Life09NAT/IT/000160 ARCTOS Project “Brown Bear Conservation: coordinated actions for the Alpine and the Apennines range” 1/9/2010 – 31/12/2014



INTRODUCTION ...... 3 THE BROWN BEAR IN ...... 4 Apennine Population ...... 4 Alpine Population ...... 5 THE LIFE ARCTOS PROJECT ...... 6 THREATS AND NEEDS FOR CONSERVATION (SWOT) ...... 7 Threats to the Alpine Population (*threats that the actions of the LIFE ARCTOS helped mitigate)...... 7

Assessment of the situation in the light of the actions undertaken in the LIFE ARCTOS project the for Alpine populations: what concrete actions have achieved their objectives and which need to be continued?...... 7

Post-LIFE ARCTOS conservation objectives for Alpine populations ...... 10 Threats to the Apennine Population (*threats that the actions of the LIFE ARCTOS Project has helped to mitigate).…………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Assessment of the situation in the light of the actions undertaken in the LIFE ARCTOS project for the Apennine population: what concrete actions have achieved their objectives and which need to be continued?...... 15 Post-LIFE ARCTOS conservation objectives for Apennine populations ...... 18 List of Abbreviations…………………………………………………………………………….25



This document completes the final report of the LIFE ARCTOS (LIFE09NAT / IT / 160) and responds to the need to plan activities considered to be priorities for ensuring the conservation of the brown bear in Italy, as a continuation of the activities in the LIFE ARCTOS project. The drafted text presents the current situation of the two brown bear populations in Italy (Alpine and Apennine) and clearly identifies which urgent actions are needed to continue in order to ensure the survival of this important plantigrade.

As stated in the final report, the situation of the two populations is far from achieving a favorable conservation status (sensu Habitats Directive and supporting documents); because both require urgent and decisive actions, that need to be developed in cooperation between various local and national entities involved in management and conservationist measures. This need, with a context of fragmented administrations as in Italy, can hardly be met without a strong political will, even with a high commitment of all the involved technicians.

For both populations the necessary actions that must continue have been identified, for each of them a cost analysis was made and an evaluation of the eventual resources to be found. In some cases, these resources may come from projects in progress, in other cases, the involved administrations have agreed to make available their own funds to cover at least the biennium 2015- 2016 by seeking other sources of funding (community projects, funds or other PSR) for their continuation.

It is hoped that this document can serve as an address for the future, in order to drive short and medium term profits for the conservation of the two bear populations, underlining the substantial differences that characterize them and the importance of the fact that based on equal threats, the status of the Apennine population is significantly more critical.

All project partners have approved this Plan through formal acts that commit the administrations involved in implementing the actions indicated (the acts of approval are attached).


THE BROWN BEAR IN ITALY The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is present in Europe, disjointed, with 10 distinct populations, some of which are completely isolated from others (Chapron et al. 2015). In Italy there are two populations, characterized by completely different historical elements but tied to some similar problems (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Map of the brown bear distribution in Italy, with two disjunct populations

Apennine Population The Apennine population, isolated for over 500 years and consisting of a subspecies (Ursus arctos marsicanus, Loy et al. 2008), should be considered as an evolutionary and conservationist unit on its own since it has never disappeared from the original area (Pacifiers & Boitani 2008) and has an extremely limited distribution area, essentially reduced the area of the National Park of , and Molise and neighboring areas. Over the last 10 years there has been a progressive occupation in areas that are part of a so-called zone of expansion, males first then, recently, females that have also occupied permanently territories belonging to the Majella National Park and the Monte Genzana Nature Reserve as shown by genetic evidence. The size of the population occupying the so-called core area is around 50 individuals, but the effect of genetic isolation and the impact of anthropogenic mortality will jeopardize the survival in the medium and long term.


More complex instead is the evaluation of the overall consistency of the nucleuses outside the core area where, up to date, 10 new individuals (3 females and 7 males) in the Park Majella - M. Genzana area and 5 new genotypes were also sampled in the potential distribution area of Lazio (Cicolani and Monti Simbruini). The presence in the Lazio area are males only so far, never genetically accounted for in the core area. In Majella National Park in 2015 a female with two cubs has been spotted although it was not possible to collect samples to be tested genetically to see whether or not she belonged to known genotypes. The MATTM has promoted, since 2009, the development of coordinated activities for the conservation of the Apennine bear population through the Action Plan for the Protection of the Bear Marsicano (PATOM). This action plan, formally adopted by many of the institutions involved in the activities of conservation of the species, was recently endowed with a Management Authority and a Technical Board of experts who met regularly. The activities of the Management are those indicated in PATOM and have been confirmed and integrated in a separate Ageement signed between the MATTM, the Lazio Abruzzo and Molise Regions and the PNALM in March 2014. The mandate of the Technical Board in its current composition, for reasons of expediency was made to coincide with the Coordination Board of the Apennine LIFE ARCTOS project, has expired with the end of the project. The Ministry is proceeding with the creation of the new Technical Board.

Alpine Population In the Central the bear population was reduced to a few individuals in the 90's, when an operation of re-introduction of 10 bears from Slovenia (3 males and 7 females) was successfully undertaken through the LIFE URSUS - protection of the Brenta brown bear population promoted between 1999 and 2002 by the Adamello Brenta Nature Park, in close collaboration with the Autonomous Province of Trento and the National Institute for Wildlife (now ISPRA). During the first 10 years after the release, the population increased according to plans and there were natural dispersal events that led some individuals to arrive temporarily in Switzerland, Austria and Germany. In the eastern Alps bears from the Slovenian population have continued to sporadically frequent territories of Carinthia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and eastern Trentino. Moreover, this phenomenon has not registered significant increases compared to the beginning (the 60s of last century) and has never involved females except in very few cases, and only in the Slovenian Alps. In the Central Alps, the growth trend seems to have interrupted the last couple of years but more time is needed to evaluate this phenomenon: in addition the inbreeding among individuals, even in the face of a good level of heterozygosity attested by ISPRA in late 2014, raises particular concerns for the high mortality rate in these years and especially the sharp drop in the support by local communities (confirmed by opinion polls conducted by the PAT in 1997, 2004 and 2011). The population estimate of alpine bear according to the Final Report of the action of Life E4 ARCTOS for 2014 is around 54 (42-76) individuals. In conclusion of the LIFE URSUS project, with the coordination of the PAT, an interregional Action Plan was prepared for the Conservation of the Brown Bear in Central Eastern Alps (PACOBACE), which was developed and adopted by all the Italian Alps administrations affected by the presence of bears and approved by the Ministry for the Environment.

