19 44. Box 2040 93275. Secondary address: 323 E. San Joaquin Ave. (760) 341 -5837. Fax: (760) 341-0951. E -mail: klobraffic 93274. Phone: (559) 685 -1370. Fax: (559) 685 -1394. Licensee: Licensee: Entravision Holdings LLC. Group owner: Entravision Temecula Azteca Broadcasting Corp. (group owner) Format: Sp, Mexican. Target Communications Corp. (acq 2- 27 -97). Format: Adult latin contemporary. aud: General. Margaretia Hemandez, gen mgr; Isabel Duran, gen Philip Wilkinson. pres; Tony Billett, gen mgr, opns mgr & gen sls KGBB(FM)- 2001: 103.3 mhz; 1.05 kw. 784 It. TL: N33 28 51 W117 sls mgr, mktg dir & prom dir; Rolando Collantes. progmg VP & progmg mgr; Grace Escobar, progmg dir; Isis Sosa. news dir; Jose Mora, chief 10 58.9660 Granite Ridge Dr., 92123 -2657. Phone: (858) dir. of engrg. 292 -2000. Fax: (858) 560 -8090. Web Site: mm.101 Licensee: Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear KJUG(AM) -Licensed to Tulare. See Visalia Channel Communications Inc. (acq 5- 24 -01; $6.225 million). Hogan KNWT(AM)- Dec 7, 1963: 1270 khz; 5 kw -D, 750 w -N, DA -2. TL: and Hanson. Format: Classic rock. Mike Glickenhaus, gen mgr; Lani N33 51 04 W116 23 36. 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail, Palm Springs KJUG -FM- Licensed to Tulare. See Visalia Ilgro, Stn mgr; Jim Richards, opns VP; Bobby Salvato, sls dir; John 92262. Phone: (760) 322 -7890. Fax: (760) 322 -5493. Licensee: MCC Roberts, gen sls mgr; Joe Belshin, natl sls mgr; Dan Charleston, rgnl Radio LLC. Group owner: Morris Radio LLC (acq 12- 24 -97; $2.25 sls mgr; Bill Lenrent, mktg VP; Jay Isbell, prom mgr & progmg mgr; million. with KDGL(FM) Yucca Valley). Format: Talk. News statt: 3; Tulelake Steve Smith, progmg VP; Jen Shevlin, mus dir; Kevin Douglass, engrg News: 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus. *William S. Morris IV, chmn; dir; John Barcron, chief of engrg. William S. Morris Ill, pres; Darrell Fry, CFO; Michael Ostehaut, VP; KFLS -FM- July 23, 1993: 96.5 mhz; 20 kw. 2,155 ff. TL: N42 05 50 Keith Martin, gen mgr; Gary Demaroney, opns dir; David Nola, sls dir; W121 37 59, Stereo. Box 1450, Klamath Falls, OR 97601. Secondary Dwight Arnold, mktg dir; Pete Fox, prom dir; Brian Long, progmg dir, address: 1338 Oregon Ave., Klamath Falls, OR 97601. Phone: (541) KMYT(FM)- 2000: 94.5 mhz; 320 w. 771 ft. TL: N33 28 51 W117 10 Angela Terry, chief of engrg. 882 -4656. Fax: (541) 884 -2845. E-mail: [email protected]. 58. 28581 Old Town Front St., Suite 109 92590. Phone: (951) Web Site: Licensee: Wynne Enterprises LLC 296 -9050. Efnail: levydrisceN ®dearchannel.can. Web Site: www.kogo.a m. (group owner). Tacher. Format: Country. Target aud: 18-49. Robert Licensee: Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses Inc. Group owner: KXPS(AM)- Nov 14, 1992: 1010 khz; 3.6 kw -D, 400 w -N, DA -2. TL: Wynne, CEO, chmn, pres 8 gen mgr; Leslie Hougan, gen sls mgr; Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 6- 11 -01; $4.5 million. N33 50 35 W116 25 39. Stereo. 1321 N. Gene Autry Tr., Palm Springs Randy Adams, progmg dir; Lyle Ahrens, news dir; Russ Jump, chief of including five -year noncompete agreement). Format: Hot adult contemp. 92262. Phone: (760) 322 -7890. Fax: (760) 322 -5493. Web Site: engrg. John Roberts, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Duncan Payton, progmg dir. Licensee: Moms Communications Corp. Group owner: Morris Communications Inc. (acq 12-24.97; $2.25 million. with KDGL(FM) Yucca Valley). Rep: CMBS. Haley, Bader & Potts. Format: Turlock KRTM(FM)- Jan 1, 1989: B8.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant -151 ft. TL: N33 30 Talk, sports. Spec prog: Relg 17 hrs wkly. *William Moris, CEO; 35 W117 09 30. 39405 Hot Springs Rd., Murrieta 92563. Mullett Michael Ostehaut, VP; Keith Martin, gen mgr; Gary DeMaroney, chief Phone: (909) 696-0774. Fax: (909) 461-0292. E -mail: krbn ' KBGL(FM)- January 1977: 90.9 mhz; 150 w. 94 ft. TL: N37 29 59 of opns & chief of engrg; Brian Long, progmg dir. Web Site: www.cafvarychapel.00rlvloan. Licensee: Penfold Communications W120 49 41. (CP: 780 w). Box 192 95381. Secondary address: 1600 Inc. (acq 6- 11 -98; 5234,788). Network: CSN. Format: Christian. Target E. Canal Dr. 95380. Licensee: Assyrian American Civic Club. (acq aud: 25 -45. Chuck Smith, pres; Bill Graves, gen mgr & progmg dir. Tipton 1-7-94; $17,000; 1- 31 -94).

Templeton KCRZ(Fï )- 1997: 104.9 mhz; 2.3 kw. 528 n. TL: N36 10 07 W119 'KCSS(F/A)- Aug 13, 1975: 91.9 mhz; 400 w. 112 n. TL: N37 31 35 15 04. Stereo. 717 N. Mooney Blvd., Tulare 93274. Phone: (559) W120 51 25.801 W. Monte Vista Ave. 95382. Phone: (209) 667 -3378 686-2866. Fax: (559) 686 -5265. Web Site: Licensee: (office). Phone: (209) 667 -3900 (stn). Fax: (209) 667 -3901. E -mail: KXDZ(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 100.5 mhz; 1.35 kw. Lemcore Wireless Co. Inc. Network: ABC. Format: Oldies. Target aud: kcss Web She: w ..osustan.edulr ss. Licensee: California 361 K. TL: N35 3019 W120 37 18. 396 Buckley Rd., Suite 2, San Luis 25-64. Wayne B. Foster. gen mgr: Charlie Hoskins, gen sis mgr; State University, Stanislaus. Format: Div, blues, modem rock. Target Obispo 93401. Phone: (805) 786-2570. Fax: (805) 547 -9860. Licensee: Dave Daniels, progmg dir; Jamie Moore, news dir; Paul Kleinkramer, aud: 18 -54. Spec prog: Class 9 firs, jazz 4 hrs, Americana 10 hrs, Mapleton Communications LLC (group owner; acq 5- 23 -02:. grpsl). chief of engrg. wkly. Greg Jacquay, gen mgr; Sam Yniguez, stn mgr; Angela Trujillo,

Broadcasting & Cable Yearbook 2005
