
The role of volatiles in the evolution of the surface of

A thesis submitted for the Degree


Doctor of Philosophy of the University of London

by Julie Ann Cave

University of London Observatory Annexe Department of Physics & Astronomy University College London University of London


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ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 To the best mum and dad in the world.

“In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope and love; but the greatest of them all is love. ”

1 Corinthians, 13:13

2 “Education is the complete and harmonious development of all the capac­ ities with which an individual is endowed at birth; a development which requires not coercion or standardisation but guidance of the interests of every individual towards a form that shall be uniquely characteristic of him [or her].”

Albert Barnes—philanthropist

3 Acknowledgements

I would like to thank Professor John Guest for the encouragement and supervision he has given to me during the period of my thesis, and, in particular, for introducing me to the wonders of the , and for encouraging me to undertake this project in the first place. I’d also like to thank all of my contemporaries at the Annexe and at the Ob­ servatory for their company. Wyn Hughes and Gil Thornhill have been particularly supportive, and have always taken time to listen to my ramblings as my ideas formed; the late-night debriefing trips up to the ‘Three Hammers’ were particularly enjoyable! The hundreds of photographs that were used during the research, and those in the thesis itself, were all printed by Dave Rooks, whose care and professionalism is greatly appreciated. I’d also like to thank Adrian Fish for managing the ZUVAD Starlink node so well, and for his speedy help on a number of occasions. Many thanks too go to , Wyn, Gil, Ian Howarth, and Dad for proof reading, and for their helpful suggestions. Discussions with Frangois Costard and Ruslan Kuzmin were a great source of encouragement, and I am grateful for their interest and enthusiasm in this project. Thanks also to Mike Bamlett and Ed Finch for geological enlightenment in the field and the classroom. I’d also like to take this to acknowledge Helen Sandi- son, whose excellent teaching has had a great impact on me, and who first awakened, and subsequently fostered, my interest in all things geographical! I would like to thank Professor Sir Robert Wilson and the Physics and Astronomy Department for support from the Perren Studentship scheme. My fiance, David ‘Wonky’ Wonnacott has been a constant and able source of help with the idiosyncracies of DTgXand VAX and deserves a medal for his patience, understanding, and support given during the last few years. His academic advice is also gratefully acknowledged, but his love and companionship have been more valuable than I can say. His family also have my heartfelt thanks, for their help with the preparation of the colour figures, and for making me feel so welcome in their family.

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My parents have encouraged and supported my education, but, more than that, they have provided an endless supply of love, faith, and enthusiasm. It’s impossible for me to express the full extent of my love and pride for them, but I have great pleasure in dedicating this work to them, with all my love. Thanks Mum and Dad! 6

A bstract

A review of the evidence concerning the original and current budgets of Mars is presented. Previous workers have suggested that a sub-surface reservoir of ice may explain the apparent discrepancy between the two estimated budgets, but the nature, origin, distribution, importance and fate of this ice remains controversial. A thorough examination of the Elysium region has been performed to see how well the distribution of this ice layer may be understood. The distribution of all major that may have required the presence of water for their formation is described. After this initial investigation, the research concentrates on the interpretation of morphology variations, which are potentially capable of indicating the depth and concentration of sub-surface ice. A classification scheme is presented and the details of over 7000 craters are recorded. The region covers a variety of terrain types, ages, , and altitudes. The ratio of the ejecta diameter to the crater diameter, used as a indication of the ejecta mobility, is investigated as a function of each of these variables. The morphological characteristics of the craters are also examined, with an emphasis being placed on features that may be indicative of sub-surface ice. The results of the analyses are used to construct a more comprehensive account of the distribution and importance of water within the Elysium region than has yet been possible. Evidence of a widespread ground-ice of variable depth and concentration is presented. The ice-distribution is shown to be dependent upon , though its concentration varies with depth and is strongly influenced by geological considerations. Important differences have been detected in the distribution of Southern Highland and Northern Lowland ground-ice. In addition, the ice is enriched at depth in the Elysium Lavas, and nearer to the surface in deposits to the northwest of and in the Formation. This distribution suggests that several ice-emplacement mechanisms have operated on Mars, including both the enrichment of the deeper ice by juvenile water from beneath the Elysium Volcanic Province, and the redistribution to the Lowlands of a highly concentrated ice-reservoir from a great depth within the Highlands. 7 C ontents

1 Mars: The Volatile Question 20 1.1 Introduction ...... 20 1.2 The volatiles of M a rs ...... 21 1.3 Geological evidence of w a te r ...... 22 1.4 The en v iro n m en t ...... 24 1.4.1 Astronomical variations influencing the atmosphere ...... 26 1.4.2 The early martian atm osphere ...... 27 1.5 The initial water inventory of M a rs ...... 32 1.5.1 Estimates derived from the current atmospheric composition . 33 1.5.2 Geochemical calculations ...... 34 1.5.3 Geological estim ates ...... 35 1.5.4 Estimates of the initial dioxide inventory ...... 36 1.5.5 S u m m a ry ...... 39 1.6 Atmospheric loss processes and martian water sinks ...... 40 1.6.1 Impact erosion of the atmosphere ...... 40 1.6.2 Other atmospheric loss processes ...... 41 1.6.3 S u m m a ry ...... 42 1.6.4 The polar regions ...... 43 1.6.5 Chemical reactions with the regolith ...... 44 1.6.6 Ground-ice ...... 44 1.7 The search for g ro u n d -ic e ...... 45 1.7.1 The theoretical distribution of g ro u n d -ice ...... 45 1.7.2 Geological evidence of the distribution of ground-ice ...... 48

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1.8 The proposed detailed survey ...... 53 1.9 Outline of the t h e s i s ...... 54

2 The Elysium Region: general geology and water-related landforms 56 2.1 Introduction ...... 57 2.2 The location of water-related s ...... 59 2.3 Volcanic features ...... 59 2.3.1 Apollinaris P a t e r a ...... 60 2.3.2 Hecates ...... 61 2.3.3 Albor Tholus ...... 63 2.3.4 Elysium Mons ...... 63 2.3.5 Small volcanoes ...... 67 2.3.6 Explosive volcanic activity ...... 67 2.4 Channels ...... 68 2.4.1 Loire Vallis ( 234°, 2.5° S ) ...... 69 2.4.2 Al-Qahira Vallis (195°, 18° S), and Ma’adim Vallis (182°, 19° S) 69 2.4.3 (151°, 12.5° S) ...... 70 2.4.4 Other channels in the Southern Highlands ...... 73 2.4.5 The Elysium Channels ...... 76 2.4.6 Hebrus Valles (232.5°, 20° N ) ...... 78 2.4.7 Other channels in the Northern Lowlands ...... 80 2.5 The Elysium Basin ...... 81 2.6 The Highland-Lowland transition and the 87 2.7 Other features and terrain ty p e s ...... 94 2.8 Impact crater morphology ...... 98 2.9 Summary ...... 99 2.9.1 Issues raised by this study ...... 99 2.9.2 The proposed analysis of impact crater m orphology ...... 103

3 Impact Crater Morphology: Creation of the Database 105 3.1 Introduction ...... 105 3.2 Impact cratering mechanics ...... 106 10

3.2.1 The contact and compression stage ...... 106 3.2.2 The excavation stage ...... 107 3.2.3 The post-impact modification stage ...... 108 3.3 The progression of crater type with d ia m e te r ...... 108 3.4 Morphological characteristics of impact craters which may indicate sub­ surface water/ice 109 3.4.1 Fluidised ejecta ...... 109 3.4.2 Central Features ...... I l l 3.5 The classification scheme ...... 112 3.5.1 The interior of the c r a t e r ...... 114 3.5.2 The rim ...... 117 3.5.3 The inner ejecta blanket ...... 117 3.5.4 The outer ejecta blanket ...... 119 3.5.5 Geological u n it ...... 119 3.5.6 Local target nature ...... 121 3.5.7 The age of the crater ...... 121 3.5.8 The confidence facto r ...... 121 3.6 Construction of the database ...... 122 3.6.1 Crater location ...... 124 3.6.2 Altitude ...... 124 3.6.3 Distance from Elysium M ons ...... 125 3.7 Data handling ...... 125 3.8 Limitations and sources of error ...... 126 3.9 Summary: advantages and potential of this database ...... 128

4 Ejecta mobility 129 4.1 Introduction ...... 129 4.2 The use of the ratio of ejecta to crater diameter as a measure of fluidity 131 4.3 The variation of ejecta mobility with crater diam eter ...... 133 4.4 Determination of the gradients and break-points of Evs4> graphs . . . 135 4.5 The variation of Evs$ with latitude ...... 138 11

4.6 The variation of Evs$ with altitu d e ...... 143 4.6.1 Craters in various areas ...... 149 4.6.2 Evs$ characteristics of craters in the Southern Highlands and Northern Lowlands ...... 152 4.7 The variation of Evs4> with geological u n it ...... 156 4.7.1 Cratered Uplands ...... 159 4.7.2 HNu: Undivided M aterial ...... 159 4.7.3 Ridged ...... 163 4.7.4 Modified Plains ...... 163 4.7.5 Volcanic Plains ...... 164 4.7.6 Other Plains ...... 164 4.7.7 Mantling Deposits ...... 165 4.7.8 Volcanoes ...... 165 4.7.9 Channels and chaotic m aterial ...... 168 4.7.10 Summary of the geological unit results ...... 168 4.8 The variation of Evs$ with local target n a tu re ...... 169 4.8.1 Previously existing ejecta blankets ...... 169 4.8.2 Crater floors ...... 170 4.8.3 Crater rim s ...... 171 4.8.4 Channel floors ...... 171 4.8.5 Islands within channels ...... 171 4.8.6 Shallow channels ...... 171 4.8.7 Wrinkle ridges ...... 172 4.8.8 Remnants of previous surfaces ...... 172 4.8.9 Elysium Mons ...... 172 4.8.10 The postulated debris flows north-west of Elysium Mons .... 172 4.8.11 The flanks of volcanoes ...... 173 4.8.12 Postulated lava flows ...... 173 4.8.13 Summary of the target nature investigation ...... 173 4.9 The variation of Evs$ with a g e ...... 174 4.9.1 State of preservation of the impact structure ...... 174 12

4.9.2 The age of the geological u n it ...... 178 4.10 The variation of Evs$ with distance from Elysium M ons ...... 180 4.11 Summary ...... 182

5 Crater Morphology 185 5.1 Introduction ...... 185 5.2 The ejecta mobility associated with various crater morphologies .... 186 5.2.1 Central features ...... 186 5.2.2 Types of ejecta ...... 187 5.2.3 Apparent fluidity of ejecta ...... 191 5.3 The diameter-frequency distributions of various morphologies ...... 193 5.3.1 Central Features ...... 194 5.3.2 Types of ejecta ...... 194 5.3.3 Apparent fluid index ...... 197 5.3.4 Summary ...... 197 5.4 The location of craters exhibiting various morphological characteristics 197 5.4.1 Central features ...... 199 5.4.2 Types of ejecta ...... 200 5.4.3 Apparent fluid index ...... 201 5.4.4 Summary ...... 201 5.5 Analysis of the variation of crater morphology ...... 202 5.6 The variation of crater morphology with latitude ...... 205 5.6.1 Onset diam eters ...... 208 5.6.2 Summary ...... 210 5.7 The variation of crater morphology with a ltitu d e ...... 215 5.7.1 Onset diam eters ...... 217 5.7.2 Lowland, Highland and transitional craters ...... 219 5.7.3 Summary ...... 221 5.8 The variation of morphology with geological u n it ...... 222 5.8.1 Cratered Uplands ...... 228 5.8.2 Hnu: Undivided m aterial ...... 229 13

5.8.3 Ridged plains ...... 230 5.8.4 Modified Plains ...... 231 5.8.5 Volcanic Plains ...... 232 5.8.6 Other P lains ...... 233 5.8.7 Mantling D eposits ...... 234 5.8.8 Volcanic M aterials ...... 235 5.8.9 Channels and chaotic terrain ...... 237 5.9 S u m m a ry ...... 237

6 The distribution and importance of water in the Elysium region 240 6.1 Introduction ...... 240 6.2 Ejecta mobility and crater morphology studies ...... 241 6.3 Sub-surface ice in the study a re a ...... 245 6.4 Ice at depth in the Southern Highlands ...... 245 6.5 The Highland-Lowland boundary and Medusae Fossae Formation . . . 248 6.6 The Northern Lowlands ...... 249 6.7 The Modified Terrain ...... 250 6.8 Enrichment of water/ice beneath the Elysium L avas ...... 252 6.9 Wet debris flow deposits northwest of Elysium M ons ...... 253 6.10 Discussion ...... 257

7 259 7.1 Introduction ...... 259 7.2 Global im plications ...... 260 7.3 The Highland-Lowland distribution of i c e ...... 260 7.4 The latitudinal dependence, and theories of climatic evolution ...... 263 7.5 Juvenile water enrichment of the permafrost ...... 265 7.6 Further analysis of the crater database ...... 267 7.7 Future studies of the Elysium region ...... 270 7.8 Related studies outside the Elysium region ...... 271 7.9 Concluding remarks ...... 271 14

A Quadrangle location 293

B Map of the Study Region 294

C Results of ejecta mobility analyses 295

D Key to the geological map of the study region 301

£ The locations of various crater morphologies 307

F Latitudinal and altitudinal results of crater morphology analyses 313

G The database 323 List of Tables

3.1 The classification schem e ...... 115 3.2 Example classifications of craters ...... 123

4.1 Fits to latitudinal results ...... 143 4.2 Variation of crater mobility with various combinations of latitude and altitude ...... 151 4.3 The ejecta mobility characteristics of craters within various geological u n its ...... 160 4.4 The variation of ejecta mobility with crater a g e ...... 176

5.1 Ejecta versus crater diameter characteristics of craters with central fea­ tures ...... 186 5.2 Ejecta versus crater diameter characteristics of various types of ejecta 188 5.3 Ejecta versus crater diameter characteristics for ejecta of varying ap­ parent fluidity ...... 192 5.4 The distribution of craters with central features ...... 199 5.5 The distribution of various types of ejecta ...... 200 5.6 The distribution of craters with various fluid indices ...... 202 5.7 The morphological characteristics of craters in the Northern Lowlands, Southern Highlands, and transitional regions ...... 219 5.8 The variation of selected morphological characteristics with geological u n i t ...... 223 5.9 Onset diameters of selected features as a function of geological unit . . 226

C .l Evs$ results for 5° bins of latitude from 17.5° S to 4^.5° N ...... 295

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C.2 Evs$ results for 5° bins of latitude from 15° S to 35° N ...... 296 C.3 Evs$ results for 0.5km bins of altitude from —2.75 to 4-25km with reference to the martian topographic d a tu m ...... 297 C.4 Evs$ results for 0.5km bins of altitude from —2.50 to 4’00km with reference to the martian topographic d a tu m ...... 298 C.5 Evs$ results for craters at various altitudes in the Northern Lowlands, Southern Highlands, and the transitional region ...... 299 C.6 Evs$ results for craters in 250km bins from Elysium M o n s ...... 300

F .l Morphological characteristics as a function of la titu d e ...... 315 F .2 The minimum diameters at which selected features occur as a function of latitude in kilometers. The notation is similar to that given at the beginning of this appendix ...... 318 F.3 Morphological characteristics as a function of a ltitu d e ...... 319 F.4 The minimum diameters at which selected features occur as a function of altitude in kilometers. The notation is similar to that given at the beginning of this appendix ...... 322 List of Figures

2.1 The location of the study region ...... 58 2.2 and the northern flanks of Elysium M ons ...... 64 2.3 Elysium Mons and Albor T holus ...... 65 2.4 Mangala Valles and the Highland-Lowland boundary between 157° and 145° ...... 71 2.5 Complex, unnamed channel system within the Southern Highlands at 216°, 21.5° S ...... 74 2.6 Hebrus Valles (232.5°, 20° N), and part of ..... 79 2.7 Albedo markings in the Elysium B a sin ...... 82 2.8 The broad, shallow channel emanating from the Elysium Basin ....83 2.9 The continuation of the broad channel, and associated deposits .... 84 2.10 The Elysium Basin as mapped by Scott and Chapman, 1991 ...... 86 2.11 The Highland-Lowland boundary and transitional terrain between 220°and 202.5° ...... 89 2.12 The Highland-Lowland transition between longitudes 202.5°and 180° . 90 2.13 The Highland-Lowland transition between longitudes 180°and 157.5° . 92

3.1 Examples of various types of ejecta and interior morphologies ...... 118 3.2 Examples of craters of varying apparent fluidity ...... 120

4.1 The distribution of craters in the database ...... 130 4.2 Maximum ejecta diameter versus crater diameter for all craters . . . . 133 4.3 Example f i t s ...... 137 4.4 Variation of break-points and gradients with la titu d e ...... 140

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4.5 Variation of break-points and gradients with la titu d e ...... 141 4.6 The altitude of each crater in the study region ...... 145 4.7 Variation of break-points and gradients with altitude, for data in 0.5 km bins from —3.0 to +^.5 k m ...... 146 4.8 Variation of break-points and gradients with altitude, for data in 0.5 km bins from —2.75 to +$.25k m ...... 147 4.9 Ejecta versus crater diameter for Lowland and Highland craters .... 153 4.10 Variation of break-points and gradients with altitude, for craters in the Southern Highlands, Northern Lowlands and transitional regions . . . 155 4.11 Distribution of geologic u n i t s ...... 158

4.12 Graphs of ejecta versus crater diameter for units Ael\, Ael, 2, and Ael 3 167 4.13 Variation of break-points and gradients of Evs$ graphs with the relative age of the geological u n it ...... 179 4.14 Variation of break-points and gradients with distance from Elysium Monsl81

5.1 Frequency distribution of all craters as a function of diam eter ...... 193 5.2 Frequency distribution of crater diameters with different central features 195 5.3 Frequency distribution of crater diameters for various types of ejecta . 196 5.4 Frequency distribution of crater diameters as a function of varying fluid in d ex ...... 198 5.5 Variation of selected morphological characteristics with latitude . . . . 206 5.6 Onset diameters of selected morphological characteristics as a function of latitude ...... 209 5.7 Variation of selected morphological characteristics of craters of all sizes with latitude ...... 212 5.8 Variation of selected morphological characteristics of craters in the east (200-155° longitude) within selected u n its ...... 213 5.9 Variation of selected morphological characteristics with altitude . . . . 216 5.10 Onset diameters of selected morphological characteristics as a function of a ltitu d e ...... 218

6.1 Part of the Ael$ u n i t ...... 255 19

E .l The distribution of central features ...... 308 E.2 The distribution of various types of crater ejecta ...... 309 E.3 The distribution of various characteristics of crater ejecta ...... 310 E.4 The distribution of double-ejecta craters and craters with little indica­ tion of fluid emplacement 311 E.5 The distribution of craters with increasingly obvious indications of fluid emplacement ...... 312 Chapter 1

Mars: The Volatile Question

That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question, and you are on the way to a pertinent answer.

Jacob Bronowski (1908-1974)

1.1 Introduction

Despite a succession of remote probes and decades of study, much of Mars’ history remains an enigma. Early speculations on the presence of canals and the possibility of indigenous, intelligent life inspired scientists and writers alike to explore the . Spacecraft observations revealed a desert planet with an environment unable to sup­ port liquid water on its surface, let alone any life forms. However, the views afforded by 9 and the Viking spacecraft showed a planet of remarkable geological diversity. Notably, the surface is marked by many features which are thought to have required water for their formation. The question of where this water came from, and its eventual fate, is still largely open after intensive studies and yet a under­ standing of the role of water in the planet’s evolution is fundamental to unravelling the complex, intertwined histories of the and atmosphere.

20 Chapter 1 21

There axe many ways of investigating the history of water and other volatiles on Mars; an overview of the diverse, and often contradictory works, is presented in this chapter, providing an introduction to this research. The chapter highlights the ev­ idence that significant quantities of water were present as ground ice, and suggests that a detailed understanding of the temporal and spatial distribution of this water reservoir is needed. A detailed morphological survey of surface features in the Elysium region, particularly its impact craters, is proposed to constrain further the distribu­ tion, importance, origin and fate of martian water, in order that we may move closer to answering the volatile question.

1.2 The volatiles of Mars

The word volatile is defined as ‘evaporating quickly, lively, fickle, changeable’ (Oxford English Dictionary). In the context of planetary studies it denotes a substance that may easily change physical state and is likely to be found in liquid or gaseous form. Substances that are volatile in geological situations are capable of greatly influencing the processes that shape a planet’s surface, as well as contributing to its atmosphere. The volatiles that are expected to play major roles in the martian environment are and water. This work will concentrate on the influence of water on surface geology, since it is the most likely candidate to explain a variety of landforms (Murray and Malin, 1973; Coradini and Flamini, 1979). The has revealed an interesting paradox; the thin carbon dioxide atmosphere and an apparent lack of water seem inconsistent with the wealth of geological evidence for an abundance of water at some stage in the planet’s history. The landforms that are thought to be indicative of the influence of water axe briefly discussed below, and the following sections discuss studies that have been carried out attempting to reconcile the initially conflicting observations. Chapter 1 22

1.3 Geological evidence of water

Early spacecraft observations indicated an old, lifeless, heavily cratered terrain simi­ lar to that of the Moon. The images returned from the mission revealed widespread evidence for the modification of surface features (McCauley et al., 1972; , 1973; Masursky, 1973). Large channels were seen, many of which were remark­ ably similar to terrestrial stream, river and flood features. The presence of channels provided strong evidence that water flowed on the martian surface at some point in its history (Carr, 1981; Baker, 1982). The channels’ morphologies vary enormously, with those that exhibit the clearest indication of fluvial origins being the and systems as described by Sharp and Malin (1975). Analysis of the later Viking Orbiters’ data further substantiated a fluvial origin for the larger channels and the requirement of water in the formation of the older valley systems (Baker, 1982). The surface of Mars has landforms that indicate the previous presence of both water and ice. The channels mentioned above were quite obviously carved by a fluid, presumed to be water. Recently there has been a lot of attention aimed at the verification of postulated ephemeral on Mars (Squyres, 1989; De Hon, 1991). Localised layered deposits have been interpreted as having been laid down in standing water bodies. Such lacustrine deposition may have taken place in water covered by thick ice. The possibility of an early martian sea has also recently been seriously examined. Baker et al. (1990) presented a model whereby vast, episodic discharges of water from a zone of fractures surrounding the Bulge could have resulted in the existence of a northern ocean, covering up to 25% of the planet, during early time. Indications of ice at the surface of Mars come from several sources. The presence of polar ice caps (section 1.6.4) demonstrates that water can exist in its frozen form at high latitudes. Carbon dioxide also starts to freeze in these conditions but during the northern summer the seasonal CO 2 ice cap evaporates, revealing a remnant water-ice cap. Ice may have once been stable in other areas on Mars; in places valleys are seen that appear to have been occupied by rocky glaciers (Squyres, 1978). The valleys have Chapter 1 23

steep sides and, where they join, patterns that may be analogous to medial moraines are present. In addition, several authors have detailed landforms that may have resulted from previous glaciations (Kargel and Strom, 1990). Features resembling terrestrial aretes, cirques, eskers, kettles and outwash plains southwards of 45° S are suggestive of the final ablation of an ice sheet. The martian topography becomes subdued towards the high latitudes and this has been attributed to the relaxation of surface features owing to the presence of near-surface ice. Many landforms may have formed as a result of a change in the physical state of water. The ‘chaotic terrain’ as described by Sharp (1973) is thought to be the result of the removal of sub-surface ice reservoirs, perhaps by melting, causing the overlying terrain to collapse into irregular blocks. On a less grand but possibly more extensive scale are the numerous features of the surface that have been interpreted as thermokarst (Gatto and Anderson, 1975, Carr and Schaber, 1977). Irregular de­ pressions and scalloped scarps may be the result of local thawing of near-surface ice reservoirs. Possible periglacial landforms, such as polygons and stripes, have been noted within areas of patterned ground (Carr and Schaber, 1977). Several of the above landforms may be the result of a combination of the action of ice and water, and it is often difficult to isolate the dominant agent. There are also many landforms whose characteristics may have arisen as a result of either ice or water. Many of Mars’ craters have morphologies that appear to indicate some degree of flow of their ejecta during or immediately following their formation (Carr et al., 1977b). This flow may be the result of the incorporation of volatiles into the ejecta as they were emplaced. It is not clear what state the volatiles were in, since it is possible that ice, water or even atmospheric volatiles could influence ejecta emplacement. In common with lunar craters, many martian craters possess central uplift features, but, unlike their lunar counterparts, several martian craters have central depressions (, 1976). Both the flow-like ejecta and the central depressions, or pits, have been cited as evidence that volatiles played an important part in the formation of many martian craters. Such craters are widespread on the planet, indicating an extensive distribution of volatiles (Allen, 1979b; Mouginis-Mark, 1979). Certain types of may also indicate the previous presence of water at or Chapter 1 24

near the surface. The majority of martian volcanism appears to be basaltic and fluid in nature yet some edifices bear witness to different forms of activity (, 1988). Some of the steeper constructs that have been detected could be explained in terms of more viscous , but several constructs exhibit features that probably resulted from explosive activity. This explosive activity may have been due to less fluid magma, with sufficient dissolved volatile content to cause rapid expansion and disruption of the magma as pressure decreased on nearing the surface. Alternatively, many of the features may be the manifestations of interactions between magma and surface or sub-surface water (Colgate and Sigurgeirsson, 1973; Allen, 1979b). It is difficult to distinguish whether the responsible agent was in liquid or solid form before the events, since the initial tendency for such interactions would be for the heat to melt any ice. Thus, on the basis of geologic data, there is a general view of a martian surface that has been greatly modified due to the presence of water. Atmospheric conditions will largely dictate the stability and probable location of near-surface water, so it is important to see how this information correlates with observations of the martian atmosphere.

1.4 The martian environment

The martian atmosphere is predominantly CO 2, with smaller amounts of , and other constituents. In terms of the number of molecules, the constituents are as follows: 95.3% C 0 2, 2.7%N2, 1.6% Ar, 0.13% 0 2, 0.07% CO, and 0.03%H20 (Owen et al., 1977). The abundance of water vapour varies considerably, according to latitude and altitude (Farmer and Dorns, 1979). The triple point of water lies at T = 273 K and P = 6.1 mbar. As a consequence liq­ uid water cannot be present for partial H20 pressures of less than 6.1 mbar. Since wa­ ter partial pressures currently do not reach 0.66 mbar, water can exist only as vapour or ice, according to the temperature (Ingersoll, 1970). Under martian pressures, water and carbon dioxide condense at temperatures of 190 K and 150 K respectively (En- crenaz et al., 1989). Polewards of about 45° latitude sub-surface ice could persist all year. Chapter 1 25

Owing to the high obliquity and eccentricity of Mars, the martian year (669 mar- tian days), is divided into distinct seasons, of unequal length. Southern winters are longer and colder than those in the north, and so the southern ice cap is the larger of the two. Daily variations in the surface temperatures are considerable, with a range of up to 50° C between day and night at the Viking Lander sites. The temperature may drop below* 120° C at the winter southern pole, and may reach 0° C near the equator in summer. The atmosphere is much more tenuous than the Earth’s, having an average surface pressure of only 8 mbar. Owing to the low pressures, ice will sublime, and it is therefore unstable everywhere except close to the poles. The average surface pressure varies due to the considerable amount of carbon dioxide that condenses on to the poles in winter (Hess et al., 1979). The southern summers are shorter and hotter than their northern counterparts, resulting in more-complete sublimation of the cap. The variation in the amount of carbon dioxide incorporated in the southern cap therefore dominates the seasonal pressure variations, so that the atmospheric pressure is minimised when the southern cap is at its greatest extent. The local atmospheric pressure is highly dependent upon elevation; the atmo­ spheric scale height* of Mars is close to 8 km (Seiff and Kirk, 1977) and the surface elevation varies over a range of 31km. Winds of up to several tens of m/s are common, and storms may raise large quantities of high into the atmosphere. The dust storms often occur when the planet reaches perihelion (due to the increased energy input); they originate in the , and may engulf much of the planet. The martian atmosphere is not static. Its characteristics vary in response to a mixture of astronomical and evolutionary factors. As will be seen in the following sections, these variations mean that the atmosphere may alter significantly with time from its present state. In particular, the possibility of a radically different earlier atmosphere must be considered in the interpretation of the planet’s geological history.

*The scale height, r of an atmosphere is the vertical distance over which pressure decreases by 1/e: P(/») = - h /r, where Po is the surface pressure. Chapter 1 26

1.4.1 Astronomical variations influencing the atmosphere

The common factor of the following list of influences on the martian atmosphere is that they are external to the planet itself. The associated climatic responses axe all direct or indirect consequences of variations in the solar radiation input, which greatly influences the energy budget of the atmospheric system. An influential factor in the evolution of all of the terrestrial planets’ atmospheres is the varying luminosity of the sun, which affects the radiation input. It has been estimated that the initial solar luminosity was 25-30 % below its present value (Gough 1981). Recently, however, Willson et al. (1987) have suggested that significant mass loss has occurred during the Sun’s -Sequence lifetime so making the early Sun brighter. Many models of the formation and development of planetary atmospheres include estimates of the Sun’s luminosity, hence the uncertainty in this parameter may to errors in atmospheric predictions. The is further subject to astronomically related variations due to oscillations in the eccentricity of its orbit and axial obliquity plus the continuous precession of the axial direction about the normal of the orbit. Mars has a highly eccentric orbit, with e = 0.093, with a quasi-periodic variation between 0.0 and 0.14 (Ward, 1974). At times of maximum eccentricity, and at perihelion, the insolation can be 35% higher than the average value. The obliquity varies by ± 13° about the mean value of 25°. et al. (1973) suggested that dramatic climatic changes due to a superposition of variations in Mars’ orbital parameters and the solar luminosity would have allowed liquid water to be stable on the surface. Their conclusion assumes that there is sufficient CO 2 permafrost present in the polar caps and the layered terrain to boost atmospheric surface pressure to 1 bar. This would require large amounts of clathrate permafrost, which is inconsistent with measurements of atmospheric temperatures (Coradini and Fla,mini, 1979). Murray and Malin (1973) noted that the temperature is low enough to retain frozen CO 2 only under the polar caps. Ward (1974) presented detailed calculations of insolation variations resulting from changes in the eccentricity and obliquity. He concluded that obliquity variations Chapter 1 27

cause seasonal north-south asymmetries in the daily insolation, and a substantial redistribution of yearly insolation. The eccentricity variations were found to influence only the total insolation received at each given latitude. Ward et al., (1974) suggested that the mean temperature of Mars varies periodically and may be at least 20° higher than average for long periods of time; this would raise the temperature to close to, or above, the water-ice melting point. The depth to which temperature fluctuations would penetrate in the regolith is of great importance, influencing the amount of water that could potentially be released from an ice-rich permafrost. Fanale and Cannon (1974) estimated that a temperature rise of about 25° could affect the upper 300 m. and Toon (1982) reviewed the importance of climate variations, emphasis­ ing the modification of seasonal dust, water and CO 2 cycles by astronomical cycles. They suggested that, at times of low obliquity, permanent CO 2 ice caps form; atmo­ spheric pressure decreases sharply, dust storms are rare, and H 2O is deposited on the poles. By contrast, at periods of high obliquity, there are no perennial CO 2 ice caps, water is pumped out of the polar regions, and the loading of dust in the atmosphere increases. Eccentricity variations and axial precession will greatly modify the climate at times of intermediate axial obliquity.

1.4.2 The early martian atmosphere

In a review of the climatic evolution of the terrestrial planets, Kasting and Toon (1989) detail the theory that Mars previously had a relatively warm, dense, CO 2 atmosphere, which it gradually lost because it was too small to continue recycling rocks. The large outflow channels provide persuasive evidence that it was possible, at the time of their formation, for liquid water to exist and flow for considerable distances across the martian surface. This could then point to there having been a more dense atmosphere in previous times. The matter is more complicated than this, since, as pointed out by Baker (1978), and Sagan (1979) and others, such channels could result from the rapid release of near-surface water even under present climatic conditions. It should also be noted that the outflow channels were formed compara­ tively late in the evolution of the surface, which would place further constraints on Chapter 1 28

the mechanisms required to account for the rapid loss of such a dense atmosphere (section 1.6). It is harder, however, to discount the evidence for a previously denser atmosphere presented by the occurrence of valley networks in large areas of the old cratered terrain in the Southern Highlands. These valley systems are morphologically different to the outflow channels; their dimensions are much smaller and they possess tributaries that quite closely resemble terrestrial drainage systems. Initially, this resemblance suggested a similar origin (Pieri, 1980; Baker, 1982). The majority of these features now appear to be due to the sapping of near-surface water, though some may have formed as a result of precipitation and runoff (Squyres, 1984). Whilst the runoff mechanism would clearly suggest a much wetter environment, even the sapping process would require the presence of sub-surface liquid water at shallow depths; this also implies that surface temperatures were previously much warmer (Pollack, 1991). If such an atmosphere existed in early martian history it is possible that there was an active hydrological cycle at this time. It has been suggested that lakes may have once been present on the surface. Thick layers of deposits exposed in the sides of the have been interpreted as deposited in a standing liquid water environment (McCauley, 1978; Carr, 1981; Lucchitta, 1981). Squyres (1989) reviewed this and other hypotheses for their origin, and concluded that a subaqueous deposition best accounts for their charac­ teristics, location and stratigraphic position. Smaller lakes may have existed in other areas, particularly in the old, cratered terrains. In places, ancient valley networks enter shallow depressions where significant aqueous sedimentation may have occurred contemporaneously with the valley system formation (Squyres, 1989). If the martian atmosphere were previously much warmer and denser, small lakes could have persisted for some time. Under less clement conditions, any such water bodies would freeze. Studies of ice covered lakes in Antarctica (for example, McKay et al., 1985; Clow et al., 1988) have facilitated the understanding of the energy budgets of such systems. The lakes in Antarctica are covered by ice which is 3-5 m thick (Squyres 1989). Assuming the surface properties of martian ice to be the same as the terrestrial examples, and neglecting geothermal heat, Squyres (1989) presented ice Chapter 1 29

thickness estimates for three simplified martian climatic conditions, demonstrating that, under present conditions, water bodies would have to be very deep to remain partly liquid. If the early ocean existed, this would have greatly influenced the atmosphere. If the northern plains were flooded with relatively warm water, the CO 2 of the north polar cap would have vaporized (Baker et al., 1990). This additional CO 2, together with water evaporating from the ocean, would have caused enhanced greenhouse heating of the atmosphere. Additional evidence for a previously more dense atmosphere is provided by studies of the impact cratering record. Chapman (1974) demonstrated that there has been at least one period of enhanced erosion of craters. Baker et al. (1990) suggested that this may have been the consequence of enhanced fluvial, glacial and eolian activity due to an atmosphere partly enriched by water derived from the postulated ocean. The valley networks of the Southern Highlands display a wide range of states of preservation, which implies that conditions on early Mars may have differed considerably from those of the present (Baker and Partridge, 1986). There is, therefore, significant geological evidence pointing towards a previously more dense atmosphere. Carr (1986) suggests that this early dense atmosphere did not persist long after the decline in impact rates. The majority of the valley networks were in existence shortly after the end of the period of heavy bombardment (Pieri, 1980; Carr and Clow, 1981). Also, Mars has had low erosion rates for most of its history (Arvidson et al., 1979), with crater in-filling rates similar to those of the Moon (Carr, 1981). Further evidence of previous water inventories may be obtained from theoretical considerations of the expected development of a planet’s atmosphere and from esti­ mates of the amounts of volatiles outgassed. There are several ways by which the initial volatile inventory of Mars may be estimated, and these are summarized below. To a greater or lesser extent, all of them depend upon several assumptions that have to be made concerning the formation and initial state of the planet. The currently popular view of the formation of the Sun and the Solar System is that they condensed from the gas and grains of the Solar Nebula (Boss et al., 1989). Chapter 1 30

Thus the original matter of all of the planets and their atmospheres came from the gases and grains in the pre-nebula interstellar clouds. The distribution of volatiles is thought to have been determined by complex interactions between chemical, physical and dynamical processes in the Solar Nebula. Prinn and Fegley (1989) summarise the various existing models that relate the characteristics of the gases and grains as a function of time and distance from the Sun. Volatiles were distributed unevenly throughout the early Solar System. The initial volatile allocation of each planet was largely set by events early on in the formation of the Solar System and their total inventories have since been modified as the in­ dividual planets evolved. On Earth, non-radiogenic rare gases are largely depleted relative to the other, chemically reactive volatiles (e.g., Brown 1949) and this has led to the generally accepted hypothesis that volatiles on Earth, Mars and Venus did not originate principally from Solar Nebula gas, but are secondary. Pepin and Signer (1965) came to a similar conclusion, noting that the inert gases in planetary atmospheres and those obtained upon heating gas-bearing differ from the Sun’s abundances. Rather than the planets’ volatiles being accreted directly from the remnant gaseous components of the Nebula, it appears that chemical and physical processes were responsible for retaining volatiles in solid grains. These were then either accreted essentially homogeneously with the bulk of the material that formed the planets, or they joined the planets in an inhomogeneous fashion towards the end of their accretion. The distribution of the various volatile-bearing grains was highly dependent upon the radial temperature gradient in the Solar Nebula, and estimates have been made of the likely initial inventories of planets that formed at the various distances from the Sun. Prinn and Fegley (1989) presume complete chemical equi­ librium and degassing of volatiles to predict the maximum volatile inventory of the terrestrial planets that could have been contributed by equilibrium processes. Their equilibrium models predict that hydrated phases became thermodynamically stable only in the coolest regions of the Solar Nebula, at distances of greater than one As­ tronomical Unit. According to this model, Mars is predicted to have accreted even more of the hydrated than the Earth, and hence to be more water-rich. This supports earlier work (Lewis, 1974) which showed that, unlike the Earth, Mars formed Chapter 1 31

well within the stability field of the hydrous tremolite. Ringwood (1978) also suggested that Mars is more volatile-rich than the Earth after considering that the difference in the densities of the two planets could result from Mars being more highly oxidised. According to the ‘planetesimal hypothesis’ (defined by Safronov (1969), based on , 1957), the terrestrial planets accreted largely from rocky grains in the Solar Nebula, with their atmospheres subsequently forming by heating, outgassing and reprocessing of the volatile constituents. Later additions of ice to the atmospheres of the inner planets may have come from comets. Several models have been developed that predict that the terrestrial planets’ at­ mospheres formed as a result of prolonged outgassing of their interiors. These assume that radiogenic heating and gravitational energy release during core formation pro­ vided vast amounts of thermal energy; the thermal energy released resulted in exten­ sive magmatism and outgassing (Lubimova, 1958; McDonald, 1959). This concept of atmospheres forming as a result of outgassing, and hence after the formation of the planet itself, has since been modified; it is now thought possible that the terrestrial atmospheres began to form at the stage of planetary accretion. Ahrens et al. (1989) considered the effectiveness of the impact of volatile-rich planetesimals in generating early water-rich atmospheres due to impact volatization of their components. This followed work by Jakosky and Ahrens (1979), who studied the reaction and subse­ quent burial of impact-released water with surface silicates, and by and Ahrens (1982) who postulated the formation of early water-rich, impact generated terrestrial atmospheres, based on shockwave and thermochemical data. Abe and Matsui (1985) suggested that water and perhaps dust generated by these impacts would greatly alter the thermal characteristics of the surface of the proto-planet. They suggested that intensive bombardment -elf water-rich planetesimals could lead to the condition of thermal blanketing, whereby the solar radiation incident on the upper atmosphere is completely scattered and absorbed by greenhouse gases, water and dust. They con­ cluded that such a warming effect, much stronger than the greenhouse effect alone, could raise surface temperatures above the solidus of basaltic rocks, leading to the formation of a magma ocean and a steam atmosphere. Chapter 1 32

Whilst the concept of the formation of the planets by accretion is widely accepted, there is still much debate as to whether the accretion was homogeneous or heteroge­ neous, i.e., did the composition of the accreting material vary with time? Proponents of the ‘heterogeneous accretion’ models indicate that the Earth’s upper mantle was accreted as a late volatile-rich addition, with the crust and hydrosphere arising from differentiation. The alternative ‘homogeneous accretion’ scenarios evoke settling and segregation of the core long after the end of the accretion of the planet. The nature of the accretion has important ramifications for the thermal and volatile histories of the planets, and much more work is required, both in theoretical modelling and geological observations, to understand further the early history of Mars. Lebrofsky et al. (1989) summarised the current understanding of the compositions of the various types of . Spectroscopic and density analyses have led them to suspect that the majority of them contain an amount of volatiles, including water (in the form of hydrated minerals). The evidence for a period of heavy bombardment of the terrestrial planets, together with studies of the orbits of thousands of asteroids, has suggested that the present asteroids are the remnants of a much larger early population, which became depleted due to collisions. The impact of asteroids and other debris early on in the history of the Solar System therefore potentially added extra volatiles to the martian atmosphere. Impacts of large bodies could conversely result in the depletion of the existing atmosphere (section 1.6). It is not possible to estimate the volatile inventories that could have been delivered to Mars by impact at this stage.

1.5 The initial water inventory of Mars

Several means by which the total inventories of outgassed water may be calculated have been developed. It is possible to estimate the outgassed volatiles from analyses of the present atmospheric constituents, by reconstructing the histories of certain . Alternatively, estimates may be derived from geochemical models of the condensation and outgassing of the planet. Some methods combine both geochemical models and current atmosphere analyses to consider the initial bulk water content Chapter 1 33

of the planet and the outgassing efficiency. Lastly, estimates have been made after consideration of the surface features on Mars, by calculating the amount of water required for their formation.

1.5.1 Estimates derived from the current atmospheric composition

One way to estimate the volatile inventory of a planet is to study the chemical and isotopic composition of the present atmosphere. According to Walker (1977) there is a general consensus that H 2 0 :C02:Ar ratios are comparable on the Earth and Mars and among the Cl carbonaceous chondritic meteorites. The Soviet Mars 6 lander discovered large amounts of argon in the atmosphere. Calculations by Istomin and Grechnev (1976) indicated a substantial outgassing of water, based on an Earth-like H 2 0 /Ar ratio, equivalent to a 1km planet wide layer of water (105g cm-3 ). Viking Lander data, however, indicated an argon concentration of only 1.6%, and this led Owen and Biemann (1976) to estimate a far lower water outgassing of 103gcm -3 . Anders and Owen (1977) assumed that the martian volatiles were supplied by a late accretion of C3V-like carbonaceous chondrite material. They used estimates of the global potassium abundance and Viking measurements of the amount of 40Ar in the atmosphere to infer that about 10% of the 40Ar had been degassed. This value was then used as a degassing factor for 36Ar, together with the relative volatile abundance of C3V chondrites to estimate the global inventory of C, N and H. The low values obtained in this way led them to estimate correspondingly low volatile inventories, and they concluded that an equivalent depth of only 6 m of water had been released. The validity of all argon-based outgassing estimates was thrown into question by Pioneer results which showed unexpectedly large amounts of argon in the venusian atmosphere (Hoffman et al., 1980). The non-radiogenic argon and were found to be enhanced by two orders of magnitude on Venus, despite the inventories of volatiles such as C and N being very similar to Earth’s. Therefore the assumption of a constant ratio of noble gas volatiles and other volatiles on the terrestrial planets has been shown to be incorrect. It appears that the non-radiogenic rare gases acted independently of other volatiles during the formation of the planets (Pollack and Black, 1979). While Chapter 1 34

the rare gases are found in a constant ratio to each other, their relative proportion to other volatiles varies considerably. The observed variations in the 36A r/14N ratio between the planets means th a t36Ar can not be used as an indication of the abundance of any volatile, other than rare gases. McElroy et al. (1977) calculated the amount of nitrogen that must have escaped in order to produce the observed enrichment of martian 15 N relative to 14N as compared with Earth. They calculated that an initial amount of nitrogen equivalent to over 1.3mbar would be required to account for the present fractionation, possibly between 20 and 50mbar. Assuming that the martian and terrestrial H/N ratios were identical, they calculated that at least 3 x 10-5 gm of water outgassed per gram of the planet; an amount equivalent to a planetwide depth of 120 m. They also note that there is no significant enrichment of 18O, and attribute this to a large reservoir of , probably mostly water, near the surface. Yung and McElroy (1979) considered other possible sinks of nitrogen in their calculations and concluded that up to lOOmbar of nitrogen, 10 bar of CO 2 and 0.5 km of water may have outgassed. Pollack and Black (1979) assumed that the rare gas content of an atmosphere reflects the local nebula gas pressure, while the other volatile abundances are de­ termined by the outgassing efficiency of the planet in question. Their model of the observed atmospheric abundances indicated a considerably lower nebular gas pressure and outgassing efficiency for Mars, compared with those for Earth. This led them to estimate that 1-3 bars of CO 2 and 80-160 m of water outgassed. Owen et al. (1988) found that martian water vapour is 5 to 6 times more enriched in deuterium than terrestrial atmospheric water. This enrichment may be a consequence of a massive early loss of water from the planet (Owen et al., 1988) or of the presence of a very small reservoir that has exchanged with the atmosphere during the martian history.

1.5.2 Geochemical calculations

Anders and Owen (1977) analysed the elemental abundances of meteorites to provide a base for the . They used the abundance of 36Ar detected in the martian atmosphere as a guide to the efficiency of outgassing, i.e., the proportion of Chapter 1 35

the planet’s total inventory of a constituent that has been released. This yielded an efficiency of 0.27 times that of the Earth. Anders and Owen calculated that 140mbar of carbon dioxide and 9 m of water were released. Again, this model is unreliable because of the venusian observations of 36Ar (Pollack and Black, 1979). An alternative method was used by Dreibus and Wanke (1987), based on the solubility of H 2O and HC1 in basaltic melts. By assuming that no atmosphere or hydrosphere existed at the end of Mars’ accretion, and that the solubility of H 2O and HC1 is proportional to the square root of pressure, they calculated that the concentration of H 2O in the martian mantle was 36ppm. If all of this were to be released it would result in a planetwide water depth of 130m. Since a 100% outgassing efficiency is unlikely, the authors presented this estimate as an upper limit. A special class of achondritesjthe SNC meteorites, have been interpreted as origi­ nating from Mars (Wasson and Wetherill, 1979 for example). Gases trapped in these meteorites,and element and ratios, strongly resemble the martian atmosphere (Bogaxd and Johnson, 1983). The low crystalization ages of the meteorites have sup­ ported a martian origin (Nyquist et al., 1979; Jagoutz and Wanke, 1986). Dreibus and Wanke (1989), using the composition of SNC meteorites to represent that of Mars, have calculated a similar water inventory for the planet as determined by Dreibus and Wanke (1987). Owing to the high probability of terrestrial contamination, direct Oy measurements of the bulk water content of (chondrites can not be used to estimate the martian inventory, and instead the enrichment of Shergotty is used in the calculation.

1.5.3 Geological estimates

Attempts have been made to determine the amount of water present at the surface, independently of geochemical models, by considering the geological evidence (Fanale, 1976; Rossbacher and Judson, 1981; Carr, 1981, 1986). It is difficult to obtain any great degree of accuracy by these methods, particularly for large potential sinks, and exchange of water between the reservoirs complicates matters. Carr (1986), by assuming that the volume of water required is at least that of the eroded feature, estimated that over 5 x 10 6 km3 of water was required to carve Chapter 1 36

the circum-Chryse channels. This conservative estimate translates to a planetwide equivalent layer of 35 m. By estimating the area that this water was drained from, and assuming that the water content of the megaregolith in this region is representative of the planet, he concluded that the equivalent of a minimum of a 350 m water layer was contained deep in the regolith before the outflow channels formed. He suggested that the total inventory of unbound water was at least 425-475 m. Furthermore, he suggested that much of this water remains in the cratered uplands, at high latitudes and mainly at a depth of over 1 km in the megaregolith.

1.5.4 Estimates of the initial carbon dioxide inventory

Though this thesis is primarily concerned with the detection and interpretation of sub-surface water on Mars, it is pertinent to consider the amount of carbon dioxide in the martian environment. The primary reason for this is that the presence of a more dense carbon dioxide atmosphere would greatly affect the near-surface environment; as a greenhouse gas it would raise the ambient temperature, as well as influencing the stability of water. Although the geologic record indicates that water may have previously been stable on the surface, it does not necessarily follow that the average surface temperature was above the freezing point, as there may have just been localised stability where the features are observed. Taking into account these factors, and considering that the insolation at equatorial regions could be 40% greater than the planetary average, Pollack et al. (1987) calculate that the pressure of carbon dioxide required to raise some localities above freezing ranges from 1 bar to 5 bar (depending on the level of insolation). Several authors have investigated the effects that greatly increased amounts of CO2 in the martian atmosphere would have had on surface conditions (Pollack, 1979; Postawko and Kuhn, 1986). Pollack et al. (1987) calculated that 2 bar of CO 2 pressure would elevate the surface temperature above the freezing point of water. As the con­ centration of CO 2 increase^ however, there is an associated increase in the planetary albedo due to the diffuse reflection resulting from Rayleigh scattering (Cess et al., 1980). This results in a negative feedback on the surface temperature, and therefore acts to increase the amount of CO 2 that is required to raise surface temperatures. Chapter 1 37

When considering the effect of more CO 2 in the early martian atmosphere, several factors have to be taken into account, including the lower Solar flux and the orbital eccentricities of the planet. Estimates of the amounts of CO 2 outgassed have ranged from 0.1 to several bars (Pollack and Yung (1980), and references therein). Many of these early calculations were based on scaling the terrestrial CO 2 inventory by the ratio of various rare gases in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars. This method is suspect, since rare gases may have been added or enhanced by mechanisms that did not similarly affect the volatiles (Hunten et al., 1987). Alternatively, McElroy et al. (1977), predicted a total CO2 inventory of approximately 1.5 bar, based on nitrogen abundances. Again, there are several possibly erroneous assumptions inherent in their method, including the presumption that N 2/CO 2 is the same for Earth and Mars. Another method utilised by Pollack et al. (1987) is to scale the terrestrial inventory by the relative masses of the two planets, whilst taking into account the surface area and gravity differences. Their studies yielded a total CO 2 inventory of about lObar. Sources of possible error in this estimate arise from the lack of consideration of carbon availability and the effectiveness of outgassing. Thus, whilst there is a great amount of uncertainty in the theoretical calculations of the initial amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere, it would appear plausible that the total CO 2 present in the atmosphere was once considerably greater than the present inventory. As with the water, where could the vast amounts of CO 2 have gone? It is difficult to postulate on the very early distribution of CO 2 in the martian environment since the initial state of both the atmosphere and the surface are still a matter of debate. On Earth a considerable proportion of the outgassed CO 2 is in the form of carbonate rocks. The possibility of an early martian ocean has to be considered as it would influence carbonate formation. Carr (1986) estimates that there may have been a primitive ocean 0.5 to 1km in depth, based on studies of that martian geomorphology. Pollack et al. (1987) assumedj[the pH of such an ocean would have been low and suggested that its total dissolved CO 2 content would have been less than the contemporaneous atmospheric inventory. If carbonate rocks formed in these early stages of the planet’s development they could have removed a considerable Chapter 1 38

amount of CO 2 from the atmosphere, but they would have been constantly recycled. It is unlikely that early recycling of rocks was due to plate tectonic activity; rather it is suggested that the recycling mechanism involved burial by volcanic flows and subsequent metamorphism. oL Geological evidence^and theoretical arguments for initially effective recycling of carbonate rocks give credence to the possibility of an early, dense, warm atmosphere. If such an atmosphere existed, then what happened to it? The planet has not had such an atmosphere for billions of years (Kasting and Toon, 1989). An important difference between Earth and Mars is the apparent absence of plate-tectonic activity on the latter. Terrestrial plate-tectonic activity provides a long-term (recycling mecha- nism ofjhvealhered rocks, allowing carbon dioxide previously incorporated in the rocks to be released. It is unlikely that developed on Mars. There is a lack of geological evidence of the surface manifestations of such a process, and theoretical considerations provide feasible justifications of why plate-tectonic processes are ab­ sent. Davis and Arvidson (1981) estimated that the planet has a smaller internal heat flow than the Earth, and suggested that this is related to the lack of plate tectonics. They further suggested that the early heat flux was significantly higher due to an ini­ tially faster rate of heating by decay of radioactive elements, and also due to residual heat from accretion and core formation. They estimate that this heat flux could have been up to three times the present terrestrial flux, and therefore Mars could have initially experienced rapid resurfacing and recycling of carbonate rocks. Since Maxs is almost half the size of Earth, it would have cooled more rapidly than the Earth due to its larger surface-to-volume ratio. Thus any initial warm period would have been rapidly curtailed by the cooling of the planet, with the resultant retardation of recycling mechanisms. Carr (1986) noted that the runoff/sapping valleys are strictly confined to ancient terrain, indicating that the conditions conducive to the formation of these valleys declined soon after the end of the period of heavy bombardment, roughly 3.8 Gyr ago. There are several feasible ways by which the initial excess of CO 2 could have be­ come fixed as carbonate. Huguenin (1976) suggested that, even under present climatic conditions, CO 2 could be removed from the atmosphere though photo-stimulated re­ Chapter 1 39

actions with surface rocks. Booth and Kieffer (1978) have, however, questioned this. As pointed out by Kahn (1985), removal of CO 2 is enhanced by moist conditions. If a 1-3 bar CO 2 atmosphere was present, water would be stable on the surface and the formation of carbonate would occur easily. Under such conditions Fanale et al. (1982) calculated that 1 bar of CO 2 could be removed every 10 7 years. The process would be particularly effective during the heavy bombardment period during which fresh ma­ terial would be continuously exposed. Carr (1986) suggests that an equilibrium could have been reached between outgassing and removal rates due to the dependence of carbonate formation on water stability. Eventually, as the outgassing rate decreased, the CO 2 pressure would have declined rapidly, and carbonate formation would also slow down. Volcanism became concentrated into regional rather than global activity as the geothermal heat flux decreased and, as the impact rate declined towards the end of the period of heavy bombardment, the recycling of may have become ineffective (Pollack, 1991). Pollack emphasised that the atmosphere at this time was probably considerably more substantial than it is today. Adsorption onto the regolith may have removed up to a few hundred millibars (Fanale et al., 1982), but this may not be sufficient to account for the possible loss. Kahn (1985) has suggested that carbonate formation continued in more recent times due to the occasional occurrence of ‘metastable’ water on the surface. The general trend of an atmosphere losing carbon dioxide and cooling could have been occasionally disturbed by warmer periods due to episodic volcanism, perhaps in combination with orbital variations and the evolution of the Sun (Toon et al., 1980). As the atmospheric temperatures declined, water would also have been trapped in the regolith as ice or in hydrated minerals. Alternatively, Stephens and Stevenson (1990) have suggested that ‘dry’ carbonate formation (from CO2 and H 2O vapours) may have removed substantial amounts of CO 2 from the martian environment.

1.5.5 Summary

The methods detailed above have provided a range of estimates of the initial volatile inventory of the planet. Although they vary considerably, the general consensus ap­ Chapter 1 40

pears to be that the atmosphere has lost substantial amounts of its volatiles since its formation. In particular, theoretical calculations and geological observations are consistent with a previously much more water-rich near-surface environment. An en­ vironment in which water was stable on the surface of Mars could have existed if there was a denser, warmer atmosphere. Further work is required to verify and evaluate the presence of carbonate minerals on Mars as suggested by SNC analyses (Gooding et al., 1988) and spectral evidence (e.g., Pollack et al., 1990). This thesis will concentrate on the problem of accounting for the discrepancy between the current martian water budget and that which may have outgassed, and the implications this has had for the evolution of the planet’s surface.

1.6 Atmospheric loss processes and martian water sinks

There are two possible directions in which the ‘missing’ water could have gone—into or onto the planet itself, or off into space. The main processes relevant to the inferred loss of martian water vapour are discussed in this section. The various atmospheric mechanisms whereby constituents may be lost to space are detailed first, followed by the candidate volatile reservoirs of the planet itself, other than its atmosphere.

1.6.1 Impact erosion of the atmosphere

Whilst impacts of small, volatile-rich bodies potentially contribute to the atmosphere, high-velocity impacts of large bodies may result in the hydrodynamic ejection of part of the local atmosphere (particularly the lighter components) and the enhancement of charged particle escape processes due to ionisation (Wiessman, 1989). Cameron (1983) suggested that significant amounts of a planetary atmosphere could be lost during the late stages of accretion. A projectile entering a planet’s atmosphere will impart kinetic energy to the atmosphere, in the form of a shockwave moving forwards ahead of the projectile. On striking the ground, this shockwave will impart consid­ erable energy to the compressed air between it and the inbound projectile, and thus some of the atmosphere may be blown off. Walker (1986b) modelled this process and found that it would lead to the ejection of a volume of atmosphere comparable to the Chapter 1 41

volume intercepted by the projectile during its flight. Furthermore he predicted that this form of atmospheric escape decreases in importance with an increase in planet size, and will not occur for planets with escape velocities in excess of about 10 km s-1 . Compared to Venus (10.36 km s-1) and Earth (11.18 km s-1), Mars has a low escape velocity of 5.02km s -1 (Encrenaz et al., 1990). Cameron (1983) suggested that Mars could have suffered many impacts long after the formation of its early atmosphere due to the long dynamical lifetime for debris in the Mars zone. Such late impacts could conceivably have resulted in a significant erosion of the early atmosphere. Calcula­ tions by Ahrens et al. (1989) led them to conclude that impact erosion was particularly effective in removing many of the volatiles in Mars’ early atmosphere. It is difficult to estimate the importance of this process and its effect on the martian volatile bud­ get due to the number of uncertainties involved; however its role would most likely have diminished as the rate of impacts of large objects declined with time. Impacts of large bodies would also have affected atmospheric chemistry (Lewis et al., 1982) due to severe shock-induced heating of atmospheric constituents along an incoming projectile’s path. Thus the contribution of impacts to the evolution of planetary atmospheres is a complex one: a mixture of volatile-rich and volatile-poor bodies may have added to the atmospheres, and processes related to these impacts may have modified and even removed some unknown fraction of them.

1.6.2 Other atmospheric loss processes

The two major mechanisms of atmospheric loss are escape and hydrodynamic escape. Both processes are highly dependent upon the molecular type and mass of the constituent in question. Jeans escape (Jeans, 1916) occurs high in planetary atmospheres. It is a means by which constituents of the atmosphere are lost to space as a result of the thermal energy of a molecule exceeding the gravitational potential energy of the planet. This loss process preferentially depletes the lighter species and calculations indicate that Mars and the other terrestrial planets would only lose H, He and H 2 by this mechanism (Walker, 1977; Ahrens et al., 1989). Hydrodynamic escape has recently received more attention (Hunten et al., 1987). In planetary atmospheres, Chapter 1 42

at heights below the exosphere, heavy gases may be swept outwards by the preferential upward flux of the lighter gases H, H 2 and He. It has been concluded that due to Mars’ low gravity, water is currently escaping from the atmosphere (McElroy, 1972; McElroy and Donahue, 1972). The loss mech­ anisms for oxygen and are different, but the photochemistry that occurs above the exobase results in a 2:1 anti-correlation between the amount of hydrogen and oxygen available for loss to space. The net result is that, over long timescales, loss proceeds as though water itself were being lost in molecular units, i.e., the loss rates of hydrogen and oxygen are linked is such a way that the above is achieved regardless of the individual mechanisms of dispersion. Oxygen is lost as a result of recombina­ tion reactions above the exobase, at a present rate of about 6 x 107 atoms cm- 2s-1 (McElroy et a l , 1977). The hydrogen escapes primarily by Jeans escape (thermal evaporation) of H atoms and H 2 molecules. The rate of hydrogen escape of 1.2 x 108 atoms cm -2 s-1 agrees well with the fluxes implied by Mariner 9 measurements ( et al., 1972). If the present water loss rate is simply extrapolated backwards, it is found to account for the loss of a planetwide water layer of only 2.5 m in depth (Hunten et a/., 1989). They further stress that even including estimates of the variation in the solar flux, and scaling the oxygen loss rate proportionally can only increase this estimate to between 10 and 20 m. If these observations could be further verified, and if a substantial deuterium enrichment (Owen et al., 1988) is confirmed, then further loss processes would need to be invoked to account for the postulated hydrogen loss.

1.6.3 Summary

It would appear, therefore, that it is difficult to account for the loss of all of a consid­ erably greater previous budget of water by atmospheric processes alone. Either the extent and range of atmospheric loss processes are not fully appreciated or other sinks for the water must be found; the possibility of the water remaining in the planetary environment must also be examined. The possible localities of water reservoirs are the martian polar caps and the near-surface layers of the planet itself. It is unlikely that atmospheric water would have been incorporated deep into the planet since there is Chapter 1 43

an apparent lack of plate tectonic activity which may be responsible for such a process on the Earth (Siever, 1974).

1.6.4 The polar regions

The polar regions are composed of remnant ice caps which overlie layered deposits. The caps vary in extent according to the seasons experienced by their respective hemispheres (whose length and nature vary according to the characteristics of the inclination of Mars and its orbit). The North Pole provides the only direct evidence of ice on the martian surface—during northern summers evaporation of the CO 2 cap reveals a remnant water-ice cap. The composition of the South Polar cap is more complicated; summer brightness temperatures, albedo and atmospheric water content are suggestive of CO 2 at its sublimation point (Kieffer, 1979). The layered terrain of the polar deposits is presumed to be a mixture of water ice and soil particles. The presence of water is inferred from measurements of the pole’s temperature and albedo, and is consistent with the large amounts of water vapour in the vicinity of the north pole; this is suggestive of water ice in equilibrium with a water-vapour-saturated atmosphere (Kieffer et al., 1976). This interpretation is supported by the examination of known materials; also the high volatility of carbon dioxide excludes it as a candidate for these deposits. The summer residuals of the polar caps are mostly composed of water ice, yet the volume of water observed to be trapped in the polar caps cannot account for all of the postulated water (Squyres, 1989). The generally accepted explanation for the occurrence of the layered terrain is that it is caused by the astronomically induced climate variations which modify the quantities and relative proportions of dust and ice deposited, although further evi­ dence is required as confirmation (Pollack and Toon, 1982). The limited population of craters on the deposits indicates a geologically young age; the deposits probably therefore reflect climatic changes within the last tens of millions of years (Pollack and Toon, 1982). Chapter 1 44

1.6.5 Chemical reactions with the regolith

Clay minerals were possibly produced in substantial quantities during the period of heavy bombardment (Carr, 1986), due to high weathering rates, impact-induced hy­ drothermal activity, and widespread volcanism (leading to magma-water interactions). The hydrated minerals would have been incorporated deep into the megaregolith, due to the high impact rates, and would subsequently have been buried by younger ma­ terials. These materials may have facilitated the formation of chaotic terrain and channels: Carr (1986) summarizes the geological evidence that minerals may form an appreciable fraction of the regolith to at least 1-2 km. He concludes that there exists no way of calculating the water chemically bound in clays, but he esti­ mates the potential size of the sink as equivalent to a 9-m water layer.

1.6.6 Ground-ice

According to Coradini and Flamini (1979), the presence of permafrost has been ver­ ified down to latitude 50° in both of Earth’s hemispheres, with the layer of frozen ground extending to a depth of 1500 m in Siberia. It is possible that a significant pro­ portion of the martian sub-surface may be permanently held at or below the freezing point of water; thus large volumes of water may exist below the surface as ice-rich permafrost or ground-ice. Sharp (1973a,b) recognised that many of the surface fea­ tures of the planet were evocative of the involvement of ground-ice in their formation. Carr and Schaber (1977) conducted a methodical examination of Viking images and classified many features that could be attributed to the presence of ground-ice at var­ ious depths. A morphological study by Carr (1986) led him to suggest that vast areas of Mars are underlain by deep ice-rich regolith, and that the probable high porosity of the regolith enhances its ability to act as a large potential sink for water. The capacity of the megaregolith to hold unbound water has been estimated as equivalent to a planetwide layer of 600 m. Squyres (1989) considers such ground-ice as being the largest prospective reservoir of martian water. His conclusion is based on both theoretical considerations and geological observations. Chapter 1 45

1.7 The search for ground-ice

Many studies have attempted to verify the existence of ground-ice on Mars, and to document its distribution. There are two main ways of ascertaining the planetwide distribution of the postulated ice. The ice can only exist where it is thermodynamically stable, and many authors have used physical modelling to find its possible locations. Alternatively, a host of geological features has been cited as indicative of the presence of ice; mapping and analysis of these features has therefore been used to investigate the ground-ice distribution.

1.7.1 The theoretical distribution of ground-ice

The pie-Viking model by Fanale (1976) predicted that the upper (i.e., near-surface) limit of ice stability moves to progressively greater depths towards the equator. The depth of the base of the stable zone is less well constrained, since it is dependent upon the magnitude of the martian geothermal gradient, which is poorly known. Fanale assumed a gradient of 40K/km, and reported that the base of the permafrost would extend to 1-1.5km at the poles, rising gradually equatorwards. His results indicated that sub-surface ice is unstable at latitudes lower than approximately ±40°. The model of Farmer and Doms (1979) was more complex, and was based on three major assumptions:

1. a uniform distribution of near-surface atmospheric water, with a total column abundance of 12pr/mit, and hence a frost point of 198 K;

2. the validity of the model of sub-surface temperatures (down to 10 m) of Kieffer et al. (1973); and

3. the sub-surface ice being in diffusive contact with the atmosphere, i.e., ice sta­ bility is dictated by the 198 K temperature limit throughout the regolith.

They concluded that the results of the Mars Atmospheric Water Detectors were consistent with the atmosphere being in equilibrium with a sub-surface reservoir of

*pr nm = precipitable microns, the depth of water on the surface that would result if all of the water in the atmosphere above the surface precipitated onto it. Chapter 1 46

water ice at a depth of between 10 cm and 1 m polewards of approximately 46° N and 35° S. Elsewhere temperatures in the upper 10 m exceed 198 K at some point in the year, causing ice to be lost via sublimation and diffusion. Coradini and Flamini (1979) conducted a study of the thermodynamics responsible for the thawing and freezing of permafrost layers. They presented solutions of the heat propagation equations for martian situations where the surface temperature varies periodically and for anomalous heating of the ground. They reported the presence of a secular ‘active layer’, about 100 m in depth, and noted that CO 2 or clathrate permafrost would not survive to a depth of 15 m (corresponding to a lithospheric pressure of lbar). At this depth, ground temperatures may be much higher than 170 K for long periods, and a thermal disturbance of 10 K does not permit the survival of any clathrate ice. They concluded that any ice present on Mars down to a depth of 15 m must be water ice, which is unlikely to experience phase transitions under present seasonal climatic variations. Deeper penetrations of long term temperature variations could cause freezing and thawing cycles to take place at 100 m depth. On average, conditions may have allowed the survival of water ice in the upper 100 m of soil for a very long time. The variety of temperature variations that they considered was shown to cause only partial melting of H20 ice in the permafrost regions, whilst on a geological timescale all of the clathrate to a depth of at least 100 m could have been dissipated. Rossbacher and Judson (1981) constructed a simple model of ground-ice distribu­ tion, based on an assumption of a global initial layer of 100 m, and its response to geothermal heat flow and mean annual T»»vse,i option. They suggested that sub-surface conditions would allow the presence of ground-ice at all latitudes if the water ice is protected from the atmosphere by a debris cover. Accepting 100 m as a reasonable estimate of the amount of water outgassed, they argued that approximately 90% could not be accounted for by local frosts (Farmer and Dorns, 1979), the polar caps and exospheric escape, and proposed that the remainder is stored as ground-ice. Their calculations define a cryosphere which could be partially or fully occupied by water Hrtey ice, andjnoted that excess water may exist in liquid form, as a confined aquifer below a comprehensive ice cover (as suggested earlier by Carr, 1979). Chapter 1 47

Clifford and Hillel (1983) carried out the first detailed calculations of the loss of non-equilibrium ice from low latitudes. They presented estimates of the time required to deplete a 200 m layer of ground-ice overlain by 100 m of ice-free regolith. The calculations were repeated for a range of soil pore sizes, and modelled ice loss by both Knudsen and molecular diffusion. Their results showed that the rate of ice-loss was strongly dependent upon the chosen pore structure of the regolith and that, for most plausible soil structures, the layer could be lost in less than 3.5 Gyr by sublimation and diffusion. These observations imply that if any substantial amount of ice is currently present in the equatorial regions, then it must be replenished by some means. Fanale et al. (1986) also investigated the loss of non-equilibrium ice at the low latitudes, and presented a more detailed model. Starting with a uniform ice layer throughout the upper 200 m of the planet at all latitudes, they included the effects of Knudsen and molecular diffusion, Solar luminosity changes and cyclic climate vari­ ations, albedo changes due to varying amounts of surface frost and estimates of the geothermal heat flow, to calculate the position of a retreating ice margin with time. Their results are qualitatively similar to those of Clifford and Hillel (1983), and pre­ dict a gradual loss of ice from the equatorial areas due to upward diffusion. The water is then incorporated into the atmosphere, eventually to recondense at higher latitudes. As noted before, the depth of the stable zone was found to be sensitive to the physical characteristics of the regolith, particularly its diffusive permeability. In addition, the generalization of assuming an initial ice layer does not preclude the emplacement of fresh ice due to internal activity. The general conclusion reached by theoretical studies therefore indicates that ice is unstable at the surface other than in polar regions, owing to its tendency to sublime. Ground-ice is stable, under present conditions, at depths of several tens of metres to the base of the permafrost layer at latitudes greater than 40°. At lower latitudes, ground-ice will sublime and be lost to the atmosphere at rates influenced by surface temperatures and nature. The current range of climatic variations resulting from changes in the obliquity and eccentricity is predicted to have only a limited effect on the permafrost thickness (Fanale et al., 1982). The above models are useful in gaining a qualitative understanding of the possible Chapter 1 48

locations of ice, but they suffer from some major disadvantages. Firstly, they define zones of ice stability based on thermodynamic equilibrium with the atmosphere. In real situations, it is possible for ice to persist even at temperatures exceeding the atmospheric frost-point if the ice is physically cut off from the atmosphere by a regolith through which it cannot diffuse (Smoluchowski, 1968). Secondly, these calculations use current atmospheric characteristics as part of the model, and thus they do not consider the complex variations of the martian climate, which would significantly affect the history of the ice deposits. Thirdly, all current thermodynamical models are limited by a lack of detailed information on the physical nature of the martian regolith. The ultimate limitation of these models, however, is that they simply predict the locations in which ice could exist, and do not take into account the multitude of factors that would dictate where the ice would be located in the first place.

1.7.2 Geological evidence of the distribution of ground-ice

A large number of martian landforms has been cited as evidence of the presence of ground-ice. There exist many ways in which this ice may influence surface landforms.

Cold-climate features

On Earth, repeated cycles of freezing and thawing of ice-rich permafrost may produce patterned ground and other periglacial features. The same may have occurred on Mars (Carr and Schaber, 1977; Helfenstein>1980). Analyses of terrestrial permafrost terrain and potential martian analogies has suggested that ground-ice may result in, or aid the formation of, many surface features. Martian landforms that may have formed due to cold-climate processes include polygonally fractured ground, arrays of parallel curvilinear ridges, albedo markings, and shallow curvilinear depressions with central ridges. These features are found largely in the northern plains and many are orders of magnitude larger than their terrestrial counterparts. In addition, an annual thaw is unlikely, especially at high latitudes. Carr (1986) notes that, in themselves, these features should not be thought of as diagnostic of ground-ice (a tectonic origin for patterned ground has been proposed by Pechmann, 1980), but their concentration at the ends of large channel systems is suggestive of a ground-ice origin. Chapter 1 49

MacKay (1970) suggested that thermokarst subsidence features result from the thawing of supersaturated ice soils at the top of the permafrost. In such areas, there­ fore, the amount of ice may exceed the available pore space. Coradini and Flamini (1979) felt that postulated martian analogues such as those in are too Va/'t&tSonf. large to be caused by seasonal temperaturej, but could be the result of longer time- scale temperature cycles that are active down to depths of about 100 m. The martian analogues of terrestrial alases are the most likely candidates for martian thermokarst, though pingos and other landforms have been suggested (Rossbacher and Judson, 1981). In a review of potential martian thermokarst and other ice-related features, Rossbacher and Judson (1981) agreed with the suggestion of Gatto and Anderson (1975) that the heat required to disturb the equilibrium conditions of the ground-ice, leading to the formation of thermokarst features, may have risen through minor faults.

Chaotic terrain

As mentioned previously, this has been interpreted as due to the removal of sub­ surface materials and the subsequent collapse of the overlying terrain into a jumble of large blocks. Such an origin is indicated by the preservation of surface features on the jostled blocks and the closed nature of the regions. It is probable that the collapse is due to the melting of vast reservoirs of sub-surface ice, or at least to the sudden release of large volumes of sub-surface water. The chaotic terrain is is often closely associated with outflow channels, and with the Highland-Lowland transition (section 2.6).

Fretted terrain

This term refers to terrain in which there is a strongly bimodal distribution of ele­ vations (Sharp 1973a; Squyres 1978; Lucchitta, 1984). It is prominent in the plains- upland boundary region between longitudes 280°and 350°. In this region, flat-floored, steep-walled ‘fretted’ channels extend from the plains into the Highlands. The heights of the complex escarpments are generally in the 1 to 2.5 km range (Soderblom and Wenner, 1978; Carr, 1986). Several features suggest that ice played an important role in its development (Sharp, 1973a; Lucchitta, 1984), which presumably explains Chapter 1 50

its apparent latitudinal dependence. is also found at the Highland- Lowland boundary between longitudes 50-90°. Both areas lie in the 30-50°N latitude range. Carr (1986) suggests that this terrain is rare at comparable southern latitudes because its development jpreferentiallvlf akes placet at the Highland-Lowland boundary where regional slopes maintain a gradient down the fretted channels.

Debris flows

Deposits of material, with convex upper surfaces, are common at the bases of es­ carpments in fretted areas (Carr and Schaber, 1977; Squyres, 1978). The overall morphology of these deposits, and surface striations^are suggestive of flow away from the escarpments, aided by significant ice contents. In situations where these flows are confined to valleys, the surface striations may become parallel to the valley sides as material progresses downstream (Lucchitta, 1984). Debris flows that develop within the confines of impact crater walls may converge toward the centre, resulting in con­ centric ridges (Squyres and Carr, 1986). Lucchitta (1984), based on the rheology of ice (Shoji and Higashi, 1978), concluded that, under temperatures in the 180-210K range, stress conditions at the base of debris flows would cause the deformation of ice. This will not occur for temperatures below 180 K. Surface temperatures fall below this limit polewards of 55°, which she indicated explains the poleward limit of debris flows. These features are not seen equatorwards of 30°, which corresponds with the limit of stability of ground-ice as calculated by Leighton and Murray (1966) and by Farmer and Dorns (1976). By analogy with terrestrial rock glaciers (Squyres, 1978; Lucchitta, 1984) the ice content of the flows is estimated to be of the order of 10% or nior*. . Closed depressions, abundant in the fretted terrain, are also indicative of ground-ice. These have flat floors and steep sides, but formation by surface drainage is ruled out by their closure. Several possibilities, summarized by Carr (1986), could explain their formation, but the major removal of their material appears to require amounts of ice, water and/or soluble salts to be present in the surface material down to 1-2 km. Chapter 1 51

Softened terrain

Features in the 30-50° latitudinal bands are characterised by an apparent relaxation of topographic features, giving a muted appearance to the cratered uplands (Squyres and Carr, 1986). Unlike the fretted terrain, the softening of crater ridges, ejecta and other topographic features is evident in both hemispheres. Squyres and Carr (1986) suggested that creep of near-surface materials, due to ground-ice, is responsible for the softening, with the latitudinal limit applying for the same reasons as for the fretted terrain. They suggested that, for such pervasive creep to occur, the volume fraction of ice is likely to exceed 10%. Furthermore, they attribute the surface fracturing in places to brittle failure of ice-poor material near the surface. Carr (1986) concluded that , debris flows, fretted channels and closed depressions suggest that at least the upper 2 km of the Southern Highlands, south of 30°, contain amounts of ice that exceed the rocks’ porosity.

C hannels

The valley networks axe widespread in the cratered uplands at low latitudes (Pieri 1980; Carr and Clow 1981; Baker 1982). Carr (1986) concluded that they are the result of groundwater sapping. They are very rare on the younger plains, and they are generally ancient features. Carr (1986) pointed out that, if they formed primarily by seepage, they most likely formed prior to the development of any thick permafrost. He noted that the lack of collapse features or any pervasive mass wasting in the sur­ rounding areas implies that the water responsible was present in only small quantities, and was close to the surface. In contrast, the outflow channels are indicative of water deep in the regolith, at much later stages of the planet’s evolution. The apparent association of channels with collapsed ground has led many authors to investigate the possibility of a genetic . It seems probable that several of the outflow channels were carved by the release of water, possibly from the melting of vast volumes of ground-ice, or from ground-water beneath a thick permafrost (Carr, 1979). The channels could have been initiated by excess pressure, increased geothermal heat flux, and in several examples, by localised Chapter 1 52

heat flow or activity of volcanic areas. Carr and Schaber (1977) concluded from their morphological studies of Mars that permafrost may be widespread in the old cratered terrain of the Southern Uplands, and that the concentration of flood features in the area resulted from the thawing of extensive ground-ice.

Volcano-ice interactions

Volcanism was widespread on Mars (Carr et al., 1977a). If ground-ice is pervasive on the planet then it is likely that in places the volcanic style will have been altered due to interactions with water. The morphology of certain volcanoes is suggestive of explosive activity which may have resulted from water-magma interactions (Colgate and Sigurgeirsson, 1973; Allen, 1979b). Tyrrhena Patera, for example, is surrounded by easily eroded deposits (Greeley and Spudis, 1978; Carr 1981), as are other Highland Paterae. Other postulated examples of explosive activity include and Hecates Tholus (Reimers and Komar, 1979; Mouginis-Mark et al.t 1982).

Impact crater morphology

Several martian craters have central pits or pitted central peaks. Since such features are absent on the Moon or , but abundant on the icy Galilean satellites, these central features have been attributed to the presence of sub-surface water (Smith, 1976; Wood et al., 1978; , 1980; Hodges et al., 1980). The ejecta blankets of many martian craters exhibit flow-like characteristics, which have been interpreted as indicative of an enhanced fluidity due to the entrainment of water or ice (Carr et al., 1977b). The fluidized features appear on craters with diameters of about 3 km and over (Carr, 1986). Carr notes that the similar cutoff sizes are indicative of excavation by the craters of a volatile layer at depths of 0.5 km. Rampart craters and other morphologies suspected of reflecting sub-surface water are distributed over most of Mars, though some latitudinal and altitudinal trends in their minimum diameter and characteristics have been found (Allen, 1979a; Mouginis-Mark, 1979). Chapter 1 53

1.8 The proposed detailed survey

Though water is not currently stable, or available in large quantities, at the planet’s surface, this chapter has summarized the significant evidence which implies that the martian environment was previously substantially both denser and wetter. In view of the present understanding of atmospheric and other loss processes, the martian regolith emerges as the major potential sink of the outgassed water. It is important to evaluate the amount and distribution of this sub-surface water reservoir, in previous times and at present, since it has critical implications for the interpretation of both the atmospheric and the geological evolution of Mars. Theoretical and geological investigations have suggested that ground-ice has been present under much of the martian surface, which has been greatly affected by its presence. Many of the previous models and surveys have proven inconclusive or contradictory, and several important questions regarding the ground-ice remain:

1. the distribution of ground-ice both spatially and temporally;

2. the origin of the water, and the processes by which the ground-ice was emplaced;

3. the physical state of the water—it has been proposed that a confined aquifer of water may underlie an extensive ice layer;

4. the importance of the ice in influencing the evolution of the surface; and

5. the eventual fate of the water—does it remain within the present permafrost zones?

Global studies, by their very nature, may overlook local variations which can provide important clues to the factors which determine the location and nature of sub-surface water. Conversely, it is difficult to extrapolate the conclusions of small, localised investigations to make globally relevant statements. In addition, owing to inherent ambiguities and restrictions on the use of various landforms as indicators of ground-ice, it is important to consider simultaneously as many aspects of the surface geology as is possible. Chapter 1 54

As a result, a detailed study of a significant proportion of the martian surface is proposed, considering all possible indications of water and ground-ice so that the history and role of water within one, large region may be evaluated with the greatest possible degree of confidence. This will allow theories regarding the origin, emplace­ ment and fate of the local ground-ice to be developed. In addition, the chosen study area should cover a wide range of latitude, altitude and terrain types, so that it will be possible to consider global implications of the work, and to provide data that are useful in testing current and future models.

1.9 Outline of the thesis

Chapter Two introduces the Elysium region as a suitable area in which to investigate the geological record of water. The locations of all major landforms that may have resulted from or been influenced by water are mapped, and their characteristics are described from 1:1250000 photomosaics. In addition, a comprehensive literature survey has been completed, and reference is made to previous work regarding water in the region where appropriate. It is clear that water has played a significant and varied role in the evolution of the Elysium region. Crater morphology is seen to vary considerably throughout the region, and numerous craters exhibit morphology that may indicate ground-ice: a systematic analysis of impact craters is proposed to provide further information o*the distribution of sub-surface ice/water. It was necessary to devise a comprehensive classification scheme to record the complex morphologies that were observed in the preliminary investigation of the re­ gion. The scheme is presented in Chapter Three, together with details of its use in the construction of a database of over 7000 craters. In Chapter Four an analysis of the relationship between crater diameter and ejecta diameter is presented. All factors that may influence the location of ice such as lati­ tude, altitude and geological location are considered, so that their relative importance Gamete' may be determined. The ratio of crater^to ejecta diameter, which reflects the fluid­ ity of the ejected material, is seen to vary considerably, in general increasing with increasing crater diameter. A clear latitudinal trend in the diameter at which a sub­ Chapter 1 55

stantial increase in this ratio occurs (the ‘break-point’) is detected, as are indications of altitudinal and geological dependencies. The inherent ambiguities of this method of determining sub-surface characteristics are noted, but the manner in which the break-point and ratios vary is consistent with the detection of a variable sub-surface ice/water reservoir. In Chapter Five the variation of selected morphological characteristics of the craters is used to substantiate the findings of Chapter Four. In particular, changes in the onset diameters and the relative abundance of the morphological characteris­ tics are examined as a function of latitude, altitude, and geological unit, and further indications of the variable concentration of the sub-surface ice are obtained. The results from the ejecta-fluidity study of Chapter Four, and the morphological study of Chapter Five, are brought together in Chapter Six, where the ability of these two methods to locate sub-surface ice and/or water is compared. It is shown that a combination of both techniques yields more reliable results than can be derived from either when used in isolation. The results of the crater analyses are then used to construct an account of the distribution and importance of water and ice within the Elysium region. The relevance of this work to other martian studies is considered in Chapter Seven. The thesis concludes with suggestions for future expansions of the methods and ideas developed in this study. Chapter 2

The Elysium Region: general geology and water-related landforms

The truth is not easily pinned to the page. In the bathtub of [geologic] history the truth is as difficult to find as the soap. And more difficult to hold on to ... Terry Pratchett

A detailed survey of all major surface features that may be indicative of sub­ surface water has been completed for a large region of the eastern hemisphere of Mars. The nature and distribution of different landform types is discussed in this chapter enabling an evaluation of the importance and history of water, as determined from surface morphology, to be made. The wealth of morphological evidence suggests that water has played a varied and significant role in the evolution of the diverse surfaces of the area studied.

56 Chapter 2 57

2.1 Introduction

Figure 2.1 shows the major features and topography of Mars; the region covered by this study is outlined. There are several reasons for the choice of that area. Firstly, it contains many landforms that are indicative of the involvement of water, and thus there is a high probability that a substantial reservoir of sub-surface water may have been present for a significant time. Secondly, a wide range of geological environments are represented within the boundaries. Thirdly, in comparison to the volcanoes and channels of the western hemisphere it has received relatively little attention. The region, covering an area of approximately 6400 000 km2, is broadly centred on the Elysium Uprise. This area will be referred to as the Elysium region since it includes the entire Elysium Quadrangle (MC-15), though significant portions of the Amenthes (MC-14), Amazonis (MC- 8 ), Mare Tyrrhenum (MC-22), Aeolis (MC- 23), Memnonia (MC-16), Cebrenia (MC-7), and Diacria (MC-2) Quadrangles are also incorporated (Appendix A). The Elysium Uprise or Bulge measures approximately 1700 x 2400 km (Mouginis- Mark et al., 1982) and is dominated by the results of constructional activity from Elysium Mons. The lava flow field around the volcano generally extends to the zero elevation contour, but in the east, where the flows encounter remnants of the old it* cratered terrain, *he» extent is unclear (Carr, 1981). The Elysium volcanic province is the second largest volcanic centre on Mars, after the Tharsis region. The area is crossed by the dichotomy boundary which marks the division of the martian surface into heavily cratered uplands in the south and lower-lying younger plains in the north (Carr et al., 1973). The cratered highlands extend southwards to the polar deposits of the Southern Ice Cap and consist predominantly of rough, cratered terrain (Condit and Soderblom, 1978; Scott and Carr, 1978). The region covers a wide range of latitude, altitude, terrain type, and age of surface. The geological history is varied and complex, and much of the surface may have been affected by water. The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate the geomorphological evidence for water within the study boundaries. No attempt is made to present a comprehensive geological or stratigraphical overview of Elysium, EM Elysium Mons TT Tharsis Tholus HT Hecates Tholus JT AT Albor Tholus BP Biblis Patera OM U1P Ulysses Patera PM KV Kasei Vallis A sM ShV A rM SiV Simud Vallis A1P Alba Patera TV T iu Vallis A p P Apollinaris Patera MV Mangala Vallis T p Tyrrhena Patera NV HP Hadriaca Patera AV A m P Amphitritis Patera A uV Auqukuh Vallis UT HV Huo Hsing Vallis UP Uranius Patera AqV Al-Qahira Vallis CT Ceraunius Tholus MaV Ma’adim Vallis

Figure 2.1: The location of the study region

Chapter 2 59

but selected details are given where relevant. Further details regarding the geology of the area are provided in section 4.7, and the stratigraphy is detailed by Scott and Tanaka (1986) and Greeley and Guest (1987).

2.2 The location of water-related landforms

Photomosaics of the entire region were constructed from Viking Orbiter orthographic images at a scale of 8 cm = 100 km (1:1250000). The images were chiefly those used in the Mars Chart (MC) series and vary considerably in resolution, though higher resolution images were also consulted where possible. Numerous surface features in­ dicative of water are present, including channels, chaotic terrain, and certain volcano morphologies. A map (see Appendix B) was constructed to illustrate the distribution of these landforms and terrain types, and their relation to each other. The approxi­ mate position of the dichotomy boundary and other major fractures are also shown. Only the major features are shown on the map; characteristics of terrain softening and the smallest of the valleys were omitted due to the variation in the image quality. Terrain softening is rare in this region. Squyres (1989) presented a global map of the distribution of the various signs of terrain softening using a limited dataset of high-resolution images. This shows a concentration of features around the region and the area immediately to the east, and virtually no examples in the remainder of the area under consideration here. His work also indicates that the vast majority of terrain softening landforms lies polewards of the 30° latitudes of both hemispheres, and so are unlikely to occur within the boundaries of this study.

2.3 Volcanic features

The Elysium volcanic province has been likened to an older, smaller version of the Tharsis region (Greeley, 1988). The earliest preserved central volcanism is Hecates Tholus, which formed during the Middle period. Elysium Mons and the surrounding extensive plains are of Amazonian age, and Albor Tholus is intermediate in age between the two. Apollinaris Patera is the only major volcanic structure outside Chapter 2 60

the Elysium province, and is estimated to be Mid- to Late-Hesperian in age (Greeley and Guest, 1987). The majority of the volcanic constructs in the study region exhibit features that could be interpreted as evidence that either magmatic or sub-surface volatiles were important during stages of their evolution.

2.3.1 Apollinaris Patera

This is an old, highly-degraded volcano situated in the Southern Highlands, close to the dichotomy boundary. Its large (75km-diameter) summit displays at least three coalescing collapse depressions (Scott et al., 1978). The outer flanks of the volcano are relatively gentle, but become markedly steeper towards the summit, and a large fan of material extends from a breached point in the caldera wall to the distal edges of the southeastern flanks. The northern flanks appear finely channelled and partly buried while a series of benches axe visible on the steep-sided western flanks. A prominent scarp may be traced axound the flanks, other than in the south, where it may have been buried by later flows. Numerous fine channels radiate from the caldera walls, and no lava flows axe detectable on the flanks. Apollinaris Patera is one of several morphologically similar volcanoes known col­ lectively as the Highland Paterae. They formed in the Upper to Lower Hesperian time, and were initially proposed to be the consequence of fluid lava erup­ tions (Potter, 1976). Due to their morphological similarities to terrestrial ash sheets, they axe now intexpreted as consisting pxedominantly of ash deposits (Pike, 1978). Further evidence supporting this interpretation comes from their apparently easily erodable nature (Greeley and Spudis, 1981). Greeley and Spudis carried out an anal­ ysis of Tyrrhena Patera and suggested that the early patera activity was dominated by extensive pyroclastic eruptions due to the interaction of magma with an ice- or water-rich megaxegolith. This was later followed by erosion of the ash deposits and late-stage effusive eruptions. As can be seen in figure 2.12, parts of the southwest flank of the volcano are broken up in a chaotic fashion. This collapse possibly postdates the emplacement of the lowest flanks, indicating that sub-surface ice was present underneath the uppermost layers during the later stages of the volcano’s evolution. Unfortunately, the absence of high- Chapter 2 61

resolution images for this area prevents a definitive interpretation of the sequence of events leading to the chaotic fracturing and bench formation in the west.

2.3.2 Hecates Tholus

Hecates Tholus (figure 2.2) is centred at 32° N, 209° W. The flanks of the volcano measure approximately 160 x 175 km. To the north and east the flanks grade into the surrounding plains, but the southern flanks are partially buried by flows from Elysium Mons. As a result the summit, which consists of a nested caldera complex displaying several episodes of collapse, appears offset from the centre of the construct. Mariner 9 ultraviolet-spectrometer altimetry estimates the summit height as about 6 km above the surrounding plains (Hord et al., 1974). The age of the volcano has been estimated at 3600±38 or 1680±326 million years, according to two cratering flux models (Plescia and Saunders, 1979). v ' 4 Its vertical profile and morphology are similar to [low shield volcanoes (Pike, 1978; Greeley and Spudis, 1981), though no evidence of lobate lava flows can be found on the volcano, despite careful inspection of the flanks at a resolution of 40 m per pixel (Mouginis-Mark et al., 1982). Furthermore, the flanks are radially scored by numerous fine, sinuous channels. The channels lack levees and do not coalesce as would be expected for lava channels (Baker, 1982). These characteristics led Reimers and Komar (1979) to compare Hecates Tholus to Uranius and Ceraunius Tholi, and to suggest that the channels result from erosion by volcanic density currents. Such currents could have been generated by the interaction of rising magma with ground- ice. Sharp and Malin (1975) had previously postulated that the channels on Ceraunius Tholus were created by heated volcanic water. The distribution and origin of the channels is discussed by Mouginis-Mark et al. (1982). They disagreed with the earlier conclusion of Reimers and Komar (1979)—the existence of channel source areas away from the summit region and other characteris­ tics of the channel networks indicate that the channels are not directly associated with explosive summit eruptions. In addition, they claimed that the alternative possibil­ ity of each channel being associated with separate vents is unrealistic. Alternatively, the channels may have formed as lava channels by thermal erosion of low-viscosity Chapter 2 62

(Hulme, 1973; Carr, 1974a). This hypothesis was also rejected as the sole mechanism for the Hecates Tholus channels due to the nature of the majority of re­ lationships of the channels to the craters that they cut. Mouginis-Mark et al. (1982) stated, however, that it is not possible to eliminate the possibility that some channels may be the centres of lava flows. The channels generally become deeper, wider and more prominent towards the edges of the flanks, where the slopes are steepest. The fact that the source regions are rarely the widest point, the branching pattern of the channels and their response to topography are all suggestive of a fluvial origin for the majority of the channels. Mouginis-Mark et al. (1982) concluded that it is not possible to differentiate between potential pluvial and sapping mechanisms in this situation. In the southeast several of the channels appear to terminate with depositional fans. These fans are quite large and smooth in appearance, suggesting that significant amounts of material were transported by the channels. The distal ends of the channels are less clear in the east, where they may have been flooded by lavas from Elysium Mons. Mouginis-Mark et al. (1982) suggest that whilst the existence of the radial channels on Hecates Tholus does not directly imply that explosive activity took place, their presence here may indicate that the flanks of this volcano were composed of far more easily erodable material than usual, since they are absent from many martian volcanoes (Reimers and Komar, 1979). Ash deposits are a likely candidate, and the observed fans may represent reworked explosive products. A possible mantling deposit may be seen in the area immediately to the west and northwest of the summit caldera. The surface is subdued, and only a few small, fresh craters are present, though there are indications of a few partially buried larger craters towards the southern limits of the smooth area. Isofrequency maps of craters smaller than 2 km in diameter (Mouginis-Mark et al., 1982) indicate a clear decrease in the maximum superimposed impacts in this area. No flow fronts or source vents for lava flows are recognised and,in addition, major sinuous channels west of the caldera are extensively covered. Mouginis-Mark et al. (1982) suggested that this resurfacing is therefore unlikely to be due to effusive volcanic activity. Having also rejected pyro- clastic flows for morphological reasons, they postulated that it represents a volcanic Chapter 2 63

air-fall deposit. This hypothesis is supported by the morphology of the deposit and its blanketing nature, the similarity to terrestrial examples and its proximity to the vent. They estimated the volume of the mantling deposit to be 65 km3, noting that this figure is comparable with terrestrial air-fall deposits, and that such deposits are often associated with similar to that of Hecates Tholus.

2.3.3 Albor Tholus

The maximum height of Albor Tholus (figure 2.3) has been estimated as about 3 km, and flank slopes average about 5° (Blasius and Cutts, 1981). The volcano is steep­ sided, and has a large (35 X 30 km), deep summit caldera. The flanks are hummocky and no lava flows or channels are visible at the mosaic resolution (250 m per pixel). The absence of channels may suggest that the volcano was constructed by effusive rather than explosive activity (Reimers and Komar, 1979; Mouginis-Mark et al., 1982). The flanks terminate abruptly in the north and west, but grade more gradually into the surrounding plains elsewhere, indicating that the lower flanks have been partially buried by lava flows from the direction of Elysium Mons (Christensen, 1975). The observed basal diameter is 160 x 150 km though Blasius and Cutts (1981) note that, beneath these later flows, the volcano may be a substantially broader and more shield­ like construct. The near-summit area appears very smooth, and may be mantled by a thin deposit. No radial crater chains are detectable, but two graben cut the southeastern flanks at 50 and 75km from the summit. The southwest flanks are cut by a regional fracture. There axe very few impact craters on the structure, though one cleax central pit crater is seen on the southernmost reaches of the flanks.

2.3.4 Elysium Mons

The lateral dimensions of Elysium Mons (figure 2.3), based on visible lava flows, are estimated to be about 420 to 500 km by 780 km (Blasius and Cutts, 1981). It has a single, circular summit caldera measuring 14 km in diameter, which is much smaller than other martian calderas in relation to their basal diameters (McBride, 1990). The area immediately surrounding the summit is smooth, and no lava flows are visible Figure 2.2: Hecates Tholus and the northern flanks of Elysium Mons, showing the source of Hrad Valles. The flanks of Elysium Mons are chaotically fractured (C) just to the west of Hecates Tholus, and the surface grades into complicated knobby terrain to the north and northeast. The mottled terrain in the north of the photograph is part of the Vastitas Borealis Formation, and is categorised as ‘modified terrain’. The mottled appearance is largely due to the abundant low-albedo pedestal craters. Two large, radial ejecta craters are seen in the south, and lobate flows of various sizes can be seen within the strongly textured Elysium Mons flanks. A prominent sinuous channel (Sj is present next to Hecates Tholus * NORTH

* 1 # - I Mottled Terr;

[nobby Terrain

^ ■ * £&• ,> Hecates p®. Tholus'I

100km \ Figure 2.3: Elysium Mons and Albor Tholus, showing the southern Elysium lavas and the source area of . Several central pit craters (P) may be seen on the lava plains. The ejecta of these craters appear highly fluid, compared with the radial ejecta (R) which occurs to the west of Elysium Mons. A number of small, sinuous channels (S) occur in this region 65 Chapter 2 66

near the caldera rim. The chains of pits radiating from the rim are presumed to be of endogenic origin,|either by the collapse of lava tubes, or by collapse along rift zones (McBride, 1990). There are several small chains of pits farther down the flanks, particularly in the west. The summit of the volcano, reaching 13 ±0.5 km above the surrounding plains, lies slightly south of its centre of volume; the average slope of the flanks is 4.4 ±0.2° (Blasius and Cutts, 1981). The flanks of the volcano are hummocky, particularly in the west, and have some radial texture, with clear radial dark albedo markings in the east. The flanks are buried in the southwest by later flows but elsewhere they generally grade smoothly into the surrounding plains, hence the exact radial extent of the construct is difficult to determine. To the north there are numerous sub-radial ridges, with small, leveed flows visible in places. Clear lobate flows can also be seen. A prominent ridge extends semi-circumferentially from the north to the east at a distance from the summit of 70-100 km. Mouginis-Mark et al. (1984) suggested that the positive relief and superficial resemblance of this feature to mare ridges imply a compressional origin, though it is unusually narrow, and is virtually continuous. Malin (1977) compared the summit region of Elysium Mons with the African shield volcano, . Both have summit calderas that contain smaller craters and irregular pits, and channel-like features radiating from the caldera rims and tapering down-slope. Due to the lack of visible lava flows near the summit, and the steep estimated slopes of Elysium Mons, Malin concluded that the volcano is likely to be a composite volcano and that the hummocky summit region consists of pyroclastic material. Later estimates of the slopes of the flanks from Viking Orbiter images confirmed the steepness of the near-summit slopes (reaching a maximum of 18°), but indicated a low average slope (4.4°) of the flanks which is not inconsistent with a predominantly lava composition (Blasius and Cutts, 1981). Blasius and Cutts further suggest that any pyroclastic material may only be a small proportion of the total volume of the volcano. The steeper slopes could also be attained by a decrease in the effusion rate (leading to shorter flows) or to an increase in the viscosity of the lava, and may mark a terminal phase of more silicic volcanism, as seen on Hawaiian shields (Eaton and Murata, 1960). The majority of spectroscopic imaging has, however, Chapter 2 67

indicated that martian magmas have a mafic to ultramafic composition (Greeley and Spudis, 1981). McBride (1990) noted that no distinct lava flows are visible on 150 m per pixel images of the eastern flanks of Elysium Mons; the surface appears smooth and slightly hummocky, with some craters appearing mantled, possibly by dust or volcanic ash. She suggests that these characteristics indicate that both pyroclastic and effusive activity may have taken place on Elysium Mons.

2.3.5 Small volcanoes

The area immediately to the west of Elysium Mons has been interpreted by Mouginis- Mark et al. (1984) as a ‘complex vent area’ due to the abundance of lava flows, sinuous rilles and channels, and possible cinder cones. McBride et al. (1988) report the observation of four aligned domes at (218°-219°, 27° N). They resemble terrestrial cinder cones, possess circular summit craters, and are roughly in alignment with the fracture systems concentric to Elysium Mons. They note, however, that there are many other small, randomly distributed domes in this area which lack evidence of summit craters. Small, randomly spaced dome-shaped structures are also seen around the Elysium Fossae (219°-220°, 23.5-25° N), varying in size from 1-5 km. These also lack summit craters, and some are elongated. McBride et al. (1988) suggest that the apparent cones may be similar to the pseudocraters identified in the region by Frey et al. (1979).

2.3.6 Explosive volcanic activity

In an overview of early martian volcanism, Greeley (1988) summarises that the ma­ jority of recognised volcanic units were emplaced early in the planet’s history, and are inferred to be mafic to ultramafic in composition. Later volcanism was of the central vent variety, and in some cases may have produced pyroclastic deposits. The identification of the products of explosive volcanic activity implies that volatiles were involved during the eruption. The volatiles responsible for the explosive frag­ mentation of the magma (and material proximal to the vent) may be of various types and origins. The rising magma may contain dissolved gases at its source or may in­ corporate gases from the country rock; alternatively, the explosive activity may arise Chapter 2 68

through fuel-coolant interactions between the hot magma and near-surface water or ice. Models of explosive eruptions of Hecates Tholus by Mouginis-Mark et al. (1982) suggest that if intrinsic dissolved CO 2 were responsible the magma source would be essentially restricted to the mantle, whereas no depth restrictions apply if water were the driving volatile. They noted that the adsorption of near-surface water may have provided an important proportion of the required volatile content. Greeley and Spudis (1981) suggested that magma rising through water-saturated megaregolith would lead to phreatomagmatic activity, producing eaxly-phase ash erup­ tions and the observed broad shield morphology of the paterae. In time the water supply diminished, or became sealed off from the magma, leading to effusive action which would have produced the younger lava flows seen in Tyrrhena Patera’s summit. An airfall origin for the majority of the deposits of Hadriaca, Tyrrhena, and Alba Paterae may be excluded on the grounds that eruption clouds with heights comparable to the maximum widths of the volcanoes would be required (Mouginis-Mark et al., 1988). The origins of Hadriaca and Tyrrhena Paterae may be explained, from an energy perspective, by the emplacement of pyroclastic flows (Crown and Greeley, 1988). These flows may have been driven by either magmatic or external water. Crown and Greeley note that if hydromagmatic activity were responsible for the explosive activity of the martian paterae then the cessation of such activity early in the planet’s history is consistent with suggested global changes.

2.4 Channels

While the term ‘channel’ has been applied to a variety of narrow, elongate surface depressions on Mars, it is more appropriate to restrict its use to “open conduits through which some fluid has moved” (Sharp and Malin, 1975). There are a number of such features within the limits of the study region, and it is convenient to consider firstly the channels that originate in the Southern Highlands, and secondly those with Northern Lowland sources. In the following subsections the approximate co-ordinates of the centre of each channel system are given to aid their location on the map of the area. Chapter 2 69

2.4.1 Loire Vallis ( 234°, 2.5° S)

This channel is varied in character. In the south it is steep-sided, narrow, and sinuous, and a small central channel is evident in the centre of a wider, rougher floor. It ranges in width from about 10 to over 25 km at its northernmost extremes, where it links several craters. The floor here is smooth, with isolated rough remnants and a patchy albedo. King (1978) interpreted Loire Vallis as including both aeolian and fluvial deposits. A relatively young age was proposed since it postdates the local cratered plains, and no superimposed impact craters were visible on Mariner 9 imagery. He further suggested that earlier joints or faults largely controlled the development of the major segment.

2.4.2 Al-Qahira Vallis (195°, 18° S), and M a’adim Vallis (182°, 19° S)

Al-Qahira Vallis has a broad, linear main trunk that tapers sharply at the south. Its floor is flat and rough, with some deeper down-cutting in the north. It has several tributaries, one of which contains an underfit valley. Another large valley enters from the south of the region, passing through a crater. The northern end appears to be a subdued, flat-floored valley, just east of the crater Boeddicker, and its termination is indistinct. The channel is over 500km in length and up to 20 km wide, and has a heavily cratered floor. Ma’adim Vallis extends for about 700 km, with an average width of about 15 km, widening to about 25 km near the mouth (Sharp and Malin, 1975). It is unusual among large channels in several respects, particularly in the variety of tributaries, the lack of deposits, and its age (Baker, 1982). Masursky et a l (1980) calculated an age of about 3.4 billion years from crater counts, which is much older than other large martian channels. Sharp and Malin (1975) classified the system as a runoff channel, due to the tributary development near to its head. Scott et al. (1978) noted that both Al-Qahira and Ma’adim Valles have charac­ teristics of terrestrial river channels, including well-developed, dendritic tributaries. Furthermore, they found indications that they drained separate basins in the local topography. The tributaries are discontinuous in places, perhaps due to burial or Chapter 2 70

fracturing. Carr (1981) observed that the abrupt termination of some runoff channels is similar to the drainage patterns seen in terrestrial karst regions, where surface flow ends and continues underground. Runoff channels axe present in many places in the Highlands, but are almost totally absent from the plains. The main difference be­ tween runoff channels and these systems is their size, but the latter also have clearly delineated flat floors, which show no signs of longitudinal scour or cataracts, and tear-drop islands are rare (Carr, 1981). Fretted channels, with wide, flat floors and steep sides, mainly occur in two 25° -wide bands of latitude, centred on 40° N and 45° S (Squyres, 1979). Ma’adim and Al-Qahira Valles may be major exceptions to this ride, appearing to be runoff channels subsequently enlarged by mass wasting. Baker (1982) suggested that the termination of both Al-Qahira and Ma’adim Valles within the Southern Highlands and their great age may imply that the two sys­ tems are related to processes within the Highlands, and not to the Highland-Lowland boundary. He further suggested that both may have started as small valley systems which subsequently became enlarged by wall retreat in their deeply incised lower courses. Baker noted that a greater concentration of ground-ice at these locations, or the presence of ice for a longer time, are consistent with this explanation.

2.4.3 Mangala Valles (151°, 12.5° S)

The Mangala Valles system (figure 2.4) consists of many fine, anastomosing channels, with numerous streamlined islands and abundant evidence of water erosion (Milton, 1973). Patches of chaotic collapse are also seen among the channels. Their source is a major fracture system, the Memnonia Fossae, from where a broad, flat channel emerges. Memnonia Fossae, trending southwest here, are part of a fracture system that radiates from the Tharsis Uplift (Carr, 1974b). Milton (1973) cited the braided reach of the system, around (151, 5°S) as being the most convincing evidence avail­ able, prior to Viking imagery, of running water on Mars, arguing that the braided pattern could only be produced by a high-density, low-viscosity liquid moving at speed over a particulate bed. Sharp and Malin (1975) concluded that the scoured features of this system were of the sort that were easily explained by the tendency of catastrophic floods to scour rocks preferentially along structurally controlled zones of weakness. Figure 2.4i Mangala Valles and the Highland-Lowland boundary between longitudes

157°and 145°(section 2.4.3 and section 2.6) 1 4 5 .0,0 tr. -j

m antling v martlinc d ep osit k '■* •V

Smooth mantling HtghlancM-ovlanc boundary deposit

y : - 4 r> ► ,- j - , 3 5 'I

a >.; > • & ' ' .-a»>VwV" $ ■ »• s ’ " , IJC f'


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■s 7 A ' s * I > Hr V \A% \W*


Mangala Vallis ’* " • 5 & ^ ' ' - \ ^ ;■ « . v) ».«- /,

* i :, . ' - \ v~.%' •^ '! <• .«. ■ < . a ' v" '• H U / ^ - v • * - ” •!

" J • ■ l i ! s'I i ’•■:• -%%rJP* M ‘ I00

Sharp and Malin (1975) suggested that the channels are groundwater-fed outflow channels, postulating that the groundwater seeped up towards the surface possibly forming a substantial reservoir to the south. A catastrophic outflow from the reservoir may then have carved the channels, a process analogous to the formation of the Scablands of Montana, the result of the sudden release of water from Pleistocene lakes (Bretz, 1923). Mutch and Morris (1979) noted that this inferred abundance of groundwater may explain their observations of topographic smoothing in the locality. They concluded that the Mangala Valles channel activity is only slightly younger than the Highlands themselves, since they detected no continuation of the channel into the Northern Lcuiands. The examination of Viking images in this work has, however, indicated that the channels can be traced over a significant portion of the Lowlands. Though the distinct channels of the system terminate at the Highland-Lowland boundary scarp, a broad valley passes from this region through the Medusae Fossae deposits to the Northern Lowlands. Around the martian equator this valley broadens, and no distinct markings or streamlining can be seen. The channel appears to end here, but the resolution of the images used is poor. Deposits are visible farther to the north at around 10° N, which are largely manifest as two dark flows. These lobate deposits can be traced with reasonable certainty as far as latitude 21° N, in . There is some indication of a variation in relief in the eastern extent of the lobes, making the determination of their extent easier than the western lobe, which is poorly defined. Dark markings can also be seen around (155, 27.5° N), but no lobate edges can be seen, and there is no variation in relief. The channels are also young in appearance, and the braiding of the channels is strongly controlled by the cratered surface; there are few superimposed craters. These observations suggest a considerably younger age than was previously proposed. Carr (1981) pointed out that where the channel flows over cratered terrain the main channel breaks up into narrow, deeply incised channels, with an anastomosing pattern. Conversely, where the flow crossed the plains the scoured regions are rela­ tively shallow, and numerous streamlined bedforms are present. He suggested that these differences may imply that the cratered terrain is more easily eroded than the Chapter 2 73

plains, noting that a similar contrast is seen within the course of Maja Vallis.

2.4.4 Other channels in the Southern Highlands

A number of other channels are present in the portion of Southern Highlands studied here: they broadly divide into large, unnamed channels and widely dispersed, smaller valleys. A major channel system occurs just south of , in the west (approximate centre location (245°, 6°N)). It commences as two or more shallow, subdued valleys which join to form a deeper, well-defined, winding channel. One channel island can be seen, and there is some indication of terrace development. The channel ends indistinctly in a transitional region between the Highland and Lowland terrain. A smaller valley system is seen to the east of this, closer to the dichotomy, at approximately (236°, 1°N). This feature is very poorly defined, and appears to run from southwest to northeast, ending near the scarp boundary. Another channel is located at (244°, 2.5° S), near the crater Escalante. It is a narrow, flat-floored winding channel, wider and shallow in the south, and poorly defined in the north. The other channels in this area are fine and sinuous, quite distinct and probably flat-floored. The channel farther east, at around (215°, 12.5° S), is large and deep, with several small, steep-sided tributaries entering a rough-floored main channel. Towards the north it connects with a small fretted channel, but it appears disconnected from a wide trough-like valley. Just to the northeast of this channel there are some unusual markings which look like deposits from an irregular and variable (figure 2.11). Scott et al. (1978) mentioned that this channel widens northward down slope, and has other characteristics of terrestrial river beds. However, no deposits are visible at its mouth or that of a neighbouring channel; rather, the floors merge with the Lowland plains. The channel at (216°, 12.5° S) (figure 2.5) is wide, flat, and deep at its southern end, with a smooth floor. It starts in a small crater and passes into an old crater where it is joined by a more shallow, slightly narrower, rough tributary. The remainder of the course is complex, with several terraces apparent, and it ends in a large old crater. The other channels in the area are largely small and sinuous and are often closely Figure 2.5: Complex, unnamed channel system within the Southern Highlands at (216°, 21.5° S)(section 2.4-4)- Other fine valleys (V) can be seen. The crater at the lower left of the photograph shows signs of chaotic break-up, and other large craters with a deep central pit (P) and a pitted peak (PP) are seen in this area 1U Chapter 2 75

associated with old, large craters with flat floors and eroded rims. There is a quite extensive network of valleys of varying age and definition around (205°, 12.5° S). Different morphologies are seen in places, such as the small area of fretted valleys within the walls of a very highly eroded large crater just southwest of Apollinaris Patera. The immediate surroundings are chaotic in this locality. A channel at around (167.5°, 12.5° S) has its southern end in a large old crater and a tenuous link through a wide, rough valley to an underfit channel which meanders into a complex region of tributaries. The course is chaotic in parts. A very narrow, well-defined channel is also present at (162, 19° S). A sinuous valley links two striated regions at the heads of broad, flat smooth areas on the edge and in the middle of soft, mantled regions of the Upper Medusae Fossae Member (section 2.6). In addition, Scott (1988) reported the detection of an unusual channel emanating from the Lower Member of the Medusae Fossae Formation, at (172°, 10° S). The channel is young and^though it is small, it has many of the morphological attributes of the larger, outflow channels. Hummocky terrain near to the apparent source of the braided channel grades into the base of the Lower Member. Scott suggested that the feature was carved by water released following the melting of near-surface ground ice in the ridged plains where they were covered by hot ash flow tuffs, presuming an ash-flow origin for the Medusae Fossae Formation (Scott and Tanaka, 1986). The remaining channels in the Highlands are either small and sinuous, winding through the cratered topography, or they occur as fine dendritic networks, such as those in the Mare Tyrrhenum and Cimmeria regions. King (1978) noted that nu­ merous small dendritic to irregular channels are seen on the steeper slopes and higher elevations of the Mare Tyrrhenum Quadrangle. He suggested that while some of these channels may be volcanic in origin, many appear to have resulted from the surface runoff of water. A fine, subdued, dendritic pattern is seen in several areas, but occur­ rences are not indicated on the map presented in this study due to the variations in the resolution of the images used. Many large craters have small, V-shaped valleys in their rims. These are seen in many parts of the Highlands, and also on the crater , in the southern regions Chapter 2 76

of the Phlegra Montes.

2.4.5 The Elysium Channels

A major concentration of channels occurring in the Northern Hemisphere, to the northwest of Elysium Mons, is frequently referred to as the Elysium Channels. These channels start at around 200-300 km northwest of Elysium Mons and extend 1000- 2000 km to the northwest, eventually disappearing in the complex terrain south of the landing site. Starting in various west-northwest trending graben, the graben become more fluvial in appearance down-slope. The Elysium channels frequently branch and rejoin, in places reaching 15 km wide, and teardrop islands are visible on their floors. Individual systems are named Granicus Valles, Tinjar Valles and .

• Granicus Valles (230°, 30° N)

The largest system originates in a large fracture, radial to Elysium Mons. The linear feature becomes channel-like and branching at the change in slope, away from the Elysium Lavas. The channels are deep and smooth floored, with some braided reaches and streamlined islands. Several shallow channels cross the higher ground between the main conduits near to the Elysium Lavas. The terrain immediately adjacent to the channels is rough and pitted in texture, while the channel floors appear smooth. The branches of the channels exhibit a variety of widths and depths, but all channel floors that may be resolved are flat and smooth. Single terraces are occasionally seen in the channel sides, indicating either varying episodes of erosion, or discontinuities in the strength of the bedrock. Towards the northwest, the channels split into two branches, displaying complex, anastomosing, flat valleys which become wide, flat channels within pitted, lobate-edged deposits. Local impact craters are highly unusual, and many exhibit double ejecta lobes.

• Tinjar Valles (230°, 37.5° N)

Tinjar Valles appears to be an extension of Granicus Valles. The channel is wide, shallow, smooth, and flat and meanders around craters. Many stream­ Chapter 2 77

lined islands are seen, and, though it broadens out and cannot be traced easily in places, its course may be followed at least as far as the crater at (239°,41° N). The ejecta blanket of this crater appears to cover the channel.

• Hrad Vallis, (220°, 38° N)

This channel originates in a complex region of collapse along a linear trough. Baker (1982) suggests that this irregular source depression may be a seepage zone for melted ground-ice. The broad, flat, winding channel contains many streamlined islands. It is quite shallow becoming progressively more indistinct in the northwest, where it merges with mottled, rough deposits.

As with the large outflow channels, the Elysium channels begin at discrete source areas, contain streamlined islands and cut a variety of terrains (Baker, 1982). They differ from the outflow channels in that their sources are structurally controlled col­ lapse zones, rather than the large areas of chaotic terrain often associated with the heads of outflow channels. Carr (1974a) suspected a volcanic origin for the channels, but did not specify a process. The most detailed description of the channels from Mariner 9 data was presented by Malin (1976). He realised the uniqueness of these channels in that they

1. occur outside the heavily cratered terrain, and are located entirely within vol­ canic plains;

2. begin in deep, broad, elongate volcano/tectonic depressions (Sharp and Malin, 1975); and

3. have subdued cross-sectional relief—the subdued appearance may be due to partial burial by ash from the Elysium volcanoes (Malin, 1976).

Baker’s (1982) examination of Viking Images of the area showed that the Elysium channels are associated with the transitional region between constructional lava plains and mantled and channelled plains. The chaotic terrain and rampart craters in the area indicate that ground-ice may have been important in the development of these plains. Chapter 2 78

The extensive deposits associated with the Elysium channels were generally mapped as “variegated plains material” by Elston (1979). He described it, from Mariner 9 imagery, as a landscape of valleys, , channels, and hummocky topography, sug­ gesting that the scarps have retreated by slumping. He also suggested that the topography of a previous surface is preserved in the mesas. Baker (1982) speculated that the hummocky topography of the material near Hrad Vallis may be thermokarst, and that a superimposed rampart impact crater on the channel suggests that ground- ice may have persisted after its formation. Christiansen and Greeley (1981) suggested that the lobate deposits associated with these channels may be lahars, originating from the distal flanks of Elysium Mons, and resulting from the melting of ground ice and liquefaction of sub-surface materials by heat from the developing Elysium Volcanoes. Tanaka and Scott (1985) questioned this interpretation, following Mouginis-Mark et a l (1984), and suggested that volatile- rich lavas, or pyroclastic deposits may be a more feasible explanation. Tanaka and Scott (1987), concerned about the lack of extensive collapse features which would be expected if the deposits were lahars, postulated that the materials are pyroclastic, and originated at considerable depth. Recently, Christiansen (1989) has completed a detailed photogeological study of the channels and their deposits, and presented significant evidence that they represent a sequence of lahars, associated with the Elysium Volcanoes.

2.4.6 Hebrus Valles (232.5°, 20° N)

The Hebrus Valles have a complex, deep source area, and soon develop into several smooth, flat, channels which are braided in places (figure 2.6). The flow of a fluid material from the source trough towards the north west is indicated by streamlined bedforms. The channel system becomes increasingly complex in the north, with nu­ merous fine branches splitting from a main channel that contains many streamlined islands. Some indication of fine fracturing can be seen at the north-western extremes. Neighbouring, large impact craters appear highly fluidized. Christiansen and Ho- pler (1986) proposed that the Hebrus Valles formed by fluvial erosion, following the outbreak of a confined aquifer. Figure 2.6: Hebrus Valles (232.5°, 20° N), and part of Hephaestus Fossae (section 2.4-6). The outer flanks of Elysium Mons are seen to the right of the photograph. Sev­ eral patches of subdued chaotically-fractured material (c) are present, as are isolated mesas (m) and patches of knobby terrain. Fluid-looking ejecta blankets and a central pit crater (P) can be seen. Fine channels occur near to a lobate lava flow (V) and among the complicated terrain near to (m) 79

■ v > ' ; , . W Hebrus

/ • 10Ckm Chapter 2 80

A nearby feature, Hephaestus Fossae, consists of a complex pattern of intercon­ nected fractures. Many of the connections consist of chains of pits, and there is little sign of fluid flow, though there may have been some fluvial modification in the south­ east where the otherwise sharp junction angles appear smoothed. A broad, shallow channel is seen to connect the two systems, but does not cut down to their floors. The feature merges with polygonally-grooved patterned ground to the northwest, where several almost circular fractures may be seen. Though the rectilinear pattern of the valley segments suggests a tectonic origin, Christiansen and Hopler (1986) proposed a fluvial origin, similar to that of Hebrus Valles. They suggest the difference in char­ acter resulted from deeper down-cutting by the Hephaestus Fossae which excavated into a polygonally troughed surface, which strongly controlled the channel develop­ ment. They note that polygonally troughed terrain is exposed to the northwest, and presumably underlies the local, knobby plains unit. Alternatively, it is possible that fracturing of the area initiated the release of water to form the Hebrus Valles, but little fluvial modification of the Hephaestus Fossae occurred.

2.4.7 Other channels in the Northern Lowlands

Numerous small, simple, sinuous channels are seen in the proximity of Elysium Mons, radial to the volcano. A number of these have enlarged source regions and are fre­ quently associated with chains of pits, suggesting that they have a volcanic origin. Their concentration here has been attributed to the steep regional slopes, aiding the formation of rilles by effusive volcanism (Mouginis-Mark et al., 1984). Some of the small channels west of Elysium Mons are finer and more complex, tending to resemble terrestrial drainage patterns rather than those attributed to lava erosion. Several craters with radial ejecta are seen in the complex area of fractures and flows to the west of Elysium Mons. South and southwest of Elysium Mons the majority of large craters have central pits and very fluid-looking ejecta blankets. No chaos, knobby terrain or mesas are to be seen south of Elysium Mons, or on the lava plains themselves. A sinuous channel (Buvinda Vallis, see Tanaka et al., 1991) is seen just to the east of Hecates Tholus. Its enlarged head, and other characteristics^suggests a vol­ Chapter 2 81

canic origin. The radial channels on Hecates Tholns have been discussed previously (section 2.3.2). One other large channel is seen within the Northern Lowlands of this part of Mars. Owing to its close association with the postulated Elysium Basin it is described in the following section.

2.5 The Elysium Basin

In the region south of the Elysium Lavas there axe swirling albedo variations, with no obvious relief (figure 2.7). The broad, dark swathe contains intricate lighter swirls. There are several partially buried craters in the area, and the surface deposits appear to be influenced by the isolated knobby patches they surround. In places some indi­ cation of directional flow can be seen, but the majority of markings are reminiscent of deposits which have remained after a large body of fluid, presumably water, drained or evaporated. The extent of these markings is difficult to determine, particularly due to the low albedo area bordering to the north. To the east, at around longitude 185°, the faint albedo markings gradually become more distinct: the dark streaks and incorporated lighter, teardrop-shaped areas are suggestive of low-relief remnants of a flow that passed in a north-easterly direction from south of the inliers at (189°, 3.5° N) (figure 2.7). The central light portions can be seen to be slightly higher in relief than the dark markings in the area near (figure 2.8), but no variation in relief is detectable further south, where it is more difficult to trace out the outlines. The extent of the markings is not detectable in the west, since the variations are so subtle, and the relation of the markings to the northern plains is unclear. In this area patches of old terrain are inundated by younger plains-forming ma­ terial. The surface is extremely smooth around ( 200°, 12.5° N), and is very young in appearance in the central region of the basin. Near the Rupes some large craters are buried up to their rims, but only two sizeable buried craters are seen in the remainder of the young area. This suggests either an inherent paucity of craters or an efficient, deep burial. The Cerberus Rupes, which partly cut the basin, are accompanied by dark albedo markings which appear to either side of the fractures. Figure 2.7: Albedo markings in the Elysium Basin (section 2.5), figure covers ap­ proximately 215-205°, 0-8° N. Inliers of old terrain (O) are surrounded by swirling albedo markings which differ greatly from typical wind streaks. Striated terrain in the lower left of the illustrated area is part of the lower member of the Medusae Fossae Formation 82 Figure 2.8: The broad, shallow channel emanating from the Elysium Basin. The dark braided channels and lighter streamlined islands indicate flow occurred from the southwest to the northeast of the area shown 83


Orcus Patera

100km Figure 2.9: The continuation of the broad channel, and associated deposits. The channels are well defined to the west of the large crater in the lower left. Smooth, lobate deposits are seen to the northeast but the extent of the deposits in other areas is less clear. Smooth, dark material appears to embay the knobby terrain in places. 84 Chapter 2 85

There is also a prominent, southwesterly trending dark wind streak associated with the crater at (191°, 13° N). The centre of this crater appears raised. To the south of this area is an abrupt transition to raised, pitted terrain around longitude 185°(figure 2.12). This material appears old and eroded. It contains unusual craters that have irregular outlines and rough floors. South of this, it becomes mantled with a thin young, soft textured deposit. Northeast of Orcus Patera the poorly defined channels develop into large, shallow channels which enter Amazonis Planitia (figure 2.9). The channel splits at this point into two main conduits, one very broad and shallow, the other initially shows some depth, with a flat broad floor that is slightly braided and has several streamlined bedforms. The daxk floor merges with the other mottled channel just south of a large crater at (174.5°, 21.5° N). Some of the flow passed to the west of this crater, where the channel becomes well defined, with winding channels and complex streamlined islands. The larger flow appears to have passed to the east of the crater in a broad, flat channel which terminates with lobate-edged, moderate relief deposits. These deposits extend to the north and east, and can be seen passing around a crater at (169, 26.5° N). It appears that the majority of the deposits do not permeate the knobby terrain to the west of the channel, but in places some embayment of this terrain is indicated. Faint variations in the surface albedo are seen in the area, but it is not possible to define the extent of the deposits in the knobby and ridged terrain to the west. Thin, lobate flows are seen, however, immediately to the north of the knobby terrain, just east of a large outcrop of old terrain. These materials may represent the northernmost limit of the Elysium basin outflow deposits, at around 32.5° N. Farther east, the extent of the deposits is quite clear. Beyond the northern limits of the mapped region, several indistinct markings can be seen, but no clear edges can be determined, and their relation to the lobate deposits is unclear. There are several buried craters in this region, and the surface of this region of Amazonis Planitia appears smooth and young. Scott and Chapman (1991) suggest that the features described in this section are V3\W\ ujxk/ evidence of a basin, which was filled^to a depth of about 1500 m during the Amazonian period. Their map of the extent of the basin is reproduced in figure 2.10. The basin Chapter 2 86





Figure 2.10: T/ie extent of the Elysium Basin (Scott and Chapman, 1991). The dot pattern indicates the approximate shoreline of the postulated paleolake. A = Orcus Patera, B = Apollinaris Patera. At latitude 0°, 10°of longitude = 590 km is situated between the Elysium volcanic field and the Southern Highlands, extending approximately 3000 km eastwards from about longitude 220° and reaching a width of 750 km in places. They locate the temporally varying shores of the postulated lake from the positions of terraced Medusae Fossae units (section 2.6), paleo-shorelines (figure 2.12) and apparent spillways. The majority of the basin lies below — 1 km in elevation. Scott and Chapman interpret the wispy albedo zones as thin deposits from a water body, and the broad, flat channel as the basin’s spillway into Amazonis Planitia. They note that crater densities within the basin are low, indicating an Amazonian age (Carr and Clow, 1981; Greeley and Guest, 1987). There are several major channels in the neighbouring Highlands, and their preliminary studies have revealed that many additional small channels originate in the Medusae Fossae formation (section 2.6) and that these may be important sources of the basin water. It had previously been Chapter 2 87

suggested that the basin’s inflow had been from the Cerberus Rupes (Tanaka and Scott (1985) or from a few small channels to the north (Tanaka and Scott, 1986): Scott and Chapman argue that these sources cannot account for the volume that once filled the basin (estimated as 850000 km3), and they present geological evidence that the majority of water must have originated in the Southern Highlands.

2.6 The Highland-Lowland transition and the Medusae Fossae Formation

The nature of the transition from the southern cratered terrain to the northern plains will be detailed here. Between approximately 160°and 180° longitude this transition is masked by a thick sequence of deposits, collectively termed the Medusae Fossae Formation, which are also discussed below. In the far west of the region, the Highland-Lowland boundary is indistinct, and it appears that younger material has partly buried old terrain, which projects as knobby terrain through faintly wrinkled plains. Passing east of around longitude 245°, the transition becomes more abrupt, with a marked contrast evident between ancient, rough textured terrain and smooth plains material. The Southern Highlands here are marked by many flat-rimmed craters and the surface is rough, with large eroded ridges generally trending north. Adjacent to the Highlands is a wide band of knobby terrain; the density of the mountains increases towards the boundary, which is a clear scarp in places. These mountains appear to be remnants of the Highlands. The change in relief also increases towards the east. Around longitude 239° the scarp is well-defined, the area immediately north of it is chaotic, and large fractures penetrate the Highlands. Some dark albedo material is visible at the foot of this scarp. The boundary between 232.5°and 225° longitude is quite sharp, with cut-off rem­ nants showing as large mesas, and some chaotic regions are present. Just east of longitude 225°, the northernmost parts of the Highlands are divided into large blocks by flat-floored valleys, of various stages of development (figure 2.11). Several craters are cut by the valleys and there are some regions of fine chaotic collapse. To the northeast of the fractured terrain the smooth Lowlands are interrupted by a cluster Chapter 2 88

of large remnants of Highland terrain, rectilinear in outline. The surface of the blocks and the fractured terrain is smooth, and remnants of a deposit are seen around the crater peak in the crater at (222°, 15° S). This region of fracturing, the Aeolis Men- sae, is marked by a series of northwest trending scarps, parallel to major faults seen in the Elysium Quadrangle to the north (Scott and Allingham, 1976). Scott et al. (1978) suggested that these scarps represent fault and fracture systems along which erosion of the Highlands is causing their retreat to the southwest. They described how a subordinate fracture set, striking northeast has resulted in blocky, rectangular tablelands, standing isolated from the highland plateau. Other manifestations of the northeast structural trends are indicated by the straight walls of Al-Qahira Vallis, and small channels in the area. East of about 213° longitude the Highland-Lowland boundary takes the form of a clear scarp of significant relief, with signs of fretting in the Highland troughs. Im­ mediately to the north is an extensive area of lower, eroded material which appears to have been etched into a variety of forms. It lies at a slightly higher elevation than the adjacent plains and is strongly grooved, with northwest trending ridges. Several craters are similarly eroded, or have been partly exhumed by the erosion. Patches of grooved material to the east may be remnants of a similar unit, eroded or buried, though the texturing is at differing orientations. Farther east complex striations in the eroded material are seen, with fan-like ridges, pitting and signs of possibly ex­ humed lobate lava flows. This is the lower member of the Medusae Fossae Formation, which has been interpreted as lava flows interbedded with aeolian or pyroclastic de­ posits (Greeley and Guest, 1987). The higher, striated deposits immediately east of the etched terrain are representative of the middle member, and may be poorly to moderately indurated aeolian or pyroclastic deposits. Around longitude 203°, there is shallow mantling of the underlying terrain,' leaving a subdued appearance which may hide fractured material. This area was designated ‘deflated plains material’ when the region was mapped by Scott et al. (1978), who noted its similarity with terrain mapped elsewhere (Underwood and Trask, 1977; Condit and Soderblom, 1978). tf- the subdued area around longitude 202°, the Highland-Lowland boundary Figure 2.11: The Highland-Lowland boundary and transitional terrain between 220°and 202.5°longitude (section 2.6). Patches of chaotic terrain (c) are visible within the fractured . The complex etched terrain forms part of the lower member of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF); an eroded fan and lobate flows are seen near the boundary. The terrain to the east is mantled by the middle member of the MFF. Unusual markings (K) are seen in the Highlands, which are smooth in this region. The craters marked P and PP contain a central pit and a pitted peak respectively 89 Figure 2.12: The transition from Highlands to Lowlands between 202.5° and 180°longitude (section 2.6). Smooth, dark material embays light knobby terrain in the west, which grades smoothly into old cratered terrain in the south. To the east, the transition is masked by thick, mantling deposits (the upper member of the Medusae Fossae For­ mation), which clearly encroach on the Highlands. To the southwest of Apollinaris Patera (AP) a large area of chaotically broken terrain is seen, and there are signs of fretting. A pitted or hackled area, marked H, may represent a paleo-shoreline of the Elysium Basin (Scott and Chapman, 1991) 90


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becomes much less distinct and there is only a gradual transition from Northern Plains to old, cratered terrain (figure 2.12). The Northern Plains in this area are smooth, with wispy albedo markings. Dark, low relief flows appear to embay transitional light albedo ridged, knobby plains, which gradually give way to old cratered terrain. East of longitude 194° there is a smooth, mantled area whose surface appears pitted and grooved. East of Apollinaris Patera there are deep mantling deposits. There is a smooth area to the north of the volcano, and to the immediate northwest a patch of mantling material gives way to deep, undulating, patterned deposits, and a smooth area whose southern edge reveals at least three deep layers. Farther south the deposits are stippled and encroach on old cratered terrain. South and southwest of Apollinaris Patera there is considerable chaotic breakup of old cratered terrain and some indication of fretting. The crater at (194°, 10° S), contains remnants of an in-filling deposit. The transitional regions here contain several pit craters and combined pitted peaks. The area of pitted, level-surfaced terrain continues to about 176.5° longitude; it develops around its south and eastern margins into a deep mantle that embays old cratered terrain, and that is striated in places (figure 2.13). East of this, at around 170° longitude, is an area which has an etched appearance with irregular mesas adjacent to the mantled region. Towards the east a deep, undulating mantle is seen, which continues to just west of Mangala Valles. Some valleys and layering are seen near its eastern edge. It clearly embays the old cratered terrain of the Southern Highlands, and appears to postdate locally deposits at the mouth of one of the main, western Mangala Valles. Towards the north the mantle is lower in elevation and is stippled. Some stippling is seen in the smooth to undulating region to the northeast. Near the crater Nicholson at (164.5, 0.5° N) the surface is mantled. This mantle appears to have been inhomogeneously eroded, developing into an area of complicated flat-topped with smooth, flat interstitial areas. A small channel in this region appears almost fretted in nature. Nicholson itself contains the remnants of a mantling deposit, surrounding its central peak. The mantling is more coherent to the east, and becomes deep, with an undulating surface to the south east. Immediately to the north an area of striated material, with a mottled albedo, extends as far as 13° N, Figure 2.13: The Highland-Lowland transition between longitudes 180°and 157.5°, showing pitted, striated, etched and rolling surfaces of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) (section 2.6). The crater Nicholson (N) contains remnants of a mantling deposit. Small channels and valleys are seen within the Upper Member of the MFF to the upper right of the photograph. Several Highland/transitional area craters have central pits or pitted peaks 92

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and incorporates Eumenides Dorsum. The mantling becomes thinner and striated to the east of longitude 157.5° (figure 2.4). It is then interrupted by the outflow channel from the Mangala channels, and reappears in smooth and striated forms west of Gordii Dorsum. In between the two smooth mantled areas, from 155° to the eastern edge of the study region^the boundary between the Highlands and Lowlands is a clear scarp, with a substantial difference in elevation between the cratered uplands and Northern Plains. In the Amazonis Quadrangle, the Medusae Fossae materials were classified as the rolling plains unit in the map of Morris and Dwornick (1978). It is described as being characterised by low, rolling elongate highs and indistinct lows, generally trending northwest. They mentioned that in places the highs break up into irregular trending scarps and fractures, and suggested that the material is mostly lava plains with a thin aeolian covering. They noted that the streamlined, lobate escarpments are similar to terrestrial yardangs, and that many of the features are probably due to wind erosion (McCauley, 1973). Wind action has eroded the planar surfaces of the flows into closely spaced parallel lineations and grooves. In later studies the deep, smooth, rolling mantled surfaces are designated as the upper member of the Medusae Fossae Formation, and have been interpreted as thick deposits of aeolian sediments or volcanic pyroclastic deposits, which have been wind eroded in places to form yardangs (Greeley and Guest, 1987). A number of unusual crater morphologies are seen in the transitional region be­ tween smooth plains and stippled material on the Viking images used in this study. The outlines of the ejecta are unusually jagged, and their surfaces flat. Morris and Dwornick (1978) suggested that the ejecta blankets around such craters may have formed protective covers, hindering the erosive processes that have lowered the sur­ face elsewhere. As a result, these features are on elevated platforms. Other hypotheses have been proposed to explain details of the Medusae Fossae Formation: Malin (1979) suggested that the deposits are unwelded pyroclastic mate­ rial of Hesperian or Amazonian age, which have undergone substantial eolian erosion and reworking to yield an Amazonian age. An alternative theory detailed by Scott and Tanaka (1982) interpreted the mate­ Chapter 2 94

rials as ignimbrites, baaed on comparisons with terrestrial examples, suggesting that they may be the products of either nuee ardente eruptions (as described by Lacroix, 1903) or column collapse during Plinian eruptions (Sparks et a/., 1978). In addition, they identified four possible eruptive centres within the thick deposits. Their mapping indicated a relatively young age for some of the postulated ash flows, compared with the majority of Lavas. They found persuasive analogies for the diverse surface expres­ sions of the Medusae Fossae Formation amongst terrestrial ignimbrites and concluded that their interpretation is consistent with spectral data. They suggested that the apparent absence of lava domes or other edifices may be a consequence of the low weight percentage of water that would be required within the ascending magma to allow pyroclastic activity on Mars (Wilson and Head, 1981). In addition, a wider dis­ persal of martian ash flows is expected compared with terrestrial counterparts (King and Riehle, 1974). The spacing of the troughs in the upper member of the Medusae Fossae Formation is similar to that of the martian polar deposits. This led Schultz and Lutz (1988) to propose that the deposits may be relic polar deposits, dating from a period when the planet’s axis was oriented 90° away from its present position, and that they consist of partially to completely devolatized Hesperian-aged polar dust-ice deposits. Their Amazonian age was again attributed to subsequent reworking and erosion. Recently, Parker (1991) has compared the Medusae Fossae Formation with terres­ trial carbonate platforms, suggesting that several aspects are best explained if they are a system of deposits laid down in an ocean. Parker noted that the radar signal of the area differs significantly from that of the south pole layered deposits, and that a uniformly fine-grained material is implied. Such a signal may result from uncemented sand or loess, but may also result from largely uncemented, chemically precipitated carbonates.

