A Level French

Sample Assessment Materials Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French (9FR0) First teaching from September 2016 First certifi cation from 2018 Issue 2 Edexcel, BTEC and LCCI qualifications Edexcel, BTEC and LCCI qualifications are awarded by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding body offering academic and vocational qualifications that are globally recognised and benchmarked. For further information, please visit our qualification website at qualifications.pearson.com. Alternatively, you can get in touch with us using the details on our contact us page at qualifications.pearson.com/contactus

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All information in this document is correct at time of publication.

Original origami artwork: Mark Bolitho Origami photography: Pearson Education Ltd/Naki Kouyioumtzis

ISBN 978 1 4469488 4 2 All the material in this publication is copyright © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Summary of A Level French SAMs Issue 2 changes

Summary of changes made between previous issue and this current Page number issue

Guidance regarding the end of the speaking assessment has been updated 111

Guidance on timing of the speaking assessment has been updated 161

This document is Issue 2. Key changes are sidelined. We will inform centres of any changes to this issue. The latest issue can be found on the Pearson website: qualifications.pearson.com If you need further information on these changes or what they mean, contact us via our website at: qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/contact-us.html.


Introduction 1

General marking guidance 3

Paper 1 – Transcript 5

Paper 1 – Question paper 9

Paper 1 – Mark scheme 29

Paper 2 – Question paper 43

Paper 2 – Mark scheme 65

Paper 3 – General instructions to the teacher plus speaking 109 instructions to the candidate and the teacher - examiner

Paper 3 – Mark scheme 161 Introduction

The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French is designed for use in schools and colleges. It is part of a suite of AS/A Level qualifications offered by Pearson. These sample assessment materials have been developed to support this qualification and will be used as the benchmark to develop the assessment students will take.

vi Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Introduction

The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French is designed for use in schools and colleges. It is part of a suite of AS/A Level qualifications offered by Pearson. These sample assessment materials have been developed to support this qualification and will be used as the benchmark to develop the assessment students will take.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 1 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 2 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 General marking guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the last candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the first.  Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than be penalised for omissions.  Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme – not according to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.  All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.  Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification/indicative content will not be exhaustive.  When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, a senior examiner must be consulted before a mark is given.  Crossed-out work should be marked unless the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 3 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 4 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE French Advanced Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Translation Transcript Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/01 Time: 2 hours

Do not return the transcript with the question paper.

Turn over S50023A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. *S50023A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 5 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Passage 1

Les salaires en France F1 L’inégalité des salaires entre hommes et femmes est la plus forte chez les cadres et donc parmi les salaires les plus élevés. M1 Les écarts de salaires ont nettement baissé. Mais depuis les années 1990, le rattrapage s’est interrompu, en partie parce que la plupart des femmes demeurent à l’écart des postes à responsabilité les mieux rémunérés, et qu’elles sont plus souvent employées dans des rôles où les salaires sont bas tels que serveuse ou vendeuse. F1 Les femmes occupent plus souvent des emplois de mauvaise qualité à temps partiel. Les femmes demeurent largement défavorisées sur le marché du travail. 8 % des femmes salariées sont en situation de temps partiel, contre 2,8 % des hommes.

Passage 2

Le Front national F1 Nombreux sont les artistes à avoir pris parti contre le Front national, parti d’extrême droite. Certains affirment leur intention de ne plus vivre où le parti de Marine Le Pen a gagné. Jean-Marie Le Clézio déclare : M1 « Je renoncerais à la nationalité française en cas de victoire du Front national. Quand je vois le Front national monter, je me sens plus Mauricien que jamais. Si Marine Le Pen gagne, je rendrai mon passeport français, et je ne garderai que mes papiers mauriciens. » F1 Il n’est pas seul. À l’occasion de la campagne des européennes en juin dernier, Jean-Marie Le Pen a provoqué un scandale en déclarant : M2 « Yannick Noah s’est engagé à ne plus chanter en France si le Front national arrive en tête de l’élection… on verra bien, je ne le crois pas. »

2 S50023A

6 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Passage 1 Passage 3

Les salaires en France Les festivals sont en train de disparaître F1 L’inégalité des salaires entre hommes et femmes est la plus forte chez les cadres F1 Comme d’autres villes en France, Bayonne, au pays basque, a vu disparaître deux et donc parmi les salaires les plus élevés. de ses grands rendez-vous culturels. Terminé cette année le Festival de la musique Black et Basque, fini aussi le théâtre de la troupe américo-latino Translatine, porté M1 Les écarts de salaires ont nettement baissé. Mais depuis les années 1990, depuis trente ans, faute de subvention de la mairie de Bayonne. En avril, elle le rattrapage s’est interrompu, en partie parce que la plupart des femmes a brusquement retiré la subvention de 60 000 euros. Jean-Marie Broucaret est demeurent à l’écart des postes à responsabilité les mieux rémunérés, et qu’elles Directeur du théâtre des Chimères: sont plus souvent employées dans des rôles où les salaires sont bas tels que serveuse ou vendeuse. M1 Il y avait bien sûr des circonstances économiques à considérer mais il y a des choix que la municipalité a décidé de faire. Il y a d’autres activités qu’on aurait pu F1 Les femmes occupent plus souvent des emplois de mauvaise qualité à temps arrêter de subventionner. Elle n’a pas pris le temps de réfléchir à cette décision: partiel. Les femmes demeurent largement défavorisées sur le marché du travail. nous embauchons exclusivement des travailleurs locaux. Dans le contexte d’une 8 % des femmes salariées sont en situation de temps partiel, contre 2,8 % des crise économique, les élus devraient être sensibles au fait qu’une subvention n’est hommes. pas de l’argent gaspillé. Par contre elle est un investissement rentable qui fait vivre notre région. F1 Mais Yves Ugalde, Adjoint à la culture, défend la décision de la mairie: Passage 2 M2 Il est évident que quand je dois faire une réduction de cinq pour cent de mon Le Front national budget culturel, je dois réévaluer la dépense du fond dont je dispose. Cela supposera un vrai débat sur la capacité qu’on aura et il faudra dire à certains F1 Nombreux sont les artistes à avoir pris parti contre le Front national, parti artistes qu’on ne les subventionnera plus. d’extrême droite. Certains affirment leur intention de ne plus vivre où le parti de Marine Le Pen a gagné. C’est pourquoi la ville a préféré le nouveau festival culture-sport, un festival plus populaire et plus apte à attirer des subventions privées, cette fois auprès d’un Jean-Marie Le Clézio déclare : constructeur automobile. M1 « Je renoncerais à la nationalité française en cas de victoire du Front national. On aura marié deux thèmes extrêmement importants, le sport et la culture qui Quand je vois le Front national monter, je me sens plus Mauricien que jamais. Si sont les véhicules de communication d’énormément de marques. Marine Le Pen gagne, je rendrai mon passeport français, et je ne garderai que mes papiers mauriciens. » F1 Il n’est pas seul. À l’occasion de la campagne des européennes en juin dernier, Jean-Marie Le Pen a provoqué un scandale en déclarant : Passage 4 (a)

M2 « Yannick Noah s’est engagé à ne plus chanter en France si le Front national arrive La Résistance en France en 1944 en tête de l’élection… on verra bien, je ne le crois pas. » M1 Au début de l’année 1944, la Résistance intérieure est bien mieux organisée et ses adhérents sont bien plus nombreux qu’à ses débuts en automne 1940. Depuis mai 1943, elle est unifiée au sein d’un Conseil de la Résistance. Les réseaux sont de véritables organisations paramilitaires créées pour la plupart par les services secrets britanniques et ceux de la France libre. Leur objectif prioritaire est le renseignement. Ils mettent également en place des filières d’évasion de prisonniers de guerre et de soldats alliés, en particulier des aviateurs britanniques abattus au-dessus de la France et de la Belgique. Les réseaux sont structurés en services de plus en plus différenciés (propagande- diffusion, groupes paramilitaires, faux papiers, filières d’évasion…) ; ils cloisonnent leurs activités pour être moins vulnérables en cas d’arrestation de leurs membres.

2 3 S50023A S50023A Turn over

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 7 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Passage 4 (b)

Les maquis F1 Les premiers maquis apparaissent dès décembre 1942, de manière indépendante, des mouvements de la Résistance. Ils sont composés de ceux qui veulent échapper à la mobilisation de la main-d’œuvre et qui ne veulent pas aller travailler en Allemagne. En février 1943, l’instauration du Service du Travail Obligatoire (STO), leur donne une accélération décisive, principalement dans les massifs montagneux mais aussi dans certaines zones forestières. Leur intégration à la Résistance est progressive: il faut les encadrer, les prendre en charge, les armer sans perdre le soutien des populations. M1 Début 1944, les maquis voient leurs effectifs diminuer. La répression conjointe de Vichy et des Allemands a été brutale, et l’hiver rigoureux suscite une forte détérioration des conditions de vie. Cependant, à partir d’avril 1944, un nouveau souffle anime les maquis qui se renforcent lorsque l’espoir du débarquement reprend corps. C’est d’ailleurs le Jour-J qui lance la grande montée au maquis.

4 S50023A

8 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Passage 4 (b) Write your name here Surname Other names Les maquis Centre Number Candidate Number F1 Les premiers maquis apparaissent dès décembre 1942, de manière indépendante, Pearson Edexcel des mouvements de la Résistance. Ils sont composés de ceux qui veulent échapper à la mobilisation de la main-d’œuvre et qui ne veulent pas aller travailler Level 3 GCE en Allemagne. En février 1943, l’instauration du Service du Travail Obligatoire (STO), leur donne une accélération décisive, principalement dans les massifs montagneux mais aussi dans certaines zones forestières. Leur intégration à la French Résistance est progressive: il faut les encadrer, les prendre en charge, les armer Advanced sans perdre le soutien des populations. Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Translation M1 Début 1944, les maquis voient leurs effectifs diminuer. La répression conjointe de Vichy et des Allemands a été brutale, et l’hiver rigoureux suscite une forte Paper Reference détérioration des conditions de vie. Cependant, à partir d’avril 1944, un nouveau Sample assessment material for first teaching souffle anime les maquis qui se renforcent lorsque l’espoir du débarquement September 2016 9FR0/01 reprend corps. C’est d’ailleurs le Jour-J qui lance la grande montée au maquis. Time: 2 hours

You must have: Total Marks Listening equipment CD/MP3

Instructions • Use black ink or ball-point pen. • Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. • Answer all questions in Sections A, B and C. • Answer the questions in the spaces provided – there may be more space than you need. • Candidates are recommended to start with Section A: Listening, and work through each section as presented in the answer booklet. • We recommend you spend 50 minutes on Section A: Listening, 50 minutes on Section B: Reading and 20 minutes on Section C: Translation into English. • You must not use a dictionary. Information • The total mark for this paper is 80. • The marks for each question are shown in brackets – use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question.

Advice • Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. • Try to answer every question. • Check your answers if you have time at the end.

Turn over S50023A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. *S50023A0120* 4 1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50023A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 9 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box . If you change your mind about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross . SECTION A: LISTENING We recommend you spend no more than 50 minutes on this section.

Questions 2, 3 and 4(a) do not require full sentences and you may respond using single words or phrases. Summary Question 4(b) does not require full sentences and you may respond using short phrases. You may use words from the listening passages but you must not transcribe whole sections. You are going to listen to five passages. The duration of each passage is approximately: Passage 1 = 1 minute 12 seconds Passage 2 = 1 minute 15 seconds Passage 3 = 2 minutes 42 seconds Passage 4(a) = 1 minute 41 seconds Passage 4(b) = 1 minute 37 seconds You will be in charge of the recording and you may listen to each passage as often as you wish, and write your answers whenever you wish to do so.

2 *s50023A0220*

10 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Passage 1 − Les salaires en France Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box . If you change your mind about an 1 Écoutez le rapport de radio sur les salaires en France. Cochez la bonne fin pour les answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross . phrases. SECTION A: LISTENING (i) La différence des salaires entre les hommes et les femmes est la plus grande parmi… We recommend you spend no more than 50 minutes on this section. A les ouvriers. Questions 2, 3 and 4(a) do not require full sentences and you may respond using B les plus jeunes. single words or phrases. C les mieux payés. Summary Question 4(b) does not require full sentences and you may respond using short phrases. D les moins bien payés. You may use words from the listening passages but you must not transcribe whole (ii) La plupart des femmes ont des postes… sections. You are going to listen to five passages. The duration of each passage is A à responsabilité. approximately: B ayant peu de responsabilités. Passage 1 = 1 minute 12 seconds Passage 2 = 1 minute 15 seconds C ayant un bon salaire. Passage 3 = 2 minutes 42 seconds D au niveau le plus élevé. Passage 4(a) = 1 minute 41 seconds Passage 4(b) = 1 minute 37 seconds (iii) Beaucoup de femmes travaillent dans… You will be in charge of the recording and you may listen to each passage as often as you wish, and write your answers whenever you wish to do so. A les usines. B les cafés. C les bureaux. D les écoles.

(iv) Beaucoup plus de femmes que d’hommes travaillent…

A à plein temps. B dans des postes temporaires. C au marché. D à mi-temps.

(Total for Question 1 = 4 marks)

2 3 *s50023A0220* *s50023A0320* Turn over

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 11 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Passage 2 − Le Front national 2 Écoutez le rapport télévisé sur le Front national. Répondez aux questions en français. (a) Quelle est l’attitude générale des artistes envers le Front national ? (1)


(b) Jean-Marie Le Clézio, à quelle nationalité s’identifie-t-il plutôt actuellement ? (1)


(c) Qu’est-ce qui a eu lieu en juin dernier ? Donnez deux détails. (2)



(d) Quelle est l’attitude de M. Le Pen envers la promesse de Yannick Noah ? (1)



(Total for Question 2 = 5 marks)

4 *s50023A0420*

12 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Passage 2 − Le Front national Passage 3 − Les festivals sont en train de disparaître 2 Écoutez le rapport télévisé sur le Front national. Répondez aux questions 3 Écoutez cette interview tirée d’Internet sur les festivals. Répondez aux questions en français. en français. (a) Quelle est l’attitude générale des artistes envers le Front national ? (a) Donnez deux conséquences d’avoir retiré la subvention des rendez-vous culturels (1) à Bayonne. (2)


...... (b) Jean-Marie Le Clézio, à quelle nationalité s’identifie-t-il plutôt actuellement ?

(1) ......

...... (b) Quels deux choix auraient évité la décision faite ? (2) (c) Qu’est-ce qui a eu lieu en juin dernier ? Donnez deux détails.

(2) ......


...... (c) Qu’est-ce qui arrivera au budget culturel ? (1) (d) Quelle est l’attitude de M. Le Pen envers la promesse de Yannick Noah ?

(1) ......

...... (d) Qu’est-ce qu’on fera, suite à la réévaluation menée par Yves Ugalde ? Donnez deux détails...... (2)

(Total for Question 2 = 5 marks) ......


(e) Pourquoi le nouveau festival du sport et de la culture aura-t-il probablement plus de subventions privées ? (1)


(f) Pourquoi Yves Ugalde croit-il qu’un festival qui marie le sport et la culture réussira ? (1)


(Total for Question 3 = 9 marks)

4 5 *s50023A0420* *s50023A0520* Turn over

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 13 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Passage 4(a) − La Résistance en France en 1944 4 (a) Écoutez le rapport de radio sur la Résistance. Répondez aux questions en français. (i) Au début de l’année 1944, comment la Résistance avait-elle évolué ? Donnez deux détails. (2)



(ii) Que faisaient les organisations paramilitaires pour aider les services secrets britanniques et la France libre ? (1)


(iii) Comment la Résistance a-t-elle utilisé ses filières en faveur des aviateurs abattus ? (1)


(iv) Comment l’organisation des services des réseaux change-t-elle ? (1)


(v) Pourquoi est-ce que les réseaux ont cloisonné les activités ? (1)


6 *s50023A0620*

14 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Passage 4(a) − La Résistance en France en 1944 Résumez le passage suivant. Des phrases courtes suffisent. Donnez trois détails pour la question 4(b)(i) et trois détails pour la question 4(b)(ii). 4 (a) Écoutez le rapport de radio sur la Résistance. Répondez aux questions en français. Passage 4(b) − La Résistance en France en 1944 (i) Au début de l’année 1944, comment la Résistance avait-elle évolué ? Donnez (b) Écoutez le rapport sur les premiers maquis. Répondez en français. deux détails. (2) (i) Résumez ce que la femme nous raconte de : • ce qu’on cherchait à faire, si on restait en France ...... (1)

...... • pourquoi la situation a évolué en février (1) (ii) Que faisaient les organisations paramilitaires pour aider les services secrets britanniques et la France libre ? • comment on a gardé le soutien des populations (1) (1)

...... (iii) Comment la Résistance a-t-elle utilisé ses filières en faveur des aviateurs ...... abattus ? (1) ......

...... (ii) Résumez ce que l’homme nous raconte de : (iv) Comment l’organisation des services des réseaux change-t-elle ? • l’impact de la répression brutale en 1944 sur les maquis (1) (1)

...... • les conditions de vie en hiver 1944 (1) (v) Pourquoi est-ce que les réseaux ont cloisonné les activités ? (1) • la situation pour les maquis après avril 1944 (1)




(Total for Question 4 = 12 marks)


6 7 *s50023A0620* *s50023A0720* Turn over

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 15 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

SECTION B: READING We recommend you spend around 50 minutes on this section. Open-response questions do not have to be written in full sentences and you may respond using single words or phrases. You may use words from the texts but you must not copy whole sections. 5 Lisez cet article de journal sur le redoublement.

Margaux et le redoublement Ses nouvelles camarades de classe ont l’âge de sa petite sœur. « Elles sont très sympas, et elles sont aussi douées que moi. Mais mes amis sont en fac et moi je suis encore au lycée », regrette Margaux, qui fait sa première rentrée en terminale au lycée parisien Jules-Ferry. « C’est la troisième fois que je redouble, ça commence à faire beaucoup. Mes parents l’ont demandé, car je ne maîtrisais pas bien le calcul », retrace Margaux, qui souhaite devenir juge aux affaires familiales. Élève sérieuse, elle avait pourtant travaillé l’an dernier pour préparer son bac, mais elle l’a raté de quelques points. Malgré tout, la jeune femme entame cette année pleine d’espoir. « L’an passé, après mon redoublement, j’ai dû aller dans un autre lycée où mes profs étaient des étudiants à peine plus âgés que moi. On était quasiment livrés à nous-mêmes. Cette année, j’ai été admise dans un vrai lycée. »

8 *s50023A0820*

16 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

SECTION B: READING Choisissez la bonne fin pour les phrases. Cochez les quatre phrases correctes. We recommend you spend around 50 minutes on this section. (i) En comparaison avec ses camarades de classe, Margaux est… Open-response questions do not have to be written in full sentences and you may A plus âgée. respond using single words or phrases. B moins âgée. You may use words from the texts but you must not copy whole sections. C plus intelligente. 5 Lisez cet article de journal sur le redoublement. D moins intelligente. Margaux et le redoublement (ii) À l’avenir, elle veut… Ses nouvelles camarades de classe ont l’âge de sa petite sœur. « Elles sont très sympas, et elles sont aussi douées que moi. Mais mes amis sont en fac et moi je suis A être mère de famille. encore au lycée », regrette Margaux, qui fait sa première rentrée en terminale au lycée parisien Jules-Ferry. B travailler dans un lycée. « C’est la troisième fois que je redouble, ça commence à faire beaucoup. Mes parents C être mathématicienne. l’ont demandé, car je ne maîtrisais pas bien le calcul », retrace Margaux, qui souhaite devenir juge aux affaires familiales. Élève sérieuse, elle avait pourtant travaillé D travailler dans le milieu juridique. l’an dernier pour préparer son bac, mais elle l’a raté de quelques points. Malgré tout, la jeune femme entame cette année pleine d’espoir. « L’an passé, après mon (iii) Elle médite sur la prochaine rentrée scolaire avec… redoublement, j’ai dû aller dans un autre lycée où mes profs étaient des étudiants à peine plus âgés que moi. On était quasiment livrés à nous-mêmes. Cette année, j’ai A indifférence. été admise dans un vrai lycée. » B optimisme. C pessimisme. D peur.

(iv) L’année dernière, ses professeurs…

A s’occupaient bien de leurs élèves. B enseignaient depuis longtemps. C étaient assez jeunes. D l’encourageaient à lire beaucoup.

(Total for Question 5 = 4 marks)

8 9 *s50023A0820* *s50023A0920* Turn over

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 17 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

6 Lisez cet extrait d’une brochure d’Internet sur un festival breton.

Le Fest-Noz breton Le Fest-Noz, rassemblement festif fondé sur la pratique collective des danses traditionnelles de Bretagne, a été réinventé dans les années 50 par les amateurs du mouvement folk. Cette réinvention était due à un regain d’intérêt pour la musique et les instruments traditionnels. La première fois que l’on se rend à un fest-noz, on remarque d’abord son côté collectif et multigénérationnel. Les Bretons aiment la danse avec passion depuis longtemps. Dans la société rurale bretonne d’avant 1930, les grands travaux agricoles étaient la principale occasion de danser. Le repas convivial, où étaient seulement invités les travailleurs agricoles, était accompagné de concours de danse récompensés de tabac pour les hommes et de rubans pour les femmes. Autrefois, l’église interdisait les danses kof-à-kof (ventre contre ventre) mais tolérait qu’on se tienne par le petit doigt. Pendant l’occupation, les nazis, ayant interdit l’organisation de bals publics, des bals clandestins se multiplièrent dans les villages.

Quelles phrases sont correctes ? Cochez les quatre bonnes phrases :

A En 1950, on a inventé de nouvelles danses folkloriques pour animer les Fest-Noz. B La musique et les instruments traditionnels de la Bretagne ont attiré les membres du mouvement folk. C Un Fest-Noz, on voit immédiatement que c’est une fête pour les jeunes. D Dans un Fest-Noz typique, les jeunes et les plus âgés dansent ensemble. E La danse collective est une activité relativement récente pour les Bretons. F Tout le monde avait le droit d’assister au repas commun qui suivait le travail. G On ne pouvait participer au repas que si on avait travaillé dans les champs. H Les hommes fumaient tout en participant aux compétitions de danse. I Pendant la guerre, on était obligé d’organiser des bals en secret.

(Total for Question 6 = 4 marks)

10 *s50023A01020*

18 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

6 Lisez cet extrait d’une brochure d’Internet sur un festival breton.

Le Fest-Noz breton Le Fest-Noz, rassemblement festif fondé sur la pratique collective des danses traditionnelles de Bretagne, a été réinventé dans les années 50 par les amateurs du mouvement folk. Cette réinvention était due à un regain d’intérêt pour la musique et les instruments traditionnels. La première fois que l’on se rend à un fest-noz, on remarque d’abord son côté collectif et multigénérationnel. Les Bretons aiment la danse avec passion depuis longtemps. Dans la société rurale bretonne d’avant 1930, les grands travaux agricoles étaient la principale occasion de danser. Le repas convivial, où étaient seulement invités les travailleurs agricoles, était accompagné de concours de danse récompensés de tabac pour les hommes et de rubans pour les femmes. Autrefois, l’église interdisait les danses kof-à-kof (ventre contre ventre) mais tolérait qu’on se tienne par le petit doigt. Pendant l’occupation, les nazis, ayant interdit l’organisation de bals publics, des bals clandestins se multiplièrent dans les villages.

Quelles phrases sont correctes ? Cochez les quatre bonnes phrases :

A En 1950, on a inventé de nouvelles danses folkloriques pour animer les Fest-Noz. BLANK PAGE B La musique et les instruments traditionnels de la Bretagne ont attiré les membres du mouvement folk. QUESTION 7 BEGINS ON THE NEXT PAGE. C Un Fest-Noz, on voit immédiatement que c’est une fête pour les jeunes. D Dans un Fest-Noz typique, les jeunes et les plus âgés dansent ensemble. E La danse collective est une activité relativement récente pour les Bretons. F Tout le monde avait le droit d’assister au repas commun qui suivait le travail. G On ne pouvait participer au repas que si on avait travaillé dans les champs. H Les hommes fumaient tout en participant aux compétitions de danse. I Pendant la guerre, on était obligé d’organiser des bals en secret.

(Total for Question 6 = 4 marks)

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 19 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

7 Lisez cet article d’Internet sur une bande dessinée. Répondez aux questions en français.

Astérix Astérix est une série de bande dessinée franco-belge créée par l’écrivain René Goscinny et le dessinateur Albert Uderzo. Astérix chez les Bretons, qui présente des éléments spécifiques liés à la culture britannique, a particulièrement plu aux Anglais. Les Bretons du récit ne concernent pas les habitants de la Bretagne actuelle, mais ceux de la Grande-Bretagne. Bien que Goscinny soit arrivé aux États-Unis en 1945 sans connaître un seul mot d’anglais, au fil des années il a réussi à maîtriser cette langue. Dans cet album, il se moque systématiquement des tendances linguistiques propres à l’anglais en traduisant des expressions mot à mot en français. Il ridiculise aussi les traditions britanniques. Par exemple, à cinq heures de l’après- midi, les Bretons boivent de l’eau chaude, il s’agit bien sûr de la célèbre tradition du thé. En plus, ils arrêtent le combat vendredi soir et refusent de se battre avant lundi matin, référence à l’idée française à cette époque du week-end anglais.

(a) Comment Goscinny et Uderzo ont-ils collaboré pour produire les albums d’Astérix ? Donnez deux détails. (2)



(b) Pourquoi Astérix chez les Bretons a-t-il eu un tel succès en Angleterre ? (1)


(c) Pourquoi quelques lecteurs français pourraient avoir des difficultés à apprécier certains aspects humoristiques de l’album ? (1)


(d) Pourquoi Goscinny a-t-il trouvé son premier séjour en Amérique problématique ? (1)


(e) À l’époque, quelle idée les Français avaient-ils du week-end anglais ? (1)


(Total for Question 7 = 6 marks)

12 *s50023A01220*

20 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

7 Lisez cet article d’Internet sur une bande dessinée. Répondez aux questions en français.

Astérix Astérix est une série de bande dessinée franco-belge créée par l’écrivain René Goscinny et le dessinateur Albert Uderzo. Astérix chez les Bretons, qui présente des éléments spécifiques liés à la culture britannique, a particulièrement plu aux Anglais. Les Bretons du récit ne concernent pas les habitants de la Bretagne actuelle, mais ceux de la Grande-Bretagne. Bien que Goscinny soit arrivé aux États-Unis en 1945 sans connaître un seul mot d’anglais, au fil des années il a réussi à maîtriser cette langue. Dans cet album, il se moque systématiquement des tendances linguistiques propres à l’anglais en traduisant des expressions mot à mot en français. Il ridiculise aussi les traditions britanniques. Par exemple, à cinq heures de l’après- midi, les Bretons boivent de l’eau chaude, il s’agit bien sûr de la célèbre tradition du thé. En plus, ils arrêtent le combat vendredi soir et refusent de se battre avant lundi matin, référence à l’idée française à cette époque du week-end anglais.

(a) Comment Goscinny et Uderzo ont-ils collaboré pour produire les albums d’Astérix ? Donnez deux détails. BLANK PAGE (2) QUESTION 8 BEGINS ON THE NEXT PAGE......


(b) Pourquoi Astérix chez les Bretons a-t-il eu un tel succès en Angleterre ? (1)


(c) Pourquoi quelques lecteurs français pourraient avoir des difficultés à apprécier certains aspects humoristiques de l’album ? (1)


(d) Pourquoi Goscinny a-t-il trouvé son premier séjour en Amérique problématique ? (1)


(e) À l’époque, quelle idée les Français avaient-ils du week-end anglais ? (1)


(Total for Question 7 = 6 marks)

12 13 *s50023A01220* *s50023A01320* Turn over

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 21 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

8 Lisez cet article d’un journal des années quarante, où Le Maréchal Pétain, chef d’État pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale, honore une section de la population. Répondez aux questions en français.

