
BELLEVILLE - The Town That Pays As It Goes

Progressive business people adver­ Each issue of The News contains tise in The News each week. Fol­ hundreds of items of interest. The low the advertisements closely and give Belleville,a big share in your well-informed read the News thor­ purchases. oughly each week. BELLEVILLE NEWS Entered as Second Class Mail Matter, at Newark, N. J., Post Office, Under Act of March 3, 1879, on October 9, 1925.

VoL X III, No. 9. PRICE FIVE CENTS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER—TOWN OF BELLEVILLE BELLEVILLE, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 Police Busy with School Board Frowns on Competition Í The Lake 1/ohn Hewitt Outlines Relief Series of Accidents A portion of Silver Lake section Situation at Rotary Meeting We wouldn’t believe that it was With Printers and Restaurants became a lake. Wednesday morning due to the torrential rain that fell One Man Struck While Let* possible if we hadn’t read it with our Director Of Welfare Department Tells Of Decided own eyes. O f course, Toni Harrison School Print Shop Had Been Working “Ail Hours” on Tuesday night and Wednesday ting Air Out of isn’t employed by the Herdman Chev­ morning. Residents of the section, es­ Drop In Case Load In The rolet Company, as we stated in last Outside Work, Authorities Tire week’s column. He is the T. W. Har­ pecially those in North Belmont avenue, complained of the water Last Year rison of T. W. Harrison, Inc., dealer Learn A series of accidents, starting last seeping into their cellars from the in He Soto and Plymouth automobiles. Friday kept the police busy checking flooded streets. Climaxing a series of talks on re­ establish work credits against debits Belleville schools in competition pupils had done so” until he stopped up all week on incidents surrounding Miss Rita Westlake, 124 William in their accounts. with local stores and business was them. lief matters, as arranged by former the cases. Following is the record: street, will leave early next week on Everything Overboard. the theme song of two debates by Superintendent Wayne R. Parmer Assemblyman Homer C. Zink, a fur­ Bumps Head. an airplane trip to- California. She Bell Boys Tackle He continued: “ This last spring, County Motorcycle Officer, Fred the Board of Education Monday tried to explain that parent-teacher ther discussion of the subject was will climb aboard a trans-continental groups used the funds for libraries everything was thrown overboard, Zipf reported Monday to the police night. One subject dealt with the use presented Wednesday before the Ro­ plane at Newark Airport. and the like, and the funds were of and as we were on cash relief, all that he had found William O’Connell, to which the high school cafeteria Irvington Gridders tary Club at a meeting in Forest Hill should be put; the other, the print­ benefit to the schools, 19, 147 Union avenue, bleeding pro­ Mrs, Joseph Weitzel, Annandale, Field Club by John Hewitt, head of ing department. “ We have no control over P.T.A.’s fusely from a scalp laceration. formerly of Belleville, cross-stitched Locals Will Try To Bottle the local Welfare Department. The printing department’s outside funds,” rejoined School Commissioner According to William C. McFad- the pattern of the American flag “ Prior to the town taking over the activity— in competition with local Charles Gebhardt, “ and therefor there zen, 194 Greylock parkway, O’Connell, hung1 in the office of Recreation Di­ complete relief problem, quite a few shops, which employ highly skilled is no connection with the schools.” U p Passes of who was riding with him in an auto­ rector Edward J. Lister in the rec­ employables were on the relief rolls, craftsmen— bore the brunt of an at­ Mr. Kittle explained that the par­ mobile, bumped his head against the reation house. Mr. Lister tells us due to many causes,” said Mr. He­ tack, which resulted in curtailment ent-teacher association of Public Camptowners light in the rear of the car. He was that he has a map of Belleville dated witt. “ It was felt that some soi*t of of the type of printing to be done in School No. 10 recently had tickets attended by Dr. Barney Schaffer and 1836. The consensus of opinion among work program should be instituted to the schools. printed in the department. Mr. taken home. School football team is that if the account for part .of the idle time of While it did not develop at the Schmutz picked up a p~ nph'et ii mi Struck Fixing Tire. Edward King of the Town Hall, has locals can bottle up the forward pass­ relief clients, to make them job con­ meeting, a member stated after its the table with the remans.: "This Michael De Stefano of 18 Howard a baseball obtained in the Baltimore- ing attack of the Irvington High foot­ scious, have them feel that they plose that pupils had worked nights would have been mimeographed if we place, while letting air out of his Newark game with these signatures ball team, the Bellboys should emerge should do something in return for until “ five or six o’clock on outside didn’t have the printing department.” tires Monday at 76 Mt. Prospect on it: Frank Shaughnessy, Willard public assistance, and to get some printing.” “ Where are we going to draw the victorious from their encounter with avenue, was struck by an automo­ Hershberger, Hy Vandenberg, and the Camptowners, tomorrow at Mor­ sort of return for the taxpayers’ “ This is not fair to local printers,” line?” queried President John P. bile driven by George Paul, 513 “ Smolcey” Joe Martin. rell Field, Irvington. money; to better themselves in it was stated. He said that , the pur­ Dailey. McCabe avenue, Bradley Beach, ac­ So far this year, the alert Belle­ health and morals and to retain their pose of the school department is to Drawing a Line. cording to police. Ernest - Knott, 86 Cedar Hill ave­ ville team has' diagnosed the for­ self-respect. Also, there are very give to those, who may be inclined It was decided that one line will De Stefano suffered lacerations nue, fell from a first floor window ward passing of its opponents with definite reactions to work for relief, along that particular line, an oppor­ be drawn on the expenditure of $700 of the right wrist and an injury to of his home last week, and suffered a great degree of perfection. But the and they, themselves, aet as a de­ tunity to get basic printing knowl­ for paper stock. Each job done here­ his spine. He was taken to the a cut on his scalp. Bellboys will have to figure out for­ terrent to relief applicants, and are edge. after will be charged with the stock North Newark Hospital where an automatic case reducers, such as— a “ The local shops are taxpayers,” it used. ward passing plays with an even X-ray was taken of his spine. The Napier Hat Company, of W il­ better excellence, natural dislike for work of any kind, was added. “ They support the very No mention was made of light, Girl Injured. liam and Main streets, does not allow a reluctance to work for the good of institutions that are eating into their heat and power, ink, depreciation and Frank X. Kinney, 487 South Maple, any one to enter its building unless their souls.” legitimate livelihood.” the other sundry expenses, not in­ Pos. Irvington Belleville avenue, Glen Rock, reported to the “ No labeling it artichokes is going wearing a hat. The sum and substance of the dis­ cluding investment or lack of salaries L.E. Giacomo ...... Doyle local police that while crossing Mill to savour the sour crusts of charity,” cussion resulted in action by the to pupils that go into establishment L.T. i McGrady ...... A. Zuzzio street Tuesday morning in his auto­ William “Becky” Gilchrist has be­ he quoted. board that the “ printing teacher” he of a printing department. L.G. Winek ...... Tesone John Hewitt mobile he struck Margaret Mermet, come equestrian-conscious after “A t the start of the program, I informed he is to permit no printing As a parting reminder, Mr. Geb­ C. Drumm ...... Lepre 45 Hoimblower avenue. watching Edward King display his selected several of the younger men, employables were informed that from except essential to the high school hardt stated that the “ department R.G. Vieser ...... Cortese Miss Mermet crossed in front of a ■horsemanship, at the Essex Troop who had the appearance of leaders, now on, it would be necessary to and then, only on requisition of the should be maintained solely for school R.T. ICsycewski ...... Soirentino bus, according to Kinney, who could Armory. and personally sold the work for re­ start to build up credits for the next principal, Hugh D. Kittle. School activity.” R.E. Lenke ...... Teitz not see her on this account. lief program. At that time, the men distribution period, that is, the cash Board printing must be requistioned About 120 pupils are affiliated with Q. B. Myslco . Ivuchinski Mr. Kinney drove her to North Philosophical note: You are more were placed at grass cutting* and so distribution being on a semi-monthly through the business manager, Ruel the printing establishment, Mr. K it­ L.H. Hiller ...... Hollweg Newark Hospital, where she was liable to skin yourself sliding down forth, at the various schools, Silver recurrent basis. In other words, we E. Daniels. Printing of tickets for tle stated. R. H. Eglington .. Torre treated and released. than climbing up, Lake Community House, Recreation were offering them jobs, and if they parent-teacher associations will be The cafeteria received its share of F.B. Bisset ...... N. Zuzzio House, Camp Carragher, Signal De­ refused to work, there would be no Passes Stop Signal. banned, that type of work being publicity when an application from Thomas Berry, 557 Washington partment, painting lamp posts and relief. A man is permitted to work Despite the fact that Patrolman designated for commercial shops. the Girl Scout Council to hold a avenue, has been truant officer, with Irvington, in defeating Asbury streets and giving* assistance in the only sufficient time to cover his food, Christopher Dotterwieh says he “ Working All Hours.” “ Father-Daughter” dinner on Novem­ the exception of two years, since Park, 24-0, last Saturday, launched department, the largest job being the shelter, light and fuel requirements. had signaled for traffic to stop School Commissioner Herbert C. ber 6, was granted with the proviso 1912. The two years intervening rep­ an aerial attack that had the Blue leveling* off of School No. 9 play­ “ The progx*am is operating much Tuesday morning. Howard Fair- Schmutz declared: "The printing de­ “ at no cost to the board.” resent the time when Frank Neary Bishops dumb founded. ground. The men were given credit more smoothly, and more work is hurst, 72 Maple street, Kearny, partment has been working all hours.” Mr. Schmutz again queried: “ Are and Michael Devanney took over the The Bellboys have been practicing for hours worked at the rate of fifty failed to stop. Mr. Kittle, who was at the meeting, job. all week creating a defense against cents an hour, and were supposed to (Continued on Page 4) Because of this, Fairhurst, who verified the remark, explaining “ the (Continued on Page 4) the Irvington passes. was driving a seda,n, struck and in­ Henry Abromson is a great friend Belleville’s Team Play. jured five-year-old Thomas Cuomo, of Leonard V. Kaehel, both having Team play has characterized the 51 Honiss street. The accident took attended Dickinson High School, Jer­ game during the season thus far. Three Towns Join Hands To Stage place at the intersection of North sey City. Mr. Kaehel is assistant Cases Cited in Educational Meeting The team play? as a unit, which has Belmont avenue and Franklin .football ’tbach àt the 'high school. -bcefi the aim a ¡vd Nt m bition "‘of - Coach street, while school children were Frank Smith since he started as Rally for Republican Candidates passing* the school. Seymour Taffet, 98 Washington O f Community Service Bureau mentor to the Belleville squad. Cars Colide. avenue, is a cousin of Paul Horowitz “ Give me a .team of average Benjamin Preston, 69, 16 Agnes of the sports staff of a Newark daily. Striking Manner in Which Bureau Operates Was Illus­ players rather than a team of stars,” Belleville, Nutlev and Bloomfield Committees Complete street, while driving his ear out from he has often said, “ and I will develop the curb Friday night at Tappan and George Zoppa, 34 Roosevelt ave­ trated by Moving Picture, Depicting a a winning aggregation.” Details for Meeting in Bloomfield Washington avenues, collided with nue, is playing football Sunday I f comparative scores mean any­ another car driven by Miss Julia W. afternoons for Caniptown Pros ¡at Boy and Teacher Story thing, and usually they -don’t, Ir­ High School Anstatt, 140 Larch avenue, Bogota. Tri-City Stadium, Union. He was a vington should present a much more Both ears were headed south. member of last year's football team formidable group of players than Miss Anstatt refused medical care Agency. In the study of the situa­ Belleville, Nutlev and Bloomfield will join hands Monday evening in of Belleville High School. An open meeting of the board of West Side did. The Camptowners de­ and Mr. Preston complained of a pain tion which followed, it was learned a gigantic Republican mass meeting in Bloomfield High School auditorium the Community Service Bureau was feated Central High of Newark,-33-0, about his ribs and was taken to his that the mother’s own personal anxie­ John MacDonald, 21 Harrison held Thursday at the Woman’s Club. while West Side eked out a 7-6 win at 8 P, M. Senator Lester H. Clee, candidate for Governor, freeholder and family doetdr. ties were making it impossible for street, and A1 Iacuilo, 126 Brighton Rev. Edgar M. Compton, president, over the same team. Dennis Shea, forty years old, of her to allow her boy to grow and assembly candidates will be welcomed by the county committee members from avenue, are playing with the Stanley explained that the purpose of the Irvington along with Dickinson, 24 Gould avenue, Newark, was struck develop normally. In a continuing the towns in whose hands arrangements have been placed,. Civic and Re­ Mud Hens, of Irvington. meeting was to better acquaint the Columbia, and Thomas Jefferson is by an automobile Thursday morning contact with the social worker, the citizens of Belleville with the work undefeated and untied this season in publican organizations are assisting. This is the first time in history that at 8:10 A. M., driven by Vincent C. mother was able to work through her Lois “ Tick” Albey, Doris Kopsky, of the Community Service Bureau, the North Jersey group. D’Andrea, 14 rt Norfolk street, own difficulty and six months later such a showing of Republicans has Clark “ Click” A lley, and James whose chief interest is to keep Belleville is the only school in Newark. families together and to work with the boy* was leading his class in been grouped in the three towns. leaving the Town Hall, proceeding* Svenson will ride the bicycle rollers D’Andrea’s car was proceeding school and was permitted, by his west in Belleville avenue, where at the Hackensack Y. M. C. A. to­ individuals who seek help in the solu­ (Continued on Page 7 Town Chairman Harry Machette east on Franklin street in the Silver mother, the opportunities which he Bloomfield police will escort the local night. tion of personal difficulties. heads the Belleville committee, as­ had been denied for recreation with delegation to the school building. Lake section of this town when it A striking example of the way the sisted by members of the county sti’uck Shea, a*, mailman from the other youngsters. Miss Ellen Smith, for fourteen Communty Service Bureau works committee. Among* those, who will be accorded Roseville Postoffice who was cross­ Mrs. Julia Reiner, executive secre­ Farmers’ Market Is years a Child Hygiene nurse, is now was illustrated by a moving picture, There will be a gathering of the places on the platform are Mayor ing* the street. Shea was taken to the which depicted a boy whose teacher tary, explained that this picture was With State Department of Health, Clee boosters in front of the Town William H. Williams, Commissioners North Newark Hospital suffering had become interested in him. She “ typical of many situations referred Bureau of Child Hygiene, as a super­ First of Three Here Hall, Monday evening* at 7:30. There George R. Gerard, William D. Clark, from a wrenched shoulder and a to us, not only by schools, but also visor of midwives, Essex County. ealized that he was actually capable will be cars to accommodate persons Joseph King*, former freeholder, Dr. scalp laceration. by churches, the court and from in­ of doing good work but no longer Today, one store in a group of who have no means of transportation O. Bell Close, Congressman Fred A. dividual sources.” Miss Angele Chapman is the old­ seemed to be able to .keep up with three for Belleville, officially opens and desire to attend the huge rally. Hartley, Jr., Wallwin H. Hasten and Worked With 150 Families. est child hygiene nurse in point of lis class. She recognized that the its doors at 472 Washington avenue, All are invited. Those having cars are others. This year the Community Service Boy Undecided On service in Belleville. Other town lifficulty probably started in his opposite Malone, under the name of earnestly requested by the committee Following* talks and interspersed Bureau has worked with 150 families nurses are Miss Ethel Akersten, tome and, when the boy’s mother had Farmers’ Outlet Market. This store to have them in readiness at 7:15 between discussions of the political Miss Ruth Sorenson, and Miss Mary ’nquired about his progress at school, and those to follow, will specialize P. M. issues, involved in the November elec­ Age Before Court (Continued on Page 2, Second Sect.) .Millar, she was referred to the Family in a large variety of fresh fruits and There will be a parade of cars, tion, there will be entertainment. vegetables at low prices. Recorder Everett B. Smith Mrs. Edna Morgan is a comely Three days ago a representative young matron who serves the custo­ Police Learn of Democrats To Hold stopped in the Belleville News office Local Officials Learn Modern Trend Revokes Several mers at Henry Haffner’s soda store. and stated that the first store was acquired for this enterprising group. Licenses Joseph McGrath is that ever smil- Two More Robberies Party Wednesday Last evening within this short space In School Management at Convention ig young man who waits on you at of time, the long display tables were “ How old are you, sonny?” ¡ddie’s Market. And, Joe, why aren’t Last Week Five Had Been Candida! e s Speak at up, the painting was done, signs President of Board of Education John P. Dailey and Judge Everett B. Smith Wednes­ ou bowling any more? placed, brand new cash registers in day night popped this question to a Reported to Local Meeting In St. Peters’ place, the storei well-manned . . . Business Manager Ruel E. Daniels Attended high school youngster, who had been Do You Remember? and business was being transacted! hailed before him on charge of Harry “ Stoney” Machette started Authorities Hall More power to business in Belle­ Four-Day Session operating an automobile without a lis astounding career as a baseball ville! license. -»layer for the Belleville Wheelmen Two robberies were reported last “ I don’t know,” the youth replied. Belleville Democratic County Com­ mg was discussed as to uniformity n 1901. In 1903 he played with the week-end. The home of Harold Nes- “ The best convention I have ever “ Sixteen or seventeen.” mittee will hold a card party Wed­ Hardman A. C. and in 1904 with the tell, 154 Union avenue, wxs entered attended and I have been to three.” and new developments. “ What, you don’t know?” asked “ School accounting is different Belleville Catholic Club, as a pitcher. leiore 11:15 Sunday night and the nesday evening in St. Peter’s Hall, It’s a Deer i This is the way Ruel E. Daniels, the judge. than ordinary accounting,” says-Mr. Fie began pitching for the Belleville Jiief escaped with two yellow gold William street, at which candidates j “ No, I haven’t stopped to figure it business manager of Belleville Daniels, adding, “ Its intricacies Mutuals with which team he played watches and two stick pins. out.” on the Democratic slate will speak. First the deer, then the car, then schools, sums up the twenty-sixth would fool the average accountant.” until its break-up in 1911. During The home of William Coburn, 247 “ Well, you better figure it out Donal C. Fox, assistant prosecutor, T. W. Harrison— that was the order annual convention of the National that time he also pitched for the Mew street, was also entered and an Schools of the Future. now or I ’ll go to jail for trying this will deliver the principal address. of appearance in front of the show­ Caldwell A. C., when “ Dots” Miller, undetermined amount of jewelry was rooms of T. W. Harrison, Inc. Wed­ Association of Public School Business In the afternoon new building con­ case if you’re not sixteen,” said the The committee on arrangements second baseman for the Pittsburgh taken. nesday evening about. 8 o’clock officials held recently in Baltimore. struction was discussed. The archi- judge. Pirates later, played with that team Last week a thief broke into five includes Thomas W. Fleming*, chair­ when Mr. Harrison drove into town Present at the convention with Mr. “ Twenty-five dollars,” said the He also pitched for the Bay View, Daniels for four days was John P. (Continued on Page 2) judge. homes. man; Mrs. Catherine Ward, Mrs. from a week's hunting trip in the Wheelmen in . the Newark City Dailey, president of the Board of “ Suppose I won’t pay it?” Catherine Herkness, Mrs. Alice Spil- Adirondacks. The deer was slung league, the Ironsides, National Tur­ Education. “ Then you’ll g*o to jail,” was the lane, Miss Marie Serritella, Miss Zita # over the left front fender, protrud­ ners, the Vailsburg Tigers, Marshall Laundry To Open ing over the bumper and attracted The first -day was devoted to Karlin’s Ready For judge’s answer. “ What does your and Ball, and the Branch Brooks. On McCoy, Mrs. Catherine Paxton, attention from passersby. “ Baltimore Day.” The Board of Edu­ father think of you? Whose ear were Labor Day week-end “ Stoney” would George Fitzsimmons, Angelo Dome- Leaving last week with a party cation of that city chartered several you driving?” pitch as much as six games in that Demonstration Store nick, Daniel Spillane, Thomas Ward of four, including Joseph Egan, of buses and delegates visited various One-Cent Sale “ My father bawls me out. The car period. A t present he is a clerk in the 7 East Orange, a close friend, it was schools, being guests at luncheon in belongs to my brother.” Commissioner of Registrations and Joseph Williams. It developed the lad had been A Marotta, of Jersey City, pro­ a question as to how soon the allot­ Baltimore High School. A visit was Of news to Belleville homes and office in the Hall of Records, New­ pocketbooks, is the anonuncement of driven to school by another pupil prietor of the Home Laundry in that ment of four deer could be realized. made to the School for Crippled ark, and is also chairmlan of the Children and all the administration the always popular semi-annual who has a license. When the driver city, and the Valjon Laundry in A marksman of years’ standing*, Mr. Belleville Republican County com­ Don't forget that Victor Hart, one-cent sales at Karlin’s two drug* was “ kept in” the youngster, who Silver Lake, will open a novel demon­ Harrison brought down a 175-pound buildings, repair shops and mainten­ mittee. In 1908 he was the first tru­ stores, located at 120 and 531 Wash­ was hailed into court, decided to stration store at 514 Washington JEWELER, sells Diamonds, Watches buck, and before the week was over ance building's. In the afternoon ant officer in Belleville. He resigned ington avenue. manipulate the car homeward. Then avenue on November 1. there was enough deer to go around. there was an exhibition of new type this post to become superintendent and Jewelry on the Easy Payment desks and materials and supplies in The sale will begin this coming he was caught. The interior of the store is being* Mr. Harrison decided to trade his of the water department of this buck for a young deer and with this the mezzanine of the North Balti­ Wednesday. October 27, and will last After hearing the story the judge arranged, uniquely and will feature Plan. 457 Washington avenue, corner town. venison expects to start in a week more Hotel four days. Another big opportunity a demonstration of the newest type of feasting. The following day school account- for Belleville housewives. (Continued on Page 5) (Continued on Page 5, Second Sect.) marking system. 1’appan a veil ne, Belleville, N. J. PAG E TWO THE BELLEVILLE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937