2.7 Other features and terrain types

• Chaotic and fretted terrain

The major examples of such terrain are located along the Highland-Lowland Chapter 2 95

border such as at 232.5°-237.5°, as described in section 2.6, but other outcrops occur within the region.

Chaotic break-up of the surface is seen at an irregular scarp just west of Hecates Tholus. The break-up is not controlled by pre-existing craters and yet it is largely in the form of alcoves containing large angular blocks. Remnant material, in the form of variously sized, rectilinear mesas (with similar surface texture to the chaotic blocks) can be seen immediately to the North, grading into subdued knobby terrain. Baker (1982) compared the area with the chaotic terrain south of the Chryse Planitia, but noted important differences: the Hecates Tholus chaos has smaller rotational slump blocks, and there appears to be only a small amount of vertical subsidence involved. Instead, the blocks seem to have been dispersed by lateral displacement to the northern plains.

A smaller, and less well-defined area of chaotic break-up of land is associated with the Elysium Fossae at the distal edges of the Elysium Lavas in the west. To the south west of Elysium Mons, near to Hebrus Valles, there are several patches of very subdued broken material, which may represent partially buried chaotic terrain. The surrounding area is complicated, with small channels, many exhibiting central ridges.

As noted previously (section 2.3.1), an area of finely broken chaotic terrain also occurs on the lower flanks of Apollinaris Patera. Other patches of chaotic, fractured material occur within the Southern Highlands, in large craters, and in regions of Mangala Valles.

• Knobby terrain

King (1978) noted that the knobby terrain adjacent to the Highland-Lowland scarp in the west appears erosional in nature, suggesting that it is the remnants of previously more extensive highlands which have undergone erosional retreat. Christiansen and Hopler (1986) suggested that the knobs and flat-topped mesas of knobby terrain in the Elysium region may represent erosional remnants of a formerly thicker deposit. They further proposed that the precursor surface developed in middle martian history, and that the estimated volume removed Chapter 2 96

was lost by the sublimation of water within its layers. The character of the knobby materials varies considerably within the region, and the features may have diverse origins.

A band of knobby, relatively old terrain extends through much of the Ely­ sium Quadrangle, particularly to the west and north of Orcus Patera. The old areas consist of highly cratered, rough terrain: the majority of the original craters have been highly eroded and buried, their outlines remaining as chains of mountains. Such knobby terrain also occurs as irregular patches of high ground surrounded by plains materials. Towards the south of this region mesas and rec­ tilinear plateaux occur with a blocky appearance. Scott and Allingham (1976) interpreted the old material as probable residual landforms of an older surface, embayed by the Northern Plains materials, andjthat these may represent rem­ nants of a previously more extensive surface which has been eroded to form the plains.

Knobby patches are also common along the Phlegra Montes, which are sur­ rounded by younger plains; in addition, there are large, isolated mountains scattered to the west of Phlegra Montes. East, in , many small, rounded hills are seen. Some are aligned with wrinkle ridges, others may mark old craters, but they are widely dispersed. Knobby material in the Amazonis Quadrangle is probably partly buried eroded remnants of primitive densely- cratered terrain (Carr, 1975). Rolling plains material encroaches upon and buries the southern edge of the knobby terrain. Farther to the north, much of the knobby material in the Diacria Quadrangle is arranged in circular or vague arcuate outlines, suggestive of old eroded craters (Morris and Howard, 1981). The area has undergone an intense erosional history.

Patches of knobby terrain are seen southwest of the Elysium Lavas. These are small hills, and show no obvious pattern in their distribution. There is no indication that they are residual remnants of old craters. Several flat-topped, angularly-outlined mesas are found in this locality, and a few of them are topped by small hills. Similar knobby areas also occur in the area north and east of Chapter 2 97

Hecates Tholus. The hills have smooth, rounded tops, as compared with the jagged summits of the other areas.

• Modified terrain

The term is used here to designate surfaces which appear to have been modified, possibly by permafrost-related processes. Such areas generally occur towards the northern limits of the study region, and belong to the Vastitas Borealis Formation (Scott and Tanaka, 1986; Greeley and Guest, 1987).

An area of patterned ground is seen in the plains west of the Elysium Bulge. The surface is marked by numerous grooves, showing a polygonal pattern in places, and there axe several broken, circular features (a good example of this may be seen on Viking frame 538A39). It is difficult to determine the extent of this terrain due to variations in the image quality. Similar terrain is apparent in , in the northwest of the region. A polygonally cracked texture can be seen in places, with bright albedo pedestal craters and light grooves. On poor resolution images in the area the surface texture cannot be resolved, but the albedo is similarly mottled.

Elston (1979) concluded that cratering, wind action and permafrost have been important in the formation of the mottled cratered plains. In addition, he interpreted the mottled plains as being largely composed of sedimentary material that loses cohesion during impact to an unusual extent, further suggesting that they may be aeolian deposits cemented by permafrost.

An isolated area of curvilinear grooves is seen in northern Arcadia Planitia. Morris and Howard (1981) noted that patches of this surface were exposed in the younger, overlying plains material. They described the outcrop as being characterised by low, rolling, elongate hills, prominent curvilinear scarps, indis­ tinct lows, troughs and depressions, pointing out that some areas are etched and similar in appearance to terrestrial thermokarst terrain. The surface is subdued and buried by aeolian material (Soderblom et al., 1973).

The mottled plains in Arcadia Planitia have abundant pedestal and rampart Chapter 2 98

craters, and the interiors of many of the small craters are filled (Morris and Howard, 1981). The mottled appearance is due to the contrast between bright material surrounding larger craters and lower albedo plains and intercrater ma­ terial. High resolution images reveal that the intercrater areas are covered with conical to elongate hills between 2 and 4 km in diameter, and less distinct, broad hummocks 4 to 8 km in diameter (Morris and Howard, 1981). The surface ap­ pears subdued, probably due to aeolian mantling. Morris and Howard suggest that volatiles frozen out of the atmosphere and incorporated in the northern cir- cumpolar plains are responsible for the appearance of the cratered areas of the mottled plains. They interpreted the plains of north eastern Amazonis Planitia as volcanic plains with an aeolian mantle, and suggested that aeolian erosion and deposition has been more intense toward the north than in southern re­ gions. Their mapping was conducted using both Mariner 9 and Viking Orbiter images, but they noted that large amounts of clouds and haze were encountered in these regions during both missions.

2.8 Impact crater morphology

The density of impact craters in the study region varies considerably. The highest concentrations are encountered in the older, Southern Highlands, and the lowest occur within the Elysium Basin, and to the northeast. Many of the Highland craters are highly degraded, with eroded rims and ejecta, while numerous partially buried craters are seen within the Northern Lowlands. Many craters have ejecta blankets that indicate varying degrees of fluid flow. Other crater morphologies that may indicate the presence of ice, such as distal ramparts, cen­ tral pits and double ejecta have been observed. Pedestal craters appear concentrated in the northern areas, double ejecta lobes are frequently observed on the deposits associated with the Elysium Channels, and a marked concentration of craters with central pits occurs on the Elysium lavas. It is difficult however to determine the rele­ vance of morphological variations in a purely observational study, since craters with such features occur in various locations and at differing diameters. In places neigh- Chapter 2 99

bouring, similarly-sized craters may show pronounced morphological differences. In addition, due to the variation of crater sizes and density, the significance of apparent concentrations of morphological characteristics is easily under- or overestimated.

2.9 Summary

2.9.1 Issues raised by this study

A number of important conclusions may be drawn from the survey presented in this chapter. The observations detailed here suggest the following important issues that require further consideration:

1. The features are often, in isolation, not persuasive evidence of the involvement of sub-surface water in the formation of a landform or terrain type. For example, several of the smaller channels are quite possibly of purely volcanic origin, and many of the volcano morphologies could have arisen from intrinsically explosive activity or from magma/water interactions. The quantity and diversity of land- forms, when considered together, as in this chapter, provide a strong indication that water has played an important and varied role in the development of the surface of Mars in this region. Furthermore, the distribution of several of the features is not random, and there are instances when different types of features are commonly closely associated.

2. The distribution of channels is particularly striking, showing a marked asym­ metry between the Southern Highlands and the Northern Lowlands. While ma­ jor channels are commonly situated near to the boundary, smaller channels are pervasive throughout much of the Highlands. In contrast, channels within the Lowlands are strongly concentrated proximal to the Elysium Volcanics. Small, poorly developed valleys are present in northern areas but* with the exception of the Hebrus Valles, the sources of all significant channels within this portion of the Northern Lowlands are restricted to the Elysium Up­ rise. The Elysium Basin spill way, and the apparent continuation of the Mangala Valles from the boundary scarp conceivably had significant Highland sources. It Chapter 2 100

is important to determine whether the apparent association of the channels with the volcanic region results from the requirement of a locally increased heat flux (and/or fracturing) to melt or release confined sub-surface water, or whether channels are common here due to local enrichment of sub-surface volatiles. As noted earlier, several of the smaller channels may be of volcanic origin, though substantial proportions of water were probably involved in the creation of the large Elysium Channels.

3. Further differences exist between Highland and Lowland channels. Highland sys­ tems often have several tributaries, and may have been associated with drainage basins or capture areas (surface or sub-surface flow). The large lowland channels generally issue from one distinct source region and branch downstream; their courses appear to follow existing topography, rather than modifying it. The larger examples of the Lowland channels typically exhibit fluvial characteris­ tics. The origin of the old channels is difficult to determine: the appearance of several may have been substantially modified by ice-related processes, though the initial channels may have been initiated by a variety of processes. The range of ages of Highland channels is greater than those of the Lowlands due to the greater age of the surface, and this further complicates comparison of the two provinces.

4. A variety of morphological characteristics have been cited that indicate that ex­ plosive volcanic activity may have taken place on all major volcanic constructs, both in the Highlands and the Lowlands. Such activity implies that volatiles were present in quantity during the eruptions. The essential task now is to determine their origin; in essence to distinguish between magmatic (juvenile) volatiles and sub-surface water. Though this is not easy, even for terrestrial situations, the clarification of the question of whether a sub-surface ice reservoir was present contemporaneously with volcanic activity would be advantageous. The relative importance of the two volatile sources may have varied both spa­ tially and temporally. Chapter 2 101

5. The nature of the deposits and channels emanating from the flanks of Elysium Mons merits particular attention. It is rare to And channels and potentially related deposits so closely associated. Indeed, channel deposits are rarely un­ ambiguously identified on Mars. The significant relief and texture of the mate­ rials suggests that they were emplaced in a different fashion from other channel deposits. Also they display evidence of repeated episodes of channel activity, of varying erosive and depositional magnitude. The channels are obviously closely associated with Elysium Mons, but the source of the water, and details of their emplacement, remain enigmatic.

6. Though the retreat of the Highland-Lowland scarp may not be the sole or major factor contributing to the development of the martian dichotomy boundary, it is clear that large portions of it have at least been substantially modified by mass wasting processes within this study area. The presence of ground-ice at depth may be an important factor.

7. The transition from Highland to Lowland terrain varies substantially along the section considered here, and is masked in places by the Medusae Fossae For­ mation. Further (high-resolution) studies are required to determine the origin of the deposits. Though their origin remains controversial, the involvement of substantial volatiles is inherent in many of the proposals. The units’ relations to the Elysium Basin, Apollinaris Patera and the development of the Highland- Lowland boundary are crucial to interpreting these materials.

8. The recent interpretations of the Elysium basin have important ramifications for the history of water within the region, and also climatic implications if such a large body of water were present in comparatively recent times. The origin and fate of this water needs to be determined. It appears that theories of the evolution of the region must be compatible with the late-stage release of substantial volumes of water.

9. The majority of knobby terrain outcrops are remnants of the old, Highland Terrain, and as such may not imply the presence of ice in their formation, Chapter 2 102

other than perhaps enhancing the mass wasting of these areas prior to and after embayment by younger deposits. However, the increase in density of knobs proximal to the highlands supports the interpretation that a significant quantity of the Lowlands are the result of the scarp retreat. The removal of sub-surface ice is an attractive explanation for this widespread phenomenon.

10. In other areas, knobby terrain is not so obviously the remnants of an ancient, eroded surface. North of Elysium, an area of knobs and mesas may represent a former surface, but the knobs here are smooth topped, rounded hills, and may have an alternative origin to the faceted mountains of other areas. No indication of the remnant structures of large craters is seen in these areas, rather the landforms may be the remnants of smoother, younger surfaces than the precursor surfaces of other knobby areas. Their development may have been aided by the presence of ground-ice.

11. The occurrence of chaotically broken terrain at the Highland-Lowland boundary and peripheral to major volcanoes is interesting, particularly if the similarity is genetic and not simply coincidental. The volcanic association suggests that some sub-surface influx of heat is required, presumably to melt underlying ice. The development of chaotic and fretted terrain at the boundary scarp may have been due to different processes, despite the striking similarity in appearance. Within the area covered by radial flows from Elysium Mons, the ‘Elysium Lavas’, there is no sign of chaotic break-up. Such terrain only occurs around the perimeter of the lavas. This may indicate that the upper layers of the lavas are not ice-rich, but ice is present at depth within the area that they cover. Large impact craters, particularly towards the outer margins of the lavas, typically exhibit very fluid-looking ejecta, and many are characterised by central pits. The combination of possible explosive activity, channels, crater types and chaotic borders suggests that a substantial water reservoir underlay the Elysium Lavas, though its depth and nature cannot be ascertained from this survey. Conversely, lavas are not normally thought to be promising candidates for ice-rich permafrost when compared with highly permeable sedimentary materials. Chapter 2 103

12. The highly modified terrain of the Vastitas Borealis Formation is restricted to the northern regions of the study area. Many characteristics of such areas axe suggestive of substantial ice-related modification. The restriction of this terrain to high latitudes is consistent with thermodynamic considerations that would permit ice to be stable at or near to the surface at these latitudes.

The plethora of surface morphologies detailed in this chapter, when considered together, leave little room for doubt that water has played an important role in the evolution of the surface of the study region. Though the link with water is tenuous and poorly understood in places, an important issue now is to gain a fuller understanding of the overall distribution of water in the area, where it came from, its distribution through time, and its eventual fate. The majority of landforms documented in this chapter are able to reveal the previous presence of water where it is either brought to the surface, or is very near to the surface. In addition, there may be many areas where ice is present at depth, but has had no clear effect on the surface. The importance of accurately locating sub-surface volatile reservoirs was raised in Chapter One. Though some of the landforms discussed here may have involved ground water or ice they provide limited information as to its depth, physical state and extent.

2.9.2 The proposed analysis of impact crater morphology

The morphology of craters has been seen to vary considerably across the region, and many craters display characteristics which may indicate the involvement of sub-surface water or ice in their formation. The craters are distributed widely throughout the region: they are the most prevalent major features that are capable of reflecting the presence of sub-surface volatiles at current image resolutions, and will potentially provide a more accurate picture of their distribution. It is therefore proposed that a rigorous examination of crater morphology will provide further information on the distribution of ground-ice in the area. In addition, since the size of the crater reflects the depth to which the surface was excavated, an indication of sub-surface properties at a variety of depths can also be gained from such a study. It will augment this chapter’s survey of surface morphology and may help to clarify the issues listed in the Chapter 2 104

previous section. There axe many factors that may have influenced the location of sub-surface wa­ ter/ice, and the relative importance of these may be reflected by the variations in the crater morphology. As has been demonstrated in this chapter, the Elysium area contains diverse crater types and covers a range of latitude, altitude, surface type and age. Owing to the size of the region, and to the observed diversity of crater forms, a visual examination is not sufficient to sort out the geological and environmental factors which potentially influence crater morphology. It was therefore instructive to construct a homogenous database containing all of the relevant details of the craters which could then be analysed systematically to highlight the dominant factors. This will provide supplementary, quantitative information on the distribution of sub-surface water and ice within the area. When combined with the indications of the action of water detailed in this chapter, this information will aid the construction of a more detailed theory of the history and importance of water within Elysium. Chapter 3

Impact Crater Morphology: Creation of the Database

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

Scandal in Bohemia—Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

3.1 Introduction

This chapter opens with a brief overview of impact mechanics and the ways in which crater morphology is used to investigate target properties. In order to document the observed crater morphologies a detailed classification scheme was devised: the scheme is presented here together with diagrams and illustrations of each morphological fea­ ture. The incorporation of morphological and other information into a comprehensive database is detailed, and the potential of the database is considered at the close of the chapter.

105 Chapter 3 106

3.2 Impact cratering mechanics

Impact craters are the result of high-velocity impacts by Solar System meteoroids. The energy of the impinging projectiles is normally so great that the crater is excavated out of near-surface materials as a result of what is effectively a point-source explosion. The resulting crater dimensions and morphologies are influenced by the physical nature of the target and projectile (Gault and Greeley, 1978), and the projectile’s incoming velocity and angle. Comparative studies of planetary bodies have suggested that environmental factors (such as gravity and atmospheric density) are also involved (Gault et al., 1975). To facilitate discussion of the possible factors that may influence crater morphology a brief summary of impact crater formation is given in the following sections. The summary is condensed from detailed descriptions by Guest and Greeley (1977), Carr (1981), and Melosh (1989). Many authors recognise three stages in the evolution of an impact crater, based on the dominant processes operating in each stage (Gault et al., 1968), and this approach is retained here.

3.2.1 The contact and compression stage

On impact, a high velocity projectile starts to penetrate the surface, compressing the target material and generating two divergent shockwaves—one travels upwards, through the projectile, the other downwards through the impacted medium. The shock fronts propagate at velocities of several km/s. During the early stages of the im­ pact the pressures commonly reach hundreds of GPa, far exceeding the yield strengths of the materials involved, and cause the materials to behave hydrodynamically. An increasing amount of target and projectile material becomes engulfed by the expanding shockwaves, and rarefaction waves result from the inability of the free surfaces (at the surface of the target and the projectile sides) to sustain this stress. The rarefaction waves develop along the free surfaces, acting to decompress the region from the high-pressure conditions, and in the process both the projectile and target material are melted and vaporized. This to the hydrodynamic ejection of projectile and target material at high velocity (much higher than that of the impact), in a process termed ‘jetting’, as highly shocked material is ejected laterally outwards at Chapter 3 107

high velocities from near the interface between the compressed target and projectile. During this stage the majority of the projectile’s kinetic energy is transferred to the target, resulting in high pressures and temperatures in a zone comparable in size to the original projectile. The stage lasts for a fraction of a second, the time taken for the shockwave and subsequent rarefaction to travel through the projectile. The heat generated may be sufficient to melt a region of the target, which tends to remain within the crater as a lens-shaped pool. At the end of this stage the upward-moving shock has completely engulfed the projectile, and the spherical shockwave continues to penetrate deeper into the target, followed by rarefaction waves.

3.2.2 The excavation stage

The bulk of the material is ejected at lower velocity as the shock surface propagates into the target, excavating a hemispherical void—the transient cavity. As the zone of compressed material expands outwards, the amplitude of the shock waves declines rapidly, since their energy is distributed over greater volumes of target material as they expand. The rarefaction waves cause the initially outwaxd-moving shocked materials to be deflected upwards, forming a conical curtain of debris. This curtain, angled at about 50° to the surface, moves outwards with the enlarging crater rim. The crater opens to a distance where the rarefaction waves decline to a point where their strength only just exceeds that of the target materials. At this point the waves only have the strength to cause the near-surface material to overturn, forming a raised rim. The debris curtain continues outwards, with its constituents on ballistic trajec­ tories. Close to the crater the material is deposited at low velocities and angles as continuous ejecta. Farther out the ejecta strike the ground at higher velocities and angles, and the deposited material becomes discontinuous towards its outer edge. Though excavation of the crater terminates when the stress level decays to that equal to the target rock, the stress wave may travel beyond the crater rim, as a simple elastic wave, for considerable distances. Chapter 3 108

3.2.3 The post-impact modification stage

The excavation stage produces a ‘transient crater’ which generally collapses under gravity. In small craters loose debris slides down the crater’s interior walls to pool in the bowl. Collapse is more evident in large craters: slump terraces form as the inner walls move downwards into the crater, and the floor may rebound to create a central peak, due to the target’s inability to support the crater. The final craters themselves are subject to modification by various mass-wasting processes, and become progressively more subdued in appearance with time. The degradational processes acting on a crater will vary in rate and style, and may de­ pend upon rock type and geographical location. A problem in the interpretation of features on martian ejecta is that it is difficult to distinguish between primary fea­ tures (resulting from processes taking place during the impact) and secondary features which result from subsequent modification, particularly in the high latitudes where modification rates appear to be high.

3.3 The progression of crater type with diameter

The interior morphology of impact craters varies according to size. The progression from simple to complex structures, which was first detailed for lunar craters, also occurs on Mars. Small lunar craters are bowl-shaped—the floor and wall are parts of a continuous curve—and are interpreted as forming within fairly homogeneous material. The rim is circular and raised, and the slope of the interior is greatest near the rim, decreasing gradually towards the crater’s centre. The interior morphology of lunar craters changes abruptly at diameters between about 10 and 20 km to one of relatively flat floors, steep sides, and slump terraces. In larger craters central peaks project above the flat floors. The diameter-to-depth ratios of these ‘complex’ craters are smaller than those of simple, bowl-shaped craters, and it is clear that the larger craters have undergone collapse. The diameter at which the transition from simple to complex craters occurs scales inversely with a planet’s gravitational strength (Pike, 1979), which is consistent with a collapse-related origin Chapter 3 109

for complex craters.

3.4 Morphological characteristics of impact craters which may indicate sub-surface water/ice

Variations in crater morphology on Mars have been attributed to differences in target strength, depth of excavation, presence of near surface volatiles, and environmental conditions (Carr et al., 1977; Mouginis-Mark, 1979; Bridges and Barlow, 1989). In a ‘dry’ impact, components of the excavated material follow ballistic trajectories ac­ cording to their velocity and angle of ejection. This results in deposits surrounding the crater that progressively decrease in depth radially outwards, and which often show a radial pattern due to scoring as the debris is emplaced; such ejecta are common on the Moon and Mercury. Fresh impact craters on those bodies axe characterised by hummocky texture close to the rim, which develops into a radial texture farther out. If volatiles are included in the ejecta, then a component of the material may be emplaced by fluid flow. The appearance of the ejecta may then be markedly differ­ ent to radial ejecta. The properties of craters and their ejecta that have been cited as indicative of the incorporation of sub-surface water into the developing landform are detailed below. How accurately these features reflect the presence or nature of sub-surface water remains controversial; hence one of the aims of this work was to evaluate further the causes of the morphological variations.

3.4.1 Fluidised ejecta

The term ‘’ was introduced to denote craters whose ejecta terminate in low ridges. These craters were first observed in Mariner 9 images, and their mor­ phology was initially attributed to wind action (McCauley, 1973). Subsequent exam­ ination of these features indicated that the rampart is a primary feature, rather than the product of subsequent modification, since fine details such as rays and secondary features are observed adjacent to the main ejecta (Carr, 1981). Ramparts and other features of many martian ejecta indicate that they were em­ placed more like debris flows than purely ballistic ejecta: they have abrupt outer Chapter 3 110

boundaries, they seem to have flowed around the sides of obstacles, and they show greater radial extent than do the ejecta on the Moon and Mercury (Carr et al., 1977b). Furthermore, the results of Mouginis-Mark (1979) suggest that the ejecta extend far­ ther, and are more fluid, at low elevations and high latitudes. Carr et al. (1977b) concluded that the appearance of the ejecta indicates a fluid nature for the material during emplacement, which may have occurred due to continued radial movement as a ground-hugging debris flow, after initial ballistic emplacement. They proposed that the fluidity could be a consequence of interstitial water, or ground-ice melted during the impact, though the entrainment of atmospheric gases may also have contributed. Experimental support for the interpretation that some martian ejecta blankets were emplaced as a flow of fluidized material was presented by Gault and Greeley (1978), who studied laboratory impacts in viscous liquid targets. The capacity of an impact to melt sufficient ice to cause such flow is questionable, since it is likely that the ice near to the impact point would be volatized, while that farther away would remain frozen; hence the zone in which liquid water would occur is limited (Carr, 1981; Melosh, 1989). It is possible, therefore, that of the highly fluid- looking ejecta blankets a proportion reflects the involvement of sub-surface water. Alternative processes whereby the fluidity of the ejecta may have been enhanced include the entrainment of gas either from the atmosphere (Schultz and Gault, 1978), or from the shock heating and decomposition of minerals, though the efficiency of such mechanisms is uncertain (Carr, 1981). Mouginis-Mark (1979) recognised six classes of martian fluidized craters, but no­ ticed that only two of them occur frequently for various latitudes, altitudes, and target types: those which are characterised by a single, continuous ejecta blanket, and those which possess two, concentric ejecta facies. The formation of the latter double ejecta may be a consequence of volatile stratification within the target, such as a layer of water-rich material underlying dry or frozen strata (Mouginis-Mark, 1981). Alter­ natively the interaction of ejecta with the atmosphere (Schultz and Gault, 1979) or the oscillation of a central peak (Greeley et al., 1980; section 3.4.2) may cause the emplacement of multiple ejecta facies. While there is much evidence to indicate that some martian ejecta were emplaced Chapter 3 111

by flow across the surface, little systematic work has been carried out to define pre­ cisely the importance of factors such as latitude, altitude, and target nature (Carr, 1981).

3.4.2 Central Features

The presence of central peaks cannot be explained purely by the piling up of landslide debris in the centre of the crater, since studies have shown that the central-peak materials originate below the crater floor. The movement of markers in experimental near-surface explosions indicates a tendency for the rocks below the crater floor to move inwards and upwards, producing central hills (Guest and Greeley, 1977). Wood et al. (1978) demonstrated that flat floors and central peaks first occur at smaller diameters than do terraced walls, suggesting that the initiation of a central peak may be by rebound, rather than by slumping of the walls towards the centre. Impacts are similar in many ways to point-source explosions since they involve the rapid transfer of the kinetic energy of the projectile to the target, and therefore studies of the craters produced in experimental explosions have provided useful information. In particular, it is almost certain that sub-surface motions during the formation of Snowball and Prairie Flat craters were enhanced by the presence of large amounts of water in the target alluvium (Roddy, 1977), causing them to develop the features of complex craters. Numerous terrestrial craters of comparable or larger size, formed in more consolidated alluvium or , are of the simple form (Cooper, 1977). These results indicate that target strength is an important influence in determining the interior morphology of a crater, and that a lowering of the target strength may result in a lowering of the threshold diameter for the formation of complex craters. Thus, though sub-surface volatiles are not a prerequisite for the formation of central peaks, a lower diameter onset or an enhanced central peak population may indicate their presence, since the volatiles would tend to reduce the target’s viscosity. A significant proportion of martian craters have central pits, rather than central peaks (Smith, 1976). Such pits are rare on the Moon and Mercury, but large craters on Ganymede and Callisto do exhibit central pits (Greeley et al., 1982). Following earlier work of Hodges (1978) and Smith and Hartnell (1977), Wood et al. (1978) Chapter 3 112

suggested that the volatization of ground ice from the core of the central uplift may result in central pits. An alternative explanation of the formation of central pits was proposed by Greeley et al. (1980), who also described how fluid-looking (single, double, or multiple) ejecta may be emplaced. Their model concerns the oscillation of a central mound, and the sequence is briefly as follows: the expansion and deposition of an ejecta plume is followed by the excavation and collapse of the crater bowl, causing a central mound to rise. As the central mound falls, material is pushed out of the crater in the form of a surge wave. The central material may continue to oscillate, causing further surges, and may come to rest in the up or down position. Greeley et al. (1980) found that the initiation of the oscillating peak is dependent upon the impact energy and the rheology of the target. In additional experiments some indication of degassing was seen for certain targets, but the formation of central pits by the ‘oscillating peak model’ remains the most convincing explanation (Greeley et al., 1982; Guest, 1991). The absence of central pits on the Moon and Mercury may be reconciled with this model by considering the differences in target strength. Oscillating peaks may form during impacts on these bodies, but only for very large, basin-forming events. The presence of central pits in fairly small martian craters suggests that the martian surface materials behave in a substantially less viscous fashion for a given energy of impact, and so the onset of an oscillating peak can occur for a proportionally smaller crater diameter. The central pit craters, and those with double ejecta, may therefore represent impacts into ice-rich targets.

3.5 The classification scheme

The preliminary study of the area (Chapter Two) and reference to the processes expected during the formation of impact craters and their ejecta dictated the re­ quirements of the chosen classification scheme. The diversity of morphologies seen suggested that a very flexible scheme was required, so that the complexity of features could be comprehensively and accurately recorded. Previous schemes used in crater studies have tended to place the craters into a limited number of categories, based on Chapter 3 113

the co-existence of several features. This methodology was not felt to be suitable for this study as it was apparent that the craters do not fall into easily categorised types. For example, some craters with raised ramparts have pitted ejecta, some have smooth, featureless ejecta, and some are striated. The apparent fluidity of the craters varies considerably, and even among rampart-bearing craters there seems to be a progression from thick, viscous-looking blankets with wavy perimeters to thin, areally expansive, jagged examples which are very fluid in appearance. The use of a fixed scheme would over-simplify the actual nature of many of the craters and much information would be lost. It is also important, in such a large study, to note as many characteristics of the crater as possible at the time of the classification, so that any theories that develop may be tested, without resorting to re-examining the craters. Finally, the data must be stored in an ordered and accessible manner, so that analysis will be as efficient and as free from error as possible. None of the existing classification schemes was found to be sufficiently detailed and unambiguous for the purposes of this study. A new scheme was therefore developed, which has been used to record all pertinent details of the craters. This was achieved by considering the crater in sections, and by choosing a code letter to denote the nature of each sub-division. To avoid lengthy and confusing codes, the classification is divided into columns representing categories within which a range of single or double alphanumeric codes is available to represent each possible feature. Each crater was considered (potentially) to consist of the following components:

• The crater interior

• The rim itself

• The inner ejecta

• The outer ejecta

Consideration was also given to the state of preservation of the feature, its apparent age, and the confidence in the interpretation. The classification scheme is as given in table 3.1, and important features of it are described below, together with comments on the limitations of some of the more subjective classification criteria. It should be Chapter 3 114

noted that upper-case and lower-case alphabetic characters were used, with upper-case letters denoting reasonable certainty of a correct classification. Lower-case letters were used where there is a possibility of a particular feature, while question marks indicate that it may be possible to observe the feature from higher-resolution or different sun- angle frames. Blanks are left where the feature is not, or cannot be^observed. Though the scheme was devised following the preliminary survey of the region, aspects of it evolved during the classification process as new or subtle morphological characteristics became apparent. As a result, the classifications of all of the craters were checked, to ensure uniformity. It was noted that, other than where categories had been revised, the classifications agreed well in both instances, demonstrating the accuracy and repeatability of the scheme.

3.5.1 The interior of the crater

P rofile The approximate cross-sectional profile was recorded since the transition from a bowl profile to one that exhibits a flat floor may indicate a discontinuity in the materials that were excavated (Oberbeck and Quaide, 1968). The craters that had a bowl-shaped profile, with no visible ejecta, were designated ‘simple’ (with indication of the probable fate of the ejecta wherever possible) and no other information was recorded other than the unit, target nature, and rim diameter. Simple, flat-floored craters were distinguished from the bowl-shaped ones, but were otherwise treated in the same manner. Many craters have been buried, and in such cases this category also records the degree of burial. In the Highland regions many craters are highly eroded and have either smooth or rough floors. In such cases HF (simple, smooth-floored Highland crater), VF (similar, but very shallow), and RF (eroded rim and floor of a similar roughness to that of the surrounding terrain) were used. A small number of craters were located that were highly unusual. Irregular out­ lines, double craters, and small depressions were designated as shown in the table. Larger craters having intermediate profiles or flat floors were recorded in more detail, since their rims and ejecta could often be distinguished. In larger craters Chapter 3 115

IN SID E RIM Profile 1 Central Feature | Floor b — bowl a — absent s — smooth

i - intermediate y w v . p — peak i - intermediate

f - flat t — pit r - rough

m — raised centre c - pitted b — buried LOCAL TARGET NATURE peak cf crater floor t - two-tier u — dunes cp crater peak Floor Albedo (c)r crater rim d — dune-like c - broken by ca crater aureole 1 — greater than interior fracturing ci inner ejecta s - simple bowl, surroundings d - cut by external CO outer ejecta no ejecta visible m — equal to feature(s) X shallow channel sb — ejecta surroundings x - chaotic ch channel possibly buried p — patchy chi channel island s b - ejecta 1 - subdued graben possibly eroded d — less than blocks g r © ft fault sf - simple flat surroundings w - wrinkled wr wrinkle ridge interior, no ejecta m m esa visible h — hummocky k knob b f- flat profile s unit’s surface due to burial p - slum ps o obscured e f - flat profile, low relief flow ejecta eroded A — debris j 1 possible lahar hf — flat rim/floor, apron b lobate flow highland crater e Elysium Mons v f — shallow h Hecates Tholus highland crater a Albor Tholus t f - tw o-tier flat ap Apollonaris Patera floor (highland) -c construct r f- rough-floored, -V small (lava) flow flat rimmed -f volcano flanks highland crater mantling deposit A — possible y d channel deposits secondary crater sd dark surface p - draped si light surface r - irregular outline u dark dissected region o - circular fracture t highland/lowland transition u - double h southern highlands 1 — possibly volcanic c - possible collapse feature x - striated irregular floor

Table 3.1: The classification scheme. Additional categories within the ‘Profile’ column, not illustrated above, indicate the degree of burial: OF-completely buried, faint outline of rim visible; UF-crater interior buried (flooded) Chapter 3 116

RIM Character Degradational state f — fresh, circular and sharp O c - continuous and complete o & cc — continuous but cut O / — ^ e - slightly degraded, slight modification © ch - continuous but impacted O q - degraded to non-circular * » * h - degraded to hills i - slightly terraced o b — buried, only faint impression remains t — well-developed terraces

Q sc - semi-continuous d - very degraded (?) cb - continuous but breached f - eroded level with surroundings

h - degraded or buried, isolated hills remain

cv - cut by small valleys o p - slumps or debris aprons EJECTA T ype Fluid Index Features p - pedestal 0 — no indication of fluid a - inner aureole / w flow, hummocky, lunar-like © m — rampart 1 - circular distinct edge h - hummocky ® & 1 — lobate <°) 2 - some indication of rampart s — striations profile, ‘wavy’ or slightly r — radial jagged outline p - pitted % 3 - rampart, jagged or lobate, continuous outline o — sm ooth © o — circular © 4 - greater extent, dis­

c — continuous continuous jagged ramparts < & / c - cut by channel <£5 © * T* 5 — greater radial extent, r O > O j b - non-continuous thin, isolated ramparts ( ° Z f - cut by fracture £ v j h - buried Preservation © w — bright albedo sh - semi-buried (S) k — dark p — poor n - inner ramparts 1 - slight levels a - average i - irregular d — flow around obstacle g - good < 5 t — thin x - possibly exhumed vg — very good £?•> (o') u — subdued t - flat; little relief

© w — wavy outline y - platey AGE j _ jagged outline u — platey aureole & y pristine qy clear rim, blanket e - partly eroded by channel v - radial valleys m slight degradation 0 o degraded, incomplete f - finger-like edges q - oblique impact CO VO degraded rim, flat or remnant knobs 1 n i S , \ ^ \ - z — clear secondary craters

Table 3.1: The classification scheme continued Chapter 3 117

it was quite easy to determine the basic profile of the interior, but in smaller ones the classification became quite subjective and highly dependent upon the angle of illumination. Central features Central peaks are quite simple to detect, but pits are less easy, and care had to be taken to eliminate possible small impact craters from this section. A feature was only designated to be a central pit if it had steep, irregular sides since similarly sized impact craters tend to be smooth bowls. Many of the larger craters showed signs of post-impact filling or flooding of their floors. Such modifications would soon mask the presence of a central pit, and may hide central peaks if the in-fill is sufficiently deep. In some cases subdued depressions were observed in the central region, which may represent in-filled pits. Peaks with smaller diameter pits centred concentrically on their summits were occasionally seen. These were designated ‘pitted peaks’. Examples of the three types of central feature are given in figure 3.1. Floor nature and Albedo These were included with the intention of assessing post-impact modification of the crater interiors. These details could only be recorded for the larger craters.

3.5.2 The rim

C h a ra c te r Denotes the large-scale post-impact modification of the crater, e.g., burial, impact, dissection by channels. Degradational state This criterion indicates the state of degradation reached as a result of the more uniform degradational processes acting on the crater. This classification was particu­ larly sensitive to image quality, and was also dependent on the size of the crater. As a result, only the larger craters were classified according to this criterion.

3.5.3 The inner ejecta blanket

Preservation Figure 3.1: Examples of various types of ejecta and interior morphologies; the indi­ vidual frames are 100 km in width, other than that of the radial crater, which is 25 km wide 118 Chapter 3 119

This indicates the clearness of the ejecta, which is a factor of image resolution in many cases. However, where several craters appear on the same frame, and have differing states of apparent preservation, then more value can be attributed to this designation. T y p e The main characteristics of the ejecta are summarised under this heading. The major type categories—rampart, pedestal, and radial—are often used to denote mor­ phological type in other studies. Other characteristics, mostly pertaining to the out­ line, and large-scale appearance of the ejecta are also recorded here (figure 3.1). F e a tu re s This section contains a list of features that may occur on many different ‘types’ of crater. The classifications are supplementary to the ‘type’ section, and allow small- scale characteristics to be noted. Fluid index This is used to record the apparent degree of fluidity of the ejecta, on a scale of 0-4 (figure 3.2).

3.5.4 The outer ejecta blanket

If visible, this is treated in exactly the same fashion as the inner blanket. Craters possessing distinct multiple (i.e., > 2) blankets were not observed in the region but wherever there are signs of partial additional blankets the code ‘L’ is added to the ‘Features’ section (denoting the possible presence of extra levels).

3.5.5 Geological unit

The geological unit in which the feature lies was ascertained from the 1:15000000 equatorial geological maps (Scott and Tanaka, 1986; Greeley and Guest, 1987), with minor alterations to the published boundaries of the units being made in places, due to the increased scale and resolution of this study. It was incorporated into the database as a guide to the nature of the target material. The designated unit does not necessarily accurately represent the target material since units may contain terrain of diverse origins, erosional state, and age. Unit Figure 3.2: Examples of craters of varying apparent fluidity, the frames of craters with indices 1-3 are 100 km wide. The index 4 image is at a similar scale, but the index 0 image is 25 km in width I *- \J

(/> LU o

Q 3

LL Chapter 3 121

boundaries are arbitrary in places, and units may be distinguished by characteristics that may not have directly affected the crater. Moreover, not all of the documented craters lie on the main surface layer that characterises these units, hence the following criterion.

3.5.6 Local target nature

The purpose of this section of the scheme was to reflect, as accurately as possible, the nature of the materials excavated by the . If the crater in question apparently lies on terrain characteristic of the designated geologic unit, it is denoted as ‘S’. If the nature of the target has since been covered, an ‘O’ is used. Other­ wise, different codes are used to differentiate between impacts that have occurred on previously existing craters, volcanoes etc., and|is particularly useful in subdividing volcanic units. Craters occurring on component parts of other craters have the older crater indicated by the crater’s original number on the subquad mosaics. These can be extracted from the original files allowing easy access to data regarding the target crater.

3.5.7 The age of the crater

This section provides a rough indication of the apparent age of the crater. It is unfortunately dependent on crater size and image resolution, but highly degraded craters were easy to separate from fresher ones. Rates of erosion and resurfacing vary across the region, and so the degradational state at best only indicates localised , relative crater ages.

3.5.8 The confidence factor

A confidence factor was assigned to the interpretation of the complex craters. To a great degree this reflects image quality, and data associated with lower confidence factors should be treated with caution. The poorest classifications were eliminated on the whole by referring to higher resolution images, but it was impossible to bring all of the database to the same high level of confidence due to limitations of time and Chapter 3 122


Examples of the classifications are given in table 3.2, where the craters in figures 3.1 and 3.2 are recorded. In table 3.2, the notation used for the column headings denotes the various categories of the classification scheme as shown in table 3.1, as follows. Interior: P = profile, C = central feature, F = floor, A = albedo. Rim: C = character, D = degradational state. Inner Ejecta: Pres. = preservation, Fl.I = apparent fluid index, Feat. = features. Con. = confidence.

3.6 Construction of the database

The 1:1250000 photomosaics of Viking Orbiter images used for the survey presented in Chapter Two provided the basis for the crater study. The individual mosaics covered the region in predetermined sections that corresponded to parts of Mars Chart Quadrangles for ease of documentation, sorting, and checking. The centre of each crater of over approximately 1.875 km in diameter was digitized. This minimum cut-off size was chosen since it represented 1.5 mm on the photomosaic scale, and was thus easy to see and measure. It is also sufficiently below the minimum stratigraphic diameter of 2 km (as used for age determination by Scott and Tanaka, 1986, and Greeley and Guest, 1987) to ensure that all craters of, and above, this horizon were included in the database. Many crater studies do not include craters of this size, partly due to resolution limitations, but they were included here since it had been observed that many of the craters of this size and above possessed ejecta that showed some indication of fluid flow. Craters below this limit were not included since the error on measurement would become high and the resolution was only sufficient in limited areas to ensure that such craters would be classified correctly, if indeed they could be observed at all. By using the Mars Chart lithographs to determine the position of control points, the crater locations were transformed from digitizer co-ordinates to longitude and lat­ itude (this was accomplished by rotating the frames as necessary and then translating them to their correct location with respect to the martian grid reference system) so Chapter 3 123


t-H V at M ft, O P h VS PM O H 0) 1 -9 * -9 PM PQ >» s s H m H m bO 2 2 2 2 2 o S S S IS s

rt O co co co co •'f ^ cm CO CO CO CM CO O

fl3 CO O CO & W £ W p


at p . >> ►o & a £ a H s s & £ o & 2 or H H HH O* « O*

w W o o O O U U O U C> ^ a a 2 «- PM e-. q a S 2 ^

Pm CO - - h t i — Ph HH I—I Ph CO — e-. pj

V c3 < +* P h cj Ph H V < < Ph e^- O

Pm Pm Pm Pm C". pL| c~ Pm Pm Pm Pm >-h Pm

•3 at PM cti CM CO PM ^ nd x at rO at at 3 3 3 at 3 <3 > 'TS tS nd t3 m3 (H at o at dI ^ at a O P h p i-q Pm PM Ph A k3 ►a

Table 3.2: Example classifications of craters illustrated in 3.1 and 3.2. When incorpo­ rated into the database (Appendix G), additional columns detail the crater’s longitude, latitude, diameter, ejecta diameter(s), and distance from Elysium Mons. See text for explanation of column headings Chapter 3 124

that files could be combined. The photomosaics were also used to measure certain di­ mensions and to classify the crater characteristics: the measurements were converted into the true dimensions, and the ratios of the ejecta to crater diameters were calcu­ lated simultaneously with the co-ordinate transformation. The measurements—crater rim diameter and maximum ejecta diameter(s)—were made using a measuring eye­ piece. The eyepiece allowed an accuracy of ± 0.1 mm which corresponds to ± 0.125 km. The measurement accuracy of the crater diameters is therefore ± 0.125 km, while that of the ejecta blanket diameters propagates to ±0.35 km since the radii of the ejecta were determined, and then doubled. However the main error is likely to come from human error in determining the exact positions to take as the outer limits. In a very few cases the limit to accuracy was provided by the images themselves, where pixels became larger in size than the smallest division of the measuring scale. Inaccuracies in the location of the craters also occurred due to difficulties in mosaic alignment, slightly varied scales of frames (usually smaller than the limiting measuring error), and in locating the exact centre (by means of cross-hairs). These are, however, in­ significant compared to the scale of the study area. The complete database is given in Appendix G.

3.6.1 Crater location

The craters were located by their longitude and latitude, as obtained from their dig­ itizer co-ordinates and the control points. It was found that recording the calculated co-ordinates to two decimal places was sufficient to designate uniquely each crater.

3.6.2 Altitude

Detailed topographic data were not available for the entire region. The general to­ pography was obtained by digitizing the 1- km contours of 1:15 000 000 topographical maps of the Eastern and Western regions of Mars (U.S.G.S. Miscellaneous Investi­ gations Series, 1-2030, 1989). The altitude of each point was recorded and then the co-ordinates were converted from Mercator to Orthographic projection. From these data a two-dimensional surface was interpolated (NAG routine E 01SAF). The accu­ racy of the generated surface was checked by careful comparison with the original map Chapter 3 125

and then the altitude of the co-ordinates of each crater in the database was evaluated (NAG routine E01SBF). These were then incorporated into the database. No indication of the predicted error is given in the published topography, and it is not possible to calculate it without further details, as the data used in the map are of varied origins. Additional inaccuracies will have arisen during the generation and interpolation of the surface. The major problem here was an observed tendency for altitudes to cluster slightly around integer values, due to unavoidable errors incurred in fitting the complex surface. These errors were minimised by dividing the area into suitable, overlapping portions, eliminating edge effects where possible, and then recombining the data. The resulting altitudes assigned to the craters were checked against the original map; the general agreement is good, and the internal error is probably of the order of 0.25km.

3.6.3 Distance from Elysium Mons

Elysium Mons is the dominant volcanic construct in the area, and lies near the centre of the volcanic province. It had been suggested that proximity to the increased heat flux of the volcano could influence the location of ice (Mouginis-Mark et al., 1984). The distance of each crater from the volcano’s summit was therefore estimated. In the calculation, Mars was treated as a sphere of radius 3393.4 km (equal to its equa­ torial radius, U.S.G.S. Miscellaneous Investigations Series, 1-2030, 1989). This is a slight over-simplification of the martian figure, but for craters in the proximity of the volcano, as considered in section 4.10, the accuracy is sufficient.

3.7 Data handling

The structure of the database is such that it may be sorted according to any classifica­ tion in any column, to output either complete smaller sets of data or to extract purely numerical information, which may then be manipulated further or plotted directly. For example, the data may be sorted first by geological unit and then by latitude and/or longitude to isolate all of the craters within a certain outcrop of any partic­ ular unit. Numerical data for the selected craters can then be used, or the complete Chapter 3 126

information for that set may be examined. The data referring to craters exhibiting specific characteristics can also be isolated. This arrangement facilitates analysis: data may quickly and systematically be selected to test for correlation with various parameters, or to be displayed graphically.

3.8 Limitations and sources of error

The database suffers from certain, mostly unavoidable, limitations.

• Local topography cannot be considered here since the topographic data used are interpolated from 1 km contours and therefore do not reflect local slopes which could affect the ejecta deposition (such as varying the lengths of fluid­ like flows due to gradient variations or ponding). This information could not be incorporated into the database since there is a lack of stereo coverage of sufficient resolution in the area.

• The proximity to other craters may influence crater development due to a de­ creased porosity which may result from the previous passages of shockwaves. At present it is impossible to estimate the importance of such an effect since the order of the impact events is not known. This sort of study could possibly be done for a limited area where the sequence could be determined.

• The age of the crater is also impossible to judge with any degree of accuracy which is unfortunate since it could then be used to investigate the temporal evo­ lution of the impact environment. It may be possible to determine the relative ages of craters in some areas, but for the sake of this study only very broad clas­ sification of crater ages was attempted. The age of the unit can, in theory, give an indication of the maximum age of the craters whilst the state-of-preservation age estimates are subject to great uncertainty due to variations in image quality, degradational rates, target material, and crater size.

• The depth of the crater was not recorded. Aside from time considerations, it was apparent that the floors of the majority of the craters had undergone post­ impact modification. The depth of excavation may be estimated for various Chapter 3 127

crater diameters using theoretical models, but the accuracy of the models is uncertain. As a result, much of the analysis will be related to crater diameters which are accurately known.

• The maximum extent of the ejecta was used as the sole measure of the ejecta dimensions since it was easily judged, whereas to get an accurate mean value many measurements would have been required. It would have been interesting to consider any trends in the orientation of the maximum extent to see if these correlate with local topography, but this was impractical since the topography is not known to sufficient accuracy. Also, the direction of maximum extent of the ejecta is sensitive to the obliqueness of the impact, which would be difficult to eliminate from the possible causes of a directional bias to a crater’s ejecta since the impact angle has to be very shallow before obvious signs of the oblique nature of the impact become apparent.

• Lack of image quality is an inherent source of error. The individual frames vary greatly in their atmospheric clarity and resolution, which may give a false impression of crater characteristics. Such errors were reduced as far as possible by omitting highly ambiguous classifications. Whilst this had the effect of re­ ducing the number of craters for which full details were recorded, the security of the classifications was maintained. The angle of illumination also varied; low illumination angles hindered profile determination of small craters but aided the detection of low-relief features such as distal ramparts on ejecta blankets. Chapter 3 128

3.9 Summary: advantages and potential of this database

The importance of this database lies in

• its flexible classification system, which enables accurate and detailed recording of morphology;

• its range of crater types, including all ages, morphologies, and a wide range of diameters; and

• its construction by a single classifier, to ensure uniformity.

Previous crater studies have tended to consider only a limited set of morphological characteristics, and how they are influenced by single parameters. This database will allow the consideration of many factors, in a systematic and comprehensive manner. Some studies suffer from small number statistics by limiting their initial data set, and extrapolating results from restricted transepts to the planet as a whole. Conversely, many truly global works can overlook localised influences. While both approaches are valid, this study is a bridge between the two extremes. The study area has been examined for any other evidence that will aid the interpretation of the crater analysis and yet the extent of the martian surface covered will enable global implications of this work to be assessed. C hapter 4

Ejecta mobility

One may not doubt that, somehow, good Shall come of water and of mud; And, sure, the reverent eye must see A purpose in liquidity.

Heaven, Rupert Brooke, 1886-1915

4.1 Introduction

The initial analysis of the database concerns the relation between craters and the extent of their ejecta, and the way in which this is affected by target and environmental characteristics. The ratio of ejecta to crater diameter is seen to vary considerably, and provides an indication of the degree of ejecta mobility; it is used to infer the depth and relative concentration of sub-surface volatiles. Factors that may influence the location and properties of such volatiles axe considered in turn so that their relative importance may be determined.

129 Chapter 4 130

The extent of the crater database is demonstrated by figure 4.1, which shows the location of each crater larger than the cut-off diameter of 1.875 km. Areas containing no data are boxed off. Initially the database was planned to cover the Elysium uprise only, but this was extended as fax as possible to include interesting channeled areas, particularly to the west and to the south.

Longitude /

Figure 4.1: The distribution of craters in the database

The figure demonstrates the uneven distribution of impact craters in the study area. Maximum crater densities are seen in the Southern Highland regions, while craters are more sparsely distributed in the Northern Lowlands, especially in the low-latitude central regions, and in the north east. Chapter 4 131

As detailed in Chapter Two, the database area contains terrain of various types and ages and covers a range of latitudes and altitudes. The observed variations in crater morphology may be due to a combination of any of the following factors

• Crater diameter

• Latitude

• Altitude

• Geological Unit

• Target nature

• Age

• Proximity to volcanic activity

Each will be examined in turn in the sections of this chapter, and combinations of these factors will also be considered.

4.2 The use of the ratio of ejecta to crater diameter as a measure of fluidity

To investigate the depth and concentration of water-rich permafrost, some criterion is required by which the existence and physical state of the excavated materials may be judged. If ejecta are emplaced partly or totally by fluid flow, then, all other things being equal, the more fluid the ejecta are during emplacement, the farther they will extend from the crater rim. The initial energy and volume of the ejecta will be dependent upon the size of the impact, thus the size of the crater must be taken into account. Dividing the ejecta diameter by the diameter of the crater, or plotting the two against each other and obtaining the gradient, yields a dimensionless parameter which reflects the mobility of the ejecta rather than the crater size. This ratio, termed the mobility ratio (Costard, 1989), has been used by various authors to indicate the fluidity of the ejecta during emplacement (Mouginis-Mark, 1978,1979; Kuzmin et al., 1988; Costard, 1989). Chapter 4 132

Assuming that this fluidity is due (and proportional) to the incorporation of volatiles into the ejecta, this ratio can then be used as an indication of the quantity of volatiles involved. The origin of the inferred volatiles is still a matter of debate: whilst the penetration and involvement of a sub-surface reservoir is favoured by many workers (Carr et a/., 1977; Mouginis-Mark, 1985), an entrainment of atmospheric gases may be responsible for some of the fluid flow (Schultz and Gault, 1979; Schultz, 1990). As a result, although the ejecta-to-crater-diameter relationships are to be used here as a basis for detecting sub-surface volatiles, the possibility of an atmospherically aided transport process will be borne in mind and considered further throughout the interpretation of the results. If the observed fluidity of craters is due to the incorporation of sub-surface volatiles, then the mobility ratio offers a potentially valuable means by which to investigate their location and characteristics. Owing to variations in the resolution of the Viking im­ ages that were used to classify and record the database’s craters, it was not possible to record all ejecta blankets in the same detail. To avoid incorporating erroneous classifications, which would undermine the value of the database, morphological char­ acteristics were documented only where they could be ascertained with some degree of confidence. In contrast, the extent of the ejecta was more easily determined, and was recorded for a greater proportion of the craters. Of the 7289 craters, the maximum ejecta diameter was measured for 2166. The remainder possessed no visible ejecta due to subsequent erosion or burial of the deposits, or may have possessed ejecta, but it could not be identified in the images used. The ejecta-blanket measurements provide so large a source of data that further division (to investigate the effects of other variables) still produces subsets of a statistically reliable size. Another advantage that this approach has over a purely morphological analysis is that it provides a means of quantifying variations in the ejecta mobility; it enables easy comparison between selected sets of craters, and can be investigated as a function of the other variables in the area. While the variation of the ejecta mobility would appear to provide a useful means by which to investigate sub-surface volatiles, it does not give a definitive view of target characteristics: its validity and accuracy in indicating sub-surface volatile reservoirs will be further tested by this work. Chapter 4 133

4.3 The variation of ejecta mobility with crater diame­ ter

The craters in the Elysium region have a wide range of rim-to-rim diameters; those in the database range from the minimum cut-off diameter to over 165 km. In general, the larger the crater diameter, the deeper the impact penetrated, and the greater the maximum depth of origin of ejected material (Stoffler et al., 1975). The excavation and inclusion of different material due to vertical inhomogeneities could explain the morphological differences seen in neighbouring craters of similar age. In particular, since the depth excavated is proportional to crater diameter, the variation of the mobility of ejecta with crater diameter could be used to locate the near-surface limit of sub-surface ice (Boyce, 1979). It was therefore important to begin by considering the overall relationship between ejecta diameter and crater diameter, shown in figure 4.2.



« 100

o 10 20 30 40 50 60

Crater Diameter / km

Figure 4.2: Maximum ejecta diameter versus crater diameter for all craters

There is clearly a relationship between the two plotted parameters. It is not linear; Chapter 4 134

there is a progressive increase in the gradient. Owing to the scatter of the data, and the density of points at lower values, it is not clear whether the ratio increase occurs as a smooth function with crater size (which would suggest an intrinsic variation related to impact energy) or whether it results from a series of discontinuities. The graph indicates that the ejecta of larger craters are more mobile during emplacement than those of smaller craters. This apparent gradual increase in ejecta fluidity could be due to the incorporation of volatile-rich material at depth. The lower envelope of the data is sharply defined, whereas the upper envelope is diffuse, implying that the minimum values of the ejecta-to-crater-diameter ratio are more strongly constrained than the maximum values. The lower envelope may reflect impact energy limits: factors that contribute to the fluidization of ejecta result in a range of higher ratios, but do not decrease the ejecta range. The scatter itself may be due to the target and environmental variations listed in section 4.1. The effects of variations in these factors will be investigated by sorting the data into selected sets, and examining each. The non-linearity exhibited by figure 4.2 indicates that the mobility ratio cannot be used in isolation to chart volatile concentration since it is dependent on crater size and hence on the depth of excavation. In theory, the mobility ratio could have been plotted directly as a function of other variables such as latitude and altitude to detect concentrations of sub-surface ice, and the results could then be examined to see whether the inferred volatile locations concur with the predictions of where ice is likely to be found due to atmospheric and geological considerations. In practice, however, it was necessary to consider graphs of ejecta diameter against crater rim-to- rim diameter (hereafter Evs$ graphs) for each selected set; in this way the fluidity of the ejecta could be examined as a function of crater diameter in each situation. Figure 4.2 also illustrates the distribution of crater diameters in the dataset; there are far more small craters with measurable ejecta than there are large craters. This is partly due to the overabundance of small younger craters, and partly to the erosion and burial of old, large craters. Chapter 4 135

4.4 Determination of the gradients and break-points of Evs$ graphs

The Evs$ plots of sub-divisions of the data often display linear relationships with gradient discontinuities indicating a change in the ratio of ejecta diameter to crater diameter between smaller and larger craters. The constant gradients above and below the break-point are presumed to reflect the fluidity of the ejecta, whilst the disconti­ nuity itself indicates a change in the fluidity at a certain diameter, and hence depth of excavation. It is important, therefore, to obtain accurate estimates of these values. The general occurrence of a gradient for larger craters which is greater than that for smaller craters is again consistent with the interpretation that this enhanced mobility is due to the incorporation of volatiles at depth. It would thus be useful to see if the break-point5, and gradients,of these graphs vary significantly for craters in different locations. Where single, linear trends were indicated, the gradients were obtained using a least-squares method (Bevington, 1969). A different approach was needed to deal with those graphs that exhibited gradient discontinuities. In many cases the position of the discontinuity was clearly recognizable by eye, but in order to reduce subjectivity and to maximise accuracy and repeatability a statistical method was used to determine its location. A program was constructed which, at successive increments in crater diameter, divides the data into two groups and calculates the resulting combined x2 f°r linear least-square fits to the craters smaller and larger than each potential break-point. In theory, the optimum break-point occurs where x 2 1S minimised. In practice, however, a clear minimum is not always apparent, and therefore the locations of the break­ points were found from a visual examination of both the x 2 and the resulting linear fits. Figures 4.3 a and b illustrate the cases of a clear minimum and a broad minimum, respectively. The x 2 plots become chaotic towards the larger diameters due to the sparseness and scatter of data here. In the situations where the graphs of x2 against crater diameter showed several local minima of similar value, plots of each resultant Chapter 4 136

fit were studied carefully and the most reasonable one was selected, paying particular attention to the accuracy of the fitted gradients. In rare cases the chosen fit did not necessarily correspond to the absolute x2 minima, due to unusual distribution of the data. For a good fit, the values of the reduced chi-squared (xj) should lie close to unity. However, values obtained in this analysis vary considerably, sometimes being as large as several hundred. This does not imply that the fits are necessarily bad, as the error used to compute the chi-squared values only represents the uncertainty in measuring the craters and their ejecta from the photographs. This error, of ± 0.35 km (see section 3.6), does not fully account for the scatter in the data; the dominant contribution to the total dispersion comes from the many unknown factors which influence ejecta deposition. The quoted chi-squareds are thus the ratio of the squares of the unknown errors to those of the measurement errors, and can quite validly be used as measures of the goodness-of-fit within a single dataset (as all the data will scale by the same error ratio) and as a measure of the amount of independent variation between datasets (as indicated by the absolute size of the chi-squared value). The reduced-x2 values therefore give an accurate measure of the amount of scatter about each fit, and act as a guide to the degree of correlation of fits between differing groupings of data. The validity of assigning two gradients is demonstrated by the lower overall error computed for double gradients as opposed to single line fits in such cases, and the visual verification of the soundness of the fit to the data. The errors assigned to the gradients are those computed by the least-squares method. There exists no correspondingly simple way to calculate the break-point error margins: the inherent scatter (and hence anomalously high x2 values), the occurrence of several minima and the chaotic nature towards large diameters (where data are sparse) pro­ hibit the calculation of probability limits automatically from the x2 distribution. The accuracy of the chosen diameter was therefore estimated by examining the sharpness of the x2 distribution, and the sensitivity of the resulting fits to variations in the selected diameter. An advantage of this method is that the assigned error can reflect the accuracy of the fit in all situations, including those where a broad minimum is observed, and those where a decision had to be made between several, similar minima. Chapter 4 Chapter

Maximum ejecta diam eter / km Maximum ejecta diam eter / k m o

0 50 40 60 80 100 0 100 200 300 0 at amet at amet m k / r te e m ia d r te ra C m k / r te e m ia d r te ra C at amet at amet m k / r te e m ia d r te ra C m k / r te e m ia d r te ra C 20 02 30 20 10 40 Figure 4.3: 4.3: Figure Example fits Example CM O C -I co o 0» O CD L. 0 O O CM CM o S3 o 2 to o O CD 2 2 5 4 10 6 15 8 20 10 Chapter 4 138

In most situations, the data relating to craters in subdivisions of the database exhibited a strong correlation between ejecta and crater diameters. In some instances however, individual craters lay far from an otherwise well-defined trend. Such craters were checked, in the database, to see if any reason for the discrepancy was apparent. If the ejecta blanket had been classified as irregular (such as may occur in an oblique impact), or there were any other sound reason for excluding it from the fit, it was removed from the dataset before the fit was attempted. Any craters that departed from the trend, and yet had been classified to a reasonable degree of confidence, exhibiting no clear irregularities, were retained. This check was made to avoid biassing of the fits by unreliable data, and as a consequence the total numbers of craters in the sub-divisions of this chapter vary slightly in places from those of Chapter Five. In the following discussions the diameter of the crater is considered rather than actual crater depths. The depths of the craters were not measured in this study since it was noticed that, in many cases, such a measure would be inaccurate due to post­ impact modification and in-filling of the crater floors. In addition, the final depth of the crater differs from the transient crater, and the relationship between the two is poorly constrained (Melosh, 1989). The crater diameters, on the other hand, are easily measured, and provide a guide to the depth of excavation. In general, in the discussions of this and the following chapter, ‘small’ and ‘large’ will refer to craters smaller and larger than the assigned gradient break-point respectively.

4.5 The variation of Evs$ with latitude

Atmospheric and surface temperatures are greatly influenced by the latitude of a location, and hence the depth and existence of any atmospherically coupled, sub­ surface ice reservoir would be affected too. The thermodynamic models summarised in Chapter One all predict a latitudinal dependence on the depth and physical state of the postulated permafrost. It would be instructive therefore to see if the depths and characteristics of such ice, as inferred from crater studies, exhibit a latitudinal dependence. Initial studies of the variation of the mobility ratio plotted as a function of latitude Chapter 4 139

revealed a substantial scatter of data with no obvious trends (Cave, 1990). As seen in section 4.3, however, this ratio varies with diameter, so the question was addressed once more with this inherent diameter dependence in mind. The data were sorted into 5° bins from 20° S to 45° N and the Evs4> graphs for each were examined to see if the depth at which any volatile-rich layer began could be ascertained. The choice of bin size was a compromise between latitudinal resolution and the requirement of including sufficient data in each set to obtain significant fits. In each case an increase in Evs# could be seen with increasing diameter, and the majority of graphs displayed a clear gradient discontinuity. The gradients and the break-points were determined as described in the previous section. The results are displayed in figure 4.4, and are given in Appendix C. A striking latitudinal trend was apparent in a plot of break-points and gradients, with the diameter of the discontinuity decreasing steadily with increasing latitude in the northern hemisphere. A break-point was not obtained for the northernmost bin since no linear trend was observed here; the usual linear trend breaks down into a scatter, due to a high concentration of pedestal craters (section 5.2.2). To check that this trend was not an artifact of the methodology of this study, the data were binned latitudinally once more but with the 5° bins starting at 17.5° S, and the process was repeated (Appendix C). A virtually identical plot was obtained, figure 4.5, again indicating a progressively smaller crater break-point with increasing latitude. The largest break-points are found for crater sets slightly to the south of the equator, but it is not clear whether the latitudinal trend is mirrored in the southern hemisphere. is The break-point range L4.06-13.80 km and 4.18-12.91 km for the two sets of lati­ tudinally binned data, with averages of 8.04 and 8.83 km respectively. The variation between latitudinal divisions is much greater than the estimated error on the indi­ vidual break-points. Significant variations in the gradients are also apparent: the gradients for craters smaller than the break-point vary from 1.71 to 2.92 and 1.88 to 2.71, with averages of 2.37±0.28 (one standard deviation) and 2.36±0.24 for the two groups. The minimum gradient occurs between 10° N and 15° N, and larger values are seen at around 10° S and 30° N. A much greater variation is observed in the gra­ dients of the craters larger than the break-points: they show a latitudinal trend, with from 20° S to 45° N. The break-point that departs markedly from the general trend in trend general the from markedly departs that break-point The N. 45° to S 20° from Figure 4.4: 4.4: Figure h Nrhr Hmshr s arrowed is Hemisphere Northern the Gradients Break-points / km 4 Chapter 10 15 2 0 5 20 -2 20 -2 - * • * a Grdet eo br poi t in o -p k a re b below radient G ■ ain aoe eak- nt in o -p k a re b above radient G aito fbekpit n rdet rt lttd, o aa n ° bins 5° in data for latitude, vrith gradients and break-points of Variation * 10 -1 10 -1 i • 0

aiue /° Latitude aiue /° Latitude 10 10 20 20 } 30 30 \ 40 40 140

from 17.5° S to 42.5° N. The break-point that departs markedly from the general trend general the from markedly departs that break-point The N. 42.5° to S 17.5° from Figure 4.5: 4.5: Figure in the Northern Hemisphere is arrowed is Hemisphere Northern the in Gradients Break-points / km 4 Chapter 10 15 0 5 2 - 1 2 3 40 30 20 10 0 0 -1 -20 20 -2 —. —. —. — ^ . ^ i—^ .— i— .— .— .— .— — ■ Grdet eo br poi t in o -p k a re b t below in o -p k radient a G re b above a Gradient o i —i r— —i— * ♦ aito fbekpit n rdet ih aiue frdt i 5 bins 5° in data for latitude, with gradients and break-points of Variation ---- 10 -1 r I ...... * 1 , ' I 0 ------aiue /° Latitude aiue /° Latitude ' ---- 10 —r 1— \ ♦ - - , 1 --- 20 (1 i 1 ----

- --- . ---- f " i ‘ ■ ---- • ---- 040 30 1 1 ---- ■ ---- •— 1 ■ 1 1 1 141

Chapter 4 142

dear maximum ratios occurring around the martian equator. This suggests that the greatest mobilization of ejecta of large craters occurred at equatorial latitudes. It is also noted that the minimum differences between the upper and lower gradient values occur towards the northern and southern extremes of the selected area. One calculated break-point (arrowed in both figures) lies far from the general trend in each latitudinal analysis. The corresponding gradients also departed significantly from those of neighbouring latitudes. A large outcrop of older material occurs at these latitudes in the eastern half of the study area (Appendix B); this could account for the departure from an otherwise dear trend. To investigate this possibility, all craters of latitudes 15° N to 25° N were selected for the areas to the west and east of 200° longitude, and their Evs$ plots were analysed. Clearer corrdations between the data are observed: the western dataset yields a break-point of 7.81±0.4km and gradients 2.33±0.11, 3.85±0.16 which fit well with the general trend. There are few large craters within the eastern dataset, but there is a strong indication that the trend was linear until at least 13 km diameter, with a lower gradient of 2.74±0.08, which also corresponded well with the observed anomalous points. This would suggest that the dominant latitudinal trend has indeed been influenced by the presence of the older terrain in this area. If it is assumed that the enhanced mobility of the craters is due to the presence of sub-surface volatiles, it is possible to predict the latitude at which these are stable at the surface by extrapolating the linear trend to the latitude at which the break­ point would occur at a zero diameter. Least-square fits were made to nine points in both sets of results, starting at the largest obtained break-point, and ignoring the anomalous data point in both cases. Details of the fits are given in table 4.1. The latitude at which the mobility-enhancing agent is predicted to be stable at the surface was calculated as 58±11° N and 63±17° N for the two sets of results. Also, all sampled craters should intersect this layer at the latitude where the break-point occurs at crater diameter 1.875 km: this is estimated as 48±9°N or 52±14°N. These results correspond with the observed proliferation of pedestal craters in the database in these northern latitudes (section 5.4) and also correlate with ther­ modynamical models which predict that near-surface ice is stable at these latitudes Chapter 4 143

Dataset x l Gradient y = o x = 1.875 x = 0 intercept/km intercept/0 N intercept/0 N Latitude Ia 2.74 -0.18 ±0.03 10.49 ±0.72 48 ± 9 53 ±11 Latitude II6 2.65 -0.16 ±0.04 10.15±0.93 52 ±14 63 ±17

®5° latitude divisions from 10° S-40° N b5° latitude divisions from 12.°5S-37.°5N

Table 4.1: Fits to latitudinal results

(section 1.7.1). This approach of course presumes that the latitudinal variation is solely the re­ sponse of a potentially global sub-surface volatile reservoir to environmental factors. If the apparent trend is a result of the redistribution of volatiles from the highlands to the lowlands by various, non-climatically controlled mechanisms, then this prediction is of limited value. However, the clear correlation between the break-point and lati­ tude, and the presence of numerous ice-related landforms towards the north suggest that ice is stable at, or very close to the surface at the predicted latitudes. This will be discussed further in Chapter Six.

4.6 The variation of Evs$ with altitude

There is a pronounced variation of altitude in the region, and this correlates in part with the latitude. The altitude of a location will also partly determine the stability of any sub-surface ice since the density and temperature of the atmosphere is, in general, inversely related to altitude. The density of the atmosphere will also directly influence the impact process: the speed of an incoming projectile will be reduced slightly by its passage through an atmosphere, whereas the trajectory of finer ejected material could be affected to a much greater degree. The altitudes of the craters in the database are shown in figure 4.6. As detailed in section 3.6.2, the altitude of each crater is interpolated from 1km contour maps, and local topographic variations will not, therefore, be represented with any great accu­ racy. The calculated heights give a reasonable approximation to the crater heights, Chapter 4 144

enabling an investigation of altitude-related variations in ejecta dimensions to be made. The data were divided into sets containing craters covering ranges of 0.5 km al­ titude, starting at —3.0 km and finishing at 4.5km. There were insufficient craters to use similar sub-divisions at altitudes outside these limits. The break-points and gradients of the Evs$ were obtained as before; the results are shown in figure 4.7, and are tabulated in appendix C. There is no obvious correlation with altitude for the break-points; they range from 4.07 to 11.40km, with an average of 6.73±2.30km, in an apparently random fashion, though there is some indication of an overall increase of break-point diameter with increasing altitude. The gradients of Evs$ above the break-points do show some sort of trend in that the maximum gradients occur around —0.5 km altitude, decreasing steadily on either side of this region, and ranging between 2.81 and 4.85. Gradients of Evs$ below the break-point vary quite markedly, though no clear trend can be detected. It was noted during the analysis that the scatter on these data seemed larger than that encountered on the latitudinal divisions; the error limits on the smaller gradients are also more noticeable. As a check on the results the data were re-binned, again using 0.5 km bins, but starting at —2.75 km altitude. The results may be seen in figure 4.8, and Appendix C. Again, no clear altitudinal control on the diameter of the break-point is apparent. There is perhaps an increase in the break­ point diameter with increasing altitude, but this occurs in a very rough fashion, with alternate points higher than the zero altitude datum generally oscillating between small and large diameter values. Though not as clear as in figure 4.7, the gradients of the large craters tend to be maximized for altitudes closest to the zero datum. Lower values are found particularly at high altitudes. No obvious trend is seen for the small crater gradients. It therefore appears that whilst there is no strong altitudinal control on the depth of the point at which the enhanced mobility takes place, nor on the mobility of small craters, the ejecta range of larger craters varies according to the crater’s altitudes. The occurrence of a maximum in the graph around the zero datum is on first inspection rather curious. If the enhanced mobility were due to some factor related to crater Chapter 4

3 p n q . r p r]

Figure 4.6: The altitude of each crater in the study region Chapter 4 146


X0 ® - CQu 5

0 - 3 - 2 -I 0 1 2 3 4 5 Altitude / km




0 - 3 - 2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Altitude / km

Figure 4.7: Variation of break-points and gradients (filled and open symbols correspond to gradients below and above the break-point respectively) with altitude, for data in 0.5km bins from —3.0 to +4-5km with reference to the martian zero topographic datum Chapter 4 147


o->to o a.

<0 t- 5 CQ

0 -3 - 2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Altitude / km




0 -3 - 2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Altitude / km

Figure 4.8: Variation of break-points and gradients (filled and open symbols correspond to gradients below and above the break-point respectively) with altitude, for data in 0.5 km bins from —2.75 to +4-25 km with reference to the martian zero topographic datum Chapter 4 148

altitude, it is curious that the values are seen to increase with decreasing altitude, and then to decrease. It appears that two (or more) influential factors—one enhancing mobility, the other inhibiting it—come to a balance at this height. The lack of a trend in the discontinuity diameter would appear to indicate that, if it is the excavation into volatile-rich strata that is responsible for the change in gra­ dient, the near-surface limits of the volatiles are not highly dependent upon altitude. However, the actual ejecta mobility does seem to show some altitudinal dependence. There are several possible explanations for the apparent maximization of the large- crater mobility about the zero altitudinal datum.

1. It may for instance reflect a balance between buoyancy—due to entrained atmo­ spheric volatiles—and air resistance causing a maximization of ejecta transport at altitudes close to the datum. Such processes would act against each other, and both would increase in magnitude with decreasing altitude, as atmospheric den­ sity increases. However, other factors influencing atmospheric conditions such as latitude, which would affect local atmospheric temperatures (and hence pres­ sures) also vary considerably in the area and so the reflection of a well-defined phenomenon as a consequence of two conflicting processes is improbable.

2. The way in which the maximum transport is seen to occur close to the zero datum gives rise to the alternative hypothesis that the feature reflects some change in the permitted state of water, since the datum is defined as the triple point of water. Again, several processes may be involved, but it is difficult to rationalise the appearance of a clear maximum point, despite other atmospheric changes expected in the region, particularly those due to latitudinal variations. Also, if the pattern results from atmospheric conditions, this suggests that the atmosphere was in a stable condition for a substantial period of time, i.e., at least during the formation of the majority of the craters. Moreover, if the trend is dependent upon the triple point of water, it suggests that the current atmosphere accurately reflects conditions very early on in the planet’s history — a hypothesis which is in conflict with the current consensus of opinion regarding atmospheric evolution. Chapter 4 149

3. A trend may result from a combination of atmospheric and sub-surface condi­ tions. For example, the condition of the atmosphere will affect the evaporation of incorporated sub-surface volatiles during emplacement of an ejecta flow, and as such could influence the range of the ejecta. The effectiveness of a sub-surface volatile layer in fluidizing the ejecta will also be dependent upon the physical state of the materials, and hence on surface temperatures and pressures. As the pressure increases, the stability of water in the solid or liquid phase will be enhanced, but associated temperature increases would encourage the depletion of any atmospherically coupled water/ice layer and thus some point of maxi­ mum volatile concentration may be reached, and be reflected in the mobility variations.

4. At least two of the above suggestions presume a potentially global volatile dis­ tribution, which is then modified according to thermodynamical considerations. The trend may instead be due to geological or historical reasons. The near-zero altitude areas may simply coincide with low-lying areas where water-rich de­ posits from outflow channels have built up, or places to which sub-surface water has migrated in response to gravitational and geothermal considerations.

5. The apparent altitudinal trend may be due to coincidental variations of latitude and terrain types. If the trend is purely an artifact of the simultaneous lati­ tudinal variation, it is strange that it is manifest in the gradient of the upper craters and yet is not clearly apparent in the break-points.

In order to investigate any altitudinal influence further, several extra surveys of the data were made. In the following subsection, the data for areas of particular alti­ tude ranges, occurring at various locations in the Northern Lowlands, are examined. Following this, a comparison of craters of similar altitude in the terrain to either side of the martian dichotomy is made.

4.6.1 Craters in various areas e ^ v In the first part of this section, it was noted that maximum mobility of crater ioc- curred for thoseJclose to the zero datum. There are several regions in the study area Chapter 4 150

where such low altitudes axe encountered and,in an attempt to resolve the ambiguity between altitudinal and latitudinal control over this factor, the datasets defined in table 4.2 were selected for further attention. The craters on higher ground, on the Elysium Uprise, were also investigated here. These were analysed as before, and the results are given in table 4.2. Various amounts of scatter were seen during the analysis for this section, and the degree of confidence varies between individual results. The break-points, other than the one for the southern-most craters ( minsouth ) are all lower than average, presumably because of the northern latitudes of the datasets. The lower gradients vary, but the most significant result is that the gradient for small craters in the north west, low-lying craters (nwlow) is much higher than that for similar altitude craters in the central eastern areas (celow). Although the relevant gradient for the celow craters is subject to a large error, due to the scatter, there is obviously a great difference between the two sets. The clear, high gradient of the nwlow crater group is unusual in that it is much higher than average for small craters. It appeaxs that some factor other than altitude is evident here (subsection 4.7.8). Small craters on the Elysium Uprise have low mobilities, but larger craters above the break-point are quite mobile. These craters mostly lie on volcanic materials, and axe likely to be influenced by various geological considerations. The higher-altitude craters of the northern regions are considered further in subsection 4.6.2, where a finer division of crater altitudes is presented. Of the craters lying below the topographic datum, a gradual increase in ejecta mobility of large craters is apparent with decreasing latitude, though high reduced chi- squared values axe assigned to these three results. Under present climatic conditions, a warmer, less dense atmosphere would be expected, on average, for equatorial regions as compared with similar altitudes at high latitudes. The appaxent increase in mobility is therefore not easily attributable to purely atmospheric factors, though there may have been substantial variations in the global atmospheric system in previous times. Alternatively, it may be a consequence of increased ambient temperatures or perhaps thermal gradients causing a greater proportion of sub-surface water to be in the liquid phase in equatorial regions; that would increase the potential range of Chapter 4 151

2 « S3 w 45 ^ 8 HH S3 C0 W s ( - i .2 w 0) (0 o i M O v « hh w 00 Cv a g c3 05s Ig o 2 T! CO 00M OS go to *" b0 v .2 S3 o5 45 w -2 H a a * § h a S. i-3o .2X

o > CO m oo cm 0 5 CO in m 00 in in CO t - in o CO T—< o r o o co m 0 4

t - oo m © 0 5 CO o H rH CM o tH o . o O o o © o 'i -H-H -H -H -H 45 o 0 0 m o o OO m m o H f-H X x CO c o CO c o CO >45 o CM x> h - m 0 4 CM < 05 ■m * 00 CM

rH CO 05 05 T—( f - O rH rH CM H rH o o . o o O O o o -H-H-H -H-H -H c© m o CM CO CM o t - m i n o pH x> CM CM rH CM CM CM * m t - - CO "aS 05 00 i-H 05 CQ CM CM CM

© © © o o o c© 0 5 m CO o o o o o o rH & s -H-H -H -H -H ■H ■ M o © o o o © —1 o *45 1 m 0 5 m X t - i CO CO m CO m o CQ rH

1 o m m ■** i n HH oo CM x 45 H CM g H g 2 X bp ^4 bO bO f l c o S3 CO § ° ,3 I O 1 ~ A 45 45 55 2 2 . - 45 55 x) X M o £5 X S3 55 © -o O S HH 2 o m .1 5 o o 0 m m © & 5 t t V x CO J> v I C0 45 1 T d> * T X o 2■j «2T* m CM o o p 2 CO S3 H °CM ° 1 S3 o ~ HH -*n S o ■ * ■u o HH . p H CM HH 45 COM CM110 X n o C0 cO ^ t / 1 »-Q CM CM i - i CM t-i <0 l - l t-Q cO

w a pO H 2 g a S3 £ Q A W £ o HH o o an 4) o i-Q O 55 s pC ^45 i-Q 55 £ H • H P £ w C*4 CQ o

Table 4.2: Variation of crater mobility with various combinations of latitude and altitude Chapter 4 152

ejecta since the impact energy would be more efficient in excavating the crater (rather than also being involved in melting ice). It appears therefore that while there may be some minor altitudinal control on the gradients, and (perhaps indirectly) on break-points, there are other factors in addition to altitude that are influential. In particular, the geological history of the area is diverse, and the variations suggested by the results of table 4.2 may be largely due to geological reasons.

4.6.2 Evs$ characteristics of craters in the Southern Highlands and Northern Lowlands.

One of the potential explanations for the apparent trend in ejecta mobility with al­ titude was that it arises from coincidental variations in latitude and geology across the region. As seen in figure 4.6, the lowest areas are restricted to the northern hemi­ sphere, and the high ground, other than the Elysium volcanics and patches of older terrain, lies in the southern hemisphere. This may account for the general increase in break-point diameter seen at higher altitudes, since the majority of high terrain lies in the south, where large break-points were found in the latitudinal survey. The transition from low to high elevations in the southern hemisphere locally correlates with latitude. As seen in section 4.5, the larger craters were seen to be mobilized most strongly in the equatorial regions. These regions correspond to the low land bordering the Highland-Lowland boundary. The study area is particularly interesting because terrains of different ages and origins occur at the same height. The southern limits of the database were chosen to incorporate Southern Highland areas of altitude up to 3 km, so that a comparative study could be made of the characteristics of craters over a range of heights in the uplands and in the lowlands. The data were divided into three sets, incorporating all craters in the Northern Lowlands, the Southern Highlands, and the transitional region between the two. There are several striking differences between the Evs$ graphs of Lowland and Highland craters (shown in figure 4.9). Amongst the Lowland craters there is signif­ icant scatter in the data, at all diameters, with a wide range of mobility ratios. In Chapter 4 Chapter

Ejecta diameter / km Ejecta diameter / km o

Figure 4.9: 4.9: Figure 50 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 421.76 = £ eak- nt .906 km 6.99±0.60 - t in o -p k a re B LOWLAND CRATERS 3 pit aoe eak- nt in o -p k a re b above points 433 pe grdet 3.67±0.10 = radient g Upper 12813 - 4 pe gain = 3.59±0.13 = gradient Upper km 8.75±0.40 ■ t in o -p k a re B CRATERS HIGHLAND 0 pit aoe eak- nt in o -p k a re b above points 107 Ejecta versus crater diameter for Lowland and Highland craters Highland and Lowland for diameter crater versus Ejecta 10



5 20 15

ae da tr km / eter diam rater C

ae da tr km / eter diam rater C

040 30 02 ons eo br poi t in o -p k a re b below points 1022 1 pit blw eak- nt in o -p k a re b below points 416 535 25 Lower gradient ■ 2.11 ±0.06 2.11 ■ gradient Lower oe gain ■ 2.40±0.04 ■ gradient Lower 50

153 Chapter 4 154

the case of the Highland craters however, although there is a reasonable amount of scatter present in the data for large craters, there is a far better defined relationship between the two parameters, reflecting a stronger control on the possible ejecta range. This difference is also evident in the relevant x t s- This may be due to the diversity of terrain types in the Northern Lowlands, and the range of latitudes as compared with the more uniform Highland terrain. Both graphs exhibit a clear general rise in the ratio with increasing crater diameter, but the break-point in the gradient occurs at a significantly large crater diameter for the Highland craters (8.75±0.40km) than it does for the Lowland ones (6.99±0.60km). This is consistent with the results of section 4.5 where the break-point was seen to decrease with increasing latitude in the northern hemisphere. The upper gradients of the two graphs are identical, to within the computed error limits, but the lower gradients differ, with the Highland craters having the slightly higher value. There are 157 craters with ejecta lying in the transitional area between the Low­ lands and the Highlands. The Evs$ graph for these craters is inconclusive; the scatter of data prevents the fitting of a linear trend to any degree of confidence. It appears that a transition from lower to higher mobility ratios occurs at a crater diameter of about 5.7 km, with gradients 1.77±0.20 and 3.78±0.09, but the lower gradient is a poor fit. The highland/lowland phraseology is somewhat misleading, however, since terrain of comparable altitude to the Southern Highlands is also encountered in areas of the Northern Lowlands, particularly on the Elysium uprise. To investigate the effect of a varying altitude in the land to either side of the martian dichotomy, these data were further sub-divided into 1km sets. The results of Evs$ fits are shown in figure 4.10, and in Appendix C. The number of craters in each sampled set varied considerably. As expected, the majority of craters in the Northern Lowlands lie at low elevations, and the size of each set decreased progressively with increasing altitude. The largest sample of Highland craters is the 2-3 km altitude set, and few craters lie outside the 0-4 km altitude limits. The craters lying in the transitional zone covered a limited altitudinal range, with the vast majority lyjng within ±lkm of the zero datum. This variation in the sizes of Figure 4.10: 4.10: Figure Southern Highlands, Northern Lowlands and transitional regions transitional and Lowlands Northern Highlands, Southern Chapter 4 Chapter Gradient! Break-point! / km 10 -1 -1 aito o ra-onsadgainswt attd, o caes n the in craters for altitude, with gradients and break-points of Variation ii ttd / km / ltitude A ttd / km / ltitude A ild ybl - lwr gradients) lower - symbols filled Hlo l ! pe gradients, upper - l! o b m ly (Hollow rnlln region! Tranaltlon A A □ Noten Lowlands orthern N □ ■ • O • oten Highland! Southern Tastoa rgin! ion reg Transitional A O Noten Lowland! orthern N □ oten ighland! H Southern f I


Chapter 4 156

the sub-divided data resulted in difficulties selecting the optimum fits, particularly for end members of the groups. Substantial scatter of the points was also present, notably in the Lowland and transitional sub-sets. Owing to these limitations, few substantial conclusions may be drawn from the graphs of figure 4.10. Other than that of the lowest altitude, the break-points for craters in the three groups appear to occur at remarkably similar diameters, over the range tested. Only two break-points were determined for craters in the transi­ tional regions, but those for Highland and Lowland craters are virtually identical over the medium (0-3 km) altitude range. There is a general increase in the break-point diameter with increase in altitude for positive altitudes. The variations of the Evs$ gradients are more complex. The greatest differences between the smaller and larger crater-mobility ratios are encountered at low altitudes, as are the greatest mobilities of craters larger than the calculated break-points. This correlates well with the previous observations of maximized large-crater ejecta trans­ port at altitudes close to the zero datum. No consistent pattern can be seen for the different crater populations within each altitude bin, though the large error margins make meaningful interpretation of these results difficult. The influence of altitude-related factors is therefore difficult to isolate from other variables. Though some correlation of maximum ejecta transport with altitude has been observed, it is quite possible that this is at least partly due to latitudinal and geological reasons. The great difference in the mobility ratios of craters in the two lowest-lying regions (subsection 4.6.1), and the documented disparity between High­ land and Lowland craters, suggests that there is a significant geological control which should be taken into account.

4.7 The variation of Evs$ with geological unit

As detailed in Chapter Two, the study region encompasses a wide variety of terrain types. The area has been mapped and divided into units according to surface charac­ teristics and apparent age (Scott and Tanaka, 1986; Greeley and Guest, 1987). The distribution of the different units is shown in figure 4.11 which shows the location of Chapter 4 157

all the craters in the database, coloured according to the assigned geological unit. The designated units, particularly the extensive or widely distributed ones, may include a wide variety of rock types and thus act only as a general guide to the terrain type. They do offer some into the nature of the rock, and so the database was divided into sets comprising the craters that lie within each unit, so that variations that could be ascribed to the nature of the target could be examined. The geology of the vicinity could affect the impact process in differing ways: the properties of the rock itself could affect the effectiveness of the process and the viscosity, or clast-size distribution of the ejecta. In addition, the nature and history of each unit would influence the likelihood of there being a sub-surface volatile reservoir present. The database was divided according to the assigned geologic unit, and the graphs of Evs$ were examined. The majority of the 33 geologic units sampled showed a well-defined relationship between these variables, with many exhibiting significantly higher values of Evs4> at larger crater diameters. Where sufficient data were present, the trends were again best represented by one or two linear fits. Several units yielded only one gradient and no break-point, but in all cases this occurred where a limited range of crater diameters was detected, and their values axe representative of Evs$ gradients of smaller craters only. The gradients obtained in this way averaged 2.4±0.4 for craters below the break­ point and 3.9±0.8 for those above. In all instances bax one, the gradients for craters with diameters above the break-points were found to be significantly larger than those of the smaller craters. The geologic units sampled in the survey axe of differing extent, age and nature, and the degree of scatter seen in the plots varied substantially. It is important to consider factors such as the location, age and extent of each unit when assessing the results, since factors other than the nature or history of the unit itself may have been influential. These results axe presented in table 4.3, which includes comments on the number, distribution and sizes of craters sampled. The units are considered in groupings that roughly reflect geological similarities, and axe dealt with in general chronological sequence within these divisions. The nature of some units is better constrained than others, so these groupings axe arbitrary in places, but serve to aid Chapter 4 Chapter

ic Units Figure 4.11: 4.11: Figure Distribution of geologic units geologic of Distribution 158 Chapter 4 159

discussion. Fuller descriptions of the units (Scott and Tanaka, 1986; Greeley and Guest, 1987, and references therein) are given in Appendix D.

4.7.1 Cratered Uplands

• Npli: Cratered unit of Plateau Sequence

• Npld: Dissected unit of Plateau Sequence

• Np^: Subdued cratered unit of Plateau Sequence

The units in this section make up large areas of the ancient Southern Highlands. Due to their age, their origin is difficult to determine since they have been heavily cratered and modified. They are likely to have a deep, well-developed regolith. Each of the Evs$ graphs for these units indicated gradient discontinuities, at varying crater diameters, yet they have similar values (equal to within the estimated error margins) for gradients below the break-points, lying near to the average value. The upper gradients show a larger variation, with values spanning from just above to way below average. It is interesting that the Npld unit has such a low calculated break-point; it is much smaller than that of the other units of this group, and is the smallest of all the units studied. A major difference between this and the other group members is the presence of numerous fine valley networks. It is tempting to speculate that these may indicate that the sub-surface volatiles were particularly close to the surface in Npld areas, which would correlate with the shallowness of the discontinuity.

4.7.2 HNu: Undivided Material

This unit outcrops in various areas, surrounded by younger material, and appears to consist of remnants of the Highland terrain. The break-point occurs at a relatively small crater diameter, and the lower gradient is small. The gradient above the break­ point is also lower than average. This combination of characteristics does not correlate closely with any other unit or group of units. 160 Chapter 4

4>S « sd « a, ~o rd (» Jg o S3 l-< S * d flj M S3 •8 O J *8 r d 'So 60 H T 3 V cO 6 0 d • 8 - a « ■3 I W 8 o a 4> 4> o d 'H, •d a y M - 3 S3 3 4) 4) 6 0 a) cO a w • H S3 - t j S ,d J T3 4> r * <«-! O «3 O o 6 0 w * d kO a O a d r d h IB d & o o -4J V § s a a M rd a .A4 o o M *60 W m *d S3 41 d 4> H •i4) 8 rd i -*-a cm a « d a *8 4) 4> 4> O o> fc3 % 6 0 rd 6 0 r d a S d «3 *3 v o -»j id "jr* -u u S3 o O 4) co -WS a $ a 8 d 4> 'O 4> rd M rd r d 4 o u o >• -w -<-9 ' d * 3 -4J o a ' d c6 ce S d a cfl . 2 a O, a rd a a •B

oo c o CO kO CO CT> 00 CO CM o CO CM CO

► o kO rd d CM CM d ao O © d -H -H 4> CO oo • H ■i TtJ kO • 8 c o 'cl? M a

* J 3 oo a > o ’ v CM o rH rO ao o o o o d -H -H -H -H 4> CO Tt« CO Tj< Tj* l CM CM 6

o o CO d d & a -U -H A J2 kO o •84) < oo M kO oo «

r d -rJ

CM CO 00 kO kO CM (H 00 -cj* CM 4) CM -*» efl u o

-a S3 M a 60 d a " a a £ a > > > > £ ; £ £ n W w w w w

*8 •d *d •d 4) tH4> a 4) *8 a Cd S3 -«■> 6 0 a -3 o «3 'd .a M i-i a d 'd «j o O o £> 2 a 2 a

Table 4.3: The ejecta mobility characteristics of craters within various geological units Chapter 4 161

H3 I -d d Oi a d .3 cp J o '55 d '§ ) S d Jo .3 «3 _bp a 'd C o bO W a d cp co " d • ^ C/5 «- <4H v ■** cp o M o 'S O cp Pi O 2 2 H "*■ bO i •8l-l a £ CM < *d d 12 ^ 4) d a o d 4) bO 4> C/5 cp , d d abO o £ o 'd CU cp C/5 £ H d X .S ' *G i 4> "d d Jo o CM d o d co 4> 4> O •d d bO 4) .r-( d ,d *8 a J2P «3 bO cp y c —i * a 3 IX Pi kO m

O 00 © CM oo kO CM f-- Oi cm kO lO O CO Tjc CM CM

4) > o CO r- CM o d CM CM CM CO ■8 "o o O © O a d i -H -H -H 4> A CO Oi t - o

o cp CO r t * M 0

* JD r - o CM OO 00 H 'v o CO © rH tH A 0 O o © O o O o ■w a 1 -H -H -H -H ■H -H -H A CO 00 CO Oi 8 cp Tt< Tt< c- 4> kO CO H c- CO kO CM CM H CM CM CM M a

0 kO o kO CO ■cr o o o Pi © a ■H a -M -H -H cp rH co TP 4) 01 CO M 00 00 PQ kO


’8 f - co CO ■cr Li co kO CO ■u4>

co rX n Cp cp CX Pi < W <

jp.3 o a cu ’d 1-4 d Cp a 4) JJ A Lio •a o ;> Chapter 4

d o d C/5 rd *d do J W 2 'w) • H © d 00 a 'd H • H d d a d w r - t o "3 d d •d t o '3 «H 4) 2 to B 4> 8 H 3 A A -t-> a d 3 k/5 -L3 X d d jp d 60 4) d o • H O "« A M CM C/5 w a to X 60 4> flf 60 A 60 d d 3 a -u> d Li L i 4> a d 4) • IH 4) 4> M CP O C/5 60 V XI A £ •d -*-» -L> (X, C/5 M d d co £ d .a .a O o o • H £ cp cp cn C/5 a 4> T3 4) -d d d 4) ♦ H Jp 3 'o (X 60 (X 4> 'd a

CO n a co Oi t - o X t^- t"-'

£ 0 d CO © • H CM O H © (X -H -H 8 tH o •s4) CO CO 1M kO CO 0 fs © f- © kO kO v Q CM © kO H H X 0 O © © o o (X 1 -« -H -H -H -H A CM CM CO CM cp CO co 4) CO CO CM CM CM CM CM

O a a A 4) PQ

XI -t4> ’8 «HCO 4) cp M 0

4) Cp a a a A XI x XI a o o o < < a a c

60 o d 4) cp d d A a cp d o d d O jj cp o cp a A *H < v 0 2 -d £ 0 Chapter 4 163

4.7.3 Ridged Plains

• Nplr: Ridged unit of Plateau Sequence

• Hr: Ridged Plains Material

These two units occur as plains characterised by the presence of ridges that axe similar in appearance to wrinkle ridges on the Moon (Sharpton and Head, 1987). Such ridges are typically associated with plains materials which axe interpreted to be of volcanic origin, though various origins of the ridges have been proposed (Solomon et al., 1990). Despite the variation in age of the two units, they grade into each other in places, and may be of a similar nature. The Nplr sample covers only a limited size-range of craters and hence only the small-crater gradient was obtained; it is equal to the lower gradient of the Hr craters. The upper gradient of the Hr craters is the second highest of those calculated, while the break-point occurs at a medium diameter.

4.7.4 Modified Plains

• Hvk: Knobby member of Vastitas Borealis Formation

• Hvm: Mottled member of Vastitas Borealis Formation

• Hvg: Grooved member of Vastitas Borealis Formation

• Hvr: Ridged member of Vastitas Borealis Formation

These axe plains of similar age, with Hvk being perhaps slightly older than the others. Their origins axe unknown, and they appeax to have been modified greatly since their emplacement by various processes. Other than the substantial outcrop of Hvg lying to the west of the Elysium bulge, these units occur mostly in high northern latitudes, and may have been substantially affected by ground-ice (Scott and Underwood (1990), and references therein). The usual clear linear Evs$ trends axe not seen for these units, and the data appear scattered. It was not possible to fit lines to the data for Hvk and Hvm due to this scatter, which appears to result from the high proportion of pedestal craters Chapter 4 164

in these areas (section 5.2.2). Once the pedestal craters were removed from the Hvg set, a linear trend was evident. A high gradient was calculated, the second highest obtained for small craters.

4.7.5 Volcanic Plains

• AHt3i Member 3 of Formation

• Aeli: Member 1 of Elysium Formation

• Aai: Member 1 of Arcadia Formation

• Aa3i Member 3 of Arcadia Formation

• Aau*: Member 4 of Arcadia Formation

A volcanic origin for these units is suggested by the presence of large lobate flows, flow fronts and their association with volcanic edifices. The units are probably at least partly composed of lava flows, though there may be substantial deposits of other materials. They cover vast areas, and as such are unlikely to be homogeneous in their ages and physical properties. Break-points were obtained for only two of these units: Aeli craters indicated a slightly larger than average break-point and Aai, a smaller than average one. The lower gradients tend to be close to the average; the very small gradient obtained for the Aai unit may be due to the scatter of the points. The gradients above the break-point broadly straddle the average, with the Aeli value again being slightly larger.

4.7.6 Other Plains

• Hp^: Smooth unit of Plateau Sequence

• Aps: Smooth plains material

• Apk: Knobby plains material Chapter 4 165

This group includes the remaining plains forming materials in the study area. Their origins are unknown. The Hpl 3 unit comprises smooth, quite featureless plains in the southern highlands, while the Aps unit is a smooth unit evident in large areas of the northern lowlands, peripheral to the Elysium Uprise. The unit Apk is char­ acterised by areas of knobby terrain—mountains that may be remnants of a former surface (section 2.7). Very few craters of unit Hpl 3 are present in the database, and the low gradient obtained is unreliable since only 4 craters of a very limited size range were used in its calculation. The other two of this group have very similar lower and upper gradients and break-points. The break-points and lower gradients are close to the average values, while the upper gradients are slightly higher than the average. The similarity of the crater characteristics of these two units suggests that they are of a similar nature.

4.7.7 Mantling Deposits

• AHpe: Etched plains material

• Ami: lower member of Medusae Fossae Formation

• Amm: middle member of Medusae Fossae Formation

• Amu: upper member of Medusae Fossae Formulation

AHpe is rather different in nature to the others of this group; its Evs$ graph apparently has a single gradient over the range 2-27.5 km, but its value may be erro­ neous due the limited data available. The remaining units are closely associated and have similar, lower than average gradients, though Amm has a significantly smaller diameter break-point than Ami. The upper gradients obtained for two of the units axe very different, though both are subject to large error margins, and little confidence can be placed upon them.

4.7.8 Volcanoes

• Hhet: Hecates Tholus Formation Chapter 4 166

• AHa: Apollinaris Patera Formation

• AHat: Albor Tholus Formation

• Ae^: member 2 of Elysium Formation

• Ael3: member 3 of Elysium Formation

This grouping of units covers those that either make up major volcanic constructs, or are closely associated with a particular volcano. The database area includes ex­ amples of volcanoes of differing age and morphology. Whilst the limited size of the constructs may suggest a more homogeneous geological nature than some of the more expansive units, several of the volcanoes exhibit a variety of surface terrain, and may be built up from units of differing age, physical nature, and composition. Due to the limited number of craters on each volcano, it was not possible to obtain many details about the mobility of ejecta on these constructs. Clear linear trends were observed for craters on Apollinaris Patera and Elysium Mons: the gradients for small craters were markedly higher and lower than the average respectively. The large difference is not surprising since the two volcanoes lie on opposing sides of the Highland-Lowland divide, and are of different ages and morphologies. The Ael 3 unit covers a larger expanse, and sufficient craters are present to reveal a marked change in Evs$ gradient with increasing crater diameter: however, this change is unusual in that it is the only situation in which the normal sequence of a smaller gradient changing to a larger one for craters above the break-point is reversed. The Evs$ plot for the 140 craters with ejecta on this unit yielded a high gradient of 3.22±0.22 for small craters, which decreased for craters of 7.4 km and over to a gradient of only 2.34±0.30 (figure 4.12). The gradient for large craters in this instance is subject to high error due to the scatter of data points. It is clear however that the gradient for small craters is anomalously high; it is greater than that calculated for small craters on any other units, and is comparable with the minimum gradients of larger craters. This value is much higher than the gradients obtained for small craters in surrounding units (Aeli 2.34±0.07, Ael 2 1.93±0.08, Aps 2.33±0.18). It is also higher than the gradient for all small craters at this latitude (see section 4.5). Chapter 4 167

Aelj craters Break-point — 9.40±0.50 km JzE £ o 61 points above break-point Upper gradient = 4.06±0.20 £ - 167-41

II0 ■3 0o g 10 id 325 points below break-point Lower gradient = 2.34±0.06

10 20 30 40 Crater diameter / km

•o CM Ael2 craters o 10 points CM Gradient - 1.93±0.08 £ = 4.02


U to

© 0 5 10 Crater diameter / km

Aela craters Break-point “ 7.40±0.25 km 22 points above bqeak-point Upper gradient •* 2.35±0.30 £ - 307.98

22 points below break-point Lower gradient = 3.22±0.22

Crater diameter / km

Figure 4.12: Graphs of ejecta versus crater diameter for units Aeli, Aeli, and Aelz Chapter 4 168

The unit appears to be composed largely of deposits associated with the complex channel systems that issued from fissures to the north and west of Elysium Mons. The channeled deposits could well be rich in water and the high fluidity of the small craters suggests that there is a localised enrichment of near-surface volatiles in an area which is restricted to the Ael 3 unit. Further evidence to support this interpretation comes from morphological studies of the craters and of other landforms, and will be discussed further in Chapters Five and Six.

4.7.9 Channels and chaotic material

• Hch: Older channel material

• Hcht: Chaotic Material

• Ae^: member 4 of Elysium Formation

• Achu: younger channel and flood- material, undivided

There are many channels and small regions of chaotic break-up of terrain in the region; the largest examples are mapped as distinct geological units. The channels are of varying types and ages. In each case, only single gradients were fitted and; with the exception of Aebj which had an average value, all exhibited higher than average Evs$ gradients.

4.7.10 Summary of the geological unit results

A significant variation in the mobility ratios of the units has been detected, but it is difficult to determine if this is due to the variation in concentration of ice in dif­ fering rocks/geological situations or whether the physical nature of the rock could itself influence the ejecta range. In particular, while the interpretation that the high gradient for small craters on the Ael 3 unit is a result of a near-surface ice deposit ap­ pears credible, it must be remembered that this rock-unit may have been particularly friable, and as such may have been affected by atmospheric buoyancy or enhanced fluidization. Chapter 4 169

The data obtained for several of the units are limited in places, and may have been influenced by the latitudinal and altitudinal distribution of the units. Though some similarities within the chosen groups of this study have been noted, no clear correlation between ejecta mobility and perceived rock type has emerged. It would appear therefore that the history of the individual units is more important than the nature of the rock in determining the depth and concentration of sub-surface ice. In addition, the significance of physical differences in the rock type as inferred from the assigned geological unit is itself limited. It is an inherently imprecise reflection of target composition: some units may be distinguished by superficial characteristics, whilst some units may resemble others and yet be of different origin (particularly in the case of highly modified surfaces).

4.8 The variation of Evs$ with local target nature

The geological-unit designations cover vast areas, and do not in general reflect the local geology of the target area. For instance, within the same geological unit, craters may have formed on various features such as volcanic flows, channels or previous impact craters. The nature of the target is therefore intrinsically inhomogeneous within each geological unit. Whilst it is conceivable that variations in the ejecta mobility that may be induced in this way will tend to average out in the statistics of sizeable areas, a study of the influence of various local target characteristics could provide useful information as to the properties of such features. In particular, the characteristics of impacts on previous impact structures could yield details on the nature of different components of craters. Although the local target nature of all of the impacts was recorded, where visible, sufficient data exist to examine only a limited number of situations. The data sets pertaining to these target types were selected and analysed as before.

4.8.1 Previously existing ejecta blankets

Craters superimposed on other ejecta were sub-divided into those that involved the single or inner ejecta blanket of a crater, and those that impacted the outer ejecta Chapter 4 170

blankets of double-ejecta craters. The database includes 127 craters within the first category, and of these 47 possessed measurable ejecta, providing a large enough sample to compute a reliable fit to the data. A lower gradient of 1.54 ± 0.31 was obtained, increasing to 3.86 ± 0.24 for crater diameters above 5.75db0.65km. The data for small craters are distributed evenly around the lower gradient. It would appear therefore that, whilst there is a considerable range in the mobility ratios of small craters, there is a general tendency to very low values, significantly lower than the average mobility values for craters of this size. Though the upper gradient is obtained from only 15 points, it is apparent that the larger craters are more strongly fluidized, perhaps tapping into volatile reserves underlying the ejecta. It should be noted that these data come from a wide range of locations and result from impact events on ejecta of varying morphological type. Double-ejecta blankets are comparatively rare, a fact that is reflected in the oc­ currence of only 14 recorded impacts on such ejecta in the region, and of these, only 6 have measured ejecta. The scatter on the Evs$ graph, which only covers the diameter range 2.5-8.5km, prevents the fitting of a reliable gradient.

4.8.2 Crater floors

Of the 191 craters that were found to have formed inside the rims of older craters, measurable ejecta were present for 76. The Evs$ plot for this target type showed a well-defined lower gradient of 1.90±0.15km, increasing to 3.65±0.26 for craters of over 6±0.5 km diameter. The upper gradient assigned for these data is not well constrained, but the lower-than-average value for the small craters appears sound, indicating a low mobility for these impacts. This is not surprising, since it is unlikely that volatiles would remain in the mixture of impact melt and breccias inside the crater, particularly due to the concentration of heat in this region following the impact. The higher gradient calculated for the larger craters may represent the excavation of underlying volatile-rich layers. Alternatively, since the larger impact craters necessarily occur in larger target craters, the enhanced mobility may be due in part to later in-filling of the pre-existing craters with fine-grained eolian sediments. Chapter 4 171

4.8.3 Crater rims

Many crater rims are broken by subsequent craters, and 191 such cases were recorded. Of these, 58 possessed ejecta, and the resultant fit showed two cleax Evs$ gradients, with a gradient discontinuity occurring at 6.51±0.65km crater diameter. The calcu­ lated lower gradient, of 2.11±0.25 is slightly lower than average, while the upper, at 4.00±0.25, is an average value for craters of this size. Again, volatiles would not be likely to remain near crater rims, so these results are not surprising; the larger craters probably excavated deeper layers of rock.

4.8.4 Channel floors

There are 25 craters in this category. The best fit to the 13 craters making up the Evs$ graph was a straight line of gradient 2.21±0.20. The data cover small craters only, of the 2-10 km diameter range.

4.8.5 Islands within channels

It would have been interesting, if sufficient data on streamlined channel islands could have been collected, to see if any information on their nature (e.g. erosional or depo- sitional) could be obtained. Of the 11 craters documented, only 4 possessed ejecta, and the distribution of these between large and small crater diameters prevents the fitting of any line(s) with confidence. A straight-line fit would have a gradient of 3.47±0.80; however, this is likely to be an over-estimate, since there may well be a change in ratio between the smaller and larger craters which is not apparent here due to the sparseness of data.

4.8.6 Shallow channels

A small number of craters impacted very shallow channels. The 9 points yield an Evs4> gradient of 2.55±0.12 over the range of 2-13 km diameter, though the fitted line over-estimates the gradient of the smaller craters within this range. Chapter 4 172

4.8.7 Wrinkle ridges

The controversy surrounding the origin of these ridges was partly responsible for the inclusion of this target designation. Of 82 craters, 25 were used to obtain an Evs$ gradient of 2.31±0.18 for craters in the range 2-12 km diameter.

4.8.8 Remnants of previous surfaces

Two types of target were distinguished: the individual mountains of the knobby terrain, and the larger mesas, mostly in the transitional region between the Highlands and the Lowlands. Both types of feature may be representative of previously more extensive surfaces. Only 6 impacts with associated ejecta were found on mesas, and the calculated gradient of 2.03±0.32 represents craters in the 2-7.5 km diameter range only. Considerable scatter of the data is encountered on the Evs$ graph for the knobs. The single gradient of 2.84±0.35 is a poor fit to the smaller 5 points, and may be incorrect since any transition between small and large ratios may be hidden by the sparsity of points.

4.8.9 Elysium Mons

This category includes the 156 craters that impacted the volcanic construct, and in­ corporates immediate surroundings that are classified as Aeli on the geological maps. A clear Evs$ relationship resulted, with the gradient increasing from 1.94±0.15 to 3.65±0.28 at a crater diameter of 6.11±0.50km. This value for the small craters is in good agreement with that calculated for craters designated Ael 2 (subsection 4.7.8). The marked increase in crater mobility appears to indicate a transition to more volatile-rich materials at depth, but it should be noted that the majority of the larger craters are located on the outer flanks of the volcano.

4.8.10 The postulated debris flows north-west of Elysium Mons

The area covered by these impacts largely correlates with the unit Ael 3. The craters selected here, however, are those that impacted the hummocky materials that appear Chapter 4 173

to have resulted from large-scale flows of material from the volcano s flanks, and do not include craters lying on smooth, previously existing terrain between the flows. Over the range 2-12 km diameter, a straight line, gradient 2.98±0.23, was fitted. The scatter in the data increases for craters towards the upper limit of this range, but the fitted line approximates the average ratio well. This result corresponds well with the previously calculated gradient for Ael 3 (subsection 4.7.8).

4.8.11 The flanks of volcanoes

This category combines craters from Elysium Mons and Apollinaris Patera, though the majority of sampled impacts lie on the former. A clear trend resulted, with a break-point of 5.10±0.60km, and gradients of 1.89±0.23 and 3.40±0.23.

4.8.12 Postulated lava flows

Two types of flow were distinguished: large lobate flows, and small flows. Too few points were obtained relating to the small flows to enable any trend to be determined. The 9 craters with ejecta noted on larger lobate flows only cover the 2-8 km diameter range, and there is significant scatter about the line (whose calculated gradient is 2.25±0.38) possibly due to the wide geographical distribution of the sampled craters.

4.8.13 Summary of the target nature investigation

The study of the influence of local target types on ejecta mobility was attractive, par­ ticularly as it would potentially provide information on the characteristics of several important landforms. In practice, however, its importance is limited by the lack of superimposed impact craters and/or the size distribution of sampled craters. It is dif­ ficult to attach confidence to limited samples, particularly as the mobility of the ejecta has been shown to be greatly influenced by factors such as latitude, geological unit, and perhaps altitude. When such influences are better understood, it may be possi­ ble to re-analyse these data and to extract further information on these landforms. Since this is a preliminary investigation of the factors influencing ejecta mobility, no attempt is made at present to discuss individual examples, or groups of craters on a Chapter 4 174

particular site. A study of subsequent craters on individual craters or groupings of morphological types would be particularly interesting, once the dominant factors are more fully understood.

4.9 The variation of Evs$ with age

It would be advantageous to discover whether the mobility of ejecta had varied ac­ cording to the time of the impact. If sufficient resolution of crater characteristics of varying ages could be achieved it would facilitate an examination of the variation of target and environmental properties with time. Particular questions that should be addressed include the evolution of the atmosphere, the history of sub-surface water, and the testing of paleo-pole hypotheses. Potentially, then, the age of the impact is of great importance in such a study. Assigning absolute ages to each crater is, of course, impossible at present, and even developing a relative time-scale is problematical. Two approaches, equally imprecise, are used here:

4.9.1 State of preservation of the impact structure

In principle, an idea of the relative ages of craters may be gained from their apparent age, as indicated by their departure from an initially pristine condition. This assumes that all craters degrade at similar rates, independent of location and size. This is a significant over-simplification of the situation on planets with atmospheres, where rates of degradation are likely to vaxy appreciably with both geographical situation and time. As a result comparisons of the ages of dispersed craters are difficult, and accurate relative dating can only be achieved for localized events. Another problem, intrinsic to this approach, is the variation of resolution of images; as a result, a crater that appears fresh in high-resolution images may appear subdued in lower-quality frames, and hence may be incorrectly dated. Several characteristics of the craters that were recorded in the database may be exploited in an attempt to determine the apparent ages of the impacts. These include:

• Overall appearance Chapter 4 175

• Condition of the rim

• Preservation of the ejecta

Due to the range of resolution of images used in the construction of the database, only a coarse scale was employed for each category (section 3.5.7). Though the criteria employed in each group are largely complementary, subtle variations may exist, and since all three were infrequently recorded simultaneously, a larger number of craters may be sampled by considering each characteristic individually. Other than the more distinct degradation states expressed by the rim-condition classification, these des­ ignations are highly dependent upon image quality and the size of the crater. The classifications were not recorded for each crater, tending to be included only for the larger craters where subtle differences could be seen more clearly. The number of craters falling into each category is also given in table 4.4. Where sufficient measure­ ments existed, fits were obtained for the Evs$ graphs, as before. As can be seen in table 4.4, the distribution of craters between the selected cat­ egories is very uneven. The concentration of craters into some of the categories is probably an artifact of the difficulty of classification. Unfortunately, the uneven dis­ tribution then causes problems when trying to ascertain the characteristics of the Evs$ graphs, either in the overabundance of points making any discontinuity diffi­ cult to detect (due to the scatter resulting from the wide spatial distribution of the craters), or in the lack of craters (particularly in end-members of the groupings) pre­ venting confident fitting. Ideally, an age scale with a reasonably constant number of entries in each category is needed. Though older craters will tend to have proportion­ ally fewer ejecta blankets than younger ones, this is not reflected to a great extent in the table, since the age details were preferentially recorded for complex craters or those possessing ejecta. The majority of Evs$ graphs examined for this section exhibited a considerable degree of scatter of the data, and higher-than-normal error estimates are attached to the results, particularly to the small-crater gradient. The correlation between ejecta and crater diameter was not as strong as has been seen in previous database sub­ sets, and it would thus appear that the age of the crater is not a dominant factor 176 Chapter 4

00 0 73 F1 ^ 4) -k> -ki MCO 'cd bO a vi 4) rj .a M -u ■ * » 9 U cO 4) ca (0 co 'S a M cO «5 0 O a 0 a 4) 0 0 4> 0 > .—1 4) (X bO —> J» •k> o 4> .a s *4 ca -o X> •* HJ a co 4> 4) CX u 4> CO — a C y -kJ 73 3 co -k» kl O « -k> 0 <4H a 1 -k» u ■** o (0 0 o O V (X cO a bO -k» 4> -kJ -*> a -k i 2 vi +* CO vi 4> CO _ . «e ^ 3 • H bO 0 a <0 0 0 o M _C0 ^ Ot j M 55 JO a,sK*- 'co CO Q H O

kO 0 0 o> CO at rH •cjc CM 00 to to N & rt< CM CO IV CM c o ■Cjc o > 0 0 b - 0 CO X rH CM 0 0 rH rH Tj* rH o CO a> CO CM

• Ha rH 00 h - tO OO tO CO CO O a rH 0 H CM O CM O CO CM a. •2« O 0 0 O OO O 0 O 73 1 ■i ce -H -H -H-H -H -H HH -H -H a> M CM r~ TJC 00 t o 0 CO tO CM bO t o CO 0 0 rH CO CO CO o CO Tt* f - rO CO CO 1 CO 5 7 4 2 00 7 1 1 1 0 H ■ M to CM at rH 0 CO 00 CM 4)M bO o kO CM CM CM CO CM rH rH CM CM oS* o o> Tf 00 rH

I 2 9 '3 O H 2 8 rH 5 8 3

h- 4 5 2 2 6 2 CQ 4 4 2

O 0 0 0 0 tO 0 0 • Ha OO tO CO CO CO to Oa O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a -H-H 1 -H -H -H 1 -H ■H -H M 0 c o at 0 CM tO tO 0 ■4 0 0 0 0 tO r~ rH CO Tjc M at tO IO t o CM CO CQ CO rH

at CM H T* to co CO CM tO c o 7 2 kO CM 2 7 9 5 6 6 4 9 CM CO rH rH 4 4 5 £ 1 1 7 2

734) 73 bO 4> *s .a 73 2 bO 'D cO bO a co SH 4; 'o a bO 73 0 73 4> S' >» V 73 bO o a u -k» bO »a H .a 4) (0 4) .a McO 4) -£3 co 4) X) 73 -3 l-l bO o The number of craters with measured ejecta "S 4) 4) *3 oa a • H 4> o > u O s 2 a CO O’ CO u* (X, <

Table 4 .4: The variation of ejecta mobility with crater age Chapter 4 177

in determining the Evs$ break-points or gradients. In addition, no clear age-related trend is apparent in the results. Although the criteria by which the age sequence of the selected sets are chosen are similar in places, no obvious consistency between age-suggestive characteristics was seen. This may in part be due to the difficulty experienced in obtaining the best Evs$ fits. The only indication of any age depen­ dency is exhibited by the simultaneous increase of break-point with increasing age, and decrease of ejecta mobility across the three central rim-condition categories. It is conceivable that such a trend could result from the more advanced state of degrada­ tion of ejecta associated with older craters, and the change in break-point may be due to the preferential location of fresh craters in the northern hemisphere. Little rele­ vance can be attached to this since only 3 points are involved, the individual fits were not conclusive, and it is not repeated in the other age-related schemes. The validity of the rim-condition classification may not be the best means by which to judge relative ages, since the perceived state of the rim may be highly dependent upon crater size and target nature. Another factor that may confuse the issue is that the distribution of craters of differing ages is uneven throughout the area, since the average age of the surface varies considerably; for instance, the oldest craters are largely restricted to the Southern Highlands, and to outcrops of old terrain. A variety of factors need to be taken into account before any age-related influence can be determined or eliminated; for example, the lateral variation of sub-surface ice with time could only be detected if a spatial analysis were made of each era’s craters. The data within each age-related category would have to be sub-divided further and carefully examined. Since the groupings of craters utilised here are necessarily coarse and uneven in size, no such analysis is attempted: while a ‘temporal snapshot’ might be possible for the larger of the categories, it would not be possible to consider the evolution of the study area’s characteristics, because of the paucity of craters assigned to neighbouring ages. It may be possible to gain useful information from such a study once a definitive age-classification scheme has been devised, and the crater’s ages have been re-evaluated from more consistent, higher-resolution images. Thus, though the ultimate restriction on examining crater variation as a function of age may be the variation of rates of degradation, and other factors, the limit Chapter 4 178

here was provided by the wide variation in image resolution which prevented a more detailed age scheme being implemented.

4.9.2 The age of the geological unit

In theory, the age of the general surface could be used to judge crater ages: if the assigned age represents the time of formation or re-surfacing of an area then the max­ imum age of the surface controls the maximum age of superimposed impact craters. A major problem with this approach is that it is highly unlikely that a geologic unit will be homogeneous in age, even in the case of localised outcrops. In addition, the absolute ages of the units are poorly constrained, and there are difficulties in assigning relative ages. The 33 units sampled in this study were placed in rough chronological order, based on age relationships detailed by Scott and Tanaka (1986) and Greeley and Guest (1987), and graphs of the variation of break-points and Evs$ gradients are shown in figure 4.13. It should be stressed that the ordering of the units in figure 4.13 can at best give only a general view of the relative ages of the units. Adjacent units may not necessarily be in the correct order, due to overlapping age estimates and difficulties in assigning relative ages, but the overall trend is a decrease in age to the right. The individual results axe as presented in section 4.7. The limited number of craters (particularly large craters) in several of the units prevented a complete set of data being collected. No clear trend can be seen in either of the plots; the Evs$ gradients of small craters vary significantly, but not in a coherent manner, while the sparseness of calculated break-points and large-crater gradients hampers the detection of any correlation with age. It is possible that overlapping age ranges, inaccuracies in relative aging, and inhomogeneous ages of the surfaces may mask any clear age-related trend. Further information may be gained from the ages of units when Mars Observer enables more-detailed and accurate delineation of time-rock units. Figure 4.13: 4.13: Figure age of the geological unit geological the of age Chapter 4 Chapter Gradients Break-points / km 10 15 0 5 zzzzxxxxxxx<<<<-< Aoe eak- nt in o -p k a re b Above □ a a at. . t a z a a a a * M i • Blw eak- nt in o -p k a re b Below a £ ? 3 T Si —?* £ 2 —T 3 aito fbekpit n rdet fEs gah ih h relative the with graphs Evs$ of gradients and break-points of Variation . 1

o o o o > elgcl units Geological elgcl units Geological x x x x x x x x m ■

i { - E * i E E 179

Chapter 4 180

4.10 The variation of Evs$ with distance from Elysium M ons

The presence of an enhanced geothermal gradient could affect the distribution of sub­ surface ice. Mouginis-Mark et al. (1984) suggested that volatiles could be driven away from active volcanic centres. To test this hypothesis, the data were binned according to their distance from Elysium Mons, the largest volcanic construct in the area. Ideally, a detailed survey of craters in quite fine distance divisions would be pre­ ferred, but in reality, quite large divisions of 250 km were chosen in order to incorporate sufficient data for fits to each Evs4> plot to be made. Elysium Mons is a large volcano, its lava flows may be traced up to 600 km from the summit (Mouginis-Mark et al., 1984) though the associated volcanic plains extend farther than this (App//^. B). It is difficult to estimate the distance over which any influence on surrounding volatile reservoirs may have been exerted and so the analysis was extended to a 1500 km ra­ dius from the centre of the volcano (defined here as the centre of the summit caldera). Graphs of Evs4> were examined and analysed as before and the results are displayed in figure 4.14 and Appendix C. The number of craters in each division increases outward from the volcano, with the inner division sampling only 66 craters. The scatter on the data also tended to increase, being quite noticeable between the 500-1250 km distance range, and it was difficult to determine the optimum fits over this range. The error margins on these results are higher than average, and though a wave-like pattern is evident in the plot of the gradients, the values of crater ratios above the break-point are very similar. The lowest gradients are found nearest the volcano. This is consistent with determination of lower-than-average Evs$ gradients for craters on the flanks or construct of the volcano, as calculated in sections 4.7 and 4.8. This correlation is not surprising, since the data sets are virtually identical, but the independent determination of the gradient is comforting. The increase in Evs$, for both small and large craters at distances of 500-750 km may be due to the inclusion of craters of unit Ael 3, which have been seen previously to have higher than usual mobility ratios. The increase in the scatter of the data beyond this point most likely reflects the variety of terrain Figure 4.14: 4.14: Figure Gradients Break-points / km 4 Chapter 10 16 2 0 5 - 0 ain blw eak- nt in o -p k a re b t in below o -p k a radient G re b above radient G 200 Variation of break-points and gradients with distance from Elysium Mons Elysium from distance with gradients and break-points of Variation 200 0 60 0 1000 800 600 400 400 itne rm lsu Mn / km / Mons Elysium from Distance itne rm lsu Mn / km / Mons Elysium from Distance

0 800 600 1000 1200 1200 1400 1400 181 Chapter 4 182

types and latitudes of the radial bands, and masks any distance-related trend. The variation in the calculated break-points is slight, appearing to increase then decrease at greater distances, though the uncertainty of the fits may invalidate the suggestion of any trend. The data referring to craters in the outer radial band are very different to the other points, and may be due to the incorporation of craters on significantly different terrain. It is difficult to evaluate any volcano-related influence on ejecta mobility. It should be stressed that there is a largely simultaneous decrease in altitude with distance from the volcanic centre. In addition, the age and geology of the target will vary significantly, and as increasingly distant radial bands are considered the inherent scatter due to other factors increases (also, more distant, older units are likely to include craters that predate local volcanic activity). There is also the possibility of radial asymmetry; the deposits to the north west of the volcano have previously sy been shown to have characteristics radically different fromjneighbouring units. While the presence of this unit probably influenced the results, a survey of radial transepts is required to investigate such inhomogeneities more fully. Unfortunately, there are insufficient craters, particularly in the proximity of the volcano, to allow such a finer sub-division of the data at this stage. It would be interesting to attempt a study of craters in various transepts, once the other factors influencing ejecta mobility are better constrained, and may be com­ pensated for. The influence of volcanoes on existing sub-surface volatiles could be further examined by doing surveys of other major volcanoes, particularly where there is independent evidence of such materials. The nature of the country rock will also determine the magnitude of the influence experienced since there will be variations in thermal conductivity and permeability, while local and regional fracture systems may enhance any heat or volatile transport.

4.11 Summary

The ratio of ejecta to crater diameters has been shown to vary considerably within the Elysium region. It is highly dependent upon crater diameter, appearing to increase Chapter 4 183

significantly at differing diameters for different sub-divisions of the data. This diame­ ter dependence prevents the simple direct comparison of mobility with variables in the area. A new technique has enabled the determination of the break-point diameter and the lower and upper gradients of the plots of ejecta versus crater diameter. The pro­ cedure has provided a means of comparing the different sub-divisions of the database in a quantitative fashion, and has allowed the diameter and one other factor to be considered simultaneously. The method automatically averages the data—effectively reducing the noise that results from a combination of factors—and allows access to the underlying trend. The repeatability of the results, for example after re-binning of lat­ itude and altitude sets, demonstrates the accuracy of the chosen line-fitting method, and the close agreement of independently determined fits to similar groups of data also testifies to the soundness of the technique. The relative mobility of the crater ejecta, and the diameters at which increases in the ratio of Evs$ take place, have been obtained for many sub-divisions of the data. No decrease in ejecta mobility was detected for large craters, indicating that the base of the volatile reservoir cannot be detected. It either extends to a great depth, or sufficient volatiles are incorporated in the ejecta from the volatile-rich strata to enhance the ejecta mobility even when underlying volatile-poor material is excavated. A strong latitudinal trend in the break-point diameter has been detected, which indicates that the depth to volatile-rich materials decreases progressively towards the north in the study region. Variations in ejecta mobility and the break-point with altitude and geological unit have also been documented, as have indications of the influence of local target nature. It is difficult to isolate altitudinal influences from the other factors within the area, but a clear and important difference has been detected between the crater populations of the Highland and Lowland craters, namely that the enhancement of ejecta mobility occurs at significantly greater depths within Highland regions than it does in the Northern Lowlands. The variations in the ejecta mobility may result from a combination of effects, and no direct identification of the agent(s) or process(es) responsible for the increased mobility can be made from a study of ejecta and crater diameter relationships alone. The manner in which the break-points and ejecta mobility vary—in particular with Chapter 4 184

diameter, latitude, and certain geological situations—is, however, strongly suggestive that the incorporation of subsurface ice or water is the dominant cause of the en­ hanced range of much of the ejecta. Furthermore, it is apparent that the depth to this reservoir varies considerably. The variations in the mobility ratio indicate that the concentration of the sub-surface volatiles is inhomogeneous, and it is possible that some of the higher mobility ratios, such as those in equatorial regions, may have resulted from the involvement of localised water reservoirs. It is likely that various fac­ tors influence the extent of the ejecta, and atmospheric effects may have contributed in places. The study of the ejecta mobility has therefore indicated that a variable but perva­ sive sub-surface ice/reservoir was present in the Elysium area. Further information on the processes and factors responsible for the variation of the ejecta mobility, and the location and characteristics of the sub-surface ice, will be gained from the examination of crater morphology which is presented in the next chapter. C hapter 5

Crater Morphology

x poaipeiaOaC re Set aSvuara einora naW ov rf Svi/ara aizLOava

Poetics 24.1460a. Aristotle, 384~322B.C.

5.1 Introduction

In this chapter the ejecta mobility and distribution of crater morphologies that may be indicative of the involvement of volatiles at the time of their formation are exam­ ined. The various morphologies are shown to occur in craters of differing sizes, and to be distributed unevenly throughout the region. The minimum diameters and relative concentration of craters possessing these features are then studied in detail, as a func­ tion of latitude, altitude, and geological unit in order to provide further information on the location of sub-surface ice in the Elysium region.

185 Chapter 5 186

5,2 The ejecta mobility associated with various crater morphologies

The morphological characteristics of the craters are recorded in great detail in the database. This study will concentrate largely on those features that have previously been suggested as strongly dependent upon target nature (section 3.4). All craters exhibiting the features to be studied were selected from the database, and Evs$ graphs for each were constructed.

5.2.1 Central features

The results for all craters clearly possessing central peaks, pits or combinations of the two are given in table 5.1.

Central Break-point Below Above Comments feature /km break-point break-point xl Na Gradient N° Gradient

Peak 106 3.17 ± 0.11 8151.76 Significant scatter, espe­ cially at large diameters Pit --- 7 3.77 ± 0 .9 2 ------893.47 Scattered points

Combined --- 20 3.93 ± 0 .4 5 ------3411.30 Considerable scatter

°The number of craters with measured ejecta

Table 5.1: Ejecta versus crater diameter characteristics of craters with central features

The craters in each division cover a wide range of diameters and^ although there is considerable scatter in each Evs$ plot, the relations between ejecta and crater diameter were best fitted by single lines. The gradients are higher than those exhibited by small craters below the break-points calculated in the previous chapter (which were presumed to represent the diameter at which ejecta mobility was enhanced). Hence, it Chapter 5 187

appears that craters with central features are associated with relatively mobile ejecta, which provides further support for the interpretation that they are aided by, or due to, the inclusion of sub-surface volatiles. As is shown in section 5.3, central features tend not to occur in small craters: the ejecta mobilities indicated by these results are not very high when compared with the previous gradients recorded for craters above the break-point. While the formation of central peak craters may be aided by the presence of sub-surface ice, the presence of such volatiles is not necessary for their development, which may account for their lower ejecta mobility. The paucity of data and their inherent scatter has resulted in large errors being associated with the results for clearly identified central pits, although the indications are that their ejecta are very mobile. The ejecta of the craters with pitted peaks are even more mobile (as measured by the Evs$ gradient) and so it appears that these results provide further evidence that the pits are due to the excavation by an impact event of volatile-rich material. Variations in crater preservation, Sun angle, and image resolution made it impossible to record all morphological features at the same high degree of confidence. Where central features were strongly suspected, but could not be positively identified, lower­ case letters were used to denote possible peaks, pits, and pitted peaks. These were analysed independently to provide supplementary information, without compromising the accuracy of data from firm classifications. Of these, 69 possible peaked craters had a single gradient of 4.26±0.17 ( x l = 678.54), 36 possible pits 3.03±0.26 ( x l = 361.29), and no fit was attempted for the 11 scattered points representing possible pitted peaks.

