Metodika Učenja Rolkanja

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Metodika Učenja Rolkanja UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI – FAKULTETA ZA ŠPORT Športna rekreacija METODIKA UČENJA ROLKANJA DIPLOMSKO DELO Domen Dijak Ljubljana 2016 UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI – FAKULTETA ZA ŠPORT Športna rekreacija METODIKA UČENJA ROLKANJA DIPLOMSKO DELO MENTORICA prof. dr. Maja Pori KONZULTANT prof. dr. Stojan Burnik RECENZENT AVTOR DELA doc. dr. Matej Majerič Domen Dijak Ljubljana 2016 ZAHVALA Zahvala gre staršem, ki so mi kupili prvo rolko, me vedno podpirali in mi omogočili rolkati po Evropskih prestolnicah. Alenu Ostojiču, ki mi je prvi predstavil rolko. Žigu Vidicu, kot dolgoletnemu vzorniku. Janu Begušu, ki me je spravil v ekipo 'Madness'. Robiju Kličiču, ki me je leta zalagal s sponzorskim materialom. Androtu Kajzerju s katerim smo posneli rolkarski film 'Mad World'. Mentorici dr. Maji Pori za njeno potrpežljivost in napotke. Jaku Bulcu za fotografije in nasvete. Petji. Hvala! Domen Dijak Ključne besede: športna rekreacija, rolkanje, učenje rolkanja, metodika METODIKA UČENJA ROLKANJA Domen Dijak Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport, Ljubljana 2016 Športna rekreacija Število strani: 125; število slik: 58; število virov: 21 IZVLEČEK Diplomsko delo je podlaga za priročnik, ki je namenjen učiteljem rolkanja in rolkarjem. Na kratko smo opisali zgodovino ter rolkanje opredelili z vidika subkulture, rekreacije in tekmovalnega športa. Opisali smo rolko kot pripomoček in najpogostejše objekte v rolkarskih parkih. Pojasnili smo tudi nekatere pojme in žargonske izraze ter navedli in opisali možne kombinacije prvin na rolki glede na objekt, podlago izvedbe, rotacijo rolke in/ali telesa. Diplomsko delo vsebuje jasne in natančne opise osnovnih prvin na ravnini, objektih za izvajanje ravnotežnostnih prvin, prvin na trdih objektih in prvin na krivini. Prvine so glede na objekt izvajanja opisane po načelu postopnosti, torej najprej lažje in nato težje. Poleg opisov prvin smo navedli tudi metodične postopke učenja, najpogostejše napake in predvaje. Vse prvine imajo priložen slikovni material, ki prikazuje izvedbo in pravilno postavitev stopal na rolko. Opisane prvine zajemajo vse možne smeri vrtenja rolke in/ali telesa, zato je njihovo obvladanje močna podlaga za pravilno učenje nadaljevalnih oblik rolkanja. Key words: sport recreation, skateboarding, teaching skateboarding, methodics METHODICS OF TEACHING SKATEBOARDING Domen Dijak University of Ljubljana, Faculty of sport, Ljubljana 2016 Sport recreation Number of pages: 125; number of figures: 58; number of sources: 21 ABSTRACT The following thesis is a basis for a manual for people who teach skateboarding and for skateboarders themselves. We stated some historical skateboarding facts and looked at skateboarding from the perspectives of subculture, pastime and competitive sport. We described the parts from which the skateboard is made of, and the most common obstacles found in a skatepark. The paper also describes expressions used amongst skateboarders and different variations of basic skateboarding tricks. The tricks are divided into groups and each group represents tricks on a different obstacle. They are divided into tricks on flat-ground, tricks on the box, tricks on the rail, tricks on the manual pad and tricks on a curved ramp. Inside each group, the tricks described follow a logical sequence, starting with easier tricks, followed by more difficult ones. For every trick described the paper also includes methodology of teaching, most common mistakes, pre-exercises and photo material. The content of this paper includes every possible variation of skateboard or/and body rotation and mastering the described basics is a strong basis for learning more difficult tricks. KAZALO 1 UVOD ..................................................................................................................................... 12 1.1 KRATKA ZGODOVINA ROLKANJA ............................................................................... 13 1.2 O ŠPORTU ROLKANJE ...................................................................................................... 19 1.2.1 ROLKARSKE DISCIPLINE ............................................................................................ 20 1.2.2 ROLKANJE KOT SUBKULTURA................................................................................... 25 1.2.3 ROLKANJE KOT ŠPORTNA REKREACIJA ..................................................................... 27 1.2.4 ROLKANJE KOT TEKMOVALNI ŠPORT ....................................................................... 27 1.2.5 ROLKA KOT PRIPOMOČEK ........................................................................................ 28 1.2.6 ROLKARSKE POVRŠINE IN OBJEKTI ........................................................................... 