Tulip Festival Is Scouts Advance in Two Pair of Twins I Interviews Local Professor ] In the Offing Silver Fox Patrol Two pair of twins, a pair to each f IN SOCIETY mother, were born in Belleville on Harvey W. Mumford, Jr., of 10 tember, 1921. Held many prominent Troop Went on Hike to October 5. One of each of the pairs Oak street, who is a sophomore at offices including president of senior Public School No. 9 Makes was born at exactly the same Newark College of Engineering, is class, art editor of year book, secre­ minute, 12:10 P. M. tary of student council, and scenic Elaborate Plans for Great Notch on Colum­ Mrs. Willis Ford, 48 De W itt ave­ The Nira Club met last evening for chief reporter for the “ Technician,” The babies are Robert James and director of the student theatre. nue, entertained for her five hundred games and cards at the Recreation the official paper, sponsored by the Ronald David, sons of Mr. and Mrs.’ Graduated in June, 1925, with B. S. Spring bus Day club Wednesday afternoon. Those House. Members include Mrs. Anna student council. In the issue of Oc­ RoKert Jenkins, 134 Greylock ave­ degree in chemistry. Attended gradu­ present were Mrs. Charles Fritts, Metro, West Orange; Mrs. Olive Jen­ tober 13, there is a biography by Mr. Silver Fox Patrol, Boy Scout nue, and Eugene Anthony and ate courses at Cornell and Columbia; A tulip festival in the Spring as a Nutley; Mrs. Wilfred Booth, Mrs. kins and Mrs. Philip Thoma, Nutley; Mumford, of Arthur Salem Kohler, George Anthony, sons of Mr. and assistant Professor in Chemistry at did research work for the Borden part of the character education pro­ Troop 88, led by John Idenden, went Harry Higgs, Mrs. Daniel Mellis, Mrs. Mrs. John Lukowiak, Mrs. Frank Lii- Mrs. Amedeo Pretto, 88 Dow Go., research and plant development on a hike to Great Notch, Columbus Horace Winship, Mrs. Margaret Nor­ kowiak, Mrs. Charles Kraemer, Mrs. the college, who lives in Belleville. gram, will be .held at Public School street. for H. Kohnstamm and Co., 1929-30 ris and Mrs. E. T. Seeley. Chester Hickman, Mrs. Frank Cooke, The biography fohuws: No. 9. The affair will take place Day, at which time Herbert Bohler Ronald David Jenkins and George “ Professor Kohler, who lives at 15 taught at Brooklyn Poly tech.; 1931 Mrs. Clarence Morehouse and Mrs. when the tulip blooms are at their passed his .second class cooking test; Anthony Pretto were the two sons Malone avenue, was born in Brook- instructor at'Newarx College of En­ F. E. Seniff. George Maginness and Robert Weiss Mrs. Arthur. S. Ackerman, 120 Rut­ born at the same time. Robert fyn, N. Y., on November 19, 1902, at­ gineering; 1936 assistant professor in height. gers street, was hostess' yesterday Miss Mae G. Livingston, 10 Park- James Jenkins was born at 9 A. M. tended Brooklyn public schools and c.bemisti*y; married Miss Mildred Plays and dances, depicting the passed their first class cooking' tests, afternoon to her bridge club. Those side drive, was among, the. guests and Eugene Anthony Pretto was Erasmus Hall High School; entered Woods , in August, 1985, has one life in the Netherlands, will be en­ Other members were William present included Mrs. David Hawkins, Sunday at a dinner party at the home born at 11:45 A. M. Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute in Sep- young hopeful, Winifred Ann, age acted under the direction of the .Allen, Donald Cocks, Sam Cocks, W il­ Nutley; Mrs. James M. Lynch,. Mrs. of Miss Edna Voegeli, North Bergen. four and one-half months. Plays golf, liam Frame, David Nelson, Roy George Baurhenn, Mrs. Luther Van tennis and a..five-string banjo; enjoys physical education department and Wagner, and Cub Robert Shaw. The Pelt, Mrs. Fred Frey, Mrs. Albert ..Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Uhl, 16 Small­ Junior Women Plan Juvenile Music Study English literature, especially Chau­ the intermediate grades. patrol met the next evening, in the Henry, and Mrs. Charles Thompson; wood avenue, will entertain Sunday cer, for serious reading, and -detective With the eo-operation of the Board home of William Allen, 340 DeWitt for- Mr. Uhl’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. stones when in a lighter vein; is a of Education, No. 9 has been able, to avenue, at which time Herbert Boh­ Mrs. Harry Abbott, Mrs. J. > K. H. D. Uhl, Newark, and brother-in- Reunion Card Party Club Plans Meeting talented artist, preferring portrait plant several thousand Darwin bulbs ler passed his second class tracking Alexander, Mrs, Errtest: Potter, Mrs. law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. work: likes to study and portray of various prize varieties. : test; Donald Cocks second class thrift, Horace Winship, Mrs. Margaret Nor­ Rendall, Leonia. facial expressions, also indulges in The guiding principles of education service and tracking tests; William Will Be Held at the Wom­ Adell Sutherland To Talk ris, Mrs. Leonard Pikaart and Mrs. home movies and handicraft. Feels in connection with such an event, as Frame passed his second class track­ Harry Fallow?s attended a meeting of Miss Josephine Wharton, 156 that Newark College of Engineering stated by Thomas Gryzka, principal ing test; George Maginness first class an’s Club on Tuesday On “The Beginning of their bridge, club Tuesday afternoon Holmes street, was hostess Monday students are criticized more than of the school, is “ Aesthetic ex- thrift test, and Robert Weiss, first at the home of Mrs. Frank Wads­ evening to her bridge club. Those they deserve:- savs he is proud to pei’iences xxxust be brought into the class thrift test. Evening Musical Notation” worth of 74 Rossmore place. present were Mrs. Willard Wharton, call manv members of the student life of the child to bx’ing about Montclair; Mrs. Alfred Brown, East body his friends. " character development.” Orange; Mrs. B. W. Adams, Newark, The Junior Woman’s Club will hold The Juvenile Music Study Club Mr, and Mrs. H. F, Ross, 72 Perry Mrs. Daisy Simons Wadsworth, di­ and Miss Agnes Wharton. a reunion card party on Tuesday eve­ will hold its October meeting tomor­ D. of A. Arrange street, had as their week-end guest, Fall Season Started rector of Character Education, tor ning at the Woman’s Club. The ad- Mr. Ross’ brother, Frank .* Ross of row afternoon at 3 o’clock in the. Essex County, has given her approval Woodbury. ... * • - Mrs. Herbert Walker, 55 Small­ visox’y board will be guests. Eleanor Bacon-Peck Studios, By Polyphonic Club of the project. Supper and Party wood avenue, will entertain her bridge Miss Doi’is Soleau is chairman of Adell Sutherland, counselor, will A tulip show will also be held m dub today at the opening meeting of James M. Lynch, 175 Tappan ave­ the party. The hospitality chaix*man talk on “ The Beginning of Musical ■ Amv G. Stratton, counsellor of the which boys and girls attending the Spaghetti Will Feature nue, is expected home tomorrow after the season. Those present will in­ is Miss Max*ion Taylox*. Her eom- i Polyphonic Club, has appointed as school will make entries. a six weeks’ business trip in the clude Mrs. Frank Kienle, Nutley; Notation.” Menu Monday Mrs. Harold Ford, Mrs. Philip Reide, xnittee is composed of Miss Regina Mildred Drentlau, assistant counse­ ! her assistant counsellors, Mary Catal- West. ■ di and Helen Hurley.; Mrs. Weldon Melroy, Mrs. Harry Lynch,. Miss Helen Hyde, Miss Vivian lor, will lead the game pei*iori. Rummage Sale Evening Nees, Mrs. Ronald Brown and Mrs. The first meeting of the season w ‘!l Mrs. Peter pV, ■ Goldsehmitt, Mrs Kilpatrick and Mrs. Emily Mack. Those who will play are Donna Raymond Vosburgh. be held ,at the Stratton Studio, 325 De Witt L. Gruman, ■ Mrs. Harold Miss Kilpatrick is in charge of Feui*estine, May Milward, Bernice A rummage sale will be held No­ Good American Council 102, Daugh" Van Sickle, Paul Deekenbaeh, Vol- Union avenue, on Monday evening at vember 8, 9 and 10, at 76 Washington Snook, Mrs. Daniel Reardon, Mrs. prizes and Miss Betty Shux-ts, chair­ 7:30. ■ ters of America, will hold a supper Harold Peterson, Mrs. M. E. Wertz, Mr. and Mrs. Geoi’ge Meyer and mer Hansexx, Bax*bax*a Mills, Doris avenue by the Women’s Guild of the and card party, affair at the Exempt man of publicity. There will be election of officers, Fewsmith Memorial Presbyterian Mrs. Charles Ludolph and Mrs. Earl son, Edward, and daughter, Muriel, ----:------Heath, Doris Kessel and William Bo- Firemen’s Hall, Stephen street, Mon­ Briggs, this town; Mrs;'Frank Dill, Mrs. Margaret Meyer and son, George, vier. and the Misses Hurley and Cataldi Church. day evening. Newark;. Mrs. William Brown,* Mont­ and daughter, Marion, and Mrs. Mary Hallowe’en Dance Patricia * Plurner, vice-president, will tell of their plans for the sea­ A benefit for the guild will be held son. Spaghetti suppers will be served clair, and Mrs. J. E. Reese, Nutley, Keller, 57 Union avenue, were among will be hostess during refreshments. with a dessert-bridge with G. Rae by a committee between 6:30 and were guests Thursday- at a dessert the guests Sunday at the wedding of The "Belleville Political and Social A musical surprise. has been ar­ Lewis and Mrs. William H. Stone, as 7:30 P. M, with the card party fol­ bridge at the home of Mrs. Floyd Miss Martha Priscilla' Peacock and Club is preparing a Hallowe’en party Student Recital ranged for this meeting and it is co-chairman, at Bamberger’s on lowing. Robert Emmett O’Connell, West Or­ hoped for* a full attendance. Thursday at 2 P, M. Stager of Chatham, formerly Belle­ at its new clubhouse, Saturday eve­ At the council’s regular meeting ville. High scores were made by Mrs. ange. Meetings will consist of educational The annual turkey dinner will be ning, October 30. Amy G. Stratton will present hex- Monday evening, Mrs. Fannie Keller, Wertz, Mrs, Reardon and Mrs, Briggs. adult beginners’ class in an informal talks on musicians’ lives, and- subject held in the dining nail of the church of Irvington, was received as district The consolation prize was awarded Mrs. H. J. Martell, Oklahoma City, The committee consists of Andrew discussed: Touch, postux*e, rhythm, Thursday, November 4. recital, to be held at the Stratton deputy and Mrs. C. Anna Steele, as Mrs. Gruman.' •- Okla., is spending several weeks at F. Colannino, chairman; Fx*ank lan- tone-quality, technique, strength and district state deputy. the home of her brother and sister- nicelli, Tony Iannicelli, Edwaxd Bat­ Studio, 325 Union avenue, the middle speed as well as theory and harmony. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 8. Tru­ of November*. Refreshments will be served by the PERSONAL AND BUSINESS Good American will participate in Mrs. Albert Shikram, 10 Smith taglia, Alex Nucci. Awards will be Christmas Cards— Whoiesaie— Retail— the Armistice Day parade here on street, had as bridge guests Monday itt, 244 Linden avenue. Mrs. Kartell's Those taking part axe Mrs.- Helen counsellors. 50, 25, 12— N am e P rin te d C ards— $1.00 made for outstanding costumes. Re­ O th ers fro m $2 to $37 per 100 November 11. evening Mrs. Eta Coll, Irvington; son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Ziegler*, Mrs. Anna Lofjhelm, Miss Mrs. Ivan L. Martell, newlyweds, of freshments, " consisting, of cidei*, Box Assortments — Gift Wrappings Members of the council will hold Anne Evangelista, Mx*s. Eva Stratton, W rite— Save money and inconvenience Oklahoma City, -will visit Mr. and doughhuts and soda will be sexwed. Daughter to Foberts of shopping. I will call any time. their Hallowe’en party on Monday Miss Ethel Donahue, Newark; Mrs. Mrs. Claire Thompson and Miss Mar­ evening, November 1, following the Joseph Salmon, Mrs. Thomas McNair, Mrs. Truitt beginning Friday. Dancing will be enjoyed to the music HENRY MILLER STUDIOS of Theodox-e Duva's “ Jazz Maniacs.” ion Noi’th. A daughter, Gail Carol, was born, 337 Main Street ' Belleville, N. J.; meeting'. and the Misses Jane, Nellie and Ter­ Saturday, , to Mr. and Mrs. Harold v — ...... - ;— j esa Salmon. Mrs. A. N. Horn and her brother, Arthur J. Perkins, 158 Joralemon “ Dolly” Fobert, 406 Greylock park­ street, returned today from a six way at Beth Israel Hospital, Newark. Births The Cameo Club met Wednesday Local Republican Women Hear Talk evening at cards at the Recreation weeks’ stay at Weld, Me. Mrs. Fobert' before her marriage, List; Your Property Here House. Present were Mrs. George five years ago, was Miss Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Crisp have By Mrs. Lester H. Clee and Abbie Magee Dunster of Nutley. Mr. Fobert is co­ A son liras been born to Mr. and Evans, Nutley; Miss Anna Mooney, EILLY’S Mrs. Nicholas Vitello, 83 Columbus Newark; Mrs. George Barnett, Mrs. moved from 21 Hornblower avenue to partner with Alfred Anderten of the avenue. Lena Hunkele, Mrs. Olaf Foss, Mrs. their new home, 23 Perry street. Mrs. Lester H. Clee, Mrs. Abbie work, and show'no apathy. We must Washington Sales and Service Com­ pany. Clarence Utter, Mrs. August , Becb- Magee, and William E. Sewell were write, we must telephone, we must ELIABLE A son, John, has been born in Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Vail Ryan, Columbus Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. toldt, Mrs. J. F. Brown, Mrs. Elsie guest speakers at the meeting of the ring door-bells, we must do every­ Simpson and Miss Thelma Foss. High 279 Stephen street, celebrated their Belleville Woman’s Republican Club, thing humanly possible to get out Son Born EAL ESTATE John Sarcone, 36 Watchung avenue; second wedding anniversary at the a son, Michael, John, to Mr. and scores were made by Mrs. Barnett, Thui’sday afternoon. The president, the vote.” REstablished 1917 Hotel New Yorker, Tuseday night. Mrs. Frank Maioran, 96 Belmont Mrs. Hunkele and Mrs. Brown. The Mrs. John F. O’Brien, Jr., px*esided Mr*. Sewell, who is chairman of the Mr. and Mrs, Raymond H. Patrick, All Rinds of Insurance consolation prize was awarded Mrs. and introduced the speakers. council to superintendent of elections, 203 Belleville avenue, are receiving avenue, at Beth Israel Hospital; a Jerome Kaden, six-year-old son of Bechtoldt. Mrs. Clee said she was very glad to from Jersey City, said it is important congratulations upon the arrival of a 368 WASHINGTON AVENUE son, John Vincent, to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Kaden, 97 Tap- come, to Belleville and say a few to elect Senator Clee as our next son, Raymond Henry Patrick, Jr., on (Next Door* to Harter’s) Edward J. Downey, 176 Smallwood pan avenue, is convalescing* in, the words on behalf of her husband, and Governor, “ important for the good of October 14, at Presbyterian Hospital, Rose M. Reilly Belleville 2-1682 avenue, at St. Vincent’s Hospital; a Mrs. A. E. Peterson, Mrs. John Presbyterian . Hospital from injuries Green, Mrs. Harold Wall work,’ Mrs. that she was not making a speech. our state,” and urged the ejection of Newark. ' daughter, Deborah Jane, to Mr. and suffered when struck by an automo­ Mrs. Magee said now that the pri­ the entire Republican ticket. Mrs. Thomas E. Delaney, 51 Pres­ William Eichorn, Mrs. Virginia Ec­ bile .two weeks ago. He is expected maries are over, “ we are united Re­ Mrs. William Terry, house chair­ ton street, at St. Vincent’s Hospital. kert, Mrs. George Bergmiller* and home next week. y#1—-a;..-- ■ • _ _ , ’ ■■■ ' ~ — ..: r' ...... ^ Mrs. William McNair, Jr., attended a publicans, and we must work, work, man, and her committee, served tea. Local Officials meeting of their bridge club ; Wed­ nesday evening at the home of Mrs. Stork Shower (Continued from Page 1) Tames Shaw, 73 Linden avenue. WANTED: A stork shower was given on Fri­ Belleville Girls Head Committees Miss Frances Wil-boiy 221 Jorale- day evening, at the home of Mrs. tec-t, who had charge of construction Edward J, Cole, 31 Jefferson street, of Radio City, with a “far-fetched mon street, .was hostess Tuesday eve­ PJJTT riR F M WH0 CAN ENTERTAIN ning to her bridge club. Members in­ in honor of Mrs. William Russonello At N. J. College for Women idea, which, however, may eventually of Staten Island, formerly Margaret come, explained that schools of the clude Mrs.- Frank Gibson, Montclair; U n iL U iA L iiN WITH SINGING OR MUSI­ Mrs. Charles Steele and Mrs. Earl Cole of Belleville. future will be built without corri­ The Misses Alice Helmlinger and Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Helmlinger* Woodnorth, Teaneck; Mrs. Joseph Those present were Mrs. M. dors, entrance being made directly to of 24 Essex street. At the college last CAL INSTRUMENTS TO BROADCAST FOR A Miller, Basking Ridge; Mrs. William Harold, Long Island; Mrs. E. Mas­ Florence Payne of Belleville have classrooms, through doors leading* year she appeared in the Little Thea­ Entrekin, Mrs. William Engleman, son, U'nion Beach; Mrs. J. Burns. been named chairmen of committees from the street,” said iMr. Daniels. tre production of “ Merrily We Roll NATIONALLY KNOWN DEPARTMENT' STORE, Mrs. Porter Sheldon, Mrs. Harvey Jersey City; Miss Lucy O'Connor. for the annual junior show at New The architect pointed out the cost Mrs. E. MeayeiVvBIòomfieid Mi~ N Along” , and was the recipient of a Thompson, Mrs. Betty Philips, Mrs. Jersey College for Women, by Miss music scholarship. OVER ONE OF NEW YORK’S MAJOR STATIONS. of corridors and ■ cited figures as to Harry Naylor and Mrs. George Fral- Russonello, Miss Minnie Russonello. Jane Parker of Shrewsbury, general Miss Payne is the daughter of Mr. the amount of light lost in present ley. Mrs. S. Russonello, Newark: Mrs. J. construction. He also alluded to O’Connell, Miss Lucille O'Connell and chairman. Junior show is an original and Mrs. Charles W. Payne, Jr., of strain oia eyes of pujails. Mrs. S. Fusselman, Nutley; Mrs. L. musical comedy given at the college 149 Academy street. She has been Information and Appointments Mrs. Arthur Kunze, Cedar Hill each Spring, being* written, acted and a member of the college choir* each A discussion was also held on the Kilchenman, Harrison; Mrs. W. avenue, entertained her bridge club presented entirely by members of the year since she entered and last year- PHONE BELLEVILLE 2-1260 “ Modern Trend of School Planning.” Wednesday, Those present were Mi*s. Bolderman, Mrs. F. Lechleiter, Mrs. This was in charge of Charles Ander­ T. Hodofarslci, Mrs. T. Gorham, Mrs. junior class. «Miss Helmlinger is served on the committee for the an­ Frank Dorman, Mrs. Herbert Ber­ chairman of make-up, while Miss nual sophomore hop. son, New Jersey State assistant com­ nard, Mrs.; Edward Scharfenberg, M. Honford and Mrs. J. Donahue. missioner of education. Many lovely gifts were received Payne is chairman of music. Both girls are graduates of Belle­ Mrs. A. A-. Dalzall, Mrs. Harold Miss Helmlinger is the daughter of ville Hig*h School. A ir conditioning and ventilation Crane, Mrs. Howard Virtue and Mrs. from those present, also from those was a subject talked about and opera­ Elmer Gibbsi invited who could not attend. tion and maintenance of school sys­ A supper was served later in the tems. Mrs. James Del Guercio, Mrs. Vin­ evening after the gifts were opened. Discuss Finance. cent Del Guercio, Mrs. Daniel Caprio and the Misses Ella Caprio and Lena Dinner Party at Hospital Dorothy Shoppe The third day was devoted to a FREE- HOT CHOCOLATE discussion of finance, federal .aid and De Adamo, this town; Mrs. Edward while you wait for taxation. It developed that in the Caprio and Miss Josephine Russoman- The laundry department employees ARLINGTON, N. J. forty-eight states there are forty- no, Newark, attended a meeting of of Essex County Hospital for Con­ your prescription eight different methods of raising their bridge club Tuesday, evening at tagious Diseases, Soho, gave a din­ THE MOST ATTRACTIVE WOMEN’S the home of Mrs. Arthur Caprio, New ner to the department manager, Jo­ You are our guest while your pfe- school taxes. New York, for instance, WEAR SALON IN WEST HUDSON COUNTY said Mr. Daniels, always raises its York City. seph Crump, in the laundry auditor­ •scription is being filled here. Sit school tax because some taxpayers ium last Thursday. Mrs. Elizabeth ¿own—have a cup of our deliclous there pay the school tax, according* Mrs. Richard Garraway, 7 Cecelia Landi acted as hostess. Hot Chocolate! It will warm and refresh you. No payment, please— to law, first, and let town taxes go terrace, was hostess Tuesday evening A butterfly dance was given by until later. There are separate bills to her bridge club. Those present Mrs. Martha Hett. Miss Kettie Ryan this is our treat. EXCLUSIVE WOMEN’S WEAR AT AT­ for school and town and city taxes in were Mrs. Elsie Thomas and Mrs. sang “ Forever” and Fred Peterosoni Chocolate Flavor by KlXTLti TRACTIVE PRICES. Advanced and quality New York, he explained. Rene Vialle, Newark; Mrs. Frederick gave an imitation of wild birds. “ The merchandise is always on display. New A trip was made by boat in Balti­ Swanson, West Orange; Mrs. Her­ Face on the Bar Room Floor” was fabrics, new models and the season’s newest more harbor and, on the last day of bert Wagner, Bloomfield; Mrs. Albert recited by Miss Mary Bloomer*. BELWOOD PARK PHARMACY tones. Thomas, West Livingston, and the Among those who attended were the convention, Dr. Charles H. El­ OPP. ISOLATION HOSPITAL B E 2-A999 - 1996 liott, commissioner of education of Misses Isabel Abbot and Christine Mrs. Lillian Harrison, ^ Mrs. May N E W E ST F A L L SHADES . ... New Jersey, had charge of a discus­ Meyer. Guest of the evening was Morrison, Miss Eva Johnson, Miss including Nutmeg, Curly Maple, Mahogany, sion on transportation of pupils. Miss Winifred Thomas of London, Irene Anderson, Miss Bloomer, Mrs. Green, also Blacks and Browns. England. Irene Pretzel, Miss Florence Meeker, About 300, some from Canada, at­ Miss Ann Crotty, William Want- tended the convention, which elected Price Range . . . $5.95 to $16.95 Mrs. Jane, Dingwall, Mrs. H. F. house, Mr. Peterosoni, Mr. Crump NOW OPEN! | as its next president, R. W. Hibbert, Hack, Mrs, Florence Allen, Mrs. Jes­ and Mr, Frank. business manager of St. Louis Half-Sizes Size Range sie Robertson and Mrs. Margaret 1614 to 24 u schools. The convention will be held 12-20 — 38-44 Wood and Mrs. Jeanie Brown and in Chicago next year. EVERGREEN i Mrs. Ann Maule, Nutley, attended I t will be to your advantage to pay us a visit. Mr. Daniels had charge of a dis­ their bridge club meeting Tuesday cussion on supplies, the last day, at afternoon at the home of Mrs. Isabel Use The Classified Ads which time there was also a round Walker, Newark. FLORIST table discussion of school cafeterias.1 Exclusive Millinery . . . Priced, $2.95 up On the way home the local men 750 BELLEVILLE AVENUE III! jr ...... 7"...... ' *' ■ visited Kendall-Green School for the (Next to Club Evergreen) |jj Barbizon Lingérie : : Hosiery Deaf and Gaulladet College for the Deaf in Washington. This college is Locál Artists in Musicale the only one of its kind in the world Specializing in Wedding Bouquets, Funeral Pieces, | ■, n , n „ , n.. „ , „ , ------* and was started by President Lin­ Corsages and Cut Flowers S coln during the Civil War. It is a The Music Department of the Bloomfield Womans5 Club, under the The Dorothy Shoppe - - Arlington, N . J. government college. Miss Margaret chairmanship of Elsie Cochran, will present Àdeîl Sutherland, pianist of this 822 KEARNY AVENUE - - - - - Near Seeley Avenue Daniels, sister of Mr. Daniels, is a town, and Maxine Mills, ’cellist of Towaeo, accompanied by Eleanor Bacon- Sylvester Courier, Prop. 'j.fii teacher there and she had some of Peck, also Belleville, in the first of a series of evening musicales, Wednes­ Phene BELLEVILLE 2-2069-M FREE DELIVERY jit Store Hours, 10 A. M. to 9:30 P. M., Except Wednesday Evening the students give an exhibition of day evening, October 27, at 8:15 o’clock, at the clubhouse. Compositions of their work. / / Bach, Brahms, Chopin, Scarlatti, and Strauss will be heard. THE BELLEVILLE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937

“be a good neighbor” GIVE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN 1938

November 5th to

Give once to the Community Chest and! you contribute to the six worthwhile welfare and character- building organizations which participate in the Chest Fund, These groups depend almost entirely upon the Chest for their financial support and they appeal to your generosity for assistance in carrying on their great work in this—your town. This is how these agencies share in the Community Chest Fund:



EVERETT B. SMITH, President THOMAS R. McHALE, Campaign Manag

THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE BELLEVILLE NEWS THE BELLEVlÌLE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 PA G E FO UR ning in competition with local busi­ Miss Ann Gould To Wed iiHIilllilllüillüiilüüíIHHilllüüiíIi! with. It takes one hack to that old lief machinery, which if co-ordinated, tion,” he said, “ and it was a case of adage of the banker, he handles so and made to woi’k with proper liason, making enemies to select some one. ness places.” The wedding of Miss Ann Gould, much gold, that some of it sticks to “ I suppose it will be held against It developed that the dinner will be would go a long way to solve our daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geoi'ge A. DIAL WELL WITH BILL TREADWELL his fingers. sei’ved at “ so much for a certain problems. We have C.C.C. to care, me next election, but I don t caxe. I Gould of 79 Ligham street, and Ray­ OF WOR !lilüi!i!ililüH!i!Illü!lliüllî!lü “ We have saved untold money, and train, and educate the young man, have appointed a good man to. the number,” the profits, if any, to accrue mond E. Boxer of 6i Myrtle avenue, disagreement, with clients in gas the Freshman Follies of 1938... Hal and become a feeder- for industry, the job and I am taking this as the first to the cafetei'ia fund. Irvington, will take place tomorrow It has been surprising1 to note the and electric allowances. Kemp will be screened late in No­ W.P.A. or some sort of a program to opportunity to compliment him pub­ progress the more intellectual pro­ “ From our departmental stand­ . The board authorized an expendi­ at 4 P. M., at Old First Church, New-, vember. .. Nov. 10th is the date of care for the temporarily unemployed licly for the fine job he is doing. point, we were able to eliminate ture of $2, as a membership in the ark. A i*eception will follow at the grams have made on the air...p ro­ the Uncle Don coast to coast celebra­ to carry out planned work relief and quite a bit of unnecessary work. In “ Mr. Hewitt worked for twelve Gould home, after which the coufde grams that really teach... The tion via WOR-Mutual of his 10 years rehabilitate men for industry, and to National Y. M. C. A., so that “ about the matter of our machine bookkeep­ months for a salary that I thought will leave for a trip south, , American School of the A ir..,T h e on the air and in public service thru secure some measure of return from thirty filnxs” xxxay be showxi in the ing, the machine makes the cash re­ was ridiculous. There isn’t axi em­ Citizenship Program on WE NX ... this medium... Pinky Tomlin has re­ those individuals too old for private lief roll, the cash book record, the ployee in the town with the head­ schools. The Lobby via W O R .. .The March of moved the “ specs” he has been wear­ industry, but who still possess suffi­ ledger commitment, all in one opera­ aches he has. His responsibility is Seven books, costing for the Tim e... The Answer Man, Mr. A1 ing for the past twenty years... he cient independence and initiative of tion, and upon issuing the check, we tx’exnendous. His job is no sinecure high school reference library came in Mitchell. . . and hundreds more... finds he doesn’t need them ... The their own to rebel at being placed on READ have no check back of invoices with and his pay is not commensurate Normon Brokenshire has started a Follies sho goes on . the road with the shelf. This could be tied in with for a lengthy discussion. The books issued orders, and when an item is with the job- he is doing.” new series of programs from the Doc Rockwell, Sybil Bowman and our U.S.E.S. Soon we will have are for teachers’ use in special course committed, it is very shortly paid. Newark studios of Mutual • on Sat- Dorothy Benson, all airlane favorites operating our unemployment insur­ The cash relief rolls are signed by work. They will be purchased. THE NEWS the various cities they will do ance, and for those eligible, event­ School Board dee’s. . .Vincent Lay dell, of the Me- each recipient, they readily meet “ W e’ll buy the books for the teach­ guest shots... Ray Ventura, the ually, social security,” he concluded. Cune Musical Crew, will shortly be with the state auditor’s requirements, ers to better qualify themselves for heard via a sustaining for a soap French ork leader, will be heard via (Continued from Page 1) and are passed and approved before Town Commissioner Joseph King jobs elsewhere,” said Mr. Schnxut-z. THOROUGHLY sponsor to review. . .Paul . McGrath, W M CA. .. Politics have taken a lot the Town Commission with greater alluded to the “ criticism from some “ I think they’ll better qualify of the Susan and God Broadway cast, of air time. me it seems foolish we going to perxnit the cafeteria to facility than large files of accounts sources when he was faced with .the aired well on. CBS with Gertrude . . , Bill McCune returns to the air run in competitioxi with other restau­ themselves for our system,” stated EACH W EEK payable invoices. problem of appointing some one to Lawrence... Andre Kostelanetz and shortly. .. Ray Keating leaves the air rants. I am against any public insti­ Mrs. Mary Sheldon, school commis­ Drugs. the job now held by Mr. Hewitt. Shis' ork, present Elizabeth Rethberg for a road tour. .. The girls go for tution (not merely the cafeteria) x’un- sioner. “ The department has also worked ‘There were many after the posi­ 'a s vocalist with the Deems Taylor Cary Grant and he does-have a mas­ out with various interested druggists, f sho... Jenny Peabody has a fast culine voice, too. . . The Onyx Club band was guests of the Swing Ses­ a schedule of prices and policies to moving dramatic sho...Jack Bereh, be used in caring for clients’ needs. the baritone, has not been up to snuff sion last Satdee.. w e like em ... Gabriel Heatter, the voice of Rogers “ The department has also formu­ la tely.. .can it be lack of appeal?. .. lated definite policies to guide each „Del Casino is still tops on the a ir... Peet and number one voice of the newscasters, has been signed for family visitor, in order that as nearly :-;“he has completed a very successful as possible our relief policies would engagement in Washington, D. C.. ,. another year with the present, spon­ Grand sor. . .funny thing only a few months be consistent, and be applied with Fred MacMurray and Madge Evans fairness to all concerned. The de­ make a fine radio pair...w e spotted of the first year are up.. .Jerry Baker can speak Jewish but is partment has a Ford truck, which THE WHOLE TOWN’S • them reading their scripts in the serves the Work Relief program, and Stork Club one nite over their coffee Italian. . . Stan Lomax smokes a pipe ...but before he had a pipe account, in addition moves many 'families. cups.. .Phil Baker, since he has been “ We have all seen the administra­ TALKING ABOUT THE < in Hollywood, has given us top notch was a cigar fa n .. .Down Beat, the Opening musical paper, has a radio show... tion of relief during the past and 1 shows.. . we like the Hollywood present unpleasantness, and, natu­ angle. . .yeah. . .Johnny Presents is but out in Kansas. . . Spelling bees are still popular. . .WOR raised their rally, the effect of R.F.C., F.E.R.A., r- appealing to the out of town news­ C.W.A., W.P.A., local administration papermen and awards prizes to the it costs more than a ■ thousand dollars to broadcast for one centralization and decentralization, ; best deeds they do. . .The comic strip, and we may reasonably inquire ‘ Captain and the Kids, will have Joe little hour, . .just time charges alone Today! ‘where do we go from here?’ *. Penner’s mother playing the “ Mama” ...I could pay off the mortgage on the ole homestead with that... and “ I feel that the matter is possible of the radio and screen version... of , but it requires a great so it goes. :' Professor Quiz of the air will be in amount of personal individual effort We need an about face, and a return John Hewitt churches, fraternal and political or­ to ' honest and sincere intentions. A ganizations. decided lessening of the desii’e to FARMER The department head explained a (Continued from Page 1) live with little effort. We need less comparison of costs here under social work, and more co-operation OUTLET E.R.A. and the present set-up. In being accomplished. We have cleaned and rehabilitation to make, fairly, October, 1934, the case load totaled many vacant lots, to alleviate hay intelligent people, in need of a job 1,230, involving 5,701 persons, cost­ fever, tent .caterpillars, unsightly at present economically mal-adjusted ing $57,959.32. In January, 1935, the weeds, brush and refuse. This is, of become self-sustaining. The . only maximum case load totaled 1,143, course, a distinct advantage to the answer to unemployment is employ­ 5,-189 persons and cost $49,065.81. town and improves unsightly prop­ ment. Our unemployed have become M The minimum that year aggregated erty. It is not without its headaches weakened by relieving them of their 578 cases, 2,524 persons and cost LOCATED AT and keeps us on the jump at times own responsibilities. The indepen $17,425.66. From September, 1935, on in combatting various mal-adjusted dence of those none too. strong willed the W .P.A ., reduced the active case individuals. in the first place, glad to be guided loads severely. In March, 1936, prior by the social worker, must be re­ 472 - WASHINGTON AVENUE, BELLEVILLE - 472 Mr. Hewitt declared the “ relief to the town taking over the load, stored, and the idea that the public problem to be met by taxation is (Opposite Malone Avenue) cases numbered 456, persons, 1,948 provides the light, »heat, and power the result of temporary unemploy­ and cost $14,416.45. All these figures, must be brought to a new low. ment of employables, due to season­ WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF DELICIOUS he said, are exclusive of administra­ “ The relief set up in both England able layoffs, strikes and reduction of tion and office operating expenses. and Sweden presents many interest­ . He added there are the In April, 1936, the case load ing features, that we might profit­ chronic poor unemployables, who are totaled 318, persons involved, 1,376 ably "copy. We have considerable re listed as cripples, are ill or mentally and cost $3,741.79 for one-half Fruits and Vegetables retarded and there are family situa­ month. In December that year the tions, concerning widows and neglec­ cost ran up to $10,786.48. In April, Gives “Bike” Exhibition ted children and desertions and non­ this year, the case load totaled 296, NO NEED TO TRAVEL ANY MORE—YOU GET BETTER VALUE AND MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT support problems. Under his guid­ which fell in July to 181, persons in­ Miss Lois “ Tick” Albey of 44 Ma­ ance comes removal of indigent volved for the same two dates lone avenue, is one of a gi'oup of THE FARMERS OUTLET MARKET. families, he stated, burial of poor, dropped from 1,189 to 733 and cost bicycle riders who will ride on rollers . commitment to mental institutions, from $10,975.39 to $6,195.81. at. the meeting of the Public Service support of parents and legitimate “ For the months of June, July, Au­ OPENING SPECIALS children, likely to become public gust and September, our costs have MONDAY ONLY charges, commitment to alms house APPLES been under $7,000 a month,” said Mr. POTATOES AND and welfare homes and non-citizens, BANANAS AND Hewitt, explaining the amount of YELLOW ONIONS ineligible for Old Age Assistance. FRESH town contribution to these expenses LEMONS SWEET POTATOES WHITE TURNIPS Operation of Department. SPIN A C H ______lb. 5c is about $1,601 a month. The Municipal Welfare Depart­ “ During our operation of the de­ ment functions in the following man­ partment, we have collected $992.22, TUESDAY ONLY ner, he said: “ Formal application of which $204.13 is deposited to the and interview, investigation, includ­ town’s credit, and $788.09 is marked 1 « each 2 C lb. P lb. ing pi’evious employment, property, for return to the State Financial As­ Delicious Honeydew 4 bank, building and loan, postal sav­ sistance Commission, and represents M ELONS ... Each A ings, insurance resources, legal.resi­ recaptured relief. The town also dence; home visit, relief plan made holds a second mortgage of $400 on FRESH CRISP CELERY BOSTON LETTUCE for family, if eligible for assistance, a small piece of property. WEDNESDAY ONLY administration records, giving details “ The foregoing figures, of course, e of expenditures for relief items and do not include our regular collections c fluctuations in case loads, machine on small items that are merely 4 head bookkeeping designed for cash re­ handled by the department in order 5 MUSHROOMS ____ lb. 19c lief, stock' room of clothing and F. to guarantee payments to designated ALSO MANY OTHER SPECIALS S. C. distribution and medical ser­ individuals. vice, which comes from two town “ I derive considerable satisfaction physicians. in reporting on the stewardship of FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DIRECT FROM THE FARM TO YOUR TABLE Mr. Hewitt outlined “ the supple­ the department,” Mr. Hewitt stated. mental resources that aid in reduced Cash Relief. expenditures of local taxes, classify­ ing them as State Board of Child­ “ Our reasons for going- on Cash ren’s Guardians, Old Age Assistance Relief were many and varied. From Bureau, C.C.C., W.P.A. and U. S. the standpoint of the relief recipient, Employment Service, New Jersey it permitted wider choice and eco­ Commission for the Blind, W.P.A. nomic discrimination in . purchases, Sewing Project, W.P.A. Household assisting a budget already on a sub­ Aid Project, Rehabilitation Commis­ sistence basis. It prevents unscrupu­ lC K THERE IS sion, private agencies, such as Com­ lous merchants from mulcting people munity Service Bureau, Lions and dependent on a food order. It gave in getting to­ Rotary Club, Sunshine Society, Vet­ to many people an opportunity to K erans’ Bureau, American Red Cross, ; have actual money to feel and plan gether with friends you Lois Albey. She Sings and Dances of Bergen County in the Hackensack Y. M. C. A. tonight. Othei’s who will seldom seel ride include Clark “ Click” Albey, Doris Kopsky and James Swenson. Miss Albey has won many prizes for her prowess on a bicycle. In all she has twenty-two medals received in bicycle and ice skate racing.

ío©o©o©oeo©o©o©o©¡? For Your Hallowe’en Favors

' *

SAUL KATZ Bates toar calls of abeot WrISISVEH they live, it's easy to arrange by telephone. I 486 Washington Avenue so salles and over axe X (Corner Little Street) You can call 18 miles for 15c —42 for 35c—anywhere in New reduced every might All kinds of masks, horns, rat­ Jersey (station-to-station rates). nSfer 7 («siili « ¡30 a* m u) Donno Dae. one of the featured arti-ts of the m tie?” tlers and other noisenxakers on Edgar Guest.’s “It Can Be Done” program over the NBC-Blue network and novelties NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY and alT of Wednesday nights at 8:30, E. S. T. Donna’s work,on radio is already » T ° --- attraeùngìhe attention of Hollywood producers. 1 PAG E F IV E THE BELLEVILLE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22,1937 ------mt


