:m for $1 .OO. PRICE, 15 CEN’l---k 100 Copies for $6 ’ CONTENTS. dTISPIECE, facing . > . 3 rational Executive Board Social Democratic Party. A BRIEF HISTORY OF SocraLrs~\r IN A~IERIC~ . 3 Illustrated. THE FIRSTAXERICAS AC~ITATOR. 77 Illustrated. ATRIP TOGIR.IRD . _ . 87 Illustrated. K.~RLM~RXOXGC~&ORGE. 94 MXHIXE vs.Har~T,~~on . 97 NOTABLEL.~BORCOSFIICTS OP 1899 _ . 99 GRONLUKD-GR~~T~~T.LF,N . .lOl Illustrated. THE“GOLDEXIZI,LB X.\WR" 9 . 103 SOCI~UST CONTROVERSIRS, 1899 . .104 PROF.HERRON'SC.~SE . .105 No MUSTER (Poem) . , . 106 BIOGRAPHICAL . 107 Victor L. Berger, James F. Carey, John C. Chase, Sumner F. Claflin, Jesse Cox, Ellgene V. Debs, A. S. Edwards, W. E. Far- mer, F. G. R. Gordon, Margaret Haile, Frederic Heath, \Villiam Mailly, Chas. R. Martin, Frederic 0. McCartney, TV. P. Porter, A. E. Sanderson, Louis 11. States, Seymour St,edman, Howard Tuttle, J. A. Wayland. CHRONOLOGICAL (1899) . : . 118 ELECTIOP;STATISTICR . I . .121 SOCIALDEYOCRATIC P.\RT~ . 12’7 Organization and Press. DIRECTORY OF SOCIALDEJIOCR.~TS . 127 PLATFORYS . 130 PORTRAITS of Eugene V. Debs, Jesse Cox, Victor L. Berger, Sey- mour Stedman, Frederic Heath, Etienne Cabet, Robert Owen, Wilhelm Weitling, John Ruskin, William Morris, A. S. Edwards, F. G. R. Gordon, Eugene Dietzgen, James F. Carey, John C. Chase, Frederic 0. McCartney, W. P. Porter, W. E. Farmer, Margaret Haile, Albert Brisbane, Laurence Gronlund, Grant, Alien. ProgressiveThoughtLibrary SOCIAL and ECONOMIC. Liberty . Debs . $0 05 Merrie England . _ . Bldchford . 10 Nunicipnl Socialism . Gordon . 05 Prison Labor . Debs . 05 Socialism and Slavery . Hyndman . 05 Crovernment Ownership of Railways .
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