Une journée nationale spéciale Lorsque l’on considère les femmes pendant la guerre, on pense à celles qui servent comme infirmières ou qui travaillent pour la Croix-Rouge. En plus, en 1939, tous les hommes de moins de quarante ans ont été appelés sous les drapeaux et les femmes devaient les remplacer dans les bureaux, les ateliers, les usines et les fermes. L’agriculture française était hélas très en retard dans la mécanisation. Aussi les bras des femmes devaient-ils compenser. Mais c’est dans les gestes humbles de la vie quotidienne que nos mères de famille font également preuve de dévouement et de courage. « Ta maman a fait tout pour toi, le Maréchal te demande de l’en remercier. » Aujourd’hui dans les écoles de France, fleurissent les affiches qui portent ce slogan. Pourquoi ? Parce que demain va renaître une tradition des années 20 : la journée nationale des Mères. Partout les enfants ont préparé spectacles, lettres ou dessins pour fêter celles à qui le Maréchal a rendu hommage dans un message radiodiffusé. « Vous seules savez donner ce goût du travail, ce sens de la discipline qui rendent les hommes sains et les peuples forts. Vous êtes les inspiratrices de notre civilisation chrétienne. » Les matinées organisées vont être l’occasion de la remise de prix et de médailles aux mères de famille nombreuse, cérémonies qui seront suivies d’un goûter qu’en cette période de pénurie les enfants ne manqueront pas d’apprécier.

(a) Un jeune homme de 25 ans en 1939, que devait-il faire ? (1)


(b) Où est-ce que le travail était particulièrement dur pour les femmes et pourquoi ? (2)



(c) À la fin du premier paragraphe, quel genre de femmes le Maréchal Pétain semble- t-il honorer ? (1)


(d) Comment le slogan de Pétain sera-t-il présenté aux enfants ? (1)


14 *s50023A01420*

22 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

8 Lisez cet article d’un journal des années quarante, où Le Maréchal Pétain, chef (e) Selon le Maréchal, comment les mères de famille aidaient-elles à rendre les d’État pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale, honore une section de la population. hommes sains ? Répondez aux questions en français. (1)

Une journée nationale spéciale ...... Lorsque l’on considère les femmes pendant la guerre, on pense à celles qui servent (f) Sur quelle idéologie Pétain base-t-il cette journée de la mère ? comme infirmières ou qui travaillent pour la Croix-Rouge. En plus, en 1939, tous (1) les hommes de moins de quarante ans ont été appelés sous les drapeaux et les femmes devaient les remplacer dans les bureaux, les ateliers, les usines et les fermes...... L’agriculture française était hélas très en retard dans la mécanisation. Aussi les bras (g) Pourquoi les enfants apprécieront-ils particulièrement le goûter ? des femmes devaient-ils compenser. Mais c’est dans les gestes humbles de la vie (1) quotidienne que nos mères de famille font également preuve de dévouement et de courage...... « Ta maman a fait tout pour toi, le Maréchal te demande de l’en remercier. » Aujourd’hui dans les écoles de France, fleurissent les affiches qui portent ce slogan. (Total for Question 8 = 8 marks) Pourquoi ? Parce que demain va renaître une tradition des années 20 : la journée nationale des Mères. Partout les enfants ont préparé spectacles, lettres ou dessins pour fêter celles à qui le Maréchal a rendu hommage dans un message radiodiffusé. « Vous seules savez donner ce goût du travail, ce sens de la discipline qui rendent les hommes sains et les peuples forts. Vous êtes les inspiratrices de notre civilisation chrétienne. » Les matinées organisées vont être l’occasion de la remise de prix et de médailles aux mères de famille nombreuse, cérémonies qui seront suivies d’un goûter qu’en cette période de pénurie les enfants ne manqueront pas d’apprécier.

(a) Un jeune homme de 25 ans en 1939, que devait-il faire ? (1)


(b) Où est-ce que le travail était particulièrement dur pour les femmes et pourquoi ? (2)



(c) À la fin du premier paragraphe, quel genre de femmes le Maréchal Pétain semble- t-il honorer ? (1)


(d) Comment le slogan de Pétain sera-t-il présenté aux enfants ? (1)


14 15 *s50023A01420* *s50023A01520* Turn over

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 23 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

9 Lisez le texte de l’écrivain franco-libanais Amin Maalouf, Les Identités meurtrières. Répondez aux questions en français.

Mon identité, ma nationalité Depuis que j’ai quitté le Liban en 1976, pour m’installer en France, que de fois m’a- t-on demandé si je me sentais « plutôt français » ou « plutôt libanais ». Je réponds toujours : « L’un et l’autre! » parce qu’en répondant différemment, je mentirais. Ce qui fait que je suis moi-même et pas un autre, c’est que je suis ainsi à la lisière de deux pays. C’est précisément cela qui définit mon identité. À ceux qui me posent la question, j’explique que je suis né au Liban, que j’y ai vécu jusqu’à l’âge de vingt-sept ans, que l’arabe est ma langue maternelle et que c’est d’abord en traduction arabe que j’ai découvert les livres fantastiques de Dumas et Dickens. Mais, d’un autre côté, je vis depuis vingt-deux ans sur la terre de France, j’écris mes livres dans sa langue, jamais plus elle ne sera pour moi une terre étrangère. Parfois, lorsque j’ai fini d’expliquer tout cela, quelqu’un s’approche de moi pour murmurer : « Au fin fond de vous-même, qu’est-ce que vous vous sentez ? » Cette interrogation insistante est révélatrice d’une vision des hommes fort répandue et, à mes yeux, dangereuse. Lorsqu’on me pose cette question, cela suppose qu’il y a « au fin fond » de chacun une seule appartenance qui compte, déterminée une fois pour toutes à la naissance et qui ne changera jamais. Le fait d’être chrétien et d’avoir pour langue maternelle l’arabe est un des paradoxes fondamentaux qui ont forgé mon identité. Par ailleurs, mon appartenance au christianisme crée un lien significatif entre moi et les quelque deux milliards de chrétiens dans le monde. Ainsi, en considérant séparément ces deux éléments de mon identité, je me sens proche, soit par la langue soit par la religion, d’une bonne moitié de l’humanité ; en prenant ces deux mêmes critères simultanément, je me retrouve confronté à ma spécificité.

(a) Comment peut-on justifier l’idée que Maalouf est un homme honnête ? (1)


(b) Maalouf dit qu’il est « à la lisière de deux pays ». Expliquez cette phrase. (1)


(c) Quand il était petit, qu’est-ce qu’il aimait lire ? (1)


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24 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

9 Lisez le texte de l’écrivain franco-libanais Amin Maalouf, Les Identités meurtrières. (d) Pourquoi Maalouf dit-il que la France ne sera jamais plus pour lui « une terre Répondez aux questions en français. étrangère » ? Donnez un détail. (1) Mon identité, ma nationalité ...... Depuis que j’ai quitté le Liban en 1976, pour m’installer en France, que de fois m’a- t-on demandé si je me sentais « plutôt français » ou « plutôt libanais ». Je réponds (e) Selon Maalouf, qu’est-ce qui est dangereux ? toujours : « L’un et l’autre! » parce qu’en répondant différemment, je mentirais. Ce qui (1) fait que je suis moi-même et pas un autre, c’est que je suis ainsi à la lisière de deux pays. C’est précisément cela qui définit mon identité...... À ceux qui me posent la question, j’explique que je suis né au Liban, que j’y ai vécu (f) Quel rôle le christianisme joue-t-il dans la vie de Maalouf ? jusqu’à l’âge de vingt-sept ans, que l’arabe est ma langue maternelle et que c’est (1) d’abord en traduction arabe que j’ai découvert les livres fantastiques de Dumas et Dickens. Mais, d’un autre côté, je vis depuis vingt-deux ans sur la terre de France, ...... j’écris mes livres dans sa langue, jamais plus elle ne sera pour moi une terre étrangère. (g) Comment Maalouf peut-il croire qu’il est proche de la moitié de l’humanité ? Parfois, lorsque j’ai fini d’expliquer tout cela, quelqu’un s’approche de moi pour Donnez deux détails. murmurer : « Au fin fond de vous-même, qu’est-ce que vous vous sentez ? » (2)

Cette interrogation insistante est révélatrice d’une vision des hommes fort répandue ...... et, à mes yeux, dangereuse. Lorsqu’on me pose cette question, cela suppose qu’il y a

« au fin fond » de chacun une seule appartenance qui compte, déterminée une fois ...... pour toutes à la naissance et qui ne changera jamais. (Total for Question 9 = 8 marks) Le fait d’être chrétien et d’avoir pour langue maternelle l’arabe est un des paradoxes fondamentaux qui ont forgé mon identité. Par ailleurs, mon appartenance au TOTAL FOR SECTION B = 30 MARKS christianisme crée un lien significatif entre moi et les quelque deux milliards de chrétiens dans le monde. Ainsi, en considérant séparément ces deux éléments de mon identité, je me sens proche, soit par la langue soit par la religion, d’une bonne moitié de l’humanité ; en prenant ces deux mêmes critères simultanément, je me retrouve confronté à ma spécificité.

(a) Comment peut-on justifier l’idée que Maalouf est un homme honnête ? (1)


(b) Maalouf dit qu’il est « à la lisière de deux pays ». Expliquez cette phrase. (1)


(c) Quand il était petit, qu’est-ce qu’il aimait lire ? (1)


16 17 *s50023A01620* *s50023A01720* Turn over

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 25 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

SECTION C: TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH We recommend you spend around 20 minutes on this section. 10 Translate the following text from Céline Dion’s autobiography into English. (20)

J’avais douze ans et ma mère voulait faire de moi une chanteuse capable de remplir les grandes salles de concert. Pour moi c’était un rêve mais Maman avait un plan d’action. « Il te faut des chansons à toi, Céline. Un agent ne voudra rien savoir d’une fille qui ne fait qu’imiter les autres! On ne peut pas juger de la valeur d’une chanteuse qui interprète une chanson déjà bien connue. » Il fallait que je crée moi-même quelques chansons pour qu’un agent sache que je comprenais quelque chose à la musique. Ce que ma mère m’avait dit m’apparaissait comme évident, même si je n’y avais jamais pensé de façon aussi précise.


















18 *s50023A01820*

26 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017


We recommend you spend around 20 minutes on this section......

10 Translate the following text from Céline Dion’s autobiography into English...... (20)

...... J’avais douze ans et ma mère voulait faire de moi une chanteuse capable de remplir les grandes salles de concert. Pour moi c’était un rêve mais Maman avait un plan ...... d’action. « Il te faut des chansons à toi, Céline. Un agent ne voudra rien savoir d’une fille qui ne fait qu’imiter les autres! On ne peut pas juger de la valeur d’une ...... chanteuse qui interprète une chanson déjà bien connue. » Il fallait que je crée moi-même quelques chansons pour qu’un agent sache que je comprenais quelque ...... chose à la musique. Ce que ma mère m’avait dit m’apparaissait comme évident, même si je n’y avais jamais pensé de façon aussi précise......








...... (Total for Question 10 = 20 marks)










18 19 *s50023A01820* *s50023A01920*

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 27 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017


Source information

Les salaires en France: © http://www.inegalites.fr/spip.php?article1400

Le Front national: © Le Figaro http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2015/03/07/97001-20150307FILWWW00097-fn-le-clezio- envisage-de-rendre-son-passeport.php

Les festivals sont en train de disparaître: © http://www.francetvinfo.fr/culture/festival/faute-de-moyens-les-festivals-disparaissent-dans-tout-le- pays_950389.html

La Résistance en France en 1944: © http://www.le70e.fr/fr/resistance/la-resistance-en-france-en-1944

Margaux et le redoublement: © http://www.leparisien.fr/societe/redoublement-une-chance-pour-pouvoir-faire-ce-qui-me-plait-par-la- suite-24-09-2014-4160945.php

Le Fest-Noz Breton: © http://www.routard.com/guide/Bretagne/858/culture_et_traditions

Astérix: Malcolm Johnson © 2015 Pearson

Une journée nationale spéciale: © Collectif, ‘Les annees 40’, Editmar-Ouest Plus 1994

Mon identité, ma nationalité: © http://www.karimbitar.org/maalouf

Céline Dion: © Ma vie, mon rêve, by Céline Dion Edition: 2001

Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders to obtain their permission for the use of copyright material. Pearson Education Ltd. will, if notified, be happy to rectify any errors or omissions and include any such rectifications in future editions.

20 *s50023A02020*

28 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

GCE A Level French

Paper 1 marking principles for Section A and B

Candidate responses

 For open response questions, the candidate does not have to write in full sentences. If BLANK PAGE appropriate, they may respond using single words or phrases (with the exception of Question 4(b), summary writing).

Example of short phrases with two or more words:

o devenir militaire (verb/noun) o Il n’aime pas mentir (verb/negation) o (des valeurs) chrétiennes (verb/adjective).

Source information  In Question 4b, candidates must use short phrases but no single words, as this would not be appropriate for summary writing. Les salaires en France: © http://www.inegalites.fr/spip.php?article1400  When responding to open response questions, candidates may use words from the listening passage or reading extract but they must not transcribe or copy whole sections Le Front national: © Le Figaro http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2015/03/07/97001-20150307FILWWW00097-fn-le-clezio- where the question requires them to manipulate the language in order to render the envisage-de-rendre-son-passeport.php response accurate to the question.

Les festivals sont en train de disparaître: Example: © http://www.francetvinfo.fr/culture/festival/faute-de-moyens-les-festivals-disparaissent-dans-tout-le- pays_950389.html Text: Je mange surtout des fruits et des légumes pour rester en bonne santé. La Résistance en France en 1944: Question: Selon le texte, en quoi consiste un régime sain ? © http://www.le70e.fr/fr/resistance/la-resistance-en-france-en-1944 Rewardable answer: Manger surtout des fruits et des légumes. Margaux et le redoublement: Non-rewardable answer: Je mange surtout des fruits et des légumes pour © http://www.leparisien.fr/societe/redoublement-une-chance-pour-pouvoir-faire-ce-qui-me-plait-par-la- rester en bonne santé. suite-24-09-2014-4160945.php Candidates who copy the whole sentence, as exemplified above as the Non-rewardable Le Fest-Noz Breton: answer, would not be awarded marks without manipulating the verb in the sentence, © http://www.routard.com/guide/Bretagne/858/culture_et_traditions ‘manger.’ This is because it does not render an accurate answer to the question. However as the exemplified Rewardable answer shows, candidates may still use words from the Astérix: listening passage or reading extract. Malcolm Johnson © 2015 Pearson

 There are no marks for quality of language in this paper so errors and omissions in Une journée nationale spéciale: © Collectif, ‘Les annees 40’, Editmar-Ouest Plus 1994 spelling and grammar will be tolerated as long as the message is not ambiguous or interferes with communication. Mon identité, ma nationalité: © http://www.karimbitar.org/maalouf  Consider only as many elements as there are marks, for example for a 1-mark answer, the candidate’s first response is taken for assessment, even if this response is incorrect Céline Dion: but the correct information follows as a further element. Where 2 marks are available, © Ma vie, mon rêve, by Céline Dion Edition: 2001 award the individual marks discretely but apply the order of elements rule.

Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders to obtain their permission for the use of copyright material. Pearson Education Ltd. will, if notified, be happy to rectify any errors or omissions and include any such  Written responses in the wrong language cannot be awarded a mark. rectifications in future editions.

20 *s50023A02020*

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 29 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Guidance to examiners on understanding and applying the mark scheme

 lternative as of ivin the same anser are indicated ith a slash in eteen the alternative responses, for eample Goscinny écrivait/faisait le texte.

 here appropriate, responses have been separated with ‘AND’ for compulsory answers and ‘OR’ for possible answers, for example:

o Aux fermes


o Parce qu’il y avait un manque de machines


o Il n’y avait pas beaucoup de mécanisation .

 n parts of an anser that are not essential are racketed and an parts that are ke ords are nderlined, for eample Sur les murs des écoles (de France).

 andidates are likel to rite variants on the acceptale ansers listed and these shold e considered as acceptale if the conve the correct anser.

 ll possile ansers have the correct amont of marks appropriate for the information reired indicated in rackets.

 ested incorrect ansers are indicated in the ‘Reject’ colmn.

30 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Guidance to examiners on understanding and applying the mark scheme e cee

 lternative as of ivin the same anser are indicated ith a slash in eteen the alternative responses, for eample Goscinny écrivait/faisait le texte.

et e  here appropriate, responses have been separated with ‘AND’ for compulsory answers e and ‘OR’ for possible answers, for example: o Aux fermes et e AND e o Parce qu’il y avait un manque de machines

OR et e e o Il n’y avait pas beaucoup de mécanisation .

 n parts of an anser that are not essential are racketed and an parts that are ke ords are nderlined, for eample Sur les murs des écoles (de France). et e e  andidates are likel to rite variants on the acceptale ansers listed and these shold D e considered as acceptale if the conve the correct anser.

et e Reject  ll possile ansers have the correct amont of marks appropriate for the information e reired indicated in rackets. ils le mprisent references to intention to

ils ne l’aiment pas emirate  ested incorrect ansers are indicated in the ‘Reject’ colmn. /ils l’opposent

et e Reject e mauricienne franais

et e e c les lections europennes la campane lectorale europenne


un scandale

et e e il ne lela croit pas

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 31 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 et e Reject e il n’y aura pas de Festival de la la subvention de musique (lac et asque) (1) euros

le tétre (de la troupe americolatino ranslatine) a ini (1)

et e Reject e économiser ailleurs (1) ne pas aire des économies

(continuer à) subventionner les estivals (1)

et e Reject e c il sera réduit réduit

et e e il y aura un debat (1)

on retirera des subventions certains artistes ne seront plus subventionnés (1)

et e Reject e e le estival sera plus populaire un estival plus populaire (untareted lit) no comparison

et e e beaucoup de marques l’utilisent déjà (1)

il est un rapport bien établi (1)

32 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 et e Reject e et e Reject il n’y aura pas de Festival de la la subvention de e musique (lac et asque) (1) euros mieu oranisée (1) no comparison e elle était oranisée le tétre (de la troupe americolatino il y avait plus d’adhérents/les effectifs ranslatine) a ini (1) avaient aumenté (1)

et e et e Reject e e ils ont ourni le renseinement économiser ailleurs (1) ne pas aire des économies et e e (continuer à) subventionner les les ilires les ont aidés estivals (1) et e Reject e aidaient à s’échapper c il sera réduit réduit et e

e et e les structures deviennent diérenciées e il y aura un debat (1) et e e on retirera des subventions our ne pas devenir vulnérables (parce que leurs membres ne certains artistes ne seront plus subventionnés (1) savent pas tout)

et e Reject e et e e e le estival sera plus populaire un estival plus populaire éviter tre mobilisés (1) (untareted lit) no comparison

et e l’instauration du STO augmente la popularité des maquis (1) e

beaucoup de marques l’utilisent déjà (1)

n a intéré les maquis proressivement (1)

il est un rapport bien établi (1)

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 33 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

et e e le nombre d’effectifs a diminué (1)

il a rendu la ie trs dure (1)

plus d’effectifs grâce à l’anticipation du Jour et au our mme (1)

et e e

et e e

et e e

et e e

et e e

34 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 et e Reject et e e e n e of le nombre d’effectifs a diminué (1) e rong a round eg dero était oscinn écriaitfaisait le tete (1) l’écrivain, Goscinny était dero faisait les dessins (1) le dessinateur il a rendu la ie trs dure (1)

Goscinny était l’écrivain (1), Uderzo oscinn traduisait le était le dessinateur (1) plus d’effectifs grâce à l’anticipation du Jour et au our mme franais (1)

oscinn écriait (1) dero dessinait (1)

et e ccept present tense e et e Reject e et e n e of l était écrit en anglais e (Parce que) l’album concernait les otal lift ui présente etc nglais (plutt ue les retons de

retagne) (1) et e


(Parce qu’) il se moquait de la culture et e anglaise (1) e

(parce que) l’album parle de la culture et e britanniueanglaise (1) e Accept modified lift: (parce qu’) il présenteprésentait des éléments

spécifiues liés à la culture britanniue

(1) ccept present tense

et e Reject e c (Parce qu’) ils ne connaissent pas bien es nglais la culture (etou la langue) anglaise(s) ls ne parlent pas anglais ls ne connaissent pas des anglais ls ne sont pas anglais

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 35 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

et e Reject e (Parce qu’) il ne parlait/comprenait Anlais (it capital A) pas (du tout) (l’) anglais l ne connaissait pas les Accept idea of not readin and ritin tatsUnis nlis C’était sa première visite

et e Reject e e (ls pensaient que) les Anlais ne es Anlais étaient faisaient rien (1) paresseu

(ls pensaient que) les Anlais refusaient de tout faire (1)

et e e evenir militaire (1)

S’inscrire à l’armée (1)

et e e Au fermes (1)


e of :

Parce qu’il y avait un manque de machines (1)

Il n’y avait pas beaucoup de mécanisation (1)

et e Reject e c es femmes qui restent la maison es mres (on its on) (1) es femmes qui font la uerre elles qui travaillent (comme infirmires ou es mres de famille (1) dans a roioue etc)

et e Reject

36 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 e et e Reject Sur des aiches dans les écoles (en la radio e rance) (1) ans les écoles (Parce qu’) il ne parlait/comprenait Anlais (it capital A) Spectacles lettres ou pas (du tout) (l’) anglais dessins l ne connaissait pas les Accept idea of not readin and ritin tatsUnis Sur les murs des écoles (de rance) nlis C’était sa première visite (1)

et e Reject et e e e e (ls pensaient que) les Anlais ne es Anlais étaient e n leur donnant un got du travail (1) faisaient rien (1) paresseu n leur donnant un sens de la discipline (1) (ls pensaient que) les Anlais refusaient de tout faire (1) et e Reject e et e ny e o es/es années e evenir militaire (1) (L’idéologie) chrétienne (1)

S’inscrire à l’armée (1) (es valeurs) chrétiennes (1)

et e e Au fermes (1) Crètien/cretien (1)

A (he candidate should not be penalised or spelling errors) e of :

Parce qu’il y avait un manque de machines (1)

Il n’y avait pas beaucoup de mécanisation (1)

et e Reject e c es femmes qui restent la maison es mres (on its on) (1) es femmes qui font la uerre elles qui travaillent (comme infirmires ou es mres de famille (1) dans a roioue etc)

et e Reject

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 37 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

et e Reject e e o l ie le goe (e ille) Parce qu’il n’y a pas beaucoup de oie ed l gee () e eled o e eleio d o o e l o ood

l i e de oie ( ee éoe) ()

l o oe i ()

Normalement ils n’ont pas de goûter/ils n’ont pas beaucoup à ge ()

Le goe le e ()

e ee

et e Reject e (Parce qu’) (il dit qu’) il ne veut pas (parce qu’) il ne répond ei () diéee

eodiiol ee

Il n’aime pas ei ()

l e die oo l éié ()

l ee de ei ()

e ee

38 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

et e Reject et e Reject e e e o l ie le goe (e ny e o ela déinit son identité ille) Parce qu’il n’y a pas beaucoup de Il est moitié arabe/libanais moitié uture tense oie ed l gee () e eled o e ranais () eleio d o o e l o ood

l i e de oie ( Il n’est ni arabe/libanais ni ranais ee éoe) () ()

l o oe i () Il se trouve (à la rontire) entre deu civilisations/cultures () ccept past tenses and ansers Normalement ils n’ont pas de reerring to im belonging to to goûter/ils n’ont pas beaucoup à countries/cultures ge () et e Reject e c es livres étrangers/ la littérature écouvrir les livres Le goe le e () étrangre/ des traductions de livres Parler arabe étrangers e ee et e Reject et e Reject e e e idea only needed Il abite en rance depuis (Parce qu’) (il dit qu’) il ne veut pas (parce qu’) il ne répond l’âge de 22 ans ei () diéee Il abite/vit en rance/sur sa terre depuis ans/longtemps () Il y écrit ses livres eodiiol ee Il abite en rance ds Il n’aime pas ei () ses ans Il y abite depuis ans/longtemps ()

l e die oo l éié ()

Il écrit ses livres en ranais (depuis ans) () l ee de ei () Il ne se sent pas étranger aprs avoir e ee vécu en rance depuis ans/longtemps ()

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 39 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

et e Reject e e n e ne isin des es t nde it n (L’idée que) la nationalité est plus elntineltin itnte e tte te se lesle liting g

(L’idée que) tout le monde/chacun/on ne tie intiee i ne nge is

t le ndenn ne sele tenne i te

et e Reject e n e e istinise e n lien signiiti ente moi Il e n le itnt e e et les ele de c’est un lien entre lui et deux/des illids de tiens illids de tiens dns le nde le sentene lit tet el mon I it tie de e sn identit ng se identit nn

Ilel sn identit

n ide t i eeling t te 2 illin istins

et e Reject e Il end les ltes tiennes se de l eligin et et slnes 2 de l lnge ie es

Il le e et nis 2

40 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 et e Reject e ce e n e ne isin des es t nde it n isspellin is tolerated as lon as it does not lead to amiuit or example drouht (L’idée que) la nationalité est plus elntineltin misspelled as droht ould e acceptale ut misspelled as drauht ould e itnte e tte te se unacceptale as this ould lead to amiuit lesle liting g Learners are liel to rite ariants on the acceptale ansers listed and these should e considered as acceptale i the cone the same intended meanin (L’idée que) tout le monde/chacun/on ne tie intiee i ne nge ranslation is successul i an nlish speaer ould understand the translation ithout is hain understood the text in its oriinal lanuae

et ccete e e t le ndenn ne sele as ears old tenne i te and m mother anted

et e Reject to mae a siner o me e capale o illin lare concert halls n e e istinise e n lien signiiti ente moi or me this as a dream Il e n le itnt e e et les ele de c’est un lien entre lui et deux/des illids de tiens ut um had a plan o action illids de tiens dns le nde le sentene lit tet “You need your own songs, Céline. n aent ill not ant to no anthin el mon I it tie de e sn identit ng se aout a irl ho does nothin ut identit nn imitate others ou/one cannot ude

Ilel sn identit the orth o a siner ho

n ide t i eeling t te performs a song that’s already well known”. 2 illin istins had to rite some sons msel

et e Reject so that an aent ould no e that understood somethin aout music Il end les ltes tiennes se de l eligin et

et slnes 2 de l lnge hat m mother had told me ie es seemed oious

Il le e et nis 2 een i had neer thouht aout it

in such a precise a

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 41 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 42 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Write your name here Surname Other names

Pearson Edexcel Centre Number Candidate Number Level 3 GCE French Advanced Paper 2: Written response to works and translation Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/02 Time: 2 hour 40 minutes

You do not need any other materials. Total Marks

Instructions • Use black ink or ball-point pen. • Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. • Answer Question 1 in Section A. You must answer two questions from Sections B and C – this means either two questions from Section B or one question from Section B and one question from Section C. Write between 300 and 350 words for questions in Section B and Section C. • We recommend you spend 30 minutes on Section A: Translation. • Answer the questions in the spaces provided – there may be more space than you need. • Dictionaries are not allowed in this examination. • Copies of works are not allowed in this examination. Information • The total mark for this paper is 120. • The marks for each question are shown in brackets – use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question.

Advice • Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. • Check your answers if you have time at the end.

Turn over S50024A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. *S50024A0121* 1/1/1/1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 43 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

SECTION A: TRANSLATION 1 Traduisez ce passage en français. (20)

When the European Union adopted a policy of free movement of people, many citizens of poor countries started to move to France. It is difficult for an immigrant to fit into a new society unless he has friends or relatives there. Even if he speaks a little French, he will have to try to improve the language as soon as possible. Immigrants have been accused of taking the jobs of those who already live there. In fact, they often end up accepting the work which the latter refuse to do. If people were more tolerant, immigrants would have fewer problems.




















2 44 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – *s50024A0221*Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017


1 Traduisez ce passage en français...... (20)

...... When the European Union adopted a policy of free movement of people, many citizens of poor countries started to move to France. It is difficult for an immigrant to ...... fit into a new society unless he has friends or relatives there. Even if he speaks a little French, he will have to try to improve the language as soon as possible. Immigrants ...... have been accused of taking the jobs of those who already live there. In fact, they often end up accepting the work which the latter refuse to do. If people were more ...... tolerant, immigrants would have fewer problems......