5.2.2 Types of ejecta

This group of classifications includes generally recognised morphological types of craters, such as those with rampart, radial, pedestal, and double ejecta as illustrated in section 3.5.3, and also craters with certain other features which may reflect the viscosity of the ejecta during their emplacement, namely the presence of partial ex­ tra layers of ejecta (also referred to hereafter as ‘extra levels’) and wavy or jagged perimeters. Table 5.2 contains the results of Evs$ analyses of each. The high gradient of the radial ejecta craters is contrary to expectation; these Chapter 5 188

Ejecta Break-point Below Above Comments type /km break-point break-point xl N“ Gradient Na Gradient Radial — 12 3.23 ± 0 .5 3 —— 641.77 Poor fit due to scatter Pedestal 61 No linear trend. Data are scattered

Rampart 7.95 ± 0.40 265 2.10±0.11 236 4.05 ±0.09 479.10 Broad but clear minimum

Wavy 7.84 ±0.60 515 2.30 ±0.08 304 3.46 ±0.10 202.95 Considerable scat­ ter at large diameters Jagged 9.73 ±0.75 96 2.73 ±0.27 98 3.99 ±0.15 1101.97 Some scatter at large diameters Levels 9.00 ±0.60 43 2.27 ±0.40 43 4.50 ±0.27 674.54 Much scatter, espe­ cially at small

diameters Double 96 2.47 ±0.09 334.87 Much scatter, espe­ cially at large diameters

“The number of craters with measured ejecta

Table 5.2: Ejecta versus crater diameter characteristics of various types of ejecta Chapter 5 189

craters show no obvious sign of fluid flow, and as such, they should be unlikely to have ejecta deposits as extensive as those which have incorporated volatiles. The number of examples of radial ejecta is limited and the data are scattered, so the calculated value may be in error. A slightly lower, single gradient was fitted to the 10 possible radial ejecta craters, of 2.72±0.10 ( \ l = 536.93). The majority of rampart craters are thought to result from some element of fluid flow during ejecta emplacement, the rampart forming as viscous forces increase caus­ ing an abrupt termination of the flow. These results indicate that rampart craters smaller than about 8 km exhibit significantly lower mobility ratios than larger craters. These craters come from various locations, therefore the interpretation of the observed transition in the gradient is not trivial. Though ramparts may result from the incorpo­ ration of sub-surface volatiles, there may be additional factors enhancing the fluidity of larger craters, such as the incorporation of greater concentrations of volatiles at depth (thereby decreasing viscosity), or perhaps excavation into water rather than ice. Alternatively, the change in gradient may reflect that there may be more than one process occurring that leads to the formation of ramparts. It is possible that interactions between the ejecta and the atmosphere may result in rampart formation under certain conditions (Schultz and Gault, 1978), whereas the inclusion of signifi­ cant quantities of sub-surface volatiles would decrease the viscosity of the ejecta more effectively and lead to proportionally greater ejecta ranges. In Chapter Four, ejecta mobility was seen to vary according to the location of the crater, and so the variety of mobility ratios exhibited by the rampart craters may instead simply reflect the variety of factors influencing either the location and state of sub-surface volatiles, or the development of the ejecta during emplacement, with the apparent break-point being a consequence of this variation. For the 117 possible rampart craters recorded, a lower gradient of 2.31±0.11, was calculated increasing to 3.87±0.35 at a diameter of 10.04±0.30km (x l = 114.21). The outline of the distal edge of the ejecta, viewed from above, may also be indicative of fluid flow emplacement. For example, the perimeter of a purely ballisti- cally emplaced ejecta blanket is largely circular, since material is ejected with similar velocity ranges in all directions (other than in highly oblique impacts), with little Chapter 5 190

interaction between the ejected components (Melosh, 1989). If the material is partly or totally emplaced by some sort of flow, then radial shearing in the components of the flow may lead to radial variations in the extent of the ejecta blanket, resulting in a wavy or jagged perimeter. During the classification of the craters, it was noticed that jagged ejecta appeared to be more fluid than wavy-edged ejecta, and this is re­ flected in the Evs$ characteristics of the crater types, with high mobilities indicated for large and small craters with jagged outlines. The presence of a gradient disconti­ nuity in both graphs may be due to similar causes suggested for the rampart-crater mobility variations. The 48 possibly wavy ejecta examples covered a limited diameter range (1.875-12km), and possess a similar small crater gradient to that of the definite examples, of 2.27±0.17 (x l = 81.43); 20 possible jagged ejecta examples, ranging in diameter from 2-20km, yielded a single gradient of 3.46±0.26 ( x l = 202.09). The inner blankets of double ejecta craters show constant, marginally higher than average (for small craters) mobilities over the large size range of the sample. It appears, therefore, that the extent of the inner blanket is strongly controlled by the crater size. The Evs$ graph of the outer ejecta was examined: though there is considerable scatter within the graph, the data are best fitted by a single line, of gradient 4.55±0.18 (x l = 1341.15), demonstrating that the outer ejecta of double ejecta blankets were very mobile indeed. Though no clear examples of multiple ejecta lobes were recorded in this study, several craters, whether classified as single or double ejecta, possessed indications of partial extra lobes. Small craters with these extra levels of deposits are seen to have similar mobilities to those with wavy ejecta, though larger craters have much more mobile ejecta, the most mobile of all types sampled here. The Evs$ graph of craters that may possess extra levels indicated a greater ejecta mobility for small craters 3.23±0.42, break-point of 12.29±0.50km, and large-crater gradient of 4.92±0.55, though this was calculated from only 13 craters ( x l = 102.17). The Evs$ graph for the pedestal craters showed no clear relationship between the plotted parameters, with the data appearing to be quite randomly scattered at all diameters. This suggests that the formation of pedestal craters is radically different from that of all other crater types sampled here, where the relationship between crater and ejecta diameter is well-defined. Many of the craters had higher than Chapter 5 191

average individual mobility ratios, indicating that most pedestal craters sampled are the product of some process whereby the range of ejected material is significantly enhanced. This observation is in direct opposition to suggestions that the pedestal form is purely the result of erosion of ‘normal’ ejecta.

5.2.3 Apparent fluidity of ejecta

In addition to the quantitative investigation of ejecta mobility, as determined from the analysis of ejecta to crater diameter ratios, a code was used to record the apparent fluidity of the ejecta. From an earlier survey of the craters a sequence of five categories was chosen to reflect the idealised progression from radial deposits, with no sign of fluid flow, to highly mobile ejecta. This scheme was introduced in section 3.5.3, where the criteria used to assign the ‘fluid index’ are given, together with example craters. This factor was recorded only for craters with reasonably clear ejecta and it should be noted that the apparent paucity of low-index craters may be a reflection on the limited resolution, since radial craters’ ejecta were not easily classified as the material grades smoothly into the surroundings. The Evs$ characteristics for each index from 0 (radial, non-fluidized) to 4 (highly fluidized) are given in table 5.3. A partial correlation between the apparent fluidity and the quantitative mobility ratio is seen. The designation of the fluid index is highly subjective, and prone to inaccuracies due to the coarseness of the scale and the variation in both ejecta type and image resolution, yet there is a clear upward progression of large-crater mobilities with increasing index number. Limited numbers of craters occupy the two extreme categories, and the high gradient for index 0 craters, which matches that calculated independently for radial craters in section 5.2.2, is unusual. The gradients of small craters do not exhibit any clear trend with index number, but this may be due to the difficulties in accurately judging small craters. The break-points, seen to occur at increasing crater diameter with increasing fluid index, may again be due to factors discussed in section 5.2.2, though the lack of a break-point for the most fluid of the craters indicates that the most mobile ejecta are emplaced in similar processes; all ejecta designated as index 4 presumably result from the incorporation of considerable Chapter 5 192

Fluidity Break-point Below Above Comments index /km break-point break-point x l N a gradient Na gradient Index 0 19 3.24 ±0.32 687.05 Reasonable fit for craters 2-20 km diameter. Upper points scattered Index 1 5.73 ±0.40 290 2.15± 0.10 48 2.60 ±0.19 67.46 Considerable scatter Index 2 6.40 ±0.60 489 1.78± 0.10 248 2.91 ±0.12 106.43 Considerable scatter Index 3 9.13± 0.65 141 2.30 ±0.24 173 3.49 ±0.12 441.24 Scatter at large diameters Index 4 35 4.48 ±0.37 2296.35 Data scat­ tered about clear straight line

“The number of craters with measured ejecta

Table 5.3: Ejecta versus crater diameter characteristics for ejecta of varying apparent fluidity

amounts of volatiles. An atmospheric fluidization process is, therefore, highly unlikely to result in such ejecta. The fluid indices therefore provide a useful, but perhaps not definitive, indication of the degree of fluid flow, since the mobility ratio is closely related to the apparent fluidity, and vice versa. Chapter 5 193

o o CO

«E o os o Vu .o B 23


0 20 40 60 80 100

Diameter / km

Figure 5.1: Frequency distribution of all craters as a function of diameter

5.3 The diameter-frequency distributions of various mor­ phologies

If the morphological characteristics listed in the above section are related to the involvement of sub-surface water in the impact process, then an analysis of the minimum diameters at which such features are apparent should indicate the depth of the volatile-rich layer. The distribution of sampled crater diameters is heavily biassed towards the smaller diameters, as demonstrated by figure 5.1. The majority of craters have diameters less than 10 km, and there are very few craters larger than 100 km. Small craters close to the minimum cut-off diameter are the most frequent by far, with the number of craters larger than this decreasing exponentially with increasing size, so that there are very few craters of over 50 km in diameter. This intrinsic variation in the size-distribution has to be allowed for in the interpretation of the size-frequency characteristics of all subdivisions of the data. Chapter 5 194

The size-frequency distribution of each morphological type was examined, using several combinations of diameter range and bin size. The aim was to examine how the onset diameter of the features and the maximum population size varied between the crater types. The total number of craters varies as a function of diameter, as shown above, so a drop-off in crater numbers with increasing diameter is to be expected. However, since the maximum number of craters is found at the smallest diameters, any larger onset diameters/maximum occurrences would be significant: so many small craters have been incorporated that the statistical chances of the absence of small craters with the feature being coincidental are remote.

5.3.1 Central Features

A clear variation in the diameters at which central features are detected is seen (fig­ ure 5.2). Very few central peaks occur at diameters less that about 6 km and the maximum occurrence decreases steadily until about 40 km, after which there are only isolated examples. The onset of central pits in craters occurs at a larger crater diame­ ter, of about 10 km. There are very few pitted craters, and none are seen at diameters of over 50 km. The lack of large pitted craters may partly be due to the in-filling of many large crater floors by later deposits. Pitted peaks do not occur until still larger crater diameters, with the size-distribution peaking at just over Kg km diameter, and declining steadily above this point. The departure of the diameter range of maximum occurrence of these features from the observed maximum occurrence of the total sample demonstrates that craters with central features do not form at all diameters, rather there are small diameter cut-offs. These cut-off diameters are seen to vary significantly between the types of central features. The larger diameters reached before pits and pitted peaks form indicate that additional conditions are required for their formation in comparison with central peaks. The penetration of deep ice-rich layers is a possible explanation.

5.3.2 Types of ejecta

Several interesting points arise from the diameter-frequency distributions of the vari­ ous types of ejecta, shown in figure 5.3. The distribution of pedestal craters is unusual Chapter 5 195

8 Peaks 2 v I (0 o O 8 4>u £> s p ". z

o 10SO 90 40 00 •0 70 M0 Diameter / km


0>u m x> B zp -

o 10 SO 40 60 00 00 Diameter / km

Pitted peaks

Diameter / km

Figure 5.2: Frequency distribution of crater diameters with different central features in that it demonstrates a maximum occurrence of the craters for the smallest sampled bin, whereas the maximum populations of the other types occur at slightly larger diameters. A limited number of rampart, wavy/jagged-edged craters, and those with extra levels of ejecta occur at small diameters, with the largest proportion occurring occurring proportion largest the with diameters, small at occur ejecta of levels extra at somewhat larger diameters. larger somewhat at hpe 5 Chapter

Figure 5.3: 5.3: Figure Number of craters Number of crelers Number of craters 8 e 8 8 rtr wt wv de ms cmol hv imtr i te -. m range, km 3-6.5 the in diameters have commonly most edges wavy with Craters 0

10 Frequency distribution of crater diameters for various types of ejecta of types various for diameters crater of distribution Frequency a tr mDimee / km / eter iam D km / eter iam D amt / Ian / r tU m ia D a tr m k / eter iam D 20 Pedestals a part Ram Radial 30 40 1 W E 6 o e o 8 « o o o I o 8 § 0 0 0 10 10 10 a tr km / eter iam D a tr km / eter iam D 20 20 20 Jagged Levels Wavy 30 30 30 40 40 40 196 Chapter 5 197

but the maximum number of jagged-edged craters appearjat slightly larger diameters. The distribution of craters with partial levels of ejecta peaks strongly in the 6.5-10 km range. It would appear, therefore, that jagged perimeters or extra levels tend to be associated with craters that excavated materials at considerable depths.

5.3.3 Apparent fluid index

The progression of the mode to larger values with increasing diameter (figure 5.4) is significant, since an effort was made to use a scale that was independent of diameter and as such simply reflected the apparent fluidity of the ejecta. The way that, on average, high fluid indices first appear at larger diameters suggests that they result from a diameter-dependent process, such as the incorporation of water-rich material at depth.

5.3.4 Summary

Owing to the bias of the crater population towards the smaller craters, it is difficult to make any study of large crater diameter cut-offs, but onset diameters can be obtained when the selected set is sufficiently large. If the sampled craters were representative of the larger database, their size-distribution would echo that of the parent distribution. The diameter at which features appear, and the most frequent diameter range,varies between the types of crater, indicating that several types of crater form under special circumstances. The absence of several features which are thought to reflect fluid flow from the small crater population suggests that the incorporation of flow-enhancing material at depth is responsible. A closer examination of the data is required to see if the onset diameters of these features vary with latitude, altitude or geological unit.

5.4 The location of craters exhibiting various morpho­ logical characteristics

Plots of the geographical distribution of each type of morphology under investigation are given in appendix E, and the main features are summarized in tables. The distri- Chapter 5 198

I- i . « r !. X


In d ex 2

Index 3

*o I S xI te so •• m m

S i In d e x 4 'Z • 1 e 9 X

at TO m it " DUnMtft / km “ wo

Figure 5.4: Frequency distribution of crater diameters as a function of varying fluid index. Note the shift of onset diameter for more fluid ejecta bution of all craters in the region is itself inhomogeneous, as was seen in figure 4.1. Chapter 5 199

5.4.1 Central features

The apparent concentrations in the distribution of the central peak craters (table 5.4) coincide with areas with the maximum crater densities, and so the distribution most likely simply arises from the greater number of craters, particularly large craters*, and does not indicate any significant difference in the target nature.

Central Definite Possible Location Feature Occurrences Occurrences

Peak 189 101 Widely distributed throughout the study region, present at all lat­ itudes. Slight concentration in Southern Highlands and eastern, central latitudes. Pits 15 36 Very limited distribution, largely falling into 2 latitudinal bands: south of the equator and between 15 and 35° N. Noticeable concentration in 227.5-195° longitude, 14-26°N. Combined peak/pit 36 17 Largely constrained to terrain in transitional Highland regions, and the old terrain outcrops in eastern central latitude areas.

Table 5.4: The distribution of craters with central features

The area most densely populated with central pit craters coincides with the Aeli volcanic plains, surrounding the southern margins of Elysium Mons. Since the region does not correspond to any pronounced increase in the density of impact craters, it appears that this concentration is real. Craters with pitted peaks are largely restricted to the older portions of the study region. As before, these areas correspond with the more densely cratered surfaces (Appendix B), but the almost complete lack of pitted peaks in other areas suggests

'Areas with the greatest density of craters are usually the oldest areas, and will also contain a higher proportion of large craters. As discussed in the previous section, central peak craters are rare amongst small craters. Chapter 5 200

that the concentration is significant.

5.4.2 Types of ejecta

Table 5.5 contains a summary of the distribution of different ejecta types.

Feature Nda Np* Location Radial 12 10 With one exception, all lie in the Northern Low­ lands. Some clustering around the NW reaches of Aeli plains, immediately to the west of Elysium Mons.

Pedestal 67 22 Very strong concentration in parts of the north­ ern hemisphere, particularly in high latitude units Hvg, Hvm, Hvk and regions immediately adjacent.

Rampart 508 117 Wide distribution, present in all areas except those which are very sparsely populated, such as Memnonia deposits and the Ach(u) unit.

Wavy 830 48 Cover entire study region quite densely, other than in sparsely populated areas. Jagged 199 22 Significant numbers in Southern Highlands, but a greater number in Northern Lowlands, particu­ larly in mid-latitudes.

Levels 87 13 Similar distribution to jagged craters, preferen­ tially occurring in the northern hemisphere.

Double 96 Pronounced concentration in northwest, others seen to cluster in east. Several occur in, or slightly north of, transitional regions. Only 3 are located in the Southern Highlands.

“Number of definite examples ^Number of possible examples

Table 5.5: The distribution of various types of ejecta

The pedestal classification includes all ejecta with a pronounced inverted-saucer profile. It was noted during the creation of the database that craters traditionally Chapter 5 201

classified as pedestal craters are largely associated with quite extensive, high-albedo ejecta, whereas some other craters had a pedestal-like profile, but lacked the other characteristics. The concentration of the ‘traditional’ pedestal craters in the northern regions implies that an environmental factor is involved in their formation, particularly since ice is stable at the surface at these latitudes. The highest density of double ejecta craters is in a region that broadly corresponds with the Ael 3 deposits, northwest of Elysium Mons. A second concentration of double ejecta craters is seen within the old areas in the east. Though several instances of double ejecta are found near the transitional regions between the Highlands and Lowlands, the virtual absence of double ejecta in the Highlands is important. Craters with wavy perimeters or distal ramparts are distributed throughout the region. Craters with pronounced fluid-like features, such as jagged perimeters and partial levels of ejecta are most common in the Northern Lowlands. There are several indications, therefore, of significant differences between the Highlands and the Low­ lands, as manifested in the ejecta morphology, though some agent causing the partial fluidity of the ejecta is pervasive throughout the entire region.

5.4.3 Apparent fluid index

The distributions of craters with various designated fluid indices are summarized in table 5.6. Ejecta exhibiting significant amounts of fluid flow are widely distributed, indicat­ ing that the fluidizing medium had a similarly wide distribution. It appears that the most fluid ejecta are restricted to transitional/Southern Highland regions, which is contrary to the indications of the previous sub-section.

5.4.4 Summary

Some significant variations in the distribution of the crater types have been detected, particularly in the case of pedestal craters, craters with central pits and those with double ejecta (as suggested in Chapter Two). A more detailed investigation is required since it is difficult to account for the varying density of crater distribution: this inherent variation creates a false impression of the enhanced concentration of certain Chapter 5 202

Index Number Location number of craters 0 19 Several close to Elysium Mons, others largely near the tran­ sitional terrain. 1 346 Clustered into transitional/Highland regions and also in higher northern latitudes, with very few intervening areas. 2 744 Wide distribution, slight concentration in the northwest 3 317 Distributed throughout the western Northern Lowlands, but limited to 15-25° N in east. Many present in central and eastern Southern Highlands. 4 38 Other than a few scattered in the Northern Lowlands, they appear to be associated with the transitional regions and Southern Highlands.

Table 5.6: The distribution of craters with various fluid indices features, and may mask real anomalies. In addition, it is not easy to see if geological, latitudinal or altitudinal factors are important in a simple locational plot, and the diameters of the craters are unaccounted for.

5.5 Analysis of the variation of crater morphology

The characteristics of the crater morphologies detailed in the previous sections of this chapter indicate that morphological variations may be used to detect the previous presence of sub-surface ice. In addition, certain morphologies may reflect the relative concentration of incorporated ice. The varied distributions of the features suggest that though the ice is widespread, its depth and concentration vary considerably. Rampart craters and wavy-edged ejecta craters are widely distributed, and though these characteristics indicate that some degree of flow emplacement has taken place, it appears that other crater morphologies may provide valuable information of the concentration and location of incorporated volatiles. Indeed, small ramparts may form as a result of the entrainment of atmospheric volatiles (Schultz and Gault, 1978). The observed variation in the ejecta mobility indicates that the ramparts form in ejecta of Chapter 5 203

varying degrees of fluidity, probably due to variations in the amounts of incorporated volatiles. Craters with jagged perimeters, partial extra levels of ejecta, or highly fluid ap­ pearances (i.e., classified as fluid index 3 or 4) are more likely to reflect the presence of greater concentrations of sub-surface ice, due to their extensive ejecta, large onset diameters, and more restricted distribution. Pedestal craters do not display obvious signs of a fluid emplacement mechanism, but generally have extensive ejecta: this, together with their preferential location in the Modified Terrain, suggests that con­ siderable amounts of ice are required for their formation. Other than the pedestal craters, none of the features discussed in this chapter occur in the smallest of the craters, implying that the inclusion of volatile-rich material at depth is responsible for their formation, rather than the involvement of atmospheric or surface volatiles, which could influence craters of all sizes. This is particularly true for the craters with jagged, index 3-4 ejecta or extra levels of ejecta, but may not be such a strong constraint for the smaller rampart and wavy-edged ejecta. Central peaks are common in the area, and in general have only medium mobility ratios in comparison with the restricted distribution and high ejecta mobility of the central pit and pitted peak craters. It therefore appears that while the peak formation may be related to target strength, and as such central peaks indirectly have the potential to provide evidence of sub-surface ice, craters with central pits and peaks most probably penetrated into sub-surface ice, and provide direct evidence of its previous locations. The scatter encountered in the Evs$ analysis of the individual crater types sug­ gests that their properties vary considerably in response to environmental factors; i.e., that the location of the impact event has a strong influence on the ejecta, ir­ respective of the crater ‘type’. In addition, the distribution of the selected features varies considerably, indicating that the sub-surface ice in the Elysium area occurs at different depths and is inhomogeneous in concentration. As discussed here, the ability and sensitivity of the selected criteria to indicate sub-surface ice also vary. A detailed examination of the distribution of each of these morphologies was therefore performed, since a simultaneous consideration of these factors will provide more in­ Chapter 5 204

formation of the nature and distribution of the ice than is possible by considering any morphological characteristic in isolation. The factors that appeared to be the most significant in influencing ejecta mobility in Chapter Four were latitude, altitude and geological unit. To analyse the variation in crater morphology in the region, as a function of these variables, two complementary approaches were selected:

1. Statistics referring to each selected morphology were produced for each group of subdivided datasets. In this way, the total craters sampled, total with ejecta or double ejecta, and frequency of each morphological feature were obtained. The number of craters in each set varies considerably: the results are expressed as percentages of the total craters, thereby allowing meaningful comparisons to be made between differently sized samples of craters. In the case of characteristics referring to central features, the occurrence of each feature is expressed here as a percentage of all craters. In the case of ejecta characteristics, the percentage expressed is that of all craters with measured ejecta in that sample. The average mobility ratio (that of ejecta to crater diameter), and the average apparent fluidity index were also calculated.

2. The minimum diameter at which a feature was observed (onset diameter) was extracted for each set of data. This, in principle, may be used to detect the upper extent of a volatile-rich layer, since its presence will influence only those craters that penetrate to its near-surface limits. The uneven spatial and size distribution of the craters is a problem here since the limited number of craters in some of the selected sets may mean that an overly large minimum crater diameter is recorded, and there are situations where none are observed. Local inhomogeneities will also confuse the issue, since these results indicate only the absolute minimum crater diameter occurrence of each feature, in areas of varying extent and age. Substantial inaccuracies are, therefore, unavoidable. This method does, however, allow a first look at any correlation between onset diameters of the various morphologies and their variation in response to different factors. Chapter 5 205

Each set of subdivisions of the database, as detailed in Chapter Four, has been analysed using the two methods. The individual files were also further divided where possible according to whether the crater diameter was smaller or larger than the break-point diameter calculated in Chapter Four. As before, unqualified references to small and large craters refer to craters smaller and larger than the break-point diameters respectively. This has provided a vast quantity of information regarding the variation of crater morphology with different factors. The results are given in full in the tables of this chapter and Appendix F, with the accompanying discussions serving to highlight those which are most pertinent to this investigation.

5.6 The variation of crater morphology with latitude

The results of the analysis of the latitudinally binned data are given in Appendix F. The variations in the frequency of the features, and the onset diameters, were plotted against latitude to aid interpretation of the results, and selected graphs are shown in figures 5.5 and 5.6 but it is not possible to reproduce all of the graphs here. The information was obtained for both sets of subdivisions of the data that were used in Chapter Four: the results were very similar, and are considered in the following discussion, but are not presented here. The average of all ratios of maximum ejecta diameter to crater diameters (henceforth average mobility ratio) generally increases from south to north. It rises to a local maximum at 5-7.5°N, decreases around 20° N, then rises steeply above 30° N reaching a maximum of 3.10 for the northernmost bins. The average fluid index, however, declines in magnitude towards the martian equator, rises to a clear maximum around 12.5-15° N, then drops rapidly to a minimum at 30° N. There is a slight rise in the values north of this latitude. The proportion of rampart craters varies from 11-52%, and shows a clear latitudinal trend, decreasing smoothly to a local minimum between 2.5° S and 0°, then increasing to a well-defined maximum at 17.5-20° N followed by a steady decline. Though present at all latitudes, in small numbers, the distribution of jagged-edged ejecta and craters with partial extra layers of ejecta also peaks around 17.5-20° N. The proportion of craters with wavy-edged ejecta shows a slight decline with increasing latitude in the north. The Chapter 5 206

f r , . . t r , . , . , . , —,— ,—,—,—,—.— ,— .— .— 1—.— .— >—'— 1—•— 1—•— I—1—■—«—«—•— ■ o - * - □ ■ a

□ ■ □ i

□ » □ i

□ ■ □ i __ _ S 20 o □ ■ □ ■ v a □ 1 a i

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3 u-v 3 ?

s c z'

Figure 5.5: Variation of selected morphological characteristics with latitude. Filled and open squares represent craters smaller and larger than the break-point diameters calculated in Chapter Four respectively Chapter 5 207

largest proportions of central peaks are found between 20° S and 25° N, with a slight maximum around 5-10° N, and very few north of 30° N. There are some craters with central pits in the southern hemisphere, but most lie in the 10-30° N latitudes, with a broad maximum centered on 20° N. The distribution of craters with pitted central peaks is similar to that of the pitted craters, though the maximum is reached at 10° N, and there are several in the 10° S-10° N range. There are very few at latitudes greater than about 10° N. Craters with diameters smaller than the break-points constitute the majority of data, and show a very similar variation in the average mobility ratio with latitude, though the curve is flatter over the 12-27.5° N range. The corresponding average fluid indices are more scattered: the values are low, and quite constant in the South­ ern Hemisphere, rise abruptly to maximum values over the 0-20° N range, then drop sharply to a minimum at 25° N. The northernmost craters also show high average indices. The percentage of rampart craters amongst the small craters ranges between 11.2 and 48.9% and also shows a peak around 17.5-20° N. The percentage of rampart ejecta amongst the small craters in the Southern Hemisphere appears to be fairly con­ stant. The distribution of jagged ejecta and extra levels of ejecta amongst small craters is very similar to that of the ramparts, though the numbers are smaller. Maximum proportions occur at 17.5-20°N, with fairly constant, lower proportions throughout the Southern Hemisphere, and a steady decline north of the peak. Substantial propor­ tions of wavy-edged ejecta occur at all latitudes, and no clear trend is apparent. Too few of the small craters contain central features to detect any latitudinal dependence in their distribution. The mobility ratios of craters larger than the break-points show no clear correla­ tion with latitude; their values range 2.6-3.7: an isolated maximum occurs at 20° N but similar values are also found at several latitudes near to the equator. The high­ est average indices for the large craters are found around latitudes 10-7.5° S. There is no clear pattern, but there is an indication of a general decrease in magnitude with increasing latitude to the north. A higher proportion of craters larger than the break-points exhibit ramparts, with concentrations ranging between 14.0 and 81.0%. Starting from a high percentage in the southernmost dataset, there is a general decline Chapter 5 208

to a clear local minimum at 5-10° N, then a rise to a maximum at 17.5-20° N. North of this latitude there is a very sharp fall-off in the proportion of ramparts, with very limited numbers present above 30°. The distribution of jagged-edged and extra levels of ejecta among large craters is again reminiscent of that of the ramparts, with a well- defined maximum, at 17.5-20° N, though there is also a smaller, isolated maximum at 10° S. The proportion of these craters drops rapidly to the north. The wavy-edged craters appear to decline steadily in proportion with increasing latitude. There is a quite constant, average, percentage of central peaked craters in the south, with higher proportions over the 0-22.5° N range and a maximum concentration of almost 25% at around 10° N. North of 25°, there is a sharp fall in the percentages. The data for large pitted craters are scattered, but there is a clear maximum concentration (of almost 15%) at 17.5-20° N, with very few located north of this. A small percentage of these craters are clustered around 7.5° S. The concentration of pitted peaks shows a general rise moving north from the southern limit, reaching a maximum at 10-12.5° N. There is a dramatic drop-off in their numbers north of this, though they are present in a significant proportion at 25-27.5° N. As with the central pits, a smaller maximum occurs around 7.5° S.

5.6.1 Onset diameters

The onset diameters of the features, given in figure 5.6 and Appendix F, show various patterns with latitude. The onset diameter of rampart craters declines from a maxi­ mum of over 4 km in the southernmost bin to a minimum of around 2 km for latitudes above around 22.5° N. The minimum diameters of craters with wavy-edged ejecta are similar to those of craters with index 2 ejecta, being greatest in the in the 0-17.5 N range and as low as 2 km for all latitudes north of this region. Larger onset diameters are also encountered for craters with extra levels of ejecta or of index 3, disturbing an otherwise clear decrease in the values towards the north. The maximum onset diameters of jagged ejecta occur at a more southerly latitude of around 2.5° S, but they are smaller—and nearly constant—north of latitude 15° N. The corresponding diameters of the ramparts, wavy, and index 2 ejecta craters are similar over the entire latitudinal range. Those of the ejecta with extra levels, index 3, and jagged edges Figure 5.6: 5.6: Figure latitude hpe 5 Chapter Ram parts Jagged edges Extra levels Onset diameters of selected morphological characteristics as a function of function a as characteristics morphological selected of diameters Onset jj ij u ui^/aaiauieja jaiBJO u«(/ 01 i e oi / s a- oi ^ j B i a j iQ io u a -» ja jo ^ sujbiq jaiBjQ 53 3 3 5 3 73

uni/ jaiauiBiQ w>\/ ui^/ aa^auieiQ 1 S 01 01 s a a ^ a u i B i QJ 3 1 B J 3 joibj jsibjo ^ 209

Chapter 5 210

axe considerably larger and are similar at corresponding latitudes, though the jagged craters tend to occur for smaller crater diameters in the northern hemisphere, than the other features.

5.6.2 Summary

These results have shown that, with the exception of pedestal craters, which are largely restricted to the northern regions, the various crater morphologies studied here occur at all latitudes. There are, however, latitudinal variations in the concentrations of these features and in their onset diameters. In general, features thought to be representative of the involvement of sub-surface ice occur in far greater proportions in craters larger than the break-points calculated in Chapter Four, which lends further credence to the interpretation that the break-points indicate transitions with depth to more volatile-rich materials. The onset diameters of these features decrease northwards, echoing the trend in the break-point diameters observed in the previous chapter, but the minimum diameters of these craters are substantially smaller than the corresponding break-point diameters. This apparent discrepancy can be rationalized by either of two premises. Firstly, the smaller onset diameters may represent localised near-surface concentrations of ice, dispersed above a more uniform ice-rich permafrost. Secondly, since the craters are of varying ages, the location of the ice will have varied with time: the small onset diameters may represent the excavation of ice during more clement times, when it would have been stable nearer to the surface, while the break-point represents the time-averaged ice horizon. Whichever scenario is true, a latitudinal influence on the vertical location of sub-surface ice has been demonstrated in both analyses. In the previous chapter an anomalous break-point, and high Evs$ gradients^ere recorded for latitudes 17.5-20° N: these were interpreted (section 4.5) as resulting from the presence of an outcrop of old terrain in the east at these latitudes. The morphological analysis has shown that significant proportions of highly fluidized ejecta and central pit craters occur at these latitudes. Closer examination has revealed that the interpretation of the anomaly presented in the previous chapter was probably an oversimplification, and that the situation is more complex than was previously Chapter 5 211

thought. As before, the data were divided into two longitudinal bands covering the west (245-200°) and east (200-155°) and the morphological statistics for 5° bins from 20° S to 45° N were obtained. The average mobility ratio of all craters is again seen to rise northwards (figure 5.7), rising particularly steeply above 30° N, and maximum numbers of features such as ramparts, extra levels of ejecta, jagged-edged ejecta, and central pits occur around the 17.5-20° N latitudes, for both sets of data. It was suggested earlier in this chapter (section 5.4) that an apparent concentration of central pit craters occurs within the area covered by the Aeli unit—the Elysium lavas. As is seen in section 5.8, the Elysium lavas are presumed to be rich in ice at depth, since a high proportion of large craters in this unit also have jagged edges, high average fluid ratios and indices, double ejecta, and extra levels of ejecta. It is therefore likely that the predominance of this unit in the western half of the study area at latitudes 15-25° N is responsible for the enhancement of the mobility of ejecta and ice-related features here. Its cause in the eastern half of the study area is, on first inspection, less obvious. A re-examination of the location plots of various features (Appendix F) reveals that the concentration of ice-related features extends eastwards from the Elysium lavas at this latitude, in an area incorporating parts of the units Aeli, HNu and Hr. All craters within latitudes 15-25° N and longitudes 200-155° N of each of these units were selected and their morphological characteristics were obtained (table 5.8). Only 15 craters within the HNu outcrops in this area have ejecta, and the morphological characteristics of these craters are not indicative of any strong sub­ surface ice concentration. The craters of the other two units are more numerous, and display high proportions of ramparts, jagged-edged ejecta, ejecta with extra levels and several double ejecta. The Aeli craters also have a high average fluid index and a substantial proportion of central pits and pitted peaks. In addition, a number of craters are classified as fluid index 4. The Evs4> graphs of the selected samples of Aeli and Hr units were examined in order to determine suitable break-points at which to subdivide the files so that the properties of the near-surface and the deeper materials could be studied. An increase in the mobility ratio of the craters on these units is seen to occur at a diameter of around 7 km, and so the craters were divided into craters smaller and larger than this Chapter 5 212



Figure 5.7: Variation of selected morphological characteristics of craters of all sizes with latitude. Filled and open squares represent craters in the western (longitudes 245-180°) and eastern (longitudes 180-145°) half of the study region respectively Chapter 5 213

a , p o p © Tf VO O oo o o o a> T-H o o o o d d o d d &

P i cm o p o Tf io o h o d o d d d o d d d d d

CO _ CO vO r f P i uo U o CO Hf CM CM

VO CO CO © o o R vO oo OS t '- T f VO d d d d i f 3 CM i-H CO CO

b0 O r ? b - N O Cj M 05 T f O i-H o d CO H T—l 00 Is- d d © d s? H N H N H IM M

>> N N N OS t>; Hf Tf 0 0 CO 0 0 1-H £ d d cd 1-5 O OO CD r f co* d d d M U * H S T f CO CO r f CO ^ CO I f

i-H O CM C-- a CO H N CO O iO CO CO (H d co cd oo* d d co* d d co’ co* d a s i-H CM i-H CM co vo rf co CO i f M N

o o o CO OS c o ^ 00 o M i f N O 8 O CM OS 00 2 s 0 3 © OS o CO CM os os co »o d d 1-5 d r-5 i-5 1-5 d d d i-5 d > * o £ v h3 3 —j Vrt £ o3 & N i f US CO CO CM CO 00 'So 03 p CO CO CO VO i f CM 00 p > o 0) d d d d d d d d Pn PJ w ^ a .a 5 ’S 955 CM a> p o o p o © DIh u" s i a n ** T—I 1-H O 1—1 c o i-5 P< "p5 0) (H |25 ^ r/s © 4)

p -o .S CD © p o o o '-o o p p <0 o CM o p £ 22 CO oo’ co ^ CM r f 0 0 S d i o d e £ d d '3 2* |25 00 1-H ^ CO ^ r l CO CO ^ 1-1 CO “ CM 'a . 6 1-1 N 4) p o p 2 E ' - i © p p R R R o o i f u s US n i-5 d d VO d d o s co o co 2 00 i f 1-H H— CM Tt< CO CO CM f - CM 1-H ^ OS i-H i-H t - H3 *3 _g o « s ■o P J? p --1 Pi - c « ,22 w w w " s g ■o W T3 T3 co PQ § W S £ ^ w £ 5 g O 5250 u CO !z; w m w jz; co m <5 fc; co PQ

Figure 5.8: Variation of selected morphological characteristics of craters in the east

(200-155° longitude) within selected units Chapter 5 214

size for the two outcrops. The small craters on the Hr unit exhibit a low average ratio, though a high proportion of the craters have ramparts, jagged-edged ejecta, and extra levels of ejecta. No central pits or pitted peaks are recorded for the small craters of this unit. Large craters, however, indicate that far more ice-rich materials exist at depth in this region: the results show a high percentage of ramparts (67%) jagged ejecta, and extra levels, and over 62% of the ejecta of this sample are classified as fluid index 3. The average fluid index is correspondingly high, though there are no craters designated as index 4, and the concentration of central pits and pitted peaks is lower than average. Small craters in the eastern Aeli unit have an average mobility ratio, and average proportions of rampart and wavy-edged ejecta for craters of this size. These craters have slightly above average percentages of jagged ejecta and extra levels of ejecta, and most are classified as index 2. The large craters of this unit have very high proportions of central pits (10%) and pitted peaks (13%), and a low proportion of central peaks. A high mobility ratio for these craters corresponds to very high percentages of ramparts (over 70%), jagged-edged (47%), extra levels (35%), index 3 (40%), and index 4 (20%). In addition, there are no craters with an index of 1 or below in this sample, and the average fluid index is very high. As will be seen in section 5.8 large craters within the Hr and Aeli units have been shown to possess many ice-related features and to have highly mobile ejecta. These results provide further evidence that there is a substantial concentration of ice at these latitudes at depth, and that this coincides with the Elysium lavas and the ridged plains (unit Hr). The greatest enrichment of ice is apparently restricted to the layers underlying the Elysium lavas, since the highest concentrations of several features occur in this unit, and fluid index 4 craters are present. Returning to the question of the anomalous data points in the results of section 4.5, it appears that the higher than average gradients assigned to craters around the 17.5- 20° N latitudes are due to the inferred ice-rich materials underlying the Elysium lavas and the ridged plains. The high break-points selected for these latitudes are probably a consequence of the pronounced variation in the mobility ratios across this region, while the high gradients are related to the ice concentration at depth: though significant Chapter 5 215

proportions of ice-related features are seen among small craters in the morphological analysis, this is due to the inclusion of craters larger than the ‘true’ local break­ point—much lower than the anomalous one used to subdivide the data—among the ‘small’ crater statistics. The enhanced mobility of the ejecta of large craters in the equatorial regions im­ plied by the results of Chapter Four, and the high mobility ratios in these regions seen in this chapter, are not reflected by any pronounced concentration of ice-related crater morphology. This will be discussed in Chapter Six, together with the discrep­ ancy between the onset and break-point diameters.

5.7 The variation of crater morphology with altitude

The percentage occurrences of selected features are given in figure 5.9 and the results are given in full in Appendix F. The most striking aspect of the graphs is the smooth variation of the average mobility ratio with altitude which peaks at —1.25 km. The values drop sharply for altitudes lower than this, and more gently for higher altitudes, becoming nearly constant above 2 km altitude. This trend is not reflected by the apparent fluidity of the ejecta. Rampart craters and craters with wavy perimeters occur in significant and roughly constant proportions at all altitudes, though there may be a slight increase towards the higher altitudes. Craters with extra levels of ejecta and jagged perimeters are less common, but also occur at all altitudes. No clear trend is evident in the distribution of central peaks, but central pits and pitted peaks are predominantly found at altitudes in the medium altitude ranges, particularly at about 0.25 km. Craters smaller than the calculated break-points of each altitudinal bin are far more numerous than the larger craters, and the mobility ratio of the small craters closely echoes that of the total craters. The variation is not quite so smooth however, and the ratio decreases from a maximum at the lowest altitudes, and is roughly constant above an altitude of 1 km. Ramparts and wavy-edged ejecta are found among the small craters at all altitudes, though in smaller proportions, and there is no altitudinal trend evident. There are few craters with extra levels of ejecta, and an Figure 5.9: 5.9: Figure calculated in Chapter Four respectively Four Chapter in calculated and open squares represent craters smaller and larger than the break-point diameters break-point the than larger and smaller craters represent squares open and Chapter 5 Chapter Average mobility ratio Ram parts Extra levels aito o eetd opooia caatrsis ih liue Filled altitude. with characteristics morphological selected of Variation luoojaj X X S E & Cto w OS Of OC }uaojo<4 luaojaj 0 Z 01 0 216 Altitude /km Altitude /km Altitude /km

Chapter 5 217

isolated maximum of these occurs at an altitude of 0.25 km. Craters with jagged ejecta are possibly more frequent at medium altitudes. There are insufficient small craters with central features to draw any conclusions regarding their altitudinal distribution. When the average mobility of the ejecta of large craters is plotted against altitude there is considerable scatter of the data points. The maximum value appears to occur at an altitude of —0.75 km, and there is a general decrease towards higher altitudes. No simple trend is seen in the average fluid index. Rampart and wavy-edged ejecta are common at all altitudes, and there is a general increase in the proportion of these craters with increasing altitude: this trend is particularly clear for the wavy-edged ejecta, which occur for over 60% of craters (with ejecta) at altitudes above 2 km. It is difficult to detect any trend in the results for the extra-levels and jagged ejecta, though isolated maxima occur around 0.5 km for both types. They are present in varying proportions at all altitudes. No altitudinal trend is seen for craters with central peaks, but may -be for the other central features: the maximum concentration of central pits occurs at 0.5 km altitude, and at a lower altitude of —1km for pitted peaks. Again, these features occur at all altitudes.

5.7.1 Onset diameters

In general, ramparts, wavy and jagged-edged ejecta, and index 2 craters are present in diameters as low as 2 km. There is a clear indication, however, that the onset diameters of such features are larger for craters at altitudes of 0.5 km and higher. Over the range of 1-2.5 km these features are not present in craters until diameters of up to 4 km. Slightly smaller onset diameters are seen around altitudes 2.5-2.75kmj then the minimum diameter increases again. A clear increase in the onset diameter with altitude is seen for craters with extra levels of ejecta, and those classified as index 3. The onset diameter for these features reaches over 8 km for the highest altitudes. There are too few craters with fluid index 4 to draw meaningful conclusions of the onset diameter, though the only altitudes with craters within the sampled diameter range of 0-15 km diameter fall between —0.25 and 1.75 km. Figure 5.10: 5.10: Figure of altitude of Ram parts Jagged edges Exlra levels 5 Chapter 31SU1BIQ B 1 U S 1 J3 / ( J I U a) Q JB1BJO J B 1 B J ]Q B 1 U Ja-)9 / ( J I U / ( ] i u Onset diameters of selected morphological characteristics as a function a as characteristics morphological selected of diameters Onset t s ot b j - q i b i u b j o j o i a j 3 ■O— S '3 < C 5 •o •S-S X X ■X -a E*

i( JTUBQ JSIBJQ JST3UIBIQ Ui>(/ H/ 3BUUB| J OJO IO JB |a B U U J31B / 1H U J OUI Q J01BJ3 J B 1 0 J IQ IB U IO JO / ( 3 I U 1 S 01 218 Altitude 7km Altitude /km Altitude /km

Chapter 5 219

5.7.2 Lowland, Highland and transitional craters

In Chapter Four it was noticed that there was a pronounced difference between craters in the Lowlands and Highlands, and so the morphology of these crater groups was also investigated. The results are summarised in table 5.7, which includes the relevant results for the entire database, for comparison.

Characteristic Lowland Transitional Highland All craters

Average 2.64 2.53 2.36 2.57 Mobility ratio Average 1.97 2.14 2.04 2.01 Fluid index % ramparts 29.0 31.2 27.5 28.9 % wavy edges 37.5 52.9 46.7 40.5 % jagged edges 11.3 11.5 7.4 10.2 % levels 5.3 3.8 3.4 4.6 % double ejecta 6.22 1.91 0.57 4.43 % peaks 3.3 4.7 4.6 4.0 % pits 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.7 % pitted peaks 0.6 2.0 0.5 0.7

Table 5.7: The morphological characteristics of craters in the Northern Lowlands, Southern Highlands, and transitional regions

These results indicate that there are important differences in the average morpho­ logical characteristics of the craters. The mobility ratio decreases on passing from the Lowlands to the Highlands. This is not repeated in the average apparent fluidity of the ejecta, for which the transitional region’s craters have the highest value. The discrepancy between the average mobility and average fluid index for the Lowland craters may be due in part to the large ratios of the pedestal craters, which are not assigned high fluidity indices. Craters with ramparts, wavy, and jagged edges are most common in the transi­ Chapter 5 220

tional regions, but axe present in similar proportions in the Lowlands and Highlands. The transitional regions also contain the highest proportion of craters with pitted peaks, whereas the highest proportion of central pits is encountered in the Lowlands. Central peaks are more common in the transitional and Highland regions, though this inference is probably affected by the bias of larger craters in these areas. Craters with double ejecta, or partial extra layers are clearly far more common in the Lowlands. The data for the craters in each region were also examined as a function of altitude, and were further divided to craters smaller and larger than the calculated break-point for each set. When the characteristics of the craters of all sizes are taken together, the average mobility ratio for the Highland and transitional craters shows very little variation with altitude, but there is a steady decrease with increasing altitude to a minimum value at 2.5 km for the Lowland craters. The corresponding average fluid indices behave differently; a maximum value is found at 1.5 km for the Lowland craters, a slight occu'S decrease with altitude[for transitional craters and a steady rise is seen for Highland craters over the same altitudinal range. The distribution of rampart craters with altitude is constant for Lowland craters, but shows a slight increase with increasing altitude. Wavy-edged craters show no clear trend with altitude for Lowland and transitional craters, but they decrease in proportion with altitude in the Highlands. A peak in the concentration of craters with extra levels occurs at 0.5 km for Lowland craters: in the transitional region they rise steeply in proportion with altitude, but no such variation is apparent in the Highlands. The percentage of jagged-edged ejecta also rises with altitude for transitional areas and is constant across the Highland’s range, but it also shows no altitudinal variation in the Lowlands. No clear trends are apparent for the various central features. Owing to the limited size of the dataset for the transitional regions, no further division of these data was made, but the characteristics of the altitudinal distribution of features among small and large craters in the Highlands and the Lowlands were examined. The clearest trends seen for the craters smaller than the relevant break­ points was a decline in the mobility ratio and in the fluid index over the altitude range of the Lowland craters. Conversely there is no consistent variation with altitude for Chapter 5 221

the Highland data set. For the large craters, the mobility ratios are relatively constant across the sampled range for both Lowland and Highland data, and no clear trend is apparent for the corresponding fluid indices. Rampart craters increase in frequency with altitude for ramparts in the Lowlands. Craters with extra levels of ejecta increase in frequency with increasing altitude for large craters in both the Lowlands and the Highlands. Jagged-edged craters also increase in proportion with altitude in the Lowlands, but tend to decrease in the Highlands over the same range. No clear altitudinal depen­ dency is evident in the distribution of central peaks. Also, though the central pits predominantly occur in the Lowlands, there is no distinct altitudinal trend within the data. Similarly, the pitted peaks are present in significant numbers in the Lowlands, but other than this they exhibit no strong altitudinal trend. The onset diameters for these datasets were also investigated. Rampart craters generally appear at diameters as low as 2km in the Lowlands, but not until 4 km diameter in the Highlands. The onset diameters of craters with extra levels of ejecta, wavy perimeters, and fluid indices 2-3 are also greater for the Highland craters than for the Lowland craters. The onset diameter of index 3 ejecta increases steadily with altitude for Lowland craters, and sharply with altitude within the transitional regions. It decreases, however, with altitude in the Highlands.

5.7.3 Summary

The distribution of ice-related features differs between the craters smaller and larger than the break-point diameters: in particular, though small craters appear to show maximum ejecta mobilities at the lowest altitudes, the maximum mobility of the ejecta of large craters occurs at around —0.75 km. This argues against a common reason for the localised enhancement of ejecta mobilities for different sizes of craters, and indicates that the entrainment of atmospheric volatiles cannot explain both of the two apparent trends. After the initial decrease in mobility with increasing altitude for the small craters the curve levels off, and there is no apparent altitudinal influence on craters above the 2 km contour. Among large craters the proportion of rampart and wavy-edged craters increases with altitude, but isolated maximum numbers of central Chapter 5 222

pits and ejecta with extra levels or jagged edges occur around 0.5 km altitude. It therefore appears that, though there is quite a strong altitude-related influence on the small craters, there are no coherent morphological variations in the large craters that can easily be due to the variations in altitude. The apparent enhancement of the large crater ejecta mobility at around —0.75 km is similar to the indications of section 4.6 but it appears that this maximum is not reflected in morphological variations, and may be the consequence of other variations. As with section 4.6.2, prominent differences between Highland and Lowland craters have been detected. The Lowland craters have, on average, more fluid properties than the Highland craters, but this appears to be because the ice is nearer to the surface. However, the highest fluid indices occur in the transitional regions, and the large craters of the Highlands. The onset diameters of various features increase for altitudes above 0.5 km, but this is probably a consequence of the predominance of Highland craters above this altitude. In addition, no clear altitudinal trends are seen within the morphological statistics for the two provinces. It appears, therefore, that^while there may be some altitudinal influence on the ejecta—particularly those of small craters at low altitudes, it would appear that the differences between the Southern Highlands and the Northern Lowlands are responsible for many of the perceived differences between craters at high and low altitudes.

5.8 The variation of morphology with geological unit

The results of the morphological analysis are summarised in table 5.8 and table 5.9 and the implications are considered for the same groupings of units as were used in Chapter Four. The statistics for craters smaller and larger than the previously calculated break-points were also considered. In discussions relating to these subdivisions the average percentages and values used for comparison are the average values for all craters smaller and larger than the individual break-points, rather than the averages for the entire data. Chapter 5 223

Unit Nc Nee Nce2 Evs$ Index %rm %wy %jg %11 %pk %pt %pp

All craters All units 7289 2166 96 2.57 2.01 28.9 40.5 10.2 4.6 4.0 0.7 0.7

Lowlands 4015 1463 91 2.64 1.97 29.0 37.5 11.3 5.3 3.3 1.0 0.6 Transition 590 157 3 2.53 2.14 31.2 52.9 11.5 3.8 4.7 0.5 2.0 Uplands 2643 527 3 2.36 2.04 27.5 46.7 7.4 3.4 4.6 0.4 0.5

Npli 1201 283 0 2.36 2.05 26.5 42.8 6.7 1.8 4.3 0.7 0.7 Npld 941 133 2 2.40 2.07 24.8 47.4 9.8 3.8 4.5 0.0 0.6 Npl2 254 50 0 2.46 2.10 32.0 66.0 4.0 2.0 2.4 0.4 1.6 HNu 435 89 1 2.57 1.90 19.1 34.8 4.5 2.2 5.7 0.5 1.6 Nplr 212 46 0 2.29 2.23 41.3 52.2 6.5 10.9 5.7 0.5 0.0 Hr 735 243 18 2.52 1.96 35.4 41.2 11.1 8.2 3.7 0.4 0.4

Table 5.8: The variation of selected morphological characteristics with geological unita

“Column headings are explained in Appendix F Chapter 5 224

Unit Nc Nee Nce2 Evs$ Index %rm %wy %jg %n %pk %pt %pp All craters Hvk 16 11 1 3.34 2.00 9.1 27.3 9.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hvm 24 21 2 4.26 2.00 9.5 33.3 0.0 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hvg 86 29 3 3.00 1.76 17.2 24.1 10.3 3.4 3.5 0.0 0.0 Hvr 2 2 1 4.02 1.00 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AHt3 28 12 0 2.33 1.75 16.7 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aeli 982 387 16 2.52 2.03 37.2 36.7 18.1 4.9 2.1 2.4 0.8 Aai 231 70 2 2.80 2.30 44.3 40.0 14.3 8.6 7.8 0.9 1.3 Aa3 86 14 0 2.85 1.89 14.3 28.6 0.0 7.1 4.7 0.0 0.0 Aa4 20 6 0 2.36 2.00 16.7 33.3 0.0 16.7 5.0 0.0 0.0

Hpl3 25 5 0 2.48 1.80 40.0 60.0 20.0 20.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 Aps 358 167 14 2.75 1.95 25.7 37.7 10.8 6.0 3.1 0.0 1.1 Apk 439 168 7 2.65 2.15 32.7 50.0 11.9 2.4 4.1 1.1 0.9 Ahpe 53 15 1 2.41 1.91 33.3 60.0 6.7 6.7 3.8 0.0 1.9 Ami 152 38 1 2.57 1.69 15.8 18.4 0.0 7.9 2.6 0.0 0.0 Amu 32 7 0 2.29 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Amm 228 74 2 2.25 1.75 16.2 31.1 5.4 4.1 2.6 0.4 0.4

Hhet 15 2 0 2.06 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AHa 27 8 0 2.35 2.00 12.5 50.0 0.0 0.0 7.4 0.0 0.0 AHat 9 3 0 2.18 2.50 66.7 0.0 66.7 0.0 11.1 11.1 0.0 Ael2 27 11 0 2.48 2.00 54.5 27.3 18.2 9.1 0.0 3.7 0.0 Ael3 214 141 19 2.78 1.82 18.4 41.8 5.0 3.5 2.3 0.0 0.0 Hch 39 5 0 1.98 2.50 40.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 0.0 Hcht 20 5 0 2.33 1.80 40.0 60.0 20.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 Hchp 36 14 0 2.40 2.43 35.7 28.6 7.1 0.0 11.1 0.0 0.0 Ael4 23 19 4 2.88 1.82 5.3 47.4 5.3 5.3 4.3 4.3 0.0 Achu 153 49 1 2.56 2.00 24.5 46.9 6.1 2.0 5.2 0.0 0.7 Achp 16 2 0 2.09 1.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Table 5.8: The variation of selected morphological characteristics with geological unit continued Chapter 5 225

Unit Nc Nee Nce2 Evs4»Index %rm %wy %jg %11 %pk %pt %pp

Small craters only All units 5517 1698 53 2.50 1.82 23.4 38.2 6.2 3.0 1.5 0.2 0.1

Npli 923 250 0 2.29 1.80 19.2 42.0 2.4 1.2 1.4 0.1 0.1 Npld 428 52 0 2.18 1.26 3.8 21.2 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Npl2 178 42 0 2.39 1.87 28.6 61.9 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 HNu 235 50 0 2.52 1.78 16.0 26.0 4.0 2.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 Hr 627 188 12 2.38 1.76 30.3 38.8 8.0 3.7 0.8 0.2 0.0 Aeli 888 326 5 2.45 1.87 31.0 36.2 12.6 3.4 0.9 0.7 0.0 Aaj 153 36 0 3.02 2.00 27.8 33.3 8.3 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 Aps 298 133 7 2.66 1.78 21.8 35.3 6.8 6.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 Apk 335 131 3 2.53 1.86 23.7 46.6 3.1 0.8 1.5 0.0 0.0 Ami 136 32 0 2.51 1.64 15.6 18.8 0.0 6.3 0.7 0.0 0.0 Amm 182 53 0 2.15 1.54 5.7 24.5 0.0 1.9 1.1 0.0 0.0 Ael3 185 119 13 2.77 1.79 18.5 44.5 3.4 1.7 0.5 0.0 0.0

Large craters only All units 1602 431 42 2.80 2.55 50.1 50.1 25.3 10.9 12.1 2.4 2.9

Npli 278 33 0 2.92 3.23 81.8 48.5 39.4 6.1 14.0 2.9 2.5 Npld 513 81 2 2.53 2.41 38.3 64.2 14.8 6.2 8.2 0.0 1.2

Npl2 76 8 0 2.83 3.00 50.0 87.5 25.0 12.5 5.3 1.3 5.3 HNu 200 39 1 2.64 2.04 23.1 46.2 5.1 2.6 12.0 1.0 3.5 Hr 108 55 6 3.02 2.57 52.7 49.1 21.8 23.6 20.4 1.9 2.8 Aeli 94 61 11 2.88 2.63 70.5 39.3 47.5 13.1 13.8 19.1 8.5 Aai 78 34 2 2.56 2.52 61.8 47.1 20.6 17.6 20.5 2.6 3.8 Aps 60 34 7 3.09 2.48 41.2 47.1 26.5 5.9 16.7 0.0 6.7 Apk 104 37 4 3.08 2.91 64.9 62.2 43.2 8.1 12.5 4.8 3.8 Ami 16 6 1 2.88 2.00 16.7 16.7 0.0 16.7 18.8 0.0 0.0 Amm 46 21 2 2.50 2.13 42.9 47.6 19.0 9.5 8.7 2.2 2.2 Ael3 29 22 6 2.84 1.94 18.2 27.3 13.6 13.6 13.8 0.0 0.0

Table 5.8: The variation of selected morphological characteristics with geological unit continued Chapter 5 226

Unit ^ n n /k m $wy / km $jg/km $11/km$F2 / km $F3 / km

All craters All units 1.88 1.88 2.00 2.13 1.88 1.88

Lowlands 1.88 1.88 2.00 2.13 1.88 1.88 Transition 3.38 2.13 4.88 5.63 3.25 4.50 Uplands 3.63 1.88 3.88 6.63 3.13 4.88

Npli 3.63 3.13 5.50 8.63 3.13 5.50 Npld 3.88 3.25 3.88 6.63 3.75 5.63

Npl2 3.38 3.38 12.25 12.25 3.38 4.63 HNu 2.25 1.88 3.75 5.38 2.25 4.00 Nplr 4.88 4.75 10.75 8.50 4.88 4.88 Hr 2.38 2.50 2.25 3.13 2.00 3.13 Hvk 4.38 4.75 4.38 0.00 3.38 0.00 Hvm 2.38 2.38 0.00 2.38 2.38 0.00 Hvg 2.00 2.50 2.00 10.38 2.00 10.38 Hvr 0.00 0.00 5.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 AHt3 8.00 2.25 0.00 0.00 8.00 9.13 Aeli 1.88 1.88 2.00 3.63 1.88 1.88 Aai 2.38 4.38 2.38 6.76 3.13 2.38 Aa3 2.13 2.13 0.00 2.13 4.25 2.13 Aa4 5.13 10.50 0.00 5.13 10.50 5.13

Hpl3 4.88 1.88 25.00 25.00 4.88 0.00 Aps 2.00 1.88 2.13 3.25 2.00 2.63 Apk 3.13 2.13 2.13 6.88 2.13 3.13

Table 5.9: Onset diameters ($) of selected features as a function of geological unit Subscripts ‘rm ’, ‘wy’, ‘jg ‘IV, ‘F2\ and ‘F3’ denote craters with ramparts, wavy and jagged-edged ejecta, partial extra levels of ejecta, and apparent fluid indices 2 and 3 Chapter 5 227

Unit ^ rm /k m $wy / km $jg/km $u / km$F2 / km $F3 / km

Ahpe 3.63 3.63 6.15 11.28 3.63 6.31 Ami 4.00 2.50 0.00 3.13 2.50 8.50 Amu 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Amm 5.38 2.63 7.13 5.63 2.63 7.13 Hhet 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AHa 13.75 5.13 0.00 0.00 5.13 13.75 AHat 8.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 8.00 12.38 Ael2 3.00 4.63 3.00 13.75 3.00 11.38 Ael3 1.88 1.88 2.25 3.13 1.88 5.38 Hch 8.38 5.25 17.50 0.00 8.38 17.50 Hcht 7.13 3.38 7.13 0.00 6.25 7.13 Hchp 8.13 8.13 8.75 0.00 0.00 8.13 Ael4 1.88 1.88 28.13 28.13 1.88 0.00 Achu 3.13 2.38 5.07 10.63 3.13 7.13 Achp 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Table 5.9: Onset diameters of selected morphological characteristics for various geo­ logical units continued Chapter 5 228

5.8.1 Cratered Uplands

The morphological characteristics of the craters of these three units are very similar. Their mobility ratios are all slightly below average, while their average fluid indices are slightly above average. The proportion of wavy-edged ejecta is above average (particularly for the Npl 2 unit), while they have a lower-than-average proportion of craters with jagged ejecta. Though all have lower than average proportions of extra-layer ejecta and double ejecta, as is expected within the Southern Highlands (section 5.7.2), the Npld unit has a significantly higher proportion of these ejecta types than the other two. The distribution of central features between these units is 4Ujl also similar, other than the absence of central pits fromjNpld sample. A substantially higher-than-average concentration of pitted peaks is seen within the Npl 2 unit, with a corresponding decrease in the population of central peaks. The morphology of small craters in the Npld unit can be seen to differ significantly from those of the other units in this group. While all have low average mobility ratios, that of the Npld unit is much lower than than the others, as is the average fluid index, which is the lowest calculated for all units (the slightly lower value obtained for the small craters within the Achp unit is unreliable, since it was calculated from a sample of only two craters). In addition, while the proportions of rampart and wavy-edged craters axe close to or above average for the other two units of this group, they are extremely low for the Npld unit. The statistics for these small craters are derived from a population of 50 craters within the Npld unit, which is a suitable size to draw conclusions on the relevance of these results. There appears to be a strong indication that the near-surface layers were lacking in flow-enhancing materials; in other words, the upper layers of this unit appear to be particularly desiccated. Also, the characteristics of the Npl 2 unit consistently indicate that the near-surface layers were the more volatile-rich of this group: it has the higher mobility and average fluid index, and percentage of ramparts and wavy-edged ejecta. Central features are rare in small craters, but while each type is found in craters below the break-point in the Npli unit, only central peaks were detected within the Npl 2 unit, and no central features were found within the Npld unit (which would again be consistent with a Chapter 5 229

lack of volatiles within the upper layers). The statistics of the craters larger than the break-points are derived for smaller datasets, in particular using only 8 craters with ejecta for the Npl 2 results. While the mobility ratio, fluid index, and proportion of rampart and jagged-edged craters is above average for units Npl 2 and Npl 2, much lower values for all of these categories are apparent for the Npld unit. In addition, significantly smaller proportions of central pits and pitted peaks occur within the Npld unit, when compared with the other two, and the proportion of central peaks is also lower than average. It is difficult to draw firm conclusions about the Npl 2 unit due to the small sample size, but it does appear that the Npld unit is relatively lacking in volatiles to considerable depths. This interpretation is further supported by an examination of the onset diameters of several features. The onset diameters of the characteristics of all of these units are larger than those for the entire dataset, as expected since they fall within the Highlands (previous section), but the onset of central peaks, ramparts, jagged ejecta, and fluid indices 2-4 all occur at a greater diameter for Npld than for the other two units, and at larger than average diameters in general. These results correlate well with those of section 4.7, where lower mobilities than average and for the group were suggested by the Evs gradients for Npld both below and above the break-point. Also, a higher fluidity of the Npl 2 unit was indicated for the near-surface layers. The only significant discrepancy between the two sets of results is that the break-point diameter obtained in section 4.7 was smaller than that of the others, whereas a larger onset diameter for ice-related features is indicated by the morphological characteristics.

5.8.2 Hnu: Undivided material

The craters within this unit collectively exhibit an average mobility ratio, and a slightly lower than average fluid index. Characteristics such as ramparts, wavy and jagged-edged ejecta, and partial extra layers of ejecta are all lower than average in proportion. The proportion of pitted peaks is however high, and is equal to that of the Npl2 unit. The mobility and fluid index of the craters smaller than the break-point are av­ Chapter 5 230

erage for craters of this size, and the proportions of the other characteristics are also close to average. There are no central pits or pitted peaks within the sample, and few central peaks. The mobility ratio of large craters is again close to the average value, though a lower-than-average fluid index was recorded. No obvious patterns emerge in the other characteristics, none of which departs significantly from the average values for craters of this size. The onset diameters of the features under consideration are generally intermediate between those occurring in the Lowlands and in the Highlands. This is not surprising, given the wide distribution of the unit. The break-point calculated in section 4.7 was also quite low, but the mobility ratios vary considerably from those of the Evs analysis. »

5.8.3 Ridged plains

The two types of ridged plains exhibit quite dissimilar morphological characteristics. An immediate difference is seen in that though the Nplr unit has no double ejecta craters, there are 18 such craters within the Hr unit sampled here. Though fewer craters were sampled for the Nplr unit, this is an important result. The mobility ratio of the Nplr craters is small, but that of the Hr unit is only slightly lower than average. Conversely, the magnitudes of the apparent fluidity are reversed, though there is little difference between them, and they both lie close to the average fluid index. Though the Nplr unit has the higher population of rampart craters, the other unit has the larger proportion of jagged-edged craters. Both have higher than average concentrations of these features, and of craters with partial extra layers of ejecta. The units have average to slightly low proportions of central features, though the slightly higher than average numbers of central peaks are found within the Nplr unit. The results for the small Hr craters indicate that) although a slightly lower than average mobility is recorded, a substantial proportion of the craters have ramparts, wavy or jagged edges, and extra levels of ejecta; a higher than average fluid index is also found. In addition, 40% of the craters with ejecta have been classified as index 3 (compared with an average of 13.4% for all small craters), and 12 craters have double ejecta. There were insufficient large craters to make a further division of the Nplr Chapter 5 231

unit. The mobility ratio of the large craters of the Hr unit is significantly higher than average, though the fluid index is average for this size range of craters. Average pro­ portions of ramparts, wavy and jagged-edged ejecta are found, but the concentration of craters with extra levels of ejecta, double ejecta, and index 3 and 4 craters is sig­ nificantly higher than usual. In addition the proportion of central peaks is almost double that of the average distribution, and significant proportions of central peaks and pitted peaks are also present. There is an indication, therefore, that substantial reservoirs of ice are present within the Hr areas, and particularly at depth. The onset diameters of the ice-related features are consistently markedly smaller for the Hr unit than they are for Nplr, though it is possible that this may be due to the smaller sample size of the Nplr unit. The Hr onset diameters of ramparts, wavy and jagged edges, and index 2 ejecta are only slightly larger than the Lowland counterparts, while those of the Nplr unit are generally closer to the Highland values. These results further substantiate the results of section 4.7, where higher than average Evs$ gradients were obtained for the Hr craters both below and above the break-point, with the large crater gradient being one of the highest calculated.

5.8.4 Modified Plains

Each member of this group has a substantially higher than average mobility ratio, despite a relative paucity of rampart, or wavy/jagged-edged ejecta. Their average fluidity indices are also low. Only two craters were sampled from the Hvr unit, but the other three exhibit the highest concentration of bright albedo pedestal craters of the units. The highest concentration of pedestal craters (85.7%) occurs for the Hvm unit, which also has the highest average mobility ratio of any of the units. These craters have extensive ejecta which do not generally possess the characteristics of other fluid ejecta, which accounts for the apparent discrepancy between the quantified and qualified measures of the ejecta fluidity. Hvg is the only one of these units to have craters with any central feature, possessing a small proportion of central peaks. The paucity of central features in these units may be due either to the generally small diameters of the craters, or to a more efficient post-impact relaxation in these Chapter 5 232

materials. Owing to the scatter of the Evs$ plots, it was only possible to lit a gradient for the Hvg unit, and no break-points could be located. Pedestal ejecta are seen around craters as small as 2.4 km in diameter, and the other features occur at various larger diameters. The central peaks of unit Hvg are not present until a diameter of 11.13 km, which is much higher than is usual within the Lowlands, where they have been detected in craters as small as 5.4 km. This result is from a sample of 86 craters: it is possible that this depth represents the depth at which the excavation into stronger materials has allowed the preservation of a central structure. Further examination of the crater population for this unit is required to corroborate this hypothesis. The results are in agreement with the observations of section 4.7, which indicated a high mobility for Hvg craters, greater than that of all small craters, other than those within the Ael 3 unit.

5.8.5 Volcanic Plains

There seems to be no clear pattern in the morphological characteristics of the craters within these units and the numbers of craters with ejecta for the sampled areas of the A H ti, Aa3 and Aa 4 are limited. A considerable range of mobility ratios is indicated, though these broadly correspond to the fluid indices. In particular, an average ratio and fluid index is apparent for the Aeli unit, but high values are found for the Aai plains. Both of these units have greater proportions of rampart and jagged-edged ejecta than usual, and the Aai unit in particular has a substantial proportion of craters with extra levels of ejecta. There are too few craters in the smaller samples to make any valid comment on the distribution of central features, but the results of the Aeli and Aai units are significant: though the Aai unit has above-average percentages of central peaks, pits, and pitted peaks, there is a lack of central peaks within the Aeli unit. There is, however, a substantial concentration of central pits within this unit—one of the highest calculated in this study, and there is a greater than average population of pitted peaks. The Aeli unit also has a large number of double ejecta craters. The mobility ratio and fluid index of the small Aai craters is lower than average, while the small Aeli craters have almost average values for these parameters. The Chapter 5 233

proportions of rampart craters, wavy and jagged-edged ejecta are low in both cases, though the Aeli craters have an above average proportion of craters with extra levels of ejecta. In addition, there are 5 small double ejecta craters within this unit, but none in the (smaller) Aai sample. The average mobility ratio of large craters is slightly above average for Aeli craters and about average for Aai. The morphological indications are more pronounced. Both units have above average proportions of ramparts, jagged-edged, index 2 and 3 ejecta, and partial extra levels. The proportions of such features within the unit Aeli arc generally way above those of Aai. In addition, Aeli craters have a high (18%) proportion of double ejecta craters, and a high average fluid index. Both units have high percentages of all central features: Aai craters have the higher amounts of central peaks but the Aeli unit contains by far the highest concentration of central pits and pitted peaks. Over 19% of large Aeli craters have central pits—the highest concentration of any group of craters in this analysis. The pitted peaks are also the highest recorded concentration, even though the highest proportion of such features tend to occur within the transitional regions. The onset diameters of ice-related features are low for the Aeli units, and are some of the lowest recorded. The Aa 3 craters generally have lower onset diameters of these features than the Aai unit, but both are generally small. In section 4.7 a high mobility for craters larger than the break-point was recorded for unit Aeli, which is consistent with the results of the morphological analysis: both studies indicate that substantial concentrations of ice were present beneath the upper layers of the Elysium lava plains. A lower mobility of large Aai craters was indicated, but the morphological analysis has provided further details of the small craters, which could not be gained from the ejecta mobility study due to the scatter of the points.

5.8.6 Other Plains

Few craters with ejecta were recorded within the Hpl 3 unit, but a large number of Aps and Apk craters possess ejecta. In general the percentages of characteristics indicative of flow-like emplacement of the ejecta are higher than average for the two units. Aps craters have the highest proportion of pedestal craters and double ejecta, Chapter 5 234

and the highest mobility ratio of the two units, while the Apk unit displays the higher percentages of ramparts, wavy and jagged-edged ejecta. The Apk unit also has the slightly higher average fluid index of the two. The indications of the characteristics of the small craters are equally mixed: Aps craters have the higher (above average) proportions of double and jagged-edged ejecta, pedestal, and extra levels of ejecta, while the highest fluid index and percentage of ramparts occurs for the Apk unit. More pronounced morphological differences between the two crater populations are seen for craters larger than the break-point. While their ejecta have identical average ratios, the Apk unit has very high proportions of ramparts (51%), wavy/jagged-edged ejecta, fluid index 3 and 4 ejecta (51% and 20% respectively), and a fluid index of 2.91. This fluid index is the highest recorded for large craters, other than that for Npli and Npl2 units. In addition, while Aps has the greater proportion of central peaks and pitted peaks (but no central pits), the Apk unit has above average numbers of these, and twice the average percentage of central pits of large craters. This concentration of central pit features is second only to that found within the large Aeli craters. The onset diameters of central features are quite large within these units. In general however, the onset diameters of features are only slightly larger than Lowland ones, and those of the Apk unit are consistently larger than those of Aps. In Chapter Four, the Evs4> characteristics of the two units were found to be similar. The morphological analysis has, however, indicated that their crater populations dis­ play quite different morphologies, particularly for the large craters. As was predicted hav/« in Chapter Four, the large craters on these units have been shown to[be highly mobile (in comparison with those of other units, but this additional analysis has indicated that the Apk unit was substantially more rich in ice at depth.

5.8.7 Mantling Deposits

Limited samples of the Ahpe and Amu units are included in this survey, but sufficient numbers of Ami and Amm craters are present to allow a comparison of their super­ imposed crater morphologies. Ami craters have a higher than average mobility ratio, but the ratios of the other units in this group are much lower, and no fluid index 4 Chapter 5 235

craters were recorded for this group, though the Ahpe unit has a large proportion of pedestal, rampart and wavy-edged craters. There is a marked predominance of Fluid index 1 craters within units Ami and Amm, at the expense of the higher indices, and their average fluid indices are therefore low. That of the Ahpe craters is slightly higher, and there are a number of fluid index 3 craters. All three have higher than average percentages of craters with extra levels of ejecta. The members of the group have lower than average numbers of central features, though the Ahpe unit has a higher than normal proportion of pitted peaks. Only the units Ami and Amm were divided according to diameter. Though the small Ami craters have an average mobility ratio, the fluid index and all other flow- related features are very low; the majority of ejecta are classified as index 1. Few large Ami and Amm craters were present: an average mobility ratio is indicated for the Ami unit, but all other features are present in very low proportions. The onset diameters of ice-related features are difficult to interpret due to the small size of the samples: larger than average onset diameters were recorded for the selected features within the Ami and Amm units, and where they did occur, the onset diameters were in general larger for the Amm craters. The conclusions regarding these units in the Evs$ analysis of Chapter Four were limited due to the absence of large craters; however, the results are largely in agree­ ment with the morphological indications. A low concentration of volatiles within the Medusae Fossae Formation units (Aml/m/u) has been suggested by both studies, though the morphological analysis has also suggested that materials are also volatile- poor at depth. In comparison, the Ahpe unit may have been more volatile-rich, and would appear to have significantly different properties from the other units of this group.

5.8.8 Volcanic Materials

Though a large number of craters within the Ael 3 unit were recorded, the other units’ samples are small, due to the limited extent of the volcanic constructs. With the exception of the Ael3 craters, all have lower than average mobility ratios. The large mobility ratio of the Ael3 craters is exceeded only by the average value of the Chapter 5 236

constituent units of the Vastitas Borealis Formation. The proportion of ramparts varies within the group, being low for Ael 3 and high for the AHat and Ael 2 units. AHat and Ael 2 craters also have a high percentage of jagged ejecta. The majority of Ael3 ejecta are classified as fluid index 2, while AHa, AHat and Ael 2 craters have a large percentage of index 3 craters. No index 4 craters occur on any of the volcanic materials. The average fluid index of Ael 3 is low; it is high for AHat and average for the remaining units. Craters with partial extra levels of ejecta occur only within the Ael 2 and Ael 3 units, and double ejecta only within the latter. The proportion of double ejecta blankets within the Ael 3 unit is the highest recorded for all units. Almost 4% of Ael 2 craters have central pits, and one crater in the AHat unit has such a central feature. None of the other units have central pits, though this may be due in part to the limited diameter ranges of sampled craters. The Ael 3 unit craters have a lower than average proportion of central peaks. The craters smaller and larger than the calculated break-point of the Ael 3 unit were analysed: the small craters have an average mobility ratio of 2.77—this is the highest of all small craters, other than those within the Vastitas Borealis Formation. These craters also have a high proportion of pedestal craters. The proportions of ramparts and jagged-edged ejecta are low, but many ejecta have wavy perimeters. Over 70% are fluid index 2, compared with the average of 56% for all small craters. The average fluid index is low, but 13 of the 119 craters possess double ejecta. It appears that— rather than there being a wide range of ejecta mobilities with a bias towards strongly fluidized ejecta—the high average mobility of the ejecta of this unit results from the majority of the craters being at least partially fluidized: it is suggested, therefore, that these characteristics are indicative of pervasive ice rather than a mixture of water and ice. Though several large craters for this unit have extra partial levels, their average ratio, index, and proportions of ramparts, jagged and wavy-ejecta are lower than average. The onset diameter of peaks in the units of this group is higher than usual for the Lowland craters but features such as ramparts, wavy and jagged ejecta, and index 2 ejecta all occur at small diameters. Chapter 5 237

An unusual ice-distribution within the Ael 3 unit was first demonstrated in Chapter Four. The morphological characteristics of the unit have substantiated the interpre­ tation that this unit was enriched in ice considerably nearer to the surface than it is in the majority of units. These results also indicate that it was the presence of intersti­ tial ice that resulted in the enhanced mobility rather that the rock nature itself, since such increased mobilities or morphological characteristics are not repeated in other volcanic materials, particularly those of Apollinaris Patera which may be similarly fine-grained.

5.8.9 Channels and chaotic terrain

Again, limited samples of craters are available for the majority of these units, though a reasonable number of craters from the Achu and AeLi units were analysed. The mobility ratio of Ael 4 craters is high, that of Achu is lower, and the others generally display low values. The Ael 4 craters include a significant proportion of pedestal and double ejecta blankets, and the percentages of rampart craters axe generally high (other than within the Achu and AeLg units). Units Hch and Hchp have high average indices. While several of the Ael 4 exhibit extra levels of ejecta, their average index is low. The units have average proportions of central peaks, slightly higher for Hch and Hchp. Ael 4 craters, however, also contain over 4% with central pits. Owing to the limited sample sizes, no further subdivisions were possible, and onset diameters for these data are also unreliable.

5.9 Summary

The analysis of crater morphology presented in this chapter has provided further information on the location of sub-surface ice in the Elysium region, and several important observations have been made regarding the distribution of various crater morphologies, and the extent to which they reflect sub-surface conditions. The mobility of crater ejecta has been seen to vary considerably between morpho­ logical types, and within certain types themselves. In general, however, craters with characteristics that have previously been interpreted as indicative of the involvement Chapter 5 238

of sub-surface ice have highly mobile ejecta. This further substantiates the assump­ tion of Chapter Four that the increase in ejecta mobility with increasing diameter is in response to the inclusion of volatile-rich material at depth. A number of craters smaller than the break-point diameters do exhibit ramparts and wavy-edged ejecta, but far greater proportions of such craters exist in the larger craters, and the least ambiguous indications of sub-surface ice or water, namely central pits, pitted peaks, jagged ejecta, extra levels, and highly fluidized ejecta (fluid indices of 3 and 4) are extremely rare in small craters. The distribution and onset diameters of the crater characteristics have been shown to vary considerably. A widespread sub-surface reservoir is indicated, which varies in its concentration and depth. The observations of this chapter broadly correlate with those of the previous chapter, in particular reinforcing issues regarding individ­ ual geological units, and providing supplementary information for those units where accurate Evs$ fits were not possible. In particular, further evidence for ice-rich ma­ terials close to the surface of the Ael 3 and Vastitas Borealis units has been obtained, and the Aeli and Hr units have been shown to be ice-enriched at depth. The clear differences between the Highland and Lowland crater populations described in sec­ tion 4.6.2 are apparent in morphological differences. The pronounced differences in the depth and concentration of ice between the two major provinces are also evi­ dent in the latitudinal and altitudinal surveys. The variation in crater morphology appears to indicate that the depth of the ice is strongly dependent upon latitude, again becoming closer to the surface towards the north, but the variations between the geological units appear to dominate the concentration of the ice. Some indication of an altitude-related influence on ejecta characteristics has again been documented, ft) though it would appear Jte-most strongly affect small craters in the Lowlands, and cannot be unequivocally separated from geological and latitudinal factors. It has been shown, however, that (other than pedestal craters) the various crater morphologies can occur over a wide range of latitudes and altitudes, and as such are not strongly restricted by atmospheric considerations. The results illustrate the use of the break-points of the previous chapter to sub­ divide the data according to diameter, which has enabled an examination of the Chapter 5 239

properties of near-surface and deeper materials. The differences between the onset and break-point diameters, and situations in which the Evs$ gradients do not corre­ late with crater morphology^ need to be examined more closely. These issues will be discussed in the following chapter, and then the implications of the two crater studies will be supplemented by observations based on the surface morphology of the study area, so that a detailed description of the location and importance of ice and water within the Elysium region may be presented. C hapter 6

The distribution and importance of water in the Elysium region

The ice was here, the ice was there, The ice was all around:

The Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor , 1772-1834

6.1 Introduction

In this chapter a discussion of the widespread distribution and varied importance of ice in the study region is presented, using the results of the studies of craters and other landforms. The discussion concentrates on the major issues raised by this study, and highlights the asymmetric distribution of ice in the Highlands and Lowlands, the concentration of volatiles beneath the Elysium lavas, and the near-surface ice-rich deposits in the Ael3 unit and the modified terrain. Before commencing the description, however, several issues regarding the interpretation of crater morphology are raised.

240 Chapter 6 241

6.2 Ejecta mobility and crater morphology studies

Two approaches have been used here to locate sub-surface ice—the relative mobility of the ejecta, and the morphological characteristics of the craters. The results, as presented in Chapters Four and Five, show that the two methods are largely com­ plementary, and produce similar impressions of the ice-distribution. In particular, craters with features thought to indicate the presence of sub-surface ice preferentially occur in large craters, which generally have high ejecta mobilities. The considera­ tion of morphological characteristics of craters smaller and larger than the relevant break-point for each sample has provided further justification that:

1. there is a real difference between small and large craters as suggested by the variation in ejecta mobility; and

2. this difference is related to the incorporation of varying amounts of sub-surface ice.

Similar properties axe indicated by both the ejecta mobility and the morphological studies for the majority of the geological units studied here, and major differences between Highland and Lowland craters are evident in both studies. The predictions of the distribution of ice provided by the two chapters do, however, vary in detail, and there are several important differences. Notably, the onset diameters of rampart craters and other morphologies are generally smaller than the break-point diameters, and yet both are thought to signify a change in the volatile content of the sub-surface. In addition, the high mobility of crater ejecta in equatorial regions indicated by the latitudinal Evs$ analysis is not evident in any simultaneous marked change in crater morphology. Similarly, in several datasets, high average apparent fluidity indices and proportions of ice-related crater morphologies are indicated for crater populations with low average mobility, and vice versa. The apparent discrepancy between the onset and break-point diameters will be addressed. The ejecta of a limited number of craters smaller than the relevant break­ points show signs of fluid-like emplacement, and small onset diameters are subse­ quently recorded. To increase the size of the samples, the details of craters that Chapter 6 242

possibly possess such characteristics were used in conjunction with more definite clas­ sifications. It is probable that some portion of the smaller diameters recorded under­ estimate the depth to the fluidizing agent, since small craters are more difficult to classify accurately. This will not, however, account for all of the smaller-than-break- point features. There are at least three ways in which the discrepancy may have arisen:

1. The near-surface limits of the ice-rich materials may have varied with time, particularly if the martian climate has changed in response to external factors (section 1.4.1), or if the atmosphere has declined from a denser, wetter early state. The small-diameter onset of various features could then be a result of the formation of impact craters at a time when the ice was present closer to the surface, while the Evs4> break-points represent the time-averaged position of the layer. Central features such as pits and the most fluid-appearing ejecta are, in general, only observed in craters larger than the break-points, implying that substantial concentrations of ice or water have never been present at very shallow depths.

2. The occurrence of certain morphologies at diameters smaller than the local break-point may imply the presence of localised ice bodies in a region of per­ mafrost above a more continuous, ice-rich permafrost (Costard, 1990). If this interpretation is correct, then the icy lenses are common in both the Highlands and the Lowlands, and their depth is latitude-dependent (section 5.6).

A more detailed analysis of the spatial distribution of various features in small craters may help to determine if the fluidization occurs as a result of the presence of isolated ice lenses.

3. A large proportion of the ejecta in this study exhibited some degree of fluid-like flow. The break-points may therefore represent some transition in the origin, concentration, or state of the volatiles incorporated as the crater diameter in­ creases, which further enhances ejecta transport and the expression of various morphologies. Some indication of an altitudinal influence on crater morphol­ ogy has been noted in this study and it is possible that a proportion of the Chapter 6 243

rampart ejecta and other ‘flow’ features of the small craters is the result of the entrainment of, or interaction with, atmospheric volatiles, and that the transition to more strongly fluidized morphologies may denote the actual sub­ surface ice depth. The effectiveness of atmospheric processes in the production of such morphologies is not yet fully accepted—the various features occur at all altitudes, and show no consistent relation to current atmospheric properties. Alternatively, the general change in morphological characteristics with crater diameter may reflect a change in the concentration of the interstitial ice with depth. If the variation in ice-concentration is responsible for the morphological variations, this work indicates that the concentration of ice in the near-surface layers is lower, and less variedjthan it is in the deeper materials. On limited oc­ casions, where a number of closely spaced, strongly fluidized craters are present, the excavation into a water reservoir—confined beneath an ice-rich layer—may have resulted in the highest ejecta mobilities.

A combination of the above factors may therefore account for the size-difference between corresponding onset and break-point diameters. Other differences between the two sets of results may be due to fundamental differences between the two meth­ ods, as discussed below.

• The two methods address slightly different aspects of the crater population. The presence and concentration of sub-surface ice is inferred from the relative mobility of the ejecta, and the relative proportion of various crater morphologies in Chapters Four and Five respectively. There are uncertainties involved in both methods, and, while the two approaches would frequently be expected to produce similar results, different aspects of the crater characteristics may be highlighted.

• In addition to the physical state and concentration of incorporated volatiles, ejecta mobility and resultant morphology may be influenced by other factors such as the nature of the rock, local topography, surface characteristics, and environmental properties (atmospheric density and temperature). These fac­ tors are not easily isolated from the influence of any sub-surface ice, and may Chapter 6 244

affect the ejecta mobility and crater appearance to varying degrees in different situations. Thus, while areas with a high average ejecta mobility may often cor­ respond with high proportions of rampart ejecta etc., they may not necessarily correlate in all instances.

• Previous workers have often relied on the simple ratio of ejecta diameter to crater diameter to provide a measure of ejecta ‘fluidity’; this is equivalent to imposing a linear relationship with zero intercept on the data. For small craters (those below the break-points in the models employed in Chapter Four), this is acceptable since a very small crater could reasonably be expected to produce little or no substantial ejecta, and, indeed, all of the ‘small crater’ intercepts measured here pass through zero to within the errors. Large craters (those lying above the derived break-point) are, however, in a region where the physics has changed: the projectile is now penetrating volatile-rich material os well as parsing through the overlying material. As a result, the assumption of a zero intercept is not necessarily valid and the model employed here, that of considering the upper and lower gradients is more likely to be an accurate representation of the ‘fluidity’ of a given crater.

The use of the two methods in combination has, however, allowed a more compre­ hensive and convincing understanding of the distribution of ice within the Elysium region than has previously been possible. In particular, the location of break-points and subsequent diameter-division of the data has allowed the comparison of the mor­ phology of small and large craters in different regions without biassing the results because of uneven crater size-distributions, and has allowed the comparison of mate­ rials at different depths. The results of the crater morphology surveys will, however, be to some extent dependent upon the accuracy of the break-point determination (sec­ tion 5.6). It would appear that, until our knowledge of martian cratering mechanics improves substantially, a joint consideration of ejecta mobility and crater morphology is preferable wherever possible. Chapter 6 245

6.3 Sub-surface ice in the study area

The primary goal of this work was to investigate the location and importance of ground-ice within the study region. While many interesting things could be—and need to be—investigated further regarding the use of impact craters to detect sub­ surface ice, the following discussion concentrates on the least ambiguous results of the surveys. With the caveats of the previous section in mind, several conclusions may be drawn from the crater analyses of Chapters Four and Five regarding the location of ice in Elysium. The following discussions assume that the observed variations in ejecta mobility and crater morphology generally reflect variations in the total ice-content of the excavated material. Hence, the general transition in crater characteristics with crater diameter is interpreted as a change in sub-surface conditions with depth. Hence the ‘near-surface’ materials are interpreted as having either discontinuous ice masses in an ice-poor matrix or a more (temporally or spatially) continuous but low ice-content permafrost. ‘Deeper’ layers were presumably richer in ice (both in its concentration and spatial distribution). The results of the crater analyses are used in conjunction with the results of the surface landform survey of Chapter Two to construct an account of the distribution and importance of ice within the Elysium region. Estimates of the depth to which a crater excavates vary considerably, and may depend on crater size, type, and other factors (Carr, 1984). As a consequence, no attempt is made here to translate diameter ranges into depth estimates, and the discussion is generally kept to an evaluation of sub-surface properties at relative depths. As a guide, however, many authors estimate the depth excavated as roughly one fifth of the crater diameter (Melosh, 1989 and references therein).

6.4 Ice at depth in the Southern Highlands

Several striking differences between the Evs$ graphs of Lowland and Highland craters were noted in section 4.6.2 which indicate that the ground-ice within the Southern Highlands generally occurs at significantly greater depths than it does in the Lowlands. Chapter 6 246

The occurrence of large break-points for the southernmost regions and high-altitude areas also supports this interpretation (section 4.5 and 4.6). In addition, the Evs4> plots (figure 4.9) showed that while there is some scatter present in the data for large craters, there is a far better defined relation between the plotted parameters for small Highland craters, reflecting a stronger control on the possible ejecta range than is found for the Lowland craters. The morphological characteristics of the craters also indicate that craters smaller than the calculated break-points contained few ice-related features, suggesting that the upper layers of the Highland materials are relatively ice- free compared with the near-surface layers of the Northern Lowlands (section 5.7.2). The unit Npld is seen to be particularly lacking in ice-related features, down to con­ siderable depths (section 5.8.1), which may be a consequence of the efficient release of water during the formation of the pervasive valley networks of this unit. There are, however, indications that the Npl 2 unit is moderately ice-rich (section 5.8.1), which may suggest that such areas are covered by a thin layer of sedimentary deposits. Conversely, many of the large Highland craters are among the most strongly flu­ idized craters found in the study. Large Npli and Npl 2 craters have very fluid prop­ erties, and the highest large-crater fluid indices of the units (section 5.8). The ejecta mobility and morphological characteristics of large Highland craters (when compared with the characteristics of the Lowland crater population) suggest that, though the ice in the Lowlands is extensive and is nearer to the surface, the greatest concentrations of ice (and perhaps liquid water) were present at depth in the Southern Highlands (Cave, 1991c). Several of the deeper Southern Highland channels appear to have been modified by ice, whereas the small channels are not (section 2.4). In addition, much of the Highland-Lowland boundary scarp may have been affected by the presence of a deep ice-layer, which may have aided (or caused) its retreat towards the south. In addition, a substantial and widespread sub-surface source of water is required to account for the Highland channels (section 2.4) since they are widely distributed throughout the Highland portion of the study area. Scott and Chapman (1991) estimated that the volume of water contained by the Elysium basin may have reached 850000 km3, and that water entered the basin from the Highland channels, as recently as the Amazonian Chapter 6 247

period. This further suggests that considerable amounts of water were at some point contained in the Southern Highlands, and that there has been a transfer of this water towards the north. Based on surface morphologies, Rossbacher and Judson (1981) concluded that the ground-ice is deeper in the Southern Hemisphere than it is in the Northern Lowlands: this interpretation is also consistent with crater studies by Kuzmin et al. (1988) and Costard (1989). The reservoirs of the Highlands probably provided significant proportions of the later Lowland ground-ice, by the redistribution of water in channeling episodes, and by the gradual desiccation of the surface layers, and atmospheric transport of water vapour to the north (section 6.7; Cave, 1991c). The postulated ‘Oceanus Borealis’ (Baker et al. 1991) would provide an attractive explanation of both the redistribution and the widespread near-surface distribution of ice in the northern hemisphere. In a global study of fluidized and lunar-like craters, Costard (1989) noted an asymmetry in the distribution of ejecta types: the Northern-Plains craters are pre­ dominantly characterized by fluid-like ejecta, while the Southern-Highlands craters have a far greater proportion of the non-fluidized, lunar-like ejecta. Rampart craters are, however, found in most regions, and his results do not take into account the size of the craters (which cover the range 1-40km). Costard (1989) also noted a concen­ tration of fluidized ejecta craters at the re-entrants of Chryse Planitia and where channels from the two regions enter the low-lying plains. He suggested that the deposition of water-rich sediments in this area is responsible for both the observed local concentration of rampart craters and the asymmetric distribution of crater types, and hence of volatiles. In a study of 396 craters (diameter range 1-40 km) within the Highland units Npli and Npl2, Horner (1988) found that the crater diameter at which fluidized features occur decreases towards the south pole, and suggested that this implies that the upper boundary of the sub-surface ice becomes increasingly close to the surface with distance from the equator. The Elysium crater database did not sample a sufficient latitude range of the Southern Hemisphere to enable any confirmation or otherwise of a latitudinal variation in the ice depth in the Southern Hemisphere: a strong latitudinal variation was, however, detected in the Northern Hemisphere (section 6.6). Chapter 6 248

6.5 The Highland-Lowland boundary and Medusae Fos­ sae Formation

In Chapter Two it was noted that there are signs of substantial ice-modification of the Highland-Lowland scarp. The information gained from the crater study has, however, been limited due to the small number of craters in the transitional zone. In order to determine the depth and concentration of ice in such regions, the study area should be extended to increase the sample size. In the ejecta mobility study (section 4.6) difficulty was experienced in fitting lines to the Evs4> graph, due to the scatter in the data points: there was an indication, however, that the ejecta of large (>5.7km diameter) craters is highly mobile. Owing to the uncertainty in locating an appropri­ ate break-point for the transitional region craters, no examination of morphological characteristics for small and large craters was performed (section 5.7.2). When the craters of all sizes were compared, however, it was seen (table 5.7) that the transi­ tional region contains higher proportions of craters with ramparts, wavy and jagged edges, and central pits than the total Lowland and Highland craters. It is possible, therefore, that there was a substantial amount of ice present in the transitional zone, though its depth cannot be inferred from the data at present. If such ice were present, it probably played a significant role in the development of this terrain, and may have been partly responsible for the development of the martian dichotomy boundary in this region. Craters are particularly rare on the component units of the Medusae Fossae For­ mation (section 2.6). The few that were present indicate that the materials are likely to be relatively dry, since there is little indication of either an enhanced ejecta mobil­ ity or of ice-related features. Therefore, if these materials did build up as a sequence of wet deposits, they must have drained quickly and effectively. The small chan­ nel noted by Scott (1988) indicates that water flowed away from near the base of the formation. Scott (1988) suggested that the channel, which is Amazonian in age, may have formed due to the release of water from the existing surface due to the emplacement of the materials as hot ash flow tuffs. Alternatively, it is tentatively suggested here that the water may have drained from the materials which constitute Chapter 6 249

these Medusae Fossae deposits: a more careful examination of this area is required to determine whether such a mechanism is feasible. Owing to the lack of impact craters in this area, the examination of high-resolution images would be a more profitable avenue than crater studies by which to determine the nature of these materials. The nature of the Medusae Fossae Formation has relevance to a number of martian studies (section 2.9), and merits close attention in future studies.

6.6 The Northern Lowlands

In the Lowlands the distribution of ice-related features and small-diameter break­ points indicate that the ice is closer to the surface than it is in the Highlands (Cave, 1991c). As a result, a higher proportion of Lowland craters exhibit fluidized features (Costard, 1989; Cave, 1991c), because proportionally more craters are affected by its presence (Cave, 1991c). In addition, the depth to the ice shows a strong latitudinal dependence, becoming closer to the surface polewards, as seen in both the ejecta mobility study (section 4.5) and in the onset diameters (section 5.6). Other than the onset of pedestal craters in the north (section 5.4 and section 6.7), however, there is little indication of any latitudinal influence in the concentration of sub-surface ice: rather, it appears that other factors dominate. High concentrations of near-surface ice are indicated in the north by the sharp rise in the ejecta mobility of small craters above latitude 30° N (figure 5.5). Though the ejecta mobility of large craters appears to be enhanced around equatorial regions (section 4.5), it appears that local and regional geological influences played a more dominant role in determining the concentration of ice at depth in the Lowlands. The appearance of high mobility ratios around the equator (section 4.5) may be because the ejecta tend to travel farther in this region for a given volatile content. This could either be due to environmental differences during their emplacement or to differences in the physical condition of the materials: it is unlikely to reflect any pronounced, widespread ice-concentration since this is not repeated in the morpho­ logical characteristics. The results of other crater studies, e.g., Mouginis-Mark (1979) and Costard (1989), suggest that ejecta mobility decreases in the equatorial regions. Chapter 6 250

This discrepancy may be due to the choice of area. In the Elysium region the equa­ torial latitudes broadly correspond with the transitional zone between the Highlands and the Lowlands whereas equatorial regions in other parts of the planet coincide with either volcanic or Highland provinces: the transitional areas contained many craters with highly fluid appearances. In addition, the previous studies considered the average mobilities of craters, regardless of their diameter. In addition to the latitudinal trend in the depth of the ice-rich layer, local vari­ ations in the apparent concentration of the sub-surface ice were detected. The pro­ nounced ice-related characteristics of the Elysium Lavas, postulated debris flows, and the modified terrain are discussed below.

6.7 The Modified Terrain

If the linear decrease of break-point diameter (and hence depth to the ice) with in­ creasing latitude is extrapolated northwards, it predicts that all craters potentially excavated ice at latitudes north of 58±10°N and that all craters in the database (i.e., > 1.8 km diameter) will have done so at 48±9°N (section 4.5). This result correlates with the proliferation of highly fluidized pedestal craters at these latitudes (which occur at very small diameters), and theoretical predictions of ice stability (section 5.4; Fanale et al., 1986). The occurrence of pedestal craters and highly mobile ejecta among many of the small craters suggests that quantities of near- surface ice are present in these areas. The highly modified appearances of surfaces in these northern regions are also suggestive of quantities of ice very near to the surface, which is probably incorporated in extensive sedimentary deposits. Highly modified surfaces also occur to the west of Elysium Mons, and in large areas of Utopia Planitia. It is therefore concluded that the modified terrain (or Vastitas Borealis Formation) was relatively rich in ice, either near to, or at, the surface. Such concentrations of ice-rich sediments could have developed by either of the two following scenarios:

1. Whereas the equatorial regions (±30° latitude) show signs of large-scale strip­ ping by the wind (McCauley, 1973), polar regions are covered by up to a few km of wind-blown deposits, including CO 2 and H 2O ice (Murray et al., 1972; Cutts, Chapter 6 251

1973), implying that material eroded from equatorial regions has been trans­ ported in suspension towards the poles. Here, deposition would have occurred as the air cooled, and sank to the surface (Arvidson et al., 1976). Under current conditions, however, the reverse is true. As a result of the previous transport, a mantle of aeolian debris encircles Mars at mid- to high-latitudes, being at its thickest in regions adjacent to the poles, and either thin or nonexistent equator- wards of 30° (Soderblom et al., 1973). Arvidson et al. (1976), attributed the virtual restriction of pedestal craters to the high northern latitudes as being due to their formation in the postulated thick aeolian debris, rather than in more coarse-grained lag deposits (or bedrock) nearer to the equator. The nature of the pedestal craters and the widespread modification of these areas, as noted in this work, suggest that the surface materials in these regions are rich in ice. The condensation of atmospheric water onto dust particles and subsequent freezing out of the volatiles in the northernmost latitudes, and their consequent incor­ poration into deep sedimentary deposits^would provide a plausible mechanism for the perceived ice-enrichment of the northern modified terrain.

2. In places, the deposition of water-rich sediments from outflow channels may be responsible for the apparent ice-enrichment, particularly in those areas west of Elysium and towards Cydonia (Lucchitta et al., 1986) which are highly frac­ tured and modified. Having studied the variation of ejecta mobility with crater diameter of rampart craters in Acidalia and Utopia Planitia, Costard (1991) concluded that the presence of an ice-rich sedimentary deposit was implied at the mouth of outflow channels. In these regions he suggested that the normal trend of ice at depth is reversed due to the presence of an ice rich layer which overlies a layer with less ice. He suggested that the crater characteristics and the presence of numerous ‘periglacial’ features within the Northern Lowlands suggest that the plains contain massive icy beds, within a volatile-rich stratified deposit. Chapter 6 252

6.8 Enrichment of water/ice beneath the Elysium Lavas

A pronounced and widespread concentration of ice at depth within the Elysium lava plains is indicated by the high proportion of large craters with central pits, double ejecta, partial extra ejecta lobes, jagged edges and the high average ejecta mobility on this unit (Aeli) as compared with all other geological units (section 5.8.5). These features generally occur only in large craters (of over 7-9 km in diameter) and the up­ per layers of the unit appear relatively dry (section 4.7 and 5.8). Several radial ejecta craters are seen in the proximity of Elysium Mons, though they axe rare elsewhere, and the craters on the construct itself have low ejecta mobilities (section 4.7). The presence of fluidized and rampart ejecta and central pit craters does not unequivocally prove that ice was present, but the abundance of these features in the majority of large craters on the Elysium Lavas, together with the localised occurrence of collapse features and channels (section 2.9)*suggests that a large concentration of sub-surface water/ice was present here. The higher-than-average fluidity of these craters suggests th at liquid water may have been present here since the most strongly fluidized, large craters are restricted to the Highlands and to the Aeli unit. Aside from the circum­ stantial evidence that the fluidization of craters was much higher here than elsewhere, the probability of there being a localised water-table is strengthened by the likelihood of enhanced geothermal heating and the presence of (probably) highly impermeable cap rock. Further evidence of an ice-rich layer capped by the lavas is provided by the chaotic breakup of the surface to the west and north of Elysium Mons, and the concentration of outflow channels to the northwest. Mouginis-Mark (1985) noted that the lava flows do not extend beyond the escarpment, and suggested that the collapse of this area occurred after the emplacement of the lava flows, probably due to the melting of ground-ice. In addition, the deposits associated with the Elysium channels to the northwest have been shown to be rich in ice (Cave, 1991b; section 6.9) and to have morpholo­ gies consistent with their emplacement as lahars (Christiansen, 1989), whose source of water was beneath Elysium Mons. This is consistent with the conclusions of Mouginis- Chapter 6 253

Maxk (1985), who argued that the closely spaced troughs on the northwest flanks of Elysium Mons probably intersected an extensive, volatile-rich layer at depth. The results of the crater study imply that not only was the presence of an enhanced vol­ canic heat flux responsible for the generation of channels and chaotic terrain in the area, butynore importantly, that the volcanic activity itself appears responsible for the localised enrichment of sub-surface ice (Cave, 1991c). It is therefore suggested that a substantial proportion of the enhanced ice deposit under the lavas originated from the emplacement of juvenile water from the underlying magma body. The em­ placement mechanism is unknown: early water-rich deposits may have been covered by later effusive activity, or, perhaps more credibly, water rising from the magma was trapped by the relatively impermeable surface lavas. Several authors have noted the apparent association of volcanic and channel features on Mars {e.g., Greeley, 1987) and a juvenile water origin has been proposed to explain the distribution of martian channels of various ages following a planetwide survey of the association of volcanic and fluvial features (Robinson, 1991). Within the region studied here, with the excep­ tion of Hebrus Valles, all channels with Lowland sources are closely associated with Elysium Mons. This work has provided further evidence that this association is not coincidental, and strongly suggests that, in the case of this volcanic province, juvenile water has contributed to the formation of a substantial sub-surface ice reservoir. This hypothesis requires further attention, sinceyf it is correct, then it has important con­ sequences for the interpretation of permafrost-emplacement mechanisms, as well as for the evolution of the volcanic and hydrological systems of the planet (section 7.5).

6.9 Wet debris flow deposits northwest of Elysium Mons

The Evs$ gradients obtained for the geological units averaged 2.4±0.4 for craters below the break point and 3.9±0.8 for those above (section 4.7). In all instances bar one, the gradients for craters larger than the breakpoint were found to be sig­ nificantly higher than those for the smaller craters. The high (3.2±0.2) gradient for small (<7.4 km) craters in the Ael 3 unit was comparable with that of large, highly fluid craters (section 5.2.2), indicating that the usual pattern of ice-poor upper layers Chapter 6 254

overlying ice-rich material at depth is reversed for the area covered by the Ael 3 unit, as was stated in section 4.7.8. This value is much higher than the gradients obtained for small craters in surrounding units and is also higher than the gradient for other small craters at this latitude (section 4.5). It therefore appears that there is a localised enrichment of near-surface volatiles in an area which is restricted to the Ael 3 unit. This interpretation is further supported by the investigations of the crater morphology characteristics of the unit (section 5.8.8)„ The Ael 3 unit contains the highest concentration of double ejecta craters within the limits of the study area. All of these have a very fluid appearance, and over two thirds of them have crater diameters smaller than 7.4 km (figure 6.1). In addition, the majority of the craters of this unit axe classified as at least index 2 (i.e., they show evidence of fluid emplacement of the ejecta), but there are no craters as high as index 4. As was noted previously (section 5.8.8), the crater morphological characteristics suggest a near-surface enrichment of ice, though the ice-content was apparently less than that encountered at depth in the Southern Highlands, and under the Elysium Channels. This work has provided further evidence, therefore, that the Ael 3 unit built up from volatile-rich materials. Moreover, the deposits retained volatiles at shallow depths for a considerable time since the impact craters post-date the unit. The wet debris flows postulated by Christiansen and Greeley (1981) would provide a plausible mechanism for the inferred volatile enrichment of these deposits, particularly since water is likely to be trapped in the deposits initially. In the case of predominantly fluid transport, the solid load would tend to be emplaced nearer to the source, while the water flowed away or was lost to the atmosphere. Christiansen (1989) suggested that the deposits were the result of lahars issuing from fissures in the flanks of Elysium Mons because the deposits’ characteristics satisfy the following three criteria:

1. They have the morphological characteristics of gravity-driven mass-flow de­ posits;

2. there is evidence that they were wet at the time of their emplacement; and

3. they are closely associated with volcanism. Figure 6.1: Part of the Ael$ unit, showing various channels and numerous highly fluidized craters. Note that a high proportion of the ejecta consist of double blankets, even for the smaller craters. The image shows an area just to the northwest of Elysium Mons, where Granicus Valles merge with the postulated lahar deposits v ' M - Chapter 6 256

He argued that such characteristics indicate that the deposits were emplaced as a series of huge lahars (Fisher and Schminke, 1984) and rejected all existing alternative explanations (e.g., stream erosion, pyroclastic or lava flow, or debris avalanche). He suggested that the Granicus Valles system, which is well developed near to the inferred source of the debris flows (the west-northwest trending fractures of the regional system which transects the Elysium Bulge), cut the deposits during a late-stage, water-rich phase. Christiansen estimates the volume of the postulated lahars to exceed the volume of the troughs from which they emanate by 10 to 100 times. In addition, it appears that both the water and the debris flows issued from fractures, indicating that both the water and the debris originate from beneath the surface of the volcanic province. Independent evidence for the existence of sub-surface volatile-rich deposits in at least the western part of the Elysium province has been cited by Mouginis-Mark et al. (1984), Mouginis-Mark (1985), and Christiansen and Hopler (1986). Squyres et al., (1989), have demonstrated the efficiency of intrusions into ice-rich permafrost to melt and release substantial volumes of water. Christiansen (1989) therefore suggested that the deposits formed as the results of the melting of ground-ice and subsequent mobi­ lization of sub-surface material during fissure-fed parasitic eruptions on the northwest flanks of Elysium Mons. He further suggested that the source of the water was below the volcanic province, an idea which is compatible with the results of this analysis (section 6.8), which have predicted the presence of quantities of water/ice at depth here, while the surface layers appear to be relatively ice-free. Costard (1988) reported that, whereas the mobility ratio of crater ejecta increases with crater diameter for many types of terrain, it decreases for craters at the mouth of the outflow channels near Chryse Planitia and Utopia Planitia. He concluded that this area is water-rich close to the surface, which is in agreement with morphological studies by Lucchitta et al. (1986). He suggested that these results indicate that the area contains ice-rich sedimentary deposits, which would be suitable for the formation of the polygonally fractured terrain and pseudocraters. It is therefore probable that large volumes of water were released during the volcanic activity and were deposited over large areas of northwest Elysium. In addition, an analysis of high resolution Chapter 6 257

(12m/pixel) Viking images by Costard (1990) revealed the presence of thousands of depressions at the mouth of the Elysium channels, between 237-271° longitude, and 41-50° N. They fall into two categories: circular depressions, of a similar size and appearance to terrestrial alases, and annular depressions in the form of moats at the edges of fluidized ejecta blankets. Costard (1990) interpreted the circular depressions as thermokarstic landforms, which imply the presence of a near-surface ground-ice containing massive lenses of ice. For the annular depression he suggested that post­ emplacement fluid flow within the ejecta concentrated incorporated volatiles in the perimeter of the lobe. Subsequent melting of the ice would have produced individual alases, which eventually intersected to form an annular moat. He concluded that these features indicate the presence of volatile-rich fluvial sediments in Utopia Planitia. It should be noted that viable alternative suggestions for the origin of the Ael 3 loi/uU unit have been proposed. Mouginis-Mark et al. (1984) suggested that {many of the simple, sinuous channels in the area have a volcanic origin, the streamlined islands and multiple floor-levels of several channels within the Elysium Fossae indicate a fluvial origin (following morphometric measurements and analysis of the channels and the islands). They classified the mega-lahars (of Christiansen and Greeley, 1981) as erosional plains, noting that the etched and hummocky terrain is not aways found in association with the channels. In addition, channels are not present upstream from all of the deposits. In this study, however, the characteristics of the crater population of this unit have been shown to be significantly different from those of the adjacent units, suggesting that the physical properties of this unit differ from neighbouring units. In addition, this work has indicated that the water which carved the channels is more likely to have originated at depth beneath the area, rather than from the mobilisation of near-surface ice.

6.10 Discussion

If the crater characteristics are ice-related, this research has demonstrated that ground- ice was widespread in all areas of the study region during the cratering record. In addition, there appears to be a vertical transition to a generally more ice-rich layer at Chapter 6 258

depth. The near-surface layers appear to contain a reasonably homogeneous concen­ tration of ice (with the exception of the areas designated as modified terrain and the Ael3 and Npld units), while ice and water at depth are less evenly distributed. It is suggested here that this important difference between the upper and lower cryosphere results from the different emplacement mechanisms of the two divisions (as will be discussed in the following chapter). Though the ice was nearer to the surface in the Northern Lowlands portion of the study region, its expression is largely limited to the modified terrain, to channels in the volcanic province and to possible volcano-ground ice interactions. The studies of Mouginis-Mark et al. (1984) and Mouginis-Mark (1985) found that there is a great diversity of volcanic landforms within the Elysium province, but concluded that the cause of this diversity remains enigmatic. The observed abundance of sub-surface ice does not exclude the possibility of extensive magma-ice interactions. The suggestion of the enrichment of the sub-surface permafrost by magmatic volatiles further compli­ cates the interpretation of volcanic evolution in this area, since there is also a strong possibility that the rising magma contained juvenile water. It is apparent from the results of thesis that a large volume of water was contained within a widespread and variable ground-ice throughout the Elysium region. In addi­ tion, the observed distribution and variable concentration of the ice has provided clues as to the origin and development of the ground-ice. Owing to the range of types, ages, latitudes and altitudes of the terrains covered by this study, the results have several implications to other martian research. The most important of these are discussed in Chapter Seven, where suggestions for future extensions of this research are also given. C hapter 7

Water on Mars

... there is nothing so far removed from us to be beyond our reach or so hidden that we cannot discover it.

Rene Descartes, 1596-1650

7.1 Introduction

The interpretation of surface properties on remote planetary bodies is difficult, the in­ terpretation of sub-surface characteristics inherently more so. The aim of this project was to investigate the distribution of sub-surface ice on Mars through the detailed ex­ amination of one area. This has been accomplished largely through the interpretation of impact crater characteristics, and it has enabled a more comprehensive account of the location and importance of ice within the Elysium region than has been possible to date. In this chapter, the relevance of the results of this project to other martian issues (particularly those involving water) is discussed, and suggestions for future refinements and extensions of the work axe suggested.

259 Chapter 7 260

7.2 Global implications

The conclusions of each major stage of the work have been covered at the close of each chapter, and will not be repeated here: rather, the more widespread implications of the results of this study to other areas of martian research are considered in the following sections. In the previous chapter caution was advised in the interpretation of the results of impact crater surveys; the account of the distribution of water within the region was, therefore, constructed from only the most secure results. This research has demonstrated that a widespread ice-reservoir, of considerable volume, was present in the Elysium region and played a major role in the evolution of numerous surface characteristics. An indication of the variable depth and concentra­ tion of the ice was also obtained. While the depth of the ice appears to be strongly controlled by latitude, the concentration (and/or nature) of the ice is more dependent on the geological history of a region. Furthermore, the nature of the observed distri­ bution of ice suggests that various emplacement and redistribution mechanisms have taken place. These suggestions will be discussed further in the following sections.

7.3 The Highland-Lowland distribution of ice

This research has demonstrated that, in addition to the striking age and elevational differences between the Southern Highlands and Northern Lowlands, there is an asym­ metrical distribution in the sub-surface water between the two provinces. Briefly, in the Southern Highlands the majority of the water was apparently contained within a thick, highly concentrated layer at depth, and has influenced the morphology of laxge craters and deep channel systems. In the Northern Lowlands, the concentra­ tion of the water is generally lower, but it is distributed throughout the plains, at depths determined by the locality’s latitude. Though pervasive, its presence has only affected surface morphology to a great extent in the Vastitas Borealis Formation to the north, and in the proximity of the Elysium volcanoes. It appears, therefore, that the surface expression of the ice in the Lowlands is limited to those areas where it is nearest to the surface, and where there are sufficient thermal disturbances to affect it. Suitable temperature variations may have been caused either by atmospheric tern- Chapter 7 261

perature fluctuations in the north, or by enhanced geothermal heating in the vicinity of the volcanoes. The different channel distributions between the two provinces could have arisen from a change in either external factors (i.e., climate evolution, perhaps a change from warm, wet conditions to the current, cold, dry regime), internal fac­ tors (such as a localization of volcanic activity with time), or a combination of the two. According to the former scenario a decline in climatic conditions, which in the planet’s early history permitted the widespread development of the channels in the ancient Southern Highland units, would lead to the restriction of channel features to the volcanic regions of the younger Lowlands, where they may have been initiated by thermal activity in an ice-rich sub-surface irrespective of external conditions. The predicted asymmetrical distribution of ice probably arose early in the planet’s history, and may be of relevance to the formation of the martian dichotomy itself, particularly if the retreat of the Highlands was caused or aided by the removal of a deep ice-layer. There is little doubt that a substantial proportion of the Highland-Lowland scarp and the transitional regions has been affected by the presence of ground-ice, but the magnitude of the role of this ice in the initiation of the dichotomy is unknown. Although this research has suggested that a substantial sub-surface ice-reservoir was present in the Elysium region, it is important to consider also the origin and development of the ice. As noted by Carr (1986), the regolith is likely to have a high porosity, and as such act as a large potential sink for water, but there still needs Ip Q, toja mechanism by which the water can be emplaced. On a planet with no active hydrological circulation, this is not a trivial point. The distribution of ice in the Elysium region provides some important clues to both the emplacement mechanisms and the timing of the development of the martian ground-ice. In an environment where precipitation is not possible, the mechanisms whereby a widespread ground-ice could have developed are limited. It is plausible that near-surface ice-deposits could build up in polar regions, even under current climatic conditions, as a result of the wind- borne transport of dust, and freezing out of water vapour onto the particles, where temperatures are sufficiently low. Such a mechanism could not, however, explain the great thickness of the predicted ground-ice, or its occurrence at all latitudes. If the restrictions of the current martian environment are removed by considering Chapter 7 262

possible earlier martian environments, then further mechanisms become feasible. The resolution of both the depth and the concentration of the permafrost suggested by this study places further constraints on the feasibility of various emplacement mechanisms. Within the area studied, it appears that there is a general progression from ‘ice- poor’ to ‘ice-rich’ permafrost with depth. The upper, ice-poor layer does contain some ice, though in much lower and more consistent proportions than the deeper, ice-rich layer. The variation in the depths and concentrations of the deeper ice layer are considerable, and this configuration suggests that a number of emplacement and enrichment mechanisms have operated. The highly concentrated ice layer at depth within the Highlands must have been present during early martian history, since its presence is revealed by the large, old craters within the ancient cratered terrain. It is possible that the ice built up from the impact of ice-rich projectiles during the heavy bombardment period, followed by gardening of the water deep into the regolith. Alternatively, the water may have a juvenile origin, and may have risen from underlying evolving magma-bodies. It is difficult to test the latter hypothesis since the Highlands surface is old and heavily cratered, and there remains little evidence of the early volcanic activity, which may in any case have been largely plutonic. It appears that substantial amounts of this water were released during the for­ mation of the Highland channels over a large period of time. This water will have inundated areas of the Northern Plains, depositing sedimentary materials and infil­ trating the upper layers of the Lowland regolith. Water may also have been transferred from the upper parts of the Highland regolith to the north by the gradual desiccation of the ground-ice (perhaps during the formation of the valley networks) and atmo­ spheric transport of the volatiles towards the polar regions. In Elysium, some of the upper regions may have been enriched by water from the hypothesised lake (Scott and Chapman, 1991), or from the of the postulated Oceanus Borealis (Baker et a/., 1991). The infiltration of water from either a lake or an ocean provides an attractive explanation for the pervasive, and almost homogeneous near-surface ground-ice. Both the lake and the ocean are thought to have been late stage (Amazonian) events, and as such cannot account for the occurrence of ice in the older units (Hesperian) of the Chapter 7 263

Northern Lowlands. The deposition of water-rich sediments either through aeolian activity or from early outflow channels may have created the ice-rich ground-ice of the Vastitas Borealis Formation, which is Hesperian in age. It is also possible that the precursor of the Northern Plains was ice-rich at depth: both the Knobby Plains unit (Aps) and the Ridged Plains unit (Hr) show signs of having been underlain by ice-rich materials. In addition, the results of this thesis imply that the Aeli unit was substantially enriched in ice at depth, possibly by juvenile water (section 7.5). The permafrost that developed in the Northern Plains has been influenced by environmental factors, with its depth being strongly dependent upon the latitude of its location. There is a substantial concentration of near-surface ice in the Vastitas Borealis Formation, particularly at latitudes north of 30° N, where ice is stable at the surface for at least part of the year under current conditions (Farmer and Dorns, 1979). With the exception of this enrichment in the north, however, the result*of this thesis indicate that the concentration of the ice varied in a manner more in keeping with internal, or geological, factors. Particular concentrations of ice were noted at depth within the Elysium Lavas (Aeli) and near to the surface in the postulated lahars to the northwest of Elysium Mons (Aela). Low concentrations were found for the Elysium Mons construct (Ae^) and the dissected member of the Highlands (Npl^). The lower limit of the ice was not detected in this study, and this too is likely to be more strongly determined by variations in the geothermal heat flux and the variations in the responsible emplacement mechanisms, than by external factors.

7.4 The latitudinal dependence, and theories of climatic evolution

The results presented in this thesis have several important consequences for the na­ ture and evolution of the martian atmosphere. For instance, the pervasive and deep ground-ice indicated in this study argues for a large initial water budget, and, as such, favours the more generous estimates of the volume of water that outgassed on Mars. Therefore the possibility of \ previously higher atmospheric water content, and higher pressures and temperatures,is not ruled out. It should be noted, however, Chapter 7 264

that no attempt has been made to resolve temporal variations in the distribution of the ground-ice: this limitation could lead to the overestimation of the total water contained within the permafrost. It could be argued that the apparent restriction of channel activity to the volcanic areas of the younger Northern Plains suggests that the atmospheric temperatures and pressures declined dramatically after the formation of the pervasive channels of the Southern Highlands, but this situation, as noted in the previous section, could also have arisen from a change in internal conditions, such as a localization of geothermal heating. Implicit in the latter scenario would be the assumption that the the melting of ground-ice is responsible for the initiation of both types of channel. An important issue in martian studies is the need to constrain the relative roles of internal and external processes in the formation of the valley networks, as addressed recently by Fanale and Postawko (1990). In addition to the possible decline of the martian atmosphere with time there may have been periodic climate changes in response to cyclic orbital variations (Ward, 1974). The possibility of a large shift in the polar axis has also been raised (Schultz and Lutz, 1988). The results of this work, however, indicate that the near-surface limit of the ground-ice (in the northern hemisphere at least) is strongly dependent upon the current latitude. This conclusion has a number of implications for the martian ground-ice/ water-atmosphere system:

1. The ground-ice and the atmosphere were physically coupled: the stability of the ice has been directly influenced by the atmospheric conditions, so that the latitu­ dinal variation in climatic conditions is reflected by the depth to the ground-ice.

2. Owing to the fact that the observed ice-distribution correlates directly with the present orientation of the polar axis it appears that there has been no significant change in the climatic regions due to orbital variations during the development of the permafrost. It is, however, possible that a departure of the axis from its current orientation has occurred, but that the event is not recorded in the crater record of the permafrost: the response of the cryosphere may not have been sufficiently rapid or sensitive enough to orbital variations Chapter 7 265

to cause any measurable change. One other possibility is that, since this study has covered a wide longitudinal swathe, any trends which are not perpendicular to the equator may have been missed. A two-dimensional representation of the ground-ice depth (as proposed later) or a simple series of longitudinal strips is needed to eliminate this interpretation.

A final atmosphere-related implication of these results noted here arises from the observation that the various types of fluidized ejecta occur at a wide range of alti­ tudes, i.e., fluidized ejecta is not strongly influenced, or limited^by the altitude of a crater. It therefore appears that any atmosphere-related fluidization mechanism is either negligible when compared with the ground-ice induced flow, or that the pro­ cess is not greatly sensitive to the target’s altitude. A substantial variation in the atmospheric pressure is expected within the sampled region, thus it is suggested here that atmospheric effects are not major contributors to the cratering process on Mars. Some indication of an altitudinal variation was noted, but could not be separated from other simultaneous variations: it may be that craters of different sizes are dif­ ferently influenced by the atmosphere, and this topic should be further investigated. In particular, if the entrainment of atmospheric volatiles were responsible for the de­ velopment of rampart ejecta on many craters smaller than the calculated break-point diameters, then it follows that either the atmosphere was previously been more dense or that the flow-inducing processes are not highly critical upon atmospheric pressure, since the features occur in small craters at all altitudes.

7.5 Juvenile water enrichment of the permafrost

As noted previously, while this work has indicated that the ground-ice was present throughout the Lowlands, its presence is most apparent within the Elysium volcanic region. The restriction of Lowland channels and chaotic terrain to the proximity of the Elysium Lavas suggests that the volcanic activity has resulted in the surface expression of the ice here, though it has been shown to be present throughout the Northern Lowlands. Moreover, the analyses of crater characteristics have also suggested that quantities of ice underlie the lavas at depth, and that the ice is more concentrated Chapter 7 266

here than elsewhere in the region. In addition, the ice-rich nature of the Ael 3 unit, which probably derived its water content from below the Elysium Mons construct (Christiansen, 1989), provides further support for this conclusion. The apparent enrichment of sub-surface ice in a volcanic region is contrary to intu­ ition, since it would seem reasonable that ground-ice near to volcanic activity would tend to be driven away from the locally enhanced geothermal heat (as suggested by Mouginis-Mark et al., 1984). This may indeed have occurred in the immediate surroundings of Elysium Mons, where there appears to be little near-surface ice (sec­ tion 4.7.8; Mouginis-Mark, 1985). The presence of the ice layer at depth suggests, however, that the ice has been preferentially enriched by water from below volcanic origin, i.e., by juvenile water. This implies the presence of a water-rich magma. Further justification for the feasibility of a juvenile enrichment mechanism theory is provided by the generally high measurements of the amount of water vapour in basaltic magma (MacDonald, 1972). The volume percent of volcanic gases due to water vapour varies from 43.3% (Chaigneau et al., 1960) to 93.7% (Shepherd, 1925). Accurate estimates of the water content of lavas are difficult to obtain due to the possibility of contamination by atmospheric gases at the time of measurement. In addition, the relative proportion of the measured water content that is due to juvenile water rather than to contamination of the rising magma by meteoric water remains a matter of debate (MacDonald, 1972). The majority of martian volcanic materials are thought to resemble a mafic composition (Carr, 1981). With this in mind, Greeley (1987) used an estimate of 1% by weight of water to predict the amount of water released in association with extrusive volcanism throughout martian history. He concluded that this amount of water, equivalent to a 46 m-deep planetwide layer, was mostly released during early martian history. His work demonstrated the magnitude of the potential contribution to the martian water inventory from the preserved volcanic record, and he suggested that some of this water may have migrated to shallow sub-surface reservoirs within the regolith. Boyce (1979) noted that the apparent global distribution of the martian ground- ice rules out the ascent of juvenile water from the interior of the planet as the source of the water since such ascending water would be expected to be localised. It is suggested Chapter 7 267

here that juvenile water is responsible for the apparent ice-enrichment of the Elysium Lavas, with the rising water collecting beneath relatively impermeable surface lavas. It is now important to investigate this possibility further, since juvenile water may have provided a substantial proportion of the martian ground-ice. In addition, the stratigraphical and spatial association of volcanism and channel activity of various ages on Mars (Robinson, 1991) suggests that the build-up and release of sub-surface water by volcanic activity was a common process on the planet.

7.6 Further analysis of the crater database

The database comprises a very detailed record of the characteristics of 7289 craters. As has been apparent in this study, there is much that needs to be done to understand martian cratering mechanics more fully; this detailed database will provide a useful source of data for aiding the interpretation of crater morphology, and for testing mod­ els of the cratering process. A number of possible investigations are suggested here, both for short-teTm and long-term research. The relative contribution of atmospheric volatiles to the emplacement of some ejecta, particularly those of small craters, re­ mains poorly constrained, whereas stronger evidence for localised sub-surface ice vari­ ations has been presented, notably those of the various Elysium volcanic units. The continued examination of the craters would further resolve the relative importance of atmospheric and sub-surface volatiles through the investigation of different crater types and regional variations.

• To eliminate some of the ambiguity of the suggestions of altitude-related varia­ tions in ejecta morphology, the characteristics of craters could be examined as a function of altitude and of latitude for single, reasonably homogeneous geologi­ cal units. The techniques of Chapters Four and Five would have to be modified owing to the reduction in the sample sizes, but, by holding as many variables steady as possible, it may be possible to isolate the dominant factor.

• A closer examination of impact crater morphology would provide further in­ formation on their formation mechanisms, and hence on their ability to reflect Chapter 7 268

sub-surface conditions. The association of the various characteristics between morphological ‘types’ of craters could be investigated by preparing the morpho­ logical statistics of each crater type, using the techniques of Chapter Five.

• A closer examination of the ejecta mobility and morphological characteristics of craters within different outcrops of geological units would be useful, in order to see if there are variations between them which may augment or substantiate their similar geological classifications, or to see if latitudinal or altitudinal effects are discernable.

• In Chapter Four some indication of an influence on the resultant ejecta proper­ ties by the local target nature was detected, notably for craters superimposed on the various components of older craters. This could prove to be a useful way in which to investigate the physical properties of crater interiors and their ejecta. A survey of the characteristics of craters on individual craters or morphological groups of craters could be carried out, though latitudinal and geological factors must be accounted for when comparing results from different locations.

• An eventual use of the database could be the construction of maps showing the depth and relative concentration of the sub-surface ice in the region. This would enable the regional variations to be displayed and other local characteristics may be revealed, that have been overlooked in the previous studies. Additionally, if the lateral continuity of the ice layer could be determined it may be possible to locate areas where confined water-reservoirs may have been present. The data should be divided according to appropriate diameters so that the near-surface and deeper layers may be examined. The break-points located in Chapter Four provide a possible means by which to subdivide the data. The morphological characteristics of the craters, such as the onset diameter and relative concen­ tration of various features^ may also provide the basis for regional mapping of the ice. A different approach would be required, that of averaging the data within chosen divisions of the area, and plotting the required information in the format of a coloured grid. This would enable a two-dimensional representa­ tion of the variation in onset diameter, maximum diameter, total craters, and Chapter 7 269

average mobility ratio. Eventually it should be possible to detect local vari­ ations in sub-surface characteristics, and the depth and extent of ice could be mapped in greater resolution than is possible in the current work. Alternatively, craters of limited diameter ranges could be used to investigate the properties of predetermined vertical-layers.

• The diversity of morphological characteristics present in the craters is demon­ strated by the range of classification criteria given in table 3.1. The analysis to date has concentrated on those features most likely to reflect sub-surface con­ ditions, and those which were the most common. There are numerous other aspects of the craters—such as the presence of terraces, various floor character­ istics (including dark albedo markings), small valleys in the crater walls, and unusual ejecta features—which could be investigated. Some of these features may also reflect sub-surface ice variations, while others may help to interpret the cratering process.

• The inclusion in the database of all craters above a small cut-off point means that the data can be used to provide detailed crater counts for any area or unit, which can be compared with other estimates. In addition, the degradational states and the degree of any subsequent burial of the craters have also been recorded, and so it will be possible to map the variation in the erosional and resurfacing history of the region. Such projects will utilise the data relating to craters which possess no measurable ejecta, which have been of little use in the morphological analyses.

• The database is constructed in such a manner that as more detailed informa­ tion becomes available regarding the interpretation of surface geology (i.e., the extent and designation of the geological units may be revised), or as improved altitudinal data become available^ this information can be incorporated, and the data reanalysed as appropriate. In addition, the results may be reassessed as our understanding of both impact cratering mechanics and sub-surface ice location improves. Chapter 7 270

7.7 Future studies of the Elysium region

In this section a number of studies complementary to the further analysis of crater characteristics are suggested, with the aim of further resolving the history of water and ground-ice within this region.

• This study has highlighted a number of aspects of the Elysium region that merit further examination. In particular, a morphological study of the Medusae Fossae Formation, and the Ael 3 deposits and their source regions, would reduce the current ambiguity in their interpretation. Closer examination of the transitional regions and remnants of the Highlands within the Northern Lowlands would also provide constraints on the various theories of the formation of the elevational dichotomy.

• It is important now to construct a more definitive account of the sequence of events within the region, so that the processes and results of the transfer of water can be investigated more fully. In addition, a better understanding of the evolution of the ground-ice with time will facilitate the prediction of the current distribution of water.

• Related to the suggested examination of the Ael 3 unit and associated regions is the need for a more comprehensive knowledge of the relative importance of juve­ nile volatile and ground-ice in the styles of volcanic activity within the Elysium volcanic province. In addition, the possibility of the enrichment of sub-surface ice by water from the underlying magma body requires further investigation, both observational and theoretical.

• The timing of the postulated Elysium Basin Lake, and of the Oceanus Borealis, needs to be ascertained accurately. If verified, their existence would have drastic implications for the evolution of the atmosphere and of the ground-ice alike. The postulated lake deposits, spillways, and young channel deposits within the study region require further examination. Chapter 7 271

7.8 Related studies outside the Elysium region

Confirmation, or otherwise, of the conclusions of this thesis regarding the distribution of ground-ice within the Elysium area may come from studies of similar situations outside the study region. Possible areas of investigation include the following:

• A targeted survey of the crater morphologies on and around other martian volcanoes is suggested, to see if the postulated juvenile enrichment of the ground- ice is a phenomenon which is unique to the locality of Elysium Mons or whether other volcanic areas on Mars were similarly influenced. In addition, the role of magmatic and meteoric water in such locations should be evaluated.

• The results of this study suggest that considerable amounts of ice underlay the Southern Highlands, at depth. The area covered by this study is limited, however, and it is important to examine other Southern Highland terrains to ascertain the extent and importance of this ice.

• A clear latitudinal trend in the depth of sub-surface ice was apparent in this region, despite the diversity of the surface units. The role of the atmosphere and elevational variations was less clear, particularly since, in places, there were almost simultaneous variations in latitude and altitude. An examination of the crater characteristics of other areas of Mars where either latitudinal or altitu- dinal variations are limited would provide further information on the relative importance of the two factors.

7.9 Concluding remarks

As suggested in Chapter One, the permafrost has been shown to be a large sink of the outgassed water. Furthermore, it appears that atmospheric coupling has influenced the upper extent of the ice; geological factors have dominated the actual location and concentration. In addition, this work indicates that the current amounts of water contained within the polar caps and the martian atmosphere are far lower than the original water budget. Chapter 7 272

Although this thesis has concentrated on the location of the ice it has also provided an insight into the role of water in the evolution of the surface of Mars. Its presence within the permafrost has had a major effect on the surface of the Vastitas Borealis Formation, probably because the ice is very close to the surface here and is affected by temperature perturbations. Water has played a complex part in the evolution of the Elysium volcanic region, and may have influenced the styles of volcanic activity. Water-ice may have contributed to the formation of the elevational dichotomy, if not directly causing it, at least in modifying the form of the boundary regions. Water also appears to have been responsible for the formation of many of the channels and the chaotic terrain. In all areas, the presence of sub-surface ice has greatly influenced the formation of a large proportion of the impact craters. The analysis of the crater morphology variations has, in fact, provided a useful tool by which to locate the presence of ice at depth, especially where it is not revealed by any other landforms. This study has also provided suggestions of a number of possible emplacement and redistribution mechanisms which may have, in combination led to the observed distribution of sub-surface ice. Further examination of the region is now required to substantiate these suggestions, and the study has highlighted important areas which require continued investigation. The Elysium region is an important area of Mars, and contains several suitable candidate sites for future missions, both as a result of its geological diversity and its low altitude areas. A sample-return mission to the postulated lake-bed or to the deposits northwest of Elysium Mons would potentially provide valuable information on the evolution of the atmosphere and of volcanic ac­ tivity. These, and other aspects of the region, certainly merit careful attention during forthcoming missions. Impact-crater studies provide an indication of the distribution of ice in early mar­ tian history and cannot show its current distribution. A knowledge of the previous ice-distribution is, however, useful in determining the ground-ice inventory and its possible fate. More recent episodes of channel formation provide information on the later geological participation of the water. It is likely, however, that? since there is little water in the present atmosphere and atmospheric loss processes are insufficient (according to current theories) to account for the apparent deficit, substantial Chapter 7 273

proportions of ice remain below the surface. In addition, the water vapour content of the atmosphere varies considerably throughout the martian year, suggesting that quantities of water are interchanged between the atmosphere and a near-surface ice- reservoir (Squyres, 1979). More subtle remote studies (or in situ measurements) are required to detect the current ground-ice, though studies of the probable origins and redistribution of the ground-ice in the past will be of use in predicting its present distribution. If future missions are to exploit any residual water resources, we need an accurate knowledge of areas where water-ice is present near the surface. Ironically, emphasis is currently placed on the detection of paleolakes, where life could have evolved. An understanding of the current location of water is important if there are to be extended missions on Mars. Water has evidently played an important role in numerous geological processes. The magnitude of this role has been increasingly recognised over the last few years. In a sizeable proportion of scientific literature, Mars has, metaphorically speaking, been getting ‘wetter’. From early scepticism regarding the possibility that water (rather than any other liquid) was responsible for the formation of the vast channel systems, scientific opinion has advanced to the stage where ephemeral lakes, semi­ permanent lakes, widespread glaciation and even semi-global oceans are receiving serious consideration (McEwen, 1991). The recognition of the importance of water in the evolution of the surface of Mars has come at an opportune moment in planetary studies, as all who study Mars eagerly anticipate new data from the Mars Observer and Mars 94 missions. Bibliography 274


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Quadrangle location

The diagram below shows the location of the Mars Chart (MC) Quadrangles as used by the United States Geological Survey.