Although not equipped with a formalized technical board, the entities endorsing the action plan 5 meet regularly to evaluate the validity of the plan and the implementation of the activities contained in it.

LIFE ARCTOS PROJECT The LIFE ARCTOS allowed to carry out a series of actions to mitigate some of the most pressing threats to the two populations. Some actions have been carried out in parallel within the two populations, while others were carried out by adapting them to local conditions.

The overall objectives of the project were as follows:

1- Interventions for livestock breeding more compatible with the presence of bears

2- Reduce the conflict between bear and man

3- Natural Resource Management of trophic interest for bear

4- Evaluation of the size of the populations of brown bear 5- Increasing social consensus for the bear, transparency and information about the activities carried out for bear conservation and prepare the local population for any future conflict situations.

The planned activities were all developed according to the effective programming, although all the goals for reasons were not reached due to the ecology of the species and administration timing. In some cases administration fragmentation, the need for a more incisive transnational coordination, the complexity of the subjects treated have limited the effectiveness of the actions. However, the project has had the undeniable result of bringing the highest level of attention to the situation of the bear populations pushing for the first time the Ministry of the Environment to take action personally in the management of the two populations. Especially for the Apennine population, thanks to ARCTOS, that it has taken a more active role in the PATOM management. Finally, many of the products ARCTOS were used as reference tools for the management of some problems (see health emergencies or protocol for confident bears). The ecological characteristics of the species also do not allow an assessment in the short-term effectiveness of some of the undertaken actions. Part of the threats identified, which led to the actions of the project, are still present and this calls for a continuation of the same well after beyond the end of the project itself because only their continuity over time will eventually show the effectiveness on Bear populations in Italy.


THREATS AND NEEDS FOR CONSERVATION (SWOT) Despite the LIFE ARCTOS has helped mitigate some of the threats that insisted on the two populations, as expected the latter cannot be considered safe from the point of view of conservation in the medium and long term, because the bear is a species that responds over long periods of time long to environmental variations. For these reasons, the actual impact of the actions undertaken in the project will be assessed only at a later date beyond the end of the project. Since the persistence of threats affecting the two populations - threats that need to be dealt with in order to contribute to the conservation of both - and considering that the two populations are subject to different pressures and handled differently by the relevant authorities, the threats and the necessary actions to counteract them will be described separately for the Apennine and Alpine populations In this document a general analysis is conducted for the two populations, highlighting the threats faced during the LIFE ARCTOS project and the actions undertaken. A discussion follows, for the two populations, of the actions undertaken that must continue.

Threats to the Alpine Population 1. Small population size in the central Alps, whose growth trend seems to have slowed down and the lack of genetic connection with the Dinaric-Balkan population

2. Lack of consensus by local communities in relation to the difficulty in responding promptly to more critical situations *

3. Conflicts with the farming and livestock activities*

4. International coordination to be strengthen *

5. Optimization of the interventions on problem bears *

6. Genetic variability in risk (*threats that the actions of the LIFE ARCTOS helped mitigate)

Assessment of the situation in the light of the actions undertaken in the LIFE ARCTOS project the for Alpine populations: what concrete actions have achieved their objectives and which need to be continued?

C1 - Experimentation of livestock practices compatible with the presence of bears in seven pilot farms The goal set by the LIFE ARCTOS project was to create the necessary conditions for the conduct of livestock breeding practices compatible with the presence of bears in areas of potential expansion. The action has been successful and the practices that have been tested can be exported to other 7 areas.

C4 - Capabilities of the Emergency Response Teams The objective of establishing three emergency response teams in new areas of expansion for the bear was met and exceeded by establishing four teams in RL, RV 1 and 2 in RFVG, also supported by up to date staff training that must be involved should circumstances that arise become critical. It is necessary to continue to maintain these teams operational, and when there are no situations that require action, update sessions in their training must continue.

C5 - Assignment of structures for damage prevention to farming-livestock to manage conflict between bears and human activities This action is critical to ensure the mitigation of conflicts, and certainly the work conducted within the LIFE ARCTOS project has produced excellent results: in the the Alps 278 fences were distributed in the Province of Trento (of which 185 are purchased with funds ARCTOS), 84 in RAFVG and 36 in Lombardy Region. But these activities will necessarily have to continue, in order to secure the farms not yet equipped with such systems and also ensure the proper functioning of existing structures.

C6 - Placement of anti-bear organic waste bins The elimination of sources of anthropogenic food supply represented by organic waste is absolutely necessary to prevent the development of inappropriate behavior in bears who are used to feed on this resource. The LIFE ARCTOS allowed agreements with the waste removal companies and the placement of more than 200 anti bear bins in some of the areas of greatest presence of the bear, obtaining excellent results. The activity may be applied in the future in other areas where should this problem arise.

D1 - local communities Involvement. The series of meetings with local communities and interest groups was a great success, particularly in areas of sporadic bear presence. It will be necessary to still continue with the activities of information and awareness, since the presence of the bear is extremely dynamic. Rather the activity conducted in ARCTOS for the dissemination of project products (protocols and guidelines) under Action D6, is to be considered exhaustive. However should it be necessary, meetings of technical presentations of these instruments will continue.