...... (Total for Question 1 = 20 marks)








2 3 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 45 *s50024A0221* Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson*s50024A0321* Education Limited 2017 Turn over

SECTION B: WRITTEN RESPONSE TO WORKS (LITERARY TEXTS) Répondez à DEUX questions. Choisissez deux questions de la Section B OU une question de la Section B ET une question de la Section C. Écrivez entre 300 et 350 mots pour chaque question. 2 Boule de Suif et autres contes de guerre (Boule de Suif, Un Duel, Deux Amis, La Mère Sauvage) (Guy de Maupassant) EITHER (a) Analysez les différences entre Boule de Suif et ceux qui voyagent avec elle. (50) OR (b) Analysez le portrait des Prussiens dans ces contes. (50)

(Total for Question 2 = 50 marks)

3 La Place (Annie Ernaux) EITHER (a) Analysez la façon dont l’auteur exprime ses sentiments dans ce récit. (50) OR (b) Analysez ce qui a affecté les relations de l’auteur avec son père. (50)

(Total for Question 3 = 50 marks)

4 Le Blé en Herbe (Colette) EITHER (a) Évaluez le roman en tant que portrait réaliste de l’adolescence. (50) OR (b) Analysez comment et pourquoi Mme Dalleray a un tel impact sur Phil. (50)

(Total for Question 4 = 50 marks)

4 46 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – *s50024A0421*Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

SECTION B: WRITTEN RESPONSE TO WORKS (LITERARY TEXTS) 5 Le Château de ma Mère (Marcel Pagnol) Répondez à DEUX questions. Choisissez deux questions de la Section B OU une question de la EITHER Section B ET une question de la Section C. Écrivez entre 300 et 350 mots pour chaque question. (a) Évaluez la façon dont se termine ce livre. 2 Boule de Suif et autres contes de guerre (Boule de Suif, Un Duel, Deux Amis, (50) La Mère Sauvage) (Guy de Maupassant) OR EITHER (b) Analysez les façons différentes dont le père de Marcel et l’oncle Jules contribuent (a) Analysez les différences entre Boule de Suif et ceux qui voyagent avec elle. à la présentation d’une famille heureuse et unie. (50) (50)

OR (Total for Question 5 = 50 marks) (b) Analysez le portrait des Prussiens dans ces contes. (50) 6 Le Gone du Chaâba (Azouz Begag)

(Total for Question 2 = 50 marks) EITHER (a) Analysez comment les trois écoles qu’il fréquente ont un effet sur Azouz. 3 La Place (Annie Ernaux) (50) EITHER OR (a) Analysez la façon dont l’auteur exprime ses sentiments dans ce récit. (b) Examinez les tensions au sein de la famille d’Azouz causées par leur départ (50) du Chaâba. (50) OR (Total for Question 6 = 50 marks) (b) Analysez ce qui a affecté les relations de l’auteur avec son père. (50) 7 Les Mains Sales (Jean-Paul Sartre) (Total for Question 3 = 50 marks) EITHER 4 Le Blé en Herbe (Colette) (a) Évaluez les moyens utilisés par Sartre pour créer de la tension dans cette pièce. (50) EITHER OR (a) Évaluez le roman en tant que portrait réaliste de l’adolescence. (50) (b) Évaluez le succès de cette pièce en tant qu’œuvre politique. (50) OR (Total for Question 7 = 50 marks) (b) Analysez comment et pourquoi Mme Dalleray a un tel impact sur Phil. (50)

(Total for Question 4 = 50 marks)

4 5 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 47 *s50024A0421* Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson*s50024A0521* Education Limited 2017 Turn over

8 Les Petits Enfants du siècle (Christiane Rochefort) EITHER (a) Expliquez jusqu’à quel point ce roman présente une image d’une société matérialiste. (50) OR (b) Analysez comment les aspects humoristiques de ce livre aident à illustrer le caractère de Josyane. (50)

(Total for Question 8 = 50 marks)

9 Le Tartuffe (Molière) EITHER (a) Évaluez comment Molière ridicule le mariage forcé dans cette œuvre. (50) OR (b) Analysez les raisons pour lesquelles cette pièce, écrite au 17ème siècle en France, continue à intéresser les spectateurs modernes. (50)

(Total for Question 9 = 50 marks)

10 L’Étranger (Albert Camus) EITHER (a) Analysez comment le contraste entre Meursault et Marie souligne l’aliénation de Meursault de la société. (50) OR (b) Analysez l’image de la justice présentée par ce livre. (50)

(Total for Question 10 = 50 marks)

6 48 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – *s50024A0621*Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

8 Les Petits Enfants du siècle (Christiane Rochefort) 11 No et Moi (Delphine de Vigan) EITHER EITHER (a) Expliquez jusqu’à quel point ce roman présente une image d’une société (a) Évaluez dans quelle mesure ce livre est avant tout une étude sérieuse de la vie matérialiste. des sans-abri. (50) (50) OR OR (b) Analysez comment les aspects humoristiques de ce livre aident à illustrer le (b) Analysez les effets de la mort du bébé Thaïs sur les autres personnages. caractère de Josyane. (50) (50) (Total for Question 11 = 50 marks) (Total for Question 8 = 50 marks) 12 Thérèse Desqueyroux (François Mauriac) 9 Le Tartuffe (Molière) EITHER EITHER (a) Examinez jusqu’à quel point la région où ils habitent influence le comportement (a) Évaluez comment Molière ridicule le mariage forcé dans cette œuvre. des personnages principaux du roman. (50) (50) OR OR (b) Analysez les raisons pour lesquelles cette pièce, écrite au 17ème siècle en France, (b) Analysez comment les relations entre Thérèse et Anne affectent le déroulement continue à intéresser les spectateurs modernes. de l’histoire. (50) (50)

(Total for Question 9 = 50 marks) (Total for Question 12 = 50 marks)

10 L’Étranger (Albert Camus) 13 Une si longue lettre (Mariama Bâ) EITHER EITHER (a) Analysez comment le contraste entre Meursault et Marie souligne l’aliénation de (a) Analysez les effets sur les personnages de ce livre des attitudes changeantes Meursault de la société. envers le mariage. (50) (50) OR OR (b) Analysez l’image de la justice présentée par ce livre. (b) Évaluez le style épistolaire adopté par Mariama Bâ pour décrire un monde en train (50) de changer au Sénégal. (50) (Total for Question 10 = 50 marks) (Total for Question 13 = 50 marks)

6 7 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 49 *s50024A0621* Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson*s50024A0721* Education Limited 2017 Turn over

14 Un Sac de Billes (Joseph Joffo) EITHER (a) Évaluez la façon dont Joffo traite la perte de l’enfance dans son livre. (50) OR (b) Examinez ce que nous apprenons sur la nature humaine en considérant les gens que Jo et son frère rencontrent pendant leur voyage. (50)

(Total for Question 14 = 50 marks)


8 50 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – *s50024A0821*Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

14 Un Sac de Billes (Joseph Joffo) SECTION C: WRITTEN RESPONSE TO WORKS (FILMS) EITHER Répondez à DEUX questions. Choisissez deux questions de la Section B OU une question de la Section B ET une question de la Section C. Écrivez entre 300 et 350 mots pour chaque question. (a) Évaluez la façon dont Joffo traite la perte de l’enfance dans son livre. (50) 15 Au Revoir les Enfants (Louis Malle) OR EITHER (b) Examinez ce que nous apprenons sur la nature humaine en considérant les gens (a) Évaluez ce film comme une histoire au temps de la guerre. que Jo et son frère rencontrent pendant leur voyage. (50) (50) OR (Total for Question 14 = 50 marks) (b) Analysez le développement des relations entre Julien Quentin et Jean Bonnet. (50) TOTAL FOR SECTION B = 50 MARKS (Total for Question 15 = 50 marks)

16 Chocolat (Claire Denis) EITHER (a) Analysez l’influence de Luc sur les autres personnages et sur le dénouement de l’histoire dans ce film. (50) OR (b) Analysez les éléments de ce film qui montrent une société en train de changer. (50)

(Total for Question 16 = 50 marks)

17 Cléo de 5 à 7 (Agnès Varda) EITHER (a) Analysez jusqu’à quel point on peut dire que le développement de Cléo est un voyage vers la maturité. (50) OR (b) Évaluez l’épisode avec Antoine en tant que conclusion satisfaisante du film. (50)

(Total for Question 17 = 50 marks)

8 9 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 51 *s50024A0821* Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson*s50024A0921* Education Limited 2017 Turn over

18 Deux Jours, une Nuit (Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne) EITHER (a) Analysez les effets du choix difficile que les ouvriers doivent faire. (50) OR (b) Examinez jusqu’à quel point on pourrait dire que Manu est le vrai héros de ce film. (50)

(Total for Question 18 = 50 marks)

19 Entre les Murs (Laurent Cantet) EITHER (a) Examinez jusqu’à quel point M. Morin est lui-même responsable des difficultés qu’il éprouve. (50) OR (b) Analysez jusqu’à quel point le fait que la scène se passe uniquement à l’école aide à accentuer les tensions entre les personnages. (50)

(Total for Question 19 = 50 marks)

20 Intouchables (Oliver Nakache, Eric Toledano) EITHER (a) Évaluez le rôle des personnages secondaires en faisant référence à au moins deux d’entre eux. (50) OR (b) Analysez les contrastes qui sont dépeints dans ce film. (50)

(Total for Question 20 = 50 marks)

10 52 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – *s50024A01021*Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

18 Deux Jours, une Nuit (Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne) 21 La Haine (Mathieu Kassovitz) EITHER EITHER (a) Analysez les effets du choix difficile que les ouvriers doivent faire. (a) Analysez la façon dont la police est représentée dans ce film. (50) (50) OR OR (b) Examinez jusqu’à quel point on pourrait dire que Manu est le vrai héros de ce film. (b) Évaluez l’importance de la scène dans la galerie d’art à Paris. (50) (50)

(Total for Question 18 = 50 marks) (Total for Question 21 = 50 marks)

19 Entre les Murs (Laurent Cantet) 22 La Vie en Rose (Olivier Dahan) EITHER EITHER (a) Examinez jusqu’à quel point M. Morin est lui-même responsable des difficultés (a) Analysez jusqu’à quel point Édith est elle-même responsable de ses chagrins et qu’il éprouve. de ses problèmes. (50) (50) OR OR (b) Analysez jusqu’à quel point le fait que la scène se passe uniquement à l’école aide (b) Évaluez les changements constants de temps et de lieu qui se passent tout au à accentuer les tensions entre les personnages. long de ce film. (50) (50)

(Total for Question 19 = 50 marks) (Total for Question 22 = 50 marks)

20 Intouchables (Oliver Nakache, Eric Toledano) 23 Le Dernier Métro (François Truffaut) EITHER EITHER (a) Évaluez le rôle des personnages secondaires en faisant référence à au moins deux (a) Évaluez la façon dont le réalisateur évoque la période de la deuxième guerre d’entre eux. mondiale dans ce film. (50) (50) OR OR (b) Analysez les contrastes qui sont dépeints dans ce film. (b) Analysez les techniques cinématographiques employées par le réalisateur. (50) (50)

(Total for Question 20 = 50 marks) (Total for Question 23 = 50 marks)

10 11 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 53 *s50024A01021* Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson*s50024A01121* Education Limited 2017 Turn over

24 Les Choristes (Christophe Barratier) EITHER (a) Examinez les raisons pour lesquelles Clément Matthieu doit quitter l’école “Fond de l’Étang” vers la fin du film. (50) OR (b) Analysez le rôle joué par la musique dans Les Choristes. (50)

(Total for Question 24 = 50 marks)

25 Les 400 Coups (François Truffaut) EITHER (a) Analysez jusqu’à quel point les parents d’Antoine sont responsables de son mauvais comportement. (50) OR (b) Évaluez “Les 400 Coups” comme un exposé de la délinquance juvénile. (50)

(Total for Question 25 = 50 marks)

26 Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles (Jean-Pierre Jeunet) EITHER (a) Évaluez la contribution de la tante et de l’oncle de Mathilde au message positif qu’on peut tirer de ce film. (50) OR (b) Évaluez la façon dont le réalisateur révèle l’histoire de ce que Manech est devenu dans ce film. (50)

(Total for Question 26 = 50 marks)


12 54 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – *s50024A01221*Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

24 Les Choristes (Christophe Barratier) Indicate your first question choice on this page. You will be asked to indicate your second question choice on page 59. EITHER Indicate which questions you are answering by marking a cross in the box . If you change your (a) Examinez les raisons pour lesquelles Clément Matthieu doit quitter l’école “Fond mind, put a line through the box and then indicate your new question with a cross . de l’Étang” vers la fin du film. (50) Chosen question number: Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 OR Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 (b) Analysez le rôle joué par la musique dans Les Choristes. Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 (50) Question 11 Question 12 Question 13 (Total for Question 24 = 50 marks) Question 14 Question 15 Question 16

25 Les 400 Coups (François Truffaut) Question 17 Question 18 Question 19 EITHER Question 20 Question 21 Question 22 (a) Analysez jusqu’à quel point les parents d’Antoine sont responsables de son Question 23 Question 24 Question 25 mauvais comportement. Question 26 (50) In the box, state whether you are answering part (a) or part (b). OR (b) Évaluez “Les 400 Coups” comme un exposé de la délinquance juvénile. (50) ...... (Total for Question 25 = 50 marks)

...... 26 Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles (Jean-Pierre Jeunet) ...... EITHER ...... (a) Évaluez la contribution de la tante et de l’oncle de Mathilde au message positif qu’on peut tirer de ce film...... (50) OR ......

(b) Évaluez la façon dont le réalisateur révèle l’histoire de ce que Manech est devenu ...... dans ce film. (50) ......

(Total for Question 26 = 50 marks) ......





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...... Indicate your second question choice on this page.

...... Indicate which questions you are answering by marking a cross in the box . If you change your mind, put a line through the box and then indicate your new question with a cross .

...... Chosen question number: Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 ...... Question 5 Question 6 Question 7

...... Question 8 Question 9 Question 10

...... Question 11 Question 12 Question 13 Question 14 Question 15 Question 16 ...... Question 17 Question 18 Question 19 ...... Question 20 Question 21 Question 22

...... Question 23 Question 24 Question 25 ...... Question 26

...... In the box, state whether you are answering part (a) or part (b).
















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GCE A Level French

Paper 2 mark scheme

Section A – Question 1 (translation) into assessed language This task is a points-based mark scheme in which 1 mark is given for each correct individual section of language. A correct translation is provided in a grid which also outlines the alternative translations that will be accepted or the translations to be rejected. Marking principles for error tolerance with examples are given directly above the grid.

Marking principles Accents: non-grammatical accent errors are tolerated, for example dangéreux rather than dangereux, unless they cause ambiguity (for example passe rather than passé).

Spelling: non-grammatical mis-spellings are tolerated, for example orreille rather than oreille, as long as they are not ambiguous (for example pure rather than peur) or in the wrong language.

Verb endings must be correct and will not be classed as spelling errors.

Adjective endings must be correct and will not be classed as spelling errors.

Accept any appropriate alternatives that do not already appear in the acceptable answers column.

Text Correct Answer Acceptable Reject Mark Answers 1 When the Quand l’Union Pluperfect tense Imperfect (1) European Union européenne a adopté Lorsque tense adopted a une politique L’UE policy Européenne 2 of free de mouvement libre personnes Gratuit (1) movement of des gens, people, 3 many citizens beaucoup de habitants beaucoup (1) of poor citoyens des pays des countries pauvres pauvres pays

4 started to move ont commencé à déménager Pluperfect (1) to France. émigrer en France. Imperfect tense tense

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 65 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

i diiul o l diiil ou un Il n’est pas facile an iian ii iian ai Un iian l ou diiil o i ino a n de s’intégrer dans oi oi un noull oi noull unl a à moins qu’il n’y ait l a nd o o ind o d ai ou d la d an d lai aill laion d lai En i a Même s’il parle un anai un u anai a lil n u l anai un u d anai ill a o il da a d n o io ionn la alio lanua lanu a oon a aui i u aui u oil oil oil ian a n a au l n aud ii o ain d nd l l aail in l aau o loi l oulo l o d’avoir pris o o o d u ui ain ain alad li d l d n a on En ai il inin nd u oun a ain a l aail l loi o o i la u dni ui n uln u o do un d ai a ai ol i l n ain i on ai o olan lu olan iian l ii diiul u d ould a auain oin d l ii ol ol n’auraient pas auan d

66 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 i diiul o l diiil ou un Il n’est pas facile an iian ii iian ere are tree levelsased mar grids to e applied to eac individual essay tat ai maes up te ritten response to ors e mar grids are Un iian l  ritical and analytical response ou diiil  ange of grammatical structures and vocaulary o i ino a n de s’intégrer dans oi  ccuracy of language oi un noull oi noull unl a à moins qu’il n’y ait l a nd o o ind o d ai ou d la d an d lai aill laion d lai  ou sould first of all consider te anser as a ole and ten decide ic En i a Même s’il parle un anai un u anai descriptors most closely matc te anser and place it in tat and e a lil n u l anai un u d descriptors for eac and indicate te different features tat ill e seen in te anai student’s anser for tat and ill a o il da a d n o  en assigning a level you sould loo at te overall quality of te anser and not focus disproportionately on small and specific parts of te anser ere te io ionn la alio student as not performed quite as ell as te rest If te anser covers different lanua lanu aspects of different bands of the mark scheme you should use a ‘best fit’ approach a oon a aui i u aui u for defining te level and ten use te variaility of te response to elp decide oil oil oil te mar itin te level for eample if te response is predominantly and – ian a n a au l it a small amount of and – material it ould e placed in and – ut e n aud ii aarded a mar near te top of te and ecause of te and o ain d nd l l aail in l aau – content o loi l oulo l o d’avoir pris  nce you ave decided on a and you ill ten need to decide on a mar itin o o o d u ui ain ain te and alad li d l d  ou ill decide on te mar to aard ased on te quality of te anser you ill aard a mar toards te top or ottom of tat and depending on o students n a on En ai il inin nd u oun a ave evidenced eac of te descriptor ullet points ain a l aail l loi  ou ill modify te mar ased on o securely te trait descriptors are met at o o tat and i la u dni ui n uln  ou ill need to go ac troug te anser as you apply te mar sceme to u o do un d ai a ai clarify points and assure yourself tat te and and te mar are appropriate ol i l n ain i on ai o olan lu olan iian l ii diiul u d ould a auain oin d l ii ol ol n’auraient pas auan d

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 67 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

 This mark grid assesses students’ ability to respond critically and analytically to the aspect o the literary ork or ilm outlined in the uestion To proide a critical and analytical response students should select releant material present and ustiy points o ie deelop arguments dra conclusions based on understanding and ealuate issues themes and cultural and social contets

 This grid should be applied tice once or each essay indiidually

 hen deciding ho to reard an anser you should consult this mark grid as ell as the indicatie content associated ith each uestion see belo. ndicatie content contains points that students are likely to use to construct their anser t is possible or an anser to be constructed ithout mentioning some or all o these points as long as students proide alternatie responses that ulil the reuirements o the uestion

o reardable material

–  oints o ie relating to issuesthemescultural or social contets are presented ith simplistic ustiication limited interpretation ith reuent misunderstanding or conusion any eidence rom the ork is descriptie  imited ability to orm arguments or dra conclusions  esponse relates to the ork but limited ocus on the uestion

–  oints o ie relating to issuesthemescultural or social contets are presented ith attempts made at interpretation but they occasionally sho misunderstanding or conusion eidence selected rom the ork or ustiication is occasionally appropriate but oten descriptie  rguments are made but ith inconsistencies conclusions are dran but do not ully link to arguments  esponse relates to the ork but oten loses ocus on the uestion

–  ritical analysis o issuesthemescultural or social contets is eident in relation to particular aspects o the uestion ith some appropriate interpretations and points o ie sometimes ustiied by appropriately selected eidence rom the ork  ogical arguments are olloed through on particular aspects o the uestion occasionally detailed and ith linked conclusions some points are made ithout eploration  esponse is releant to particular aspects o the uestion occasional loss o ocus

–  ritical analysis o issuesthemescultural or social contets is reuently demonstrated ith some conincing interpretations and points o ie predominantly ustiied ith appropriately selected eidence rom the ork  enerally detailed logical arguments are made ith some persuasie conclusions that mostly link together  redominantly releant response to the uestion

–  ritical analysis o issuesthemescultural or social contets is demonstrated through conincing interpretations and points o ie consistently ustiied ith appropriately selected eidence rom the ork  etailed logical arguments and conclusions are made that consistently link together  eleant response to the uestion throughout

68 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

 This mark grid assesses students’ ability to respond critically and analytically to the  This mark grid assesses students’ ability to use a range of grammatical structures aspect o the literary ork or ilm outlined in the uestion To proide a critical and and ocabulary in order to roduce articulate ritten communication ith a range analytical response students should select releant material present and ustiy points of eression o ie deelop arguments dra conclusions based on understanding and ealuate  This grid should be alied tice once for each essay indiidually issues themes and cultural and social contets

 This grid should be applied tice once or each essay indiidually

 hen deciding ho to reard an anser you should consult this mark grid as ell as o reardable language the indicatie content associated ith each uestion see belo. ndicatie content –  imited ariation of straightforard grammatical structures ith much contains points that students are likely to use to construct their anser t is possible reetition roducing riting that is often restricted and stilted or an anser to be constructed ithout mentioning some or all o these points as long  imited range of ocabulary resulting in reetitie eression as students proide alternatie responses that ulil the reuirements o the uestion  imited use of terminology aroriate to literary and cinematic analysis –  ccasional ariation in use of mostly straightforard grammatical o reardable material structures infreuent use of comle language roducing riting that –  oints o ie relating to issuesthemescultural or social contets are is sometimes stilted presented ith simplistic ustiication limited interpretation ith reuent  ocabulary is mostly high freuency ith occasional ariation misunderstanding or conusion any eidence rom the ork eression is freuently reetitie is descriptie  ccasional use of terminology aroriate for literary and cinematic  imited ability to orm arguments or dra conclusions analysis  esponse relates to the ork but limited ocus on the uestion –  ome ariation in the use of grammatical structures including some –  oints o ie relating to issuesthemescultural or social contets are recurrent eamles of comle language sections of articulate riting presented ith attempts made at interpretation but they occasionally ith occasionally stilted hrasing sho misunderstanding or conusion eidence selected rom the ork  ome ariation in use of ocabulary resulting in ariation of or ustiication is occasionally appropriate but oten descriptie eression but this is not sustained  rguments are made but ith inconsistencies conclusions are dran but  ome use of terminology aroriate for literary and cinematic do not ully link to arguments analysis  esponse relates to the ork but oten loses ocus on the uestion –  reuent ariation in use of grammatical structures including different –  ritical analysis o issuesthemescultural or social contets is eident in tyes of comle language roducing riting that is articulate relation to particular aspects o the uestion ith some appropriate throughout the maority of the essay interpretations and points o ie sometimes ustiied by appropriately  reuently aried use of ocabulary resulting in regular ariation of selected eidence rom the ork eression  ogical arguments are olloed through on particular aspects o the  reuent use of terminology aroriate for literary and cinematic uestion occasionally detailed and ith linked conclusions some points analysis are made ithout eploration  esponse is releant to particular aspects o the uestion occasional loss –  onsistent ariation in use of grammatical structures including in use o ocus of comle language roducing consistently articulate riting  onsistently aried use of ocabulary alloing ideas to be coneyed in –  ritical analysis o issuesthemescultural or social contets is reuently a ariety of different ays demonstrated ith some conincing interpretations and points o ie  onsistent use of terminology aroriate for literary and cinematic predominantly ustiied ith appropriately selected eidence rom the analysis ork  enerally detailed logical arguments are made ith some persuasie conclusions that mostly link together  redominantly releant response to the uestion

–  ritical analysis o issuesthemescultural or social contets is demonstrated through conincing interpretations and points o ie consistently ustiied ith appropriately selected eidence rom the ork  etailed logical arguments and conclusions are made that consistently link together  eleant response to the uestion throughout

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 69 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Variation of vocabulary and grammatical structures the traits in the mark grid differentiate beteen the ariation of grammatical structures and ocabulary used by students aminers should udge in hich mark band to lace students and hich mark to aard based on the effect that the ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary has on the uality of the communication the ider the ariety the more articulate the communication ill become see definition of articulate belo

amles of a ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary are a selection of different erbs tenses adecties ocabulary including to eress literary and cinematic analysis – see further detail belo comle language see definition belo for a ariety of uroses including to resent and ustify oints of ie deelo arguments dra conclusions based on understanding

Articulate articulate communication is fluent effectie and coherent as students controlmaniulate the language to say hat they ant to say rather than hat they can say for a number of different uroses f students are restricted to hat they can say they may not be able to eress themseles for all uroses for eamle to deelo arguments

Terminology for literary and cinematic analysis: ocabulary for critical analysis according to the work being studied, for example ‘plot’, ‘character’; figures of speech such as ‘metaphor’, ‘similes’; to describe theme and style such as, ‘camera technique’, ‘handheld camera’, ‘use of black and white’, ‘first person narrative.’

Complex language is considered to include the folloing  concetually challenging tenses such as the luerfect future erfect  assie oice  subunctie mood  use of relatie ronouns  using etended sentences to eress abstract ideasconey ustified arguments that reuire a range of leis and structures for eamle conunctions and ronouns  using synonyms and a ariety of eressions to say things in different ays  all grammar and structures included in the grammar list that are secific to eel

Straightforward language is considered to be

 simle sentences ith limited linking of sentences and clauses  high freuency grammatical structures and ocabulary

70 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Variation of vocabulary and grammatical structures the traits in the mark grid  his mark grid assesses students’ ability to apply grammar and syntax differentiate beteen the ariation of grammatical structures and ocabulary used by accurately. students aminers should udge in hich mark band to lace students and hich  his grid should be applied twice, once for each essay individually. mark to aard based on the effect that the ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary has on the uality of the communication the ider the ariety the more articulate the communication ill become see definition of articulate belo o rewardable language. – ● imited sequences of accurate language resulting in lapses in amles of a ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary are a selection of coherence. different erbs tenses adecties ocabulary including to eress literary and ● rrors occur that often prevent meaning being conveyed. cinematic analysis – see further detail belo comle language see definition belo for a ariety of uroses including to resent and ustify oints of ie – ● ome accurate sequences of language resulting in some coherent deelo arguments dra conclusions based on understanding writing. ● rrors occur that sometimes hinder clarity of communication and Articulate articulate communication is fluent effectie and coherent as students occasionally prevent meaning being conveyed. controlmaniulate the language to say hat they ant to say rather than hat they – ● requent sequences of accurate language resulting in generally can say for a number of different uroses f students are restricted to hat they coherent writing. can say they may not be able to eress themseles for all uroses for eamle to ● rrors occur that occasionally hinder clarity of communication deelo arguments – ● ccurate language throughout most of the essay, resulting in mostly Terminology for literary and cinematic analysis: ocabulary for critical analysis coherent writing. according to the work being studied, for example ‘plot’, ‘character’; figures of speech ● rrors occur that rarely hinder clarity of communication. such as ‘metaphor’, ‘similes’; to describe theme and style such as, ‘camera – ● ccurate language throughout, resulting in consistently coherent technique’, ‘handheld camera’, ‘use of black and white’, ‘first person narrative.’ writing. Complex language is considered to include the folloing ● ny errors do not hinder clarity of communication.  concetually challenging tenses such as the luerfect future erfect  assie oice  subunctie mood Errors: students are not expected to produce perfect, errorfree writing in order to  use of relatie ronouns access the top band as errors are also made by native speakers. he mark grid  using etended sentences to eress abstract ideasconey ustified arguments describes the frequency of errors and the impact that errors have on coherence. that reuire a range of leis and structures for eamle conunctions and

ronouns rrors that  using synonyms and a ariety of eressions to say things in different ays  errors that do not affect meaning, for example gender, adectival agreements  all grammar and structures included in the grammar list that are secific to  infrequent errors that do not distract the reader from the content and which result eel in coherent writing.

