Making Friends in the GDR

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Making Friends in the GDR Making friends in the GDR Dutch and East German Catholics in contact, 1980 - 1990 Judith Huisman RMA Thesis History: Cities, States and Citizenship Utrecht University – Research Institute for History and Culture February 2013 Supervisors dr. Jacco Pekelder prof. dr. Beatrice de Graaf 2 Introduction Making friends in the GDR 3 Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5 State of the Art .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Structure and methodology of the thesis ........................................................................................... 11 The world they lived in .............................................................................................................. 19 Détente in Western Europe ..................................................................................................................... 21 Economic decline and Perestroika in the USSR ............................................................................... 24 The Universal Church in West and East .................................................................................. 28 From het Rijke Roomsche Leven to the Do-it-yourself Church ............................................ 28 The Second Vatican Council and the Pastoral Council in Noordwijkerhout ........................ 28 Rome puts the brake on the progressive forces .............................................................................. 31 The start of the Do-it-yourself Church ................................................................................................ 33 The Christian Peace movements and the 8 May movement ...................................................... 35 A minority in seclusion ........................................................................................................... 38 Kirchlich und Staatlich in Diaspora ....................................................................................................... 39 The Alternative: Kirche im Sozialismus ............................................................................................... 42 The pastoral letter Katholische Kirche im Sozialistischen Staat – a new direction? ......... 45 On the road to the right track .................................................................................................... 49 From a spiritual peace movement to active engagement ........................................................... 50 A committee trying to find its way ........................................................................................................ 51 Defining “friends” in Eastern Europe................................................................................................... 53 The two-track policy: easier said than done ..................................................................................... 57 A true two-track policy .............................................................................................................................. 59 Finding openings in a closed community ........................................................................................... 62 Overwhelmed by Peace? ........................................................................................................................... 64 The CIZOW: clear and principal choices? ........................................................................................... 65 Loyale Opposition or Instrumentalisierung?................................................................................. 67 4 Introduction Anti-fascist upbringing and a progressive education .................................................................... 68 The Berliner Konferenz ............................................................................................................................... 70 Lap dogs to the communist regimes….................................................................................................. 72 … or loyal oppositionists? .......................................................................................................................... 76 You shall love your neighbour as yourself .............................................................................. 80 Protestant gemeentekontakten ................................................................................................................ 81 Pax Christi’s ‘Eastern Europe Desk’ and the ‘East West Desk’ ................................................... 82 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 102 Pax Christi, the Berliner Konferenz and the parish contacts: friends or foes? ................ 102 After the Wiedervereinigung .................................................................................................................. 112 The Christian Peace initiatives in the context of the Cold War ...................................... 115 Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 118 Archives .................................................................................................................................. 118 Interviews ............................................................................................................................... 118 Periodicals .............................................................................................................................. 118 Literature ................................................................................................................................ 119 Making friends in the GDR 5 Introduction State of the Art Setting the stage “Wie zijn je vrienden in Oost-Europa?” Jan ter Laak, Trouw, 19851 “Wie zijn je vrienden in West-Europa?” Yosé Höhne-Sparborth, de Bazuin, 19852 “Christen-zijn is, voor mij althans, onlosmakelijk verbonden met het omarmen van de wereld, en proberen deze wereld te verbeteren. Waar mensen met een verschillende achtergrond elkaar ontmoeten, elkaar leren kennen, dáár wordt deze wereld een betere wereld.” Jan Huysmans, pastor in the students’ parish in Nijmegen, 1982-19953 Berlin, 1986. Fifteen young members of the students’ parish of the Catholic University of Nijmegen spend a week at a Bildungszentrum in West-Berlin, which offers them and other European students a course on Youth culture in the GDR. During their time in Berlin the students visit East Berlin with a one-day tourist visa, and are amazed by the arrears in technical development, the stench, “miserable” living conditions and the “glaring” and “grotesque” way the allseitig entwicklete sozialistische Persönlichkeit is promoted. They have “enervating” meetings with Ostmenschen, who can be found 1 Who are your friends in Eastern Europe? Bert de Jong, Wie zijn je vrienden in Oost-Europa? (Amsterdam: Trouw/Kwartet; Stichting informatie over Charta ’77, 1985). 2 Who are your friends in Western Europe? José Höhne-Sparborth, ‘Wie zijn je vrienden in West-Europa? - Pleidooi voor een open dialoog in de vredesbeweging’, De Bazuin, 68 (1985), July pp. 4–5. 3 To me, being a Christian is inextricably linked to embracing the world, trying to make the world a better world. Where people meet, get to know each other, that’s where this world becomes a better world. Huysmans, Jan. Interview by author, digital recording, Nijmegen, 18 September 2012 6 Introduction “anywhere, in a pub, on the street, or in a shop” and sometimes turn out to be “fundamentalist communists.” They find out that, in this grisly, walled-in city you can get fined just for crossing the street. East Berlin is a different world, which, even if you would want it to, could never become your own simply because you are made to leave it before the end of the day. “The confrontation with your own position, your way of viewing society, and your own philosophy about life is enormous in this divided city”, reflects the students’ pastor four months later.4 Berlin, 2013. The Wall is a worn-out looking concrete canvas to an open air art gallery. “Check point Charlie” is a place where tourists from Russia, the USA, and Japan queue up to take their photographs with young Berlin men, dressed one day as an American soldier; as a Soviet soldier the next. A few kilometres away, tourists can chose between the “East Berlin museum” where one finds replicas or “relics” of “typical” GDR products from such as the Ampelmann or the Trabant cars. Somewhat more to the East, a handful of tourists visit the prison that once belonged to the ministry for state security, the Stasi, where former prisoners try their best (but to no avail) to let visitors understand what it was like to be considered an “enemy of the state” and be held captive and (mentally) tortured. At night, tourists and Berliners visit the movies and clubs at the Sony Centre on the Potsdammer Platz, build on the former “death strip” between the Wall and the Eastern Part of the city. Merely twenty years after the reunification of the two Germanys, the Berlin Wall, and with it, the Cold War, has gone from a division between two separate worlds to a historical artefact. The Cold War drew on for five decades. Short enough for people to remember that
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