BELLEVILLE - the Town That Pays As It Goes
SS--------------------------------- r,— BELLEVILLE - The Town That Pays As It Goes Progressive business people adver Each issue of The News contains tise in The News each week. Fol hundreds of items of interest. The low the advertisements closely and give Belleville,a big share in your well-informed read the News thor purchases. oughly each week. BELLEVILLE NEWS Entered as Second Class Mail Matter, at Newark, N. J., Post Office, Under Act of March 3, 1879, on October 9, 1925. VoL X III, No. 9. PRICE FIVE CENTS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER—TOWN OF BELLEVILLE BELLEVILLE, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 Police Busy with School Board Frowns on Competition Í The Lake 1/ohn Hewitt Outlines Relief Series of Accidents A portion of Silver Lake section Situation at Rotary Meeting With Printers and Restaurants became a lake. Wednesday morning We wouldn’t believe that it was One Man Struck While Let* possible if we hadn’t read it with our due to the torrential rain that fell Tuesday night and Wednesday Director Of Welfare Department Tells Of Decided own eyes. O f course, Toni Harrison School Print Shop Had Been Working “Ail Hours” on ting Air Out of isn’t employed by the Herdman Chev morning. Residents of the section, es Drop In Case Load In The rolet Company, as we stated in last Outside Work, Authorities Tire week’s column. He is the T. W. Har pecially those in North Belmont avenue, complained of the water Last Year rison of T. W. Harrison, Inc., dealer Learn A series of accidents, starting last seeping into their cellars from the in He Soto and Plymouth automobiles.
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