Straightforward language is considered to be rrors that  simle sentences ith limited linking of sentences and clauses  errors that make writing difficult to understand immediately even if the meaning  high freuency grammatical structures and ocabulary is eventually understooderrors that force readers to reread in order to understand what is meant, for example inappropriate tense formation, mismatch of subect and the possessive adective  frequent errors hinder clarity as they will distract the reader from the content of the writing.

rrors that  errors that mean the reader cannot understand the message  errors that convey the wrong message  errors that make it unclear who is carrying out the action, for example using the incorrect person of the verb  mothertongue interference.

these are examples only and do not constitute a finite list.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 71 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

ndiatie ontent is not exaustie tudents sould be rearded or any alid response and may dra on a range o releant examples rom te or

– tudents may reer to te olloing in teir ansers

oule and te oters are miles apart soially eg se is a loly prostitute sunned by te oters ereas te oter traellers are representaties o arious iger rungs o soiety  oule is pereied as a oman o loose morals ereas te oter traellers are outardly respetable eg desribed as people o religion and priniples

 oule is te one it iner eelings i ontrasts it te oters eg se is generous tey are selis se is patrioti tey are illing to ae er aede to te enemy to ease teir on prediament

 e to episodes in te oa bring out te dierenes best eg te roles and te situation are ompletely reersed

 en pysially tere are dierenes eg oule is plump ull o olesomeness some oters are mean looing and in one ase raaged by disease

– tudents may reer to te olloing in teir ansers

e portrait is not a simplisti one eg te russians are not all simply depited as te enemy  e poerul oier lass is son ery unsympatetially eg tey abuse teir poer are autorati and ruel tey are arrogant oupiers

 e ordinary russian soldiers are mu more pleasant eg tey elp te itiens o oupied rane

 e ordinary russian soldiers are no dierent to te ren eg tey do not ant to be aging ar tey ould rater be ba at ome it teir amilies

 aupassant is een to express a general teme o ar eg it is te poerul o age ar it is te ea o suer ieer side tey are on

72 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 ndiatie ontent is not exaustie tudents sould be rearded or any alid response and may dra on a range o releant examples rom te or – tudents may reer to te olloing in teir ansers

is is a personal narration t is in te irst person te past is oneyed troug te pass ompos ie lie a spoen narration – tudents may reer to te olloing in teir ansers  e relationsip is gien rom er point o ie so se as ontrol oer at se sares it te reader oule and te oters are miles apart soially eg se is a  e uses a matter o at style i relets er loly prostitute sunned by te oters ereas te oter detament rom er ater eg te desription o er traellers are representaties o arious iger rungs o ater on is deatbed soiety  oule is pereied as a oman o loose morals ereas  e beginning o te or is ery important eg te te oter traellers are outardly respetable eg narrator’s teaching certificate changes her social status. desribed as people o religion and priniples  e ending is eually signiiant eg it sos e ae  oule is te one it iner eelings i ontrasts it ome ull irle tis generation also does not understand te oters eg se is generous tey are selis se is te next patrioti tey are illing to ae er aede to te enemy to ease teir on prediament  e narration ontains isolated details and memories about er ater and te past eg it is deliberately disointed a  e to episodes in te oa bring out te dierenes series o allusions eoe te past but not in any best eg te roles and te situation are ompletely ronologial order reersed –  en pysially tere are dierenes eg oule is plump tudents may reer to te olloing in teir ansers ull o olesomeness some oters are mean looing and in one ase raaged by disease e daugter as done tings i te preious generation neer experiened eg se as been to boarding sool se as traelled –

tudents may reer to te olloing in teir ansers  duation is probably te biggest ator o ange eg se

is lited by it into a dierent ulture er experiene o e portrait is not a simplisti one eg te russians are not soial ange is intelletual all simply depited as te enemy  e poerul oier lass is son ery unsympatetially  arriage also aets relationsips eg se as married a eg tey abuse teir poer are autorati and ruel tey man rom a dierent lass and as moed it im to are arrogant oupiers anoter part o rane

 e ordinary russian soldiers are mu more pleasant  The father fails to understand the changes in his daughter’s eg tey elp te itiens o oupied rane existene

 e ordinary russian soldiers are no dierent to te ren eg tey do not ant to be aging ar tey ould rater be ba at ome it teir amilies

 aupassant is een to express a general teme o ar eg it is te poerul o age ar it is te ea o suer ieer side tey are on

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 73 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tudents a refer to the folloing in their ansers.

inca and hil hae sent an suers together as children no things are changing e.g. the are oing into adolescence and this is affecting their relationshi.

 olette silfull suggests fro the eginning that things are altered, e.g. they are more awkward in each other’s coan.

 n inca she gies a conincing ortrait of an adolescent girl e.g. she is still er uch a child ut she is deeloing the char grace and aturit of a gron oan.

 hil is also ell deicted as an adolescent o e.g. he is strong and actie iatient he does not no ho to react to ne situations.

 e allera is a catalst to their changing roles.

– tudents a refer to the folloing in their ansers.

e allera is out of lace on the reton coast e.g. she is a sohisticated stranger fro aris she totters along uncofortal on her high heels. erone including hil finds her a fascinating character.

 hil encounters e allera at a crucial stage in his deeloent and in his relationshi ith inca hich is changing in a a that neither of the to oung eole reall understands.

 he acts as a catalst to eents e.g. she lures hil into seduction.

 hil is intoicated the eotic nature of ernna hich has een transfored to fit Mme Dalleray’s character and here she is coletel at hoe.

 he is aggressie e.g. she doinates hil and lures hi to her on her ters.

 he is a contrast to others in the oo e.g. she reects ourgeois oralit there is sadness ehind her selfinterest. t a tie hen hil has the natural reelliousness of a teenager her reection of ourgeois oralit stries a chord ith hi.

 t is flattering for hi to receie the attentions of an older sohisticated eerienced oan.

74 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tudents a refer to the folloing in their ansers. tdents may refer to the following in their answers.

inca and hil hae sent an suers together as children he ending is effectie ecase it comes as a comlete shock no things are changing e.g. the are oing into and a contrast to the rest of the ook as after the eocation of adolescence and this is affecting their relationshi. a carefree, idyllic childhood the mood is starkly and rtally shattered in less than a age.  olette silfull suggests fro the eginning that things are altered, e.g. they are more awkward in each other’s  he osition is imortant, as it comes straight after the coan. olliest eisode with the oial oige and the family celerating the end of their troles. t is comletely  n inca she gies a conincing ortrait of an adolescent neected, and so highly effectie. girl e.g. she is still er uch a child ut she is deeloing the char grace and aturit of a gron oan.  Pagnol’s idealised world is shocking and complete, as almost all those dear to him are dead. his contrasts  hil is also ell deicted as an adolescent o e.g. he is sharly with eerything that has gone efore. strong and actie iatient he does not no ho to react to ne situations.  ffectie imagery is emloyed to eress the etent of Pagnol’s devastation, e.g. ili, who knew eerything aot  e allera is a catalst to their changing roles. roence, is said to lie amongst nknown lants of the northern attlefields. –  here is final sreme irony, e.g. someone rocres as a tudents a refer to the folloing in their ansers. film set for his comany the ery roerty that cased his

mother so mch distress. herefore, Marcel once more is e allera is out of lace on the reton coast e.g. she is a inited to see his mother, ale and tremling, as she was sohisticated stranger fro aris she totters along on that fatefl day. uncofortal on her high heels. erone including hil finds her a fascinating character.  he deaths lead to a essimistic conclsion aot life, which is ot of keeing with the rest of the work.  hil encounters e allera at a crucial stage in his deeloent and in his relationshi ith inca hich is changing in a a that neither of the to oung eole reall understands.

 he acts as a catalst to eents e.g. she lures hil into seduction.

 hil is intoicated the eotic nature of ernna hich has een transfored to fit Mme Dalleray’s character and here she is coletel at hoe.

 he is aggressie e.g. she doinates hil and lures hi to her on her ters.

 he is a contrast to others in the oo e.g. she reects ourgeois oralit there is sadness ehind her selfinterest. t a tie hen hil has the natural reelliousness of a teenager her reection of ourgeois oralit stries a chord ith hi.

 t is flattering for hi to receie the attentions of an older sohisticated eerienced oan.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 75 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tdents ma reer to the ollowing in their answers

oth men are dear to arcel and whilst the have some things in common, the also have important dierences

 he ather is a rather serios, straightlaced teetotaller e is caring and spportive and tries to make lie easier or the amil, eg he agrees to take a short ct to the cottage in the hills

 les is more ovial, witt character and something o a on viver e engages with the amil, eg accompanies them on hnting trips

 he iggest dierence etween the two men is over religion, eg the ather is a seclar replican, les is a devot hristian

 n spite o their dierences the oth dearl love their amilies and the work well as a team, eg les pras or them all at hristmas and the ather thanks him or this, taking it as an act o riendship he ather, in spite o his teetotalism, agrees to share a glass with les

 oth are seen, at one stage, as traitors arcel, eg the are willing and pleased to e going ack to town ater the long smmer holidas

 oth men are important and inlential memers o a amil whose memers all get on well together and who spport each other

76 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tdents ma reer to the ollowing in their answers – tdents ma reer to the ollowing in their answers oth men are dear to arcel and whilst the have some things in common, the also have important dierences he dierent edcational eperiences have a proond eect on o, in dierent was

 he ather is a rather serios, straightlaced teetotaller e  Azouz’s experiences in the first school are rather mied, is caring and spportive and tries to make lie easier or the eg as one o the ra children he is not given mch amil, eg he agrees to take a short ct to the cottage in encoragement rand ntil he determines to do as the hills well as the rench ppils  les is more ovial, witt character and something o a on  Azouz’s initial success in the first school has mixed viver e engages with the amil, eg accompanies them conseences, eg he does well and is praised t his good on hnting trips work aroses resentment in his ellows who sa he is no  he iggest dierence etween the two men is over longer an ra e has to deal with this hostilit while religion, eg the ather is a seclar replican, les is a persevering in his determination to do well devot hristian  is second school provides onl a negative eperience  n spite o their dierences the oth dearl love their ecase o his npleasant teacher, eg me alard amilies and the work well as a team, eg les pras or constantl tries to elittle him in order to show that he them all at hristmas and the ather thanks him or this, cannot live p to his glowing testimonial rom the previos taking it as an act o riendship he ather, in spite o his school and he loses some o the selconidence he teetotalism, agrees to share a glass with les previosl had

 oth are seen, at one stage, as traitors arcel, eg the  is previos sccess in ridging the cltral divide sers are willing and pleased to e going ack to town ater the as he tries to den his ackgrond, eg in the episode long smmer holidas otside school he ails to acknowledge his mother ecase he has lied aot his origins  oth men are important and inlential memers o a amil whose memers all get on well together and who  o reall prospers in the third school as his pied noir spport each other teacher encorages him to e prod o his cltre and ackgrond is academic progress is swit

 is sccess in school appears mostl to depend on the alit and personalit o the teachers encontered

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 77 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tudents ma refer to the folloin in their ansers

he police raid on the haa has a profound effect e families ein to moe aa to e rehoused ouzid loses the authorit he had as head of the haa

 Azouz’s family is one of the last to move to a flat in a high rise loc emers of the famil hae different responses to the chaned situation

 he ouner memers of the famil are positie aout the moe e Azouz enos his nefound freedom to pla in the streets and enos atchin teleision ohra aoe all loes the cleanliness of the ne home and the adantaes that electricit rins

 he omen are pleased to hae an easier life e the deliht in the ne laoursain adets

 ouzid has a totall neatie ie e he distrusts an electrical appliances he hates the teleision and he ends up returnin seeral times to the haa

 ith the exception of ouzid the moe is reeted positiel for the most part or Azouz it represents an important step in interation into mainstream societ

 ouzid loses his authorit ithin the communit at lare and in the famil he alienation of the head of the household has a destailisin effect on the famil at a time hen most of them are pleased ith their ne surroundins

78 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tudents ma refer to the folloin in their ansers tuents may efe to the folloing in thei anses

he police raid on the haa has a profound effect e A flasha tehniue is use hih might seem to estoy families ein to moe aa to e rehoused ouzid loses the tension at fist sight as e no hat ill haen ut the authorit he had as head of the haa mystey an susense emain in the many unansee uestions hih unfol though the flasha  Azouz’s family is one of the last to move to a flat in a high rise loc emers of the famil hae different responses  A ealine is set eg lga has until minight to save to the chaned situation ugo

 he ouner memers of the famil are positie aout the  ithin the flasha the sene of geatest tension is the moe e Azouz enos his nefound freedom to pla in one eteen ugo an oeee eg ill the fome shoot the streets and enos atchin teleision ohra aoe o not ension is slaene only to e tightene again all loes the cleanliness of the ne home and the seveal times adantaes that electricit rins  he last taleau etuns to the esent an is the most full  he omen are pleased to hae an easier life e the of tension eg the tiing lo a healights stes on deliht in the ne laoursain adets the stais

 ouzid has a totall neatie ie e he distrusts an  he meloamati ening is imotant in eating tension electrical appliances he hates the teleision and he ends e.g. Hugo condemns himself by declaring himself ‘non up returnin seeral times to the haa récupérable’.

 ith the exception of ouzid the moe is reeted  he tension is imotant as it tuns hat otentially oul positiel for the most part or Azouz it represents an have een a athe ai lay into something vey athale important step in interation into mainstream societ hih hols the inteest of the auiene

 ouzid loses his authorit ithin the communit at lare and in the famil he alienation of the head of the – household has a destailisin effect on the famil at a time tuents may efe to the folloing in thei anses hen most of them are pleased ith their ne surroundins hee is olitial inteest in the lay amongst othe things eg haates ho ostle fo oe hilosohy

 he hole situation is olitially hage eg the oe vauum left after the Germans’ departure needs to be fille

 The ‘negotiating’ scene is of great importance as the vaious fations eah le y a istint esonality ostle fo oe ut oeee ho hols all the tum as omes out the inne

 he ey sene eteen ugo an oeee ontains olitial eate eg iealism vesus agmatism a isussion of ens an means

 hee is imlie itiism of ommunism eg the aty line hanges an iniviuals ae saifie to eeieny ugo eomes an eenale emaassment

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 79 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tudents may refer to the folloing in their ansers

The noel deals ith the postar period. s rance recoered from the effects of ar the population becomes better off and the characters in the noel start to focus on material goods and alloances from the state.

 Demographic rebuilding was necessary due to France’s low birth rate. ouples ere encouraged by generous alloances to hae seeral children.

 There ere mared effects on oringclass families e.g. there as a constant insistence on consumerism as families acuired gadgets. n etra child often facilitated the acuisition of a food mier teleision or een a car.

 The father and other male figures are obsessed ith their nelyacuired cars. His daughter osyane finds this amusing to the point that she ridicules this behaiour.

 The end of the noel suggests that little is changing e.g. osyane is looing forard to the bonus that comes ith her first child.

 The state is seen to encourage large families but then houses them in far from ideal circumstances e.g. oercroding leads to promiscuity.

 ne family stands out as different – the efranc family. They are anticapitalist and beliee that eeryone ill prosper once a fully socialist system is introduced.

 The efranc family is not as large as others – ho hae children as a ay of acuiring goods. The daughter thel is alloed to concentrate undisturbed on her studies and her ambition to become a primary school teacher. The boys contribute to household chores. They do not beliee that happiness comes through the acuisition of material possessions.

80 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tudents may refer to the folloing in their ansers tudents may reer to the ollowing in their answers

The noel deals ith the postar period. s rance recoered osyane as narrator no doubt intended to delier a serious from the effects of ar the population becomes better off and message but there are humorous elements which help to the characters in the noel start to focus on material goods underline this message and shed light on her character and alloances from the state.  er humour in the boo is largely satirical and sardonic  Demographic rebuilding was necessary due to France’s low  he maes un o the preailing consumerism eg unborn birth rate. ouples ere encouraged by generous children are reerred to as the gadgets which they might alloances to hae seeral children. help a amily to acuire  There ere mared effects on oringclass families e.g.  there as a constant insistence on consumerism as er detached iew arouses humour eg she maes many withering comments on eents and attitudes families acuired gadgets. n etra child often facilitated the acuisition of a food mier teleision or een a car.  ales in society come in or particularly critical depiction from Josyane, e.g. the father’s attempts to drive, Patrick’s  The father and other male figures are obsessed ith their nelyacuired cars. His daughter osyane finds this ineectual attempts to build a hut amusing to the point that she ridicules this behaiour.  here is some humour in the language she uses eg the racy language o both children and adults is reproduced  The end of the noel suggests that little is changing e.g. osyane is looing forard to the bonus that comes ith  hrough the comic elements we receie a iew o the her first child. narrator as a detached rather cynical obserer

 The state is seen to encourage large families but then houses them in far from ideal circumstances e.g. oercroding leads to promiscuity.  ne family stands out as different – the efranc family. They are anticapitalist and beliee that eeryone ill prosper once a fully socialist system is introduced.

 The efranc family is not as large as others – ho hae children as a ay of acuiring goods. The daughter thel is alloed to concentrate undisturbed on her studies and her ambition to become a primary school teacher. The boys contribute to household chores. They do not beliee that happiness comes through the acuisition of material possessions.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 81 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

– tdents may refer to the fooing in their ansers.

oire ridices the idea of arranged marriages via the different vies of the characters in the pay.

 rgon sees it as a commodity to feed his osession, e.g. one ay to reard the nctos artffe is to give him his daghter in marriage.

 rranged marriages have nothing to do ith ove or attraction, e.g. Orgon does not take his daughter’s feelings aot artffe into accont or that she ishes to marry another.

 artffe shares this vie, e.g. he sees the marriage as a means of sefadvancement.

 easonae peope arond rgon try to persade him to drop the asrd idea, e.g. his ife, son etc.

 t is eft to the otspoken servant orine to epress most forcefy the sensie ideas on marriage, e.g. she says that infideity is ond to foo hen incompatie peope are forced to marry.

 ventay the ony ay to make rgon see sense is for his on ife to trick artffe into a perfidios avoa of ove.

82 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

– – tdents may refer to the fooing in their ansers. tudents a refer to the folloing in their ansers.

oire ridices the idea of arranged marriages via the hile the la is couched in hat is no liited outdated different vies of the characters in the pay. language, and desite the fact that it reflects the custos and alues of a gone age, it still coands interest ith a ide  rgon sees it as a commodity to feed his osession, e.g. ariet of eole, hich can e attriuted to its uniersal one ay to reard the nctos artffe is to give him his aeal. daghter in marriage.  e artuffe deals ith uniersal huan characteristics, e.g.  rranged marriages have nothing to do ith ove or there ill alas e hocrites, religious or otherise, and attraction, e.g. Orgon does not take his daughter’s feelings gullile fools. aot artffe into accont or that she ishes to marry another.  udiences still like to see flaed characters ridiculed.

 artffe shares this vie, e.g. he sees the marriage as a  t is funn as it has coed of character, e.g. artuffe. means of sefadvancement.  isual huour, e.g. hen artuffe is eosed.  easonae peope arond rgon try to persade him to drop the asrd idea, e.g. his ife, son etc.  se of language for huour, e.g. itticiss such as the servant’s way of putting forth opinions.  t is eft to the otspoken servant orine to epress most forcefy the sensie ideas on marriage, e.g. she says that  oance is a uniersal thee, audiences of an age eno infideity is ond to foo hen incompatie peope are roance. forced to marry. he la deals ith the triuh of good oer eil, e.g. all audiences like to identif ith leasant eole hose hainess is threatened  ventay the ony ay to make rgon see sense is for his the isguided ies of others. on ife to trick artffe into a perfidios avoa of ove.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 83 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 L’Étranger – tuents ay refer to the foowing in their answers.

arie is a young seretary with who eursaut has a rief affair soon after the eath of his other.

 arie is the epitoe of onventionaity. he star ontrast with eursaut rings out his unonventiona nature an his inaiity to integrate into soiety.

 arie shares the vaues an the attitues of the soiety that annot aept eursaut eing ifferent. he wou ie to e arrie an sette own in a stanar reationship ut eursaut rather rutay tes her that suh things ean nothing to hi.

 arie rings out the sensua nature of eursaut whih is at os with onvention. e has se with her the ay after the funeral of Meursault’s mother and even she is shocked to see that he is in ourning.

eursaut is rouny onene for his ehaviour with arie an this is stresse at the tria part of the iportant thesis that he is onvite not for what he oes ut for what he is. L’Étranger –

tuents ay refer to the foowing in their answers.

satiria piture of onventiona ustie is a aor feature in this nove after the urer of the ra. he highyfawe syste is highighte in a nuer of ways.

 ustie is ifferent for peope of ifferent raes e.g. the guar interats in a frieny way with eursaut. t is even suggeste that a white an ight epet to get away with iing an ra if he pays his ars right.

 Justice is based on untruth, e.g. Meursault’s lawyer tries to get hi to ie aout the iing ut he refuses to o so. his infuriates the ega an so we an see a very ritia portraya of a highy fawe syste.

 ustie is seen as a gae e.g. eursaut oes not get off eause he wi not pay the gae.

 ustie goes han in han with onventiona reigion e.g. his awyer tries to get eursaut to anowege a eief in God, the ‘aumônier’ asks him to repent and accept God’s wi ut eursaut reets suh invitations.

eursaut is onene not for what he oes ut for what he is e.g. at the tria the proseutor onentrates not on the murder but on Meursault’s unconventional behaviour, partiuary in reation to the eath of his other an his suseuent ehaviour.

84 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 etn nate ntent ner L’Étranger – a et – ene e gan tuents ay refer to the foowing in their answers. tudents may refer to the following in their answers.

arie is a young seretary with who eursaut has a rief affair he book highlights the plight of the homeless, but also soon after the eath of his other. eplores important themes of friendship, relationships and, to varying degrees, dysfunctional families.  arie is the epitoe of onventionaity. he star ontrast with eursaut rings out his unonventiona nature an his  ou finds out a lot about the homeless through contact with inaiity to integrate into soiety. o and others, e.g. begging, alcohol, aimless eistence, problems.  arie shares the vaues an the attitues of the soiety that annot aept eursaut eing ifferent. he wou ie  ome reasons for homelessness are eplored, e.g. many to e arrie an sette own in a stanar reationship homeless people come from dysfunctional families, and ut eursaut rather rutay tes her that suh things unemployment is closely connected. ean nothing to hi.  he book can also be seen as the story of an unlikely  arie rings out the sensua nature of eursaut whih is at friendship, e.g. ou, a bourgeois girl, meets o, a down os with onvention. e has se with her the ay after the and out, as part of her school proect. funeral of Meursault’s mother and even she is shocked to see that he is in ourning.  hey spend a lot of time together and a relationship grows.

eursaut is rouny onene for his ehaviour with arie an  lthough very different, o and ou become very close, this is stresse at the tria part of the iportant thesis that he is e.g. they involve ucas, together all three share activities. onvite not for what he oes ut for what he is.  o eventually lives for a time with the ertignacs, which L’Étranger – gives a picture of a bourgeois lifestyle but also highlights tuents ay refer to the foowing in their answers. how dysfunctional relationships in families can eist within a wide variety of social groups, e.g. o, ucas and ou all satiria piture of onventiona ustie is a aor feature in eperience dysfunctional families. this nove after the urer of the ra. he highyfawe syste is highighte in a nuer of ways.

 ustie is ifferent for peope of ifferent raes e.g. the guar interats in a frieny way with eursaut. t is even suggeste that a white an ight epet to get away with iing an ra if he pays his ars right.

 Justice is based on untruth, e.g. Meursault’s lawyer tries to get hi to ie aout the iing ut he refuses to o so. his infuriates the ega an so we an see a very ritia portraya of a highy fawe syste.

 ustie is seen as a gae e.g. eursaut oes not get off eause he wi not pay the gae.

 ustie goes han in han with onventiona reigion e.g. his awyer tries to get eursaut to anowege a eief in God, the ‘aumônier’ asks him to repent and accept God’s wi ut eursaut reets suh invitations.

eursaut is onene not for what he oes ut for what he is e.g. at the tria the proseutor onentrates not on the murder but on Meursault’s unconventional behaviour, partiuary in reation to the eath of his other an his suseuent ehaviour.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 85 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tudents may refer to the following in their answers.

he death of baby has is felt keenly by the immediate family, and it becomes an important element of the book, as details about the dramatic loss of Lou’s little sister are slowly revealed.

 The father has a largely practical reaction to the family’s loss and he tries to remain positive, e.g. he has to hold the family together, much of the everyday family organisation falls to him.

 ou reacts in a calm way but change is forced upon her, e.g. she sees a psychologist, is sent away to a boarding school but soon returns.

 he mother is most affected, e.g. she cannot work, she loses everyday contact with those around her, she is hospitalised with severe depression.

 he situation is resolved by the arrival of o, as the mother can talk openly to her. t is almost as if o replaces the dead child and as the mother begins to care for o, she starts to get back to normal.

 The impact of Thaïs’s death is felt throughout, particularly by the mother.

86 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tudents may refer to the following in their answers. tudents may refer to the following in their answers

he death of baby has is felt keenly by the immediate family, ost of the action of the noel taes place in outh est and it becomes an important element of the book, as details rance which is depicted as an isolated and inwardlooing about the dramatic loss of Lou’s little sister are slowly area revealed.  The main source of wealth affects the inhabitants’ thinking,  The father has a largely practical reaction to the family’s eg financial security is achieed by possession of as much loss and he tries to remain positive, e.g. he has to hold the pine forest as possible family together, much of the everyday family organisation  cuisition of property is the driing force behind some falls to him. marriages, eg Thrse and ernard  ou reacts in a calm way but change is forced upon her,  ernard is a typical product of the area, eg he is bigoted e.g. she sees a psychologist, is sent away to a boarding and narrowminded, mistrustful of any disruptie outside school but soon returns. influences and lacs social sills  he mother is most affected, e.g. she cannot work, she  ithin this society the reputation of the family must be loses everyday contact with those around her, she is protected, eg they coer up the attempted murder, the hospitalised with severe depression. threat from do must be remoed at all costs  he situation is resolved by the arrival of o, as the mother  ummer heat in the area also affects thining, eg forest can talk openly to her. t is almost as if o replaces the fires are feared more than anything, preoccupation with dead child and as the mother begins to care for o, she this leads to ernard taing an oerdose starts to get back to normal.