liAung at a time Avhich may be desig­ Bahai Happy World Order Told nated as the period of the incubation Mayor Gets Applause of the World Commonwealth envis­ aged by Baha’u’llah, has been as­ VOICE OF THE PEOPLE At Meeting of Local Lions Club signed a task Avhose high privilege At High School Ave can neArer sufficiently appreciate, and the arduousness of which we can From Porto Rico. “ 6. The form of legal pleadings Friday, October 22nd— Capd Party. Bahau”llah’s Regulations Epitomized by Philip Marar- Recalls Days He Twirled International Sunshine Society, yet but dimly recognize.” used in formal hearing proceedings President Arthur E. Mayer and Recreation House. ; (Editor’s Note: The following in the Workmen’s Compensation On New England gella Thought To Be Emerging in Cosmic Louis Noll were in charge of the pro­ letter is from a former resident of Bureau are inadequate to frame legal Friday, October 22—Epworth gram. this town who is teaching school in League, Wesley M. E. Church, Consciousness admissions and denials for the proper Ball Fields Porto Rico.) supper and “ Goof” night. Box 12, conduct of a given case. By Leon Feldstein, B. H. S. “ The Bahai Plan the World Over and Permanent Peace," was the sub­ Cabo Rojo, P. R. “ 7. Many times the workman’s Monday, October 25—Card party and supper, Good American ■ October 7 ,1937, right of appeal is foreclosed from an Mayor William H. Williams' Avas ject of an address by Philip Murargella Thursday at a| meeting of the Editor, News: Council D. of A., Exempt Head­ Whatever it adverse decision of the Workmen’s the guest speaker at an assembly quarters. Lions Club in the Forest H ill Field Club. ’ When I sat down to write, I could held in the. high school auditorium not think of anything better to write Compensation because it is incum­ Visualizing present Avorld conditions as a fulfillment of the idealism yesterday. The Mayor urged the Monday, October 25—Wesley Men's saYS—I have bent upon an appellant Avorkman to of Baha U ’lah as promulgated fifty years ago, Baha'i, whose assembly is about than this gorgeous Porto Rico. members of the football team to “K iioav Your State” meeting in Mgger news There is much of interest on this furnish a transcript of testimony of play a good game against Irvington, Wesley M. E. Church. at 119 W est 57th street, New York City, are looking for a new cosmic small Caribbean island that has the the prior proceedings at his own tomorrow and; cited one of the epi­ y o u most beautiful sunsets that I have Tuesday, October 26 — Reunion order. From the National Spiritual Assembly of this movement at 150 1er ! sodes in his sports career as an ex­ cost and expense. c.yd party, J unior Women’s Evergreen place, West EngleAvood, they are promulgating the epitome of even seen. A t first, the sky is aglow ample to the Belleville team, Avhere- “ 8. On July 21, 1936, the Civil Club. with a fiery red, and then it slowly these teachings as prepared by Sho- Service Commission approved the in too much self assurance is con­ changes into a pink, and finally into Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­ ordina ted and developed and the dis­ temporary employment of Stephen J. cerned. ghi Effendi. a deep blue just before dark. day, October 26, 27, 28-—Rum­ tribution of its products Avill be Lorenz as Deputy Commissioner of Marargella said that the unity of The most enjoyable aspect of this mage Sale, Ladies’ Aid Society equitably regulated. National rival­ Compensation during the leave of the human race, as envisaged by island is its climate. There are only in Wesley M. E. Church, ries, hatreds and intrigues will then absence, Avithout pay, of Mi\ Stubbs, Baha’u’llah, implies the establish­ about five days out of the year that cease, and racial animosity and preju­ secretary of the bureau. Is Lorenz Wednesday, October 27— Covered ment of a Avorld commomvealth in the sun does not shine. Continuously dice will be replaced by racial amity, throughout the day there blows a still .a temporary employee and has a dish luncheon by Mothers’ Circle which all nations, races, creeds and at Wesley M. E. Church. understanding and co-operation. cool ref resiling West Indian trade civil service examination, anticipat­ classes are closely and permanently wind. The average ing- a permanent appointment, ever Wednesday, October 27—.Bazaar, united. This commonwealth must, as Stops Religious Warfare. AV ìli ranges from 68 to 82 degrees. been held? Why was a scheduled ex­ Christ Episcopal Church. far as we can visualize it, consist of “ Causes of religious strife “ BECAUSE that beautiful In Porto Rico the ancient con­ amination for a deputy commissioner a world legislature,. AA’hose members thus be permanently removed, eco- Thursday, October 28th— L ions jewelry at VICTOR HART’S trast with the modern; past and called off ? " will, as the trustees of the whole of nomic barriers and restrictions AVill Club host at Regional meeting. be completely abolished and the in­ isn’t going to be without present walk hand in hand. On the ■ “ 9. Why do the county clerks in mankind, enact such laAvs as shall be ordinate distinction betAveen classes modern highways used by many Essex, Hudson, Union, Sussex and Friday, October 29 — Hallowe’en required to regulate the life, satisfy oAvners at the rate it’s selling will be obliterated. Destitution on the streamlined trucks, may be seen Salem Counties charge filing fees in party, men of Wesley M. E. the needs and adjust the relation­ now.- And no wonder . . . you one hand, and gross accumulation of ox teams with their bulksome appeal cases from the Workmen’s Church. ships of all races and peoples. seldom see such a varied selec­ homemade carts loaded with mer­ ; “ A Avorld executive, backed by an OAAmership on the other, will be im­ Compensation Bureau when Section Friday, October 29 — Hallowe’en tion of smart jewelry.” international , will carry out the possible. chandise for the local market place 16 of Chapter 149 of the Laws of party, children of Church School, decisions anWed at, and apply the “ Into such a period we are iioav inhere natives display their wares. 1918 speeifically proAddes for no fil- Belleville Reformed Church. The aura of romance hangs over the m g fees? laws enacted by, this Avorld legisla­ steadily and irresistibly moving” de­ Friday, October 29tlwHarvest ture, and will safeguard the organic island, where its olden fortresses, In the event, of your election as clares Marargella. “ Amidst the Home party and Jamboree. Men unity of the whole conimomvealth. shadows which are increasingly DIAMOND 9- WATCHES •JEWELRY• cathedrals, 'narrow streets and plazas Governor of this great State of New WATCH m JEWELRY REPAIRING of Wesley M. E. Church. When such occurs, a Avorld tribunal gathering about us Ave can faintly have the glamour of ancient Spain. Tersey, will you sanction Avorkmen’s 457 WASHINGTON AVE will adjudicate and deliver its com­ Along with the modern may be found compensation administratÍAre abuses Friday, Ocotber 29th— Card Party. discern the glimmerings of Baha’u’l- 2 -20 8 6 pulsory and final verdict in all and BELLEVILLE large ocean front, open air ballrooms, or do you advocate a searching , and Belleville Chapter O. E. S., Rec­ lah’s unearthly soArereignty appearing my disputes, that may arise betAveen fitfully on the horizon of history. To Cor. w'ashTngxon and Tappan Aves. set in a garden amidst the sheltering impartial public hearing or investi­ reation House. the \Tarious elements constituting us,” the “generation of half-light,” royal palms, where you listen to the gation of the Workmen’s, Compensa- Friday, October, 29 — HalloAve'en this universal system” he stated. pulsating, staccato native music, one ion 1 Bureau - and its administrative Mayor Williams minute, and, the next, to the lively party, Senior class of Belleville Actuates Civilization. activities to bring about a speedy Mayor Williams told the story of High School in gymnasium. Assuming this eventuality, a Avorld strains of America’s latest dance :orrection ? On the other hand, you his experience as a pitcher during metropolis will act as the nerve Jilts. nay have some other, form of ap­ he course of an important Nexv Eng- Saturday, October 30— Halloive’en center of a Avorld civilization, the ■ This island is really a sportsman’s proach to these intolerable condi- and baseball game. The team pitted dance, Belleville Political and focus toAvard which the unifying paradise with its deep sea .fishing, igainst his tied in the last inning Social Club, at neAv clubhouse in vions. forces of life will coiwerge and from sailing, and cockfights. To me the md the situation remained as such Belleville avenue. most enjoyable sport is found in the “In short, what Avill you do to which its emergizing influences will until the thirteenth inning. protect the 20,000 injured Avorkmen Saturday, October 30— Hallowe’en radiate. A Avorld language must enticing facilities for carefree loaf­ Too much self confidence Avas the ing beneath beautiful old palm trees whose cases are closed each year, if Frolic, Belleville Ledge of Elks, either be invented or chosen from loAvnfall of the Mayor’s team Iioav- on lovely white sand beaches with fleeted to the office of Governor of at Elks’ Home, 251 Washington among the existing languages to be 2ver, especially Avhen he pitched the the lilting song of the tropic seas as his state?” avenue. taught in the schools of all the fed xall to a potential home-run hitter RICHARD SPITZ erated nations as an auxiliary to a lullaby. md regarded the latter in an in­ Thursday, November 4 — Turkey I think I had better stop before I their mother tongue. In such a Avorld ferior light. dinner, Women’s Guild, F cav- get “ mushy" and really tell you all Poisoners at Large. That batter “ Avhanged the ball” science and religion, the t\A*o most Already ' about this magnificent “ Enchanted smith M. P. Church. potent forces in human life, Avill be igainst a gas house outside the ball Isle." Best regards to the boys. reconciled. Avill co-operate and Avill Editor, News: , , field for a home run and thus the Thursday and Friday, November 4 The voice of paradise, harmoniously de\Telop. A year or so ago, the murderers of Mayor no longer placed too much and 5— Annual fair and bazaar, Joseph Evangelista “ The economic resources of the Mrs. Applegate, on Long Island, were confidence in himself, he said. Ladies’ Aid Society, Reformed world will be organized, its sources New Shares were purchased m our 57 th electrocuted for her murder by poison With this moral he told the home Church. Dinner served both Open Letter to Candidates. of raAv materials will be tapped and It developed that the Avoman Avho con- earn to have the determination to nights. fully utilized, its markets will be co- iointly with Mrs. Aoolegate’s hn win-but not to be too sure of them­ Series by 2 7 subscribers. Editor, NeAvs: Friday, November 5—Mock Wed* 'mod. had been acquitted previously selves. He told them to go into the • “In 1936 the NeAv Jersey Work­ ding, “ Rastus Gets Married,” game Avithout over-confidence as the men’s Compensation Bureau closed in NcAvavk of a poison murder;- tbu men of Wesley M. E. Church. THIS SERIES IS STILL OPEN serving to give her the chance of com- main Aveapon to gain victory. Small Profit Made 20,000 cases of injured and diseased Mayor Williams also told the Workmen involving the payment of nitting another poison murder. Friday, November 5th— Start of N oav an acquittal, as such, gives a audience about the manner in Avhich $4,769,183.00 in compensation and al Community Chest drive. Belleville and its political and school In School Cafeteria most a half million dollars for hos­ Borgia just such an opportunity. Thr WHY NOT START A BOOK NOW? defense of insanity, in AmerUa, avouIc1 system have grown from a “great Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, pital and other medical costs. amount of criticism” to one’ of the NoArember 8, 9 and 10—Rum­ $34.93 Margin with Receipts Your funds are INSURED up to $5000 by the FEDERAL SAVINGS “ Therefore, the administration of ’f successful result in a A'erdict, “ Not .'oremost toAvns in the state. mage sale, 76 Washington ave­ the Workmen’s Compensation Bureau ruilty because of insanity.” In Eng & LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION. He told the students that they nue, Women’s Guild, FeAvsmith Reaching to $1,086.62 is a major state governmental func­ land it might result in the verdic should be proud of their school and M. P. Church. tion that is at present under the ad­ ‘Guilty, but insane.” In either case Lhe toAvn. “ A student of our schools Last Month ministrative dictatorship of one 't would result in the committal of Thursday, November 11—Football should be proud of it as should a North Belleville Building man, John J. Toohey, Commissioner the defendant to an insane asylum game, second team, Belleville ■esident of our toAvn be proud of his Profits in the High School cafeteria of Labor of this state. He has ad­ but the difference, in the result Avould High School vs. Lyndhurst, ir her community,” the Mayor said. luring its first month of operation mitted the existence of abuses and be the difference with Avhich the two Clearman Field. and Loan Association The speech Avas Avell received by :,his school year Airere $34.93, a re­ has also promised administrative ■ountries consider the criminal insane student body and faculty, alike, and port by President John P. Dailey dis­ 500 Washington Avenue, Belleville, N. J. changes that Avould develop ‘when all In America an early release of ac Saturday. November 13—“ Smilin* he' Avas greeted with much applause. closed Monday night at the Board of cc|iflicting interests are considered quitted insane person would probably Through,” by Little Theatre Included in the assembly program Education meeting. and reconciled.’ Conflicting intex-ests FoIIoav, but not so in the mother coun Guild, Belleville High School. were a number of cheers. The latter Receipts for the month totaled $L- can nevex- be reconciled in the admin­ where the insane murderei were led by the high school cheer Monday, November 15 th—Bingo 086.62 and expenses, $1,051.69. The istration of workmen's compensation would be put in the asylum to stay ftOiceœaBQfooftcæeceoeeâoæ&QsœGigcâce^^ Party, benefit St. Anthony’s attendance for the month totaled o cases but equitable processes of the there. eading squad. A quartet of students introduced Church. 3,850 and the average meal cost Puppies Canaries administration must ultimately sup­ But Ave need some provision of lav i new school song. Included in the slightly over twelve cents per per­ ply the basis for Avorkmen’s com­ wherebv the community is protected Thursday and Friday, November quartet were- CorAvin Stickney, Wil­ son. pensation administration regardless against an acquitted person on thr -Annual Bazaar, Wesley iam Farmer, William Ilaino and 18, Bl­ It Avas pointed out by Mr. Dailey B e l l e v i l l e P e t S h o p of conflicting interests. Some of the barge of poisonmtr. That xvoman in Methodist Episcopal Church. leinz Oellschner. hat one reason for the small margin Headquarters for Geisler Bird Seedr., Ton inn and Cage Carpets specific grievances with- workmen’s Nbrwark Avas acquitted because Hugh D. Kittle, principal of Lhe of profit is due to Avages for clean­ Complete Line of Bird Supplies compensation administration are ailure of entire proof. She only November 28 J e w is hSun'h'v. ing being higher the first month leeded a second chance to proxTe on igh school, presided. Festival of Lights. .Dog Furnishings these: school opens after Aracation period. “ 1. Attorney fees for trial arid Long lamiiu huw oire udd murdered -in Blankets, Sweaters, Collars, Harness, Leads, Muzzles, Wednesday. December 15—Concert, The cafeteria report preceded medical fees for testimony are Neiv Jersey. Legislators should con Boy Undecided Toys and Remedies Belleville Glee Club at No. It) •.mother by Mr. Dailey on the coiwen- charged unjustly and inequitably ’em themselves Avith the solution of (Continued from Page One) Belleville's Only "Quad'nie" Dealer & school, Belleville and Franklin !,ion he and Business Manager Ruel against Avorkmen ¿instead of the em this problem to the end that the pub uspended the fine, warning the boy, avenues. E. Daniels attended recently in Balti­ ployer or the insurance carrier. Cus !ic should ptove less of a proving vhose name is withheld to1' obvio- more, Avhere business executWes of Ace Aquarium Heaters— Thermostatic Control to manly these fees are often split ground by the Adetims it furnishe: ’WVHKIH ■easons, that Principal Hugh D ,he nation gathered. or the Borgia. , Maybe a constitu and charged against the Avorkmen. Kittle of the high senool Avould l During the convention manage- m m “ 2. It takes six months to a year tional amendment would be neoessar ontacted. nent and operation of cafeteria was for cases to be reached for trial and .o holding the acquitted poisoner Free D oy am i Bird Brinks Fish Foods, etc. Frank Hunter, 135 Bremond i subject for discussion, Mr. Dailey Trnpieal and Geld Fi.Gi disposed of on the Workmen’s Com under the restraint of custody, or su CLARA MAY street, Avho avis charged Avith explained, adding: “ Most are opera­ Aquatic Plants, Aquariums, Etc. pensation Bureau calendar. division, thus modifying the force drunken driving by the. police, had ted as ours. Only one out of 300 is “ 3- Injured Avorkmen do not secure if an acquittal of the crime, of a muv lis license revoked for Lavo years and DRESS SHOPPE eased out. Eight years ago the cafe- BELLEVILLE PET SHOP protection of their rights unless a re lev committed by poisoning. I think vas fined $225 and $25 cost of court, .erias Avere predominantly leased out. 558 W ASHINGTON AVENUE Phone BE 2-1536 l quest for an informal hearing is filed that in this matter the laivs of Eng 122 Washington Avenue it the court hearing. N oav, nearly all have student help. by the employer or the injured. Pro •and are quite as defective as those vicimc>oo.oo^oo:c)C>o:aomoÄaor>v.oo.o.oo,ooo.ctocd7toc’Ctoc»cto.actC0Ätcaatl Eight cases of speeding were Phone BE 2-4967 “ All but three sell candy,” he teetion of workers’ rights is not pro of Anierica. The profession of the heard and the drivers given various stated. “ Some have student stores, vided as a matter of course to those iaiv is a marvel for holding to con sentences. They are Especlito La he opinion being that Avhen candy is Avho are injured. servatism. Its members Avould profit Sterla, 58 Park street, Bloomfield, We have a full hne sold in the cafeteria hearty food is “ 4- Informal referees hear cases .by sometimes a fright, such as vom suspension of license, five days; A'-hen liability is disputed. They have Ring green matter, thus shoAving that of liassed by. George J. Stothakis, 819 East 22nd The president also explained in often testified against workmen in someone had given them arsenic street, Paterson, license suspended, SPORT AND •esponse to a remark that in subsequent formal hearing proceed therefore seeking to murder them five days, cost of court $8; Ray schools Av’nere sale of candy is not ings. These men and administrative That Avould inspire them', with terror DRESS COATS Young, 33 Wright street, Newark, lermissable, children Avill leaAe the Today's modern glasses bring new dig- officials have testified against in it the thought of a poisoner on their license suspended five days, court grounds to cross to the “ neighbor­ rity and elegance to the wearer. They stead of protecting the existing heels, probably a previously acquitted cost $3; Samuel Steimvurtzel, 86 hood candy shop.” The Supreme add refinement and poise, besides safe- rights of injured and diseased work ooisoner, Avho, having .played thetrick Belmont avenue, Newark, license Fur Coats Made to Court of Texas has ruled that chil- ■'••!iry the eyes. the one time is seeking again to play suspended ten days, $3 court costs; Iren can not leave the grounds, “ 5. The Bureau demands that the ! it, possessed Avith a mania to destroy your measure George Ott, 66 Elm road, Caldwell, while school is in session, he said. injured Avorkman exhibit medical in iveryyne who might cross their path ■ license suspended fi\re days, $3 cost Another general topic at lhe con­ formation reports at informal hear­ I have suffered the poisoning of Xewark xf court; Nathaniel Weiss, 545 Wash­ vention centered on “ sweeps,” brooms ings but employers and insurance dog and some of my chickens, anu O ffice: ington aATenue, B dleville, license Dresses to the uninitiated. carriers are not required to do so. ,iave noted the dreadful symptoms 36 New suspended five days, $3 court costs; “ Those felloAvs are experts,” Mr. Furthermore, physicians engaged by This thing has got to be brought near Sweaters Francis R. Spratt, 197 Fifth street. Dailey said. “ They even knoAv hoAV Street- the employer or insurance carrier one. We cannot have a poisoner at NeAvark, license suspended five days. .Sport.' ear many” bristles there are in a broom. Our service Opposite treat injured workmen without being large, even though acquitted. $3 cost of court; DaAvson Kerr, 140 He explained a type of “ sweep” cost­ includes exam­ I I aline1 s required to give medical reports to FREDERICK A. HEISLEY. Hosiery Franklin avenue, West Orange, ing $100, which lasts eighteen ination. n e av- the. very men whom they treat. It is Nutley, October 18. speeding and crossing white line, months. BelleATille uses brooms that est style frames' often alleged in such cases by the Millinery license suspended five days, fined $5 cost $22 and last on the average two or mountings and employer or insurance carrier that and $3 cost of court. such treatment was given in connec­ months. lenses. DRS. LAMB & WOLFF Other fines .imposed included, The board accepted the invitation tion with a noneompensible accident Optometrists For Best Results Use Peter Frunzi, 270 Belleville avenue, Reasonable prices to meet of the Armistice Day Committee to NUtley 2-2485 or occupational disease and the em­ Office Hrs: 3 a.m. to '12, Eves, by appointment Belleville, for crossing Avhite line, $5 attend the parade November 11. The ployee is “stranded" and left with­ Lee Bldg., 349 Franklin Ave., Nutley the and $3 cost of court, IVallace B. your budget invitation was written by the veter­ MArket 3-2685 out sources of evidence to present Mackev, 75 Oakwood avenue, Mont- ans’ secretary, E. H. Alden. medical facts necessary for the im­ News clair, erossingjfhite line, the same. partial adjudication of his case. / M «* PAG E SIX THE BELLEVILLE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 193 ¥ Meetings of the hoards— Tuesdays, Six Holy Days: Congregation Religious School Is Arranging O'nt J2o ncj D q tv ice jfêecotcl fëtoveô 8 P. M. . 1. Circumcision, January 1; 2. As­ Wesley Men To Hear Girls’ clubs—Wednesdays, 7 P. M. cension Day, 40 days after Easter; 3. M ïv- the coming dance, is headed by Mrs. superintendent, will preside. Confessions, Saturday, 3:30 to 6 P. M. H. Goldberg, who is assisted by the Thursday, October 28—The Church to 7:30 P. M., always heard on vigils W ESLEY M. E. CHURCH Mesdames R. Abromson, Roehlin, choir will rehearse at 8 P. M. - of holy days. Edgar M. Compton, Pastor Weinglass, Denner, Weshner, Glynn, In the very near future, Rev. Harry Communion Sundays: First Sunday R. Cherin, S .Cohen, Biebelberg and Pfunke, pastor of Bethany Church, Sunday, 9:30 A. M.— Sunday School. 8 o’clock mass, Rosary; second Sun­ Kiviett. will make his home at 41 Mertz ave­ day, Holy Name, 8 o’clock mass; Mrs. L. Abromson leads the char- 10:45 A. M., Church service. 6:45 P. nue. Complete Facilities third Sunday, 8 o’clock mass, Chil­ 'ty committee with the help of Mrs. M., Intermediate Epworth League. 7 On Saturday, December 4, in Ma­ P. M., Senior Epworth League. 7:45 dren of Mary and Angels Sodality. P. Lempert and Mrs. E. Cherin sonic Temple, a fair, including games Meetings: Rosary Society, first The board of education committee P. M., Evening Worship. will be held. Chairman of the general Monday, 7 P. M., Junior choir re- Sunday, at 3:30 P. M.; Angel’s Sodal­ is under the guidance of Mrs. Wein­ committee is Gustave Beck. Other ity and Children of Mary, third Sun­ Plus heai’sal. glass who is aided by Mrs, Berkowitz leaders include: Secretary, Mrs. Jor­ day at 3:30 o’clock. Thursday eve­ Tuesday, 7:30 P. M., Boy Scouts and Mrs. Denner. dan; treasurer, Mr. Clark; publicity, ning after second Sunday, Holy Name Troop No. 4. The Mesdames Kabatehniek, L. Mr. Reed. On the general committee meeting. Schwartz and Haber are on the house Wednesday, 3:30 P. M., Junior Ep- in addition to the above, are Mrs. Knights of Columbus meeting, sec­ committee. The Mesdames Linden- A Spirit of Cooperation worth League. Reed, ¡Mrs. Drentlau, Mr. Thornton, ond and fourth Monday, 8 P. M.; baum, Glynn and Berliss compose the Wednesday, 8 P. M„ Mid-week Mrs. Murdock, Mr Brean, .Jean Catholic Daughters of America, first membership committee. Mrs. Tilkin, Prayer Service. Alike, Charlotte Carlson, Mrs. Adler, and third Monday, 8 P. M. ompetently assisted by Mrs. Sarah Thursday, 8 P. M, Rehearsal Mr. Oechsner. Fellman, guide the cultural programs Senior Choir. Preparations for the fair have Sunday school after 9 o’clock Mass of the Sisterhood. Many residents of Belleville have found our P E R ­ Tonight at 6:30, the Epworth been in progress for over a year. every Sunday from October to June. The donor chairman is Mrs. Kess- League will, sponsor a “ Goof Night” October and May devotions every ner; tribute fund chairman, Mrs. Ber­ beginning with supper and followed Tuesday and Friday evenings during liss; publicity chairman, Mrs. Rubin SONAL LOAN PLAN to be of great convenience. by a goofy entertainment. Miss Eliza­ FEWSMITH MEMORIAL those months at 8 P. M. First Friday Dobin, sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Stein­ beth Preston is in charge PRESBYTERIAN devotions, 8 P. M. A luncheon, commemorating the O. Bell Close, Minister hauer, and Berkowitz. Choir rehearsals, Friday evenings seventieth anniversary of the found­ at 8 o’clock. Boy Scouts, Thursday, ing of the Foreign Missionary So If you are steadily employed and you are in need Sunday school— 9:45 A. M. 7 P. M.; Girl Scouts, Tuesday, 3:3© Everyman’s Bit>le Class ciety, will be held this noon at the Public worship— 11 A. M. P. M. Daily masses, 6:45 and 7:30 Sandford Street M. E. Church. Mrs. Young people's meeting— 8 P. M. A. M. Everyman’s Bible Class, through of funds, we invite you to consult with our Fred A. Victor, New York branch George W. Tranter, leader of the president, will ¡preside and give a class, is taking the members through brief talk, followed by four repre­ the evolution of man down through Personal Loan Department. sentatives from the missionary field. the ages and giving an interpreta­ A group of women form Wesley will tion of man’s religious experiences. attend. In a series 'of talks, Mr. Tranter Next Sunday evening the delegates plans to bring the members face to from Drew Institute, Blairstown, and face with the realization that truly the Youth Conference, recently held did Christ come that “ We might have in Evanston, Illinois, will give their life more abundantly” today and each reports. FRANK McGEE day of our work-a-day world. The regular monthly meeting of A t the meeting Sunday morning The First National Bank the Wesley men will be held in the at 9:30, Arthur Ackerman rendered church, Monday evening, October 25, organ selections. at 8:15 P. M. Final plans for the Funeral Director Harvest Home Masquerade party, to of Belleville be held the evening of October 29, 136 WASHINGTON AVENUE Driver Held •will be made. George Herpick heads the entertainment group. BELLEVILLE, N, J. Leo F. Sweeney of 515 Union ave­ “ Belleville’s Friendly First National” The rummage sale scheduled for nue, was held in $250 bail Friday for next month will be advanced from a hearing today on a drunken driving the original date to next week, Octo­ charge. He was arrested last week M E M B E R F E D E R A L D E P O S IT I N S U R A N C E C O R P O R A T I O N ber 26, 27, 28. It will be held in the Phone BEIleville 2-2727 or HUmboldt 2-2222 by Patrolmen Holly and Monaghan, church. Rummage will be collected who noticed his car zig-zagging in Monday _ evening if Mrs. Edward Franklin avenue. n ft

■* % « EL OS IG P NTE WIN ANOTHER UP RING BOYS BELL ad akr Je hrod scored Chorborda Joe marker. yard owr t ter orh i o the of win fourth their to forward eod tep fo paeet was placement good. from attempt second apin udy we te wl op­ will they when Sunday, campaign n h floig ly o ie the give, Zoppa’s to G. lead. 12-0 play a Camptown’s following the on Zoppa G. and punt, a blocking again Joe Chorborda and Joe Turner. The The Turner. Joe and Chorborda Joe pose the Woodside A. C., of North North of C., A. Woodside the pose racing to the Cedar Brook’s four- four- Brook’s Cedar the Mickealson to with racing quarter last the ures a a utn de between duel punting a saw third and quarters second The score. to yards territory. enemy into deep booted eak t r-iy Stadium. Tri-City at Newark apon ia tly ae al in early came tally final Camptown took from the air and raced thirty thirty raced and air the from took blocked partially end, Camptown son, Ceder Brook club, 13-0, at Tri-City Tri-City at 13-0, club, Brook Ceder ons hs t kc. . Zo-ppa G. sameMickeal- quarter, the in kick. Shortly to chose town’s to yet upon. have scored and be wins straight three football club, defeated the Plainfield Plainfield the defeated club, football Cdr ro pn, hc Zoppa which punt, Brook Cedar a tdu i Uin Sunday. Union, in Stadium oa Ga Ln I Sil Uncrossed Still Is Line Goal Local un hd eoee A Kgks fum- Klgck’s A1 recovered had Vuono ake odie . . at C. A. Woodside Tackle ¡catch him. asd ite yrs o ati Ed Captain to yards sixteen passed Kuchin- Chet close, a to drawing was ol o te i-ad ie a(r Lou af(er line, six-yard the on Doyle iue od btte fie b inches by failed they but old, minutes l, oc Fak mt’ lts find, latest Smith’s Frank Coach sld, apon rs Win Pros Camptown ofrti year. this far so to make a first down on the West West the on down line. five-yard first Side a make to a Ps i Frt e Mnts y eak Halfback Newark by Minutes Few First in Pass Bad o, et hi ga ln uncrossed, line goal their kept for, by Field, Clearman at son,.'Saturday, to score before the game was two two was game the before score to could Riders, Rough the of flashy halfback Alexander, Pete before marker soe f -. h lcl os there­ boys, local The 6-0. of score a yards, to the West Side fifteen yard yard fifteen Side West the the to yards, for out. struck Torre line. yard check for long, as The second half half second The as long, for check ie/ih t frt eet f h sea­ the of defeat first its /HighSide side lines and . galloped sixty-two sixty-two galloped . and lines side was Side West by pass through follow Sunday / hryyr ps ta Pt Tre in­ Torre Pete eleven. that pass Bellboy thirty-yard thinking fast the. tercepted on his own twenty-three twenty-three own his on tercepted a threvv halfback, Side West Kluck, by break a into turned immediately A a ps fo cne ad poor a and center from pass bad A ■ The Camptown Pros will be looking looking be will Pros Camptown The n h oeig ure te Camp- the quarter opening the In The Camptown’s have a record of of record a have Camptown’s The The Camptown Pros, professional professional Pros, Camptown The Belleville High School handed West handed West School High Belleville u Bleil cud o b hl in held be not could Belleville But It.looked like the locals were going going were locals the like It.looked hr Srih Game Straight Third tcl, pnn js a h would he as .tackle, just opening h opsn sft mn usually man safety opposing the ain hc w ue regularly. In usemation we which diagram outstanding nine of series a in first the Is This ly deeperplays on this formation. On result a As offtackle anand play. f og ass hc w ue fre­ use we which passes long of number a have place, we first the andalso the quick formationkick, samelinea buck the fromquently h pa darme, o 1 hits 10 diagrammed, No. play the o o 9 N. 1 trs o te off the 11 for starts No. 9. No. to W Cities Rice's Graijtland from coaches college leading nine no h ln js a h wud on would he as just line theinto theline play, the givesball he but otal Guide. Football uwr sihl ad lcs the No.7end. blocksgoes deep down andthe field slightly outward n h of ake ly bt turns but play, tackle off the on ed otal Coach Football Head al . Snavely G. Carl ONL ...... CORNELL r-iy Stadium Tri-City theunorthodox from play short punt above for­ the work E y rd MeQuilken Fred By B. s oc Sihs as rp et Side West Trip Lads Smith’s Coach As by H. ★ Immediately Turns into Break for into Immediately Turns Break . Graduate S.


aey a ot fpsto. f No. If position. of out mansafety as heaswould ona long forward from. Hutchinson.from. o % proe f eoig the decoying of purpose %e for he a as o akr h snared who Walker to quarterback, pass a .• Dukes’ threw ace the son, pass to Andy Walker, which gained gained which Walker, Andy to pass fensive de­ the center that and so line, fullback the are held at fakes makeeffective l 10No. if i and andNo. this doing in successful is 7 lo crd h eta on o a pass a on Walker point extra line. the scored goal also the over neatly it ot Fed Sunday. Field, at Booth opponent another meet will Dukes ot yrs o te ue. he line Three Dukes. the for yards fort£ pn vr h cne. s h dia­ the As center. theopen over passreceiverusuallytoget able is plays failed to score the necessary necessary the score to failed plays xr pit a stopped. was point extra No. 5No.pull out and block the oppos­ ls o dan no h ln, the line, the into drawn or close isn i Toa-ie ok The work. Trojan-like did Wilson Hutchin­ down fourth the On yards. hry ad. ie lne o the for plunge line A yards. thirty rm hw, h gad N. and $ shows, guards No.gram the ia qati, admr fipd a flipped Vandemark quartei*, final xr point. extra pciey Te ulak after fullback, The spectively. re­ tackle, left and end right ing l tm t st isl ad throw; and himself set to time ple third quarter on a pass good for for good pass a on quarter third end. around yards thirty of run spectac­ ular a with game the of play ond the tackle, am­ has and passer the blocks 9, No. to ball handing the crd h frt ocdw i te sec. the in touchdown first the scored h bl carefully. ball the admr’ kc ws ie o the for wide was kick Vandemark’s rvd te feie oc Sih has Smith Coach offerise the provide 13-6. Sunday at Booth Memorial Field, Field, Memorial Booth game at Sunday a-football in Condors Kearny i frt on ec, n nn have none and each, downs first only six average to able been have nents uly ue Hand Dukes Nutley oppo­ Bellboy’s the games four first' o an ny i frt on. n the In downs. first six able only being gain Side to West apparent, very ble on the West Side twenty-one yard yard twenty-one Side West the on ble en be o cr a point. a score to able been ht ad i pse, r- on to going are- passes, his and Chet, Rd Vneak Local Vandemark, “Red” out ball the pulled who Teitz, Dutch” “ flip­ Kuchinski later plays Four line. h peiu gms hs season] in this lacked' games previous the Belleville that something, have will, he duty to returns recently, e aohr efc ps, hs ie to time this pass, perfect another ped ossin f he Ws Sd backs. Side West three of possession oe n t hl hm an ground, gain him help to one some en okn for. looking been f h ar n as fo apparent from also and air the of agn f itr fr h Smith the for though as looks victory It Bellboys. coached of margin H NEWS THE ih he mnts o ly n the in play to minutes three With On the line Jack Hozack and “ Red” Red” “ and Hozack Jack line theOn h Cnos id h gm i the in game the tied Condors The ik ’el te usadn star, outstanding the O’Neil, Dick h Nte Dks eetd the defeated Dukes Nutley The Belleville’s great defense was again again was defense great Belleville’s nhnk’ ps poe t b the be to proved pass Knehinski’s hn d lvn wo a injured was who Slavin, Ed When o, ly Wl for Well Plays Boy, odr a Defeat a Condors oe Club Home D A E R

plays t»y, Servics ___ pass

af a. h hg sho wl close will school high The day. half ytm as closing. also systems ncsiy hn Superintendent when necessity a Wayne R. Parmer declared that it it that declared Parmer R. Wayne almost became state This made. in was lossclose no is there as much school substitutes and $5 for grade grade for $5 and substitutes school they if paid be teachers the pro­ that law vides The faculty. school high the ln o ted oebr 12. ses­ November attend the to plan for stay will teachers ville happy election day, however. The The however. day, election happy would mean $7.50 each for high high for each $7.50 mean would convention. the attend from being go, to planning those of substitutes with other neighboring neighboring other find to with impossible substitutes almost be would etnhue . Westinghouse col te wl b i ssin one- session in be will then schools ak o te ecig oc, nineteen force, teaching the of ranks ebr 4 icuie Ntmn Belle­ many t­ 14, Not A inclusive. vember in Convention Teachers’ the of ud frte cain h dcso to decision the occasion the for funds Inas­ schedule. salary regular the to atc iy rm oebr 2 o No­ to 12 November from City lantic col elcmn ocs i addition in forces, replacement school sions, Monday, November 14, but fifty 14,fifty but November sions, Monday, lm, .. . 12 .. W.T. Klemz, Two Day Holiday for Holiday Day Two ’tr’, ... 15 R.C.A. S’tt’rl’n, 12 . R.C.A. Sokol, 15 . W.T. 15Rhodes, R.C.A. Pearce, 10 . W.T. Fabian, 12 W.P.W. Baney, hrdy n as coe te follow­ the closed also and Thursday auo PP . 15 .. P.P. Caruso, 15 .. N.B. Reilly, 15 V.T. Machonis, 9 W.P.W. 12 Faust, W.P.W. Dunn, e. ete . Leather Fed. o te xr dy I i al because all is It day. extra the for 12. November day, ing a on falls which 11, November Day, glee. with Tiffany Tiffany at ely .. Neally East. a. Pub.Wks. Wat. atn Dennis Martin Tung Sol Lamp Sol Tung onnon .. Sonnenborn mrcn Cable American ritc Dy n Next and Day Armistice hs Brass Chase ainl o . Box National oo evc . Service Mono it.Gas ... Glass Pitts. .C A C.R. iig ol .. Tool Viking al & Tier. & Wall. alc ad ira, 1039. Tiernan, and Wallace Chavor bowled high scon high bowled Chavor 2 wr te ih e fr h night the for men high the 624 were 114. Reinhardt, and 139 more, were averages the in bowlers good the ih ige aesoe a rle by rolled was score game single High Pittsbui’gh defeating League, Bowling lt Gas obn i to games. two in combine Glass Plate s olw: acls, 1; , Skid­ T, 116; Cancelosi, follows: as t ocok ht day. that o’clock 1 at day night in the Manufacturers’ Manufacturers’ the in night day oo evc Srns upie y opig edr in Leaders Toppling by Surprise Springs Service Mono Local School Children School Local I f Belleville schools operated it it operated schools Belleville f I hs il ut bu dpee the deplete about just will This h yugtr wl nt e so be not will youngsters The n, hy a tak hi teachers their thank can they And, shout can children school Belleville The schools will be closed Armistice Armistice closedbe schoolswill The ae G. Name A few new high scoi’es by some of of some scoi’es by high new few A Haselman with 606 and Dunn with with Dunn and 606 with Haselman Name Kopsky’s Mono Service sprung a surprise Fri­ surprise a sprung Service Mono *At home games, home *At olwn Tee Will There Following October^16 etme 2 (Saturday) 25 September coe 2 October oebr6(Saturday) 13 November 6 November coe 28 October November 25 November coe 30 October coe 9(Saturday,) 9 October IHSHO OTALSHDL, 97 ] 1937 SCHEDULE, FOOTBALL SCHOOL HIGH ...... Individual ...... e o School No Be THE o tes n auatrr’ League Manufacturers’ in Others To 15 15 510 15 15 57 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 510 15 15 59 15 511 15 G. ■BICYLES- REPAIRS AND A L L ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES L L A AND REPAIRS Averages. Averages. 82 186- 2802 88 187- 2818 96 195- 2936 80 187 2810 32 196- 2362 25 187- 2255 32 194- 2332 86 189- 2836 189- 2840 189- 1899 38 198- 2378 75 197- 1785 T.P. Av Av T.P. ------23 12 W. B E L LE V ILL E NEW S, FRIDAY, OCTOBER OCTOBER FRIDAY, S, NEW E ILL V LE L E B 2 V (Thursday) 5 3 9 (Saturday) (Saturday) 6 6 9 (Saturday) 5 8 5 (Saturday) (Saturday) w Gms Monday Games Two 10 3808 13 12 0811 10 10 .Av. L. 9 8 812 7 6 920 5 4 6 6 5 with 244. with IYLS O HIRE FOR BICYCLES 785 781 824 879 837 816 877 0 955 909 871 917 884 908 H.S. . 2 21312 225 5 266 3 1 24311 21313 0 25310 246 3 1 24611 SPORT WORLD