Diacria ^MC-2) Arcadia (MC-3) Mar* 4) Ismenius Lacus (MC-5) Casius (MC-6) ' Cebrenia (MC-7) 5M 4 8 / 1 5 0 5M 4 8 / 5M 4 8 / 3 3 0 5M 4 8 / 2 7 0 5M 4 8 / 2 1 0 , ■I'Sty •v. / •/ I

xia Palus!•’ A m en th es Amazonis (MCi8) Jfc'harSis (MC-9) Arabia (MC-1"2) Elysitrn (MC:.f 5) (M C -14) 5M 1 5 / 1 5 0 - ^5M 1 5/1|2 (MC-10) S* 5M 15/3^8- ^ 5M 15/^02^; 5M 1 5/60*7 vs ,-Km 1 5 7 5 2 ’V BAA 16/J248

MerrVnpnia Phoo^icis'-l-Elii^ .1M C-1.6) (M C -1 7) 5M - 1 1*7 158 5M -15/112 ap

1 ^ < '*1 1 i f' X./ FHiaftliQ^lisCMC- m aM ifM C- V .^ A rg y re (M^-2'6) * Hellas (MC:2W' .i 0.cr€r.1*W (^C-2i») , ^ 5M f.^ / 30 O 4 ^ /2 3 0 5M -48/£70yy>

i v V' . V 'A. • i ' V w ' > s ' l r m 3 0 0 °


293 A ppendix B

Map of the Study Region

The map included in the rear cover pouch covers the study region and shows the location of various features of importance mentioned in the thesis.

294 A ppendix C

Results of ejecta mobility analyses

Latitude Break-point Gradient below Gradient above Xu

1 ° / km break-point break-point -17.5 7.16 ±0.75 2.41 ±0.11 3.64 ±0.12 68.64 -12.5 7.10 ±0.60 2.46 ±0.07 3.34 ±0.13 115.14 -7 .5 13.80 ±0.70 2.92 ±0.06 3.88 ±0.23 186.41 -2 .5 10.09 ±0.50 2.56 ±0.06 4.23 ±0.55 116.92 2.5 11.54 ±0.55 2.56 ±0.13 4.98 ±0.22 124.70 7.5 8.24 ±0.80 2.30 ±0.16 4.00 ±0.17 344.52 12.5 7.42 ±0.65 1.71 ±0.16 4.12 ±0.23 227.18 17.5 11.28 ±0.50 2.50 ±0.11 5.00 ±0.54 535.08 22.5 6.10 ±0.50 1.99± 0.14 3.55 ±0.20 174.71 27.5 4.65 ±0.60 2.28 ±0.17 3.06 ±0.14 101.37 32.5 5.04 ±0.60 2.48 ±0.16 3.47 ±0.22 194.74 37.5 4.06 ±0.55 2.25 ±0.25 3.23 ±0.25 151.03 42.5 99.99 ±0.00 2.44 ±0.13 99.99 ±0.00 771.44

Table C.l: Evs$ results for 5° bins of latitude from 17.5° S to 4%-5° N

295 Appendix C 296

Latitude Break-point Gradient below Gradient above Xu

/ ° /km break-point break-point -15.0 8.72 ±0.45 2.51 ±0.06 3.57 ±0.16 101.13 -10.0 12.91 ±0.55 2.61 ±0.06 4.06 ±0.22 156.61 -5 .0 11.36 ±0.55 2.55 ±0.05 4.46 ±0.55 166.17 0.0 11.00 ±0.55 2.34 ±0.10 4.94 ±0.18 98.98 5.0 10.03 ±0.60 2.56± 0.11 4.47 ±0.23 167.81 10.0 8.19 ±0.65 2.16± 0.14 3.93 ±0.17 220.00 15.0 6.52 ±0.65 1.88 ±0.19 3.77 ± 0.17 228.45 20.0 11.25 ±0.70 2.71 ±0.11 5.14 ±0.44 346.35 25.0 7.70 ±0.45 2.31 ±0.10 3.69 ±0.33 84.82 30.0 5.28 ±0.50 2.13 ±0.14 3.42 ±0.19 112.45 35.0 4.18 ±0.60 2.18 ±0.21 3.75 ±0.22 202.22

Table C.2: Evs$> results for 5° bins of latitude from 15° S to 35° N Appendix C 297

Altitude Break-point Gradient below Gradient above Xv /k m /k m break-point break-point

-2.75 0.00 ±0.00 3.20 ±0.10 0.00 ±0.00 16.54 -2.25 4.07 ±0.40 1.49 ±0.29 2.81 ±0.09 139.50 -1.75 4.54 ±0.50 1.88 ±0.34 3.07 ±0.15 1133.70 -1.25 6.50 ±0.60 2.38± 0.15 3.76 ±0.10 267.37 -0.75 11.40 ±0.60 2.43 ±0.10 4.61 ±0.34 270.62 -0.25 4.85 ±0.55 1.64 ±0.34 4.85 ±0.11 451.65 0.25 8.70 ±0.40 2.47 ±0.09 4.24 ±0.35 171.60 0.75 5.90 ±0.40 2.08 ±0.15 3.67 ±0.17 132.94 1.25 9.11 ±0.50 2.39 ±0.13 4.37 ±0.28 219.66 1.75 6.00 ±0.60 2.12± 0.16 3.46 ±0.32 193.54 2.25 5.05 ±0.50 2.18 ±0.19 2.95 ±0.14 278.43 2.75 6.30 ±0.50 2.01 ±0.11 3.17 ± 0.17 63.36 3.25 9.89 ±0.45 2.43 ±0.12 3.45 ±0.33 126.15 3.75 5.20 ±0.50 1.85 ±0.22 3.00 ±0.19 93.79 4.25 0.00 ±0.40 2.64 ±0.15 0.00 ±0.00 84.44

Table C.3: Evs$ results for 0.5km bins of altitude from —2.75 to ^.25km with refer­ ence to the martian topographic datum Appendix C 298

Altitude Break-point Gradient below Gradient above Xv /k m /k m break-point break-point

-2.50 4.55 ±0.40 0.39 ±0.59 3.45 ±0.28 49.33 -2.00 4.40 ±0.60 2.27 ±0.21 2.76 ±0.07 257.99 -1.50 6.31 ±0.80 2.13 ±0.30 3.81 ±0.36 922.40 -1.00 8.00 ±0.70 2.16± 0.11 4.18± 0.13 235.15 -0.50 9.20 ±0.60 2.20 ±0.15 4.54 ±0.35 221.15 0.00 5.10 ±0.50 1.59 ±0.18 3.59 ±0.09 239.99 0.50 10.18 ±0.60 2.53 ±0.12 4.53 ±0.47 78.51 1.00 5.86 ±0.40 2.13 ±0.12 3.60 ±0.15 159.30 1.50 10.15 ±0.40 2.31 ±0.11 4.53 ±0.47 152.40 2.00 4.40 ±0.50 2.21 ±0.23 2.85 ±0.10 220.86 2.50 5.20 ±0.40 1.94 ±0.26 2.96 ±0.19 59.65 3.00 10.94 ±0.40 2.34 ±0.09 3.48 ±0.25 71.15 3.50 6.10 ±0.50 2.29 ±0.22 2.99 ±0.41 116.18 4.00 6.50 ±0.40 2.19 ±0.19 3.01 ±0.21 72.14

Table C.4: Evs$ results for 0.5 km bins of altitude from —2.50 to 4 .00km with refer­ ence to the martian topographic datum Appendix C 299

Altitude Break-point Gradient below Gradient above Xu /k m /k m break-point break-point

Northern Lowlands -0 .5 7.65 ±0.70 2.29 ±0.13 3.55 ±0.20 452.44 0.5 6.30 ±0.50 2.37 ±0.17 3.42 ±0.21 179.30 1.5 7.70 ±0.60 2.33 ±0.24 4.02 ±0.42 306.60 2.5 7.44 ±0.50 2.56 ±0.21 2.76 ±0.26 211.66 3.5 0.00 ±0.00 2.51 ±0.15 0.00 ±0.00 39.46

Transitional region -0 .5 10.15 ±0.50 2.32 ±0.12 3.91 ±0.12 148.20 0.5 6.20 ±0.55 2.54 ±0.23 3.83 ±0.44 278.66 1.5 0.00 ±0.00 3.06 ±0.47 0.00 ±0.00 12.40

Southern Highlands -0 .5 0.00 ±0.00 2.33 ±0.20 0.00 ±0.00 48.00 0.5 6.31 ±0.40 2.10 ± 0.11 3.92 ±0.19 71.76 1.5 7.56 ±0.50 2.44 ±0.09 3.77 ±0.22 160.80 2.5 6.65 ±0.50 2.24 ±0.09 3.30 ±0.17 175.10 3.5 10.05 ±0.50 2.43 ±0.10 3.43 ±0.25 112.99 4.5 0.00 ±0.40 2.61 ±0.17 0.00 ±0.00 88.75

Table C.5: Evs$ results for craters at various altitudes in the Northern Lowlands, Southern Highlands, and the transitional region Appendix C 300

Distance Break-point Gradient below Gradient above Xu /k m /k m break-point break-point

125 7.03 ±0.40 1.79 ±0.13 3.11 ±0.41 49.26 375 7.50 ±0.50 2.19 ±0.20 3.42 ±0.26 122.27 625 8.25 ±0.65 2.60 ±0.20 3.78 ±0.28 230.31 875 6.25 ±0.70 1.97 ±0.24 3.47 ±0.30 480.87 1125 6.00 ±0.60 2.10 ±0.26 3.44 ±0.33 249.31 1375 12.08 ±0.55 2.80 ±0.10 4.82 ±0.25 190.20

Table C.6: Evs$ results for craters in 250km bins from Elysium Mons A ppendix D

Key to the geological map of the study region

The unit designations and descriptions in this appendix originate from Scott and Tanaka (1986) and Guest and Greeley (1987). PLATEAU SEQUENCE

Nph: Cratered unit. Widespread in Southern Uplands. Highly cratered uneven surfaces of generally moderate, locally high relief; fractures and channels common. In­ terpretation: materials formed during period of high impact flux; probably a mixture of volcanic materials, erosional products and impact breccia. Npld: Dissected unit. Similar in occurrence and appearance to Npli, but more highly dissected by small channels, channel networks and troughs. Gradational with Npli, contact placement based on channel abundance. Interpretation: same origin as Npli, but material more highly eroded by fluvial processes. Nplr: Ridged unit. Resembles and locally gradational with ridged plains (unit Hr) where units adjoin, but ridges generally larger and further apart, intervening areas rougher and more densely cratered. Interpretation: flood-lava flows; ridges due to faulting, folding or volcanic processes. Nph: Subdued cratered unit. Forms highland plains characterised by subdued and partly buried crater rims; fills some crater floors, flow fronts rare. Interpretation:

301 Appendix D 302

thin lava flows and sedimentary deposits that partly bury underlying rocks. H pl3: Sm ooth unit. Flat, relatively featureless plains in Southern Highlands; locally embays other units of the plateau sequence. Faults and flow fronts rare. Interpreta­ tion: interbedded lava flows and sedimentary deposits of eolian or fluvial origin that bury most underlying rocks.


HNu: Undivided M aterial. Forms closely spaced, conical hills a few km across whose distribution indicates that they are remnants of numerous craters. Also forms rugged terrain on margins of cratered plateaux and isolated remnants. Gradational with knobby plains (Apk) where units adjoin, but hills are more closely spaced, larger and occupy more than about 30% of area. Interpretation: most hills are eroded remnants of ancient cratered terrain produced by mass-wasting processes, possibly as result of the removal of ground ice. Material may include some units of plateau sequence.


Hr: Ridged. Characterised by broad planar surfaces, rare lobate deposits and long, parallel, linear to sinuous wrinkle ridges about 30 to 70 km apart. Forms plains within and outside craters throughout plateau and lowland plains north of Orcus Patera. Locally gradational with ridged plateau material (Nplr) where units adjoin. Interpretation: extensive lava flows erupted with low effective viscosity from many sources at high rates; ridges either volcanic constructs or compressional features. Aps: Smooth. Forms patches and regions of flat, featureless plains; lightly cratered. Interpretation: probably of diverse origin; many exposures probably consist of aeolian deposits. Apk: Knobby. Extensive in Northern Lowlands forming moderately to lightly cratered, generally smooth plains; several isolated occurrences in cratered highlands. Conical hills or knobs occur at irregular intervals; wrinkle ridges locally present. Where ad­ jacent to undivided material (unit Hnu), units are intergradational, but knobs in Appendix D 303

knobby plains unit are smaller and spaced further apart. Interpretation: probably of diverse origins but appears to have formed mainly by erosion of older units. Knobs are probably erosional remnants but some may be volcanic. Intervening plains may be erosional surfaces or may consist of eolian, mass-wasted, or volcanic materials. AHpe: Etched. Occurs in patches in Elysium Planitia. Surface characterised by irregular mesas and pits. Interpretation: plains deposits mantled by eolian material that has subsequently been eroded, possibly by wind.


Hvm: M ottled member. Crater ejecta blankets have higher albedo than adjacent terrain, giving mottled appearance. In places, gently rolling, closely spaced hills averaging 5 km in diameter can be distinguished. Interpretation: possibly lava flows erupted from fissures, or of alluvial or eolian origin. Hvk: Knobby member. Similar in appearance to mottled member but generally has higher albedo and abundant small, dark, knoblike hills, some with summit craters. Crater ejecta have albedo similar to that of the surrounding terrain. Interpretation: plains of diverse origins (volcanic flows, eolian mantles); hills may be small volcanoes, remnants of highland terrain or of crater rims, or pingos. Hvg: Grooved member. Occurs as isolated patches in several areas of lowland plains; similar to mottled member but marked by curvilinear and polygonal patterns of grooves and troughs; closed polygons as wide as 20 km. Ridges present in centre of some grooves. Interpretation: material same as mottled member; patterns may be due to compaction, tectonism, or periglacial processes. Hvr: Ridged member. In isolated patches in northern plains. Characterised by concentric, low ridges about 1 to 2km wide. Interpretation: material same as mottled member; unit appears to develop from erosion of surrounding units. Origin of ridges unknown, but they may result from periglacial or erosional processes. Appendix D 304


Ami: Lower member. Surfaces smooth to rough and highly eroded, darker than those of other members. One area centred at longitude 182, latitude 1°S, contains long, broad troughs. Interpretation: lava flows interbedded with eolian or pyroclastic deposits, in places heavily eroded. Amm: Middle member. Similar to upper member but in places the surface is more rugged and eroded. Interpretation: poor to moderately indurated eolian or pyroclastic deposits; wind eroded, particularly along margins. Amu: U pper m em ber. Surfaces smooth, flat to rolling, light in colour; sculptured into ridges and grooves in places; broadly curved margins, locally eroded into serrated scarps. Interpretation: thick deposits of eolian sediments or volcanic pyroclastic de­ posits; wind eroded, particularly along margins, to form yardangs.


AeU*. M em ber 4. Channel material. Interpretation: may be derived from lahars of members 1 and 3 Ae^: M em ber 3. Forms plains having rugged relief, hummocky surfaces: lobate deposits seen at high resolution. Interpretation: of volcanic origin; flows possibly derived from Elysium Mons, possibly interfinger with member 1. Extensively modified by fluvial, eolian and periglacial processes. A e^: M ember 2. Lobate deposits, with rilles, composing Elysium Mons edifice. Gradational with member 1. Interpretation: lava flows displaying channels and partly collapsed lava tubes. Aeli: M em ber 1. Lobate, plains forming deposits that radiate from Elysium Mons and overlie and embay Albor Tholus and Hecates Tholus formations. Interpretation: volcanic flows and related materials.


Aas: M em ber 5. Relatively small areal extent. Dark, fresh-appearing flows; few superposed impact craters Appendix D 305

A a4i M em ber 4. In Arcadia Planitia; overlies member 3. A a3; M em ber 3. In and north of Arcadia Planitia. Flow fronts visible in places. Aai: M em ber 1. Near west and east borders of east map.


Hch: Older channel m aterial. Channels generally steep sided, smooth floored, and abruptly terminated on up-slope end. Interpretation: may be a mixture of channel deposits and mass-wasted materials; channels may have formed by sapping. Hcht: Chaotic M aterial. In places forms semicircular patches of closely spaced knobs of similar heights. Occurs at source areas and along margins of channels and within some chasmata and craters. Interpretation: terrain disrupted by the release of ground water Hchp: Flood plain material. Adjacent to channels and in lowland plains below channel mouths; smooth and featureless Achu: Younger channel and flood-plain material, undivided. Forms plains as wide as 600km marked by dark, sinuous, intertwining albedo patterns; appears more mottled westward. Interpretation: fluvial deposits; distinct albedo patterns probably represent channels with bars and islands; mottled zones in western part may represent deposition from ponded terminus of fluvial system. Achp: Younger flood plain materials, of alluvial origin.


Hhet: Hecates Tholus Formation. Forms Hecates Tholus, hummocky surface cut by many narrow, sinuous channels. Interpretation: volcanic flows, some emplaced through lava channels. A H t3 t Member 3 of the Western Volcanic Assemblage. Makes up central shields of Arsia, Pavonis, and Ascraeus Montes and embays highland terrain west of Arsia Mons AHat: Albor Tholus Formation. Material forming Albor Tholus; hummocky texture, more subdued near vent. Interpretation: volcanic flows. Appendix D 306

AHa: Apollinaris Patera Formation. Material comprising Apollinaris Patera. Consists of several members including deposits dissected by channels, some of which flowed over a basal scarp: forms a large fanlike feature on southeast flank. Interpre­ tation: Material of multiple-stage eruptions forming shield volcano. A ppendix E

The locations of various crater morphologies

307 Appendix E Appendix Figure E.l: E.l: Figure identifications respectively identifications . . Latitude / * Latitude / * Latitude / 8 80 3 880 830 840 1 I * * t* • • • o * • 4 830 840 s k a e p r l tra n e C its p s k a e p Pitted l tra n e C h itiuino eta etrs o and o central features, of distribution The ’I • • 1 80 9 10 7 160 170 100 190 800 810 . V • •

0 100 800 0 160 800 ogtd / * / Longitude ogtd / * / Longitude ogtd / * / Longitude . • 0 10 0 160 100 170 100 * • • • represent possible and definite and possible represent •• ; ; r® ••• fra®e • • 308 possible and definite identifications respectively identifications definite and possible Figure E.2: E.2: Figure Appendix E Appendix UUlud* / * Latitude / * Latitude / o • •o . • o'.o • • • . . - . 4 80 8 0 190 800 880 830 840 Rampart ejecta Pedestal Radial ejecta ejecta * V • '* j , h dsrbto o aiu tps f rtr ejecta, crater of types various of distribution The • •• • • Vi • • * * * ' * • • * . * . • • • ;* < ' * *«*• •••*% • * ►, • - •• r • •• • j • * J* * m • •• • . • * . • • *•••. 4 < , ' • *• • / *• •• - ’V V ' • «, • . • • •••"•# . # • " • • • O • • 1 «* . /> .* .* «*/> . 1 <,• *.v.. . O o -• •• •-• ♦ > « 4> 0 190 800 0 100 800 Longitude / * / Longitude Longitude / * / Longitude Loofltud* / * / Loofltud* ! a a! d>tS'

%. ?• 0 10 0 160 100 170 100 »• • t*' •’ •t-* •- ;» -1-1, P • o :• ; • •: v2:’ . / and 160 • • ' •o • • represent 309 iue E.3: Figure resent possible and definite identifications respectively identifications definite and possible resent Appendix E Appendix Latitude / * UUM / * U U M t / . 8 8 8 3 8 8 3 80 3 80 1 ZO * 10 7 10 160 180 170 180 1*0 ZOO (10 880 *30 840 1 I •* • • • • • • . . • . • * • • W’S* * S ’ W ~ 4 <0 2 80 0 10 8 10 8 180 180 170 180 180 *00 810 820 <00 *40 • • • • i ext a tr x e l tia r a P ect levels ta c je e edgef _« f e g d -e d e g g a J edged d e g d -e y v a W ecta c je e ect * . Y f ‘ S ‘ ta c je e • • • • • ••* # • • •* | • • h dsrbto o aiu caatrsis fcae jca o and o ejecta, crater of characteristics various of distribution The . .. I . . t . • • ...... ■ T "■ . s . •• . . •• . s • • • r " - -r‘

- --- •*• • <%:.* % •< ■— , - --- • -•••••• • ■—1 Vxa ... ^ • ^ . . . a x .V --- - — * » *V ^ * ^ V * * » - . * » .. • • • * r* 1 » 1 ' 1 1 » » ' 1 ' '** * 0 180 800 % o ogtd / * / Longitude ogtd * / Longitude Longitude / • / Longitude

• • • •»v» • • % • • -v . -*v % • • • • • • • • • • • __ . • : • • • a • ___ • 1 — ■ » r-» » ■ ■ i—■ 1 1 • • • * ______• • • •e , __ • • fi», 0 ______' r ,T""P ' "*■ - • • rep­ 310 Figure E.4: Figure of fluid emplacement fluid of Appendix E Appendix Latllnde / * Latltoda / * Latitude / . 8 / * . i* . * * . •* a/ . • .• i • # • • ,• 4* C , • 1 • • •• • • ...... 4 20 2 *10 220 230 240 4 230 240 * • t * • * i • . • • i* ■ . r ndex 1 x e d In ndex 0 x e d In ecta c je e le b u o D : r - • * • • •• The distribution of double-ejecta craters and craters with little indication little with craters and craters double-ejecta of distribution The 9 880 890 *• :• • . . ~ r . i. . i I • • • \ Si • . * • • .•:->* • * • • . 1 80 190 800 810 ’ i •’ v * 0 100 800 0 180 800 Longilud** / Loncltnde / * / Loncltnde Looflluda / * / Looflluda — • . . . . .• * . • A t y -‘ V A l • Wl‘•A 0 10 6 ISO 160 170 100 ------m ......

• • * S ISO ISO 311 iue E.5: Figure emplacement Appendix E Appendix LaUUul* / * UUUrit / * Latitude / 8 3 8 o , k • • • • •• ' k ,• r t • • • • #••• • *• / • . •• . • • / **•• •• • • * % ' %• *• . • A • ‘ • • - . \ V ~ : • • . • . ; s \ • . . • \ s ;• . . • • • . . • «*• • I • I • • • * « • • • 4 230 240 240 ndex 4 x e d In ndex 3 x e d In ndex 2 • < !.*• ,* i * ,V* • * . ! < • 2 x e d In The distribution of craters with increasingly obvious indications of fluid of indications obvious increasingly with craters of distribution The ,, .l...... , . . . .llt. .,,,, . . S*. \ -S'*.. « »•• • «• Y; V . ' .Y?; /. ’ ’/ .*• •••• 2 20 0 10 8 10 6 160 160 170 180 100 200 210 220 7 L „ . • • *• . . „ • • ML 7 • / . . /

...... • ? \ • i * , ••• , * i • ?\ • 210 y . ' - t r S.x. .'x 'S g ' 0 100 200 a 200 * • “ : • Longitude / * / Longitude Longitude / * / Longitude Lanflluda / * / Lanflluda * • • • • • r »• / • *• •• , j 'ti.sA. «i•• •• • +*• * ! 8 180 180

* *. * . * .• * "* . * * * * • . . • I •...•• I . w . . . 170 ...... 180 ___ 160 # . 312 A ppendix F

Latitudinal and altitudinal results of crater morphology analyses

The abbreviations used in tables F.1-F.4 are:

Nc The total number of craters

Nee The total number of craters with ejecta

Nce2 The total number of craters with double ejecta

Evs$ The average ejecta to crater-diameter ratio

Index The average apparent fluid index

% rm The percentage of craters with rampart ejecta

%wg The percentage of craters with wavy-edged ejecta

%jg The percentage of craters with jagged-edged ejecta

%11 The percentage of craters with partial extra ejecta lobes

%pk The percentage of craters with a central peak

313 Appendix F 314

% pt The percentage of craters with a central pit

%pp The percentage of craters with a pitted peak

F2 Craters with ejecta classified as apparent fluid index 2

F3 Craters with ejecta classified as apparent fluid index 3

Note that for the central feature categories (i.e., %pk, %pt, and %pp) the per­ centage is calculated as a proportion of the total number of craters (Nc), whereas for all other categories the percentages axe calculated as a proportion of the total number of craters with ejecta (Nee). Appendix F 315

Latitude Nc Nee Nce2 Evs4> Index %rm %wy %jg %n %pk %pt %pp

Total craters Total 7289 2166 96 2.57 2.01 28.9 40.5 10.2 4.6 4.0 0.7 0.7

All craters 20° S-15° S 573 124 0 2.33 2.11 33.9 57.3 5.6 5.6 5.6 0.2 0.0 15° S-10° S 899 220 1 2.37 2.11 28.2 48.2 10.0 2.3 5.0 0.4 0.8 10° S-5° S 999 254 4 2.43 2.01 25.2 44.1 7.5 2.0 3.2 0.7 0.9 5° S-0° N 896 208 4 2.37 1.83 20.7 40.9 3.8 2.4 3.1 0.4 0.7 0° N-5° N 535 124 4 2.57 2.18 25.8 39.5 4.0 4.0 4.9 0.0 1.1 5° N-10° N 433 106 1 2.62 2.26 29.2 34.9 14.2 6.6 6.2 0.5 1.6 10° N-15°N 523 151 3 2.57 2.40 40.4 35.1 12.6 6.6 5.5 1.0 1.7 15° N-20° N 567 151 6 2.47 2.28 52.3 43.0 20.5 10.6 2.1 1.8 0.2 20° N-25° N 572 167 7 2.50 2.05 43.7 42.5 21.0 7.8 4.9 0.9 0.9 25° N-30° N 512 215 21 2.54 1.66 28.4 34.4 11.6 4.7 2.9 2.1 0.2 30° N-35° N 354 176 13 2.75 1.89 22.2 34.1 11.9 4.0 2.8 0.6 0.6 35° N-40° N 270 168 26 2.87 1.80 17.3 36.9 6.5 2.4 0.7 0.4 0.4 40° N-45° N 166 107 6 3.39 2.03 11.2 34.6 4.7 5.6 2.4 0.0 0.0

Table F.l: Morphological characteristics as a function of latitude Appendix F 316

Latitude Nc Nee Nce2 Evs$ Index %rm %wy %jg %11 %pk %pt %pp Small craters 20° S-15°S 343 82 0 2.16 1.58 15.9 42.7 1.2 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 15° S-10°S 545 146 0 2.24 1.63 12.3 37.7 2.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 10°S-5° S 840 233 1 2.38 1.81 20.2 43.8 3.0 1.7 1.3 0.2 0.0 5° S-0°N 740 177 0 2.31 1.65 15.3 36.7 1.7 0.6 0.9 0.0 0.0 0° N-5° N 457110 3 2.47 2.05 23.6 40.0 2.7 2.7 1.8 0.0 0.4 5° N-10° N 314 63 0 2.42 2.00 20.6 33.3 4.8 3.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 Table F .l: 10° N-15° N 412 97 0 2.43 2.05 23.7 26.8 6.2 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.0 15° N-20° N 519 133 2 2.35 2.19 48.9 43.6 16.5 7.5 1.7 0.6 0.0 20° N-25° N 447 109 0 2.41 1.69 32.1 40.4 11.9 4.6 0.4 0.0 0.0 25° N-30° N 360 120 9 2.46 1.38 19.2 32.5 3.3 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.0 30° N-35° N 219 106 3 2.62 1.84 27.4 39.6 9.4 0.9 0.5 0.0 0.0 35° N-40° N 146 108 7 2.88 1.75 18.5 35.2 2.8 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 40° N-45° N 166 107 6 3.39 2.03 11.2 34.6 4.7 5.6 2.4 0.0 0.0 Morphological characteristics as a function of latitude continued Appendix F 317

Latitude Nc Nee Nce2 Evs$ Index %rm %wy %jg %n %pk %pt %pp

Large craters 20° S-15°S 230 42 0 2.65 2.80 69.0 85.7 14.3 16.7 13.0 0.4 0.0 15° S-10° S 354 74 1 2.62 2.69 59.5 68.9 25.7 6.8 12.4 1.1 2.0 10° S-5° S 159 21 3 3.07 3.32 81.0 47.6 57.1 4.8 13.2 3.1 5.7 5° S-0° N 156 31 4 2.73 2.62 51.6 64.5 16.1 12.9 13.5 2.6 3.8 0° N-5° N 78 14 1 3.30 3.00 42.9 35.7 14.3 14.3 23.1 0.0 5.1 Table F .l: 5° N-10° N 119 43 1 2.91 2.67 41.9 37.2 27.9 11.6 21.8 1.7 5.9 10° N-15° N 111 54 3 2.82 2.71 70.4 50.0 24.1 18.5 24.3 3.6 8.1 15° N-20° N 48 18 4 3.34 2.81 77.8 38.9 50.0 33.3 6.3 14.6 2.1 20° N-25° N 125 58 7 2.67 2.55 65.5 46.6 37.9 13.8 20.8 4.0 4.0 25° N-30° N 152 95 12 2.64 2.00 40.0 36.8 22.1 9.5 9.2 7.2 0.7 30° N-35° N 135 70 10 2.96 1.96 14.3 25.7 15.7 8.6 6.7 1.5 1.5 35° N-40° N 124 60 19 2.84 1.92 15.0 40.0 13.3 3.3 1.6 0.8 0.8

Morphological characteristics as a function of latitude continued Appendix F 318

Latitude Rm Wy Jg LI F2 F3 Total craters Total 1.88 1.88 2.00 2.13 1.88 1.88

All craters 20° S-15° S 3.75 2.88 5.38 8.50 3.25 6.50 15° S-10° S 3.63 1.88 3.88 8.75 2.63 5.50 10° S-5° S 3.38 2.13 7.13 6.63 2.50 4.50 5° S-0°N 3.38 2.38 8.25 5.63 2.50 4.63 0° N-5° N 3.13 3.13 5.63 3.13 3.13 4.00 5° N-10° N 3.88 3.00 3.63 5.38 2.75 6.75 10° N-15° N 2.38 3.00 2.38 9.63 3.13 2.38 15° N-20° N 2.13 2.13 2.13 5.63 2.13 4.75 20° N-25° N 1.88 1.88 2.25 3.13 2.00 3.88 25° N-30° N 2.00 1.88 2.25 3.13 1.88 3.13 30° N-35° N 1.88 1.88 2.00 3.25 1.88 2.63 35° N-40° N 1.88 1.88 2.13 2.13 1.88 1.88 40° N-45° N 2.38 1.88 2.13 2.38 1.88 3.13

Table F.2: The minimum diameters at which selected features occur as a function of latitude in kilometers. The notation is similar to that given at the beginning of this appendix Appendix F 319

Altitude Nc Nee Nce2 Evs4> Index %rm %wy %jg %11 %pk %pt %pp

Total craters Total 7289.0 2166.0 96.0 2.57 2.01 28.9 40.5 10.2 4.67 4.0 0.7 0.7

All craters —3.0— 2.5 km 34.0 7.0 0.0 2.30 2.14 71.4 71.4 14.3 0.0 17.6 0.0 0.0 —2.5— 2.0 km 567.0 227.0 25.0 2.59 1.91 25.1 41.4 7.0 6.2 4.9 0.5 0.2 -2 .0 — 1.5 km 524.0 172.0 11.0 2.64 2.04 31.4 37.8 10.5 5.8 4.6 0.4 1.1 — 1.5— 1.0 km 911.0 342.0 21.0 2.70 2.03 32.5 40.9 11.7 5.0 3.5 0.8 0.9 -1.0— 0.5 km 857.0 310.0 21.0 2.68 1.98 29.4 41.3 11.0 3.5 3.9 0.6 1.1 -0 .5 -0 .0km 606.0 205.0 5.0 2.57 1.86 21.5 37.6 8.8 4.4 3.1 1.0 1.2 0.0-0.5 km 616.0 202.0 10.0 2.49 1.96 27.2 38.6 10.9 6.4 4.2 0.8 1.5 0.5-1.0 km 492.0 151.0 5.0 2.49 2.11 31.1 41.1 10.6 6.0 4.1 1.4 1.4 1.0-1.5 km 532.0 132.0 1.0 2.42 2.03 23.5 40.9 9.8 2.3 4.5 0.0 0.4 1.5-2.0 km 528.0 107.0 1.0 2.44 2.11 25.2 43.0 9.3 1.9 3.6 0.9 0.4 2.0-2.5 km 929.0 147.0 2.0 2.37 2.02 32.0 42.2 10.9 4.1 4.8 0.4 0.4 2.5-3.0 km 416.0 111.0 0.0 2.38 2.03 26.1 34.2 8.1 2.7 1.9 1.0 0.2 3.0-3.5 km 307.0 70.0 2.0 2.37 2.04 34.3 55.7 8.6 2.9 4.6 0.0 0.7 3.5-4.0 km 172.0 46.0 0.0 2.33 2.10 30.4 50.0 2.2 4.3 7.0 0.6 0.0 4.0-4.5 km 100.0 20.0 1.0 2.41 2.78 40.0 40.0 15.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Table F.3: Morphological characteristics as a function of altitude Appendix F 320

Altitude Nc Nee Nce2 Evs4> Index %rm %wy %Jg %n %pk %pt %pp

Small craters —2.5— 2.0 km 307.0 100.0 3.0 2.73 1.70 12.0 41.0 2.0 1.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 —2.0— 1.5 km 292.0 83.0 5.0 2.71 1.83 15.7 32.5 6.0 1.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 — 1.5— 1.0 km 655.0 207.0 8.0 2.60 1.62 19.8 33.3 3.9 1.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 -1.0— 0.5 km 739.0 274.0 17.0 2.62 1.83 26.6 40.5 7.7 2.6 1.1 0.4 0.0 —0.5-0.0km 369.0 105.0 1.0 2.54 1.44 9.5 30.5 3.8 1.9 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0-0.5 km 485.0 164.0 1.0 2.39 1.76 18.9 37.2 6.7 4.3 1.4 0.4 0.2 Table 0.5-1.0 km 329.0 95.0 0.0 2.34 1.64 16.8 35.8 4.2 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 1.0-1.5 km 409.0 104.0 1.0 2.26 1.70 13.5 39.4 1.9 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.5-2.0 km 331.0 58.0 0.0 2.27 1.50 6.9 25.9 3.4 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 2.0-2.5 km 472.0 68.0 0.0 2.22 1.32 8.8 16.2 4.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 2.5-3.0km 263.0 73.0 0.0 2.31 1.52 11.0 20.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0-3.5km 237.0 59.0 0.0 2.31 1.87 27.1 54.2 1.7 1.7 2.1 0.0 0.0 3.5-4.0km 99.0 22.0 0.0 2.21 1.33 4.5 18.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0-4.5 km 78.0 15.0 0.0 2.37 2.67 20.0 20.0 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

F.3: Morphological characteristics as a function of altitude continued Appendix F 321

Altitude Nc Nee Nce2 Evs$ Index %rm %wy %11 %pk %pt %PP

Large craters -2 .0 — 1.5 km 232.0 89.0 6.0 2.58 2.19 46.1 42.7 14.6 10.1 9.9 0.9 2.6 -1 .5 — 1.0 km 260.0 137.0 13.0 2.84 2.55 51.8 53.3 23.4 10.9 11.5 2.7 3.1 -1.0--0.5 km 118.0 36.0 4.0 3.14 3.00 50.0 47.2 36.1 11.1 21.2 1.7 7.6 -0.5-0.0km 237.0 100.0 4.0 2.60 2.22 34.0 45.0 14.0 7.0 7.6 2.5 3.0 0.0-0.5 km 131.0 38.0 9.0 2.95 2.57 63.2 44.7 28.9 15.8 14.5 2.3 6.1 0.5-1.0 km 163.0 56.0 5.0 2.75 2.57 55.4 50.0 21.4 16.1 10.4 4.3 4.3 1.0-1.5 km 123.0 28.0 0.0 3.01 2.96 60.7 46.4 39.3 10.7 18.7 0.0 1.6 1.5-2.0 km 197.0 49.0 1.0 2.63 2.63 46.9 63.3 16.3 4.1 9.1 2.5 1.0 2.0-2.5 km 457.0 79.0 2.0 2.50 2.42 51.9 64.6 16.5 7.6 9.4 0.9 0.9 2.5-3.0 km 153.0 38.0 0.0 2.53 2.64 55.3 60.5 23.7 7.9 5.2 2.6 0.7 3.0-3.5 km 70.0 11.0 2.0 2.69 2.64 72.7 63.6 45.5 9.1 12.9 0.0 2.9 3.5-4.0 km 73.0 24.0 0.0 2.44 2.45 54.2 79.2 4.2 8.3 16.4 1.4 0.0 Table F.3: Morphological characteristics as a function of altitude continued Appendix F 322

Latitude Rm Wy Jg LI F2 F3 Total craters Total 1.88 1.88 2.00 2.13 1.88 1.88

All craters —3.0— 2.5 km 3.00 3.00 3.25 0.00 3.00 9.24 —2.5— 2.0 km 1.88 1.88 2.38 2.13 1.88 2.13 -2 .0 — 1.5 km 1.88 1.88 2.25 3.13 1.88 1.88 — 1.5— 1.0 km 2.13 2.00 2.13 3.13 1.88 4.75 -1 .0 — 0.5 km 2.00 1.88 2.00 3.13 2.00 2.63 —0.5-0.0 km 2.00 1.88 2.00 2.38 2.00 4.50 0.0-0.5km 2.13 1.88 2.13 3.13 1.88 3.13 0.5-1.0km 1.88 1.88 2.25 7.00 1.88 4.50 1.0-1.5km 3.75 2.63 3.88 12.25 2.50 3.88 1.5-2.0 km 3.75 3.50 5.50 11.25 3.50 5.50 2.0-2.5 km 3.63 2.63 3.88 5.63 3.63 5.00 2.5-3.0 km 2.00 2.00 10.38 10.38 2.00 4.88 3.0-3.5km 2.13 2.13 4.00 8.63 2.13 5.50 3.5-4.0 km 4.13 3.13 27.50 10.75 3.13 8.13 4.0-4.5 km 5.25 5.25 8.75 0.00 5.25 8.75

Table F.4: The minimum diameters at which selected features occur as a function of altitude in kilometers. The notation is similar to that given at the beginning of this appendix A ppendix G

The database

The complete database of 7289 craters is given in this appendix. The columns, reading left to right, are:

1. longitude in degrees according to the system of figure 2.1,

2. latitude in degrees (positive refers to North of the equator, negative, to South,

3. crater profile,

4. central feature,

5. floor characteristics,

6. floor albedo relative to the surroundings,

7. rim character,

8. degradational state of the rim,

9. ejecta type,

10. ejecta preservation,

11. apparent ejecta fluidity,

12. other ejecta characteristics,

13. classification confidence,

323 Appendix G 324

14. apparent age,

15. geological unit [according to the system of Scott and Tanaka (1986) and Greeley and Guest (1987)],

16. local target nature,

17. diameter of the outer ejecta blanket in kilometres,

18. outer ejecta blanket type,

19. preservation of the outer ejecta blanket,

20. apparent fluid index of the outer ejecta blanket,

21. other characteristics of the outer ejecta blanket,

22. rim-to-rim crater diameter in kilometres,

23. inner ejecta diameter in kilometres,

24. inner ejecta diameter to crater diameter ratio,

25. outer ejecta diameter to crater diameter ratio,

26. altitude of crater with reference to martian zero topographic datum in kilome­ tres, and

27. distance of crater from Elysium Mons in kilometres. 325

243.32 29.83 BAC Q Ipr A 1 SP 2 M HVG S 9.000 24.25 2.69 - 2.10 1586.5 244.00 29.57 S HVG S 2.250 -2.17 1620.7 244.08 29.00 BH A 2 2 M HVG S 2.625 5.50 2.09 -2.17 1623.8 243.18 28.18 FPR 7 CH Q Ir A 7 SPH 2 MO HVG S 15.000 45.00 3.00 -1.98 1576.7 242.64 28.29 O HVG O 23.750 -1.98 1548.6 244.18 26.72 I A O A 1 3 M HVG S 2.500 -1.99 1631.8 242.69 26.45 o HVG S 25.000 1554.0 242.75 26.43 s HVG cf9 2.625 1557.3 242.23 27.72 I A S o A 1 3 M HVG S .500 1527.2 242.34 27.31 s HVG S .875 1533.4 242.35 27.01 s HVG s .250 1534.5 241.44 29.39 B ? HVG 7 .875 1488.6 241.27 29.43 F 7 HVG S .000 -1.99 1480.0 241.20 29.37 s HVG 7 .250 -1.99 1476.1 239.93 29.26 B shO P 1 2 M HVG SO .500 5.00 2.00 - 2.00 1410.4 238.68 29.64 S HVG 7 2.250 - 2.00 1348.1 238.63 29.31 IAIDC Q ? P 7 1 M HVG s 5.000 9.75 1.95 - 2.00 1343.8 240.10 28.95 I A I M c E MWC G 2 A 3 M HVG S 38.75 BMJT P 3 10.625 28.00 2.63 3.647 -1.99 1418.0 239.85 28.57 B OT A 1 3 M HVG s 2.625 4.75 1.81 - 2.00 1404.0 238.88 28.51 ? A c E I P 2 P 1 M HVG s 6.000 14.25 2.37 - 2.00 1353.5 240.72 28.30 B OT P 1 W 2 M HVG s 2.250 7.25 3.22 -1.99 1448.6 241.41 27.69 O HVG o 31.875 -1.99 1484.3 241.28 26.89 I A S H c E h HVG o 5.625 -1.99 1478.4 241.70 26.40 S HVG s 2.375 -1.99 1501.9 240.96 26.96 1 A s H P 2 2 M HVG s 3.250 -1.99 1461.4 240.89 26.10 s HVG s 2.375 -1.99 1460.0 240.81 23.02 s HVG 7 2.125 - 2 . 1460.9 240.87 24.83 s HVG 7 2.125 - 1. 1465.3 239.67 25.80 I ? s c E W A 2 3 M HVG S 31.25 IBTJ P 4 10.125 33.75 3.33 3.086 -2. 1396.4 239.97 25.64 s HVG 3 2.250 -2. 1413.0 239.92 25.54 B 7 HVG 7 2.500 - 2 . 1410.8 240.34 24.83 ? A c Q ?h HVG 7 6.875 - 1 . 1437.0 238.65 27.66 S HVG 7 2.250 - 2 . 1339.8 238.78 27.20 SF HVG 7 2.375 - 2 . 1346.4 239.10 26. 95 F P s M c Q W A 2 3 M HVG S 55.00 IBJT P 3 15.375 46.25 3.00 3.577 -2.00 1363.4 238.70 25.70 I A h HVG 7 3.875 1345.2 238.95 25.05 I? HVG 7 875 1361.6 236.81 25.80 s HVG 7 875 1244.4 236.78 25.30 i HVG 7 875 1244.6 237.25 25.04 I HVG 7 750 1270.9 237.81 24.14 F P s M c I MW A 3 A 4 M HVG S 11.125 32.50 2.92 1306.6 237.91 29.69 IA s M c E 70 P 2 1 M APS SO 5.375 11.25 2.09 2.00 1309.1 238.28 28.75 I APS O 4.375 2.00 1323.2 236.74 29.62 B APS 7 3.375 2.00 1248.9 235.82 29.29 I A 7 APS 7 4.000 2.00 1199.5 235.87 28.83 I A O? P 1 2 M APS S 3.625 9.50 2.62 2.00 1199.1 236.71 27.92 B OT P 1 2 M APS S 2.250 5.50 2.44 2.00 1238.8 235.77 27.81 B c E O A 1 3 M APS S 4.375 10.25 2.34 2.00 1189.4 236.06 27.37 B A c E h HVG O 5.000 2.00 1203.6 238.36 27.01 I HVG 7 2.250 2.00 1324.4 238.24 26.97 I A s c Q 70 P 7 1 M HVG S 5.750 13.00 2.26 2.00 1318.1 238.06 27.02 s HVG S 2.875 2.00 1308.6 236.15 26.62 B c E Op A 1 3 M HVG S 5.750 14.75 2.56 .99 1207.9 235.39 26.65 s HVG 7 2.250 .99 1167.7 235.66 24.92 F A s M c E I JMsh A 3 q 3 M HVG S 10.750 27.50 2.55 .89 1186.6 243.60 25.32 s HVG s 2.250 .99 1607.7 244.31 24.49 S HVG 7 2.625 .99 1651.2 243.20 24.52 F A I M CH E MI J G 3 ALq 3 M HVG S 10.375 31.25 3.01 .99 1591.8 241.18 25.91 I HVG 7 3.250 .99 1476.1 241.81 25.59 b HVG 7 3.375 .99 1511.0 241.46 25.39 s HVG 7 2.750 .99 1493.4 242.31 24 .82 S HVG S 2.250 .99 1542.2 242.53 24.47 B HVG 7 .000 .04 1556.4 242.64 24.29 s HVG 7 .500 .03 1563.7 243.93 22.49 B 7 APR S .750 .82 1650.3 243.21 22.63 B WTM G 3 2 M APR S .625 13.75 2.44 .84 1610.1 243.95 21.83 S APR s .875 .76 1659.4 242.94 21.74 B APR 7 .375 .68 1606.4 243.06 23.52 B HVG 7 .375 .99 1592.8 241.54 23.99 S HVG 7 .375 .99 1507.3 241.76 23.69 I P I M c Q MWJ A 3 A 4 M APR S 9.375 26.75 2.85 .96 1521.7 241.97 23.47 b 7 s M c Q ?T P 7 A 2 M APR SO 8.375 23.50 2.80 .94 1535.0 242.13 22.10 0 APR O 15.625 .72 1558.5 239.96 24.63 I 7 APR 7 6.000 .00 1418.0 239.86 24.44 B APR 7 5.875 .99 1414.0 239.58 24.16 I APR 7 3.375 .97 1401.1 239.55 23.89 B h APR 7 5.000 .96 1401.7 240.78 23.78 O APR O 14.625 .95 1468.4 240.29 23.33 0 P APR O 25.625 .91 1446.3 240.75 22.50 B 7 APR 3 3.250 .77 1479.8 238.94 23.70 s APR 7 3.000 .93 1370.6 238.82 23.11 BA c E 7 APR S 5.625 .87 1369.8 238.84 22.85 I A s c E MB P 3 L 2 M APR S 6.875 17.00 2.47 .85 1373.5 240.00 22.48 O APR O 15.000 .79 1439.8 239.82 22.18 BA c Q MWBT P 3 A 3 M APR s 8.500 24.50 2.88 .74 1433.7 239.68 21.92 B APR 7 3.750 .70 1429.5 238.57 22.30 s APR 7 3.125 .78 1365.3 239.20 21.53 I 7 APR S 3.500 .66 1408.9 237.68 23.84 B 7 APR S 3.500 .89 1302.0 237.50 23.84 7 h APR o 3.875 .88 1292.3 237.12 23.07 B 7 APR 7 5.375 .79 1279.1 236.10 23.06 B APR 7 4.125 .73 1224.5 236.43 22.84 B APR O .500 .73 1244.5 236.73 22.26 B APR 7 .125 .68 1267.2 235.99 22.33 B c E Wra A 3 3 M APR S .875 15.75 2.68 .63 1226.8 244.89 21.12 S APR s .000 .77 1719.3 244.50 21.05 3 APR s .875 .72 1699.4 244.52 20.34 B APR 7 .500 .62 1711.0 243.40 19.47 B c E W P 2 1 M APR s .750 12.75 2.21 .39 1665.3 242.87 19.32 s APR 7 .125 .29 1639.6 241.07 20.62 F t R M c Q IM A 3 H 2 M APR s 12.125 31.25 2.57 .48 1522.2 242.07 19.13 B 7 APR 7 2.750 .25 1600.4 242.59 18.45 I A s M c E MW A 2 3 M APR S 4.375 10.50 2.40 .17 1640.6 243.11 18.22 I CH Q MJI P 2 2 M APR s 5.875 16.25 2.76 .15 1672.6 242.81 18.07 s APR 7 2.500 .14 1659.7 242.90 17.71 S APR 7 2.875 .08 1671.6 241.94 18.23 I A I c Q WM G 3 3 M APR S 7.375 18.50 2.50 .13 1610.4 241.45 18.44 s APR 7 3.125 .17 1580.3 241.57 18.27 s APR 7 3.875 .16 1590.0 241.14 18.30 IA s M c Q WM A 3 3 M APR S 5.000 10.50 2.10 .16 1566.7 241.06 18.10 B A c Q WM A 3 3 M APR S 4.750 11.25 2.36 .13 1566.4 240.77 17.64 B 7 APR S 2.375 7.50 3.15 .08 1560.6 237.45 21.11 2.875 .59 1321.4 238.98 20.93 2.625 .58 1405.8 239.36 18.96 17.750 .25 1459.6 238.23 20.23 3.250 .50 1376.9 240.09 18.71 12.500 .19 1503.1 326

239. 95 18. 58 OF APK O 10.625 -1.18 1498.2 239. 82 18. 39 OF APK O 15.000 -1.15 1495.1 239. 51 18. 04 OF APK O 5.875 -1.13 1485.9 239. 29 17. 74 OF APK O 13.750 -1.10 1480.7 238. 62 18.,31 s APK ? 2.500 -1.19 1433.5 238. .24 18. ,44 s APK ? 2.125 -1.23 1410.8 238.,52 17. ,84 b APK S 3.250 -1.14 1438.2 238.,11 18.,03 B APK ? 3.125 -1.18 1412.6 237..16 18.,18 I ? APKAPK 7? 2.250 2.250 -1.20 1359.7 236.,48 18. ,16 B Q Ishm PP 22 H H 11 M M APKAPK S S 4.875 4.875 11.25 2.30 -1.17 1324.6 236.,71 17.,97 S APK ? 3.000 -1.16 1340.8 237..86 17. ,21 UF HR o 27.250 -1.09 1417.9 237. 93 17. 29 b P 3 2 M HR CI167 6.125 16.50 2.69 -1.10 1419.7 235.,07 20.,34 S APK S 2.750 -1.40 1207.2 235. 29 19.,01 OF APK O 15.625 -1.23 1244.2 244. 48 19.,52 OF APK O 6.625 -1.50 1722.1 244. 56 19.,53 S APK S 2.500 -1.52 1726.2 244. 62 19..23 OF HR o 5.625 -1.48 1734.5 245.,02 19. 25 F G 3 3 M HR s 6.875 15.00 2.18 -1.48 1755.5 244.,58 18..41 OF HR OWR 5.250 -1.35 1747.2 245.,07 16.,93 I HR S 4.625 -1.26 1802.5 244 .,64 16.,75 s HR S 3.250 -1.12 1783.6 244.,34 16. 60 F 7IMCQHM AA 22 2M 2 M HRHR S S 6.625 6.625 15.00 2.26 -1.08 1771.0 244 .,21 16.,50 F HR 3 2.125 -1.06 1766.3 244..86 16.,30 I HR s 2.375 -1.07 1804.9 244.,93 16.,24 I HR ? 2.625 -1.09 1809.9 244.,65 16.,12 S HR s 2.500 -1.04 1797.8 245.,05 15. 95 I HR s 1.875 -1.06 1822.7 244.,07 16..41 F MCQW PP 2 2 2 2 M M HRHR S s 6.875 6.875 13.75 2.00 -1.04 1760.9 244.,12 15.,06 F MCE? HRHR S s 6.875 6.875 15.00 2.18 -0.81 1794.6 240.,10 17.,67 B APS ? 3.375 -1.08 1524.8 242.,03 16.,66 I HR s 5.625 -0.99 1648.1 242.,56 15. 84 F CH D IJmb P P3 3LA LA 2 2 O O HRHR S s 30.625 102.50 3.34 -0.91 1694.7 242.,47 16.,07 F SC Q ? HR CR194 9.375 -0.95 1684.6 241.,99 16.,20 I HR CI194 3.625 -0.97 1656.5 243.,21 15.,74 S HR CI194 2.500 -0.93 1731.0 242..82 15.,55 ? HR Cl 194 4.375 -0.86 1715.1 241..41 16.,09 I ASMCE? HR?HR? 4.000 4.000 -0.96 1628.8 240..49 16.,81 I ASM C E AHPEAHPE SS 4.625 4.625 -1.01 1564.1 240..30 16..83 I ASM C E AHPEAHPE SS 3.750 3.750 -1.02 1553.7 240..09 16..73 s AHPE S 2.125 -1.01 1545.1 239..56 16. .92 s AHPE S 2.500 -1.02 1513.1 240.,13 15. 52 F Q ?w AHPEAHPE sS 6.625 6.625 -0.94 1576.3 239..94 15..50 F Q WT P 2 2 M AHPE S s 6.500 16.25 2.50 -0.93 1567.0 238. ,31 16.,46 I AHPE ? 2.625 -1.02 1459.0 238..23 15.,98 i AHPE s 4.500 -0.99 1466.9 236..52 16.,42 UF AHPE o 6.875 -1.04 1368.0 236..87 16. .23 OF AHPE o 3.000 -1.02 1390.8 236..86 15.,55 S AHPE s 2.750 -0.99 1408.2 236,.59 15..67 UF AHPE o 10.625 -1.00 1391.2 236..45 15.,74 UF AHPE o 4.625 -1.01 1382.2 236..50 15.,24 I AHPE ? 3.375 -1.00 1398.4 236..68 15.,01 S AHPE 3 1.875 -0.99 1413.9 236..59 15.,08 I AHPE ? 3.875 -0.99 1407.4 234..97 15.,97 F HR ? 2.625 -1.02 1301.2 243..67 20..37 s APK ? 4.875 -1.58 1665.1 242..51 20.,77 B APK ? 5.625 -1.50 1596.9 242 .75 25 .50 O HVG o 16.250 -1.99 1561.4 240 .25 22..50 O APK o 14.375 -1.81 1453.0 234 .39 29..78 I ASM C Q W P 2 2 M AEL3AEL3s S 17.50 O o P ? KF 4.750 9.50 2.00 3.684 -2.00 1130.8 234 .82 29 .19 B I P ? KD 3 M AEL3 sS 2.250 7.50 3.33 -2.00 1147.6 234 .29 29..08 B A 1 3 M AEL3 s 10.00 Ij P ? KF 2.625 5.00 1.90 3.810 -2.00 1119.6 234 .38 28,.35 I P 2 3 M APS s 4.750 10.00 2.10 -2.00 1119.4 234 .10 26 .36 S APS 3 2.625 -1.95 1099.6 233 .27 29 .10 s AEL3 s 1.875 -2.00 1067.5 233 .31 28 .31 ? ? APS ? 2.875 -2.00 1063.7 232 .25 29 .17 I ? AEL3 ? 3.125 -2.00 1016.2 231 .91 28 .52 I ? AEL3 ? 3.000 -1.99 992.9 231 .70 28 .43 F ? AEL3 ? 2.625 -2.01 981.4 231 .93 28 .01 I h AEL3 o 2.750 -2.01 990.3 231 .48 26 .67 B ? APS o 4.375 -1.96 961.2 231 .99 26 .24 S APS o 2.125 -1.94 987.7 231 .97 26 .21 S APS o 2.125 -1.93 986.6 230 . 75 26,.19 S APS ? 2.000 -1.92 921.9 230 .37 28 .88 B OW A A 11 2 2 M AEL3AEL3 S s 1.875 1.875 4.25 2.26 -2.01 917.5 230 .31 29 .82 I C Q sh P ? 2 MO MO AEL3AEL3 O o 3.750 -2.03 926.2 229 .54 29..90 I C E MCSHW G 3 3 A 3 3 M AEL3AEL3 S s 7.000 7.000 16.25 2.32 -1.99 889.1 229 .60 29..46 S AEL3 ? 2.000 -1.98 885.7 229 .20 29..33 I Q SHI P P ?? PP 2 2 MOMO AEL3AEL3 ?? 5.875 5.875 17.00 2.89 -1.99 863.9 228 .42 29 .21 I E H AEL3 AEL3 0O 8.375 8.375 -1.99 823.1 228 .53 29 .24 s AEL3 ? 1.875 -1.99 829.0 225 .79 30 .03 I AEL3 ? 2.375 -1.82 709.2 226 .78 28 .97 OF AEL3 o 2.375 -1.96 737.5 226 .71 28 .92 s AEL3 ? 1.875 -1.95 733.2 229 .82 27 .43 B Q WM A A 33 LA 3 3 M APSAPS Ss 6.750 6.750 18.00 2.66 -1.99 876.9 230 .55 27,.14 B Q OpU A 1 P P 3 M M APSAPS S s 6.875 17.25 2.50 -1.99 913.7 229 .66 25 .62 3b APS ? 3.500 -1.78 864.1 229 .78 25 .29 7 APS 0 4.625 -1.76 871.0 228 .49 27 .59 ? APS ? 3.625 -1.99 808.7 227 .76 26 .39 S AEL3 3 1.875 -1.91 763.8 227 .53 27 .87 s AEL3 ? 2.500 -1.94 761.5 226 .14 27 .73 S AEL3 ? 2.000 -1.65 688.5 226 .60 26 .85 s APS s 1.875 -1.91 704.8 225 .72 26 .84 3 APS ? 2.375 -1.64 658.6 226 .19 26 .72 u IMW P P 22 3 3 MM APSAPS Ss 3.125 3.125 12.25 3.92 -1.82 682.5 226 .61 26..47 I A S ? C Q JIM P P 3 3 3 3 M M AEL3AEL3 SchSch 8.125 23.75 2.92 -1.95 703.4 226 .13 26 .23 s AEL3 SCH 2.875 -1.84 677.0 227 .16 25 .55 B P ? KT 2 M APS s 2.375 10.50 4.42 -1.74 730.8 227 .41 25 .41 SB APS 0 2.875 -1.73 744.2 233 .65 26 .32 3 APS ? 2.625 -1.95 1075.7 232 .55 26 .42 B G 3 L 3 M APS s 5.625 16.25 2.88 -1.96 1017.5 232 .91 26 .16 B APS ? 4.625 -1.94 1036.5 234 .14 25 .31 B HVG ? 3.125 -1.88 1103.8 234 .90 25 .16 I HVG ? 3.625 -1.89 1144.9 234,.72 25,.00 3 HVG ? 2.750 -1.87 1136.0 233 .30 24,.55 B HVG ? 2.250 -1.83 1062.4 232 .95 24,.50 B HVG ? 2.250 -1.84 1044.0 233 .91 24..10 i ASM C E ? HVG S s 5.625 -1.77 1098.0 233 .81 24,.04 b HVG ? 3.625 -1.76 1093.1 234 .81 23,.73 3 HVG ? 2.500 -1.74 1149.1 234 .04 23,.73 s HVG ? 2.125 -1.73 1107.9 234 .45 23..57 B HVG 3 2.500 -1.71 1131.2 231 .06 24..40 S APS s 1.875 -1.77 943.3 232 .51 24.,07 S APS ? 1.875 -1.71 1023.2 230 .81 23..85 s APS ? 2.000 -1.72 933.8 230 .23 24..02 s APS ? 2.250 -1.73 901.4 229 .66 23, .87 s APS 3 3.750 -1.69 872.0 229 .42 23. .97 B A 1 S 3 M APK s 2.500 50 2.20 -1.68 858.4 327

227.78 23.81 APK 2.875 771.8 228.20 23.52 APK 3.125 796.9 228.49 23.33 APK 2.125 814.3 230.22 23.53 APK 3.625 904.9 230.04 23.29 APK 3.000 897.6 229.32 22.76 APK 3.250 865.0 228.18 22.59 APK 3.500 806.5 225.98 25.15 7 APS 4.125 668.2 227.15 24.71 C D Jra P 2 AH 2 MO APS 14.375 47.50 3.30 732.2 226.24 24.25 sh APS 6.500 686.0 226.17 24.19 APS 1.875 -1.35 682.6 226.91 23.94 SH APS 4.875 -1.24 724.1 225.29 24.24 ? AEL1 2.125 635.1 226.12 23.12 AEL1 2.500 690.1 225.07 23.24 SH AEL1 4.125 632.8 225.54 22.98 AEL1 3.625 661.0 226.74 22.85 C I JMWC AEL1 12.500 40.00 3.20 726.5 226.57 22.61 AEL1 3.125 720.7 227.11 22.29 ? AEL4 7CH 3.750 754.0 225.92 22.16 AEL4 M 3.250 693.4 227.38 21.93 ? APS 3.000 774.0 227.11 21.92 AEL1 2.000 -1.25 760. 235.11 22.54 APK 2.375 -1.61 1177. 233.83 22.34 APK 4.625 -1.53 1 1 1 1 . 232.97 22.68 APK 1.875 -1.58 1061. 232.54 22.33 APK 3.625 -1.57 1042. 234.80 21.05 APK 3.000 -1.48 1181. 234.07 21.12 APK 2.375 -1.42 1141. 233.66 20.70 APK 3.125 .40 1126. 231.23 21.92 APK 4.375 .58 978. 231.44 21.58 APK 4.000 .55 994. 230.96 21.13 APK 2.250 .53 976. 230.92 21.14 APK 2.125 .53 973. 230.85 21.15 APK 2.375 ,53 970. 232.30 20.84 APK 2.250 .48 1052. 228.88 21.38 ? APK 3.000 .47 862.3 228.26 21.00 BI APK 5.000 11.50 2.30 -1.39 836.9 229.96 20.90 APS 2.000 -1.50 927.7 230.14 20.79 APS 3.000 -1.50 939.2 230.69 20.02 APS 2.125 -1.46 983.2 230.67 19.98 S APS 2.250 -1.46 983.0 230 .18 19.63 B A APS 4.250 -1.43 965.2 229.23 19.80 APS 2.500 -1.40 912.5 228.63 20.11 APS 2.125 -1.38 874.6 228.27 19.69 HR 1.875 -1.32 865.9 228.33 19.30 b A S M C E MWJ A 3 L HR 8.125 18.25 2.24 -1.30 878.6 227.53 21.39 S APS 2.500 -1.32 791.4 226.95 20.89 AEL1 2.625 - 1.21 771.2 227.48 20.63 AEL1 2.500 -1.27 804.0 226.80 20.71 AEL1 12.875 -1.17 767.3 226.35 20.74 C E SHMW A 2 p 3 MO AEL1 5.125 10.25 2.00 -1.09 743.6 227.22 19.97 AEL1 1.875 - 1.20 805.8 226.57 19.56 AEL1 2.125 1.08 783.6 227.13 18.80 AEL1 2.500 1.16 832.1 226.21 19.00 AEL1 2.500 1.02 781.3 226.24 18.97 AEL1 2.250 1.03 783.7 224.87 18.47 AEL1 3.000 0.77 733.7 234.16 20.39 F P S D C T M A 2 AH 3 M APK 7.875 36.25 4.60 1.36 1158.2 234.80 20.17 APK 4.750 1.33 1196.0 234.77 20.09 APK 2.250 1.32 1195.8 234.13 20.08 APK 2.000 1.34 1162.2 232.40 20.32 APK 3.125 1.44 1066.7 234.64 19.63 APK 2.375 1.29 1197.7 235.27 19.26 F A I D C Q 7JU P 2 A 2 M APK 9.750 21.25 2.17 1.25 1238.1 234.39 19.30 B a S ? C Q IMJ A 3 L 3 M APK 9.375 26.00 2.77 1191.1 234.58 18.83 APK 2.000 1210.9 234.48 17.98 C I MJIT APK 13.750 47.50 3.45 1224.9 234.26 17.92 C Q ? APK 4.875 1214.9 233.10 17.64 APK 2.375 1162.4 231.89 19.37 C Q W A 2 APK 7.250 17.75 2.44 1059.3 231.39 19.13 C Q MW A 2 H 3 M APK 8.250 20.75 2.51 1038.9 231.15 18.93 P 2 2 M APK 4.125 7.75 1.87 1031.2 231.14 18.65 HR 3.000 1037.4 231.31 18.34 HR 2.125 1053.7 234.39 16.46 C Q MI APK 7.625 18.00 2.36 1258.7 234.42 16.32 7 APK 3.750 10.00 2.66 1264.0 234.07 16.09 APK 20.125 1252.7 235.01 15.68 APK 7.625 1311.3 234.82 15.74 APK 2.500 1300.1 234.38 15.38 HR 4 .250 1288.5 233.85 15.70 HR 2.250 -1.01 1252.9 233.90 15.67 HR 2.500 -1.01 1256.2 234.14 15.21 HR 5.625 -1.02 1281.6 231.88 17.26 F A S M C E IM HR 9.500 24.50 2.57 -1.24 1110.7 231.77 16.47 2.250 -0.99 1127.6 231.33 15.33 HR 2.500 -1.22 1141.1 228.04 18.51 C Q H 3 MO HR 10.250 -1.25 885.1 229.34 17.70 C E UW P 2 3 M HR 6.750 14.25 2.11 -1.29 972.2 229.14 16.51 HR 2.000 -0.99 998.7 229.74 15.90 P 2 HR 2.875 7.00 2.43 -1.13 1046.9 230.46 15.05 HR O 7.625 -1.28 1109.1 227.92 16.55 HR 7 3.250 -1.05 939.7 228.00 15.39 HR 7 4.125 - 1.21 983.8 227.56 18.31 HR O 5.375 - 1.21 867.2 227.59 18.16 P 1 1 M HR S 2.500 5.00 2.00 -1.17 873.1 227.15 17.61 C Q IWM G 3 3 M HR Sb 9.375 22.75 2.42 - 1.00 868.8 227.30 17.15 C E WOM G 2 3 M HR S 6.375 12.00 1.88 -0.98 890.8 227.28 16.97 HR s 2.500 - 1.00 895.8 225.94 18.11 AEL1 7 3.750 - 1.00 795.6 227.13 16.21 HR 3.250 -1.08 915.0 225.19 16.63 AEL1 1.875 - 0.68 813. 225.55 15.84 AEL1 2.375 -0.75 858. 226.33 15.20 HR 3.625 -0.95 917. 226.92 15.57 C Q OW HR 6.875 13.75 2.00 -1.08 928. 227.74 15.41 C Q h HR 5.000 -1. 971. 227.83 15.69 HR 16.000 -1. 965. 224.82 15.69 AEL1 3.250 -0. 834. 224.95 15.46 C Q OW 3 M AEL1 7.625 12.25 1.60 2.230 -0, 848. 224.97 15.24 h AEL1 4.250 -0, 858.5 244.43 14.71 HR 3.625 -0. 1575.7 243.73 15.00 F t i M C E U 2 M HR swr 7.000 -0. 1550.1 243.77 14 .70 HR ovr 4.500 -0. 1559.1 244.08 13.23 SF HR 2.250 -0.33 1608.4 244.37 12.39 F P S p C Q MWi A 3 HL 3 M HR S 13.125 37.50 2.85 - 0.10 1640.3 244.59 12.36 CI5 2.250 -0.09 1646.7 244.84 12.28 3.125 -0.07 1655.5 244.61 12.13 7 2.250 -0.05 1654.2 244.36 11 . 93 OWR 2.375 -0.04 1654.4 328

244 . 14 11 .80 i HR 7 3.000 -0.05 1653.0 243. 60 12 .19 I A S M HR O 4.875 -0.14 1627.6 244. 38 11,.45 F P S M Q U A 7 2 M HR S 8.375 18.25 2.17 -0.01 1669.9 244 . 37 11 .24 F A i ra E UTmw A 3 3 M HR S 8.875 21.25 2.39 -0.00 1676.0 244. 49 10 .88 i A s M Q HR 7 4.625 0.00 1690.5 244. 53 10 .41 SF HNU O 2.250 0.00 1706.8 244. 38 10 .00 F C R d P 3 3 2 MO HNU SOT 18.750 51.25 2.73 0.01 1717.1 243. 87 11 .21 S HR 7 2.000 -0.02 1664.8 243. 14 11 .08 F A S M P 3 3 M HR S 13.125 40.50 3.08 -0.05 1651.5 243. 53 10 .35 F c R P 3 O HNU OT 33.750 0.01 1684.7 242. 79 10 .34 ef HNU OT 3.375 01 1667.3 242 . 71 10 .21 uf HNU OT 3.500 02 1669.8 242. 96 9. 746 ef HNU OT 4.500 04 1691.8 243. 95 9. 715 SF HNU OT 3.000 09 1716.2 242. 48 9.418 F A R P HNU OU 13.125 07 1691.8 242. 57 8.1859 F 7 R d 2 MO HNU SOU 15.625 14 1713.4 244. 75 9.1250 S HNU ?U 2.375 04 1751.1 244. 73 9.1D59 s HNU 7U 3.625 06 1757.2 243. 84 s.:398 OF HR OU 23.125 23 1759.7 244. 35 8.:313 I A S M A 2 3 M HR SU 3.750 ,23 1774.4 243. 82 8.i079 S HR su 3.000 12 1770.6 243. 19 7.!949 F P RM P 1 3 M HR SU 24.50 MWI P 3 8.625 15.50 1, 79 2.841 08 1760.5 244. 72 7. 643 I 7 P 2 2 M HR su 3.375 7.50 2 22 03 1807.3 244 . 25 7 ..413 b HR su 3.125 05 1804.5 243. 54 7.:146 F P R M A 4 A1 3 MO HR su 18.750 72.50 3.86 02 1798.3 243. 60 7.:357 SF 2 M NPLD UCR3S 3.125 03 1791.9 242. 91 7.1 017 FCRM P 3 AL 3 MO NPLD SU 17.500 58.75 3.35 -0.00 1788.6 242. 67 7. 060 F A I M 2 MO NPLD ?U 3.625 -0.04 1781.5 244. 79 6. 464 F P R ? 2 MO NPLD ?U 17.500 0.50 1852.0 243. 94 6. 552 S 3.625 0.27 1829.6 242. 25 14 .81 I ASM HR 2.500 -0.85 1517.5 240. 80 14 .60 I A S M AHPE 2.250 -0.91 1486.8 241. 39 13 .85 I A S M HR 5.000 -0.74 1522.8 243. 08 13 .64 I A s M 2.500 -0.50 1571.4 242. 92 13 .29 S 2.500 -0.42 1577.6 242. 50 12 .99 I A s M Q ?h 4.375 -0.41 1576.1 242. 23 12 .82 1 A 3 m h 3.625 -0.41 1574.2 243..17 12 .74 F P IM P 3 LA 3 MO HR S 14.375 66.25 4.60 -0.28 1600. 243.,33 12 .53 I A IM P 2 2 M HR CI49 6.000 10.75 1.79 -0.22 1610. 242. 72 12 .36 I 7 3.750 -0.27 1600. 242.,12 13 .50 7 3.125 -0.57 1551. 241.,47 13 .51 A HR 2.500 -0.66 1534. 241..90 13 .30 SF HR 3.750 -0.55 1551. 242.,01 13 .08 I A s M 3.625 -0.49 1560. 241., 51 13 .26 U HR SO 6.125 -0.60 1543. 241., 69 12 .77 I A s M HR ? 3.125 -0.49 1562 241..65 12 .54 I A s M HR ? 3.250 -0.46 1568 241.,76 11 .98 I A s M HR O 3.625 -0.39 1589.0 241..44 12 .48 OF HR O 2.875 -0.48 1565.5 241.,29 12 .42 S HR ? 2.375 -0.50 1563.4 239.,96 13 .20 I A s M AHPE O 5.000 -0.81 1506.9 240.,14 12 .99 F P s M AHPE S 10.875 26.50 2.43 -0.76 1517.7 239..64 13 .97 OF AHPE O 2.875 -0.95 1475.8 239..35 14 .00 I A AHPE OS 2.250 -0.95 1467.5 239. .23 13 .94 i AHPE OS 2.125 -0.95 1466.3 238. .72 13 .14 IA s AHPE O 5.625 -0.96 1478.3 236..63 13 .97 I A s M AHPE T 4.125 -0.99 1401.2 236 .86 13 .72 F A s M AHPE O 10.750 -0.99 1414.7 236 .12 13 .82 F A s M AHPE ? 21.250 -1.00 1393.5 235 .41 13 .87 B HR ? 4.000 -1.01 1374.4 242 .14 11 .85 sf HR ? 2.375 -0.32 1602.4 241 .14 11 .99 I A s M HR ? 3.750 -0.50 1573.6 241 .24 11 .82 3 HR ? .500 -0.47 1S81.S 240 .67 12 .11 b A s M .500 -0.59 1558.1 240 .32 12 .27 IA s M .375 -0.66 1544.7 240 .20 12 .35 3 .000 -0.68 1539.3 242 .76 11 .33 Sf .375 -0.13 1634.2 241 .73 11 .20 3 ?T .875 -0.22 1613.3 241 .63 11 .03 F A R M P 2 Q HR ST .875 16.25 3.33 -0.19 1616.5 242 .20 10 .60 sf HR OT .250 -0.07 1644.7 241 .74 10 .51 F P s M Q mw HR SKT 10.625 33.2S 3.12 -0.13 1636.8 242 .37 9. 760 F P s M I ?B HNU ST 15.625 73.75 4.72 0.02 1677.1 241 .68 9. 687 F P i m Q ? HNU OT 13.750 0.02 1663.6 241 .80 9. 546 F A I M Q OI HNU ST 5.625 11.25 2.00 0.03 1671.4 241 .37 9. 512 ef HNU OT 7.250 0.04 1662.2 241 .36 9. 421 ef HNU OT 3.375 0.05 1665.4 241 .18 10 .37 3 HR ST 2.750 -0.20 1628.2 241 .28 10 .17 SF 1 MO HR KTO 5.750 -0.14 1637.4 241 .08 10 .00 I A s M C Q shw P 2 3 M HR ST 4.125 15.00 3.63 -0.09 1638.6 240 . 98 9. 751 ef HNU OT 4.375 -0.01 1644.9 240 .37 10 .96 F P I P C T MJWN A 4 AHL 4 MO HR S 25.625 107.50 4.19 -0.53 1588.7 239 . 77 11 .23 3 HR ?WR 3.250 -0.67 1565.3 240 .21 10 .27 SF HR CI102 3.375 -0.42 1608.5 239 .49 10 . 18 S HNU ?T 2.375 -0.68 1594.7 239 .50 10 .13 s HNU ?T 3.000 -0.70 1596.9 240 .59 9. 729 s HNU KOT 2.500 -0.12 1636.3 240 .83 9. 188 ef HNU OT 6.125 -0.05 1661.2 240 .47 9. 388 s HNU KOT 3.250 -0.10 1645.6 240 .10 9. 520 F P I M HR ST 7.375 14.50 1.96 -0.27 1632.5 240 .26 9. 310 3 HNU KOT 3.000 -0.17 1643.8 240 .51 8. 899 3 HNU OST 2.500 -0.23 1664.2 240 .26 8. 886 I A HNU OT 4.000 -0.32 1659.1 241 .08 8. 273 FP R M 4 O HNU OT 57.500 -0.20 1700.4 240 .83 8. 391 ? A C Q 2 MO HNU CF115 7.375 -0.25 1690.1 239 .30 9. 163 S HR ?T 1.875 -0.58 1627.0 239 .13 9. 079 5 HR ?T 2.375 -0.67 1625.9 242 .34 7. 681 s NPLD ?U 2.250 -0.01 1751.1 241 .72 7 . 609 F A H M NPLD OU 30.000 -0.12 1739.6 241 .80 7 . 883 F A H M NPLD OU 22.500 -0.08 1731.3 242 .47 6. 985 F A H M NPLD OU 13.125 -0.09 1779.8 242 .08 6. 962 VF NPLD OU 14.000 -0.19 1772.1 242 .04 7. 079 s NPLD ?U 1.875 -0.18 1766.8 242 .02 6. 439 HF NPLD OU 17.500 -0.25 1790.7 241 .33 7. 318 F A I M NPLD OU 14.750 -0.30 1741.5 241 .04 7. 281 HF NPLD OU 10.250 -0.38 1736.6 241 .15 7. 048 I A NPLD SOU 5.000 -0.42 1747.7 241 .18 6. 543 HF NPLD OU 6.750 -0.50 1768.0 240 .61 7. 037 F H I D NPLD OU 43.500 -0.58 1736.0 240 .77 7. 289 IA NPLD ?U 4.375 -0.46 1730.0 238 .78 7. 390 ? HNU OKT 3.750 -0.97 1681.9 238 .58 7. 199 I A S M HNU OT 5.375 -1.03 1685.0 238 .48 7 . 172 ? HNU OT 3.125 -1.04 1683.8 238 .69 6. 863 s HNU 2.375 -1.02 1700.3 239 .32 12 .47 S HR 3 .000 -0.83 1514.0 237 .42 12 .88 F P i m C Q TBJM A 4 LA 3 M HR 15.000 57.50 3.83 -0.99 1454.8 239 .44 11 .98 i HR 3.375 -0.80 1532.7 238 .63 12 .04 I A HR 2.750 -0.93 1511.0 239 .00 11 .77 IASM HR 4.500 -0.85 1529.1 329

238.79 11.64 U ARM C Q IJM A 2 Q 3 M HR Svr 6.250 19.50 3.12 -0.89 1528.1 238.65 11.63 I A S HR O 3.500 -0.92 1525.1 238.97 11.45 U HR S 3.500 -0.85 1538.8 238.78 11.22 I AS HR 7 3.125 -0.93 1542.3 238.80 11.15 S HR 7 2.375 -0.93 1545.1 238.20 12.35 I AS HR 7 4.375 -0.97 1490.8 238.12 12.21 SF HR 7 2.250 -0.99 1493.4 237.40 12.50 I A s CH Q HR CI138 4.125 -1.00 1466.6 237.59 12.13 ? HR 0 3.750 -1.02 1483.1 237.42 12.09 S HR O 2.625 -1.03 1480.6 238.37 11.71 sf HR OS 2.500 -0.98 1515.7 238.23 11.46 sf HR OS 2.500 -1.02 1520.8 237.69 11.68 I HR 7 2.875 -1.05 1500.6 237.56 11.74 s HR 7 2.500 -1.06 1495.7 237.62 11.27 I A s M HR S 3.000 -1.09 1513.1 237.08 12.71 sf HR C l138 3.250 -1.00 1452.1 236.97 12.59 I A s M HR 7WR 4.250 -1.01 1453.1 236.04 12.49 F ? s M 3 M HR S 14.375 43.75 3.04 -1.01 1434.3 235.85 12.51 7 HR CR160 6.250 -1.01 1428.9 236.33 12.50 s HR CI160 2.000 -1.01 1440.7 236.76 11.92 I A s HR O 3.125 -1.07 1470.6 235.70 11.96 i HR 7 2.625 -1.04 1444.1 236.15 11.31 I A s M HR O 5.125 -1.15 1477.0 238.99 10.04 i HR ?T 3.125 -0.98 1588.0 238.73 10.03 I A s M Q Wm A 2 H 3 M HR ST 7.500 15.50 -1.05 1582.3 238.64 9.595 F P I M Q MW A 3 AL 3 M HR ST 11.875 32.50 -0.94 1596.1 238.37 9.482 ? HR S 2.625 -1.01 1593.7 237.15 10.55 I A s HR OT 3.750 -1.17 1527.1 237.44 9.818 I A s HR O 4.625 -1.07 1560.4 235.34 10.97 ? HR 7 3.625 -1.18 1470.4 235.61 13.29 ? HR 7 3.375 -1.00 1397.6 235.75 12.92 7 A s HR S 10.750 30.00 2.79 -1.00 1413.0 234.95 12.76 i HR 7 3.625 -1.01 1399.1 235.35 12.24 F A s 2 M HR S 9.000 25.00 2.77 -1.02 1426.1 234.83 10.97 ? HR 7 3.000 -1.15 1458.4 237.93 9.169 FPRM Q ?sh 2 MO HR OT 13.750 38.00 2.76 -0.99 1595.2 237.79 9.178 ? HR OT 6.250 -0.99 1591.7 237.81 8.745 I A s M HR ST 3.625 -1.03 1608.3 237.10 9.309 I A s HR OWR 2.875 -1.04 1571.4 237.15 9.158 ? HR 7 3.000 -1.01 1577.9 237.16 8.604 I A s M HR STK 4.250 -1.01 1599.3 236.73 8.513 F A R 2 M HR ST 7.875 23.25 2.95 -1.00 1592.9 234.86 9.378 1 HR CR187 3.250 -1.20 1518.4 235 .40 9.284 7 HR CI187 4.500 -1.16 1534.0 235.86 8.904 I HR CI187 3.500 -1.09 1558.8 236.17 9.156 i HR CI187 2.375 -1.10 1555.9 235.58 9.744 I A HR CI187 3.500 -1.22 1520.7 235.27 10.11 I A S HR CI187 3.375 -1.28 1499.9 234.95 10.14 I AS HR CI187 3.000 -1.28 1491.5 235.04 7.852 i a HNU 7 5.000 -1.00 1581.9 235.69 6.761 S HNU 7 3.000 -1.01 1639.6 236.41 8.188 I A s HNU 7T 3.500 -1.04 1598.4 237.91 7.688 i HNU 7T 2.875 -1.06 1650.9 244.47 5.967 IAI NPLD 7T 6.750 0.41 1863.5 243.15 6.273 F A R M NPLD OU 54.375 0.07 1822.1 243.46 6.337 F 7 RM NPLD OU 24.375 0.18 1826.9 242.60 6.5522 HF NPLD OU 21.250 -0.08 1799.4 242.53 6.245 SF NPLD OU 3.125 -0.08 1809.3 243.71 5.787 HF NPLD OU 18.750 0.04 1853.3 243.96 5.814 EF NPLD OU 8.750 0.13 1858.1 244.51 5.519 HF NPLD OU 13.125 0.31 1881.5 244 .23 5.543 s NPLD 7U 3.375 0.14 1874.3 244.82 5.446 s NPLD ?U 2.625 0.54 1891.4 244.40 5.184 S NPLD 7U 2.375 0.26 1892.2 244.87 4.753 HF NPLD OU 36.250 0.89 1919.1 244.14 4.873 S NPLD ?U 3.625 0.35 1898.5 244.07 4.861 EF NPLD OU 4.875 0.34 1897.2 243.98 4.863 EF NPLD OU 5.875 0.29 1895.4 243.80 4.917 VF NPLD OU 7.000 0.08 1889.3 243 .49 5.077 F P R M C I UOW P 2 3 M NPLD SU 10.000 22.50 2.25 -0.21 1876.0 244.12 4.637 S NPLD 7U 2.250 0.84 1907.4 244.19 4 .382 HF P NPLD OU 9.375 1.44 1918.7 243.93 4.364 VF NPLD OU 5.375 1.39 1913.8 243.65 4.380 HF NPLD OU 23.500 1.26 1907.0 244.85 3.835 VF NPLD OU 4.375 2.37 1954.9 244.87 3.592 HF NPLD OU 7.500 2.36 1965.0 244.85 3.432 HF NPLD OU 7.125 2.35 1971.0 244.88 3.201 HF NPLD OU 10.000 2.41 1981.2 244.11 3.796 S NPLD OSU 3.250 2.22 1940.4 244.11 3.686 S NPLD ?U 2.500 2.25 1944.8 243.54 3.948 EF NPLD OU 5.875 1.62 1922.1 243.63 3.888 F P i NPLD SOU 8.625 1.80 1926.3 243.73 3.636 S NPLD ?U 3.125 2.13 1938.6 243.74 3.546 EF NPLD OU 6.250 2.12 1942.7 243.89 3.400 EF NPLD OU 5.625 2.18 1951.6 243.93 3.262 S NPLD OS 3.125 2.16 1958.1 244.24 3.475 VF NPLD OU 4.125 2.28 1956.3 244.18 3.397 S NPLD ?U 2.625 2.25 1958.2 244.27 3.061 I A s NPLD SU 4.375 2.28 1973.5 244.14 3.039 VF NPLD OU 3.875 .25 1971.8 244.55 2.832 HF NPLD OU 16.000 .34 1988.8 244.82 2.551 F P R M NPLD OSU 14.000 .54 2006.3 244 .44 2.511 EF NPLD OU 9.250 .76 1999.8 243.81 2.740 HF NPLD OU 8.875 .32 1976.8 244.78 1.791 HF NPLD OU 12.500 .19 2036.8 244.75 1.610 I A I 2 M NPLD SU 8.125 20.00 2.46 .18 2043.4 244.53 1.960 HF NPLD OU 8.875 .14 2024.3 244.03 2.143 VF NPLD OU 16.250 .92 2006.2 244.66 1.403 S NPLD OU 4.500 .11 2050.4 244.06 1.522 F P IM 3 MO NPLD OSU 16.000 .11 2032.9 243.97 1.972 I NPLD ?U 4.000 .01 2012.0 243.86 2.115 S NPLD ?U 3.625 .87 2004.0 243.76 2.255 VF NPLD OU 5.500 .71 1996.0 243.59 2.028 s NPLD ?U 2.500 .79 2001.7 243.27 2.630 HF NPLD OU 9.750 2.04 1970.0 242.93 2.531 s NPLD OU 3.375 1.67 1966.9 242.77 2.597 s NPLD OU 4.500 1.41 1960.8 242.66 2.635 s NPLD OU 4.000 1.25 1957.1 242.68 2.424 i NPLD OSU 5.625 1.46 1966.4 242.61 2.314 F 7 SM NPLD SU 9.000 1.48 1969.3 242.61 2.892 F C 7 M 3 M NPLD SU 7.875 17.00 2.15 .10 1945.2 243.13 3.972 s NPLD ?U 3.625 .11 1912.1 242.99 3.833 S NPLD ?U 2.000 .11 1914.7 242.86 3.522 s NPLD ?U 3.000 .51 1924.8 243.43 1.523 F A S M NPLD OU 11.250 .88 2019.6 242.97 1.851 HF NPLD OU 18.125 .44 1996.2 243.14 1.255 S NPLD ?U 3.125 .71 2025.2 242.97 1.178 F P 7 M NPLD ?U 8.750 2.58 2024.8 330

242.01 459 A S M CH D NPLD OU 67.500 3.09 1993.1 242.24 898 NPLD R266U 3.500 2.09 1979.4 242.33 087 ? i C l ? NPLD R266U 10.000 24.75 2.47 3.01 2015.6 241.84 664 NPLD ?U 2.500 3.65 2024.2 241.91 466 NPLD ?U 2.875 7.00 2.43 3.38 2034.0 241.79 138 FpIM C I HO P ? H 1 MO NPLD SU 11.750 30.00 2.55 2.65 2045.9 241.33 734 S NPLD ?U 2.375 3.13 2010.7 240.71 893 I NPLD ?U 2.625 3.02 1991.4 241.03 039 HF W NPLD OU 15.625 2.33 2035.2 240.69 001 S NPLD ?U 2.625 2.12 2030.2 245.07 031 F ASM CD NPLD OU 100.000 2.05 2116.7 244.49 210 NPLD F277U 4.250 2.14 2097.2 244.14 335 NPLD OU 8.250 2.30 2084.9 243.63 811 AIM Cl? NPLD OSU 13.750 2.70 2053.9 243.34 225 NPLD ?U 4.000 2.29 2073.4 243.26 008 01 A 2 NPLD SU 5.000 9.50 1.90 2.16 2081.2 242.34 788 NPLD ?U 3.000 -0.18 1823.0 241.70 124 pIM CQ?W P 2 2 MO NPLD SU 9.750 20.00 2.05 -0 .3 6 1795.8 241.84 864 NPLD OU 5.000 -0.35 1809.0 243.01 830 NPLD OU 3.125 0.01 1875.2 242.74 009 NPLD OU 4.750 - 0.12 1862.4 242.92 585 NPLD OU 4.625 0.42 1883.2 242.56 901 NPLD OU 11.375 -0 .0 9 1862.8 242.63 130 NPLD OU 9.375 0.48 1894.9 242.12 775 2 M NPLD SU 3.750 -0.15 1858.2 241.98 701 NPLD ?U 2.875 -0 .1 9 1858.1 241.84 823 NPLD OU 11.250 -0.32 1850.2 241.82 077 NPLD OU 10.375 -0.44 1839.6 241.69 768 NPLD ?U 2.500 -0 .3 9 1849.0 241.28 265 NPLD OU 5.875 -0.73 1820.4 241.19 432 NPLD ?U 2.500 -0 .7 6 1811.6 241.34 765 NPLD OU 5.750 -0.58 1841.7 241.13 879 NPLD OU 10.625 -0.71 1832.4 240.66 982 AS ? NPLD ?U 4.375 1778.4 240.25 665 ASM C Q Wm 2 M NPLD SU 3.875 8.75 2.25 1742.4 240.12 112 ASM ? HNU ?T 4.375 1761.5 239.73 746 HNU OT 6.750 1727.8 239.57 706 HNU ?T 2.750 1726.3 239.49 374 ? R M Cl? HNU ?T 10.375 1737.1 239.34 988 AS ? HNU ?T 4.125 1710.0 239.15 301 HNU ?T 2.750 1732.6 239.09 357 HNU ?T 3.250 1729.1 240.08 233 NPLD ?U 2.750 1795.7 239.93 485 HNU ?T 3.375 1782.1 238.97 380 AS CEMt 3 M HNU ST 6.125 13.25 2.16 1765.8 239.18 246 A S HNU ?T 3.750 1775.9 238.62 564 ASM C Q ? 2 M HNU ST 5.875 11.50 1.95 1792.2 242.56 323 NPLD OU 8.375 1926.6 242.05 910 NPLD ?U 2.375 1932.7 242.01 129 NPLD OU 5.250 1881.7 241.29 490 NPLD OU 5.875 1892.6 241.11 735 NPLD OU 3.750 1878.7 240.77 710 NPLD OU 4.375 1872.6 241.55 879 FPIM C T Wm A3 3 M NPLD SU 12.250 30.00 2.44 1923.5 241.37 038 NPLD ?U 2.375 1913.1 241.00 485 NPLD OU 26.250 1928.9 241.90 005 NPLD ?U 2.500 1967.8 241.03 324 1 A S M C Q ? NPLD F324U 3.250 5.75 1.76 1936.2 241.26 202 NPLD OU 12.375 1989.2 240.63 918 ? R M C Q ? NPLD SU 6.625 18.75 2.83 1945.4 240.42 400 A S NPLD OU 4.250 1963.7 240.23 ,360 NPLD OU 10.000 1961.4 240.26 ,521 P R M CH Q NPLD ?U 11.500 1955.2 240.24 , 909 NPLD ?U 2.625 1938.1 240.58 328 A S NPLD ?U 3.000 0.23 1927.0 240.60 ,507 NPLD ?U 3.250 -0.13 1919.8 240.72 ,984 NPLD OU 4.250 -0.46 1902.1 240.57 ,911 P s NPLD ?U 7.250 -0.49 1901.8 240.40 .808 A S NPLD ?U 4.375 -0.50 1902.9 240.15 ,757 NPLD OU 4.375 -0.49 1899.7 239.99 ,767 NPLD OU 9.375 -0.47 1896.0 240.27 ,257 P R M CD? NPLD SOU 14.125 38.75 2.74 -0.73 1881.0 240.20 .885 A S NPLD OU 4.875 - 0.88 1853.5 240.09 ,558 NPLD ?U 2.375 - 1.02 1823.2 240.05 .666 ? I M Cl NPLD OU 10.000 -0.84 1859.3 239.80 .881 A S NPLD OU 3.000 -0.87 1845.3 239.60 .233 NPLD OU 3.250 -0.94 1826.5 239.85 .306 NPLD OU 7.500 -0.73 1870.3 239.48 .194 A R M CH T 4 O NPLD OU 30.000 -0.62 1867.6 239.39 .170 A ? P C Q 3 MO NPLD F247U 4.625 -0.58 1866.5 239.65 .217 ? R ? C T 3 O NPLD F247U 14.000 -0.67 1869.9 239.41 .974 CRM C T 3 O NPLD OT 15.000 -0.84 1833.1 239.41 .206 A R ? C Q ? NPLD OT 4.500 -0.93 1823.4 239.99 .512 NPLD ? 2.250 2.27 1950.0 239.92 .601 NPLD SU 3.750 2.10 1945.0 239.80 .503 ASM C E U? NPLD SU 5.2S0 8.75 1.66 .21 1946.8 239.69 ,687 NPLD OU 4.625 .65 1936.4 239.47 .071 ASM C T P 2 MO NPLD SU 11.250 28.75 2.55 .67 1915.3 239.34 .912 NPLD OU 6.375 .44 1876.7 239.15 .571 NPLD OU 2.625 .66 1844.6 239.12 .903 NPLD ?T 2.000 .81 1830.2 238.72 .595 F ? I M HNU OT 12.500 .68 1834.9 238.61 .449 I HNU OT 5.125 .60 1838.7 238.65 .793 F p C Q HNU OT 4.875 .81 1824.9 237.83 326 F A S M C Q UO 3 M HNU ST 6.375 12.75 2.00 0.42 1871.4 237.87 .824 HNU KT 3.500 -0.05 1850.5 240.08 .173 NPLD OU 5.375 2.72 1966.8 239.97 .421 NPLD OU 6.875 2.22 1997.5 239.98 .485 NPLD R366U 3.750 2.36 1995. 239.32 .692 NPLD OU 9.375 2.17 1973. 239.41 .308 NPLD OU 9.125 1991. 239.34 207 2 M NPLD SU 4.250 11.75 2.76 1995. 239.19 .316 NPLD OU 2.375 1987. 239.04 .255 NPLD OU 2.375 1987. 238.66 .162 NPLD CRU 5.000 1983. 238.37 .021 ? R M Cl 3 M NPLD OU 15.000 1984. 238.57 .764 NPLD OU 20.625 1955.0 238.42 686 AIM C Q BM 3 MO NPLD F375U 8.500 30.00 3.52 1955.8 238.45 .815 NPLD F375U 3.375 1950.4 238.53 . 998 NPLD OU 6.250 1943.8 238.55 .348 NPLD OU 5.625 1928.7 237.95 .219 NPLD ?U 2.750 1967.5 237.79 .156 NPLD OU 6.500 1967.3 237.52 ,561 P 20 2 M NPLD SU 5.125 10.00 1.95 1944.1 237.24 .154 NPLD OU 3.375 1957.2 237.53 ,345 AIM C Q MWO A 2 3 M HNU ST 7.250 15.75 2.17 -1.05 1695.8 236.96 .756 PIM C T ? 3 MO HNU OT 24.625 -1.08 1667.2 236.75 .479 HNU ?T 2.500 -1.04 1673.7 331

236.17 7.281 S HNU 7T 2.375 -1.06 1628.9 238.17 4.995 S HNU ST 2.125 -1.00 1764.6 237.36 5.255 HF P HNU OT 16.250 -1.00 1737.0 237.56 5.082 F 7 I M C Q Bjm P 2 HNU ST 6.875 16.25 2.36 -1.00 1748.4 237.12 3.972 F P S M APK OT 24.000 -1.12 1786.1 237.43 3.781 FA I M APK ST 5.625 11.25 2.00 -1.03 1800.4 237.44 3.710 S APK ?T 4.000 -1.02 1803.9 236.65 4.125 F A I M APK OT 13.125 -1.18 1769.8 236.98 3.101 I A s M APKOKT 3.750 -0.73 1820.9 237.08 6.004 i A s M HNU ST 4.750 10.50 2.21 -1.03 1700.3 236.94 6.077 ? HNU ?T 2.750 -1.03 1694.3 236.80 6.178 7 HNU ?T 3.375 -1.03 1687.2 236.72 5.291 i A s M HNU 7T 4 .000 -1.00 1722.2 236.25 5.747 i A s M HNU 7wrT 3.500 -1.00 1693.1 236.05 6.012 I A HNU?T 2.500 -1.00 1678.0 235.96 5.451 7 HNU ?T 3.625 -0.99 1699.7 235.41 6.000 I A s HNU 7T 3.125 -0.99 1665.1 235.50 5.564 I A s HNU ST 3.125 -0.99 1685.4 235.02 6.072 F 7 R M HNU ST 5.250 -0.99 1654.1 235.80 4.785 s HNU 7 3.250 -1.00 1724.5 234.96 5.237 FAS M HNU OT 21.375 -0.99 1688.1 235.33 4.044 I AS Q ? APK S 4.750 -1.08 1746.7 235.06 3.992 F A I M Q MW APK ST 7.500 17.50 2.33 -1.06 1743.7 236.51 3.730 s f APK?T 3.000 -1.311784.0 235.78 3.134 I APK ?T 2.625 -1.04 1795.6 235.38 2.887 S APK ?T 2.375 -0.96 1798.6 235.15 2.626 7 HNU ?T 2.500 -0.87 1805.6 235.44 2.011 7 HNU OT 5.500 0.03 1838.9 235.57 1.534 7 HNU OT 5.625 0.85 1862.7 237.54 1.385 I A s NPLD ?U 3.125 1.54 1907.5 237.25 0.759 HF NPLD OU 11.250 2.13 1929.8 237.16 0.684 HF NPLD OU 11.875 2.14 1931.7 236.93 0.088 HF NPLD OU 8.750 2.12 1954.2 236.69 0.175 HF p NPLDOU 25.625 2.091945.7 236.83 0.316 7 NPLD OU 6.875 2.07 1941.9 236.75 0.430 B NPLD ?U 4.250 2.04 1935.2 236.62 0.541 7 NPLD?U 3.375 2.131927.9 236.92 0.880 VF NPLD OU 3.750 2.04 1918.2 236.20 0.451 i NPLD ?U 2.875 2.06 1924.1 235.83 0.327 VF NPLD OU 5.625 2.00 1922.7 235.46 0.308 S NPLDOT 2.500 2.01 1916.9 235.22 0.059 F A s M NPLDST 6.125 14.002.28 1.98 1924.0 238.74 4.738 I A s M HNU ST 5.250 10.00 1.90 -0.99 1787.5 241.35 3.997 VF NPLDOU 5.125 -0.591873.0 233.30 13.94 UF HR O 16.250 -1.06 1280.5 233.00 14 .04 s HR O 2.500 -1.10 1262.9 232.67 14.13 I HR 7 3.125 -1.15 1244.2 232.77 13.88 UF HR O 6.875 -1.03 1257.2 232.60 13.87 UF HRO 6.875 -1.03 1249.5 231.85 14.50 b A s HR SO 5.875 11.25 1.91 -1.20 1193.0 231.27 13.73 OF HR o 9.000 -1.02 1192.3 231.28 13.48 s HR 7 2.250 -1.15 1201.6 229.83 14.62 i HR 7 3.625 -1.30 1094.6 228.99 14 .46 S HR 7 2.125 -1.20 1062.2 228.49 14.54 I AI C Q IMJ A 3 HRS 6.37520.25 3.17 -1.19 1036.9 229.35 13.28 s HR S 2.375 -1.24 1122.5 234.37 13.62 F A s M C Q MWC G 3 HR s 9.7S0 27.50 2.82 -1.01 1342.2 233.16 13.49 s HRs 2.500 -1.07 1288.8 233.10 13.27 OF HR o 2.875 -1.11 1293.4 233.35 12.97 s HR 7 2.250 -1.09 1315.4 234.16 12.35 S HR 7 2.375 -1.02 1374.8 233.70 12.43 i HR 7 4.500 -1.04 1350.5 233.42 12.19 s HR 7 2.750 -1.05 1346.0 233.23 12.16 s HR 7 2.625 -1.06 1338.4 233.13 11.99 UF HR O 3.000 -1.06 1339.9 234.42 11.95 I A HR 7 4.000 -1.01 1400.9 234.04 11.34 f A s M HR S 17.500 52.50 3.00 -1.02 1405.1 232.33 12.56 i HR 7 4.625 -1.14 1282.7 232.60 12.18 OF HR O 5.250 -1.10 1308.8 231.60 12.64 OF HR O 4.375 -1.19 1246.6 232.18 11.60 s HR7 2.500 -1.09 1311.5 232.03 11.25 7 HR 7 5.000 -1.08 1318.2 231.25 11.45 I A s M HRS 3.5007.25 2.07 -1.14 1276.3 231.58 10.74 S HR 7 2.750 -1.08 1318.5 231.34 10.84 s HR 7 3.750 -1.10 1304.2 231.12 10.80 I A s HR S 4.500 8.00 1.77 -1.11 1296.4 229.26 13.03 I A s M HR s 5.00012.SO2.50 -1.26 1128.2 229.29 12.74 OF HR OWR 4.625 -1.26 1140.8 229.52 12.66 i HR SO 3.750 -1.26 1153.9 229.34 12.21 I A HR S 4.375 -1.24 1164.1 229.24 12.06 1 A s M HR s 6.375 13.00 2.03 -1.23 1165.9 229.04 12.23 I HR 7 3.875 -1.23 1150.6 229.38 11.83 s HR 7 3.750 -1.22 1181.1 231.31 10.17 F A s M Q U HR S 11.25031.25 2.77 -1.06 1329.9 229.92 10.28 F A s M Q U HR SWR 6.250 14.25 2.28 -1.11 1267.7 227.43 13.88 F A s M E MI HR S 7.000 16.50 2.35 -1.02 1016.2 228.03 11.56 i HR 7 3.625 -1.15 1137.0 225.50 13.29 B A s E ? APS S 5.000 -0.74 962.5 226.42 11.70 F A s M E ?W APSS 5.87515.50 2.63 -0.98 1068.1 227.36 11.07 b ? APS S 4.500 -1.09 1132.0 227.15 10.58 i A ? APS?S 3.125 6.502.08 -0.99 1146.0 226.42 10.38 B ? APS7 3.750 8.252.20 -1.01 1128.3 227.01 9.936 F A s M ? APS 7 6.000 -1.04 1170.2 225.57 10.33 FP s P I H APS O 26.875 -0.95 1100.7 224.86 11.85 s APS 7 2.750 -0.65 1004.1 225.57 9.161 S APS 7 2.250 -1.04 1157.0 225.33 9.244 s APS 7 2.500 -1.01 1145.0 225.64 8.991 F A I M APS S 6.250 14.00 2.24 -1.01 1167.6 225.33 8.895 B APS S 3.000 -1.00 1162.2 224.98 8.666 B A s M MW APS s 5.250 9.50 1.81 -1.00 1162.4 224.97 6.954 B ? APS s 4.125 9.25 2.24 -1.16 1248.7 234.26 10.22 s f HR 7 3.625 -1.19 1456.5 234.28 8.990 S HR OCI65 3.250 -1.18 1504.7 233.80 8.820 s HR OCI65 3.625 -1.15 1490.6 233.76 8.878 i HR OCI65 4.750 -1.16 1486.6 233.64 8.652 F A s M HR 7CI65 9.125 -1.13 1490.4 234.21 8.252 F C s M HR SO 51.250 165.00 3.22 -1.07 1531.0 233.93 7.554 s HR 7 2.375 -1.01 1547.5 233.26 9.310 i HR 7 5.375 -1.16 1447.8 233.11 9.612 7 HR 7 2.500 -1.06 1429.3 233.50 8.139 FA HR CI65 11.250 -1.05 1505.3 232.66 9.305 s HR 7 3.125 -1.03 1422.2 233.09 7.684 F A HR OS 8.375 17.50 2.09 -1.01 1507.0 232.99 7.728 S HR 7 3.750 -1.01 1501.1 232.76 7.946 7 HR 7 2.875 -1.02 1482.4 232.85 8.201 i A s M HR S 6.875 16.00 2.32 -1.05 1475.5 231.58 9.906 s HR s 2.000 -1.04 1352.1 231.60 9.669 s HR s 3.125 -1.03 1362.6 332

231.92 8.504 F A R C Q U P H 2 MO HR S 6.875 17.50 2.54 -1.02 1424.4 231.938.341S HR7 2.750 -1.03 1431.7 231.67 8.047 I A C E u 3 M HR S 5.625 12.00 2.13 -1.01 1433.6 230.69 9.740 I A 7 HR OS 4.875 -1.06 1321.9 231.03 8.858 7 A ru wT HR S 5.125 12.00 2.34 -1.02 1373.1 230.71 8.975 f HR 7 3.500 -1.03 1355.2 230.27 9.142 I A 7 HR ?wr 4.250 -1.04 1330.4 230.18 9.416 s HR ?wr 3.125 -1.06 1315.0 230.64 8.495 i AS M c E u P 2 2 M APS S 6.375 14.50 2.27 -1.01 1373.1 230.26 8.756 IA S M APS 7 4.250 -1.02 1346.7 229.76 8.521 7 APS 7 .625 -1.00 1337.6 228.8711.22s HR 7 .750 -1.17 1185.3 228.69 10.81 S HR 7 .625 -1.14 1195.5 228.68 10.64 s HR 7 .750 -1.13 1202.4 228.00 11.36 7 ASM c E W A 2 3 M HR S .625 11.25 2.00 -1.14 1144.4 228.04 11.16 S HR 7 .625 -1.15 1154.6 233.94 7.020 F A S M c E 7 A 2 O 2 M HR S .125 10.75 -0.99 1570.0 234.01 6.732 I A S M c E 7 A 2 O 2 M HR S 3.250 8.75 -1.00 1585.0 233.96 6.156SF HNUS 2.500 -0.99 1607.3 233.83 6.203 F 70T P 1 OH 1 M HNU S 2.625 -0.99 1600.0 233.77 6.383 7 7 HNU S 2.500 -0.99 1589.9 232.96 6.504 F A s M c Q IW P 2 L 2 M HNU s 5.375 17.50 3.25 -1.00 1551.9 233.62 4.272 UF APK o 68.750 -1.00 1676.0 233.77 4.598 F A I M c Q IO A 2 3 M APK CR110 8.625 24.00 -1.00 1667.4 233.93 4.017 FA s OT A 1 2 M APK CF110 2.500 5.50 -1.00 1699.4 232.95 5.186 F A s M OT A 1 2 M APK s 2.500 4.75 -1.00 1609.3 234.35 3.406 S APK K 2.500 -1.01 1742.9 234.87 2.608 I A s M c Q OWI A 2 3 M HNU S 3.750 9.25 -0.93 1798.7 234.70 2.649 I A s 7 HNU S 3.500 6.75 -1.02 1790.3 233.80 2.963 F 7 s M c T 7 2 MO HNU S 16.625 -0.99 1741.8 233.97 2.956 I A s c Q 7 2 M HNU CI117 4.500 -0.99 1748.6 233.70 3.430 i HNU CI117 2.500 -1.00 1716.9 232.85 3.045 i A s c E 7 P 7 1 M HNU S 3.750 -0.80 1702.6 232.10 3.760 F A s M c Q O P 1 Ha 3 M HNU 7 3.375 -0.69 1642.0 234 .40 1.746 BF HNU O 8.125 -0.05 1819.9 233.98 1.801 F P s M c T ITW P 3 A 2 MO HNU s 25.000 80.00 3.20 -0.59 1801.8 233.54 2.100 F A R M c Q HO A 2 AH 3 M HNU s 6.875 16.25 2.36 -0.95 1771.7 233.48 2.254 I A s c Q MW P 3 3 M HNU s 4.000 10.00 2.50 -0.99 1762.4 233.15 2.206 F A s M c Q PA 7 A 3 M APK s 8.125 30.00 3.69 -0.98 1752.6 232.11 2.675 F AI CH Q IWq P 2 2 M APK s o 6.750 16.00 2.37 -0.32 1693.1 231.84 3.057 b f APK 0 4.875 -0.27 1665.5 232.21 6.940 s HNU 7 3.375 -1.00 1503.1 232.29 6.515 7 7 HNU 7 6.875 -1.00 1524.8 232.02 6.088 F A s M CH Q HNU OS 12.375 -1.00 1533.1 232.18 5.566 F A s M C T 2 O HNU OT 24.375 -1.00 1562.6 231.31 8.493 F A s M c E O I A 3 3 M HR S 8.250 18.50 2.24 -1.00 1400.0 230.49 8.186 I A s HR 7 2.500 -1.00 1380.7 230.90 6.607 FCIP c T IBMJT P 4 A 3 O CS 33.125 135.00 -1.00 1466.9 231.66 6.629 SF C 7 4.750 -1.00 1495.1 231.35 6.217 SF C M 5.125 -1.00 1501.6 231.37 5.467 IC 7 3.125 -1.00 1536.4 231.13 5.891 F A I c Q 7 c 7 6.250 -1.00 1508.1 230.30 5.948 F PIM c I hMJB P 4 AL 2 MO APS S 21.875 97.50 4.45 -0.98 1474.7 230.37 5.382 I HNU 7 3.875 -1.06 1503.6 230 .21 4.872 s f HNU 7 2.625 -1.02 1521.9 229.84 4.311 I A s c E IH P 2 1 M HNU S 4.875 -0.88 1535. 229.84 7.170 F A s c E H P 2 2 M APS S 6.375 13.25 2.07 -1.01 1401. 230.21 6.831 s f APS 7 2.500 -1.00 1430. 229.78 6.765 F 7 APS 7 4.125 -1.01 1417. 228.43 8.509 F A s M c Q ?OT P 1 1 M APS S 5.000 12.50 2.50 -1.09 1288. 228.13 8.643 1 A s c Q H APS O 6.250 -1.10 1270. 227.25 9.014 b 7 APS 7 3.500 - 1.12 1221. 227.94 8.049 I A s M c Q 7 APS S 6.875 15.00 -1.02 1291. 228.06 7.784 B A c Q IH P 2 2 M APS S 3.000 10.00 -1.01 1308.3 227.59 7.593 I A s M c E 7 APS 7 6.500 -1.01 1300.9 228.13 7.065 F A s M c Q MJHI A 4 4 M APS S 11.875 75.00 6.31 -1.01 1344.8 229.77 5.502 b UO Tw C 7 3.000 -0.98 1476.5 228.82 5.319 F P I P CH T hBJU CO 48.125 190.00 -1.00 1452.3 228.73 4.962 I C CR158 8.375 -1.00 1466.6 228.21 6.068 I A C cil58 3.750 -1.01 1395.5 229.25 4.309 SF C CI158 2.750 -1.00 1515.8 227.76 5.4 92 FAIM C O 9.250 -1.01 1408.7 227.13 5.561 I A s c E MH A 2 3 M APS S 6.500 14.75 2.26 -1.00 1385.0 227.05 8.427 I A R 7 c Q MH A 2 3 M APS S 6.625 13.00 1.96 -1.03 1242.5 226.28 7.759 I 7 c E ?sh APS S 5.875 11.75 -1.00 1248.9 226.90 6.754 s APS S 2.875 7.50 -1.01 1318.5 225.62 6.910 s APS S 2.250 -1.18 1270.4 225.47 6.950 s APS S 2.500 -1.19 1263.8 225.70 6.501 I A c Q MIH A 3 L 2 M APS S 6.750 17.50 2.59 -1.17 1293.5 225.41 6.196 I APS 7 4 .125 -1.19 1300.5 226.64 5.377 s APS 7 2.875 -1.07 1379.0 226.87 4.486 F P s M c Q MBOT P 3 3 M APS S 12.375 41.25 3.33 -1.04 1431.1 226.81 4.205 I A s c Q Hml P 2 2 M APS S 6.625 13.75 2.07 -1.03 1443.7 226.59 4.272 I A 7 APS S 4.625 -1.04 1433.7 226.63 4 .209 I A 7 APS S 5.500 -1.03 1438.1 226.17 4.530 F A s M c Q MWBU P 3 2 M APS S 8.750 21.50 2.45 -1.07 1408.2 225.68 4.744 BF APS O 10.000 -1.11 1383.1 225.77 4.295 s APS s 2.875 -1.08 1408.9 224.99 4.672 I APS 7 5.750 -1.14 1367.7 225.25 4.269 I A ?U APS S 8.750 -1.10 1395.9 224.99 3.675 I A APS 7 5.000 -1.07 1420.3 225.36 3.394 I A s ?sh APS O 9.125 -1.04 1444.9 233.46 1.879 SF APK o 5.625 -0.84 1779.1 234.88 1.103 F 7 HNU ST 6.125 13.00 2.12 0.94 1867.3 232.91 1.237 I A s OU HNU ST 6.000 13.75 2.29 -0.06 1789.5 233.85 0.600 SF HNU ?T 4.125 1.52 1853.0 233.85 0.515 I NPLD 7T 750 1.62 1857.0 233.51 0.641 7 HNU OT 625 1.29 1839.0 233.07 0.547 EF NPLD O 000 1.21 1827.9 231.02 2.830 7 C CI200 125 0.00 1647.5 229.59 3.358 S APS 9 375 -0.50 1573.6 230.48 2.688 B C CI200 000 -0.01 1636.0 230.90 2.163 F C I M c T ?U c O 38.750 157.50 4.06 -0.03 1675.6 231.96 2.364 7 A s c E OU 2 M APS ST 6.125 18.75 3.06 -0.19 1702.5 232.10 2.148 7 APS 7 3.625 -0.22 1717.7 232.29 2.135 7 APS 7 5.875 -0.30 1725.0 232.40 2.144 7 APS 7 2.500 -0.34 1728.5 232.52 1.480 F P R c D APS OT 12.250 -0.33 1764.2 232.20 1.215 s f APS ?T 3.250 0.03 1765.7 232.21 0.594 EF HNU OT 10.500 1.11 1796.0 231.60 0.961 I A s M c E u APS ST 5.875 13.00 2.21 0.46 1757.6 230.92 0.707 F c I M c Q UMH P 3 L 2 M APS ST 15.000 41.25 2.75 0.92 1747.6 230.39 -0.260 EF HNU OT 5.500 1.09 1778.9 228.72 4.122 F p IM c Q IH A 2 3 M APS S 8.250 15.75 -0.96 1507.4 227.42 4 .070 i A UO APS s 3.750 8.00 -1.00 1468.9 228.39 3 .294 BF APS o 2.000 -0.71 1538.0 228.11 2.855 I 7 APS 7 4.500 -0.55 1551.5 227.77 3.364 S APS 7 2.375 -0.93 1515.3 333

227.60 3.253 I APS ? 4.875 -0.97 1515.8 227.39 3.560 I APS 7 5.625 -1.00 1493.9 227.09 3.752 ? APS ? 3.125 -1.01 1475.1 227.24 3.134 S APS S 2.500 -1.00 1511.2 226.90 3.337 I A S M CQ MW A 2 t 3M APS S 6.375 14.50 2.27 -1.00 1490.8 226.88 3.195 7 APS 7 3.000 -1.00 1497.5 226.51 3.046 IASMCQU 2 2H APS S 6.875 19.50 2.83 -1.00 1494.7 225.86 2.229 i A C E MW P 2 2M APS CI239 5.625 11.75 2.08 -1.00 1519.7 229.71 0.781 I A C Q U 2 M HNU ST 4.750 10.00 2.10 0.91 1705.4 229.22 0.763 F 7 I M C Q HNU T 11.250 0.41 1691.3 229.08 0.392 I 7 APS ?T 3.125 0.62 1706.0 228.13 1.544 FASMCQUW P2H 3M APS ST 50.00 IF P 12.000 22.50 1.87 4.167 -0.18 1618.9 228.52 1.399 FASMCEO A1 3M APS C0227 15.75 IF A 7 0 3.750 6.25 1.66 4.200 -0.00 1637.9 228.50 1.073 I APS 7T 2.125 0.00 1653.9 228.61 0.664 7 APS ?T 3.625 0.15 1678.2 228.34 0.396 I A S Ush P 1 APS SOT 2.375 5.00 2.10 0.51 1684.1 228.57 0.135 F APS ?T 2.250 0.74 1704.2 227.35 0.586 U C ?T 10.375 -0.20 1646.4 226.25 0.800 F P S P C T Jsh P 4 3 MO APS ST 42.500 180.00 4.23 -1.13 1605.7 226.44 1.361 I Ou 1 2 M C CI235 2.375 5.25 2.21 -1.00 1581.0 226.38 1.374 sf C CI235 2.375 -1.00 1578.7 226.63 1.782 sf C CI235 3.000 -0.99 1564.0 226.37 2.390 FPSPCTU P3 2 HO APS S 25.000 96.25 3.85 -1.00 1525.0 226.75 0.073 EF APS OKT 3.500 -1.09 1657.3 226.84 -0.082 FASMCQOU 7 2M HNU ST 4.125 9.00 2.18 -0.90 1667.9 226.79 -0.412 I HNU ?T 2.500 -0.81 1684.1 226.37 -0.270 EF HNU OT 2.250 -1.46 1665.8 225.78 -0.068 F HNU OT 2.500 -1.09 1640.3 201.71 29.74 SF AEL1 S 2.250 1.00 679.1 201.54 29.66 IARMCHI? P1H 1 HO AEL1 SO 7.875 15.25 1.93 1.02 685.5 201.61 29.61 SF AEL1 CR2 2.500 1.00 681.1 201.28 29.12 I A 7 7 C E OSH P I 2 M AEL1 SO 2.375 11.75 4.94 0.99 687.6 201.42 28.91 I A 7 7 C E 70 P I 2M AEL1 7 3.375 6.25 1.85 0.99 676.9 200.26 29.62 SF C C023 2.375 1.67 746.7 200.28 29.40 I a R M CQ IMJ P 2 C C023 8.500 29.25 3.44 1.51 741.7 198.39 29.65 SF AEL1 SO 2.375 0.95 839.2 197.42 29.41 FASMCQUW P? 2M AEL1 S 3.500 10.00 2.85 0.82 884.0 201.23 28.01 I AEL1 SB 2.750 0.97 672.8 200.86 27.56 S AEL1 S 1.875 0.97 686.7 201.92 27.24 IA77 CFOW P2 2M AEL1 L 1.875 0.91 628.6 201.25 27.20 I A 7 7 AEL1 B 5.000 16.25 3.25 0.96 663.0 200.95 27.17 I AEL1 S 3.125 0.98 678.4 201.37 27.10 B A 7 7 C Q mSHW P 2 3 M AEL1 S 2.750 5.00 1.81 0.95 655.9 200.59 26.75 S AEL1 S 2.000 1.00 694.3 201.89 26.53 I A 7 7 C Q mSHW P 2 2 M AEL1 S 4.875 9.00 1.84 0.94 624.6 202.15 26.44 I A 7 7 7 7 OJB P 2 2 M AEL1 S 2.250 6.00 2.66 0.92 610.4 200.48 28.61 IIA A EOTE OT P P? ? 1M 1 M AEL1 AEL1 C023 C023 3.250 7.00 2.15 0.99 719.0 199.59 28.61 S s C C CI23 CI23 1.875 0.97 764.0 198.59 28.77 FFARPCI7UA R P C I ?U CC CI23 CI23 15.125 48.75 3.22 1.00 816.6 199.32 27.88 FPIPCDWF PI P c D W P2HS30P 2 Hs 3 O C S 31.25 RJT A O S 7.500 30.50 4.06 4.167 1.00 769.3 200.14 27.37 IIASMCQOWAS M c Q OW P2H P 2 H 2MOC2 MO C CI23 CI23 5.250 15.00 2.85 1.00 722.2 199.90 26.95 s s C C C023 C023 1.875 1.00 731.7 198.49 26.93 S S C C C023 C023 2.625 0.98 805.6 197.72 29.02 li aa ss owu owu p iP 1 2 2 M M AEL1 AEL1 C023 C023 2.625 5.25 2.00 0.84 863.8 197.48 28.93 I AI SA s OU OU P I P 1 2M 2 M AEL1 AEL1 C023 C023 3.250 6.25 1.92 0.66 874.8 196.57 29.03 ii AEL1AEL1 S S 1.875 -0.08 922.2 196.90 29.10 S s AEL1AEL1 S S 1.875 0.26 906.2 196.70 28.72 BAB A OW OW A A 1 1 3 3 M M AEL1 AEL1 S s 2.125 6.50 3.05 -0.03 912.2 196.48 28.56 b b a a oshuoshu p i P 1 2 M 2 M AEL1 AEL1 S s 1.875 4.00 2.13 -0.29 921.9 196.83 28.25 FFAS? A s ? OWTOWT AA 1 1 33 M M AEL1 AEL1 SD SD 3.125 8.00 2.56 0.05 901.1 197.03 28.04 I I AEL1AEL1 SD SD 1.875 0.26 889.0 197.01 27.99 s s AEL1AEL1 SDSD 2.250 0.25 889.6 197.36 27.76 SS AEL1AEL1 SO SO 2.750 0.57 869.7 197.77 27.33 I I AA ? ? AEL1AEL1 C0230 C0230 3.500 0.89 845.5 197.80 27.15 I IAA AEL1AEL1 C023 C023 3.375 0.90 842.9 196.52 27.75 SF SF H H AEL1AEL1 O O 5.000 -0.19 913.3 196.43 27.75 SS AEL1AEL1 O O 2.125 -0.29 918.0 195.96 27.48 F FA A S s M M C Ec E? 7 AEL1AEL1 SO SO 3.125 -0.75 940.9 196.70 27.08 SF SF AEL1AEL1 O O 3.250 0.27 900.3 195.91 28.44 SFSF ? ? AEL1AEL1 SOSO 3.250 -0.81 950.1 195.33 28.45 FF A A Ss M Cc EE OTW OTW P P 2 2 2M M AEL1 AEL1 SO SO 2.750 7.50 2.72 -0.98 980.0 195.12 28.46 FF A A Ss M Cc EE OTW OTW AA 2 3 3M M AEL1 AEL1 SWR SWR 2.625 7.00 2.66 -1.00 990.9 195.47 28.32 FASMCHQOF A s M CH Q O A A 2 2 H H 2M 2 M AEL1AEL1 S S 4.500 11.00 2.44 -0.99 971.8 195.59 27.80 FASMF A s M WM A2 A 2 3M 3 M AEL1 AEL1 S S 2.125 6.50 3.05 -1.03 962.0 194.99 27.82 I I AEL1AEL1 S S 3.000 -1.11 993.3 195.32 27.18 I IA A Ss M C C QQ IJRMIJRM P P 2 A A 2 2M M AEL1 AEL1 S s 6.625 17.50 2.64 -1.07 973.1 195.08 27.08 I I A A S s M M CC QQ OWmown A A 1 3 3M M AEL1AEL1 S s 2.500 5.00 2.00 -1.08 985.4 202.13 25.62 I t t s S D D C C T T MWI AA 2 2 H 3 3 MO MO AEL1 AEL1 S s 12.375 25.50 2.06 0.96 608.7 201.48 25.64 S S ? ? AEL1AEL1 SO so 2.500 0.99 643.3 201.27 25.47 S AEL1AEL1 Ss 2.375 1.00 654.5 201.67 25.15 OF OF H H AEL1AEL1 O o 21.875 0.99 633.4 200.93 24.14 II A A S s M M Cc EE MWO MWO A A 2 2 aa 22 M M AEL1AEL1 SO so 5.000 5.75 1.15 1.01 677.6 201.77 23.91 b b ?? AEL1AEL1 Ss 1.875 3.75 2.00 1.01 634.4 201.38 23.87 I IAA ?sh?sh AEL1 AEL1 O o 4.125 1.01 655.6 202.14 23.62 s s AEL1 AEL1 S s 1.875 1.04 617.4 200.08 26.09 FAR?F AR? Cc E MOW G 3 33 M AEL1 S s 6.875 26.00 3.78 1.01 718.5 200.54 25.60 s s AEL1 AEL1 Ss 1.875 1.01 693.4 200.45 25.24 FASMF A s M Cc F F AEL1 O o 6.125 1.04 698.5 200.11 25.37 FAS?F A s ? Cc QQ SHWSHW A A 22 2 2 M M AEL1 AEL1 sS 5.250 9.75 1.85 1.02 716.5 199.64 25.29 S S AEL1AEL1 S s 2.375 1.00 741.7 199.21 25.36 FtSMF t s M c CTOWT OW A A 22 HA 3 3 MO MO AEL1 AEL1 S s 72.50 JMT A 4 17.500 47.50 2.71 4.143 0.99 764.6 197.07 25.90 b bA A UWUW 1 1M M AEL1AEL1 sb sb 1.875 4.50 2.40 0.70 878.3 198.48 26.46 I I AEL1AEL1 SD SD 2.625 0.97 804.2 200.68 24.09 Uu qq AEL1AEL1 BB 1.875 6.25 3.33 1.01 691.4 197.98 25.66 BA??BA 7 ? Cc EE OWshowsh P P ? ? AA 1 1 M M AEL1 SO SO 2.625 5.75 2.19 0.88 829.9 197.96 25.17 F FA AI I?? C cQ QMWB MWB G G 3 ALAL 3 3M M AEL1 Ss 7.000 20.00 2.85 0.86 831.8 197.11 25.28 I I?IS ? I S Cc QQ MWC MWC G G3 3 A A 4 4MYMY AEL1 Ss 36.25 MWCT G 3 O 10.625 31.25 2.94 3.412 0.67 876.9 197.07 24.85 I IA A? ? ? C c EE mWT mWT P P2 2O O 3 3 MM AEL1 S s 3.375 9.75 2.88 0.65 880.5 197.15 24.75 b bA A ? ? ?7 C c EE MJIMJI A3 A 3 3 3M M AEL1 Ss 4.500 8.75 1.94 0.67 876.7 197.80 24.31 FCSMF C s M Cc TTH H AEL1 O o 18.750 0.73 844.2 198.28 23.97 S s AEL1AEL1 SBSB 2.000 0.71 820.8 197.67 24.01 BA??BA 7 ? Cc EE SHWm SHWm PI P 1 22 MM AEL1 AEL1 SO 1.875 3.50 1.86 0.64 853.2 196.78 24.33 I IAA Ss MM h h AEL1AEL1 OSWROSWR 2.875 0.55 898.8 195.08 26.50 F FA ARR ? CH? CHQ QH H AEL1AEL1 O O 11.625 -0.98 984.2 195.83 26.27 FAS?F AS? c CQOwQ OW A A 22 L L 2M 2 M AEL1 AEL1 S 20.00 MWT P 3 5.625 15.00 2.66 3.556 -0.27 944.2 195.47 26.11 ? ? AEL1 SO SO 2.375 -0.60 963.3 196.23 26.00 iAi A ?? ? ? CEOWc E OW A A 11 2M 2 M AEL1 AEL1 sS 1.875 3.50 1.86 0.36 922.9 196.13 25.59 IA?I A ? ? ? Cc E TO TO P2P 2 2M 2 M AEL1 AEL1 soSO 1.875 5.00 2.66 0.42 928.6 196.12 25.21 ? ? AA ?? ? ? Cc EE JMsh JMsh P P2 2 1 1M M AEL1 SO so 5.000 9.50 1.90 0.42 930.0 195.41 24.50 s s AEL1 ? 7 2.000 0.21 971.1 195.48 24.44 s s AEL1AEL1 ? ? 1.875 0.23 967.7 200.15 22.37 FAR?F AR 7 Cc QQ SHJMISHJMI PP 2 2 22 M M AEL1 AEL1 O 8.625 13.75 1.59 0.81 739.1 201.14 21.69 I I AEL1 OO 3.250 0.89 698.6 201.07 21.56 s s AEL1 AEL1 S S 2.000 0.87 704.8 201.85 21.30 S S AEL1 Ss 1.875 0.95 669.8 201.98 21.04 IAS?I A S? Cc QQ SHWMSHWM P P 2 2 33 M M AEL1 AEL1 soSO 4.250 9.50 2.23 0.95 668.9 200.09 22.06 S s AEL1 Ss 2.125 0.77 747.1 200.92 21.04 I I AEL1 Ss 2.750 0.80 723.1 334

200. 32 21. 17 I , AEL1 SO 4.000 0.73 751.4 200.75 20.85 S AEL1 S 2.125 0.76 736.0 201. 84 20. 48 i AEL1 S 2.125 0.86 689.4 201. 37 20. 50 1 AEL1 S 2.000 3.75 1.87 0.81 712.5 201. 24 20. 55 ? AEL1 S 2.875 0.80 717.9 200.55 20.64 I ? ? ? C E 70 M AEL1 S 6.250 13.75 2.20 0.71 750.9 200. 95 20. 27 s AEL1 ? 3.250 0.73 739.4 199.60 22.24 b AEL1 S 2.250 4.75 2.11 0.71 770.1 199. 54 22. 18 I AEL1 SB 3.875 0.70 774.2 199. 59 22. 12 s AEL1 SB 2.250 3.75 1.66 0.70 772.5 199. 47 22. 11 b AEL1 SB 2.875 0.68 779.0 199. 63 21. 69 b A ? ? C E SHWM P 1 M AEL1 S 2.375 12.00 5.05 0.67 777.6 197. 79 22. 30 I AEL1 S 3.250 0.41 865.2 197. 45 22. 40 I A R ? C E SHB A 3 M AEL1 S 6.500 21.75 3.34 0.38 881.9 198. 58 21. 06 I TIM C T H AEL1 O 21.500 0.4S 844.1 198. 65 20. 93 I A R ? C D AEL1 CR108 5.125 0.45 843.0 198. 56 20. 65 SB AEL1 O 2.250 0.41 853.3 196. 99 21. 10 UF AEL1 O 4.625 0.22 926.7 196. 96 20. 55 I AEL1 ? 2.625 0.18 938.6 196.91 23.63 BF AEL1 ? 4.500 0.46 897.0 195. 57 23. 74 s AEL1 S 2.250 0.22 967.9 196. 71 23. 15 I A ? ? C Q SHMBW A 2 L MO AEL1 SO 3.625 12.00 3.31 0.35 912.4 195. 71 23. 30 I ASM C E MWO A 2 M AEL1 S 3.375 6.25 1.85 0.22 964.4 195. 56 23. 27 S AEL1 WR 3.375 0.18 972.7 195. 96 23. 14 I A S ? C Q JM M AEL1 SB 3.625 8.75 2.41 0.24 952.6 195. 28 22. 99 s AEL1 SO 2.000 0.12 990.6 195. 90 22. 89 s AEL1 S 2.500 0.19 958.6 195. 20 22. 76 s AEL1 S 2.000 0.09 997.5 196. 80 22. 67 sb AEL1 O 2.375 0.29 913.1 196. 21 22. 52 I A S ? C E MJBSH A 3 M AEL1 S 4.375 13.25 3.02 0.19 946.4 196. 25 22. 39 s AEL1 ? 2.750 0.18 946.0 195. 07 21. 80 S AEL1 S 3.000 0.03 1017.0 195. 80 21. 18 s AEL1 S 2.500 0.08 988.1 195. 26 21. 00 F ARM C I IMJB G 4 M AEL1 S 11.375 37.25 3.27 0.03 1019.6 194 . 92 20. 61 F ? ? ? C Q JM A 3 L M AEL1 S 7.500 22.75 3.03 0.01 1044.5 202. 23 21. 44 SF AEL1 S 2.250 1.01 647.3 202. 03 19. 99 UF AEL1 O 11.375 0.83 692.7 202.60 19.81 s AEL1 ? 2.000 0.92 669.8 200.71 19.97 s AEL1 S 3.875 0.66 758.9 200. 57 19. 55 F A ? ? C E ? AEL1 ? 2.250 5.00 2.22 0.58 776.9 201. 83 19. 09 i AEL1 S 2.000 0.65 728.3 202. 29 18. 50 sb AEL1 ? 2.875 0.64 725.2 202. 64 18. 25 B A ? ? C E ? AEL1 SL 2.500 6.00 2.40 0.67 717.6 202. 27 18. 15 S AEL1 SL 2.000 0.56 737.9 202. 41 18. 05 s TO P ? W AEL1 SD 2.125 10.00 4.70 0.59 735.0 201.89 18. 10 B C E OT P 1 O AEL1 SD 2.125 5.00 2.35 0.48 757.1 201. 51 17. 93 B AEL1 SD 2.625 6.25 2.38 0.37 780.4 200. 97 18. 10 s AEL1 S 2.250 0.32 800.1 200.53 18.00 B A ? ? C E SHJM P 2 AEL1 S 2.125 4.25 2.00 0.24 824.2 202. 13 16. 76 B OT 1 W AEL1 SD 2.125 7.50 3.52 0.29 794.2 200 . 00 17. 35 F A R ? C Q SHM P 2 AL AEL1 S 7.250 12.25 1.69 0.10 870.1 199. 91 17. 35 B AEL1 CI144 3.125 9.00 2.88 0.10 874.4 199. 35 19..63 SB AEL1 S 2.125 0.42 836.0 200.. 13 18.,70 SF AEL1 S 2.500 0.37 822.2 198. 29 19. 17 F ? S M CH Q WMC A 3 L M AEL1 S 27.50 TWMC A 3 9.625 22.50 2.33 2.857 0.24 901.0 198.,30 19. 26 B A ? ? C E OW A 2 M AEL1 CI148 2.125 5.75 2.70 0.25 898.3 198.,37 18.,77 I AEL1 S 2.125 0.21 907.4 199 .23 18 .70 S AEL1 S 2.375 0.31 866.5 197 .78 18 .74 i AEL1 S 2.500 0.14 937.8 199 .10 18,.13 F P S M C T I JM G 3 A M AEL1 S 60.50 IJTM G 4 15.625 39.25 2.51 3.872 0.20 889.1 199 .38 17 .27 b AEL1 S 2.375 5.25 2.21 0.08 902.0 197 .93 17 .48 S AEL1 S 2.625 0.05 965.4 197 .83 17 .38 I A ? ? C I H AEL1 O 7.000 0.04 973.2 195 .78 20 .56 b AEL1 ? 2.750 0.06 1000.2 195 . 82 20 .50 S AEL1 ? 2.875 0.06 999.2 197 .64 19 .64 F A I P C I H AEL1 ? 21.250 0.20 922.8 196 .36 19 .92 I T S M C T WIMJ G 3 A M AEL1 S 66.25 JMTB A 4 17.500 48.75 2.78 3.786 0.08 982.7 196 .05 20 .09 SF AEL1 CI160 2.750 0.06 995.3 196 . 15 19 .65 F A R ? C Q ? AEL1 CI160 4.750 10.00 2.10 0.05 999.4 195 .53 19 .87 F A R ? C Q WT P 2 H M AEL1 S 5.000 12.50 2.50 0.02 1026.9 195 .63 19 .67 I AS? ? AEL1 SWR 5.500 0.02 1025.9 195 .49 19 .30 i AEL1 S 3.125 6.50 2.08 0.01 1041.2 197 .84 19 .22 I A S ? C E MWI A 3 M AEL1 S 5.500 14.25 2.59 0.19 922.6 197 .32 18 .34 b AEL1 S 2.750 6.25 2.27 0.07 971.4 197 . 15 18 .22 S AEL1 S 2.250 4.75 2.11 0.05 983.1 196 .98 17 .40 i AEL1 S 4.000 0.00 1014.3 200 .58 16 .79 s AEL1 S 1.875 0.03 862.3 201 .66 16 .46 s AEL1 S 1.875 0.15 826.1 200 .78 16 .42 s AEL1 S 1.875 0.00 866.5 201 .76 16 .19 s AEL1 S 1.875 0.11 832.0 200 .59 16 .22 sf AEL1 S 3.500 -0.03 882.2 201 .22 15 .64 sf AEL1 S 3.875 -0.05 876.5 199 .63 16 .50 F T S P C T SHW MO AEL1 SO 27.500 -0.00 915.9 200.11 15.46 sf AEL1 ? 3.250 -0.11 931.7 200 .59 15 .30 ? AEL1 ? 2.750 -0.15 916.8 200.69 15.21 ? AEL1 ? 2.875 -0.17 916.0 198 .68 15 .88 ? AEL1 ? 2.500 -0.02 981.1 197 .78 15 .57 ? AEL1 ? 4.250 -0.11 1033.5 197 .53 16 .94 s AEL1 ? 2.625 0.00 1001.1 197 .37 16 .81 ? AEL1 ? 5.750 -0.01 1012.8 196 .42 17 .06 UF AEL1 O 15.625 -0.06 1051.7 196 .38 16 .46 I A ? ? M AEL1 S 7.875 20.00 2.54 -0.23 1071.5 195 .04 16 .14 ? AEL1 ? 2.750 -0.53 1146.6 197 .00 25 .00 I A ? ? Q I JM A 2 M AEL1 S 5.250 12.50 2.38 0.64 883.7 199 .00 21 .00 B OW 2 AEL1 S 2.125 5.75 2.70 0.51 823.4 194 . 17 27 .43 F A SM C E W A 2 H M AEL1 S 6.615 18.00 2.72 -1.02 1034.4 190 . 18 28 .39 F C Q WISH P I P MO AEL1 SWR 10.555 25.00 2.36 -0.01 1246.1 188 .63 29 .29 I C I Sh P ? s MO AEL1 SO 13.963 41.25 2.95 -0.06 1330.3 186 .95 29 .50 F C E OW A 2 H M AEL1 S 6.307 14.00 2.22 -0.25 1417.6 187 .79 28 .80 F C Q ISH P ? MO AEL1 O 11.545 36.25 3.14 -0.20 1371.5 188 .28 29 .35 F C Q H O HNU O 8.224 -0.09 1348.6 184 .94 28 .52 F CB Q ORT p 2 h : MO AEL1 S 14.025 37.50 2.67 -0.71 1518.6 185 .14 27 .69 F C Q MJ A 3 M AEL1 S 23.75 BMJIT P 4 8.920 20.00 2.24 2.663 -0.76 1507.9 185 .72 27 .32 F CB E WshT P 2 M AEL1 S 8.807 26.75 3.03 -0.71 1477.7 184 .44 28 .46 F SC Q OW P 2 ? M AEL1 S 8.344 23.50 2.81 -0.81 1544.5 183 .50 27 .83 F CB Q H O HNU O 18.063 -0.97 1593.6 182 . 17 27 .05 F C Q JTsh A 3 M HR SWR 12.456 25.75 2.06 -0.99 1664.9 181 .09 26 .88 UF MO HR O 15.125 -1.00 1722.3 193 .49 26 .09 F ARM C Q WOJ G 2 H M AEL1 S 41.25 TJ P 4 9.461 27.50 2.90 4.360 -0.59 1068.4 192 .57 25 .10 F C I D C Q MJ G 3 A MO AEL1 S 68.75 JMIB P 4 22.650 55.00 2.42 3.035 -0.11 1120.1 189 .30 25 .71 F CB Q H MO HNU O 7.462 -0.18 1292.0 189 .52 24 .97 F CB Q H MO AEL1 O 14.925 -0.12 1283.6 186 .72 25 .43 F CB Q H MO AEL1 O 10.834 -0.78 1430.5 186 .89 24 .62 F C I h MO AEL1 O 15.313 -0.86 1426.1 184 .34 25 .87 F CB Q H MO AEL1 O 12.613 -0.96 1554.8 182 .79 24 .28 F C Q MLjw G 3 M HNU KS 8.462 23.00 2.71 -1.00 1647.6 180 .89 25 .73 F C I ISH P ? P MO HR O 14.588 62.50 4.28 -1.01 1738.5 182 .01 25 .30 F C I MIBT P 4 A MO HR SWR 18.063 62.50 3.46 -1.00 1681.7 335