 The impact of Thaïs’s death is felt throughout, particularly – by the mother. tudents may refer to the following in their answers

hen young, the two girls are etremely close, eg they spend school holidays together, nne is ecited at the idea of becoming Thérèse’s sisterinlaw The relationship changes as they moe further into adulthood

 lienation comes after the marriage and when nne has become besotted with do, eg she epects Thrse to support her against the family but she fails to do this

 Thérèse’s failure to back Anne leads to an irreparable rift, eg Thrse agrees that do is a threat and must be stopped

 Thérèse is jealous of Anne’s happiness, eg their respectie relationships with do and ernard

 Anne virtually replaces Thérèse as mother to the latter’s daughter, eg Thrse is not deemed fit to loo after her

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 87 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tuents ma refer to the folloing in their ansers

Much of Bâ’s long letter concerns the question of marriage, her on an that of other eole close to her

 B escriing her on situation an the reactions of ies ithin the famil circle to esertion the husan, Bâ is throing light on marriage in enegalese societ an the traitions an conentions associate ith marriage

 s the corresonence rocees an in its treatment of ast eents, e grauall see the emergence of changing attitues of oth omen an men he account starts ith the eath of her husan Moou t is reeale that, uner the sstem of olgam common in enegal, he ha taen a secon, much ounger ife an aanone his first ife an their chilren his is seen most as quite usual

 Mariama is resentful at eing left he refuses to meel accet ol alues ut her reellion oes not eten to iorce

 t ecomes clear that her corresonent, ssatou, ha een in the same osition ut ha reelle, ha iorce an forge a life for herself as a ne oman

 he men, either oing to famil ressures or through their on inclination, accet the ol customs of olgam he oler generation sees arrange marriages as a a of enhancing their ealth an osition

 oars the en, her aughter an sonin la are seen as a ne, moern famil in hich oth artners are seen as equals, a situation thoroughl accete the husan

88 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tuents ma refer to the folloing in their ansers tudents ma refer to the following in their answers

Much of Bâ’s long letter concerns the question of marriage, her he oo does not onsist of an ehange of letters ut of one on an that of other eole close to her long letter hene the title from the author amatoulae to her friend ssatou ah suessie hater an e seen as an  B escriing her on situation an the reactions of ies indiidual letter ithin the famil circle to esertion the husan, Bâ is throing light on marriage in enegalese societ an the  using this format, the writer is not desriing a situation traitions an conentions associate ith marriage at one gien time ut is ale to demonstrate how soiet deelos and hanges oer time – she does this through  s the corresonence rocees an in its treatment of the treatment of a numer of eents in the ourse of the ast eents, e grauall see the emergence of changing life of her famil and friends attitues of oth omen an men he account starts ith the eath of her husan Moou t is reeale that, uner  he death of odou starts it all off amatoulae writes of the sstem of olgam common in enegal, he ha taen the death and traditional eriod of mourning to her friend a secon, much ounger ife an aanone his first ife and this naturall leads to reminisenes aout their ast an their chilren his is seen most as quite usual  he realls how the oth studied and eame etter  Mariama is resentful at eing left he refuses to meel eduated than women in the ast accet ol alues ut her reellion oes not eten to iorce  er resentment at eing aandoned for another ounger woman, a friend of her daughter’s, leads to a natural  t ecomes clear that her corresonent, ssatou, ha disussion of hanging attitudes to marriage in the een in the same osition ut ha reelle, ha iorce emerging, indeendent ountr an forge a life for herself as a ne oman  odern women refuse to e treated as hattels, whereas  he men, either oing to famil ressures or through their the older generation sees marriage as a natural wa of on inclination, accet the ol customs of olgam he imroing themseles oler generation sees arrange marriages as a a of enhancing their ealth an osition  eing ourted as a reentl widowed woman an old flame who has eome a olitial figure of some  oars the en, her aughter an sonin la are seen as imortane allows allusions to indeendene and the a ne, moern famil in hich oth artners are seen as diffiult road towards demora equals, a situation thoroughl accete the husan  owards the end, amatoulae onfides in ssatou, herself a mother, that she is haing some rolems with her growing, teenage hildren his rings a disussion of more

lieral attitudes to hildren oer suh things as smoing, alohol and deliate suets suh as ontraetion

 here is one disadantage to the stle – we see things onl from the ersetie of amatoulae

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 89 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tudents ma refer to the following in their answers

offo delieratel resents a normal, idlli hildhood, eg laing games in the streets of aris, in order to show the star ontrast whih will ome later in the oo

 offo desries how he and his rother are sent awa from their home in aris to surie on their own, for their own safet, eg the dramati sene in whih the father underlines the neessit neer to reeal the are ews

 e desries how he and his rother lose their innoene, eg the hae to lie and heat

 e desries how the hildren are fored to tae on adult roles to surie in a series of diffiult rediaments, eg in the train to a, estao in otel elsior in ie

 asionall, he reminds us that the are still hildren, eg when rossing the demaration line o liens it to a game of owos and ndians in ontrast to the realit of their rediament

 e eresses his resentment at haing lost his hildhood, eg when the leae aris and at the end

90 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tudents ma refer to the following in their answers

offo delieratel resents a normal, idlli hildhood, eg laing games in the streets of aris, in order to show the star ontrast whih will ome later in the oo

 offo desries how he and his rother are sent awa from  their home in aris to surie on their own, for their own safet, eg the dramati sene in whih the father underlines the neessit neer to reeal the are ews   e desries how he and his rother lose their innoene, eg the hae to lie and heat

 e desries how the hildren are fored to tae on adult  roles to surie in a series of diffiult rediaments, eg in the train to a, estao in otel elsior in ie   asionall, he reminds us that the are still hildren, eg when rossing the demaration line o liens it to a game of owos and ndians in ontrast to the realit of their rediament   e eresses his resentment at haing lost his hildhood, eg when the leae aris and at the end ranks of ‘the good’.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 91 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tdents a refer to the foong n ther ansers.

he as dangeros staton s a rodt of arte e.g. a esh o eng oneaed n a atho oardng shoo th a the onseenes f hs resene s dsoered.

 here are defnte ehoes of arte oaoraton e.g. Joseph’s dismissal moves him to denounce le père Jean, dennatons eng a oon featre of fe nder the aton.

 Joseph’s betrayal has the same associations, e.g. the goods he sarorated ere destned to e sod on the ak arket.

 nor haraters often refet the arte staton e.g. the e eers of the estao eran soders.

 t s ore than st a ar stor thogh e.g. t s aot hdhood frendsh the oss of nnoene etraa.

– tdents a refer to the foong n ther ansers.

n nora rstanes no dot ther aths od not hae rossed e.g. the esh o ean onnet s ntroded nto Julien Quentin’s Catholic boarding school to protect him and ths the to are thron together hane.  he reatonsh does not get off to the est start e.g. eng of the sae age the share a dortor t at frst the are ras there s frton eteen the.

 he oe to share a dead seret e.g. en dsoers that ean s n fat a e a fat hh st not e reeaed.

 treasre hnt n hh the oth take art s a trnng ont e.g. the re on eah other n t the for a ond and a frendsh ossos.

 oe ae a attah to en for the nfortnate eenta otoe e.g. t s hs nadertent gane to ean hich arouses the Gestapo’s suspicions and leads to the arrests.

 he fragt of ther reatonsh s often sggested e.g. n the restarant sene.

92 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tdents a refer to the foong n ther ansers. tuents ma refer to the fooing in their ansers.

he as dangeros staton s a rodt of arte e.g. a Luc as a reative sma but significant roe in the fim an esh o eng oneaed n a atho oardng shoo th the resence of this character serves to highight the main a the onseenes f hs resene s dsoered. themes of the fim.

 Luc is an estuent in a seminar ho has become a  here are defnte ehoes of arte oaoraton e.g. Joseph’s dismissal moves him to denounce le père Jean, rifter. e stas ith the fami after a ight aircraft maes a force aning nearb. he bore ives fin him dennatons eng a oon featre of fe nder the attractive. art of his charm seems to ie in being rue to aton. everone.  Joseph’s betrayal has the same associations, e.g. the goods  he sarorated ere destned to e sod on the ak e insists on eating ith the servants an using their shoer thus istorting the ines of conuct beteen the arket. casses.  nor haraters often refet the arte staton  e maes a ass at ime she is not intereste but he e.g. the e eers of the estao eran soders. maes ubic the evient seua attraction beteen ime  t s ore than st a ar stor thogh e.g. t s aot an rote that has been simmering throughout the fim. hdhood frendsh the oss of nnoene etraa.  here is a fight beteen Luc an rote hich resuts in – the atter osing his ob as a housebo. e is banishe tdents a refer to the foong n ther ansers. outsie to act as a mechanic this brings to an en an reationshi beteen him the mother an the oung gir. n nora rstanes no dot ther aths od not hae rossed e.g. the esh o ean onnet s ntroded nto  uch of hat Luc brings out has been suggeste before in Julien Quentin’s Catholic boarding school to protect him and this a he acts as a catast. n articuar the erotic ths the to are thron together hane. tension beteen ime an rote is brought to the fore b Luc’s behaviour.  he reatonsh does not get off to the est start e.g. eng of the sae age the share a dortor t at frst  Luc’s intervention has the effect of maintaining the status the are ras there s frton eteen the. uo e.g. in the reationshi beteen the inigenous ouation an the coonia oers.  he oe to share a dead seret e.g. en dsoers that ean s n fat a e a fat hh st not e reeaed.

 treasre hnt n hh the oth take art s a trnng ont e.g. the re on eah other n t the for a ond and a frendsh ossos.

 oe ae a attah to en for the nfortnate eenta otoe e.g. t s hs nadertent gane to ean hich arouses the Gestapo’s suspicions and leads to the arrests.

 he fragt of ther reatonsh s often sggested e.g. n the restarant sene.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 93 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tdents ma refer to the followin in their answers

he film is set in the final ears of French colonial ower in ameroon when colonialism was doomed t noone et realised it he resentation of ast eents and attitdes alonside crrent eents shows how societ has chaned

 he flashac shows that in the interenin ears etween France as a child and as a rown woman thins hae chaned radicall

 he endin where three on men at the erimeter fence of an airort watch an todate aircraft taiin reresents the emerence of ameroon as a modern state

 France’s father is a colonial administrator who is often awa he innocent eihtearold accets the sation of the lac naties the white colonists as the natral order of thins t radall rows aware of the social inealities

 he irl and her mother attemt to moe eond the ondaries etween themseles and the natie fricans nl in retrosect howeer does the rown heroine realise how crel the colonial sstem had een

 he film is aot the rles and conentions of a racist societ that soon mst come to an end he asseners from the crashed lane reresent mch which is wron with societ as it eisted

 rote emodies dinit and intellience in a societ that denies him stats

94 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tdents ma refer to the followin in their answers tdents ma refer to the followin in their answers

he film is set in the final ears of French colonial ower in he film is larel concerned with what haens to the ameroon when colonialism was doomed t noone et eonmos heroine in two hors of her life he otcome of realised it he resentation of ast eents and attitdes the arios enconters and interactions drin that short sace alonside crrent eents shows how societ has chaned of time leae her chaned more rown with a deeer nderstandin of life  he flashac shows that in the interenin ears etween France as a child and as a rown woman thins hae  t eins with a eatifl t soilt on o star who chaned radicall wanders across aris while awaitin the reslts of an imortant medical test  he endin where three on men at the erimeter fence of an airort watch an todate aircraft taiin  lo can e seen as a amine forced to face the hollowness reresents the emerence of ameroon as a modern state of her oth the ossiilit of serios illness

 France’s father is a colonial administrator who is often  er ofriend comes to see her t he is too s to a awa he innocent eihtearold accets the sation her mch attention her msicians and those ehind her of the lac naties the white colonists as the natral sccess as a o star come to wor with her t the sere order of thins t radall rows aware of the social onl to show the cariciosness with which the inealities treat her

 he irl and her mother attemt to moe eond the  he decides to chane he insists on a lac dress in ondaries etween themseles and the natie fricans smmer taes off her wi and tries to see thins from a nl in retrosect howeer does the rown heroine different ersectie he learns most from her friend realise how crel the colonial sstem had een orothe

 he film is aot the rles and conentions of a racist  Finall she meets a soldier who is off to war net da e societ that soon mst come to an end he asseners accomanies her to et the reslt of her medical test and from the crashed lane reresent mch which is wron with hels her to see how to lead a meaninfl life societ as it eisted  ne can sa that lo starts off the two hors actall one  rote emodies dinit and intellience in a societ that and a half hors a soiled rat t ends findin loe denies him stats and a certain oie de ire

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 95 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tdents ma refer to the followin in their answers

rin the corse of the film lo meets a sccession of eole imortant fires in her life and career and also straners ntoine is one of the latter the last main erson she enconters

 ntoine is a soldier who is oin ac to the war in leria the net da

 t is from ntoine and her friend orothe that lo learns most aot the meanin of life

 ntoine accomanies her to the conclsion of the medical test which is in the acrond throhot nce the trac him down the doctor assres her that her condition can icl e resoled with treatment

 ntoine contrites to some of the maor themes of the film which inclde a discssion of mortalit desair and the wa to lead a meaninfl life

 he lerian war is allded to throhot the film and with ntoine a conclsie attitde is eressed as he oints to the asrdit of eole illin each other oer there

 he eisode with ntoine is ien ite a lot of rominence at the end more than most ths emhasisin its imortance

96 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tdents ma refer to the followin in their answers – rin the corse of the film lo meets a sccession of tdents ma refer to the followin in their answers eole imortant fires in her life and career and also straners ntoine is one of the latter the last main erson she he face a choice etween ersonal financial stailit and enconters solidarit with a colleae ometimes this reresents a difficlt indiidal choice e for lhonse who is on a  ntoine is a soldier who is oin ac to the war in leria temorar contract and whether to ee their ons or ee the net da andra as a wormate  t is from ntoine and her friend orothe that lo learns most aot the meanin of life  ostl their decision will affect others too e it diides famil memers on and son mostl it diides artners  ntoine accomanies her to the conclsion of the medical one would vote for the bonus, one for Sandra. Anne’s is the test which is in the acrond throhot nce the most etreme case she leaes her artner trac him down the doctor assres her that her condition can icl e resoled with treatment  ll the worers are in difficlt financial circmstances e the need the ons for arios roects the wold  ntoine contrites to some of the maor themes of the lie to sort andra t cannot afford to do so film which inclde a discssion of mortalit desair and the wa to lead a meaninfl life  he choice diides the worforce it soils worin cohesion e the ote is eentall the two cams  he lerian war is allded to throhot the film and with are searated at the end ntoine a conclsie attitde is eressed as he oints to the asrdit of eole illin each other oer there  andra also at the end has a difficlt choice e accet reinstatement t case a fellow worer to lose his o  he eisode with ntoine is ien ite a lot of rominence at the end more than most ths emhasisin its imortance – tdents ma refer to the followin in their answers

Manu is Sandra’s partner and they are both are in a difficlt sitation toether

 ost of the focs is on andra and her trilations t an is constantl in the acrond and cold e seen as somethin of an nsn hero

 e acts as a stimls to action e he constantl has to encorae her to carr on trin to et sort from her colleaes efore the ote

 e has to manae the deression of his artner e he has to sto her tain too man ills he coes with her sicide attemt he deals with her mood swins

 e illstrates the difficlties for coles cased deression and indstrial strife e he has to loo after the children deal with the reirements of eerda life their hsical relationshi is disrted

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 97 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – Students ay refer to the followin in their answers

 M. Morin teahes in an etreely diffiult innerity shool where social problems abound and this leads to the staff’s ob bein a very eatin one.

 M. Morin does brin soe of the probles on hiself. n partiular, in a fit of easperation he abuses pupils in the lass who then ae oplaints aainst hi.

 Most of the probles, however, are aused by havin to teah suh a lare and varied set of pupils, any of who are disruptive.

 ouise and serelda iht be ounted as a unit, e.. both are intellient, they both sit on the shool ounil, they are the objects of the teacher’s abusive remarks. They use their intelliene in a neative way.

 Souleyane is perhaps the best eaple of a diffiult pupil, e.. he is lay and antanerous and is eventually epelled.

 ei shows ost potential but is held ba, e.. he is very lever but he is hapered by lanuae probles and his parents’ difficulties, they are threatened with expulsion fro the ountry.

 M. Morin to soe etent deserves ensure but there are etensive itiatin irustanes.

98 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – Students ay refer to the followin in their answers tudents may refer to the followin in their answers.

 M. Morin teahes in an etreely diffiult innerity shool The action takes place entirely within the school and mainly in where social problems abound and this leads to the staff’s one sinle classroom. ob bein a very eatin one.  The film focuses on the tensions within the classroom and  M. Morin does brin soe of the probles on hiself. n the interaction between the teacher . arin and his partiular, in a fit of easperation he abuses pupils in the pupils. part from a few allusions about backround we et lass who then ae oplaints aainst hi. to know little of the characters and their lives outside the  Most of the probles, however, are aused by havin to classroom and the school, althouh it is suested that teah suh a lare and varied set of pupils, any of who several pupils such as ouleymane have enerational are disruptive. difficulties with their parents.

 ouise and serelda iht be ounted as a unit, e.. both  There are other settins within the school the playround, are intellient, they both sit on the shool ounil, they are the staff room, the school council, the disciplinary hearin the objects of the teacher’s abusive remarks. They use but the majority of the film is spent in a sinle classroom their intelliene in a neative way. with the focus on a disparate mix of difficult pupils from a rane of backrounds in an innercity school. The title is  Souleyane is perhaps the best eaple of a diffiult pupil, indicative, e.. it suests the claustrophobic atmosphere e.. he is lay and antanerous and is eventually epelled. of a sinle classroom.

 ei shows ost potential but is held ba, e.. he is very  roblems also arise between pupils. There are racial and lever but he is hapered by lanuae probles and his cultural tensions. There is mention of the frican up of parents’ difficulties, they are threatened with expulsion ations in a discussion about football and this ives rise to fro the ountry. heated aruments between representatives of different countries. The brihtest pupil, ei, has tensions within  M. Morin to soe etent deserves ensure but there are himself as he strules with difficulties and frustrations etensive itiatin irustanes. caused by language problems and his family’s precarious social standin. The threat of expulsion from the country hans over them.  arin strules to involve his pupils, they are disenchanted and see little purpose in what they are doin. ajor disciplinary problems arise with ouleymane and arl.

 The endin is a little enimatic. The final scene at the end of term in which staff and pupils are seen happily playin football toether miht suest that some of the tensions have been resolved, temporarily at least.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 99 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017

– udens may refer o he folloing in heir ansers

he anser ill depend on hich minor characers are chosen

 he film is dominaed by o maor characers ho forge a close relaionship in spie of being complee opposies bu here are also some uie imporan secondary figures eg agali he secreary onne he houseeeper and aide, Driss’s aunt etc.

 heir role migh include heir ineracion ih he o main characers eg he ay in hich hey ell us more abou hilippe and riss

 her roles such as proiding humour or social commen might be added, e.g. Magali’s response to Driss’s advances, those in Driss’s home circle.

– udens may refer o he folloing in heir ansers

he film is full of conrass including he differen bacgrounds and personaliies of he characers and heir surroundings

 he o main proagoniss are complee opposies eg riss is young blac full of energy from an eremely modes bacground hilippe is hie rich middle aged a paraplegic afer an acciden

 he orlds hey lie in are oally differen eg hilippe lies in an opulen fashionable smar area of aris bu riss inhabis a drab crimeridden oercroded suburb

 heir bacgrounds differ eg riss came from enegal aged eigh he has recenly been in prison and is currenly on benefis hilippe is an incredibly rich idoer he faher of a eenage daugher

 he o main characers hae idely differen ineress and aiudes eg in music ar and reacions o paragliding

100 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tudents ma reer to the olloing in their ansers. udens may refer o he folloing in heir ansers he police are depicted as armed, violent and aggressive, e.g. in he anser ill depend on hich minor characers are chosen authentic nesreel o riot scenes.

 he film is dominaed by o maor characers ho forge a  he are provocative and racist, e.g. picing on ubert, close relaionship in spie of being complee opposies bu racist comments. here are also some uie imporan secondary figures eg agali he secreary onne he houseeeper and  he loo sinister, e.g. the are euipped ith riot gear and aide, Driss’s aunt etc. guns.

 heir role migh include heir ineracion ih he o main  he are presented as a nameless mass hich contrasts ith characers eg he ay in hich hey ell us more abou the protagonist ho is portraed as an individual. hilippe and riss  buse o poer, e.g. interrogation techniues.  her roles such as proiding humour or social commen  ne policeman is presented more positivel to contrast ith might be added, e.g. Magali’s response to Driss’s advances, the others. those in Driss’s home circle.

– – tudents ma reer to the olloing in their ansers. udens may refer o he folloing in heir ansers he scene serves to sho a contrast beteen here the he film is full of conrass including he differen bacgrounds protagonists live and the opulent parts o aris. and personaliies of he characers and heir surroundings  he oung protagonists do not no ho to behaveeel  he o main proagoniss are complee opposies eg riss inadeuate in a dierent environment, e.g. in their behaviour is young blac full of energy from an eremely modes toards the girls in the galler. bacground hilippe is hie rich middle aged a paraplegic afer an acciden  atirical vie o bourgeois circles, eaggerated.

 he orlds hey lie in are oally differen eg hilippe lies  he protagonists are eected rom the galler. in an opulen fashionable smar area of aris bu riss  he scene provides some comic relie. inhabis a drab crimeridden oercroded suburb  his is the onl ora into the bourgeois orld and is a  heir bacgrounds differ eg riss came from enegal aged catalst or their alienation rom mainstream societ. eigh he has recenly been in prison and is currenly on benefis hilippe is an incredibly rich idoer he faher of a eenage daugher

 he o main characers hae idely differen ineress and aiudes eg in music ar and reacions o paragliding

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 101 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tudents ma reer to the olloing in their ansers.

Edith’s life is a mixture of highs and lows; great success and acclaim, personal sorro and pain caused b selinlicted diiculties and unavoidable inluences.

 ddiction slol too hold, e.g. alcohol eatured rom the start, then increasing drug dependenc too over.

 er ild liestle led to mone diiculties, e.g. at times she had to push hersel into more or to survive

 nteraction ith others is a eature, e.g. she treats some people badl and is in turn eploited b others.

 here are other inluences she cannot control, e.g. ecless parents and an unorthodo upbringing, the accidental death o Marcel, the one great love o her lie.

 ther possible actors are revealed uite late, e.g. that she had lost a oung child to meningitis.

– tudents ma reer to the olloing in their ansers.

Moving around in time and place is a noticeable and at irst slightl conusing eature o the ilm.

 he ilm opens in e or in and uicl changes to aris in .

 here are constant similar sitches, e.g. scenes o concerts in various places are interspersed ith lashbacs to times beore she as amous.

 uch movement is done or a purpose, e.g. it relects Edith’s disjointed, chaotic lifestyle and suggests reasons for her unpredictable behaviour.

 ome threads are discernible, e.g. her habit o praing to t heresa in times o adversit lins bac to hen she as ver ill in childhood.

 utapositions o scenes o diering time and place can be ver poignant, e.g. shots o her broen and ill toards the end o her das clash ith times hen she as ull o energ and lie.

102 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tudents ma reer to the olloing in their ansers. tudents may refer to the following in their answers

Edith’s life is a mixture of highs and lows; great success and ruffaut tries to ring authenticity to his film, eg acclaim, personal sorro and pain caused b selinlicted contemorary newsreel is incororated diiculties and unavoidable inluences.  commentary techniue is used, eg a oice oer  ddiction slol too hold, e.g. alcohol eatured rom the descries conditions in aris during the ccuation start, then increasing drug dependenc too over.  he title is significant, eg eole go to the theatre to ee  er ild liestle led to mone diiculties, e.g. at times she warm, to eat the curfew they hae to catch the last had to push hersel into more or to survive underground train

 nteraction ith others is a eature, e.g. she treats some  Lucas’s situation evokes the war, e.g. a Jew, he is forced to people badl and is in turn eploited b others. lie in the owels of the theatre to aoid detection

 here are other inluences she cannot control, e.g. ecless  ollaoration and esistance are suggested y two oosed parents and an unorthodo upbringing, the accidental characters, eg ernard and axiat death o Marcel, the one great love o her lie.  mall touches recreate the age of the ccuation,  ther possible actors are revealed uite late, e.g. that she eg lacouts, transort rolems, uying ham on the had lost a oung child to meningitis. lac maret, shortages

– – tudents ma reer to the olloing in their ansers. tudents may refer to the following in their answers

Moving around in time and place is a noticeable and at irst he answer will deend on which techniues are selected slightl conusing eature o the ilm.  he extent to which the film is a roduct of la ouelle  he ilm opens in e or in and uicl changes to ague, eg late, so there are some features ut not as aris in . many as in other films

 here are constant similar sitches, e.g. scenes o concerts  uthentic material used, eg newsreel is intersersed in various places are interspersed ith lashbacs to times beore she as amous.  ossile techniues to e mentioned, eg camera angles and closeus, handheld cameras, use of light and dar  uch movement is done or a purpose, e.g. it relects Edith’s disjointed, chaotic lifestyle and suggests reasons for  he ending might e seen as a techniue and could e her unpredictable behaviour. mentioned releantly

 ome threads are discernible, e.g. her habit o praing to t heresa in times o adversit lins bac to hen she as ver ill in childhood.

 utapositions o scenes o diering time and place can be ver poignant, e.g. shots o her broen and ill toards the end o her das clash ith times hen she as ull o energ and lie.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 103 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tudents a refer to the foowing in their answers.

atthieu is sacked after fire has destroed art of the schoo. e eaves the estaishent, uch to the disa of the os he has nurtured and transfored.

 n a suerficia eve, he is sacked for negigence and incoetence. e has taken the os off for a wak and eft the schoo unattended, aowing the fire to e started.

 Matthieu’s methods and philosophy are at variance with those of . achin and this is a contriuting factor in his disissa.

 t is ovious that the schoo is run harsh . achin, e.g. there is a regiented routine with freuent unishent, incuding soitar confineent and corora unishent.

 The philosophy is ‘action – réaction’.

 though the uis aear unru, atthieu shows that the os are not a hardened, e.g. the os earn to resect each other and vaue earning.

 atthieu treats the os with resect, he iroves their sefestee and hes the reach their otentia. . achin does not arove and reoves hi.

 t is ater earned that . achin is hisef disissed.

104 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tudents a refer to the foowing in their answers. tudents may reer to the ollowin in their answers.

atthieu is sacked after fire has destroed art of the schoo. Music is at the heart o this ilm and is used in a numer o e eaves the estaishent, uch to the disa of the os dierent ways. he has nurtured and transfored.  Music helps to create empathy with the characters.  n a suerficia eve, he is sacked for negigence and incoetence. e has taken the os off for a wak and eft  Music creates a sentimental side to the ilm. the schoo unattended, aowing the fire to e started.  Music can rin reat individual success e.. the ilm  Matthieu’s methods and philosophy are at variance with eins y showin ierre Morhane as a conductor o those of . achin and this is a contriuting factor in his international renown. disissa.  Music can deeat adversity e.. when we see the  t is ovious that the schoo is run harsh . achin, acround rom which ierre Morhane has come we e.g. there is a regiented routine with freuent realise how ar he has come. unishent, incuding soitar confineent and corora unishent.  Matthieu uses music to reat advantae with all pupils e.. almost as soon as he arrives he uses it to inspire and ive  The philosophy is ‘action – réaction’. them pride in what they do.

 though the uis aear unru, atthieu shows that the  Matthieu’s success contrasts with M. Rachin’s failed os are not a hardened, e.g. the os earn to resect methods, e.g. Matthieu’s use of music reaches its pea at each other and vaue earning. the concert it shows the power o music to overcome diiculties.  atthieu treats the os with resect, he iroves their sefestee and hes the reach their otentia. . achin does not arove and reoves hi.

 t is ater earned that . achin is hisef disissed.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 105 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – tudents ma refer to the following in their answers.

he parents are portraed as a couple with a difficult past, e.g. the wife alread had a child ntoine, whom she had unsuccessfull tried to get rid of.

 he hae an unsatisfactor present relationship, e.g. the spend little time together, the argue, the wife is unfaithful. ntoine is a witness to this and, left to his own deices, he egins to misehae.

 he do not share interests, e.g. the man is osessed with ralling and the wife is not interested in it. he share no interests with ntoine and are seen sharing eperiences together on onl one occasion a isit to the cinema.

 he are ad parents for ntoine, e.g. the treat him lie a serant and are unpleasant with him.

 he are not caring towards ntoine, e.g. the wonder how the can get rid of him, and as soon as he gets into troule the hand him oer to others for punishment.

 heir attitude shows their hpocris, e.g. to people in authorit when the claim to e good parents.

 Much of Antoine’s bad behaviour can be attributed to the lac of interest shown in him his parents and the poor eample the show him.

– tudents ma refer to the following in their answers.

Minor acts of delinuenc aound in the film, e.g. ntoine and his comiscreant pla truant the pla on pinall machines and go to the cinema instead of eing in school.

 hen ntoine leaes home their ehaiour gets worse, e.g. the roam the streets smoing and stealing.

 They embark on a life of deceit, e.g. Antoine’s excuses for not eing in school.

 ome possile causes of delinuenc are suggested, e.g. a harsh regime at school, lac of loe or interest from parents. Antoine’s friend’s parents are just the same.

 oone tries to understand delinuents, the are treated harshl, e.g. there is no support from parents, unfeeling regimes at school and in the oseration centre, the are treated lie criminals.