1039 H.S. ... _ 233 224 244 875 238 886 937 911 938 974 987 977 912 956 954 968 964 984 Night


Purdue pivoter, who is the passer for for passer the is who pivoter, Purdue in etr ls season. all-associa­ last as centers tion selected Van­ and were Oehler iewsky Otlowski. Ray and pated between Johnny Oehler, ex- ex- Oehler, Johnny between pated offense. and defense the on Cardin­ the An­ with debut his Carideo. made gelo Frank famous Dame’s n ad passing. and kick­ ing for upon depended is Kaufman One triple-threater. a as baekfield the Mt. Vernon, and Harold Vaniewsky Vaniewsky Harold and Vernon, Mt. l aant eak n sard both starred and Newark against als aos r ubae o ter home their on unbeaten Tor­ The are Newark. nadoes for fray afternoon f h fw xTgr i po ball, pro in ex-Tigers few the of ny eet 7 o , he wes ago. weeks three Newark’s 0, to 7 spelled defeat, which only Harris Bill n te hnnoh Presidents. Shenandoah the and games association in Eagles the andBrooklyn York New against sidedwins Carideo, younger brother of Notre Notre of brother younger Carideo, won prominence with the Providence Providence the with prominence won Steamrollers. It was Williams’ pass topass Williams’ was It Steamrollers. Panthers, marked contest, the throughout fense o Wlim, 1-on vtrn who 212-pound veteran Williams, Pop ates at udy Sihs boots Smith’s Paterson Sunday. last the Panthers the in tie against • livery scoreless Newark in Buck- appearance with played who tackle inch h Traos aebe o te road the on been have Tornadoes The rdrn hvn soe tre oner three scored having gridiron, y eaks ueirt oe the over superiority Newark’s by de­ the on Panthers favored the kept star, and kicking passing U. Y. N, mer ikof t :0 . M. P. 2:30 at kick-off for three weeks and a season's record record season's a and weeks three for nell College. Both made their initial initial their made Both College. nell eak iy col Saim o the for Stadium Schools City Newark southern Pro­ Tornadoes, American the of leaders division Newark the and Charley Skinner, six-foot, two- two- six-foot, Skinner, Charley and for­ Smith, Ed added have Tornadoes unot s xetd o re te at them greet to expected is turn-out afternoon. Sunday this stars, seven Cardinals, Vernon Mt. the against be so, .. . 12 ... C.B. Aston, enad, .. 15 V.T. Reinhardt, car Tf. 15 . Tiff. McNair, ny em o eet h lcl in locals the defeat to team only will Association, Football fessional utn .. . 15 .. M.S. Dutton, Newark Returns Sunday Sunday for Returns Newark Play To Tornadoes Bomil, .0 "Bloomfield, ueel, Sonn. 12 Lucerello, nlr AC . 11 . A.C. Endler, lao, on 12 Sonn. Gleason, Go Counsel, 0 *Good Ws Sd, 0 Side, "West ese, ... 12 R.C.A. Geissen, os Tf. . 15 ... Tiff. Foss, ulvn Tf. 12 . Tiff. Sullivan, Frank, A.C. A.C. Frank, hm, .. 15 .. V.T. Thoma, tu, .. . 14 ... P.P. Stout, iny RCA 15 R.C.A. Tinney, 6 . T.S.L. Volpe, aemn CB 15 C.B. Haselman, mt, .. . 15 .. N.B. Smith, crhr PP 9 P.P. McArthur, kdoe WT 15 W.T. Skidmore, ae, if . 15 . Tiff. Dacey, es EN .. 8 ... 15 E.N. Mess, ... B. N. Reiff, ia Sn. . 7 ... Sonn. Zika, ayr PP . 14 . P.P. Sawyer, hvr .. 14 .. M.S.Chavor, Ws Orange *West isn MS . 5 .1 M.S. Wilson, ya, if . 15 . Tiff. Lyman, akr WT . 13 . W.T. Walker, ign, . . 13 P.. P. Higgins, Suh Side *South aon, 0 Bayonne, : Lvndhurst Irvington Kearnv 0 Wsigo Avenue 306 Washington ------h gm i te is hm Sunday home first the is game The out fills Princeton of Kaufman Les Also with Mt. Vernon is Angelo Angelo is Vernon Mt. with Also btl o sa cnes s antici­ is centers star of battle A The visitors are led by the veteran veteran the by led are visitors The NEW ARK— The home-coming of of home-coming The ARK— NEW t Vro Cardinals Vernon Mt. ic te ls pae hm the home played last they Since Elvle 2-3224 BElleville ae t City at Game Stadium ..15

elvle 0 Belleville, elvle 6 Belleville, elvle 13 Belleville, elvle 6 Belleville, 2626 2551 2092 2063 2563 1944 2061 2705 1566 2143 2537 2691 55172-5 2585 2671 2411 59181-5 2539 2699 2626 73118224 181-8 2733 2503 2702 71182-11 2741 184-11 2771 33111 247 181-10 2363 67180-7 1627 0 5179-1 1075 7 1184-11 2771 45181-7 1455 1276 - Lyndhurst Irvington Belleville Belleville Kearny 175-1 172-2 7- 212 174-1 170-1 7-3217 170-13 171-11 171-9 7- 220 174-4 7- 211 178-7 179-14 180-2 7- 207 179-3 179-6 175-1 181-3 180-5 178-1 8- 203 185-6 182-2

229 224 235 203 222 225 222 265 212 243 255 244 224 219 209 248 222 212 202 214 222

s Giants ui ...... Yudin i. t r a H Vic. Baldwin Baldwin . . Smith.. B. W. . aluh . Carlough J. Mead Noll Noll hs GebhardtChas. er Dlh . Dolch Henry Taylor Taylor izl , Rizzolo . st r te is L E. A. Maver ...... Maver A. Fabris Charrier Charrier . aluh . Carlough E. Baldwin Baldwin r r e K Dailey Dailey Yudin Yudin Mead Sexton ol ...... Noll Fabris Fabris . Carlough. J. hrir . 6 ... Charrier I ith m S zolo izzo R omrn . Lommerin Lister Lister Taylor Taylor Ziegler Ziegler . f ... rf a H V. Mayer Mayer . aluh6 Carlough H. Gahr Gebhardt bination will will bination h wn oun n te ies take Tigers the and column win the er. / Bears. the with sailing easier had Tigers The Bears Bears Cubs Tigers Tigers n h scn pae Speedsters. place second the on ae n wn y i i te first. the in six by won and second the in game pins eight by lost They ins wo ae e t bek into break to yet have who Giants, lvn is te cr big 596-585. being score the pins, eleven peses . Speedsters Comets came through in the last tussle by by tussle last the Comets in The through same. came the Comets, the ie bt upae Ws Side West outplayed but mined ok h frt n ls gms and games last and first Tigers the The Cubs. the took over victory the of in night Friday victories two ogr feig h sm erroneous same no the were offering spectators longer 4:25, at blown their to as skepticism all teams, aside swept Belleville in deficient hitherto 6” “ the zebras with eleven But scoreboard. Belleville the on really were hminhp material! championship Comets streaked to the same margin margin same the to streaked the andComets League Bowling Club Lions’" with a tenacity and ruggedness ruggedness and tenacity a with it if themselves asking bewildered, Comets Streak Ahead Streak Comets of really terms in were Belleville They of head. thinking its over hoy ht elvle a playin: was Belleville that theory was whistle the when detei-- And a eleven. downed they as abilities, Speedsters Live Up toName Speedsters Up Live coe 2 Giants-Bears 22— October aeG. Name Team h Fakt-vle ps com­ pass Frank-to-Ivelley The oih te er ops the oppose Bears the Tonight The Tigers clawed the Bears for for Bears the clawed Tigers The Abbey Abbey “Goal Còv PlioneNutlcy.2-iÌ6t6 ^.DeliWann«, R £ ...... 0 ...... ELWN AOT BELLEVILLE ABOUT BELLOWING 22 ...... n in Bowling Lions In ...... 6 ...... 193, nIn ...... ___ . *7 .. 8 167 183 ... ; ___ .. 159 .... Comets. go ___ .. 112 .... Tigers-Speedsters .. 136 .... ___ 185 ...... 134 ...... 153 .. .. ______.. 173 .... Tigers. 3 ___ 111. 3 142.1 3 6 3 148. 3 3 151.1 3 6 3 Bears. O O à 3 6 G 180.1 3 O O Second 185. 3 Place Cubs. down in football’s football’s in down . 1 ... 156 .. 5 .. . 171 0 .. . 125 180 3 155 202 132 125 125 125 104. 157.5 3. 157 139.2 140.2 126.1 135.1 5. 166 152.4 5 . 186 151.2 147 181 163.1 163.1 168.1 169.2 186. 161.2 171.1 Av. h fns duos, finest the u, s a as far as but, of one as annals is equal to their their to equal is Kuchinski- e h t concerned, e r a Belleville Belleville feno Belle­ afternoon week. the in day any half-a-dollar act aerial Tietz to il roes sat rooters ville il, astounded, Field, at at 666 627 526 3 0 596 608 632 .L H.T.S. L. W. Last Saturday Saturday Last ls 13, leil Hi School h ig H elleville B 1938, Class 9 2 9 Clearman Clearman ILLS. 170 164 596 150 133 162 166 661 154 219 616 112 150 125 161 167 2 157 166 126 162 181 129 173 0 166 205 4 113 141 2 101 123 166 6 121 162 171 4 126 145 160 151 210 1 167 219 0 152 202 9 162 191 By JACOB LEVINE LEVINE JACOB By 191 184 7 145 170 661 2 1 510 3 4 1 668 1

Inc. fans A.Sy 159 205 191 681 644 585 141 126 136 160 141 152 162 141 125 652 681 125 616 128 133 136 137 136 147 154 94

coaches, Kachel, Wische, and Wlnika Wlnika and Wische, Kachel, coaches, bt er ari i wl cs you have cost mended! to pants admission your will of price it the twice afraid town we’re to go —but zebras those see to fence Frank Smith and his assisting assisting his and Smith Frank us. serves memory as far schedule, as igo tmro ad h 3,000 fol­ the and tomorrow vington noe atr on truh af its half through going after enjoyed Jones, James Woods, Harvey Neil- Neil- Harvey Woods, James Jones, oes f h ta ji u i wish­ in us join team the of lowers what at the beginning was “ green” green” “ was beginning the at with doing what are they job noble the for has dis­ team a is Belleville no which This opponents.tinction its has of feet line goal whose County Essex material. marauding the by untrammeled been George Cherin and sons, David David sons, and Cherin George o, n Hie Thompson. Haiwey and son, ae Salo ad o, Cornelius, son, “Butte and Saarloos James Hyde, Reynolds Golden, Brewster Brewster Golden, Reynolds Hyde, oi Brmr, ei Castle, Lewis Culkin, Leo Barnmore, Parmer, Doris Bill Kachel, ys I mas uies hs year! this business means It eyes! with What happen. to anything il amshr nt o og ago. long so not atmosphere Field Fabian, Mr. Williamson, Frank Frank Leonard Williamson, Mrs. Flohn, Fred Mr. Crabtree, Fabian, rl at ek od or seats your hold week— last Cen­ Paterson tral trouncing and yet, Bloomfield as upon unscored Belleville expect can you Bloomfield, ties team e giio sawr, al who Paul, Clearman into aerials stalwart, lengthy tossed gridiron mer uemr “Sd Kue, Judith Kaufer, Sid” “ Fuleomer, eiicn o Bny enr o the of Leonard Benny of reminiscent unr n Gro Kl, rd in grads Kyle, Gordon and Turner ih col 3 band. '35 School High nonchalance, a with baton his twirls vrbd! elvle a fr i its in fire has Belleville everybody! spectively. paper. the in name n Ms Re Daniels. Ruel Mrs. and a fr elvles oe marker. lone Belleville’s for fum­ way Side West Watch “ ear, truly’s o ton. a to h1cass f 98 n 11, re­ 1915, and 1918 of the1classes niu t “ta ot hr, broken there,” all. and out ankle, apparently tear “ bench, to anxious Belleville the on Stephens street, who is falling away away falling is who street, Stephens n h tes vr h field. the over trees the in line. last l! ad o te dd pvn the paving did, they how —and ble!” oe esiig n h B H S out­ S. H. B. the on perspiring some work as a reporter for a Newark Newark a for reporter adaily. as yeoman doing now work is 1931. He of fit h poet h dent at his want doesn’t he protests who yours -in prophetically whispers moment later, smiling, jubilant faces faces jubilant smiling, later, moment terri­ Side’s West in one recover yet rud h corner. the around activity, gridiron such of midst the ep dpst hm no unsuspecting into them deposit helps ate we Bleil coss the crosses Belleville when rattler mack­ red inevitable inaw. his and Con- dura Nick of arm the on dominating, king of the cheerleaders, bellowing bellowing cheerleaders, the of king habitually traverses the field, will will tory. field, who the dog traverses police that habitually that possible pcao’ hats. spectator’s hn ee or icret a pass a incereepts Torre Pete a when then, squad; Belleville entire the faces spectator’s the on despair and axe!” the ’em Give “ to f ent ad o Mri, who Martin, Bob and peanuts of and sprints 65 yards toward the West West the toward 65 yards sprints and eludes kickoff poor Side’s West when that the basketball season is just just is season basketball the that ie ol line. goal Side n nl ot o sces o Coach for success of cohorts. Smith’s sorts n'l ing e xet elvle o eet Ir­ defeat to Belleville expect We e ae u ht of o Coach to off hats our take We n: o wo ude oe the over hurdled who You And: Among others: Ed Evers, William William Evers, Ed others: Among et ie rm ao, who major, drum Side West A And besides, when a Belleville Belleville a when besides, And emn cwie, a o te for­ the of dad Schweiker, Herman Old alumni in the persons of Allan Allan of persons the in alumni Old d lvn wo oe nervously moves who Slavin, Ed “ Buddy” Burdon, representative of of representative Burdon, Buddy” “ Bill Gray, Star Eagle reporter, reporter, Eagle Star Gray, Bill Taylor Ed quarter second the In Snug in blankets are Mrs. McBride McBride Mrs. are blankets in Snug With all those fumbles it is highly highly is it fumbles those all With ors a” dnk, h did who Udansky, Fat” “ Morris h uul ocle “sies high snipers” “ so-called usual The aod arr atig wy n a on away rattling Karrer Harold pre­ hat saucer Becker, Bernice o Prel, h rmns s in us, reminds who Parsells, Joe aod arete wt to bags two with Fairweather Harold Two-faee: Sour looks of chagrin chagrin of looks Sour Two-faee: ny aresn te uncrowned the Gabrielson, Andy 2 Wsigo Aeu Poe E -52 pn Evenings Open 2-4522 BE Phone Avenue 326 Washington Neds Sport Your All — Supplies Hunting — Guns Cniud rm ae One) Page from (Continued r Bad Jm Casey, Jim Brand, r” en n h Field. The On Seen el Boys Bell ELVLE PR SHOP SPORT BELLEVILLE sd us ogt n sl. iess issued. Licenses sold. and bought guns Used an ot i ble fr n fl to fall one for billed is bouts main arl adn Bouts Garden Laurel finish. d for arranged been has show ling arl adn oih. ah f the of Each tonight. Garden Laurel oa fn a te eky a .show at mat weekly the at fans local an OMhny b Meet Tb O’Mahoney Danno settle his feud with Jesse James,. James,. Jesse with feud his settle oldd ed n n wr counted were and on head collided former world’s champion, and Len Len and champion, world’s former the bout between Danno O’Mahoney, O’Mahoney, Danno between bout the their meeting should be a battle-of battle-of a be should meeting their who Macaluso, completed. is season et rs Pdy ak I te main the In Mack. Paddy to Irish is he meet for here appearance first his oy in o oda, ate Sam- battles Fordham, of Siano Tony out. ri ad e xet t hv a chance a have to expects he and trail Colgate. at fullback as All-American an fame first his won who Macaluso, os, s lo fe a il so and shot West title a the after also on is Coast, campaign a after, three-year East the to returned just has n fl wt a afhu tm limit. time half-hour a with fall one Italian, makes another attempt to to attempt ready another and makes rough Austeri, Italian, Jim bill a double knock out when the pair pair the when out knock double in ended battle a the and met pair the mie Fitzpatrick Cohen in the third third the in Cohen Fitzpatrick mie rm ree tcls tuh assign­ tough a tackles Greece, from to regain his title before the indoor indoor the before title his comeback regain to the along well is Danno troduce two newcomers to local fans. fans. local to newcomers two troduce match. finish a to fall one ment in his debut for he is to meet meet to is he for debut his in ment lb. Goliath. Each prelim is listed for for listed is prelim Each Goliath. lb. takes Germany, of Stahl, Dick prelim for assignment tough a given also is Greek Will o’ the Wisp. Last week week Last Wisp. the o’ Will Greek Hans Schwartz, sensational young young bout. opening sensational the in German, Schwartz, Hans giants. n ene Cuhr Flmn 280- Feldman, (Crusher) Bennie on Steve Passos, a recent importation importation recent a Passos, Steve hleg ay otal em weigh­ team football any challenge rt o on a, 6 ite street. pounds. 150 76 Little Kay, John of to Write average an on ing nte seln tresa wrest­ three-star sterling Another In the second portion of the triple triple the of portion second the In etrn te rpe trcin is attraction triple the Featuring o MCy te rd o Scotland, of pride the McCoy, Bob Another former Ad-American star, star, Ad-American former Another h peiiay ad evs o in­ to serves card preliminary The Walks, ue, a For; lo Cement also Floors; Inclo­ Oak sures, Porch Gutters, Garages, e. 5 Cmbl Ave.-.J 52 Campbell Res.: Does Yrour Roof Need a Doctor? Doctor? a Need Yrour Does Roof FLINTICOTE SHINGLES AND AND SHINGLES FLINTICOTE E s t . C . H V O O R H E E S , M . D . ,P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a . The Valley Tornadoes wish to to wish Tornadoes Valley The BUMSTEAD’S WORM SYRUP WORM BUMSTEAD’S mle en Mtr Oil Motor — Penn — Amalie IKE L E U F SICKLE N A V leig n Jobbing and Altering expelled 132 worms. Stood the test for 75 75 for bottle. a test to the take.Druggists.50c Pleasant yeprs. Stood worms. 132 expelled and Forchildren worms. whip worms, and wormspin round large expelling for in practice physician his a by developed remedy Reliable r m, esnbe n price. in reasonable me, Try adults. A mother stated that V4 bottle bottle V4 that stated mother A adults. e Mcls i One in Macaluso Len aly, utr and Gutters Valleys, wnyFu Hu Service Hour Twenty-Four al ad lse Pths . Patches. Plaster and Walls ARPNT AND N A Y TR PEN R CA 559 W ASHINGTON AVE. AVE. ASHINGTON W 559 hre Johnson Charles ult ad kle Labor Skilled and Quality Poe Elvle 2-2770 BElleville ’Phone r Til Action Triple Are hn Bleil 2-4161 BElleville Phone ih Bleil 2-2926 BElleville Night I C PANY M CO OIL ELVLE N J. N. BELLEVILLE, su Challenge Issue TYDOL FUEL OIL OIL FUEL TYDOL Of theTussles Of RC SIDING BRICK Driveways, Retaining Retaining Driveways, ROOFING Leaders A SEVEN E V E S E PAG

TUE BElXEm US NEV/S, I ' R U i A ï , OCTOBER 22, IM ?

^ H m



SKULL WIRED FOR SOUND —Philadelphia, Pa.—-George Yocum, 44-year-old Luzerne county coal miner, holds the stage in the auditorium of the Temple University Med­ ical School, while medical THEY'VE GOT RHYTHM! students and teachers listen — Gloria Rich and Ralph in on the rhythmic roaring Byrd demonstrate the and whistling noises in his amazing similarity of head. The sounds, caused by movements used in the a ballooning out of a blood art of dancing and foot­ vessel in the skull, the result ball carrying. &Öägö»£v.'. of a skull fracture, have '

AMERICA'S CHAMPION & FARM GIRL — Pomona, Calif.—Miss Nellie Goed- 't hart, IS, of Norwalk, Calif., recent winner of the American Farm Girl Championship. Miss Goedhart competed with thirteen "fair farmerette w ê ê ê m experts" in butter-churn­ ing, hay-pitching, corn- husking a n d milking contests. AUTO OFFICIALS LAUNCH “JUBILEE" CAR—An exact miniature re­ plica of the 1938 Plymouth car on the desk of Vice-President H. G. Moock A m r m m i (right); with him are (standing) W. W. Romaine and K. G. Pound (left). EäET

HATS THAT ARE FASHIONABLE— (Top) A little evening bonnet of purple is tied on with streamers oil lavender chiffon. (Left) Pink velvet in a cut-out design is padded and appliqued on a casque o! black felt. A fine mesh veil covering the whole hat falls to the hip-line on one side. (Middle) Black galyak fur makes this attractive "little girl" hat. (Right) Gold kid is padded and appliqued on the high crown and bandeau of this large bonnet-shaped hat of black felt. . ______

BUDDY, CAN YOU SPARE A BITE?—London—Don't look now, sonny, but you're going to share that "jelly-apple" soon.

PERSONALITIES IN THE MAG­ A AZINES—Muriel King (left) fam­ ous young New York fashion .de* signer for society and the screen, who tells in Collier's how to build a stylish and varied wardrobe, at moderate cost; and Imogens McCaig, Chicago advertising executive, who has just won a prize offered by the Woman's Home1 Companion for the best one-act play in the interests of honest advertising.

PERFECT GIRL DISPLAYS > ”,* W STRENGTH — Venice, Calif. — Pretty Relna Brewer, 17, is claimed to be the strongest girl of her age and size in the world. Perfect scientific devel­ opment has given her strength and symmetry wiihout the un­ A gainly bulge of a single muscle.

7 L, 1 I

WITH THE ANIMALS — (Upper left) Le­ gendary fire-eating SEEKS COLLEGE DEGREE AT Komodo Dragon FIFTEEN— Boston, Mass,—Miss which recently ar­ Leona Norman, 15 - year - old rived at the Philadel­ Malden High School honor phia Zoo. (At right) Smart color choice,] graduate, who began studying A giraffe consigned . « AÌkVuùuòX and youthful jaunty at the Massachusetts Institute to the National Zoo- Terrace parked streets with the streets heated and cooled by the control of man-made lines distinguish this of Technology Sept. 29, the Io g i c a l Park i n solar radiations, and buildings of glass, shaped to admit a njaximum of sunlight, form the daytime ensemble youngest girl ever to be en­ Washington, D. G. basis for this city of 2000 A.D. Gardened terraces above the first floor on a set-back serve worn by Phyllis rolled there. She will study for (Below) Roy Jennier, the double purpose of letting sunlight down into the street and of providing parking. Cafes Brooks, actress. The dress is of navy crepe a Ph.D. in public health._____ animal expert, ex­ on these terraces are equally usable in both winter and summer and high up on the build- belted in luggage tan, and worn with a changes hugs with a ings are other terraces for sports throughout the year. Drawn by Max Feldman and Ohndo coat of imported woollen in the same 7-month-old Suma­ Grossi, architects, the designs for the city were shown in New York City recently at the open­ color. Note the smart handstitched gloves tran tiger, also ing of the combined showrooms of 14 building industry companies of American Radiator and of chamois—decorated with clubs and bound fo r th e na- Standard Sanitary Corporation. spades. tion's capital. - ï i