30 1.2.7 POJASNITEV NEKATERIH POJMOV ........................................................................... 33 1.2.8 ROLKARSKE PRVINE GLEDE NA ROTACIJO ROLKE IN/ALI TELESA NA RAVNINI ........ 35 1.2.9 ROLKARSKE PRVINE GLEDE NA OBJEKT ................................................................... 36 1.3 PREDMET IN CILJ NALOGE .............................................................................................. 37 2 METODE DELA ....................................................................................................................... 38 3. METODIKA UČENJA ROLKANJA ............................................................................................ 39 3.1 VARNOST ........................................................................................................................ 39 3.2 OSNOVNE ROLKARSKE PRVINE NA RAVNINI .................................................................. 39 3.2.1 PRVI STIK Z ROLKO – STOJA NA ROLKI ..................................................................... 39 3.2.2 OSNOVNI POLOŽAJ ................................................................................................... 42 3.2.3 PRESTAVLJANJE TEŽIŠČA NA ZADNJO NOGO ........................................................... 44 3.2.4 POGANJANJE ............................................................................................................ 45 3.2.5 ZAUSTAVLJANJE ....................................................................................................... 48 3.2.6 ZAVIJANJE ................................................................................................................. 50 3.2.7 TAPKANJE ................................................................................................................. 51 3.2.8 'OLLIE' ....................................................................................................................... 54 3.2.9 'POP SHOVE IT' ......................................................................................................... 57 3.2.10 180 SKOK ................................................................................................................ 63 3.2.11 'KICKFLIP' ................................................................................................................ 70 3.2.12 'HEELFLIP' ............................................................................................................... 74 3.3 OSNOVNE ROLKARSKE PRVINE NA MANUAL PADU ....................................................... 78 3.3.1 'MANUAL' ................................................................................................................. 78 3.3.2 'NOSE MANUAL' ....................................................................................................... 81 3.4 OSNOVNE ROLKARSKE PRVINE NA 'BOXU' ..................................................................... 84 3.4.1 '50-50' ...................................................................................................................... 84 3.4.2 '5-0' ........................................................................................................................... 88 3.4.3 'NOSEGRIND' ............................................................................................................ 92 3.4.4 'NOSESLIDE' .............................................................................................................. 96 3.5 OSNOVNE ROLKARSKE PRVINE NA CEVI ....................................................................... 102 3.5.1 'BOARDSLIDE' ......................................................................................................... 102 3.6 OSNOVNE ROLKARSKE PRVINE NA KRIVINI .................................................................. 108 3.6.1 VOŽNJA GOR IN DOL .............................................................................................. 108 3.6.2 OBRAT POD VRHOM KRIVINE ................................................................................ 112 3.6.3 'DROP IN' ................................................................................................................ 116 3.6.4 'OLLIE' SKOK V KRIVINI ........................................................................................... 119 4 SKLEP ................................................................................................................................... 122 5 VIRI....................................................................................................................................... 123 KAZALO SLIK Slika 1. Lesene deske (History of skateboarding, 2014). .......................................................... 13 Slika 2. 'Freestyle' (History of skateboarding, 2014) ...............................................................
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