106 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 – – tudents ma refer to the following in their answers. tudents may refer to the folloing in their ansers.

he parents are portraed as a couple with a difficult past, e.g. Mathilde’s parents ere killed in an accident, the aunt and the wife alread had a child ntoine, whom she had uncle bring her up. The positive message of the film is mostly unsuccessfull tried to get rid of. conveyed by the fact that Mathilde’s perseverance is finally rearded.  he hae an unsatisfactor present relationship, e.g. the spend little time together, the argue, the wife is unfaithful.  er conviction that Manech is not dead is eventually ntoine is a witness to this and, left to his own deices, he rearded but the portrayal of the aunt and uncle as a very egins to misehae. sympathetic couple also adds to the feelgood factor.

 he do not share interests, e.g. the man is osessed with  They provide her ith a stable home life in hich she can ralling and the wife is not interested in it. he share no enjoy a carefree childhood. interests with ntoine and are seen sharing eperiences together on onl one occasion a isit to the cinema.  They offer contrast, e.g. their pleasant, peaceful home in rittany offers an utter contrast ith the horrors of ar.  he are ad parents for ntoine, e.g. the treat him lie a serant and are unpleasant with him.  Against their better judgement they support her in her search, e.g. they ould prefer Mathilde to accept Manech is  he are not caring towards ntoine, e.g. the wonder how dead and marry someone else. the can get rid of him, and as soon as he gets into troule the hand him oer to others for punishment.  The uncle offers practical help, e.g. he accompanies her on some of the journeys needed for the search.  heir attitude shows their hpocris, e.g. to people in authorit when the claim to e good parents.  They provide gentle humour, e.g. the uncle’s dealings with the postman, the aunt’s obsession with food.  Much of Antoine’s bad behaviour can be attributed to the  lac of interest shown in him his parents and the poor They underline the strength of Mathilde’s perseverance, eample the show him. e.g. the Aunt is very upset at the end that she had doubted that Manech had survived.

– tudents ma refer to the following in their answers. – tudents may refer to the folloing in their ansers. Minor acts of delinuenc aound in the film, e.g. ntoine and his comiscreant pla truant the pla on pinall machines The director sloly allos the story to unfold, he pieces and go to the cinema instead of eing in school. together hat happened bit by bit.

 hen ntoine leaes home their ehaiour gets worse, e.g.  The film jumps around in time, e.g. from Mathilde’s post the roam the streets smoing and stealing. ar searches back to scenes in the trenches then further back to the young couple’s childhood together.  They embark on a life of deceit, e.g. Antoine’s excuses for not eing in school.  Many memories of the past help establish hat happened, e.g. personal accounts, explanations in letters,  ome possile causes of delinuenc are suggested, e.g. a commentaries, responses to nespaper appeals for harsh regime at school, lac of loe or interest from information. parents. Antoine’s friend’s parents are just the same.  thers are enlisted in the search, e.g. the detective ire  oone tries to understand delinuents, the are treated ho uncovers many details. harshl, e.g. there is no support from parents, unfeeling regimes at school and in the oseration centre, the are  hanges in lighting establish different times, e.g. bright for treated lie criminals. childhood and at home in rittany, black and hite or sepia for the past, particularly the ar scenes.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 107 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 108 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking General instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes’ preparation time

You do not need any other materials.

Instructions • The examination consists of two tasks. • The tasks must be conducted in consecutive order. • Timing for the speaking assessment: – Task 1: 6 to 7 minutes (recommended) – Task 2: 10 to 11 minutes (recommended) – Total assessment time: 21 to 23 minutes, (16 to 18 minutes of speaking plus 5 minutes’ preparation time for Task 1). Recommended timings have been given for each task to enable the student to complete each one in sufficient time to access the full range of assessment criteria for both tasks. • The preparation time for Task 1 must be supervised. It must take place outside of the room with an invigilator. The preparation time must be immediately before the examination time. • Candidates can make notes of up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper for Task 1 only. • Candidates may refer to their notes during the assessment. • Candidates must not write on the stimulus. • Candidates must not have access to a dictionary, or any other resource, including a mobile phone, during the preparation and examination time. • Candidates must return their notes and the stimulus at the end of the assessment. • Any notes made during the preparation time must be kept by the centre until the end of October in the year the assessment is completed, after which time they should be securely destroyed. • It is your responsibility to cover all parts of each task to ensure that the candidate has the opportunity to access all parts of the marking criteria. • It is the invigilator’s responsibility to inform candidates of the two sub-themes from which they can make their choice, and for giving them the correct stimulus card based on that choice. Turn over S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 109 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 (discussion on a Theme) • Task 1 is recommended to last approximately 6 to 7 minutes. • The candidate is provided with a choice of two cards on two different sub-themes following the sequence outlined by Pearson, (see sequencing grid below). • The choice of sub-themes is told to the candidate in English by the invigilator immediately prior to the start of the preparation time, using the wording for the sub-themes provided on the randomisation grid, e.g. You may choose ‘media’ or ‘education’. • The candidate must not see the contents of either card until s/he has chosen the sub-theme, after which s/he will be given one of the cards. • The preparation time must begin immediately after the candidate receives the card. Task 1 part 1 You must: – ask the candidate which statement s/he has chosen. – ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement (A or B) chosen by the candidate. Questions may be repeated, but rephrasing is not allowed. – develop the discussion by asking appropriate follow up questions relating to the subject matter on the stimulus card. Task 1 part 2 You must broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. Optional generic questions are provided by Pearson (see below) as a guide to the questions that you should ask in order to enable the candidate to meet the assessment criteria, i.e. to elicit examples and information to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the cultural and social context and to analyse aspects of the Theme by developing and justifying arguments and forming conclusions (see section below beginning ‘Optional generic questions…’. Task 2 (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) • Task 2 is recommended to last 10 to 11 minutes. Task 2 part 1 (independent research presentation) You must allow the candidate to open with their presentation on written sources used as part of their research. This must not exceed 2 minutes. Candidates are allowed to refer to their RP3 form during the presentation. Task 2 part 2 (discussion on independent research) You must ask follow-up questions about the candidate’s presentation and then begin a wider exploration of the research as a whole in order to elicit the candidate’s understanding and analysis of the cultural and social context. You should use the key findings and list of sources on their copy of the RP3 form to help them formulate their own questions. Optional generic questions are provided by Pearson as a guide to the questions you should ask in order to enable the candidate to meet the assessment criteria, i.e. to elicit examples and information to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the cultural and social context and to analyse aspects of the research topic by developing and justifying arguments and forming conclusions.

2 S50025A

110 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 (discussion on a Theme) Optional generic questions to promote discussion and to enable candidates to analyse aspects of the Theme (task 1)/ analyse their chosen subject of interest (task 2): • Task 1 is recommended to last approximately 6 to 7 minutes. – Pourriez-vous me donner un exemple de… ? • The candidate is provided with a choice of two cards on two different sub-themes – Pourquoi dites-vous cela ? following the sequence outlined by Pearson, (see sequencing grid below). – Quelles conclusions peut-on tirer de… ? • The choice of sub-themes is told to the candidate in English by the invigilator – Quels exemples pouvez-vous fournir pour soutenir ce point de vue ? immediately prior to the start of the preparation time, using the wording for the – Pourquoi est-il important ? sub-themes provided on the randomisation grid, e.g. You may choose ‘media’ or ‘education’. – Que représente… ? • The candidate must not see the contents of either card until s/he has chosen the In both tasks, candidates are expected to ask questions that elicit opinions as part of the sub-theme, after which s/he will be given one of the cards. natural discourse and to confirm that their own points of view have been understood. Examples of questions that candidates may ask to achieve this are as follows: • The preparation time must begin immediately after the candidate receives the card. – Seriez-vous d’accord avec moi? Task 1 part 1 – N’est-il pas correct de penser que… ? You must: – Peut-on dire que… ? – Que pensez-vous de… ? – ask the candidate which statement s/he has chosen. – Est-ce que vous me comprenez? – ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement (A or B) chosen by the candidate. Questions may be repeated, but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates are also expected to take lead in the discussions. – develop the discussion by asking appropriate follow up questions relating to the subject matter on the stimulus card. It is your responsibility to cover all parts of each task and ask appropriate questions to ensure that the candidate is able to access the maximum amount of marks available. The Task 1 part 2 speaking assessment should last between 16 to 18 minutes in total and you must ensure that timings are followed. The timing of the assessment begins with the candidate’s You must broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. Optional generic questions are provided by Pearson (see below) as a guide to the questions that first utterance in relation to Task 1. Once the maximum stipulated assessment time you should ask in order to enable the candidate to meet the assessment criteria, i.e. to has passed, you must bring the assessment to a natural end, allowing the candidate to elicit examples and information to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of complete their last sentence. the cultural and social context and to analyse aspects of the Theme by developing and Students will not receive any marks for any conversation that takes place beyond the justifying arguments and forming conclusions (see section below beginning ‘Optional maximum time allowed. generic questions…’. Sequence of stimulus cards for speaking examination: Task 1 Task 2 (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) To avoid duplication of stimuli, candidates must be given the cards in the sequence and • Task 2 is recommended to last 10 to 11 minutes. combination prescribed below. Task 2 part 1 (independent research presentation) If you conduct more than 12 speaking examinations in a day, e.g. in the morning, You must allow the candidate to open with their presentation on written sources used as afternoon and evening sessions, after the 12th candidate start at the beginning of the part of their research. This must not exceed 2 minutes. Candidates are allowed to refer to sequence again. their RP3 form during the presentation. If you have a break in the examination schedule, e.g. morning break, lunchtime, start the Task 2 part 2 (discussion on independent research) next candidate on next order of the sequence. For example, candidate 4 conducted their examination before morning break, the next candidate after the morning break would be You must ask follow-up questions about the candidate’s presentation and then candidate 5. begin a wider exploration of the research as a whole in order to elicit the candidate’s understanding and analysis of the cultural and social context. You should use the key If you are conducting examinations on more than one day, start each new day at the findings and list of sources on their copy of the RP3 form to help them formulate their beginning of the sequence. own questions. Optional generic questions are provided by Pearson as a guide to the questions you should ask in order to enable the candidate to meet the assessment criteria, i.e. to elicit examples and information to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the cultural and social context and to analyse aspects of the research topic by developing and justifying arguments and forming conclusions.

2 3 S50025A S50025A Turn over

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 111 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 CANDIDATE STIMULUS CARD–TASK 1

Candidate 1 Card 1 or 12

Candidate 2 Card 6 or 7

Candidate 3 Card 3 or 4

Candidate 4 Card 9 or 10

Candidate 5 Card 8 or 12

Candidate 6 Card 2 or 5

Candidate 7 Card 1 or 5

Candidate 8 Card 7 or 11

Candidate 9 Card 4 or 9

Candidate 10 Card 3 or 10

Candidate 11 Card 6 or 8

Candidate 12 Card 2 or 12

Key to Advanced Level task 1 cards for invigilator


1 Changes in family structures

2 Education

3 World of work

4 Music

5 Media

6 Festivals and traditions

7 Positive impact of immigration in French society

8 Facing the challenges of immigration and integration in France

9 The far right

10 Occupied France

11 The Vichy regime 12 The Resistance S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 4 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

112 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 CANDIDATE STIMULUS CARD–TASK 1

Candidate 1 Card 1 or 12 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Candidate 2 Card 6 or 7 French Candidate 3 Card 3 or 4 Advanced Candidate 4 Card 9 or 10 Paper 3: Speaking

Candidate 5 Card 8 or 12 Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference Candidate 6 Card 2 or 5 September 2016 9FR0/03 Candidate 7 Card 1 or 5 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes 5 minutes’ preparation time Candidate 8 Card 7 or 11 You do not need any other materials. Candidate 9 Card 4 or 9

Candidate 10 Card 3 or 10

Candidate 11 Card 6 or 8 Instructions Candidate 12 Card 2 or 12 • The examination is made up of two tasks. • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view and check for understanding at appropriate moments. Key to Advanced Level task 1 cards for invigilator • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. STIMULUS CARD SUB-THEME (IN ENGLISH) Task 1 • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with 1 Changes in family structures your teacher-examiner. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of 2 Education A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. 3 World of work • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: 4 Music – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen 5 Media – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. 6 Festivals and traditions Task 2 7 Positive impact of immigration in French society • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written 8 Facing the challenges of immigration and integration in France sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. 9 The far right • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. 10 Occupied France • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. 11 The Vichy regime Turn over 12 The Resistance S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 4 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 113 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR1 Task 1 Thème: Les changements dans la société française Les changements dans les structures familiales

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A Le mariage pour tous est devenu une réalité acceptée par tous les Français. Vous devez considérer: • L’opinion de la population et du gouvernement sur le mariage pour tous. • Les changements dans la société vis-à-vis de la vie de couple.

B Le mariage pour tous ne sera jamais soutenu par les Français. Vous devez considérer: • Les raisons pour lesquelles on ne soutient pas le mariage pour tous. • Des groupes qui ont du mal à accepter le mariage pour tous.

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

114 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR1 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: Les changements dans la société française Les changements dans les structures familiales French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Le mariage pour tous est devenu une réalité acceptée par tous les Français. 5 minutes’ preparation time Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • L’opinion de la population et du gouvernement sur le mariage pour tous. • Les changements dans la société vis-à-vis de la vie de couple.

Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. B Le mariage pour tous ne sera jamais soutenu par les Français. • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view and check for understanding at appropriate moments. Vous devez considérer: • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. • Les raisons pour lesquelles on ne soutient pas le mariage pour tous. Task 1 • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with • Des groupes qui ont du mal à accepter le mariage pour tous. your teacher-examiner. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 115 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR2 Task 1 Thème: Les changements dans la société française L’éducation

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A Les élèves français passent trop de temps à l’école. Vous devez considérer: • Le rythme scolaire typique en France. • L’impact du rythme scolaire sur les élèves.

B Les élèves français ont une vie équilibrée entre leurs études et leurs loisirs. Vous devez considérer: • L’équilibre entre les études et les loisirs pour les élèves français. • La durée des vacances scolaires en France.

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116 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR2 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: Les changements dans la société française L’éducation French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Les élèves français passent trop de temps à l’école. 5 minutes’ preparation time Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • Le rythme scolaire typique en France. • L’impact du rythme scolaire sur les élèves.

Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. B Les élèves français ont une vie équilibrée entre leurs études et leurs loisirs. • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view and check for understanding at appropriate moments. Vous devez considérer: • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. • L’équilibre entre les études et les loisirs pour les élèves français. Task 1 • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with • La durée des vacances scolaires en France. your teacher-examiner. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 117 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR3 Task 1 Thème: Les changements dans la société française Le monde du travail

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A La semaine de 35 heures a bénéficié à la société française. Vous devez considérer: • L’opinion des travailleurs français sur les 35 heures. • Les avantages pour la famille.

B Les travailleurs français se battent pour leurs droits du travail. Vous devez considérer: • L’attitude des travailleurs français vis-à-vis de leurs droits du travail. • Les droits du travail les plus importants pour les travailleurs français.

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

118 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR3 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: Les changements dans la société française Le monde du travail French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A La semaine de 35 heures a bénéficié à la société française. 5 minutes’ preparation time Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • L’opinion des travailleurs français sur les 35 heures. • Les avantages pour la famille.

Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. B Les travailleurs français se battent pour leurs droits du travail. • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view and check for understanding at appropriate moments. Vous devez considérer: • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. • L’attitude des travailleurs français vis-à-vis de leurs droits du travail. Task 1 • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with • Les droits du travail les plus importants pour les travailleurs français. your teacher-examiner. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 119 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR4 Task 1 Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones La musique

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A La culture d’un pays francophone se reflète dans sa musique. Vous devez considérer: • L’importance de la culture dans la musique d’un pays francophone. • La place de la langue française dans la musique.

B La musique francophone devient de plus en plus multiculturelle. Vous devez considérer: • Les raisons pour lesquelles la musique francophone devient de plus en plus multiculturelle. • Ce qui influence la langue des chansons francophones.

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

120 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR4 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones La musique French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A La culture d’un pays francophone se reflète dans sa musique. 5 minutes’ preparation time Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • L’importance de la culture dans la musique d’un pays francophone. • La place de la langue française dans la musique.

Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. B La musique francophone devient de plus en plus multiculturelle. • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view and check for understanding at appropriate moments. Vous devez considérer: • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. • Les raisons pour lesquelles la musique francophone devient de plus en plus Task 1 multiculturelle. • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with your teacher-examiner. • Ce qui influence la langue des chansons francophones. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 121 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR5 Task 1 Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones Les médias

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A Les médias bénéficient de la liberté d’expression dans les pays francophones. Vous devez considérer: • Ce qui indique l’importance de la liberté d’expression dans le monde francophone. • L’avantage d’une presse libre dans le monde francophone.

B Dans les pays francophones, les médias se concentrent plus sur les actualités que sur la vie privée de certaines personnalités connues du grand public. Vous devez considérer: • Les raisons pour lesquelles les médias francophones ne critiquent pas les personnalités célèbres. • Si la vie privée des politiciens intéresse les citoyens des pays francophones.

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

122 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR5 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones Les médias French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Les médias bénéficient de la liberté d’expression dans les pays francophones. 5 minutes’ preparation time Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • Ce qui indique l’importance de la liberté d’expression dans le monde francophone. • L’avantage d’une presse libre dans le monde francophone.

Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. B Dans les pays francophones, les médias se concentrent plus sur les actualités • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view que sur la vie privée de certaines personnalités connues du grand public. and check for understanding at appropriate moments. • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. Vous devez considérer: Task 1 • Les raisons pour lesquelles les médias francophones ne critiquent pas • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with les personnalités célèbres. your teacher-examiner. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of • Si la vie privée des politiciens intéresse les citoyens des pays francophones. A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 123 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR6 Task 1 Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones Les festivals et les traditions

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A Certaines vieilles traditions dans les pays francophones ne signifient plus rien pour les jeunes de nos jours. Vous devez considérer: • Les raisons pour lesquelles les vieilles traditions francophones perdent de leur importance parmi les jeunes. • Le fait que certaines traditions persistent.

B Ce sont les coutumes régionales qui enrichissent la culture dans les pays francophones. Vous devez considérer: • L’importance des traditions régionales pour la culture dans les pays francophones. • Ce qu’on fait pour préserver certaines traditions locales dans les pays francophones.

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

124 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR6 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones Les festivals et les traditions French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Certaines vieilles traditions dans les pays francophones ne signifient plus 5 minutes’ preparation time rien pour les jeunes de nos jours. Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • Les raisons pour lesquelles les vieilles traditions francophones perdent de leur importance parmi les jeunes. • Le fait que certaines traditions persistent. Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view and check for understanding at appropriate moments. B Ce sont les coutumes régionales qui enrichissent la culture dans les pays • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. francophones. Task 1 Vous devez considérer: • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with your teacher-examiner. • L’importance des traditions régionales pour la culture dans les pays francophones. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper. • Ce qu’on fait pour préserver certaines traditions locales dans les pays You must not write on the stimulus. francophones. • • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 125 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR7 Task 1 Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française L’impact positif de l’immigration sur la société française

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A La vie culturelle française est enrichie par l’immigration. Vous devez considérer: • Les avantages culturels apportés par l’immigration en France. • L’influence de la culture des immigrés en France sur la vie de tous les jours.

B Les immigrés jouent un rôle important dans le succès économique de la France. Vous devez considérer: • Les avantages économiques apportés par les immigrés en France. • Les secteurs d’emploi où l’on trouve un grand nombre d’immigrés.

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

126 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR7 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française L’impact positif de l’immigration sur la société française French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A La vie culturelle française est enrichie par l’immigration. 5 minutes’ preparation time Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • Les avantages culturels apportés par l’immigration en France. • L’influence de la culture des immigrés en France sur la vie de tous les jours.

Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. B Les immigrés jouent un rôle important dans le succès économique de • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view la France. and check for understanding at appropriate moments. • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. Vous devez considérer: Task 1 • Les avantages économiques apportés par les immigrés en France. • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with your teacher-examiner. • Les secteurs d’emploi où l’on trouve un grand nombre d’immigrés. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 127 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR8 Task 1 Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française Répondre aux défis de l’immigration et l’intégration en France

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A Les immigrés en France se sentent exclus de la société française. Vous devez considérer: • Les raisons pour lesquelles certains immigrés se sentent exclus. • Le défi de la loi sur la laïcité pour certains immigrés.

B La plupart des immigrés qui vivent en France sont bien intégrés. Vous devez considérer: • Ce qui montre le succès de l’intégration des immigrés en France. • Les initiatives qui encouragent l’intégration des immigrés en France.

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

128 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR8 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française Répondre aux défis de l’immigration et l’intégration en France French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Les immigrés en France se sentent exclus de la société française. 5 minutes’ preparation time Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • Les raisons pour lesquelles certains immigrés se sentent exclus. • Le défi de la loi sur la laïcité pour certains immigrés.

Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. B La plupart des immigrés qui vivent en France sont bien intégrés. • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view and check for understanding at appropriate moments. Vous devez considérer: • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. • Ce qui montre le succès de l’intégration des immigrés en France. Task 1 • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with • Les initiatives qui encouragent l’intégration des immigrés en France. your teacher-examiner. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 129 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR9 Task 1 Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française L’extrême droite

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A On ne doit pas prendre au sérieux la montée de l’extrême droite en France. Vous devez considérer: • Les raisons pour lesquelles le Front National n’est pas pris au sérieux. • Le programme du Front National.

B Un vote pour l’extrême droite n’est qu’un vote de protestation contre le gouvernement. Vous devez considérer: • Les raisons de voter pour le Front National. • Les dangers associés à une victoire du Front National aux élections législatives.

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

130 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR9 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française L’extrême droite French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A On ne doit pas prendre au sérieux la montée de l’extrême droite en France. 5 minutes’ preparation time Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • Les raisons pour lesquelles le Front National n’est pas pris au sérieux. • Le programme du Front National.

Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. B Un vote pour l’extrême droite n’est qu’un vote de protestation contre • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view le gouvernement. and check for understanding at appropriate moments. • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. Vous devez considérer: Task 1 • Les raisons de voter pour le Front National. • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with your teacher-examiner. • Les dangers associés à une victoire du Front National aux élections législatives. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 131 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR10 Task 1 Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance La France occupée

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A Les Français qui ont collaboré avec les Allemands pendant l’Occupation étaient tous des lâches et des traîtres. Vous devez considérer: • Les raisons pour la collaboration d’un grand nombre de Français. • La façon dont les collaborateurs ont été traités après la guerre.

B Les Français qui ont collaboré avec les Allemands pendant l’Occupation n’avaient pas d’autres choix. Vous devez considérer: • Les raisons pour lesquelles un collaborateur ne voyait pas d’autres possibilités. • Ce que les collaborateurs ont accepté de faire dans la vie de tous les jours.

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

132 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR10 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance La France occupée French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Les Français qui ont collaboré avec les Allemands pendant l’Occupation 5 minutes’ preparation time étaient tous des lâches et des traîtres. Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • Les raisons pour la collaboration d’un grand nombre de Français. • La façon dont les collaborateurs ont été traités après la guerre. Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view B Les Français qui ont collaboré avec les Allemands pendant l’Occupation and check for understanding at appropriate moments. n’avaient pas d’autres choix. • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. Vous devez considérer: Task 1 • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with • Les raisons pour lesquelles un collaborateur ne voyait pas d’autres possibilités. your teacher-examiner. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of • Ce que les collaborateurs ont accepté de faire dans la vie de tous les jours. A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 133 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR11 Task 1 Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance Le régime de Vichy

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A Le Maréchal Pétain a trahi la nation française. Vous devez considérer: • Si Pétain a trahi la France. • La politique du gouvernement de Vichy en ce qui concerne les juifs.

B Malgré les problèmes de l’époque, le régime de Vichy a quand même apporté des bienfaits pour les Français. Vous devez considérer: • Les solutions proposées aux difficultés expérimentées par les Français. • Les mesures adoptées pour soutenir les familles françaises.

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134 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR11 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance Le régime de Vichy French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the candidate Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Le Maréchal Pétain a trahi la nation française. 5 minutes’ preparation time Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • Si Pétain a trahi la France. • La politique du gouvernement de Vichy en ce qui concerne les juifs.

Instructions • The examination is made up of two tasks. B Malgré les problèmes de l’époque, le régime de Vichy a quand même • You must take the lead in the discussion, elicit the teacher-examiner’s point of view apporté des bienfaits pour les Français. and check for understanding at appropriate moments. • You must not use dictionaries or other resources at any time. Vous devez considérer: Task 1 • Les solutions proposées aux difficultés expérimentées par les Français. • Read the two statements (A+B) in this stimulus and select one for a discussion with your teacher-examiner. • Les mesures adoptées pour soutenir les familles françaises. • During the preparation time you may make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper. • You must not write on the stimulus. • You have approximately 6 to 7 minutes’ discussion time for task 1. • You must: – open the discussion by telling the teacher-examiner which statement you have chosen – answer the two questions posed by the teacher-examiner – answer follow-up questions on the broader Theme. Task 2 • Task 2 lasts approximately 10 to 11 minutes. • You must begin by giving a presentation referring to at least two of the written sources you have used as part of your research. This may last up to a maximum of 2 minutes. • The teacher-examiner will ask you follow up questions based on your presentation. • You will then take part in a broader discussion with the teacher-examiner based on your research as a whole. Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 135 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR12 Task 1 Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance La Résistance

Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion.

A Les actes de sabotage des résistants français pendant la guerre ont été soutenus par la population. Vous devez considérer: • Si les saboteurs auraient pu réussir sans le soutien de la population. • Comment les femmes ont contribué à la réussite des actes de sabotage.

B Le succès de la Résistance a surtout dépendu de quelques personnages clés. Vous devez considérer: • Le rôle important de certains personnages clés. • La contribution des journaux clandestins au succès de la Résistance.

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136 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR12 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance La Résistance French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Choisissez UNE des déclarations suivantes (A ou B) et préparez vos idées sur ce thème pour une discussion. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Les actes de sabotage des résistants français pendant la guerre ont été 5 minutes’ preparation time soutenus par la population. Vous devez considérer: You do not need any other materials. • Si les saboteurs auraient pu réussir sans le soutien de la population. • Comment les femmes ont contribué à la réussite des actes de sabotage.

Instructions • Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the B Le succès de la Résistance a surtout dépendu de quelques personnages clés. • statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. Vous devez considérer: • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be • Le rôle important de certains personnages clés. repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. • La contribution des journaux clandestins au succès de la Résistance. • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 137 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR1 Task 1 Thème: Les changements dans la société française Les changements dans les structures familiales

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A Le mariage pour tous est devenu une réalité acceptée par tous les Français. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Quelle est l’opinion des Français en ce qui concerne le mariage pour tous ? 2. Comment l’attitude des Français envers le mariage entre homosexuels a-t-elle changé ?

B Le mariage pour tous ne sera jamais soutenu par les Français. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Pourquoi, à votre avis, le mariage pour tous ne sera-t-il jamais soutenu par les Francais ? 2. Quels groupes ont eu le plus de difficulté à accepter le mariage pour tous ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

138 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR1 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: Les changements dans la société française Les changements dans les structures familiales French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Le mariage pour tous est devenu une réalité acceptée par tous les Français. 5 minutes’ preparation time Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. Quelle est l’opinion des Français en ce qui concerne le mariage pour tous ? 2. Comment l’attitude des Français envers le mariage entre homosexuels a-t-elle changé ?

Instructions • Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the B Le mariage pour tous ne sera jamais soutenu par les Français. • statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be 1. Pourquoi, à votre avis, le mariage pour tous ne sera-t-il jamais soutenu par repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. les Francais ? • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. 2. Quels groupes ont eu le plus de difficulté à accepter le mariage pour tous ? • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 139 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR2 Task 1 Thème: Les changements dans la société française L’éducation

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A Les élèves français passent trop de temps à l’école. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Parlez-moi du rythme scolaire typique en France. 2. Quel impact le rythme scolaire français a-t-il sur les élèves ?

B Les élèves français ont une vie équilibrée entre leurs études et leurs loisirs. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Jusqu’à quel point les élèves français ont-ils une vie équilibrée entre les loisirs et les études ? 2. Quel impact la durée des vacances scolaires peut-elle avoir sur les élèves en France ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

140 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR2 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: Les changements dans la société française L’éducation French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Les élèves français passent trop de temps à l’école. 5 minutes’ preparation time Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. Parlez-moi du rythme scolaire typique en France. 2. Quel impact le rythme scolaire français a-t-il sur les élèves ?

Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. B Les élèves français ont une vie équilibrée entre leurs études et leurs loisirs. • • You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement 1. Jusqu’à quel point les élèves français ont-ils une vie équilibrée entre les loisirs et that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be les études ? repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. 2. Quel impact la durée des vacances scolaires peut-elle avoir sur les élèves en France ? • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 141 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR3 Task 1 Thème: Les changements dans la société française Le monde du travail

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A La semaine de 35 heures a bénéficié à la société française. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Quelle est l’opinion des travailleurs français sur la semaine de 35 heures ? 2. Quels avantages la semaine de 35 heures a-t-elle en ce qui concerne la vie de famille en France ?

B Les travailleurs français se battent pour leurs droits du travail. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Que pensez-vous de l’attitude des travailleurs français envers leurs droits du travail ? 2. Quels sont les droits du travail les plus importants pour les travailleurs français ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

142 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR3 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: Les changements dans la société française Le monde du travail French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A La semaine de 35 heures a bénéficié à la société française. 5 minutes’ preparation time Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. Quelle est l’opinion des travailleurs français sur la semaine de 35 heures ? 2. Quels avantages la semaine de 35 heures a-t-elle en ce qui concerne la vie de famille en France ?

Instructions • Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the B Les travailleurs français se battent pour leurs droits du travail. • statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be 1. Que pensez-vous de l’attitude des travailleurs français envers leurs droits du travail ? repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. 2. Quels sont les droits du travail les plus importants pour les travailleurs français ? • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 143 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR4 Task 1 Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones La musique

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A La culture d’un pays francophone se reflète dans sa musique. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Jusqu’à quel point la culture se reflète-t-elle dans la musique d’un pays francophone ? 2. Quelle place la langue française a-t-elle aujourd’hui dans la musique ?

B La musique francophone devient de plus en plus multiculturelle. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Pourquoi la musique francophone devient-elle de plus en plus multiculturelle ? 2. Qu’est-ce qui influence la langue des chansons francophones ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

144 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR4 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones La musique French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A La culture d’un pays francophone se reflète dans sa musique. 5 minutes’ preparation time Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. Jusqu’à quel point la culture se reflète-t-elle dans la musique d’un pays francophone ? 2. Quelle place la langue française a-t-elle aujourd’hui dans la musique ?

Instructions • Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the B La musique francophone devient de plus en plus multiculturelle. • statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be 1. Pourquoi la musique francophone devient-elle de plus en plus multiculturelle ? repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. 2. Qu’est-ce qui influence la langue des chansons francophones ? • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 145 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR5 Task 1 Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones Les médias

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A Les médias bénéficient de la liberté d’expression dans les pays francophones. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Comment savez-vous que le monde francophone tient à la liberté d’expression ? 2. Quel est l’avantage d’une presse libre dans le monde francophone ?

B Dans les pays francophones, les médias se concentrent plus sur les actualités que sur la vie privée de certaines personnalités connues du grand public. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Pourquoi pensez-vous que les médias en langue française ne critiquent pas les personnalités célèbres ? 2. Est-ce que la vie privée des politiciens intéresse les citoyens des pays francophones ? Pourquoi/Pourquoi pas ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

146 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR5 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones Les médias French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Les médias bénéficient de la liberté d’expression dans les pays francophones. 5 minutes’ preparation time Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. Comment savez-vous que le monde francophone tient à la liberté d’expression ? 2. Quel est l’avantage d’une presse libre dans le monde francophone ?

Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. B Dans les pays francophones, les médias se concentrent plus sur les actualités • You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the que sur la vie privée de certaines personnalités connues du grand public. • statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be 1. Pourquoi pensez-vous que les médias en langue française ne critiquent pas les repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. personnalités célèbres ? • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. 2. Est-ce que la vie privée des politiciens intéresse les citoyens des pays francophones ? • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. Pourquoi/Pourquoi pas ? • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 147 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR6 Task 1 Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones Les festivals et les traditions

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A Certaines vieilles traditions dans les pays francophones ne signifient plus rien pour les jeunes de nos jours. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Pourquoi, à votre avis, certaines vieilles traditions francophones sont-elles moins importantes pour les jeunes ? 2. Pourquoi certaines vieilles traditions continuent-elles de garder leur importance ?

B Ce sont les coutumes régionales qui enrichissent la culture dans les pays francophones. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Quelle est l’importance des traditions régionales pour les francophones ? 2. Qu’est-ce qu’on fait pour préserver certaines traditions locales dans les pays francophones ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

148 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR6 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones Les festivals et les traditions French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Certaines vieilles traditions dans les pays francophones ne signifient plus 5 minutes’ preparation time rien pour les jeunes de nos jours. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. Pourquoi, à votre avis, certaines vieilles traditions francophones sont-elles moins importantes pour les jeunes ? 2. Pourquoi certaines vieilles traditions continuent-elles de garder leur importance ? Instructions • Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. • You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. B Ce sont les coutumes régionales qui enrichissent la culture dans les pays francophones. • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. 1. Quelle est l’importance des traditions régionales pour les francophones ? • • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. 2. Qu’est-ce qu’on fait pour préserver certaines traditions locales dans les pays • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s francophones ? independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 149 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR7 Task 1 Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française L’impact positif de l’immigration sur la société française

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A La vie quotidienne en France a été enrichie par l’immigration. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Quels sont, à votre avis, les avantages de l’immigration en France pour la vie de tous les jours ? 2. Comment la culture française a-t-elle été influencée par celle des immigrés ?

B Les immigrés jouent un rôle important dans le succès économique de la France. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. À votre avis, les immigrés apportent quels avantages économiques à la France ? 2. Dans quels secteurs d’emploi trouve-t-on le plus d’immigrés ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

150 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR7 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française L’impact positif de l’immigration sur la société française French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A La vie quotidienne en France a été enrichie par l’immigration. 5 minutes’ preparation time Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. Quels sont, à votre avis, les avantages de l’immigration en France pour la vie de tous les jours ? 2. Comment la culture française a-t-elle été influencée par celle des immigrés ?

Instructions • Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the B Les immigrés jouent un rôle important dans le succès économique de • statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. la France. • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. 1. À votre avis, les immigrés apportent quels avantages économiques à la France ? • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. 2. Dans quels secteurs d’emploi trouve-t-on le plus d’immigrés ? • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

Turn over S50025AS50025A ©2016 Pearson Education©2016 Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. *S50025A* 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 151 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR8 Task 1 Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française Répondre aux défis de l’immigration et l’intégration en France

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A Les immigrés en France se sentent exclus de la société française. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Pourquoi certains immigrés se sentent-ils exclus de la société française ? 2. Quel est le défi de la loi sur la laïcité pour certains immigrés ?

B La plupart des immigrés qui vivent en France sont bien intégrés. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. À votre avis, qu’est-ce qui montre que les immigrés sont bien intégrés en France ? 2. Quelles initiatives encouragent l’intégration des immigrés en France ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

152 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR8 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française Répondre aux défis de l’immigration et l’intégration en France French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Les immigrés en France se sentent exclus de la société française. 5 minutes’ preparation time Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. Pourquoi certains immigrés se sentent-ils exclus de la société française ? 2. Quel est le défi de la loi sur la laïcité pour certains immigrés ?

Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. B La plupart des immigrés qui vivent en France sont bien intégrés. • • You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement 1. À votre avis, qu’est-ce qui montre que les immigrés sont bien intégrés en France ? that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be 2. Quelles initiatives encouragent l’intégration des immigrés en France ? repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 153 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR9 Task 1 Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française L’extrême droite

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A On ne doit pas prendre au sérieux la montée de l’extrême droite en France. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Pourquoi les Français ne prennent-ils pas la montée de l’extrême droite au sérieux ? 2. En quoi consiste le programme du Front National ?

B Un vote pour l’extrême droite n’est qu’un vote de protestation contre le gouvernement. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Pour quelles raisons est-ce qu’un grand nombre de Français vote pour le Front National ? 2. Quels sont les dangers associés à une victoire du Front National aux élections législatives ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

154 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR9 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française L’extrême droite French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A On ne doit pas prendre au sérieux la montée de l’extrême droite en France. 5 minutes’ preparation time Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. Pourquoi les Français ne prennent-ils pas la montée de l’extrême droite au sérieux ? 2. En quoi consiste le programme du Front National ?

Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. B Un vote pour l’extrême droite n’est qu’un vote de protestation contre le • You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the gouvernement. • statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be 1. Pour quelles raisons est-ce qu’un grand nombre de Français vote pour le Front repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. National ? • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. 2. Quels sont les dangers associés à une victoire du Front National aux élections • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. législatives ? • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 155 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR10 Task 1 Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance La France occupée

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A Les Français qui ont collaboré avec les Allemands pendant l’Occupation étaient tous des lâches et des traîtres. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. À votre avis, pourquoi est-ce que beaucoup de Français ont collaboré avec les autorités allemandes ? 2. Comment les collaborateurs ont-ils été traités après la guerre ?

B Les Français qui ont collaboré avec les Allemands pendant l’Occupation n’avaient pas d’autres choix. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Pourquoi, à votre avis, n’avait-on pas le choix de résister aux occupants allemands ? 2. Qu’est-ce que les collaborateurs ont accepté de faire dans la vie de tous les jours ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

156 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR10 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance La France occupée French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Les Français qui ont collaboré avec les Allemands pendant l’Occupation 5 minutes’ preparation time étaient tous des lâches et des traîtres. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. À votre avis, pourquoi est-ce que beaucoup de Français ont collaboré avec les autorités allemandes ? 2. Comment les collaborateurs ont-ils été traités après la guerre ? Instructions • Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. • You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. B Les Français qui ont collaboré avec les Allemands pendant l’Occupation n’avaient pas d’autres choix. • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. 1. Pourquoi, à votre avis, n’avait-on pas le choix de résister aux occupants allemands ? • • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. 2. Qu’est-ce que les collaborateurs ont accepté de faire dans la vie de tous les jours ? • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 157 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR11 Task 1 Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance Le régime de Vichy

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A Le Maréchal Pétain a trahi la nation française. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. À votre avis, jusqu’à quel point Pétain a-t-il trahi la nation française ? 2. Quelle était la politique du gouvernement de Vichy, en ce qui concerne les juifs ?

B Malgré les problèmes de l’époque, le régime de Vichy a quand même apporté des bienfaits pour les Français. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Jusqu’à quel point le régime de Vichy a-t-il réussi à améliorer la vie quotidienne, à votre avis ? 2. Le gouvernement de Vichy, qu’a-t-il fait pour aider la famille pendant l’Occupation ?

S50025A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 S50025A

158 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR11 Task 1 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance Le régime de Vichy French Advanced Paper 3: Speaking Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Instructions to the teacher-examiner Sample assessment material for first teaching Paper Reference September 2016 9FR0/03 Time: 21 to 23 minutes (total), which includes A Le Maréchal Pétain a trahi la nation française. 5 minutes’ preparation time Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: You do not need any other materials. 1. À votre avis, jusqu’à quel point Pétain a-t-il trahi la nation française ? 2. Quelle était la politique du gouvernement de Vichy, en ce qui concerne les juifs ?

Instructions Task 1 lasts approximately 6 to 7 minutes. B Malgré les problèmes de l’époque, le régime de Vichy a quand même • You must open the examination by asking the candidate which of the apporté des bienfaits pour les Français. • statements (A or B) s/he has chosen. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: • You must then ask the two compulsory questions relating to the statement that the candidate has chosen (A or B) as they are presented. Questions may be 1. Jusqu’à quel point le régime de Vichy a-t-il réussi à améliorer la vie quotidienne, repeated but rephrasing is not allowed. à votre avis ? • Candidates must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions. 2. Le gouvernement de Vichy, qu’a-t-il fait pour aider la famille pendant l’Occupation ? • You must then broaden the discussion to cover other aspects of the overall Theme. • You should then proceed to task 2, (presentation and discussion on candidate’s independent research project) following the guidelines as outlined in the ‘General instructions to the teacher-examiner’ document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 159 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR12 Task 1 Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance La Résistance

Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué.

A Les actes de sabotage des résistants français pendant la guerre ont été soutenus par la population. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Est-ce que les actes de sabotage auraient réussi sans le soutien de la population à votre avis ? 2. Comment est-ce que les femmes ont aidé les saboteurs ?

B Le succès de la Résistance a surtout dépendu de quelques personnages clés. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: 1. Que pensez-vous de l’action menée par certains personnages clés ? 2. Comment les journaux clandestins ont-ils aidé la Résistance ?


160 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 STIMULUS FR12 GCE A Level French Task 1 Thème: L’Occupation et la Résistance Paper 3 mark scheme La Résistance For this paper, there are a number of levels-based mark schemes to be applied to each task.

General guidance on using levels-based mark schemes Posez les DEUX questions qui correspondent à la déclaration (A ou B) choisie par l’élève, dans l’ordre indiqué. Step 1 Decide on a band

 You should first of all consider the answer as a whole and then decide which descriptors most closely match the answer and place it in that band. The descriptors for each band indicate A Les actes de sabotage des résistants français pendant la guerre ont été the different features that will be seen in the student’s answer for that band. soutenus par la population.  When assigning a level you should look at the overall quality of the answer and not focus Compulsory teacher-examiner questions: disproportionately on small and specific parts of the answer where the student has not performed quite as well as the rest. If the answer covers different aspects of different bands 1. Est-ce que les actes de sabotage auraient réussi sans le soutien de la population à of the mark scheme you should use a ‘best fit’ approach for defining the level and then use votre avis ? the variability of the response to help decide the mark within the level, for example if the response is predominantly band 5–8 with a small amount of band 9–12 material, it would 2. Comment est-ce que les femmes ont aidé les saboteurs ? be placed in band 5–8 but be awarded a mark near the top of the band because of the band 9–12 content.

Step 2 Decide on a mark

B Le succès de la Résistance a surtout dépendu de quelques personnages clés.  Once you have decided on a band you will then need to decide on a mark within the band. Compulsory teacher-examiner questions:  You will decide on the mark to award based on the quality of the answer; you will award a 1. Que pensez-vous de l’action menée par certains personnages clés ? mark towards the top or bottom of that band depending on how students have evidenced each of the descriptor bullet points. 2. Comment les journaux clandestins ont-ils aidé la Résistance ?  You will modify the mark based on how securely the trait descriptors are met at that band.

 You will need to go back through the answer as you apply the mark scheme to clarify points and assure yourself that the band and the mark are appropriate.

Guidance on timing of the speaking assessment

The speaking assessment should last between 16 to 18 minutes. The timing of the assessment begins with the candidate’s first utterance in relation to Task 1. Once the maximum stipulated assessment time has passed, the teacher-examiner must bring the assessment to a natural end, allowing the candidate to complete their last sentence.

You must stop marking at the end of the sentence once the maximum assessment time has passed, even if the recorded conversation has gone beyond the maximum time.


Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 161 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 − Discussion on a theme

Three mark grids are alied to task 1

 knowledge and understanding of societ and culture O  accurac and range of language O  interaction O1.

The knowledge and understanding of society and culture mark grid assesses the students’ ability to communicate information about and demonstrate appreciation of different asects of culture and societ related to the countriescommunities where the language is soken. The are also assessed on their abilit to resond criticall and analticall to different asects of the culture and societ b selecting releant material resenting and ustifing oints of iew deeloing arguments drawing conclusions based on understanding and ealuating issues themes and cultural and social contets.

hen deciding how to reward an answer eaminers should consult both this mark grid as well as the AL speaking task 1: indicative content at the end of the mark scheme which is associated with each uestion. ndicatie content contains oints that students are likel to use to construct their answer. t is ossible for an answer to be constructed without mentioning some or all of these oints as long as students roide alternatie resonses that fulfil the reuirements of the uestion.

Knowledge and understanding of society and culture (AO4)

Marks Description

o rewardable material.

1–  Occasionall releant straightforward ideas mostl generalised occasionall suorted b informationeamlesreferences freuent loss of focus on the cultural and social contet.

 Occasional eidence of analsis oints of iew are gien with limited ustification arguments ma be made but not deeloed occasionall leading to straightforward conclusions that ma be contradictor mainl relies on descrition rather than analsis.

–  eleant straightforward ideas sometimes suorted b informationeamlesreferences some loss of focus on the cultural and social contet.

 ome analsis of the cultural and social contet is eident with straightforward arguments and oints of iew which are sometimes deeloed and ustified sometimes drawing straightforward conclusions relies on descrition rather than analsis in laces.

–  eleant occasionall ercetie ideas freuentl suorted b ertinent informationeamlesreferences focus redominantl maintained on the cultural and social contet.

 nalsis of cultural and social contet demonstrated b freuentl deeloed and ustified arguments and iewoints often drawing conincing conclusions.

162 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 − Discussion on a theme Marks Description

Three mark grids are alied to task 1 –  eleant perceptie ideas consistently supported by pertinent informationeamplesreferences consistently focused on te cultural and  knowledge and understanding of societ and culture O social contet  accurac and range of language O  interaction O1.  nalysis of cultural and social contet demonstrated by consistently deeloped and ustified aruments and iepoints drain conincin The knowledge and understanding of society and culture mark grid assesses the conclusions students’ ability to communicate information about and demonstrate appreciation of different asects of culture and societ related to the countriescommunities where the language is soken. The are also assessed on their abilit to resond criticall and analticall to different Additional guidance asects of the culture and societ b selecting releant material resenting and ustifing oints of iew deeloing arguments drawing conclusions based on understanding and Perceptive: demonstrates an indept understandin by main connections beteen ideas ealuating issues themes and cultural and social contets. and information oes beyond te standard predictable response sos insitoriinality

hen deciding how to reward an answer eaminers should consult both this mark grid as well Ideas include touts feelins impressions opinions as the AL speaking task 1: indicative content at the end of the mark scheme which is associated with each uestion. ndicatie content contains oints that students are likel to Straightforward ideas, arguments, conclusions, are deemed to be tose tat ie te use to construct their answer. t is ossible for an answer to be constructed without standard predictable response mentioning some or all of these oints as long as students roide alternatie resonses that fulfil the reuirements of the uestion.

Knowledge and understanding of society and culture (AO4)

Marks Description

o rewardable material.

1–  Occasionall releant straightforward ideas mostl generalised occasionall suorted b informationeamlesreferences freuent loss of focus on the cultural and social contet.

 Occasional eidence of analsis oints of iew are gien with limited ustification arguments ma be made but not deeloed occasionall leading to straightforward conclusions that ma be contradictor mainl relies on descrition rather than analsis.

–  eleant straightforward ideas sometimes suorted b informationeamlesreferences some loss of focus on the cultural and social contet.

 ome analsis of the cultural and social contet is eident with straightforward arguments and oints of iew which are sometimes deeloed and ustified sometimes drawing straightforward conclusions relies on descrition rather than analsis in laces.

–  eleant occasionall ercetie ideas freuentl suorted b ertinent informationeamlesreferences focus redominantl maintained on the cultural and social contet.

 nalsis of cultural and social contet demonstrated b freuentl deeloed and ustified arguments and iewoints often drawing conincing conclusions.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 163 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 − Discussion on a theme (continued)

Accuracy and range of language mark grid

This mark grid assesses students’ ability to use a range of grammatical structures and ocabulary in order to produce articulate communication ith a range of expression t also assesses students’ ability to apply grammar and syntax accurately and accuracy of pronunciation Accuracy and range of language (AO3)

Marks Description o reardable language – ● imited ariation in the use of grammatical structures and ocabulary limited or repetitie use of complex and idiomatic language occasional ariation of expression communication is sometimes restrictedstilted ● imited seuences of accurate language often errors occur that hinder clarity of communication and occasionally preent meaning being coneyed ● ronunciation and intonation are inconsistent leading to occasional impairment in communication – ● ome ariation in the use of grammatical structures and ocabulary ith use of some repetitie complex and idiomatic language resulting in some ariation of expression some seuences of articulate communication ● ccurate seuences of language resulting in some coherent speech sometimes errors occur that hinder clarity of communication ● ronunciation and intonation are intelligible though sometimes inaccurate –  reuent ariation in use of grammatical structures and ocabulary including examples of complex and idiomatic language resulting in freuent ariation of expression and freuent seuences of articulate communication ● ccurate language throughout most of the conersation resulting in generally coherent speech errors occur but rarely hinder clarity of communication ● ronunciation and intonation are intelligible and mostly accurate – ● onsistent ariation in use of grammatical structures and ocabulary including different types of complex structures and idiomatic language expressing ideas in a ariety of ays resulting in articulate communication ● ccurate language throughout resulting in coherent speech that is immediately understandable any errors do not hinder clarity of the communication ● ronunciation and intonation are accurate intelligible and authentic sounding

Additional guidance

Complex language is considered to include the folloing  conceptually challenging tenses such as the pluperfect future perfect  passie oice  subunctie mood  use of relatie pronouns  using extended sentences to express abstract ideasconey ustified arguments that reuire a range of lexis and structures for example conunctions and pronouns  using synonyms and a ariety of expressions to say things in different ays  all grammar and structures included in the grammar list that are specific to eel

164 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 − Discussion on a theme (continued) Variation in use of grammatical structures and vocabulary the traits in the mark grid differentiate beteen the ariation of grammatical structures and ocabulary used by Accuracy and range of language mark grid students xaminers should udge in hich mark band to place students and hich mark to aard based on the effect that the ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary has on This mark grid assesses students’ ability to use a range of grammatical structures and the uality of the communication the ider the ariety the more articulate the ocabulary in order to produce articulate communication ith a range of expression t also communication ill become see definition of articulate belo assesses students’ ability to apply grammar and syntax accurately and accuracy of pronunciation xamples of a ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary are a selection of different erbs tenses adecties ocabulary and complex language see aboe for definition of Accuracy and range of language (AO3) complex language for a ariety of purposes such as to present and ustify points of ie deelop arguments dra conclusions based on understanding and ealuating issues Marks Description o reardable language Articulate: articulate communication is fluent effectie and coherent as students – ● imited ariation in the use of grammatical structures and ocabulary limited controlmanipulate the language to express ith some ease hat they ant to say for a or repetitie use of complex and idiomatic language occasional ariation of number of different purposes f students are restricted by their language skills they may not expression communication is sometimes restrictedstilted be able to express themseles for all purposes for example to deelop arguments ● imited seuences of accurate language often errors occur that hinder clarity of communication and occasionally preent meaning being coneyed Errors students are not expected to produce perfect errorfree speech in order to access the ● ronunciation and intonation are inconsistent leading to occasional top band The mark grid describes the freuency of errors and the impact that errors hae on impairment in communication clarity – ● ome ariation in the use of grammatical structures and ocabulary ith use of some repetitie complex and idiomatic language resulting in some rrors that do not hinder clarity ariation of expression some seuences of articulate communication  errors that do not affect meaning for example gender adectial agreements ● ccurate seuences of language resulting in some coherent speech  infreuent errors that do not distract the listener from the content of hat is sometimes errors occur that hinder clarity of communication being said ● ronunciation and intonation are intelligible though sometimes inaccurate –  reuent ariation in use of grammatical structures and ocabulary including rrors that hinder clarity examples of complex and idiomatic language resulting in freuent ariation of  errors that make speech difficult to understand immediately een if the meaning is expression and freuent seuences of articulate communication eentually understood or errors that force listeners to strain to understand hat is meant for ● ccurate language throughout most of the conersation resulting in generally example inappropriate tense formation mismatch of subect and the possessie adectie coherent speech errors occur but rarely hinder clarity of communication  freuent errors hinder clarity as they ill distract the listener from the content of ● ronunciation and intonation are intelligible and mostly accurate hat is being said – ● onsistent ariation in use of grammatical structures and ocabulary including different types of complex structures and idiomatic language rrors that prevent meaning being conveyed expressing ideas in a ariety of ays resulting in articulate communication  errors that mean the listener cannot understand the message ● ccurate language throughout resulting in coherent speech that is  errors that coney the rong message immediately understandable any errors do not hinder clarity of the  errors that make it unclear ho is doing the action ie using the incorrect person or communication the erb ● ronunciation and intonation are accurate intelligible and authentic sounding  mothertongue interference

NB these are proided as examples only and do not constitute a finite list Additional guidance

Complex language is considered to include the folloing  conceptually challenging tenses such as the pluperfect future perfect  passie oice  subunctie mood  use of relatie pronouns  using extended sentences to express abstract ideasconey ustified arguments that reuire a range of lexis and structures for example conunctions and pronouns  using synonyms and a ariety of expressions to say things in different ays  all grammar and structures included in the grammar list that are specific to eel

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 165 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 − Discussion on a theme (continued)

Interaction mark grid This mark grid assesses students’ ability to interact with the examiner by giving relevant responses based on what they have heard, by initiating communication and eliciting points of view

Interaction (AO1)

Marks Description o rewardable material – ● nteracts with occasional spontaneity to some uestions and statements, but reuires freuent prompting; occasionally able to sustain the conversation, using communication strategies if necessary; freuent hesitation ● ccasionally initiates communication but development often relies on the examiner’s lead; may elicit points of view/check for understanding, though this may appear contrived – ● nteracts spontaneously for extended sections of the conversation, responding mostly with assurance but needing occasional prompting; able to sustain most of the conversation, using communication strategies if necessary; occasional hesitation ● nitiates communication by freuently taking the lead to develop the conversation; elicits points of view/checks for understanding although occasionally at an inappropriate moment – ● nteracts spontaneously throughout, responding with assurance to uestions and statements; able to sustain conversation throughout, using communication strategies if necessary; minimal hesitation ● nitiates communication by consistently taking the lead to develop the conversation; elicits points of view/checks for understanding naturally and appropriately at different points in the conversation

Additional guidance

Interacts spontaneously responds to uestions and statements that arise as a natural part of the conversation; gives a relevant, impromptu response based on what they have heard

Communication strategies strategies that aid communication and allow the conversation to be sustained, for example rephrasing, circumlocution, adusting the message, asking for clarification/repetition, repair strategies such as selfcorrection; these strategies enable students to deliver the message when exact vocabulary or expressions are not known

Elicit points of view/check for understanding as part of the language of genuine discourse, students are reuired to engage the examiner in the conversation by asking for their points of view and checking that their own point of view has been understood They are expected to do this throughout the oral assessment at appropriate points during the conversation This constitutes uestions such as

 ‘Seriez-vous d’accord avec moi?’  ‘N’est-il pas correct de penser que…?’  ‘Peut-on dire que…?’  ‘Que pensez-vous de...?’  ‘Est-ce que vous me comprenez?’

166 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 − Discussion on a theme (continued) The constraints of the assessment mean that the teacher/examiner should contribute only brief opinions in response to these types of uestions, in order to give students the maximum Interaction mark grid length of assessment time This mark grid assesses students’ ability to interact with the examiner by giving relevant responses based on what they have heard, by initiating communication and eliciting points of view

Interaction (AO1)

Marks Description o rewardable material – ● nteracts with occasional spontaneity to some uestions and statements, but reuires freuent prompting; occasionally able to sustain the conversation, using communication strategies if necessary; freuent hesitation ● ccasionally initiates communication but development often relies on the examiner’s lead; may elicit points of view/check for understanding, though this may appear contrived – ● nteracts spontaneously for extended sections of the conversation, responding mostly with assurance but needing occasional prompting; able to sustain most of the conversation, using communication strategies if necessary; occasional hesitation ● nitiates communication by freuently taking the lead to develop the conversation; elicits points of view/checks for understanding although occasionally at an inappropriate moment – ● nteracts spontaneously throughout, responding with assurance to uestions and statements; able to sustain conversation throughout, using communication strategies if necessary; minimal hesitation ● nitiates communication by consistently taking the lead to develop the conversation; elicits points of view/checks for understanding naturally and appropriately at different points in the conversation

Additional guidance

Interacts spontaneously responds to uestions and statements that arise as a natural part of the conversation; gives a relevant, impromptu response based on what they have heard

Communication strategies strategies that aid communication and allow the conversation to be sustained, for example rephrasing, circumlocution, adusting the message, asking for clarification/repetition, repair strategies such as selfcorrection; these strategies enable students to deliver the message when exact vocabulary or expressions are not known

Elicit points of view/check for understanding as part of the language of genuine discourse, students are reuired to engage the examiner in the conversation by asking for their points of view and checking that their own point of view has been understood They are expected to do this throughout the oral assessment at appropriate points during the conversation This constitutes uestions such as

 ‘Seriez-vous d’accord avec moi?’  ‘N’est-il pas correct de penser que…?’  ‘Peut-on dire que…?’  ‘Que pensez-vous de...?’  ‘Est-ce que vous me comprenez?’