SECOND SECTION THE BELLEVILLE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 PAGE ONE I* The News SCHOOL DAYS’ By DWIG PIQUANT POLITICS In Consolidation with The Belleville Times, Established 1909 By MEADOR WRIGHT National Advertising HE effect of the expected As an interesting sidelight can be Published Every Friday Representatives, grand jury indictments of mentioned Col. Kelly’s rare instinct New Jersey Newspapers, Inc. by Newark commissioners as a re­ for selecting the proper political The Belleville News Pub. Co., B. T. Mines, Pres. New York—Chicago T sult of the startling Dixon re­ enemies. In 1931, Kelly and William Belleville, New Jersey Philadelphia— Newark port is the subject of more J. Egan, then commissioner, worked' Advertising, News and Business Office—-501-3 Washington Avenue speculation than even the outcome of in close association for the election the Gubernatorial election. It seems of Moore to the Governorship. Early; EDITOR...... W A LLW IN H. MASTEN almost inconceivable that such a in 1932, however, a bitter feud de­ t bombshell could be exploded without veloped between them., with Telephone Belleville 2-2747 shaking the foundations of at least his powerful City Hall patronage^ ADVERTISING RATES UPON APPLICATION one of the major parties. But an an machine, practically assumed con** Yearly Subscription, $2.00 Six Months, $1.00 alysis of the probable effect convin­ trol of the Democratic party ,ma=>, ces me that, instead of being weak­ chinery, although Kelly was ths Communications are desirable, but unless signed, will not be used. All ened, the leadei'ship of both major elected head. Then came the Novem­ reading1 matter should reach the office before Wednesday night. Display parties will actually be stronger ber election in 1932 and the subse­ advertising cannot be taken-after Wednesday noon. Classified ads must be than before. quent ballot theft scandal. So com­ in by Thursday noon. This is because pletely was Egan recognized as the New-ark City party Czar at the tinte that almost FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 Hall has challen­ the entire onus of the scandal was ged the leader­ placed on his shoulders. Not only ship of both par­ was Kelly not blamed, but Egan'S t i e s repeatedly subsequent eclipse paved the way Faith is the great motive power underlying within the past for his return to the unchallenged four years. When leadership is for a second tune made the Clean Govern­ Again four years later. Kelly's all scientific research.—-Roger W. Babson. ment group nomi­ Iedership is for a second tune made nated their entire secure by another scandal as devas­ slate of eandi- tating to the reputation of City Hall m dates in 1934, as was-the one in 1932. . EXEMPLIFYING JUSTICE they were balked The Gubernatorial campaign ap­ in an effort to pears at last to be gaining impetus W ith dignity, kindness and justice, as should be exemplified in a court take control of the in Essex. During a tour of the county Republican party machinery by the this Monday, ■ Senator Clee . was room, Recorder Everett Smith handles the judicial affairs in Belleville in a support Commissioner Franklin gave greeted by crowMs and cheering maimer which is a credit to the town. Jesse Salmon. Two years later, Com­ everywhere he went. In Irvington, missioner Franklin’s machine almost nearly 2,000 Republicans crowded the Wednesday evening offered an opportunity to witness the despatch with single handed came within a hair’s Elks’ Hall auditorium to cheer can­ which the Recorder handles varied and sundry cases, A less capable judge breadth of ousting Chairman W. didates and scantily-clad chorus girls Stanley Naughright, There : wras with equal enthusiasm. Moore like­ might be inclined to favor those closest to him, but not Belleville's official. another challenge in the,,fall. Even, wise is drawing capacity crowds tw'o months ago, when Franklin ;was: When evidence, sometimes in preponderance, yet doubtful., is presented, Re­ wherever he goes. at the point of dictating County Curiously, both parties actually corder Smith does not let his personal feelings enter the picture. He judges Committee endorsement of free­ appear satisfied with the trend of holder and assembly candidates: public opinion. But both sides are each case on its merit. through an alliance with a suburban likewise worried by the many un­ faction friendly to the freeholder And as he-judges, he finds many speed-law violators confronting him. certain factors involved. The turn in candidacy of Mrs. Agnes Jones Gif­ the stock market has become so ■ Appearances mean nothing— nor alibis. Each one guilty of “ stepping on the ford. Clean Government was able to startling as actually to herald in the thwart Franklin then only through gas,” too definitely, finds a hand automatically reaching in a hip pocket or public mind the advent of a new de­ largely dependent. internal exerted by friends pression. Republicans remember w hat: purse for the inevitable loss of a driver’s, license. The Newark Evening News Members of ths unit - are Mrs. W. of Anthony P. Miele, Franklin’s free­ the 1929 stock market debacle did to holder candidate, whom William H. said, in effect, editorially this week that Belleville is the laboratory for a P. Adams, Floyd Bragg, A. A. Buck- the fortunes of their party. Demo­ Seely, Clean Government leader, THIS WE ley, John De Graw, H. B. Hardman, crats remember equally well. Neither solution of the road menace. Well, we are .proud of that designation. The eagerly adopted as his own to save By “GUARDIAN” side is sure which will be blamed William Irvine, Dr. George Ivaden. the day. judge is doing a fine job. Wednesday ‘he lectured á youth, who could have most for the present one. Hence both Commissioner Joseph King, Dr. Er­ A fter three narrow escapes in are apprehensive. received a more serious sentence than- the reminder: “ I am going to take The Belleville Pike is open and we And continuing our thoughts about nest C. Reock, Dr. Morris Roehlin, succession, nothing could have been things that bring credit to Belleville, more welcome to the present Re­ Republican strategists view the your case to the high school principal.” This is a sample of helping youth thank the officials who are respon­ Russell Rose, Frederick Case, Theo­ we understand that the Reverend publican leadership than the Dixon Wall Street cloud with less fear, to avoid pitfalls. sible for pushing its completion to a Peter Deckenbaeh of Christ Episco­ dore Sanford, W. Brand Smith, W il­ report’s excoriation of Franklin’s however, since they figure that they point where it could he used for pal Church is being prominently lard Sawyer, Harry G. Specht, John Newark stewardship. For the first have little to lose that has not al­ ready been taken from them. Hence traffic. It is good to see that the mentioned as District Governor for Weidmann, James Whitmore, Homer time in twro years, Chairman Naugh­ the Clee camp experts to gain most road was opened before waiting for Rotary International. No finer Ro­ Zink. Dr. B. A. Jacobson. Dr. Barney right can sleep without, being from any major unrest that may be AGAIN, THE COMMUNITY CHEST tire installation of the last fence post. tarían is numbered amongst our ac­ Shaffer and Wilbur Brooks. bothered by nightmares of Frank­ afflicting the voters when they But from Schuyler avenue to Kearny quaintance than “ Pete” Deckenbaeh Lawrence E. Keenan, town attor­ lin’s political Tartars charging down journey to the polls November 2. It The community chest begins its drive November 5. avenue, the Pike is still closed be­ — a modest, idealistic but practical, ney, and Herbert Schmutz, member of upon his throne. Another opposition is a little streak of silver in a sky cause of a belated start of construc­ lovely character. “ Pete” will make a the Board of Education are co-chair­ will probably develop in the Republi­ For several years now the chest drive has been an intergral part of the that otherwise is as black as mid­ tion work on that end. Probably fine District Governor. More power man of the house-to-house canvass can party in Essex, but the political night—'Meador "Wright. activities of Belleville and merits the whole-hearted suppot of the towns­ there are conditions of . which we to him and to the credit that his committee. Both are former cam­ machine of Pierce R. Franklin ap­ have no knowledge accounting for selection would bring to Belleville. paign chairmen. pears out of the running indefinitely. people. the delay in starting that section of Other divisional chairmen are W il­ In much the same manner, the re­ It is expected that this year's drive will ■ be as successful and even the road, but it does seem just com­ Anri if the citizens of Belleville liam Whelan, industrial; Public Safety port served to remove the greatest Overman Concern mon sense that reconstruction on are going to do their pan to still Director George R. Gerard* municipal1 thorn in the flesh of Democratic better than in the past few years now that prosperity is definitely on its that section could have -been started fuithei enhance the increasingly fine employees; ' Supervising Principal Chairman William H. Kelly. Mayor Gets Thirty Days to way. ■ . - , , soon enough for it to have been reputation oi this community, ttiey Wayne R. Parmer, school board em- Ellenstein and Commissioner Duffy ready to open at the same time the will see to it that in the Community nloyees, and Recorder Everett B. never attempted to play Fianklin’s* The hard-working members of the community chest campaign com­ Pike was opened. Chest drive irom November t> to No­ Smith, organizations. Recorder Smith game of seeking control of their Reorganize Company party’s county committee. But their mittee give their .time and energy without reimbursement of any type and vember 15. they raise a sum amply is president of the Welfare Federa­ combined personal following was so At any rate, cue running time uy ... ex___ of the $lb,000 that is being tion which conducts the annual Chest Plant Resumed Operation should receive the co-operation of the townspeople as a unit. sought— and put the campaign away drive. strong as to make Kelly’s formal automobile from Belleville to New leadership of the party more or less Let us all get behind the workers and contribute! generously to the York has been reduced at least ten over the top. Budget apportionments to the six Monday After 10-Day None of us would want to live in a participating agencies, based upon of an empty honor, and a continual cause. \ minutes by the- opening of the Pike headache. So exasperated over Kelly and we are grateful to those who community that does not have a the $16.000 goal, are: Community Layoff Community Service Bureau, or a Service Bureau, $9,000; V isiting and his recognized superior, Hague, There are several deserving agencies that share in the chest. Guardian speeded the work. that they deliberately staked their Visiting Nurses’ Association, or Boy Nurses, $1,200; Red Cross, $1,000; Federal Judge Clancy, in Federal today points to them in the column under that heading. We would all feel party’s harmony in a Gubernatorial Scouts, or Girl Scouts, or Red Cross, Boy Scouts. $1,500; Girl Scouts, $1,- Court House, New York City, last It is interesting to learn from a or a Community House. These are 000, and Silver Lake Community year to get rid of Ellenstein’s and better if we contributed to this appeal which, so directly, connects with that Duffy’s insurgency by eliminating Thursday, granted a thirty-day former member of the State Finan­ some of the aids that make life worth House, $500. A $600 appropriation period for creditors of Overman feeling of kindness and charity from the heart. N o one can get any credit cial Assistance Commission that the living and make for a well rounded was set up for campaign expenses them at the commission election last spring. William H. Seely of Clean Cushion Tire Company, to work out twro communities in the state who community social organization. They and one of $1,200 as an emergency a plan to raise capital and reor­ for working to put across the drive-— no one wants any— but it would make handled the relief situation the best Government likewise had Franklin are vital necessities and they can be fund. ganize the company, which has ap­ us all happy to see it a tremendous success. Belleville is on its way— let’s were East Orange and Belleville. maintained only through generous in mind when his Fusion ticket w’as These amounts, with two excep­ entered, although he wras afraid of plied under Federal Bankruptcy Act give the ball some more impetus. : That redounds to the credit of Belle­ support of the whole community. tions, are the same as the allotments B 77 for such reorganization. ville and Mr. John Hewitt the Over­ a Kelly victory also. for 1937. The Girl Scouts were al­ The request was granted on ap­ seer of the Poor and Commissioner Largely because the opposition And again speaking of Belleville, lowed a $300 increase over the $700 plication of merchandisers, creditors Joseph King to whom Mr. Hewitt is Homer Zink is the only nominee for set up as their share of the 1937 was thus divided, both Seely and and stockholders. responsible, must- find great satis­ Kelly lost. The hated opponents of BUY YOUR CAR IN BELLEVILLE \ the State Assembly from Essex Chest. To avoid any increase in the Belleville wras represented at the faction in this statement. The prob­ County who is resident in Belleville. Chest goal, the Welfare Federation both leaders stayed in powrer. But lem of relief is still a serious one hearing by Mayor William H. W il­ This is the time of year that shiny, new automobiles make their ap­ Homer has lived here for twenty trustees voted to reduce the /emer­ now comes the Dixon report to ac­ and because of the weakening of complish substantially the same liams, director of revenue and years— a distinguished attorney, a gency fund appropriation iron/ $1.500 finance; Tax Assessor John F. Coo- pearance in showrooms— the new models are on display. From November‘ 6 moral fibre during these past few former member of the Assembly in to $1,200. The latter fund is set aside thing that both leaders w’ere seek­ years of exaggerated governmental ing at the polls last May. It is as gan and Corporation Council Law­ until November 9 Newark will stage its annual automobile show and many the years 1930, 1931 and 1936, in to compensate for any • losses from •Assistance, we may expect to have a though tw’o military commanders rence E. Keenan. The company owes which year he was chairman of the unfulfilled pledg-es whi^h could not be the town for taxes and wrater rents. local motoring enthusiasts and those in the market for new cars will attend. not inconsiderable permanent load on all-important Appropriations Com­ honored because of death or removal fighting each other should suddenly our hands of people who are not find rebellions in their own ranks The plant, which w^as closed ten mittee. from the town. Just a little thought. Local dealers may not have individual displays in capable or are not willing to support crushed without their having to fire days, resumed operation Monday. As in past year, contributors to the Newark— you may like the model you see there. Before you buy think of themselves. Men of Homer Zink’s sterling a shot. The Mayor's concern, it is believed, Chest may designate which of the is to protect the town against de­ character and fine, clear thinking Strategists in both parties are like­ your local dealer. Before an out-of-town dealer gets your name on the dotted participating agencies they may, wish linquent tax accounts, and yet, at the Our whole economic set-up will vigor are the type of men that are to benefit from their donations. Thus, wise scanning the psychological hori­ line, do your car shopping in Belleville. I f you like a car, which has no have to be adjusted to carry this nedeed in our Legislature and Belle­ zon to see if the report will have any same time, co-operate with the Fed­ for example, any contributor wishing eral Court to maintain the industry large group of unemployables. ville will bring honor and glory to adverse effect on public opinion for agency here, come back anyway and shop around. Belleville has splendid specially to aid the Visiting Nurses in town. Whether we want to be or not, we itself by helping elect him to the may direct that his entire donation either group. Here again the report’s dealers— they have the same cars you will see at the show and priced iden­ are and must be “ our brother’s Assembly on November 2. be applied to that organization’s ap­ effect appears likely to be negligible. keeper”—but it is gratifying to see The old City Hall administration wras r tically with those on the floor of Newark’s drill shed- Here is one way to portionment. the outstanding improvement that The stock market is giving evi­ so bitterly denounced by both Seely’s Rides on Pike and Kelly’s camps that it is hard to patronize local trade. There is no room for argument that you can shop has taken place in Belleville. dence of some recovery after a very Stork Flies Over Home considerable toboggan slide which determine how the public can hold better elsewhere for cars. Buy your car in Belleville from a Belleville dealer. its alleged misdeed against either. And did you see the editorial in spread jitters through the, financial Of the Harold Drakes To Thomas Wajson, 475 Wash­ Tuesday’s Newark Evening News and business world. One hears all Ellenstein and Duffy are now* sup­ ington avenue, goes the honor of and the favorable comment that was porting Moore, while Franklin has being the first to traverse fay auto sorts of dire prophesies as to what is A son, Dale Hunter, was born re­ declared for Clee. But this is recog­ the newly completed Belleville Pike made concerning the decrease in ahead. Maybe we are in for a bit of cently to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Drake, FALL serious automobile accidents in Belle­ nized as beingoemg nothingnotrnng more than road from Jersey City to Ivearny. a recession, but there are no indica­ 5 Romaine place, Newark, formerly ville since Judge Everett Smith normal party loyalty, however much Mr. Watson obtained this honor There are seasonal spurts in the toll of death on the highway, and the tions of anything like 'the depression of Belleville. adopted the policy of revoking we had following the 1929 stock speakers in both camps would like by permission from the foreman of fall brings a new element into the situation with the great numbers of motor­ licenses? Editorials and actions such market crash. And we came out of Mrs. Drake was the former Alice to accuse their opponents of an un­ the construction gang, who said, as these also redound to the credit the 1929 crash, didn’t we? Let’s al­ Cornell, daughter of Mr. and Mi’s. Ira holy alliance. It is as though the pot “ The road is completed yon can go ists going to big football games. The fall is hazardous on the highways, any­ of Belleville and we must thank Di­ ways keep in our minds that there II. Cornell of 24 Van Houten place. should call the tea-Kettle white. ahead.” way, because of the presence of slippery leaves on the roads. Sudden tem­ rector George Gerard and his police is no substitute for hard work and force and Judge Smith for the high let’s keep on working—and working perature changes cover the roads with heavy mists, frequent fall mans and principles that they have shown and — and working— and pay a little less shorter days necessitate more night driving, with all of its hazards. These the vigorous action to which they attention to the stock market. have adhered despite untold pressure Yours for Belleville* FOR SALE threats to life call for greater caution upon the part of every motorist. I f the to swerve them. “GUARDIAN.” public responds wholeheartedly and makes it a point to drive with more than 521 Union Ave., Belleville the usual caution the fall need not be worse for driving than any other time. PRICE $7,100 TAXES $193.80 Personnel Completed Last Night LOT 37 Vi x 102 1 CAR GARAGE \ First Floor: Living room, Dining For 1938 Community Chest Drive Room. Kitchen, Sun Porch and Pan­ HUNTER’S MOON try. Second Floor: 3 Bedrooms, Bath. Open attic. Steam heat. Perhaps because there are only few Indians left it didn’t make so Thomas R. MeHale, Campaign Manager, Issued Instruc­ Convenient to stores and transporta­ much difference Tuesday night that the brilliant orb of heaven failed to tions On Goal of $16,000, Same As tion. School— Two blocks. sail aloft in a star-spangled s

' and rear. This even division o f the beams are of 32 candlepower bright­ Dodge Models for 1938 Seen As New j load makes it possible to give front ness. But while the main or driving- and rear springs the same resiliency; beam points straight ahead, the THREE NEW DODGE MODELS this means that. the springs deflect courtesy beam is directed enough Achievements in Motor Gar Value and recover at the same rate, with­ toward the right to give an especially out subjecting the car , body and tbe clear definition of the road shoulder occupants to “ pitching!’ when going without causing direct glare to meet First News of Latest Series of Popular Line Reveals over rough roads. The cushioning the eyes of any oncoming driver. In­ effect of the springs is further sup­ strument-panel lighting is indirect, Many Engineering plemented by four telescoping hy­ the face of the cover glass acting to draulic shock absorbers of a type throw the light effectively on the Advancements used in reducing the landing shock controls and indicatox-s. met by airplanes. As the action of Body aii’-conditioning is px-ovided Announcement description of the rear axle drive not only eliminates the shock absorbers is in both direc­ through pivoted ventilators, a scx-een- protected, variable cowl ventilator, 1 938 Dodge passenger car models the propeller -shaft tunnel, but pro­ tions, as well as parallel to the and crank-controlled windows. will make interesting reading to the duces a level floor in the rear com­ chassis oscillations, the snubbing many followers of this popular make, partments; mechanically, the hypoid effect is direct and positive. especially in view of the fact that rear axle combines the strength of One feature retained from previous Warns Motorists of the new line, offering ten body selec­ the bevel-gear drive with the quiet­ Dodge designs is the sway elimin­ tions, is said to incorporate some ness of the worm drive. ator now operating without being forty-seven progressive improve­ Safety and Convenience Lead. linked to the shock absorbers. The Two Important Items ments affecting appearance, comfort Tilting foot rests in the rear com­ present sway eliminator is a U-bar and performance. Coupes come in partment, high-power dome lights in of heat-treated steel, rubber cush­ ioned on the forward portion of the Deputy Commissioner Tells three styles— business, rumble seat the rear body panels,. defrosting out­ touring sedan is certain to appeal to many lets in the instrument panels, deep frame. The function of the device is Smart and graceful, roomy and comfortable, and convertible. Sedan and touring motorists. The built-in trunk, an integral part of floor carpets, smoothly trimmed side to minimize body tilt in turning Of Signalling and equipped with everything that promotes riding sedan» models include two and four- the uniquely insulated and mounted steel body, walls and roofs, evidently justify the curves at considerable speeds. ease, and upholding the economy records cred­ door closed types and a convertible Ventilation holds the spare wheel and the luggage. style. There also are two 132-inch term “ luster lounge,” by which' the Engine is 87 H. P. ited to preceding Dodge models, this 2-door wheelbase vehicles— rated as seven- manufacturer describes the latest The engine is o f 3% in. bore and With the coming of colder weather, passenger sedan and seven-passenger Dodge interiors. 4% in. stroke and develops a maxi­ two items of importance to motor­ limousine, but in realtiy accommo­ Safety and convenience seem to mum of 87 horsepower. Engine fea­ tures like the full-length water ists are those of signaling- and dating eight passengers. have been guiding motives in the de­ proper ventilation when the tempera­ Changes and improvements dis­ sign of the instrument panels of the jackets, steel valve inserts, pressure ture suggests the advisability of tinguishing the 1938 models from new Dodge models. The heat indi­ lubrication, aluminum pistons, auto­ their immediate predecessors are' cator, 'ammeter dial, fuel and oil matic choke and spark advance are closing the car windows, says Deputy found in nearly every major ele­ gauges, are grouped in a circular continued, some in modified form, in Motor Vehicle Commissioner William J. Dearden. ment of the new series—in the power layout and placed beside the speed­ the 1938 Dodge series. The modifica­ From the standpoint of accidents, plant, transmission, brakes, .steering ometer so that the driver, in reading tions include such details as a new the signal subject is peiTiaps the mechanism, clutch, wheels and other the instruments, does not have to spool-shaped floating-power engine components. Outstanding engineer­ turn his eyes out of the direction in mounting, a ' rubber-cushioned im­ most impoi’tant, Mr. Dearden states, ing features such as floating1 power which the car travels. Switches, con­ pulse neutralizer, an exhaust silencer adding: and other engine details, silenced all- trol knobs, glove compartment and of .new construction, and a new-type “ In these days of quicker cars, steel safety bodies, hdyraulic brakes', ashtray handles, even the ignition compression ring’ in the pistons, and which is to say.those vastly faster in acceleration, steering and braking hypoid rear axle, and a variety of lock, are sunk into* the instrument others. automatic operating features are panel so that none of them can act Several" improvements have been entirely apai-t from potential high with unusual success. The spare tire is either retained or used with modifi­ as obstructions. made in the clutch mechanism. The speeds, it is queer that motorists Fresh, trim lines and forty-seven progressive Notable success is .said to attend release bearing is larger and its self- should not recognize the greater im- carried back of the seat in'a space also cations. Entirely new are such units improvements are offered in the new Dodge the efforts of .Dodge engineers to lubricating capacity greater. The portance of signals.” fitted out for the storing of luggage, A parcel as the radiator shell and grilles by rumble-seat coupe in which roominess, large make their car interiors sound-proof. driven clutch disk has a baffle pre­ Regai-ding the carbon monoxide ledge above the seat. back cusnion is another which the head-on appearance of the luggage-carrying space, speed, power and The steel roof, the rear quarters and venting oil from reaching the frie aspect of driving in an unventilated new cars is beautified. New also are easy handling seem to have been combined convenience. hood louvres, fenders and their the cowl are insulated .with special tion disks. The clutch facings are car, Mr. Dearden points out that re­ mountings, windshield, instrument heavy padding. Body sides and door provided with grooves that assist in cent reseax-ch has shown that concen­ panel, seat adjustment, head lamps; panels are covered with a plastic keeping the clutch spool and in trations of gas fumes in the bodies door and luggage compartment locks, material cemented to the metal sui’- breaking whatever vacuum might af­ of passenger cars as well as trucks brake drums, engine impulse neu­ faces. A coating of gum-like sub­ fect instantaneous clutch action are sufficient to account for physical tralizer, muffler, clutch facings, stances is sprayed on the under side Minor improvements Rave been made conditions that make for bad driv­ clutch baffle and release bearings, of rear deck lids in addition to the in the Dodge synchro-silent three ing. His advice on this score follows: generator and interior treatment. felt padding , placed between the speed transmission. The transmission “ Fresh air is the perfect preven­ metal panels that form the lids.. or parking brake is now applied and tive for the sluggishness and drowsi- Many Improvements Noted. Bodies. Made Sound-Proof. released by a pistol-grip-shaped ness which may overtake any driver The improvements, designed for lever located in the center of the in­ who insists upon cutting off all ven­ •further increased safety, comfort An important detail in the silenc­ strument panel. The arrangement, by tilation in the car merely because and economy, involve a formidable ing of Dodge cars is the unique eliminating the; conventional parking the temperature has dropped from list of sub-assemblies and parts method by which the bodies are brake lever, clears the floor area in high levels of a few weeks ago. It is ranging all the way from a new mounted on the chassis. The system the front compartment, thus giving- the pax-t of safety that he see to it floating-power engine mounting to a involves the use of chassis outriggers greater freedom. to driver and front there is a proper supply of it always fifty per cent reduction in the pres­ equipped with rubber spools by which chassis and body arc kept seat occupants: available to him.” sure now necessary to operate the Increased Braking Power. self starter. from making actual metal-to-nietal contact. This method is said to ‘be 1 While leaving engine power and In the body interiors one notices matched by improvements making for driving signally successful in preventing car: speed practically unchanged, All the progressive improvements embodied in an especially fine method of uphol­ Oldsmobile at High and riding comfort— such as dual side adjust­ road noises and operating sounds Dodge-engineers have boosted stop­ the 1938 Dodge line— to the number of forty- stering and trim and the use of new ping power by increasing the di­ ment for front seats, new parking brake control, an fabrics. Unusually luxurious seat from reaching the body structure seven— are found in this new 4-door touring and occupants of the car. ameter of the air-cooled brake drums Peak in Production sedan. The obvious interior advantages are fully ingeniously arranged luggage trunk, and others. cushions are complemented by body- from 10 inches to 11 inches. The rib­ contoured back cushions. The mech­ Further contributing to riding comfort are a 1 highly developed bed drums are of special east iron Daily Total Reaches 825 anism by which the front seats may having a high friction co-efficient be adjusted for different drivers now distribution and the success­ New 1938 Chevrolet To Be Offered Police Get Man fully synchronized , action of specially and a rapid cooling rate. Closer bal­ Units, General Manager has its operating lever on .one side, ancing of the front brake drums fur­ in convenient reach of the driver’s long, semi-eleptic springs fashioned of thinned-down specially arranged ther contributes to smoothness of States To Public in Local Showing Tomorrow Wanted For a Year left hand'. As the front seat moves operation. forward it also rises, bringing leaves of Aniola steel. The engine is placed well forward. Front and rear Night-driving safety is advanced Middlesex Authorities Turn shorter drivers closer to the control Oldsmobile production of 1938 William Priestman, Manager of Herdman Company, Says pedals and elevating them to a seats are also advanced. Rear seat in the Dodge lighting system. The model six and eight eai-s, which passengers ride ahead of the rear head lamps supply a main beam for Over John Hamilton higher position in which they retain stax-ted Septembex* 9, has now reached Everything Is in Readiness for full vision of surroundings. axle and the weight carried on the open-road travel and an optional a daily total of 825 units, a higher The employment of the hypoid springs is evenly shared by front courtesy or passing beam. Both pace for this time of year than.ever Held There before in the history of the company Big Year it is announced by C. L. McCuen, Middlesex County police turned general manager. Before the end of Herdman Chevrolet Company has surprise we have in stox*e this year,” over to the Belleville police depart­ the month, McCuen expects that daily everything- in readiness for the fix'st states William Priestman, manager ment, John Hamilton, colored, 47. Bay production will reach 925 units. local showing- of the New 1938 Chev­ of the Herdman Chevrolet Company, avenue, Montclair. Hamilton is Total production of the 1938 cars rolet, which will be given a nation­ 514 Washington avenue. “ Never, in wanted on a charge oi ati-ocious as­ through Monday, October 11, was wide introduction tomorrow. The our years in the axxtomobile business sault and battery with intent to kill, 13,845, he stated, a fact which has show rooms of the local dealers have have we been privileged to intx-oduce lodged by John Popolo, 53 Belmont permitted every Oldsmobile dealer been specially decorated for this t such a distinctively beautiful car. In avenue. The latter declines, uccoidr- in the United States to obtain- an event, which is'noted for the .lax-g-e addition, this New Chevrolet leaves ing to . the police,' tnat Hamilton hit initial stock of display and demon­ crowds of people that it attx-aets. nothing to be desired from the stand­ him over the head with a Txaseball strative cars. The inanufactxxring “ We are especially proud of the point of such qualities as perform­ bat during an altercation at Popolo s projection calls for production of 17,- ance, comfortable riding, safety, etc., home, December 2b, 1936. . 000 new cars by October 15. which means so much to the careful Hamilton was discovei-ed in the “ Oldsmobile is in better shape this Cases Cited car buyer.” work house in Middlesex County and year in* the matter of new model pro­ In conclusion, Mr. Priestman re­ is wanted by the Montclair police duction than it ever has been befox-e, (Continued from Page One) marked that they are prepared to ac­ also. Mr, McCuen said. “ As the factory commodate a large number of visitors personnel settles into the manufac­ and at present has eighty-five faxxxilies and cordially invites everyone to at­ turing routine on the new cars our under care. This is the highest num­ tend the first showing of the New # # rate of production should continue to ber of cases which the bux-eaxx is able Chevrolet. The Chevrolet show rooms READ SAFE -SW IFT SMOOTH show a steady increase. The enthu to handle at one time, she explained. wall be open fi’om 9 A. M. until 10 siastic reception of the xxew 1938 Miss Christine Johnston, case P. M. THE NEWS” Oldsmobile by the public and the worker, repox-ted that she was work­ mounting volume of order's reported ing with many young people between THE NEW STREAMLINED by dealers have forced us to make the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, ^ H p | i every effort to step-up production to “for many of whom we were inter­ assure prompt retail delivex-ies. ested in finding employment oppor­ USED CAR “ The Oldsmobile production total tunities.” DE CAMP BUSES for the first nine lxxonths of 1937 She suggested that in this way all (including both 1937 and’ 1938 in the community could be of help BARGAINS models) reached a new record high by notifying the bureau when they into New York of 163,035,” McCuen added. “ This hear possibilities of employing- young- Buy Now — For Best Value compares with a pi’evious high of people. 141,373 units in the cox-responding Miss Ruth Hartin, case worker, WE OFFER YOU: Ride in comfort and enjoy the lux­ period of 1936 and 127,177 units in cited a case of cooperation between ury of the most modern transpor­ the first nine months of 1935.” the Community Service Bux*eau and 1937 Dodge Coupe-—Like New_.$665 F A R Ì2 Retail sales for the first nine the Municipal Welfare Departixxent, V YORK tation facilities. These beautiful month period of 1937 rose to a new explaining that the Welfare Depart­ 1936 Dodge Coupe—Very Clean 565 peak of 156,000, the highest total ment gives financial assistance, and 1935 Dodge 4 Door Sedan------533 Return De Camp buses make your trip to ■f T r ip T11V l-ecorded during any similar pex-iod at the same time the bureau may help New York a happy and satisfac­ in the company’s 40 years of rnanu- a person to work through difficulties 1936 Ford 2 Door Sedan------. 495 1.0« « « M'00 factui-ing. with which they wish help. RADIO—HEATER tory experience. Refreshments were served by 1935 Ford 2 Door Sedan.------388 Library News several members of the Junior RADIO—HEATER Please note the convenient schedule Among- the new books of fiction in Woman’s Club. 1935 Ford Coupe—Very Good..- 363 and the moderate rates of fare. the adult departixxent this week ai-e: Among those who were present are „ .90 4-25 20.«« 1934 Ford 4 Door Sedan------293 American Dream— Fostex- Rev. Compton, president; Dr. Morris TRUNK And So—Victoria—Wilkins Rochlin, treasurer: Miss Mary Biller, 1933 Chrysler Sedan—Special.... 388 .75 ».5* Citadel— Cronin secretary; Mrs. Morris Rochlin, W il­ Langworthy Family— Cox-bett liam Abx-amson, Mrs. Ninetta Adaixxs, 1932 Hudson 4 Door Sedan----- 266 Northwest Passage— Roberts Philip Dettelbach, John Hewitt, Au­ 1932 Plymouth “PB” Sedan------266 Stormy Petrel— Carroll gust Plenge, Dr. Ernest C. Reock, 1932 Nash 5 Pass. Victoria----- 188 Victoria Four-thirty— Robei-ts Herbert Sehmutz, Dr. and Mrs. Hex-- The Years— Woolff. bert Vail. 1931 Chevrolet Coach______133 i-7 56 Also present were members of the 1931 Ford Coach—Special------99 *7 3

a A u t o m a miss or stall on sharp turns, has no hood lids lift from the moulding line sorbers of the airplane type also are . pension is unnecessary with the le- trie clock is mounted in the door tendency to stall on fast stops and with the hood side panels stationary; used at the rear with the result that suit that eight points for lubricating Outstanding Engineering Developments panel of the glove compartment. This results in improved hot starting and the engine oil filter is now located on year ash receivers have been pro­ the back seat ride is substantially the car have been done away with. better acceleration at low speeds. top of the rocker arm cover for more vided on the instrument board at the improved over all kinds of roads and In the new cars, the designers Hydraulic brakes of self-energiz­ Feature the New 1938 Buick Cars extreme left and right, providing the new cars have exceptional sta­ have made it impossible for the body ing design have increased braking convenient service; generator is re­ this facility for both driver and front bility on the road under severest to act as a “ sounding board” for road area and provide the utmost in located, is air cooled and has auto­ seat passengers. Ash receivers and driving conditions. and chassis vibrations by developing operating ease, safety and smooth matic voltage control besides extra Power Substantially Increased and Gasoline Economy Repeated tests with the new sus­ “ silent zone” body mounti n g. other accessories are built into the deceleration. Steering' linkage on the capacity to take care of the added rear compartments of the various pension have shown, engineers state, Through study and determination of 40 and 60 Series is new, incorpor­ 1 Bettered Without Changing Size ratio and lighting loads; the throttle models. that the rear wheels will track ex­ both low and high points of road ating direct cross steering which con­ The new “ Dynaflash” engine is actly where the front wheels lead. induced chassis vibration, “ drum­ tributes much to directional control. linkage to the accelerator pedal is Of Motor carefully insulated to prevent trans­ one of the outstanding engine de­ On sharp turns or gravel roads there ming” sounds in the body are elim­ The new design also eliminates four inated by special methods of secur­ mission of heat and noise. velopments in several years. The new is practically no skidding and on icy grease points. Frames of the new FLIN T, Mich,, Oct. 15,— Four out- 1937 prices ranging from less than ing the body to the frame at points design makes use of a special dome or wet surfaces there is a greater cars are completely redesigned af­ Windshields and all windows are standing engineering developments, one per cent to a maximum of 4.1 shaped piston, called a “ Turbulator” margin of safety before skidding can of least vibration, and the use of fording effective relief from torsional of safety glass. in all models, while special insulation at other points. As with major improvements both in per cent for all closed car types. In piston, which permits controlled occur. The real coil springing like­ or twisting strains in the car and the split V-type windshields are wise has resulted in a substantial a result, body bolts are located at the popular Series 40 and Series 60 burning of the fuel mixture and a providing exceptional (resistance to equipped with twin wipers. Defros­ style and mechanical design, feature eduction in unsprung weight, con­ the center of the rear cross member groups, the two lower priced lines, higher compression ratio without the weaving forces on sharp 'or sudden ters this, year are built into the wind­ the new Buick 1938 cars being pub­ tributing greatly to riding comfort and on .the side rails adjacent to the standard four-door trunk sedans are usual detonation or “ ping” that ac­ turns. shield 'garnish moulding _ so that licly announced in dealers’ show­ and eliminating the chatter of rear dash, three zones free from vibra­ $26 and $31 higher than the corres­ companies high compressions with New batteries have been developed heated air will blow directly on the rooms throughout the country today. wheels on the road when brakes are tion, with additional body bolts well ponding 1937 models, representing’ conventional types of pistons. and are now mounted in a more ac­ glass. Heaters. will have extra The new cars have one of the most applied suddenly. ' _ insulated at the body brackets on the cessible position under the hood capacity to provide a strong blast for important engine developments of an increase of 2.5 per cent and 2.4 As a result, without increasing side rails. bore and stroke, Buick engineers Bouncing and pitching of pas­ tbev can be serviced easily ; the defrosters. the past 10 years by which power has per cent respectively. The Series 40 sengers are eliminated by the un­ The Buick self-shifting transmis­ been substantially increased and Buicks account for about 70 per cent were able to increase power and con­ sequent performance by seven per usually fine balance established be­ sion is the result ot many years ex­ gasoline economy bettered without of total production. perimentation and development and cent in the Series 60, 80 and 90 cars. tween the large shock absorbers and increasing the bore and stroke or In styling, the new cars hit a new is produced in the Buick plants in a Pistons are of anodized alloy which the resiliency of the coil spring, a Otherwise changing- the size of the high in the popular Bpick stream­ $5,000,000 factory constructed for have the hardness and oiling quali­ factor which also contributes toward Keep Your Car in Good Condition— Always engine. line motif which has established a that special purpose. Claimed for ties of cast iron but are much lighter, the reduction of body roll and side style precedent in the industry. New this transmission are automatic A t the. same time, a startling new a factor in the brilliant perfonn- sway. ______Hydraulic Cylinders die-cast radiator grilles are in two shifting with flexibility, 80 per cent rear suspension, as revolutionary in ance of the new cars. Blowout dangers are greatly re­ its advantages .as knee action and sections with the color line of the less clutch operation, about 18 per Honed and Rebuilt The Series 40 Special engine is a duced by the new suspension, accord­ involving the u c u'’ coil springs on hood carried down . through the ing to the engineers, who say that by cent reduction in engine revolutions the ie~i wheels h iven new riding center, surmounted by thè Buick valve-in-head straight eight, 3 3-32- per minute, greater gasoline mileage, Brake Drums Trued inch bore by 4 1-8-inch stroke, 248 tests on the General Motors proving and ~t 01111^ qua! t c to the cars crest. Long- bullet-shaped headlamps ground in which tires were intention­ unusual improvement in oil economy, not heietofuic _chu\ i with former are faired into the radiator shell, cubic inch displacement, with a rat­ better acceleration, longer engine ing of 107 brake horsepower at 3,400 ally blown out, a front wheel blowout Wheel Alignment designs.. Both the entrine and rear giving a compact, racy appearance. required only a slight deflection of life, and greater convenience and coil springs features are exclusive to Similarly shaped fender lamps are r.p.m. Last year’s Series 40 engine safety. was rated at 100 horsepower at 3,- the steering wheel to correct the car Headlight Adjustment this make for 1938. -mounted on the front fenders which direction, while with a rear tire Numerous additional changes and A new method of body mounting, have been redesigned to give a more 200 r.p.m. Compression ratio has Identify Our been increased to 6.15 to one from blowout no steering correction was exclusive features are to be found by which body bolts are located in streamline effect. on the new cars. Buick for 1938 has 5.7 to one. necessary. Shop by the quiet zones, or zones of least vibra­ The rears of the new Buicks like­ improved the “ Aerobat” carburetor, The Series 60 engine is valve-in­ Structural advantages of the new jack F eeney tion on the frame, likewise contri­ wise are completely restyled, the gas an airplane type which insures posi­ head straight eight, 3 7-16-inch bore torque free springing include the re­ Happy Bear Sign bute* to the iidin comfort and ef­ tank filler cap this year having been tive fuel feed under all driving, “ Where Service Is More by 4 5-16-inch stroke, 320 cubic inch placing of heavy-multi-leaf springs fectively dampens noise and vibra­ placed under the left rear fender starting and stopping conditions. Than a Promise” displacement with a rated horse by light one-piece coil springs, tion within the car outlies. completely smoothing- up the rear The “ Aerobat” carburetor metering Business Phone Residence Phone 520 WASHINGTON AYE. power of. 141 at 3,600 r.p.m. This is eliminating shackles and shackle A fourth maiov improvement, end. Access is through a small dom­ system functions perfectly on any Belleville 2-4209 Belleville 2-1049 BELLEVILLE, N. J. an increase from 130 horsepower in bolts, bulky spring covers and the which will, be optional at extra cost ili the fender. An unusual arrange­ grade, it will not cause the motor to the 1937 models. Compression ratio like. Lubrication of the rear end sus- on the Series 40 Buick cars, is the ment of tail lights, license illumina­ has been stepped up from 5.9 to 6.35 new self-shifting ti ansmission which tion and stop light is used on all to one. automatically shifts geais and pro­ sedans and convertible phaetons. vides a geat ratio effecting marked Buick bodies on all four lines are Buiek’s torque free springing in­ improvement . in perionmuice and Fisher uniste el turret top and are volves the use of coil spring rear economy. equipped with Fisher no-draft venti­ suspension in combination with The new Buick cars will be offered lation, outstanding- comfort and large transport airplane type shock in four series for 1938—the Series safety features. A ll bodies are insu­ absorbers and a sturdy radius rod 40 Special, in the lower medium price lated against heat, cold and noise as that locates the rear axle and wheels field, the Series 60 Century and the well as against fumes and odors. sidewise. According to Buick engi­ neers, real coil springs have made Series 80 Roadmaster in the medium Interiors of the new cars are ex­ the cars’ riding and handling charac­ price field and the Series 90 Limited, ceptionally attractive and are com­ teristics superior to anything yet de­ a deluxe car offered in limousine and pletely redesigned throughout. The touring sedan types, in the upper new instrument panel has a center veloped. medium price class. They arc« being- section recessed to take the radio Mounting of the springs consists produced in a total of 21 body types. grille, with control knobs just below. of a spring seat on the rear axle Prices, according to the Buick Instruments are clustered, in an at­ housing behind the axle, increasing management, are. lower ..than origi- tractive panel directly in front of the spring base by some five inches. Di- nally anticipated, with increases over driver, while a newly designed elec- rect action low pressure shock ab

r i ~ ’i lo insure early delivery ... order your NEW 1938

Under the new beauty o f The spark that leaps through that Rear tires no longer scuff half their life away through; power-wasting Buick, modern engineering compact storm-center sets off a flash­ CHEVROLET ing cyclone of powerf exploding with wheel-slip. makes history, co-starring tor nadie force! Through winter and summer, without the D y n a f l a s h e n g in e and Sitting in the driver’s seat you become need of grease and without “seize” T o r q u e -F ree S p r i n g i n g aware of power that is livelier and from rust, dirt, water or ice, springs more brilliant because gasoline is giv­ keep their gentle, even cushioning for HAT HAPPENS inside the ing up more performance than it ever the life of the car. 1938 Buick engine happens no­ gave up to motorists before! • Tomorrow, we will make the of safety. And finally, this new W YES, IT IS a great story, the story where else in the world. first public showing of the new Chevrolet will again lead with TO MATCH this incomparable of these twin engineering triumphs in 1938 Chevrolet.. . the most out­ famous Chevrolet economy, giv­ That is not advertising language, it is stride, Buick engineers now give you the 1938 Buick. cold-steel engineering fact. standing Chevrolet of all time— ing you more miles of real motor a kind of springing you will likewise So great a story that it obscures half and the greatest low-priced car car enjoyment for every dollar Speeding through the raceways of the find on no other car in the world. a score of other advances, themselves 'intake manifold, the fuel mixture value ever offered! In every .re­ you spend. Come to our show­ Poised on jarless coils of easy-flexing enough to make any car, a wonderful vapor hurricanes into the cylinders at steel, Buick floats free of bobble, jar, buy. spect this new car room for first-hand speeds around 250 miles an hour. J ot Economical Transportation information on this chatter, jounce. We invite you to learn more about is more modern and 'As it sweeps past streamline valve con­ ! CHEVROLETJ them this week at any Buick show­ more beautiful. It n e w Chevrolet— tours, a scientifically designed Turbtt- The car will not over-steer or under­ room. is a car of surpass­ facts that will con­ lator, built into the piston face, flings it steer—skidding, even on icy high­ ways, is blessedly reduced. ing comfort a n d vince you that this into airswirls of terrific turbulence. luxury; a car of N o w ott is the car you want, thrilling and satis­ and that now is the fying performance; D is p la y time to place your a car that offers an order, to guarantee unexcelled degree early delivery. HERDMAN MOTOR CO B elle ville - Ni ntley Buick Co 514 WASHINGTON AVENUE BELLEVILLE, N. J.