181.79 28 F C Q 7 P I P 2 M HR CI23 9.771 30.00 3. 07 - 1.00 1693.5 194.24 30 F C E OWsh A 2 3 M AEL1 S 7.051 19.25 2, 73 0.00 1043.1 193.57 70 F C Q mWI A2A 4 M AEL1 s 27.75 MTWI A 4 9.972 21.25 2. 13 2. 0.00 1085.4 192.27 87 SE 3 O HNU s 7.329 0.00 1153.1 191.74 21 UF 4 O AEL1 o 61.663 - 0.00 1189.2 189.00 68 UF 3 MO AEL1 o 20.525 -0.74 1320.5 189.60 46 S AEL1 s 5.085 -0.64 1300.7 190.35 96 AIM C Q MJc G 3 4 QY AEL1 s 5.815 12.75 2. 19 -0.44 1266.7 188.68 16 Fp R M H 3 MO HNU o 19.638 -0.70 1333.7 188.22 69 F P R ? C I MJ A 3 L 3 M AEL1 13.150 38.75 2. 94 -0.98 1362.2 187.47 62 UF 4 MO AEL1 13.525 - 1.00 1402.9 186.73 21 F C I D C T MJSHT A 4 AL 3 MO AEL1 18.813 67.50 3. 58 - 1.00 1446.5 186.12 23 FA S M C E OWU P 2 3 M AEL1 9.355 25.00 2. 67 - 1.00 1478.9 185.33 36 FA S M COOK P 2 2 M AEL1 10.741 30.25 2. 81 - 1.00 1520.0 184.26 99 F C R 7 C T WM A 3 S 2 MO AHPE 110.00 MTWC A 4 27.375 60.00 2. 19 4. - 1.00 1581.0 182.12 94 F P R C D E 2 MO HNU 10.170 - 1.00 1696.2 182.55 27 F R 7 SC T W 3 MO HNU 15.887 55.00 3. 46 - 1.00 1680.8 181.86 48 F T H 3 O HNU 43.488 - 1.00 1715.2 181.75 11 I Q MJ 3 M HR 9.771 31.25 3. 19 - 1.00 1738.8 180.12 99 7 Q SH 2 M HR O 8.694 - 1.00 1802.7 180.13 00 7 Q shWM 2 M HR SO 8.102 11.25 1. 38 - 1.00 1813.7 192.66 15 UF 3 MO AEL1 O 18.487 -0.06 1172.0 192.63 48 F TJMI 2 M AEL1 SK 6.615 30.00 4. -0.13 1186.4 192.51 37 F A 7 MW 3 M AEL1 S 5.641 14.25 2. 1195.0 193.53 47 F A R H 4 MO AEL1 O 14.450 1139.5 190.62 43 FAR? CQWh P2 2 M AEL1 sci52 5.984 13.50 2. 1275.2 189.04 68 F A S M C 7 shOT P 7 2 M AEL1 7 7.051 17.50 2. 1355.2 189.66 12 FA1M CQ? 2 M AEL1 scl52 4.678 1331.4 190.38 30 FCIP C T MJ A 4 4 MO AEL1 S 38.075 182.50 4. 1308.3 189.37 76 bf 2 MO HNU o 12.376 1372.2 187.52 48 F M I 7 Cl MTWIJ A 3 3 MO AEL1 s 14.988 29.50 1. 1424.6 186.91 07 EF 3 MO HNU o 14.175 1496.3 188.09 31 I 7 S Q E 3 O HNU 16.263 1448.8 186.34 18 Q ? 3 MO AHPE 6.764 1524.5 185.46 69 E OW 3 AHPE 5.984 10.50 1.75 1546.2 185.26 54 A R Q ? 2 AHPE 6.307 1575.6 182.49 24 P 7 E MTW 3 M AHPE 6.307 17.75 2, 1712.0 183.05 26 b 70 2 AHPE 5.815 10.75 1, -0.99 1698.3 182.38 44 F Q ? 1 AHPE SOK 8.344 - 1.00 1730.9 182.17 51 F I MW 3M AHPE SK 11.284 41.25 3.65 - 1.00 1741.0 181.32 02 UF 4 HNU 56.500 1778.1 180.12 58 i 1 HR 6.909 1833.8 180.44 46 I A 7 7 7 2 HR 7.051 1834.3 181.28 05 F 7 R U 2 HR 10.834 31.25 2. 1796.4 180.08 68 F P R 7 C I MW 3 LD 3 HR 11.716 40.00 3. 1867.0 180.02 91 F A S M C I MJ 3 L 3 HR 8.579 26.25 3. -1.22 1884.4 193.42 .09 IAS? CQ MJ 2 3 AEL1 5.984 12.50 2. -0.60 1201.0 194.14 43 B A7 7 CQ ? 2 AEL1 5.463 -0.75 1182.7 192.54 40 F A I M CQ IM 3 AEL1 7.462 18.00 2.41 -0.90 1263.8 191.11 23 a 2 AEL1 5.815 -0.90 1315.5 190.61 90 UF 3 APK 16.862 -1.08 1374.9 190.79 44 UF 4 APK 7.852 - 1.10 1378.3 190.39 16 F C Q 1 APK 8.579 -1.34 1406.2 183.88 43 I C Q 2 APK 5.641 -0.82 1710.5 182.77 98 EF 3 HNU 7.595 -0.30 1757.0 182.24 67 F c Q I P 2 2 HNU 9.249 20.25 -0.78 1791.6 183.53 19 F c T ?U P 2 HNU 18.863 52.50 -0.65 1734.3 183.08 ,79 EF 3 HNU 27.987 -0.38 1767.0 182.62 79 F c E MWJ A 2 3 AHPE 6.148 15.00 -0.74 1748.5 180.63 ,52 F c Q MTW P 3 3 S 9.669 28.75 -1.12 1879.9 179.89 ,63 F c Q 7 P 2 2 HR 10.741 26.25 -1.28 1896.7 194.83 , 11 F c Q MWJ A 3 LH 3 AEL1 8.224 17.50 -1.09 998.6 184.90 ,33 UF 4 HNU 25.025 -0.99 1534.5 184.66 ,90 UF 4 HNU 50.688 -0 1537.7 193.62 ,54 B OWm A 2 3 AEL1 2.000 5.50 -0 1077.2 193.13 OW A 1 AEL1 1.875 4.50 -0 1089.0 194.89 79 FAR? c E 7 2 7 AEL1 4.125 -1 998.4 193.09 59 F A S M c E OT P 1 W 2 M AEL1 2.500 6.00 -0 1096.5 192.02 30 B OI P 2 2 M AEL1 2.875 6.00 0 1156.6 191.20 21 F A S M 7 P 1 1 M AEL1 3.250 9.50 0 1197.9 192.56 89 F A S M Op A 1 3 M AEL1 3.875 9.50 -0 1120.3 192.58 27.27 bf AEL1 4.000 -0 1117.3 191.86 27.53 s AEL1 2.000 -0.36 1155.7 191.32 27.41 F A S M h AEL1 3.250 - 0.20 1183.7 190.08 88 1 MI A 2 3 M HNU WR 3.375 10.00 2, - 0.00 1249.7 189.93 .56 B 3 M AEL1 WR 2.625 7.00 2, 0.00 1265.3 189.41 63 UF AEL1 O 4.125 -0.00 1292.3 188.43 .52 UF HNU O 3.875 -0.07 1341.8 188.82 24 S AEL1 CI3 2.250 -0.05 1320.3 188.42 ,16 SF HNU CI3 3.375 -0.09 1340.4 188.39 ,69 BF AEL1 O 2.625 -0.13 1340.0 188.21 ,83 SF AEL1 O 2.625 -0.14 1349.9 189.59 .68 I A S C E TOW P 2 3M AEL1 s 2.625 4.75 1. -0.03 1274.9 189.67 .49 I A S OU P 1 2M AEL1 7 2.250 5.75 2. -0.03 1270.4 187.67 56 F C Q SHTIr P 1 H 2M AEL1 S 3.875 10.00 2, -0.24 1376.9 186.02 ,35 I 7TW P 1 2 M AEL1 Swr 2.125 -0.54 1462.2 185.26 ,56 SF AEL1 7 2.375 -0.65 1502.0 185.53 ,28 SF AEL1 7 2.500 -0.74 1487.8 185.97 ,16 F AEL1 S 4.000 11.50 2.87 - 0.68 1464.8 184.91 .64 BF HNU O 5.500 -0.87 1521.7 184.87 ,55 sb AEL1 o 2.250 - 0.88 1524.1 183.22 30 F Om A 1 w 3 M HR s 8.75 O A 0 TW 2.500 8.00 3. 20 3. 500 -0.97 1608.8 183.45 81 F OTm P 1 W 3 M HR s 6.75 O A 0 TW 2.375 5.50 2. 31 2. 842 -0.97 1596.2 183.96 44 I C Q OP A 1 3 M HR SWR 7.375 12.50 1 69 -0.91 1569.5 184.56 ,38 SF HR OCI10 3.250 -0.79 1538.2 183.33 I 70 A 1 W 2 M HR s 2.250 5.00 -0.98 1602.2 183.45 I A 7 7 C E MWsh P 2 Hw 3 M HR s 4.750 9.75 -0.97 1596.0 183.10 F A S M C E OP A 1 w 3 M HR s 15.00 O p 0 TW 4.250 10.00 529 - 1.00 1615.1 182.77 F A S M CB E mWO P 2 w 3 M HR s 8.25 O p 7 tw 3.375 7.25 444 - 1.00 1634.9 181.86 I A S M T P 1 w 3 M HR s 10.00 O P 0 tw 2.875 6.75 478 - 1.02 1678.9 182.05 HR 7 2.375 - 1.00 1669.9 180.84 ASM P 1 HW 3 M HR SO 4.500 11.75 -1.13 1732.2 180.57 A R 7 C Q PO A 1 PW 3 M HR CI46 3.750 8.75 -0.75 1745.4 180.46 84 FAS? CEO A 1 WH 3 MO HR S 7.000 34.50 -0.70 1751.1 180.59 66 BF HR O 2.625 -0.90 1744.5 180.45 79 BF HR O 9.250 -1.08 1753.1 194.72 96 s AEL1 2.250 -0.50 1005.8 194.92 66 S AEL1 2.000 -0.16 996.5 195.02 47 I AEL1 3.375 0.05 992.2 194.64 30 S AEL1 2.000 -0.18 1013.6 193.88 89 I AEL1 3.000 -0.39 1051.0 193.87 59 sb AEL1 2.250 -0.59 1049.1 193.54 45 B WT AEL1 S 2.625 5.75 -0.44 1067.0 192.95 16 B 7 AEL1 CI15 2.500 6.25 - 0.20 1099.5 192.92 57 B OW 3 M AEL1 3.250 9.50 -0.09 1104.0 192.74 64 B O 2 M AEL1 2.625 5.75 -0.07 1113.3 192.32 71 B 7 AEL1 3.375 -0.03 1135.4 191.74 03 IASM CQO AEL1 3.375 -0.09 1161.5 336

191.84 25.59 s AEL1 3 2.500 -0.06 1157.2 191.68 25.44 B AEL1 S 3.125 7.50 -0.03 1166.2 191.64 25.03 B AEL1 S 4.000 9.50 -0.00 1170.1 191.53 24.75 B O AEL1 S 2.125 4.75 -0.00 1177.4 190.94 25.31 F Q I? AEL1 S 3.750 8.50 -0.00 1206.2 189.68 24.72 SB AEL1 7 3.375 -0.14 1276.4 188.48 24.94 F HNU O 2.750 -0.58 1339.2 188.14 24.92 S HNU M 5.000 -0.73 1357.5 187.32 25.94 BF AEL1 O 2.000 -0.62 1396.4 186.53 26.23 S AEL1 S 2.125 -0.70 1437.3 187.38 24.78 S AEL1 7 2.375 -0.80 1398.9 187.11 24.76 S AEL1 7 2.000 -0.82 1413.5 185.71 26.22 S AEL1 7 2.125 -0.81 1480.8 185.82 24.23 I AEL1 7 3.625 -0.98 1486.1 185.34 23.86 I AEL1 S 3.375 -0.99 1514.8 184.34 26.34 UF HNU O 5.500 -0.95 1552.8 184.68 26.01 I A S M C E AEL1 CF87 5.250 -0.94 1536.1 184.40 23.90 F AHPE 7 2.500 -1.00 1564.8 183.36 25.44 F A S M C E WT HR S 5.625 15.75 2.80 -1.00 1609.1 182.84 24.02 HNU K 3.000 -1.00 1647.1 182.61 23.96 HR 7 2.000 -1.00 1659.9 182.52 24.98 i A HR S 3.125 8.00 -1.00 1656.7 180.63 26.05 I HR S 3.250 9.50 -1.01 1750.4 181.92 25.20 B HR CR23 5.625 -1.00 1687.1 180.65 25.31 B O HR SWR 2.250 -0.98 1753.9 180.51 25.46 I WOm HR S 3.250 -0.97 1760.3 180.34 25.68 s HR 7 2.500 -0.97 1767.9 180.40 25.44 of HR O 2.250 -0.97 1766.3 181.34 24.94 B HR 7 2.375 -1.00 1719.8 181.36 24.72 I HR O 4.875 -0.99 1720.4 181.43 24.55 I OH HR S 3.750 9.00 2.40 -0.99 1717.9 194.58 23.92 B O AEL1 B 2.625 6.00 2.28 -0.01 1019.5 194.74 22.62 B AEL1 S 2.000 5.25 2.62 0.02 1023.7 194.31 23.07 B AEL1 S 4.125 10.00 2.42 0.01 1041.7 194.08 22.97 sb AEL1 O 2.750 0.00 1055.1 194.71 21.50 S HNU K 2.250 0.01 1040.6 193.81 21.77 F A 2 L 3 M AEL1 S 6.000 14.50 2.41 -0.00 1084.5 194.06 24.01 S AEL1 7 2.750 -0.20 1046.7 191.56 24.09 SB HNU O 3.375 -0.00 1180.0 191.57 22.86 S AEL1 7 2.500 -0.00 1190.7 191.44 21.38 B AEL1 7 2.625 6.25 2.38 -0.11 1216.5 191.09 21.52 B JMsh P 2 3 M AEL1 S 2.500 6.75 2.70 -0.20 1233.2 191.42 21.76 B 7 P 1 2 M AEL1 CR28 2.750 4.25 1.54 -0.07 1212.2 191.11 21.11 UF AEL1 O 6.875 -0.24 1238.2 191.11 21.31 s AEL1 7 2.250 -0.22 1235.2 190.60 21.87 I SHW P 2 3 M AEL1 SO 3.750 8.00 2.13 -0.34 1254.6 190.45 23.98 B TW P 7 2 M AEL1 S .000 5.25 2.62 0.01 1240.3 190.08 23.45 S ? AEL1 5 .500 -0.17 1264.7 189.50 23.68 I ahJI P 2 3 M AEL1 S .125 -0.44 1293.7 189.11 22.10 S AEL1 S .625 -0.87 1331.3 187.09 22.57 I AEL1 O .375 -0.99 1434.0 187.05 22.97 s AEL1 7 .250 -1.00 1431.7 186.88 22.31 I OP A 1 3 M AEL1 S .250 9.50 -0.99 1448.2 187.22 22.23 F ? AEL1 S .500 9.50 -0.99 1431.0 185.49 22.94 I OP A 1 3 M AHPE S .500 11.25 -1.00 1515.7 183.73 21.83 I MW A 2 3 M AHPE S .625 7.50 -1.00 1623.0 181.91 21.23 B 7 HR CI42 .000 -1.00 1728.5 181.50 21.14 I 7 HR 7 .250 -1.00 1751.7 181.16 22.49 I WM A 2 P 3 M HR S .625 14.50 -1.00 1752.6 180.65 22.59 B O A 1 3 M HR S 2.250 4.50 -1.00 1778.8 181.20 20.90 I 7 HR O 4.250 -1.00 1771.2 180.98 20.91 I 7 HR O 5.875 -1.00 1782.9 192.34 19.82 S HNU M 3.500 -0.15 1195. 192.28 19.59 B TO P 2 2 M AEL1 S 2.500 5.75 2.30 -0.19 1202. 191.52 18.53 B 7 AEL1 S 2.375 -0.56 1264. 191.33 18.33 I A S M C E W A 2 2 M AEL1 S 4.625 7.50 1.62 -0.64 1278. 190.88 18.45 BF AEL1 O 2.500 -0.74 1299. 189.32 20.48 s AEL1 S 2.750 -0.95 1343. 188.89 20.52 S AEL1 WR 2.250 -1.00 1365. 189.25 19.00 SF AEL1 CI52 2.500 -0.99 1373.8 188.61 19.47 SF AEL1 7 3.000 -1.00 1398.7 189.04 18.94 I HNU S 5.625 -0.99 1386.0 188.72 18.08 S HNU S 4.000 -1.00 1420.5 188.28 18.45 S HNU K 3.500 -0.99 1435.9 187.63 21.32 BF AEL1 7 3.750 -0.99 1420.9 186.96 21.17 EF HNU S 4.250 -0.99 1458.9 187.01 20.84 EF HNU S 5.250 -0.99 1461.1 186.47 21.73 I AHPE O 5.625 -1.00 1477.5 186.06 18.66 BF AHPE O 2.750 -1.15 1549.1 185.57 19.81 I AHPE O 3.000 -1.00 1554.4 185.19 21.50 b AHPE WR 3.125 -1.00 1549.1 185.41 20.55 I AHPE S 4.000 -1.00 1551.0 184.68 19.74 B AHPE S 3.125 -1.00 1603.1 183.24 20.75 I AHPE 3 .000 -1.00 1664.1 184.00 19.51 s AHPE 7 .875 -1.00 1643.3 184.65 18.86 S AHPE 7 .000 -0.97 1620.2 184.69 18.63 B AHPE S .500 7.25 2.90 -0.96 1622.3 183.74 18.88 3 AHPE 7 .750 -0.97 1668.2 183.74 18.36 sb AHPE 7 .750 -0.95 1677.9 182.65 19.73 I AHPE 7 .625 -1.00 1711.7 181.24 18.29 BF AHPE O 3.250 -0.96 1812.3 181.80 19.82 i HNU CR64 3.375 -1.00 1755.6 181.50 20.28 B HNU CF64 2.500 6.25 2.50 -1.00 1764.4 181.06 20.25 I HNU CF64 4.125 -1.00 1788.4 181.57 19.67 I IJM HNU CR64 4.375 12.25 2.80 -0.99 1770.4 180.86 19.49 I ? HR SOWR 4.250 -0.99 1811.3 181.04 19.32 B HR 3.000 8.00 -0.96 1804.6 180.29 18.51 I HR SCI68 4.625 11.00 -1.06 1858.9 180.49 17.91 s HR 7 2.375 -0.96 1859.4 193.47 17.36 s AEL1 7 3.125 -0.50 1191.4 194.58 15.62 3 AEL1 7 3.000 -0.86 1184.8 190.62 15.45 BF HNU 3.375 -1.16 1386.6 183.43 16.74 b APK 2.500 -0.58 1727.3 182.80 16.53 F HNU 4.375 12.25 2.80 -0.45 1765.1 183.71 15.20 I HNU 2.750 -1.08 1748.0 181.65 16.61 SF 4.375 -2.01 1824.1 181.88 15.66 BF 4.000 -2.15 1832.9 181.54 15.36 s 2.500 -2.09 1857.7 181.17 16.16 s 2.500 -2.02 1859.1 179.74 16.08 B CR 4.000 -1.41 1936.4 181.93 19.56 I HNU K 000 -1.00 1753.0 190.00 26.00 I A S M C Q W AEL1 S 000 9.75 2.43 0.00 1253.9 183.00 23.50 EF HNU O 375 -1.00 1643.3 182.00 24.00 F A S M C Q W HR S 125 -1.00 1692.2 184.50 19.00 BF AHPE SO 625 -0.98 1625.6 187.00 24.00 B AEL1 7 375 -0.96 1424.9 187.00 25.00 of AEL1 O 125 -0.80 1417.9 224.04 28.76 I ? 7 ? C E 7 AEL1 S 000 5.00 2.50 -1.22 598.4 337

223.96 28.35 AEL1 S 1.875 -1.26 586.8 223.46 28.53 I AR 7 C Q MJB A 3 AL 3 M AEL1 S 7.000 28.25 4.03 -1.07 565.5 223.53 27.94 F ? R 7 CC Q HE AEL1 EF 4.250 -1.13 558.4 223.17 28.40 S AEL1 EF 2.000 - 1.01 548.7 222.75 28.34 S AELI EF 1.875 -0.99 526.9 222.22 28.56 B A? 7 C E MJ A 2 3 M AEL1 EF 4.375 -0.63 505.9 221.88 29.43 s AEL1 O 2.500 -0.57 512.4 221.00 29.59 SF AEL1 EF 2.000 478.3 220.31 29.43 F t R M CH T MJr P 2 S 2 MO AEL1 EF 13.750 45.75 3.32 443.5 220.40 29.56 F ? R 7 SC Q R A 0 S 2 M AELI CI10 8.125 27.50 3.38 451.7 219.79 30.24 S AEL1 EFO 2.500 452.1 219.78 30.18 s AEL1 EFO 2.250 449.4 217.98 29.07 I ?? 7 C Q 7 AELI EFO 3.125 6.25 2.00 336.9 217.69 30.23 F P ? 7 C Q O P 1 H 2 M AEL1 EF 5.625 12.50 2.22 379.1 217.08 29.58 S AEL1 EF 2.000 1.72 329.7 224.68 26.61 s APS S 1.875 - 1.11 602.5 224.48 26.56 9 APS ? 3.875 -1.06 591.6 224.34 26.44 i ASM CC E 7 AEL1 GR 2.500 583.5 224.74 BF AEL1 O 7.250 603.3 224.85 OF AEL1 O 4.375 607.6 224.13 25.99 s AEL1 EF 1.875 570.2 224.01 25.67 FA I MC Q HE AEL1 EF 7.375 562.9 223.95 25.42 I A s MC Q OWra P 7 A 2 MO AEL1 EF 5.375 12.50 2.32 559.4 223.88 27.60 s AEL1 EF 2.125 -1.27 571.1 223.94 27.21 b A s c E UO A 1 3 M AEL1 EF 1.875 -1.14 569.3 223.39 25.43 I A s M sc Q AEL1 EFCH 4.375 -0.19 529.5 222.85 25.62 F t RM c Q AEL1 ? 10.375 - 0.02 501.0 222.12 25.93 OF AELI O 4.625 0.05 463.3 221.84 26.22 F t R 7 c Q MW A 2 H 3 M AEL1 EF 7.000 16.75 2.39 0.16 450.4 221.48 27.53 FAR 7 c Q O P 1 H 1 M AEL1 EF 6.250 11.50 1.84 0.00 448.7 221.63 26.91 S AEL1 EF 3.500 0.04 446.6 220.79 26.33 S AEL1 EF 2.750 1.15 396.3 220.72 26.35 L AEL1 7 3.500 1.24 392.9 221.46 25.72 S AEL1 EF 1.875 0.88 427.4 221.32 25.43 S AEL1 EF 1.875 1.14 419.0 219.92 27.82 ? H AEL1 O 3.375 0.99 378.6 219.15 26.91 F ? R M c I MJ G 3 3 M AEL1 EF 9.125 25.75 2.01 320.8 218.80 27.09 I t ? 7 c E MW G 2 3 M AEL1 EF 5.375 15.75 2.21 307.4 218.44 26.99 S AEL1 EF 1.875 2.54 287.6 218.41 26.80 I A S 7 c E OSH P 1 2 M AEL1 EF 2.750 6.25 2.27 2.65 282.0 216.47 29.16 I ? 7 7 c Q OWPM P 2 2 M AELI EF 4.875 11.75 2.41 2.15 291.4 215.92 29.26 I A S M CH Q H AEL1 EF 5.000 2.26 282.2 216.76 28.35 s AEL1 EF 2.250 2.60 262.4 216.64 28.27 s AEL1 EF 2.125 2.68 254.8 216.08 28.00 s AEL1 EF 2.250 3.03 223.8 216.78 27.50 I A S M c E SHO P 1 2 MO AEL1 EFO 3.625 3.07 228.2 225.14 25.06 ? 7 AEL1 EFS 2.375 4.50 -1.19 623.4 224.98 24.51 I AR 7 CH E MJI P 2 2 M AELI EF 3.750 10.50 -0.94 616.9 224.97 24 .46 s AELI CR51 2.250 -0.92 616.6 224.83 23.71 s AEL1 EF 2.125 -0.73 614.9 224.84 23.48 s 7 AELI EFS 3.750 -0.73 617.8 225.03 22.50 L AEL1 ? 3.125 -0.89 641.0 224.04 24.90 OF AEL1 O 6.500 -0.31 564.9 224.31 24 .35 S AEL1 EF 2.000 -0.41 581.9 224.52 23.52 s AELI EFS 2.125 -0.55 600.3 224.27 23.22 s AEL1 EFS 2.125 -0.41 590. 5 223.79 24.19 B A 7 7 C E OW P 1 2 M AELI EFS 3.125 7.25 2.32 -0.15 555.2 223.70 23.97 IA 7 AELI EFS 3.500 12.25 3.50 -0.09 552.1 223.55 23.16 b A 7 7 c F OSH P 7 2 M AELI EFS 2.500 5.25 2.10 0.06 553.2 223.50 22. 93 BA 7 7 c F OWP P 1 2 M AELI EFS 1.875 5.25 2.80 0.09 553.8 222.83 23.04 i 7 AELI 7 375 0.61 516.9 221.94 25.02 IA 7 7 c Q 7 AELI EF 625 452.2 222.32 24.67 s AELI EF 000 473.6 221.51 24.47 s AELI EF 875 431.2 221.27 25.10 s AELI EF 750 416.2 221.21 25.06 s AELI EF 125 413.0 221.04 25.24 s AELI EF 000 403.8 221.95 UF AELI O 000 1.26 456.6 221.80 UF AELI O 10.500 1.39 448.4 220.97 23.82 BA 7 7 c E OT P 1 2 M AELI OEF 2.250 4.75 2.11 408. 220.97 23.52 I P 7 7 CH E MJ A 2 3 M AELI EFS 3.875 13.00 3.35 412. 220.90 23.54 B A 7 7 SC E MJ A 2 3 M AELI CI74 4.500 15.75 3.50 408. 222.13 22.87 i A 7 7 C E MJW G 3 3 M AELI EFS 3.875 12.00 3.09 483. 220.71 23.30 I A I 7 C Q OWSH P 1 2 M AELI EFSO 4.750 8.25 1.73 401. 221.03 25.81 I AS 7 CE OW P 1 3 M AELI EF 3.250 8.00 2.46 404. 220.56 25.86 s AELI EF 2.000 5.00 2.50 1.59 380. 219.96 26.09 s AELI EF 2.500 1.84 350.5 220.20 25.68 s AELI CI82 2.375 1.97 360.2 220.18 25.54 I t R D CH Q RO A 0 AHS 3 M AELI EF 9.000 29.25 3.25 358.5 220.34 25.33 I P 7 7 c Q 7 AELI EF 2.125 366.5 220.28 24.93 I A 7 7 c Q 7 AELI EF 2.750 363.4 219.37 25.77 BF AELI O .875 316.8 219.33 25.71 I ? 7 ? c E OW P 1 2 M AELI EF .625 5.50 2.09 314.3 218.62 25.61 I AR 7 c Q O P 1 H 2 M AELI EF .625 10.75 2.32 276.0 219.04 24.96 I A 7 7 c Q MOW A 2 3 M AELI EF .125 7.50 2.40 296.9 218.87 24.98 I AS 7 c E ?H AELI 7 .000 287.8 220.23 24.19 s AELI EF .250 364.9 218.80 24.38 I A SM c E WMU A 2 3 M AELI EF .000 6.25 3.12 287.0 218.64 24.28 s AELI 7 .875 279.5 218.42 24.33 SB AELI O .875 267.3 218.40 23.41 S AELI S .000 3.00 280.4 217.82 26.44 IAS 7 c E OW A 1 3 M AELI EF 3.125 8.00 2.56 3.23 245.3 217.56 26.26 B 7 S 7 c Q JMO A 2 3 M AELI EF 4.000 10.25 2.56 3.48 228.9 217.01 26.09 FASP c E OW A 2 3 M AELI EF 3.750 8.50 2.26 198.0 217.24 25.82 FAS 7 c E OW P 2 2 M AELI EF 3.125 9.25 2.96 205.5 218.16 25.32 F 7 R 7 c EO P 1 2 M AELI EF 5.625 13.50 2.40 250.1 217.94 24.74 b A 7 7 c Q WMO A 2 3 M AELI EF 3.250 8.75 2.69 238.6 217.66 24.75 F 7 R 7 c F AELI 7 3.125 223.6 217.13 24.80 IASM c E O A 1 2 M AELI EF 1.875 4.50 2.40 195.0 217.42 24.62 F AS P c Q RO A 0 AHS 3 M AELI EF 11.125 32.75 2.94 3.30 211.5 216.85 24.18 B A 7 7 c E OWT P 2 2 M AELI 7 2.125 5.25 2.47 3.41 186.5 217.62 23.75 BA 7 7 c Q OWn P 2 1 M AELI EFO 2.125 5.00 2.35 3.08 233.8 216.59 25.56 IAS 7 c E SHO P 1 2 M AEL2 EC 2.250 5.25 2.33 3.99 168.5 216.65 25.04 s AEL2 EC 2.250 3.92 168.8 215.35 24.28 ? AI 7 c Q 7 AEL2 EC 6.375 4.59 108.1 215.34 24.18 S AEL2 EC 2.000 4.50 110.1 222.02 22.50 S AELI EFS 3.875 1.24 484.1 221.99 22.46 S AELI CR110 3.125 1.26 483.3 222.17 21.93 ITSM c T 7 3 MO AELI O 14.125 0.95 503.9 222.41 21.68 s AELI 7 2.250 0.82 521.9 224.69 20.92 FP s M c T MJSHB P 4 2 MO AELI SO 33.875 137.50 4 .05 -0.79 654.9 225.24 20.63 F 7 R 7 c F 7 7.875 -0.84 689.7 223.44 20.76 i AELI 2.750 -0.29 596.4 222.51 20.77 s AELI 2.625 0.45 550.6 220.34 22.95 sf AELI 3.000 2.62 388.8 219.98 22.77 S AELI 2.625 2.78 374.3 219.92 22.14 I A S ? C Q MOW P 2 AELI 5.500 12.50 2.27 2.69 386.8 220.07 21.98 L AELI 4.375 2.59 398.4 338

218.12 59 SF AELI S 2.375 3.02 287.7 217.78 95 L AELI S 3.250 3.04 293.9 219.24 46 1 C Q TO p 2 2 M AELI S 4.375 00 2.05 2.68 375.5 218.09 40 F C Q OT p 2 2 M AELI s 3.125 75 3.12 2.92 327.9 216.40 73 I C Q MW p 2 2 M AELI s 4.125 25 2.48 3.77 173.3 216.47 34 BF AELI o 3.500 3.55 187.9 215.33 62 S AELI s 2.375 3.93 128.0 215.87 23 S AELI s 2.625 2.99 165.2 217.01 02 S AELI s 1.875 3.01 259.3 224.06 33 S AELI CI114 4.125 -0.46 638.6 223.26 45 S AELI S 1.875 -0.17 596.1 222.55 20 S AELI CI137 2.125 0.28 569.5 223.21 90 S AELI 7 2.000 -0.09 610.0 223.64 62 S AELI S 1.875 -0.30 639.1 223.43 60 S AELI S 2.500 -0.21 629.8 222.39 92 F A 3 L 3 MO AELI s 26.875 .00 3.72 0.38 570.9 224.23 90 S AELI SB 1.875 -0.47 689.7 222.18 28 S AELI CI137 1.875 0.34 583.1 224.80 12 I A 2 3 M AELI S 7.625 .75 2.19 -0.62 709.7 224.90 91 S AELI S 2.250 -0.69 721.0 223.71 57 I P 2 1 MO AELI SO 12.125 -0.36 676.9 222.17 87 SF AELI s 3.625 0.22 597.6 222.39 72 s AELI s 3.250 0.06 612.8 222.80 97 sb AELI o 3.500 -0.10 658.8 223.27 82 S AELI 7 3.500 -0.22 684.7 224.93 77 S AELI s 2.250 -0.74 760.2 224.03 00 S AELI s 2.750 748.8 223.40 02 F M C T JMB A 3 3 M AELIs 14.750 75 3.30 721.4 220.68 72 F M C Q TWO P 2 3 M AELI SGR 5.375 00 2.41 465.8 221.36 66 S AELI S 1.875 499.1 221.00 45 S AELI s 1.875 1.48 489.4 220.77 15 S AELI s 1.875 1.52 489.5 221.53 07 S AELI s 1.875 526.4 221.28 83 S AELI s 1.875 523.5 221.87 55 S AELI s 2.875 559.7 221.39 39 S AELI s 2.250 544.4 220.96 39 S AELI s 2.375 525.9 221.76 70 S AELI s 2.500 0.39 586.4 220.24 08 S AELI s 2.375 2.24 433.7 219.98 63 S AELI s 2.500 2.07 437.5 219.34 82 S AELI s 2.250 2.35 402.7 218.59 68 S AELI s 1.875 .25 2.80 2.61 377.0 217.70 03 I A R M C F 7 AELI o 7.500 2.82 327.6 218.46 40 S AELI s 4.875 2.48 383.5 218.96 00 I A 3 4 MY AELI s 9.250 .50 2.21 2.28 419.8 219.20 68 S AELI s 2.625 2.06 442.7 219.70 97 S AELI s 3.500 1.54 492.4 219.81 90 S AELI s 3.125 1.46 499.7 220.50 15 sb AELI 7 3.875 0.89 558.5 219.77 IAS? C Q OTsh PP 11 1 M AELIso 5.500 11.75 2.13 1.20 539.5 219.66 AELI s 3.000 1.10 561.1 218.35 AELI s 2.750 2.20 411.8 218.90 AELI SB 2.375 1.89 461.9 219.50 AELI s 1.875 460.7 218.23 AELI s 2.000 489.3 218.68 AELI s 3.750 523.7 218.74 AELI s 2.500 528.5 218.29 F T S M C T MW A 3 H 4 M AELI s 13.125 .75 2.95 1.72 519.5 215.31 b A W? AELIso 4.875 2.96 271.0 216.73 F A S M C Q MWI A 3 3 M AELI s 8.250 .50 2.48 335.1 215.69 i AELI s 2.875 311.8 217.50 F T S M C T MW A 3 AH 4 M AELI s 95.00 MJ A 4 25.000 .00 3.00 3.800 438.5 216.75 AELI 7 2.750 397.5 216.75 AELI 7 3.750 405.4 217.41 AELI 7 3.875 476.9 217.71 AELI 7 3.125 505.6 216.83 AELI S 3.625 473.8 216.51 AELI S 2.375 505.2 215.00 AELI s 1.875 317.6 215.37 AELI s 3.500 2.85 342.0 214.88 AELI s 2.625 2.82 374.3 215.29 S AELI B 2.500 2.50 418.5 214.82 F A S M C Q ? AELI SO 9.750 .50 2.82 2.55 423.1 214.79 AELI S 1.875 1.78 504.1 222.90 AELI S 1.875 -0.03 712.0 224.40 P 2 2 M AELI SO 2.625 .00 3.04 -0.34 797.2 224.37 AELI SO 3.625 -0.35 802.8 225.01 AELI S 3.125 -0.60 859.8 224.04 AELI B 3.250 -0.30 799.6 223.94 AELI B 1.875 -0.27 793.5 223.70 AELI B 2.625 777.5 222.98 AELI S 1.875 755.2 221.54 ARM C T SH 1 MO AELI O 36.250 .50 2.96 682.4 220.51 P 1 2 M AELI S 3.625 .00 2.20 637.7 219.28 AELI 7 2.375 571.3 218.87 AELI S 1.875 1.25 558.5 218.66 A SM C Q 7 AELI SO 5.500 1.30 556.1 218.97 AELI S 2.125 1.12 569.6 219.06 AELI S 2.500 1.04 575.7 219.13 AELI S 1.875 0.98 580.8 219.21 P 3 3 MO AELI S 13.375 50.25 3.75 0.70 609.1 219.43 AELI s 1.875 0.58 620.5 218.13 I A 7 7 C Q 7 AELI ? 4.625 0.88 598.6 220.06 AELI 7 4.250 0.18 677.0 216.55 AELI S 1.875 1.31 534.6 216.68 AELI S 2.375 1.12 554.3 216.68 AELI S 2.250 1.01 565.0 216.94 AELI S 2.250 0.93 575.8 213.17 I P R 7 C T 7 AELI EF 17.625 2.22 293.2 214.27 AELI EF 3.375 2.74 247.5 214.68 D CH T JM A 2 H 2 M AELI EF 15.250 50 2.98 2.89 228.6 214.83 7 CH I ?r AELI CR3 7.750 75 2.67 2.88 229.2 213.81 AEL2 EC 2.625 4.29 165.2 212.83 AELI EF 1.875 2.68 258.4 213.65 AEL2 EC 1.875 4.75 141.5 212.83 AEL2 EV 1.875 5.98 117.3 212.29 A 3 L 3 M AEL2 EF 13.750 48.00 3.49 136.6 212.13 AELI EF 1.875 207.5 210.59 03 F 7 S M C F AELI EFS 6.500 334.2 211.77 57 S AELI S 2.250 285.1 211.55 37 SF AELI S 2.S00 278.0 209.25 79 7 AELI ? 2.875 360.5 210.84 03 i AELI 7 3.250 276.4 210.46 99 F P 2 2 M AELI S 9.375 .50 2.40 285.1 210.88 04 s AELI EF 3.000 226.9 211.66 73 b AELI EF 2.625 .50 2.85 188.5 209.82 05 S AELI EF 3.250 265.3 208.45 04 s AELI S 2.500 398.5 339

206.00 29.98 AELI S 1.875 -4.15 412.1 208.11 29.24 A S ? CH Q O AELI S 5.250 13.25 2.52 -1.30 378.5 207.30 29.62 AELI s 2.750 0.51 425.0 206.52 29.84 AELI s 3.000 1.17 464.7 206.26 28.93 AELI s 1.875 1.20 446.6 208.39 28.21 AELI s 1.875 1.44 330.1 208.27 27.49 I P S MC Q MO A 2 3 M AELI s 8.000 13.25 1.65 313.9 206.05 27.87 s AELI s 1.875 429. 206.03 29.95 FA S D C Q OW P 2 2 M AELI s 15.250 35.00 2.29 488. 203.53 30.13 ? AELI s 2.875 603. 203.77 28.75 S AELI s 2.250 558. 204.89 28.28 s AELI s 2.125 494. 205.12 28.01 s AELI s 2.000 477. 205.46 27.30 F ASM c Q MSH P 2 2 M AELI s 9.125 16.50 447. 203.11 27.13 F A R 7 c Q SH7 P 2 A 1 M AELI s 8.750 28.00 565. 214.94 26.33 S AEL2 EC 2.750 109.8 213.50 26.39 b A ? 7 c E MJ A 2 2 M AEL2 EC 3.000 7.25 2.41 7.64 82.1 211.59 26.22 B UT 2 M AEL2 EC 2.625 7.25 2.76 5.15 124.8 212.78 25.76 I A ? 7 c Q MW P 2 2 M AEL2 EC 4.625 10.00 2.16 10.22 59.1 212.50 25.78 B 7 AEL2 EC 2.875 9.09 70.5 214.34 25.66 S AEL2 EC 1.875 8.43 59.4 212.25 24.44 B UT P 1 2 M AEL2 EC 2.125 7.00 3.29 8.91 74.8 212.09 24.48 I 7 ? 7 c Q OTI P 2 2 M AEL2 EC 6.750 14.50 2.14 81.7 210.99 25.19 B AEL2 EC 2.125 4.75 2.23 134.8 211.68 24.94 I A 7 7 c E MBW A 2 q 3 M AEL2 EC 5.000 11.00 2.20 97.6 211.11 24.50 I A 7 7 c E IMW A 2 q 3 M AEL2 EC 5.250 11.25 2.14 131.7 211.72 24.06 S AEL2 EC 2.125 4.33 110.7 210.17 27.37 b UT AELI EF 2.375 6.00 2.52 2.92 225.5 211.03 26.86 FASM c T BOWra A 3 3 MO AELI EF 11.250 31.00 2.75 3.81 171.3 211.77 26.69 F AS M c Q 7 AEL2 EC 6.375 4.93 135.8 210.41 26.53 FA s M c D IBOJ A 3 3 M AELI EF 12.250 26.50 2.16 3.23 187.7 209.49 24.61 SF AELI s 3.125 2.92 216.4 207.77 26.62 S AELI s 4.875 1.70 319.6 207.38 26.73 F AELI s 3.375 1.55 341.2 207.05 26.74 F AELI s 2.125 1.42 358.2 206.75 26.26 F AELI s 3.125 1.28 367.4 208.26 26.29 F AELI s 2.125 1.95 289.5 208.73 25.84 F AELI s 2.875 259.5 208.94 25.46 I 0?M AELI so 7.250 12.25 1.69 245.4 209.09 25.03 F ? AELI s 9.125 21.25 2.32 236.3 206.30 25.95 BF AELI o 8.625 388.3 205.72 26.55 S AELI s 2.250 424.2 206.47 25.66 S AELI s 2.875 1.23 377.7 206.43 25.46 I AELI 7 6.250 1.23 379.1 207.64 24.60 I AELI 7 9.000 17.50 83 315.4 206.10 24.61 b AELI s 4 .000 8.75 32 397.8 205.10 24.12 I A 7 ? C Q OW AELI s 5.625 11.00 25 454 .6 202.94 25.81 s AELI s 3.125 7.00 91 565. 203.78 25.22 b AELI so 3.125 8.75 93 520. 202.52 24.15 I AELI s 2.250 5.00 99 592. 214.19 23.30 F A S M C Q MB I A 3 AEL2 s 11.375 23.75 50 107. 212.98 22.93 AEL2 EC 2.125 69 125. 212.89 22.83 AEL2 EC 125 41 132. 213.26 22.67 AEL2 EC 000 40 138. 213.62 22.56 AEL2 EC 875 72 144. 214.27 22.66 AELI O S00 55 144. 214.01 22.21 I T S M C AELI s 62.50 JMB G 4 17.750 46.25 2.60 3.521 4.20 167. 214.96 21.99 S AELI s 2.250 3.23 194. 214.76 21.95 s AELI s 4.375 3.36 192.8 212.86 20.48 S AELI s 2.000 3.11 269.5 210.49 23.97 S AELI s 2.125 173.0 211.50 23.58 b AELI s 3.875 136.6 210.46 23.18 S AELI s 2.375 196.2 211.38 23.08 I A S 7 C Q SHWO P 2 AELI s 7.125 11.50 1.61 161.2 211.09 23.01 S AELI s 1.875 175.4 210.53 22.25 I A 7 7 C Q 7 AELI 7 5.875 3.25 228.7 210.59 20.96 S AELI S 2.875 3.78 286.6 210.84 20.84 S AELI s 2.250 285.4 211.53 20.12 sf AELI 7 3.375 307.9 212.44 21.69 SF AELI S 2.125 204.0 212.52 20.70 SF AELI S 2.000 259.8 212.01 19.75 s AELI S 3.250 320.9 212.52 19.27 s AELI s 3.125 343.0 207.47 24.37 b UTO AELI s 3.625 326.0 208.86 24.10 b 7 AELI s 2.125 2.43 255.1 208.88 23.69 I A S M C Q MBWJ A 3 AELI s 11.375 31.00 2.72 2.53 260.6 209.51 22.96 CB AELI s 5.375 3.07 247.0 208.61 23.23 7 AELI s 4.000 2.49 283.8 206.88 22.96 b AELI s 2.000 1.79 377.4 208.43 22.62 S AELI s 2.500 2.53 308.2 209.68 21.10 s AELI s 2.625 3.91 310.4 207.90 21.57 UF AELI o 5.625 2.41 365.5 207.12 22.34 b AELI s 2.250 379.5 206.63 22.12 S AELI s 4.250 409.3 206.00 21.78 I AELI s 4.750 449.2 207.70 20.58 SF AELI s 4.625 410 209.12 20.25 sf AELI s 3.000 368 203.98 22.51 S AELI s 4.875 535 204.03 22.53 S AELI CR111 3.875 1.21 532 202.65 22.46 I AELI s 3.250 1.09 606 202.83 21.57 i AELI s 2.250 1.09 613 204.50 21.07 I AELI s 2.750 1.30 541.9 203.00 20.11 I AELI 7 4.250 641.8 212.95 20.09 I AELI 0 7.125 291.8 213.08 19.96 s AELI s 2.625 298.9 212.99 19.89 s AELI s 3.750 303.4 214.67 19.41 I A R 7 C Q MJsh P 2 AELI s 10.375 18.75 1.80 336.6 210.30 19.90 AELI s 2.250 6.38 348.5 209.25 19.95 S AHAT AC 3.125 4.97 378.2 208.14 19.50 S AHAT AC 2.875 437.8 207.53 20.06 I A S M C Q OW AELI SO 6.500 12.75 1.96 437.6 206.04 20.41 s AELI S 3.750 488.9 214.92 18.94 OF AELI O 6.875 366.7 212.78 18.59 S AELI S 3.250 381.0 213.86 18.42 S AELI S 2.375 389.5 214.43 18.23 S AELI b .500 403.5 214.75 18.14 S AELI b .000 411.4 214.34 17.70 s AELI 7 .000 434.1 214.51 17.42 B A 7 7 C E MW AELI S .000 16.25 3.25 451.6 214.95 17.10 b AELI S .250 8.75 2.69 473.9 213.25 17.61 s AELI s .000 437.2 213.48 17.47 s AELI s .875 445.2 212.32 17.64 S AELI s .875 440.0 214.07 16.68 S AELI s .500 492.9 214.63 16.69 s AELI s 4.375 495.3 213.92 16.53 I AELI s 7.875 24.50 3.11 501.3 213.59 16.39 b AELI s 3.125 7.25 2.32 509.1 211.68 19.31 S AELI s 1.875 350.9 340

211.96 19.16 S AELI S 2.750 3.23 355.4 210.39 19.20 I A C Q T? AHAT AC 5.875 13.75 2.34 8.26 382.9 211.05 18.37 S AELI S 1.875 3.23 414.4 210.26 18.26 I p C Q MJ P 2 2 M AHAT AC 8.000 13.75 1.71 5.33 436.4 208.26 18.44 cb AHAT AC 3.250 2.90 482.9 208.66 18.23 I A 7 7 AHAT AC 4.875 3.06 480.5 208.57 18.12 AHAT AC 1.875 2.92 488.7 208.99 17.69 I t S C T MJ P 3 3 M AHAT AC 12.375 30.75 2.48 2.38 498.4 209.05 17.23 S AELI S 4.750 2.07 520.7 210.77 17.50 sf AELI 7 3.500 3.05 468.2 209.73 16.85 s AELI S 3.500 2.00 524.8 209.51 16.87 s AELI s 3.250 1.94 528.7 210.84 16.46 BF AELI o 9.875 1.89 525.9 210.42 15.66 SF AELI o 5.500 0.95 578.0 210.03 15.77 S AELI s 2.000 1.04 578.5 208.52 15.79 S AELI s 2.750 0.92 610.3 206.79 19.27 I A R M C Q MW A 3 3 M AELI s 9.000 21.75 2.41 1.86 499.7 205.98 19.16 BF AELI o 6.875 1.60 537.4 207.23 18.67 b OUT AELI s 2.125 1.84 508.2 208.07 17.81 S AHAT AC 2.375 1.75 519.5 207.84 17.49 sf AELI 7 6.000 1.27 542.5 207.52 17.20 s AELI s 3.375 1.06 566.8 207.71 16.73 I A R 7 C E shm P 2 1 M AELI s 6.875 10.75 1.56 1.24 584 207.62 15.80 AELI s 1.875 0.76 633 206.69 15.83 F Q MJ 2 M AELI SL 9.000 21.25 2.36 660 205.17 18.83 1 E 7 AELI 7 3.125 6.25 2, 584 204.36 18.93 I AELI 7 3.125 5.50 1. 616 204.29 18.83 I AELI 7 4.375 622 204.88 18.26 S AELI S 2.125 618 205.48 18.05 S AELI S 2.125 1.21 602.6 203.92 18.33 I A R 7 C E jsh P 2 AELI s 3.875 0.96 657.4 202.88 18.14 s AELI SL 2.125 710.5 202.60 17.46 I S 7 C Q 7 AELI 7 4.625 747.5 203.06 17.11 I R 7 C Q MW G 3 AL AELI S 8.125 25.50 13 740.7 204.37 16.51 I S M C T MW A 3 AL AELI S 57.50 MJC A 4 15.250 42.75 80 3.770 711.4 204.51 15.60 s AELI S 2.500 0.34 746.1 213.10 24.56 S AEL2 EC 4.250 13.91 33.7 201.99 14.31 7 AELI S 2.500 -0.22 899.2 201.97 13.95 7 AELI s 3.500 -0.29 915.5 201.92 13.92 7 AELI 7 2.250 -0.30 918.7 201.87 13.15 7 AELI 7 4.375 -0.46 954.5 201.55 12.68 7 AELI S 2.500 7.00 2.80 -0.58 987.6 201.40 12.89 7 AELI S 2.250 -0.55 984.0 201.20 13.11 7 AELI 7 3.125 -0.53 982.0 200.26 14.34 7 AELI SD 1.875 -0.38 968.7 199.72 13.86 7 AELI 7 3.000 -0.52 1010.7 198.86 14.79 F AELI S 4.000 -0.21 1012.0 198.71 14.76 7 AELI 7 2.500 -0.23 1019.8 198.78 14.64 7 AELI 7 4.625 -0.26 1021.2 198.93 14.44 F AELI SK 3.500 -0.32 1022.1 198.70 14.28 7 AELI S 2.875 -0.37 1038.2 199.34 13.75 7 7 AELI S 2.500 -0.57 1031.2 199.10 13.62 F Q MWO 2 M AELI S 8.000 15.25 1.90 -0.61 1046.5 199.45 13.27 7 AELI S 2.500 -0.73 1045.9 197.22 14.04 F A SM C F E HNU O 7.750 -0.67 1113.2 197.92 12.49 se HNU 7 3.750 -0.94 1141.8 201.25 11.29 F ASP 2 O HNU O 37.500 -0.82 1062.0 200.87 11.48 F ASM C D 7 1 O HNU CR20 7.375 -0.82 1067.2 199.92 11.43 F C Q 7 O HNU 7 5.000 -0.89 1105.3 199.93 11.15 F C Q 7 O HNU 7 4.750 -0.91 1117.4 198.69 11.35 F H F E O HNU 7 25.000 -0.97 1157.2 200.53 10.78 F HNU S 2.875 -0.91 1111.7 199.61 10.66 F P HD 3 O HNU O 23.750 -0.96 1151.4 198.57 9.540 F M H D 3 O HNU O 118.750 -1.05 1241.1 199.66 9.462 M SC D 3 O HNU CR27 17.500 -1.00 1204.2 200.32 9.465 HNU SO 6.250 -1.00 1180.4 200.87 10.08 HNU 7 4.250 -0.96 1132.0 200.97 9.960 HNU 7 5.375 -0.96 1134.2 201.62 9.826 F A M CB SHE 3 O HNU O 30.000 -0.97 1118.4 202.26 9.580 F A M CB SHE 3 O HNU O 26.875 -1.01 1109 201.54 9.436 EF HNU O 13.750 -1.00 1140 201.75 9.054 EF HNU O 8.625 -1.02 1151 201.31 9.344 SF HNU O 18.125 -1.00 1152 201.44 9.136 EF HNU O 13.125 -1.00 1157 201.34 8.935 EF HNU O 12.500 -1.00 1171 201.12 8.530 BF HNU 0 14.375 -1.06 1198.0 200.93 8.658 BF HNU o 13.125 -1.03 1198.1 201.08 8.233 BF HNU 0 10.000 -1.12 1213.9 200.76 8.265 F A S M C Q h 2 MO APS s 8.750 20.00 2.28 -1.11 1222.8 200.67 8.967 EF HNU o 13.125 -0.99 1191. 197.07 13.23 F A SM H D E 3 O HNU o 26.250 -0.92 1149, 196.64 12.61 F AIM HD E 3 O HNU 0 40.000 -1.00 1192. 197.70 10.65 F D EH 3 O HNU o 17.500 -1.04 1226. 197.41 10.66 F Q O 2 M APS s 6.750 17.50 2.59 -1.06 1238. 196.83 10.20 UF 3 M APS o 43.750 -1.18 1281. 195.83 11.23 UF 3 M APK o 23.750 -1.17 1281. 195.27 10.04 SF APK o 5.625 -1.45 1353. 195.87 9.893 I APK s 4.500 10.00 2.22 -1.36 1333. 197.25 9.578 F C Q H APS o 12.500 17.50 1.40 -1.23 1290. 195.42 9.607 F AS? 7 APK 7 5.250 -1.48 1364. 196.14 8.629 F ADM H Q H APS o 43.750 -1.56 1376. 202.43 8.677 7 HNU KS 3.375 -1.10 1149.2 202.50 8.457 7 AELI S 2.875 -1.17 1158.2 202.00 6.827 SF APS 7 3.750 -1.68 1256.1 198.95 7.370 F 7 D M SC Q H 3 O APS O 36.875 -1.57 1327.5 200.07 6.412 BF APS O 20.000 -1.81 1336.4 202.43 6.025 s APS 7 4.125 -1.58 1285.4 196.72 5.799 OF 4 MO APS O 28.750 -2.00 1480.9 199.77 4.708 UF HNU O 18.750 -1.90 1430.9 199.97 4.534 I A 7 7 7 HNU SO 6.625 -1.87 1433. 200.57 4.229 F PSPCD EH HNU O 34.375 -1.79 1431. 202.23 3.087 F A S M O ACHU S 3.125 -1.50 1445. 201.51 1.055 I A s D 7 ACHU s 5.625 12.50 2.22 -1.41 1572. 198.39 3.641 F C s P c T EH ACHU 0 58.750 -1.97 1527. 198.78 3.019 SF ACHU o 7.250 -1.90 1546.6 198.20 2.888 I ARM c T 7 ACHU 7 10.000 -1.97 1571.3 199.68 .9138 F A s P c I h ACHU O 14.375 -1.61 1628.4 195.76 3.154 F P s M CB I H 4 O ACHU O 87.500 -2.01 1639.7 197.13 2.743 F P s M CB D H 4 O ACHU O 106.250 -2.00 1613.0 195.34 .6165 7 ACHU S 2.750 -1.68 1776.4 195.40 14.75 7 A 7 7 CC Q 7 HNU 7 6.500 -0.95 1172.9 196.10 14.4 5 E! HNU 7 5.000 -0.93 1150.1 196.15 14.25 Ei HNU 7 4 .625 -0.94 1154.6 196.15 13.70 El HNU 7 3.375 -0.99 1174.1 195.85 13.30 El HNU 7 22.500 -1.00 1202.2 196.05 13.35 SI HNU CF78 7.125 -0.99 1191.2 194.83 14.73 ? AELI S 2.500 5.00 2.00 -1.02 1200.7 194.06 14.95 7 AELI S 3.750 11.50 3.06 -0.99 1230.8 341

192.47 15.03 OF APK O 6.125 -1.01 1306.2 192.73 14.76 F APK O 19.875 -1.03 1301.5 195.35 13.27 F APK 7 18.750 -1.02 1226.1 193.4 7 13.89 F APK S 5.000 -1.10 1293.1 193.46 13.80 F APK O 5.625 -1.12 1296.5 193.46 13.64 F APK S 2.875 -1.15 1301.8 193.64 13.41 UF APK O 11.875 -1.18 1300.9 193.19 13.33 F A I P C Q H APK O 22.500 -1.25 1324.9 194.08 10.93 S APK K 3.875 -1.45 1369.8 194.70 9.626 F A i d C Q ?mj APK S 15.625 40.00 2.56 -1.56 1393.9 188.24 14.38 EF HNU S 7.625 -1.99 1536.4 189.33 13.80 F A S M C D E HNU O 66.250 -1.99 1498.3 189.21 13.49 I A S 7 AELI CF16 5.750 -2.00 1513.4 189.01 13.29 F ASM C D E HNU 7 37.500 -1.99 1529.3 188.80 13.11 7 AELI CF18 2.750 -1.99 1545.2 189.88 13.42 I 7 HNU CR16 5.625 -1.89 1482.4 190.07 12.86 F 70U HNU S 3.000 -1.86 1490.5 191.94 12.21 i APK 7 11.750 -1.68 1421.9 191.30 12.46 ef HNU 7 6.875 -1.70 1443.9 191.37 12.22 I APK s 6.125 11.25 1.83 -1.74 1448.6 191.36 10.69 s HNU 7 3.750 -1.92 1502.2 190.70 11.66 sf HNU 7 4 .750 -1.92 1499.3 189.22 11.91 I HNU S 6.875 -2.00 1562.1 189.38 11.88 7 HNU CF 4.125 -2.00 1555.3 189.33 11.56 I HNU S 5.500 -2.00 1568.2 190.34 11.45 I HNU CR31 6.000 -1.98 1523.5 189.84 10.52 UF HNU 124.750 -2.00 1579.1 188.90 10.74 UF APS 10.625 -2.00 1616.1 191.02 9.996 I HNU 4 .250 8.00 -1.98 1542.9 191.44 9.405 I QWM APK 6.250 12.50 -1.98 1545.6 190.59 9.630 I 7 R 7 C Q ? HNU 6.375 -2.00 1575.9 191.14 9.137 I h APK 5.500 -1.98 1569.2 191.26 8.662 F Q H APK 25.000 -1.99 1581.9 190.77 9.109 UF HNU 6.875 -2.00 1587.0 188.19 13.29 i APK 4.625 -2.00 1570.1 187.65 12.50 7 APS 4.375 -2.00 1620.6 187.46 12.16 s APS 3.000 -2.00 1640.4 188.23 10.98 a APS 2.875 -2.00 1640.3 187.91 9.721 UF 4 O HNU 90.000 -2.00 1697.9 188.44 8.654 UF 3 O HNU 10.000 -2.00 1710.5 185.79 15.20 F ASM C Q Wm P 2 3 M APK 5.250 13.00 -1.80 1640.1 185.32 14.97 F A SMC 0 IW A 2 3 M APK 7.375 15.75 -1.67 1670.1 184.38 15.39 F A s M c Q IN A 2 4 M HNU 10.625 23.00 -1.44 1708.5 184.61 15.22 1 A s M ? APK 3.875 -1.59 1700.7 184.52 15.05 F A s M c Q WT P 3 F 4 MO APK 10.125 41.25 4.07 -1.60 1709.5 184.70 14.41 F A d M HH F HNU 31.875 -1.69 1716.4 185.86 13.18 F A R P CH 0 BJIM P 4 2 MO APK 26.750 136.25 -2.00 1690.4 185.89 13.45 F AIM SC Q 71 P 2 MO APK 11.375 -2.00 1681.3 186.58 12.68 UF 3 O APK 26.875 -2.00 1668.5 184.05 13.90 s HNU 3.375 -1.77 1763.1 183.88 13.85 I ? HNU 4 .250 -1.61 1773.2 184.60 13.08 UF 3 O HNU 47.500 -1.98 1757.1 185.01 12.17 I A S M ?U APK 5.250 12.25 -1.99 1762.2 185.54 11.66 F A IM ? APK 9.750 2 2 .SO -2.00 1750.8 184.34 11.64 F A I M EH 4 O HNU O 70.625 -2.02 1811.4 184.55 11.38 I A s M C E W A 2 4 M HNU CF60 6.875 15.00 2.18 -1.99 1808.7 183.83 11.58 F P IM c I IMH P 3 L 3 MO HNU CR60 20.625 71.25 3.45 -2.03 1838.8 183.60 11.43 7 HNU 7 3.500 -1.78 1854.8 183.50 11.47 S HNU S 3.375 -1.65 1858.7 183.33 11.47 s HNU 7 2.875 -1.46 1867.2 184.33 10.89 S APS 7 2.250 -2.00 1834.4 183.54 11.12 I c I M c T ? 2 MO HNU S 14 .500 32.50 2.24 -1.90 1867.0 183.57 10.86 S HNU S 3.500 -1.97 1873.3 184.44 10.06 I A s M 7 APS 7 7.125 -2.00 1854.7 183.82 14.50 X HNU s 3.125 -1.26 1759.6 182.31 14.85 F A s P Q D SH O HNU O 143.750 -1.81 1829.4 182.32 15.52 I A WM P 2 L 3 M S CF71 5.625 12.50 2.22 -1.62 1813.0 183.25 14.28 7 C CR71 3.750 -0.79 1794.6 183.08 14.32 7 TW P 3 2 M S CF71 3.000 12.00 4.00 -0.73 1802.4 182.85 12.95 s S CF71 3.125 -0.96 1850.1 183.17 12.20 B 7 S CF71 3.750 -0.89 1854.4 181.85 13.34 I A s M 7 C CR71 4.125 -1.93 1891.2 181.34 14.79 F P IM c Q IMBW P 3 3 MO C CR71 16.875 57.50 3.40 -1.85 1881.5 181.16 14.12 EF C CR71 10.000 -1.29 1907.2 180.74 13.78 I HNU 7 5.625 0.03 1937.5 181.04 13.61 ef HNU 7 8.000 0.27 1926.2 182.14 11.86 SF HNU O 5.375 -0.99 1916.4 181.73 11.16 F P S M C Q H HNU O 27.125 -1.60 1957.1 182.45 10.90 of APS O 46.000 -1.64 1928.3 182.85 10.38 of APS O 52.500 -1.87 1923.7 193.64 10.04 s APK 7 5.000 -1.64 1423.4 193.57 9.519 UF APK O 13.500 -1.73 1446.9 193.18 9.462 s APK K 5.250 -1.79 1466.1 193.52 8.845 I APK S 7.500 18.75 2.50 -1.82 1475.8 192.62 8.115 BF APK O 18.125 -1.98 1543.8 194.32 7.730 I P 2 APK S 10.000 28.00 -1.90 1488.2 185.99 7.491 F P 2 APS S 10.500 20.75 -2.07 1866.3 188.51 2.724 UF NM O 15.000 -1.58 1939.2 186.80 5.992 UF APS O 21.000 -2.03 1883.8 184.07 6.166 S ACHU S 2.500 -2.06 2003.5 184.57 0.905 RR A R 7 CH I 7 AML O 5.875 -0.33 2181.4 184.68 0.495 I A I AML 7 7.000 17.50 2.50 -0.23 2193.3 184.39 0.989 R A I AML O 5.625 -0.28 2185.8 184.16 1.023 R A R D AML 7 3.750 -0.20 2194.4 184.05 1.532 R A R M AML 7 4.250 -0.45 2179.0 183.94 1.490 R A R D AML 7 4 .625 -0.38 2185.4 183.66 1. 563 R A R D CH I AML 7 4.875 -0.28 2194.9 183.64 1.477 R A R D CC I AML 7 3.750 -0.23 2199.2 182.35 2.260 NAIM N AML 7 3.62 5 0.29 2226.6 182.68 1.926 NN p I M AML 7 6.000 0.28 2224.5 181.45 2.203 F AML S 5 . 500 10.00 1.81 0.76 2269.8 181 .41 915 BF AML O 3 .250 1.13 2282.4 181 .40 728 BF AML O 3.750 1.36 2289.9 181.80 145 UF AML O 11.625 1.53 2294.0 180.24 107 F 7 I P C T h ACHU O 21.250 -0.71 2257.1 179.97 866 BF ACHU O 7.625 -0.60 2278.4 180.10 468 UF ACHU 0 4.625 -0.S9 2286.3 181.27 ,212 UF ACHU O 25.625 -0.38 2240.8 180.31 883 SF ACHU 7 3.125 -0.14 2297.5 179.88 4 62 R ACHU 7 5.375 2.05 2369.5 188.17 13.11 BF HNU O 8.125 -2.00 1576.5 189.15 4.374 F NM O 13.125 -1.99 1843.9 184.66 I.040 R ACHU 7 3.250 -0.40 2172.0 181.00 II . 00 OF APS O 5.875 -2.02 1998.7 224.22 14 . 93 t S M C I MJ A 3 HL 3 M AELI S 10.750 25.75 2.39 -0.37 841.5 224.66 14.70 AELI S 2.250 -0.52 868.7 223.08 13.39 AELI S 2.750 -0.14 869.5 224.03 12.74 AELI S 3.375 -0.40 933.1 342

223. 16 11 .74 s AELI S 2.125 -0 .2 8 952.3 223. 14 11 .68 s AELI S 2.000 -0 .2 8 954.6 223. 49 11 .57 s AELI s 1.875 -0 .3 8 971.2 221. 88 14 . 93 I AELI so 4 .625 10.75 2.32 -0.01 755.4 222 . 03 14 .38 B A 7 AELI 7 5.125 8.00 1.56 0.00 786.7 221. 67 13 .55 B A 7 AELI SO 3.125 5.50 1.76 0.05 815.7 221. 35 12 .54 I A ? ? C Q Wm AELI so 5.625 10.75 1.91 0.07 857.3 221. 92 12 .25 S AELI so 4.000 0.00 888.6 222. 17 12 .14 s AELI s 2.250 -0.04 901.7 222. 60 11 .85 I AELI s 3.500 11.25 3.21 -0.15 929.3 222. 36 11 .67 B AELI s 6.625 10.50 1.58 -0.12 931.1 221..37 12 .07 I M SC AELI so 4 .000 5.50 1.37 0.04 882.1 221. 68 11 .62 F M C AELI s 15.000 56.25 3.75 -0.01 914.0 221.,52 11 .47 S AELI Cl 17 2.125 7.75 3.64 -0.00 917.4 221..02 11 .66 F C I M C T MB AELI s 15.625 43.75 2.80 0.02 894.0 219.,48 14 .94 SB AELI o 3.500 0.24 681.1 219. 88 14 .61 SB AELI 0 4.750 0.12 709.2 218.,75 14 .57 B AELI s 2.000 5.00 2.50 0.29 682.1 219. .06 14 .47 S AELI B 2.625 0.21 695.0 219.,41 14 .27 sb AELI O 6.625 0.12 714.4 218..60 14 .28 SF AELI O 2.500 0.23 694.3 218.,36 14 .16 S AELI s 2.000 0.25 695.6 220.,17 13 .55 b AELI 0 2.500 6.75 2.70 0.05 772.2 220.,92 12 .81 S AELI 7 3.125 10.25 3.28 0.10 831.2 220.,42 12 .24 s AELI 7 2.S00 0.08 847.8 219.,42 12 .80 I C CI36S 3.750 0.05 793.4 219.,08 11 .91 B C CI36 3.750 0.05 834.5 218. ,91 11 .79 B C CI36 3.125 7.50 2.40 0.05 837.7 217.,40 15 .01 I t I ? C I MW AELI S 7.125 14.75 2.07 0.49 629.0 217.,56 14 .53 S AELI 7 2.500 0.28 658.9 217.,75 13 .68 SF AELI 7 2.625 0.04 709.9 218.,22 12 .55 F P S P C T SHE AELI O 87.500 -0.01 781.9 217. 81 12 .82 EF C CR36 3.750 -0.00 759.3 217. 54 11 .35 EF C CI36S 2.625 -0.00 838.2 215..50 15 .00 S AELI S 3.250 0.52 601.6 215. 68 14 .44 s AELI 7 2.250 0.26 636.0 216. 25 13 .90 s AELI 7 2.875 0.11 673.9 215. 43 13 .97 b AELI SO 4.250 10.00 2.35 0.12 661.0 215. 86 13 .74 s AELI 7 2.500 6.25 2.50 0.08 678.6 224. 46 11 .07 b OT P 1 W APS S 2.625 9.50 3.61 -0 .6 7 1027.4 222. 95 10 .81 F OmW A 2 H 3 M APS s 9.750 21.25 2.17 -0.28 992.4 223. 38 10 .38 B o P 1 2 M APS s 3.000 5.50 1.83 -0.43 1027.1 225. 10 9. 231 I H APS 0 5.375 -0.99 1138.2 224 . 97 8. 279 I C 7 7 C T MWJ G 3 3 M APS s 10.625 40.00 3.76 -1.05 1181.5 224. 21 8. 417 I C 7 7 C l MWJ G 3 3 M APS s 11.875 35.00 2.94 -0.99 1151.5 224 . 60 8. 055 I C 7 7 C l MWJ G 3 3 M APS s 10.625 33.75 3.17 -1.09 1181.6 221. 62 11 .07 SF APS 7 3.125 -0.03 941.0 222. 34 9. 748 B APS 7 3.750 9.00 2.40 -0.36 1029.7 221. 49 9. 826 B APS 7 6.000 15.00 2.50 -0 .1 7 1003.3 222. 61 8. 911 SB APS O 6.000 -0.63 1080.9 220. 74 9. 547 S APS s 4.750 -0.06 1000.3 220. 72 8. 758 SB APS o 3.62 5 -0.20 1043.0 220. 91 8. 192 I ? I M C Q ? APS s 14.000 35.00 2.50 -0.42 1078.2 220. 69 8 . 188 s APS CI57 3.625 -0.39 1073.6 220.,04 7. 754 S APS 7 2.000 -0.36 1084.5 221 .,57 6. 959 S APS SO 4.125 -0.87 1160.3 219. 04 8. 006 i APS s 11.375 -0.18 1052.4 219 .51 7. 047 I Q Wm APS s 8.875 24.50 2.76 -0.53 1114.6 220 .64 6. 120 F Q SH APS o 6.375 12.50 1.96 -0.93 1187.4 220 .22 6. 109 S APS s 2.750 -0.90 1180.1 219 .56 5. 924 s APS s 2.750 -0 .9 0 1179.1 218 .51 5. 995 s APS s 3.750 -0.77 1159.1 219 .80 5. 138 I APS 7 4.000 -1 .0 0 1227.7 220 .83 4 . 910 B APS SD 2.125 4.75 2.23 -1.02 1258.7 218 .66 10 .23 F P S ? C Q PO AELI S 60.00 MWTI A 3 9.125 20.00 2.19 6.,575 -0 .0 0 920.2 215 .71 12 .21 i AELI 7 5.250 0.06 766.3 216 .31 101.86 BF AELI 7 5.000 0.10 850.8 215 .32 11 .08 F A I M C I I? AELI S 10.500 27.50 2.61 0.07 829.4 218 .26 101.00 i AELI 7 4 .000 -0 .0 0 926.4 217 .61 9. 861 sf AELI 7 2.750 -0.01 924 .5 217 .39 9. 812 sf AELI 7 2.500 -0.01 924.3 215 .35 9. 651 I A 7 7 C Q ? AELI OB 7.500 0.06 913.5 218 .33 9. 106 s AELI S 4.000 -0.00 978.4 219 .03 9. 148 F A I P C T SH AELI SO 50.000 -0.00 987.7 218 .44 8. 792 ? AELI ? 7.875 -0.00 998.0 217 .91 8. 908 F AELI 7 8.625 -0.00 983.4 217 .33 9. 019 F AELI 7 17.625 -0.00 969.3 215 .31 8. 975 s AELI S 3.125 -0.02 953.0 218 .34 8. 449 F A S M C I O AELI s 6.125 15.00 2.44 -0.04 1016.0 215 .84 7. 879 b AELI s 3.S00 7.75 2.21 -0 .1 7 1020.9 215 .21 8 . 005 B AELI s 2.375 4.75 2.00 -0.20 1009.5 215..19 7. 717 S AELI s 3.375 -0.28 1026.4 218 .27 7. 500 s APS s 2.250 -0.32 1069.3 218..08 7. 195 F AIM CTO APS s 15.625 41.25 2.64 -0.39 1084.2 217,.83 6. 920 b OT APS s 3.500 6.00 1.71 -0.43 1096.8 217 . 58 6. 883 F A I M C Q Wm A 2 HA 2 M APS s 13.125 32.50 2.47 -0.36 1095.8 216..77 6. 899 S APS s 2.875 -0.31 1086.2 215..28 7. 033 S AELI s 3.000 -0 .4 8 1067.1 216..00 6. 617 B APS s 3.250 8.75 2.69 -0.49 1096.2 216..49 6. 439 F AELI 7 2.375 6.25 2.63 -0.48 1110.5 216..23 6. 305 S APS s 3.250 -0.56 1116.2 215..85 5. 869 F A I D C Q H ACHU o 13.125 -0.74 1139.0 217,.31 4. 674 I ACHU 7 3.875 8.75 2.25 -0.95 1221.2 215..92 4 . 563 S ACHU s 2.000 -0.98 1216.2 223..17 8. 935 I APS 7 6.000 -0.71 1094.9 223,.75 8. 388 S APS S 2.125 -0 .9 3 1139.7 222..97 8. 373 S APS S 2.500 -0.80 1118.8 225..16 6. 856 ? APS 7 6.250 -1 .1 7 1259.3 224..21 6. 952 S APS S 3.625 -1 .1 8 1227.0 223,.56 7. 100 S APS s 2.750 -1.111201.5 224 ..84 6. 442 sf APS 7 3.375 -1.21 1271.3 225,.02 5. 675 s APS S 2.500 -1.18 1316.1 222..79 6. 659 I A S 7 C Q h APS O 10.000 -1.10 1205.2 223..09 6. 213 s APS 7 4.000 -1.18 1236.5 223..90 5. 548 F ? I 7 C Q I MW G 3 Oq 3 M APS S 8.000 13.75 1.71 -1.19 1292.6 222..01 4 . 785 s APS s 2.125 6.002.82 -1.111289.3 222..23 4 . 550 s APS s 2.500 -1.101306.9 222..05 4. 492 I ? I 7 C E MWO G 2 3 M APS s 5.625 12.00 2.13 -1.09 1306.3 222,.20 4 . 040 F ? ? 7 C 0 MW P 2 3 M APS s 6.875 12.50 1.81 -1.05 1334.4 221,.98 4. 044 F ?? 7 C Q MW5H P 3 3 M APSs 7.125 20.002.80 -1.041329.6 222..38 3. 825 F 7 7 7 C T SHW P 2 3 M APSs 7.500 13.001.73 -1.04 1350.1 222..77 3. 220 F ? 7 7 c 0 SHW P 2 3 M APS s 5.375 10.00 1.86 -1.01 1391.8 223..52 2. 826 I A 7 APS 0 4.250 -1.01 1430.0 221.,59 4. 052 F ? 7 7 c Q MWSHT P 3 3 M APSs 11.25040.00 3.55 -1.02 1321.3 221..34 4. 196 BF APS 7 2.500 -1 .0 2 1308.4 224 ..86 2. 469 S APS S 2.750 -1 .0 0 1481.3 224 .36 1. 896 I APS s 4 .500 9.25 2.05 -0.99 1500.1 221. 82 3. 115 ? APS 7 3.250 7.75 2.38 -1.00 1378.1 343

220.,77 3. 226 S APS 7 3.125 -1.00 1352.4 219.,89 3. 260 F P S D CH T ?r AMLAML ? 7 28.750 -0.99 1336.0 219. 93 3. 563 F ARM C F AMLAML CR124CR124 7.500 -0.99 1319.3 220.,34 2. 394 SF AML SO 2.125 -1.00 1392.4 220.,10 2. 313 SF AML SO 3.250 -0.99 1393.3 219. .81 1. 866 SF AML SO 3.750 -1.00 1414.5 220..07 1. 642 S APS s 2.375 -1.00 1431.2 221.,32 2. 481 F ARM C Q O A 2 O 3M3 M APS sS 27.50 MWTC G 3 O 9.750 20.75 2.12 2.821 -1.00 1404.2 221.,76 2. 513 S APS s 2.125 -1.00 1410.5 221. 87 2. 453 F A 1 M CB Q IWSH A 2 3 M APS Ss 6.500 14.25 2.19 -1.00 1416.0 220. 31 2. 933 S AML s 2.500 -0.99 1361.3 222.,33 2. 022 s APS 7 2.000 -1.00 1449.0 223..34 2. 128 SF APS ? 3.375 -0.99 1464.2 223..42 1. 445 I Q JWM A 2 33 M M APS APS S S 5.625 10.00 1.77 -0.99 1503.5 223.,70 0. 833 7 OH P 2 22 M M APS APS SS 4.000 6.25 1.56 -0.99 1543.3 222..43 0. 723 I P 7 11 M M APSAPS S s 4.125 7.50 1.81 -1.00 1523.5 222.,61 0. 641 S APS 7 2.250 -1.00 1531.6 221..89 0. 327 i APS K 4.875 9.75 2.00 -1.00 1535.8 220.,81 1. 908 S APS S 2.125 -1.00 1427.7 220.,84 1. 262 B APS s 3.000 6.25 2.08 -1.00 1464.9 220..61 1. 276 S APS s 2.750 -1.00 1460.4 220.,94 1. 163 BF APS WRO 2.500 -1.00 1472.1 220.,85 0. 774 F A I M SC Q 7MWI P 3 APSAPS S S 13.750 45.00 3.27 -1.00 1492.8 221.,40 0. 731 S APS S 1.875 -1.00 1504.4 220..63 0. 679 F A S ? C Q APSAPS CI146CI146 5.500 -1.00 1494.7 220.,90 0. 403 SF APS 7 2.500 -1.00 1514.7 219..64 0. 734 S APS 7 2.375 -1.00 1477.1 220..16 0. 330 I APS 7 4.750 -1.00 1507.6 219..76 0. 218 s APS S 2.000 -1.00 1508.5 219.,30 1. 04 8 UF APS o 22.500 -1.00 1454.5 218..82 1. 058 UF AML 7 19.375 -1.00 1448.0 215..26 4. 265 SF ACHU 7 2.375 -1.00 1230.1 216. 09 3. 757 SF ACHU 7 2.500 -1.00 1264.7 216.,51 2. 440 EF AML 7 3.625 -1.00 1345.0 216. OS 1. 663 EF AML 7 4.375 -1.00 1387.6 215. 32 1. 506 EF AML 7 3.375 -1.00 1393.1 215. 86 0. 398 EF AML 7 3.375 -1.00 1461.0 216. 80 1. 633 EF AML 7 3.500 -1.00 1394.5 217. 20 1. 710 EF AML 7 3.875 -1.00 1393.2 216. 62 0. 708 EF AML 7 3.500 -1.00 1447.4 223. 04 5. 238 s APS 7 2.375 -1.21 1287.8 223. 19 4. 997 a APS 7 2.500 -1.21 1304.4 223.,65 4. 464 a APS 7 2.875 -1.19 1344.3 223.,80 4. 270 a APS 7 3.000 -1.17 1358.4 222.,77 4. 761 7 A 7 7 C Q IMJ P 3 22 M M APS APS SS 6.750 17.50 2.59 -1.17 1307.4 222. 49 4. 895 a APS 7 2.750 -1.15 1293.7 224.,11 5. 470 S APS S 2.250 -1.19 1302.2 224 .36 5. 353 s APS S 3.375 -1.19 1314.9 224 . 14 5. 229 s APS 7 4.250 -1.18 1315.7 217. 80 3. 9S0 F ASM C D O P? 303 O AMLAML OO 11.375 25.00 2.19 -1.00 1268.5 217. 90 2. 000 B 1 AMLAML S s 5.125 11.75 2.29 -1.00 1383.0 217. 75 1. 950 7 AML 7 3.625 -1.00 1384.4 212. 90 14 .87 F 0 MJSH A 2 22 MO MO AELI AELI SO SO 9.875 20.00 2.02 0.48 599.9 212 . 97 14 .37 I Q MOJ A3 33 M M AELIAELI BS BS 6.625 17.00 2.56 0.31 629.2 209. 81 14 .84 I AELI 7 5.875 0.51 634.7 209. 50 14 .46 I AELI S 3.250 0.37 661.6 206. 30 14 .61 7 AELI S 4.000 8.50 2.12 0.26 733.0 205,.83 14 .48 I A AELIAELI 77 4.250 7.50 1.76 0.19 753.9 204 ,.75 14 .55 F P I ? CTJM P 3 AELIAELI 77 22.000 80.00 3.63 0.08 786.1 203,.61 14 .37 F Q MW 7 2 22 M M AELIAELI S S 5.000 11.25 2.25 -0.09 834.8 202..91 13 .95 7 7 AELIAELI 7 7 5.000 -0.21 879.7 213 .18 13 .37 S AELI S 2.250 0.24 687.9 213,.65 12 .79 s AELI S 2.375 0.03 722.0 213 .24 11 .93 s AELI S 2.875 0.05 773.0 212 .58 12 .95 7 AELI S 3.125 8.25 2.64 0.09 714.3 210 .62 14 .20 3 AELI s 3.125 0.28 658.4 211,.01 13 .80 F t S M Cl Bsh P 3 AELIAELI S s 11.000 24.50 2.22 0.61 676.6 210,.58 13 .47 S AELI s 2.500 4.25 1.70 0.40 700.9 211,.31 12 .75 S AELI SWR 2.125 4.50 2.11 0.31 734.6 211,.25 12 .42 s AELI 7 2.125 0.34 754.4 209,.52 12 .78 1 AELI S 2.250 6.25 2.77 0.13 755.9 209 .83 12 .03 s AELI 7 3.000 7.50 2.50 0.21 793.9 210 .19 11 .74 s AELI S 2.375 6.25 2.63 0.33 805.6 209 .89 11 .64 I AELI S 5.500 0.16 815.4 210 .43 10 .75 T A S M CQJM P 3 AELIAELI Ss 11.250 30.00 2.66 -0.47 860.0 212 .28 10 .80 s AELI s 2.125 -0.03 842.4 211 .75 10 .77 s OT AELIAELI Ss 2.750 5.25 1.90 -0.10 847.1 211 .97 10 .34 I Q MW A3 33 M M AELI AELI Ss 7.500 16.25 2.16 -0.35 871.1 212 .82 9. 691 I Q MW P 3 33 M M AELI AELI S s 7.250 15.25 2.10 -0.16 906.0 211 .39 10 .00 s AELI s 2.250 -0.68 894.8 211 .79 9. 468 s AELI s 2.625 -0.57 923.4 209 .96 9. 356 F PSP C T H AELIAELI Oo 55.000 -0.99 946.2 208 .77 13 .96 s AELI s 2.750 0.18 703.8 208 .82 13 .75 SB AELI o 4.000 0.17 714.4 208, .98 13 .62 s AELI 7 2.625 0.19 718.4 207,.26 14 .21 s AELI CI35S 2.500 0.20 726.2 207,.38 14 .03 F p I M C T MJB A 3 H 3 3 M M AELI AELI S S 11.875 31.25 2.63 0.17 732.5 208. .15 13 .56 I AELI 7 5.750 8.75 1.52 0.12 739.1 207 .73 13 .38 F ASM C T MBW A3 33 M M AELI AELI S S 10.625 21.25 2.00 0.09 758.6 207 .49 13 .04 F ASM C T MBW A3 33 M M AELI AELI Ss 11.375 41.25 3.62 0.00 782.6 207 .32 12 .48 s AELI 7 2.125 5.25 2.47 -0.13 816.8 207,.42 12 .21 S AELI S 2.250 -0.17 829.1 207,.51 11 .51 5 AELI S 3.625 -0.29 865.3 207,.44 11 .30 S AELI 7 4.375 -0.35 878.3 208. .32 10 .83 s AELI S 3.750 -0.38 886.8 208, .27 10 .78 s AELI S 2.250 -0.40 890.5 209. .03 10 .21 s AELI s 1.875 -0.86 909.8 206..61 12 .59 sb AELI o 4.000 -0.19 828.5 205.. 10 14 .15 s AELI s 3.500 0.00 793.5 205..43 13 .43 S AELI 7 3.500 5.75 1.64 -0.16 818.6 205..17 13 .49 s AELI S 3.000 5.25 1.75 -0.17 823.7 205..00 13 .12 I E MISH A 7 2 2 MO MO AELIAELI 77 8.000 17 .SO 2.18 -0.28 847.3 205 .,39 12 .91 I Q MSHW P 2 3 3 M M AELI AELI SS 7.250 11.75 1.62 -0.30 846.0 205..33 12 .51 s AELI 7 2.875 -0.40 868.1 205..35 11 .75 S AELI S 2.500 -0.54 906.5 206..45 11 .57 bf AELI ? 9.000 -0.43 886.7 205,. B0 10 .83 s AELI 7 2.875 -0.67 942.6 206.,56 10 .60 s AELI 7 2.500 -0.63 936.3 205..41 10 .14 s AELI S 4.500 -0.86 989.2 205..48 9. 864 I AELI 7 4.250 -0.91 1002.1 205.,64 9. 704 s AELI S 3.125 -0.92 1006.6 206., 55 9. 674 s AELI s 3.125 -0.84 986.9 214. 09 12 .02 I ?OT AELIAELI Ss 4.625 8.00 1.73 0.04 768.2 214. 29 11 .35 7 ?OT AELIAELI 77 4.250 10.00 2.3S 0.08 808.3 213. 82 10 .59 I AELI 7 4.750 0.03 852.2 214 . 80 10 .01 I SHMWI P 2 33 M M AELI AELI SS 5.500 8.75 1.59 0.03 889.4 214 .44 9. 554 F Q MWB P 3 33 M M AELIAELI Ss 12.250 38.75 3.16 -0.02 914.8 213. 44 8. 996 7 AELI 7 2.750 -0.26 946.3 344

213.31 8.764 B A AELI 7 3.500 -0.34 960.1 213.92 8.129 B A ? AELI 7 4.375 -0.41 997.9 214.70 7.798 F 0 MW I 3 M AELI S 7. 875 16.25 2.06 -0.38 1019.4 214.87 6.464 B AELI 7 3.375 -0.72 1098.8 213.63 6.613 I AELI K 5.375 -0.92 1087.3 211.58 7.810 OF AELI O 12.750 -0.87 1022.2 211.78 7.735 I AELI O 5.125 -0.83 1025.5 212.39 7.107 F P I M C Q TSH P 7 W 3 M ACHU 7 12.375 30.00 2.42 -0.87 1059.9 212.96 6.24 8 UF ACHU O 3.125 -1.01 1109.2 209.82 8.205 a AELI 7 2.750 -0.99 1014.6 209.46 7.591 F A I 7 C T WMT P 3 W 3 M AELI S 9.500 32.50 3.42 -1.00 1054.4 209.04 7.984 s AELI 7 2.875 -1.00 1037.2 211.07 6.375 SF ACHU 7 4.125 -1.00 1109.9 210.09 6.396 F 7 1 7 C Q T 2 MO ACHU O 10.375 40.00 3.85 -0.99 1116.9 209.87 6.153 UF ACHU O 4.375 -0.99 1133.2 211.59 5.648 UF ACHU O 5.125 -1.00 1149.4 212.08 4.721 S ACHU S 3.500 -1.00 1201.8 211.38 4.608 I ACHU s 4 .125 -1.01 1211.8 211.73 4.011 F 7 S P C T H ACHU o 30.000 -1.00 1245.2 211.44 3.613 SF ACHU Y 3.875 -1.00 1270.0 209.95 5.420 S ACHU s 2.625 -0.99 1175.2 209.82 5.074 S ACHU 7 4.625 -1.00 1196.6 209.82 4.764 a ACHU 7 2.625 -1.00 1214.7 208.14 8.868 B AELI S 6.000 -1.00 1000.5 208.58 7.114 S HNU S 3.250 -1.00 1093.6 208.56 6.229 S ACHU S 3.500 -1.00 1144.6 208.55 6.089 S ACHU SO 4 .375 -1.00 1152.8 208.71 5.557 S ACHU 7 2.750 -1.00 1181.3 207.22 4.248 S ACHU 7 3.500 -0.99 1277.9 207.02 3.999 7 ACHU S 5.625 11.00 1.95 -0.99 1295.3 208.17 3.442 F A S M C Q W 2 M ACHU SO 6.250 13.75 2.20 -1.00 1310.3 206.35 8.403 AELI s 3.750 -1.06 1061.0 205.93 8.222 AELI 0 5.625 10.25 1.82 -1.11 1080.1 205.93 7.998 AELI s 2.875 -1.11 1092.3 204.67 9.259 AELI s 5.875 10.25 -1.06 1055.1 204.71 8.452 AEL3 s 6.625 17.50 -1.24 1096.8 204.94 8.013 ACHU 7 6.875 -1.24 1114.5 203.92 7.229 1 M ACHU s 9.375 23.75 2.53 -1.37 1182.1 203.58 5.893 ACHU s 2.750 -1.41 1261.9 213.07 4.783 B A 1 M ACHU SD 3.500 12.00 3.42 -1.05 1195.7 212.98 4.598 B A 2 M ACHU S 3.125 9.50 3.04 - 1 ..01 1206.7 214.29 3.123 F A 2 M ACHU S 6.875 17.50 2.54 -1 ..01 1294.4 214.05 3.192 S ACHU S 2.500 -1..02 1289.9 213.12 3.001 B 3 MY ACHU S 3.125 - 1 ..00 1301.0 212.29 3.387 SF ACHU 7 3.000 -1.00 1279.8 213.75 2.066 SF ACHU 7 2.750 -1.00 1356.2 212.11 2.062 F A S ? C l WMI 3 M ACHU S 7.750 23.00 2.96 -0.99 1358.7 213.42 0.392 EF AML 7 3.000 -0.98 1455.1 213.07 0.207 F ARM C Q O 3 M AML S 7. 875 18.75 2.38 -0.98 1466.2 212.91 0.256 EF AML 7 2.375 -0.98 1463.5 211.48 0.761 s ACHU 7 3.125 -1.00 1437. 211.56 0.389 B ACHU S 2.375 -1.00 1459. 211.95 0.242 I 2 M ACHU S 4 .375 15.25 3.48 -1.00 1466. 211.04 0.184 F ACHU o 15.000 -1.00 1474. 208.23 3.005 F 3 M AML S 5.625 14.25 2.53 -1.00 1334. 206.89 2.663 EF AML o 6.875 -0.98 1373. 206.58 2.363 BF AML 0 3.125 -0.99 1395. 206.06 2.127 F A SM C Q MW 3 M AML s 4.000 11.50 2.87 -1.01 1417.5 205.37 3.224 S ACHU s 4.000 -1.07 1368.3 204.61 2.265 BF ACHU o 6.375 -1.11 1436.7 204.23 2.190 s ACHU ? 4.375 -1.15 1448.7 202.61 3.500 F OTW ACHU 7 4.750 9.00 -1.47 1414.3 203.42 2.209 F A S M C Q MWU 3 MO ACHU S 11.125 25.25 -1.26 1465.1 203.50 1.790 MW 3 M ACHU S 7.125 18.75 -1.23 1486.3 204.81 0.64 5 MW 3 M ACHU s 4.625 10.25 -1.05 1523.4 204.71 0.275 A I 7 C Q WOI 3 M ACHU s 33.00 MJI A 3 10.625 30.00 .106 -1.04 1546.0 203.84 0.259 ACHU s 3.875 11.25 -1.10 1563.7 203.20 0.007 ACHU s 4.625 -1.15 1590.9 202.76 8.048 AELI 7 2.625 -1.39 1171.3 230.75 8.500 F P R 7 C I UW ACHU s 20.500 62.50 .01 1377.3 154.83 -0.77 F A S M CD xlse 2 MO AMM 7 6.250 15.00 .95 3681.3 156.69 -5.07 of AMU O 3.750 .73 3714.5 155.92 -5.79 I A IM CO SH? 2 MO NPL1 Us 10.125 20.50 2.02 .99 3775.4 157.17 -7.44 EF NPL1 UO 17.500 .81 3765.0 155.90 -6.57 EF NPL1 UO 26.250 .01 3800.6 155.79 -6.59 ? NPL1 UF5 4 .250 .00 3806.7 156.00 -6.81 I 1 M NPL1 UR5 4.625 11.25 2.43 .00 3803.1 155.87 -6.94 EF NPL1 UO? 5.125 .99 3813.7 154.52 -2.22 ? AMM 70 5.750 .51 3739.2 153.79 -3.78 HF NPL1 UO 28.750 .13 3822.4 154.12 -3.66 I NPL1 UO 2.500 .67 3802.0 154.55 -3.67 UF 4 O NPL1 UO 12.125 .12 3780.4 154.41 -3.67 ? NPL1 U? 2.250 .03 3787.5 153.79 -4.15 F A IM CD OUSE P 7 3 MO NPL1 US 7.375 14.75 2.00 .94 3833.4 153.83 -4.40 I NPL1 U? 2.875 .22 3838.8 154.01 -4.51 EF NPL1 U? 4.875 .11 3832.9 154.33 -4.59 EF NPL1 UO 5.875 .09 3819.1 154 .00 -4.94 F E 3 O NPL1 USO 16.250 .08 3846.3 154.07 -5.09 i UO? 2 MO NPL1 UR18 5.625 15.00 .09 3847.3 153.45 -4.72 F WUraSE P 3 MO NPL1 US 13.750 27.50 1.86 3867.7 152.84 -4.40 7 2 M NPL1 US 5.000 12.00 0.96 3889.3 153.23 -4.80 I 2 M NPL1 US 3.125 8.75 1.62 3881.3 153.25 -5.08 ? 3 M NPL1 US 3.125 9.00 1.73 3888.6 152.89 -4.84 7 NPL1 U? 3.625 1.25 3899.8 152.95 -4.88 ? NPL1 U7 3.875 1.33 3897.9 152.76 -5.09 I NPL1 U? 2.375 .22 3913.8 154.78 -5.39 I 3 M NPL1 US 2.62 5 7.00 2.66 .07 3820.5 154 .80 -6.12 HF 4 O NPL1 UO 31.500 .00 3841.8 155.04 -5.87 I Q U 2 M NPL1 US 3.000 7.50 .03 3822.0 154.28 -5.41 F Q USEWm P 3 3 MO NPL1 US 14 .875 31.00 .22 3846.3 154.00 -5.72 HF NPL1 UO 17.250 .15 3869.9 153.96 -5.55 I ASM C Q UO P lk 3 M NPL1 UR32 4.625 11.25 2.43 .17 3866.7 153.88 -5.60 EF NPL1 UO 2.625 .14 3872.3 153.35 -5.47 I A SM C Q Wm A 2 3 M NPL1 US 5.875 12.50 2.12 .00 3895.2 153.45 -0.4 5 EF AMM O 2.875 1.28 3743.7 150.73 -0.45 7 AMM ?M 4.875 1.69 3885.5 151.79 -0.93 OF AMM O 4.625 -0.13 3843.6 151.76 -1.19 ? C Q 2 MO AMM O 5.000 12.50 2.50 -0.17 3852.5 152.62 -3.06 F SC D 4 O AMM TO 14.625 0.69 3861.4 152.20 -2.86 I C Q UO 2 M AMM TS 7.000 15.75 .25 0.17 3877.2 151.24 -2.23 F Imwse 2 MO AMM SO 6.750 15.00 .22 -0.15 3908.8 152.67 -3.31 EF AMM OMT 9.250 0.69 3866.0 152.84 -3.50 ef AMM OT 7.250 0.82 3862.9 151.67 -3.32 F 3 O AMM OT 23.125 0.03 3917.8 151.58 -3.50 I AMM TR4 0 5.000 0.01 3927.6 150.66 -1.06 I AMM O 3.625 1.52 3906.1 149.61 -1.40 F A SM C Q UO 2 MO AMM MS 7.500 16.25 2.16 2.23 3970.4 148.87 -1.10 BF AMU O 9.250 3.80 4000.8 345

148. .85 -3,.00 S AHT3 2.625 2.40 4054.6 149. 65 -3..34 S AHT3 2 . 500 0.81 4022.7 149..62 -3..23 EF AHT3 2.750 0.90 4021.2 148. .80 -3..82 I A I M C Q U70 2 M AHT3 10.000 23.50 2.35 1.39 4080.4 147..55 -4..14 I A S M c D USEX 2 MO AHT3 4 .375 10.25 2.34 2.82 4154.2 145..72 -4,.55 B OU 2 M AHT3 2.000 4.50 2.25 2.92 4260.7 148..82 -5,.01 7 c Q OU 2 M NPLI 3.625 10.00 2.75 1.11 4113.3 148. .67 -5..13 HF NPL1 13.125 1.43 4124.4 148. .69 -5,.63 7 c Q OU A 1 3 M NPL1 2.125 5.75 2.70 2.77 4137.8 148..20 -5..70 F AS M c D SEO P 2 MO NPL1 13.375 27.50 2.05 3.56 4165.0 147,.64 -5 .01 F A s M c Q UO 2 M AHT3 5.625 13.75 2.44 2.53 4174.1 146 .75 -5..10 I A s M c O MW A 3 3 M AHT3 9.125 25.00 2.74 2. 4222.7 156..84 -9 .00 i A s M c Q UO P 1 3 M NPL1 4.125 8.50 2.06 1. 3831.4 157,.22 -9 .11 7 UO 2 M NPL1 2.625 7.50 2.85 1. 3816.4 157,.20 -10 .44 hf NPL1 35.000 1. 3861.0 156 .57 -9 .44 •> NPL1 2.500 1. 3858.9 156..51 -10 .11 I NPLI 3.625 2 . 3883.6 156 .21 -10 .11 RF NPL1 11.250 2 . 3898.1 156 .13 -9 .90 HF NPLI 19.125 1. 3895.2 156 .28 -10 .24 I NPLI 2.375 2 . 3899.0 156 .99 -7 .93 7 NPL1 2.375 1. 3789.6 156 .04 -7 .78 F ? I p CD NPLI 11.500 2 . 3831.7 155,. 12 -7,.01 VF NPL1 3.750 2. 3853.2 155,.11 -7,.19 SF NPLI 2.000 2 . 3859.3 154 .93 -7 .15 SF NPL1 2.500 2 . 3867.1 154..17 -6 .59 HF NPL1 24 . 875 2 . 3887.8 154,.52 -6,.58 HF NPL1 UO 8.125 2. 3870.0 154,.42 -6..69 I A i C Q UO A 1 NPL1 UR79 5.000 11.25 2.25 2. 3878.4 154..03 -6..34 F NPLI 2.375 2. 3887.2 153,.93 -5, .97 7 NPL1 1.875 1. 3881.0 153..06 -6,.23 HF NPL1 54.000 1. 3932.8 153..06 -5,.59 F A S M C Q OU P NPLI 7.000 15.50 2.21 1. 3913.5 152,.52 -5..69 VF NPL1 7.375 1. 3943.9 152.. 50 -6,.01 I NPL1 6.125 2. 3954.5 152..65 -6..70 HF NPLI 27.250 2.22 3967.7 153..32 -6..89 F P IM 3 MO NPL1 US 26.000 100.00 3.84 2.32 3939.7 153..47 -7..00 F PIM NPL1 UR90 13.750 2.41 3935.5 153..61 -6. 26 F A I M 3 M NPLI Ur92S 7.875 18.00 2.28 1.98 3905.9 154 ..15 -7,.04 I NPL1 3.500 2.30 3902.7 154..03 -7..16 RF NPL1 6.000 2.36 3912.4 154 ..17 -7..38 HF NPL1 6.500 2.35 3912.2 154 ..41 -7..97 I NPL1 2.125 2.35 3918.5 154..54 -8..11 VF NPL1 7.500 2.32 3916.4 154..63 -8..12 VF NPLI 2.375 2.29 3912.3 154.,36 -8..29 F AIM Cl HP LI 13.500 2.39 3931.0 154..09 -8. .36 VF NPL1 UO 16.250 2.48 3946.6 155..40 -8..13 HF NPL1 UO 8.000 2.09 3874.4 155..14 -8..10 F NPL1 UO 3.125 2.15 3886.4 156.,23 -8 ..79 VF NPL1 UO 9.125 2.00 3854.5 155..68 -8..86 SF NPL1 U? 3.500 2.10 3883.8 155.,43 -8. .87 F NPL1 USO 7.500 2.17 3896.4 155.,21 -8..83 VF NPL1 UO 6.875 2.22 3906.0 155.,91 -9. ,38 VF NPL1 UO 9.625 2.02 3889.2 154.,89 -9..17 rf NPL1 UO 18.500 2.31 3932.5 154 .,98 -9..40 F m S p CD NPL1 17.500 2.22 3935.4 155. 33 -9.,34 7 NPL1 2.125 2.15 3916.3 155. 44 -9. ,46 7 MPL1 2.250 2.10 3914.8 155 .00 -9 .87 RF NPL1 10.375 2.06 3949.5 155,.45 -10 .42 F I M C T MJSE P 4 A NPL1 26.875 91.25 3.39 2.01 3945.2 155,.42 -10,.95 F S p C Q ? NPL1 5.62 5 2.04 3963.8 154 .97 -10,.07 I NPL1 2 . 500 2.06 3957.3 154 ,.92 -10,.22 I NPL1 2.250 2.06 3964.6 154 ,.38 -9,.90 F C I M C T SEMJ P 4 A NPL1 30.375 2.14 3980.8 154 ,.46 -10 .18 ef NPL1 2.500 2.12 3985.8 154 ..58 -9, .27 RF NPL1 10.375 2.37 3951.0 153..90 -9. .76 F I m C D E NPL1 11.625 2.24 4000.0 154..09 -10,.39 I C Q U? 2 M NPL1 Uill8 4 .500 10.25 2.27 2, 4010.6 154..68 -10,.80 HF NPL1 UO 17.500 2 3994.9 154..36 -11,.03 HF NPL1 19.750 2, 4017.9 154 ..64 -11,.14 F ASM C 0 UO A 1 3 M NPL1 2.875 5.75 2.00 2. 4007.8 154..59 -11..33 RF NPL1 16.125 2. 4016.4 155..03 -11..76 7 NPL1 1.875 2 , 4009.1 154..83 -11 .87 I NPL1 2.750 2 . 4022.3 154 ,.77 -11..95 7 NPL1 1.875 2 . 4027.8 154 ..69 -11 .84 i NPL1 2.125 2 . 4028.1 154..37 -11..63 i NPL1 3.625 2 . 4036.8 154.,07 -11..29 F I M C Q UWO A 2 3 M NPLI UR136 8.000 20.00 2.50 2 . 4040.4 154..08 -11..21 I UO P 1 2 M NPL1 UR134 3.750 7.75 2.06 2 . 4037.4 153.,51 -11..89 F I P CH D 4 O NPLI UO 88.750 1, 4086.9 153..73 -11..23 F I M C Q ?U 2 M NPLI UR136 4 .500 10.75 2.38 2.05 4055.1 153..65 -10,,33 I NPLI UO 2.625 2.24 4030.3 153..46 -10..46 7 NPLI U? 3.625 2.26 4043.8 152.. 93 -10..96 I NPLI USO 4.750 2.31 4085.6 152..82 -11..23 I A S C Q ? NPLI u? 5.000 2.33 4099.5 152..50 -9.. 86 VF P CC D 4 O HCH UO 48.750 2.72 4072.3 151..91 -9. . 80 HF p CC D 3 O HCH UO 22.000 3.04 4099.7 152..37 -10..50 F P R M C T 3 O NPLI UR145 27.000 2.70 4098.7 152..29 -10,.66 EF NPLI UO 23.750 2.76 4107.6 151..94 -10,.65 I A S M C Q ? NPLI 3.750 3.11 4124.6 152..04 -11..11 EF NPLI 8.750 3.06 4134.1 152..34 -11,.06 SF NPLI UO 1.875 2.74 4117.7 153..59 -7..68 HF NPLI UO 13.625 2.57 3950.4 153..46 -8..06 HP NPLI UO 15.750 2.66 3968.7 152 ..89 -8..33 HF NPLI UO 33.750 2.84 4005.4 153.. 06 -8. .10 EF NPLI UR152 3.875 2.78 3989.9 153..00 -8..20 I NPLI UF152 2.375 2.80 3995.9 152,.71 -8..29 I NPLI UF152 2.625 2.88 4013.2 152..79 -8. .71 RF NPLI UO 9.750 4022.2 153..42 -8. .94 F A S P CC D 4 O HCH UO 15.250 3998.0 152..37 -8. .20 r f NPLI UO 7.125 4027.4 152..52 -8. .99 HF NPLI UO 13.125 4044.3 152..71 -9. .11 F C Q UO 2 M NPLI US 2.125 4038.5 152,.51 -9,,30 HF NPLI UO 8.875 4054.4 152.,21 -8..85 RF NPLI UO 14.750 4055.4 151..99 -9..11 F A S D C Q e NPLI UOS 11.000 4074.4 151.,95 -9.,12 7 NPLI UF164 2.250 4076.7 152.,13 -9.,18 F R d C Q ?SE NPLI U? 6.250 14.25 2.28 4069.6 151.,56 -7.,41 I ? NPLI U? 4.125 3.00 4044.1 151.,45 -7.,33 I NPLI US 4.625 2.99 4047.3 150.,95 -8.,68 I HCH UO 3.250 4113.2 151.,04 -10.,40 SF HCHP 2.125 4161.4 150. 43 -10.,13 UF HCHP 13.500 4183.4 151. 83 -3..77 7 C 0 UO 2 M NPLI 4.500 11.00 2.44 3922.6 152. 68 -4 . 22 7 ? NPLI 2.875 3892.2 152 . 53 -4 . 63 7 NPLI 2.500 3911.9 152. 53 -4 . 75 7 2 M NPLI 5.375 13.00 2.41 3915.5 152. 20 -4. 82 7 NPLI 2.125 3934.4 152. 16 -4 . 45 7 NPLI 3.500 3925.5 346

151.,21 -4..32 ? NPLI 4 .625 3970.4 151,,22 -5..04 ? NPLI 4 .500 3990.9 151.,37 -5..68 RF NPLI 26.250 4002.1 151..14 -5..55 EF NPLI 15.625 4010.0 150..81 -5..65 F t i p CD SEMJ P 4 NPLI 17.000 4029.8 151..04 -6,.09 RF NPLI 21.375 2.02 4031.1 151..19 -6,.32 VF NPLI 5.250 2.13 4030.2 151..32 -6,.69 I C Q UO P I NPLI 2.750 2.69 4034.7 151..31 -7,.32 ? NPLI 3.500 2.96 4054.1 151..18 -7,.37 I UO 2 M NPLI 3.250 6.25 1.92 2.92 4062.1 150..60 -3 .71 ? C Q UOt P 1 2 M AHT3 2.625 6.50 2.47 -0.11 3984.2 150..28 -4,.88 F A D M CC D 4 O HCH 22.250 0.85 4034.4 150..62 -4..88 I NPLI 5.875 0.72 4017.0 149..38 -5,.07 F A S p CV D 4 O NPLI UO 36.000 0.96 4086.2 149..90 -6..00 RF NPLI UO 3.750 2.19 4086.5 149. .38 -6. .05 F A S p CV D 4 O NPLI UO 49.375 2.41 4114.6 149. .14 -6..39 EF NPLI UR194 14.375 2.89 4136.8 148. .67 -6 .44 EF NPLR UO 9.125 4162.3 148..69 -6 .43 ? NPLR UF197 2.000 4161.0 149..20 -6 .62 7 NPLI UO 3.625 4140.4 148. .93 -6 .56 ? NPLI U? 4.250 4152.5 149..64 -6, .77 F A S M C Q WHO 3 MO NPLI 12.500 27.50 2.20 4122.4 150,.59 -6 .24 F A I M CC D 4 O HCH 23.750 4058.4 150,.28 -6 .91 RF NPLI 27.750 4094 .0 149..63 -6 .98 F A I M CV D 4 O NPLI 19.500 4129.1 149,.64 -7 .07 I A S d C Q ? 2 M NPLI UF204 4 .500 8.50 1.88 4131.3 149,.83 -7,.12 I A S ? C Q OU 3 M NPLI US 5.375 12.50 2.32 3.41 4123.1 149,.48 -7 .19 7 NPLI UO 2.375 3.69 4142.9 149,.42 -7 .04 7 NPLI UO 2.500 4141.6 150,.47 -7,.44 F P I D C l MWSE P 3 A 3 MO NPLI US 16.750 38.75 2.31 4100.1 150,.98 -7 .85 I HCH UOCHI 2.625 4086.6 151,.65 -8 .18 7 NPLI U? 3.125 4062.9 150,.62 -7,.77 7 C Q W P 2 2 M NPLI U1213 3.625 10.00 2.75 4102.4 150,.48 -7..78 F ? R ? C I Wm P 3 A 3 MO NPLI US 11.250 30.25 2.68 4109.8 149. .95 -7,.82 7 NPLI U7 2.125 4137.8 150,.26 -8 .30 hf NPLI UO 11.000 4136.5 149..75 -7 .77 RF NPLI UO 2.375 3.79 4146.4 149..64 -7 .77 HF NPLI UO 5.125 3.88 4152.0 148. .94 -7,.33 B C Q U? 2 MO NPLI USOWR 3.500 8.25 2.35 3.80 4174.5 148..65 -7,.31 7 C Q UOSE 1 MO NPLR US 6.875 18.00 2.61 3.74 4188.7 148..09 -6,.08 I NPLR UO 5.375 3.79 4181.6 148. .44 -6..49 F A I M CD UOSE 1 MO NPLR US 9.500 20.00 2.10 3.34 4175.5 148.,40 -6,.58 B C Q UO 2 M NPLR UR221 3.750 7.50 2.00 3.41 4180.2 147., 70 -6,.29 7 NPLR U? 4.125 3.92 4207.7 147.,41 -6..22 EF NPLR UO 8.250 4 , 4220.5 147,,64 -6..73 S NPLR 2.375 3. 4223.4 147.,68 -6. .86 EF NPLR 7.875 4 . 4225.1 147.,70 -6..82 i NPLR 2.125 3. 4222.9 145.,74 -4. 95 I A S C E UOsh 2 M AHT3 6.500 13.75 2.11 3. 4270.8 144. 90 -4. 99 F A I M CO UWMSH P 3 3 MO NPLR 10.125 25.50 2.51 3. 4315.6 145.,59 -5. 80 I A I M c Q worn P 2 3 M AHT3 8.000 19.00 2.37 2. 4302.4 146.,12 -6..20 1 C E UO 2 M AHT3 3.125 6.75 2.16 3.70 4286.4 146. 16 -7..04 F A S M CD ?SE 2 MO NPLR 13.750 3.93 4308.3 146. 37 -7..46 b NPLR 3.875 3.99 4309.5 146. 36 -7.,68 HF NPLR 10.375 4.00 4316.4 146. 51 -8.,02 F A S P CV D 4 O NPLR 33.375 4 .00 4318.5 146. 16 -8..33 I 2 M NPLR 4 .750 11.25 2.36 3.99 4345.4 146,.12 -8,.28 7 NPLR 3.625 4.00 4346.0 145,.90 -8 .26 S NPLR 2.500 3.84 4356.6 145..29 -7,.54 s NPLR 3.000 3.65 4367.2 145,.31 -7,.92 I NPLR 5.375 3.94 4377.0 145..58 -8 .17 S NPLR 2.500 3.22 4370.4 145..46 -8,.33 I NPLR 3.625 4 .21 4381.1 145,.42 -8. .55 F A I M C D UO 2 MO NPLR 8.250 20.00 2.42 4.42 4389.5 144,.94 -8,,46 I P S M C Q MW A 2 L 3 M NPLR 8.875 19.00 2.14 4.59 4411.5 145,.67 -8, .64 I A SM C Q WO A 2 3 M NPLR 7.000 15.50 2.21 0.85 4379.3 145,.83 -8,.81 I A SM C Q OW A 2 2 M NPLR 4.875 11.50 2.35 3.16 4376.1 145,.09 -9,.35 7 NPLR 4 .250 5.24 4429.4 145..96 -9, .28 S NPLR 2.000 3.50 4383.1 147,.67 -7,.16 HF A W p NPLR 27.500 4.00 4234.3 147,.61 -7,.33 EF NPLR 15.000 3.99 4242.3 148,.01 -7,.44 RF NPLR 7.125 4225.1 147,.77 -7,.50 7 NPLR 3.625 4239.1 147,.58 -7,.58 7 NPLR 3.875 4251.1 146,.83 -7..62 RF NPLR 9.750 4290.6 147..03 -7,.68 HF NPLR 6.250 4282.1 147,.16 -7,.74 7 NPLR 2.500 4277.2 148..58 -7,.61 I NPLR 2.250 4201.1 148,,48 -7,.62 7 NPLR 500 4206.4 147..93 -8,.16 7 NPLR 250 4250.3 147..89 -8,.04 b C Q ? NPLR 500 4248.8 147..82 -7,.91 7 NPLR 625 4248.5 149..84 -8.,25 F t I M C l MWU P 3 3 MO NPLI 15.000 40.75 2.71 4156.2 150..18 -8. .86 RF NPLI 10.000 4157.4 150,.27 -9,,21 F ? I P C l U?W P 3 2 M NPLI 14.375 37.75 2.62 4163.4 149,,94 -9..02 I ? HCHP 5.250 4 4174.2 150.,10 -10..03 F A I D C Q WMI A 3 3 M HCHP 12.625 35.00 2.77 4 4196.8 149. ,07 -8,,18 HF P NPLI 17.500 3 4193.0 148.,86 -8..68 HF NPLI 13.750 4 4218.5 149. 25 -8..83 7 2 M NPLI 4 .750 9.50 2.00 3 4203.3 149. .16 -8.,78 7 NPLI 2.125 3 4206.3 149. ,17 -9. .21 F HCHP 3.500 3 4218.7 148. 45 -8. 36 F ? I M C Q Wjm A 3 3 M NPLR 16.750 42.50 2.53 4 4229.8 147..36 -8.,29 HF 3 O NPLR 25.000 4 4283.0 146. 93 -8.,36 EF NPLR 10.000 4 4307.0 146. 63 -8.,73 HF NPLR 8.000 4 4333.0 146. 50 -9. .26 F A W P CH D NPLR 41 .250 4 4355.1 146. 26 -9. ,67 hf NPLR UR282 18.125 3 4379.2 147. 81 -8, ,59 EF NPLR UOS 9.375 4 4269.0 148. 42 -9..14 VF NPLR UO 5.625 4 4254.4 148. 43 -9.,23 VF NPLR UO 7.000 4 4256.6 148. 05 -9. .16 F A SM CD WMO NPLR US 13.375 26.25 1.96 4 4273.7 147. 78 -9.,22 RF D NPLR UO 8.125 4 4289.1 147. 58 -9,.16 EF NPLR UOWR 5.625 4 4297.4 147. 55 -9. 26 7 NPLR U? 4.125 4 4301.9 147. 39 -9..40 7 NPLR UO 5.375 4 4314.1 147. 97 -9. 67 HF NPLR UO 22.250 4 4292.8 147, 99 -9. 45 B 2 M NPLR UR292 2.250 4 4285.3 147. 63 -9.,90 HF 3 O NPLR UO 11.750 4.09 4316.8 147. 47 -9. 66 RF NPLR UO 10.000 4.13 4317.8 147. 40 -9. 99 VF NPLR UO 5.000 4331.1 148. 33 -9. 83 HF NPLR 8.875 4279.5 148. 35 -9. 97 7 C Q UO NPLR 3.250 4282.7 148. 28 -9. 89 7 ? NPLR 2.750 4283.8 148. 58 -9. 86 7 UO 2 M NPLR 2.875 6.50 2.26 4267.8 148. 82 -10. 07 I A R p C Q IMJ G 3 Q 4 M HCHP 8.750 30.25 3.45 4262.1 149. 00 -10. 20 7 ? HCHP 3.875 4257.0 150. 21 -10. 93 7 H HCHP 2.000 4218.9 347

149..95 -10 .81 ? HCHP 2.000 4228.1 150,.05 -11,,10 I HCHP 3.500 4232.0 149..16 -10,.93 F PI P C I SH HCHP 12.500 4271.1 149,.36 -11,.19 i UO HCHP 3.500 6.25 1.78 4269.0 149 . 12 -11..34 ? ?h HCHP 3.875 4285.5 149,.35 -11,.80 B CE O P 1 2 M HCHP 2.250 5.00 2.22 4288.2 149 .45 -12 .18 UF HCHP 36.250 3.62 4294.9 149 .14 -12,.55 UF HCHP 17.500 3.56 4321.6 149 .12 -12,.74 F AS ? C Q MW A 3 3 M HCHP 9.250 20.00 2.16 3.48 4328.4 148 .52 -10 .96 F ? I P c D ?SH NPLI 18.625 3.97 4303.9 148 .44 -10..73 I A ?? c Q UW P 2 2 M NPLI 7.000 15.50 2.21 3.96 4301.0 147..85 -10,.77 F P I D c I MWI A 3 HA 3 M HCHP 8.125 23.75 2.92 3.99 4331.7 147 .07 -10 .79 F A H M c D 4 O NPLR UO 50.625 4371.4 146 .89 -11,.02 F P I M c I UOmv P 2 3 M NPLR UF316 10.000 20.00 2.00 4387.3 146.78 -10.20 I ? NPLR 4.250 4368.5 146.50 -10.14 1 NPLR 3. 125 4380.9 146 .33 -9..91 ? OUT P 1 3 M NPLR US 2.500 6.25 2.50 3.82 4382.7 146.33 -10.02 ? ?U 2 M NPLR US 3.625 8.25 2.27 3.79 4385.9 146 .27 -10..81 I UO HCHP US 3.750 7.50 2.00 4 .24 4412.2 145 .71 -11 .17 S NPLI UO 2.500 4.55 4451.0 147 .47 -11..59 I NPLR UO 1.875 3.98 4375.3 146 .96 -11, .58 I c Q H HCHP UO 7.375 4.00 4400.4 146 .30 -11 .36 I NPLI UO 3.875 4.84 4427.0 148 .27 -12 .28 I HE HCHP UMO 4.375 3.72 4356.3 148 .18 -12 .29 I c Q H HCHP UO 5.375 3.72 4361.1 157 .13 -10 .80 i NPLI U? 2.000 1.90 3876.3 156 .87 -10,.75 I PS M c I USEMJ P 4 3 MO NPLI U? 13.750 58.00 4.21 1.91 3887.1 157 .22 -11..05 I NPLI UO 4 .000 1.83 3880.2 156 .32 -11,.05 RF NPLI UO 3.625 2.69 3923.5 156 .68 -11 .41 HF NPLI UO 15.875 1.74 3918.1 156 .60 -11 .57 F NPLI u? 3.000 1.71 3927.2 156 .58 -12 .05 HF NPLI UO 27.375 3944.1 156 .38 -12,.26 I A S M C Q 0? NPLI Ur339 3.500 3960.7 156,.22 -12..14 F NPLI U? 2.125 3.23 3964.3 155,.99 -11..92 RF NPLI UO 5.375 2.92 3968.1 155,.70 -11..32 I NPLI UO 4 .250 2.23 3962.3 155,.64 -11..88 ? NPLI U? 1.875 2.48 3983.6 155,.74 -12,.28 HF P P NPLI UO 25.750 2.69 3991.9 156..39 -12,.52 I NPLI U? 2.750 3.26 3968.8 157..18 -12..32 ? NPLI U? 1.875 1.61 3924.5 157..48 -12,.43 ? NPLI 1 .875 1.24 3914.0 157,,34 -12.,95 I NPLI 2.000 1.49 3938.2 156.,95 -12,.73 VF NPLI 4.750 1.67 3949.2 157..03 -13..31 HF NPLI 35.875 1.81 3965.0 157. 21 -13.,07 F AIMC Q U? NPLI UR350 6.000 13.75 2.29 1.45 3948.4 156.,53 -12. 89 I AS MC Q OU NPLI US 5.000 12.50 2.50 2.91 3974.5 156. 55 -12..97 vf NPLI UO 6.125 3976.3 156. 24 -14. 07 F P w P CH D NPLR UO 113.750 4027.9 156. 46 '1 4 ..51 F t s M C I MWJ NPLR UF355 10.750 27.25 2.53 4032.4 155. 83 -14. 65 OF NPLR UF355 14.500 4066.8 155. 42 -12. 86 I A s M c Q MWO NPLI 5.875 13.75 2.34 4026.4 155.,11 -12. 62 I A I M c O Wml NPLI 6.750 14.25 2.11 4033.4 154 .,85 -13. 31 I A s M c Q ? NPLI U? 3.375 4068.5 154. 39 -13..25 F NPLI U? 6.000 4088.6 154 .,81 -13. .87 RF NPLR UO 17.125 4088.9 154 .,30 -14. 23 HF P 4 O NPLI UO 55.250 4125.1 154,.48 -14..52 1 A I P C Q MWj 3 M NPLI UF365 5.500 15.00 2.72 4126.1 154 .22 -14,.61 F d NPLR U? 3.000 4141.4 155 .05 -14 ,.54 ? NPLR U? 2.500 4099.8 153 .21 -13,.41 F P? NPLI U? 6. 500 4150.4 153 .17 -13,.21 7 NPLI u? 2.000 4145.9 153 .74 -13,.89 EF P NPLI UO 23.875 4140.6 153 .09 -13,.66 RF P NPLI 18.500 4164.3 153 .08 -13,.80 I ? NPLI 2.875 2.56 4169.3 152 .82 -13,.69 F P R P CH D UWOm 2 MO NPLI 15.000 35.00 2.33 2.64 4178.3 152 .68 -14,.36 F ? R MCI OWra 3 M NPLI 10.375 30.25 2.91 2.89 4206.7 153 .48 -14 .87 ef NPLI 7.375 4185.1 152 .54 -14 .90 I P ? M c Q WM NPLI 6.250 13.75 2.20 4230.9 152 .43 -14 .55 ? NPLI 2.500 4224.8 153 .16 -12 .57 EF NPLI UO 15.125 4125.7 152 .15 -11 .43 F A ? ? c I ?SE NPLI u? 11.875 4138.7 150 .75 -10 .51 I ?? ? c Q SE 1 M HCHP UOCHI 7.375 13.75 1.86 4179.2 152 .35 -11,.81 F U? 1 M NPLI US 3.125 7.75 2.48 4140.9 152 .01 -11,.74 I c Q UO 2 M NPLI us 5.000 15.00 3.00 2.99 4155.3 150 .85 -11,.36 f U? 1 M HCHP us? 2.500 5.25 2.10 3.83 4200.5 152 .67 -12 .41 ef NPLI UO? 3.250 2.41 4144.4 152 .38 -12..52 F t I M c T 7USEC 1 MO NPLI us 25.000 62.00 2.48 4162.0 152 .08 -12,.31 F NPLI UO 10.000 4169.9 152 .14 -13,.13 F U? 2 M NPLI us 3.125 6.75 2.16 4193.1 152 .30 -13,.56 F A R M c ? UO? 2 M NPLI us 6.250 14.75 2.36 4199.1 152 .14 -14 ,.04 ? UO 1 M NPLI UI391 2.250 5.50 2.44 4222.3 151 .87 -13,.78 F t I d c I MJBU P 4 H 2 MO NPLI US 23.000 76.25 3.31 4226.9 151,.83 -13..34 F ? R M c Q MWBU P 3 2 MO NPLI u? 14.125 37.25 2.63 4214.8 151,.63 -13 .44 ? NPLI u? 3.750 2.99 4227.7 151,.33 -13..83 F A S M c D UWO 2 M NPLI us 10.625 22.75 2.14 3.00 4254.6 151,.16 -14..08 F A S M NPLI u? 17.125 3.00 4270.8 151,.13 -13,.68 ? NPLI u? 2.625 2.99 4259.6 151,.26 -14 ,.45 7 NPLI u? 2.250 2.99 4277.8 151,.51 -14..57 F 1 M NPLI 3.875 8.75 2.25 2.99 4269.6 151..28 -14..78 i 1 M NPLI 3.750 9.25 2.46 2.99 4287.4 151,.20 -14..86 i 2 M NPLI 2.875 6.50 2.26 3.00 4293.8 151..09 -14,.85 ? NPLI 2.250 2.99 4298.8 150..81 -14..51 I A I d C Q MWO 3 M NPLI 12.500 32.25 2.58 3.00 4301.4 150..47 -14..85 F A ?U 2 M NPLI 5.500 13.00 2.36 2.91 4328.6 150..59 -14. ,27 F A I C D SE NPLI 8.125 2.97 4304.4 150..51 -14..07 ? NPLI 1.875 2.97 4302.0 150..47 -14..15 I A S c Q UO 2 M NPLI 2.750 7.00 2.54 2.96 4306.4 150..53 -13..18 F A s M CC D 4 O NPLI 37.750 4273.0 150..82 -12.. 83 F ? I d C Q MW j 3 M NPLI 10.375 25.50 2.45 4247.8 151..20 -12.,92 RF NPLI 9.750 4232.1 150.. 15 -12..33 F P I M C I SE 4 MO HCHP UOCHI 16.250 37.50 2.30 4265.1 149. .93 -13.,00 F ? HCHP UCHI 2.500 4296.7 149..85 -13..30 I ? I ? c I MWSE 3 MO HCH UCHI 8.375 15.00 1.79 4310.0 149. ,63 -13..23 I ? HCH 2.625 4318.6 149..19 -13..69 I P c Q U? 1 M HCHP 7.125 17.50 2.45 4354.4 149..79 -14 .,46 I ? HCH 2.625 4349.2 149. .70 -15.,05 I A I M c I JMSE 3 MO HCH UCHI 17.500 52.50 3.00 4372.1 148..80 -13,.42 ? HCHP U? 4 .250 4365.1 148. .62 -13.,43 UF HCHP UO 8.750 4374.3 148. .25 -13..16 I UO P 1 2 M HCHP UO 2.125 5.50 2.58 4384.2 148. .13 -13. 38 F A I M C l IMWsh A 3 2 M HCHP US 10.000 29.00 2.90 4396.8 148..14 -13..65 I ? HCHP U? 4.625 4404.6 148. ,67 -14. 10 ? HCHP U? 2.000 4392.5 148. ,31 -14 . 66 ? HCHP u? 3.250 4427.4 146..28 -11. 67 ? C Q U NPLI us? 4 .375 10.00 2.28 4.46 4437.2 145.,72 -11.,63 RF NPLI UO 18.250 5.02 4464.1 145. 51 -11. 63 ? NPLI u? 3.375 5.69 4474.6 145. 33 -11. 57 ? NPLI u? 3.250 5.77 4481.9 348