D4, D7 - School educational programs The proposed teaching programs and training for students and teachers involved schools of Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Trentino effectively. The production and distribution of teaching materials was useful to inform and increase awareness in students within the project areas. It is necessary to continue this activities of information and awareness, in order to maintain / increase social consensus towards the species not only in areas of presence but also prepare for its arrival in areas of likely future colonization. Likewise, it will be necessary to extend these educational activities in all areas of presence, not only to those involved in the Project LIFE ARCTOS.


E1 - inter-regional and inter-provincial coordination National coordination is already within PACOBACE and internationally through the Alpine Convention. It will still be necessary to continue the activities of information exchange and coordination of activities at people’s level through these two instruments.

The following describes a brief analysis of the characteristics of the population in the Alps, in the form of a SWOT simplified.

INTERNAL FACTORS Strengths WEAKNESS Good reproduction rate Small size, limited genetic variability and lack of genetic connection with the Dinaric- Balkan population Most of the population is present in Trentino, Low rate of population growth with trained staff and management activities that are promptly implemented.

Management actions have been implemented in Livestock management in some areas with do not peripheral areas of sporadic presence in which have systems for damage prevention there was a steady increase in presence of the species (Lombardy, Veneto, Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia) Lack of specific measures in the PSR that allow a Funds for rural development programs could be good management of farming based on the used to make farming more compatible with presence of large carnivores, even if sporadic the presence of the species

EXTERNA FACTORS OPPORTUNITY THREATS Renewed availability of LIFE funds Some neighboring countries are not adequately prepared (Austria, Switzerland) Growing attention to large carnivores Management approaches are fragmented and not management always coordinated Lead project on problem bears supported by the In some areas farm management do not use European Commission systems for damage prevention Rural development programs include funds that Local communities are not adequately prepared to can be used deal with the conflict Communication channels also available Locally there is a poor consensus and consequent through social networks risk of poaching

Table 1 - SWOT analysis of the Alpine Bear population


Post-LIFE ARCTOS Conservation objectives for Alpine populations The overall objective of long-term conservation for the brown bear species will necessarily require to maintain this population above the MVP and encourage an increase in genetic variability of the Alpine population; this objective can be reached (only) by promoting a genetic connection with the Dinaric population. The project Life Arctos has helped mitigate some of the threats that directly or indirectly increase the mortality of the species. Most of the activities developed during the project will also be necessary in the future to achieve the goal.

Conservation actions that will be carried out after the end of the LIFE ARCTOS project Considering the results obtained and the threats that still insist on the Alpine populations, the actions undertaken by the LIFE ARCTOS project that need to be continued are the following:

Action: Ensure the maintenance of sustainable livestock farming with the presence of the bear (Action C1) Priority: Very high Responsible: Lombardy Region Activities: actions expected to be continued are that of technical support to farmers and the transfer of knowhow to livestock management in presence of large carnivores in Alpine territories already affected by the activities of the project ARCTOS shared with other similar actions undertaken taken for the wolf in the ongoing LIFE12/NAT/ IT/000807 Wolfalps project, which is expected to end in 2018. The activities undertaken in the project LIFE WOLFALPS, also affecting the bear, are the purchase of electric fencing, guard dogs and the transfer of knowhow in the management of livestock in the presence of large predators.

Action: Management of the conflict between the presence of bears and human activities (Action C5) Priority: Very high for areas of permanent presence; medium for areas of sporadic presence Responsible: Lombardy Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Province of Trento. Activities: The Lombardy Region will continue with the compensation of damages from large predators through an insurance policy to cover the damages themselves. In Managing IP 2020 the proposal was expected to increase the number of persons trained for verification of the damages caused by the species with the aim of reducing conflicts. For the RAFVG the regional administration provides the distribution of funds in favor of prevention works and of reimbursement of damages (€ 10,000 allocated for 2015). Damage assessment follows a process established for years and defined by law (DPReg 128/2009). The regional administration intendeds to update the training of operators carrying out the assessment of predation (connected to the presence of the Wolf). The Autonomous Province of Trento, with its own funds and the LIFE DINALP BEAR project will continue the supply electric fences. By 2018, GPS collars are to be applied to 10 bears and 10 guard dogs to be provided in LIFE DINALP BEAR project. In addition, the PAT is funding a project conceived by the Edmund Mach Foundation for the production of specific GPS-VHF collars connected to "sensor network" set up in the vicinity of prevention works. 10

The purpose of the sensors is to detect the presence of the bear and activate if necessary specific elements of deterrence (acoustic, optical, etc.) or comunicate in real time the location of the bear to nearby operators. The following activities also will continue: the use of special emergency teams available 24 hours a day, bear dogs Laika, zoological operators trained specifically to improve coexistence with livestock, the work of a special "Round table with representatives of breeders, beekeepers and farmers”.

Action: Actions to deter confident bears (Action C4) Priority: Very high Responsible: Lombardy Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia. Activities: emergency teams set up under the ARCTOS will be maintained by the Lombardy Region and by the RAFVG although the teams were activated activated only on a single occasion (May 2015) in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The regional authorities will be responsible for managing the emergency response teams and maintaining contacts between the various administrative bodies to which these operators refer to. Specifically, the regional administrations, will be responsible, to continue withtheir training, through shooting range activities (handling / use of weapons) and field exercises / simulations. These groups are also composed of provincial staff and the CFS; but since these bodies are undergoing a process of reorganization and / or national consolidation, it will necessary to wait and evaluate these changes to redefine the organization. Trentino will carry on emergency management as Provincial Government resolutions and consolidated methods already established in PACOBACE (7 teams present, availability 24h from March to November).