A SECOND SECTION THE BELLEVILLE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 If PA G E FO UR c, , , 'j Public Service Directors Pay Tribute to Many Rilled by State Police Warn Speeders, Beware! | . „ . Woman’s Club WITH the YETS ¡1 Thomas N. McCarter on 70th Birthday NOTES Drunken Drivers Against Solicitors In line with the new safety cam paign, instituted by Private George Enjoys Distinction of Being One of Founders and Only By GEORGE H. WESTON Toll More First Eight Unauthorized Agencies Are A. Younginger Post, Veterans of A t the first dessert-bridge of the year, held at the Woman’s Clubhouse Foreign Wars, a new sign was placed President Company Has Ever Months This Year Than Imposters, Bay on Monday afternoon, prizes were at the corner of Belleville and Frank­ awarded to Mrs. Clifton Smith, Mrs. Private George A. Younginger Had All 1936 Authorities lin avenues yesterday by members Edward A. Bloxom, Mrs. Leslie Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, met of the post. This is the first of a Woodruff, Mrs. Fred Idenden, Mrs. for business Thursday night at Vet­ More people were killed on New The New Jersey State Police have series that will be erected by the Directors of Public Service Corpo- the erection of a new stat r-"i, the ac­ Allan Wood Benz, Mrs. M. J- Atehin- erans’ Hall. Belleville. The Armistice complishment of all of wl— i recently son and Miss Florence Biauvelt. Jersey highways during the first under investigation a report of police department of Belleville. The j ration of New Jeisey and subsidiaiy Day committee reported that there has been realized. The public speaking class met activities being conducted by per­ will be a bugle and drum corps com­ eight months of this year by drunken w d in s reads as follows: -Bntarln, | Mi-. McCarter long has been an Tuesday evening and Mrs. Poi ter sons representing the State Police petition Armistice Day evening. The drivers than during the entire year Belleville— Speeders Beware—License birthday anniversary of Thomas N. advocate of consolidation of munici­ Sheldon was awarded Dale Carne­ committee met Tuesday evening at of 1936, Motor Vehicle Commissioner Magazine, which is published in New | >pa]ien/> McCarter, president of the Public palities, particularly with reference gie’s hook, “ How to W in Friends »nd the Town Hall. Nominations of of­ to Essex and Hudson counties. Arthur W. Magee announced today. York City, and the State Police Pub­ Service companies. Mr. McCarter was Influence People”— for the bes„ speech ficers of the post for the short term A graduate of Princeton Univer presented by a member of the class. The toll has been 64 deaths up to licity Bureau, also located in New born October 20, 1867. The luncheon until May 1, are as follows: Com­ Many Scouts Gather was held at the Essex Club, Newark. sity, Mr. McCarter always has shown The class has g r o w n and m u c h in­ mander, Norbert Bertl; senior vice- York City and Morristown. September 1st, as compared with 57 In the business world, Mr. Mc­ terest is displayed in the course. commander, George A. Weston; in the whole year 1936. This investigation is being con­ Carter enjoys the distinction, not On Monday at 2:30 P .M., the pro­ junior vice-commander, Richard Do­ During the eight months of last ducted by the authorities at this time At Roosevelt’s Grave only of being one of the founders of gram will be on “ Constitution Day herty; chaplain, Joseph Schnabel; to determine the extent of their Public Service, organized in 1903, but and will be in charge of Mrs. William .-quartermaster, Ernest Alden, and year 27 ’fatalities were credited to 18th Annual Pilgrimmage of being the only president the com­ P. Adams. drinking drivers, making the increase activities in this state. It >s under judge advocate, John Gannon. A pany has ever had. In this respect . letter was ordered written to the stood that some prominent citizens this year 137 pel’ cent. Tomorrow at Oyster Mr.* McCarter is believed to occupy Board of Freeholders notifying them “Heretofore, drunken driving has and some organizations in New Jer­ a unique position among the country’s Space Allotted at that the foundation of the cannon, sey have been solicited by represen­ Bay industries. The directors at the annual located , at the triangle facing Soho not been regarded as a major cause meeting- last April elected him chief Hospital, Belleville, had crumbled of fatal accidents, but it is rapidly tatives of the “ Bureau” and “ Maga­ Newark Auto Show Coming from Greater New . York, for the thirty-fifth consecutive time. r and needed repair. reaching that status in New Jersey,” zine” for contributions, under the Entertainment was enjoyed on said the commissioner. “ Last year at impression that they are assisting I Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland and West; I ref 0M 0n waW ed'’ln^Mn McCarter's Will Be Held at Newark Monday evening at Veterans’ Hall this time the number of deaths caused the New Jersey State Police. Chester Counties, nearby Connecticut fhg provigion making retirement : by the post. An open meeting took by alcoholic drivers was but slightly This information is being released and this state, more than six at SeVenty compulsory. The sense of Armory Early Next ' place. Election of officers took place to the press with the request that thousand Boy Scouts will make their that resolution was that Mr. McCar- over four per cent of the total traffic = last night at a meeting of the post ...... • + „ 44- OT. j- „ eighteenth annual pilgrimage to the , , usefulness to the company was Month ------j« n i» ------fatalities, while at the present mo­ wide publicity be given to it, and a g]?ave of Theodore Roosevelt at ^ a M e T b e dispensed with. The Winners Announced ment i t . has jumped to eight per request is made to the public to re- 0yster Bay, l . I., tomorrow. The directors 0f Fidelity Union Trust Space allotment for Newark’s cent.” frain from contributing to any or- ]ate President’s 79th birthday anni- Qompany took similar action with thirty-first annual passenger car The 64 deaths occurred in 51 acci­ ganization representing themselves versary will be observed on Wednes- erence to Mr. McCarter’s retire- automobile show, to be held at the as collectors of benefits for the D e - day, October 27. Small scout groups from their board, of which he 113th Infantry Regiment Armory, In A. & P. Contes dents, indicating, Commissioner Ma­ are expected from upstate New York, .g cbairman. Sussex avenue, Newark, November gee says, the extra that goes partaient of State Police. The New Massachusetts, -Rhode Island, and McCarter is well known in the 6-13, was made at a meeting held Women from Nearby Places with mixing alcohol and gasoline, es­ Jersey State Police has never ac­ Pennsylvania. utility field by reason of his identifi- last night. Applications for space cepted rewards, gratuities, or con­ from passenger car dealers of pecially where there is an accident. The scouts will assemble at noon cation with national associations, in Thomas N. McCarter. Fared Well in National tributions from any source, and any- Greater Newark came in to the offi­ Twelve of the accidents involved in Oyster Bay. Led by their National which he has been active for many one representing themselves as col- I Scout Commissioner, “ Uncle Dari” years. He was the first president of a deep interest m his alma mater. H ces of the New Jersey Automobile pedestrians, killing 13; 21 accidents has attended every Princeton-Yale # Contest lectine or soliciting contributions in Beard, now 87 years old, the scouts the Edison Electric Institute and Exhibition Company, Chamber of football game since 1878, and after were collisions with other motor ve­ . „ ,, .. will march to Young’s Memorial s€rVed two terms in that capacity, Commerce Building In Newark, Women from nearby towns fared hicles, killing 25; one was a collision any way for the New y Cemetery, a mile from the village, Also he has been president of the the fiftieth game, the Princeton Uni quickly following the mailing of the versity Athletic Association pre well among the winners just an­ with a bicycle, killing four occupants Police are imposters. »„„with a massed formation of scouts American Electric Railway Associa- blanks last week. The distinction of nounced from the first two of the If any citizen of our statehas! ying United States flags and tioll. sented him a miniature gold football being the first in line went to the of the automobile; 13 accidents were weekly Ann Page Prize Contests now contributed to such “ sc„m colors near the head of the A s far back as 1903, Mr. Mc-Car- Mr. McCarter was elected to the Fisher-Cadillac Corporation of New­ being sponsored nationally by ■ A. & collisions with fixed objects, killing under the impression that they w a e ter> in an address before the Board State Senate in 1899 and later served ark, with arf application- for Cadillac P. Food Stores. Twenty-two of the 16 persons and" four accidents were as leader of the majority. In 1902 and LaSalle eai-s. Jereev^’“state ' we* will appre- A t the head of the line of march of Trade in Newark, envisioned the he was appointed attorney general by major merchandise awards and the non-collision type (skidding and Applications closed Wednesday and •qi-cT information in writin0, from with Commissioner Beard will be a availability of the bed of t e 0111 Governor Franklin Murphy. He also ninety-three of the minor awards overturning, etc.), killing six. all the available space in the armory Siem ^ d T h e y 4 i “ b T tendering ” group of scouts and leaders in an- Canal for transportation pumoses has served as chairman of the Local went to residents in New York City t service in assistmv in the thentic Indian and buckskin regalia and m 1924, in an addiess befoie t was applied for. As would be expected, 44 or 86 Government Plan Commission of New and vicinity. Newark’s automobile show has pro­ per cent of the accidents occurred “ tj f suctl offenders” says together with delegations from the Newark Chamber of Commerce, ill. Jersey, the New Jersey School. Sur- In the first contest major prizes piosecution of such otrendeio, say | c ,ub_ Campfll.e club, the McCarter presented a comprehensive vided each year for three decades a police official. vey Commission . and the Alcoholic consisting of electric hostess tables during normal hours of darkness (7 Buckskin Men and the Range Riders union station and rapid transit plan» a display that is thoroughly repre­ Beverage Commission of New- Jersey, were awarded to Mrs. Frances W. P. M. to 6 A. M.), while the greatest The members'of the New Jersey of the West. I calling for the abandonment of the sentative of the American automo­ Boris of New York City, Mrs. , 30 accidents or 58 per­ State Police will appreciate the co­ Theodore Roosevelt, as the first old Market Street Station, Manhattan in each instance by Gubernatorial ap- tive industry. This year’s exposition Samuel Blake and Mrs. W. J. Bren­ cent took place between midnight and operation of the citizens of our state honorary vice-president of the Boy | Transfer and Park Place Station, and j pomtmen . of the latest models will be, as usual, in the prevention of what appears to nan of Rye, N. Y., Miss Gertrude dawn. . ’ . Scouts of America; did much to fur­ all-inclusive. Clayton of Montclair, N. J., Mrs. Seventy per cent of the drunken be a racket. ther the public’s interest in the i O JX T\ The show committee is made up of Clarence E. Fisher, president of Stephen Dec of Nyack, N. Y., Miss drivers were between the ages of 25 growing Boy Scout movement/. He 11F0 ¡jCllli .UtUlSf^r Auto Club Inaugurates Sadie Hayes of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., and 50, while less than one-fourth held the title o f “ Chief Scout Citi­ the New Jersey Automobile Exhibi­ Mrs. C. A. Holmes of Brooklyn, were under 25 years. One driver was zen’^ until his death in 1919. In that Road Safety Program tion Company, which stages the New­ N. Y., Mrs. Mildred Joseph of Lareh- 67 years of age. year Commissioner Beard arranged Sign for Car Owners ark automobile show each year; Ed­ mont, N Y., Mrs. Dorothy Rudolf! the first pilgrimage to Theodore ward J. Foley, vice-president; Glenn Keystone Group President W. Tisdale, treasurer; Alfred De- and Miss Dorothy Zazzali of New­ Roosevelt’s grave. One hundred and Twice-a-Year Test Urged to ark, N. J., Mrs. H. Spencer of East Safety Campaign Plan fifty scouts took part. In each suc­ Cozen, David E. Lane and Horace A. Orange, N. J., Mrs. Ivay W oodruff, Finds Motorists Want Bonnell of the board of trustees, and ceeding year, more scouts turned out Prevent Au t o Absecon, N .J., and Mrs E C. Wort- for the pilgrimage, making it the William L. Mallon, secretary, who is ■ maun of Park, N. Y. Started by Elks Sound Advice manager of the show. most important annual scout event in Accidents In the second contest major prizes the east. Last year more than six With the location of the various consisting of 182-piece China dinner- Representatives o f Sixty- thousand scouts participated. The most comprehensive highway display booths for the 150 or more passenger cars which will be shown ware sets were awarded to Mrs. The late President’s interest in The safety crusade, which an safety program in its history has Ruth Burke, Mrs. Alfred Iiartfield, Two Lodges Frame Pro­ aroused nation is carrying on against been inaugurated by the Keystone definitely decided on, an army of scouting was a personal one. He be­ decorators, electricians and others Mrs. Ruth Stone and Miss Georgie Plans for Girl Scout Week have came an active Troop Committeeman the appalling toll of automobile ac­ Automobile Club, with the entire or­ Washington of New York City, Mrs. gram at Elizabeth been definitely arranged as follows, cidents, is bringing forth many valu­ ganization co-ordinated to work con­ will inaugurate carrying out elabo­ of Troop 39 of Oyster Bay, his home rate plans for turning the armory ' Madeleine Fox of Highland Mills, N. according to announcement by Com­ community. On numerous occasions able safety suggestions for car own- tinuously on every phase of the acci­ Belleville Lodge of Elks will join into a handsome, convenient, well- Y., Mrs. A. Gobylarz of Clifton, N. J., missioner Mrs. F. J. Ackerman: he accompanied his boys on scout dent problem. with other lodges in the New Jersey lighted arena for the showing of the Miss Bertha Righter of Newark, _N. A ll window displays will be ready hikes. The Roosevelt family con­ One that will save the car owner- Announcement of the plans was State Elks’ Association automobile 1938 models. Special exhibitions, - J., Mrs. Evelyn Sanchez of Woodside, by six o’clock on Saturday, October tinued his interest in scouting. Col. money, as well as make his car safe made by J. Borton Weeks, president safety campaign. Representatives of providing for a showing of visible- L. I., and Mrs. Mildred Wilding of 30. Theodore Roosevelt, the eldest son, to drive concerns tire scuff Tire scuff of the club, who has just completed sixty-two lodges met at Elizabeth operation models, etc., will feature Bergenfield, N. J. Sunday, November 1, is Go-to- became .a member o f' the National caused by wheel misalinement. a tour of Eastern Pennsylvania and Elks’ Lodge to formulate plans for the Newark display. These will be A total of 300 weekly prizes are Church Day. Each girl scout is ex­ Executive Board of the Boy Scouts Wheel misalinement is caused by the New Jersey, addressing more than the greatest automobile safety cam­ brought over to Newark immediately being awarded in these popular con­ pected to attend her own church of America and in May, 1935, he was wheels striking ruts, road bumps, 10.000 motorists at nine highway paign ever attempted by any organi­ services in the morning. Girl scouts’ safety meetings under Keystone aus­ after their showing at the annual ex­ tests, which will continue on through elected a vice-president of the or­ curbs, and by the ordinary wear to hibition in Grand Central Palace, the week of November 27. Each, week zation, last week. own will be held at the Wesley M. E. pices. ganization. He will take part in the the automobile parts. New York, which closes the week there is a new contest. The meeting was addressed by the j churelTat the evening services pilgrimage. “ I am greatly impressed by the president of the association, Murray The importance of wheel a! moment reaction of motorists to the safety before the Newark show. Contestants are merely required to Monday is Good Turn Day. Tues­ When the entrance of the cemetery B. Sheldon, who is exalted ruler of is illustrated by the fact that one- plea,” said Mr. Weeks. “ Drivers are Newark’s show will open at 7 write a 20-word sentence telling why day, the girl scouts will be guests is reached, Commissioner Beard and Elizabeth Elks. He dwelt at some eighth inch of wheel alinement liter­ definitely interested in the problem, o’clock, Saturday night, November 6, they like a food selected from the of the Public Service for the-after­ his party will halt and review the length on the plan of action to be ally causes tires to be dragged side­ as proved by the large attendance at and will continue each day (except Ann Page line each week, to name noon. A tour will be made through scouts as they file up the hill to the followed by the group, and suggested, ways one mile out of every hundred! all our meetings. Another hearten­ Sunday) until Saturday night, No­ eight Ann Page Foods and to _ send the House Practical, with moving former President’s gate-enclosed as the first step, every moving pic­ Not only does this scuffing spell ing aspect is the willingness of motor­ vember 13. It will close each night at • in a label, package top or fascimile, pictures afterward. Girls should sign grave. Each scout contingent will ture theatre in the state should be ruin to tire life, but it may spell an ists to be advised on the proper 10:30 o’clock and the doors will be giving the address of their A. & P. up quickly. halt briefly at the grave and come to enlisted so that slides showing the accident which may take a life! The methods to attain highway safety. thrown open each day, except the Food Store. More than one entry to Wednesday, tours through Belle­ a salute before filing into a natural slogan of the committee could be seuffing tire is a slipping tire await­ “ These meetings were a prelude to opening night, at noon. any. contest may be submitted pro­ ville will be conducted by the lead­ amphitheatre for their annual exer­ flashed on the screen between each ing but a wet pavement or an emer­ a continuous safety campaign to be vided a label' or facsimile .accom­ ers. The different activities, includ­ cises, which will open with the sing­ picture. gency brake application to cause a waged by the club. Under plans we panies each. The judging of the con­ ing Town Hall, fire houses, and other ing of “America” followed by an in­ The second step will be the show­ disasterous skid. have just perfected, six departments test is . being handled by the Reuben places will be pointed out. vocation by Dr. T. H. MacKensie, ing of “ safety shorts” to be provided How can tire scuff be detected or bureaus of our organization now I-I. Donnelley Company, and the 300 Thursday, the Girl Scout Council pastor of the Flushing Reformed without waiting for it to show up on prizes'"each week go to the con­ by the Department of Motor Vehicles will entertain all scout mothers at a have as their main objective improved FEDERAL RADIO & Church and a personal friend of the tire? The answer is being pro­ testants who fulfill the above require­ to ‘the audiences in every Elks’ Lodge tea at the Women’s Clubhouse, Ross- highway conditions.” _ “ T. R.” vided by the modern automotive ser­ ments and whose sentences are best in the state. Another feature will be more place. The club agencies directly con­ The National Scout Commissioner vice shops—such as that of Jack iij ■ the. opinion of the judges. The the distribution of “ No Accident Friday is Citizenship Day. cerned in safety activities include TELEVISION LABS Honor Cards” by the officers of the will then introduce the distinguished Deeney, 520 Washington avenue— the Public Safety Department, with contests are not open to employees of Saturday, Outdoor Day will be ob­ visitors including the representatives State Association to every Elk who served by all girl scouts in the open which are equipped with scientific 10.000 school5 Safety Patrolmen under SALES SERVICE A. & P. can prove a no-accident period for at of the outdoor groups. Many of these tire scuff detectors. These instru its supervision, Engineering Depart­ Pictures of the weekly prizes are all day and, something novel for visitors were close friends of the man least six months. This card will have Belleviile scouts, a Father-Daughter ments show the ear owner the exact ment, Sign-Posting Bureau, Motor Norge Refrigerators being exhibited currently in A. & - P a silver background and when the they annually honor. condition of both his front and rear Patrol and Safety Test Trailer. Food Stores, where contest entry Dinner will be held in the High During the “ Ceremony of Roses,” Maytag Washers member completes a year of no-acci­ School cafeteria in the evening. It is wheels. The car is driven over the “ Keystone,” continued Mr. Weeks, blanks are also being distributed. dent driving he will be presented a ritual by which all present pay tester and in less time than it takes “ is the only motoring organization Gas Ranges - Ironers hoped that many fathers will show their respects to leaders who recently with a half gold and half silver card. their interest in their own daughter. to tell it, the test is- complete. The in the country equipped for safety died, a scout will toss rose petals Cost Accountants Meet Two years of safe driving will entitle Members of the council and many ■car owner then knows he is wasting work on the scale we now have at­ Dependable Home and Auto into the air as others respond when the member to a card with a. full prominent people have been invited as much as fifty per cent- of his tire tained. Through the instrumentality Radio Service the names of the late leaders are The regular monthly meeting of gold background. to attend. life through scuffing tires. of the agencies now fully co-ordi­ called. Electric Appliances the Newark Chapter, National Asso It was decided that the slogan The officers’ association met last This, test should be made twice a nated we are undertaking an every­ dation of Cost Accountants, will be Following Commissioner Beard’s ould be: “ In addition to helping Wednesday evening for regular busi­ year, according to wheel alinement day, all-year attack on the highway 310 WASHINGTON AYE. held on Thursday, 6 P. M., at the annual address, the scouts will recite accident problem, and hope to crippled children to help themselves, ness. The group discussed the Scout authorities, because experience shows PHONE BELLEVILLE 2-1948 Essex House. let us stop making cripples by driv­ the Scout Oath and Law. Then four that under average driving- conditions achieve a measure of success justi­ Week activities and made plans for Don Roviello, Prop. . Following the usual supper and ing safely.” Road side signs and bill a trip to Washington, D. C., on No­ buglers, blowing to the four winds, wheels are apt to become misalined fying the expense and effort put in­ entertainment the address of the board, displays will be set up all over vember 14. The annual election of will give the Church Call. Then will during this period. to the work.” evening will be given by C. B. E. the state conspicuously showing this officers resulted as follows: Presi follow an Indian ceremony of the Rosane, whose subject will be “ Some slogan. dent, Edna Baun, captain, troop 9; ‘Four Winds” “ Gates of Yesterday. Broblems in Standard Cost Account­ The meeting was presided over by vice president, Gladys Reyle, lieu­ The blowing of “ Taps” by an ing.” Chairman John G. Sauerwein, past tenant, troop 8; secretary, Florence Eagle Scout will end the pilgrimage Mr. Rosane is treasurer of the exalted ruler of Elizabeth Lodge, and Kelly,captain, troop 8 and treasurer, Calco Chemical Company, Inc. of the following past exalted rulers of Frances Place, captain, troop 3. tumes. Many games will be played Bound Brook. He is a certified pub­ their respective lodges were elected Troop 2 held a card party last and prizes will be given to the win­ Ready to Work for You and Deliver the Goods lic accountant and holds the degree to official positions on the com Friday evening at the Recreation ners. Refreshments of cake, candy of master of business administration mittee: House. A large number attended and and soda will be served by the com­ from Boston University. He is a Dr. Joseph T. Welch, Long Branch; the awards were pleasing. The mem­ mittee in charge. 5 Great Truck Bargains member of the American Institute Edgar T. Reed, Perth Amboy; E. H bers of the troop entertained with The following committee have of Accountants and a charter mem­ Schulze, Asbury Park; Eugene S scout songs. Scout Bernice Doolittle been selected to work on the window 1937 DODGE 1 TON CANOPY—Brand New. .«■ Special ber of the National Association of Taft, Freehold; Frank M. Traveline rendered a piano solo, “ Poets and display: Margaret Revill, Gloria Hu Cost Accountants. He hails from the Jr., Camden; Eugene Gallagher Peasant.” Scout Eleanor Smith gave bert, Betty Lee, Jean Podgorski and 1937 DODGE Vi TON CANOPY—Brand New.A. Price J Newark chapter. Millville; George Forker, Trenton; A a tap dance. A fter the games, re­ Betty Reif. 1936 DODGE Vi TON EXPRESS— Almost New------$445 F. Joekel, Irvington; Otto Mueller freshments were served and dancing As usual a bumper attendance is Troop No. 13 went hiking to South 1934 DODGE % TON P A N E L — Like New------expected and among those prominent Montclair; George F. Mack, East followed. This troop meets at the Mountain on Tuesday. They spent an 1 445 Recreation House each Friday after­ businessmen and citizens of Belle­ Orange; J. W. Lysons, Boonton; Nel­ enjoyable morning building a fire, 1932 CHEVROLET Vi TON P A N E L— Very Good...... 145 noon, with Mrs. Helen McNiell, cap­ ville to attend the session will be son A. Pomfret, Paterson; Russell place and cooking their mid-day Walter J. Bremer and J. F. Kirms. L. Binder, Hackensack; A. E. Wld- tain, in charge. meal. Trees, fall flowers, seeds and Call Belleville 2-1200 for Special Terms, Etc. . Girl scouts of troop 9, under the mayer, Lyndhurst; B. R. Doyle, all plants were studied and some col direction of their captain, Miss E. Bayonne and R. W. Kidd, Penns lected. Doris Huemer, member of this Baun, plan a Hallowe’en party. Octo­ Grove. * troop who had been very ill, was re Request Features ber 26. Fort Motors Co. of N. J. ported very much improved. Eight Gloria Hubert is in charge, with Come Dine With Us! new girls have joined this troop. 25 WASHINGTON AYE.— BELLEVILLE, N. J. t the following girls assisting her: DODGE TRUCKS— Saturday Evening Troop No. 7 spent last Saturday Belleville Oyster and iVtai-caret Revill. Mildred Bashford, ? with their leaders out in the open all ‘The Magnificent Qbses- Bern and Estelle Lee, Charlotte Capitol­ Chop House day, hikirig through the fields and 501 Washington Ave. (Cor. Little St.) Woodward. Evelyn Moy, Jane Bu­ ai on, with Irene Dunne and woods, building fires, laying trails SPECIAL BLUE PLATE—35c rl n n P m Re if and Irene Birch. John Boles. cooking and, of course, eating. It was Lincoln—VGrand Siam” with Lo­ Delicious Clam Chowder made on Prizes will be given for the 'pret­ Premises— Special to take out—25c qt. tiest. funniest and most original cos- counted as the best hike ever. retta Young’ and Paul Lukas. FISH & CHIPS—SEAFOOD ^ * SECOND SECTION SECOND ecl n ppr s weapons.... as paper and pencil China.” . but we dispel that opposition willi willi opposition that dispel we but rdy om lk a oeig gho->t, hovering a like looms Friday . pearance, but ruinous in intent), intent), in ruinous but . pearance, program ? program h mnt peaain ta have radio every that eachand with made be to preparations minute the lae r ad r. mrc’ ears America’s Mrs. and Mr. please and’ length . are necessary in order to to order in necessary are . length te mjr items. and major other performers of be wages to for has sumsspent huge in money and ■ on his mind and exceptionally little little exceptionally and mind his■ on ehiin, qimn ad numerous and equipment technicians, h fed f racsig A fw sec­ few A broadcasting. of field the to consider that the men on the other other the on men the that consider to ns vr r ne i cniee a considered is under or over onds s o etrand n hs bif mo­ brief those he in because entertained not listener is the by calamity ae t d intervals. odd at take mis­ a make bound to are and beings learn to appreciate it, for it it for it, appreciate to learn ments. ie f h ho-p r ol human only are hook-up the of side tended to please you as much as it it as much as can. possibly you please to tended oee, h mncpl ln s con­ is plan municipal the however, as well as a beneficial venture. If, If, venture. beneficial a as well as aly eto o or oey on is town lovely our of section valley sidered an impossibility, a private private a impossibility, an sidered nepie ol b euly excellent. equally be would enterprise uig h ngt Yul b con­ be You’ll night. vinced. ... the during cant lots and on lonely side streets streets side lonely on and lots cant SPCSSI ht f garages. of that ue o the of tures of such, we think, would be profitable profitable be would think, such, we of dropping on famine-stricken populaces on famine-stricken dropping ! Rehearsals of great pains and long long and pains great of Rehearsals ! o ted n xii o mto pic­ motion of exhibit an attend to etuto, ob (noet n ap- in (innocent bombs destruction, netiig preparations. entertaining- Avish the cinematic vieAvs would would vieAvs cinematic the Avish lre hrln truh h ar to air the through hurtling plaries ek vih a isre o te edi­ the on inserted Avhich was week f war. of conclu­ were killing, and smashing lc in place treaties. confined to the signing signing the to confined sions as to the futileness and tragedy tragedy and futileness the to sions as oin itrs bt hs ie Ave time this but pictures, motion oil ae f ht publication. that of page torial rdcin wih e hn, s des­ is think, we which production, revenue derived from its exports, exports, its from derived revenue oe, e tces n dac and advance in tickets get money, h byot ln thusly: plan boycott in the .grip present its products releases Japanese it until against boycott last paper neighboring a to letter ie t b lse a oe f t most its of one as listed be to tined for play chosen a recently hasSchool continues its barbarous invasion of of invasion barbarous its continues con­ and products Japanese boycott iu i s dig o og s Japan as long so doing so in tinue Americans merciful all Let tations. exceptional contains that production Pains.” We urge all to save their their save to all urge We Pains.” aatoh i te ieto o Avhich of direction the in catastrophe China. He explains the execution of of execution the explains He China. cig drcig n producing.(i and directing acting, aa i cnrne wt is own its If with drifting. confronted be is to Japan seems world the terrible that averting toward solution ot rm oneblnig impor­ counterbalancing from most to accomplish, so he snatched himself himself snatched he accomplish, so to n” bu te rsn one. present the about rav­ ing” “ actually are contrary the to but emhl rfann t is ut­ its to refraining meamvhile ntas ht emd o tn ot as out stand to seemed that initials problems there will be less possibility possibility less be will there problems ted h gl promne f a of performance gala the attend ragged formation, formation, ragged leaves. printed the twirl to and started owner non-looking a from magazine a f vr n mr asrne f peace. of assurance more Avar and of the pages rapidly crossed his view: view: his crossed rapidly pages the es rvn, I ue Sai ad Hit­ and Stalin Duee, II driving, less hrcopr, as Cia Avidows, China, Mars, sharecroppers, “ ax da wr lse a, o reck­ for at, listed were dead Marx, ler.” ■ Whenever you listen to a program program a to listen ■ you Whenever The threat of a “ Spotlightless’ Spotlightless’ “ a of threat The Ta w tik s ms plausible most a is think we That , ae o ee sopd o consider to stopped ever you Have ie s n motn eeet in element important an is Time ht ae itnr os o pause not does listener same That ut oie h ats akd n va­ in parked autos the notice Just cyn ne fr h northern the for need crying A It It tw poet o te construction the for project town A h hril see o burning of scenes horrible The We We The senior class of Belleville High High Belleville of class senior The e r nt lgtn ps plays, past slighting not are We aa i cify eedn o the on dependent chiefly is Japan “ h nm o te ly s GroAving “ is play the of name The er I. ub, evik sn a sent Neivai’k, Rusby, II. Henry n i lte M. ub ugs a urges Rusby Mr. letter his In The other day ye scribe had little little had scribe ye day other The ee r sm wrs prss and phrases words, some are Here Whither this modern world ? world modern this Whither odes n od l tra firm a, terra old good on soldiers William Y. Eufemia WilliamY. 322 W ASHINGTON AVENUE AVENUE ASHINGTON W 322 Abbey Coal Co., I™ CoalCo., Abbey was was Phone EEHN BLEIL 2-2451 BELLEVILLE TELEPHONE oe o e nie t ta same that to invited be to hope alr n Cleaner and Tailor =1=, a u lt at ek o e able be to week last lot our en Feldstein. Leon Nu t)cy NGS G IN N E V E N E P O E W hr tm t aan view again to time short elvle 2-1359 Belleville ENCE C N IE N E V N O C Avar # # ❖ -6 6 Delawanna,2-1616N. O Y R U YO FOR •= * -•;= n China. in * ❖ I ER LIV E D . i f . . oi’phans, O., I. of of isin­ peace i be