146.21 -12.21 F C I p C T NPLI UO 42.750 4.28 4456.7 146.93 -12.60 EF NPLI UP 11.750 2.86 4432.5 145.95 -12.77 ? NPLI UR436 8.500 4.24 4486.4 145.54 -12.79 7 NPLI US 2.625 6.00 2.28 4.61 4507.4 145.17 -12.90 F P I M C i 7SE NPLI US 8.125 17.75 2.18 4.84 4529.1 145.80 -13.41 UF AHT3 UO 85.125 3.59 4512.9 145.34 -13.13 I AHT3 US 3.125 4.54 4527.4 146.96 -13.91 HF NPLH UO 7.000 2.26 4470.6 147.35 -14.14 7 7 NPLH U? 2.875 2.06 4458.4 147.74 -14.84 7 U? NPLI US 2.750 5.50 92 4460.8 147.39 -14.80 F NPLH U7 7.000 17.50 91 4476.6 147.04 -15.04 HF NPLH UO 25.500 88 4501.1 147.05 -14.85 7 NPLH U7 2.375 92 4494.8 147.00 -14.55 7 NPLH U7 4 .250 02 4488.1 146.84 -14.47 r f NPLH U? 5.375 09 4493.5 146.82 -14.81 I NPLH U7 5.250 98 4504.8 146.84 -14.18 HF NPLH UO 7.375 2.20 4484.7 146.63 -13.91 I NPLH UO 2.375 2.43 4486.9 146.15 -13.29 7 AHT3 US 2.250 3.25 4491.9 147.69 -9.65 F 7 R D C Q 7 NPLR U? 10.000 4.12 4306.4 178.83 -0.50 7 AMM 7 4.250 2.16 2491.0 179.35 -0.49 7 AMM O 5.250 2.27 2467.0 179.48 -1.55 r AMM 7 2.000 2.12 2502.0 179.18 -1.70 R AMM 7 3.125 2.05 2521.2 179.52 -1.86 7 AMM 7 2.500 2.07 2512.3 179.21 -2.17 R AMM 7 3.500 .01 2538.2 179.77 -2.47 I A SP 7 AMM 7 5.375 .00 2525.3 179.35 -2.55 I AMM 7 2.125 .00 2547.0 179.59 -3.10 I AMM 7 2.625 .97 2558.3 177.95 -0.71 F P i M C Q OW A 2 3 M AMM S 5.000 11.50 2.30 .99 2539.0 178.11 -1.02 r AMM 7 3.750 .00 2543.4 178.14 -1.09 I AMM 7 2.375 .00 2544.7 178.26 -1.32 F 7 AMM 7 4 .750 .01 2548.0 178.77 -1.62 F A s M c D UOX P 7 2 MO AMM SO 5.000 8.75 .02 2536.5 178.64 -1.86 7 S 7 D c D u P 7 1 M AMM 7SO 5.000 10.50 .01 2551.5 178.55 -2.14 I A S M c Q OU P 1 2 M AMM S 3.250 5.25 2.00 2566.4 178.25 -2.08 SF AMM O 2.500 2.00 2577.5 178.68 -2.71 R A 7 D c Q UO? 1 MO AMM O 4.625 11.25 2.43 2.00 2582.8 178.18 -2.91 F A SP c D UE 1 MO AMM SO? 11.625 32.50 2.79 2.00 2612.8 178.29 -3.28 R A I d c D AMM 7 14.375 2.00 2622.4 177.86 -3.24 R A I P c D 7 AMM O 12.375 2.00 2639.9 177.76 -2.40 R AI D c D UO P 1 2 M AMM SO 4 .000 7.50 .99 2611.8 177.26 -1.33 7 A 7 D c D OU P 1 3 M AMM S 7.375 12.50 .00 2593.8 177.15 -1.44 F 7 AMM 7 4 .750 10.00 .01 2603.0 176.72 -0.32 7 0 AMM O 3.875 .89 2581.3 176.57 -0.48 I AMM 7 2.125 .94 2594.1 176.95 -0.60 F ARM c Q WUSH P 2 2 MO AMM SO? 10.500 17.50 1.66 .98 2580.9 176.81 -0.72 P AMM O 11.125 .00 2591.8 176.43 -0.91 I 7 AMM S 2.000 4 .00 .00 2616.4 176.22 -0.98 F A R d c D Wmx P 2 3 MO AMM SO? 11.250 22.50 .0B 2628.7 176.24 -1.34 P AMM 13.750 .15 2641.0 175.70 -0.34 7 AMM 2.500 .62 2629.7 175.66 -0.45 I AMM 2.375 .68 2635.5 175.52 -0.45 I AMM 3.250 .44 2642.1 175.85 -1.03 F 7 7 7 c Q U 2 M AMM 3.750 .07 2647.7 175.14 -0.66 I A c Q UO P 1 3 M AMM 3.500 .23 2667.4 175.04 -0.95 I AMM 4.500 .18 2682.6 175.71 -1.55 i AMM 2.250 .15 2673.3 176.12 -1.72 P AMM 3.750 .20 2660.6 176.03 -1.78 P AMM 5.625 .16 2667.0 175.29 -2.12 BF AMM 2.750 1.42 2713.7 174.51 -2.44 I C Q WM P 3 H AMM 8.125 19.75 2.43 1.06 2761.5 176.77 -2.66 F C D O A 1 AHS AMM S 36.250 68.75 1.89 3.586 2.00 2666.3 177.17 -2.16 RF AMM so ? 5.000 2.00 2629.2 176.86 -3.4 9 I AMM 3.000 2.00 2694.1 177.44 -4.49 F AMM 21.875 68.75 2.01 2707.5 176.88 -4.32 F AMM 4.500 8.25 1.99 2725.5 176.39 -5.32 EF AMU 2.500 2.10 2786.3 176.41 -3.96 I A S M C Q OU AMM 3.125 1.99 2732.4 176.03 -3.18 P AMM 27.500 2.15 2719.6 175.78 -3.62 BF AMM 2.125 2.26 2747.6 175.65 -3.53 BF AMM .250 2.30 2750.1 175.47 -3.16 SF AMM . 875 2.34 2744.2 175.05 -2.10 i AMM .125 1.20 2724.0 174.53 -2.81 7 AMM .875 1.84 2774.2 178.63 -3.72 R AMM .250 .13 2624.9 179.19 -4.07 I AMM .250 .11 2614.5 179.51 -4.21 p AMM .750 .96 2606.4 179.52 -4.56 I AMM .250 5.00 2.22 .11 2620.2 178.51 -4.14 EF AMM .625 .25 2646.8 178.37 -4.32 EF AMM .125 .24 2660.1 178.83 -4.62 SF AMM .250 .50 2652.2 179.83 -5.08 F A I M 7 D 7 AMM 17.500 .96 2628.3 179.83 -5.36 F A R D C D U? AMM 13.750 33.75 2.45 .96 2639.8 179.82 -5.80 S AMM 2.125 .83 2658.5 179.52 -5.91 SF AMM 1.875 .10 2675.6 178.85 -5.25 F A S D C D UO AMM 6.750 15.00 2.22 .59 2676.9 179.22 -5.16 SF AMM 1.875 .55 2657.4 178.95 -4.88 7 AMM 1.875 .58 2657.6 178.24 -5.78 I AMM 2.875 .29 2724.5 178.19 -5.82 sf AMM 2.000 2.26 2728.3 177.98 -5.79 F AMM 2.250 2.20 2736.0 179.72 -7.62 7 AMU 3.875 .07 2739.1 179.18 -8.66 U A I D C Q U AMU 5.250 12.50 2.38 .95 2805.2 178.08 -7.04 R AMU 2.375 .95 2782.8 177.92 -7.82 7 7 AMU 1.875 .71 2821.8 177.20 -8.61 7 AMU 1.875 .43 2884.6 176.71 -8.69 77 AMU 2.000 .33 2908.4 178.53 -9.62 FF 7 I D C Q U7 AMU 9.750 19.00 .96 2872.5 173.52 -0.47 F AML 3.000 5.75 0.87 2737.3 170.70 -0.98 BF AA1 1.875 1.98 2890.3 170.32 -1.04 BF AA1 2.250 1.95 2910.7 171.78 -1.25 F C Q UMWSE 3 MO AMM 10.375 23.25 2.24 2.25 2847.6 171.74 -1.72 R C D OX 2 MO AMM 5.000 10.25 2.05 2.66 2865.9 172.54 -2.45 F C D SHXOU 3 MO AMM 4.875 10.75 2.20 .74 2853.8 170.65 -2.21 R AMM 4 .375 .85 2935.0 169.81 -3.33 I C Q 70SH AMM 18.125 .92 3014.1 170.09 -2.94 I AMM 6.500 .87 2987.2 170.10 -3.05 7 AMM 5.000 .93 2990.5 171.68 -3.88 7 AMM 5.500 10.75 1.95 .98 2945.6 171.45 -3.94 R AMM 2.375 .99 2958.5 171.80 -4.42 F C Q MW AMM 9.375 20.00 2.13 2.95 2959.6 172.10 -6.04 7 C Q O AMM 2.125 5.75 2.70 2.86 3005.8 172.62 -6.72 7 AMM 2.500 2.24 3008.0 171.91 -6.79 7 AMM 2.250 2.03 3042.7 170.41 -5.44 7 AMU 2.375 2.37 3061.3 173.68 -9.80 I A I M C Q MW j A 3 AMM 7.125 20.00 2.80 1.18 3082.0 173.27 -9.62 bf AMM 3.000 0.92 3092.4 349

171.61 -10.32 e f NPLH TO 6.250 2.06 3192.0 170.48 -10.38 EF NPLH UO 8.375 2.05 3243.8 175.63 -5.71 7 AMM O 4.750 2.43 2835.1 175.65 -7.15 i AMU OM 10.500 3.17 2891.1 175.47 -7.22 I AMU OM 5.125 3.12 2901.7 174.46 -5.99 7 AMM 7 2.500 2.69 2897.8 173.15 -7.67 A R D CD AMU 7 7.375 2.12 3021.0 172.06 -8.36 OF 3 0 HR OT 22.875 1.83 3095.9 171.97 -8.72 FARM CQ? 2M HR ST 5.875 13.00 2.21 1.85 3113.8 171.86 -8.94 FA7M CQ OW A2 3M HR ST 6.750 17.50 2.59 1.96 3127.2 171.80 -9.08 7 HR ?T 3.625 1.96 3135.3 172.38 -9.63 OF HR OT 8.875 1.29 3131.4 171.78 -9.52 7 HR ?T 2.000 2.01 3153.3 171.36 -7.98 F HR T? 3.250 1.76 3112.6 171.22 -8.08 7 HR TOWR 4.750 1.81 3122.6 170.94 -8.09 F HR T? 3.625 1.89 3135.6 171.41 -8.52 7 HR T? 3.125 1.89 3131.0 171.66 -8.76 7 HR T? 2.000 1.89 3129.1 171.47 -8.74 7 HR 7WR 2.875 1.92 3136.7 170.47 -7.64 UF 4 0 HR OT 39.375 1.71 3139.8 170.46 -7.93 UF 4 0 HR OT 38.250 1.94 3151.2 170.29 -8.17 UF 3 0 HR OT 10.875 2.06 3167.9 170.22 -8.36 FAWMSCD 30 NPLH OT 28.500 2.10 3178.2 170.11 -8.29 7 NPLH OT 2.250 2.10 3180.5 170.37 -9.59 F P A M CD 7SEJ P 3 HA 2 MO NPLH US? 31.875 93.25 2.92 2.11 3218.2 170.21 -9.39 I NPLH U? 5.750 2.13 3217.7 170.83 -9.68 RF 3 0 NPLH UO 32.250 2.04 3201.3 170.99 -9.44 UF NPLH TO 16.875 2.03 3185.0 169.10 -0.003 F C S M CD HNU O 11.625 1.69 2935.6 169.20 -0.303 7 HNU 7 3.500 1.72 2940.6 169.64 -1.017 F UTMW P 3 AA1 S 11.750 35.00 2.97 1.97 2942.9 168.37 -0.128 F Wm P 3 AA1 s 14.250 43.25 3.03 1.94 2975.7 168.64 -0.889 7 AA1 7 2.500 2.10 2987.4 168.72 -1.462 7 AA1 7WR 3.125 2.23 3002.6 166.91 -0.272 EF AMM O 13.750 1.74 30S2.6 166.83 -0.532 7 7 AMM 7 4.125 1.78 3065.0 167.64 -1.542 F A S M C Q UO? P 2 AMM S 4.250 10.75 2.S2 2.44 3058.0 169.34 -3.142 7 NPLI UT 2.625 2.93 3030.0 168.32 -2.862 F A S M C E UWM A 2 AMM ST 6.250 17.25 2.76 3.03 3069.3 168.55 -3.608 NPLI ST 2.750 2.86 3083.9 168.63 -3.746 NPLI ?T 2.625 2.79 3084.9 168.46 -3.809 S NPLI ?T 3.375 2.87 3095.2 168.61 -4.210 F I M CD USE P 7 NPLI TS 14.37S 36.25 2.52 2.75 3102.0 168.29 -4.005 EF NPLI OT 7.500 2.93 3110.1 168.34 -4.654 F p I M C T ?E NPLI UO? 20.625 2.97 3130.4 167.84 -4.180 7 NPLI T? 3.125 3.00 3137.7 167.80 -1.822 BF NPLI TO 6.750 2.66 3059.5 166.81 -1.252 F AMM T? 6.125 1.90 3089.3 166.22 -1.212 7 AMM T? 4.875 1.41 3117.1 165.21 -1.111 7 AMM T? 1.875 1.11 3164.0 164.74 -1.343 F AMM T? 6.625 1.10 3194.8 167.46 -2.552 7 AMM T? 3.125 2.64 3100.5 167.08 -2.386 7 AMM T? 2.875 2.20 3113.5 166.51 -2.265 7 AMM T? 3.000 1.98 3137.3 166.20 -2.559 EF AMM TO 8.875 2.03 3162.2 165.49 -2.028 I AMM T? 3.875 1.68 3179.7 165.27 -1.974 7 AMM T? 2.250 1.58 3188.8 165.77 -2.717 7 AMM T7 2.500 2.03 3188.5 167.09 -3.426 EF NPLI TO 32.500 2.43 3147.9 166.78 -3.692 7 NPLI TO 5.625 2.14 3171.9 166.75 -4.407 7 NPLI TS 3.375 2.81 3197.8 166.23 -4.904 F C 1 M C T 7 NPLI UO 33.125 3.00 3239.8 165.80 -4.444 NPLI U? 6.375 2.58 3244.8 166.44 -3.492 NPLI U? 2.875 1.96 3181.7 166.05 -3.106 NPLI T? 3.750 2.00 3187.7 165.63 -3.526 S M C Q Ow NPLI US 7.250 15.75 2.17 2.01 3222.2 165.47 -3.597 NPLI U? 2.375 2.03 3232.4 165.80 -3.751 NPLI U? 4.250 2.00 3221.4 166.04 -5.504 NPLI U? 3.875 3.07 3269.5 166.14 -5.852 NPLI U7 2.625 3.02 3276.8 166.10 -5.864 NPLI U? 2.500 3.03 3279.1 166.31 -6.218 NPLR U? 3.500 2.96 3281.4 166.21 -6.305 NPLR U? 3.625 2.97 3289.2 166.23 -6.569 NPLR U? 3.375 2.94 3297.5 165.62 -6.260 NPLR U? 2.625 3.07 3315.7 165.56 -5.638 NPLI U? 3.000 3.15 3297.1 165.31 -5.214 NPLI US 5.250 10.25 1.95 2.96 3294.6 165.03 -5.382 NPLI u? 2.750 3.00 3313.8 164.93 -5.411 B NPLI u? 4.125 3.00 3319.6 164.82 -5.439 7 NPLI u? 3.000 3.01 3325.8 164.69 -5.829 i NPLR us 4.750 12.25 2.57 3.05 334 5.4 164.93 -6.072 7 NPLR u? 4.000 3.02 3342.2 164.34 -5.804 e f NPLR UO? 3.000 3.04 3361.4 163.83 -5.256 F MWjB AMM ST 13.000 41.25 3.17 2.66 3367.6 163.86 -4.973 F 7 NPLI T? 5.625 2.65 3356.6 163.53 -4.845 S AMM T? 2.125 1.85 3368.5 164.34 -4.693 ef NPLI UO? 6.125 2.75 3323.9 164.79 -4.335 B UOT AMM TS 3.750 6.75 1.80 1.98 3290.1 164.90 -3.709 B 7 AMM TS 3.000 2.02 3263.9 164.88 -3.026 B A S M C E WO 2 1 AMM TS 5.625 13.25 2.35 2.02 3242.3 164.11 -3.302 F 7 I p C D BMJWU 3 1 AMM TS 11.250 35.00 3.11 1.85 3289.2 164.11 -3.924 B ?U AMM TS? 3.375 1.98 3309.6 163.53 -4.091 F m I M C Q UW AMM TS 6.250 15.75 2.52 1.40 3343.6 166.84 -7.247 HF NPLR UO 11.625 2.97 3292.8 166.99 -7.438 i NPLR UO 3.500 2.98 3292.6 166.73 -7.605 HF NPLR UO 16.000 2.97 3310.7 167.08 -7.787 HF NPLI UO 12.250 2.99 3300.9 167.44 -7.662 S NPLI U? 2.375 2.99 3279.7 167.46 -7.772 s NPLI U? 2.875 3.00 3282.7 167.83 -8.177 S NPLI U? 2.625 2.95 3280.3 167.38 -8.399 S NPLI U? 1 .875 2.99 3309.1 166.80 -8.378 F A NPLI UO 41.875 3.02 3335.2 166.80 -7.999 I A C Q ?U NPLI US 4.125 3.03 3321.5 167.03 -8.502 I A C 0 UOI NPLI UF77 3.500 9.252.64 3.00 3329.0 166.93 -8.527 b UO NPLI UF77 2.375 5.00 2.10 2.99 3334.6 166.71 -8.550 F p I M C Q MWO NPLIUF77 5.875 12.502.12 3.00 3345.6 167.83 -9.240 HF NPLI UO 41.250 2.48 3319.4 167.99 -9.200 s NPLI UF82 2.875 2.48 3310.6 167.26 -9.586 HF NPLI UO 19.000 2.93 3358.1 167.14 -9.536 S NPLI UF84 2.625 3.21 3361.7 167.30 -9.766 B NPLIUR84 2.750 5.502.00 2.73 3362.9 167.13 -9.743 VF NPLIUO 7.000 3.033369.8 166.89 -9.786 F R M C l UTWm P 3 NPLI US 7.500 22.00 2.93 2.71 3382.3 166.67 -9.946 EF NPLI UOR90 3.625 1.58 3398.3 166.61 -9.998 VF NPLIUO 10.125 1.18 3402.9 165.75 -10.07 F M CC NPLI UO 90.000 0.73 3444.9 165.96 -9.966 I M C NPLI UF91 4.375 0.80 3431.5 166.00 -10.05 I M C NPLI UF91 4.250 0.67 3432.7 350

165.39 -9.916 C 0 UO 1 M NPLI UF91 4.500 5.50 1.22 1.99 3455.9 165.28 -10.00 C Q MWO 3 M NPLI UF91 3.625 8.00 2.20 2.10 3464.0 165.16 -10.05 NPLI UR91 2.375 32 3471.4 166.35 -9.593 NPLI U? 3.250 96 3400.0 166.16 -8.327 I 7 I M C Q UW 2 M NPLI US 6.250 13.00 2.08 85 3363.1 166.08 -7.776 RF NPLI UO 8.375 11 3347.2 166.20 -7.754 I NPLI U? 3.500 10 3340.8 165.94 -7.906 s NPLI U? 3.250 99 3358.3 165.92 -8.019 S NPLI U? 2.625 85 3363.3 165.35 -8.857 FARM C Q 7 NPLI U? 4.875 17 3419.8 165.58 -9.210 S NPLI U? 2.375 2.61 3421.7 165.18 -9.596 I NPLI U? 2.375 2.21 3454.1 165.01 -9.699 I NPLI U? 2.750 1.92 3465.7 165.74 -6.955 RF NPLR UO 10.250 3.01 3334.2 165.19 -6.612 F ARM C Q UWm P 3 3 M NPLR US 7.125 16.25 2.28 3.00 3348.4 165.35 -7.101 s NPLR U? 2.125 2.92 3357.8 165.35 -7.257 RF NPLI UO 3.750 2.78 3363.2 165.51 -7.897 I NPLI U? 3.750 2.19 3378.2 164.88 -7.381 HF NPLI UO 4.375 2.45 3389.8 164.86 -8.090 F P S M C D E 3 O NPLI USO 63.125 2.00 3415.6 164.66 -8.147 F A I P C Q 7 3 M NPLI UF114 5.375 05 3427.0 165.22 -8.680 EF NPLI UO 3.875 01 3419.5 165.10 -8.983 F ARM CD 2 MO NPLI UO 13.125 04 3435.9 164.86 -9.025 I NPLI U? 2.875 99 3448.6 164.61 -8.990 I NPLI U? 5.000 01 3459.0 164.92 -9.305 VF NPLI UO 9.625 98 3455.8 164.51 -9.436 RF NPLI U? 8.750 95 3479.5 164.62 -9.662 F p I M C T TBWM 3 MO NPLI US 13.625 32.50 2.38 86 3482.5 164.37 -9.749 1 7 NPLI US 3.375 92 3497.2 163.84 -10.06 HF NPLI UO 27.875 03 3532.9 163.92 -9.839 EF NPLI UO 5.250 01 3521.3 163.98 -9.495 ? NPLI U? 3.750 99 3506.4 163.71 -9.348 VF NPLI UO 4.375 98 3513.8 163.60 -9.503 i NPLI U? 2.875 98 3524.4 163.63 -9.623 X NPLI U? 3.125 99 3527.3 163.50 -9.271 VF NPLI UO 4.875 95 3521.0 163.41 -9.213 VF NPLI UO 4.125 1.90 3523.2 163.26 -9.271 VF NPLI UO 5.625 1.87 3532.3 162.76 -9.147 S NPLI U? 2.250 1.42 3551.5 162.92 -9.572 HF NPLI UO 14.000 93 3558.8 162.74 -9.597 VF NPLI UO 10.250 79 3568.1 163.94 -8.677 ? NPLI U? 4 .125 97 3479.5 163.52 -8.703 EF NPLI UO 11.250 70 3500.2 164.84 -6.542 HF NPLR UO 5.62 5 03 3362.6 164.69 -6.429 S NPLR U? 2.375 08 3365.9 164.63 -6.319 ? NPLR U? 2.625 08 3365.0 164.49 -6.256 F A R D C Q NPLR UO 9.375 11 3369.5 164.52 -6.722 B OUT 3 M NPLR US 3.500 7.50 21 3384.1 164.32 -6.677 F Q MW 4 M NPLR UR147 5.500 15.00 29 3392.1 164.12 -6.578 HF NPLR UO 25.000 3.25 3398.3 164.13 -6.869 s NPLR U? 3.250 2.78 3407.8 164.01 -6.868 S NPLR U? 3.125 2.61 3413.5 164.03 -7.028 B 2 M NPLI U? 3.625 2.22 3418.0 163.76 -6.871 rf NPLR UO 14 .375 2.36 3425.6 163.18 -5.785 S NPLR U? 2.500 1.77 3416.8 162.82 -5.720 s NPLR US 2.625 1.02 3432.1 163.10 -6.730 HF NPLR UO 12.250 1.65 3452.5 163.54 -7.232 HF NPLR UO 25.625 1.78 3448.4 162.92 -6.946 i NPLI U? 2.750 1.21 3468.5 162.59 -6.432 s NPLI U? 2.500 0.97 3467.1 162.41 -7.172 F 7 I M C Q 7E NPLI U? 8.625 0.99 3500.6 162.73 -7.648 FF A I M C T E 4 O NPLI UO 48.750 1.00 3501.4 163.28 -7.894 S NPLI U? 2.500 1.03 3483.6 163.57 -8.083 S NPLI U? 3.000 1.51 3476.3 163.60 -7.798 7 NPLI US 3.125 1.52 3465.0 161.89 -8.693 i 2 M NPLI US 3.250 0.94 3577.2 161.84 -8.759 S NPLI U? 2.625 0.90 3581.9 162.06 -8.890 ? OTU 2 M NPLI US 5.000 10.00 0.89 3575.9 161.72 -9.029 F p S m c Q WMT 3 M NPLI US 9.375 27.25 0.67 3596.8 161.49 -8.789 RF NPLI UO 8.500 0.85 3599.6 162.19 -9.608 ? NPLI U? 2.375 1.00 3594.5 161.91 -9.519 S NPLI U? 2.000 0.71 3604.6 161.98 -9.652 S NPLI U? 2.875 0.79 3605.9 161.83 -9.775 HF NPLI UO 4.000 0.73 3617.3 162.18 -10.09 F NPLI US 6.875 1.29 3611.7 164.20 -0.138 F P D M C 4 O AMM O 96.250 1.00 3183.9 164 .05 -2.276 7 AMU 7 3.250 1.34 3259.0 162.76 -0.935 F AMM 7 3.875 0.97 3281.1 162.48 -1.180 F AMM S 2.750 0.94 3302.8 162.28 -1.866 ef AMM 7 2.500 0.90 3334.2 161.44 -1.786 F A 7 p c d use? AMU 7 9.000 18.75 2.08 0.99 3374.0 163.07 -4.539 7 AMU ?T 2.125 0.90 3380.8 162.38 -4.730 7 AMU 7 2.875 1.03 3421.0 160.58 -4.932 7 AMU 7 2.500 1.00 3516.2 162.05 -5.995 I Q U 2 M NPLI US 3.875 8.50 1.01 3478.7 162.07 -6.148 R Q OUT 2 M NPLI US 2.500 5.75 1.02 3482.8 162.28 -6.460 HF NPLI UO 6.625 0.94 3483.0 161.93 -6.892 RF NPLI UO 12.750 0.99 3514.4 162.22 -6.867 7 NPLI U? 2.125 0.95 3499.5 161.94 -7.440 F TIM CD 3 O NPLI UO 35.000 0.98 3532.3 161.15 -7.671 I C Q UOW P 2 2 M NPLI US 4.375 00 3578.2 161.23 -6.430 EF NPLI UO 4 .750 08 3533.1 160.76 -7.204 HF NPLI UO 6.250 00 3581.5 160.64 -7.376 F A S M C Q shUO 2 M NPLI USO 5.000 10.00 2.00 00 3593.1 160.04 -4.683 F AMM 7 3.750 96 3535.0 160.00 -2.634 F AMU 7 2.000 99 3472.7 159.31 -3.277 F AS P C Q Ush 2 M AMU S 4.375 9.50 2.17 96 3527.3 158.48 -0.376 7 P AMU O 7.500 1.57 3481.8 157.46 -2.546 F AS M c Q h AMU O 9.875 1.50 3598.5 157.51 -4.709 sf AMU 7 1.875 1.22 3662.1 157.90 -6.038 F A S c Q 7 AMU 7 6.500 1.25 3684.3 157.92 -6.339 F AS c Q U? 2 M AMU SO 3.750 1.25 3692.9 158.15 -6.224 7 AMU 7 3.625 1.11 3677.8 160.36 -7.966 I A SM c Q OWM 3 M NPLI US 7.500 17.75 2.36 1.00 3626.3 161.11 -8.761 HF NPLI UO 20.750 0.90 3616.8 160.91 -9.130 HF NPLI UO 20.500 88 3638.9 160.71 -9.481 I C Q UO 2 M NPLI US 3.125 94 3660.4 160.42 -9.436 hf NPLI U? 8.750 03 3672.7 160.54 -10.06 I 1 M NPLI US 3.875 99 3688.2 160.37 -9.933 s NPLI U? 3.750 02 3692.0 160.12 -10.16 S NPLI U? 2.000 18 3711.6 160.35 -8.977 I A S p C Q OWUse 2 MO NPLI US 8.875 18.75 2.11 04 3660.6 160.08 -9.4 52 HF NPLI UO 7.750 23 3689.5 160.52 -8.500 7 NPLI U? 2.250 01 3636.4 160.42 -8.338 7 NPLI U? 2.750 01 3635.8 160.16 -8.588 I A S M C Q 7 NPLI U? 3.125 07 3656.7 159.82 -B.622 EF NPLI UO 24.375 18 3674.2 159.84 -8.456 7 NPLI U? 3.000 13 3667.7 351

159.95 8.122 EF NPLI 13.750 1.06 3651.3 159.35 8.451 FAIM CV D NPLI 68.750 1.35 3691.3 158.75 8.316 I A I d C 0 7 NPLI 5.625 1.38 3716.0 159.41 9.120 7 7 NPLI 3.125 1.60 3710.6 159.73 9.101 ? NPLI 1.875 1.37 3694.5 159.59 9.202 EF NPLI 5.500 1.50 3704.7 159.39 9.636 FA W P CV D NPLI 36.250 1.79 3728.8 159.07 9.522 EF NPLI 3.625 1.88 3740.4 159.72 9.762 EF NPLI 4.375 1.57 3717.2 159.87 9.994 ? 7 NPLI 1.875 1.48 3717.9 158.87 8.813 I A s M c Q UO NPLI 3.000 1.58 3726.5 158.74 9.844 EF NPLI 4.875 2.02 3767.0 158.11 10.18 F P s M c D 4 O NPLI 71.250 2.02 3808.5 157.93 9.493 I A c O U 2 M NPLI 3.500 .25 2.35 1.94 3794.5 158.34 9.364 I A c Q U? 2 M NPLI 5.000 .25 2.05 1. 85 3770.4 158.28 9.272 EF NPLI 2.625 1. 83 3770.2 157.57 9.484 F P s M c D 7 NPLI US 7 14.750 1. 98 3811.6 157.50 8.864 I A s M c Q 7UO 1 M NPLI US 4.750 .50 2.00 1, 92 3794.8 157.94 8.706 IA s M c Q U? 2 M NPLI US 5.250 25 2.33 1. 73 3768.2 157.83 8.442 7 NPLI U? 2.375 1. 71 3764.9 158.29 8.854 7 NPLI U7 4.500 1, 69 3756.0 158.54 8.605 RF NPLI UO 9.500 1. 54 3735.7 158.19 8.383 F NPLI U? 2.500 1. 55 3745.4 157.94 8.085 HF NPLI UO 15.000 1. 59 3748.0 157.96 7.213 EF NPLI 4.875 1.37 3718.8 169.54 3.806 F T s P c T NPLI 37.500 2.50 3043.7 169.57 3.589 7 NPLI u? 2.375 2.74 3034.6 169.35 4.085 B NPLI UR24 5 3.375 2.20 3062.5 169.50 5.253 IA s M c Q MWB P 3 3 M NPLR UWR 7.500 .75 2.50 2.21 3096.9 169.99 5.648 7 NPLR U7 2.000 1.90 3088.3 168.92 5.736 I A I M c Q m A 2 Q 3 NPLR US 5.875 .00 2.55 3.20 3141.4 167.81 5.490 FP s M c T SE7 NPLR USO 17.250 2.99 3184.9 168.10 5.756 NPLR 1.875 2.99 3180.6 168.37 5.770 NPLR 2.000 3.12 3168.4 168.37 6.107 NPLR 1.875 3.05 3180.4 167.35 5.946 NPLR 2.250 3.00 3222.7 167.29 5.946 NPLR 2.750 2.99 3225.5 167.00 5.888 NPLR 13.500 2.97 3237.2 166.75 5.698 NPLR 6.250 2.99 3242.4 167.00 6.502 S M CQ OU 3 M NPLR 4.875 00 2.25 2.97 3258.8 166.73 6.365 S M CQ MHO A 3 3 M NPLR 4.875 SO 2.56 2.95 3266.7 166.61 6.505 ? NPLR UF262 2.375 2.94 3277.3 166.63 6.497 S 7 C Q USEW P 2 2 M NPLR US 9.250 25 2.08 2.94 3276.1 166.43 6.984 S M C Q W A 2 3 M NPLR 9.625 00 2.28 2.95 3302.7 168.09 7.204 4 O NPLR 31.375 3.00 3232.9 167.78 7.638 NPLR 31.500 3.00 3263.0 168.51 7.615 NPLR 2.000 2.94 3228.5 168.63 6.896 NPLR 4.750 3.06 3196.7 168.71 6.975 NPLR 2.000 3.06 3195.9 169.52 6.354 S M C Q MW A 2 NPLR 5.875 .50 2.12 2.08 3135.8 169.80 6.541 7 NPLR 2.750 1.68 3129.7 169.65 -7 030 NPLR U? 3.125 3154.6 169.52 994 S M C Q 7 NPLR US 4 .500 .50 2.11 3159.2 169.99 811 NPLR UOWR 10.500 3168.0 169.97 -7 84 5 7 NPLR U? 3.250 3170.2 170.00 8.292 NPLR UOWR 5.625 2.11 3185.6 169.53 7.961 NPLR u? 2.000 2.03 3194.5 169.36 7.864 NPLR u? 2.500 2.11 3198.7 169.26 7.883 NPLR u? 2.250 3203.9 169.46 8.248 NPLR u? 2.625 3208.4 169.31 8 .283 2 M NPLR us 4.500 50 1.88 3216.5 169.57 8.360 7 7 C Q Wm 2 M NPLR 6.500 25 2.03 3207.6 169.66 8.807 S M C Q SE NPLI 12.250 00 2.04 3220.3 169.36 8.751 NPLI 15.625 2.19 3231.7 169.04 8.551 NPLI 20.125 2.24 3238.7 168.95 8.714 NPLI 2.750 2.24 3248.9 168.71 8.651 NPLI 8.500 2.40 3257.5 168.58 9.220 NPLI 13.000 2.24 3284.5 168.77 9.186 NPLI 3.125 2.21 3274.7 169.73 9.507 NPLI 4.500 2.17 3243.6 170.00 9.742 NPLI 4 .875 2.13 3240.5 169.82 9.963 NPLI 18.000 2.10 3256.9 169.63 9.763 NPLI 28.000 2.15 3257.8 169.74 9.754 NPLI 2.000 2.15 3252.5 169.38 9.751 NPLI 26.250 2.17 3268.5 169.46 9.889 7 NPLI u? 4.250 2.15 3270.1 169.36 9.571 NPLI u? 2.500 2.19 3262.6 169.19 9.659 OT NPLI us 2.250 2.18 3273.5 169.13 9.909 NPLI UO 3.750 2.16 3285.7 167.94 9.594 7 NPLI UR304 4 .250 2.31 3327.5 168.04 9.808 7 NPLI U7S 2.000 2.20 3330.9 168.64 9.339 7 NPLI U? 1.875 2.20 3286.3 161.27 8.174 NPLI UO 26.250 0.99 3589.3 157.35 15.41 NPLR UO 3.750 2.54 4021.8 157.16 15.38 NPLR UO 2.750 2.36 4029.6 156.15 15.35 NPLR U07 5.625 2.39 4075.5 156.04 15.51 NPLR UO 2.500 2.57 4086.1 156.47 15.65 NPLR U? 1.875 2.71 4070.8 156.22 16.03 NPLR UO 25.000 2.35 4095.4 156.28 15.97 R 7 C Q 7 NPLR UF7 8.500 2.51 4090.6 156.84 16.58 R P CD USEMJ P 3 AH 2 MO NPLR US 36.875 131 25 3.55 1.34 4085.8 156.22 16.58 NPLR UO 8.750 1.73 4114.3 155.37 15.78 NPLR UO 31.875 2.27 4126.5 155.33 15.68 F P I M CO MHO A 3 1 3 M NPLR UF11 8.500 20 75 2.44 2.40 4125.0 155.64 15.81 NPLR U7 1.875 2.34 4114.9 155.77 16.14 NPLR U? 3.000 67 4120.1 155.87 16.25 i NPLR U? 3.125 61 4119.2 155.87 16.35 i NPLR u? 2.625 80 4122.6 155.38 16.63 VF NPLR UO 24 .000 25 4154.8 155.55 16.60 7 7 NPLR UR17 3.250 98 4146.0 155.09 16.35 I 7 NPLR U7 4.125 05 4158.8 155.21 16.76 HF NPLR UO 9.375 61 4167.1 155.18 17.04 F p I D C Q UWM P 3 NPLR US 10.875 22.25 2.04 88 4178.1 154.90 16.83 HF NPLR UO 17.500 83 4183.9 154.97 17.11 HF NPLR UO 11.625 89 4190.2 156.41 17.49 7 NPLI U7 2.375 3.78 4137.0 156.22 17.84 7 NPLI U? 2.625 4.00 4157.8 155.10 17.62 NPLR UO 15.375 3.86 4201.5 155.45 18.12 NPLR UO 2.375 3.90 4202.6 155.50 18.38 NPLR U7 2.375 3.91 4209.3 155.26 18.86 R 7 C T MW A 3 HI 3 M NPLR US 12.500 35, 00 2.80 3.91 4236.8 154 .35 19.09 W M CH D 5 O NPLR UO 56.250 3.83 4286.1 153.94 18.87 NPLR UR30O 14 .375 3.78 4297.4 154.81 19.19 NPLR UFR30 4 .375 50 1.71 3.88 4268.6 154.37 19.49 NPLR UF30 1.875 3.85 4298.9 154.13 19.65 NPLR 3.500 3.83 4315.3 154.37 18.38 NPLR 2.250 3.81 4261.0 154.53 17.17 F A R M SC D NPLR 26.250 3.78 4212.6 352

154 ,.32 -17,.39 F , CH D 4 O NPLR UO 37.500 3.77 4229.7 154 ,.25 -17,.06 ? NPLR UR370 2.500 3.74 4221.8 154..46 -16,. 87 F C D 3 O NPLR UR370 15.125 3.84 4205.7 154 .31 -17 .30 7 NPLR UF37 3.625 3.76 4227.1 154..49 -17,.26 ? NPLR UF37 2.250 3.78 4217.5 154 .81 -17,.47 RF NPLR UO 7.625 3.82 4209.8 154,.07 -17 .59 RF NPLR UO 10.000 3.74 4248.0 153 .87 -17,,75 I NPLR U? 2.000 3.72 4262.7 153,.86 -18,.01 RF NPLR UO 5.875 3.73 4271.9 153 .88 -18, .19 I ? ? d C Q OUw P 2 2 M NPLR US 6.250 11.50 1.84 3.74 4277.1 154,.83 -15 .54 I ? NPLR U? 6.000 2.51 4143.6 154 .12 -15,.11 I A , SM C Q OU P I 2 M NPLR US 2.750 6.75 2.45 3.00 4162.7 154 .37 -15,.64 I NPLR UO 4.500 2.86 4168.6 154 .39 -15,.93 HF NPLR UO 14.375 3.14 4177.3 154 .42 -16,.55 I NPLR U?0 4.125 3.76 4196.8 153 .97 -16 .49 s NPLR U? 2.000 3.78 4215.8 154,.11 -16,.96 I A SM C Q UW P 2 NPLR US 5.625 11.50 2.04 3.72 4225.0 153,.68 -16 .56 7 NPLR U? 2.375 3.71 4231.7 153 .72 -15 .40 sf NPLI U? 2.250 3.25 4191.2 153 .49 -15 .22 F A? ? C Q USE70 P 7 1 MO NPLI Us 9.500 30.00 3.15 3.29 4196.2 153 .45 -15 .93 7 NPLI U? 2.000 3.59 4221.5 153 .29 -16 .34 F ,A i d C l UMWSE P 3 3 MO NPLI US 14.125 47.50 3.36 3.66 4242.6 153 .38 -16 .80 7 NPLR U? 2.000 3.61 4253.7 153 .40 -17 .10 RF NPLR UO 8.625 3.63 4262.8 153 .52 -17 .43 I NPLR U? 5.750 3.66 4268.2 153 .51 -17 .74 7 NPLR UOWR 2.750 3.67 4279.0 153 .27 -17 .92 7 NPLR U? 2.875 3.65 4296.2 153 .10 -18 .40 RF NPLR UO 12.625 3.65 4320.2 153 .19 -18 .33 I A SM C Q O A 1 NPLR UR66 2.750 5.00 1.81 3.66 4313.7 152 .99 -18 .94 RF NPLR UO 11.000 3.66 4343.4 153 . 14 -19 .04 7 NPLR U? 1.875 3.68 4339.8 152 .86 -18 .89 7 NPLR U? 2.000 3.63 4347.7 152 .63 -18 .36 F P I d C Q UWm P 2 NPLR US 7.500 17.25 2.30 3.57 4340.6 152 .72 -17 .95 I NPLR U? 3.625 3.S6 4322.7 152 .87 -16 .95 I NPLI U? 2.125 3.54 4282.6 152 .43 -15,.13 F , C D NPLI UO 24.500 3.23 4243.6 152,.20 -15,.34 I 1 C Q mW P 3 HL 3 M NPLI USCR 8.625 21.50 2.49 3.41 4261.4 152 .37 -15,.65 F , CH D 4 O NPLI UO 32.500 3.47 4263.4 152 .16 -15,.76 I , C Q 7 NPLI UF76 5.875 3.42 4277.0 152,.70 -16,.09 I NPLI UO 4.125 3.54 4262.2 152,.96 -16 .09 S NPLI U? 2.000 3.61 4249.9 152,.67 -16..19 SF NPLI U? 2.000 3.49 4266.9 151,.91 -15,.56 SF NPLI U? 2.625 3.35 4282.4 152,.08 -16..71 F ? R P CH D 4 O NPLI UO 72.500 3.38 4311.8 151..97 -16. .19 7 NPLI UR85 3.000 3.33 4300.0 151..73 -16,.40 rf NPLI UR850 5.750 3.29 4318.2 151.. 83 -16,.84 F PIP 1 CD 4 O NPLI UF8SO 38.750 3.34 4327.8 151 ,. 89 -17..42 7 NPLI U? 3.000 3.39 4344.0 152..40 -17.,40 7 NPLI U? 1.875 3.48 4319.4 151..04 -16,.81 I .A IM C Q NPLI UO 10.500 3.16 4364.2 151..21 -16..90 RF NPLI UO 7.500 3.21 4359.1 150..76 -16.,57 B NPLI US 1.875 3.00 1.60 3.08 4369.7 150.,90 -16. 99 I NPLI U? 3.250 3.14 4376.7 150., 89 -17. 11 I NPLI U? 4.750 3.15 4381.0 150..81 -17. .23 VF NPLI UO 9.000 3.14 4388.7 151.,20 -17. 27 EF NPLI UO 4.125 3.23 4371.6 151..38 -17. 95 RF NPLI UO 34.375 3.31 438S.3 151,.44 -18..14 F NPLI UF103 3.000 3.34 4388.7 151,.76 -18. .40 RF NPLI UO 21.875 3.42 4382.3 151,.20 -18. .28 RF NPLI UO 19.250 3.30 4404.5 150.. 88 -17..61 s NPLI U? 2.375 3.18 4397.7 150..60 -17 .56 EF NPLI UO 2.625 3.11 4409.3 150,.40 -17..52 EF NPLI UO 7.125 3.06 4417.4 154,.00 -19, .83 I ,ASM CE OU P 1 3 M NPLR US 2.625 6.25 2.38 3.82 4327.4 153,.32 -19 .30 i NPLR U? 2.750 3.72 4340.3 153,.43 -19..85 F 1PIM C I UMW A 3 IF 3 M NPLR US 10.750 29.50 2.74 3.76 4353.9 152..55 -19. .47 F ,A c M c D 5 O NPLR UO 50.000 3.61 4381.4 152,.91 -19,.20 I 7 NPLR U? 3.375 3.66 4355.8 151,.39 -18..60 F ]PIM c I HE 3 O NPLR UO 13.750 3.36 4406.2 151,.56 -18,.77 I NPLR U? 2.500 3.40 4403.8 152,.14 -19. .93 SF NPLR U? 2.000 3.57 4415.6 151,.53 -19,.74 I NPLR UO 4.500 3.45 4437.3 151,.42 -19..65 UF HPL3 UO 8.750 3.43 4439.4 150,.86 -18..55 B OU A 1 3 M HPL3 US 2.375 5.75 2.42 3.24 4429.2 150,.62 -18..55 I , C Q SH 2 MO HPL3 USO 6.375 3.19 4440.5 o CO 150,.65 -18, UF NPLI UO 21.625 3.16 4423.8 150,.98 -18. .11 I NPLI U? 3.250 3.24 4409.3 150,.98 -17..97 F NPLI U? 2.000 3.23 4404.7 150..11 -17..82 F 1 C Q UOWra P 2 NPLI US 8.375 18.75 2.23 3.01 4440.8 150..35 -18, .12 I , C Q 7SH NPLI USO 4.500 3.09 4439.2 149..90 -17,.80 I NPLI U? 3.125 2.96 4450.1 150..49 -19..11 S HPL3 US? 1.875 3.20 4464.8 150..70 -19, .62 I HPL3 US? 2.000 3.28 4471.7 149..28 -18..90 F 1p S M C T MWJ A 4 LF 4 M HPL3 US 25.000 76.00 3.04 2.88 4514.6 149.,38 -19. 67 UF NPLI UO 12.375 2.97 4534.7 149.,25 -20.,01 HF NPLI UO 8.125 2.96 4551.8 148.,59 -19. .60 EF NPLI UO 9.750 2.71 4569.4 148. ,84 -19..41 ? NPLI UO 2.625 2.79 4551.6 151. 36 -15. 34 F NPLI UO 7.000 3.15 4301.5 150. 85 -15. 07 I NPLI U? 6.250 3.00 4317.3 150.,11 -15. 26 UF NPLI UO 14.375 2.77 4359.0 150. 26 -16.,03 7 NPLI U? 3.125 2.90 4376.3 150. 17 -16. 16 EF NPLI UO 7.500 2.89 4384.7 148. 57 -15. 16 F 1P I D C T 7SEH P 7 C HCH UO 13.750 2.12 4430.3 148. 38 -15. 23 F HCHP U? 2.000 2.06 4441.7 149. 40 -17.,56 7 HCH UOCHI 4.250 2.76 4466.1 148. 99 -17..17 7 HCH UO 20.000 2.52 4473.2 148. 80 -17. 10 bf HCH UO 1.875 2.42 4480.0 148. 49 -17.,05 7 HCHP US 3.750 7.50 2.00 2.25 4493.3 148. 59 -18. 13 7 NPLI U? 2.500 2.46 4522.6 148. 71 -18. 58 EF NPLI UO 9.000 2.60 4531.2 148. 66 -19. 38 EF NPLI UO 4.250 2.70 4559.1 147. 92 -15.,82 7 NPLH U? 4.250 1.91 4482.3 148. 11 -16. .27 EF NPLH UO 21.875 2.00 4487.1 147. 97 -17. 20 7 M UO 7.875 2.01 4522.9 147. 87 -17. 27 ef M UO 4.125 1.97 4529.9 147. 46 -17. 51 EF M UO 28.125 1.80 4557.0 147. 79 -18. 57 F p 1 I D C D ? NPLH UO? 17.500 2.10 4574.5 147. 90 -18. 86 7 NPLH U? 5.250 2.21 4578.4 147. 55 -18. 26 I NPLH UO 3.250 1.93 4576.2 147. 14 -16. 15 7 NPLH UO 5.000 1.70 4530.3 147. 06 -16. 33 UF NPLH UO 25.000 1.67 4539.7 147. 31 -15. 51 7 NPLH UO 4.875 1.79 4502.3 147. 73 -15. 96 I NPLH UO 3.375 1.85 4495.8 147. 64 -16. 10 ? NPLH U? 1.875 1.82 4504.5 146. 74 -15. 04 RF NPLH UO 25.625 1.93 4515.8 146. 45 -15. 41 7 AHT3 U? 1.875 1.88 4541.2 146. 61 -15. 73 7 NPLH U? 2.500 1.76 4543.2 353

235. 55 -3.19 VF NPLD UO 5.125 2.27 2092.8 235. 22 -3.94 F A S P C D 4 O NPLD UO 48.750 2.68 2117.0 235. 39 -3.69 FAI MC 0 HW A 2 3 M NPLD UF171 8.000 18.00 2.20 2.42 2111.9 235. 31 -3.89 a NPLD UF171 3.125 2.65 2118.3 235. 14 -3.94 1 A OT A 1 NPLD UF171 2.500 7.00 2.80 2.62 2115.0 244. 95 -3.90 HF NPLD UO 5.750 2.00 2486.7 244. 05 -4.04 a NPLD U? 2.625 2.00 2487.8 244. 90 -4.01 S NPLD U? 2.375 2.00 2522.5 244. 66 -4.75 S NPLD U? 2.375 2.01 2510.6 244. 43 -4.16 ? NPLD U? 4.750 2.00 2475.8 244. 05 -3.57 F 7 I c Q MJW P 3 3 H NPLD US 12.750 69.25 5.41 2.00 2434.6 244. 04 -3.95 I r f NPLD U? 8.625 2.00 2450.4 243. 76 -3.24 F P s M c 0 UWm A 3 2 H NPLD US 7.875 19.00 2.43 2.00 2409.4 243. 49 -2.74 5 NPLD US 1.875 2.00 2376.7 242. 69 -2.35 s NPLD US 2.375 2.01 2327.4 242. 89 -3.35 s NPLD u? 2.250 2.04 2378.6 243. 68 -4.30 ? NPLD u? 3.500 2.00 2450.9 243. 45 -3.91 a NPLD us 2.750 2.01 2424.3 243. 46 -4.05 S NPLD u? 2.125 2.00 2431.3 243. 47 -4.19 HF NPLD UO 10.625 2.00 2437.5 243. 41 -4.37 HF NPLD UO 11.750 2.00 2442.7 243. 20 -4.73 HF NPLD UO 29.875 2.01 2450.1 243. 08 -4.28 a NPLD u? 3.125 2.03 2425.9 243. 03 -3.88 s NPLD u? 2.000 2.03 2406.1 243. 06 -3.92 i NPLD u? 2.375 2.03 2409.4 242. 91 -3.94 VF NPLD UO 8.250 2.05 2404.5 242. 85 -3.75 S NPLD u? 1.875 2.06 2393.3 242. 69 -3.37 VF NPLD UO 4.125 2.08 2370.0 242. 58 -3.46 VF NPLD UO 8.625 2.02 2370.2 242. 38 -3.35 8 NPLD us 2.750 2.09 2357.1 242. 16 -3.07 I A s M c Q mw A 2 3 H NPLD us 4.375 9.50 2.11 2.06 2336.4 242. 04 -3.19 HF NPLD UO 8.250 2.03 2336.0 241. 90 -3.03 I 7 R c 0 MW A 3 3 M NPLD us 6.000 14.25 2.35 2.00 2324.4 242. 09 -3.40 F 7 s M c 0 1W P 2 2 M NPLD us 6.675 17.25 2.59 2.03 2347.2 241. 56 -3.56 SF NPLD u? 1.875 2.07 2333.9 242. 18 -4.09 F A s M c Q OU P 1 2 M NPLD us 2.125 4.00 1.82 2.03 2381.8 242. 23 -4.22 B c 0 OU P 1 1 M NPLD us 1.875 3.75 2.00 2.00 2389.5 242. 64 -4.39 S NPLD u? 2.000 2.05 2412.7 242. 69 -4.51 VF NPLD UO 8.625 2.01 2420.9 242. 88 -4.70 I 7 NPLD Ua 5.125 2.05 2436.4 242. 40 -4.67 I 0 P 1 3 M NPLD US 3.625 7.00 1.91 2.05 2415.1 242. 00 -4.65 HF w NPLD us 23.750 2.04 2399.0 241. 59 -4.43 SF NPLD UO 2.000 2.07 2373.3 241. 48 -2.61 S NPLD us 2.000 2.00 2289.7 240. 83 -2.52 HF NPLD UO 14.750 2.07 2259.8 241. 39 -2.93 I 7 c 0 mW P 2 3 M NPLD us 6.125 15.75 2.51 2.06 2299.8 240. 95 -3.12 HF w 3 O NPLD UO 27.500 2.09 2290.6 240. 77 -3.26 HF NPLD UO 10.625 2.01 2289.6 240. 92 -3.25 B 7 NPLD UF223 2.000 2.00 2294.0 240. 64 -3.01 RF NPLD UO 12.500 2.14 2273.1 240. 58 -2.61 F P I M c Q Mj P 3 2 M NPLD us 8.250 20.50 2.45 2.07 2253.2 240. 36 -2.31 F P I M c T 3 HO NPLD UO 23.625 2.05 2231.4 240. 37 -2.78 F PI M c I 3 MO NPLD UO 15.000 2.07 2252.5 240. 72 -3.46 F P I M c Q 7 1 M NPLD u? 6.750 2.09 2296.6 240. 70 -3.93 VF NPLD UO 5.875 2.06 2316.0 240. 77 -3.93 F UO? 1 M NPLD us 2.000 4.00 2.00 2.07 2319.1 239. 69 -2.03 ef NPLD UO 7.875 2.08 2192.1 239. 50 -2.08 I NPLD UO 5.125 2.06 2187.0 239. 52 -3.01 F P s M c D 4 O NPLD UO 66.250 2.08 2229.2 240. 15 -2.78 a NPLD u? 2.125 2.06 2243.4 239. 90 -2.89 SF NPLD UF234 3.500 2.04 2239.1 239. 87 -3.61 F P I c D n P 3 1 M NPLD UA234 9.500 20.50 2.18 2.07 2270.2 239. ,19 -3.31 a NPLD UF234 2.500 2.03 2230.7 239. 52 -3.08 B OT P 1 2 H NPLD UF234 1.875 3.25 1.73 2.08 2232.7 239. ,29 -2.97 a NPLD UF234 2.375 2.01 2219.1 239. 28 -2.93 a NPLD UF234 2.000 2.02 2217.3 239. ,13 -2.57 I NPLD UF234 7.875 2.05 2195.8 239. ,41 -2.30 S NPLD U? 2.125 2.07 2193.9 239. .79 -3.94 VF NPLD UO 9.500 1.98 2282.7 239. , 69 -4.22 VF NPLD UO 5.625 2.05 2298.5 239. ,54 -4.14 I 7 NPLD US 3.125 1.90 2281.0 239. ,53 -4.22 ? NPLD U? 3.750 1.96 2284.7 238. ,63 -3.47 HF NPLD UO 13.750 2.14 2217.0 238. . 80 -4.42 HF NPLD UO 38.750 2.54 2267.0 238. .79 -4.17 a NPLD UF252 3.125 2.20 2255.0 238. .25 -4.25 HF NPLD UO 14.125 2.43 2238.7 237..87 -2.03 hf NPLD UO 8.250 2.10 2122.2 238. .53 -2.67 hf NPLD UO 6.250 2.09 2176.4 237. .93 -3.16 hf NPLD UO 6.000 2.24 2176.6 237,.65 -3.57 hf NPLD UO 4.625 2.56 2185.9 237. .75 -3.79 hf NPLD UO 6.250 2.44 2199.7 237, .70 -4.21 ? NPLD U? 3.750 2.68 2217.8 237..48 -4.21 HF NPLD UO 8.750 2.74 2209.9 243..16 -1.45 VF NPLD UO 5.000 2.01 2309.3 242. .35 -3.90 HF NPLD UO 11.250 2.06 2380.5 242. .30 -4.00 HF NPLD UO 3.750 2.09 2382.2 234. .14 -0.38 F 7 R c T 3 O NPLD UO 23.000 1.98 1909.6 234. .65 -1.12 F A s M CC D 3 O NPLD UO 18.125 2.06 1962.6 234. .74 -1.41 F A s P CC D 3 O NPLD UO 10.000 2.04 1979.0 234. .62 -1.85 RF NPLD UO 5.625 2.00 2003.5 234. .68 -2.03 RF NPLD UO 5.625 2.00 2007.9 234. .55 -2.19 RF NPLD UO 8.125 2.01 2010.8 234. .75 -2.42 1 NPLD u? 3.125 1.95 2028.1 234. .73 -3.30 VF NPLD UO 8.125 2.08 2070.2 234. .62 -4.03 I A s M NPLD UO 3.875 2.55 2108.4 234. .71 -3.96 a NPLD UO 2.000 2.46 2101.6 234..58 -4.01 I A s K c Q UW 2 M NPLD us 4.375 10.50 2.40 2.38 2099.9 234. .42 -3.73 1 NPLD U? 4.000 2.17 2080.9 234. .38 -3.67 ? NPLD u? 2.375 2.06 2076.3 234. .42 -3.36 VF NPLD UO 5.000 2.04 2062.2 234..23 -3.40 3 NPLD u? 2.375 1.97 2058.5 233..73 -2.49 HF NPLD UO 13.125 2.00 1997.5 234. .14 -0.86 F AI M CC D 3 O NPLD UO 7.750 2.00 1933.3 234. .01 -1.00 D A R M CC D 3 o NPLD UO 12.500 2.00 1934.3 234. .33 -1.34 I A S M NPLD UO 3.625 2.00 1962.2 234. .27 -1.42 HF NPLD UO 6.875 2.00 1963.6 234. .09 -1.54 HF NPLD UO 16.250 2.01 1963.0 234. .26 -1.77 rf NPLD UO 7.750 2.03 1980.0 233. .67 -1.54 F A I M CV D 4 VO NPLD UO 61.250 2.06 1948.4 233. .64 -1.35 HF NPLD UO 12.500 2.01 1938.3 233. .57 -1.81 RF NPLD UO 20.000 2.03 1958.6 232. .68 -2.08 F A I M SC 0 4 VO NPLD UO 62.500 2.02 1942.9 232. ,62 -2.22 VF NPLD UO 12.375 1.95 1947.7 232.,69 -2.43 IA c Q 7UT P 1 w 1 H NPLD UF24 3.750 8.00 2.13 1.99 1960.4 232. 98 -2.48 7 NPLD UO 2.250 1.93 1971.9 233. 05 -2.37 1 NPLD UO 2.375 1.93 1968.4 233. 02 -2.56 a NPLD u? 2.125 1.95 1977.4 233. 83 -2.15 I NPLD u? 2.250 2.03 1983.4 233. 63 -3.01 HF NPLD UO 8.125 2.08 2019.3 233. 68 -3.18 HF NPLD UO 4.875 2.09 2029.3 233. 55 -3.41 3 NPLD u? 2.250 2.09 2036.3 233 74 -3.83 7 NPLD u? 2.750 1.97 2063.5 233. 62 -3.96 VF NPLD UO 6.250 1.90 2065.2 233. 35 -4.13 HF NPLD UO 6.375 1.92 2065.6 234. 03 -4.01 VF NPLD UO 6.500 2.02 2081.4 234. 02 -4.20 HF NPLD UO 11.500 2.11 2090.0 234. 20 -4.42 VF NPLD UO 5.250 2.53 2107.0 234. 25 -4.59 1 NPLD UO 2.125 2.76 2117.2 354

234.39 -4.66 7 NPLD UO 2.375 2125.2 234.37 -4.65 VF NPLD UO 5.750 2124.7 233.85 -5.03 RF NPLD UO 10.000 2.82 2126.8 233.20 -4.79 HF NPLD UO 32.125 2.49 2094.9 232.79 -4.76 F C 0 MW P 3 1 3 M NPLD US 14.375 42.00 2.92 2.35 2079.3 232.82 -4.62 s NPLD UR49 3.000 2073.9 232.46 -5.14 HF NPLD UO 16.000 2089.0 233.02 -4.25 VF NPLD UO 5.750 2061.8 232.62 -2.77 I NPLD U7 3. 625 1974. 9 232.53 -2.98 HF NPLD UO 12.125 1982.1 232.90 -3.14 EF NPLD UO 6.000 2002.4 233.06 -3.19 VF NPLD UO 4.625 2009.4 232.61 -3.33 EF NPLD UO 4.750 2002.3 232.79 -3.66 I C 0 wm P 2 3 M NPLD UR61 5.750 16.25 2.86 2.07 2024.1 232.69 -3.66 HF NPLD UO 9.125 2.03 2021.7 232.85 -3.85 HF NPLD UO 15.625 2.08 2036.1 232.79 -4.07 I C E Uw P 2 2 M NPLD US 4.750 10.00 2.15 1.94 2045.7 232.52 -4.11 b NPLD US 2.625 1.92 2038.3 232.63 -4.42 9 NPLD US 2.500 2.04 2057.6 232.49 -4.37 s NPLD US 2.250 1.96 2051.4 232.02 -3.74 ? NPLD U? 2.500 2.02 2004.2 232.17 -3.86 1 NPLD UO 2.250 2.07 2015.7 231.94 -4.79 ? NPLD UO 2.000 2.18 2055.5 231.97 -5.02 7 NPLD UO 1.875 2.20 2068.0 232.72 -0.37 RF NPLD UO 10.000 1860.6 232.93 -1.04 I NPLD UO 2.750 1899.0 233.00 -1.22 RF NPLD UO 10.375 1910.1 231.20 -0.50 S HNU T7 1.875 1816.9 230.54 -0.84 I HNU T? 3.000 1812.5 231.73 -1.20 7 HNU T7 3.125 1868.5 231.34 -1.48 HF HNU TO 8.875 1869.9 231.16 -1.46 7 HNU TO 2.375 1863.7 230.73 -1.43 7 HNU TS 6.500 13.00 2.00 1848.0 230.36 -1.18 EF HNU TO 15.000 1824.6 231.17 -1.77 hf NPLD U7 5.375 1879.9 231.79 -1.65 s NPLD T7 2.000 2.17 1892.8 232.31 -1.45 VF NPLD UO 5.250 2.05 1899.5 232.11 -1.68 VF NPLD UO 7.000 1904.8 232.26 -1.78 VF NPLD UO 4.500 1914.6 232.31 -2.57 HF NPLD UO 6.250 1954.8 232.21 -2.76 HF NPLD UO 11.000 2.02 1961.3 231.50 -2.15 HF NPLD UO 27.500 1.96 1908.5 231.37 -2.48 HF NPLD UO 3.750 1.90 1921.0 231.45 -2.76 RF NPLD UO 9.375 1.97 1937.2 231.57 -3.27 F NPLD UO 12.125 1.98 1967.3 231.87 -3.76 i NPLD UO 2.500 2.01 2001.8 231.01 -2.47 HF NPLD UO 21.250 1.91 1909.6 230.90 -1.35 EF NPLD TO 3.125 2.08 1849.8 230.44 -1.65 EF NPLD TO 6.875 2.09 1850.8 230.18 -1.87 1 NPLD UO 4.000 2.17 1854.7 229.73 -1.55 7 HNU TO 2.625 1.09 1824.3 229.70 -1.78 EF NPLD TO 8.250 1.57 1835.0 229. 99 -1.15 EF HNU TO 22.500 1.17 1811.1 230.76 -2.00 9 NPLD UO 1.875 1.91 1878.2 230.22 -2.79 I NPLD UO 4.000 2.55 1902.1 230.06 -3.38 HF NPLD UO 24.375 2.28 1928.6 229. 92 -3.59 1 NPLD U? 3.250 2.13 1935.4 229.86 -3.72 9 NPLD U7 2.250 2.00 1940.4 231.30 -3.64 sf NPLD UF181 2.000 1.99 1978.9 231.28 -3.26 9 NPLD U7 1.875 1.94 1958.9 230.53 -3.90 F C Q IUW P 3 2 M NPLD UR181 11.750 29.50 2.51 2.05 1969.6 231.11 -4.54 ef NPLD UR181 4.125 2.02 2018.6 231.50 -4.48 1 NPLD UR1B1 3.250 2.03 2021.1 231.46 -4.63 I 2 M NPLD US 2.875 2.02 2033.4 229.94 -4.36 VF NPLD UO 35.000 1.96 1976.9 230.00 -4.45 I P 1 2 M NPLD UF114 2.125 3.50 1.67 1.95 1982.5 229.81 -4.61 B P 1 1 M NPLD UF114 2.000 4.50 2.20 1.97 1986.5 230.08 -4.84 I NPLD UF139 3.125 1.83 2005.6 229.18 -1.05 I HNU TO 4.125 1.00 1783.1 228.76 -1.47 ? APS T7 2.625 0.99 1792.8 229.01 -2.11 VF NPLD TO 5.875 1.45 1833.2 229.30 -2.10 1 NPLD U? 3.125 1.73 1840.2 229.07 -2.26 I ASM C 0 UW NPLD US 7.000 10.25 1.44 1.89 1842.1 228.88 -2.54 VF NPLD UO 8.500 2.11 1852.3 228.73 -2.68 VF NPLD UO 8.125 2.24 1855.0 228.61 -3.10 I NPLD UO 4.875 2.47 1874.3 229.56 -3.12 I NPLD U? 2.750 2.45 1901.0 229.70 -3.44 I NPLD U7 4.125 2.22 1921.9 229.70 -3.85 bf NPLD U7 4.500 2.09 1943.1 229.74 -3.97 7 NPLD U? 3.125 1.92 1950. 9 229.34 -3.77 F p I M C I UMW P 3 L 2 M NPLD UR138 11.875 2.13 1929.9 229.16 -3.43 I NPLD U? 2.000 2.49 1906.6 228.91 -3.56 hf NPLD UO 13.375 2.49 1906.9 229.01 -3.86 1 NPLD U7 7.000 2.35 1925.8 228.98 -3.78 I NPLD U? 2.375 2.30 1920. 6 229.05 -4.17 1 NPLD UO 2.750 2.10 1942.2 228.99 -4.13 7 NPLD U7 1.875 2.23 1938.2 229.28 -4.27 VF NPLD UO 37.000 1.88 1953.0 229.29 -4.81 RF NPLD UO 74.000 1.99 1982.0 228.97 -4.45 I NPLD U7 5.875 2.18 1955.4 228.65 -4.32 1 NPLD U7 3.375 2.89 1940.4 228.90 -5.03 I NPLD U? 3.000 2.09 1984.4 228.71 -5.01 F C Q UMW P 2 1 2 M NPLD US 6.625 17.00 2.56 2.17 1978.3 228.56 -5.06 VF NPLD UO 7.375 2.16 1977.0 228.50 -5.28 I NPLD U7 2.250 2.18 1987.7 229.62 -5.09 I NPLD U7 3.000 1.89 2006.2 229.75 -5.09 7 NPLD U? 3.375 1.86 2009.8 229.02 -5.25 ef NPLD U? 5.125 2.08 1999.3 228.33 -3.41 F 3 MO NPLD UO 19.250 2.51 1883.0 228.22 -3.54 I NPLD UO 3.375 2.49 1887.7 227.87 -4.29 HF NPLD TO 10.000 1. 90 1918.4 227.71 -4.57 7 NPLD TO 4.500 0. 86 1929.7 227.97 -4.79 I NPLD TO 4.500 2.05 1948.6 227.37 -3.47 7 HNU TO 5.500 1.30 1862.6 226.97 -3.26 7 HNU TO 4.750 0.84 1841.2 227.10 -4.27 ef HNU T? 5.875 -0.15 1899.4 227.65 -4.76 9 NPLD Ts 1.875 0.88 1938.6 227.04 -0.61 F C 0 IWM A 3 3 M APS S 7.125 31.25 4.36 -0.16 1701.7 227.40 -1.48 I APS SO 3.750 -0.19 1756.4 227.28 -1.55 7 OP A 1 APS S7 3.125 6.50 2.00 -0.37 1757.6 227.66 -1.71 9 APS S 2.500 -0.01 1775.2 228.06 -2.01 bf HNU TO 6.250 0.27 1802.4 228.07 -1.93 9 HNU TO 1.875 0.28 1798.9 228.26 -2.14 1 HNU TO 5.625 0.75 1814.4 227.48 -2.09 I C Q UO A 1 3 M APS ST 3.125 6.25 2.00 -0.14 1791.5 227.13 -1.83 I 7TO P 1 1 M APS ST 3.750 9.50 2.53 -0.42 1768.6 225.96 -1.39 I 1 M HNU STO 5.000 10.50 2.10 -0.87 1716.4 225.96 -1.85 9 HNU T7 2.500 -0.97 1740.6 226.70 -2.18 F HNU TO 15.625 -0.50 1776.4 226.76 -2.30 EF HNU TO 10.625 -0.43 1784.7 225.92 -2.05 7 HNU T? 5.500 -0.84 1750.9 226.86 -3.06 F C d HNU TO 16.250 0.45 1827.7 225.17 -3.47 F C Q UW P 2 1 M HNU TS 6.250 15.75 2.50 -0.11 1811.6 225.77 -3.63 sf HNU T7 2.625 -0.06 1833.5 225.96 -4.17 sf HNU T7 2.125 -0.02 1867.5 225.83 -4.48 I HNU T? 5.625 -0.51 1881.4 227.96 -2.61 BF HNU TO 3.125 0.99 1831.0 230.75 -3.90 HF NPLD UO 71.875 2.03 1975.7 355

202..11 -0 .34 F A C Q I MM A 3 A 3 M ACHU 10.250 28.75 2.85 -1.15 1634.2 202..20 -1 .14 ? O T P 1 2 M ACHU 1.875 5.50 2.93 -1.03 1675.6 202..42 -1 .96 7 2 M ACHU 2.125 6.00 2.84 -1.01 1716.1 199. .59 -2 .65 R ACHU 2.625 -0.94 1819.7 199..05 -0 .63 I A S M C Q UO ACHU 3.125 6.25 2.00 -1.27 1726.7 198..30 -1 .27 F ACHU 2.500 -1.29 1780.8 195,.99 -0 .54 I ACHU 3.125 -1.41 1812.5 196..64 -0 .94 bf ACHU 3.125 -1.34 1812.9 200..45 -1 .04 BF ACHU 5.625 -1.12 1711.9 200..11 -0 .99 F A S M C Q O ACHU 2.625 -1.22 1717.2 199..92 -1 .64 UF ACHU 5.250 -1.09 1757.4 199..87 -2 .01 I ACHU 4.500 -1.07 1778.8 200..86 -1 .81 F t S M C T UOIsh P 2 3 MO APK 13.750 30.00 2.12 -1.08 1743.6 201..11 -1 .93 I 2 M APK 3.625 8.00 2.27 -0.95 1743.7 202..05 -2 .44 ? P 0 2 M APK 2.500 5.00 2.00 -0.95 1750.8 202..38 -2 .48 I P 0 2 M APK 2.500 8.00 3.20 -0.99 1745.7 201,.91 -2 .71 ? APK 3.125 -0.97 1768.6 201,.93 -2 .91 ? APK 3.250 -0.99 1778.4 201..53 -2 .78 UF APK 15.750 -0.92 1780.1 201,.20 -2 .50 ? APK 2.000 -0.93 1772.1 200..92 -2 .34 F APK 2.500 -0.95 1770.7 200,.01 -2 .48 F ? C Q IWJm P 3 3 MO APK 8.750 22.50 2.51 -1.00 1799.9 200..38 -2 .85 I A C Q MU P 2 2 M APK 4.875 12.50 2.54 -0.94 1810.7 200,.98 -3 .56 1 APK 2.000 -0.96 1835.8 201..75 -3 .94 F NPL2 13.750 -0.60 1839.9 201..90 -4 .00 sf NPL2 1.875 -0.63 1839.7 201..89 -4 .05 ? NPL2 2.125 -0.58 1842.4 202..30 -4 .30 OF NPL2 7.500 -0.56 1848.5 202..08 -4 .45 I A C 0 OU P 2 2 M NPL2 5.625 14.50 2.58 -0.54 1861.2 200..92 -3 .83 ? APK 3.000 -0.85 1851.9 200..85 -3 .83 F A CH 0 UTW P 3 3 M APK 6.500 17.50 2.62 -0.90 1853.7 201..22 -4 .66 ? NPL2 2.000 -0.49 1890.7 201..12 -4 .66 ? NPL2 2.250 -0.56 1892.3 201.,04 -4 .75 hf NPL2 7.250 -0.56 1899.1 200., 49 -5,.62 F A CH D 4 O NPL2 52.500 -0.47 1959. 9 200..78 -5 .56 ? C E MU 2 M NPL2 4.375 8.25 1.86 -0.34 1949.8 201.,95 -5,.52 F C C T 3 O NPL2 19.000 -0.20 1923.2 201.,95 -6,.18 F A NPL2 6.250 -0.19 1959.9 201.,12 -6,.43 I C U UW P 2 2 M NPL2 4.375 10.50 2.40 -0.07 1990.4 199. 98 -6,.09 I A C E or P 1 2 M NPL2 3.500 9.25 2.63 -0.56 1996.5 200. 55 -7..13 UF NPL2 25.000 -0.06 2041.1 201. 25 -7..25 I NPL2 2.500 -0.02 2033.0 197. 75 -1..40 OF ACHU 28.125 -1.20 1803.1 198. 45 -2..17 I ACHU 2.875 -1.08 1823.2 199. 31 -2,.53 F P C I UWSH P 3 2 MO ACHU 11.750 30.00 2.53 -0.95 1820.8 199. 40 -3..05 ? ? APK 2.250 5.00 2.22 -0.90 1845.5 200. 12 -3,.23 F A C 0 WU P 2 3 M APK 6.250 13.00 2.00 -0.97 1837.3 200. 47 -3..89 1 APK 2. 625 -0.94 1865.0 200. 36 -4..12 I APK 3.250 -0.98 1880.5 199. 59 -3..46 FT C r shUJ P 4 1 M APK 17.250 66.25 3.81 -1.03 1862.1 199. 59 -3..72 F A C T WJM P 4 1 M APK STO 18.500 42.50 2.27 -0.97 1876.9 199. 28 -3.,67 FA C O O P I 2 M APK TI59 3.375 6.25 1.82 -0.96 1881.5 198. 90 -3.,22 ? APK 2.625 -0.92 1867.5 198. 33 -3.,27 F A C 0 00? 1 M APK 13.125 -1.03 1884.0 198. 53 -3.,85 1 A C E UW 3 M APK 5.125 12.50 2.49 -1.04 1910.0 198. 17 -4..08 UF APK 62.500 -0.98 1931.7 198. 06 -4.,29 ? APK 2.875 -0. 94 1945.8 198. 17 -4.,46 ? APK 1.875 -0.94 1952.3 199. 05 -4.,05 F APK 1.875 -0.90 1907.6 200. 14 -4..69 ? APK ?T 2.000 -0.95 1916.5 199. 19 -4.,93 ? APK ?T 2.500 -0.98 1951.0 198. 94 -5..22 F P CH T USHMJ P 4 A 3 MO APK ST 27.500 119.50 4.35 -1.01 1973.9 198..94 -5 .02 ? APK TR72 2.500 -1.01 1962.4 198..97 -5 .77 F c C T MM A 4 HA 3 H APK TS 17.500 62.50 3.51 -0.93 2002.2 198..74 -5 .93 F APK TI74 2.625 -0.74 2016.9 198. .40 -5 .89 I APK T? 3.000 -0.94 2022.6 197. .97 -5 .32 F c C T NOsh P 3 HA APK TSO 16.250 49.25 3.01 -0.95 2003.1 197..68 -5 .40 I T? P I APK TS 2.875 6.50 2.21 -0.91 2014.5 196..82 -2 .40 F A C 0 I MW P 2 3 M ACHU S 7.750 22.00 2.89 -1.04 1881.7 196. .72 -2 .48 I 2 M ACHU 4.750 9.50 2.00 -1.07 1888.0 197, .51 -2 .83 ? ACHU 3.250 -1.06 1884.4 198..06 -3 .16 ? P 1 2 M APK 3.000 6.00 2.00 -0.94 1886.2 196.. 81 -2 .87 ? P 1 TW 2 M ACHU 2.375 5.25 2.21 -1.09 1906.7 196.. 46 -2 .88 I ACHU 4.250 -1.06 1916.5 196.. 96 -3 .52 F APK 1.875 -0.94 1935.7 197..38 -4 .10 F A C 0 Wm P 2 3 M APK 5.875 13.50 2.28 -1.00 1954.2 197,.17 -4 .18 F A C 0 WO P 2 3 M APK 8.750 20.00 2.26 -0.93 1964.5 197. .57 -4 .97 ? APK 3.250 -0.96 1994.5 197. .47 -5 .13 ? APK 1.875 -0.91 2005.5 196.,94 -5 .18 I C E UTO 2 M APK 3.125 6.50 2.00 -0.97 2022.5 196..38 -4 .58 F A H 0 2 O APK SOT 23.750 -0.98 2006.7 196..42 -4 .40 ? APK TR93 2.125 -0.98 1996.0 196..55 -3 .83 F 7 I M CH Q WmO A 3 APK 8.750 22.50 2.51 -0.98 1963.6 196..65 -3 .81 ? APK 2.375 -0.98 1959.8 196..45 -3 .56 sf APK 2.375 -0.99 1952.6 196..54 -5 .02 ? APK 2.250 -0. 98 2025.2 196..39 -5 .22 ? APK 2.625 -0. 98 2039.1 196., 04 -5 .76 ? APK 2.750 -1.00 2077.8 195.,33 -6 .25 F APK 3.750 10.00 2.67 -0.99 2123.7 195. .54 -6,.57 I APK 3.500 -0. 99 2133.9 195.,92 -6,.57 I APK 3.000 -1.00 2123.9 195. 48 -6,.76 I A S M C Q OU APK 4.875 10.00 2.01 -1.00 2145.5 192. 90 -3,.10 UF AML 9.875 -1.04 2039.7 193. 08 -3..32 UF AML 6.125 -1.01 2044.9 193. 04 -4..16 I 2 M HR 2.125 6.75 3.16 -1.05 2086.8 193. 16 -4..19 SF HR 2.250 -1.05 2084.0 194. 31 -4,.03 I 3 M ACHU 4.250 10.00 2.33 -1.02 2040.5 194. 27 -4..17 I ACHU 4.625 -1.00 2048.4 194. 25 -4..28 OF ACHU 7.250 -1.00 2054.9 195. 34 -4, ,08 ? ACHU 3.500 -0.99 2011.7 194. 51 -5..60 F APK 2.250 6.25 2.78 -1.00 2113.4 194. 53 -5..93 ? APK 3.500 -0.99 2129.1 193. 95 -6. .17 F? C 0 WMO P 2 3 M APK 7.500 17.50 2.33 -1.00 2159.0 193. 76 -6.,46 7 APK 4.000 -0.92 2179.4 193. 62 -4.,90 F A C 0 USHO P 1 2 M HR 46.25 TMWSH P 4 11.250 23.75 2.11 4.111 -1.00 2105.2 193. 43 -5.,24 OF HR 7.125 -1.00 2128.0 193. 12 -5.,31 F A 4.000 -1.00 2141.1 193. 34 -4.,45 F 1.875 -1.02 2091.5 192. 96 -4.,67 I 3.375 -1.01 2114.2 192. 89 -5.,12 F 1.875 -1.00 2139.1 191. 44 -4.,02 F ? ? ? C 0 UW 7.500 21.00 2.80 -1.03 2133.1 191. 83 -4.,20 I 1.875 -1.03 2128.3 191. 46 -5.,00 F A COO P 1 3 M 3.750 8.75 2.33 -1.02 2179.5 190. 49 -4.,66 F A C Q UW P 2 3 M 9.000 25.00 2.78 -1.09 2196.0 191. 26 -5..30 F 2.500 -1.07 2201.4 190. 63 -5.,08 ? 2.375 -1.08 2211.6 190. 58 -5.,28 F 3.000 -1.04 2223.1 191. 11 -5.,91 I 2.750 -0.92 2235.9 190. 77 -5.,66 I 2.000 -0.90 2235.6 190. 56 -2..80 OF 14.625 -1.04 2105.7 190. 49 -5.,71 F A C D WOI P 2 3 M HR 11.250 27.75 2.47 -0.91 2247.3 201. 85 -6. 90 F P C Q WJM G 3 4 M APK 14.125 37.00 2.69 -0.03 2002.2 202. 43 -6. 83 ? AML 2.375 -0.22 1987.5 202. 42 -7. 73 F m C I MW j A 2 3 H APK 9.375 26.00 2.73 0.19 2037.1 201. 84 -8. 41 I A C Q MWI A 2 3 M APK 4.375 9.25 2.14 0.32 2086.2 202. 38 -9. 66 HF NPLI 10.125 1.02 2147.4 202. 39 -10. 08 I ? CO J NPLI 5.625 1.01 2171.1 202. 01 -10. 46 HF NPLI 21.250 1.12 2199.1 356

201.89 -10.16 HF NPLI UO 11.000 1.12 2184.9 201.75 -9.96 HF NPLI UO 7.250 1.15 2175.3 201.79 -9.75 VF NPLI UO 5.375 1.13 2162.0 201.62 -9.86 HF NPLI UO 4.000 1.18 2172.5 201.86 -9.28 7 NPLI UO 4.750 1.04 2135.0 201.73 -9.39 EF NPLI UO 2.000 1.07 2143.5 201.73 -9.10 F NPLI UO 5.375 0.98 2127.6 201.66 -7.02 UF APK UO 50.000 -0.00 2012.0 201.29 -7.86 I A S M C 0 MW APK 7.250 17.50 2.44 0.01 2066.6 201.16 -8.07 7 WO APK 4.250 8.25 1.91 0.06 2080.2 200.72 -7.85 UF APK 23.750 0.00 2077.1 200.00 -7.45 7 APK 2. 625 0.01 2070.6 200.59 -8.44 7 APK 2.500 0.02 2112.7 200.51 -8.61 I A I C O U? APK 4.250 0.02 2123.2 200.91 -8.79 F P I D cb D H APK TO 27.500 -0.02 2125.3 201.02 -8.95 I APK TF165 2.250 0.06 2132.0 201.24 -9.10 I NPLI US 5.125 11.25 2.15 0.54 2136.4 200.52 -9.11 VF NPLI UO 6.375 0.47 2151.7 200.55 -9.23 7 NPLI U? 2.625 0.74 2157.4 200.61 -9.47 RF NPLI UO 4.125 0.90 2169.9 200.26 -9.70 vf NPLI UO 5.625 0.82 2189.4 200.40 -10.85 HF NPLI UO 27.250 1.02 2250.6 199.82 -10.17 7 NPLI UO 4.125 0.91 2224.2 199.42 -9.73 F A l p CD NPLI UO 20.000 0.20 2208.4 199.45 -9.69 7 UO NPLI UF174 2.250 5.00 2.22 0.27 2205.0 199.47 -9.55 I ASM C 0 OU NPLI UF174 5.375 11.25 2.03 0.20 2197.7 199.66 -9.80 7 NPLI U? 2.500 0.55 2207.6 199.54 -9.93 7 NPLI U7 2.375 0.50 2216.4 199.35 -10.16 HF NPLI UO 17.250 0.48 2233.2 199.62 -10.37 I APK TO 4.375 0.82 2239.9 199.13 -7.62 F A S P CB D APK OT 40.625 0.00 2098.5 199.51 -7.73 I APK T7 3.750 0.00 2096.4 199.53 -7.95 7 APK T7 2.625 0.00 2108.6 199.47 -8.62 UF APK TO 41.250 0.00 2146.2 198.72 -8.28 F A IM C Q UWO P ? APK TS 8.375 18.50 2. 0.00 2144.5 198.85 -9.23 OF APK TO 17.500 0.08 2193.6 198. 94 -9.36 I APK TR186 2.625 5.50 0.04 2198.8 199.01 -9.86 7 APK 7T 2.375 0.07 2224.7 198.86 -10.05 OF APK OT 11.250 0.01 2237.5 198.12 -8.25 BF APK OT 17.625 0.02 2156.8 198.06 -8.30 7 APK T 7 2.125 0.01 2160.1 198.10 -8.67 F 0 H APK ST 5.125 10.50 2.09 0.00 2179.9 198.33 -8.67 I Q UC APK ST 3.375 8.75 2.53 0.09 2174.3 197.90 -8.83 F APK 7T 2.125 0.00 2193.5 198.33 -10.07 7 APK 7 T 2.875 0.01 2250.4 197.60 -9.95 OF APK OT 17.500 0.00 2260.2 197.42 -9.52 OF APK OT 8.125 -0.01 2241.2 197.31 -9.68 1 APK T7 2.375 -0.07 2253.8 197.05 -9.85 F P S M CO IWM A 3 APK ST 4.500 13.00 2.89 -0.07 2268.8 197.96 -10.86 I APK SF370 2.625 5.50 2.05 0.01 2302.4 196.71 -5.91 7 APK TOM 3.125 -0.94 2067.2 197.00 -5.89 7 APK 2.500 -0.99 2058.3 197.84 -6.64 1 APK 3.875 9.00 2.33 -0.76 2076.6 197.76 -6.70 sf APK 2.500 -0.84 2081.7 198.56 -7.28 F C S P CH T SH APK 37.250 0.00 2093.0 198.50 -6.93 I APK TR206 2.125 -0.09 2076.1 198.58 -7.58 a APK TR206 2.250 0.02 2109.7 197.96 -7.33 s APK 7T 2.250 -0.13 2110.2 197.25 -6.51 F APK TS 2.250 6.00 2.67 -0.99 2084.2 197.21 -6.60 F APK T7 2.125 -0.92 2090.3 197.61 -7.29 I APK T7 2.750 -0.45 2117.9 196.89 -6.97 I 0 WUm APK TS 5.000 12.50 2.50 -0.91 2118.5 197.23 -7.45 F Q MM APK TS 8.250 18.00 2.12 -0.78 2135.7 197.01 -7.52 I APK T7 3.250 -0.83 2144.9 196.61 -7.05 I APK TS 3.625 7.75 2.18 -0.96 2130.0 197.34 -8.49 OF APK TO 16.250 -0.41 2188.1 196.28 -8.01 UF APK TO 44.375 -1.01 2189.3 196.46 -7.51 7 APK T? 2.250 -1.00 2158.7 196.48 -7.61 I APK TR21 3.125 -0.99 2163.4 196.07 -7.42 s APK T? 2.125 -1.00 2163.3 196. 80 -8.11 F WMJ APK TS 11.250 33.75 -1.09 2181.6 196.74 -8.39 F OWM APK TS 7.500 20. 00 -1.03 2197.0 196.59 -9.26 s APK TOWF 2.375 -0.42 2248.1 195.80 -8.45 F APK SR 34.25 TMWJ A 4 10.625 23.75 2.25 3.224 -0.82 2225.9 195.65 -8.55 F APK T7 2.375 -0.73 2234.3 196.36 -8.88 bf APK TO 1.875 -0.71 2233.5 195.81 -9.70 F APK T? 2.125 -0.04 2291.0 195.77 -9.77 7 APK T? 2.750 0.01 2296.4 195.65 -9.73 1 APK TS 2.375 5.50 2.36 -0.03 2297.1 195.94 -9.98 I 0 WO APK TWR 4.125 8.75 2.11 0.05 2302.7 195.58 -9.94 1 0 Ow APK ST 3.250 6.25 1.93 0.09 2309.5 195.17 -9.87 F APK ST 7.500 18.00 2.40 0.06 2316.2 194.71 -6.88 I APK ST 3.250 7.75 2.35 -0.92 2173.2 195.01 -7.40 F I M C l MWI A 3 LA 3 M APK ST 9.125 44.50 4.87 -0.95 2191.6 194. 94 -7.24 7 APK ?T 2.500 -0.99 2185.2 195.06 -8.91 I APK T7 3.000 -0.35 2269.4 194.34 -10.26 F C TI25 6.125 16.25 0.09 2359.3 195.18 -11.55 UF APK TO 13.125 0.20 2405.7 195.00 -11.55 7 APK T7 2.375 0.11 2410.5 194.38 -10.71 I C T7 2.375 0.06 2382.6 194.03 -10.75 I C T7 4.375 0.04 2393.6 194.44 -7.11 s APK T7 2.250 -0.96 2193.3 194.49 -7.57 I S M C O OW APK TS 3.750 9.00 2.40 -0.72 2215.4 194.89 -7.99 7 APK T? 2.500 -0.55 2225.0 194.57 -8.03 I S M C 0 OW APK TS 6.250 13.75 2.20 -0.48 2236.1 194.49 -7.96 I APK T? 2.750 -0.41 2235.3 194.25 -7.78 OF APK TO 11.875 -0.50 2233.3 194.09 -7.92 I APK TS 2.125 4.50 2.18 -0.39 2244.4 194.33 -9.06 I APK T? 4.000 -0.06 2297.3 193.12 -9.76 F S P C T UshMJ P 4 NPLI SOT 77.500 267.50 3.42 -0.02 2367.5 193.63 -10.29 I 3.125 0.00 2380.2 192.88 -10.87 7 2.375 0.01 2431.6 192.57 -10.76 7 2.250 0.01 2434.8 192.50 -10.96 I 3.000 0.01 2446.8 192.91 -11.31 F I p C T MJ 16.000 48.75 3.07 0.01 2453.0 193.43 -11.47 F 14.750 0.02 2447.8 192.60 -11.49 7 2.625 0.00 2471.0 192.32 -5.61 F S M CDih P 7 HA 2 MO HR 36.250 -1.00 2181.7 192.42 -6.15 VF 5.250 -0.99 2205.2 192.95 -6.05 FARM CIW P2 11.250 26.25 -1.00 2183.9 193.03 -6.34 F AS M UO P I HR 2.625 4.75 -0.96 2195.8 193.05 -7.03 BF HR 4.000 -0.86 2230.9 193.26 -7.14 BF APK 2.250 -0.79 2229.1 193.20 -7.31 F A S M C Q UOW P 2 APK 3. 625 9.25 2.52 -0.64 2239.5 193.20 -7.80 F IU P 7 APK 4.375 11.25 2.51 -0.31 2264.8 192.80 -7.90 OF APK 2.750 -0.22 2281.2 192.88 -7.98 7 APK 2.750 -0.22 2283.8 192.63 -7.93 OF APK 3.125 -0.29 2288.7 193.05 -8.31 I WU P 2 C 7.125 21.50 3.08 -0.06 2295.3 191.65 -5.34 F 7 HR 2.250 -1.01 2190.6 192.37 -7.07 I A S CQUW P? 4.750 9.50 2.00 -0.83 2252.9 192.45 -7.14 7 2.500 -0.75 2254.3 192.17 -7.31 I C O UMW 5.000 15.00 -0.74 2271.5 191.99 -7.51 F C O UOW 5 .250 15.00 -0.52 2286.8 191.77 -7.07 7 4.625 -0.79 2271.2 191.35 -6.54 7 5.750 -0.74 2259.4 192.07 -7.95 F R P C O UW P 2 PHI 2 M 10.625 26.25 2.41 -0.32 2306.8 192.18 -8.37 bf 3.125 -0.10 2324.7 357

191.29 -7.31 I UW P 1 3 M APK ST 2.625 7.50 2.87 -0.43 2299.3 190.93 -7.95 IC 0 UW P 2 2 M APK ST 3.250 7.50 2.38 -0.02 2342.6 191.26 -6.23 I APK ?T 2.750 -0.06 2345.2 192.21 -8.86 ?C 7T 2.000 -0.07 2349.7 192.39 -9.17 9 C ?T 2.000 -0.03 2358.2 191.00 -8.36 F APK OT 1.875 0.05 2361.9 191.53 -9.22 I APK T7 2.625 -0.02 2386.7 190.68 -9.48 F c R P C 1 WN9h P 3 3 MO APK ST 102.50 UMJ A 4 16.250 67.00 4.13 6.308 0.03 2426.8 190.63 -9.60 F APK 7F292 4.000 0.00 2433.3 190.47 -9.22 F AR M c Q UWI P 2 2 M APK ST 6.500 19.50 3.00 0.27 2419.2 190.80 -6.12 FU HR S 2.000 5.00 2.50 -0. 81 2256.4 190.60 -6.41 R ARD HR 0 7.250 -0.71 2277.3 200.83 -10.44 9 NPLI u? 2.750 1.03 2219.3 201.02 -10.59 VF NPLI UO 20.625 1.00 2224.5 202.25 -10.94 HF NPLI UO 35.625 0.94 2222.3 202.43 -11.02 S NPLI UF299 1.875 1.25 2223.6 202.42 -11.18 ? NPLI U? 3.125 1.62 2232.9 202.20 -11.16 F U 2 M NPLI UF299 2.500 7.25 2.90 1.12 2235.2 200.66 -10.83 I 7 NPLI U? 3.750 1.01 2244.6 201.40 -11.05 ef NPLI UO 4.000 1.10 2243.2 201.36 -10.70 9 NPLI U7 1.875 1.05 2224.6 201.35 -11.42 HF NPLI UO 23.750 1.20 2264.2 200.56 -11.30 HF NPLI UO 14.375 1.02 2272.2 200.31 -11.61 F PS M c I U? P 2 2 M NPLD US 10.000 25.00 2.50 1.03 2294.9 200.26 -11.77 I NPLD U7 2.250 1.08 2304.8 200.68 -11.59 I NPLD U7 2.250 1.16 2286.9 200.98 -11.97 HF NPLD UO 6.250 1. 49 2302.9 201.76 -11.73 I A s M c Q wu P 2 2 M NPLD US 4.625 1.35 2275.2 202.05 -12.25 VF NPLD UO 4.500 1.91 2299.5 201.94 -12.31 HF NPLD UO 4.000 1. 93 2304.7 201.41 -12.18 VF NPLD UO 19.000 1.76 2306.7 201.00 -12.35 F 7 R c 0 u P 7 2 M NPLD us 4.750 10.00 2.15 1.68 2323.8 201.09 -12.38 F A S M c 0 o P 1 3 MO NPLD us 7.500 18.50 2.47 1.75 2323.6 200.55 -12.06 F 7 I H c 0 uw P 2 2 M NPLD us 6.750 15.75 2.33 2315.2 200.52 -12.42 VF NPLD UO 3.750 1.14 2335.4 201.79 -12.84 HF NPLD UO 7.500 2.48 2337.8 202.16 -12.99 F A I P c 0 uw P 3 3 MO NPLD us 15.250 45.00 2.91 2.62 2339.2 202.43 -12.93 F A 1 D c D NPLD UO 17.500 2.65 2332.0 201.25 -12.61 ? NPLD u? 4.000 2.17 2333.0 201.16 -13.14 F A s M c D UWe P 2 3 MO NPLD us 12.500 27.50 2.20 2.50 2364.4 201.68 -13.58 HF P c D 4 O NPLD UO 11.875 3.09 2377.3 202.08 -13.69 ? NPLD U7 2.875 3.04 2380.5 201.95 -14.07 HF 3 O NPLD UR330 16.250 3.08 2404.1 201.94 -14.29 F P s P CH D 4 0 NPLD UO 30.000 3.07 2417.7 201.74 -14.50 HF NPLD UR330 16.875 3.02 2432.9 201.67 -14.56 1 A s M c Q WM A 2 3 M NPLD UF331 4.875 12.25 2.53 3.08 2436.2 202.29 -14.60 1 7 NPLD U? 5.375 3.03 2429.3 201.89 -14.89 I 7 NPLD U? 2.375 3.03 2451.5 201.61 -15.03 VO NPLD UO 8.125 2.93 2464.6 201.04 -13.35 ? NPLD U7 2.500 2.61 2378.7 201.13 -13.68 HF NPLD UO 5.000 2.64 2395.2 201.22 -14.09 HF NPLD UO 12.500 2.83 2417.4 200.96 -14.24 7 NPLD U7 1.875 2.61 2430.4 200.98 -14.30 9 NPLD U? 1.875 2.68 2433.8 200.89 -14.39 I A s M c Q UO P 7 2 M NPLD us 4.875 9.25 1.87 2.63 2440.0 200.76 -14.56 ? OU P 2 M NPLD US 3.125 8.75 2.80 2.50 2451.3 200.92 -14.80 F m I ? c Q 7 NPLD UO 7.375 2.62 2462.3 201.39 -14.46 ? NPLD u? 2.500 2.95 2435.3 199.98 -12.75 VF NPLD UO 33.125 0.98 2364.2 200.57 -12.90 HF NPLD UO 4.500 1.33 2361.3 200.60 -13.46 I OT7 P 1 1 M NPLD us 3.000 7.25 2.47 1.94 2392.3 200.43 -13.57 HF NPLD UO 11.000 1.97 2402.7 200.73 -13.87 1 NPLD UO 2.750 2.15 2413.8 200.63 -14.17 ? NPLD u? 3.125 2.39 2432.3 199.85 -13.21 F A s M c D eCU P 2 MO NPLD us 7.500 15.00 2.00 1.43 2392.7 200.01 -13.42 EF NPLD UO 13.750 2401.9 199.98 -13.51 ? NPLD UF353 2.000 2406.9 199.29 -13.30 I NPLI u? 3.125 1.21 2408.9 199.23 -13.56 I A 7 c 0 UW P 2 2 MO NPLI us 5.250 12.00 2.26 1.41 2424.2 199.49 -13.93 I A s M c 0 7 NPLI u? 4.250 1.98 2439.0 199.57 -14.15 I NPLI u? 2.250 2.06 2450.5 199.70 -14.31 7 NPLD U7 3.000 2.00 2456.5 199.67 -14.51 7 NPLD U? 2.375 1.92 2468.9 199.42 -14.28 EF NPLD UO 12.500 2.05 2460.5 199.81 -14.77 7 NPLD U7 3.625 1.99 2480.5 200.15 -14.69 F P P c D 3 O NPLD UO 31.000 2.11 2469.9 199.39 -10.59 9 NPLI US 2.125 0.50 2256.1 199.72 -10.96 I 7 NPLD UOWR 2.875 1.14 2270.2 200.02 -11.38 I AI M c Q MW A 3 3 M NPLD US 5.625 15.25 2.71 1.04 2287.8 199.91 -11.49 VF NPLD UO 4.625 1.18 2295.6 198.28 -10.88 UF APK OU 58.750 -0.08 2296.2 198.74 -10.60 I A s M UW P 2 3 M NPLI US 4.000 9.00 2.20 -0.03 2270.4 198.93 -10.66 I UW P 7 2 M NPLI us 3.125 6.25 2.00 0.01 2269.5 198.82 -10.96 I 7 NPLI us 3.375 6.25 1.82 -0.0S 2288.0 198.95 -11.14 I 7 NPLI us 3.625 7.50 2.09 0.07 2295.5 198.80 -11.28 UF NPLI UO 7.250 0.08 2306.3 199.17 -11.44 VF NPLI UO 12.375 0.66 2307.2 198.99 -11.43 I » NPLI u? 3.750 0.37 2311.0 199.03 -11.55 IA s M c 0 UW P 3 M NPLI us 4.625 0.52 2316.9 198.85 -11.47 7 7 NPLI u? 2.500 0.23 2316.4 199.16 -11.90 I NPLI UO 4.125 0.95 2333.5 199.55 -12.13 HF NPLI UO 15.125 1.04 2338.5 197.97 -11.24 HF P CH D 3 O NPLI UF370 9.625 0.02 2322.6 198.20 -11.53 7 7U P NPLI US 5.000 10.00 2.00 0.08 2333.6 198.18 -11.73 RF NPLI UO 10.500 0.15 2344.5 198.44 -12.04 F AR M c I Wm P 2 3 M NPLI us 6.750 16.50 2.44 0.68 2356.9 198.87 -12.09 I NPLI U7 2.375 0.96 2349.2 198.94 -12.42 I UP 1 2 M NPLI US 2.625 4.75 1.80 1.08 2366.1 198.52 -12.45 HF NPLI UO 12.250 0.83 2377.7 198.66 -12.79 I NPLI UO 1.875 1.01 2392.1 199.08 -13.11 HF NPLI UO 30.000 1.06 2402.0 198.83 -13.46 7 NPLI U7 2.375 1.02 2426.1 198.49 -13.07 F AIP c D 4 O NPLI UO 28.750 1.06 2411.8 198.33 -12.76 RF NPLI UO 10.625 0.74 2398.3 198.09 -12.80 RF NPLI UO 15.625 0.57 2405.1 197.39 -12.58 F P S P c D 4 O NPLI UO 17.500 0.12 2408.1 197.55 -12.65 SF NPLI UR395 3.625 0. 08 2408.9 197.15 -13.41 VF P CH D 4 VO NPLI UO 48.750 2459.3 197.02 -13.11 I NPLI UF397 2.500 2445.6 197.24 -13.82 I WU P 2 3 M NPLI UF397 3.125 2479.6 197.64 -13.62 1 NPLI UO 3.625 0.51 2460.5 198.28 -13.46 7 NPLI U? 2.750 0.96 2437.5 199.75 -14.82 7 NPLD U? 2.500 1.98 2484.5 198.90 -14.80 rf NPLI U? 8.875 1.40 2499.1 198.58 -14.69 I NPLI u? 3.875 1.13 2499.8 197.61 -14.92 F A w m CH 0 4 VO NPLI UO 100.625 0. 99 2532.3 197.91 -14.98 I A s M c 0 uwo P 2 3 M S UF405 5.750 12.00 2.07 0.94 2529.4 197.03 -14.36 F P R M c D u? P 3 3 O NPLI UR405 17.500 45.25 2.56 1.13 2513.7 197.86 -10.56 9 APK 7T 1.875 0.00 2287.5 197.02 -10.47 I A S M c 0 7 P 7 2 M APK ST 4.125 9.00 2.12 0.00 2302.1 197.03 -10.89 I A s M c E UO P 1 2 M APK TF506 3.875 6.50 1.67 0.00 2325.6 197.63 -11.60 VF NPLI UO 7.500 0.02 2349.0 197.48 -11.76 RF NPLI UO 6.250 0.00 2361.9 197.30 -11.97 HF NPLI UO 16.250 0.00 2377.9 197.21 -11.92 I A s M c 0 UTw P 1 3 M NPLI UF414 3.750 7.25 1.93 0 . 00 2376.2 196.63 -11.07 I A M c Q MWJI A 3 3 M APK TS 5.500 13.25 2.49 0.00 2344.7 195.80 -11.05 F PRH c 1 MWB P 3 HA 3 M APK TS 14.750 43.75 2.96 0.27 2363.5 196.37 -11.33 1 U? 1 M NPLI U7 2.500 6.25 2.50 -0.09 2364.0 358

196. 23 -11.61 UF APK TO 10.875 0. 08 2382.3 196. 41 -11.71 I A S M C Q 0 P 7 H 2 M NPLI US 7.500 22.75 3.03 -0.08 2384.0 195. 76 -12.17 I HPL3 U? 2.000 2424.9 196. 31 -12.39 IA 1 M c Q MW A 2 3 M HPL3 US 4.875 10.00 2.01 0.08 2423.5 196. 44 -12.54 I A s M c Q OUv P 1 2 M HPL3 US 1.875 4.75 2.53 -0.03 2428.0 196. 17 -12.47 I 7 HPL3 U7 2.750 0.04 2430.8 196. 13 -12.52 ? HPL3 Uo 2.500 0.02 2434.2 195. 93 -12.51 I HPL3 u? 2.000 0.02 2438.5 195. 87 -12.86 OF HPL3 uo 16.000 0.08 2458.2 195. 18 -12.52 F 7 NPLI u? 3.000 0.09 2457.7 195. 19 -12.72 HF NPLI uo 7.375 0.02 2467.1 194. 99 -12.81 VF P c D 4 O NPLI uo 15.625 0.02 2477.6 194. 80 -12.82 F 7 NPLI u? 2.500 0.02 2482.4 194. 92 -13.14 I A s M c E Uw P 7 2 M NPLI us 4.875 0.01 2496.2 195. 42 -13.13 HF NPLI U7 7.000 0.04 2484.4 195. 48 -13.12 7 NPLI UR433 2.250 0.04 2482.6 196. 27 -13.18 VF HPL3 UO 30.625 0.06 2466.8 195. 85 -13.91 RF NPLI uo 11.625 0.60 2515.2 196. 18 -13.95 RF NPLI uo 30.000 0.81 2510.6 195. 89 -14.11 ? NPLI u? 2.375 0.75 2525.1 195. 96 -14.21 ? NPLI U7 3.750 0.81 2529.0 196. 59 -14.77 I e NPLI UO 5.625 1.00 2545.2 195. 39 -14.37 RF NPLI UO 6.750 0.43 2551.4 194. 86 -13.64 HF P NPLI uo 26.875 0.08 2525.1 194. 90 -14.08 HF P NPLI uo 11.250 0.17 2547.8 195. 35 -15.01 F 7 s M c 0 MW A 3 3 M NPLI us 9.250 22.50 2.42 0.99 2586.9 194. 23 -11.27 F P s M c Q MWIJ P 3 3 MO NPLI us 8.125 18.00 2.25 0.04 2415.9 193. 94 -11.59 VF w P 3 O NPLI uo 16.250 0.02 2440.1 194. 16 -11.84 VF w P 3 O NPLI uo 23.750 0.02 2447.4 193. 66 -11.79 RF NPLI uo 4.375 0.02 2457.9 193. 91 -12.05 RF NPLI uo 3.375 0.01 2464.8 193. 72 -12.24 VF NPLI uo 13.375 0.02 2480.0 193. 77 -12.31 F NPLI u? 2.625 0.01 2482.5 194. 49 -12.39 F NPLI u? 2.625 0.00 2467.4 194. 72 -12.65 F NPLI u? 2.375 0.02 2475.0 194. 43 -12.76 F A s M c D Uw P 2 2 MO NPLI us 11.250 22.75 2.02 -0.01 2488.9 194. 47 -13.34 1 A s M c Q UW P 2 3 M NPLI UF456 3.750 8.00 2.13 0.00 2518.9 194. 08 -13.17 VF NPLI UO 29.000 0.05 2519.7 193. 54 -12.49 I 7 NPLI U? 4.625 0.02 2497.1 193. 39 -12.21 ef NPLI U? 4.125 0.02 2487.4 193. 24 -11.92 RF NPLI UO 9.875 0.02 2476.4 193. 21 -12.09 I NPLI u? 4.000 0.02 2485.3 192. 87 -12.01 7 NPLI u? 2.125 0.00 2490.5 191. 85 -11.38 F NPLI uo 3.000 0.02 2487.3 191. 34 -11.01 sf NPLI U7 2.000 0.00 2483.9 190. 38 -11.30 ? NPLI U? 2.250 0.15 2526.9 191. 25 -11.43 F A I M c D OIW P 2 2 MO NPLI TS 7.125 19.25 2.72 0.05 2507.1 191. 37 -11.63 ? NPLI T? 2.125 0.02 2513.8 191. 11 -11.97 EF CV D 3 O NPLI TO 7.250 0.19 2538.4 190. 97 -12.11 7 NPI.l T? 2.750 0.18 2550.8 190. 20 -11.73 F C I M c T 4 O NPLI TO 17.750 0.21 2553.1 192. 18 -12.22 F P I H c D 7 3 O NPLI U? 27.500 0.09 2521.4 192. 70 -12.41 F NPLI u? 2.750 0.00 2516.3 193. 69 -12.95 I A s OT P 1 1 M NPLI us 2.875 5.50 1.93 0.04 2518.5 193. 38 -13.04 I A s N c Q UWM P 2 3 M NPLI us 5.375 14.50 2.68 0.04 2531.3 193. 33 -13.19 I NPLI u? 2.625 0.00 2540.4 193. 88 -13.62 I U7 NPLI us 2.875 5.25 1.86 0.00 2548.2 194. 32 -13.96 F c R M c 0 UMW P 3 2 M NPLI us 8.500 20.50 2.42 0.07 2555.5 194. 62 -14.50 I NPLI U7 2.125 0.38 2576.8 192. 77 -13.51 HF P CV D 3 O NPLI uo 51.875 0.00 2571.1 192. 33 -13.39 I A1 H c 0 UW P 2 2 M NPLI UR491 4.750 11.25 2.38 0.22 2577.5 193. 52 -14.35 F 7 R M c I JWm A 2 3 MO NPLI US 13.375 39.50 2.93 0.03 2596.7 193. ,35 -14.47 I 7 NPLI UI483 4.500 - 0.02 2607.7 193. .84 -14.72 I A UTW P 2 2 M NPLI US 3.250 7.50 2.38 0.24 2607.9 192. .78 -14.51 HF P 3 O NPLI UO 36.250 0.15 2624.8 192. .57 -14.50 I AS M CV 0 WO A 2 3 M NPLI UF4 86 5.750 12.00 2.07 0.43 2629.9 192. .83 -14.94 HF NPLI UO 23.750 0.31 2645.0 191. .87 -12.86 RF NPLI UO 14.500 2562.1 191. .49 -12.66 7 NPLI U? 2.250 2563.6 191. .77 -13.46 HF NPLI UO 16.250 2596.2 191, .41 -13.57 I NPLI u? 2.750 2612.7 190. .86 -12.54 ef NPLI TMO 3.250 0.37 2575.1 190. .82 -12.66 EF NPLI TO 8.375 0.37 2582.0 190. .71 -13.29 VF NPLI TO 4.750 0.51 2617.7 191. .18 -13.52 I NPLI U7 2.250 0.47 2616.9 190. .53 -14.45 F A 1 M c D 7 NPLI US 7.625 0.94 2682.4 190. .97 -14.47 RF NPLI U? 4.625 1.00 2671.4 190. .91 -14.75 F C R M c T UseMJ P 4 2 MO NPLI US 25.625 90.00 3.52 1.08 2687.6 191. .76 -14.86 I NPLI u? 2.000 0.98 2669.8 191, .98 -14.26 I NPLI U7 2.125 0.81 2632.7 2 0 0 . .18 -5.41 I A I c 0 UMW P 2 2 M NPL2 TR40 3.375 9.25 2.71 -0.67 1954.0 2 0 1 ,.54 -11.23 F P R M c I UMWJ P 3 3 M NPLI UR306 11.250 31.75 2.82 1.19 2250.5 197. .34 -10.91 F A WP CB D 4 O APK TO 48.375 0.00 2318.0 202..00 -6.40 EF NPL2 TO 12.250 - 0.11 1971.0 198. .50 -10.40 F P s M c G MW G 3 1 4 MY APK TR370 8.750 26.50 3.09 0.07 2264.1 189, .93 -0.93 7 ACHU 7 1.875 - 1.02 2042.6 189. .24 -1.15 F ACHU 7 3.250 -0.98 2078.5 189. .44 -2.93 F AR M c Q MWI A 3 3 M ACHU S 7.250 20.00 2.79 - 1.00 2152.9 189, .33 -3.23 B A c Q UW P 2 2 M ACHU S 3.125 6.50 2.00 - 1.00 2170.3 189. .94 -4.01 I HR 7 3.125 -0.98 2184.9 188, .49 -3.66 RARD c D 3 O AML O 6.250 - 1.00 2221.6 189, .37 -4.87 FMI M c Q WCM G 3 4 M HR S 48.50 MTBWJ A 4 11.875 29.50 2.44 4.084 -1.06 2245.2 189, .77 -5.19 I A S u? P ? Q 2 M HR S 4.000 8.00 2.00 -1.07 2246.2 190, .07 -5.63 F A I M c 0 TUMW P 3 3 M HR S 7.250 21.00 2.87 2257.9 188. .77 -4.70 I AI M c 0 UW P 2 3 M HR S 4.625 11.50 2.46 2259.2 188. .63 -5.03 I A s M UO A 1 3 M HR S 2.500 5.00 2.00 2279.0 189. .60 -5.80 1 A s M c Q UWO P 2 3 M HR s 4.500 11.50 2.56 2281.4 189. .89 -5.88 F A s d c Q UO P 1 2 M HR s 2.250 5.00 2.22 2275.8 188. .56 -5.84 I HR s 2.125 -0.60 2320.4 189. .84 -6.75 I 7 HR 7 4.000 -0.61 2319.2 189. .79 -7.84 F 7 R M c 0 MW A 3 3 M APK s 9.000 23.25 2.53 0.21 2373.4 189. .47 -8.62 I APK 0 3.375 0.98 2422.9 189, .68 -8.86 F A S M c Q UO P 2 3 M APK s 2.500 6.25 2.50 1.09 2427.7 189 .93 -9.07 I A S M OU 2 M APK s 2.500 4.50 1.80 0.80 2429.1 189 .69 -9.02 b APK 70 3.375 1.08 2435.1 189 .20 -9.24 F P I M CH T SEJMB P 4 3 MO APK s 21.750 77.50 3.53 1.02 2461.8 189 .25 -9.02 I APK OCR23 4.875 1.17 2449.8 189 .65 -9.40 I APK OK 2.875 0.75 2455.0 189 .11 -9.76 F A 1 M c 0 MJU P 3 2 M HCHT S 7.125 16.25 2.21 0.97 2490.0 189 .56 -10.14 F P D M c Q MCWO G 3 4 M APK s 8.000 19.00 2.35 0.34 2494.3 188 .47 -9.52 I A ? M c 0 UWO P 2 3 M APK s 5.625 15.00 2.67 1.33 2499.2 188 .62 -8.14 F 7 IM c Q UMW1 P 2 3 M APK s 10.000 27.50 2.70 1.11 2427.3 188 .90 -8.50 I APK 7 2.375 1.18 2435.8 188 .74 -8.76 7 7 APK O 3.625 1.29 2453.4 188 .01 -7.85 F P R M c T 7USE P 7 1 MO APK so 19.375 1.09 2434.0 188 .32 -7.86 F A I M c Q UW7 P 7 2 M APK s 6.875 13.50 1.94 1.05 2424.6 188 .10 -9.07 I HCHT 7 3.625 1.54 2490.7 187 .81 -9.11 I APK 7 2.500 1.88 2501.4 187 .20 -7.82 7 AHA 7 4.625 2.71 2461.7 189 .33 -11.20 S APK T7 1.875 0.53 2554.7 188 .57 -10.28 F 7 7 M c D 7 HCHT 7 7.500 1.11 2533.8 188 .54 -10.16 SF HCHT 7 2.250 1.15 2528.9 187 .75 -11.07 EF HCHT TO 6.875 1.08 2598.4 188 .94 -11.16 bf APK O 4.000 0.86 2564.2 188 .76 -11.77 I A I M c 0 UMW P 2 3 M APK S 6.125 14.75 2.48 0.94 2600.2 189 .17 -12.47 I A I H c E WMU P 2 3 M APK TS 5.875 12.75 2.10 0.81 2622.5 189 .12 -13.19 F A I P cc D NPLI TO 10.250 0. 99 2660.4 189 .69 -13.82 I 7 NPLI UO 2.750 2674.9 359

189. 43 -13.66 I NPLI TO 2.875 0. 92 2674.4 189.74 -14.50 F NPLI Ugr 2.500 6.00 2.40 0.99 2707.6 188.71 -14.15 F A IM CO UOm P 2 HA 2 MO NPLI TSO 8.750 20.25 2.34 0.93 2720.8 188.32 -13.64 EF NPLI TO 3.375 0.92 2707.0 188.22 -13.49 EF NPLI TO 3.125 0.92 2702.3 188.25 -14.06 S NPLI T? 1.875 0. 97 2730.1 188.00 -14.68 I NPLI T? 2.250 0.98 2768.4 187.43 -14.08 I NPLI TO 3.000 1.00 2756.0 186.04 -11.03 F C O OOT HCHT S 2.750 6.00 2.12 0.87 2654.6 185.88 -11.29 F C D TWm HCHT S 8.375 23.50 2.86 0.56 2672.5 185.68 -11.52 7 7RW HCHT S 3.375 8.25 2.44 0.46 2690.7 186.45 -11.48 F C O 7E HCHT 7 8.750 0.67 2661.3 186.85 -11.91 I HCHT 7 2.375 0.91 2669.9 186.80 -11.98 SF HCHT 7 2.625 0.96 2674.3 187.62 -12.27 F ARM C Q UOW P 2 HCHT ST 6.250 12.25 1.90 0.96 2661.1 187.49 -12.44 F HCHT OT 4.125 0.97 2674.4 187.27 -12.33 SF HCHT OT 1.875 0.96 2675.0 186.94 -12.37 EF HCHT OT 8.375 0.99 2688.5 187.15 -12.70 EF HCHT OT 3.500 0.95 2697.8 187.42 -13.12 F p I P C T E HCHT OT 20.000 0.98 2709.7 187.23 -13.01 EF HCHT OT 3.750 0.97 2710.7 186.75 -13.38 F C D HCHT TO 8.750 0.99 2744.9 186.61 -14.40 F C D NPLI UO 31.250 1.07 2798.5 186.93 -14.02 EF NPLI TO 4.250 1.01 2769.7 186.52 -13.89 I NPLI UO 2.500 1.00 2776.5 186.67 -14.16 I NPLI UR720 3.375 1.04 2784.5 186.44 -14.37 7 NPLI UF720 2.875 1.04 2802.2 186.22 -14.53 HF NPLI UO 18.625 0.94 2817.2 186.27 -14.80 I ASMCE OH A 2 3 M NPLI US 5.125 13.75 2.63 1.03 2829.3 186.24 -14.32 I NPLI UO 1.875 0.95 2806.1 186.22 -14.25 I NPLI UO 2.000 0.93 2803.3 184.77 -14.39 F A WP CC D 5 VO HCH UO 153.750 0.34 2858.8 185.86 -13.91 F A s P SC D 4 O HCH UO 38.125 0.95 2798.2 186.09 -13.99 F HCH UF81 2.750 0.96 2795.8 184.76 -13.78 F HCH UF81 2.750 0.81 2829.7 184.28 -14.60 OF 3 O HCH UOF81 21.250 0.10 2884.8 185.79 -13.04 EF P 4 o NPLI UO 20.000 0.91 2759.6 185.76 -12.72 EF NPLI UO 2.500 0.81 2744.7 186.18 -13.03 F A s M c 0 UO P 1 2 M NPLI US 3.750 0.94 2745.2 183.67 0.17 p AML O 3.750 0.34 2249.8 184.47 -0.19 R ARD AML O 5.750 -0.08 2230.3 184.59 -1.00 of AML O 1.875 0.01 2258.1 184.28 -1.94 F A R M c D OUp A 1 3 3 M AML S 60.00 OTr P 1 13.750 38.50 2.80 4.364 0.11 2311.5 184.25 -2.03 7 AML 7RF92 5.000 0.13 2316.8 184.28 -2.40 F AML O 2.625 0.07 2330.9 184.10 -2.65 7 AML O 1.875 0.00 2348.1 183.87 -0.76 OF AML O 7.750 0.38 2279.6 183.47 -1.43 BF D AML O 3.875 0.68 2323.2 182.86 -1.87 7 A 7 D c 0 OU A 1 w 3 M AML S 2.000 4.25 0.81 2367.1 184.12 -3.57 F 7 I M c 0 OUSH 2 M AMM S 6.875 13.50 -0.06 2387.9 183.74 -4.39 F 7 7 7 c E O? 2 M AMM S 4.875 7.75 -0.00 2437.9 183.65 -4.36 1 OU P 1 2 m AMM 5 2.000 -0.04 2440.2 181.23 -1.62 1 AML ? 2.500 2.06 2427.6 181.13 -1.82 F A SD c 0 uo P 1 1 H AMM S 2.375 2.04 2440.1 181.57 -2.35 I AML 7 2. 625 1.31 2442.9 181.70 -2.79 7 A?? c 0 SHOU P 1 2 H AMM SO 7.125 12.50 1.74 1.03 2454.0 181.84 -3.06 F AML 7 4.000 0.89 2460.7 181.86 -3.51 I d AML 7 3.375 0.61 2477.5 182.00 -3.64 R AML O? 3.625 0.59 2477.9 181.46 -3.12 F A I M c 0 WO P 2 1 M AMM S 2.625 5.50 2.05 1.17 2478.5 180.80 -1.88 F A s d c O UOw P 2 2 M AMM S 5.750 11.75 2.03 2.19 2456.8 180.84 -2.34 b OU P 1 1 M AMM S? 2.750 5.25 1.99 2.08 2473.7 180.87 -2.49 7 AMM ? 2.375 1.96 2478.1 180.37 -2.68 F A 7 O AMM s 3.000 2.02 2507.0 180.60 -3.16 F A 7 D AMM s 4.625 2.08 2517.3 180.89 -3.47 F A s 0 c Q OU A 1 3 M AMM s 2.500 4.50 1.80 1.42 2517.5 180.37 -3.55 SF 0 AMM ? 1.875 1.85 2542.4 180.30 -3.69 SF d AMM 7 2.250 1.83 2551.3 180.45 -3.79 F A s P c O uw P ? 3 M AMM s 8.375 17.50 2.00 1.69 2549.9 180.68 -3.98 F A s P AMM 7 3.750 1.29 2547.9 180.87 -4.13 7 AMM ? 1.875 0.91 2545.2 181.07 -4.14 F A s d uo 2 M AMM S 3.375 5.75 1.74 0.67 2537.0 180.99 -4.38 7 AMM ? 2.500 0.63 2550.2 180.68 -4.42 BF AMM 0 3.750 1.06 2565.2 180.24 -4.55 F A I M c D wo P 3 LH 3 MO AMM S 19.375 73.75 3.86 1.49 2589.7 181.32 -4.53 I OU A 1 3 M AML s 2.875 5.50 1.93 0.20 2542.5 181.54 -4.58 F A c 0 7 2 M AML s 3.375 6.75 2.00 0.11 2535.8 181.51 -4.73 OF AML o 3.250 0.14 2543.2 181.15 -4.88 I c 0 OU P 1 3 H AMM s 4.000 0.23 2564.7 181.28 -5.14 F d AMM ? 2.500 0.10 2570.9 182.58 -4.96 1 7 AMM s 2.625 -0.01 2509.3 182.75 -5.32 S AMM s 2.000 -0.14 2517.0 182.97 -5.91 F A I D c 0 w P 2 3 M AMM s 3. 875 -0.21 2534.4 182.42 -6.59 I AMM 7 2.625 0.34 2586.2 182.04 -6.86 F A ? D c Q 0? 2 M AMM S 2.375 0.67 2612.8 180.78 -5.76 F AML 7 1.875 0.91 2616.6 180.28 -5.56 I c Q OU P 1 3 M AML S 2.125 4.50 2.18 1.36 2629.3 180.80 -6.42 7 c 0 7IOX 1 M AML ?s 4.125 9.25 2.22 0.97 2644.5 181.99 -8.08 EF AML 7 3.625 2.50 2668.8 180.73 -8.46 R D AML 7 3.125 1.64 2734.7 181.39 -9.14 7 AML 7 3.750 2.18 2738.7 181.50 0.21 OF AML O 11.250 2.12 2343.6 180.77 -1.36 F AI P c 0 ow A 2 3 M AMM s 6.875 16.75 2.46 2.24 2437.5 180.51 -1.35 sf AMM 7 2.625 2.29 2448.0 186.09 -0.65 F 7 AML 7 3.250 -0.47 2181.2 186.81 -1.07 X D AML O 6.750 -0.63 2170.6 186.75 -1.26 X D AML 0 4.500 -0.64 2181.0 187.28 -1.58 X D 7 AML 0 4.500 -0.75 2174.5 187.97 -1.59 F D AML 0 3.875 -0.80 2147.0 188.27 -1.99 F A 7 d c G U07 AML s 5.375 11.25 2.03 -0.99 2153.5 188.15 -2.94 7 AML 3 3.125 -0.94 2201.1 187.31 -2.68 X D AML o 5.625 -0.87 2221.0 186.66 -1.64 X D AML 0 5.125 -0.56 2201.3 185.99 -2.49 X O c Q uo? AML s 5.375 11.75 2.16 -0.47 2265.3 185.80 -2.69 7 AML 7 2.000 -0.48 2281.3 185.64 -2.82 F ? AML 7 5.000 -0.31 2293.9 187.56 -3.96 7 ? AML ? 3.375 -1.02 2269.4 187.40 -4.00 F A ? P c D UWOSH 2 M AML S 15.750 28.50 1.80 -1.06 2277.0 187.05 -4.22 7 X AML 0 4.500 -1.05 2300.2 187.10 -4.36 7 X AML 0 4.750 -1.04 2305.8 187.69 -4.79 7 AML 7 3.875 -1.00 2302.8 185.60 -3.59 7 AML 7 2.750 -0.43 2328.8 185.65 -4.04 F AML 7 4.125 -0.52 2346.8 185.80 -4.31 F A 7 P c D WHO A 3 3 M AML S 10.750 22.75 2.16 -0.71 2352.2 185.88 -4.91 F PR M c T U? 2 MO AML s 18.000 57.00 3.17 -0.54 2376.5 185.39 -6.03 OF AML 0 17.875 -0.02 2445.6 184.68 -3.60 F AML 7 3.875 -0.14 2365.2 184.30 -3.84 7 AML 7 3.875 -0.04 2391.7 184.33 -4.41 F ? AML 7 6.000 0.02 2415.3 184.35 -5.71 F A R M c D OU P 1 3 M AMM s 17.375 33.75 .92 3.353 0.09 2471.9 184.21 -5.79 I OU 2 M AMM CI173 5.125 9.50 . 84 0.02 2480.9 183.99 -5.99 7 AMM 7 4.500 0.09 2497.2 184.07 -6.47 7 AMM 7 2.750 0.05 2516.0 183.89 -6.72 7 AMM 7 3.000 0.16 2534.9 185.22 -7.03 F P RM c D OSEU P ? 2 MO AHA APC 18.750 49.00 2.63 1.09 2497.9 185.20 -7.25 F P R M c O OSEU P ? 2 MO AHA APC 17.875 48.50 2.73 1.40 2508.6 185.53 -7.31 1 AHA APC 5.625 1.90 2498.2 186.89 -7.41 F ? AHA APC? 2.250 1.74 2453.9 360

166.50 -7.89 AHA APC7 4.250 4.30 2490.3 166.20 - 8.11 C E OH AHA APZ 5.125 12.25 2.30 6.07 2511.9 186.11 -8.19 C 0 WO AHA APZ 6.375 15.25 2.32 5.88 2518.6 185.87 -8.33 AHA APZ 5.875 5.58 2533.4 186.07 -8.87 C 0 OH AHA APC 7.625 17.75 2.38 5.45 2551.5 186.63 -9.10 C Q ? AHA APCO 4.375 4.50 2542.7 186.90 -9.23 AHA APCO 2.250 3.86 2539.0 186.33 -9.32 AHA APC 5.500 4.25 2563.0 186.56 -9.96 AHA APFO 2.375 2.37 2585.9 186.37 -10.19 AHA APFO 2.125 2.34 2603.0 184.67 -8.51 C Q O AHA APCF 4.250 8.00 1.82 2.82 2585.4 184.55 -8.90 C Q 7 AHA APCF 5.125 10.50 2.09 3.07 2607.5 184.61 - 10.12 C Q MWCO AHA APCF 13.750 33.75 2.45 2.24 2661.0 184.84 -10.16 7 AHA APCF 2.500 2.41 2655.9 185.11 -10.24 7 AHA APCF 2.375 2.50 2649.9 185.32 -10.03 7 AHA APCF 2.375 2.81 2632.9 184.89 -10.34 7 AHA APCF 2.500 2.21 2662.0 185.30 -11.52 7 AHA APF 2.125 0.50 2703.9 187.89 -9.79 7 AHA apf 7 3.750 1.39 2531.9 184.16 -8.18 7 AMM 3.125 2.48 2589.1 184.23 -8.55 F A I d CO MOSH A 2 AMM S 11.750 27.75 2.32 2.89 2603.0 182.80 -8.31 7 AMM 7 2.500 2.40 2646.4 182.95 -8.61 1 AMM 7 3.125 2.31 2654.0 182.34 -7.50 7 AMM 7 2.500 1.93 2628.7 183.41 -9.52 F 7 AMM 7 5.125 2.46 2678.2 183.33 -11.58 7 AML O 2.625 1.12 2775.3 183.16 - 1 1 . 6 8 R AML O 3.250 1.15 2786.0 183.22 -12.87 EF NPL1 TO 15.625 0.90 2839.8 183.68 -13.29 A IM CV D NPL1 UO 30.875 1.07 2843.8 183.75 -13.69 HF NPL1 UO 7.625 1.08 2859.1 183.52 -13.74 bf HCH UFBIO 18.000 1.00 2869.4 183.79 -14.37 hf NPL1 UO 5.500 1.16 2890.3 182.39 -13.59 HF NPL1 UO 23.500 0.87 2902.6 182.40 -13.54 7 NPL1 UF214 4.750 0.82 2899.9 182.80 -13.81 HF NPL1 UO 7.875 0.82 2898.9 181.79 -12.83 UF NPL1 TO 52.625 1.03 2889.5 181.42 -12.65 UF NPL1 TO 35.250 1.58 2894.9 180.97 -12.51 7 NPL1 U? 3.000 2.03 2904.0 180.56 -12.53 RF NPLI UO 17.750 2.10 2921.1 180.47 -12.44 F NPL1 U? 9.875 2.11 2920.4 180.11 -10.88 OF AML TO 7.500 1.96 2864.6 180.23 -11.48 7 AML T? 9.875 2.16 2886.8 182.23 -13.97 HF NPLI UO 14.250 1.11 2925.0 181.73 -13.70 I NPLI UO 9. 875 1.16 2931.9 181.54 -13.61 VF NPLI UO 3.750 1.23 2934.1 181.14 -13.61 HF NPLI UO 9.875 1.76 2948.4 182.07 -14.21 vf NPLI UO 7.125 1.63 2942.2 181.94 -14.09 HF NPLI UO 10.125 1.52 2941.8 181.80 -14.36 HF NPLI UO 11.125 1.95 2959.8 181.56 -14.66 HF NPLI UO 4.750 2.50 2981.1 180.94 -13.95 7 NPLI U? 4.500 2.61 2971.7 180.35 -13.61 HF NPLI UO 10.375 2.90 2977.6 180.50 -13.78 VF NPLI UO 4.625 3.00 2979.3 180.52 -14.49 HF NPLI UO 19.875 3.24 3011.2 179.91 -14.73 HF NPLI UO 8.875 3.20 3044.2 180.12 -7.15 R AMU 7 4.625 0.09 2702.3 183.91 -4.05 P AMM O 18.750 -0.04 2416.6 185.70 -12.02 7 HCHT OT 3.500 0.42 2713.4 185.31 -10.49 7 AHA APCF 2.000 2.01 2654.3 184.54 -10.67 7 AHA APCF 1.875 1.47 2690.0 184.41 -10.76 7 AHA APCF 2.000 1.37 2698.5 182.28 -10.20 F AML O 2.500 1.98 2751.6 184.22 -12.39 7 I M CO USH P 7 AML 7 9.625 17.75 1.84 0.99 2781.8 184.64 -13.08 F NPLI U? 14.375 1.00 2799.7 184.36 -12.65 EF NPLI TO 17.375 0.91 2789.6 183.14 -13.18 HF NPLI UO 4.750 0.97 2856.7 182.54 -13.00 HF NPLI UO 6.625 0.92 2869.5 223.97 -0.81 T S M C l IM j A 4 A 3 M NPL2 TSM 20.000 77.50 3.85 -0.98 1639.2 224.36 - 1.21 NPL2 T7M 3.250 -0.99 1670.5 224.37 -1.79 s APS 7T 1.875 -0.95 1702.9 223.98 -1.81 7 APS 7T 3.250 -0.98 1695.4 224.64 -2.62 1 HNU ?T 4.375 -0.96 1753.4 224.43 -3.54 ef NPL2 TO 22.500 -0.38 1800.7 224.90 -3.36 ef NPL2 TO 23.750 -0.21 1800.0 224.92 -3.78 VF HPL3 U? 5.500 -0.02 1823.6 224.72 -3.99 F HPL3 U? 3.750 0.06 1831.2 225.14 -4.15 7 HPL3 U? 2.125 -0.28 1848.0 223.99 -3.40 F NPL2 T? 2.250 -0.80 1784.0 223.93 -3.52 sf NPL2 T? 2.875 -0.88 1789.5 223.76 -3.89 7 C T7 3.125 -0.88 1807.4 224.14 -3.82 7 APS T7 2.125 -0.39 1810.7 223.49 -3.36 EF NPL2 TOM 26.250 -1.10 1772.7 222.58 -5.21 P U P CH D C OU 150.000 -0.93 1861.4 222.63 -4.26 7 C UF16 2.250 0.37 1808.1 223.19 -4.53 SF C UF16 2.875 0.02 1832.5 223.56 -4.71 rf C UF16 4.625 0.49 1849.5 223.75 -4.76 7 4.000 0.42 1855.1 224.10 -4.78 7 3.000 0.08 1863.1 224.34 -3.96 7 HPL3 T? 2.500 -0.04 1822.8 223.88 -4.27 ef C 7T 3.750 0.18 1830.0 224.71 -4.34 VF HPL3 OU 27.500 -0.46 1850.8 225.00 -5.37 s HPL3 U? 1.875 1.56 1913.7 224.92 -5.53 7 HPL3 US 2.125 1.89 1921.0 224.75 -5.68 1 HPL3 U? 3.375 1.91 1926.6 225.04 -6.10 I HPL3 U? 6.500 2.32 1955.3 224.10 -5.38 RF C UO 24.375 0.74 1897.7 222.32 -3.87 i C T? 3.875 0.14 1780.5 222.19 -3.86 EF C TO 4.875 -0.07 1778.7 221.24 -3.36 EF NPL2 TO 8.750 -1.40 1734.8 223.59 -0.13 ASM C Q UH APS S 4.625 10.25 2.26 -0.84 1594.7 224.11 -0.28 7 NPL2 OH 1.875 -0.78 1613.4 222.51 0.06 9 NPL2 7MT 2.000 -0.98 1562.1 222.97 - 1 .0 0 s APS ?S 3.125 -0.92 1630.0 223.44 -1.79 B APS S 2.500 -1.01 1683.1 223.40 -1.99 9f APS SO 2.375 -1.06 1693.1 223.32 -2.31 ASM C O U APS ST 3.375 -1.08 1710.0 223.43 -2.35 9f APS T? 2.500 -1.18 1714.3 222.83 -2.03 7 APS T? 3.125 -1.02 1685.0 221.85 -1.78 I NPL2 T? 4.750 -0.91 1654.2 222.51 -3.06 F c I P C I 7 NPL2 TO 16.000 -1.10 1737.8 222.33 -3.01 9 NPL2 TR45 3.000 -1.06 1732.0 221.80 -0.20 7 NPL2 7T 3.750 -1.00 1563.8 221.13 -0.54 F A I p NPL2 OT 19.375 -1.01 1572.2 221.31 -0.70 RF NPL2 OT 8.750 -1.02 1584.2 221.37 -0.83 RF NPL2 OT 6.375 -1.02 1592.8 221.15 -1.52 1 NPL2 OT 5.625 -0.99 1628.2 221.22 0.14 I NPL2 OT 1.875 -1.00 1534.0 220.75 0.17 I 7 APS 7 4.875 -1.00 1525.8 220.89 -0.11 EF NPL2 OT 7.750 -1.00 1543.3 221.02 -0.21 I NPL2 7T 2.750 -1.00 1551.8 219.67 -0.18 1 APS 7 3.375 -1.00 1530.3 219.75 -0.73 FASM CQUO PI APS S 2.125 -0.99 1562.9 219.08 0.06 9 APS 7 2.500 -0.98 1508.1 218.94 -0.17 F A I M C Q I9h P 2 APS SO 6.375 17.50 2.75 -1.01 1520.6 216.25 0.34 T7RM CD 71 P7 AML 7 17.500 70.00 4.00 -1.00 1466.6 217.25 -0.36 7 AML 7 2.000 -1.00 1514.8 218.43 -0.41 9f APS 7 2.250 -1.09 1528.2 218.12 -0.65 I A S M C Q IltW P 2 APS S 5.875 14.00 2.33 -1.07 1539.4 361