Action: Population Monitoring (Action E4) Priority: Very high Responsible: Lombardy Region, RAFVG, Province of Trento. Lombardy Region will continue opportunistic monitoring of indices of presence and the use the Georso application system, using its own funds and resources of the proposed IP Gestire.2020 whose actions provide species monitoring in the Habitats Directive. Even in RAFVG monitoring the presence of bear will continue as planned through the protocol developed in action E4 and all data will be merged within the database developed in action A4. The systematic sampling, through the use of fur traps every other year, if enough will be taken into consideration. Otherwise if the assessment indicates the need for an intensification this monitoring it will be carried out each year. The PAT guarantees the continuation of the genetic monitoring of the population, begun in 2002 and never interrupted. The three institutions also will ensure the provision of data as required by the code of conduct signed by the various partners / supporters of the project.

Action: Involvement of local communities (Actions D1) Priority: Very high Responsible: Lombardy Region, Province of Trento. Activities: in RL activities will continue with their own funds. Specific actions have also been included in the proposed IP Gestire.2020 involving meetings and dissemination of information with various stakeholders and the organization of events dedicated to

11 the return of large predators that can give continuity to similar actions included in the projects ARCTOS and Wolfalps. Even in 2015 and subsequent years the Province of Trento will continue activities of public communication, the production of information materials and the implementation of the website. The PAT focuses communication activities in areas most affected by the presence of the bear and in specific contexts with strong media impact. In this context, it shall act in synergy with the Adamello Brenta Park, the referral for some communication actions for its territory. For the continuation of the communication activities the WWF Italy Onlus is also committed with its own funds to continue the activities of national awareness through informative campaigns.

Action: Interregional Coordination through the PACOBACE working group, also extended at the international level (Action E1) Priority: High Responsibility: Lombardy Region, RAFVG, Province of Trento. The action is taking place and will continue with the use of Regional staff

Also any action that was not contemplated in the LIFE ARCTOS project but extremely important:

Action: International coordination with Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia and Germany Priority: Medium Responsibility: RAFVG, Province of Trento, Lombardy Region Activities: The coordination will be promoted through the WISO Platform of the Alpine Convention, of which the RAFVG has the presidency for the 2015-16 biennium. The participation, even as an outside supporter, to the RAFVG LIFE WolfAlps and DinAlpBear projects, will foster these relationships. The PAT is part of the WISO Platform, of which has coordinated the presidency in 2013-2014 period, and is a partner of the Life DINALP BEAR project.

Action: Monitoring the behavior of problem bears and evaluation of interventions Priority: Very high Responsible: Province of Trento By implementing the recommendations of PACOBACE it is assumed that it is possible to manage in a coordinated manner throughout the Alpine region the presence of problem bears. The Life DINALP BEAR project gives the possibility to reach the goal of reducing the impact of bears on anthropogenic activities by the end of the project in affected areas. Through the monitoring of problem bears, with actions such as the collection of organic samples, telemetry of animals with radio-collars, the use of photo-traps, more information can be gathered about the identity of these problematic subjects and their territoriality. Such data is significant for the staff to respond quickly in emergency situations and carry out preventive measures or deter them. As part of the LIFE DINALP BEAR “radio branding” is scheduled for 10 problem bears, in order to reduce through prevention / deterrence their impact on human activities. The experience obtained in the past and present will surely be an asset for the management of the species in the long term.

Action: Analysis of the connection between Italy and Slovenia


Priority: Medium Responsibility: Province of Trento. Through own personnel and funds, and over four year span, the goal of a full sharing of genetic data of populations and Dinaric Alps is to be achieved . Data sharing between Croatia, Slovenia, Austria and Italy (Friuli, Veneto, Trentino) will monitor genetically the populations in addition to expanding knowledge about the areas most used by the species to move around.

At present there are currently two ongoing LIFE-NATURE projects that offer opportunities for the development of some of the actions required for bear conservation in the Alps: the LIFE + 12NAT / EN / 807 WOLFALPS, Active leaders are the Region of Lombardy, the Veneto Region and the State Forestry Department and the external support of the Province of Trento, and the LIFE + 13NAT / SI / 550 DINALP BEAR project, with the active participation of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Project Lince Italy and the Veneto Region. The RAFVG participates supporting both projects, even without being an associated beneficiary. Although the LIFE WOLFALPS is focused on conservation of wolves, the bear benefits from some of the activities (in particular the mitigation of the impact on livestock, by loaning preventive measures for damages). Lombardy Region has also sent a proposal for an Integrated Project (GESTIRE.2020) which includes some actions for the benefit of bear conservation (proposal currently under final assessment by the EC).

The following table summarizes the activities that will be carried out in future by the project partners LIFE ARCTOS for the conservation of the Alpine population, with an indication of possible sources of financing.

ACTIVITY RESPONSIBILITY GOALS ESTIMATED STAT US PRIORITY TOTAL COST (€) ACTIVITY Ensure the Lombardy Region Increase skills in 110.000 (funds Life maintenance of management of farms WolfAlps) sustainable in the areas of presence 5.000,00(funds IP In progress Very high farming practices of large predators Gestire.2020) from with the presence 2016 of bears Conflict Lombardy Region Reduction of conflicts 20.000,00 own management linked to damages to funds (3 years) Medium between the bears human activities presence and RAFVG Continue providing 15.000,00 human activities funds for prevention Medium and damage In progress compensation PAT The supply of electric ca. 150-200,000 fences will continues Euros / year of with their own funds pocket costs Very high (excluding staff) with own funds Interventions Lombardy Region Maintenance of 30.000,00 own deterrence bears emergency teams funds (3 years) 30.000,00 from 2018 In progress Very high RAFVG By internal staff PAT The seven teams Included in present will be kept “Management of the operational conflict” 13