ln o wrd far i a address an in affairs world on slant yesterday before the Advertising Advertising the before yesterday tucky, who gave the “ New Deal” Deal” New “ the gave who tucky, e’ frt peh ic hs recent his since speech first ley’s Club of Neivark, at the Newark Newark the Bark­ Senator at was It Club. Neivark, Athletic of Club uoen trip. European infe hs neto o becoming of intention his signified e I. ok . Cocks Sam­ talk club, ' II. a the uel of president after the with member associate an o e ie ensa, eebr 15 December Wednesday, given be to iron night,- to Monday rehearsal, lar highly possible that Charles Watson, Watson, Charles that possible highly ug vr h ar ae a number a waves air the over sung ies il e edfloig h regu­ the following held be will ficers of member a become the" shortly. club will times, of el nAn elvletnr wo has who tenor, knoAvn Belleville well lc-ae hw ,i ti section, this ,in shows black-face u svrl ifclis ht have that concert difficulties Avith the connection in arisen several out f h road. part the of gutter the in Avagon and horse oe hry er ao . ago. years thirty some in comedian ace the was jld-timers, tbe aae, las rv his drove always manager, stable in Main street at the foot of William William of foot the at street Main in establishment his had days, old good n ilie ak n 1912. in Park Hillside in tet ■ ; ' street. e hue n an street. Main in house¿er a a etr o te udy after­ Sunday the of feature a was on t h pr. ila C Gillen, C. William park. the at noon ot i gi o te aaht and parachute the on grip his lost N. 0 col ■ 10 school. No. n noon’s performance at Hillside Hillside at performance noon’s hc acne eey udy after­ Sunday every ascended which ak n 92 O Jl 4 1912, 4, July On 1912. in Park up affair. jump phone exchange firemen were overcome by smoke at at smoke by overcome were firemen ee Fe Rte, hre Murphy, Charles Ritter, Fred were. o t yas g, e i Kn’ Oys- King’s in met ago, years ?orty street. Main in building saic jalloon in a parachute, but Moore Moore but parachute, a in jalloon n Fak James. Frank and They damage. $200,000 did which vas a spectacular fireAVorks display fireAVorks display spectacular a vas f arsn dsedd rm the from descended Harrison, )f xlummeted to earth. It It earth. to xlummeted el o i dah rm h balloon the from death his to 'ell Fla., Jacksonville, of Moore, Thomas h L Sneon n Cmay fire, Company and Sonneborn L. .he eao Abn . ake o Ken­ of Barkley W. Alben Senator ao .Wlim - Wlim has Williams H-: ..William Mayor ae Grio, codn t some to according Garrison, James n xctv meig f h of­ the of meeting executive An Henry Reeves, old-time livery livery old-time Reeves, Henry r .ok as sae ta i is it that stated also .Cocks Mr. bu fry er ao te tele­ the ago, years forty About h Dmcas f elvle some Belleville of Democrats The John Caldwell, undertaker in the the in undertaker Caldwell, John “ Perry’s Victory of Lake Erie” Erie” Lake of Victory Perry’s “ ymn Bl’ Wl Ws show West Wild Bill’s Wyoming n uy , 92 tre Amlunteer three 1912, 7, July On Addresses Ad Men Ad Addresses Cniud rm ae One) Page from (Continued en bu Town About Been eao Baykley. Senator HM DY ARE OE ORVER REV FO GONE E R A DAYS THEM Avas V.Ut e TV^.^USt H BSO STORE BOSTON THE ahntn venue A Washington 0 4 5 - 8 3 5 TW£0'0£R m n h od Pas­ old the in Avas a triple triple a H LRET PRT NT TR BETWEEN PSAC K R A W E N D N A PASSAIC N E E W T E B STORE T EN TM EPAR D LARGEST THE 'Vi ject a determined drive for farm farm for drive determined a ject rs i te fig it Avhich the into offing, the in gress op o ofca ad nfiil ob- Capitol’s unofficial and the official of legislation, corps control am issue. farm some beAvildered by bit a are seiwers diitain vl udutdy in­ undoubtedly Avill administration official doubt about the qualities of of qualities the about doubt official plan. f h pessin eae vr the over debate pre-session the of , C.-—but AAhichS, et fies em o niae an indicate to seem officers ment vih ertr o Cmec Dan­ Commerce of Secretary Avhich ob Aa cnand n speech a in contained Avas doubt the administration’s agriculture agriculture administration’s the e C Rpr a shdld o make to scheduled was Roper C. iel vr sn t nAsae ofcs n ad­ in neAvspaper offices to Avere sent eoe fr gop n Charleston, in group farm a before u explanation. out ac. t a fud o oti a contain to found was It vance. ahr ln atc uo co con­ crop upon attack blunt rather pcfcly hs neiee speech undelivered his Specifically, en n te frs f govern­ of forms other ment.” in demn of principles the thAvart a to tendency have conditions, em’ergency under administration. declared: the of policies trol n priual wt cto,ws also was cotton, with particularly ing cotton- government's program. this restriction to due is etto ta Ae iheul con­ regi­ righteously Ave of that form mentation a through democracy re etmoaeu tl, i pub­ his talk, extemporaneous brief olA i te atr f l cos and crops, all of matter folloAV the in general the of outline an supposedly and 1932, in than more 10,000,- bales to amounts000 now cot­ supply foreign ton the He that true control. it declared crop about reservations evppr fie t “il the “kill” to offices neAvspaper a made instead, secretary, the and e nA gvrmn cnrl and controls government neAv few ht t es a at o hs increase this of part” “ a least at that et otoes ad uh eyebroAV much and controversy ment so often displays, the Secretary Secretary the displays, often so rA ti eioil omn fo the from comment dreAV editorial this some voicing by bewilderment the n peiiae a inter-depart­ lifting. an precipitated print publicand reached it Thus all speech. notify failed'to staff relations lic e ald “mdl course”—Avhich middle “ a aban­ called he be therefore should policies conclud­ of instead Then, subsidies. of weaknesses the regarding another after concession damaging one made ln? el ot et h ohr day, other the West out Well, gling? than one respect a strange one. For, For, one. strange a respect one than Times: NeAv York to added audience, Tenn., Memphis, iune f l tee oiis ih a with policies these all of tinuance Avhat advocate to on went he doned, brates his tenth year in radio during during radio in year tenth his brates n fet rvd o en con­ a mean to proved effect in the that expect, might one as and ing, loans government tax, cessing h mnh f oebr 1937..&here November, of month the usde throAvnsubsidies in.” pro­ restriction, crop of policies the oiy h amnsrto hps to hopes administration the policy os n arroAvs! and bows to going are instructors government a before speech a in Wallace, A. ec Idas ov o ae n use and make hoAv to Indians teach a federal official announced that that announced official federal a LUCK, ih h rmral cno ta he that candor remarkable the With sosr edd cide' pro­ children's a needed sponsor a a o te ilns ik n click and tick airlancs the of man gen tie- genial this made Avhat has is rm o el o dg..h i heard Sun- A\7eek is onhe a also dogs... and nights toy six sell to gram he Avas fooling with with Avas fooling he ...he ih nw eso o te Con­ the of session new a With n hs oncin sm govern­ some connection, this In A notable indication of official official of indication notable A nl Dn Carney Don Uncle ois f h Sceays speech Secretary’s the of Copies hn h sec Aa cancelled Avas speech the When h Mmhs peh wie deal­ while speech, Memphis The “ Superimposed controls, except except controls, Superimposed “ i smbd mnin boondog­ mention somebody Did i. alc’ sec ws n more in was speech Mi-. Wallace’s “ Secretary of Agriculture Henry Henry Agriculture of Secretary nl Dn f tto WR cele­ WOR Station of Don Uncle esnlt Sketch Personality ieal fl it rdo while radio into fell literally J s e m a GH fO d ~THG d fO 60UY- THE HET.T.EVTTJ.E NEW S. FR IDAY, OCTOBER OCTOBER IDAY, FR S. HET.T.EVTTJ.E NEW THE Avas P acle with­ cancelled n o t s e r ix in at and act piano

i 'Too — 'Too aw? Mae Mae aw?

ois.H hs o hd n o two the or one had not reads has he Avhencomics...He mornings day pnos uig hs e-er stretch ten-year this during sponsors but more than one hundred... a few few a hundred... one than more but f hm ae en ih i more him with been have them of ui bt ly b “er .. .main­ ear” “ by plays but music tains an office, secretary, a library of of read library a secretary, not office, an tains . .does yeai’s. four than id ta tee r nteog hoursenough not are there that finds hlrns ok ad neet and interests and books children’s in the day to do all he Avould like to to Avould he like all do to day the in cs detsd n i porm be program his on advertised ucts a awy isse ta te pi’od- the that insisted always . back.Has . feAV years a sketches Street iie..Nm “Uce o” s copy- is Don” Uncle pub­ “ Avere Name they licized... before investigated ‘el Npev, ics ie” has mine,” Nieces NepheAvs, '‘Hello guai*antee a I’eceives he and l’ighted salary plus a commission on the num­ the on commission a plus salary oeg lnug..Uce o i in brown of is head good Don a has Uncle foi’ties, his language... foreign been song in SAving and in every every in and SAving in song been ...W as heai-d on the*popular Main Main the*popular on heai-d as ...W program.. .His opening song titled titled his song on opening advertised .His products program.. of ber ar wih 10 n i sx et tall feet six is and 180 weighs hair, tl lvn...eea esen col­ eastern . .several living. still ee hv suid i Cid Psy­ Child his studied have leges aeil n i bodat ta make that broadcasts his on purely material is it that agree and chology . i mte ad he sses are sisters three and mother his ... the childi’en want to listen.. .the listen.. to want childi’en the the presenting of Avay natural his ...Avas born in St. Joseph, Michigan Michigan Joseph, St. in born ...Avas worked in a moving picture theatre theatre picture moving a in worked intimate its loses never program Avent into vaudeville with an act of of act an with vaudeville into Avent lyn te in..te ny e he key only the piano... he the and playing fifteen Avas he Avhen was shoAV in job business first .his touch.. ih-ad a. uig n period one During man. right-hand .Bill Appearances.. Guest for works this for and benefit worthy a fuse n Fr Dabr cf fr tAventy-. for cafe Dearborn Fort a in this to .. job and a key. Avas same hetAvo the offei’ed Aveeks in flat later plays still B” he “ day was in played i sns r dlvrd n nasal a in delivered and are voice songs a of his much hasn’t he mits rawl i hs rs aet and agent press his is Treadwell .. millions. of net­ major the all on friend appeared hashe the is reason five dollars a Aveek.. .later Carney Carney .later Aveek.. a dollars five more than five million boys and girls girls and boys million five than more e vs pnoe b fute prod­ fourteen by Avas sponsored he n a peet eie o Pr ave­ Park on resides present at and penthouses, in lived .Has monotone.. ad­ dialect...he and patter, songs, cs n n Aveelc. one in ucts or. i rdo lb constitutes club radio his door... .. himself . rolls he which cigarettes book' nor is his name on his office office the his in on name listed his not is nor isbook' telephone His smokes ity...he C NeAV York in nue Yonkers in house room tAventy-two a ot 4 dges 5 iue Wet 30 est W minutes 45 degrees 47 North atry rm h Esel ln o Union of line feet 110 Easterly the from distant iioint Easterly a '’ at Street liam County, Essex Jersey. Belleville, of New Town the in Beginning. re, S iue Wet 0 fe: thence 100 feet: est W minutes 5S grees, rne frel cle Qar Street); Quarry called (formerly irenue A P. o’clock two at next November of dav opann, n Aila J Nia and Neilan J. AVilliam and Complainant, eodd n h Rgse' Ofc o said of Office Register's the in recorded under Executor the by Avife, his of Neilan, place the and Street William of line at 0 et ad hne ot 3 de­ 33 South thence and feet; 30 East tet ot 4 dges 4 minutes 45 degrees, 47 South AAMlliam of line the Street along running thence Ninth the Tusday, on Newark, in House, al dsrbd stae lig n being and of particu­ lying parcel situate, hereinafter or described, tract nreinises larly and following the land all M.j a, o sl, f otae premises. mortgaged of sale, for Fa., o sl h pbi \ede a te Court the. at \rendue, public expose shall hv I sale directed, Tor me to faeias. Pori h si Wlim . eln n Helen and Neilan J. William said the et ad hne ot 3 dges 58 degrees 33 North thence and feet; HERIFS F n hney f New of Chancery Tn — AFE S IFF'S R E SH only dcae, n ohr, y Deed by others, and deceased, Connolly, Southerly the to feet 100 East minutes n ad nm soito, corporation. a Association, Fnim and ing ..e s are bt a n children no has but married is .He .. u o Fu Tosn Fu Hundred the Four is Thousand sale said Four by of satisfied hesum to cree 356-357. Deeds of pages on P-64 County, Book in said for Essex of County William of Testament and ill ast'W B the sale. eedns F. a, o sl o Mort­ of sale for Fa., Fi. Defendants. wnyoe olr ad e Cns ($4,- Cents Ten and Dollars Twenty-one ee Nia, i wf, eedns Fi. Defendants. wife, his Neilan, Helen . e a nvr en nAn o re­ knoAvn to been never has He ... rs Cmay a . . op, Com­ corp., -als., et J. Patriarco, N. Jennie a and Company) plainant. Trust 2.1 > tgte wt te ot o this of costs the 421.01 with >* together tet Bleil, . J. N. Belleville, Street, nrw . oln Slr $19.32 r. Sol Boylan, L. Andrew ae premises. gaged > s fr ae y ulc ede a the at vendue, public by sale o>>se for rs Cmay frel Bloomfield (formerly Company New of Chancery TnTrust SAFE— IFF'S R E SH il, se Cut, e Jersey, New County, Essex ville, yn’ n big n h Tw o Belle­ of Town the in being and lying’ fe priual dsrbd situate, described, herein­ premises particularly and land of after parcel or ■ ais t m drce, sal ex- shall I directed, me to facias, (■ -pt os, n eak o Tuesday, on Newark, in House, C-mp-t w ocok . . al h floig tract following the all M., P. o'clock two h Nnh a o Nvme nx, at next, November of day Ninth the y ite f h aoe ttd rt of writ stated above the of virtue By en te ae rmss o’yd to com’eyed premises same the Being einn i te otel ln o il­ W of line Southerly the in Beginning Tre. ewe Te elvle Build­ Belleville The Between .Tersev. en kon s o 23 William 233 No. as known Being eak N .. Otbr . 1937. 4. October .T., N. Newark, le prxmt aon o te e­ D the of amount approximate Tlie y ite f h aoe ttd rt of writ stated above the of virtue By esy Bten lofed ak and Bank Bloomfield Between Jersey. r o (pilfer -

cog TMS . ciF, Sheriff. MctiEFF, A. .TAMES s a Cacr F-516) (Chancery

Cacr t,-527) (Chancery lu

a c ves us s e lv e s rc

ÇAavoed 10-15-11-5

os hso Yu Fife. Your on This Foist

aig Ms A W Bcaan 44 Buchanafn, W. A. Mrs. caning. 93 New Bridge street, near Belleville Belleville near street, Bridge New 93 ESICIG btos covered, buttons HEMSTITCHING, avenue Standard Oil Station on Belle- Belle- on Station Oil Standard avenue tpe Sre. l—10-22-37— 569 alt— Street. Stephen W OMAN OMAN W nl aeu. o—9-13-37— 151. aot— avenue.Anile 2 Ltl sre. Belleville street. Little 227 ae Hne Plasterer Hanger Paper ane Decorator Painter IH-ic ok iig om set; room dining oak EIGHT-piece ue. 1 DWt aeu, Belleville. avenue, DeWitt 413buyer. UC,cnetbe op, n otvner, coupe, one BUICK,,convertible in raoal. e. e 2-4182W. Be Tel. reasonable. tion; bedroom Three-piece RE— ITU RN FU vne at 10-1— 10-22— a4t— 540. avenue. MRS. E. J. Hayward, teacher of piano of teacher Hayward, J. E. MRS. NIUS etrn bu, brown, blue, Featuring ANTIQUES— eodtoe eeti refrigeratoli; 10-8— electric 560. btf— Reconditioned 2-1911.Belleville’ er n Pn” glass. Pine” and Deer “ rc Vr raoal. Convenient reasonable. Very tric. fordshire. Also clear and colored colored and clear Also fordshire. terms. P. A. Dent, 124 Washington Washington 124 Dent, A. P. terms. OR aiy os. ul rented. Fully house. family FOUR elvle Bleil 2-2777. Belleville Belleville. one ad ecie a follows: as described and bounded otel a rgt nls o ae 12S.0, same to angles right at southerly elvle 2-2754R. Belleville Avanted mornings. helper MOTHER’S 2-1911 BE Ave. 144 Washington 0 G’yok k. Bleil, . J. N. Belleville, Pky., Gi’eyloek 202 nls ih atr lc 193 fe to 129.37 feet Place Salter with angles n fo tec rnig ln si Sal­ said along running thence from and smithwesterly the from 575 feet westerly onr f ae n Nwr Avenue, Newark and same of corner e Pae etry 5 et tliem-e feet; 25 westerly Place ter et o h suhry ie f Wakemnn of. line southerly the to feet oe Il wf, y ed eodd n the Sca- in recorded F. deed Melinda by wife, and Ills vone, Scavone Michael 5 et n tec nrhry t right at northerly easterly thence line that and along feet thence 25 Estate; ad atr lc ad lc o Begin­ of place and Place Salter said atr lc a a on teen distant therein point a at Place Salter ig . . , . J. N. page on Belleville, County Book said in Office for 272. Deeds Register's of F-fiO County Essex ning. re o e aife b si sl i the is sale said by satisfied be to cree i vsvn olr ad Thirty-six sale. and this pf costs Dollars Fif tv-seven od n Dd, o's ?1S.06 Sol'rs. Dodd, and Bovd u o Fv Tosn Fv Hundred Five Thousand Five of sum et (5573) tgte wt the with together ($5,557.36), Cents ae f hlrn cn lo o chair do also can children; of care buckles, sexring and dress making. making. dress and sexring buckles, Fine Avorkmanship for 20 years years 20 for Avorkmanship Fine oeae rcs es payments easy prices, Moderate Belleville l odto; ha fr quick for cheap condition; -l A el u. iae N daes $50. dealers. No Piwate. buy. real einn i te otel ln of line southerly the in Beginning evntr Coly Gnrl Elec­ General Crosley, Kelvinator, e; n cids rb go condi­ good crib; child’s one set; re ad lc ad ht Staf­ white and black and green en kon s o 3 Sle Place, Salter 30 No. as known Being n ter. 2 iiin avenue, Division 42 theory. and en te ae rmss ovyd to conveyed premises same the Being ag plot. Large eak N J, coe 4 1037. 4, October J., N. Newark, h apoiae mut f h De­ the of amount approximate The al t 1 Hle sre. Phone street. Holmes 211 at Call anig Ppr agn and Hanging Paper Painting, OETC EP ANTED W HELP DOMESTIC i 420 Centre Street. Nutley. Nutley. Street. Centre 420 Af n ceeALty veav v a e v y t L A e e c n i e c fO fA t CHARLES J. BARLET BARLET J. CHARLES hn Bleil 2-2110 Belleville Phone

IN INSTRUCTION PIANO V'LUNVP- 6 6 M R siae Furnished Estimates OSS O SALE FOR HOUSES 22 OKWANTED W WORK JOHN H. GEIGER GEIGER H. JOHN MRS. VREELAND VREELAND MRS. AE A McEL Sheriff. cREFL, M A. JAMES Avants Eeil 2-2128 BEUeville uly 2-1611 Nutley J. 1937, O SALE FOR Decorating Decorating DEGENER T avo 3—1-21-—578 10-22-11-5— a3t— 4—9-10-1-37—a4t— 509. housework,

t 10-22-37— 580 lt— a 2—10-15-22—a2t— 568 ! T R Ò U S—7-23-37—aSt— 458. frontages. frontages. t—-73—503.btf—9-17-37— , t—1-2 574 10-22— — lt a t—10-8— 561.btf— w Jersey ew N 10-lo-ll-a taking $3800. 0UT

UNTR RPIE, refinlslied REPAIRED, FURNITURE l kns f aie wr dn b an by done work cabinet of kinds All untr rpitd Car caned. Chairs repainted. furniture expert mechanic. 25 years practical practical years 25 mechanic. expert specialty. a antiques Reconditioning experience. H. E. Metzger, 8 Freeman Freeman 8 Metzger, E. H. experience. CùHBÙ lc, uly Poe uly 2-3076. Nutley Phone Nutley. xlace, IF YOU have been Avaiting to have have to Avaiting been have YOU IF poseig Co., Upholstering New suites made to order. Belleville Belleville order. to draperies. mat­ made suites eoA^ers and and New slip springs, any tresses. Box without now, obligation. estimate an you oe, rp bf 10-1— 546. btf— Prop. Golem, Ave. of radios. Authorized dealer for for dealer Authorized radios. of tube and estimates inspection, FREE tet Newark. street, il 2-2940. Belle­ call ville night or day Written service quick E. G. and A. C. R. Philco, guarantee given on all jobs. For For jobs. all on given guarantee 2008,0 t la" n is mort­ first on loan" $2,000-83,000 to ct tet ^ 5—9-24— 531 a5t— ^ street. pcct rod -19 bf 10-1-37— 545. btf— 2-6109. erford W ELL rotted rotted ELL W house, or apartment, see MAYER, MAYER, see apartment, or house, reliable For Owners— PROPERTY elo, 3 Wsigo avenue. Washington 338 Realtor, IGE om i oefml house, one-familv in room, SINGLE e -60 bt 10-22— b4t— 572 2-1600.Be rsetv tnns okn fr a for looking tenants Prospective n uhltrd Re and Reed upholstered. and fui’niture upholstered, let us give give us let upholstered, fui’niture etn i yu hm, n l makes all on home, your in testing yards, $5. Bonny Dell Farms, Ruth­ Farms, Dell Bonny $5.yards, nice outlook. Reasonable, 12 Pros, Pros, 12 Reasonable, outlook. nice ae W H Pry 9 Clinton 9 Parry, H. W. gage. 8 ahntn vne Belleville avenue. Washington 78 tenants, see MAYER, Realtor. Realtor. MAYER, see tenants, he earn—as Cleaned Repairing—Hats Shoe ADAMS SHOE REPAIRING REPAIRING SHOE ADAMS WOROBLE WOROBLE Phone Belleville Belleville Phone UNTR REPAIRED FURNITURE EL SAE O RENT FOR ESTATE REAL Quality Work— Low Prices Prices Low Work— Quality ai Repairing Radio


7 Overlook Overlook 7 O MANURE M COW uc Service Quick O RENT FOR HEM DY ARE R A DAYS M E TH coav OE OREVER,! R E V E R FO GONE RADIO o w m! Ti hm’ eprec has experience home’s This me!” own to oes f epe okd e vr . and . . . over me looked people of Dozens “ okn fr oe . . n te ok t the at look they and . . . homes for looking been duplicated in the News. People People News. the in duplicated been f d sy o yef a o o them of lot a myself, so say do 1 if Belleville Belleville

manure; 9—9-17-37—a9t— 521 t—9-17-37— 529.btf— 504 Ave. 4—10-22—b4t— 581 SERVICE 2-3640. Washington Washington News! tAVO EEHN BLEIL 2-2451 BELLEVILLE TELEPHONE Avicker SteA7e C O N V E N IE N T STORE T N IE N E V N O C cubic il 1 I' 1. Ji«l. In i-j Apply Apply i-j In

WANT-AD SOLD ME! WANT-AD A BELLEVILLE NEWS AM unse ro; n block one room; furnished WARM or otoa. 4 onlwr ave­ Hornblower 64 optional. board eie; oe rvlgs Cl Belle­ ’2-2135R. Call ville privileges. home desired; u, e. e 2-4018W. Be Tel. nue, et Rfrne ecagd 161 exchanged. Belle­ Phone Belleville. street, References Holmes rent. LARGE front room with with room front LARGE UTBE o mn Rsdnil sec­ Residential man. for SUITABLE il 218. .t—9-17-37— .btf— ' 518. 2-1088. ville UNSE tid lo ro. Gas room. floor third FURNISHED tet Bleil 2-1839R. Belleville street, finder please return to 160 Mill Mill 160 to return please finder POCKETBOOK, Monday, containing containing Monday, POCKETBOOK, 2 Aaey tet tb 10-1— 547. tfb— Street, 126 Academy r. . . Williams. C. R. Mrs. AIG ps bo, o .23985, No. book, pass SAVINGS 6 Wsigo Ae B 2-Î682 Be Ave. Washington 368 BELLEVILLE-Nutley listings for for listings BELLEVILLE-Nutley e, 0 Wsigo avenue. Washington 505 zer, ae let Aatn. yvse Fra­ Sylvester Avaiting. clients Have batteries, etc. Used Singer Sewing Sewing Singer Used etc. batteries, ahns vne. . eent, 36 Reseiniti, J. Avanted. Machines lno sre, Elvle 2-1880W. BElleville street, Clinton COOK expert— 19). < Whiu to "S «need.) PIANO Tuning—J. Edward Lay, Lay, Edward Tuning—J. PIANO col. salse 2 yas Belle­ years. 20 Established schools. il 235. t—0-17-37— 528. btf— 2-3053. Belleville ville for tuner of Also studios piano Mont: lair. Stevens Ernest the DEALER in all kinds of junk; iron, iron, junk; of kinds all in DEALER to all buses; nice neighborhood; neighborhood; nice buses; all to tion. Close to bus and train. train. and bus to Close tion. aiy $5.00 family, N WHI H IC H W IN ¡date. Minute to bus. Ring top bell. Ring bus. to Minute ¡date. sum of money and driver’s license; license; driver’s and money of sum First National Bank of Belleville, Belleville, of Bank National First et Bnaos hue, rooms. houses, Bungalows, rent. paper, metals, tires, tubes, rags, rags, tubes, tires, metals, paper, O SHOP TO yi “ The Piano Doctoi’,” endorsed by by endorsed Doctoi’,” Piano The “ EL SAE O SALE FOR ESTATE REAL UNSE ROOMS FURNISHED NE O RENT FOR — ANTED W l Kns f Insurance of Kinds All 7200 au a Brn 7997 Bur,n Van rasu - r ^ V l f b r r i n T v r r i V - ^ f C i X T ' I i OE . EILLY, R M. ROSE UK DEALERS JUNK INO TUNING O PIAN Reasonable Estate Real Reilly’s Soutü Soutü Avanted Avanted LOST 4—10-22-11-12—a4t— 579. 3—10-22-11-5—b3t— 575 e Aek bad f i board Aveek; per 3—10-22-11-5—a3t— 573

H A FI E IV F E PAG l—10-22-37— 577alt—

l—10-22-87— 576 alt— a are IM U t—5-21-37—237btf— 4—10-22—b4t— 571

tet Vt «treet.

. _.


L oav


TWO BIG STORES 120 Washington Ave Belleville 2-1548 531 Washington Ave Belleville 2-3646

... FOUR DAYS ONLY - . Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday OCTOBER 27,28,29 and 30