218. 90 -1 ,.28 s f APS 3 .2 5 0 15 8 4 .0 218. 76 -1 ..69 e f APS 4 .7 5 0 1 6 0 6 .9 219. 43 -2 ,.98 F ? R M C T NPL2 15. 625 16 8 9 .7 218.55 -2..09 7 APS 3 .1 2 5 16 2 7 .7 219. 08 -3 . ,36 7 NPL2 1 .8 7 5 17 0 7 .3 219. 14 -3 .,46 I NPL2 1 .8 7 5 1 7 1 3 .9 219. 18 -3 ..65 I NPL2 2 .7 5 0 - 0 .3 3 17 2 5 .7 219. ,07 -3 ,.90 I A S H COOw NPL2 5 .3 7 5 1 4 .2 5 2 .6 1 - 0 .2 8 17 3 8 .3 218. 85 -3 . .77 F A D M CC D NPL2 16 .8 7 5 - 0 .3 1 17 2 8 .8 218.,42 -3,.55 S NPL2 2 .1 2 5 - 0 .3 3 17 1 1 .2 217.,97 -3 ,.81 7 NPL2 2 .5 0 0 - 0 .1 4 17 2 2 .5 217.,93 -3 ..74 EF NPL2 TO 8 .7 5 0 - 0 .1 9 17 1 8 .1 217.,79 -4 ..17 EF NPL2 TO 1 4 .3 7 5 - 0.02 17 4 2 .2 217.,84 -3 ,.00 h f NPL2 TOM 3 .2 5 0 - 0 .6 5 16 7 4 .5 217.,52 -2,.94 7 NPL2 TOM 2 .1 2 5 -0 .6 1 1 6 6 8 .0 217.,14 -3,.46 7 NPL2 TOM 2 .8 7 5 - 0 .3 6 16 9 5 .5 217.,30 -4 ..55 VF NPL2 OTM 5 .7 5 0 0 .0 4 1 7 6 0 .7 217.,06 -0,.65 F A I M C 0 UO AML 6 .2 5 0 1 5 .0 0 2 .4 0 - 1.00 1 5 3 0 .8 217.,54 -1 ..88 I AML T? 2 .3 7 5 - 1.00 1 6 0 6 .7 217.,55 -2,.01 F A I M C Q U? AML 9 . 000 2 0 .5 0 2 .2 8 - 1 .0 4 16 1 3 .7 216.,98 -2,.13 S AML 2 .1 2 5 - 0.88 16 1 6 .3 216.,07 -3 ,.62 HF NPL2 1 2 .1 2 5 - 0 .1 5 1 6 9 8 .0 220.,29 -3, .27 7 NPL2 4.1 2 5 8 .0 0 1 .9 9 - 2 .3 1 17 1 6 .3 220.,72 -3,.81 7 NPL2 5 .0 0 0 - 2 .1 5 1 7 5 3 .6 220.,49 -4,.04 7 NPL2 3 .1 2 5 - 1 .7 5 17 6 3 .4 219.,63 -3 , .42 7 NPL2 5 .0 0 0 1 3 .2 5 2 .6 0 - 0 .8 5 17 1 7 .1 220.16 -4,.24 7 NPL2 3 .3 7 5 - 1 .0 7 17 7 0 .8 220.,54 -4..63 I NPL2 3 .7 5 0 - 0 .4 1 17 9 8 .2 219.,92 -4..69 e f NPL2 3 .1 2 5 - 0 .1 3 17 9 4 .2 219. 29 -4 ..99 I A S H CQHra P 2 NPL2 4 .8 7 5 9 .5 0 1 .9 9 - 0.02 1 8 0 4 .6 219. 43 -5 ,.19 RF NPL2 TOM 10.000 0 .1 8 1 8 1 7 .9 219.,37 -5..29 HF NPL2 TOM 5 .1 2 5 0 .1 3 1 8 2 2 .6 219. 25 -5 . ,67 F NPL2 3 .1 2 5 0.31 1 8 4 3 .2 219. 78 -6 ,.06 I ASH COIw P 2 NPL2 6 .1 2 5 2 2 .5 0 3 .6 3 0 .9 0 18 7 1 .7 219. 84 -6 ..14 s f NPL2 2 .5 0 0 1 .0 6 1 8 7 7 .9 219.05 -6..17 F c I D CV D NPL2 3 2 .0 0 0 0 .7 7 1 8 7 0 .3 218.96 -6,.54 7 NPL2 2 .7 5 0 0 .9 4 18 9 1 .4 218. 58 -5 ..92 e f NPL2 6 .7 5 0 0 .5 9 18 5 1 .0 217. 95 -6 ,.06 HF NPL2 1 4 .3 7 5 0 .4 8 18 5 4 .2 217. 51 -4 ..80 HF NPL2 1 2 .5 0 0 0.02 1 7 7 7 .7 217. 04 -5 ..07 s NPL2 2. 625 0 .0 3 17 8 9 .3 216. 80 -4 ..81 s NPL2 2 .6 2 5 0 .0 8 1 7 7 2 .2 216. 74 -4 ,.85 s f NPL2 2 .5 0 0 0 .0 5 1 7 7 4 .1 216. 58 -4 ..84 1 NPL2 3 .6 2 5 0 .0 4 1 7 7 3 .8 215. 44 -4 ,.09 VF NPL2 TOM 1 3 .7 5 0 - 0.01 1 7 2 3 .8 216. 47 -4,.17 HF NPL2 TOM 5.000 -0 .0 3 1 7 3 3 .2 216. 36 -4 ..60 I NPL2 TSM 3 .7 5 0 .7 5 2 .8 7 0 .0 3 1 7 5 8 .3 215.60 -4..82 F NPL2 TSM 2.000 .0 0 2 .5 0 - 0.00 1 7 6 7 .6 215. 83 -5 ..44 RF NPL2 TOM 1 2.375 0.00 1 8 0 4 .8 224. 90 -6 . .97 RF NPLD 51 .2 5 0 2 .0 4 2001.6 224.50 -6..81 7 NPLD 2 .5 0 0 2.01 19 8 4 .4 224. 31 -6 ,.91 7 NPLD 4.3 7 5 2 .0 4 19 8 6 .1 224. 45 -6,.99 RF NPLD 18 .6 2 5 2.00 19 9 3 .4 223. 96 -7 ,.07 1 NPLD 5 .0 0 0 2 .0 9 19 8 9 .2 223. 93 -7 ,,89 RF 24 .3 7 5 2 .3 8 2 0 3 5 .6 223. 59 -7 ,.85 I 7 .8 7 5 2 .4 2 2 0 2 7 .9 223. 25 -7 ,.54 1 3 .7 5 0 2 .1 6 2 0 0 4 .4 223. 21 -6 .,97 s 2. 625 1.68 1 9 7 1 .0 223.OS -6..85 s 2 .6 2 5 1.10 19 6 2 .7 223. 08 -6 ..91 s 2 .2 5 0 1 .2 9 19 6 5 .8 222. 98 -7 , ,51 F 1 7 .5 0 0 1 .9 9 19 9 8 .3 223..25 -8 . .06 1 2 .2 5 0 2 .3 6 20 3 4 .1 223..56 -8 .95 e f 9.3 7 5 2 .9 3 2 0 8 9 .9 223..36 - 1 0 .0 HF NPLD 3 6 .2 5 0 3 .0 4 2 1 4 6 .9 222..81 -9 .10 s NPLD 2 .3 7 5 3 .0 9 2 0 8 6 .9 222..51 -7 .91 F NPLD 5 .5 0 0 2 0 1 4 .8 222..46 -7 .98 7 NPLD 2 .5 0 0 20 1 7 .4 222..35 -8 .15 1 NPLD 4.1 2 5 2 0 2 5 .7 220..56 -5.46 1 3 .1 2 5 0 .9 1 1 8 4 6 .9 220..80 -5 .91 RF 2 1 .2 5 0 0 .6 4 1 8 7 5 .3 220..49 -5 .89 VF NPL2 16 .2 5 0 0 .9 0 1 8 7 0 .6 220..83 -6.35 I NPL2 2 .2 5 0 1.01 1 9 0 1 .0 220..38 -6.44 I NPL2 2 .5 0 0 1 .5 7 1 9 0 0 .3 219, .87 -6 .76 I NPL2 2 .8 7 5 1.02 1 9 1 3 .2 221..55 -8 .03 EF NPLD 7 .0 0 0 2 .3 9 20 0 7 .5 221,.57 -8 .16 EF NPLD 6 .1 2 5 2 .6 3 20 1 5 .0 222,.31 -8.45 s NPLD 2 .8 7 5 2 .6 4 2 0 4 2 .9 220..95 -9 .54 7 NPLD 5 .5 0 0 3 .0 9 20 8 7 .0 220,.86 -9.06 i NPLD 3 . 875 3 .1 0 20 5 8 .4 221,.25 -8.42 1 NPLD 3 .3 7 5 2.88 20 2 6 .4 221..85 -9.24 F ARM CD NPLD 1 06.2 5 0 2 .9 8 20 8 1 .2 220,.52 -8 .50 RF NPLD 2 4 .3 7 5 2 .3 4 2021.2 220..63 -8 .58 s f NPLD 2 .6 2 5 2 .5 5 20 2 7 .3 220.. 81 -8 .52 I NPLD 3 .2 5 0 2 .6 4 2 0 2 6 .9 220.,78 -8 .11 SF NPLD 2 .5 0 0 1 .9 5 2002.0 220..39 -8.34 i NPL2 2 .5 0 0 1 .9 8 2 0 1 1 .5 220..53 -7,.87 RF NPL2 1 2.500 1 .4 7 19 8 5 .3 220..29 -7,.38 s NPL2 2.000 1 .1 9 1 9 5 4 .4 220..00 -7.79 s NPL2 1 .8 7 5 1 9 7 4 .8 219. .75 -7 .62 HF NPL2 6 .5 0 0 1.00 1 962.1 219..48 -7,.40 s NPL2 1 .8 7 5 0 .9 0 1 9 4 6 .0 219.,66 -8,.29 s NPL2 2 .1 2 5 1 .5 8 2000.6 219.,56 -8 ,.36 1 NPL2 5 .0 0 0 1 .5 2 2 0 0 3 .3 219. ,35 -8 . .31 HF NPL2 1 1.250 1 .3 3 19 9 8 .4 219.,14 -8,.37 RF NPL2 8 .1 2 5 1.22 19 9 9 .4 219.,74 -8 ,.80 SF NPL2 2 .8 7 5 1 .9 5 2 0 3 0 .8 219. ,21 -7 ..71 7 NPL2 3 .1 2 5 1 .0 8 1 9 6 1 .9 219.,13 -7 ,.81 RF NPL2 7 .5 0 0 1.01 1 9 6 7 .6 218. ,93 -8 ,.19 I NPL2 2 .7 5 0 1.12 1 9 8 7 .9 218.,70 -8..26 RF NPL2 9 .3 7 5 1.01 1989.4 218.,52 -8..40 F C I M C l NPL2 1 9 .3 7 5 0 .9 7 1 9 9 6 .0 218. 54 -6 ..96 VF NPL2 3 .7 5 0 1.02 19 1 2 .3 218..26 -6..92 VF NPL2 2 1 .2 5 0 1 .0 5 19 0 7 .1 217.,66 -6..24 F A S d CV D NPL2 1 4 .3 7 5 0 .2 5 1 8 6 2 .5 217..90 -6 , .45 I NPL2 2 .5 0 0 0 .5 6 1 8 7 6 .9 217. 13 -6 ..40 F A X P CV D NPL2 2 4 .3 7 5 0.02 1 8 6 8 .8 217,,18 -6 , ,51 7 NPL2 2 .5 0 0 0 .0 3 1 8 7 5 .7 217. 47 -7 ,.09 VF NPL2 6 .2 5 0 0 .4 0 1 9 1 1 .9 218. 21 -7 ,,31 s NPL2 2 .2 5 0 1 .0 6 1 9 2 9 .3 218..24 -8,.13 7 NPL2 4 .2 5 0 1 .0 9 1 9 7 8 .1 217. 62 -7 .,38 VF NPL2 6 .3 7 5 0 .7 4 1 9 2 9 .6 217. 88 -7 .,45 VF NPL2 3 .3 7 5 0. 91 1 9 3 5 .6 217. 52 -7 .,92 HF NPL2 7 .0 0 0 1 .0 4 1 9 6 0 .7 218. 20 -8 .,64 RF NPL2 10 .6 2 5 1.11 20 0 7 .8 218. 16 -8 . 34 7 NPL2 2 .1 2 5 1 9 8 9 .8 217. 77 -8 . 17 VF NPL2 5 . 625 19 7 6 .0 217. 43 -8 . 44 e f NPL2 4.6 2 5 1 990.2 217. 35 -8 .,41 e f NPL2 3 .1 2 5 19 8 8 .4 217. 63 -8 . 57 1 NPL2 2 .1 2 5 1 .1 3 19 9 9 .0 216. 89 -8 . 03 e f NPL2 3 .1 2 5 1 .0 6 19 6 2 .9 216. 84 -6 . 69 s f NPL2 2 .8 7 5 18 8 3 .5 216. 63 -6 . 32 s NPL2 2 .3 7 5 • 0 .0 6 18 6 0 .8 216. 49 -5 . 85 I NPL2 5 .0 0 0 -0 .0 7 1832.4 216. 01 -6 . 10 RF NPL2 18 .6 2 5 18 4 4 .9 216. 02 - 7 . 68 e f NPL2 2 .7 5 0 0 .6 7 1 9 3 7 .0 215. 45 -7 . 68 RF NPL2 4 .6 2 5 0 .7 3 19 3 5 .2 216. 07 -7 . 92 RF NPL2 17 .5 0 0 1 9 5 2 .7 216. 20 -8 . 36 EF NPLD 1 0.375 19 7 8 .9 362

216.70 -8.41 ef NPLD TO 5 .1 2 5 1 .0 2 1 984.1 216.47 -8.11ef NPLD TO 4 .6 2 5 0 .9 8 1 9 6 5 .4 216.80 -8.73 I NPLD TO 5 .2 5 0 1 .1 7 2 0 0 3 .9 216.98 -9.05 F A SHC 0 UN P 2 H 3 M NPLD TO 7 .0 0 0 16.00 2.26 1.22 2 0 2 3 .3 218.15 -9.33i HCH UO 3 .0 0 0 1 .5 4 2 0 4 7 .4 218.01 -9.60 s NPLD U? 2 .3 7 5 1 .7 5 20 6 2 .4 217.80 -9.60 I NPLD U? 2 .6 2 5 1 .7 0 2 0 6 0 .5 217.55 -9.62HF NPLD UO 8.12S 1 .7 5 2 0 6 0 .4 217.65 -9.41HF NPLD UO 7 .5 0 0 1 .5 5 2 0 4 8 .7 217.82 -9.99HF NPLD UO 21 .8 7 5 2 .0 8 2 0 8 3 .9 217.69 -9.87 I 7 NPLD us 2 .6 2 5 1 .9 5 2 0 7 6 .6 217.26 -9.79 HF NPLD UO 10 .6 2 5 1 .7 8 2 0 6 8 .1 216.25 -8.78 RF NPLD UO 15 .6 2 5 1 .2 6 2 0 0 3 .8 216.66 -9.12 7 NPLD UO 2 .5 0 0 1 .2 3 2 0 2 5 .1 216.43 -9.23 I NPLD UO 4 .3 7 5 1 .3 7 2 0 3 1 .4 216.28 -9.09 ef NPLD UO 3 .0 0 0 1 .3 9 2 0 2 2 .9 216.11 -9.20 F PI P c D NPLD UR223 23 .6 2 5 1 .3 2 2 0 2 7 .2 216.24 -9.52 s f NPLD UF223 2 .5 0 0 1 .4 9 2 0 4 7 .6 215.72 -9.49 RF NPLD UO 65 .0 0 0 1 .21 2 0 4 3 .0 216.03 -9.96 F A s M c Q U13 1 M NPLD UF223 7 .8 7 5 20.00 2.50 1.55 2 0 7 2 .2 215.90 -9.89 I NPLD UF223 2 .7 5 0 1 .4 9 2 0 6 7 .7 215.31 -8.70 EF NPLD UO 5 .5 0 0 1 .0 2 1 9 9 5 .0 216.68 -9.35 7 NPLD UO 1 .8 7 5 1 .3 7 2 0 3 9 .6 216.73 -9.81 1 7 NPLD U7 2 .8 7 5 1 .6 6 2 0 6 6 .1 216.56 -10.27 I NPLD UO 6 .3 7 5 1.8 4 2 0 9 3 .6 216.69 -10.43RF NPLD UO 5 .6 2 5 2 .0 7 2 1 0 3 .3 216.54 -10.63 I NPLD UO 4 .7 5 0 2 .1 2 2 1 1 4 .8 216.02 -10.20HF NPLD UO 7 .8 7 5 1 .6 8 2 0 8 6 .3 216.08 -10.31 7 NPLD U? 2 .3 7 5 1 .7 6 2 0 9 3 .7 222.85 -10.52 1 UT P 1 2 H NPLD us 2 .2 5 0 4 .7 5 2.11 3 .0 7 2 1 6 8 .8 222.93 -10.81 7 7 NPLD u? 5 .8 7 5 3 .0 5 2 1 8 6 .4 222.56 -10.98 F P R D c D NPLD UO 2 6 .8 7 5 3 .0 1 2 1 9 0 .0 222.41 -11.21RF NPLD UO 6 .2 5 0 3 .0 3 2201.8 221.92 -11.04 F PI M c I MJ A 3 HA 3 H NPLD us 7 3 .7 5 MBJ A 3 19 .3 7 5 50.00 2.51 3.806 3.02 2 1 8 5 .5 221.93 -11.127 NPLD UF239 3 .1 2 5 3 .0 6 2 1 9 0 .9 222.00 -11.78 I AS M c 0 IOW P 2 3 M HR us 5 .6 2 5 13.00 2.31 3.02 2 2 2 9 .6 221.73 -12.34 1 HR U? 3 .2 5 0 2 .7 3 2 2 5 8 .6 221.46 -12.02 7 HR u? 2 .7 5 0 3 .0 8 22 3 6 .1 221.15 -12.28 I A S M c E 7 HR us 5 .1 2 5 1 2 .5 0 2. 49 3 .0 3 2 2 4 8 .8 220.70 -12.87UF HR UO 36 .2 5 0 2 .8 7 22 7 7 .3 220.64 -12.157 HRUO 3 .0 0 0 3 .0 5 2 2 3 5 .4 220.75 -13.29 1 NPLD UO 3 .8 7 5 3 .3 7 2 3 0 2 .7 220.50 -13.10 I NPLD UO 3 .8 7 5 2 .3 5 22 8 8 .4 220.44 -13.01HF NPLDUO 4 .8 7 5 2 .8 6 2 2 8 2 .9 220.35 -12.757 NPLD u? 2 .5 0 0 3 .0 8 2 2 6 6 .5 220.13 -13.09 HF NPLD UO 2 1 .2 5 0 3 .0 5 2 2 8 4 .9 220.03 -12.91 HF NPLD UO 18 .7 5 0 3 .0 0 22 7 3 .4 220.01 -13.21HF NPLDUO 15 .0 0 0 2 .9 7 2 2 9 0 .4 219.88 -13.28 F P s M c 0 OW A 2 3 M NPLD us 8.1 2 5 16.75 2.02 2.99 22 9 3 .1 219.99 -13.397 NPLD us 3 .2 5 0 6 .2 5 1 .9 3 2 .3 9 2 3 0 0 .5 220.66 -13.79F NPLDU7 4 .7 5 0 3 .3 3 2 3 3 0 .3 220.95 -13.97 S NPLD U7 1 .8 7 5 3 .2 2 2 3 4 4 .1 220.92 -14.26 7 NPLD u? 3 .1 2 5 2 .8 9 2 3 6 0 .5 220.76 -14.08 7 NPLDU7 2 .2 5 0 3 .2 3 2 3 4 8 .3 220.29 -14.09 F PI M c I w A 2 3 N NPLD US 8 .7 5 0 2 0 .0 0 2 .2 6 3 .4 4 2 3 4 4 .3 220.24 -14.30HF NPLD UO 6 .8 7 5 3 .2 0 2 3 5 6 .9 219.85 -13.99HF NPLDUO 14 .3 7 5 3 .5 5 2 3 3 4 .8 219.67 -14.19HF NPLDUO 20.000 3 .5 6 2 3 4 4 .7 219.66 -13.53 HF NPLD UO 8.7 5 0 2 .6 4 2 3 0 5 .1 219.57 -13.66 HF HR UO 9.3 7 5 2 .1 1 2 3 1 2 .2 220.34 -10.38 F A s M CH D NPLD UO 1 0 8 .7 5 0 3 .0 5 2 1 2 8 .6 220.64 -9.61 F PRM c T IM Jse A 3 3 MO NPLD UR267 1 5 5 .0 0 MJT P 4 34.375 92.50 2.61 4.509 3.08 2 0 8 7 .6 221.17 -10.37 e f NPLD UO 6 .0 0 0 3 .0 2 2 1 3 7 .6 220.76 -10.80 1 A CH 0 W P 2 2 M NPLD UF267 4 .7 5 0 8.50 1.79 2.98 2 1 5 7 .5 220.13 -10.41 b U NPLD UF267 4 .2 5 0 8 .7 5 2 .0 9 2 .9 3 2 1 2 8 .0 219.98 -10.79 U U7 NPLD UF267 2 .8 7 5 8.25 2.80 2.98 2 1 4 9 .9 219.89 -10.36 7 NPLD U? 2 .3 7 5 2 .9 6 2 1 2 3 .4 220.04 -9.54 ef NPLD UR2 67 6 .0 0 0 3.0 1 2 0 7 6 .4 219.90 -9.79 I NPLD UF267 2 .5 0 0 3 .1 5 2 0 9 0 .5 219.38 -10.52 I NPLD UR267 3 .0 0 0 3 .0 2 2 1 2 7 .8 219.37 -10.69s NPLD UR267 2 .6 2 5 3 .0 3 21 3 7 .1 219.53 -11.00 EF NPLD UR267 7 .5 0 0 3 .0 1 2 1 5 6 .9 219.65 -11.46 I NPLD UR267 4 .8 7 5 3 .0 1 2 1 8 4 .5 219.54 -11.35 I NPLD UR267 2 .5 0 0 3 .0 2 2 1 7 7 .1 219.62 -9.12 7 NPLD US 2 .5 0 0 2 .1 8 20 4 8 .1 219.00 -8.62 RF NPL2 UO 8 .3 7 5 1 .3 5 2 0 1 3 .4 2 1 8 .7 8 - 8 .8 2 7 NPL2 U? 2 .6 2 5 1 .1 2 2022.8 218.67 -9.01 I UO P 2 M NPL2 US 5 .7 5 0 12.50 2.14 1.49 2 0 3 3 .5 219.15 -10.11HF NPLD UO 1 0.500 2 .8 3 2 1 0 1 .5 218.55 -9.67 7 NPLD U? 3 .2 5 0 1 .8 9 2 0 7 0 .0 218.33 -9.53 VF NPLD UO 4 .7 5 0 1 .6 5 2 0 6 0 .5 218.65 -10.49 F A I M CV D 3 VO NPLD UO 3 2 .5 0 0 2 .6 7 2 1 1 9 .2 218.31 -10.54 7 NPLD U? 2 .5 0 0 2 .6 9 2 1 1 9 .0 218.13 -10.53 HF NPLD UO 1 2 .5 0 0 2 .5 1 2 1 1 7 .8 218.56 -11.15I NPLDU? 2 .6 2 5 3 .1 6 2 1 5 7 .7 219.19 -11.82 VF NPLD UO 31 .2 5 0 3 .0 7 2201.6 219.21 -12.28 HF NPLD UO 16 .2 5 0 3 .0 8 2 2 2 8 .3 219.27 -12.19 7 NPLD u? 2 .0 0 0 3 .0 7 2 2 2 4 .8 219.37 -12.20 7 NPLD u? 2 .2 5 0 3 .0 6 2 2 2 5 .3 219.55 -12.16 I NPLD u? 6 .2 5 0 3 .0 0 2 2 2 4 .0 219.59 -12.34 ? NPLD U7 3 .5 0 0 3.0 4 2 2 3 5 .8 219.73 -12.64 7 NPLDU7 3 .1 2 5 3 .0 0 2 2 5 4 .7 219.52 -12.67 I NPLD U? 3 .1 2 5 3 .0 9 2 2 5 4 .2 219.47 -12.89 S HR U7 2 .3 7 5 3 .0 2 2 2 6 6 .4 219.37 -12.67 BF HR UO 7 .6 2 5 3 .0 9 2 2 5 3 .1 219.34 -13.41OF HR UO 4 .8 7 5 3 .0 6 2 2 9 6 .2 219.10 -13.41 I HR UO 3 .3 7 5 3 .0 5 2 2 9 4 .3 218.99 -12.62 I A OW P 7 2 M HR us 4 .7 5 0 8.75 1.82 3.01 2 2 4 6 .9 218.68 -12.27 HF NPLD UO 11.750 3 .0 9 2 2 2 4 .3 218.71 -12.51 5 NPLD u? 1 .8 7 5 3 .0 9 2 2 3 8 .3 218.57 -12.85 7 NPLD u? 3 .2 5 0 3 .0 5 2 2 5 7 .9 218.83 -11.96S NPLD us 2 .0 0 0 3 .1 5 2 2 0 7 .5 218.75 -11.891 NPLD u? 3 .8 7 5 3 .1 9 2202.2 218.44 -12.01HFP NPLDUO 26 .2 5 0 3 .2 5 2 2 0 6 .7 218.57 -11.80s NPLDU7 3.125 3 .2 3 2 1 9 5 .4 218.31 -12.35 I C E uwo P 2 3 MO NPLD us 5 .1 2 5 1 8 .0 0 3 .5 2 3 .1 7 2 2 2 5 .6 218.19 -11.68 F A ? M C 0 uwo P 2 3 MO NPLD us 9.8 7 5 2 5 .0 0 2 .5 2 3 .2 2 2 1 8 5 .9 2 1 7 .9 8 - 1 1 .1 6 EF NPLD UO 6 .6 2 5 3 .0 2 2 1 5 3 .9 217.82 -11.57 i u? 1 M NPLD us 4 .0 0 0 8.50 2.15 3.12 2 1 7 6 .9 217.98 -11.95 1 NPLD u? 2 .3 7 5 3 .2 9 2200.8 218.16 -12.10VF NPLDUO 5.625 3 .2 0 2210.2 217.71 -10.71 HF NPLD UO 6.8 7 5 2 .6 7 2 1 2 5 .4 217.79 -10.63 7 NPLDU7 2 .3 7 5 2 .6 0 2 1 2 1 .7 217.58 -10.911 NPLD u? 3 .2 5 0 2 .7 1 2 1 3 6 .5 217.31 -11.21 I NPLD u? 3 .5 0 0 2 .8 1 2 1 5 2 .4 217.14 -11.61HF NPLDUO 2 7 .7 5 0 2 .9 7 2 1 7 5 .0 217.24 -11.49 I AC 0 shO P 1 2 M NPLD UF324 4 .2 5 0 8.00 1.82 2.95 2 1 6 8 .0 217.21 -11.57 1 NPLD UF324 3 .1 2 5 2 .9 5 2 1 7 3 .4 217.11 -11.50 I NPLD UF324 3 .0 0 0 2 .9 6 2 1 6 8 .6 217.23 -12.15 VF NPLD UO 6.2 5 0 3 .0 0 2 2 0 7 .9 217.44 -12.17 7 NPLD u? 2 .6 2 5 3 .0 8 2 2 0 9 .8 217.38 -12.49 RF NPLDUO 13.125 3.02 2 2 2 8 .5 216.30 -10.89 HF NPLD UO 1 6.000 2 .3 9 2 1 2 8 .0 216.16 -10.84 I TO P 1 NPLD UR331 3 .1 2 5 7.50 2.40 2.27 2 1 2 4 .6 216.25 -11.14 7 NPLD U? 2 .6 2 5 2 .5 6 2 1 4 2 .3 216.97 -11.27 EF NPLD UO 1 3.750 2 .7 2 2 1 5 4 .6 216.90 -11.44 VF NPLD UO 4.375 2 .8 2 2 1 6 3 .0 216.13 -11.46 F A 5 M CV D HCH UO 2 4.375 2 .9 7 21 6 1 .1 363

215,.58 -1 0 .33 I HCH UO 6. 500 1 .5 4 2 0 9 2 .0 215..76 -11,.08 I HCH UO 6 .7 5 0 2.21 2 1 3 7 .8 215..26 -11,.11 F A S H CV D HCH UO 9 .1 2 5 2 .0 6 2 1 3 7 .9 215,.01 -11,.58 HF NPLI UO 8 .1 2 5 2 .4 7 2 1 6 4 .3 215..84 -11,.64 EF SC D HCH UO 1 3 .6 2 5 2 .9 8 2 1 7 0 .2 215.,28 -11,.87 F CQ? NPLI UO 1 1 .2 5 0 3 .0 9 2 182.4 215..48 -12,.15 HF NPLD UO 1 6 .8 7 5 3 .1 5 2 1 9 9 .4 215..26 -12,.27 HF NPLD UO 1 0 .5 0 0 3 .2 4 2 2 0 6 .1 216..19 -12,.05 3 NPLD U? 2 .5 0 0 2 .9 3 2 1 9 6 .5 215..71 -12,.51 I A I M CH Q W NPLD US 6. 625 1 7 .5 0 2 .6 2 3 .3 9 2 2 2 1 .3 215.. 45 -12,.59 I NPLD U? 2 .6 2 5 3 .4 6 2 2 2 5 .4 215..28 -1 3 .18 1 NPLD U? 2 .6 2 5 3 .9 2 2 2 6 0 .2 214..86 -13 .33 I C O H O P 2 2 M NPLI US 6.000 1 3 .7 5 2 .2 2 3 .9 3 2 267.1 215.,67 -13,.65 F CH D 4 O NPLD UO 6 2.500 4 .0 3 2 2 8 8 .0 217,.80 -13,.32 HF NPLD UO 4 6 .2 5 0 2 .9 2 2 2 7 9 .9 217,.88 -13,.14 I NPLD UF351 2 .7 5 0 3 .0 4 2 2 6 9 .2 217..99 -13,.35 1 NPLD UF351 2 .2 5 0 2. 96 2 2 8 2 .7 217.,79 -13,.65 I NPLD UF351 2 .6 2 5 2 .9 9 2 2 9 8 .3 217..41 -13,.37 I NPLD UR351 4 .6 2 5 3 .0 8 2 2 8 0 .0 217..40 -13 .71 F A X P CV D NPLD UO 7 3 .7 5 0 3 .0 0 2 3 0 0 .5 219..30 -14 .17 ? HR USO 3 .0 0 0 3 .6 0 2 3 4 0 .5 219..38 -14 .53 ? HR USO 2 .7 5 0 3 .5 0 2 3 6 1 .8 218..89 -14 .50 I C 0 MHO P 2 3 M 7 .3 7 5 1 8 .0 0 2 .4 1 3 .6 4 2 3 5 6 .3 218..70 -14 .49 F p I H C O W P 2 2 M 9 .2 5 0 2 2 .0 0 2 .3 8 3 .7 8 2 3 5 4 .2 218,.13 -14 .51 HF NPLD UO 13 .7 5 0 2 .8 5 2 3 5 1 .4 218. .24 -14 .65 I NPLD U? 5 .3 7 5 3 .7 6 2 3 6 0 .9 218. .00 -14 .21 I SC 0 U? NPLD UR421 6 .7 5 0 1 3 .0 0 1 .9 6 2 .9 5 2 3 3 3 .7 217..11 -12 .75 F C D NPLD UO 1 4.875 3 .1 5 2 2 4 1 .5 216..82 -13 .00 I NPLD US 6 .3 7 5 3 .3 3 2 2 5 5 .8 216..75 -12 .73 RF NPLD UO 1 1 .2 5 0 3 .0 7 2 2 3 8 .4 216..60 -13..38 I NPLD UO 4 .7 5 0 4 .0 0 2 2 7 6 .4 216..68 -13 .57 VF NPLD UO 5 .2 5 0 4 .0 4 2 2 8 8 .1 216..56 -13,.67 HF NPLD UO 1 1 .2 5 0 4 .1 2 2 2 9 3 .6 215..93 -14,.03 F A R M C 0 IH P ? v NPLD UR350 8.000 2 3 .5 0 2 .9 8 4 .0 1 2 3 1 2 .0 215..97 -14,.59 I NPLD U? 4 .2 5 0 4 .0 4 2 3 4 5 .9 215.,40 -14,.41 HF NPLD UO 9 .5 0 0 3. 98 2 3 3 2 .9 215..48 -14,.45 ? NPLD U? 2 .3 7 5 3 .9 7 2 3 3 5 .8 215.,13 -14,.58 F C Q MW A 3 3 M NPLD US 1 4 .5 0 0 4 .0 9 2 3 4 2 .6 214.,90 -14. .55 OF NPLD UO 9 .2 5 0 4 .0 0 2 3 4 0 .9 225.,00 -9 . .47 I 2 M NPLD UCF 3 .3 7 5 3 .0 5 2 1 4 3 .8 224. 82 -9 . .58 HF NPLD UO 1 1 .7 5 0 3 .0 8 2 1 4 6 .0 224., 99 -9 .87 ? NPLD U? 3 .1 2 5 3 .0 1 2 1 6 5 .3 224..38 -9,.23 VF NPLD UO 1 4 .3 7 5 3 .0 3 2 1 1 9 .2 224.,22 -9..10 VF NPLD UO 1 0 .7 5 0 3 .0 2 2 1 0 8 .5 224.,05 -9 ..23 I NPLD U? 4 .0 0 0 2 .9 5 2 1 1 3 .7 224. 16 -9 ..53 EF NPLD UO 20.000 2 .9 4 2 1 3 2 .0 224. 91 -1 0 ..49 I NPLD U? 3 .0 0 0 3 .1 9 2 1 9 9 .2 223. 76 -1 0 ,.34 ? NPLD U? 3 .1 2 5 3 .0 5 2 1 7 1 .6 224.,07 -1 0 ..98 F A S P c v D NPLD UO 5 3 .7 5 0 3 .1 2 2 2 1 3 .8 224. 62 -1 1 ,.49 I NPLD UO 2 .8 7 5 2 .7 0 2 2 5 1 .3 224. 36 -1 2 ,.26 ? NPLD UF401 5 .0 0 0 2 .9 2 2 2 9 0 .8 224. 24 -1 2 ,.44 F NPLD UF401 6 .8 7 5 2 .9 2 2 2 9 8 .4 223. 65 -11..75 I NPLD U? 5 .0 0 0 2.86 2 2 5 0 .8 223. 37 -1 2 ,.36 I ?UO NPLD UR40I 5 .7 5 0 2 .9 6 2 2 8 1 .5 222. 88 -1 2 ..24 F C I MWJ P 3 L NPLD US 1 7 .5 0 0 2 .9 1 2 2 6 7 .8 223. 01 -1 2 ..63 ? NPLD U? 3 .0 0 0 3 .0 0 2 2 9 1 .6 222. 47 -1 2 ..31 I NPLD U? 2 .8 7 5 3 .0 0 2 2 6 6 .8 224. 17 -1 2 ,.87 F CH 0 4 VO NPLD UO 9 0.000 2 .7 3 2 3 2 2 .7 224. 15 -13..23 F C I IJM P 4 3 MO NPLD UF401 2 3.375 7 8 .7 5 3 .3 9 2 .1 3 2 3 4 2 .0 224. 21 -1 3 ..60 VF NPLI UO 6 .6 2 5 2 .0 6 2 3 6 4 .2 224. 04 -1 3 .,72 HF NPLI UO 7 .5 0 0 2 .0 6 2 3 6 8 .3 224. 37 -1 4 .,20 VF NPLI UO 6 .2 5 0 2 .0 6 2 4 0 1 .6 223,.86 -14 .50 F AIM com NPLI UO 9 .0 0 0 2 3 .7 5 2 .6 9 2 .0 4 2 4 1 0 .3 223 . 43 -14 .34 s f NPLD U? 2 .1 2 5 2 .0 4 2 3 9 5 .2 223.18 -14.51 F C D MW P 3 3 MO NPLD US 8 .7 5 0 24.00 2.73 2 .0 3 2 4 0 2 .9 222. 46 -13 .05 F C 0 UW P 2 2 M NPLD US 8 .1 2 5 2 1 .2 5 2 .6 5 3 .1 0 2 3 0 8 .8 222 . 62 -14 .10 HF NPLD UO 2 6 .2 5 0 2 .0 3 2 3 7 1 .5 222.51 -14.40 F P 3 3 MO NPLD US 2 8 .7 5 0 6 2 .0 0 2 .1 7 2.02 2 3 8 7 .6 221 .77 -1 3 .69 F P 3 2 MO NPLD US 2 7 .5 0 0 9 5 .0 0 3 .4 5 3 .1 7 2 3 3 7 .3 222.02 -14.06 3 NPLD U? 2.000 2 3 6 1 .0 222.12 -14.53 ? NPLD U? 2 .8 7 5 2 3 8 9 .8 218..43 -13 .56 b NPLD U? 3 . 875 3 . 08 2 2 9 7 .1 221.50 -4.50 EF C UR16 6 .2 5 0 0 .4 1 1 8 0 3 .9 221.75 -4.80 ? C UF16 4 .7 5 0 - 1 .0 7 1 8 2 4 .6 218.25 -3.50 F A C p SC D NPL2 TO 3 3 .7 5 0 - 0 .3 0 1 707.1 218.00 -14.25 F A I M CH 0 NPLD UO 2 8 .7 5 0 2. 90 2 3 3 5 .2 215.10 -0.86 EF AML O 2 .1 2 5 - 0 .9 1 1 5 3 1 .1 214.11 -0.21 F P I D C D EX 2 MO AML O 2 2 .5 0 0 - 0 .9 7 1 4 9 1 .4 214 .04 -0 .50 F 2 M AML 0CR2S 2 .7 5 0 5 .7 5 2 .0 1 - 0 . 90 1 5 0 8 .0 214.46 -0.64 EF AML O 4 .0 0 0 - 0 .9 3 1 5 1 7 .6 215 .03 -1 .21 EF AML O 17 .5 0 0 - 0 .8 4 1 5 5 2 .4 215 .26 -1 .63 e f AML O? 4 .6 2 5 - 0 .7 4 1 5 7 7 .3 214.. 43 -1 .09 EF AML O 4 .3 7 5 - 0 .8 2 1 5 4 3 .9 214,.95 -1.87 F C Q UO 2 M NPL2 ST 6 .3 7 5 17.50 2.75 - 0 .6 1 1 5 9 1 .7 214,.82 -1 .89 F C D UWsh 3 M NPL2 ST 7 .0 0 0 1 5 .7 5 2 .2 0 - 0 .6 1 1 5 9 1 .8 214.43 -2.40 RF NPL2 OT 8.000 - 0 .4 0 1 6 2 1 .1 214 .02 -2 .26 EF AML TO 6 .2 5 0 - 0 .4 9 1 6 1 2 .3 213 .77 -0 .81 e f EX AML U 2 .5 0 0 - 0 .8 7 1 5 2 6 .9 213 .03 -0 .68 F X AML OS 3 .2 5 0 8 .0 0 2 .4 2 - 0 .9 6 1 5 1 8 .7 212,.15 0 .10 F CO? 3 M ACHU S 3 .0 0 0 1 1 .5 0 3 .8 3 - 0 . 94 1 4 7 4 .3 212..17 -0 .62 F C o HU 3 M ACHU S 4 .1 2 5 1 1 .5 0 2 .7 8 - 0 .9 3 1 5 1 6 .9 211..15 0 .19 F C o UTw 2 M ACHU S 3 .7 5 0 1 0 .0 0 2 .6 7 -1.01 14 7 3 .2 211..26 0,.00 I C O IH 3 M ACHU S 5 .6 2 5 2 0 .0 0 3 .S 6 - 0 .9 8 1 4 8 3 .6 211..45 -0 ,.22 ? ACHU S 1 .8 7 5 -0 .9 7 14 9 5 .3 211.,31 -0..70 I C 0 10 2 M ACHU S 4 .5 0 0 1 2 .5 0 2 .7 8 -1 .0 0 15 2 4 .7 210.,77 -0 ..22 F ACHU S 3 .7 5 0 - 0 .9 8 14 9 9 .8 211. 61 -1 ..08 F AML ? 3 .2 5 0 - 0 .9 1 15 4 5 .7 211. 94 -1 ..49 EF AML O 6.000 - 0 .8 7 15 6 8 .7 214. 20 -2 ..93 e f NPL2 TO 3 .7 5 0 - 0 .3 5 1 6 5 2 .6 215.,05 -4 .,49 F AML OT 3 .1 2 5 - 0 .0 9 1 7 4 6 .0 213. 46 -5 ,.42 F Alp AML OT 7 .6 2 5 -0.02 17 9 8 .2 213. 26 -4 ..98 F AML ? 3 .0 0 0 - 0 .0 8 17 7 2 .5 212. 31 -4 .,63 F AML ? 2 .2 5 0 - 0 .2 3 1753.4 210.49 -1.,23 ? AML ? 1 .8 7 5 -1.02 15 6 0 .1 210. 13 -1 ..82 F AML O 1 4.375 - 1 .0 9 1 5 9 7 .6 210. 72 -2 . 46 ? AML ? 2 .5 0 0 - 0 .8 5 1 6 3 1 .0 206. 62 0..11 ? ACHU ? 2 .3 7 5 - 0 .9 8 1 5 2 3 .0 205. 15 0.,53 F A I M C E Oh ACHU S 8 .7 5 0 25.75 2.93 -1.02 1 5 2 3 .6 204. SO 0..13 F ACHU ? 3 .6 2 5 -1.01 1 5 5 8 .9 203. 59 -0..24 ? ACHU S 2 .5 0 0 5 .0 0 2 .0 0 -1.11 15 9 6 .8 203. 98 0..35 1 ACHU ? 2 .5 0 0 - 1 .0 3 15 5 5 .2 209. 53 -1 ..50 EF AML O 2 .8 7 5 - 0 . 95 15 8 3 .4 209. 12 -1 .,42 RE AML O 6.3 7 5 - 0 .9 9 1582.1 208. 62 -1 ..52 UF AML O 11 .5 0 0 -1 .0 0 1 5 9 2 .4 209. 23 -3 .,17 F Alp CD? APK O 2 1 .6 2 5 - 0 .8 1 1 6 8 3 .1 208. 65 -3 . 09 F C D ?H APK O 1 0 .6 2 5 -0.88 1 6 8 4 .0 208. 33 -3 .,10 ? APK O 2.000 - 0 .8 0 1 6 8 7 .2 208. 42 -4 . 02 I APK O 1 .8 7 5 - 0 .7 0 1 7 4 0 .7 207. 90 -4 . 73 ? APK ? 3 .3 7 5 - 0 .5 9 17 8 7 .4 207. 37 -4 . 64 EF APK O 1 1 .2 5 0 - 0 .5 3 1 7 8 7 .6 207. 28 -5 . 52 F 1 MO APK SI 6 .5 0 0 1 7 .5 0 2 .6 2 - 0 .3 0 1 8 3 9 .5 207. 39 -S . 70 ? 1 M APK SI 2 .6 2 5 7 .0 0 2 .6 7 - 0 .3 9 1 8 4 9 .9 207. 50 -5 . 82 I 2 M APK S 2 .6 2 5 5 .0 0 1 .9 5 - 0 .3 1 18 5 4 .7 207. 02 -5 . 88 I 1 M APK S 2 .2 5 0 5 .0 0 2 .2 2 - 0 .2 3 1 8 6 3 .9 205. 54 -1 . IS OF ACHU O 4 .0 0 0 -0 .9 4 1 6 1 2 .4 207. 12 -1 . 27 o f ACHU O 5 .2 5 0 - 0 . 99 1 5 9 5 .3 207. 18 -1 . 51 F ACHU ? 3 .5 0 0 -1.00 1 6 0 8 .0 206. 85 -1 . 69 SF ACHU O 5 .0 0 0 -1.00 1 6 2 3 .2 364

206, 79 - 1 .7 6 SF ACHU O 4 .3 7 5 -1,.00 1628. .6 205. 80-3.23 FCRM CD7 2O AMM O 25 .0 0 0 -0,.83 1726,.5 206, 12 - 2 .9 7 SF AMM O 3 .7 5 0 -0,.89 1707,.1 206, 16 - 3 .0 6 SF AMM O 3 .8 7 5 -0 .82 1711,,1 207, 01 - 3 .4 5 F A R M C Q I s h q 1 MO AML 7 9 .3 7 5 2..67 -0,.78 1723,.0 206, 40 - 4 .2 0 F A S M ?U AML 3 3 .3 7 5 2..59 -0,.67 1774. .1 206, 36 -4.85 FASM C Q U 2 M AML S 3 .7 5 0 2,.93 -0.53 1812,.1 205 87 - 5 .3 2 bf AML O 4 .0 0 0 -0 .43 1845 .2 206, 08 - 5 .5 6 7 c O WO p 7 3 M AML S 3 .8 7 5 2,.70 -0.34 1856,.1 205 53 - 5 .5 2 F AX M c Q MWsh p 3 A 2 MO APK S 13 .7 5 0 4..00 -0 .57 1862,.4 205, 51 - 4 .8 5 ? APK 7 1 .8 7 5 -0 .60 1823,.0 205 23 - 5 .0 0 F A s M c O UO p 2 M APK SO 4 .3 7 5 2,.87 -0 .71 1836,.0 205 01 - 4 .6 9 F A s M c Q O p 1 3 M AML S 2 .5 0 0 2,.70 -0 .94 1822,.1 205 04 - 4 .9 9 F A s M c Q 7 p 2 2 M AML S 2 .5 0 0 3..00 -0 .89 1838,.9 203. 55 - 0 .5 2 ? ACHU 7 2 .1 2 5 -1 .09 1612,.4 203 27 - 0 .7 8 ? ACHU 7K 2 .1 2 5 -1 .02 1633..8 203 96 - 1 .6 0 IA s M c Q WO p 2 2 M AMM S 2 .6 2 5 2..26 -1 .08 1665,.3 203 12 - 1 .7 8 I ACHU 7 3 .3 7 5 -1 .02 1691,.5 203, 38 - 1 .9 3 F P 7 M c Q MW A 2 3 M AMM S 5 .3 7 5 2..52 -1 .02 1694, .3 204 17 - 1 .9 0 EF AMM O 3 .1 2 5 -1 .08 1678,.9 203 68 - 2 .2 0 F A RM c D 3 MO AMM O 14 .3 7 5 -1 .01 1704,.4 203, 10 - 2 .3 1 I A s M c Q MWsh P 2 3 M ACHU S 6 .2 5 0 2..20 -1.08 1721,.4 203 06 - 2 .5 6 FA s M O NPL2 S 2.000 2,.20 -0 .99 1736,.6 203. 71 - 2 .6 2 F A s M 7 MW A 3 2 M NPL2 ST 4 .6 2 5 2..81 -0 .97 1727,.2 205 23 - 2 .6 8 I AMM S 1 .8 7 5 2,.00 -0.98 1704..8 205 20 - 2 .2 5 RE AMM O 5 .5 0 0 -0 .99 1680,.0 204, 68 - 3 .1 0 FA s M c Q 7Wsh P 1 M AMM S 6 .8 7 5 1,.85 -1, .07 1737,.4 204. 23 - 2 .8 8 SF AMM OT 10 .2 5 0 -0,.93 1732,.2 203, 68 - 2 .8 7 I TU P 2 2 M NPL2 ST 5 .5 0 0 2..77 -0,.95 1741,.1 203 49 - 2 .8 9 I MW P 2 3 M NPL2 ST 5 .7 5 0 1,.86 -0,.95 1746..9 203, 53 - 2 .9 8 IA s c Q MW P 2 2 M NPL2 ST 4 .3 7 5 2..51 -0 .90 1750,.8 202, 95 - 2 .8 4 I 7 NPL2 7T 3 .6 2 5 -0,.90 1754..4 203, 38 -3 .2 1 I A s M MW A 2 3 M NPL2 ST 3 .3 7 5 2..44 -0,.97 1766..9 203. 95 - 3 .5 4 F A s M c O U P 7 2 M AMM ST 3 .2 5 0 2..62 -0,.98 1774..1 203. 52 -3 .5 1 RF NPL2 OT 9 .3 7 5 -0,.94 1780..1 203. 71 - 3 .5 2 SF NPL2 T? 1 .8 7 5 -0,.91 1777..9 203. 39 - 3 .7 9 F A s M U? NPL2 T? 3 .6 2 5 2..09 -0,.84 1798..4 203. 54 - 5 .1 4 F APK TO 4 .5 0 0 -0,.66 1872..2 203. 63 - 5 .2 3 I u APK TS 3 .1 2 5 2.,00 -0,.64 1875..2 203. 54 - 5 .4 8 F A I M CH Q IWJM P 3 A 3 MO APK T7S 1 6.250 3.,07 -0,.61 1891. .1 203. 12 - 5 .3 6 F APK TO 3 .8 7 5 -0,. 86 1891..2 202. 85 - 5 .4 4 F A I M C D APK TO 20.000 -0,.73 1901..6 202. 80 - 6 .5 8 7 APK T7 6 .2 5 0 -0,.43 1966..5 202. 86 - 6 .6 9 7 APK 7 4 .3 7 5 -0,.39 1971,,7 214. 72 - 5 .7 4 F NPL2 TO 2 .3 7 5 -0,.09 1819..9 214. 25 - 6 .1 7 7 NPL2 TO 7 .5 0 0 0,.00 1843. ,7 214. 71 - 7 .1 5 F A s M c 0 U 1 M NPL2 UO 3 .7 5 0 2.,67 0..42 1902..9 215. 00 - 7 .5 7 FA s M c Q Ow 2 M NPL2 US 4 .0 0 0 2.,65 0..71 1927. .9 214. 22 - 7 .4 7 I 7 NPL2 U? 4. 625 0..48 1920..9 214. 28 - 7 .6 4 UF NPL2 UO 8.000 0..56 1930. .1 214. 03 - 7 .6 5 FA s d c Q UWm P 2 3 M NPLI US 7 .5 0 0 2.,67 0., 47 1930.,2 213. 78 - 7 .6 2 I UT7 1 M NPLI US 3 .0 0 0 2.,97 0..27 1928. ,7 213. 94 - 7 .1 6 I UTO P 0 NPLI UF488 2 .8 7 5 2. 52 0..31 1901..8 213. 44 - 7 .2 3 F A s M c 0 W P 2 3 M NPLI UR488 8 .7 5 0 2. 54 0..09 1905.,5 213. 80 - 6 .6 7 F NPL2 UO 2 .2 5 0 0..15 1872. ,1 213. 76 - 5 .9 4 I NPL2 TOM 4.1 2 5 -0 ,.01 1829. 3 213. 26 - 5 .8 1 RF AML TO 2 .8 7 5 -0,,07 1821. 3 212. 89 - 5 .5 6 F 7 AML 7 3 .1 2 5 -0,,05 1807. 3 212. 47 - 6 .6 3 RF AML TO 6 .2 5 0 -0 ..05 1871. 1 213. 35 - 6 .5 3 1 NPL2 TO 2 .6 2 5 -0 ..01 1864. 7 213. 05 - 7 .1 8 I NPL2 U? 3 .2 5 0 0.,02 1903. 7 209. 59 - 3 .8 0 F A s M c O O P 1 APK S 6.000 2. 97 -0 . .77 1717.,7 211. 85 - 5 .7 0 I AML 7 2 .6 2 5 -0 .13 1817,.5 211. 66 - 6 .1 1 e f AML O 5 .2 5 0 -0 .06 1842,.6 207, 76 - 6 .0 3 F A 1 M c O OU P 1 3 M APK S 5 .0 0 0 3 .00 -0.26 1864,. 8 208. 02 - 6 .2 6 F A ?u APK TS 3 .7 5 0 2 .27 -0.34 1875.0 207. 44 - 6 .3 3 F A w 2 M APK TS 3 .1 2 5 6 .7 5 2.10 -0.26 1885, .7 208. 97 - 6 .6 9 F A I 0 P 1 2 MO AML TS 5 .7 5 0 1 5 .0 0 2,.69 -0 .59 1891 .7 208, ,47 - 7 .1 7 e f AML TO 4 .125 -0 .30 1924 .2 211, 46 - 7 .3 9 VF NPL2 UO 8 .7 5 0 0 .02 1918 .1 211, 03 - 7 .4 3 VF NPL2 UO 6 .7 5 0 0 .03 1922 .4 211. ,41 -7 .9 3 FA s M c Q TUW P 2 2 M NPL2 US 6 .2 5 0 2 .20 0.06 1950,.6 211,,51 - 7 .7 4 RF NPL2 UO 13.125 0 .09 1939 .9 210. ,99 -7 .7 3 I NPL2 U? 1 .8 7 5 0 .02 1940 .0 210, ,89 - 7 .9 2 I NPL2 U? 2 .5 0 0 0 .07 1952 .4 211. ,04 - 8 .2 0 F A I M c O TW P 2 2 M NPL2 US 8 .5 0 0 2,.33 0 .07 1968 .1 210. ,60 - 7 .9 2 1 NPL2 U? 2 .5 0 0 0 .17 1953 .0 210. 16 - 8 .4 5 I NPLI UF139 3 .7 5 0 0 .27 1987,.3 209. 73 -8.82 FAI P cv D NPLI TO 100.000 -0 .87 2011 .3 207. 10 - 7 .4 8 EF NPLI TOM 6 .6 2 5 -0 .09 1955 .8 208, ,10 - 7 .8 1 I A s M c O 7 NPLI TOM 6.000 -0 .11 1964 .2 208. 67 - 8 .0 9 F AR M c 0 7UW P 2 1 MO NPLI TS 7 .7 5 0 2 .93 -0 .06 1976.9 208, ,52 -8 .5 8 I OT P 1 NPLI US 2 .3 7 5 2 .82 0 .06 2006 .0 208, ,75 - 8 .8 2 VF NPLI UO 5 .3 7 5 0 .34 2018 .1 208. 83 - 9 .0 9 HF NPLI UO 11 .8 7 5 0.41 2033,.2 208. ,90 - 9 .5 2 F A I d c 0 OW A 2 3 M NPLI US 8 .7 5 0 2 .11 -0 .06 2058 .1 208, 58 - 9 .2 9 HF NPLI UO 13.750 0 .35 2047,.9 208. 42 - 8 .9 9 F A s M cv D NPLI UO 28 .7 5 0 0 .30 2031,.3 207, ,64 - 8 .3 5 F NPLI UO 2. 875 -0 .02 2000,.7 206. 35 - 8 .1 9 RF NPLI UO 9 .7 5 0 0 .01 2005,.8 207, ,25 - 8 .6 7 F A R M CH D 4 O NPLI UO 58 .7 5 0 0.07 2023..1 207. ,30 - 8 .9 8 F A R P c D 3 MO NPLI UF151 19.375 0.02 2040,.5 206. 69 -8.79 FPRP c T 3 O NPLI UR151 33 .7 5 0 0 .00 2036,.7 206. 70 - 7 .6 3 UF P NPLI TO 35 .0 0 0 -0,.01 1968,.5 2 1 0 . 24 - 9 .6 5 I OTU P 1 2 M NPLI US 3 .0 0 0 2,.50 0.04 2057..5 209. 27 - 1 0 .6 F A s P c D 4 O NPLI UO 65 .0 0 0 1,.02 2119..1 208. 22 - 9 .7 9 RF NPLI UO 9.7 5 0 0.72 2079..2 207. 67 -9 .5 3 FA s M c E UW P 2 2 M NPLI US 5.000 1,.90 0,.25 2069..2 207. ,17 - 9 .3 6 RF NPLI UO 6.1 2 5 -0,.10 2064..0 207, 72 -1 0 .3 2 HF NPLI UO 2 3 .7 5 0 1,.06 2114..9 207, 68 - 1 0 .3 1 1 o P 1 2 M NPLI UF160 2 .7 5 0 1,.99 1,.03 2114.,7 208. ,99 -11.42 I NPLI UO 2 .1 2 5 1,.04 2169..6 207. ,27 -9.59 RF NPLI UO 2 3 .1 2 5 -0,.09 2076..9 206. .98 -9.95 HF NPLI UO 1 2 .2 5 0 0..91 2100.,9 206. ,74 - 9 .9 0 HF NPLI UO 1 2.125 0,,75 2100..0 206.,03 -8.95 rf NPLI Uo 6 .8 7 5 0,.05 2053..9 205.,86 -8.87 RF NPLI UO 5 .6 2 5 0,.20 2050..5 206. ,12 -9.12 RF NPLI UO 17 .5 0 0 0..05 2061.,5 206. ,00 -9.60 F NPLI UO 34 .5 0 0 0,.30 2091..7 212. 59 -7.25 RF NPL2 TO 6 .8 7 5 0,.03 1907. ,5 212. ,14 - 7 .3 7 I NPL2 TO 3 .1 2 5 0,.00 1915..3 212. ,65 -7.42 F NPL2 T? 4.2 5 0 0..02 1917..1 212. 82 - 7 .4 9 VF NPL2 T? 10.000 0..04 1921.,2 213. 01 - 7 .8 8 t R d CH D NPLI UO 22 .5 0 0 -0..03 1944.,9 212. 86 - 7 .7 6 A S M C Q ? NPLI UR176 7 .0 0 0 1.,70 -0 ..02 1937.,4 213. 35 - 7 .7 0 HF NPLI UO 9.5 0 0 0..01 1933. 6 213. 47 - 7 .6 5 I OT P I NPLI US 2 .7 5 0 2.,66 0..15 1930. ,8 213. 91 -8.10 rf NPLI UO 4.6 2 5 0..49 1957. 3 214. 28 - 8 .2 1 VF NPLI UO 6 .2 5 0 0..65 1964. 1 213. 83 - 8 .4 1 FASH CO UTw P 2 NPLI US 6 .6 2 5 2. 05 0.,52 1975. 1 213. 42 - 8 .1 7 FARM C I 7 NPLI US 7 .7 5 0 0. 26 1961. 4 213. 60 - 8 .6 4 VF NPLI UO 4.2 5 0 0. 55 1989. 3 213. 40 - 8 .9 7 FASH CO UWm P 2 NPLI US 8 .3 7 5 2.48 0.84 2008.4 213. 10 - 8 .9 4 VF NPLI US 5 .7 5 0 0. 71 2007. 9 213. 04 - 9 .0 5 I A ? NPLI US 4.3 7 5 2. 33 0. 70 2013. 4 213. 48 - 9 .3 1 I OU P 1 NPLI US 2 .5 0 0 2. 00 1. 03 2028. 4 213. 57 -9.54 I OT P 1 NPLI UF487 2 .5 0 0 2. 10 1. 10 2042. 5 212. 37 - 7 .9 6 1 NPL2 US 2 .1 2 5 - 0 . 02 1950. 0 365

212.,40 -8, .39 F NPLI U? 4 .3 7 5 0 .0 7 1 9 7 5 .6 212.,42 -8,.23 VF NPLI UO 1 2 .5 0 0 0 .0 8 1 9 6 5 .6 211..10 -8,.44 F NPL2 U? 4 .5 0 0 0 .0 8 1 9 8 2 .3 212.,10 -9.16 F NPLI UO 1 4.000 0.14 2021.8 212.,26 -9,.59 HF NPLI UO 1 7.500 0 . 66 2 0 4 6 .5 213..02 -9 .88 VF NPLI UO 1 8 .1 2 5 1 .1 4 2 0 6 2 .3 213..18 -10,.05 RF NPLI UO 1 4 .3 7 5 1 .1 7 2 0 7 2 .8 212..77 -9 .93 I NPLI U? 2 .5 0 0 1 .2 3 2 0 6 5 .3 212..53 -10,.08 F CO? NPLI US 4 .8 2 5 10.00 2.12 1 .3 4 2 0 7 5 .3 212..62 -10,.46 RF NPLI UO 7 .5 0 0 1.66 2 0 9 7 .6 211..90 -10,.07 I C E U NPLI US 5 .3 7 5 1 1 .2 5 2 .0 3 1.02 2 0 7 5 .3 212..22 -1 0 .66 RF NPLI UO 1 8 .5 0 0 1.S1 2 1 0 9 .6 211..95 -10,.57 s NPLI U? 2.000 1 .6 4 2 1 0 5 .5 212.,15 -10,.95 1 NPLI U? 3 .0 0 0 1 .7 3 2 1 2 7 .4 212..56 -11,.49 I NPLI US 4 .5 0 0 10.00 2.22 1 .9 1 2 1 5 8 .3 212..19 -11,.41 VF NPLI UO 5 .0 0 0 1 .9 8 2 1 5 4 .5 212..16 -11,.67 HF NPLI UO 8 .8 2 5 2 .0 5 2 1 6 9 .7 211..79 -10 .91 VF NPLI UO 3 .3 7 5 1 .8 7 2 1 2 5 .4 212..27 -1 2 .04 I NPLI US 4 .3 7 5 2 .2 5 2 1 9 1 .2 212..06 -11 .93 RF NPLI UO 5 .0 0 0 2 .1 7 2 1 8 5 .5 211..88 -12 .06 HF NPLI UO 8 .7 5 0 2 1 9 3 .5 211..71 -11 .73 VF NPLI UO 7 .6 2 5 2 1 7 4 .9 211..52 -11 .48 I NPLI US 2 .7 5 0 2 1 6 0 .8 211..23 -11 .55 HF NPLI UO 2 7 .5 0 0 2 1 6 5 .6 211,.28 -1 2 .11 RF NPLI UO 14 .5 0 0 2 1 9 8 .5 211..54 -12 .57 HF NPLI UO 13.750 2 .4 9 2 2 2 4 .9 211..37 -9 .37 F A I P CV D NPLI UO 3 7 .5 0 0 - 0.00 2 0 3 6 .9 211..14 -8.92 ? NPL2 ?U 3 .1 2 5 2010.9 211,.06 -8.83 sf NPL2 ?U 2 .2 5 0 2 0 0 5 .9 210..82 -9.08 F cow P 2 3 M NPL2 US 4 .2 5 0 10.00 2.33 2 0 2 1 .5 211,.58 -1 0 .34 VF NPLI UO 11 .7 5 0 1 .3 7 2 0 9 2 .8 211..36 -10.43 I C Q MWO P 2 3 M NPLI US 6 .2 5 0 1 3 .7 5 2 .2 0 1 .2 5 2 0 9 8 .0 211..11 -10 .51 HF NPLI UO 11 .8 7 5 1 .2 8 2 1 0 4 .2 211,.05 -10.55 I NPLI UR223 2 .7 5 0 2 1 0 6 .1 211,.04 -10 .64 7 NPLI U? 2 .8 7 5 2112.6 211,.22 -10.76 I NPLI U? 2 .3 7 5 2 1 1 8 .7 210,.82 -1 0 .55 F P ? H 2 MO NPLI US 6 .8 7 5 1 7 .5 0 2 .5 5 1 .2 4 2 1 0 7 .4 210,.79 -10.83 I NPLI U? 2 .5 0 0 1 .41 2 1 2 4 .8 210,.59 -1 0 .63 1 NPLI U? 2.000 1 .2 4 2 1 1 3 .7 211,.11 -9 .87 ? NPLI U? 1 .8 7 5 0.11 2 0 6 6 .5 210.. 92 -9 .96 I C E OUT P I 2 M NPLI US 3 .5 0 0 8 .2 5 2 .3 7 0 .3 3 2 0 7 2 .2 210.. 67 -9 .75 F C 0 Uwo P 2 1 MO NPLI US 8 .8 7 5 1 9 .5 0 2 .1 7 0 .3 9 2 0 6 1 .3 210..16 -1 0 .45 s f NPLI UO 3 .1 2 5 1 .0 3 2 1 0 5 .8 209..98 -10 .70 I P 2 2 MO NPLI US 5 .3 7 5 9 .2 5 1 .7 1 1 .1 6 2 1 2 0 .7 210.. 49 -11 .23 ? NPLI Us 2.000 5 .0 0 2 .5 0 1 .6 0 2 1 4 9 .0 210..35 -11 .46 F NPLI U? 4 .5 0 0 1 .6 0 2 1 6 3 .2 210..18 -11,.51 RF NPLI UO 8 .5 0 0 1 .5 2 2 1 6 7 .1 209..92 -11 .08 F p I H C Q U P ? h 1 MO NPLI Us 1 1.125 2 2 .2 5 2 .0 0 1 .2 8 2 1 4 3 .7 214..68 -8.94 F NPL2 U? 3 .5 0 0 0. 95 2 0 0 8 .1 214..75 -9,.12 F NPL2 U? 3 .2 5 0 1 .0 6 2 0 1 8 .9 214..15 -9, .85 HF NPLI UF488 1 3 .5 0 0 1 .0 7 2 0 6 1 .1 214..10 -10,.49 F p R P CH D NPLI UO 6 0.000 0 .7 5 2 0 9 8 .0 213.,81 -1 0 ,.38 F NPLI UF242 2 .5 0 0 0 .8 5 2 0 9 2 .9 214.,37 -10,.24 ? NPLI UF242 2 .3 7 5 0.88 20 8 4 .4 214..33 -11,.03 RF NPLI UR2 42 1 6 .2 5 0 2 .1 3 2 1 3 1 .9 214..63 -1 1 ,.40 ? NPLI U? 2 .3 7 5 2 .6 1 2 1 5 3 .2 214.,46 -11,.49 ? NPLI U? 2 .6 2 5 2 .5 5 2 1 5 8 .6 214..80 -1 1 ,.81 I A S M C Q TO P 2 3 M NPLI US 7 .0 0 0 1 6 .2 5 2.31 2 .7 4 2 1 7 7 .6 214. 68 -1 2 ,.12 HF NPLI UO 8.000 3 .0 8 2 1 9 6 .6 214.,70 -1 2 ,.23 HF NPLI UO 3 .1 2 5 3 .1 9 2202.0 214..52 -1 2 ,.08 HF NPLI UO 3 .3 7 5 3 .0 6 2 1 9 3 .3 214. 74 -1 2 ..54 VF NPLI UO 3 .8 7 5 3 .4 3 2 2 2 0 .9 214..64 -1 2 .83 HF NPLI UO 7 .3 7 5 3 .6 9 2 2 3 7 .5 214..34 -12 .84 HF NPLI UO 7 .0 0 0 3. 82 2 2 3 8 .0 213..64 -11 .51 F C T 4 O NPLI UO 49.375 1 .8 3 2 1 5 8 .5 213,.68 -11 .23 F p S M C 0 UWX P 2 3 M NPLI UF255 7 .8 7 5 1 8 .7 5 2 .3 1 1 .9 3 2 1 4 2 .0 213..31 -1 0 .66 ? NPLI U? 3 .2 5 0 1 .4 8 2 1 0 8 .0 213..00 -11 .55 RF NPLI UO 13 .7 5 0 2.02 2 1 6 1 .9 212.. 81 -11 .48 RF NPLI UO 8 .1 2 5 2 .0 5 2 1 5 7 .3 212..95 -11 .24 ? NPLI U? 2 .5 0 0 2 .0 5 2 1 4 3 .0 212,. 94 -11 .95 ? NPLI U? 2 .5 0 0 2 1 8 5 .9 213,.00 -12 .07 I P 1 2 M NPLI US 2 .8 7 5 6 .5 0 2 .2 1 2 .7 1 2 1 9 2 .4 213.. 41 -12 .48 F P 4 4 M NPLI US 2 8 .1 2 5 103.00 3.62 3 .3 8 2 2 1 6 .0 213..79 -12 .61 RF NPLI UO 1 1 .2 5 0 3.53 2 2 2 4 .4 213.. 81 -12 .77 ? NPLI U? 2 .7 5 0 3 .6 2 2 2 3 3 .1 213..81 -13 .35 F C T MJ A 3 HA 3 M NPLI US 2 7 .5 0 0 80.00 2.99 3 .9 4 2 2 6 7 .1 213..16 -12 .88 I CO? NPLI UI267 6 .6 2 5 1 3 .5 0 2 .0 8 3 .4 3 2 2 4 0 .3 212..56 -12 .27 RF NPLI UO 6 .8 7 5 2 .5 5 2 2 0 4 .4 212,.47 -12 .69 HF NPLI UO 8 .7 5 0 2.86 2 2 2 9 .0 212..46 -1 2 .78 I NPLI UR270 2 .3 7 5 5 .0 0 2 .1 5 2. 91 2 2 3 4 .4 212..16 -12,.87 HF NPLI UO 1 0.625 2. 96 2 2 4 0 .9 212..51 -13 .02 I P 2 3 M NPLI US 6 .7 5 0 13.00 1.96 3 .1 7 2 2 4 8 .5 212..22 -13,.12 I P I 2 M NPLI US 5.000 1 0 .7 5 2 .1 0 3 .1 4 2 2 5 5 .5 213..17 -13,.39 RF NPLI UO 1 5 .1 2 5 3 .6 0 2 2 7 0 .8 213..35 -13,.89 HF NPLI UO 9 .7 5 0 4 .0 5 2 2 9 9 .9 213..82 -14,.09 HF NPLD UO 7 .2 5 0 4 .0 0 2 3 1 1 .7 214..01 -14,.36 I NPLD US 4.6 2 5 10.00 2.12 4 .1 5 2 3 2 7 .5 214..71 -14,.36 RF NPLD UO 1 1.250 4 .0 6 2 3 2 8 .1 214..73 -14,.60 HF NPLD UO 8 .5 0 0 4 .0 4 2 3 4 2 .3 214..34 -14,.74 RF NPLD UO 6 .8 7 5 4 .2 6 2 3 5 0 .3 214..02 -14,.86 VF NPLD UO 2 .5 0 0 4 .4 7 2 3 5 7 .2 213..34 -14,.62 F ? R M C Q MW A 3 3 M NPLD US 9 .3 7 5 2 4 .5 0 2 .6 3 4 .3 5 2 3 4 2 .5 213., 47 -1 4 ..70 I NPLD UI283 4 .0 0 0 4 .3 7 2 3 4 7 .7 212..80 -14. .37 HF NPLD UO 26 .8 7 5 4 .2 0 2 3 2 8 .0 212. 76 -1 4 ..10 h f NPLD UR285 7 .2 5 0 4.11 2 3 1 2 .8 212.,78 -13. .97 VF NPLD UO 5 .6 2 5 4 .0 9 2 3 0 4 .7 213. 01 -14,.17 hf NPLD UO 3 .8 7 5 4 .1 0 2 3 1 6 .0 212. 84 -1 3 ..48 HF NPLI UO 8 .7 5 0 3 .7 4 2 2 7 5 .4 212. 49 -1 3 ,.30 F A I M C Q ? NPLI US 4 .8 7 5 3 .4 4 2 2 6 5 .3 212. 05 -1 3 ..57 HF NPLI UO 13.500 3 .5 5 2 2 8 2 .8 212. 18 -1 3 ..52 VF NPLI UO 2 .6 2 5 3 .5 3 2 2 7 9 .6 211. 92 -1 3 .,17 RF NPLI UO 3 .1 2 5 3 .1 9 2 2 5 8 .3 211. 84 -1 3 .,25 I NPLI U? 3 .6 2 5 3 .1 2 2 2 6 3 .5 211. 86 -1 3 .,39 VF NPLI UO 4.3 7 5 3 .2 8 2 2 7 2 .7 211. 73 -1 3 .,06 VF NPLI UO 3 .5 0 0 2 .9 8 2 2 5 2 .0 210. 22 -1 1 .,99 F p R P NPLI U? 40.000 1 .8 2 2 1 9 5 .8 210. 42 -1 1 . 90 I NPLI UF298 3 .1 2 5 1 .8 9 21 8 9 .1 210. 05 -1 2 .,61 1 NPLI U? 2 .7 5 0 2.00 2 2 3 2 .6 211. 47 - 1 2 ..84 1 NPLI U? 1 .8 7 5 2 .6 4 22 4 0 .4 210. 65 -1 2 .,87 RF NPLI UO 7 .8 7 5 2 .2 9 22 4 5 .8 210. 43 -1 3 .,15 r f NPLI UO 1 3.000 2 .4 7 22 6 2 .5 210. 81 -1 3 . 50 HF NPLI UO 1 1.125 2 .8 4 2 2 8 1 .9 211.72 -13. 96 HF NPLI UO 8 .1 2 5 3 .7 5 2 3 0 6 .9 211. 50 -1 3 . 97 I C 0 UIw P 2 NPLI US 5 .8 7 5 1 3 .7 5 2 .3 0 3 .6 2 2 3 0 7 .8 211. 81 -1 4 . 21 HF NPLI UO 9 .3 7 5 4 .0 3 23 2 0 .4 212. 51 - 1 4 . 56 RF NPLD UO 4 .3 7 5 4 .3 3 23 3 9 .8 212. 28 -1 4 . 85 VF NPLD UO 5 .8 7 5 4 .5 8 2 3 5 7 .9 211. 46 -1 4 . 18 F C 0 UCW P ? 2 M NPLI US 7 .3 7 5 17.50 2.33 3 .9 5 2 3 1 9 .0 211. 43 -1 4 . 48 HF NPLI UO 6 .7 5 0 4 .1 3 23 3 7 .1 211. 12 - 1 3 . 97 F C 0 IW P 2 3 M NPLI US 6 .8 7 5 1 7 .7 5 2 .5 2 3 .4 2 2 3 0 8 .8 211. 20 - 1 4 . 16 VF NPLI UO 3 .7 5 0 3 .7 9 2 3 1 9 .3 210. 47 - 1 4 . 51 HF 4 O NPLI UO 1 8.750 3 .3 2 2 3 4 2 .6 210. 22 - 1 4 . 62 I NPLI US 3 .1 2 5 3 .2 8 2 3 5 0 .6 209. 98 - 1 3 . 64 F A l p CH D 4 O NPLI UO 4 6.250 2 .7 8 2 2 9 3 .9 210. 35 - 1 3 . 61 I P I 2 M NPLI UF317 2 .3 7 5 6 .2 5 2 .6 2 2 .8 7 2 2 9 0 .3 209. 91 - 1 3 . 91 I P 2 2 M NPLI US 4 .3 7 5 9 .0 0 2 .0 7 2.86 2 3 1 0 .5 209. 71 - 1 3 . 91 F A R M C Q UOw P 1 3 M NPLI UR317 7 .6 2 5 2 0 .0 0 2 .6 3 2.86 2 3 1 1 .1 210. 09 - 1 4 . 25 RF NPLI UO 5 .0 0 0 2 .9 0 2 3 2 9 .7 366

209.82 -14,.39 HF NPLI UO 9.750 2.90 2338.8 209.63 -14,,26 HF NPLI UO 13.750 2.93 2332.5 209.79 -14,,57 I NPLI U? 2.750 2349.4 209.20 -14..32 EF NPLI UO 6.875 2338.8 209.29 -12..08 RF NPLI UO 7.000 2206.4 209.23 -12,.56 I NPLI US 2.625 6.25 2.31 2234.3 209.25 -12,.75 I NPLI US 2.625 5.50 2.05 2.13 2245.8 208.76 -13..11 FAI M C 0 WM A 2 3 M NPLI US 6.250 15.00 2.40 2. 49 2270.7 208.81 -13..26 1 A C E ?U NPLI US 4.375 2.50 2278.3 208.51 -13..78 I A S NPLI US 3.500 2.86 2311.5 208.76 -14..00 VF NPLI UO 4.375 2.91 2322.2 208.78 -14,.21 VF NPLI UO 5.000 2.95 2334.1 208.77 -14,.38 HF NPLI UO 13.125 3.07 2344.6 208.40 -14..14 HF NPLI UO 7.250 2.91 2333.6 208.41 -14,.11 I NPLI UF335 2.500 2.93 2331.3 207.39 -11..17 FA H M CH D 4 O HR UO 73.750 0.99 2167.6 206.75 -11..57 F A W M CV D 4 O HR UR337 28.750 1.06 2197.4 207.09 -11,.17 1 C E MW G 2 3 M HR UF337 5.625 11.50 2.04 1.07 2170.4 206.99 -11,.32 ? HR UF337 3.000 0.93 2180.6 208.33 -11,.22 F A R M P 1 2 M NPLI US 7.750 15.25 1.98 1.09 2162.4 208.23 -11,.30 ? NPLI U? 2.125 1.09 2167.2 208.38 -11,.70 VF NPLI UO 8.125 1.23 2190.6 207.97 -12,.16 F ? RM P 2 2 M NPLI US 9. 875 22.50 2.28 1.67 2220.9 208.14 -12..61 HF NPLI UO 13.250 2.35 2245.6 208.04 -13,.08 ? 2 M NPLI US 5.500 11.00 2.00 2.85 2273.8 207.66 -12..37 HF NPLI UO 4.125 2.15 2235.1 207.54 -12,.38 1 NPLI U? 2.375 2.11 2236.5 207.22 -12..60 HF NPLD UO 6.500 2.60 2252.0 207.45 -12..99 F A I M 2 M NPLD US 6.500 15.00 2.38 3.16 2273.9 207.22 -13..17 7 NPLD U? 3.250 2285.7 207.12 -14 .08 VF NPLD UO 6.250 3.09 2340.1 206.78 -13,.71 HF NPLD UO 21.250 2.86 2321.0 206.77 -13,.83 ? NPLD UF352 2.500 2.84 2328.9 206. 91 -13,.13 s NPLD U? 1.875 2.52 2286.4 206.55 -13,.29 ? NPLD U? 2.500 2.44 2299.0 206.68 -12,.36 b NPLD U? 3.375 1.97 2243.4 206.48 -12..53 s NPLD U? 2.250 2.24 2255.8 206.29 -12..47 I NPLD US 2.625 2.09 2254.8 206.26 -12..12 F A S M 3 O NPLD UO 5.000 2.00 2234.7 206.01 -12,.14 I 2 M NPLD US 3.875 2.03 2238.7 205.90 -12,.15 I NPLD U? 4.375 2.00 2240.8 206.39 -12,.97 F P I M P 3 3 M NPLD US 8.750 20.00 2.26 2.16 2282.1 206.15 -12..61 ? A 1 2 H NPLD US 3.375 6.50 1.96 2.33 2275.4 205.80 -12..42 HF NPLD UO 15.625 2.00 2256.7 205.74 -12.,72 HF NPLD UO 9.375 2.14 2274.4 205.81 -13.,28 I NPLD U? 3.875 2.39 2306.4 205.71 -13,.32 VF NPLD UO 5.375 2.43 2310.7 206.25 -13..60 HF P 4 O NPLD UO 33.750 2.60 2320.0 206.32 -13,.71 ? 2 M NPLD UF3S9 2.000 2.75 2326.8 205.89 -13,.79 ? NPLD U? 2.750 2.75 2335.6 206.38 -9 ..93 RF NPLI UO 15.625 2105.9 206.56 -10..46 F A I P 4 O NPLI UO 42.500 0.91 2134.8 206.70 -10.,24 ? NPLI UF373 2.125 0.93 2120.0 206.51 -11..10 7 NPLI U? 2.875 0.96 2172.1 206.39 -11.,23 HF NPLI UO 7.750 1.01 2181.6 205.90 -11.,08 HF NPLD UO 14.375 1.09 2178.5 205.77 -10.,52 1 NPLI US 3.250 6.00 1.86 1.02 2147.6 205.61 -10.,32 F A IP NPLI UO 18.500 0.93 2137.3 205.34 -10.,18 7 NPLI U? 2.750 0.95 2132.2 205.99 -11..64 VF NPLD UO 6.875 1.40 2209.9 205.86 -11.,75 HF NPLD UO 9.500 1.72 2217.4 205.62 -11..34 VF NPLD UO 7.875 1.11 2196.0 205.47 -10,.85 > NPLD US 2.500 1.01 2169.9 205.05 -10 .63 HF NPLD UO 35.625 0.91 2162.0 205.03 -10 .87 HF NPLD UR38 6 18.750 0.96 2176.9 204.75 -10 .50 VF NPLD UO 5.875 0. 97 2158.8 205.30 -11 .55 HF W 3 O NPLD UO 20.000 1.27 2212.3 204.83 -11 .08 HF NPLD UO 11.500 0.96 2191.0 204.94 -11 .36 F 7 R H P 2 3 M NPLD US 9.000 23.00 2.56 0.94 2206.0 204.74 -11 .31 F A R M P 3 2 M NPLD US 8.750 27.50 3.13 0.92 2205.3 204.84 -11 .50 RF NPLD UO 11.875 1.06 2215.7 205.35 -12 .18 RF NPLD UO 15.000 1.98 2248.4 205. 49 -12 .75 9 NPLD US 1.875 2.13 2279.6 204.97 -12 .43 7 NPLD U? 2.625 2.02 2267.5 205.02 -12 .69 i NPLD U? 9.375 2.10 2281.4 204.88 -12 .61 7 NPLD U? 2.375 2.16 2278.7 204.78 -12 .07 RF NPLD UO 9.875 2.12 2249.0 204.62 -12 .13 RF NPLD UO 10.625 2.46 2254.3 204.57 -11 .98 7 NPLI U? 3.750 2.25 2246.5 204.58 -10 .05 F P SP 4 O NPLI UO 38.750 0.94 2135.5 204.87 -9 .83 7 NPLI U? 3.000 2118.3 204.50 -10 .26 7 NPLI UF4 01 3.000 2148.2 204.34 -9 .66 1 2 M NPLI US 3.000 2116.6 204.16 -9 .48 RF NPLI UO 6.250 2108.8 203.46 -9 .63 F A IM 4 O NPLI UO 39.375 2127. 8 203.96 -10 .74 F NPLD U? 4.375 10.00 2.26 2183.2 204.43 -11 .10 IA SM P 1 2 M NPLD US 4.625 8.50 1.88 2197.3 203.23 -9 .97 HF NPLI UR407 19.375 2150.6 203.10 -9 .87 F A RM P ? 1 M NPLI UR411 8.750 39.50 4.54 2147.5 204.14 -11 .26 VF W NPLD UO 4.625 2211.5 203.22 -11 .13 F 7 R M P 2 HO NPLD US 18.750 58.25 3.17 2217.8 202.79 -10 .67 HF NPLD UO 15.000 2197.0 202.74 -10 .94 r f NPLD UO 10.125 2213.5 202.94 -11 .12 RF NPLD UO 15.000 2220.8 203.03 -11,.93 HF NPLD UO 23.125 2265.1 202.82 -11,.96 -9 NPLD U? 2.875 2.10 2270.8 202.61 -12 .08 F A 7 P C D NPLD UO 15.000 2.18 2280.1 202.65 -12 .56 HF P C D NPLD UO 11.875 2.34 2307.9 203.97 -12 .29 ? NPLD U? 2. 000 2.66 2272.2 203.56 -12 .50 F A I M C D WOIse P 1 2 MO NPLD US 6.250 15.00 2.40 2.71 2290.8 203.55 -12,.68 HF NPLD UO 11.675 2.76 2300.3 204.20 -12,.35 I NPLD Us 3.875 7.50 1.95 2.62 2272.0 < 204.00 -12,.86 RF O NPLD UO 50.000 2.86 2304.3 204. 45 -12,.98 VF NPLD UO 6.250 2.90 2305.1 204.72 -13..19 F P I N C I UJmse P 3 2 MO NPLD UR431 14.375 2.55 2314.5 204.55 -13,.23 RF NPLD UO 24.375 2.71 2318.2 204.83 -13..38 RF NPLD UO 16.875 2.65 2323.4 204.39 -13..31 7 NPLD US 2.625 2.96 2325.0 205.07 -13..84 7 NPLD U? 3.000 2347.0 204.88 -13..74 7 NPLD US 2.000 5.00 2.50 2.81 2344.2 204.48 -13..64 I A I M C Q UO P 2 2 M NPLD US 6.125 16.25 2.63 2.95 2343.5 204.46 -14..01 F A R M CD U? NPLD U? 8.625 3.09 2364.4 203.90 -13,.59 HF P C D 4 O NPLD UO 19.125 2.94 2348.3 204.24 -14..26 HF NPLD UO 26.250 2. 97 2382.7 203.50 -13..19 HF NPLD UO 12.875 2.99 2330.6 203.51 -13..13 I P 1 2 M NPLD UF439 2.000 3.75 1.85 2.95 2327.8 203.56 -13,.21 I NPLD UF439 2.250 2.95 2331.5 203.51 -13..36 F A R M C 0 OW P 7 2 MO NPLD US 5.875 12.50 2.18 2.96 2340.6 203.16 -12..92 HF P C D 4 O NPLD UO 13.750 2.71 2320.5 203.01 -12..66 VF NPLD UO 15.000 2.50 2307.5 202.96 -12..77 I P 1 1 M NPLD UF444 2.500 6.25 2.50 2.69 2314.9 202.75 -12..82 F A;f R P 2 3 M NPLD US 8.125 18.75 2.38 2.56 2320.5 202.92 -12., 95 I P 1 2 M NPLD US 3.500 9.00 2.51 2.66 2325.6 203.01 -13..67 HF NPLD UO 4.625 2.95 2365.3 202.88 -13..64 FA IM P 7 2 M NPLD US 6.000 15.00 2.50 2.95 2365.5 203.03 -13..87 7 NPLD U? 2.500 3.05 2376.7 205.11 -6,,41 UF AML O 10.000 -0 . 44 1919.0 205.37 -6.,61 F A SM 2 M AML S 2.500 5.25 2.10 -0.30 1926.8 367

206. 66 -6 . 79 I AML S 3.250 7.25 2.21 -0 .1 8 1920.3 205. 74 -8 .,06 I C Q WO P 3 NPLI TS 6.500 16.75 2.57 0.08 2005.9 205. 37 -8 . ,01 HF NPLI TO 12.500 0.06 2007.7 205. 40 -7 .,90 7 NPLI T7 2.375 0.06 2000.3 205. 37 -8 . ,23 rf NPLI UO 4.375 0.10 2020.3 205. 34 -8..94 F C I Usem P 3 2 MO NPLI US 17.500 67.50 3.87 0.54 2061.2 205. 69 -9 .,05 I C Q O P ? 2 M NPLI US 3.000 6.25 2.03 0.42 2063.7 205. 62 -9 ..13 I C 0 NPLI UCR 6.125 0.57 2068.7 205. 10 -9 . ,08 7 NPLI U? 2.000 0.79 2072.8 204. 84 -9 . ,07 sf NPLI U? 2.375 0.83 2075.5 204. 64 -9 .,08 I NPLI UO 4.000 0.98 2078.3 204. 70 -9 .,53 HF NPLI UO 9.625 1.00 2103.2 204. 26 -9 .,10 F C I P C T BseJM P 4 1A 3 MO NPLI US 23.750 90.00 3.79 0.96 2085.6 204. 08 -8.,90 I NPLI UA466 4.000 0.80 2076.0 205. 03 -8 ,,42 VF NPLI UO 8.125 0.35 2035.8 205.,08 -8..69 VF NPLI UO 19.375 0.59 2050.1 204. 75 -8..62 VF NPLI UO 16.000 0.53 2050.8 204.,67 -8 ..15 of APK TO 19.500 0.33 2025.8 205. 30 -6..85 F P I M C l BMJ APK TS 13.750 51.25 3.77 -0 .2 3 1941.4 205. 45 -6,.87 RF APK T7 3.500 -0.23 1940.1 205.,42 -6,,97 7 APK T? 3.625 -0 .2 6 1946.7 205.,25 -7..46 uf APK TO 11.250 -0.04 1977.8 205..14 -7..57 I APK TS 5.125 11.25 2.15 -0 .0 5 1985.2 204.,92 -7..65 7 APK TS 2.875 6.25 2.14 -0 .0 5 1992.2 204.,63 -7..75 BF APK TO 3.750 0.0S 2002.5 204.,58 -7,.58 7 APK TS 3.875 9.00 2.33 -0 .0 3 1993.6 204., 80 -6..61 F A I M CH 0 UWm P 3 AML TS 8.500 23.75 2.74 -0 .5 5 1935.1 204..07 -8,.33 1 P 1 APK TS 2.250 5.00 2.22 0.58 2044.1 203., 10 -6,.93 BF AML O 2.625 -0 .3 3 1980.7 202.,93 -7..79 7 APS T7 3.875 0.13 2032.0 203. 16 -8..80 F NPLI Ts 12.250 30.00 2.49 0.88 2085.1 202.,87 -8. .82 RF APK TO 16.250 0.80 2091.8 202.,68 -9..43 I NPLI U? 6.125 1.07 2129.2 213., 98 -9..64 RF NPLI UO 55.000 1.09 2048.4 213.. 85 -7,.26 OF NPLD UO 41.875 0.22 1907.3 211.,38 -8..40 I C D TW P 7 2 MO NPLD US 8.125 18.75 2.38 0.02 1978.0 206., 63 -6..23 I C Q HI P ? H 3 M APK TS 5.625 17.50 3.11 - 0,20 1888.6 202.,15 -15..63 F CB D 4 O NPLI UO 31.875 2.93 2490.6 202..28 -15..42 7 NPLI UR1 3.125 2.98 2476.3 202..52 -15..38 e f NPLI U? 7.500 2.94 2470.6 201.,12 -15,.18 I NPLI US 5.750 14.50 2.52 2.70 2480.5 201..16 -15..75 EF NPLD UO 8.750 2.53 2512.6 201..01 -15..96 I C E Ow P 2 3 M NPLD US 4.250 8.75 2.09 2.23 2526.1 201..53 -16..09 F C 0 UWO P 2 2 M NPLD US 8.125 16.25 2.00 2. 48 2525.2 202.,20 -16..17 7 NPLD U? 2.500 2.82 2520.1 202.,26 -16..47 F C Q UMWI P 2 NPLD US 5.750 16.00 2.73 2536.5 202..25 -16,.69 I O? NPLD US 3.000 6.25 2.03 2.97 2549.6 201..66 -16..50 F C Q 7 NPLD U? 6.125 2.24 2547.0 201..10 -16..22 HF NPLD UO 7.750 2.16 2540.7 200..93 -16,.21 HF NPLD UO 11.250 2.12 2542.8 201..19 -16..34 VF NPLD UO 6.250 2.06 2545.2 202. 46 -17..26 HF NPLD UO 37.250 3.26 2578.2 202.,31 -17..46 HF NPLD UO 36.875 3.25 2592.0 202.,36 -17..82 I NPLD U? 2.625 3.10 2612.9 202.,11 -17..36 I 2 M NPLD UF20 3.250 8.00 2.42 3.12 2589.8 200.,93 -16..98 F 4 O NPLD UO 58.750 1.92 2585.9 201.,26 -16..97 7 NPLD U7 3.250 1.93 2580.6 201.,31 -17,.41 7 NPLD U7 2.625 2.06 2604.8 201..02 -17..94 HF NPLD UO 13.750 2.22 2638.2 200.,88 -17..82 HF NPLD UO 14.750 2.14 2634.2 200. 73 -15,.31 sf NPLI U? 2.250 2.43 2494.5 200.,53 -16..10 I P 1 2 M NPLI US 3.625 6.75 1.82 2.04 2542.3 200 .21 -16 .52 1 A S M C O IN P 2 3 M NPLI VJSvr 4.500 10.50 2.33 2.00 2571.8 200 .37 -16 .73 7 NPLI U? 2.625 2.02 2581.0 200 .22 -16 .80 VF NPLI UO 10.625 2587.9 200 .12 -16 .88 s NPLI U? 2.250 2593.1 199 .97 -16 .69 I NPLI U? 3.375 2585.0 200..33 -17 .12 I NPLI UO 3.375 2.01 2603.9 200 . 40 -17 .81 F C 0 7UI} P 2 NPLD USO 5.375 13.00 2.49 2.13 2641.1 200,.43 -17 .92 U C D 71) NPLD U? 6. 875 2.19 2647.4 199 .81 -17 .08 s NPLI U? 2.500 2.04 2610.2 199 .70 -17 .47 RF NPLI UO 4.875 2.04 2634.8 199 . 61 -17 .32 VF NPLI UO 7.500 2.06 2627.1 199 .98 -16 .35 I A S M C Q IW 2 M NPLI US 3.500 10.00 2.87 1.91 2566.9 199..51 -15,.98 U 3 O NPLI UO 12.500 1.84 2553.1 199..70 -16 .51 VF NPLI UO 9.375 1.98 2580.2 199,.51 -16 .51 VF NPLI UO 10.625 1.97 2583.2 199,.56 -16 .77 HF NPLI UO 12.750 2.02 2597.1 199. .47 -16 .94 7 NPLI U? 2.625 2.09 2608.5 200..51 -15 .29 RF NPLI UO 13.125 2.39 2497.9 200,.15 -15 .83 I NPLI U? 2.250 2.01 2534.6 199.. 91 -15 .20 ef NPLI U? 2.250 1.91 2502.3 199, .71 -15 .77 F CH D 3 O NPLI UO 19.500 1.86 2538.1 199,. 91 -16 .10 F C I UWM 3 MO NPLI US 11.250 29.75 2.64 1.92 2553.7 198,. 96 -15 .41 F C T SE 4 O NPLI UOS 26.500 1.24 2532.1 198..71 -15,.69 I NPLI U7 2.500 2552.0 198. .86 -16 .18 s NPLI U? 2.250 1 2577.4 198 .33 -15,.98 F P i p C T USEMW P 3 HA 3 MO NPLI US 19.750 70.00 3.54 1 2576.9 198 . 59 -16 .56 I NPLI UO 2.750 1 2603.3 198,.43 -16 .72 7 NPLI U? 2.375 1 81 2615. 9 198,. 17 -16 .63 I OTU P 1 2 M NPLI US 2.750 5.25 1.99 1.66 2615.1 197,.77 -16,.31 7 OTU P 1 1 M NPLI US 2.750 5.75 2.01 1.27 2605.7 198..38 -16 .97 7 NPLI U? 2.250 1.99 2630.6 198..18 -17 .34 HF NPLI UO 27.500 1.95 2654.8 197, .22 -16..17 hf NPLI UO 7.625 1.08 2609.6 197, .07 -16,.57 s NPLI U? 1.875 1.14 2634.9 196, .58 -16,.71 1 C O UO 2 M NPLI US 3.625 6.25 1.74 1.00 2652.4 196..88 -17. .01 I C 0 uw 2 M NPLI US 5.000 10.00 2.00 1.10 2662.4 197. .05 -17..26 I C 0 U7 NPLI US? 4.250 1.28 2672.1 197..26 -17..34 RF NPLI UO 11.250 1.30 2672.6 197..17 -17. ,47 I NPLI U? 5.250 1.32 2681.6 197. .84 -17,.71 S NPLI U? 2.125 1.71 2681.9 197..63 -15..06 F P W P CH D NPLI UO 106.250 0.98 2539.3 197..43 -15..17 sf S UF72 2.500 0.99 2549.5 197..29 -15..59 ef S UFR72 3.375 1.05 2575.9 197..28 -15,,72 ef S UFR72 3.125 1.00 2583.5 197..22 -15,.69 ef S UFR72 3.625 1.00 2582.5 196,.59 -15. .13 EF NPLI UR72 5.375 0.96 2565.6 195. .69 -15..09 I A 2 3 M NPLI US 4.875 10.00 2.01 0.99 2583.6 196..29 -15..50 HF 3 O NPLI UO 26.250 0.96 2592.5 196..35 -15..66 F NPLI UF810 3.625 1.00 2599.5 195..32 -14..98 F A I M C l MWj A 3 4 M NPLI US 9.000 26.25 2.97 0.86 2586.7 195. ,03 -15,,23 S HPL3 UCHO 2.000 0.96 2606.5 195. ,21 -15.,48 ? P 1 O 2 M HPL3 UCH 2.125 5.00 2.33 1.07 2615.2 196.,57 -16.,16 F NPLI U? 2.875 1.08 2622.2 196. 45 -16. 26 F C 0 UCW P 2 3 MO NPLI US 7.875 17.50 2.22 1.05 2630.7 196..22 -16.,71 F C 0 7UI NPLI USO 4.500 9.25 2.06 0.94 2659. 4 194. 44 -15. 46 EF NPLI UO 9.750 0.96 2632.6 194. 69 -16. 21 F 4 O NPLI UO 53.750 1.02 2667.3 194. 44 -15. 95 7 NPLI UFR90 3.750 1.04 2659.5 194. 63 -16. 23 7 NPLI UF90O 2.500 1.01 2669.1 194. 58 -16. 10 F NPLI UF90O 2.250 1.06 2663.9 194. 63 -16. 81 F 2 MO NPLI US 7.750 15.50 2.00 0.99 2700.7 195. 28 -16. 72 EF 3 O HCH UO 9. 000 1.01 2681.3 195. 23 -17.57 I CO? NPLI US 4.125 9.75 2.34 1.02 2728.0 195. 76 -17. 87 F C D 3 O NPLI UO 21.250 1.04 2733.5 193. 65 -16. 42 F CH D 4 VO NPLI UO 78.750 0. 97 2703.5 193. 92 -15. 87 7 NPLI UF98 2.875 0.92 2667.9 368

193. 46 -16.11 ITU F 2 3 M NPLI UF98 3.250 8.50 2.65 1.03 2691.9 193.47 -16.37 C 0 MW A 2 3 M NPLI UF98 6.500 14.50 2.21 1.09 2704.9 193. 64 -16.51 NPLI UF98 2.625 5.25 2.00 0.95 2708.0 193.47 -16.58 NPLI UF98 2.000 0. 98 2716.9 193.61 -16.88 S M 1 M NPLI UF98 2.750 5.75 2.01 0. 99 2728.0 193.29 -16.86 S M 2 M NPLI UF98 1.875 4.75 2.53 1.00 2735.2 193. 08 -16.70 NPLI UO 5.000 1.09 2732.9 192.94 -16.41 NPLI 6.750 1.07 2720.8 193.98 -15.57 NPLI 4.250 0.81 2649.0 193.42 -15.23 NPLI 3.750 0.15 2645.2 192.94 -15.38 S M C Q ?U P 7 2 M NPLI 4.250 9.50 2.25 0.57 2665.7 192.93 -15.74 S M C 0 UMW P 3 3 MO NPLI 7.625 18.00 2.31 1.07 2685.5 192.51 -15.35 NPLI 2.125 1. 05 2675.0 192.64 -1 6 .0 9 F A S P CV D NPLI 17.500 1.09 2710.5 192.53 -16.03 NPLI 2.625 5.00 1.95 1.08 2710.0 191.85 -15.55 CH D 4 O NPLI 58.125 0.96 2703.8 192.33 -15.54 C D UWm P 3 3 MO NPLI UR116 7.875 21.25 2.68 0.98 2689.9 191.41 -15.84 CH Q MW A 2 3 M NPLI UF116 5.250 10.50 2.00 0.99 2730.8 191.51 -1 5 .1 6 NPLI UR1160 4.000 0.98 2691.7 193.29 -1 7 .1 9 NPL2 5.375 12.50 2.36 0.98 2753.2 192.81 -17.61 NPL2 7.625 0.98 2787.5 192.16 -17.01 NPL2 1.875 0.99 2771.7 191.22 -15.34 NPLI 13.125 0.98 2709.3 190.52 -15.43 NPLI 7.500 1.02 2733.2 189.98 -14.98 NPLI UO 6.000 0.99 2725.0 189.80 -14.94 NPLI UO 4.750 1.00 2728.4 190.59 -15.97 NPLI UR139 4.875 1.00 2759.6 190.19 -16.05 1 MO NPLI UR139 4.250 8.50 2.00 1.02 2774.8 190.89 -1 6 .9 5 HR UF139 2.750 0.99 2801.6 1 9 0 .57 -1 7 .0 6 C E OTW A 1 3 M HR UF139 4.500 9.25 2.06 2816.9 190.51 -1 7 .1 9 HR UF139 2.625 1.00 2824.7 190.03 -16.40 OTW P 1 1 M HR UF139 2.875 6.25 2.14 1.03 2796.7 189.78 -16.28 NPLI UR139 4.250 1 06 2797.0 190.57 -16.74 F A W p 4 VO NPLI 96.250 1 2799.8 189.69 -14.90 NPLI 2.500 1 00 2729.8 189.83 -15.57 NPLI 7.500 1 2759.8 189.86 -15.28 NPLI 2.125 1.05 2744.8 188.63 -14.97 NPLI 3.250 0.94 2764.4 188.53 -15.35 C D UWm NPLI 7.875 17.50 2.22 0.90 2786.8 188.24 -15.08 ?u NPLI 2.375 5.75 2.41 0.93 2781.8 189. 48 -1 5 .7 9 C D U NPLI 4.250 8.50 2.00 1.08 2781.4 188.82 -15.77 NPL2 8.750 1.08 2799.5 188.78 -1 5 .9 9 NPL2 8.000 1.04 2811.8 189.53 -16.68 7 NPLI 4.625 0. 99 2825.7 188.29 -1 5 .8 6 C I MW NPLI 10.500 29.25 2.76 1.20 2819.3 187.89 -15.54 NPLI 18.750 1.14 2815.3 187.80 -1 5 .6 6 NPLI UR152 8.500 1.21 2824.6 188.03 -1 5 .5 6 C 0 OUw A 2 2 M NPLI UF152 3.625 8.50 2.35 1.09 2812.1 188.01 -1 5 .4 6 NPLI UR152 2.000 1.01 2807.9 187.65 -1 5 .1 6 OW A 2 3 M NPLI 4.000 8.00 2.00 1.06 2803.2 187.13 -15.33 NPLI 5.125 1.31 2828.0 186.72 -1 5 .0 9 NPLI 6.875 1.25 2829.2 186.96 -15.45 NPLI 9.625 1.31 2839.3 187.28 -15.80 NPLI 2.250 1.51 2846.7 187.46 -1 5 .9 9 CH Q MW 3 M NPLI 9.750 25.00 2.54 1.50 2850.8 186.74 -16.35 NPLI 10.625 1.99 2890.1 186.32 -1 5 .6 9 C T 4 O NPLI 32.500 1.65 2871.0 185.95 -15.03 NPLI 28.125 0.85 2850.5 202.41 -18.52 NPLD 11.875 3.23 2651.7 201.84 -18.54 NPLD 8.875 2.94 2660.1 202.50 -19.51 NPLD 105.000 3.01 2707.1 202.27 -19.62 S 3.000 3.03 2716.4 200.69 -18.32 NPLD 10.000 2.34 2665.0 200. 48 -18.90 1 M NPLD 3.500 7.50 2.13 2.56 2701.3 200.86 -19.08 F 7 R D CO MWU P 3 2 M NPLD 7.750 16.25 2.07 2.72 2706.7 200.74 -19.22 NPLD 10.500 2.77 2715.8 200.38 -19.95 NPLD 2.875 2.63 2763.4 200.06 -1 9 .6 9 NPLD 2.500 2.62 2753.1 200.13 -19.27 NPLI 20.625 2.56 2728.1 200.10 -19.27 NPLI 1.875 2.46 2729.0 200.08 -1 8 .9 9 F P I M C l MWO A 2 NPLI 11.125 25.00 2.27 2.47 2713.9 199.89 -19.07 NPLI 8.125 2.33 2721.4 200.42 -1 8 .4 9 NPLD 2.000 2.32 2679.7 200.29 -18.32 NPLI 2.500 2.21 2672.6 200.37 -18.14 NPLD 10.250 2.23 2660.7 199.80 -17.85 NPLI 2.125 2.08 2653.4 199.78 -18.01 C E MW 2 M NPLI 5.875 11.25 1.95 2.03 2663.0 199. 44 -17.91 NPLI 2.750 2.02 2663.5 198. 96 -17.25 CH D 4 O NPLI 26.875 2.00 2635.4 199.28 -17.39 NPLI 2.375 2.07 2637.9 198.78 -17.05 NPLI 1.875 2.08 2627.9 198.91 -17.72 NPLI 7.500 2.06 2662.5 198.93 -1 7 .9 6 NPLI 15.000 2.02 2675.3 199.44 -18.38 NPLI 13.750 2689.8 199.59 -18.73 NPLI 11.125 2.22 2707.0 199.42 -18.95 NPLI 1.875 2.15 2722.9 199.01 -1 8 .7 6 C D 3 O NPLI 12.250 2.07 2718.5 198.70 -18.53 C Q OUT 3 M NPLI 2.625 2711.0 198.70 -18.82 NPLI 3.125 2727.3 198.92 -1 9 .2 6 NPLI 11.375 2748.9 198.91 -19.24 NPLI 2.500 2747.5 199.07 -19.32 NPLI 12.500 2749.4 199.21 -19.54 4 O NPLI 24.375 2.37 2759.0 199.12 -19.51 I A C Q OUT P 1 3 M NPLI UF202 2.625 5.50 2.05 2.29 2758.6 199.09 -19.73 F A SC 0 UO P 1 2 MO NPLI UR202 4.750 9.25 1.97 2.39 2771.4 198.47 -19.90 F A I P CC D 3 O HCH 19.250 2.18 2792.4 198.21 -18.92 COD? 2 M HCH 3.500 6.00 1.74 1.99 2742.5 198.08 -18.11 7 NPLI 5.250 1.96 2699.3 196.35 -17.09 C 0 WUm P 2 3 M NPLI 5.500 11.75 2.16 0.95 2677.5 196.19 -1 7 .0 9 NPLI 3.500 2681.7 196.58 -1 7 .2 9 COO A 1 NPLI 2.500 5.75 2.30 2683.8 196.44 -17.48 HCH 3.750 2697.4 197.21 -1 7 .7 6 NPLI 15.500 1.31 2696.7 197.36 -17.84 NPLI 5.250 1.46 2698.0 197.68 -18.28 HCH UCH 5.250 1.79 2716.3 197.80 -18.27 HCH UOCH 2.125 1.86 2713.7 197.62 -18.43 HCH UOCH 9.375 1.80 2726.2 197.67 -18.68 NPLI 6.500 1.99 2738.4 197.64 -18.85 NPLI 4.250 2.05 2748.6 197.40 -18.97 I A S M CQ UMW A 3 3 M NPLI 7.500 23.75 3.17 1.92 2760.4 197.88 -18.97 NPLI 2.375 2.08 2751.9 197.76 -19.14 4 O NPLI 16.750 2.07 2762.2 197.79 -19.44 NPLI 4.375 1.98 2778.6 197.50 -19.79 4 O NPLI 15.875 1.99 2803.9 197.56 -19.67 C Q UO? 2 M NPLI 5.500 10.25 1.84 1.97 2796.8 197.21 -19.25 OUT 3 M NPLI 2.375 5.25 2.21 1.97 2779.5 196.90 -19.83 NPLI 9.500 2.04 2817.2 196.51 -18.25 NPLI 6.500 1.17 2738.0 196.40 -18.24 HCH UOCH 3.250 1.00 2739.2 196.42 -18.41 HCH UCH 3.750 6.25 1.67 1.29 2748.6 196.82 -18.91 NPLI 15.000 1.83 2768.1 196.68 -18.75 NPLI 8.250 1.69 2762.9 196.39 -18.67 F A R D CC D 2 O HCH 11.500 1.45 2763.8 195.95 -18.46 2 M NPLI 4.250 1.17 2761.9 195.92 -18.65 NPLI 6.250 1.37 2772.4 195.77 -18.52 NPLI 10.000 1.22 2768.8 195.79 -18.38 NPLI 12.375 1.16 2760.0 196.03 -18.98 NPLI 2.875 1.68 2788.5 369

195. 97 -1 9 .3 9 CH I NPLI UO 13.250 2812.1 195. 91 -19.28 SC D NPLI UR242 3.875 2807.1 195. 52 -18.92 NPL2 UO 13.125 2795.8 195. 35 -1 9 .0 6 NPL2 UO 6.625 2806.6 195. 33 -19.78 NPL2 UO 6.250 2846.5 193. 79 -17.20 NPLI U7 2.500 2741.0 194. 24 -17.57 C 0 OU P 1 2 M NPLI US 3.125 6.75 2.10 0.93 2750.9 194. 32 -1 7 .6 9 C Q OT P 1 2 M NPLI US 3.250 8.00 2.42 0.91 2755.1 194. 57 -17.81 NPLI U? 3.250 0.92 2756.5 194. 71 -18.08 C 0 UWO NPL2 US 9.125 25.00 2.70 1.03 2767.0 195. 07 -18.73 NPL2 U7 2.375 1.45 2795.2 194. 78 -18.55 UOT 2 M NPL2 US 3.375 7.50 2.22 1.30 2791.3 194 81 -18.75 4 O NPL2 UO 14.750 1.58 2801.2 195. 12 -18.93 NPL2 UO 7.375 1.62 2804.3 195. 02 -1 9 .1 6 F A I M C O UW NPL2 US 9.750 25.00 2.54 1.84 2819.3 194, 51 -18.78 NPL2 UO 11.750 1.55 2810.2 194, 49 -18.94 C E UW P 2 2 M NPL2 UR259 4.250 8.75 2.09 1.71 2819.4 194, 37 -18.85 C 0 WU P 2 2 M NPL2 US 7.000 17.50 2.50 1.65 2817.6 194 30 -19.61 4 O NPL2 UO 35.000 2.09 2859.0 194, 16 -19.34 NPL2 UR262 2.750 1.94 2848.1 194 41 -1 9 .6 6 3 M NPL2 UF262 3.500 2.05 2860.8 194. 65 -19.63 NPL2 UR262 4.875 2.00 2853.8 193 42 -17.45 4 O NPLI UO 28.125 0.98 2763.6 193 61 -17.74 NPL2 UO 17.875 1.02 2774.3 194 09 -1 7 .8 6 NPL2 U? 3.375 0.92 2770.0 193 91 -18.45 NPL2 UO 5.750 1.23 2805.5 194 14 -18.23 NPL2 UO 5.375 1.18 2788.8 193 58 -1 8 .3 9 NPL2 UO 7.500 1.13 2810.2 193 69 -1 8 .8 9 NPL2 UO 8.625 1.41 2834.4 193 51 -1 8 .5 9 I A S M C E WlHU A 2 NPL2 US 3.750 1.23 2822.0 193 28 -18.53 NPL2 U7 3.750 1.12 2825.1 193, 18 -1 8 .5 6 NPL2 UR276 9.125 1.09 2828.9 193, 05 -18.42 NPL2 UO 25.000 1.03 2824.1 193, 94 -19.22 F p I M C l UMW P 3 NPL2 US 9.125 22.00 2.41 1.70 2846.9 193. 78 -19.10 NPL2 UO 7.625 1.69 2843.7 193. 75 -19.31 NPL2 U? 2.500 1.78 2855.9 193. 56 -1 9 .5 9 NPL2 U? 2.500 1.78 2875.3 193. 00 -19.01 NPL2 U7 2.375 1.27 2857.6 192. 60 -18.40 F P I P CD WUJMB P 4 L 3 MO NPL2 US 12.250 42.50 3.49 1.00 2834.4 192. 28 -17.93 NPL2 UO 12.625 0.98 2817.8 191. 44 -17.24 NPLI U? 2.875 2802.7 192. 33 -18.24 NPL2 U? 2.250 0.98 2832.8 192. 09 -18.20 NPL2 U7 2.375 0.99 2836.3 192. 23 -18.35 F p I H C Q UW 1 M NPL2 US 6.500 15.00 2.38 2840.9 192. 38 -18.91 OT P I 2 M NPL2 US 2.125 4.50 2.18 1.08 2866.5 192. 25 -19.28 NPL2 UO 16.000 06 2889.1 192. 41 -19.78 C Q WHO A 2 3 M NPL2 US 3.750 8.25 2.20 1.60 2912.9 191. 86 -19.42 NPL2 UO 15.625 1.11 2906.0 191. 47 -19.30 C O W n A 2 3 M NPL2 US 4.750 10.00 2.15 1.06 2910.4 191. 12 -19.90 NPL2 U7 3.500 1.76 2950.9 191. 71 -18.13 CH T UWMSE P 4 A 2 MO NPL2 US 25.625 78.75 3.03 1.00 2842.2 191. 25 -1 8 .0 6 NPL2 UO 11.250 1.02 2850.3 190. 81 -17.77 NPLI UO 17.500 1.05 2846.6 190. 87 -17.95 NPL2 UO 5.500 1.02 2854.8 191 51 -18.34 NPL2 UO 10.250 1.00 2858.8 190. 36 -17.75 C T UMJ P 4 HA NPLI USCR 15.250 58.75 3.82 1.00 2857.0 190. 36 -18.28 C O sh? NPL2 UF304 4.875 0.97 2885.8 190. 66 -18.27 CB D 4 VO NPL2 UO 51.250 0. 93 2876.2 191. 43 -18.81 C D 4 O NPL2 UO 30.250 1.04 2885.8 190. 72 -1 8 .9 9 NPL2 U7 3.500 1.17 2912.3 190. 24 -19.01 NPL2 UO 8.750 1.34 2926.1 190. 20 -19.17 NPL2 UO 3.000 1.52 2935.1 190. .37 -19.34 NPL2 UO 3.375 1.43 2940.4 190, ,67 -19.61 NPL2 UO 3.750 1.53 2946.4 190, .60 -19.86 NPL2 UO 9.375 1.85 2961.6 189, .59 -17.21 4 O NPLI UO 35.000 1.02 2850.3 190 .00 -17.94 4 O NPL2 UO 37.500 0.94 2877.7 189 .90 -18.48 3 M NPL2 US 4.625 1.24 2907.8 189 .62 -18.66 4 O NPL2 UO 21.250 1.65 2924.6 189 .36 -19.61 NPL2 UO 3.875 1.93 2981.8 189 ,12 -19.72 NPL2 UO 20.625 2.06 2993.3 188 .96 -19.03 CH D 4 O NPL2 UO 21.375 1.99 2961.5 189 .07 -19.23 C D ?UWm P 3 1 MO NPL2 UR318 7.750 17.75 2.20 1.94 2969.6 188 .78 -19.33 3 O NPL2 UO 15.000 1.96 2982.4 188 .53 -19.28 C I U?W P 3 2 MO NPL2 U7 14.125 30.00 2.14 2.00 2986.6 188 .88 -19.82 NPL2 UO 8.750 2.06 3004.8 188 .46 -16.81 C I WJ A 2 3 M NPLI US 7.500 17.50 2.33 2862.1 188 .38 -17.27 NPL2 UR326 3.750 2888.9 188 .61 -17.55 F A 7 p CV D 4 O NPL2 UO 46.875 2895.5 188 .96 -17.51 C 0 OU P 1 2 M NPL2 UF326 3.375 7.50 2.22 2883.8 189 .35 -17.59 NPL2 U? 2.250 0.98 2877.5 189 .14 -17.80 I A S M C Q MWU P 2 NPL2 UR 4.625 10.25 2.26 0.91 2893.0 188 .73 -18.03 NPL2 UO 12.500 1.66 2916.8 188 .64 -17.73 C O OT A 0TD 2 M NPL2 UF326 4.375 13.75 3.13 1.30 2904.9 188, ,18 -17.61 F p I M C D UWSE P 2 2 MO NPL2 UR326 7.125 17.50 2.46 1.84 2911.4 188 .12 -17.37 NPLI U7 3.875 1.88 2900.9 187, .88 -17.17 C Q WO A 2 3 M NPLI UCH 5.500 11.50 2.01 2.03 2897.7 187, .67 -17.62 NPLI UOCH 8.375 1.99 2926.7 188, .46 -18.37 C Q U P 7 2 M NPLI US 3.625 8.75 2.44 2.03 2941.9 188. .12 -18.43 NPLI UO 3.875 2.08 2954.8 187, .95 -18.37 NPLI U7 2.500 1.91 2956.8 187. .84 -1 8 .1 6 NPLI U7 5.125 2.08 2948.7 188. .23 -18.71 NPLI UO 4.625 2.01 2965.5 188. ,14 -18.72 NPLI U? 2.375 2.01 2968.0 187. ,63 -18.38 NPLI UO 8.875 2.13 2966.9 187. 99 -19.21 NPLI UO 17.250 2.02 2998.5 188. ,31 -19.60 NPLI U7 4.000 1.99 3009.7 187. .98 -19.35 NPLI UF345 1.875 2.00 3005.8 187. ,71 -19.75 NPLI UO 24.375 2.28 3033.9 187, ,38 -19.31 NPLI U? 3.625 2.48 3020.6 187, ,34 -19.24 NPLI U7 2.500 2.50 3018.5 187. 22 -16.92 FARM C Q UO NPLI UOCH 6.875 16.00 2.37 1.93 2904.8 187. ,48 -17.34 NPLI UO 6.625 2.04 2918.3 187. ,48 -17.43 NPLI U? 2.625 2.06 2922.7 187. ,12 -1 7 .6 0 NPLI UO 16.250 2.01 2941.9 186. 98 -1 7 .8 0 NPLI UO 8.750 2.01 2956.0 186. ,78 -17.72 NPLI UO 3.750 2.07 2957.5 186. ,78 -18.05 NPLI UO 3.875 2.22 2974.9 186. ,87 -18.40 NPLI UO 7.750 2.54 2989.0 186. .90 -1 8 .6 0 NPLI UO 10.500 2.61 2998.8 186. ,77 -18.55 NPLI UO 3.750 2.62 2999.0 186. ,92 -18.82 NPLI U7 1.875 2.73 3009.8 186. ,58 -16.43 NPLI UO 5.250 2899.1 185. ,48 -15.94 NPLI UO 2.500 2.02 2910.0 185. ,38 -15.63 F A R D SC D HCH UO 13.750 1.23 2898.8 185. ,18 -16.24 NPLI UO 4.375 1.85 2934.6 185. ,19 -16.42 NPLI UO 2.875 1.97 2942.4 185. .60 -16.60 NPLI U7 3.625 1.98 2938.5 186. .13 -16.62 C D 3 O NPLI UO 21.000 1. 98 2923.5 186. ,55 -17.14 C Q MW A 3 3 M NPLI US 6.500 17.50 2.62 1.96 2935.3 185. ,74 -1 6 .7 9 C 0 UW P 2 3 M NPLI US 5.625 12.50 2.22 2.03 2943.0 185. ,64 -1 7 .2 6 NPLI UO 10.750 2.13 2969.0 186. ,00 -17.48 C I MWC G 3 4 M NPLI US 13.750 37.25 2.79 2.18 2969.5 186. 04 -17.45 NPLI UF372 3.625 2.10 2966.4 185. 75 -17.57 7SH 2 M NPLI USO 4.875 11.00 2.26 2.34 2981.1 185. 58 -1 7 .5 9 NPLI U7 2.500 2.38 2988.6 185. 15 -17.28 SC D 7USH 2 MO NPLI U? 9.750 2.23 2986.2 185. 08 -16.97 NPLI U? 2.125 2.12 2973.4 370

IBS. 01 - 1 6 .7 8 VF NPLI UO 3 .3 7 5 2 .0 5 29 6 6 .7 IBS. 42 -17.69 VF NPLI UO 4.625 2.35 2997.6 IBS. ,15 -17.63 rf NPLI UO 8.500 2.46 3003.2 IBS. 48 -17.84 HF NPLI UO 8.7S0 2.59 3003.0 185. 88 -17.87 VF NPLI UO 4.375 2.43 2992.8 186. ,29 -17.88 F 7 I M C Q 7UE 1 MO NPLI US 10.000 25.00 2.50 2.29 2980.0 IBS. ,84 -18.24 VF NPLI UO 6.250 2.76 3012.8 185. ,71 -18.28 I A S M C E MHO A 2 4 M NPLI US 5.875 12.00 2.03 2.74 3018.3 185. ,30 -18.06 FASPCHD 30 NPLI UO 20.750 2.65 3019.4 185. ,38 -18.22 I A 1 M COOK P3 3M NPLI UR386 8.750 29.50 3.31 2.80 3025.7 185. ,99 -18.67 VF NPLI UO 6.000 2.94 3029.5 185. ,37 -18.61 FAIM CION A3 3H NPLI US 8.125 19.75 2.41 3.02 3044.8 185. ,11 -18.89 VF ASP CV D 40 NPLI UO 23.750 3.21 3066.0 186. ,26 -18.95 1 NPLI U? 2.250 2.94 3035.8 186. ,09 -18.89 1 NPLI U? 2.000 2.92 3037.4 185. ,68 -19.47 HF NPLI UO 12.875 2.78 3078.7 185. .62 -19.84 HF NPLI UO 13.750 2.46 3098.3 185. ,21 -19.92 FAIM CQUH A 2 H 3M NPLI US 7.250 15.75 2.12 1.31 3114.8 185. .98 -19.79 HF NPLI UO 7.000 2.88 3085.6 185. ,82 -19.98 HF NPLI UO 7.750 2.76 3099.1 186. ,13 -19.65 EF NPLI UO 9.375 2.95 3074.2 186. ,53 -19.43 FASPCHD 30 NPLI UO 40.000 3.06 3051.2 186. .42 -19.23 F 7 I M C Q H A2 2M NPLI UF400 5.500 12.00 2.12 3.07 3044.9 187. .08 -19.94 LA7MCDV7 10 NPLH U? 8 .1 2 5 3 .1 4 3 0 6 1 .1 186. ,69 -19.88 7 7 NPLI US 6.500 11.75 1.88 3.28 3069.7 185. .56 -19.02 VF ARM CD 2 VO NPLI UO 39.375 3.07 3059.5 185. .15 -19.41 HF NPLI UO 4.250 3.13 3091.5 194. .43 - 1 8 .0 6 HF NPL2 UO 1 6 .1 2 5 1 .0 1 2 7 7 2 .6 191. .91 -19.09 RF NPL2 UO 5.000 0.99 2888.6 223..64 4 4 .4 7 FASMCBEPO P 7 W 3 MO HVG S 3.625 26.25 7.21 -0.97 1249.5 224. .24 43.13 F A S M C E 7 AEL3 O 7.000 15.75 2.20 -0.99 1191.9 221. .93 4 3 .4 8 BF AEL3 O 6 .7 5 0 - 0 .9 0 1 1 6 6 .3 221. .98 4 3 .4 2 SF AEL3 S 2 .7 5 0 - 0 .9 0 1 1 6 3 .2 222. 26 43.14 F A S p C 0 PC A 3 3 HO AEL3 S 1 7 .5 0 0 5 2 .5 0 3 .0 0 - 0 .9 2 1 1 5 3 .7 221. 30 44.31 B ASM CEPOT P2H 2M HVK S 3.375 31.75 9.47 -0.98 1201.2 218. 59 44.17 F A s M c E POT P 2 W 2 M HVM S 5.000 10.00 2.00 -0.95 1159.3 220. 92 42.66 FAsM cEPOT P2 W 2 H HVM S 3.250 10.00 3.07 -0.96 1104.1 220. 80 41.21 F A s M c E POT P 2 W 2 M AEL3 S 2 .2 5 0 4 .0 0 1 .7 8 - 0 .9 9 1 0 2 3 .8 220. 76 40.88 S AEL3 S 2 .2 5 0 - 0 .9 9 1 004.1 219. 10 41.91 B A s H c E POT P 2 W 2 M HVM S 2.375 14.75 6.21 -0.98 1036.7 218. 65 42.02 FAs H sc EPOT P2 W 2 M HVM S 3.375 17.50 5.15 -0.96 1037.4 218. 09 42.13 F A s M sc E POT P 2 w 2 M HVM S 3.250 15.00 4.65 -0.93 1037.5 218. 85 41.21 F A s M c E POT P 2 w 2 H HNM S 2.125 28.7513.59 -0.98 993.5 219. 12 40.74 B A s ? c E 7 HNU 7 2.375 7.50 3.18 -0.96 971.2 218. 32 40.82 F A s M c E PitH A 2 3 M HNU S 7.000 20.00 2.87 -0.96 965.6 216. 87 45.17 F A s M sc E 7 HVK 7 5.250 -0.99 1203.2 215. 35 45.31 F A 5 M c F pOT P 2 H 2 MO HVK S 4.000 17.00 4.20 -2.04 1204.2 216. 12 44.86 F A s H c Q P 7 7 1 HO HVK S 10.000 23.75 2.35 -0.95 1181.5 215. 22 43.22 F A s M CB 0 PO A 2 H 2 M HVM S 10.000 23.75 2.35 -0.96 1080.2 216. 97 41.87 F A s M CB Q PTI P 2 Wq 2 MO HVM S 3.625 16.75 4.61 -0.96 1011.1 216. 25 42.46 F A s M c E PO A 2 W 2 M HVM S 8.500 19.50 2.24 -0.98 1041.2 215. 82 41.74 F A s M c E POT P 2 W 2 HO HVM S 8.500 27.00 3.16 -1.09 996.8 216. 28 40.86 F A s M c F 7 HVM S 7.125 -1.17 947.9 216. 34 40.75 F A s H c F 70 S HVM Cl26 4.125 10.25 2.45 -1.10 941.1 216. 69 40.69 F A s M Ow HVM S 3.500 7.75 2.24 -1.12 941.4 216. 02 42.16 F A s N sc Q POT P 2 W 1 HO HVM S 4.375 21.25 4.87 -0.93 1022.5 222. 01 42.66 F A s M c E 4.625 -0.92 1123.4 223. 36 41.84 F A s N c E rrpow A 2 L 2 M AEL3 S 1 0 .0 0 0 1 3 .7 5 1 .3 5 - 0 .9 8 1 1 0 6 .8 223. 69 39.87 F A s M c E 7 AEL3 S 2 .3 7 5 5 .2 5 2 .2 1 - 1 .0 0 1 0 1 4 .0 224. 25 39.35 F A s M F H AEL3 SO 5 .3 7 5 - 1 .0 0 1 0 0 2 .9 223. 32 39.18 S AEL3 S 2 .7 5 0 - 1 .0 0 9 7 0 .9 224. 49 38.52 FA s ? cE PCH A 2 AEL3 S 2 .0 0 0 7 .0 0 3 .5 0 - 1 .0 0 970 .4 222 62 39.06 F P s D c 0 CO P 1 HP 1 HO AEL3 SO 1 8 .7 5 0 5 1 .0 0 2 .7 0 - 0 .9 9 9 4 7 .5 222. 3 9 .2 9 SF AEL3 C I39 5 .1 2 5 - 0 .9 8 953.4 220. 4 0 .5 0 S AEL3 CR44 3 .0 0 0 - 0 .9 6 972 .2 220. 08 40.35 FAS M CB O SH P 7 1 MO AEL3 So 1 9 .7 5 0 9 5 .0 0 4 .8 0 - 0 .9 6 9 6 4 .0 221. 10 3 9 .5 2 UF AEL3 O 5 .6 2 5 - 0 .9 5 938 .1 219. 06 4 0 .3 5 i AS 7 SC E 7 AEL3 S 3 .7 5 0 8 .7 5 2 .3 3 - 0 .9 6 9 4 8 .9 219. 10 3 9 .7 4 F A S H C G mpOW P 2 2 HO AEL3 S 8 .6 2 5 2 5 .5 0 2 .9 7 - 1 .0 2 9 1 4 .6 216. 89 3 9 .1 6 F A s M 2 M HNU S 1.875 5.00 2.67 -1.24 854.8 216. 36 3 9 .5 5 S HNU S 2.875 -1.25 872.4 215. 74 3 9 .2 2 F A s M C E OMP A 2 2 M HNU S 2.500 6.25 2.50 -1.34 848.3 215. 13 3 9 .2 7 F A s M c E OM A 2 2 M HNU S 2.250 6.75 3.00 -1.49 847.2 222. 26 3 7 .7 7 I A s M FE OP P 1 2 MO AEL3 S 2 .8 7 5 9 .5 0 3 .3 4 - 1 .0 2 874.4 224. 77 3 5 .6 6 1 A 7 7 C Q HP A 2 2 M AEL3 S 3 .0 0 0 1 0 .5 0 3 .5 0 - 1 .4 7 8 5 2 .6 221. 85 3 6 .7 8 I A s H c Q RJ A 2 AHV 2 MO APS S 8 .5 0 0 4 5 .0 0 5 .2 4 - 1 .0 0 814 .7 222. 56 3 6 .1 4 I A s M c E PO A 2 H 2 M APS S 20.00 R A 2 HV 4.000 9.25 2.33 5.000 -0.90 803.6 221. 72 3 6 .1 3 I A s M O APS S 1.875 3.25 1.73 -0.84 779.8 223. 03 3 5 .8 9 F A s M c E OWP A 2 H 2 MO APS S 43.75 R A IT 8.875 23.00 2.52 4.930 -1.03 805.8 222. 25 3 5 .6 9 F A s M c E PO A 1 L 2 M APS S 22.25 MJ A 2 V 5.125 13.25 2.55 4.341 -0.91 773.1 223 39 3 4 .9 8 SF APS S 2 .6 2 5 - 1 .3 7 7 7 6 .7 223. 31 3 5 .3 9 F A s 7 c E MW A 2 2 M APS S 3 .2 S 0 1 2 .5 0 3 .8 6 - 1 .2 0 7 9 2 .3 221. 31 3 7 .7 8 B A 7 7 c E O P 1 2 M AEL4 CH 14.50 R PI 3.125 9.50 3.00 4.640 -1.02 851.2 221. 13 3 7 .3 2 I ASM c E OP A 1 3 M AEL3 S 2 .3 7 5 5 .2 5 2 .2 1 - 1 .1 3 823 .3 216. 51 3 7 .6 7 F A s M c Q MWO A 2 3 M HNU S 2.875 7.00 2.45 -1.50 764.5 217. 92 3 7 .2 2 SF AEL3 O 3 .7 5 0 - 1 .4 8 7 5 6 .9 217. 54 3 7 .1 2 M A s H CB O E AEL3 O 5 .0 0 0 - 1 .4 5 7 4 5 .1 218. 38 3 7 .0 9 SF AEL3 ? 2 .2 5 0 - 1 .4 3 7 5 6 .4 218. 19 3 6 .9 7 F A s M c Q MW A 2 H 3 M AEL3 S 2 .6 2 5 7 .5 0 2 .8 7 - 1 .4 4 7 4 6 .9 218. 24 3 6 .8 9 F A s M CB 0 AEL3 O 5 .6 2 5 - 1 .4 6 7 4 2 .5 216. .75 3 6 .9 3 OF AEL3 O 3 .1 2 5 - 1 .5 3 7 2 4 .0 216. .74 3 6 .3 1 UF AEL3 O 4 .5 0 0 - 1 .5 7 6 8 8 .7 215. .92 3 8 .4 9 FASM CO MO A2 3M HNU SK 2.375 6.25 2.62 -1.47 806.4 215..34 3 8 .4 7 FASL CEO A2 3 MO HNU SK 4.000 9.25 2.33 -1.51 801.2 215. 38 3 8 .3 3 FASM CEMO A2 3M HNU S 2.250 5.25 2.33 -1.55 793.4 216. 08 37.29 B A ? 7 C E ON P7 2 MO HNU S 1.875 6.25 3.33 -1.55 738.8 216.,14 36.06 I A S M CO MO A 2 H 2 MO AEL3 S 27.00 J 2 H 6.500 16.25 2.50 4.154 -1.55 667.0 215, 54 3 6 .2 1 BASH CEM P 2 3M AEL3 S 2 .6 2 5 6 .2 5 2 .3 1 - 1 .6 0 670 .1 224.,03 34.87 B A S 7 C E ON A2 2M AEL3 X 2.000 5.75 2.85 -1.47 793.3 224.,23 3 4 .1 1 F A S 7 CEOP A2 2M AEL3 X 3 .2 5 0 9 .0 0 2 .7 9 - 1 .5 2 7 7 0 .9 223..99 34.11 I A S 7 C E OJM P 2 2 M AEL3 X 2.750 7.50 2.77 -1.57 761.4 225. .11 33.72 F A S 7 C E 7 AEL3 S 2.375 7.25 3.03 -1.76 788.3 225..28 3 3 .1 9 F A S 7 C E MHO A 2 H 3 M APS S 4 .3 7 5 1 0 .5 0 2 .4 0 - 1 .8 6 7 7 6 .6 224. .96 3 3 .0 7 F A S 7 C E CPO A 1 2 M APS S 3 .2 5 0 6 .7 5 2 .0 7 - 1 .7 8 7 5 9 .5 224. .09 32.63 I A R 7 CQJ P2 2 MO APS S 4.875 17.50 3.50 -1.55 709.2 221. .63 3 5 .5 8 FASM C E MJC A 2 3 M APS S 2 .1 2 5 6 .0 0 2 .8 4 - 0 .7 6 7 5 0 .1 221..90 3 4 .2 6 FASL COMJ A 3 L 3M APS S 3 .2 5 0 1 0 .0 0 3 .0 7 - 0 .9 3 6 9 6 .8 220. ,25 35.44 B A 7 7 COOM P2 2M AEL3 L 2 .7 5 0 6 .0 0 2 .1 2 - 0 .6 8 7 0 6 .6 221. ,39 33.84 7 A 7 7 CO MHO P 3 3 M APS S 2.625 8.00 3.08 -0.91 661.9 223. ,14 33.39 7 A 7 7 CHEOT P 7 H 2M AEL3 S 3 .3 7 5 7 .2 5 2 .1 8 - 1 .2 1 7 0 1 .8 221. .81 33.29 B A 7 7 C E OPM PI 1 MO APS S 2.750 7.25 2.66 -1.06 651.0 221. .61 3 3 .5 1 B A 7 7 C E MOW P 2 2 M APS S 2 .0 0 0 4 .7 5 2 .3 5 - 0 .9 0 6 5 3 .1 221. .14 33.55 I A S M CO OPH A 1 3 M APS S 13.50 JM 2 3.000 14.00 4.67 4.500 -0.92 640.4 221. .93 3 2 .9 0 IPR7 COR 71 SHV 2 MO AEL3 S 6 .8 7 5 3 8 .7 5 5 .6 6 - 1 .0 7 638 .2 220. ,46 32.97 B A 7 7 C E MW P2 2 M AEL3 S 4.250 10.75 2.59 -0.80 592.9 220. .48 3 2 .4 6 F A R L CB Q 7 AELS 7 5 .7 5 0 - 0 .8 0 5 7 0 .7 220. .07 3 2 .7 0 s AELS O 2 .0 0 0 - 0 .8 0 5 6 8 .1 218. .19 3 4 .9 7 S AELS L 2 .7 5 0 - 1 .4 7 6 3 6 .8 219. .24 3 4 .6 6 I A 7 7 C O 7 AEL3 L 6 .5 0 0 1 5 .7 5 2 .4 3 - 0 .3 4 642 .1 218. .28 3 4 .8 3 S AEL3 L 1 .8 7 5 - 1 .3 9 6 3 0 .6 218. .01 3 4 .5 4 S AEL3 L 2 .2 5 0 - 1 .3 2 6 0 9 .7 218. .91 3 4 .3 9 S AEL3 L 1 .8 7 5 - 0 .2 3 6 2 0 .3 218 .75 3 4 .2 0 S AEL3 L 2 .1 2 5 - 0 .2 4 6 0 7 .4 217,.91 33.10 I A S 7 C E ON P 7 2M AEL1 EF 2.375 6.25 2.62 -0.06 530.0 216, .52 35.87 B A 7 7 C E 7 AELS L 2.875 5.75 2.00 -1.57 660.5 215 .97 3 5 .5 2 B A 7 7 C E OJM A 2 3 M AEL3 L 2 .2 5 0 7 .2 5 3 .2 2 - 1 .5 2 6 3 4 .7 214 .96 3 5 .6 0 FARM CB Q H AEL3 O 5 .3 7 5 - 1 .4 5 6 3 1 .0 215 .61 3 4 .4 3 IA S M C Q 7 7 7 6.000 25.75 4.22 -1.27 568.1 371