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 167 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 2, Part 1 − Independent research presentation

ne mark grid is applied to this part of the task

 responding to written language in speech Responding to written language in speech mark grid

This grid is used to assess the student’s twominute presentation only, it is not applied to the discussion that follows the presentation. This mark grid assesses students’ ability to understand and respond in speech to written language that is drawn from a variety of sources and to summarise information from written sources in speech The written sources will be those that students read as part of their independent research and they must refer to at least two named written sources during their presentation

or guidance on what might be included in an oral presentation and how it may be structured, see Indicative content for task 2 part 1, independent research presentation at the end of the mark scheme

Responding to written language in speech (AO2)

Marks Description o rewardable material –  ummary makes limited reference to named written sources, makes generalised comments rather than being focused on authors’ main points/ideas  ives a personal response with limited ustification, loses focus on the written sources, straying into general opinion Responses that refer to just one single written source can be awarded a maximum of 3 marks only. –  ummary refers to named written sources but lacks clarity or is uneven in its coverage of authors’ main points/ideas.  ives a mostly relevant personal response with occasional ustification, some loss of focus on the written sources –  resents a mostly clear summary of named written sources, generally clear outline of authors’ main points/ideas.  ives a relevant personal response to the written sources supported with some ustification –  resents a clear summary of named written sources, giving a clear outline of authors’ main points/ideas.  ives a convincing personal response to the written sources supported with clear ustification

Additional guidance

Personal response this is considered to be giving ustified opinions, demonstrating engagement with the written sources by making focused comments, giving a reaction to/expressing feelings and thoughts about the written sources

168 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 2, Part 1 − Independent research presentation Task 2, Part 2 − Discussion on independent research

ne mark grid is applied to this part of the task Three mark grids are applied to this part of the task

 responding to written language in speech  knowledge and understanding of society and culture  accuracy and range of language Responding to written language in speech mark grid  interaction . This grid is used to assess the student’s twominute presentation only, it is not applied to the The knowledge and understanding of society and culture mark grid assesses students’ discussion that follows the presentation. This mark grid assesses students’ ability to ability to communicate information about and demonstrate appreciation of different aspects of understand and respond in speech to written language that is drawn from a variety of sources culture and society related to the countries/communities where the language is spoken. They and to summarise information from written sources in speech The written sources will be are also assessed on their ability to respond critically and analytically to different aspects of those that students read as part of their independent research and they must refer to at least the culture and society by selecting relevant material presenting and ustifying points of view two named written sources during their presentation developing arguments drawing conclusions based on understanding and evaluating issues.

or guidance on what might be included in an oral presentation and how it may be structured, Knowledge and understanding of society and culture (AO4) see Indicative content for task 2 part 1, independent research presentation at the end Marks Description of the mark scheme o rewardable material Responding to written language in speech (AO2) –  ccasionally relevant straightforward ideas mostly generalised Marks Description occasionally supported by information/eamples/references freuent loss o rewardable material of focus on the cultural and social contet. –  ummary makes limited reference to named written sources, makes  generalised comments rather than being focused on authors’ main ccasional evidence of analysis points of view are given with limited points/ideas ustification arguments may be made but not developed occasionally leading to straightforward conclusions which may be contradictory mainly  ives a personal response with limited ustification, loses focus on the written sources, straying into general opinion relies on description rather than analysis. Responses that refer to just one single written source can be awarded a –  elevant straightforward ideas sometimes supported by maximum of 3 marks only. information/eamples/references some loss of focus on the cultural and –  ummary refers to named written sources but lacks clarity or is uneven in social contet its coverage of authors’ main points/ideas.  ives a mostly relevant personal response with occasional ustification,  ome analysis of the cultural and social contet is evident with some loss of focus on the written sources straightforward arguments and points of view that are sometimes –  resents a mostly clear summary of named written sources, generally developed and ustified sometimes drawing straightforward conclusions clear outline of authors’ main points/ideas. relies on description rather than analysis in places.  ives a relevant personal response to the written sources supported with –  elevant occasionally perceptive ideas freuently supported by pertinent some ustification information/eamples/references focus predominantly maintained on the –  resents a clear summary of named written sources, giving a clear outline cultural and social contet. of authors’ main points/ideas.  ives a convincing personal response to the written sources supported  nalysis of cultural and social contet demonstrated by freuently with clear ustification developed and ustified arguments and viewpoints often drawing convincing conclusions.

Additional guidance –  elevant perceptive ideas consistently supported by pertinent information/eamples/references consistently focussed on the cultural Personal response this is considered to be giving ustified opinions, demonstrating and social contet. engagement with the written sources by making focused comments, giving a reaction to/expressing feelings and thoughts about the written sources  nalysis of cultural and social contet demonstrated by consistently developed and ustified arguments and viewpoints drawing convincing


Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 169 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Additional guidance

Perceptive denstates an n det undestandn an nnetns eteen deas and natn es end te standad edtae esnse ss nstnat

Ideas nude tuts eens essns nns

Straightforward ideas, conclusions, arguments ae deeed t e tse tat e te standad edtae esnse

170 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Additional guidance Task 2, Part 2 − Discussion on independent research (continued)

Perceptive denstates an n det undestandn an nnetns eteen deas Accuracy and range of language mark grid and natn es end te standad edtae esnse ss nstnat This mark grid assesses students’ ability to use a range of grammatical structures and Ideas nude tuts eens essns nns ocabulary in order to produce articulate communication ith a range of expression t also Straightforward ideas, conclusions, arguments ae deeed t e tse tat e te assesses students’ ability to apply grammar and syntax accurately and accuracy of standad edtae esnse pronunciation

Accuracy and range of language (AO3) Marks Description o reardable language – ● imited ariation in the use of grammatical structures and ocabulary limited or repetitie use of complex and idiomatic language occasional ariation of expression communication is sometimes restrictedstilted ● imited seuences of accurate language often errors occur that hinder clarity of communication and occasionally preent meaning being coneyed ● ronunciation and intonation are inconsistent leading to occasional impairment in communication – ● ome ariation in the use of grammatical structures and ocabulary ith use of some repetitie complex and idiomatic language resulting in some ariation of expression some seuences of articulate communication ● ccurate seuences of language resulting in some coherent speech sometimes errors occur that hinder clarity of communication ● ronunciation and intonation are intelligible though sometimes inaccurate –  reuent ariation in use of grammatical structures and ocabulary including examples of complex and idiomatic language resulting in freuent ariation of expression and freuent seuences of articulate communication ● ccurate language throughout most of the conersation resulting in generally coherent speech errors occur but rarely hinder clarity of communication ● ronunciation and intonation are intelligible and mostly accurate – ● onsistent ariation in use of grammatical structures and ocabulary including different types of complex structures and idiomatic language expressing ideas in a ariety of ays resulting in articulate communication ● ccurate language throughout resulting in coherent speech that is immediately understandable any errors do not hinder clarity of the communication ● ronunciation and intonation are accurate intelligible and authentic sounding

Additional guidance

Complex language is considered to include the folloing  conceptually challenging tenses such as the pluperfect future perfect  passie oice  subunctie mood  use of relatie pronouns  using extended sentences to express abstract ideasconey ustified arguments that reuire a range of lexis and structures for example conunctions and pronouns  using synonyms and a ariety of expressions to say things in different ays  all grammar and structures included in the grammar list that are specific to eel

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 171 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Variation in use of grammatical structures/varied use of vocabulary the traits in the mark grid differentiate beteen the ariation of grammatical structures and ocabulary used by students xaminers should udge in hich mark band to place students and hich mark to aard based on the effect that the ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary has on the uality of the communication the ider the ariety the more articulate the communication ill become see definition of articulate belo

xamples of a ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary are a selection of different erbs tenses adecties ocabulary and complex language see definition aboe for a ariety of purposes such as to present and ustify points of ie deelop arguments dra conclusions based on understanding and ealuating issues

Articulate articulate communication is fluent effectie and coherent as students controlmanipulate the language to express ith some ease hat they ant to say for a number of different purposes f students are restricted to hat they can say they may not be able to express themseles for all purposes for example to deelop arguments

Errors students are not expected to produce perfect errorfree speech in order to access the top band The mark grid describes the freuency of errors and the impact that errors hae on clarity

rrors that do not hinder clarity  errors that do not affect meaning for example gender adectial agreements  infreuent errors that do not distract the listener from the content of hat is being said

rrors that hinder clarity  errors that make speech difficult to understand immediately een if the meaning is eentually understood or errors that force listeners to strain to understand hat is meant for example inappropriate tense formation mismatch of subect and the possessie adectie  freuent errors hinder clarity as they ill distract the listener from the content of hat is being said

rrors that prevent meaning being conveyed  errors that mean the listener cannot understand the message  errors that coney the rong message  errors that make it unclear ho is doing the action ie using the incorrect person or the erb  mothertongue interference

NB these are proided as examples only and do not constitute a finite list

172 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Variation in use of grammatical structures/varied use of vocabulary the traits in the Task 2, Part 2 − Discussion on independent research (continued) mark grid differentiate beteen the ariation of grammatical structures and ocabulary used by students xaminers should udge in hich mark band to place students and hich mark to Interaction mark grid aard based on the effect that the ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary has on the uality of the communication the ider the ariety the more articulate the This mark grid assesses students’ ability to interact with the examiner by giving relevant communication ill become see definition of articulate belo responses based on what they have heard, by initiating communication and eliciting points of view xamples of a ariety of grammatical structures and ocabulary are a selection of different erbs tenses adecties ocabulary and complex language see definition aboe for a Interaction (AO1) ariety of purposes such as to present and ustify points of ie deelop arguments dra conclusions based on understanding and ealuating issues Marks Description Articulate articulate communication is fluent effectie and coherent as students o rewardable material controlmanipulate the language to express ith some ease hat they ant to say for a – ● nteracts with occasional spontaneity to some uestions and statements, number of different purposes f students are restricted to hat they can say they may not be but reuires freuent prompting; occasionally able to sustain the able to express themseles for all purposes for example to deelop arguments conversation, using communication strategies if necessary; freuent hesitation Errors students are not expected to produce perfect errorfree speech in order to access the ● ccasionally initiates communication but development often relies on the top band The mark grid describes the freuency of errors and the impact that errors hae on examiner’s lead; may elicit points of view/check for understanding, clarity though this may appear contrived – rrors that do not hinder clarity ● nteracts spontaneously for extended sections of the conversation,  errors that do not affect meaning for example gender adectial agreements responding mostly with assurance but needing occasional prompting;  infreuent errors that do not distract the listener from the content of hat is able to sustain most of the conversation, using communication strategies being said if necessary; occasional hesitation ● nitiates communication by freuently taking the lead to develop the rrors that hinder clarity conversation; elicits points of view/checks for understanding although  errors that make speech difficult to understand immediately een if the meaning is occasionally at an inappropriate moment eentually understood or errors that force listeners to strain to understand hat is meant for – ● nteracts spontaneously throughout, responding with assurance to example inappropriate tense formation mismatch of subect and the possessie adectie uestions and statements; able to sustain conversation throughout, using  freuent errors hinder clarity as they ill distract the listener from the content of communication strategies if necessary; minimal hesitation hat is being said ● nitiates communication by consistently taking the lead to develop the conversation; elicits points of view/checks for understanding naturally rrors that prevent meaning being conveyed and appropriately at different points in the conversation  errors that mean the listener cannot understand the message  errors that coney the rong message Additional guidance  errors that make it unclear ho is doing the action ie using the incorrect person or the erb Interacts spontaneously responds to uestions and statements that arise as a natural part  mothertongue interference of the conversation; gives a relevant, impromptu response based on what they have heard

Communication strategies strategies that aid communication and allow the conversation to NB these are proided as examples only and do not constitute a finite list be sustained, for example rephrasing, circumlocution, adusting the message, asking for clarification/repetition, repair strategies such as selfcorrection; these strategies enable students to deliver the message when exact vocabulary or expressions are not known

Elicit points of view/check for understanding as part of the language of genuine discourse, students are reuired to engage the examiner in the conversation by asking for their points of view and checking that their own point of view has been understood They are expected to do this throughout the oral assessment at appropriate points during the conversation This constitutes uestions such as

 ‘Seriez-vous d’accord avec moi?’  ‘N’est-il pas correct de penser que…?’  ‘Peut-on dire que…?’  ‘Que pensez-vous de...?’

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 173 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017  ‘Est-ce que vous me comprenez?’ The constraints of the assessment mean that the teacher/examiner should contribute only brief opinions in response to these types of uestions, in order to give students the maximum length of assessment time

174 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017  ‘Est-ce que vous me comprenez?’ Speaking task 1 − Indicative content The constraints of the assessment mean that the teacher/examiner should contribute only brief opinions in response to these types of uestions, in order to give students the maximum ndicative content is not exhaustive tudents should be rewarded for any valid response length of assessment time and may draw on a range of relevant ideas or opinions

Task 1 Stimulus FR1

Statement Indicative content

A  There has been a more relaxed way of seeing couple relationships for a number of years eg the has allowed homosexual couples to legalise their relationship

 oung people in particular took part in demonstrations in support of legalisation of gay marriage

 ay marriage has been legal in rance since in spite of opposition from eg the oman atholic hurch

 The introduction of the right to homosexual marriage was supported by a range of people in society, eg left wing politicians such as resident ollande

B  There were demonstrations against legalisation, eg led by the hurch, including families and young people

 ome political factions are calling for repeal of the law, eg right wing parties

 There are a large number of uslims in rance who do not agree with gay marriage and this group forms a significant voice

 omophobia still exists among the younger generation as well as among more traditional older people, eg reports of homophobic bullying in the press

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 175 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR2

Statement Indicative content

A  The school day in rance is too long, eg in secondary schools, it can start at am and finish at pm

 ome pupils start school at a young age, eg maternelle can start at age two

 chool is compulsory on aturday mornings

 Parents are showing their concern for their children’s wellbeing as a result of their very demanding school routine

B  The holidays are long, giving children time to relax and pursue other interests, eg half term holidays always last two weeks

 The school week is sometimes only days, eg ednesday half or full day

 The rench education system is now placing more importance on the development of the whole child, eg a recent law reuires primary schools to provide extracurricular activities

 ome local councils in rance fund clubs which prioritise activities on ednesday afternoons

176 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR2 Task 1 Stimulus FR3

Statement Indicative content Statement Indicative content

A  The school day in rance is too long, eg in secondary schools, it can A  he introdction of the hor wee has enefitted societ eg start at am and finish at pm ore os hae een created

 ome pupils start school at a young age, eg maternelle can start at  o creation has a ositie iact on the econo eg increased age two ing ower

 chool is compulsory on aturday mornings  he worlife alance has iroed eg rench worers hae ore free tie to send tie with their fail  Parents are showing their concern for their children’s wellbeing as a result of their very demanding school routine  an worers are haier at wor and therefore ore efficient and rodctie B  The holidays are long, giving children time to relax and pursue other interests, eg half term holidays always last two weeks B  he right to strie is iortant for rench worers eg freent strikes and marches keep workers’ rights in the public eye.  The school week is sometimes only days, eg ednesday half or full day  an laor laws roote eal rights eg right of woen to retrn to wor after aternit leae  The rench education system is now placing more importance on the development of the whole child, eg a recent law reuires primary  oring hors are rotected eg the redction of the woring schools to provide extracurricular activities wee

 ome local councils in rance fund clubs which prioritise activities on  he nions eg and are owerfl ecase the ednesday afternoons adocate on ehalf of all worers nion eers or not

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 177 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR4

Statement Indicative content

A  here is a long tradition o chanteurs engags whose songs include a strong political message e.g. enaud tes aides nabar.

 usicians in each rancophone countries hae deeloped their own musical styles e.g. madou et ariam atou.

 ongs in the rench language hold their place in rancophone countries e.g. la loi oubon protects airtime or renchlanguage songs.

 here is a strong rench urban music scene which relects some aspects o rench society.

B  any kinds o music are accessible ia the internet.

 he music deals with real lie issues aecting people rom many cultures who may lie in hardship e.g. in the banlieues in rance.

 oung people are open to new styles e.g. lam la musiue ai.

 rancophone musicians increasingly use a miture o local dialect and other languages in their songs relecting their dierse origins e.g. ael aim.

178 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR4 Task 1 Stimulus FR5

Statement Indicative content Statement Indicative content

A  here is a long tradition o chanteurs engags whose songs include a A  he reedom o speech is ery important throughout the rench strong political message e.g. enaud tes aides nabar. speaking world as it is a relection o democratic alues e.g. legacy o the rench reolution  usicians in each rancophone countries hae deeloped their own musical styles e.g. madou et ariam atou.  here is total reedom or the satirical press e.g. e anard nchan harlie ebdo.  ongs in the rench language hold their place in rancophone countries e.g. la loi oubon protects airtime or renchlanguage  he written press is still popular and supplemented by debate and songs. magaine programmes on political issues.

 here is a strong rench urban music scene which relects some  t is easier to eercise the right o reedom o speech in rance than in aspects o rench society. some other rancophone countries e.g. in ali ournalists were kidnapped during the period o unrest in and still suer some B  any kinds o music are accessible ia the internet. censorship earul and dangerous situation.  he music deals with real lie issues aecting people rom many B  n rance the priate lie o politicians is not criticised traditionally cultures who may lie in hardship e.g. in the banlieues in rance. e.g. ranois ollande retained his presidency despite the highly publicised reelatory book by his emistress.  oung people are open to new styles e.g. lam la musiue ai.  ome renchspeaking countries are less democratic and it is unsae  rancophone musicians increasingly use a miture o local dialect and to criticise public igures e.g. in unisia it was brae to reolt during other languages in their songs relecting their dierse origins e.g. the rab pring. ael aim.  ertain orms o media are controlled more than others e.g. staterun

media rather than the internet.

 t times o crisis people rely on accurate reporting o eents rather than unsubstantiated gossip e.g. the kidnapping o schoolgirls in ali by oko aram.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 179 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR6

Statement Indicative content

A  n many renchspeaking countries young people trael more e.g. or work and so hae less contact with their roots whereas the local community keeps traditions alie.

 ome young people are not aware o the original meaning behind estials related to rural lie e.g. celebrating les endanges.

 oung people hae less contact with preious generations and thereore old traditions are not passed on.

 hiting social attitudes lead to changes in traditions e.g. ewer young people hae a religious marriage ceremony.

B  ocal customs presere regional identity e.g. eia estial in ahiti

 ocal traditions bring communities together e.g. arnaal de ice

 ocal traditions attract tourism.

 ocal traditions are presered through cultural eents e.g. estial nterceltiue.

180 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR6 Task 1 Stimulus FR7

Statement Indicative content Statement Indicative content

A  n many renchspeaking countries young people trael more e.g. A  he greater diersity o languages and liestyles brings positie or work and so hae less contact with their roots whereas the local change to daily lie in many rench cities e.g. yon arseille. community keeps traditions alie.  rench culture beneits rom greater diersity e.g. a ariety o music  ome young people are not aware o the original meaning behind now heard in rance comes rom enegal ali. estials related to rural lie e.g. celebrating les endanges.  estaurants and shops are making cuisine and goods rom the wider  oung people hae less contact with preious generations and world accessible and popular e.g. ietnamese orth rican. thereore old traditions are not passed on.  he inluence o other cultures is seen on traditional industries such  hiting social attitudes lead to changes in traditions e.g. ewer as ashion. young people hae a religious marriage ceremony. B  mmigrants hae brought many beneits to the rench economy e.g. B  ocal customs presere regional identity e.g. eia estial in ahiti by setting up businesses thus creating obs.

 ocal traditions bring communities together e.g. arnaal de ice  mmigrant workers and entrepreneurs contribute through the ta system.  ocal traditions attract tourism.  t is oten immigrant workers who undertake ital obs.  ocal traditions are presered through cultural eents e.g. estial nterceltiue.  mmigrants bring epertise to ill skills gaps e.g. doctors teachers.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 181 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR8

Statement Indicative content

A  n increasing number o large towns and cities hae areas that are dominated by immigrant populations e.g.la it des inguettes in yon.

 n a secular society the banning o religious symbols aects many immigrants e.g. uslims and the headscar and the recent debate on pork in school meals.

 ightwing parties make immigrants eel ecluded e.g. e ront ational.

 any immigrants undertake menial obs and their backgrounds are not appreciated.

B  mmigrants are gien the opportunity to learn rench e.g. children at school and adults in community classes.

 here is a moe to include choice in school menus to cater or dierent religious laws.

 certain number o immigrants hae risen to prominence in business and goernment e.g. aat alkacem.

 mmigrants eel part o rench society as rance celebrates cultural diersity e.g. through radio programmes and eents.

182 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR8 Task 1 Stimulus FR9

Statement Indicative content Statement Indicative content

A  n increasing number o large towns and cities hae areas that are A  he ront ational holds some seats in local goernment but ew dominated by immigrant populations e.g.la it des inguettes in nationally. yon.  he oers something new to the rench people only because they  n a secular society the banning o religious symbols aects many are disappointed with recent goernment policy e.g. on immigration. immigrants e.g. uslims and the headscar and the recent debate on pork in school meals.  he leaders o the party hae been discredited e.g. alse declaration o wealth and there is reuent inighting within the party.  ightwing parties make immigrants eel ecluded e.g. e ront ational.  he has only a narrow maniesto based on withdrawal rom urope.

 any immigrants undertake menial obs and their backgrounds are B  arine e en says aloud what lots o rench people are thinking not appreciated.  isillusioned by promises not kept by recent goernments. B  mmigrants are gien the opportunity to learn rench e.g. children at  ront ational promises an end to recessioninsecurityimmigration. school and adults in community classes.  ut reedom o the indiidual will disappear.  here is a moe to include choice in school menus to cater or dierent religious laws.

 certain number o immigrants hae risen to prominence in business and goernment e.g. aat alkacem.

 mmigrants eel part o rench society as rance celebrates cultural diersity e.g. through radio programmes and eents.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 183 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR10

Statement Indicative content

A  eople were araid and conditions were diicult with hunger and shortages so people were tempted to collaborate.

 eople were prepared to betray rance or the many beneits o collaboration e.g. cigarettes ood and priileges.

 ome rench people betrayed rance or ideological reasons they belieed ai propaganda and wanted to ight against the olsheiks.

 ollaborators were eposed as traitors by the esistance and others. hey were treated ery badly e.g. shootings during the occupation tar and eathering ater the war.

B  esistance would be punished e.g. by iolence.

 any rench people put the physical and inancial saety o their amilies irst. hey thereore accepted work sering occupiers in dierent capacities e.g. in bars hotels public buildings.

 here was a orceul takeoer o homes and public buildings by the occupiers and the curew was rigorously enorced.

 he rench authorities and police orces had to cooperate with the ermans according to the conditions set in the armistice.

184 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR10 Task 1 Stimulus FR11

Statement Indicative content Statement Indicative content

A  eople were araid and conditions were diicult with hunger and A  he regime accepted the diision o rance into ones in return or shortages so people were tempted to collaborate. urisdiction oer one area. t helped police the crossing o the demarcation line  eople were prepared to betray rance or the many beneits o collaboration e.g. cigarettes ood and priileges.  o support the war eort ermany needed labour e.g. the ichy goernment through the agreed to send ablebodied young  ome rench people betrayed rance or ideological reasons they people to work in ermany. he deal which was neer entirely belieed ai propaganda and wanted to ight against the olsheiks. honoured was to secure the release o prisoners in return.  ollaborators were eposed as traitors by the esistance and others.  Pétain’s regime was largely antisemitic and pursued the ews through hey were treated ery badly e.g. shootings during the occupation tar organised mass roundups and supported deportations and eathering ater the war.  he ilice created in pursued enemies o the ais e.g. B  esistance would be punished e.g. by iolence. resistance ighters ews and other minorities with great igour. embers o this body were oten more icious and unrelenting een  any rench people put the physical and inancial saety o their than the estapo. amilies irst. hey thereore accepted work sering occupiers in dierent capacities e.g. in bars hotels public buildings. B  The importance of the family was underlined, e.g. the regime’s new motto was raail amille atrie.  here was a orceul takeoer o homes and public buildings by the occupiers and the curew was rigorously enorced.  ationing was introduced in an attempt to bring a air distribution o the limited supplies aailable. he black market was made illegal to try  he rench authorities and police orces had to cooperate with the to ensure that the better o did not hae an unair adantage ermans according to the conditions set in the armistice.  he regime encouraged ingenuity e.g. le systme helped to make

maimum use o limited resources.

 he goernment at least brought stability which allowed people to resume their lies ater the trauma o deeat.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 185 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR12

Statement Indicative content

A  ocal people made many small ut significant contriutions – e.g. deliering messages, proiding coer, distraction.

 uipment was often concealed.

 omen proided clothing for e.g. airmen parachuted in, acted as guides.

 People with local nowledge planned escape routes or safe houses.

B  The importance of De Gaulle’s actions e.g. calling for resistance from oerseas

 ean oulin united moement in rance

 The role of underground newspapers pulished y e.g. the ocialist Party, Emmanuel D’Astier

 roups led y people with local nowledge – many women organised order crossings, acted as spies.

186 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Task 1 Stimulus FR12 Speak task 2 part 1, independent research presentation − Indicative content Statement Indicative content The eample elo is presente in ritten form in orer to emonstrate hat a stuent A  ocal people made many small ut significant contriutions – e.g. might inclue in their presentation an ho it may e structure. The Comment column deliering messages, proiding coer, distraction. emonstrates ho the presentation meets the reuirements of the assessment criteria in the mar gri Responding to written language in speech.  uipment was often concealed. Independent research question or statement: es accors signs la confrence sur  omen proided clothing for e.g. airmen parachuted in, acted as le climat Paris, la P, ne a pas pas asse loin pour rponre au menaces poses guides. par le changement climatiue.

 People with local nowledge planned escape routes or safe houses. Student presentation (up to 2 minutes) Comment

B  The importance of De Gaulle’s actions e.g. calling for resistance from e ais parler e la P, la ingtetunime confrence pening statement oerseas internationale sur le climat ui a eu lieu Paris. e ais parler inicating topic an

 ean oulin united moement in rance e eu articles ‘Sauver la planète, protéger l’humanité, names of the to ’un site Web qui s’appelle ‘gouvernement.fr’ et un article e ritten sources to e  The role of underground newspapers pulished y e.g. the ocialist imon oger u ournal, ‘Le Monde,’ qui s’intitule ‘a P summarise in the Party, Emmanuel D’Astier un succès à confirmer’. presentation.  roups led y people with local nowledge – many women organised order crossings, acted as spies. e premier ocument souligne les risues ue la plante et ummary of the first l’humanité courent si on n’agit pas pour contrôler le ritten source.

changement climatiue et ruire ses effets. l insiste sur

l’importance de l’accord historique de la COP21 et montre les contriutions es iffrents agents principau.

e titre u secon article annonce un certain scepticisme en ummary of the ce ui concerne un succs long terme e ces accors. secon ritten source. L’article de Roger souligne que les accords de la COP21 représentent une victoire importante mais qu’il reste encore eaucoup faire.

J’ai beaucoup apprécié le premier article parce qu’il met Proies a personal l’emphase sur l’importance du rôle de la France et mon ais reaction to the finings la protection de la planète est loin d’être la priorité dans trop of the to ritten e pays. L’article du Monde est moins optimiste. Il dit qu’il sources. est possile ue les recommanations ne soient pas respectes et e comprens le point e ue e oger. Aec tant d’autres accords, les pays reviennent sur leurs promesses.

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 187 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Other eamples of possible questions statements for the Independent Research Proect are

 La réaction de la société française envers la montée de l’extrême droite.  n portrait de Marechal Pétain estil vrai de dire qu’il était un traitre

188 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Other eamples of possible questions statements for the Independent Research Proect are

 La réaction de la société française envers la montée de l’extrême droite.  n portrait de Marechal Pétain estil vrai de dire qu’il était un traitre

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French – Sample Assessment Materials – 189 Issue 2 – September 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 For information about Edexcel, BTEC or LCCI qualifications visit qualifications.pearson.com

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