Population Lombardy Region Verification of 10.000,00 own monitoring the conservation status funds (3 years) RAFVG of the population 15.000,00/two years In progress Very high PAT Included in “Management of the conflict” Local community Lombardy Region Promote an increase in 50.000 (Life involvement the consensus of the Wolfalps) presence of large 15.000,00(funds Ip predators Gestire.2020)from 2016 10.000,00 own funds (3 years) In progress Very high PAT Included in “Management of the conflict” PNAB 30.000 own funds WWF Own funds, not quantifiable Interregional Lombardy Region Further action Coordination RAFVG coordination By internal staff through the PAT (non quantifiable In progress High PACOBACE costs) working group International RAFVG By internal staff coordination with (non quantifiable Switzerland, costs) Austria, Slovenia PAT Included in Further international and Germany “Management of the In progress Medium action coordination conflict” Lombardy Region By internal staff (non quantifiable costs) Monitoring the PAT Reduce the impact of Included in behavior of the bear on the man- “Management of the In progress Very high problem bears made activities conflict” Analysis of the PAT Share genetic data of By internal staff connection between population (non quantifiable In progress Medium Italy and Slovenia costs)


Threats to the Appennine population 1. Small population size

2. Disagreement about the conflict by some local communities * 3. Lack of solid data to define management activities *

4. Critical issues in relation with the Farmers and livestock breeders *

5. Lack of a large-scale management policy, shared between stakeholders *.

6. Disturbance from traditional human activities *

* threats that the actions of the LIFE ARCTOS Project has helped to mitigate

Assessment of the situation in the light of the actions undertaken in the LIFE ARCTOS project for the Apennine population: what concrete actions have achieved their objectives and which need to be continued?

C1 - Implementation of livestock breeding practices compatible with the presence of bears The goal set by the LIFE ARCTOS project was to create all the necessary conditions for the conduct of livestock breeding practices compatible with the presence of bears. The actions carried out included crucial aspects, such as the analysis of the state of pastures within the PNALM from which an evaluation of eligible graze loads derived and a strong indication for an active management of the pastures that are closing in thus affecting negatively the rhamnus plantations present in those areas. The indications included in the guidelines in the Natura 2000 Management Plan will give the PNALM, without an official Park Plan and regulation, a reference tool for land management, including pastures. The inclusion of the same information in the conservation measures of the future Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) in the Lazio Region will make these indications operational. The implementation of the guidelines, however, is not yet complete and therefore the action must be continued. The Abruzzo Region with its regional by-law n. 3/2014 has abolished the previous article 3 of by- law n.105/1994, which allowed wild grazing all year round. In the same by-law 3/2014 art. 85 on pasture usage states that the so-called Forestry Police regulation remain in force, in which the period for grazing on pastures above 1,200 meters is possible from June 10 to October 30 of each year. The Abruzzo Region has also included indications for guidelines in the Natura 2000 Management Plan for the Regional Park Sirente.

C2 - Monitoring the health of domestic livestock and hunting interest in search of potentially harmful pathogens for bear 15

The LIFE ARCTOS succeeded in the excellent result of coordinating the actions of the various agencies that have health jurisdiction in bear territories and increase awareness of the potential health risk that threatens the remaining population of brown bear Marsicano, not only to technicians of the sector, but also to the national public opinion. It will be necessary to continue what has been achieved by the action C2 and request: 1) the involvement of the established Technical Health Board, thanks to the LIFE ARCTOS project, at the Ministry of Health; 2) The collaboration with several associations engaged in various activities on the territory frequented by bears; 3) The coordination of actions carried out in the health ambit by the Protected Areas and the veterinary services of the three regions, along the lines of what has been achieved by Action C2 during the management of the outbreak of “Cimurro” that broke out in PNALM in 2013 (24 public meetings, campaign awareness to properly manage dogs, vaccination and health monitoring of 5500 dogs, the support of the National Federation of Veterinarians and the Italian Ministry of Health, the mandatory vaccination for hunting dogs of the three regions included in the hunting calendars). Following the outbreak of TB in the Municipality of Gioia dei Marsi the Abruzzo Region, with its Regional Council deliberation n. 348 of 05.07.2015, other than requesting the grazing ban in the municipalities affected by the outbreak also established the Regional Committee for health surveillance of wildlife with the specific task of drawing up a plan to monitor the health of wildlife prioritizing the health risks for the brown bear (Annex 1).

C4 - Capabilities of Emergency Response Teams The goal of setting up two emergency response teams in the PNALM was reached, supported also by the timely staff training that was necessary to engage in critical situations. The operational teams need to be maintained, and provide the know-how gained in PNALM wherever it is needed in new areas of sporadic bear presence, outside the borders of PNALM and ZPE.

C5 - Loan of structures for damage prevention of damage to farms to manage conflicts between bears and human activities This action is critical to ensure the mitigation of conflicts, and certainly the work conducted within the LIFE ARCTOS project has produced excellent results, but these activities will have to continue, both to secure farms not yet equipped with such systems, and ensure the proper functioning of the existing ones.

C10 - The objectives have been achieved having closed and regulated access in the critical areas. The situation will be constantly monitored in order to identify other critical areas to be blocked where necessary, especially in areas of population expansion. In such a case ARCTOS can make available to other protected areas both national and regional experience gained from both the technical point of view (projects and systems of realization of barriers) and the best administrative procedures to be taken.

D1 - Involvement of local communities The series of meetings with local communities and interest groups was a great success and will now be essential to continue to involve the parties and keep the consensus high, and provide them with

16 the evidence of their consideration during the planning stages of the program management.

D6 - The protocols and guidelines have been disseminated to all categories and institutional stakeholders. The PATOM managing authority adopted them and in fact are considered important reference tools for the proper management of the activities for which they are intended. This action is considered ended but the project partners reserve the right to have additional meetings for dissemination of ARCTOS products should the need arise (for example in the areas of expansion).