Free Delivery Your sempy early opportunity to stock up Quantities Limited

SHAVING NEEDS HAIR PREPARATIONS SURGICAL NEEDS 35c W ILLIA M S are H k é L * \ 50c WOODBURY aft 60c DJER KISS SHAVING CREAM __ «Æ for919re* SHAMPOOS . ______A for 9 A COTTONIs. ______2 for 1 1 € FACE POWDER ______... 2f.,61c 55c LADY ESTHER 50c WILLIAMS «% 25c STA-PUT HOSPITAL are A % gr% FACE P O W D E R ______. for AQUA VELVA _____ Æ t f o r j f i t * H A IR D R E S S ...... 4& for 46 IP la COTTON, lbs______....d k for * 9 <8. l a 2 56© 55c WOODBURY’S 50c Pound Jars—Dabon «% j- SHAMPOOS are FACE POWDER ______for BRUSHLESS CREAM A for 9 & 1» Pints . ..______46 for 9 A GAUZE,A* 5 yds..______. for .2 56© 2 66© 60c POMPEIAN 75c ELISE WHITE are « 4AD . H ESIVE A FACE POWDER ______for SHAMPOO . ______45 for #191» B A N D A G E J______d k for .„__2 6 JL G SHAVING LOTIONS .2 for 51c 1.25 M AZERIE 75c KERRO are M Z . 7c BANDAGE A A ^ FACE POWDER ...... for KTTJ.S D A N D R U F F ____ 46 for /191a 2 I «26 10c RAZOR BLADES____ for 1 in. x 10 yds______d m for 2 lie Colgates or Williams all <*fe Z LIFEBUOY are a$ dC,#* 15c BANDAGE A 25c MISTOL DROPS SHAVING CREAM _____ 4 6 for 4 6 « 9 % a BRILLIANTINE ______46 for ^ 1 9 la 2 ins. x 10 yds— -______d m for & © © 1.20 WILDROOT * | a|| 35c B A Y R UM are 15c ADHESIVE - for HAIR TONIC ...... for A • 46 A 2 26© SHAVING CREAM _____ J l f o r 9 $ 9 % » PLASTER, V2 in. x 5 yds. ¿6 for © © 1.00 Rogers and Gaiiet 85c JARS MOLLE 1.75 <9 1 I t / 30c ADHESIVE A ^ A HAIR BRUSHES ...... 46 for A 9 / I P FACE POWDER ______SHAVING CREAM _____ & for 9 0 ^ PLASTER, 1 in. x 5 yds..... for 3 A © .. .2 for 5 I© (For Men and Women) 35c Tubes— D ABO N o DEODORANT _____...... 2 for 5 I © 3.00 Halibut with sm ^ A , 4| 15c EYEBROW 15c BABY TALC ______2 for 16c Yiosterol, 50 ec------d m for A PACIFIERS ______2 for I I © PENC ILS ______...... 2 for 16© 25c SQUIBBS are are 50c YIOSTEROL A Jg O l a AMOLIN CREAM .___ -—2 for 5 1 C PAG E SE V E N SECOND SECTION THE BELLEVILLE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 KARLIN’S ONE CENT SALE SPECIALS DENTAL NEEDS EVERYDAY NEEDS CREAMS AND LOTIONS MISCELLANEOUS 35c ITALIAN 35c HILLS 50c DR. LYONS 10c NOSE DROPS ...... 31? for 3 I Ô © BALM _____:...... for TOOTH POWDER 2 .«Sic E Y E CUPS ... . 2 for l l C .2 36e 20c SEIDLITZ POWDERS 25 c PH ILLIPS 25c FOUNTAIN 35c JARS—PONDS U. S. P.-—Dozen...... , £ for 2 ! J L © DENTAL MAGNESIA 2 # for.2 6 c SYRINGE HOSE ...... 2 for 26c CREAMS ______;~- _ . 2 f « r 3 6 C 75c DOUBLE STRENGTH YEAST 50c WOODBURY AND IRON COMP. TABLETS ...... 25c 75c ABBOT’S 75c ANTISEPTIC — STRONG AS ANY M OLESKIN - ___ — for WAVE SET .....______...2 for 5 le ANALGESIC— Always Does the T rick .. . 2 for 7 ¿ c M OUTH W A SH .2 26c 15c 55c P O N D ’S 75c BLUE CROSS IMPORTED NGiUWEGI AN COD LIVER OIL, Pint. 2 for 76© SANITARY BELTS ___ 2 for 16c CREAMS ______2 f « 5 6 e qts. for 76c DR. BROWN’S M ALT EXTRACT 75e 50c BARBASOL WITH HALIBUT LIVER OIL...... for H A N D C R E A M ______2 for 5 1 c IG 50c KOLYNOS E Y E MO ______.<2 for 7 6c Contains Vitamins ABDG 75c ABBOT’S CREOSOTED for 65c Dagget & Ramsdell TOOTH PASTE 2 5 H c 10c W7HITE PINE COMPOUND...... M i forfor 7 ^ P © 45c Dr. Brown’s Milk of HANDKERCHIEFS . 2 for l i e CREAMS ______. . . 2 for 66e Eucalyptus and Menthol Mag Dental Cream :_.2 for 46c 25c SAACHARINE 75c COLD 1.25 RECONSTRUCTIVE TONIC A «9 25c MAGDENT ^6 ^ 6 C TABS, 100s ______.2 for 26c CREAM, lb. . ______. . _ 2 for 7 6 c with Malt, Wrild Cherry Hypophosphite Jfeg for A A Tonic for the Whole Family DENTAL CREAM 50c 75c NO X ZEM A ..... for GUARANTEED 1.25 HOT WATER BAG W ITCH H AZEL, qts----- .2 for 51c ... 2 76c 1.25 FO U N TAIN SYRINGE— Both...... MILK OF MAGNESIA, U. S. P. 55c WOODBURY .1,26 25c RHUBARBS AND ASPIRIN TABLETS CREAMS _____- ...... for 35c Pints 60c Quarts SODA MXT., 4 oz. hot. .2 for 26c .2 56c Good As A n y...... A200•« W W for 26c 75c Pints— Andalusia <>0e WTLTUSSIN 25c— 4 Oz. Bottles Ask Your Neighbor...... Afa for for for SKIN LOTION ...______... . . 2 for 7 6e ..,2<*61c % 36c 2 61c BROWN MIXTURE ______.2 for 26c 19c RUBBING ALCOHOL A AS GOOD AS ANY 60c POMPEIAN 25c STOKES— 4 oz. bots. Pint ...... MS for 2 0 c . . . 2 for EXPECTORANT _____ for CREAMS ______6 le 25c WITCH HAZEL 50c IO D ENT .2 26c 50c Woodbury Almond 25c— 4 oz. bottles Pint ...... M2 s forfot 2 6 c TOOTH PASTE ...... 2 f o r 5 I e ROSE C R E A M ______for 25c EPSOM SALTS OR SBk TR. G R EEN SOAP______„ for ...2 Sl€ 35c DR. BROWN’S .2 26c 55c BICARBONATE OF SODA—5 lb. box... Jm for 26c for 25c— 4 oz. bottles TOOTH POWDER 2 36c JERGEN LOTION ... for 20e ABBOT’S SANITARY CASTOR O I L ______for _2 56c N A PK IN S — Dozen ...... M i for for 2 H. © 60c .2 26c 25c GLYCERINE AND ASTRINGOSOL __ for 25c— 4 oz. bottles 50c BONDTEX .2 61c ROSE W ATER , 4 oz...... 2 for G LYC E R IN E ______.2 for 26c 26c TOOTH BRUSH ...... M . 2 i for f o r S l C 75c 50c ABBOT’S 50c PROPHYLACTIC 25c— 4 oz. bottles for FOOT CREAM ...... • •M 2 s forfor 5 I ® TOOTH BRUSHES CHLOROFORM LIN __ H A N D C R E A M ______. ..2 76c .2 .„ 26c 50c 1.50 20c—1 oz. bottles VIN-VIM ...... MILK OF ALMONDS... :.._2 for5 l e 2 f o r l « S t any 2for5lC TR IO D INE ______.2 for 2 1C 75c CITRATES AND 15c CARBONATES— 8 oz. bottles---- . . 2 for 7 6 © for 15e DIAMOND OR 25c STERILIZED EPSOM SALT, lb------2.„ 16c 60c FROSTILLA ______2 61 e TOOTH BR USH _____ .2 for 26c 1.00 M AZER IE PUTNAM DYES ...... 2 for l ê © 15c 25c FIN E 75c Z. L. ff gf% CREAMS ______f o r i . H I *g BICARB. OP SODA....2 for 16c 2 STATIONERY ...... 2 for 2 6 © M OUTH W ASH, pts__ ___A for 85c Pints— Plain, Phenolthalein or Cascara 75c EPHEDRINE NASAL OIL 1.00 H OPE % A 85c A G A R 50c ANALGESIC 1 oz. Dropper Bottles...... 2 for 7 6 © DENTURE POWDER .A for A ,W A EM ULSIO N ______A for 9 V w BALM ______2 for 5 Ä C 25c CASCARA SAG RADA TABS 100’s— 5 gr...... 2 for 2 6 © 25c PINTS «9 <9 g L g \ 35c 50c EXTRA HEAVY IMPORTED 45c SORE THROAT REMEDY PER O XID E ...... for 4 » W IODISE ______- - 2 for RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL .-A .„ 36c REMEDY ...... 4 6 © 35c 50c KARLIN’S KOLD KAPS 50c Pints 1.00 Quarts FISH FOOD ...______2 for 11C BORIC ACID, lb------2 .„36c Knocks Grippe ...... for S i c 35c F A C IA L 50c GROVE’S EMULSIFIED 2.„51c 2 for 1,01 TISSUES 500’s ______NOSE DROPS ...... • • 2 for S 1 © BLAUDS PILLS 100’s____ 2 for 26c 2 .„36c 25c PHILLIP’S RUBBER 39c 50c ANTISEPTIC «9 CASTORIA ...... • • ¡2 for MOUTH W ASH, pts...... 2 for 40c DOUCHE POWDER ____ A for . 7 JLQ» GLOVES ______2 36c FLIT 75c FLAVORED SODA -35c ABBOT’S 49 ®SLgr%J£5c...Bints—RUSSIAN.. - ... ^ Pints—. . . ----^ . —•- ~ 2 for Ê 1 © MINERAL OIL ______for 2 6 c 30c H IL L ’S PERBORATE, lb. ______2f„-76c CORN REMOVER ______A for 2 10c CASCARA QUININE ...... 2 f o r S I © 25c WOODBURY’S 1.00 B E E F 49 « A 9 75c DR. BROWN’S POWDER PUFFS for DENTAL CREAM .... 2 26c IRON AND WINE. pts. A for JL ® W A 2 l i e BABY O I L ...... 2 f o r 7 6 © 35c ABBOTS—Giant Size 1.00 TRIPLE A & D «9 , A , 35c EAU DE QUININE 1.00 V IT A M IN for HAIR TONIC ...... 2 f o r t M t DENTAL CREAM ...... 2<„36c COD LIVER OIL, pts..... A for H ® W A HAIR TONIC - ______2 36c SUPER SPECIALS DURING ONE CENT SALE 65c M EADS 2.00 VALET RAZOR 75c VAPORIZING 1.50 FORFEM DEXTRI MALTOSE ...____ 10 Valet Blades and Strop- All for BALM ______29c Feminine Hygiene 79c 47c 79c 1.00— 16 oz. 1.50 NOSE A N D 1.00 . THROAT ATOMIZER 79c ZO N ITE ______59c PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC 59c 1.00 LA VO R IS ______... 59c 65c SARGEANT WASH CLOTHS ______6c DOG REMEDIES 38c 1.00 S. T. 37______„„ 67c 2.00 ELECTRIC IRON ....98c 1.50 COM PLETE 1.00 ENAMELED DOUCHE ------79c 1.00 CREO TERPINE _____ 35c SLO AN ’S LIN IM E N T 21c OVOFERRIN ______... 67c 1.00 COM PLETE— Guaranteed 60c WATKINS MULSIFIED 1.00 FOUNTAIN SYRINGE ______49c 15c CLAPPS BABY FOODS ..7c COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 28c W A T E R B U R Y ’S COMP. __ ..-.64c ORIGINAL 1.00 NOSE ATOMIZER. 59c 1.50 AG AR OL THERMOS BOTTLE, pt.__ 1.00 GUARANTEED 1.00 NUJOL, pts------— 41c 84c ..-.69c HOT WATER BAG ____ 49c 25c GILLETTE BLADES 5’s 14c 1.25 KREML HAIR TONIC 64c 2.50 MEADS COD LIVER OIL 1.73 60c DRENE SHAMPOO— 34c 4.00 Parke Davis & Co. 75c ELECTRIC GAUZE PADS, 3 x 3, 25s------39c 1.25 C A L -P A R ______84c Kapseals Ventriculin 100’s 2.5® CURLING IRON ------1.50 COD LIVER OIL 3.50 DETECTO SCALES GUARANTEED WITH VIOSTEROL, 16 oz.__ 1.00 REM ______..56c 79c Last Chance at This Price POCKET WATCH —- 89c 65c GLOVERS 25c 2.29 DOG MEDICINE 38c WOODBURY CREAMS ___ 17c 1.50 GUARANTEED ALARMS....79c 1.50 75c B E N G A Y ______A R SE N A FERATOSE _____ 89c BIG BEN CLOCK____ 41c TOBACCOS 2.06 75c B A Y E R ’S 25c CAMELS - LUCKIES - OLD GOLD ASPIR IN 100’s ______38c CARTER’S PILLS ...... 14c 5.00 WRIST WATCH...... CHESTERFIELDS - RALEIGHS 2.95 50c PH ILLIPS 50c SHICK DRY SHAVER MILK OF MAGNESIA. 27c BELCAPS ______29c SW EETS - PIEDM ONTS REMINGTON RAND CLOSE SHAVERS 1.00 ABBOTT’S HALIVER MALT Come In and Let Us Demonstrate Them 60c ENO SALTS _ 34c WITH VIOSTEROL ______69c 2 packs for 25c 1.00 W A M PO LES 60c SMITH BROS. COUGH SYRUP ______PREPARATION 54c 36c carton of 200 SOAPS 25c B L U E JAY 1.15 10c 1.00 B IS O D O L ______57c PLASTERS ______15c 15c LIFEBUOY SOAP _____ ,...... -_ 5 c 1.50 H A L F & H A L F ______l i e 10c 25c SCHOLLS ZINO PADS 14c PETROLAGAR ______69c 75c L U X SOAP . ------~__5c 1.50 LYDIA PINKHAMS PIPES ______:______39c 15c 10c 1.00 M. O.______59c VEGETABLE COMPOUND 84c WOODBURY’S FACIAL .... 6c 2.00 E S K A Y ’S PRINCE ALBERT ______1 1 c 7c 75c VINCE ______43c N E U R O P H O S ______1.21 ALL 10c TOBACCOS PA LM O LIV E ______4 c 2.50 KAZ ELECTRIC m Union Leader— Granger— Model 8c 7c 5c NURSING BOTTLES _ VAPO R IZER — Ask your Doctor M ® Mg W PALM AND OLIVE SOAP ... ..2 c 3c 2.00 LUNCH BOX Cigars at Cut Prices 15e 75c (Meads, Squibbs, Parke Davis) Æ WITH PINT THERMOS____ OATMEAL SOAP ______...6 © VIOSTEKOL 10 cc______------1.29 SECOND SECTION PAGE EIGHT THE BELLEVILLE HEWS, FRIDA IT, OCTOBER 22, 1937 „ „ ..... ------:------— ------■■.. -1 . r - - = = 0 — • Know Your Neighbor AMUSEMENT SECTION ■ A WEEKLY FEATURE ««u,.,— ^ Jane Withers Stars Edward Samuel Truitt Has Spent Picture Kiss Brings r WEDDING RINGS Capitol Features Married Stars Playing: Single Girls Use Varied Ways In 'Wild and Wooly’ Many Years in Chemical Research Work Back Memories “Love Under Fire” To Hide Telltale Band She Learns ‘West’ from Her Incident at School Football Modern Spain Film Is Re­ Local Man Has Discovered a Chemical Which, He Claims, Wedding rings are a problem of Myrna Loy uses a tiny ring of Grandpop Also ‘West’ Game Amusing to Hollywood’s married actresses when plastic material made her by Jack plete with Thrills and Will Etch Any Known they’re in scenes portraying unmar­ Dawn, make-up expert. He made a Bette Davis ried girls. The wedding ring situa­ similar “ ring concealer” for Gladys Adventure Learns from Her Metal tion grew acute recently on the set George. Gay Loretta Young, more captiva­ A wild buckaroo out where the Bette Dayis kissed Henry Fonda— of “ Between Two Women.” Jeanette McDonald had a com­ ting than ever, with handsome, dash­ ' A ll identification plate, etched in etched fifteen cocktail trays, has em­ and burst out laughing! Maureen O’Sullivan, newly mar­ bined guard ring and concealer made West begins, “ Ginger” Jane Withers ing Don Ameche, who thrills millions copper showing the record of a crim­ Hank pretended to be hurt. It was ried, won’t take off her wedding ring. in anticipation of her marriage to begins where the wild West leaves bossed and etched three occasional as the hit star of radio’s biggest Sun­ inal and his finger prints, is one of only a screen kiss for a scene in She solved the problem by having a Gene Raymond. off in her grandest Twentieth Cen­ screens, and figures of fishes, sail day night air-show, go romancing the ideas that Edward Samuel Truitt, Warner Bros.’ “ That Certain .larger ring, with a stone, made to Franchot Tone, Maureen O’Sulli­ tury-Fox comedy, “ Wild and Wooly,” ^ tempestuously in turbulent Spain in 244 Linden avenue, has developed in boats, swans and various other ob­ Woman,” but after all a fella has cover it. van and Virginia Bruce from the which is the associate feature with the Twentieth Century-Fox fast- his many years of chemical research. jects on copper and silver plates. his pride to consider. Virginia Bruce had her wedding dramatic “ eternal triangle” of “ Be­ “ Love Under Fire.” Riding runaway moving- comedy-drama of romance, Mr. Truitt has discovered a chem­ “ I beg your pardon, Hank,” gig­ ring problem which she solved by tween Two Women,” a stirring story- trains, getting her gun-toting grand- The acid he uses for etching is intrigue, and mad adventure, “ Love ical which will etch any known metal gled Bette. “ I ’m not laughing at you. wearing a thin glove finger, painted laid against a background of hospital pop, played by Academy Award win­ harmless to the hands and, therefor, Under Fire,” which opens at the has been the only acid for etching ac­ You just reminded me of something, flesh color, over the marital band. life. ner Walter Brennan, into a duel,' that’s all. Why, I don’t know, except Capitol Theatre today. scaring the wits out of tenderfoot cepted, by the New York City Board Borrah Minevitch and his gang, of Education. The acid was demon­ a kiss is a kiss!” pals in a graveyard at midnight, Director Edmund Goulding in­ harmonica wizards who scored a tre­ chasing city gangsters on a careening- strated in the Eastern art exhibit in Presto!!! Now You See Them—Now mendous success in “ One in a Mil­ the Pennsylvania Hotel. sisted on explanations. Just to re­ stagecoach, and roping young lovers lion,” are featured with Frances into romance, Jane makes Buffalo f Mr. Truitt was born in Trinidad, store the equilibrium of the set, he said by way of excuse, but as he ad­ You Don’t! In Comedy “Topper” Drake, Walter Catlett. John Carra- Bill look like a softie. The picture Col., and moved to Guthrie, Okla., at dine, Sig Rumann, 'and Harold Huber mitted afterward it was merely opens at the Capitol today. an early age. He attended the Logan in the supporting east. County High School, and quit school curiosity. Constance Bennett and Cary Grant Appear and Dis­ Completely surrounded by her Finally Bette gave in. It seems Set against a background of war­ greatest cast, in the most hilarious with but a week to go in his senior fare, “ Love Under Fire” is replete year, in order to go traveling with that five years after she had been appear in Amazing Camera show t h e s e pandemonium-makers: graduated from Cushing Academy in with fast and furious fun as Loretta have even been in, that Jane Withers his brother, William H. Truitt, of and Don ignore the spatter of shells Bloomfield, who had studied art. Massachusetts, she returned to visit Tricks girl learns the ways of the West from * the sehool to see a football game. about them, and the exploding of her old-timer grandpop, but what the The pair traveled over most of the The principal gave her a nice intro­ bombs in the distance, to spat, love United States painting scenes for West learns from Jane makes hilari­ duction and added, “ Now a special Amazing new camera tricks, de­ Roy Seawright, special effects man and kiss in one of the foremost ous comedy. photographic studios and stage scen­ veloped by screen magicians for the with the Hal Roach studios, accom­ comedy photoplays of the year. note to the team—I hope it will The original screen play by Lynn; ery for many of the theaters in this production of the Hal Roach-M-G-M plished the camera magic in colla­ Concerned in the swift-moving prove a note of encouragement. Any Root and Frank Fenton opens in the ‘ country. super feature comedy, “ Topper,” boration with Norbert Brodine, the story is a frightened girl, Loretta man who makes a touchdown for old frontier town of Mesa City, He settled in Jersey City in 1923. coming to the Lincoln today and to cameraman. Producer Roach did not Young, fleeing madly about Europe, Cushing will get a kiss from our which is about to celebrate its first opening the French Studios at 601 the Capitol on Sunday, blaze a new take up his option on the Thorne seeking to evade capture and im­ charming alumnus, Bette Davis!” Pioneer Day Jubilee. Jane has inheri­ Broad street, Newark, and later at In an aside to Bette the principal trail in motion pictures. Smith novel until six months had prisonment for a crime she mis­ ted the feud between her grandfather 845 Broad street. been devoted to tests to make sure takenly believes she has committed. said, “ Don’t worry— they haven’t Photographic effects reached a and Berton Churchill, unscrupulous all the screen tricks could be done A Scotland Yard detective, Don He also has sold for a living, vari­ made a touchdown against a good pew importance in Hollywood,, in town banker, carrying it on with the ous types of motor cars. He resem­ team in years and this is a very filmatizing Thorne Smith’s fantastic perfectly. Ameche, pursues her as a criminal, until he discovers certain facts which latter’s grandson, Jack Searl. Jane’s bles in features a former mayor of strong bunch they’re playing.” story of the hilariously funny and chief Stooge is Carl “ Alfalfa”* Swit­ To shorten a long story, Bette sat clear up matters. Edward Samuel Truitt, Belleville, Samuel S. Kenworthy, now thrilling adventures of two lovely zer, of “ Our Gang” fame. They call including .brass, bronze, copper, alum­ secretary of the League of Munici­ in mingled loyalty «and dismay and ghosts, as portrayed by Constance Spot on Map Deter­ Meanwhile, however, both hand­ him “ Zero,” but he’s a regular add-’ inum, zinc, German silver, monel, palities. watched Cushing roll up seven touch­ Bennett and Cary Grant. some young Scotland Yard man ing machine for laughs. Jack’s aide pewter and the special metals, chrom­ lie married in 1914 Frances Hulik, downs! Here are a few of the many un­ mined Novarro’s and Loretta find themselves in the is Douglas Scott, and both are rank,; ium, stainless steel, gold and silver. of Jersey City and has two daugh­ Bette, in “ That Certain Woman,” usual scenes in this screen play midst of still greater trouble. 'The tenderfeet. begins a four-day run on Wednesday foreign city is bombarded from the He also has discovered a cure for ters, Helen and Evelyn, and has lived which create astounding legerdemain Douglas Fowley plays the role of a, athletes’ foot and, to the first twenty- in Belleville eleven years. at the Capitol. with the celluloid: the beautiful lady Picture Name air, and troops move in on a ram­ Co-Feature. page, blasting a bank in search of big city gangster out to help Banker five applicants, he will give a bottle ghost (Constance Bennett) at one Churchill in one of his nefarious en­ of ■ his medicine, which has never “ Mr. Dodd Takes the Air,” a pic­ point reaches down, grasps a zipper A spot on the map determined the certain jewels of high value. An of­ ture which combines several un­ terprises. Their paths cross the ro­ failed to cure this disease. Busy Year Planned on her dress and zips half of herself magic name by which Ramon Navarro ficer, learning that an English-speak­ usually appealing features, is the co­ ing girl has beaten them to the jewels* mantic way of Pauline Moore and In the field of etching, Mr. Truitt right off the screen. When the hand­ was to entrance a nation of feminine Robert Wilcox, who don’t even know is, an enthusiastic devotee. He has feature. . some male specter (Cary Grant) ob­ fans. Rex Ingram had discovered a arrests Loretta. By Legion Auxiliary The thing most noteworthy about In endeavoring to escape from the they’re in love until Jane ropes them jects, she zips all of herself right out dashing young Mexican of pure in! it, perhaps, is that it introduces as a of the picture. Throughout the fan­ Spanish descent, playing- in the juve­ country, Loretta and Don are pur­ full-fledged film star, young Kenny sued by a foreign officer who is Directed by Alfred Werker, with Installation O f Junior tasy Miss Bennett and Grant, play­ nile role of “ The Royal Fandango” at John Stone as associate producer, the Baxter, Young Stars Baker, who has long been one of the ing low plane spirits, have the the Hollywood Community Playhouse threatened with death by the firing top-ranking radio favorites of the na­ squad unless he recovers the jewels. film concerns itself with the perennial Group Scheduled For ability to materialize and dematerial- in 1921. His name was “ Jose Ramon effort of grandpop Brennan to de­ tion. And those who have seen pre­ ize wholly, or in part. Gil Samaniegos.” Their airplane is fired on by batteries At Proetor’s Theater views of “ Mr. Dodd” say Kenny is of anti-aircraft, and their car nar­ feat Churchill’s candidate for sheriff, Wednesday Cary Grant drives the futuristic “ I ’ll make you a star,” Ingram told really great. rowly escapes as a burning airplane the fireworks and shenanigans of the automobile, jacks up the wheel, the lad. “ There’s a role in “ The .Loretta Young, Warner Baiter and Noteworthy again is the fact that falls beside it; but Loretta and Don jubilee celebration, and the foiling by Belleville Unit 105, American Le­ changes a tire, but you don’t see him Prisoner of Zenda that’s tailor made Virginia Bruce are “ Wife, Doctor and the picture was produced by young finally escape to a British merchant Jane and her friends of an attempted gion, plans a busy year. Monday at —you see just the various imple­ for you— only you’ll have to change bank robbery. Nurse” respectively in the picture Mervyn LeRoy, whose recent comedy, ship. the joint installation of officers -with ments moving about their eerie busi­ your name.” heading the program coming to “ The King and the Chorus Girl” was Replete with the Withers diet of the post, the group pledged itself to Ramon allowed Fate to choose his With death awaiting them if they day at Proctor’s Theatre, Newark. a sensational success as a Warner ness. mischief and thrills, liberally sprin­ support in all ways the post and to movie name for him. He closed his are caught with the jewels, they are On the same program is “ Saturday’s Bros, release. Miss Bennett bathes and dries her­ kled with pepper and ginger, Jane’s co-operate with the town in munici­ self in full view of the audience but eyes and pointed to a spot on the pursued by an enemy gunboat which Hfefoes,” with Van Heflin, Marian Still further, “ Mr. Dodd Takes the latest comedy is easily her best. pal matters, including the drive curious onlookers will only see map at random— that spot was Na­ captures them again. Loretta turns Marsh, Richard Lane and Alen Bruce. A ir” was adapted from that best­ against reckless drivers. varre. From that moment henceforth, to the foreign officer, believing that As a doctor, Baxter is. too inter­ selling novel by Clarence Budington water bouncing off an invisible form The first meeting of the unit with and note the industrious movements Jose Ramon Gil Samaniegos became Don plans to imprison her on his lainy of John Carradine, Sig Rumann, ested in his work to notice the beauty Kelland, called “ The Great Crooner,” of the towel. In .another sequence, Ramon Navarro. return to England with her. She and Harold Huber. of his nurse. Called on an emergency the new officers presiding will be a story about a young singer of fair Republic’s romantic comedy, “ The learns just in time, however, that case, he aids the recovery of Miss held Monday evening at 8 o’clock in ability who had a throat operation there are real panties on a trans­ parent lady and transparent panties Sheik Steps Out,” on view at the such was not the detective’s inten­ Young. After seeing her a few times, the Legion Chateau. which gave his voice a peculiar some­ Lincoln Theatre, next Wednesday and tion. he falls in love with her and they The activities chairman, Mrs. Hoff­ thing that was different from any on a real lady. WARNER BROS. Roland Young is involved in many Thursday, heralds Navarro’s return From then on, Don and Loretta marry. man, requests all members 'to at­ other voice in the world. bewildering escapades with the gay to the screen after a two-year ab­ are caught in a turmoil of exciting , The nurse, realizing her love for tend so that they may be acquainted Kenny Baker, of course, plays ghosts. His hat and cane fly through sence during which he has devoted events, escaping from one perilous him, decides she cannot remain. But with plans for the winter. Dodd. He sings five tuneful melodies LINCOLN space, his tie is arranged, his vest himself to concert work in Europe situation only to find themselves in­ ARLINGTON K E . 2-3821 after she has left, Baxter becomes ir­ Plans are nearing completion for written by the highly successful buttoned and his hair combed by in­ and South America. volved in another. A swift-moving ritable and disinterested in his work. the installation of the junior auxil­ composing team of Harry Warren visible hands and he himself flits series of exciting situations bring Today - Sat. Oct. 22-23 Loretta visits Virginia and convinces iary officers by Mrs. Irene McCorkle, and A1 Dubin. His life story is as picturesque as Constance Bennett Cary Grant through the air with the greatest of “ Love Under Fire” to a thrilling- her to return to the doctor’s office. junior past president and county his­ Kenny is 'surrounded by a high- the most glamorous of his produc­ "TOPPER” 1 Jane Darwell, Sidney Blackmer, ease. tions. Born in Durango, Mexico, he climax. Roland Young torian. Mrs. William Kant, senior class comedy cast for his movie de­ Mingling in all the dramatic events Maurice Cass, Minna Gombell and The gamut of trick photography is had a charming childhood, his play­ —Co-feature— past president of the auxiliary, will but. The always delightful Alice are Borah Minevitch and his gang, Peter Lorre Margaret Irving are in the cast. run in the production of “ Topper.” mates being his four sisters and four “THINK FAST, MR. MOTO" be chairmen of the juniors. Miss Brady plays a goofy opera singer lending touches of comedy and music Football Film. brothers, who joined him in the fam­ Maude Christie will be installed as who pursues him with matrimony in to many of the sequences. Frances “Saturday’s Heroes” is a- football ily theatricals and helped him stage Sat. Nite Request Feature president. Other officers in line are mind. Frank McHugh is his auda­ Drake, dark brunette beauty, plays Loretta Young Paul Lukas story which tells the plight of n his childish marionette shows. When “GRAND SLAM” vice-president, Virginia Ackerman; cious and somewhat nutty press- Berkeley Finale Tops the role of an English girl, while player who gives his youth for the the Huerta revolution broke out in treasurer, Doris Heumer; secretary, agent. Gertrude Michael is a vamp goggle-eyed Walter Catlett is a per­ Sun., Mon., Tues. financial glory of the school. 1913, Ramon’s father, a prosperous O ct. 24-26 Ruth Labaugh; chaplain, Evélyn who has mercenary, ambitions toward In “Yarsity Show” fect comedy foil for the sinister vil- Heflin plays the star athlete at a Ackerman and sergeant-at-arms, A l­ Kenny. His real romantic interest is dentist, was obliged to flee for the tMC* college, who is angry at the authori­ Jane Wyman, pretty little starlet border, his fortunes wiped out. Ra­ berta Allen. The installation will be » faring ties because they had not carried out in the Chateau Wednesday evening' who is going places in the movies, Second Feature at Lincoln mos arrived in America without NEWARK AMUSEMENTS some financial promises made to him. at 8 o’clock. Post and auxiliary mem­ and is being groomed for stardom by funds, but equipped with a fine edu­ Only because of his love for the bers are invited. her studio. Henry O’Neill, Ferris Is “Between Two cation from the Jesuits’ School in coach’s daughter (Miss Marsh) does Mexico City. He quickly found work, The auxiliary will hold a card Taylor and Harry Davenport add to — B.i-im i.'m he continue to play. first as a grocery clerk, and later as party in the Chateau on Monday eve­ the melee. Women” LORETTA WARNER To enable himself to live, Van sells piano teacher. He joined the Marion ning, November 22. Alfred E. Green, long famed as a Y O U N G ▼ BAXTER “MOTOR MADNESS’ some complimentary tickets. Because comedy director, guided the making Fifteen thousand dollars a minute Morgan dancers for a season as pan- VIRGINIA Anyone desiring to join the auxil­ Wed. - Thurs. Oct. 27-28 of this he is dropped from the team, of “ Mr. Dodd Takes the Air,” which is what Warner Bros, paid for the tomimist, and served as stage man­ BRUCE iary should communicate with Mrs. FREE DISHES despite his promise to expose the was adapted from the Kelland novel grand finale number of “ Varsity ager and played bits with the old way the college pays .its players. Heumer, Cedar Hill avenue. "Ullfi,DOCTOR 4*tnURSE' Ramon Navarro by William Wister Haines and Show,” showing at the Lincoln Thea­ Majestic Stock Company in Los “SHIEK STEPS OUT“ Elaine Ryan. tre, beginning Sunday and running Angeles, which starred Edward "SATURBAV’S HERDES"^ —Co-feature— through Tuesday, with Dick Powell Everett Horton. PLUS “DANCE, CHARLIE, DANCE" Stuart Erwin Jean Muir r...... - 1 11 1 ' ^ and Fred Waring’s Pennsylvanians as Ingram was Novarro’s guiding- Pomona Glee Clubs stars. light in his early silent picture ca­ Busby Berkeley, premier dance di­ reer. The Maestro groomed him dili­ $2Q casti lays this Coalfire In Varsity Show rector, promised Director William gently, and is responsible for much Keighley a number that would top of his success in such pictures as “ The Prisoner of Zenda,” “ Scara- WARNER BROS. The combined men and women’s all others ever seen on the screen. mouche,” “ Ben Hur,” “ The Pagan,” glee clubs of California’s Pbmona And having confidence in “ Buz” and BELLEVILLE relying on his past performances as “ Call of the Flesh” and “ The Stu­ College are to be heard in colorful a criterion, studio officials okayed dent Prince.” George Walsh was campus singing sequences of War­ Belleville 2=1097 his budget of $150,000 for this par­ originally scheduled to play the lead CAPITOL ner Bros., elaborate new musical, ticular , part of the picture. It runs in “ Scaramouche,” but Novarro’s “Varsity Show,” in which Dick TODAY - SAT. TWO BIG HITS a scant ten minutes on the screen, outstanding personality won for him Powell and Fred Waring and his thus making the cost exactly $15,000 this important role, while he was LORETTA YOUNG DON AMECHE Pennsylvanians are starring. The still a novice at the acting- game. U picture comes to the Lincoln Thea­ per sixty seconds. The entire cast participates in the Later productions in which Novar- LOVE UNDER FIRE” tre Sunday for three days. finals, including, besides the Lane ro stai-red include “ In Gay Madrid,” — also— The Men’s club has won 11 of “ The Singer of Seville,” “ Mata Hari,” the last 14 annual singing contests sisters—Priscilla and .Rosemary— JANE WITHERS WALTER BRENNAN ' “ The Barbarian,” “ Laughing Boy,” in the Pacific Southwest Confer­ Lee Dixon, Fred Waring, Roy Atwell, and “ The Cat and the Fiddle.” ence and have been national cham­ Walter Catlett, Scotty Bates, Ted In 1935 he asked for a cancella­ “WILD AND WOOLLY” pions. The women’s club won the Healy, «Mabel Todd, Sterling Hollo­ way, George MacFarland, Johnny tion of his MGM contract because REQUEST FEATURE SATURDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 23rd Pacific Southwest Conference title “ Scat” Davis, “ Poley” MeClintock, he was dissatisfied with his roles, IRENE DUNNE ROBERT TAYLOR ‘ last year. and was tired out and ill. During V...... ,...... Buck and Bubbles, Ben Welden and Emma Dunn. the intervening- two years he devoted MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION” The second part of the double fea­ himself to perfecting his singing Bill McCune Starts ture program, showing with “ Varsity voice, and has won distinction SUN. - MON. - TUE. TWIN HITS Show,” is “ Between Two Women,” a through his concerts abroad. He was CARY GRANT CONSTANCE BENNETT Second Year at Hotel gripping drama within the walls of induced to return to the screen be­ a great medical institution amid the cause a constant flow of fan letters, Bill McCune and his staccato suffering's of the daily victims of averaging 2500 a week, have de­ “TOPPER” styled music heard via WOR-Mutual crimes, traffic and accidents. manded a come-back. In “ The Sheik — also— has returned to the “ 61” Club of the Franchot Tone deviates from his Steps Out” he found just the type Turn on ibe ga?, ?pj>!y a li"liicrl match and immediately VIRGINIA BRUCE FRANCHOT TONE Hotel Bossert, where they were en­ customary roles to play an indus­ of role he felt he could give his most you have heal, clean and odorless. Turn off the gas the gaged for dinner and supper dancing trious young- physician devoted to his to— glamour, a romantic setting, “BETWEEN TWO WOMEN” moment the room becomes too warm. during last season. work and who marries a woman who humor, and an opportunity to sing. Vincent Laydell and Hal Atkinson The co-feature on this program is N o work making a lire; no work alter the fire is out. does not love him. WED. TO SAT. TWO BIG HITS FOUR DAYS This gas ‘Vouliirc'1 is one of the most attractive styles we have been signed to do the vocals Virginia Bruce appears as the self- and on several numbers McCune joins BETTE DAVIS HENRY FONDA carry at a low price and is specially adapted to a small nar­ willed heiress who lures Tone into them to form a trio. row fireplace. Small carrying charge if you buy on terms. marriage and Maureen O’Sullivan This marks the third year that Bill plays a young nurse, also married “THAT CERTAIN WOMAN” McCune and his orchestra have been but in love with Tone. — also— heard on the air. Geoi'ge Seitz directed the picture KENNY BAKER ALICE BRADY which is based on an original story Select Your Entertainment by Erich Von Stroheim, adapted for “MR. DODD TAKES THE AIR” through the the screen, by Frederick Stephani and Belleville News Marion Pnrsonnet.