2 1 6 .3 5 3 4 .0 3 OF AEL1 O 6 .3 7 5 - 1 .2 5 5 5 3 .6 215.14 33.75 BA?? CEMJ P 2 2M A ELI S 2.500 6.00 2.40 -0.98 524.4 216.82 33.35 FASM CEMJ P2 2 MO A ELI EF 2.500 7.75 3.10 -0.83 522.7 216.55 33.08 FASM C E MOWSH P 2 3 MO AEL1 EFO 3 .5 0 0 7 .7 5 2 .2 4 - 0 .5 8 5 0 3 .6 216.38 33.12 BAT? CEOm P2 2M AEL1 EF 2 .5 0 0 8 .2 5 3 .3 0 - 0 .9 6 5 0 2 .3 2 1 5 .7 1 3 3 .1 2 BF AEL1 O 5 .6 2 5 - 0 .8 3 4 9 3 .2 224.54 31.58 FASM C E ?ah P?H 1M O APS SO 6 .3 7 5 1 7 .5 0 2 .7 5 - 1 .7 5 6 9 3 .0 223.80 31.40 FAR? C O ?sh AEL3 LO 6 .3 7 5 - 1 .6 1 656 .1 223.73 31.74 BA?? C E TOT P?W 1M APSS 2.750 6.00 2.12 -1.66 664.6 223.04 30.94 IPR? COO P?H 2 MO APS S 52.50 RJT P ? S 11.375 31.25 2.77 4.615 -1.44 609.6 220.45 32.31 FAS? C E MWO A 2 2 M AEL1 EF 2.375 6.75 2.82 -0.80 562.2 221.08 32.21 FASM CEOT P?H 2 MO A ELI ? 2.000 4.00 2.00 -0.91 579.2 220.64 31.97 S A ELI ? 2.375 -0.87 5S4.8 219.52 31.89 a A ELI O 2.750 -0.77 513.4 219.18 31.59 I AEL1 EF 3.750 -0.61 489.0 219.80 31.34 IPR? COI P7P0 2MO AEL1 EF 10.000 33.00 3.30 -0.57 498.7 223.21 30.66 FAS? CEO PI 2 MO APS S 2.125 5.50 2.58 -1.45 607.2 2 1 8 .4 3 3 1 .0 7 I A ? ? C E MJSH P 2 3 M AEL1 EF 3 .3 7 5 9 .7 5 2 .8 9 - 0 .2 4 4 4 1 .0 217.58 31.14 FAR? CQR P 0 AH 2 MO AEL1 EF 1 2 .2 5 0 4 4 .5 0 3 .6 3 - 0 .0 6 4 2 0 .8 2 1 6 .2 7 3 2 .0 0 a AEL1 EF 2 .6 2 5 0 .0 4 4 3 8 .9 2 1 7 .0 1 3 1 .9 8 BF AEL1 EF 2 .2 5 0 0 .0 6 4 5 1 .7 2 1 7 .9 1 3 0 .7 6 I A ? ? C E ? AEL1 EV 4 .8 7 5 0 .1 8 4 1 1 .6 2 1 6 .5 6 3 1 .4 2 S AEL1 EV 2 .6 2 5 0 .0 1 4 1 1 .0 217.05 31.37 S A ELI EV 1.875 -0.04 419.9 2 1 6 .7 1 3 0 .9 3 S AEL1 CR144 3 .6 2 5 0 .5 8 3 8 8 .1 216.51 31.00 IPR? SC O AEL1 CR144 5 .2 5 0 0 .5 3 3 8 7 .9 216.58 30.79 I t R D CH D R P0S 3 MO AEL1 EF 21.250 75.00 3.59 0.78 378.7 2 1 7 .2 6 3 0 .0 8 I A R ? C O AEL1 EF 4 .2 5 0 1 .2 8 3 5 9 .4 2 1 4 .9 0 3 2 .6 5 SF AELI EFO 3 .0 0 0 - 0 .4 0 4 5 8 .3 2 1 5 .9 2 3 1 .6 6 B P S M CH O AEL1 O 5 .0 0 0 0 .0 2 4 1 3 .4 216.05 31.59 a A ELI ? 2.500 0.02 411.4 215.56 31.67 I7R7CHEMJI A 3 q 3M A ELI EF 7.125 16.00 2.26 0.12 408.0 215.54 31.59 S AELI CR149 3.125 0.23 403.7 2 1 5 .0 6 3 1 .0 4 I ? ? ? ? AEL1 EFO 4 .6 2 5 1 .0 2 3 6 6 .1 215.29 30.45 IAS? C E OWm P 2 2 M A ELI EF 3.750 9.75 2.60 1.55 335.0 215.88 30.34 I??? CQ? P? 1M AEL1 EFO 3 .3 7 5 6 .7 5 2 .0 0 1 .4 3 3 3 9 .5 215.69 29.91 ItRD CTMJ A3 AH 3 MO AEL1 EF 15.625 41.25 2.60 1.90 312.3 218.57 39.72 FASM COM A2 3M AEL3 S 2 .6 2 5 7 .7 5 2 .9 2 - 1 .0 7 9 0 6 .9 2 1 9 .0 0 3 4 .3 9 S AEL3 ? 2 .1 2 5 -0 .2 1 6 2 2 .0 2 1 9 .0 0 3 4 .4 0 OF AEL3 O 5 .0 0 0 - 0 .2 3 6 2 3 .2 212.72 44.68 FASM CEOT P ? W 2M HVK S 3.375 6.50 1.96 -0.96 1164.3 214.98 44.10 SF HVK O 4.250 -0.93 1131.8 212.40 44.00 FASL SC O PWO P 2 H 3 M HVM S 20.75 PTOH P 2 H 3.750 12.50 3.33 5.533 -0.99 1124.7 2 1 2 .4 2 4 3 .1 0 F A R L SC Q POT P 2 M 3 M HVM S 2.750 16.25 5.99 -1.01 1071.8 215.08 42.79 af HVK ? 2.375 -0.90 1054.7 214.39 41.70 FASL SC O POW A 2 H 3M HVM S 2.875 20.75 7.27 -1.19 988.8 214.64 41.38 FASL SC O POW P 2 W 3 M HVM S 3.125 28.25 9.00 -1.18 970.1 212.17 42.54 FASL SC Q MPOW A 2 W 3 M HVM S 46.00 PTI P 2 W 7.125 17.50 2.46 6.456 -1.04 1039.1 212.07 40.86 FASL C Q OP P2W 2M HVM S 3.875 11.25 2.93 -1.26 940.9 214.42 40.88 FASM CEOP A20 2M APK S 2.375 6.25 2.62 -1.26 940.2 214.12 40.69 FASM CEOJP A20 2M APK S 2.125 6.25 2.91 -1.22 928.0 213.75 40.32 FASM CO OP P? 1MO APK SO 2.375 7.00 2.97 -1.3S 906.0 213.49 40.42 FASM C E OWP A 2 2 M APK S 3.125 10.25 3.20 -1.35 911.3 212.20 40.30 FASM COMJI P3 1M APK S 3.125 14.75 4.70 -1.35 907.1 210.19 44.07 F ? ? M SC 0 WO P 2 1 MO HVK O 4.750 8.50 1.79 -1.01 1138.7 210.03 42.74 sf HVM ? 2.625 -0.93 1062.0 210.27 42.44 FASM SC Q ? HVM O 8.500 18.75 2.26 -0.88 1043.2 211.27 41.02 B A S M C E ? HVM SO 7.2S0 -0.86 953.4 209.50 41.34 F A S M SC Q PWI P 2 2 MO APK S 15.250 48.00 3.18 -0.68 985.9 2 0 7 .4 4 4 4 .0 1 F A S M SC F Jra P 2 2 MO HVK S 4 .3 7 5 1 7 .0 0 3 .8 6 - 0 .8 0 1 1 6 1 .0 207.39 43.20 of HVK O 8.125 -0.61 1116.1 207.32 41.79 FASL C E PMW P 2 L 3 M HVM S 2.375 16.75 7.03 -0.37 1037.0 207.37 41.17 FASL SC Q PTW P 2 L 2 140 HVM S 3 .3 7 5 2 1 .2 5 6 .2 6 - 0 .3 8 1 0 0 2 .4 2 0 5 .0 2 3 9 .5 9 SF AELI O 3 .5 0 0 0 .1 8 9 6 0 .9 204.21 40.72 FASM SC E OWM A 2 2 M A ELI S 2 .5 0 0 6 .2 5 2 .5 0 0 .0 6 1 0 3 6 .8 204.35 39.97 bf AEL1 ? 3.125 0.16 994.6 214.72 39.98 FASM C E OWP A 2 2 M HNU S 2.375 6.75 2.82 -1.34 887.7 214.30 39.29 FASM CEPJ A2 2M HNU S 3.750 18.00 4.80 -1.49 845.4 213.36 39.14 FASMCHEOW A2 2M HNU S 4.250 10.00 2.33 -1.46 836.6 212.55 38.50 SF HNU ? 4.125 -1.64 799.0 212.44 38.31 SF HNU ? 3.625 -1.59 788.4 211.84 38.43 BAS? C E ? HNUS 1.875 6.25 3.33 -1.09 798.9 211.52 36.68 BASM CEOW A2 2M HNUS 3.875 9.50 2.42 -0.54 697.9 208.93 39.55 SF APK S 3.625 -0.27 889.5 210.68 37.89 FcSMCT? HNUS 40.625 57.50 1.45 -0.23 775.7 209.39 37.26 UF APK O 6.125 -0.01 753.9 209.68 36.77 S APK a 3.750 -0.00 722.9 206.04 38.66 OF AELI O 4.500 0.11 889.3 206.12 38.20 OF AEL1 O 3.875 0.17 863.4 207.02 37.90 S AEL1 ? 2.000 0.05 829.0 204.61 37.05 ItSMCDO 2M AELI SO 41.25 ? 8.750 23.50 2.66 4.714 0.44 842.2 204.92 39.16 FASM CB Q H AEL1 O 15.125 0.11 940.8 2 0 4 .8 3 3 9 .0 2 S AEL1 CR52 2 .5 0 0 0 .2 5 9 3 4 .6 2 0 3 .4 5 3 8 .6 0 OF AEL1 O 5 .0 0 0 0 .5 7 9 4 8 .0 2 0 3 .3 5 3 8 .4 6 UF AEL1 O 3 .2 5 0 0 .6 1 9 4 4 .0 204.25 38.32 F A ELI O 2.625 7.7S 2. 92 0.47 913.4 204.07 37.47 FASM CB ? SHO AEL1 O 4.000 15.75 3.98 0.53 876.5 203.57 37.30 F ? AEL1 0 2.750 0.60 882.0 203.93 37.04 F ?U AEL1 O 2.625 7.25 2.72 0.58 860.0 203.08 37.03 UF AELI O 2.125 0.73 884.2 202.94 35.50 F AELI O 1.875 0.93 821.5 202.41 35.20 I A S M AEL1 ? 2.000 1.02 826.7 214.02 36.03 FASMCQRJ G 1 HPV 3 M HVR S 5.625 30.00 5.33 -1.32 652.7 212.49 36.15 IA?? CEO A7PT3M HVR S 27.50 PO A 2 HOV 4.625 12.50 2.73 5.946 -1.17 661.2 214.76 34.70 UF HNU O 5.250 -1.26 577.0 215.15 33.85 M A ? M CB Q H HVG O 6.875 -1.08 530.5 214.29 33.87 BA?? CO MJB P 2 K 3 M HVG S 2.000 6.25 3.15 -0.86 526.8 214.34 33.19 IASM CEmJ F2 3M AELI EB 3.625 8.75 2.44 -0.68 486.3 213.80 33.60 IASM CH E OMW A 2 3 M AEL1 EF 2 .2 5 0 4 .7 5 2 .1 1 - 0 .9 1 5 0 8 .8 213.45 33.71 IASM C E ? AEL1 EB 3 .2 5 0 - 0 .8 5 5 1 5 .5 212.59 33.68 IAS? C E mJO A 2 2 M AELI EF 2.000 5.00 2.50 -0.40 515.0 212.30 34.10 FASM CB 0 ? HVG S 2.625 6.25 2.31 -0.51 541.2 210.30 36.29 FASM SC T ? A HNU a 8.750 28.25 3.29 -0.06 687.4 210.86 34.85 FASM SC T? A HNU S 13.125 63.25 4.89 -0.00 597.9 209.89 35.11 FASM C E ? HNU S 3.750 12.50 3.33 -0.03 625.9 209.72 35.06 FASM CQTUW 2 HNU S 5.500 15.00 2.77 0.03 625.0 211.34 33.60 BF AEL1 O 4.500 -0.61 520.5 210.32 33.96 S HNU S 2.500 1.57 554.4 210.29 34.00 S HNU S 2.250 1.45 557.5 209.56 34.12 af HNU ? 2.375 1.73 575.6 210.09 33.69 SF HHET HC 6.250 2.21 542.8 209.78 33.58 SF HHET HC 2.750 2.83 542.9 208.67 33.78 SF HHET HC 5.250 2.00 575.3 208.78 33.46 FASM C T HHET HC 8.500 2.57 556.1 210.89 33.11 F ? HHET HC 4.125 9.50 2.33 1.20 498.2 2 1 1 .7 5 3 2 .4 0 SF AEL1 O 6 .2 5 0 0 .7 3 4 4 6 .7 211.19 31.77 SF HHET HC 5.875 1.49 417.4 211.20 32.39 FA?? CH 0 HHET HC 13.125 1.26 452.4 210.32 32.71 CF HHET HC 2.250 4.14 484.7 209.46 32.78 SF HHET HC 3.250 6.90 505.4 210.24 32.20 CF HHET HC 2.500 6.36 458.8 210.29 31.57 SF HHET HC 5.000 7.47 422.6 210.20 31.65 SF HHET HC 2.250 8.09 429.4 209.27 32.20 IP?? CO ? HHET HC S.750 10.50 1.86 7.35 478.3 209.10 31.75 S HHET HC 4.375 5.48 460.0 208.46 32.52 SF HHET HC 6.250 3.93 515.6 207.82 35.70 FA WT P 2 W AELI S 2.750 7.50 2.77 -0.28 695.8 205.44 36.46 F UT w AEL1 S 2.000 5.75 2.85 0.30 791.0 372

205. 45 36..20 BF AEL1 2.750 0.46 778.3 204. 42 36..64 F OTW 2 AEL1 5.250 12.50 2.31 0.54 827.9 203. 83 36..35 F I CEO 2 ? AEL1 2.250 5.50 2.44 0.72 830.9 207. 31 34..99 SF AEL1 2.875 0.77 670.2 207. 18 34..59 SF AEL1 2.500 0. 85 652. 8 207. 74 34..21 SF AEL1 2.250 0.62 619.0 205. 01 35..44 SF AEL1 2.000 0.62 753.7 205. 28 34..20 F I C O ? AEL1 4.375 10.75 2.47 0.61 688.9 204. 67 34..25 F I C Q ? A ELI 3.750 8.75 2.33 0.66 710.8 203.,76 35..02 F I SC Q O P 2 O 2 M AEL1 5.625 13.00 2.31 0.88 773.6 203.,76 34..82 SF AEL1 2.500 0.89 764.0 206. 80 33..19 SF AEL1 4.000 0.76 594.5 205.,85 33..19 F 1 AEL1 5.000 0.78 624 .8 207,,81 32. .71 S AEL1 2.500 1.99 542.2 207.,11 32,.51 sf AEL1 2.625 1.17 553.3 207.,41 32,.25 sf AEL1 4.000 0.97 532.9 206.,58 32. .36 F J E MWO AEL1 4.500 10.50 2.33 0.99 563.4 204.,89 33,.13 F i E ?TO AEL1 3.375 8.00 2.30 0.88 654.5 204..85 33, .00 F i Q OT P 2 W 2 M AEL1 7.500 18.00 2.40 0.80 650.4 204..29 33,.44 F i 0 OU AEL1 6.375 16.00 2.50 0.83 688.4 203..90 33 .27 F 1 AEL1 4.500 10.25 2.28 0.90 695. 4 203..68 33 .94 F 1A S H C E OTWm P 2 AEL1 3.750 9.50 2.53 0.83 730.7 203..23 33,.70 SF AEL1 2.500 0.93 737.2 203..21 33,.58 SF AEL1 2.000 0.94 733.7 205..18 31,.99 SF AEL1 1.875 0.92 597.4 202.,21 34,.09 I ( SC D ? AEL1 19.375 0.99 790.1 202..87 32..46 F J SC T ?H AEL1 15.875 0.87 705.6 203..94 31,.26 S AEL1 2.625 1.01 620.6 214..99 32. .67 B 1 C E HWsh P 2 2 H AEL1 2.750 7.50 2.77 0.47 460.5 213..67 33,.01 I 1 C 0 mw P 2 2 MO AEL1 4.750 11.75 2.44 0.55 473.3 213.,37 33,.04 I I C E OWm P 2 2 MO AEL1 5.000 8.25 1.60 0.40 475.7 214..70 32,.51 I ? S ? CH Q ? J P 2 1 MO AEL1 7.750 15.25 1.98 0.26 448.1 214..39 32,.64 I J AEL1 2.125 0.42 454.1 213..36 31,.38 I 1A I ? C l ? AEL1 7.625 19.25 2.55 0.91 377.4 212..22 31,.90 F JA R M C T HJI AEL1 12.750 28.75 2.25 0.60 413.9 214..16 30..52 S AEL1 2.000 1.75 328.3 213..46 30,.21 F P 1 R M CH T JBM P 3 AL 2 MO AEL1 17.500 52.50 3.00 2.01 308.9 212..19 30,.66 I i 2 MO AEL1 5.875 10.25 1.75 1.78 341.2 211..52 31,.36 SF AEL1 3.875 1.78 389.6 210..53 30..21 sf AEL1 6.750 4.80 345.1 206.,62 31,.52 F 1A R H C O HOC A 3 AEL1 7.875 16.25 2.03 1.14 526.8 207.,82 31,.14 S AEL1 1. 875 3.67 468.9 206.,41 30,.68 F 1 C Q OmU P 2 2 MO AEL1 12.750 35.75 2.84 0.38 500.0 205.,29 31,.32 F 1 C Q OWT P 2 W 2 M AEL1 6.250 15.25 2.40 1.03 567.4 204.,67 30..56 F J C D MJWC A 3 3 M AEL1 9.750 19.00 1.99 1.04 566.6 204.,51 30..33 sf AEL1 3.125 1.05 566.4 206. 80 44..30 F A C Q W A 2W HVK 102.50 TIJM A 3 W 13.250 26.50 2.00 7.736 - 0.71 1185.3 195..60 44..90 bf HNU 11.375 0.01 1454.5 195. 70 44..80 F J HNU 9.125 0.02 1447.5 197. SO 43..40 F 1 HNU 14.875 0.62 1326.8 197. 60 43..30 F J HNU 6.125 0.61 1327.3 197. 10 45..00 F 1 HNU 4.250 -0.03 1418.7 198. 38 46..79 F J HVK 4.000 10.00 2.50 -0.05 1472.0 201.,23 45..98 F i HVK 3.750 10.75 2.87 -0.22 1370.0 199. 34 4S..18 F 1 HVK 3.750 -0.07 1371.9 199. 98 44..98 F 1 HVK 9.250 19.25 2.01 -0.01 1346.2 200. 25 43..97 F I C 35.000 0.27 1290.6 198. 43 44..98 F 1 HNU 6.000 0. 05 1383.2 198. 53 44.,66 F J HNU 3.125 0.00 1365.2 198. 84 43..72 SF HNU 7.750 0.41 1313.1 201. 64 42..92 F A1 S P CH 0 30.000 0.40 1205.5 201. 52 43..09 SF 8.500 0.31 1217.2 199,.24 43 .09 F 1 0 OH 2 M HNU 4.375 12.25 2.80 0.74 1273.8 198. .00 42.91 F J 0 OW 2 M HNU 8.625 34.75 4.09 0.83 1298.8 200..18 42 .43 F i HNU 2.500 5.00 2.00 1.05 1217.6 200,.84 40 .91 F 1 HNU 13.750 51.25 3.77 0.95 1128.8 201,.76 40 .25 OF 18.125 0.51 1072.7 201,.05 39 .95 SF 2.625 0.81 1077.4 200,.95 39 .25 BF 5.875 0.89 1048.7 199,.35 41 .53 F J HNU 3.250 8.75 2.62 1.03 1198.7 199,.78 41 .54 F 1 HNU 6.625 1.03 1186.8 199. .73 41 .34 SF HNU 5.500 1.01 1179.9 199,.45 40 .83 SF HNU 7.875 1.02 1164.1 199,.88 39 .31 F I CO WO P 2 HA 2 H HR 7.500 18.75 2.50 1.24 1083.9 198, .52 41,.24 UF HNU 18.750 1.08 1209.4 198,.34 40,.40 UF HNU 9.375 1.19 1178.5 196,.10 40,.71 F J C 0 SHWT P ? 3 MC 16.625 51.25 3.03 1.56 1264.3 197. .70 39,.70 F 8.750 1.63 1170.2 196. .44 38,.74 F 6.250 2.08 1176.4 196. , 47 38,.62 F 5.875 2.01 1171.4 200..88 37,.41 F A J S p CD MJWN A4 A 3 M 16.875 85.00 5.07 1.28 970.3 202..39 37,.81 F J OW HR 4.750 10.00 2.15 0.81 940.2 201..72 36,.85 I I C 0 OW A 2 2 M HR 3.625 9.00 2.43 0.95 919.9 202.,33 36..63 F 1 C D I A ? 1 M AEL1 16.250 0.85 890.5 202.,27 36,.36 F J AEL1 8.500 18.75 2.26 0.90 880.1 200..79 36,.45 F 1 C D JM AEL1 9.375 30.00 3.20 1.15 934.9 201,.13 35..45 F 1 C 0 IMJ A 3 q AEL1 7.625 36.25 4.74 1.09 882.3 202..23 34..85 F 1 AEL1 27.500 85.00 3.01 0. 90 819.1 202.,57 35..15 F J AEL1 5.250 10.00 1.95 0. 96 819.5 201.,78 35..44 I J AEL1 2.250 5.75 2.56 1.04 858.3 198.,58 38..48 F ; C 0 OT HR 2.625 7.50 2.87 1.82 1091.3 199.,34 37..51 F 1 C 0 OWT P 2 W 2 M HR 4.375 10.25 2.33 1.92 1026.3 199.,40 37, .29 bf 4.375 1.93 1016.6 198. ,75 36..83 BF 16.875 2.00 1021.3 199. 05 36.,23 BF 4.625 2.01 988.5 198. 15 37.,32 F 1 C 0 OSH P ? 1 MO 16.875 60.00 3.56 1.95 1062.6 199. 27 35..15 SF 3.625 2.20 941.0 199. 43 35..60 OF 4.875 2.19 951.5 198. 80 35.,06 F 1 C 0 TWO P 2 W 3 M 3.625 8.75 2.44 2.14 957.6 198. 33 35..58 BF 4.000 2.13 993.9 197. 83 35,.78 BF 11.250 2.07 1019.8 197. 33 37.,72 BF 3.125 1.99 1106.8 195. 43 37.,99 EF HNU 15.375 2.10 1187.2 195. 55 36. 99 BF APS 15.125 2.09 1149.7 194. 90 37.,35 BF APS 3.750 1.90 1187.5 195. 80 35. 71 UF AS 12.375 2.01 1100.3 195. 36 34.,88 EF HNU 15.625 1.69 1095.0 196. 92 34.,85 bf HR 10.125 1.99 1027.4 202. 49 31..84 F 1 A ? W 2 M AEL1 7.625 18.00 2.31 1.03 700.5 202. 71 31.,03 ? AEL1 3.000 1.15 666.9 201. 52 31.,55 F 1 C 0 OW A 2 2 M AEL1 5.250 12.00 2.26 1.41 733.8 201. 79 30..45 I I C 0 ?U AEL1 4.250 8.75 2.09 1.25 691.2 198. 57 34. 32 BF HR 4.500 2.33 942.2 197. 89 34.,71 F I HR 3.750 9.50 2.53 2.13 983.2 198. 02 34. 22 bf 2.625 2.37 962.9 198. 96 33.,30 f ? ; S M C Q O HR 5.625 13.75 2.44 2.04 895.0 200. 02 33. 67 F I HR 2.500 1.90 862.0 200. 01 32.,70 SF AEL1 3.875 1.85 832.0 200. 00 32.,33 F 1 AEL1 2.500 1.88 822.2 199. 08 32..66 F 1 A ELI 3.750 10.75 2.87 1.90 872.0 199. 28 32. ,29 I 1 AEL1 2.750 1.94 853.4 198. 27 30..00 F 1 AEL1 1.875 4.25 2.27 0.91 850.9 198. 20 33.,34 BF HR 3.750 2.18 929.6 197. 97 33..10 bf 10.625 2.10 933.2 197. 18 34. 32 BF 2. 875 1.85 1001.7 197. 37 33.,40 SF 2.500 1.90 967.0 196. 93 33. 79 BF 5.750 1.46 997.5 196. 29 34. 36 F IA S M C 0 OU 5.250 13.00 2.46 1.11 1040.6 373

197. 17 32,.50 SF HR 7 3.625 2.01 954.2 197. 97 32,.13 EF HNU O 5.375 2.09 908.2 196. 87 30,.83 F A S p CV D H HNU O 87.500 1.99 933.7 196. 51 33,.06 7 AR M C Q 7 HR 7 4.125 0.83 997.1 196. 51 32 .54 SF HR 7 3.500 1.02 985.3 196. 22 33,.43 SF HR WR 4.875 0.59 1019.2 195. 99 33 .94 F AS HR 7 2.875 0.77 1042.3 196. 17 32 .31 I A S c 7 OW P 2 2 M HR 2.500 0.71 995.9 195..84 32, .12 F A HR 7 3.000 0.99 1007.5 195. 39 30,.43 I AS CH O w P 2 1 M APS 3.375 9.75 2.89 0.42 999.0 195. 47 32,.02 F AS M C Q 7 P 1 M HR s 4.375 8.25 1.86 1022.9 200. 85 30,.60 s AEL1 7 3.000 739.3 200. 90 30,.30 I ASH U AEL1 S 4.250 10.75 2.59 729.7 200. 70 30,.90 F A s H UCH A 2 AEL1 S 5.500 12.50 2.23 753.1 193. 76 44,.70 o f APS o 9.875 1499.7 191. 57 43,.82 F A s L TOP A 7 W 3 M APS S 3.750 12.25 3.27 1534.6 191, 46 43 .51 F A s L TOP A 7 W 3 H APS s 2.500 12.25 4.90 1526.9 193..53 42 .90 F A s L TOP A 7 w 3 M APS s 3.125 13.50 4.30 1434.9 191..53 42 .36 F A s L TWI A 7 w 3 M APS S 7.000 41.00 5.87 - 0.21 1482.6 191,,13 41 . S6 F A s L TWi A 7 WL 3 M APS s 7.375 24.50 3.32 -0.25 1468.3 193. ,18 40 .98 F A s L TPW A 7 w 3 M APS s 7.000 21.75 3.17 0.20 1374.5 191..69 40.68 of APS o 24.125 1418.2 191..76 40.20 F A s L TPW P 7 w 2 M APS s 2.500 12.25 4.90 1400.5 190..61 40 .06 F A s P H 3 O APK 0 85.375 -0.63 1439.9 190..93 40 .45 F A s M CH D TU P 7 w 3 M APK CR11 15.375 42.75 2.70 -0 .4 9 1439.0 190..48 40 .33 F A s 7 T P 7 w 2 H APK CFl 1 1.875 7.75 4.13 -0.55 1453.2 189. .97 42 .75 F A s L W A 7 w 3 M APK S 2.500 7.75 3.10 -0 .4 2 1550.1 188. .38 42 .64 OF APK O 13.125 -0 .6 6 1604.5 187,.62 42 .67 of APK 0 6.875 -0.73 1633.3 189.,53 40 .92 F A s M PW P 7 w 2 M APK s 3.625 10.50 2.87 -0.58 1507.9 189. .40 40 .74 OF APK o 15.250 -0.62 1507.0 189. .59 40 .59 F A s M 7 APK s 3.125 -0 .6 6 1495.5 188.,92 40 .12 F A s L IW A 2 w 3 M APK s 6.625 18.00 2.77 -0 .8 6 1507.4 186.,63 40 .83 F A s L T A 7 w 2 M APK s 3.625 8.50 2.35 -0 . 99 1618.1 183. 54 44 .81 F A s M 7 w HVG so 4.000 8.50 2.15 -0.85 1847.6 181..40 45 .36 F A s M 7 P 7 W 1 M HVK s 8.750 32.25 3.66 -0.97 1942.4 184. .87 42 .77 F A s M 7 1 M HVG s 4.750 14.25 3.00 -0 .9 6 1740.7 181.,38 43 .92 F A s L ?sh w AA4 a 7.375 14.75 2.00 -1.00 1904.9 183. .72 41 .31 F A s m OP 7 w 2 M APK S 5.750 15.75 2.79 -1 .0 0 1747.7 183.,04 40 .93 F A s MC 0 OW A 2 w 3 M APK s 7.375 21.00 2.87 -1.00 1766.3 193.,80 36 .08 F A s M 7 w 2 M APK s 7.000 28.00 4.00 0.59 1194.3 194.,08 35 .74 F A s H 7 w 1 M APK s 2.375 7.50 3.18 0.85 1173.3 190. ,46 35 .57 F A s M C 0 IWjro P 2 w 3 M APS SD 7.375 20.00 2.72 -0.77 1327.1 190..84 35 .11 F A s L C G Wi A 2 w 3 H APS Sd 8.875 27.75 3.17 -0 .4 9 1300.0 187. 24 39 .97 F A 7 LI w 2 H APK so 5.250 11.50 2.10 -1.00 1571.4 188. .07 39, .37 F A s H c Q W A w 2 M APK S 5.500 12.25 2.27 3.773 -0.99 1521.5 185.,70 39,.85 OF APK O 22.625 -1.01 1631.2 188. 93 38,.72 F A s H sc O 7 APK CR36 4.625 -1.01 1469.1 188. 82 38,.66 F A s M CH Q OW A 2 3 M APK S 46.75 TI 10.750 28.50 2.61 4.349 -1.02 1472.1 188. 64 38,.58 F A s M c 0 OW A 2 3 M APK s 44.75 To 10.625 28.50 2.62 4.212 -1.03 1477.4 187. 50 38. .24 F A s M c Q 0 A 7 w 3 H APK s 17.25 TO 3.625 7.75 2.18 4.759 -0.94 1517.7 188. 50 37. .22 OF APK o 23.125 -0.97 1450.9 188. 67 37..19 S APK CR38 4.375 -0.98 1442.3 188. 56 37 .16 F A s L 7 APK CF38 4.000 -0.91 1446.2 190. 21 36,.40 OF APK 0 14.250 -0 .9 9 1357.3 187. 93 36,.89 OF APK O 11.625 -0.95 1468.2 189. 47 35. .52 F 7 APK S 3.250 -0 .9 0 1370.0 181. 22 39..99 BF APK O 22.000 -1.01 1823.1 185. 30 38. .72 OF APK O 23.375 -1.02 1622.0 184. S4 38..80 F A s M c E 70 A 7 X 3 N APK s 2.750 10.00 3.66 -0.93 1656.8 184. 41 38. .71 F A s M c 0 W A 2 K 3 M APK s 3.875 11.00 2.89 4.581 -0.97 1660.0 182. 80 38..99 F A s M c E OH G 2 o 4 H AA4 s 10.500 -0 .9 9 1735.4 183. ,58 38 .29 F A s M c E T7 A 7 K 3 M APK s 3.875 12.25 3.11 -0.98 1688.5 184. ,62 37 .07 OF APK 0 12.250 -1.05 1619.9 184..19 37 .39 F A s M c E 7 2 M APK Owr 5.000 1644.8 184..48 36 .07 M A s M c Q O A 1 2 H APK S 3.375 10.00 2.93 1608.9 193.,02 34 .37 F A s L c 0 I A 7 w 3 M APS S 5.375 13.50 2.52 1185.0 191. ,30 35 .03 F A s L c 0 7 w 2 N APS Sd 4.250 13.25 3.18 -0 .3 9 1277.4 190. 41 34 .92 F A s L c Q 7 w 2 M APS S 5.250 14.50 2.72 -0.51 1315.1 189. 86 35 .04 F A a M c O Ow A 2 3 M APS S 3.625 9.00 2.43 - 0.66 1343.8 190.,30 34 .58 OF APS OWR 13.625 -0.47 1314.6 189. 50 34 .71 OF APS O 15.250 -0 .4 3 1353.6 186..80 35 .06 F A s M c E OUT A 1 w 3 M APS S 3.625 11.00 3.04 - 0.86 1484.1 188..65 34 .92 F A s M c O OW A 2 3 M APS S 10.500 32.25 3.01 -0.78 1396.4 184..67 35 .03 b f APS 7 4.500 -1 .0 3 1583.5 180. .08 35 .60 OF AA4 0 7.750 - 1.02 1807.5 180. ,09 34 .89 F A s M c O TUO A 1 0 2 M AA3 S 4.125 10.25 2.45 - 1.01 1799.1 181..83 34 .27 F A s M c Q UW A 2 3 M APK s 8.000 20.50 2.53 -1.04 1709.3 182..12 34 .13 OF APK O 25.125 - 1.02 1693.1 184. .11 38 .92 F A s D T7 P 7 XT 2 M APK s 1.875 10.00 5.33 -1.04 1677.1 194. .68 42 .48 F 7 HNU 7 4.000 0.59 1380.7 194..92 42 .02 F AIM c D 3 O HNU O 31.250 1354.0 193. .84 41 .77 F A I M c Q 2 NO APS 7 16.875 1381.4 194..73 41 .37 SF HNU 7 4.375 1335.0 194..73 40 .84 F A s M c O U P 7 w 2 M HNU S 3.125 9.00 2.80 1.03 1315.0 194..02 39 .74 F A s M c Q Op A 1 w 3 N APS SD 2.125 6.25 2.91 1.37 1300.9 194..24 39 .42 F A s 7 c O o A 7 w 3 M APS SD 6.500 15.75 2.43 3.538 1.62 1281.5 195..02 38 .75 EF 3 MO HNU O 6.000 2.13 1229.0 195..21 37 .87 F A s M c Q UT A 7 w 3 M APS s 4.375 11.00 2.54 2.15 1192.2 194..90 36 .85 F A s H c O UT A 7 WT 3 N APS s 3.000 12.50 4.17 1.87 1171.5 194..28 33 .56 F A s M c Q ? P 7 1 M APS s 3.750 8.00 2.13 0.31 1110.8 193..05 33 .48 UF 3 O APS 0 31.250 0.45 1165.6 193..84 32 .81 F A s H c O 7 ? ? 2 M APS a 4.125 9.50 2.33 0.67 1115.5 195..30 31 .66 F A s M c O U? 7 7 7 1 M APS a 12.500 31.25 2.50 0.98 1024.6 194..98 30 .20 F A s M c Q 7 1 M AEL1 7 5.625 -0.14 1016.1 191. .47 33 .70 F A s H c Q ?U P 7 W 2 M APS 7 4.125 0.05 1243.0 191,,49 32 .00 F A s M c Q ?u P 7 W 2 M APS Sd 3.000 11.25 3.70 0.39 1213.0 191..75 31 .83 F A s M h 1 MO APS 7 10.000 0.32 1198.7 192.,62 31 .60 e f 2 O HNU O 8.750 0.50 1152.0 193. ,60 30 .63 F A s N 7 1 M AEL1 7 5.125 0.76 1090.0 193.,96 30 .18 F A s M 7 1 M AEL1 7 3.000 0.65 1067.5 189. .85 33 .71 F A s H c O 7 1 M APS 7k 5.000 -0.07 1319.1 188.,88 33 .79 F A s M c G T P 7 WT 2 M APS S 4.000 11.25 2.83 -0.05 1366.2 187. ,79 34,.29 UF 1 MO APS O 6.250 -0.31 1425.6 190..99 32. .60 F P IP c D U P 7 2 MO APS s 13.750 73.75 5.34 0.16 1246.4 190.,78 30,.94 F A s H c E 7 1 M AEL1 7 5.250 0.13 1234.6 189.,93 31, .13 UF 3 O APS 0 14.375 0.06 1279.7 189..62 30,.91 F A s M c Q UW A 2 H 3 M AEL1 s 6.250 21.25 3.40 0.09 1292.3 189..23 31,.10 b f 2 MO HNU O 5.625 0.03 1313.2 188. .89 31,.21 b f 2 MO HNU O 3.625 0.01 1331.9 187,.56 31,.35 F A s H CB H H 4 VO HNU O 125.000 - 0.02 1399.5 188.,94 31 .74 F A s M c O 7 2 M HNU CR100 3.125 0.01 1335.2 189. 11 32,.38 F ?h HNU 7 3.125 0.09 1334.4 188. 19 32..38 SF AEL1 7 4.000 0.00 1379.2 187. 56 33..01 b f HNU 7 5.125 0.00 1418.1 187. 05 32..20 UF 2 MO HNU O 14.375 -0 .0 6 1433.5 187. 13 32..06 i 7 1 M AEL1 7 3.250 -0.03 1428.3 184. 43 33..99 F A s M c O U A 7 W 2 M APS S 2.500 8.00 3.20 - 1.00 1581.4 185. 00 32.,95 F A s M c O 7 w APS 3 5.375 17.00 3.13 -0.50 1541.3 185. 03 32. ,69 F 7 APS s 2.125 -0 .5 6 1537.8 185. 56 32.,38 F A s M c G 7 1 M APS a 2.875 -0.32 1508.5 186. 17 30.,99 b f 2 MO HNU O 8.625 -0.24 1466.8 186. 39 30. ,71 e f 1 O HNU 0 4.875 - 0.21 1453.9 184. 47 30.,73 UF 3 MO HR 0 5.625 -0 .6 9 1550.8 183. 63 32.,89 SF 3 M HR CR116 2.500 -1.07 1608.7 183. 67 32.,83 UF 3 MO HR O 7.500 -1 .0 6 1605.5 184. 24 31. ,72 I A s M c Q OWm A 2 H 3 M HR S I S .00 IJM 5.000 11.25 2.20 3.600 - 0.86 1568.9 184. 42 31..40 F A s N c O 7 2 M HR S 3.250 -0.73 1556.8 374

184.15 30.79 UF 3MOHRS 9.125 -0.78 1566.0 182.54 31.66 F C 9 D CO WIr A2SH3M HR CR121 101.25 JM A 3 HS 15.625 65.00 4.10 6.480 -0.99 1652.6 182.19 31.63 UF 3 MO HR 0 14.000 -0.96 1670.1 183.38 31.96 I A S M C E I? 2 M HR S 2.000 5.00 2.50 -0.97 1612.2 181.76 31.38 FASM COOW A 2 3 M HR S 3.625 9.75 2.60 -0.97 1690.5 181.38 31.08 FASM COow P 2 3 M HR s 3.125 8.75 2.80 -1.00 1708.2 181.46 32.14 FASM C Q w A 2 3 M HR s 17.75 JI A3 5.625 14.25 2.53 3.156 -1.09 1709.3 181.39 31.76 FASM COI A ? SH 3 M HR s 7.500 25.25 3.37 -1.04 1711.1 179.73 33.36 s HR 3 1.875 -0.93 1803.9 179.90 33.05 B A ? HR s 2.000 4.50 2.20 -0.94 1792.8 179.64 32.90 F A S 7 0? HR s 2.500 5.75 2.30 -1.11 1804.3 179.62 31.36 B A 0 HR s 2.000 5.25 2.65 -1.13 1798.2 180.29 31.14 IA S I A ? 2 M HR s 2.375 6.25 2.62 -1.06 1763.2 180.09 30.90 UF 3 M HR 0 12.250 -1.03 1772.4 179.35 30.87 FASM COo A? w 3 M HR s 6.125 21.25 3.49 -1.09 1810.7 242.91 43.27 F P S M C T 7 P 7 H 2 MO AEL3 s 186.25 7T A 4 W 31.250 57.50 1.80 5.960 -2.00 1783.8 241.54 43.76 F P S M CO 7 P 7 H 2 MO AEL3 s 48.750 100.00 2.01 -1.99 1746.9 239.87 43.12 FASM ? 2.750 9.25 3.34 -1.90 1665.3 241.43 42.55 FASM CO7 P 7 H 2 M AEL3 L 6.750 15.75 2.33 -2.00 1707.9 240.51 42.35 FASM COOM A 2 3 M AEL3 L 16.25 7 P3 4.250 9.75 2.24 3.824 -1.97 1666.4 241.25 42.13 SF AEL3 7 2.750 -2.01 1688.1 240.77 42.01 FASM C Q Wra A 2 3 M AEL3 L 4.500 11.50 2.56 -2.01 1666.9 240.61 41.95 7 7 7 7 SC 7 W A 2 Q 3 M AEL3 L 2.375 6.50 2.77 -2.01 1658.1 241.63 41.31 FASM CO0 A 2 3 M AEL4 S 3.875 9.25 2.37 -2 .0 0 1681.4 243.26 40.87 FASM 7 P ? 2 M AEL3 s 3.750 8.75 2.33 -2.04 1736.6 243.81 40.47 FASM w P 2 2 M AEL3 s 3.250 10.00 3.07 -2.05 1750.2 244.16 37.55 IASM COo P 1 aH 4 M AEL3 L 42.75 TMJ P 3 10.750 27.75 2.51 3.977 -2.03 1707.6 244.31 36.06 FASM o P 1 w 2 M AEL4 s 2.750 9.25 3.34 -2.17 1690.9 244.09 36.04 FASM o A 1 w 2 M AEL3 L 2.750 9.25 3.34 -2.16 1680.0 244.17 36.59 FASM COow A 2 3 M AEL3 L 20.50 H A 2 4.500 12.50 2.78 4.556 -2.14 1692.5 244.10 36.46 FASM o A 1 3 M AEL4 S 2.375 6.00 2.56 -2.17 1687.4 241.69 34.07 7 A 7 7 C Q ow A 2 3 M AEL3 s 4.500 11.25 2.50 -1.92 1540.3 244.55 32.75 b A C E Op A 1 4 M APS s 22.75 BJTM A 3 5.000 11.75 2.30 4.550 -2.11 1665.6 243.28 32.43 BF APS o 5.250 -2.19 1599.6 243.25 32.69 FASM 0 A 1 3 M APS s 2.250 5.00 2.22 -2.16 1600.5 243.55 32.16 B A o A 1 3 M APS s 2.500 6.25 2.50 -2.11 1610.4 244.88 31.36 7 A C E 0 A 1 PH 3 M APS s 10.250 26.75 2.60 -2.20 1672.4 242.27 30.98 BA C E 7 A 7 A 2 M APS s 6.500 18.75 2.85 -1.94 1538.3 243.05 30.70 IASM C E w A 2 QL 3 M APS s 5.375 16.75 3.16 -2.07 1576.4 239.68 31.23 FASM w P 2 1 M APS s 3.125 9.00 2.80 -2.03 1410.5 239.91 30.99 FAIM C Q 0 A 1 H 2 M APS s 35.75 TWM P 3 K 9.250 17.75 1.99 3.865 -2.02 1419.5 239.29 30.95 IASM C E 0 A 1 2 M APS s 15.75 T7 P 7 K 5.500 12.50 2.23 2.864 -2.04 1388.9 236.87 44.09 F A ? HVG 7 8.500 -1.74 1592.2 234.35 43.37 IA S ? HVG s 3.875 8.25 2.19 -1.68 1481.0 235.02 40.96 F A I P CO ? C 0 32.500 -1.94 1417.4 239.10 40.15 F P S P C T ? A ? SA 2 MO C 0 37.500 108.75 2.90 -2.00 1549.2 240.51 39.85 FAS C E ow G 2 3 M AEL3 s 10.00 MW A3 2.625 6.25 2.31 3.810 -2.02 1598.1 240.93 39.09 FAS CO w A 2 2 M AEL3 s 1.875 7.75 4.13 -2.09 1597.0 240.44 39.16 T AEL3 7 2.500 -2.01 1578.6 240.03 38.98 FASM COOp A 1 2 M AEL3 S 2.500 5.25 2.10 -2.01 1557.3 239.45 39.16 FAS CO GW G 2 2 M AEL3 S 2.250 5.75 2.56 -2.00 1537.9 239.01 38.93 FASM C Q I?P? 1 M AEL3 s 8.000 20.75 2.54 -2.00 1513.0 238.56 40.32 F A I 0 A 1 2 M C CI32 2.375 5.25 2.21 -2.00 1532.3 237.65 39.85 F A S D CO OpI A 2 P 2 M AEL3 SL 30.00 P 7 8.000 22.50 2.83 3.750 -2.00 1483.6 236.74 39.97 FAS ow A 2 2 M AEL3 S 2.125 5.25 2.41 -2.00 1450.6 237.34 38.62 FAS C Q WMNI A 3 L 2 M AEL3 S 5.875 19.00 3.24 -2.00 1436.4 241.32 38.67 FAS CO Wp A 2 2 M AEL4 s 2.375 7.50 3.18 -2.07 1604.2 240.65 37.50 FAS CO Wm A 2 2 M AEL3 SL 4.375 9.50 2.11 -2.00 1550.2 240.25 38.28 FAS C E I A 2 2 M AEL4 s 2.250 7.00 3.11 -2.02 1550.4 238.24 38.19 IAS CO OW A 2 2 M AEL3 SL 2.250 6.00 2.67 -2.00 1462.6 240.22 37.60 FAS CO 7 AEL3 SL 2.750 -2.02 1534.1 235.86 39.99 FASM C Q ? AEL3 7 4.875 -1.99 1417.8 236.27 37.94 FASM C Q o A » P 2 M AEL3 SL 6.115 15.50 2.25 -2.00 1373.0 236.23 37.86 FASM CO0 P 2 2 M AEL3 CI54 2.750 6.25 2.23 -2.00 1370.8 235.01 37.57 I A S C E MI P 2 Q 2 M AEL3 SL 3.125 7.50 2.40 -2.00 1311.8 235.23 37.14 B A C E ITP ?W 2 M AEL3 S 2.375 6.50 2.77 -2.00 1308.2 235.19 36.80 F A C E O A ? 2 M AEL3 s 1.875 6.00 3.20 -2.00 1298.9 242.70 35.93 F A S C E W A 2 2 M AEL3 SL 3.750 10.25 2.73 -2.03 1614.4 242.20 35.97 I A S C E Wm A? 3 M AEL3 SL 1.875 5.25 2.80 -2.00 1S92.4 w > 40.00 -2.01 1526.3 240.44 36.75 FAS CH Q I J A 3 O 3 M AEL3 SL 8.750 4.51 238.71 36.29 F A C E O A 1 2 M AEL3 SL 2.000 5.00 2.50 -2.00 1439.7 238.16 36.01 FASM COOWp A 2 H 3 M AEL4 sx 34.75 A A 3 H 8.250 19.00 2.33 4.212 -2.00 1409.6 238.21 36.10 I AEL4 CA63 3.000 -2 .0 0 1413.8 236.13 36.52 IAS C E OWN A 2 3 M AEL3 S 2.125 5.50 2.58 -2.00 1331.8 235.37 36.39 F 7 I M CD OG ? PT 3 M AEL3 s 33.75 IJ G 7 VW 5.750 15.00 2.69 5.870 -2.00 1295.4 235.87 36.09 FAS CO O A 2 3 M AEL3 SL 2.125 5 . SO 2.58 -2.00 1309.9 234.62 35.70 F A S P CD ? P ? SU 3 M AEL3 O 22.500 -2.00 1245.2 235.32 35.78 T A AEL3 7 2.250 -2.00 1278.9 242.65 34.89 I A I M CO O A 7 P 3 M APS S 60.00 MJ A 3 L 11.875 36.25 3.03 5.053 -2.08 1596.4 241.36 34.52 FAS CO 0? A 7 V 2 M APS s 4.500 17.50 3.89 -1.94 1530.2 240.69 35.34 FAS C E O A 1 2 M AEL3 SL 2.375 7.00 2.97 -1.99 1511.8 239.54 34.46 F t S D CO ow G 2 SY 3 M AEL4 SX 52.50 WJ G 3 S 12.750 35.00 2.75 4.118 -2.04 1443.9 238.07 35.39 FASM C Q 7 P 7 PSA 1 M AEL3 s 8.125 -2.00 1392.5 238.02 35.05 FAS CO IW A 2 A 2 M AEL4 s 17.75 IT P 3 V 4.750 8.75 1.82 3.737 -2.00 1383.0 237.94 34.49 FAS C E Ow A 1 2 M AEL4 Cl 7 8 3.625 10.00 2.79 -2.00 1369.8 237.57 34.56 BAS CO OW A 2 2 M AEL4 Cl 7 8 3.375 10.50 3.11 -2.00 1353.0 236.89 34.16 F P I D C T BTJI P 4 SLU 3 M AEL4 S 28.125 147.50 5.24 -2.00 1314.9 236.36 34.20 FASM Cl O P 1 AH 2 M AEL4 CA78 10.625 22.50 2.18 -2.00 1291.4 236.49 34.27 SF AEL4 CA78 4.750 -2.00 1298.9 235.20 34.92 I ? AEL3 7 2.500 -2.00 1253.3 243.62 34.24 F A S 7 C Q IMJ A 3 3 M APS S 4.250 12.00 2.84 -2.19 1634.7 242.67 33.80 FAS C E Ow A 1 2 M APS S 1.875 5.75 3.07 -2.15 1583.9 241.01 34.08 FAS CO IBJ A 2 Lqh 2 M APS s 5.125 25.00 4.88 -1.96 1507.3 241.87 32.90 F P R P CD W G 3 US 3 M APS s 112.50 MJNT A 4 S 20.625 64.25 3.15 5.455 -1.99 1534.5 241.44 33.20 FARM CH 0 APS c l 85 6.500 -1.92 1517.4 241.45 33.28 FARM SC 0 APS c l 85 3.750 -1.92 1518.6 238.79 33.89 F A S P CO IO A 2 SD 3 M AEL3 SL 11.750 31.25 2.60 -2.01 1399.0 238.15 33.89 FAS C E ow A 2 3 M AEL3 SL 2.875 9.00 3.10 -2.01 1369.6 238.00 33.60 FAS C E MW A 3 3 M AEL3 SL 5.375 17.50 3.26 -2.01 1357.0 237.78 33.33 FAS C E w A 2 3 M AEL3 SL 3.250 10.00 3.07 -2.00 1342.1 237.94 32.71 IAS C E I A 7 H 2 M AEL4 SX 2.750 8.00 2.99 -2.01 1341.2 239.72 32.65 FAS C E AEL3 7 2.875 -2.04 1427.0 240.82 31.62 IAS C E w A 2 2 M APS S 3.125 7.00 2.20 -1.96 1470.6 238.47 32.64 IAS C E ow A 2 2 M AEL4 S 3.375 8.25 2.44 -2.01 1366.6 238.13 30.89 7 A S CO u? P 7 K 2 M APS S 8.250 32.75 3.90 -2.00 1329.8 240.49 29.81 I A S C E ow A 2 2 M APS s 3.625 10.25 2. 88 -1.98 1441.4 240.64 29.64 B A ? APS 3 2.625 7.75 2.92 -1.97 1448.1 236.84 30.60 IASM CO0 A 1 KH 3 M APS s 2.875 7.00 2.45 -2.00 1262.1 236.52 29.46 I A C Q IT P 7 K 2 M APS s 2.875 5.00 1.79 -2.00 1236.5 243.50 39.45 F P S P CO W A 2 SAH 3 M AEL3 s 118.75 Tr P 7 7 23.750 60.00 2.56 5.000 -2.08 1714.5 244.10 40.10 FASM 0 A 7 s AEL4 s 2.250 5.00 2.22 -2.01 1754.9 244.50 35.50 s APS 7 2.750 -2.10 1692.1 244.10 34.60 FASM ow A 2 q APS S 3.125 9.00 2.80 -2.15 1661.7 243.50 34.90 FAS I A 7 APS S 5.875 22.25 3.77 -2.14 1637.2 233.86 44.18 F A S d CO Ow A 2 1 M AEL3 S 4.750 9.00 1.85 -1.57 1497.2 235.19 43.57 F AEL3 7 3.750 -1.74 1516.5 235.35 43.45 FASM OTW A 2 w 2 M AEL4 X 1.875 6.75 3.60 -1.71 1517.1 233.94 42.75 IASM C E 0? A 2 1 M AEL3 S 4.625 12.75 2.77 -1.77 1444.0 233.67 42.38 F A S 7 CO 77 A 0 M AEL3 s 6.875 -1.78 1421.3 233.66 41.82 F A AEL3 7 3.375 -1.73 1399.6 232.01 43.46 F A S 1 CO 0 A 1 H 2 M AEL3 S 11.625 27.75 2.37 -1.54 1411.0 231.17 44.25 F AEL3 7 7.500 -1.34 1419.9 232.28 40.88 F A S 7 CO w A 2 2 M AEL3 S 3.375 7.75 2.26 -1.84 1317.6 231.48 40.74 FASM C E w P 2 1 M AEL3 S 4.375 25.00 5.74 -1.77 1284.9 228.70 44.56 7 HVG 7 2.500 -1.18 1367.1 226.61 44.75 FASL COTPI A 2 W 3 M HVG S 2.375 15.00 6.36 -0.97 1325.7 227.86 44.24 F HVG 7 3.750 -1.00 1330.6 228.04 43.87 FASM COo A 1 2 M HVG S 3.375 7.50 2.22 -1.17 1317.9 375

227. 64 42..52 F ASM C Q OW A 2 w 2 M HVG 2.500 12.75 5.10 -1 .0 6 1243.5 226..82 42.,97 F A s C Q OP A 2 W 1 M HVG 2.500 13.75 5.50 -1.01 1243.0 230.,66 41,.02 F A s 1 c 0 ow A 2 S 2 M AEL3 3.750 19.25 5.13 -1.67 1268.0 234.,90 40..01 F A s M c 0 ow A 2 H 3 M AEL3 27.00 JI P 3 3.750 9.50 2.53 7.200 -1.91 1381.3 234.,64 39,.01 F A I 1 c 0 17 P 7 2 M AEL3 3.000 -2.00 1339.8 234.,46 38. .80 F A s L c 0 OW G 2 H 3 M AEL3 2.125 6.50 3.09 -2.00 1325.9 233..60 38,.64 F A s L c 0 I P 2 2 M AELS 2.000 4.75 2.35 -2.00 1287.1 234.,94 37,,78 F A s 7 c E 0 A 2 2 M AEL3 2.000 4.50 2.20 -2.00 1314.5 235.,34 37..40 s f AELS 2.000 -2.00 1320.6 234.,10 37,.18 F A s M c E ow A 2 2 M AEL3 2.125 6.75 3.16 -2 .0 0 1263.0 235..32 37,.15 F A I M c Q WI P 2 2 M AEL3 2.250 5.50 2.44 -2 .0 0 1312.7 234..88 34,.96 F A s D c Q w G 2 YS 3 M AEL3 54.50 IWMB P 3 S 12.750 40.00 3.17 4.275 -2.00 1239.8 233..03 35 .88 F A s L c Q Im A 3 3 M AEL3 6.000 21.00 3.50 -2.00 1181.3 233.,19 35 .72 1 A OW A 2 H 3 M AEL3 2.500 5.50 2.20 -2 .0 0 1184.2 233..68 35,.35 F A s 7 c E WO A 2 2 M AEL4 2.750 7.00 2.55 -2.00 1195.8 233..81 34,.58 B IraO G 2 3 M AEL4 1.875 6.25 3.33 -2.00 1182.6 235..15 34,.47 F A s P c Q O A 1 HA 2 M AEL3 8.250 17.25 2.01 -2.00 1241.2 234..83 34,.44 r A s 7 c O 7 AEL3 2.500 -2.00 1225.3 233..41 33,.43 u A s M c Q IJ A 3 SLQ 3 M AEL3 8.125 36.75 4.53 -2.00 1139.6 232.,76 33,.20 F A s c E IW A 2 3 M AEL3 2.500 6.75 2.70 -1 .9 9 1104.0 235..10 32,.71 I A I 7 c Q w P 2 H 2 M AEL3 3.125 6.75 2.10 -2.00 1205.8 234..83 32,.90 bf AEL3 2.125 -2.00 1195.4 234..86 32,.73 I A s c E 0 P 1 HP 1 M AEL3 2.375 6.25 2.62 -2.00 1193.9 231..77 31,.86 u A s M c O 17 AEL3 5.000 15.25 3.00 -2.00 1031.1 235..15 31,.19 I A 7 7 c Q O A 1 HK 2 M AEL3 8.750 20.75 2.31 -2.00 1184.0 232.,74 31 .04 s AEL3 2.625 -2.00 1064.7 231..58 31..63 F AEL3 3.125 -2.00 1017.6 231..57 31,.03 I A C Q 07 P 7 1 M AEL3 5.000 10.50 2.10 -2.01 1006.0 231..64 30,.91 a AEL3 2.500 -2.01 1008.5 232..65 39, .56 F ASM C 0 Op G 1 H 3 M AEL3 15.50 WMB G 3 3.875 9.50 2.42 4.000 -1.99 1282.8 232..32 37,.89 F A S 7 c E OW G 2 3 M AEL3 2.000 S .00 2.50 -1.90 1213.0 233.,07 37,.63 F A s 7 c Q r A 1 HA 1 M AEL3 6.750 21.50 3.15 -2.00 1234.0 232.,97 36, .91 I A s c E MW G 2 3 M AEL3 2.125 6.75 3.16 -2.00 1208.2 232.,57 36..76 I A s M c Q Op G 2 KO 3 M AEL3 13.25 O? A 3 V 3.375 9.25 2.71 3.926 -2.00 1187.0 232.,20 36.,79 F A s c Q I G 2 2 M AEL3 2.000 6.25 3.15 -2.00 1173.5 232. 10 36..55 F A s c Q Op A 7 P 1 M AEL3 2.125 7.25 3.42 -2.00 1162.8 232.,15 35..94 F A s M c O o A 7 PT 2 M AEL3 27.50 OBI P 7 V 5.000 12.00 2.40 5.500 -2.00 1146.3 232. 51 35,.27 S AEL3 1.875 -2.00 1143.8 232. 07 33..86 F A s M c Q 7 P 7 AH 1 M AEL3 8.375 -2.00 1087.6 232. 10 33..98 B 7 AEL3 CI66 2.500 -1 . 99 1092.9 232. 29 33, .93 B c EO P 1 1 M AEL3 c ie e 2.500 7.50 3.00 -1 .9 9 1099.1 231..64 33,.74 F A s D c O 17 P 7 AH 1 M AEL3 9.250 -2.00 1065.7 231..99 33..23 B CH E IW P 2 2 M A ELS 2.375 7.00 2.97 -2.00 1069.4 230.,05 32..69 F A s M OA 1 1 M AEL3 2.125 5.25 2.41 -2.01 968.6 230.,60 39, .37 F A s c O 7 A ELS 3.250 9.50 2.93 -1.54 1201.5 231.,68 38..37 F A s L c Q WG 2 L 3 M AEL3 3.125 13.00 4.10 -1.80 1204.0 231. 54 37..96 F A s L c Q OJp G 2 PV 2 M AEL3 IS . 75 OJI P 3 VI 5.000 13.75 2.70 3.750 -1.83 1185.6 231. 37 36.,71 F A s 7 c O IOW G 2 3 M AEL3 3.000 9.25 3.03 -2.00 1137.4 230. 43 36..82 I A s OW G 2 2 M AEL3 2.125 5.25 2.41 -1.91 1104.7 230. 83 35..45 I A s c E OW G 2 3 M AEL3 2.750 8.75 3.12 -2.00 1077.1 231.,01 35..04 F A s OWM G 2 3 M AEL3 1.875 4.25 2.27 -2.00 1072.2 230. 73 34..48 I A s P c O OWp G 2 SAK 3 M AEL3 7.750 18.75 2.49 4.355 -2.00 1044.2 230. 55 34..44 B c E ow A 2 2 M AEL3 2.125 6.25 2.91 -2.00 1036.6 230. 11 33..27 I A s c O ow A 2 2 M AEL3 3.500 8.25 2.37 -2.00 985.3 229. 06 34..02 I A s c Q ow A 2 2 M AEL3 4.375 11.75 2.66 -2.00 960.7 229.,70 32,.41 a AEL3 2.750 -2.01 946.5 228..25 32,,71 I A c O o P 7 1 M AEL3 4.250 9.75 2.24 -2.00 888.5 230.,24 31,.10 7 A R c I o A 1 HP 1 M AEL3 8.625 18.75 2.14 -2.01 943.0 229., 96 31,.01 I A s c O WHO A 2 3 M AEL3 3.875 10.00 2.51 -2.01 928.6 229.,39 31,.10 I AIM c E IBMW A 3 L 4 M AEL3 8.125 32.50 4.00 -2.07 903.0 227.,80 31,.66 I A s c O O P 7 1 M AEL3 2.375 4.00 1.64 -2.00 841.0 229.,64 40..06 I A s D c Q JO A 3 VHA 2 M AEL3 7.250 43.75 6.04 -1.33 1196.4 228. .66 38 .92 F A s M c O w A 2 HS 3 M AELS 18.75 JTM A 3 6.125 17.00 2.76 3.061 -1.22 1117.2 229 .49 38 .13 F A s 7 c O I A 2 2 M AEL1 1.875 5.50 2.93 -1.55 1115.3 229 .61 38 .02 F A s c Q IA 2 2 M AEL1 1.875 5.25 2.80 -1.68 1115.5 229. .58 37 .55 F A s c O WM A 3 3 M AEL1 1.875 5.50 2.93 -1.77 1097.6 228..05 38 .23 I c EOA 2 2 M AEL1 1.875 7.50 4.00 -1.37 1069.9 228..20 38 .13 F A s c EOA 1 2 M AEL1 3.125 8.75 2.80 -1 .3 6 1070.3 228..63 37 .87 F A s c E OW A 2 2 M AEL1 2.625 7.50 2.87 -1.55 1075.7 228. .54 37 .58 F A s c O I A 2 2 M AEL1 2.500 8.75 3.50 -1.51 1060.4 228 .49 37 .12 F A s c O o A 1 2 M AEL1 2.125 4.75 2.25 -1.61 1041.5 228 .11 35 .92 F A c Q o A 2 1 M AELS 3.250 7.50 2.38 -1.83 983.3 228 .68 35 .42 F A s c E ow A 2 2 M AELS 3.875 10.50 2.70 -1.90 988.1 227 .59 34 .09 I A s 7 c O IW A 2 H 2 M AELS 3.750 10.25 2.73 -2.02 900.3 226..82 31 .79 I A s c Q WM A 3 2 M AEL1 5.000 11.75 2.30 -1.97 799.5 226 .05 30 .79 F AI c O MWN G 3 3 M AEL1 11.000 31.00 2.88 -1.93 739.6 226..22 42 .37 F A 7 AEL3 5.625 - 1.00 1199.6 227,.53 40 .99 F A 7 AEL3 3. 875 - 1.02 1170.1 227,.88 40 .36 F A s 7 AEL3 5. 625 -1.04 1153.6 228,.26 40 .34 7 7 7 7 AELS 5.750 -1.14 1163.4 229,.06 40 .32 F A s c O OU P 7 1 M AELS 3.500 11.50 3.26 -1 .2 6 1188.2 227..21 39 .82 F A s M c Q W P 7 W 2 M AELS 5.000 12.25 2.40 -1.03 1109.5 227..69 39 .06 F A 7 AELS 5 . 000 12.00 2.40 -1.13 1091.3 228. ,31 38, .91 u A s c E O A 1 2 M AEL3 1.875 4.75 2.53 -1 .2 9 1105.0 228..15 38, .81 F A s M c Q O A 1 2 H AEL3 2.125 5.25 2.41 - 1.21 1095.9 226,.95 38 .44 F A s D c Q U P 7 1 M AELS 9.250 -1.13 1041.5 226..80 38 .52 SF AELS 3.500 -1.18 1039.5 227..06 37 .66 I A c O Op A 1 W 2 M AEL3 3.875 11.25 2.93 -1.30 1012.8 226..96 37,.36 I RT A 0 W 2 M AEL3 3.875 8.25 2.19 -1.30 996.5 227,.22 36 .76 F A c O OT A 1 w 3 M AEL3 2.750 8.75 3.12 -1.50 981.7 226..03 37,.22 7 IT P 0 w 2 M AEL3 1.875 5.00 2.67 -1.33 959.6 226..23 36,.96 F A s c O OT P 0 w 3 M AELS 4.625 12.50 2.73 -1.42 955.5 225.,59 36,.65 F A s M c 0 OT P 0 w 1 M AEL1 7.500 19.50 2.60 -1.48 921.0 226..27 35..64 I A s M c E O P 7 w 1 M AEL1 SEF 6.625 16.75 2.58 -1.70 904.3 226.,13 34..76 I A s c E J I P 7 HA 1 M AEL1 SEF 7.500 26.25 3.50 - 1 . 86 866.2 224. 84 31..64 I A s c E mW A 2 3 M AEL1 2.375 5 .25 2.21 -1.80 708.7 234. 46 34..98 F AIM c 7 H AELS 2.750 - 2.00 1221.9 157. 28 27..65 B 7 7 7 c E 7 1 M AAS 6.250 -2.80 2957.6 156. 26 23..94 I A 7 7 c E MW A 2 H 2 M AA3 7.250 16.25 2.21 -2.64 3057.1 156. 57 20..62 BF AAS 7.250 -2.46 3091.4 156.,90 20..34 BF AA3 5.625 -2.34 3079.6 156.,72 19. .12 BF AA3 4.625 -2 .3 9 3109.9 156. 41 17..48 S AA3 5.375 -2.25 3156.2 155.,11 17,.27 I A s M c E 7 1 M AA3 5.000 -2.32 3229.0 155.,27 17,.17 I A s M c f H AAS 5.625 -2.34 3222.5 155. 45 29.,51 a AAS 2.750 -3.01 3032.7 157.,50 28. .06 S AAS 2.250 -2.97 2942.8 156. 57 27..93 s AA3 2.500 -2.94 2991.3 156. 50 27..75 SF AA3 4.250 -2.98 2997.0 156. 27 24..11 SF AA3 2.625 - 2.66 3054.0 157. 33 21..63 B A 7 7 c ESA 7 A 2 MO AA3 4.000 3035.4 156. 55 20..98 S AAS 2.625 -2.41 3087.0 155. 93 20.,87 s AAS 1.875 -2.50 3121.0 156. 89 20. ,43 s AAS 2.500 3078.9 156. 74 19..26 s AAS 2.500 3106.6 156.,83 15,.14 s AA1 2.000 -2.13 3179.7 179. 86 29..75 s HR 2.000 -0.24 1782.1 176.,05 29..87 I ASM C E OUT 3 M 2.250 5.00 2.22 0.19 1977.8 175,.53 29..89 I ASM C Q OU 2 M 1.875 5.00 2.67 2004.2 179. ,92 28.,67 F 2.625 6.00 2.26 1779.8 179. 81 28..69 I 2.500 4.00 1.60 1784.6 180. ,07 28..28 UF 4.625 1772.0 179. 53 27.,85 I 1.875 4.25 2.27 1801.7 177. 85 27,,94 S 1.875 -0.08 1888.1 178. 59 27.,27 I C E wO A 1 2 M 2.500 6.00 2.40 -0.40 1852.0 178. 31 26.,95 I C E MO P 1 2 M 2.500 6.75 2.70 -0.63 1868.8 177. 28 27. 49 s 2.125 1919.3 176. 98 27. 07 1 4.000 10.00 2.50 1937.4 376

176. 72 27..36 I 1.875 194 9.0 176. 86 27. .69 I WRS 3.000 6.25 2.03 1941.8 177. 24 28. .38 I HNU CR8 2.750 0.03 1918.8 176. 61 29..27 I ? ? 2 OH HNU 4.125 0.07 1949.1 176. 41 28..86 B CEO P 1 1 M 2.750 7 .50 2.77 0.04 1960.3 176. 00 29. .16 S 2.125 0.01 1981.8 176. 29 28..30 I ? E HO P 1 1 H 3.000 6.25 2.03 -0.04 1968.0 175. 86 27,.61 SF 4.125 0.00 1993.6 175. 61 28..98 F SC E ? 1 M 3.750 8.25 2.20 0.08 2001.2 175. 31 28. .99 SF 2.250 0.11 2017.0 175. 25 29..00 B C E ? 1 MY 2.750 0.18 2020.7 174. 91 29, .17 I C E ? 1 MO 3.500 8.50 2.49 0.17 2037.0 174. 77 28..36 I C Q OU 2 M 2.250 4.75 2.11 0.26 2047.7 174. 70 28..31 I 2.500 0.25 2051.9 174. 92 27..69 BF 2.750 0.08 2042.9 174. 55 28..03 I CEO P 1 2 MO 2.750 6.00 2.12 0.13 2060.4 174. 48 28, .19 S 2.375 0.11 2063.1 174. 13 28,.32 B CEO P 1 1 M 2.500 S.SO 2.20 0.03 2080.6 174. 08 28, .45 BF 3.750 0.08 2082.4 174. 10 28..59 UF 3.625 0.07 2081.7 173. 97 27,.94 I 2.500 0.09 2090.4 174. 11 27,,17 UF 4.625 -0.23 2087.5 173. 52 27,.34 S 2.500 - 0.20 2117.4 173. 45 27..30 s f 4.125 -0.27 2121.3 173. 30 28..77 BF 4.000 0.09 2122.2 179. 40 26..50 SF 3.125 -0.98 1813.7 179. 34 26..21 UF 4.500 -1.05 1817.7 179.,40 25..49 S 2.250 1819.3 179. 51 25,.21 1 2. 875 1815.5 178. 42 26,.83 s 1.875 1863.6 178. 66 25,.69 I CEO A 1 2 H 3.375 8.25 2.44 -0.98 1856.0 178. 57 25,.59 F CEO A 1 2 H 3.750 8.75 2.33 - 1.01 1862.4 178. 82 25,.35 B C E ? P 1 1 M 2.000 3.75 1.85 1850.6 178.,27 25..29 S 3. 875 -1.04 1880.7 178. 43 24,.75 F C E H 2.875 -0.99 1876. 9 177..68 26..42 I C E ? 3.250 1904.8 177. 25 26,.45 S 1.875 1926. 6 176. 99 26..82 F C E HO 4.375 0.03 1938.9 176..63 26,.34 I C E ? 2.750 -0 .1 6 1959. 9 176. 84 25,.90 OF 2.750 -0 .5 3 1951.6 176. 98 25, .88 S 2.125 -0 .5 9 194 4.0 176..29 25,.70 s 2.875 -0 .9 6 1982.4 176. 34 24..99 B 1.875 -0 .8 9 1985.3 176. 12 26..26 RF 4.000 -0.64 1987.8 175. 89 26..53 S 1.875 -0 .6 0 1997.0 175. 71 26..70 B 2.750 -0.50 2006.4 175. 52 26,.89 OF 2.000 -0 .5 5 2015.2 175. 51 26.,97 OF 2.500 -0 .4 4 2015.0 174. 90 27..03 B C F ? 3.375 -0 .6 7 2046.6 174. 62 26..77 B C E MW SWR 3.750 -0 .8 5 2063.9 174. 42 26..99 UF WRO 2.875 -0 .5 7 2072.5 175. 50 26,,11 s SWR 2.375 -1 .0 9 2021.7 175. 78 25..50 I 3.875 -0 .9 8 2010.2 175. 65 25..62 S 1.875 -0 .9 7 2016.8 175. IS 25..52 I A S H C F ? 3.250 -1 .0 5 2042.1 175. 05 25..29 7 1.875 -0 .9 8 2051.3 174. 33 25..88 UF 2.125 -1 .0 6 2084.5 173. 87 25..06 S 2.250 -1 .0 8 2115.8 172. 98 25,,99 S 2.000 -0 .9 7 2154.9 179. 21 23..67 I 3.500 - 1.00 1844.0 175. 79 24. .05 S 3. 875 - 0.86 2022.2 174. 76 23..96 s 2.500 -0 .8 9 2078.6 174..66 24 .08 F C E ? 3.750 - 0.86 2082.7 174,. 45 23 .95 F SC E 7 5.250 -0.92 2095.6 173,.83 24 .85 I 2.875 - 1.01 2119.8 173..43 24 .97 S HR 2.625 - 1.01 2139.9 172,.38 24 .46 UF HR WR 2.125 -1 .2 6 2200.1 172,.17 24 .33 B ACHP S 2.625 6.00 2.26 -1 .3 2 2212.6 172,.32 23 .96 BF HNU k: 4.000 -1 .3 5 2208.5 171,. 40 24 .46 S HNU Kl 1.875 -1 .5 3 2252.8 171,.10 24 .47 UF ACHP O 1.875 -1 .6 5 2267.9 171,.21 24 .20 UF HNU S 2.500 -1 .7 0 2264.6 170,.61 24 .21 I ACHP S 3. 875 2296.9 170,.66 25 .02 UF AA4 SK 6.500 -1 .6 5 2285.1 170,.80 23 .81 7 ACHP S 3.125 - 1.86 2290.6 179,.34 22 .05 B CEO A 1 1 H HR WR 3.000 7.50 2.50 - 1.01 1855.8 179 .72 21 .18 S HR Cl 43 2.750 -1 .0 7 1846.1 179 .15 23 .09 I CH E O P 1 1 HO SWR 3.625 7.00 1.91 - 1.00 1853.1 177,.22 23 .40 I C E ? 4.000 -1 .0 9 1953.2 177,.54 22 .96 B C E ? 2.875 7.50 2.69 - 1.00 1941.2 177,.38 23 .03 F CB Q h 3.875 -1 .0 6 1948.9 177,.01 22 .96 R CH Q h 4.750 - 1.02 1969.5 176,. 94 22 .90 BF 2. 875 - 1.01 1973.7 177,.84 22 .28 I C E Od 4.375 11.75 2.66 1932.6 178,.89 21 .71 B C Q ? 2.000 4.50 2.20 1883.4 177,.74 21 .41 I C 0 3.750 1949.5 177,.22 22 .22 BF 3.000 1966.8 176..69 21 .27 S 2.125 -1 .5 3 2007.3 177..05 20 .72 I C E MW A 2 2 H HR 4.375 9.75 2.29 -1 .5 4 1996.6 177.,12 20 .57 I C E MW A 2 2 H HR 4.500 9.50 2.11 - 1.68 1994.2 176..40 20 .65 F C ? H ACH 3.375 -1 .7 0 2032.2 175..31 23 .29 ? HNU KWR 2.250 -0 .9 8 2056.5 174..22 23 .61 S HNU KS 2.750 -0 . 97 2111.8 175..35 23 .08 B ACH S 2.125 5.00 2.33 - 1.02 2056.7 174..41 22 .55 UF ACHP O 3.750 -1 .5 6 2113.2 174., 47 22,.33 UF ACHP O 4.000 -1 .7 8 2112.3 174..02 23,.17 BF ACHP O 4. 625 -1 .1 3 2126.2 173.,92 22..68 1 ACHP S 2.500 -1 .5 3 2137.2 174.,38 22,.03 BF ACHP C l53 2.500 -1 .9 3 2121.5 174..26 22,.04 BF ACHP Cl S3 2. 875 -1 .9 2 2127.4 175..38 21,.53 S ACH CHI 1.875 -1 .7 5 2074.4 173.,84 22..56 I ACHP S 3.500 -1 .7 6 2143.5 172. 51 23,.73 B CEO ACHP S 3.375 9.25 2.71 -1 .3 2 2200.2 171.,69 22,.96 S ACHP S 2.375 -1 .9 0 2253.3 171. 42 22,.52 B C E H ACHP O 4.375 6.25 1.49 -2 .0 3 2273.6 173. 27 21,.13 UF ACH 0 3.125 -2 .0 6 2192.7 178. 83 20..93 S 2.500 - 1.22 1897.3 178. 35 20..84 s 2.750 -1 .3 0 1924.5 178. 64 20..59 s 3.500 -1 .3 6 1912.6 178. 18 20..28 s 2.000 -1 .4 5 1942.8 178. 84 20..11 s CI55 2.125 -1 .3 1 1909.3 178. 52 20..08 I Cl 55 2.250 5.00 2.22 -1 .4 0 1927.4 178. 34 19. .99 s CI55 3.000 -1 .4 6 1938.0 179. 97 19..80 s CI55 2.750 - 1.10 1853.2 179. 92 19..70 I C E ? Cl 55 3.750 - 1.12 1858.2 179. 71 19.,70 B C E J Cl 55 3.375 -1 .1 5 1869.6 179. 63 19.,60 S Cl 5 5 2 . 000 -1 .2 5 1875.7 178. 29 19.,16 I Cl 5 5 4.375 -1 .6 3 1954.2 179. 75 18. ,72 s CI55 3. 000 - 1.22 1883.8 177. 85 18..83 s CI55 2.750 -1 .8 3 1983.3 177. 76 18.,76 B C E J A 2 2 H CI55S 3.125 7.2 5 2.30 -1 .8 7 1989.6 177. 77 18..61 b uow P 1 2 H CI55S 2.750 6.50 2.34 -1.81 1991.6 179. 57 18.,34 s CI55 2.250 -1 .4 8 1900.4 176. 97 20. 22 s 3.125 -1.71 2008.3 175. 99 20. 24 s 3.000 - 1.86 2060.5 177. 06 19. 83 s 3.125 -1 .7 2 2009.0 176. 54 19. 47 s 2.500 -1 .9 9 2042.7 176. 63 19. 26 B 3.250 7.50 2.38 -1 .9 3 2041.2 377

177. 14 18. 64 S ACH 2.000 1.91 2024.3 177. 21 18. 43 S ACH S 4.250 1.98 2024.1 174. 85 20. 25 s ACH s 2.000 2.00 2121.9 172. 84 20. 57 B C E ■> HR WR 2.625 2.21 2224.6 173. 44 19. 92 UF HR O 4.000 2.16 2201.7 173. 32 19. 36 BF HR O 4.625 2.19 2217.1 173. 09 19. 43 UF HR O 2.250 2.20 2228.9 172. 44 19. 94 S HR s 1.875 2.39 2255.5 173. 62 19. 15 s HR K 2.500 2.01 2204.1 172. 77 19. 16 UF HR WRO 2.875 2.34 2250.0 173. 77 18. 91 OF HR O 3.750 2.00 2200.2 174. 04 18. 66 OF HR o 3.250 2.04 2190.5 172. 90 18. 82 BF HR OWR 2.750 2.28 2248.7 173. 15 18. 15 B CF H P 2 2 M HR S 3.125 2.15 2247.0 171. 39 20. 67 I HR s 3.125 2.32 2300.2 171. 15 20. 61 S HR s 2.125 2.35 2313.7 171. 23 19. 82 s HR s 2.125 2.53 2321.8 170. 43 19. 85 B c F MJ A 2 2 MY HR s 3.250 7 .50 2.38 2.63 2364.7 170. 33 19. 34 B c F MW A 2 2 MY HR s 3.000 4.75 1.53 2.85 2377.8 171. 44 19. 05 F c 0 UWSH HR 0 4.375 2.75 2323.1 171. 55 18. .80 S HNU K 4.250 2.60 2321.5 178. 70 17. ,47 s HR CI55 1.875 2.04 1963.4 178. 92 16.,51 s NPLI Cl 71 2.500 1.96 1970.3 177. 91 17, 84 I c Q WM A 2 2 M HR S 4.750 2.04 1998.1 178. 10 16..16 1 NPLI Cl 71 2.000 1.98 2021.8 177. 18 15.,85 OF ACH O 4.000 2.04 2077.7 176. 22 17.,39 s ACH CI73 2.250 2.05 2097.6 175. 05 17.,51 I ACH CH 2.375 2.04 2157.9 176. 01 16.,20 BF ACH CHI 5.125 2.08 2131.2 175. 95 16.,16 BF ACH CHI 3.375 2.06 2135.4 175. 10 15.,79 SF HR S 2.625 1.99 2188.7 174. 26 17.,50 UF HR 0 5.000 2.01 2199.1 174. 45 15.,29 SF HR 0 2.500 2.00 2234.4 174. 75 15.,21 I c G O P 1 1 M HR s 6.000 10.00 1.67 2.00 2219.1 173. 89 16..34 SF HR 0 2.625 1.92 2242.5 173. 15 15..91 ? HR 0 2.375 2.00 2290.6 171. 78 17..61 I HNU s 3.125 2.38 2330.8 171. 16 18.,22 I HNU KS 3.750 2.71 2352.5 170. 92 18.,01 •> HNU KS 2.500 2.77 2369.6 170. 92 17,,85 S HNU KS 3.375 2.61 2372.5 169. 76 16..70 I c E OM A 2 2 M HR s 5.000 2.02 2455.3 171. 53 16.,62 I HR s 2.500 2.11 2362.7 171. 38 16.,47 s HR S 2.000 2.19 2373.4 170. 02 16..06 I HR s 2.250 2.00 2454.0 170. 32 15.,87 SF HR s 4.125 2.08 2442.8 170. 28 15.,79 SF HR s 2.375 2.04 2445.4 170. 68 15.,65 F c E WM P 1 1 M HR s 5.000 10.00 2.00 2.01 2427.3 170. 87 15.,46 I HR s 3.250 2.00 2420.8 173. 30 29.,20 B c E MWI A 3 L 3 M HR s 3.125 10.25 3.20 0.05 2120.3 173. 20 28..90 B c E ? HR s 3.125 0.05 2126.1 175. 96 29. .97 F c E pO A 1 7 1 M HNU WRS 4.675 12.50 2.64 0.18 1982.1 179. 39 29..29 ? p i ? c E PO A 1 H 2 M HR s 9.137 21.50 2.33 3.311 0.01 1806.3 179. 27 28.,61 F sc O H 3 O HR 0 42.000 0.03 1813.8 179. 48 28. ,46 F c O ? P 7 H 0 MO HR CF3 7.725 18.00 2.30 0.04 1802.6 179. 67 28..21 I c E P P 7 7 1 MO HR S 6.137 13.50 2.20 0.16 1792.5 179. 05 28.,12 F sc O ? 7 7 7 2 O HR O 13.375 0.01 1825.4 177. 66 29. ,54 UF 3 O HR O 57.375 0.00 1895.4 177. 28 28.,61 UF 3 O HR O 47.375 0.02 1915.0 178. 22 29.,44 UF 3 M HNU CR7 7.462 0.00 1866.7 177. 71 28. ,61 F c E 7 3 M HNU CR6 4.875 0.01 1894.2 178. 77 27.,77 F c E H 2 OM HR O 12.750 0.18 1841.1 176. 84 29..48 F c E PO A 1 ps 3 M HNU K 9.025 21.25 2.35 0.08 1937.8 175 .98 28 .91 F c E UOS P 1 O 2 MO HR S 10.063 27.50 2.73 0.00 1 9 8 2 .6 175,.65 29 .59 F sc O U? 2 M HR OS 4.675 12.75 2.77 0.06 1998.5 174,.93 28 .58 I c O MJ1 P 2 HL 1 M HR SWR 7.588 18.75 2.41 0.29 2038.8 174 .28 28 .76 BF 2 M HR O 14.375 0.08 2071.5 173,. 97 29 .08 I CH O WO P 2 H 2 M HR SWR 9.238 28.25 3.08 0.09 2086.5 174 .55 28 .55 BF 2 M HR O 5.275 0.16 2058.9 174 .29 28 .49 BF 3 M HR O 6.137 0.07 2071.9 173 .54 27 .42 I CE O P 1 7 1 M HR S 6.762 15.50 2.22 ■0.17 2115.5 178 .80 26 .55 F CH O I P 7 7 1 MO HR OS 12.500 -0.81 1844.4 178 .59 26 .56 BF 2 H HR OCI21 7.050 ■0.89 1855.6 178 .98 25 .95 F C O bUOMJ P 3 3 M HR S 14.500 38.00 2.61 -0.96 1838.1 174 .42 26 .04 F C 0 O P 1 2 M HNU S 5.975 13.00 2.16 -1.06 2078.2 173 .53 26 .36 UF 3 O HNU O 57.500 -0.78 2123.9 175 .58 24 .93 I C E 2 M HR SWR 5.463 -0.91 2025.6 174 .25 25 .04 I c E MJW A 3 L 2 MY HR S 6.900 16.25 2.35 - 1.00 2095.2 171 .14 29 .28 BF 2 M AAS 0 5.638 -1.64 2231.0 173 .22 26 .89 UF AA4 0 12.500 -0.54 2135.8 172 .86 26 .86 UF 3 MO AA4 0 26.875 -0.76 2154.5 176 .53 25 .11 UF 3 O HNU 0 41.000 -0.92 1974.6 179 .71 23 .87 I c O JSH P 7 H 1 M HR s 4.875 10.50 2.14 - 1.00 1815.7 179 .13 23 .44 I c 0 H 2 M HR OS 7.588 •1.00 1850.8 177 .60 24 .29 I c T HE 3 O HR 0 50.500 -0.92 1924.6 176 .73 24 .58 UF 4 O HNU 0 28.750 -0.97 1967.4 176 .41 23 .92 UF 3 O HNU 0 48.750 -0. 91 1991.8 175 . 41 24 .20 UF 3 O HNU 0 31.750 -0.80 2041.8 175 .05 23 .99 I c O WO A 2 S 3 M HNU KWRS 11.425 30.50 2.60 3.501 - 0.82 2062.1 172 .77 24 .44 1 c E ? 2 M ACHP SCI 6.137 1.13 2179.1 171 .16 23 .97 UF 4 MO ACHP 0 15.500 1.70 2269.8 179 .47 21 .44 I c Q WO A 2 SH 3 M HR s 38.75 JMB A 3 S 10.000 26.50 2.60 3.875 1.05 1856.4 179 .71 21 .34 I c O ? 2 M HR CWR 10.363 1.09 1844.4 179 .88 21 .27 I c E MW A 3 O 3 M HR s 25.50 MJC A 3 O 7.325 17.00 2.31 3.481 1.02 1836.9 178 . 92 23 .18 F c Q SH P 7 7 2 M HR OS 5.275 1.00 1864.4 178 .89 22 .58 F sc O JI P 7 I 1 M HR S 6.613 1.01 1873.6 178 .24 22 .65 I c E SHI A 2 I 2 M HR OS 14.000 35.00 2.50 1.05 1907.3 177 .59 22 .04 I P ? » c E Mow P 2 S 2 MY HR s 24.75 UOWt P 2 6.550 18.75 2.83 3.779 1.22 1949.3 176 . 89 21 .36 I ? ? ? c E SH P 7 7 2 M HR 0 8.575 33.75 3.96 1.43 1995.7 175 .93 23 .48 I p R ? sc I ? P 2 SH 1 MO HNU K 10.262 0.97 2021.1 176 .02 23 .29 I sc O Mw P 2 O 1 OM HNU K 13.000 31.25 2.44 0.95 2018.6 175 .93 21 .81 I c I MCJ G 3 AH 3 MY HR S 14.625 42.50 2.96 1.43 2041.7 174 .71 21 .54 I c 0 MWB A 3 H 2 M C CR53 13.000 45.00 3.42 1.96 2110. 8 174 .13 21 .37 F sc D H 3 O C O 58.375 2.06 2143.6 170 . 93 23 .42 OF 3 O ACHP O 9. 962 1.91 2288.8 178 .95 18 .58 F c TTA 0 s 4 O HR SO 43.375 250.75 5.71 1.52 1929.1 179 .39 18 .28 I sc O 7 2 M HR CI55 15.875 1.51 1911.4 178 . 48 19 .53 I c E ? 1 M HR CI55 5.638 12.50 2.27 1.43 1938.9 177 .50 18 .32 I c 7 Msh P 2 7 1 MY HR S 4.625 10.25 2.26 1.96 2011.8 176 .46 19 .77 I c EIJ A 2 2 M ACH CH 7.588 17.50 2.36 1.89 2042.1 176 .95 19 .25 I P ? 7 CH E 7 7 7 7 1 M HR S 9.350 1.86 2024.5 177 .36 18 .86 I C E 7 1 M HR 7 8.462 1.97 2009.3 176 .95 17 .97 OF 3 M ACH O 6.137 2.04 2047.6 176,.14 19 .13 UF 3 MO ACH O 9.663 2.02 2070.4 175,.00 19 .17 B c E ? 1 M ACH CHO 5.975 10.50 1.77 2.01 2130.4 175,.25 18,.06 B c E MJI A 2 N 2 M ACH CHO 5.075 13.00 2.52 2.08 2136.1 174,.71 20,.02 I c O MJ? P 2 H 2 M ACH CHO 6.900 1.99 2132.4 173..70 19. .50 F CB G H 3 M ACH O 6.900 2.08 2194.6 174,.08 18,.54 UF 3 M ACH O 8.800 2.02 2190.9 172,.55 18, .42 F c O MW P 3 2 M HR S 10.063 22.25 2.21 2.28 2274.5 171,.83 18..30 I c G 7 1 OM HNU K 12.500 2.54 2315.4 178, .64 15,.64 F c T 7 1 O NPLI O 58.375 2.02 2004.4 177..13 16,.58 OF 3 M ACH O 7.588 2.03 2064.3 176..23 17,.15 F c O sh e 1 OM ACH O 17.250 2.14 2101.6 175..97 17, .12 F c O 7 1 OM ACH O 13.375 35.00 2.67 2.05 2115.2 175..45 17,.85 F c Q 7 2 M ACH 7 7.588 2.09 2129.6 175,.34 16,.88 I P ? ? c I MCW A 3 C 2 M ACH CH 9. 450 21.25 2.29 2.06 2153.3 175,.00 16,.89 I sc I MCW A 3 C 2 M ACH CH 8.688 18.25 2.11 2.02 2171.8 174..07 15,.64 i c ? 7 1 7 HR 7 5. 813 2.00 2246.3 378

172. 99 16..28 I ASH com 2 MY HR S 5.275 13.25 2.52 - 2.00 2291.9 173. 08 16. .11 UF 3 M HR O 7.325 - 2.00 2289.2 171. 48 17..16 BF 3 MO HNU o 19.125 -2 .3 2 2354.6 170. 72 18..16 I p R 7 C E 7 1 MO HNU o 9.863 -2 .8 9 2377.0 170. 14 17.,12 I SC 0 7 2 MO HNU 0 8.913 -2 .3 1 2427.5 170.,23 16..23 I C Q MW A 3 2 M HR s 7.725 15.75 2.09 -2 .0 9 2439.8 173.,49 17..15 OF 3 M HR o 10.363 -1 .9 7 2247.2 173. 00 28. .50 7 C E OI A 2 3 M HR S 10.75 WMI A 2 3.250 7.25 2.21 3.308 0.03 2138.4 172.,90 28..25 7 C 0 UT7 2 M HR S 3.125 12.00 3.80 0.06 2144.4 169.,55 29. .86 S AA3 7 2.250 - 2.10 2310.1 167.,64 29. .57 7 AAS 7 3.375 -2 .1 3 2409.2 169.,33 27..63 S AA4 K 3.750 -3 .0 3 2334.0 166. 11 26.,40 F AAS O 4.750 -1 .9 2 2512.4 163..07 24..71 B AA3 7 1.875 - 2.01 2689.5 160..49 25. .08 SF AAS S 2.125 -2 .2 4 2820.5 160..60 24..69 S AAS S 2.500 - 2.22 2819.6 161..66 24..11 S AAS CR22 2.375 -2 .0 7 2771.9 159..60 25..09 SF AAS 7 3.375 -2 .4 6 2867.6 159.,36 25..06 SF AAS 7 3.625 -2 .4 5 2880.0 168. ,94 22..75 S AAS S 2.250 - 2.02 2402.6 169.,90 21..05 I C E MO A 7 1 M HR S 2.750 6.50 2.34 -2 .3 5 2374.8 168.,96 21..17 I C E 7 HR S 3.750 7.75 2.07 -2 .3 6 2422.0 167.,14 22..68 s AA3 KS 1.875 - 2.02 2499.8 167.,89 21..85 s HR K 1.875 -2 .0 3 2470.0 166.,42 21..57 OF HR O 2.500 - 2.02 2552.8 165.,93 22..75 S AAS 7 3.500 - 2.00 2562.1 166. 01 21..39 S HR S 1.875 - 2.01 2577.6 164..50 22..03 I HNU S 3.375 - 2.00 2648.3 164.,86 21. .72 s HR CR17 2.250 - 2.00 2633.9 164.,17 23..39 s AA3 S 2.500 - 2.00 2647.6 163.,71 22..33 I C 0 shUO P 1 2 M HNU KS 2. 875 7.50 2.69 - 2.00 2686.2 163.,82 22..24 I C E UOT 2 M HNU S 2.625 6.75 2.51 - 2.00 2681.3 162. 92 23. .51 s AAS SO 2.250 - 2.00 2712.7 159. 98 23..92 I AAS so 2.250 -2 .2 9 2862.8 169. 66 20..49 I C 0 aH P I 1 M HR so 4.125 -2 .5 7 2395.5 169. 35 19.,81 s HR s 2.000 -2 .7 2 2422.6 169. 34 19. ,68 OF HR o 3.750 -2 .7 5 2425.8 168. 03 20..92 7 HR s 3.000 -2.04 2476.9 168. 39 19. 38 I HR s 3.000 -2 .1 9 2481.6 168. 07 19. ,68 OF HR 0 1.875 - 2.02 2493.0 167. 82 19. 62 OF HR WRO 2.500 -2 .0 9 2507.6 167. 97 18..81 S HR s 2.125 -2 .0 3 2513.4 168. 28 18. ,85 IF HR o 2.500 -2 .0 3 2495.4 168. 92 18.,57 1 HR s 2.250 - 2.21 2466.6 167. 17 19. 38 I C E HJI A 2 2 M HR s 3.750 10.00 2.67 - 2.02 2546.1 166. 96 18. 96 a HR s 1.875 - 2.00 2564.0 166. 58 20. 23 1 HR SK 3.125 - 2.01 2564.8 166. 09 20. 76 S HR s 2.500 - 2.01 2582.8 166.02 20.94 I HR s 3.125 - 2.01 2583.9 165. 59 21. 20 s HR s 2.750 - 2.00 2602.6 165. 99 19. 45 1 HR s 3.625 -1 .9 9 2608.3 165. 63 19. 44 I HR SK 3.250 - 2.00 2627.7 165. 49 19. 90 s HR S 2.625 - 2.00 2627.4 165. 38 19. 99 7 HR s 2.250 - 2.00 2632.8 164. 51 20. 89 F HR Cl 2 6 3.500 - 2.00 2664.7 165. 19 19. 03 I A S M C Q 7WraUT P 3 2 M HR SO 5.000 12.75 2.50 - 2.01 2658.1 165. 31 18. 96 a HR SO 2.125 - 2.02 2653.7 166. 01 17.,99 s HR S 3.625 -2.03 2632.4 167. 21 18.,27 s HR s 3.375 -1.95 2563.5 163. 16 20..90 I 2 M AA1 s 3.625 - 2.00 2736.4 163. 71 18. ,93 s HR s 2.500 - 2.00 2739.5 162. 54 18.,96 I AA1 s 3.500 -1.97 2801.4 164..42 17,.34 1 HR s 2.500 -2 .0 5 2729.2 163.,25 17,.81 7 C Q 7 AA1 s 4.625 10.75 2.34 -1 .9 9 2783.8 161..21 22,.20 S AA1 s 1.875 - 2.02 2820.4 162..64 20,.60 F C F SB HR so 3.750 7.00 1.87 -1 .9 9 2769.6 161..98 19,.69 S AA1 s 2.500 -1 .9 6 2819.3 160..79 19,.73 1 AA1 s 2.750 - 2.00 2881.2 160..30 21,.16 S AA1 s 2.625 - 2.02 2884.6 160..56 21,.79 7 AA1 s 4.125 10.00 2.44 -2 .0 6 2861.0 158 .17 22 .28 S AA1 s 2.750 -2.31 2980.8 158 .07 22 .04 BF AA1 s 3.750 -2 .3 3 2989.0 158..61 21 .72 S AA1 s 3.375 - 2.21 2966.7 159 .26 20 .69 s AA1 s 1.875 -2 .1 7 2947.5 157,. 95 21 .20 s AA1 s 2.000 -2 .3 0 3009.3 158..06 20 .87 B C F 7 AA1 s 4.750 -2 .2 8 3008.7 157,.93 20 .34 B C F 7 AA1 s 4.750 - 2.20 3024.5 168,.91 17,.90 I HR s 2.500 -1.73 2478.4 168. .12 17,.85 S HR s 2.500 -1 .9 3 2522.8 169, .07 17,.14 s HR s 2.750 - 2.00 2484.8 168, . 97 17,.20 1 HR s 2.375 -2.04 2488.1 169. .20 16..96 I HR s 4.375 - 2.00 2480.3 168..75 17,.10 s HR s 2.375 -1 .9 9 2502.8 168. . 93 16..82 OF HR 0 6.250 - 2.01 2497.6 169, .67 16 .40 I HR SK 4.375 - 2.02 2466.8 169 .08 16, .32 SF HNU KS 3.750 -2 .0 8 2499.3 169..02 16 .36 SF HR s 6.250 -2 .0 7 2501.6 168,.64 16,.79 S HR s 2.500 - 2.02 2513.6 168..40 16,.85 s HR s 3.125 - 2.01 2525.7 168..00 16 .70 I C 0 7 HR s 5.000 10.00 2.00 -1 .9 8 2549.7 168. .03 15,.60 I HR s 4.625 - 2.01 2570.0 168..77 15,.14 s HR s 2.625 - 2.00 2539.9 166..44 17,.53 I C 0 shO P 1 1 M HR s 4.625 6.25 1.31 -2.03 2617.5 166,.56 17,.25 7 HR s 3.750 -2 .0 3 2616.1 166.. 65 17..17 1 HR s 3.750 -2.03 2613.8 165..67 16,.88 I HR s 3.750 - 2.02 2671.6 165..26 17..00 I HR s 3.125 -2 .0 9 2691.6 165..32 16,.35 s HR s 2.875 -2.05 2700.1 164..54 16,.72 s HR s 2.250 - 2.01 2734.7 164..68 16..40 s HR s 2.250 - 2.02 2733.3 161,.68 15,.62 SF AA1 s 3.250 -1.91 2909.7 158..29 16..95 s AA3 s 2.250 -2 .0 8 3065.5 161..01 19..21 s AA1 s 4.375 -2 .0 5 2878.7 161..27 18..35 7 A 7 7 C E WMsh P 2 1 M AA1 s 4.875 -1 .9 0 2880.9 161..47 17..94 7 AA1 s 3.500 -1 . 90 2876.5 160..46 18..63 S AA1 s 3.625 - 2.00 2918.6 159. .89 19..10 S AA1 s 3.625 -2 .0 3 2940.1 159..05 19..37 S AA1 s 2.375 -2 .0 3 2980.2 159..33 17..95 I AA1 s 5.000 -2 .0 9 2991.2 160.,24 18. .11 s AA1 s 2.500 - 2.02 2939.2 159..97 17,.97 I AA1 s 3.000 -2 .0 6 2956.0 160..08 17..80 I AA1 s 4.375 -2.03 2953.2 160..35 17..94 7 AA1 CR142 4.625 - 2.00 2936.1 160..27 17,.95 F A R 7 CH E SH AA1 s 6.500 - 2.01 2940.1 157..16 16..49 SF AAS s 6.375 - 2.12 3134.1 157..34 16..07 S AA1 CI54S 4.625 -2.13 3133.0 170..10 18..10 F 7 I P C D SH HNU o 67.500 -2 .9 8 2411.9 163..06 29. .79 F A S M C 0 7 AE3 s 4.875 10.00 2.01 -3 .0 2 2642.3 169. .38 27. .12 F P S P CB D H AA4 0 48.375 -2.91 2335.1 166..00 26,.40 B A S 7 C F AA3 s 5.275 -1 .9 9 2517.0 160..10 26..90 I P R M C E H AA3 0 8. 462 -2.65 2820.2 158..39 26..86 F A S M C T AAS 0 5.638 -2.74 2909.1 166..48 24. .29 OF AAS 0 5.463 - 2.00 2514.4 165..71 24..44 M 7 X L CB Q H AAS 0 9.962 - 2.00 2553.1 164..00 25..90 BF AA3 M 3.725 -2 .1 6 2627.9 162., 94 24. .76 F P R M CB 0 H AA3 CR55 8.100 -2.05 2695.0 161..49 25..06 I A S M C E AA3 O 6.137 -2.07 2768.4 158. .52 24..32 UF AAS O 3.725 -2.48 2933.6 379

170. 00 22,.05 UF 6.137 -2.00 2355.6 169. 25 22 .22 UF 40.500 -2.07 2392.2 167. 07 21 .20 UF 7. 850 -2.03 2523.5 166. 79 22 .24 UF 31.250 -2.02 2523.8 166. 30 22 .36 OF 6.300 -2.01 2548.5 165. 09 21 .88 UF 31.750 -2.00 2619.4 164. 44 21 .78 OF 7.850 -2.00 2655.9 163. 14 23 .51 I AA3 4.875 -2.00 2700.4 163. 34 23 .57 UF AA3 31.125 -2.00 2689.8 163. 55 21 .92 I A 1 S 2 M AA3 9.025 26.25 2.99 -2.00 2700.5 161. 64 23 .78 UF AA3 39.875 -2.05 2776.9 170. 03 19 .72 I C Q MWC G 3 H 4 YM HR 9.238 25.50 2.70 -2.72 2387.7 168. 65 20 .15 I C E MJWN G 3 L 4 YM HR 9.350 27.50 2.91 -2.34 2454.6 167. 69 19 .84 UF 9.762 -2.03 2511.7 164. 74 20 .82 I 12.750 32.50 2.59 -2.00 2653.6 165. 16 18 .78 UF 19.125 -2.04 2664.9 165. 36 IS .64 I 6.137 11.25 1.83 -2.03 2656.0 166. 39 IS .38 UF 13.375 -2.00 2605.5 164. 21 20 .62 I ASM CIO* P 2 5.638 8.75 1.52 -2.00 2684.5 162. 93 20 .40 I p S M C E MCI A 2 L 6.762 20.00 2.98 -1.99 2756.5 164. 34 19 .48 I 8.688 18.75 2.18 -2.00 2696.4 163. 91 19 .50 UF 15.000 -2.00 2719.1 163. 46 19 .17 I 4.675 11.75 2.53 -2.00 2748.3 161. 73 19 .10 1 AA1 5.275 10.00 1.86 -1.94 2842.6 161. 86 19 .28 OF AAI 11.625 -1.95 2832.4 162.35 21.09 UF 46.375 -1.99 2776.0 161. 72 20 .96 UF 11.450 -2.02 2812.7 162. 34 20 .31 UF 17.625 -1.98 2789.8 162. 15 20 .10 UF 9.025 -1.97 2003.1 161. 59 20 .38 UF 8.913 -2.01 2828.7 162. 06 20 .48 UF 5.463 -1.98 2801.0 160.64 21.44 I ?SM C E h AAl 6.613 -2.01 2862.5 159. 68 20 .97 I A?? c E SH AAI 7.050 13.75 1.90 -2.09 2920.2 158. 51 21 .27 UF AAl 48.750 -2.24 2978.8 159. 05 21 .17 M ?R ? CB O shO AAI 6.300 11.25 1.76 -2.15 2951.7 158. 50 20 .48 I P SM c E SH AAl 7.050 10.00 1.48 -2.11 2991.1 168. 83 17 .45 OF HR 9.450 -1.97 2491.5 165. 04 17 .67 F AR? c O MW HR 7.050 15.00 2.18 -2.06 2690.2 164. 02 16 .00 I AR? c I SH HR 5 . 075 12.75 2.10 -2.08 2776.2 162. 45 16 .08 OF AAl 18.375 -1.95 2859.8 160. 07 15 .41 I AS M c E? AAl 5.075 -1.90 3000.7 157. 54 16 .48 I P S M Cb I ? AAI 7.725 -2.15 3114.6 157. 58 16 .09 F P s M c I MWN AAl 9.563 27.75 2.92 -2.16 3120.5 162. 76 24 .79 OF AA3 20.125 -2.09 2704.2 157. 16 11 .47 F A s MB?H AAl 27.375 -1.98 3240.5 156. 19 9.:114 BF AMM 7.325 -1.65 3347.3 156.58 5.234 T A s P SC D ? AMM 13.875 -0. 61 3424.3 155.67 3.!951 F A s M SC O AMM 6.463 0.04 3506.5 156. 12 1.!953 F A s P CB O H AMU 11.800 1.08 3537.8 155. 67 0.704 I A s L SC D ? AMU 19.000 1.54 3595.7 157.55 14.92 I A s M c E? AAl 3.750 -2.06 3145.8 156.68 14.29 SF AAI 2.375 -2.07 3204.7 157. 30 13 .52 SF AA3 2.250 -2.07 3188.5 157.10 13.43 SF AA3 2.250 -2.00 3200.0 155. 68 13 .50 F A s ? c E ? AAS 5.250 -2.02 3275.9 157. 61 12 .80 F P s M c E AAl 3.125 -2.03 3187.6 156. 89 12 .92 SF AAl 2.625 -2.01 3223.0 156. 85 12 .86 SF AAl 1.875 -2.02 3226.5 157.47 11.99 SF AAl 3.125 -2.02 3212.2 156. 19 12 .25 B A 7 ? c E MJC AAl 2.375 13.25 5.59 -2.01 3275.4 155.94 12.16 B A?? c E sb AAl 1.875 8.00 4.27 -2.00 3290.3 156. 59 11 .19 F P s M c E MWsb AAl 4.375 6.75 1.53 -1.92 3278.6 156..09 11 .31 B A 7 ? c E sb AAl 1.875 4.25 2.27 -2.06 3301.4 156..61 9.1 502 B A 1 ? c E PC AMM 2.750 9.50 3.45 -1.73 3316.3 155,.91 9.:558 B A?? c E? AMM 3.750 -1.83 3352.5 155.. 64 9. 601 ? A?? sc O ? AAl 2.500 -1.89 3365.5 157..60 9. 038 T AS D c Q AMM 7. 875 -1.59 3274.2 156..57 7. 318 BF AMM 2.875 -1.10 3371.6 156,.33 1. 787 F A s M sc D AMU 4.750 1.01 3531.4 179,.32 14 .89 ef 11.875 -2.00 1985.2 179, .39 13 .48 e f 7.375 -2.75 2015.9 178,.58 13 .04 B NPLI s 2.375 4.00 1.64 -2.86 2068.4 178, .67 12 .42 F PIM c I MSH A 3 H 3 M NPLI S 18.375 55.00 2.93 -2.63 2079.1 179 .30 10 .97 F A s M CH O E ACH OX 8.375 -2.10 2086.5 179 .18 10 .95 F A s M CH O E ACH OX 9.625 -2.12 2093.5 178,.96 10 .74 F ? ACH a 2.125 -2.14 2110.7 179 .19 9. 913 I A I M c 0 SHW ACH ? 6.500 13.25 2.08 -1.95 2122.2 179 .72 9. 689 F AIM c ? E ACH OX 8.875 -1.81 2101.2 174 .56 14 .81 F ??? c 0 W HNU S 6.000 12.50 2.03 -2.00 2238.2 174 .65 14 .72 M A I M HNU S 3.125 -2.00 2235.3 175 .86 14 .40 BF ACHU O 3.500 -2.00 2178.4 175 .58 14 .45 F ACHU S 7.500 14.75 1.97 -2.00 2192.1 174 .18 14 .42 F HNU ? 3.875 -2.00 2267.3 178 .06 14 .22 I NPLI O 2.500 -2.17 2067.2 178 .16 14 .16 I NPLI ? 2.750 -2.27 2063.8 177 .59 14 .30 i NPLI ? 2.250 -2.05 2089.7 177 .51 13 .97 I NPLI ? 3.500 -2.18 2101.4 178 .01 13 .67 F A S M C O TWO A 2 NPLI S 7.000 17.75 2.56 -2.74 2082.8 177 .61 13 .31 F NPLI ? 5.125 -2.72 2112.1 176 .73 13 .78 F A I M C Q ? ACHU ?X 8.375 -2.00 2147.6 178 .22 12 .99 S NPLI S 2.125 -2.68 2088.7 177 .25 12 .74 OF ACHU OX 6.875 -2.36 2145.8 177 .01 12 .42 UF ACHU OX 4.125 -2.24 2166.8 177,.46 12 .01 F ACHU ? 2.875 -2.33 2153.8 175 .51 13 .00 F P I M C Q BMWT P 2 HNU S 11.875 31.25 2.62 -2.01 2230.2 175,.24 12 .45 SF HNU ? 2.125 -1.98 2257.9 175,.78 11 .68 F HNU O 26.750 -1.94 2249.4 176,.40 11 .69 BF ACHU O 6.125 -2.03 2216.0 176,.54 11 .71 F ACHU O 4.875 -2.05 2208.0 178,.66 10 .74 SF ACHU ? 3.125 -2.10 2125.4 178, .63 10 .69 SF ACHU ? 3.000 -2.13 2128.7 178,.41 9. 278 I ACHU ? 2. 875 -1.68 2180.0 178,.51 9. 191 I ACHU S 5.625 11.25 2.00 -1.62 2177.9 177,.56 10 .32 F A S M C 0 WO AAl S 5.625 13.75 2.44 -2.09 2193.5 177,.36 10 .12 F AAl ? 2.500 -1.99 2209.9 176,.93 10 .26 I AAl s 3.000 -2.00 2227.7 176,.30 10 .32 ? AAl ? 4.375 -1.95 2258.5 176,.24 9. 815 SF AAl ? 2.375 -1.75 2275.0 177..23 9.:543 s f AAl ? 2.625 -1.59 2232.6 177,.12 9. 056 F AAl S 13.750 42.50 3.01 -1.26 2252.8 176,.30 9. 320 ? AAl ? 2.875 -1.51 2286.6 175.. 84 9. 199 F ASM C T Ish P ? HNU O 36.250 -1.56 2313.4 175,.70 11 .02 R AAl ? 5.750 -1.96 2270.4 175,.37 8. 780 F AAl a 7.000 -1.49 2349.3 175..05 10 .70 I HNU S 4.875 -1.90 2312.7 173..11 14 .61 F P R M C O MCW G 3 4 M AAl S 8.625 18.50 2.15 -2.00 2320.1 173..04 14 .37 F A I ? C E MW A 2 3 M AAl S 6.875 14.25 2.03 -2.00 2329.2 173..66 14 .48 F t I M C O WJM A 2 HL 3 M AAl S 11.250 36.25 3.22 -2.00 2293.7 173,.94 14 .39 F AAl S 9.625 27.50 2.87 -2.00 2280.2 170,.57 14 .20 S AAl ? 2.875 -2.00 2464.8 170,.62 14 .07 F A R ? C O MIW P 2 AAl S 6.500 14.00 2.14 -2.00 2464.9 171,.07 14 .02 SF AAl S 2.125 -2.00 2441.6 169, .85 13 .57 F p i? C 0 MW A3 AAl SK 13.750 35.00 2.55 -2.00 2516.8 170,.78 13 .44 f AAl ? 3.125 -2.00 2469.1 171,.37 13 .26 F AAl S 5.625 11.75 2.09 -2.00 2442.3 174,.09 13 .90 s f C ? 6.125 12.25 2.00 -2.00 2283.7 171,.79 12 .78 F A I ? C O Osh P 2 AAl a 10.000 27.50 2.70 -2.00 2431.9 171,.82 12 .43 e f AAl O 6.500 -2.00 2438.3 380

173. 64 12.03 PPSp CTr p0 S 2 OC S 91.250 249.75 2.77 -1 .9 9 2352.4 172. 80 11.93 B 7 C CR60 2.625 -2 .0 0 2398.5 171. 22 11.91 F p I M c Q 7 A 2 2 M AAl S 8.500 18.75 2.26 -2 .0 0 2482.4 170. 98 12.60 F C I M c 0 MWT A 3 L 3 M AAl s 11.875 36.25 3.03 -2 .0 0 2478.8 170. 40 12.11 I AAl s 2.000 -2.00 2521.1 170. 49 11.84 I AAl s 3.000 -1 .9 9 2522.6 171. 45 10.98 IA c Q 7 AAl 7 4.875 10.25 2.13 -2.01 2493.9 171. 72 10.15 F A s M c E MW A 2 2 M AAl s 5.375 12.00 2.23 -1.98 2500.6 172. 63 10.11 IAs7 c Q 7 AAl 7 6.125 -1.98 2454.4 173. 87 10.54 F A I sc 0 C 7 7.875 -1.93 2378.3 171. 54 10.39 F C R P c D 7 HNU O 31.250 -1 .8 0 2347.0 175. 09 8.869 S AAl 7 2.375 -1 .4 9 2361.3 173. 25 9.839 I AAl s 2.500 -1.87 2429.1 173. 44 9.500 1ASM cQ uow P 2 3 M AAl S 5.375 12.50 2.36 -1 .7 0 2428.2 172. 66 9.314 I A S c0 7 AAl 7 4.625 -1 .8 3 2474.8 173. 09 8.726 F A S M c 0 01 P 2 2 M AAl S 3.750 11.25 3.00 -1 .6 3 2468.0 172. 14 9.460 F A 7 7 c Q 7 AAl 7 4.750 -1.87 2497.4 171. 79 9.858 BF AAl O 3.625 -1 .9 5 2504.7 170. 73 8.457 S AAl s 2.375 -1 .6 6 2597.1 169. 99 11.38 1 A ml P 2 1 M AAl s 6.250 14.25 2.20 -1 .9 7 2560.6 169. 98 8.175 OF AAl O 6.375 -1 .8 9 2644.4 170. 58 8.093 F P R 7 c T h AAl 0 24.375 -1 .7 9 2615.7 178. 39 8.901 7 AAl 7 2.625 -1.31 2192.3 178. 22 8.889 a AAl s 2.250 -1.27 2201.8 178. 53 8.636 B 7 AAl 7 3.875 -1 .0 7 2193.9 178. 68 8.286 Ft IP cT7 HNU a 21.875 48.75 2.29 -1 .0 9 2196.4 179. 28 7.739 F P 1 M 7 HNU 7 11.250 26.25 2.33 -1 .0 0 2183.6 179. 02 7.673 F t I M CH 0 7 HNU S 22.500 -1.05 2198.6 178. 91 7.512 F P I M sc 0 7 HNU CR87 11.625 -1 .0 6 2208.6 178. 33 8.137 F P I M c Q 7 HNU Cl 87 12.625 38.75 3.09 -1 .0 0 2218.3 177 44 8.282 a AAl S 3.125 -0.97 2258.6 176. 97 6.132 F P 1 M c Q 7 AAl Cl 92 11.875 30.00 2.56 -0.81 2348.3 177. 51 6.966 UF 4 VO HNU O 168.750 -0 .9 9 2295.5 179. 05 5.709 EF HNU O 6.625 -0.97 2259.7 175. 55 7.667 ? HNU CR 2.750 -1 .1 6 2372.9 174. 95 8.149 F A S M UO P 1 2 M AAl S 3.750 8.75 2.33 -1.21 2388.5 174. 67 7.234 EF HNU K 6.125 -1.17 2430.6 173. 86 7.359 I A AAl 7 5.500 -1 .2 6 2467.5 173. 76 6.806 F AI AAl O 10.625 -1.11 2488.5 174. 48 6.631 F P I N c T?SEWm HNU 7 14.375 35.00 2.45 -1.02 2457.4 174. 86 6.483 F A I c 0 7 AAl 7 7.250 -1.05 2442.5 174. 72 6.060 F P s M c I AAl O 15.500 -1.02 2463.4 173. 07 6.031 F A s M HNU K 8.375 -1 .0 8 2547.2 173. 17 7.010 S AAl S 1.875 -1.22 2512.4 173. 20 7.375 S 7 AAl S 3.125 8.75 2.80 -1 .3 0 2500.5 171. 70 7.788 BF AAl o 12.125 -1 .6 9 2565.0 171. 61 7.098 FA1 1 AAl 0 16.250 -1.43 2590.5 174. 97 4.829 I HNU 7 7.750 -0 .9 3 2489.2 174. 80 4.413 FPs P c T H AAl 0 31.250 -0.82 2510.6 174. 94 3. 956 e f AAl CI108 5.875 10.25 1.75 -0.78 2518.3 173. 79 5.891 BF HNU 0 5.375 -1.08 2515.0 173. 70 5.329 7 AAl a 3.000 -0.93 2536.0 173. 904.149B AAl7 4.125 -0.67 2563.2 173. 06 4.878 b AAl a 4.125 -0 .9 6 2582.8 173. 00 4. 624 b AAl a 3.375 -0.91 2587.6 172. 444.999FAs 7 AAl7 2.500 -0.90 2610.0 172. 72 4.710 F A s M sc 0 U AAl S 1.875 17.00 9.07 -0.81 2605.4 171. 71 5.132 7 AAl 7 3.875 -1.07 2643.8 171. 92 4.682 F A s AAl 7 3.250 -0.92 2646.2 171. 37 4.621 OF AAl O 9.750 -0 .9 5 2669.1 178. 92 4.686 EF HNU O 32.500 -0.97 2300.5 178. 27 4.944 B A s M c 0 WO HNU a 7.25016.252.21 -0.43 2323.7 178. .12 3.991 B HNU S 2.750 -0 .1 9 2362.8 177. 58 3.697 F 7 s M sc D HNU 0 8.125 -0.04 2398.3 178. .34 3.127 F A I M c 0 s AAl CR126 8.375 22.50 2.67 -0.00 2381.4 179. .74 3.053 S AAl S 2.375 -0 .1 9 2318.4 178. .63 2.798UF AAlO 36.000 0.04 2379.0 178. .75 2.785 F AAl S 2.250 8.25 3.67 0.01 2374.8 179. .63 2.551 S AAl S 2.500 0.58 2341.2 179. .79 2.135 BF AAl O 6.375 1.28 2348.5 179, .84 1.274 R A 7 AMM 7 4.125 2.15 2378.3 179, .22 0.645 F A s 7 AMM 7 2.625 2.26 2430.3 179, .21 0.525 F A s 7 AMM 7 2.500 2.29 2435.6 178, .97 1.759 B A 7 AMM S 2.500 1.36 2400.3 178, .57 1.418 I A 7 AMM a 5.000 1.25 2431.7 178, .29 0.603 I As AMM a 3.500 1.86 2467.3 177,.96 0.827 I A 7 7 AMM Cl 142 3.750 1.77 2481.0 178, .13 1.268 I A s 7 7 AMM S 3.625 1.30 2457.3 178, .42 1.644 F c I H c 0 IMJ A 3 H 4 MO AAl s 10.000 26.25 2.65 0.96 2430.0 178, .16 1.751 F A IN c I TmSH P 3 3 MO AAl s 9.750 27.50 2.81 0.95 2439.5 177, .70 2.183 CALMSC Q AAl 0 33.750 0.91 2445.9 177,.44 1.899 I A s M c E 7 AMM 7 3.750 1.21 2467.5 176, .94 0.830 F P s P c T JMSH A 3 PS 3 MO AMM s 31.750 142.50 4.48 1.41 2529.2 176, .69 1.226 F A R D c T 7 AMM Cl 142 15.625 1.27 2527.8 176..53 0.521 a AMM Cl 142 2.000 1.49 2559.8 176..48 5.388 F A s M SHO P 2 3 M AAl SO 10.000 22.50 2.20 -0.69 2396.4 177. .42 4.910 F A s M AAl a 3.125 -0.47 2365.6 177..05 3.739 F A s M 7 AAl a 5.375 -0.25 2422.4 175..77 3.550 b f HNU O 9.375 -0.62 2491.1 176. .80 2.421 C A s M B 7 AAl 0 28.750 0.50 2479.5 176, .32 2.462 I AAl CR149 3.375 0.28 2501.7 175. .74 2.670 B HNU S 5.500 -0.12 2522.4 175. .38 2.731 BF HNU 0 7.125 -0.21 2537.2 175. .10 2.583 EF HNU s 19.375 -0 .1 6 2556.0 175. 842.0897 AAl7 2.500 0.32 2537.7 175..42 1.163 BF AML 0 3.625 0.64 2589.6 175. 16 0.676 7 AML 0 5.000 0.77 2619. 9 174 62 1.651 F A s M B Q IM P 3 XL 3 MO AML s 15.37551.253.33 0.13 2611.4 174 78 1.400 F A s M BEIF P7XL 2M AML CI157 3.125 23.757.60 0.39 2612.3 174. 10 1.194 FAI M B 0 IOM P 2 XL 3 MO AML s 7.50016.00 2.40 0.24 2651.4 173. 07 3.488 I 7 HNU s 6.375 -0.51 2626.6 173. 32 2.567 F A s M AAl 7 2.500 -0.31 2643.9 173. 65 2.442 F P s M CB 0 h AAl O 6.750 -0.14 2631.9 173. 56 2.016 BF AAl 0 16.875 -0.13 2650.6 173. 94 1.390 FAsD O P1 2M AAl s 3.375 5.75 1.74 0.17 2652.9 173. 69 1.427 BF AAl 0 4.875 0.05 2663.3 173. 54 1.080 BF AAl 0 5.750 0.15 2682.7 173. 34 1.426 UF AAl o 20.000 -0.04 2680.5 173. 26 1.225 BF AAl 7 3.625 0.08 2691.2 172. 31 2.243 FAs H HNU S 10.625 -0.30 2704.3 171. 93 1.682 I A s M O P 1 W 2 M HNU s 5.125 10.75 2.08 -0.24 2741.1 171. 66 0.568 BF AAl 0 4.125 0.42 2791.1 171. 73 2.576 BF AAl 0 8.125 -0.58 2721.9 171. 55 2.233 EF HNU s 10.750 -0 .4 9 2741.7 171. 62 3.539 I A 7 P 2 W 1 M AAl s 3.125 11.75 3.70 -0.80 2696.1 170. 42 0.6530 FARN c I 7 HNU s 20.000 0.40 2849.5 172. 1513.750BF AAlo 9.375 -2.00 2390.7 176. 86.800SF AAlo 6.000 -0.93 2335.6 168. 10 9.57 7 7 AAl 7 4.125 -1.97 2705.1 167. 73 8.90 7 7 AAl7 4.875 -2.23 2742.7 165. 91 8.57 7 7 AAl 7 6.625 -2.10 2846.7 166. 62 5.94 7 7 AAls 3.750 -1.30 2880.4 166. 44 5.80 7 7 HNU7 2.750 -1.30 2893.8 168. 38 4.76 7 OW A 2 2 M AAl CF8 5.625 11.75 2.09 -0.90 2823.4 168. 28 4.62 BF 3OAAlO 23.250 -0.91 2832.7 169. 47 5.75 UF sc D 4 VO HNU O 135.125 -1.05 2738.1 168. 87 6.20 7 ? AAl 7 3.000 -1.18 2756.8 167. 24 4.44 I A I H c0 WU A 2 2 M AAl s 8.875 19.50 2.17 -0.85 2891.7 381

167.91 5.:19 ? HNU OS 3.500 2835.8 167.71 3. 80 OF AAl 0 13.000 -0.77 2886.7 168.60 3. 63 IA S M C Q WMt A 3 3 M AAl S а.000 17.50 2.18 -0 .6 5 2846.5 169.09 3. 10 I AAl 7 5.250 -0 .3 7 2837.7 168.69 2. 10 1 A 7 AMM ST 5.250 0.16 2888.3 169.36 1. 79 I A 7 AMM STO б.750 0.15 2864.2 169.83 0. 86 7 HNU T? 5.250 0.61 2871.2 169.00 0. 43 I A s M CE OW G 2 3 M AMM ST 6.500 13.50 2.07 1.41 2926.9 167.06 1.77 7 AMM T? 4.000 0.33 2980.1 167.30 1. 30 7 AMM T? 3.625 0.75 2983.8 165.92 3. 12 IAINC Q OWCM A 3 3 M AAl ST 9.500 27.00 2.82 - 0.01 2997.0 169.04 14 .6 a HNU K 3.375 2536.6 169.18 13 .8 7 7 7 7 7 Q U7 HNU S 13.125 - 2.00 2546. 0 168.13 14 .5 F A S HNU 7 4.500 - 2.00 2587.7 168.66 12 .6 F AIHCD IMJ A 3 A 3 MO AAl S 9.375 36.75 3.90 -2 .0 7 2601.5 168.23 12 .7 I A s C Q MI P 2 2 M AAl s 5.000 10.00 2.00 - 2.00 2622.8 167.53 13 .2 F P s d c T H AAl o 26.250 - 2.02 2648.5 166.49 14 .3 OF HR o 5 . 750 -2.08 2679.3 166.17 13 .9 7 A 7 HR a 3.500 -2.08 2705.3 165.91 14.0 7 HR 7 2.375 -2.04 2716.6 167.86 12 .5 1 7 I c Q WTrn A 3 2 M HR S 6.875 18.75 2.77 -2.03 2646.5 167.97 12 .4 1 HR 7 3.625 -2.04 2643.3 167.65 12.6 I77 cEW P2 1M HR S 6.250 12.75 2.00 -2.07 2655.1 168.21 12 .1 OF HR 0 5.000 -2.07 2637.1 168.89 11 .5 B HR 7 3.625 -2.08 2615.2 169.07 11 .1 1 HR 7 2.875 - 2.02 2615.7 168.46 10 .8 7 AAl 7 2.750 -1 .9 6 2655.6 168.13 11 .0 I A s HR 7 2.750 - 2.01 2667.6 167.78 11 .3 7 A 7 HR 7 2.625 - 2.12 2679.8 167.61 12 .0 OF HR 0 6.125 - 2.10 2671.0 167.11 11 .6 X A c E M A 2 2 M HR CO 4 9 4.250 10.25 2.42 - 2.01 2707.8 166.66 12 .0 I A s c Q MW P 2 2 M AAl S 5.250 11.25 2.13 2721.4 167.37 10 .6 I c Q 7 HR 7 4.375 2717.5 166.90 10 .9 I A c O 7 HR Cl 4 9 4.250 2735.5 166.63 10 .5 F P s P c T JMB A 3 A 3 M AAl S 167.50 MIJ A 4 30.625 83.75 2.75 5.469 -2.16 2759.2 165.11 12.6 IAs c 0 SH? AAl SO 5.375 10.50 1.93 -2 .1 9 2790.2 165.42 12 .2 IA s c E 7SH AAl so 3.750 6.25 1.67 -2.04 2783.5 165.59 11.8UF AAl0 20.625 -2.04 2783.8 165.57 11 .5 S AAl s 2.625 -2.08 2791.9 165.80 11 .1 s AAl a 2.375 -2.08 2788.0 164.15 12 .6 a AAl a 2.250 -2 .0 5 2841.2 163.96 12 .8 a AAl a 2.375 - 2.00 2847.6 163.66 12 .8 a AAl a 2.500 -2 .0 8 2863.8 164.16 12 .3 UF AAl 0 13.875 -2 .1 9 2848.8 163.78 12 .4 S AAl a 2.125 -2.18 2866.7 164.61 11 .2 I A I c Q MW A 2 H 3 M AAl S 5.625 14.25 2.53 -2.08 2849.0 164.59 10 .8 IA s c 0 OW A 2 2 M AAl S 5.500 11.50 2.01 -2 .0 7 2860.1 164.24 11 .0 OF AAl 0 5.625 -2 .1 6 2874.1 164.41 10 .4 F A I c Q MW A 2 A 2 M AAl s 7.875 15.50 1.98 -2 .0 4 2879.2 164.29 10 .3 I A R c Q w A 2 2 M AAl 7 5.625 11.50 2.04 -2 .0 6 2888.1 163.97 10 .4 I AAl 7 2.250 -2 .0 7 2902.6 163.46 10 .6 7 c 0 SHW P 7 1 M AAl so 4.375 -2.17 2925.1 163.43 10 .3 I AAl 7 3.875 - 2.10 2933.4 162.99 12 .9 S AAl s 2.250 -2.18 2897.3 164.53 14 .0 7 AAl 7 3.250 -2 .0 6 2790.1 163.26 13 .9 UF AAl O 5.125 -2.15 2860.8 162.75 14 .0 I A S M c E H AAl O 5.875 2885.3 162.33 13 .5 1 AAl 7 3.625 2919.5 161.50 14 .2 I A S AAl 7 4.000 -2 .1 6 2948.1 162.82 12 .8 ? AAl 7 2.500 - 2.11 2908.4 162.25 12 .3 7 A s c E OIF A 7 Sw 3 M AAl s 5.000 36.25 7.20 - 2.11 2949.9 161.23 13 .3 OF AAl O 50.625 -2.15 2982.5 160.22 13.9 F Ts 7 c T H AAl O 12.250 -1 .9 6 3023.1 159.20 13 .3 F C RH c D CMWT G 4 AS 4 M AAl s 23.750 102.50 4.36 -1.94 3091.2 159.74 13.4 B IJU A 3 1 M AAl ocieo 2.625 12.25 4.67 -1 .9 6 3059.4 159.57 13.9 7 IMB AAl OCI80 2.625 10.00 3.80 -1.92 3058.3 158.28 12 .5 BF AA3 O 3.375 -1.91 3157.0 157.45 13 .7 7 ? AAl Cl 8 6 3.625 -2.05 3176.7 157.24 13 .8 F P R c T WJ A 2 H 2 M AAl S 37.50 IMT P 3 13.750 25.00 1.88 2.727 -2.07 3185.9 157.52 13 .4 I P S M c G 7 AAl SO 9.375 -2 .0 5 3178.4 162.20 11 .1 7 IP A 7 S 1 M AAl a 2.500 10.00 4.00 -2 .2 8 2980.8 160.31 10 .4 EF AMM O 4.375 - 2.12 3097.8 160.55 10 .0 7 AMM ? 2.625 -2 .1 5 3094.5 161.39 9. 26 R AMM S 2.875 8.50 2.97 -2.04 3067.0 160.89 9. 09 I AMM 7 2.375 - 2.01 3098.2 160.01 8. 94 T AMM 7 4.375 -1 .9 7 3148.3 160.30 8. 11 I AMM 7 2.500 - 1.86 3154.3 159.81 8. 53 R AMM 7 2.375 -1.78 3169.0 168.95 10 .3 F 7 AAl 7 5.500 - 2.11 2642.4 169.38 9. 01 F A c O ?J AAl S 11.625 31.25 2.68 -2 .0 3 2652.4 168.78 9. 39 7 7 AAl 7 5.250 -2 .0 5 2674.8 168.18 6. 67 7 7 ? 7 HNU 7 15.625 - 1.12 2779.4 168.19 7. 25 7 HNU ? 3.875 -1.42 2762.3 166. 62 6. 77 7 AAl 7 3.750 -1 .6 9 2857.1 166.21 6. 62 7 AAl 7 2.250 -1.75 2882.5 166.02 6. 50 7 AAl 7 3.750 -1.71 2895.4 166.21 5. 48 F ?I c G MJI P 1 M AAl SO 15.625 36.25 2.30 - 1 , 2914.0 166.03 5. 29 ? AAl S 3.375 -1. 16 2929.8 165.57 4. 63 UF AAl 0 11.875 -0.53 2971.2 165.40 4.55 UF AAl 0 6.500 -0 .4 5 2982.8 165.12 4. 18 7 7 AAl S 3.250 -0 .0 3 3007.3 165.49 3. 18 7 7 AAl 7 3.625 0.07 3017.0 164.87 2. 67 FA s AMM 0 7.375 0.39 3064.9 164.66 2.72B 7 AMM 3 3.750 0.34 3073.5 164.83 3.13 BF AAl 0 12.750 0.16 3053.7 164.73 1. 78 I AMM 7 2.625 0.80 3098.4 164.21 1. 61 EF AMM O 3.750 0.85 3130.1 163.52 2. 62 SF AMM 7 6.750 3135.0 164.03 2. 61 EF AMM O 4.000 0.10 3109.5 163.87 3. 03 7 AAl 7 3.250 0.07 3105.6 162.95 2. 18 7 AMM 7 3.000 -0.03 3177.5 163.02 3. 25 I ?T P 7 W AMM S 6.000 12.25 2.02 -0.26 3142.5 162.85 4.45UF AAlO 21.250 -0.83 3117.9 163.02 4. 99 I A s c Q OU AAl s 6.125 10.75 1.75 -1.17 3093.1 164.22 5. 63 7 ? AAl 7 4.250 3013.6 162.99 6. 16 UF AAl O 48.750 3063.9 163.46 5. 71 I A 7 AAl 3 3.750 3050.6 163.04 6. 41 S AAl CI126 3.500 -1 .8 9 3053.5 162.81 6. 51 s AAl Cl 126 2.375 - 1.88 3063.2 162.64 6. 18 B AAl CI126 5. 500 -1.74 3080.7 163.49 7. 40 B F J A 7 S AAl S 3.625 28.00 7.74 - 2.01 3003.7 162.66 7. 29 e f AAl O 3.500 -1 .9 2 3050.9 162.18 5. 54 b 7 AAl 7 3.500 -1 .3 5 3122.3 162.35 4. 87 e f AAl O 6.250 - 1.02 3131.1 157.69 4. 58 R A I D AMU 7 7.125 - 0.22 3383.9 163.16 1. 37 IA 7 D AMM 7 2.625 0.33 3190.1 163.90 1. 26 I A s C 7 3.250 0.86 3156.2 165.28 1. 46 FA AMM ? 6.000 0. 94 3080.4 164.35 0. 08 FP u P c D 7 C O 100.000 3169.4 165.72 0. 62 EF AMM O 11.250 1.02 3083.4 165.72 0. 62 EF AMM O 11.250 1.02 3083.4