E1 - inter-regional and inter-provincial coordination Coordination between the bodies involved in brown bear management through the LIFE ARCTOS project allowed synergies that should be maintained, same as the cooperation in carrying out specific actions (eg. Monitoring, confident bears control, land management and critical trophic food resources). This coordination will be maintained, with the support of the Ministry of the Environment through PATOM and its bodies (Managing Authority, Technical board).

The following describes a brief analysis of the characteristics of the population Apennine, in the form of SWOT simplified.

INTERNAL FACTORS Strengths WEAKNESS Availability of natural food resources, good Little success in the dispersion of individuals knowledge of the ecology of Rhamnus alpinus Good reproduction rate Low genetic variability (though it is not recorded high rate of backcross) The population has always been present in Low rate of population growth PNALM EXTERNA FACTORS Opportunity Threats MATTM actively support the implementation of Special situations of high social conflict PATOM Potential availability of funds LIFE Poor perception of danger associated with confident bears Management plans for Natura 2000 sites include Some breeders are not natives of the areas of measures for bear conservation stable presence of the bear The rural development plans include measures PAC provides support to small traditional for the prevention of damage farmers Ministry of Health collaborative Poor compliance with existing regulations There are private associations active in High levels of poaching conservation and communication The staff of rescue teams is well equipped and Presence of human food sources accessible to

17 trained bears Table 3 - SWOT analysis of the population of the Apennine bear

Conservation objectives post-LIFE ARCTOS for the Apennine population The overall goal of conservation is to ensure that the population trend becomes positive and will remain so over the next ten years thus consequently reducing mortality caused by anthropogenic factors. Ongoing expansion should also be encouraged more ensuring that suitable areas present in the central Apennine are maintained and protected, and that the present human activities become increasingly compatible with the presence of bears. Finally increase favorable coexistence in areas where the bear is not traditionally present.

Conservation actions that will be carried out after the end of the LIFE ARCTOS Given the results obtained and the threats that still insist on the population, the actions undertaken with the LIFE ARCTOS that need to continue are those listed below. In March 2014 in continuity with the PATOM and with the actions already taken in ARCTOS, as agreement was endorsed between the Ministry of Environment, Region Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise and PNALM as members of the Managing Authority and primarily interested in managing the population of brown bear. The protocol established the commitments of each signer: the actions listed below were included in the new protocol signed and preceded by regional resolutions that formally commit the Regions to implement the actions identified as priorities (attached the three acts) (annex 2 , 3,4,5). The Ministry has identified its own contact person responsible for monitoring the implementation of the commitments undertaken. Every six months a report is produced, then published on the Ministry's website, where it is possible to check the status of the commitments ( dellorso-marsicano-patom). At the Management Authority meeting in April 16 2015, the Protocol was integrated with the "objectives for 2015". The documents are attached to this Plan (annex 6 and 7). All authorities, including those in which the bear is barely present or with reduced density, perform basic tasks related to the protection of this subspecies using ordinary funds that each administration has committed to the purpose. Some of the activities identified in the Plan post Life can therefore be continued using staff and ordinary funds of the administrations that are leaders in those activities. Some other activities require resources that go beyond the regular administrative budgets, therefore these entities must activate themselves in finding additional resources necessary for the continuation of actions over the biennium 2015-2016. An example in this sense is the genetic monitoring of the population that requires resources for the necessary materials, for genetic analysis of the samples, for the transfers necessary for activation, control, dismounting of traps and a high number of people for the operation. Therefore finding of additional resources in this case will be essential and will determine the periodicity with which the action will be carried out.

Action: Ensure the maintenance of sustainable livestock farming practices with the presence of the bear (Action C1). 18

Priority: Very high Officers: PNALM, Abruzzo Region, Lazio Region Activities: objectives are the protection of pasture habitats and implementation of grazing systems compatible with the presence of bears. To achieve these objectives the PNALM has included in the management plan of Natura 2000 sites, in the chapter on management measures, a number of project sheets to connect the relevant measures of the RDP 2014-2020. Several of the actions are included in Natura 2000 and other in Incentive Measures. At the same time in the Implementing rules of the Management Plan a series of restrictive measures for the use of pastures have been included. From these rules a Pasture Regulation was drafted by the pastures Commission established under Action C1 (May 2015). The Regulation was sent to all the municipalities of the Park and will be discussed shortly in a special meeting of the Park Community (a body that brings together all the municipalities of PNALM) for an opinion of the community prior to the adoption by all concerned administrations (Annex 8) The Lazio Region has included in the management tools of the protected areas (plans and regulations) indications of the guidelines and will monitor the application of these measures. The Abruzzo Region has entered indications of the guidelines of the action A1 in the management plans of Natura 2000 sites with bear presence and included in the new RDP 2014-2020 measures to allow the adoption of farming practices compatible. Therefore the action will continue through the implementation of measures of the RDP with the funds arising from this.

Action: Health monitoring (Action C2) Priority: Very high Leaders: Abruzzo Region, Lazio Region The activities started with the Action C2 of Life Arctos for health risk assessment for the brown bear will continue with funding from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment and will be coordinated by the "Inter-ministerial Working Group for the analysis of health risks of the Marsican brown bear", as it was renamed the Reduced Technical Board of Health at the Ministry of Health. The Reduced Technical Board of Health started working during the last months of the Action C2 and with its new name lead to the adoption: - Ministerial Ordinance of 28 May 2015 (OJ 144 of 06.24.2015) on "Extraordinary measures of veterinary police regarding tuberculosis, bovine and buffalo brucellosis, ovine and caprine brucellosis" (Annex 9) - the National Prevention Plan 2014-2018, in which are also taken into account specific measures for the activation of health-monitoring for wildlife (Annex 10)

The new protocol, signed by the Regions, Park Authority and the Ministry of Environment under the PATOM includes among its priority actions: 1. the prevention and management of risks associated with the transmission of diseases, including the management of domestic livestock, dogs and of stray dogs; 2. the activation system of monitoring of pathogens as defined in the guidelines of the Action A2, so that it continues beyond the expiry of LIFE. For the Lazio Region the objectives were set in a Regional Committee Resolution (Annex 4), a formal act that all the Regional offices are expected to follow. In hunting calendars of both regions included are the rules on the health inspection of hunting dogs.


In addition, the Abruzzo region, with a managerial determination. DG21 / 167, 31.12.2014, issued the "Guidelines for the disposal of dead animals", including wild ones (Annex 11). The PNALM is preparing a Plan of health monitoring of passive wildlife in accordance with the Institute Zooprofilattico health Abruzzo and Molise financed, for the current year, with funds from the Ministry of Environment.

Action: Management of the conflict between the presence of bears and human activities (Action C5) Priority: Very high Officers: PNALM, Lazio Region, Abruzzo Region In addition to the measures of the RDP which can be accessed and added to the management plan of the Natura 2000 sites, the PNALM decided to pursue actions of prevention through the allocation of new electrified fences, maintenance of those assigned during ARCTOS, replacement of worn parts or non-functioning fences. Funds were made available through the PNALM’s Budget for 2015 to 2016. In 2015, 20 fences were bought, and their distribution is in progress according to the same criteria set out in ARCTOS. Thanks to funding from the Ministry of the Environment it will be possible to continue for 2015 communication activities necessary to mitigate conflicts. THE WWF Italy in the spring and summer of 2015 continued the activities of support and assignment of electric fences in collaboration with other local associations, especially in the peripheral areas of bear presence and territorial structures or working groups of the same Association. Resources are searched in order to continue this activity for years to come in a more extensive and ongoing way. TheAbruzzo Region has refinanced the RDP measures that allow farmers and livestock breeders to buy fences. The Lazio Region is starting program of prevention of wildlife damage, using specific funds. In the management of hunting from 2014, specific measures have been included to regulate hunting of wild boar in areas of confirmed presence of bears.

Action: Actions to deter confident bears (Action C4) Priority: Very high Leaders: PNALM, CFS The activity will be continued for the biennium 2015-2016 by the PNALM with staff and own funds, following the directions of the Protocol developed under the action A5. The intervention teams will be maintained and used as necessary within the Park and its outer Buffer zone. The teams are formed from both PNALM and CFS personnel, formed within ARCTOS and equipped with all the necessary equipment partially acquired in ARCTOS (rifles) and partly acquired by PNALM (collars). The action is ongoing. The PNALM technical staff has guaranteed and will guarantee support and training in areas of expansion where events of problematic bears occurred. The staff of the PNALM also performed, in March 2015, the capture and the affixing of radio collar of a female bear that frequents the area of connection between PNALM and Majella Park, sharing with the technicians of this park all the relative procedures. The CFS, in continuation of the action in the Apennines for the period 2015-2016, held on September 2-4 2015 at the School CFS Cittaducale a first qualification course for operators in the

20 use of the weapon to manage confident bears. 20 units participated: n. 16 from Abruzzo (area Majella National Park, Valle Peligna, Alto Sangro and Marsica Fucino); n. 4 from Lazio (Frosinone and Rieti); n. 4 from Molise (Molise Volturno Valley and High). Training also began for the staff of Molise in order to have, when it will be possible to complete the training, at least one group of forest rangers trained to intervene in case of problematic events. All activities related to the expansion areas are subject to the availability of resources necessary for the purchase of other equipment, to ensure the operation of teams, training of new staff for the creation of at least three other teams for the management of emergencies / events of problem bear in the areas of expansion and for the completion of the training staff CFS enabled in the use of the weapon in relation to the application of all procedures cited in the Protocol

Action: Attention to critical trophic food resources (Action C7) Priority: Medium Leaders: PNALM, CFS It will continue in particular coppicing of Rhamnus bushes that are drying up , a proven method in ARCTOS that gave the best results in a short period. At the same time the monitoring of critical areas for its proximity of the rhamnus to trails frequented by tourists will continue in order to continuously check possible interferences and to take restrictive measures where necessary. In the Management Plan of Natura 2000 sites an action has been included for increasing food resources for the bear: all interventions indicated refer to rhombus plantations. The action will last throughout the period of validity of the Plan and will benefit from the measures financed by the RDP 2014-2020. For interventions the schedule will follow as shown in the work program prepared by the CFS in the action A7: the census done in A7 has indeed interested areas of the Park and its Buffer Zone that are largely within SIC IT7110205 and SPA IT7120132. The other area surveyed on the Regional Park of Simbruini has no need for further action after the one already made. For the Rhamnus in the Duchessa Reserve measures were taken in connection with civic timber harvesting, and it can continue in the same way if necessary. These actions will be carried out throughout the period of validity of the Management Plan of the Natura 2000 sites and possibly even in areas not included in the SIC but with trophic emergencies relevant for the bear if in the direct territorial jurisdiction of CFS-UTB Castel di Sangro. At the same time small interventions will be done as part of normal civic timber harvesting in areas of rhamnus of municipal property, with planning (hammer and project) payed by the Park. The census of rhamnus plantations should be completed in those areas that are considered to be of connection and expansion and that have not been registered under the action of ARCTOS A7 (see cartography produced by the CFS and attached to the final report) seeing the continuing presence of a dozen individuals of bear between the Majella National Park and M. Genzana Nature Reserve. This new proposal will be a new Life proposal.

Action: Monitoring of population size (Action E3). Priority: Very high Leader: PNALM. Monitoring activities are essential for understanding of the status of the population: the proven methods both within the research project on large carnivores and in ARCTOS are highly effective but require a strong commitment of resources and personnel. So far their implementation is subject to obtaining the necessary resources since the ordinary funds of the competent Entities are not enough to cover expenses. For the year 2015 it was possible, through funding from the Ministry of the Environment, do the census of females with cubs according to the methods developed during the

21 research project on large carnivores by the University of Rome and continued under action E3 ARCTOS. For subsequent years it is necessary to find the necessary resources, in order to make a new genetic monitoring at intervals (every 4-6 years) which is essential in order to follow the trend of the population with particular reference to the reproduction rate and therefore the fertility of the subspecies. Since the expansion of the population has been noticed towards the Majella-M. Genzana territories, the extent of the genetic monitoring in these areas becomes relevant for proper management of the population. This extension of the monitoring will be subject for a new Life proposal. At the same time a monitoring network has been proposed at Regional level (Abruzzo) funded by the Ministry of Environment and will interface with the monitoring network developed by the Lazio Region. This will create a single database for the brown bear to be headed by the PNALM and will receive all reports of bear from Lazio, Abruzzo and Molise. The network will verify all reports related to the species and therefore be able to monitor the expansion of the population.

Action: Local communities involvement (Action D1) Priority: Very high Leader: PNALM In addition to communication, awareness and environmental education, in 2015 with the implementation of the communication plan related to the confident bears will continue, involving local communities: this task for the years 2015 and 2016 will be done through the Park’s financial and human resources and also with funding from the Ministry (see also item on the management of the conflict). The foreseen actions are those indicated in the protocol for confident bears developed in A5 and include the continuation of the participatory process started with ARCTOS and it will continue with the involvement of various interest groups. In order to ensure its full effect the applied methods expect the action to continue over the following years: for the prosecution efforts to find the resources needed must continue. Also in the light of what has emerged from the meetings, and highlighted in the final report of the action E6 , this participatory process should be expanded and extended to other areas to improve the sharing of the objectives of protection: this becomes possible only through access to sources of funding other than the regular PNALM Entity budget, which is not able to guarantee the continuity and congruity of resources. At the same time the work started with the farmers and breeders which has already produced a model regulation for the use of pastures will continue, with the objective of the creation of a "Bear frendly" specification for breeders to encourage sustainable forms of livestock breeding starting with the indications of the pastures Plan merged in PdG of Natura 2000. This activity is cost-free being done by staff in the Park and it may continue until the end of 2016. WWF Italy Onlus is committed to continue the activities of national awareness through information campaigns, with their own funds.

Action: Interregional Coordination through the Technical Board and the Managing Authority of PATOM (Action E1). Priority: Very high Officers: PNALM, Abruzzo Region, Lazio Region, CFS The activity is in progress and is supervised by the Ministry of Environment through its own contact person who has the task of monitoring the implementation of commitments made by each

22 member of the Managing Authority. To do so every six months is produced by the Ministry of the Environment a report on the commitments made and the report is made public through the website of the Ministry. All components of the Managing Authority signed a memorandum in March 2014 which clearly states the commitments of each component; Also this protocol is public and is located on the site of the Ministry. The protocol is derived directly from the actions indicated by PATOM and what emerged from the work of Life ARCTOS and the Technical Board. The new Technical Board is being set up.

The following table summarizes the activities that will be carried out in future by the partners of LIFE ARCTOS project for the conservation of the Apennine population, with indications of possible sources of financing.

ACTIVITY RESPONSABILITY GOALS ESTIMATED STAT US PRIORITY TOTAL COST ACTIVITY (€) Ensure the continuity PNALM Pasture Habitat With own staff of sustainable livestock protection (non-quantifiable practices Creation of costs) compatible grazing systems Lazio Region Defined objectives in With own staff In progress Very high DGR 463/13 (non-quantifiable costs) Abruzzo Region Defined objectives in With own staff DGR 56/2014 (non-quantifiable costs) Health monitoring Abruzzo Region Guidelines With own staff Implementation (see (non-quantifiable DGR 56/2014) costs) Lazio Region Defined objectives in With own staff In progress Very high DGR 463/13 (non-quantifiable costs) PNALM Passive Health 40.000 (funds monitoring of wildlife MATTM) Conflict management PNALM Manage the 60.000 (2015- between the presence phenomenon by 2016) for fences of bears and human reducing the conflict (PNALM funds) activities that this generates 6.500 for communications activity (MATTM funds) Abruzzo Region Assist farmers and With own staff In progress Very high breeders in buying (non quantifiable systems of prevention costs) Funds RDP 2014- 2020 Lazio Region Defined objectives in With own staff DGR 463/13 (non quantifiable costs) Confident bears PNALM Team activity to 40.000/year (own deterrence continue funds) for bear team 30.000 for collars In progress Very high (own funds) CFS Team activity to 10.000 continue Focus on trophic PNALM Continue the recovery With own staff In progress Medium resources of Rhamnus (non quantifiable 23

plantations that are costs) CFS depleting their With own staff productive potential (non quantifiable costs) Monitoring Apennine PNALM Population monitoring 36.000 (census of population to continue females), MATTM funds In progress Very high 16.000 (monitoring network), MATTM funds Local communities PNALM Involve more and 6.500 (MATTM Starting in Involvement better local funds) autumn 2015 communities to better manage conflicts Very high WWF Continue with With own staff awareness (non quantifiable In progress costs) Interregional PNALM Continue the Are those relative coordination through Abruzzo Region coordination to give to the hours of the Technical Board Lazio Region solidity to PATOM work of staff In progress Very high and the Managing CFS involved in Authority of PATOM meetings



CFS – Corpo Forestale dello Stato

ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale

MATTM – Ministero dell'Ambiente e delle Tutela del Territorio e del Mare

PACOBACE – Piano d'Azione per la Conservazione dell'Orso Bruno nelle Alpi Centro Orientali

PAT – Provincia Autonoma di Trento

PATOM – Piano d'Azione per la Tutela dell'Orso Bruno Marsicano

PNALM – Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise

PSR – Piano di Sviluppo Rurale

RAFVG – Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

RDP – Rural Development Plan

WISO – Wildlife and Society

ZPE – Zona di Protezione Esterna